        AUTHOR = "Tsai, Y.T. and Shih, H.C. and Huang, C.L.",
        TITLE = "Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded Scenes",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR06,
        YEAR = "2006",
        PAGES = "III: 51-54",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197064"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, L. and Huang, W. and Gu, I.Y.H. and Luo, R. and Tian, Q.",
        TITLE = "An Efficient Sequential Approach to Tracking Multiple Objects Through
Crowds for Real-Time Intelligent CCTV Systems",
        JOURNAL = SMC-B,
        VOLUME = "37",
        YEAR = "2007",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "1254-1269",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197065"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, Y.Q. and Cisar, P. and Kembhavi, A.",
        TITLE = "Motion segmentation and activity representation in crowds",
        JOURNAL = IJIST,
        VOLUME = "19",
        YEAR = "2009",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "80-90",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197066"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, Y.Q. and Cisar, P.",
        TITLE = "Activity Representation in Crowd",
        BOOKTITLE = SSPR08,
        YEAR = "2008",
        PAGES = "107-116",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197067"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, Y.Q. and Cisar, P.",
        TITLE = "Event detection using local binary pattern based dynamic textures",
        BOOKTITLE = VCL-ViSU09,
        YEAR = "2009",
        PAGES = "38-44",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197068"}

        AUTHOR = "Yogameena, B. and Veeralakshmi, S. and Komagal, E. and Raju, S. and Abhaikumar, V.",
        TITLE = "RVM-Based Human Action Classification in Crowd through Projection and
Star Skeletonization",
        JOURNAL = JIVP,
        VOLUME = "2009",
        YEAR = "2009",
        NUMBER = "2009",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197069"}

        AUTHOR = "Haciomeroglu, M. and Laycock, R.G. and Day, A.M.",
        TITLE = "Automatic spatial analysis and pedestrian flow control for real-time
crowd simulation in an urban environment",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "24",
        YEAR = "2008",
        NUMBER = "10",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197070"}

        AUTHOR = "Barut, O. and Haciomeroglu, M.",
        TITLE = "Real-time collision-free linear trajectory generation on GPU for crowd
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "6-8",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "843-852",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197071"}

        AUTHOR = "Ozcan, C.Y. and Haciomeroglu, M.",
        TITLE = "A path-based multi-agent navigation model",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "6-8",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "863-872",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197072"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection",
        JOURNAL = IJCV,
        VOLUME = "88",
        YEAR = "2010",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197073"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y.",
        TITLE = "Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection",
        YEAR = "2008",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197073"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y.",
        TITLE = "Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection",
        BOOKTITLE = Ph.D.,
        YEAR = "2008",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197073"}

        AUTHOR = "Matikainen, P. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Model recommendation for action recognition",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR12,
        YEAR = "2012",
        PAGES = "2256-2263",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197074"}

        AUTHOR = "Matikainen, P. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Feature seeding for action recognition",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV11,
        YEAR = "2011",
        PAGES = "1716-1723",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197075"}

        AUTHOR = "Matikainen, P. and Hebert, M. and Sukthankar, R.",
        TITLE = "Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV10,
        YEAR = "2010",
        PAGES = "I: 508-521",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197076"}

        AUTHOR = "Matikainen, P. and Hebert, M. and Sukthankar, R.",
        TITLE = "Trajectons:
Action recognition through the motion analysis of tracked features",
        BOOKTITLE = ObjectEvent09,
        YEAR = "2009",
        PAGES = "514-521",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197077"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Event Detection in Crowded Videos",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV07,
        YEAR = "2007",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197078"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Spatio-temporal Shape and Flow Correlation for Action Recognition",
        BOOKTITLE = VS07,
        YEAR = "2007",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197079"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y. and Sukthankar, R. and Hebert, M.",
        TITLE = "Efficient Visual Event Detection Using Volumetric Features",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV05,
        YEAR = "2005",
        PAGES = "I: 166-173",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197080"}

        AUTHOR = "Jacques Junior, J.C.S. and Mussef, S.R. and Jung, C.R.",
        TITLE = "Crowd Analysis Using Computer Vision Techniques",
        JOURNAL = SPMag,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2010",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "66-77",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197081"}

        AUTHOR = "Krausz, B. and Bauckhage, C.",
        TITLE = "Loveparade 2010: Automatic video analysis of a crowd disaster",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "116",
        YEAR = "2012",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "307-319",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197082"}

        AUTHOR = "Tian, Y. and Cao, L. and Liu, Z.K. and Wang, Z.",
        TITLE = "Hierarchical Filtered Motion for Action Recognition in Crowded Videos",
        JOURNAL = SMC-C,
        VOLUME = "42",
        YEAR = "2012",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "313-323",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197083"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Z.K. and Tian, Y. and Wang, Z.",
        TITLE = "Stacked Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis for Action
        BOOKTITLE = ACCV16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "II: 368-383",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197084"}

        AUTHOR = "Solmaz, B. and Moore, B.E. and Shah, M.",
        TITLE = "Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for
Dynamical Systems",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "34",
        YEAR = "2012",
        NUMBER = "10",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "2064-2070",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197085"}

        AUTHOR = "Plaue, M. and Chen, M.J. and Barwolff, G. and Schwandt, H.",
        TITLE = "Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields",
        JOURNAL = PFG,
        VOLUME = "2012",
        YEAR = "2012",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "547-555",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197086"}

        AUTHOR = "Plaue, M. and Chen, M.J. and Barwolff, G. and Schwandt, H.",
        TITLE = "Trajectory Extraction and Density Analysis of Intersecting Pedestrian
Flows from Video Recordings",
        BOOKTITLE = PIA11,
        YEAR = "2011",
        PAGES = "285-296",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197087"}

        AUTHOR = "Poiesi, F. and Mazzon, R. and Cavallaro, A.",
        TITLE = "Multi-target tracking on confidence maps:
An application to people tracking",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "117",
        YEAR = "2013",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "1257-1272",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197088"}

        AUTHOR = "Mazzon, R. and Poiesi, F. and Cavallaro, A.",
        TITLE = "Detection and tracking of groups in crowd",
        BOOKTITLE = AVSS13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "202-207",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197089"}

        AUTHOR = "Lawal, I.A. and Poiesi, F. and Anguita, D. and Cavallaro, A.",
        TITLE = "Support Vector Motion Clustering",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "2395-2408",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197090"}

        AUTHOR = "Vizzari, G. and Bandini, S.",
        TITLE = "Studying Pedestrian and Crowd Dynamics through Integrated Analysis
and Synthesis",
        JOURNAL = IEEE_Int_Sys,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2013",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "Sep",
        PAGES = "56-60",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197091"}

        AUTHOR = "Courty, N. and Allain, P. and Creusot, C. and Corpetti, T.",
        TITLE = "Using the Agoraset dataset: Assessing for the quality of crowd video
analysis methods",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "161-170",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197092"}

        AUTHOR = "Chrysostomou, D. and Sirakoulis, G.C. and Gasteratos, A.",
        TITLE = "A bio-inspired multi-camera system for dynamic crowd analysis",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "141-151",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197093"}

        AUTHOR = "Fagette, A. and Courty, N. and Racoceanu, D. and Dufour, J.Y.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "126-133",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197094"}

        AUTHOR = "Zawidzki, M. and Chraibi, M. and Nishinari, K.",
        TITLE = "Crowd-Z: The user-friendly framework for crowd simulation on an
architectural floor plan",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "88-97",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197095"}

        AUTHOR = "O'Gorman, L. and Yin, Y.F. and Ho, T.K.",
        TITLE = "Motion feature filtering for event detection in crowded scenes",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "80-87",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197096"}

        AUTHOR = "Tran, K.N. and Gala, A. and Kakadiaris, I.A. and Shah, S.K.",
        TITLE = "Activity analysis in crowded environments using social cues for group
discovery and human interaction modeling",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "49-57",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197097"}

        AUTHOR = "Manfredi, M. and Vezzani, R. and Calderara, S. and Cucchiara, R.",
        TITLE = "Detection of static groups and crowds gathered in open spaces by
texture classification",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "39-48",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197098"}

        AUTHOR = "Kountouriotis, V. and Thomopoulos, S.C.A. and Papelis, Y.F.",
        TITLE = "An agent-based crowd behaviour model for real time crowd behaviour
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "30-38",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197099"}

        AUTHOR = "Bandini, S. and Gorrini, A. and Vizzari, G.",
        TITLE = "Towards an integrated approach to crowd analysis and crowd synthesis:
A case study and first results",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "16-29",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197100"}

        AUTHOR = "Ferryman, J.M. and Ellis, A.L.",
        TITLE = "Performance evaluation of crowd image analysis using the PETS2009
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "3-15",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197101"}

        AUTHOR = "Toledo, L. and de Gyves, O. and Rudomin, I.",
        TITLE = "Hierarchical level of detail for varied animated crowds",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "6-8",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "949-961",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197102"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y.H. and Huang, Q.M. and Qin, L. and Zhao, S.C. and Yao, H.X. and Xu, P.F.",
        TITLE = "Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory graphs",
        JOURNAL = SIViP,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "S1",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "173-181",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197103"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y.H. and Qin, L. and Yao, H.X. and Xu, P.F. and Huang, Q.M.",
        TITLE = "Beyond particle flow:
Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense crowd event recognition",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "3572-3576",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197104"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, P. and Liu, H. and Ding, Y.H.",
        TITLE = "Crowd simulation based on constrained and controlled group formation",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "5-18",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197105"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, T. and Chang, H. and Wang, M. and Ni, B. and Hong, R. and Yan, S.",
        TITLE = "Crowded Scene Analysis: A Survey",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "25",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "367-386",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197106"}

        AUTHOR = "Kim, S.J. and Guy, S.J. and Hillesland, K. and Zafar, B. and Gutub, A.A.A. and Manocha, D.",
        TITLE = "Velocity-based modeling of physical interactions in dense crowds",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "541-555",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197107"}

        AUTHOR = "Mukherjee, S. and Goswami, D. and Chatterjee, S.",
        TITLE = "A Lagrangian Approach to Modeling and Analysis of a Crowd Dynamics",
        JOURNAL = SMCS,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "6",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "865-876",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197108"}

        AUTHOR = "Cao, L.J. and Zhang, X. and Ren, W.Q. and Huang, K.Q.",
        TITLE = "Large scale crowd analysis based on convolutional neural network",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "48",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "3016-3024",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197109"}

        AUTHOR = "Jiang, J. and Wu, D. and Teng, Q.Z. and He, X.H. and Gao, M.L.",
        TITLE = "Measuring Collectiveness in Crowded Scenes via Link Prediction",
        JOURNAL = IEICE,
        VOLUME = "E98-D",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "1617-1620",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197110"}

        AUTHOR = "Lee, D.G. and Lee, S.W.",
        TITLE = "Human activity prediction based on Sub-volume Relationship Descriptor",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "2060-2065",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197111"}

        AUTHOR = "Rao, A.S. and Gubbi, J. and Marusic, S. and Palaniswami, M.",
        TITLE = "Estimation of crowd density by clustering motion cues",
        JOURNAL = VC,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "1533-1552",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197112"}

        AUTHOR = "Rao, A.S. and Gubbi, J. and Marusic, S. and Palaniswami, M.",
        TITLE = "Crowd Event Detection on Optical Flow Manifolds",
        JOURNAL = Cyber,
        VOLUME = "46",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "1524-1537",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197113"}

        AUTHOR = "Rao, A.S. and Gubbi, J. and Marusic, S. and Palaniswami, M.",
        TITLE = "Probabilistic Detection of Crowd Events on Riemannian Manifolds",
        BOOKTITLE = DICTA14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197114"}

        AUTHOR = "Rao, A.S. and Gubbi, J. and Marusic, S. and Maher, A.",
        TITLE = "Determination of Object Directions Using Optical Flow for Crowd
        BOOKTITLE = ISVC13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "II:613-622",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197115"}

        AUTHOR = "Rao, A.S. and Gubbi, J. and Rajasegarar, S. and Marusic, S. and Palaniswami, M.",
        TITLE = "Detection of Anomalous Crowd Behaviour Using Hyperspherical
        BOOKTITLE = DICTA14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197116"}

        AUTHOR = "Qian, S.S. and Zhang, T.Z. and Xu, C.S. and Shao, J.",
        TITLE = "Multi-Modal Event Topic Model for Social Event Analysis",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "18",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "233-246",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197117"}

        AUTHOR = "Qian, S.S. and Zhang, T.Z. and Xu, C.S.",
        TITLE = "Boosted Multi-modal Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Social
Event Classification",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "1999-2004",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197118"}

        AUTHOR = "Vascon, S. and Mequanint, E.Z. and Cristani, M. and Hung, H. and Pelillo, M. and Murino, V.",
        TITLE = "Detecting conversational groups in images and sequences:
A robust game-theoretic approach",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "143",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "11-24",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197119"}

        AUTHOR = "Vascon, S. and Mequanint, E.Z. and Cristani, M. and Hung, H. and Pelillo, M. and Murino, V.",
        TITLE = "A Game-Theoretic Probabilistic Approach for Detecting Conversational
        BOOKTITLE = ACCV14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "V: 658-675",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197120"}

        AUTHOR = "Mousavi, H. and Nabi, M. and Kiani, H. and Perina, A. and Murino, V.",
        TITLE = "Crowd motion monitoring using tracklet-based commotion measure",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "2354-2358",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197121"}

        AUTHOR = "Mohammadi, S. and Kiani, H. and Perina, A. and Murino, V.",
        TITLE = "A comparison of crowd commotion measures from generative models",
        BOOKTITLE = Crowd15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "49-55",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197122"}

        AUTHOR = "Lin, W.Y. and Mi, Y. and Wang, W.Y. and Wu, J.X. and Wang, J.D. and Mei, T.",
        TITLE = "A Diffusion and Clustering-Based Approach for Finding Coherent
Motions and Understanding Crowd Scenes",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "25",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "April",
        PAGES = "1674-1687",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197123"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, W.Y. and Lin, W.Y. and Chen, Y.Z. and Wu, J.X. and Wang, J.D. and Sheng, B.",
        TITLE = "Finding Coherent Motions and Semantic Regions in Crowd Scenes:
A Diffusion and Clustering Approach",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "I: 756-771",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197124"}

        AUTHOR = "Pennisi, A. and Bloisi, D.D. and Iocchi, L.",
        TITLE = "Online real-time crowd behavior detection in video sequences",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "144",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "166-176",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197125"}

        AUTHOR = "Solera, F. and Calderara, S. and Cucchiara, R.",
        TITLE = "Socially Constrained Structural Learning for Groups Detection in
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "38",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "995-1008",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197126"}

        AUTHOR = "Solera, F. and Calderara, S. and Cucchiara, R.",
        TITLE = "Learning to identify leaders in crowd",
        BOOKTITLE = Crowd15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "43-48",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197127"}

        AUTHOR = "Solera, F. and Calderara, S. and Cucchiara, R.",
        TITLE = "Structured learning for detection of social groups in crowd",
        BOOKTITLE = AVSS13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "7-12",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197128"}

        AUTHOR = "Solera, F. and Calderara, S. and Cucchiara, R.",
        TITLE = "Social Groups Detection in Crowd through Shape-Augmented Structured
        BOOKTITLE = CIAP13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "I:542-551",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197129"}

        AUTHOR = "Yuan, Y. and Wan, J. and Wang, Q.",
        TITLE = "Congested scene classification via efficient unsupervised feature
learning and density estimation",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "56",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "159-169",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197130"}

        AUTHOR = "Guo, B. and Yu, Z. and Chen, L. and Zhou, X. and Ma, X.",
        TITLE = "MobiGroup: Enabling Lifecycle Support to Social Activity Organization
and Suggestion With Mobile Crowd Sensing",
        JOURNAL = HMS,
        VOLUME = "46",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "390-402",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197131"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, C. and Kang, K. and Li, H. and Wang, X. and Xie, R. and Yang, X.",
        TITLE = "Data-Driven Crowd Understanding:
A Baseline for a Large-Scale Crowd Dataset",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "18",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "6",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "1048-1061",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197132"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, W.X. and Lau, R.W.H. and Manocha, D.",
        TITLE = "Robust individual and holistic features for crowd scene
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "58",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "110-120",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197133"}

        AUTHOR = "Meynberg, O. and Cui, S.Y. and Reinartz, P.",
        TITLE = "Detection of High-Density Crowds in Aerial Images Using Texture
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "470",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197134"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, S. and Li, H.S. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Pedestrian Behavior Modeling From Stationary Crowds With Applications
to Intelligent Surveillance",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "25",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "4354-4368",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197135"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, S. and Li, H.S. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Pedestrian Behavior Understanding and Prediction with Deep Neural
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "I: 263-279",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197136"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, Y. and Lin, T. and Cao, Z. and Li, C. and Wang, F. and Chen, W.",
        TITLE = "Mobility Viewer: An Eulerian Approach for Studying Urban Crowd Flow",
        JOURNAL = ITS,
        VOLUME = "17",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "2627-2636",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197137"}

        AUTHOR = "Deng, C. and Cao, Z. and Xiao, Y. and Lu, H. and Xian, K. and Chen, Y.",
        TITLE = "Exploiting Attribute Dependency for Attribute Assignment in Crowded
        JOURNAL = SPLetters,
        VOLUME = "23",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "10",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "1325-1329",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197138"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, J. and Loy, C.C. and Kang, K. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Crowded Scene Understanding by Deeply Learned Volumetric Slices",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "613-623",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197139"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, J. and Kang, K. and Loy, C.C. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Deeply learned attributes for crowded scene understanding",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "4657-4666",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197140"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, J. and Loy, C.C. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Learning Scene-Independent Group Descriptors for Crowd Understanding",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "6",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "1290-1303",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197141"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, J. and Loy, C.C. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Scene-Independent Group Profiling in Crowd",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "2227-2234",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197142"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, S. and Li, H.S. and Wang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Understanding pedestrian behaviors from stationary crowd groups",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "3488-3496",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197143"}

        AUTHOR = "Luchetti, G. and Mancini, A. and Sturari, M. and Frontoni, E. and Zingaretti, P.",
        TITLE = "Whistland: An Augmented Reality Crowd-Mapping System for Civil
Protection and Emergency Management",
        JOURNAL = IJGI,
        VOLUME = "6",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "2",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197144"}

        AUTHOR = "Ruhhammer, C. and Baumann, M. and Protschky, V. and Kloeden, H. and Klanner, F. and Stiller, C.",
        TITLE = "Automated Intersection Mapping From Crowd Trajectory Data",
        JOURNAL = ITS,
        VOLUME = "18",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "666-677",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197145"}

        AUTHOR = "Fradi, H. and Luvison, B. and Pham, Q.C.",
        TITLE = "Crowd Behavior Analysis Using Local Mid-Level Visual Descriptors",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "589-602",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197146"}

        AUTHOR = "de Almeida, I.R. and Cassol, V.J. and Badler, N.I. and Musse, S.R. and Jung, C.R.",
        TITLE = "Detection of Global and Local Motion Changes in Human Crowds",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "603-612",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197147"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y. and Qin, L. and Ji, R. and Zhao, S. and Huang, Q. and Luo, J.",
        TITLE = "Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory Learning
for Crowd Mood Modeling",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "27",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "635-648",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197148"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, S. and Wang, X.G. and Lu, C.W. and Jia, J.Y. and Li, H.",
        TITLE = "L_0 Regularized Stationary-Time Estimation for Crowd Analysis",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "39",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "981-994",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197149"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, S. and Wang, X.G. and Lu, C.W. and Jia, J.Y.",
        TITLE = "L_0 Regularized Stationary Time Estimation for Crowd Group Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "2219-2226",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197150"}

        AUTHOR = "Setti, F. and Conigliaro, D. and Rota, P. and Bassetti, C. and Conci, N. and Sebe, N. and Cristani, M.",
        TITLE = "The S-Hock dataset: A new benchmark for spectator crowd analysis",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "159",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "47-58",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197151"}

        AUTHOR = "Conigliaro, D. and Rota, P. and Setti, F. and Bassetti, C. and Conci, N. and Sebe, N. and Cristani, M.",
        TITLE = "The S-HOCK dataset: Analyzing crowds at the stadium",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "2039-2047",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197152"}

        AUTHOR = "Setti, F. and Conigliaro, D. and Tobanelli, M. and Cristani, M.",
        TITLE = "Count on Me: Learning to Count on a Single Image",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "1798-1806",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197153"}

        AUTHOR = "Setti, F. and Cristani, M.",
        TITLE = "Evaluating the Group Detection Performance: The GRODE Metrics",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "41",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "566-580",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197154"}

        AUTHOR = "Setti, F. and Cristani, M.",
        TITLE = "The GRODE metrics:
Exploring the performance of group detection approaches",
        BOOKTITLE = Crowd15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "36-42",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197155"}

        AUTHOR = "Dhall, A. and Joshi, J. and Sikka, K. and Goecke, R. and Sebe, N.",
        TITLE = "The more the merrier: Analysing the affect of a group of people in
        BOOKTITLE = FG15,
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197156"}

        AUTHOR = "Wu, S. and Yang, H. and Zheng, S. and Su, H. and Fan, Y.W. and Yang, M.H.",
        TITLE = "Crowd Behavior Analysis via Curl and Divergence of Motion Trajectories",
        JOURNAL = IJCV,
        VOLUME = "123",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "499-519",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197157"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, L.B. and Jakubowicz, J. and Yang, D.Q. and Zhang, D.Q. and Pan, G.",
        TITLE = "Fine-Grained Urban Event Detection and Characterization Based on
Tensor Cofactorization",
        JOURNAL = HMS,
        VOLUME = "47",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "380-391",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197158"}

        AUTHOR = "Tan, S. and Wang, Y. and Chen, Y. and Wang, Z.",
        TITLE = "Evolutionary Dynamics of Collective Behavior Selection and Drift:
Flocking, Collapse, and Oscillation",
        JOURNAL = Cyber,
        VOLUME = "47",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "1694-1705",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197159"}

        AUTHOR = "Tan, K. and Xu, L.F. and Liu, Y.N. and Luo, B.",
        TITLE = "Small Group Detection in Crowds using Interaction Information",
        JOURNAL = IEICE,
        VOLUME = "E100-D",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "1542-1545",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197160"}

        AUTHOR = "Wu, S. and Su, H. and Yang, H. and Zheng, S. and Fan, Y.W. and Zhou, Q.",
        TITLE = "Bilinear dynamics for crowd video analysis",
        JOURNAL = JVCIR,
        VOLUME = "48",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "461-470",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-f745c1.html#TT197161"}

Last update:Jan 15, 2025 at 14:36:47