Index for fuda

Fudala, K.[Katarzyna] * 2020: Breeding Colony Dynamics of Southern Elephant Seals at Patelnia Point, King George Island, Antarctica
* 2020: Breeding Colony Dynamics of Southern Elephant Seals at Patelnia Point, King George Island, Antarctica

Fudalej, P.[Pawel] * 2020: Judging Qualification, Gender, and Age of the Observer Based on Gaze Patterns When Looking at Faces
* 2020: Judging Qualification, Gender, and Age of the Observer Based on Gaze Patterns When Looking at Faces
Includes: Fudalej, P.[Pawel] Fudalej, P.[Piotr]

Fudano, K.[Kinya] * 2012: GPU implementation of phase-based stereo correspondence and its application
* 2013: Fast and Robust 3D Correspondence Matching and Its Application to Volume Registration

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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