Index for silk

Silk, B. * 2014: Efficient People Counting with Limited Manual Interferences

Silka, J.[Jakub] * 2022: Deep Neural Network Heuristic Hierarchization for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Fleet Management

Silkaitis, J.M. * 1994: cascade algorithm for estimating and compensating motion error for synthetic aperture sonar imaging, A
* 1995: Spectral segmentation and multiple frequency-band tomographic backward propagation technique for high-resolution sonar imaging

Silkan, H. * 2015: Criteria and technique to choose a good rho parameter for the D-index
* 2016: Improvable Structure for Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces: Application on Image Databases, An

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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