Index for kakh

Kakhaki, P.D.[Pooria Daneshvar] * 2023: Posture-based Infant Action Recognition in the Wild with Very Limited Data
* 2024: Challenges in Video-Based Infant Action Recognition: A Critical Examination of the State of the Art

Kakhani, N.[Nafiseh] * 2019: Classification of very high-resolution remote sensing images by applying a new edge-based marker-controlled watershed segmentation method
* 2024: Uncertainty Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon Estimation from Remote Sensing Data with Conformal Prediction

Kakhki, M.M.[Mohammad Molavi] * 2020: Decreasing Cramer-Rao lower bound by preprocessing steps

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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