Index for lerc

Lercari, N.[Nicola] * 2021: Building Cultural Heritage Resilience through Remote Sensing: An Integrated Approach Using Multi-Temporal Site Monitoring, Datafication, and Web-GL Visualization

Lerch, A. * 1990: Matching Algorithm for Motion Analysis of Dense Populations, A
* 1992: Correction Of Line Drawings for Image Segmentation In Leather Industry
* 1992: Multiresolution Algorithm for Rotation-Invariant Matching of Planar Shapes, A
* 2009: Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
* 2023: Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed
Includes: Lerch, A. Lerch, A.[Anita] Lerch, A.[Alexander]

Lerch, D.[David] * 2023: Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments

Lerch, D.J.[David J.] * 2024: Unsupervised 3D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition using Cross-Attention with Conditioned Generation Capabilities

Lerche, C. * 2020: Scatter Correction Based on GPU-Accelerated Full Monte Carlo Simulation for Brain PET/MRI
* 2022: Novel J-Shape Antenna Array for Simultaneous MR-PET or MR-SPECT Imaging, A
Includes: Lerche, C. Lerche, C.[Christoph]

Lerche, C.W. * 2015: Digital Preclinical PET/MRI Insert and Initial Results, A
* 2021: Linearized Fit Model for Robust Shape Parameterization of FET-PET TACs, A
Includes: Lerche, C.W. Lerche, C.W.[Christoph W.]

Lerche, D.[Dennis] * 2005: 3D Pose Estimation of Cactus Leaves using an Active Shape Model

Lerchner, A.[Alexander] * 2021: PARTS: Unsupervised segmentation with slots, attention and independence maximization

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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