Index for saa_

Saa Garriga, A.[Albert] * 2021: Real-time Monocular Depth Estimation with Sparse Supervision on Mobile
* 2022: Adaptive Mask-based Pyramid Network for Realistic Bokeh Rendering
* 2023: LRA&LDRA: Rethinking Residual Predictions for Efficient Shadow Detection and Removal
* 2023: MobileVOS: Real-Time Video Object Segmentation Contrastive Learning meets Knowledge Distillation
* 2023: TRICKVOS: A Bag of Tricks for Video Object Segmentation
Includes: Saa Garriga, A.[Albert] Saà-Garriga, A.[Albert]

Saa Requejo, A.[Antonio] * 2021: Multiscaling NDVI Series Analysis of Rainfed Cereal in Central Spain
* 2021: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Temporal Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Arid Rangelands
* 2022: Clustering Arid Rangelands Based on NDVI Annual Patterns and Their Persistence
Includes: Saa Requejo, A.[Antonio] Saa-Requejo, A.[Antonio]

Saa, S.[Sebastian] * 2023: Evaluation of Partitioned Evaporation and Transpiration Estimates within the DisALEXI Modeling Framework over Irrigated Crops in California

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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