Index for jato

Jatoi, M.A.[Munsif Ali] * 2016: EEG-based brain source localization using visual stimuli
* 2018: Brain source localization using reduced EEG sensors
* 2020: Multiple sparse priors technique with optimized patches for brain source localization
* 2021: remote-sensing image enhancement algorithm based on patch-wise dark channel prior and histogram equalisation with colour correction, A

Jatoth, R.K.[Ravi Kumar] * 2023: Real-Time Implementation of Modified LD-NET using Docker on NVIDIA Jetson Nano for Image Dehazing Application

Jatowt, A.[Adam] * 2021: Survey of Post-OCR Processing Approaches
* 2022: Long-Tailed Graph Representation Learning via Dual Cost-Sensitive Graph Convolutional Network
* 2022: SORAG: Synthetic Data Over-Sampling Strategy on Multi-Label Graphs

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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