Index for zimb

Zimba, P.V.[Paul V.] * 2019: New Pseudoinvariant Near-Infrared Threshold Method for Relative Radiometric Correction of Aerial Imagery, A
* 2020: Extracting Impervious Surface from Aerial Imagery Using Semi-Automatic Sampling and Spectral Stability

Zimback, C.R.L. * 2014: Toward Satellite-Based Land Cover Classification Through Optimum-Path Forest

Zimbardo, G. * 2023: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The

Zimbrao, G.[Geraldo] * 2003: Polyline Spatial Join Evaluation Using Raster Approximation
* 2016: Buzzword detection in the scientific scenario
Includes: Zimbrao, G.[Geraldo] Zimbrão, G.[Geraldo]

Zimbres, B.[Barbara] * 2020: Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Brazilian Savanna Native Vegetation Using Landsat Data Processed in the Google Earth Engine Platform
* 2020: Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
Includes: Zimbres, B.[Barbara] Zimbres, B.[Bárbara]

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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