Index for sail

Sailaja, R.M.[Reddy M.] * 2010: Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based approaches

Sailem, H. * 2017: Discovery of Rare Phenotypes in Cellular Images Using Weakly Supervised Deep Learning

Sailer, R. * 2015: Mapping the snow line altitude for large glacier samples from multitemporal Landsat imagery
* 2018: Pléiades Tri-Stereo Data for Glacier Investigations: Examples from the European Alps and the Khumbu Himal
* 2019: On the Automated Mapping of Snow Cover on Glaciers and Calculation of Snow Line Altitudes from Multi-Temporal Landsat Data
Includes: Sailer, R. Sailer, R.[Rudolf]

Saili, C.E. * 2020: Frequent Itemsets Methods for Text Clustering

Saillant, A. * 2019: Assessing Reliability of Myocardial Blood Flow After Motion Correction With Dynamic PET Using a Bayesian Framework

Saillant, P.A. * 1995: Composition of Biosonar Images for Target Recognition by Echolocating Bats

Saillant, S.[Stephane] * 2021: Measurements and Analysis of the Doppler Signature of a Human Moving within the Forest in UHF-Band
* 2022: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energy Budget and to Probe the Ionosphere
Includes: Saillant, S.[Stephane] Saillant, S.[Stéphane]

Saillard, J. * 2007: Thin-Pavement Thickness Estimation Using GPR With High-Resolution and Superresolution Methods

Saillard, M. * 2003: DORT method as applied to ultrawideband signals for detection of buried objects
* 2007: Two-Step Procedure for Characterizing Obstacles Under a Rough Surface From Bistatic Measurements, A
* 2009: Electromagnetic probing for target detection: Rejection of surface clutter based on the Wigner distribution
* 2014: Rigorous Simulations of Microwave Scattering From Finite Conductivity Two-Dimensional Sea Surfaces at Low Grazing Angles
* 2014: Sea Surface Microwave Scattering at Extreme Grazing Angle: Numerical Investigation of the Doppler Shift
Includes: Saillard, M. Saillard, M.[Marc]

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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