Index for haku

Hakuba, M.Z. * 2019: Earth's Energy Imbalance Measured From Space
* 2021: Shortwave Radiance to Irradiance Conversion for Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Observations: A Review
Includes: Hakuba, M.Z. Hakuba, M.Z.[Maria Z.]

Hakula, H.[Harri] * 2009: Conditionally Gaussian Hypermodels For Cerebral Source Localization
* 2013: Dynamic Journeying in Scheduled Networks
Includes: Hakula, H.[Harri] Hakula, H.

Hakuli, S. * 2014: Concept and development of a unified ontology for generating test and use-case catalogues for assisted and automated vehicle guidance

Hakulinen, A. * 1996: Neural-Network Approach to Quality-Control of Padlock Manufacturing, A

Hakulinen, E. * 2015: Analysing traffic fluency from bus data

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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