Index for izzo

Izzo, A.D.[Antonio Domenico] * 2023: Ai-driven Prototype for Groundwater Level Prediction: Exploring the Gorgovivo Spring Case Study, An

Izzo, D.[Dario] * 2010: Implicit retrieval of salient images using Brain Computer Interface
* 2021: Event-based spacecraft landing using time-to-contact
* 2021: Shadow Neural Radiance Fields for Multi-view Satellite Photogrammetry
* 2021: Spot the GEO Satellites: From Dataset to Kelvins SpotGEO Challenge
* 2021: Vision-based Neural Scene Representations for Spacecraft
* 2022: Globally Optimal Event-Based Divergence Estimation for Ventral Landing

Izzo, F.C.[Francesca Caterina] * 2014: Tangible versus Intangible in e-Learning on Cultural Heritage: From Online Learning to On-site Study of Historic Sites

Index for "j"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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