Index for yard

Yardim, C. * 2018: 500-2000-MHz Brightness Temperature Spectra of the Northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
* 2021: Partially Coherent Approach for Modeling Polar Ice Sheet 0.5-2-GHz Thermal Emission, A
* 2022: Greenland Ice Sheet Subsurface Temperature Estimation Using Ultrawideband Microwave Radiometry
Includes: Yardim, C. Yardim, C.[Caglar]

Yardimci Cetin, Y.[Yasemin] * 2008: 3D Reconstruction for a Cultural Heritage Virtual Tour System
* 2008: 3D Scene Reconstruction Based on Robust Camera Motion Estimation and Space Sweeping for a Cultural Heritage Virtual Tour System

Yardimci, Y. * 1995: Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* 1997: Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* 1998: QR-RLS algorithm for error diffusion of color images
* 1999: Influence function based Gaussianity tests for detection of microcalcifications in mammogram images
* 2008: Corner validation based on extracted corner properties
* 2010: Effective Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Systems
* 2012: Multi-View Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Scenarios
Includes: Yardimci, Y. Yardimci, Y.[Yasemin]
7 for Yardimci, Y.

Yardley, H. * 2014: Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx): Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval From the SMAP Mission, The

Index for "y"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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