Index for jurc

Jurca, D.[Dan] * 2007: Video Packet Selection and Scheduling for Multipath Streaming
* 2008: Distributed media rate allocation in multipath networks
* 2009: Forward Error Correction for Multipath Media Streaming
Includes: Jurca, D.[Dan] Jurca, D.

Jurcut, A.[Anca] * 2023: Adaptive Network Security System for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation, An

Jurczuk, K. * 2014: In Silico Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Flow Imaging in Complex Vascular Networks

Jurczyk, A.[Anna] * 2020: Quality-Based Combination of Multi-Source Precipitation Data
* 2021: Role of Weather Radar in Rainfall Estimation and Its Application in Meteorological and Hydrological Modelling: A Review, The

Jurczyk, B.[Bastian] * 2009: Component-based image coding using non-local means filtering and an autoregressive texture model

Jurczyk, J. * 1989: Mathematical Transforms and Correlation Techniques for Object Recognition Using Tactile Data

Jurczynski, A.[Adam] * 2014: Fur Visualisation for Computer Game Engines and Real-Time Rendering

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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