Index for ikra

Ikram, J. * 2016: Face hallucination scheme based on singular value content metric for K-NN selection and an iterative refining in a modified feature space

Ikram, M.[Masroor] * 2013: Object extraction from T2 weighted brain MR image using histogram based gradient calculation

Ikram, M.A.[M. Arfan] * 2012: Supervised Image Segmentation across Scanner Protocols: A Transfer Learning Approach
* 2015: Transfer Learning Improves Supervised Image Segmentation Across Imaging Protocols
* 2020: Orientation Prior and Consistent Model Selection Increase Sensitivity of Tract-Based Spatial Statistics in Crossing-Fiber Regions
Includes: Ikram, M.A.[M. Arfan] Ikram, M.A.

Ikram, M.T.[Muhammad Talha] * 2022: Privacy Conserves Pseudonym Acquisition Scheme in Vehicular Communication Systems, A

Ikram, W. * 2012: Smartphone based guidance system for visually impaired person

Ikrame, B. * 2017: Customer experience in a regulated telecom market from mobile service users perspective

Ikrame, Y. * 2020: Stress-free mobile app for Moroccan university students: relaxation program validation

Index for "i"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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