Index for gips

Gips, J.[James] * 1974: syntax-directed program that performs a three-dimensional perceptual task, A
* 1975: Shape Grammars and their Uses: Artificial Perception, Shape Generation, and Computer Aesthetics
* 2001: Communication via Eye Blinks: Detection and Duration Analysis in Real Time
* 2002: Evaluation of tracking methods for human-computer interaction
* 2004: EyeKeys: A Real-Time Vision Interface Based on Gaze Detection from a Low-Grade Video Camera
* 2008: Human-Computer Interface Using Symmetry Between Eyes to Detect Gaze Direction, A
Includes: Gips, J.[James] Gips, J.

Gipsman, D.[Daria] * 2008: Cue to Shading: Elongations near Intensity Maxima, A

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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