Index for kapt

Kaptan, C.[Cem] * 2019: Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the Application and Data Planes

Kaptan, K. * 2013: 3D Applications in Disaster Mitigation and Management: Core Results of Ditac Project

Kaptein, B.L. * 2012: Statistical Shape Model-Based Femur Kinematics From Biplane Fluoroscopy
* 2013: Support value based stent-graft marker detection
Includes: Kaptein, B.L. Kaptein, B.L.[Bart L.]

Kaptein, R.[Rianne] * 2015: Let's Share a Story: Socially Enhanced Multimedia Storytelling
* 2018: Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia

Kaptue, A.T.[Armel T.] * 2014: Evapotranspiration Variability and Its Association with Vegetation Dynamics in the Nile Basin, 2002-2011
* 2019: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas of West Africa
Includes: Kaptue, A.T.[Armel T.] Kaptué, A.T.[Armel T.]

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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