Index for ghez

Ghezaiel, W.[Wajdi] * 2021: Hybrid Network For End-To-End Text-Independent Speaker Identification

Ghezelghieh, M.F. * 2016: Learning Camera Viewpoint Using CNN to Improve 3D Body Pose Estimation

Ghezzi, A.[Annalisa] * 2019: Reconstruction of a Segment of the UNESCO World Heritage Hadrian's Villa Tunnel Network by Integrated GPR, Magnetic-Paleomagnetic, and Electric Resistivity Prospections

Ghezzi, C. * 2015: Myocardium segmentation on 3D spect images
* 2016: Factor Analysis of Dynamic Sequence with Spatial Prior for 2D Cardiac Spect Sequences Analysis
* 2016: Joint Segmentation of Myocardium on Rest and Stress Spect Images
Includes: Ghezzi, C. Ghezzi, C.[Catherine]

Ghezzi, I.[Ivan] * 2024: Assessing Conservation Conditions at La Fortaleza de Kuelap, Peru, Based on Integrated Close-Range Remote Sensing and Near-Surface Geophysics

Ghezzi, P. * 1996: Hybrid Approach to Fuzzy Land-Cover Mapping, A
* 1999: fuzzy set-based accuracy assessment of soft classification, A
Includes: Ghezzi, P. Ghezzi, P.[Paolo]

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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