Index for farj

Farjad, B.[Babak] * 2022: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Remote Sensing for Early-Stage Detection of Ganoderma

Farjah, E. * 2020: Combined Driver-Station Interactive Algorithm for a Maximum Mutual Interest in Charging Market, A
* 2023: Applying a hybrid model considering the interaction between train and power system for energy consumption surveys
Includes: Farjah, E. Farjah, E.[Ebrahim]

Farjas Abadia, M. * 2015: Design and Development of a Low-Cost Aerial Mobile Mapping System for Multi-Purpose Applications
* 2021: Approach to Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy Using Several GNSS Devices, An
Includes: Farjas Abadia, M. Farjas Abadía, M. Farjas-Abadia, M.[Mercedes]

Farjas, M. * 2019: Rock Art Recording in Khatm Al Melaha (United Arab Emirates): Multirange Data Scanning and Web Mapping Technologies

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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