Index for szet

Szeto, A. * 1991: Improving Edge Measurement on Noisy Images by Hierarchical Neural Networks
* 1993: Hierarchical Artificial Neural Networks for Edge Enhancement
Includes: Szeto, A. Szeto, A.[Anthony]

Szeto, C.C.[Chi Cheong] * 2010: Mining outliers with faster cutoff update and space utilization
Includes: Szeto, C.C.[Chi Cheong] Szeto, C.C.[Chi-Cheong]

Szeto, R.[Ryan] * 2017: Click Here: Human-Localized Keypoints as Guidance for Viewpoint Estimation
* 2018: Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* 2020: Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* 2021: HyperCon: Image-To-Video Model Transfer for Video-To-Video Translation Tasks
* 2022: DEVIL is in the Details: A Diagnostic Evaluation Benchmark for Video Inpainting, The

Szeto, W.Y. * 2012: Short-Term Traffic Speed Forecasting Based on Data Recorded at Irregular Intervals

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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