Index for jasc

Jasch, M.[Manuel] * 2017: Multimodal Neural Networks: RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection

Jaschik, M.[Malte] * 2022: Intelligent Scanning Vehicle for Waste Collection Monitoring, An

Jaschinski, C.[Christina] * 2015: Understanding the User's Acceptance of a Sensor-Based Ambient Assisted Living Application

Jaschke, T. * 2018: Novel Confidence Measure for Disparity Maps by Pixel-Wise Cost Function Analysis, A

Jaschke, W. * 2001: Comparison of low-contrast detail perception on storage phosphor radiographs and digital flat panel detector images

Jascur, M.[Miroslav] * 2020: Semantic Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Data in Maya Archaeology
Includes: Jascur, M.[Miroslav] Jašcur, M.[Miroslav]

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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