Index for lemk

Lemkaddem, A.[Alia] * 2008: Shape prior based on statistical map for active contour segmentation
* 2011: Towards a diffusion image processing validation and accuracy prediction framework
* 2015: COMMIT: Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography
* 2020: Assessment of Algorithms to Estimate Respiratory Rate from the Remote Photoplethysmogram, An
Includes: Lemkaddem, A.[Alia] Lemkaddem, A.

Lemke, C. * 2021: Learning-Based Microultrasound System for the Detection of Inflammation of the Gastrointestinal Tract, A

Lemke, S. * 1996: Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration
* 1998: Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration

Lemkhenter, A.[Abdelhak] * 2020: Boosting Generalization in Bio-signal Classification by Learning the Phase-Amplitude Coupling

Lemkin, P.[Peter] * 1979: Approach to Region Splitting, An
* 1979: Boundary Trace Transform: An Edge and Region Enhancement Transform, The

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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