Index for iand

Iandelli, N.[Niccolo] * 2021: Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Opensource Workflow Solution Applied to Lithological Mapping of the Coatings of Cultural Heritage, An
Includes: Iandelli, N.[Niccolo] Iandelli, N.[Niccolò]

Iandola, F.[Forrest] * 2011: Linear Clutter Removal from Urban Panoramas
* 2013: Deformable Part Descriptors for Fine-Grained Recognition and Attribute Prediction
* 2015: Deformable part models are convolutional neural networks
* 2015: From captions to visual concepts and back
* 2017: SqueezeDet: Unified, Small, Low Power Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Includes: Iandola, F.[Forrest] Iandola, F.

Iandola, F.N.[Forrest N.] * 2011: MethMorph: Simulating Facial Deformation Due to Methamphatamine Usage
* 2013: Communication-minimizing 2D convolution in GPU registers
* 2016: FireCaffe: Near-Linear Acceleration of Deep Neural Network Training on Compute Clusters
Includes: Iandola, F.N.[Forrest N.] Iandola, F.N.

Index for "i"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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