Index for syah

Syahali, S.[Syabeela] * 2022: Backscattering Analysis Utilizing Relaxed Hierarchical Equivalent Source Algorithm (RHESA) for Scatterers in Vegetation Medium

Syahid, L.N.[Luri Nurlaila] * 2020: Determining Optimal Location for Mangrove Planting Using Remote Sensing and Climate Model Projection in Southeast Asia
* 2020: Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia

Syahrudin, S.[Syahrudin] * 2021: Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
* 2021: Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces to Improve the Usability of Metadata Systems

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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