Index for kacm

Kacmarik, M.[Michal] * 2018: Estimating the Impact of Global Navigation Satellite System Horizontal Delay Gradients in Variational Data Assimilation
* 2018: New Adaptable All-in-One Strategy for Estimating Advanced Tropospheric Parameters and Using Real-Time Orbits and Clocks
* 2019: Cross-Comparison and Methodological Improvement in GPS Tomography
* 2019: Improving GNSS Zenith Wet Delay Interpolation by Utilizing Tropospheric Gradients: Experiments with a Dense Station Network in Central Europe in the Warm Season
* 2022: Monitoring Non-Linear Ground Motion above Underground Gas Storage Using GNSS and PSInSAR Based on Sentinel-1 Data
Includes: Kacmarik, M.[Michal] Kacmarík, M.[Michal]

Kacmaz, R.N.[Rukiye Nur] * 2021: Effect of interpolation on specular reflections in texture-based automatic colonic polyp detection
* 2024: comprehensive study on automatic non-informative frame detection in colonoscopy videos, A
Includes: Kacmaz, R.N.[Rukiye Nur] Kaçmaz, R.N.[Rukiye Nur]

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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