Index for ifte

Iftekhar, A.[ASM] * 2023: MethaneMapper: Spectral Absorption Aware Hyperspectral Transformer for Methane Detection

Iftekhar, A.S.M. * 2020: VSGNet: Spatial Attention Network for Detecting Human Object Interactions Using Graph Convolutions
* 2021: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
* 2022: What to look at and where: Semantic and Spatial Refined Transformer for detecting human-object interactions
* 2023: Context-Driven Detection of Invertebrate Species in Deep-Sea Video
Includes: Iftekhar, A.S.M. Iftekhar, A.S.M.[A S M]

Iftekharuddin, K.M. * 1998: Multiobject Detection of Targets with Fine Details, Scale and Translation Variations
* 2003: Fractal analysis of tumor in brain MR images
* 2009: Binary image registration using cellular simultaneous recurrent networks
* 2009: Recurrent network-based face recognition using image sequences
* 2013: Biologically inspired approaches for visual information processing and analysis
* 2013: survey of perceptual image processing methods, A
* 2014: Shadow Detection of Man-Made Buildings in High-Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Images
* 2015: Improved Gender Classification Using Nonpathological Gait Kinematics in Full-Motion Video
* 2015: Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
* 2016: Frenet Frame-Based Generalized Space Curve Representation for Pose-Invariant Classification and Recognition of 3-D Face
* 2019: Glidar3DJ: a View-Invariant Gait Identification via Flash Lidar Data Correction
* 2020: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
Includes: Iftekharuddin, K.M. Iftekharuddin, K.M.[Khan M.]
12 for Iftekharuddin, K.M.

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