Index for zyga

Zygalakis, K.C.[Konstantinos C.] * 2020: Accelerating Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo by Using an Explicit Stabilized Method
* 2022: Bayesian Imaging with Data-Driven Priors Encoded by Neural Networks
* 2023: Efficient Bayesian Computation for Low-Photon Imaging Problems
* 2023: Split Gibbs Sampler Revisited: Improvements to Its Algorithmic Structure and Augmented Target Distribution, The
* 2024: Empirical Bayesian Imaging With Large-Scale Push-Forward Generative Priors
* 2024: linear transportation Lp distance for pattern recognition, A

Zygarlicke, C.[Chris] * 2015: Quantifying Gas Flaring CH4 Consumption Using VIIRS

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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