Index for sapa

Sapaico, L.R.[Luis Ricardo] * 2009: use of tongue protrusion gestures for video-based communication, The
* 2011: Detection of Tongue Protrusion Gestures from Video
* 2017: Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Calibration of a Projector-Camera Pair
Includes: Sapaico, L.R.[Luis Ricardo] Sapaico, L.R.

Sapar, Y. * 2019: Indoor 3d Interactive Asset Detection Using a Smartphone

Saparon, A.[Azilah] * 2004: Three novel low complexity scanning orders for MPEG-2 full search motion estimation

Saparov, A.[Abdula] * 2019: Direct, ECOC, ND and END Frameworks: Which One Is the Best? An Empirical Study of Sentinel-2A MSIL1C Image Classification for Arid-Land Vegetation Mapping in the Ili River Delta, Kazakhstan

Saparov, G.[Galymzhan] * 2022: Insights into Variations and Potential Long-Range Transport of Atmospheric Aerosols from the Aral Sea Basin in Central Asia

Sapawi, R.[Rohana] * 2022: Deep learning in the grading of diabetic retinopathy: A review

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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