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@inproceedings{bb155476, AUTHOR = "Dyer, C.R. and Lumelsky, V.J. and Kutulakos, K.N.", TITLE = "Vision-Guided Exploration: A Step toward General Motion Planning in Three Dimensions", BOOKTITLE = "Univ. of Wisconsin", YEAR = "1993", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151359"} @inproceedings{bb155477, AUTHOR = "Kutulakos, K.N.", TITLE = "Exploring Three-Dimensional Objects by Controlling the Point of Observation", BOOKTITLE = Ph.D., YEAR = "1994", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151360"} @inproceedings{bb155478, AUTHOR = "Kutulakos, K.N.", TITLE = "Exploring Three-Dimensional Objects by Controlling the Point of Observation", BOOKTITLE = "Univ. of Wisconsin", YEAR = "1994", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151360"} @article{bb155479, AUTHOR = "Eltoft, T. and de Figueiredo, R.J.P.", TITLE = "Illumination control as a means of enhancing image features in active vision systems", JOURNAL = IP, VOLUME = "4", YEAR = "1995", NUMBER = "11", MONTH = "November", PAGES = "1520-1530", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151361"} @article{bb155480, AUTHOR = "Chaumette, F. and Boukir, S. and Bouthemy, P. and Juvin, D.", TITLE = "Structure from Controlled Motion", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "18", YEAR = "1996", NUMBER = "5", MONTH = "May", PAGES = "492-504", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151362"} @inproceedings{bb155481, AUTHOR = "Chaumette, F. and Boukir, S. and Bouthemy, P. and Juvin, D.", TITLE = "Optimal Estimation of 3D Structures Using Visual Servoing", BOOKTITLE = CVPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "347-354", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151363"} @inproceedings{bb155482, AUTHOR = "Boukir, S. and Bouthemy, P. and Chaumette, F. and Juvin, D.", TITLE = "Real-Time Contour Matching over Time in an Active Vision Context", BOOKTITLE = SCIA93, YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "I: 113-120", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151364"} @inproceedings{bb155483, AUTHOR = "Chaumette, F. and Boukir, S.", TITLE = "Structure from Motion Using an Active Vision Paradigm", BOOKTITLE = ICPR92, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "I:41-44", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151365"} @inproceedings{bb155484, AUTHOR = "Sundareswaran, V. and Bouthemy, P. and Chaumette, F.", TITLE = "Active Camera Self-Orientation Using Dynamic Image Parameters", BOOKTITLE = ECCV94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "B:110-116", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151366"} @article{bb155485, AUTHOR = "Madsen, C.B. and Christensen, H.I.", TITLE = "A Viewpoint Planning Strategy for Determining True Angles on Polyhedral Objects by Camera Alignment", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "19", YEAR = "1997", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "158-163", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151367"} @inproceedings{bb155486, AUTHOR = "Madsen, C.B. and Christensen, H.I.", TITLE = "Determining angles with a movable observer", BOOKTITLE = ICPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "A:280-284", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151368"} @inproceedings{bb155487, AUTHOR = "Madsen, C.B. and Christensen, H.I.", TITLE = "Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry", BOOKTITLE = CVPR94, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "823-828", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151369"} @inproceedings{bb155488, AUTHOR = "Madsen, C.B.", TITLE = "Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry", BOOKTITLE = Ph.D., YEAR = "1994", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151369"} @inproceedings{bb155489, AUTHOR = "Christensen, T. and Noergaard, M. and Madsen, C.B. and Hoover, A.", TITLE = "Sensor networked mobile robotics", BOOKTITLE = CVPR00, YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "II: 782-783", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151370"} @article{bb155490, AUTHOR = "Kovacic, S. and Leonardis, A. and Pernus, F.", TITLE = "Planning Sequences of Views for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose Determination", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "31", YEAR = "1998", NUMBER = "10", MONTH = "October", PAGES = "1407-1417", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151371"} @inproceedings{bb155491, AUTHOR = "Pernus, F. and Leonardis, A. and Kovacic, S.", TITLE = "Planning multiple views for 3-D object recognition and pose determination", BOOKTITLE = CAIP97, YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "424-431", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151372"} @inproceedings{bb155492, AUTHOR = "Leonardis, A. and Kovacic, S. and Pernus, F.", TITLE = "Recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using multiple views", BOOKTITLE = CAIP95, YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "778-783", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151373"} @article{bb155493, AUTHOR = "Marchand, E. and Chaumette, F.", TITLE = "Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exploration", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "21", YEAR = "1999", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "65-72", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151374"} @inproceedings{bb155494, AUTHOR = "Marchand, E. and Chaumette, F.", TITLE = "Controlled Camera Motions for Scene Reconstruction and Exploration", BOOKTITLE = CVPR96, YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "169-176", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151375"} @article{bb155495, AUTHOR = "Marchand, E. and Chaumette, F.", TITLE = "An Autonomous Active Vision System for Complete and Accurate 3D Scene Reconstruction", JOURNAL = IJCV, VOLUME = "32", YEAR = "1999", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "August", PAGES = "171-194", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151376"} @article{bb155496, AUTHOR = "Banta, J.E. and Wong, L.M. and Dumont, C. and Abidi, M.A.", TITLE = "A Next-Best-View System for Autonomous 3-D Object Reconstruction", JOURNAL = SMC-A, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "2000", NUMBER = "5", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "589-597", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151377"} @article{bb155497, AUTHOR = "Lin, C.Y. and Shih, S.W. and Hung, Y.P. and Tang, G.Y.", TITLE = "A New Approach to Automatic Reconstruction of a 3-D World Using Active Stereo Vision", JOURNAL = CVIU, VOLUME = "85", YEAR = "2002", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "117-143", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151378"} @inproceedings{bb155498, AUTHOR = "Hung, Y.P. and Shih, S.W. and Lin, C.Y.", TITLE = "Toward Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Environment with an Active Binocular Head", BOOKTITLE = ICPR98, YEAR = "1998", PAGES = "Vol II: 1708-1710", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151379"} @article{bb155499, AUTHOR = "Olague, G. and Mohr, R.", TITLE = "Optimal camera placement for accurate reconstruction", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "35", YEAR = "2002", NUMBER = "4", MONTH = "April", PAGES = "927-944", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/active653.html#TT151380"}