Index for zaia

Zaiane, O.[Osmar] * 2017: multi-kernel based framework for heterogeneous feature selection and over-sampling for computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules, A
* 2017: Sparse shared structure based multi-task learning for MRI based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease
* 2018: L2,1-l1 regularized nonlinear multi-task representation learning based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease

Zaiane, O.R.[Osmar R.] * 1999: Illumination Invariance and Object Model in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
* 2016: On discovering co-location patterns in datasets: A case study of pollutants and child cancers
* 2020: U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection
Includes: Zaiane, O.R.[Osmar R.] Zaļane, O.R.[Osmar R.]

Zaiani, M.[Mohamed] * 2021: Study of Atmospheric Turbidity in a Northern Tropical Region Using Models and Measurements of Global Solar Radiation

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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