@article{bb342900, AUTHOR = "Shao, Z.H. and Liu, X.L. and Yao, Q.J. and Qi, N. and Shang, Y.Y. and Zhang, J.J.", TITLE = "Multiple-image encryption based on chaotic phase mask and equal modulus decomposition in quaternion gyrator domain", JOURNAL = SP:IC, VOLUME = "80", YEAR = "2020", PAGES = "115662", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996chaocry4.html#TT337185"} @article{bb342901, AUTHOR = "Kang, X.J. and Guo, Z.H.", TITLE = "A new color image encryption scheme based on DNA encoding and spatiotemporal chaotic system", JOURNAL = SP:IC, VOLUME = "80", YEAR = "2020", PAGES = "115670", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996chaocry4.html#TT337186"} @article{bb342902, AUTHOR = "ALI PACHA, H. and HADJ SAID, N. and ALI PACHA, A.", TITLE = "Data security based on homographic function", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "129", YEAR = "2020", PAGES = "240-246", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996chaocry4.html#TT337187"} @article{bb342903, 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@inproceedings{bb342963, AUTHOR = "Kobayashi, H. and Imaizumi, S. and Kiya, H.", TITLE = "A Robust Identification Scheme for JPEG XR Images with Various Compression Ratios", BOOKTITLE = PSIVT15, YEAR = "2015", PAGES = "38-50", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337248"} @inproceedings{bb342964, AUTHOR = "Imaizumi, S. and Fujiyoshi, M. and Kiya, H. and Aoki, N. and Kobayashi, H.", TITLE = "A Key Derivation Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control to JPEG 2000 Coded Images", BOOKTITLE = PSIVT11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "II: 180-191", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337249"} @inproceedings{bb342965, AUTHOR = "Hashimoto, N. and Imaizumi, S. and Fujiyoshi, M. and Kiya, H.", TITLE = "Hierarchical encryption using short encryption keys for scalable access control of JPEG 2000 coded images", BOOKTITLE = ICIP08, YEAR = "2008", PAGES = "3116-3119", BIBSOURCE = 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"http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337253"} @inproceedings{bb342969, AUTHOR = "Watanabe, O. and Iida, T. and Fukuhara, T. and Kiya, H.", TITLE = "Identification of JPEG 2000 images in encrypted domain for digital cinema", BOOKTITLE = ICIP09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "2065-2068", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337254"} @article{bb342970, AUTHOR = "Kishore, B. and Kumar, B.K.S. and Patil, C.R.", TITLE = "FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor", JOURNAL = RealTimeIP, VOLUME = "10", YEAR = "2015", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "551-559", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337255"} @article{bb342971, AUTHOR = "Naik, K. and Pal, A.K.", TITLE = "Design of a cryptosystem for DCT compressed image using Arnold transform and fractional Fourier transform", JOURNAL = IJCVR, VOLUME = "5", YEAR = "2015", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "335-346", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337256"} @article{bb342972, AUTHOR = "Gu, G.S. and Ling, J. and Xie, G. and Li, Z.", TITLE = "A chaotic-cipher-based packet body encryption algorithm for JPEG2000 images", JOURNAL = SP:IC, VOLUME = "40", YEAR = "2016", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "52-64", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337257"} @article{bb342973, AUTHOR = "He, J. and Huang, S. and Tang, S. and Huang, J.", TITLE = "JPEG Image Encryption With Improved Format Compatibility and File Size Preservation", JOURNAL = MultMed, VOLUME = "20", YEAR = "2018", NUMBER = "10", MONTH = "October", PAGES = "2645-2658", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337258"} @article{bb342974, AUTHOR = "Liang, H.H. and Zhang, X.P. and Cheng, H.", TITLE = "Huffman-code based retrieval for encrypted JPEG images", JOURNAL = JVCIR, VOLUME = "61", YEAR = "2019", PAGES = "149-156", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337259"} @article{bb342975, AUTHOR = "Itier, V. and Puteaux, P. and Puech, W.", TITLE = "Recompression of JPEG Crypto-Compressed Images Without a Key", JOURNAL = CirSysVideo, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "2020", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "March", PAGES = "646-660", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337260"} @article{bb342976, AUTHOR = "He, H.J. and Yuan, Y. and Ye, Y. and Tai, H.M. and Chen, F.", TITLE = "Chosen plaintext attack on JPEG image encryption with adaptive key and run consistency", JOURNAL = JVCIR, VOLUME = "90", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "103733", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337261"} @article{bb342977, AUTHOR = "Li, P.Y. and Sun, Z.F. and Situ, Z.H. and He, M.L. and Song, T.T.", TITLE = "Joint JPEG Compression and Encryption Scheme Based on Order-8-16 Block Transform", JOURNAL = ITS, VOLUME = "24", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "7", MONTH = "July", PAGES = "7687-7696", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337262"} @article{bb342978, AUTHOR = "Ye, X. and Zhang, Y.S. and Xiao, X.L. and Yi, S. and Lan, R.", TITLE = "Usability Enhanced Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Data Hiding for JPEG Images", JOURNAL = SPLetters, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "793-797", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337263"} @article{bb342979, AUTHOR = "Qin, C. and Hu, J.C. and Li, F.Y. and Qian, Z.X. and Zhang, X.P.", TITLE = "JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Prediction and RS Pair Permutation", JOURNAL = MultMed, VOLUME = "25", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "2528-2542", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337264"} @article{bb342980, AUTHOR = "Yuan, Y. and He, H.J. and Yang, Y.L. and Mao, N.X. and Chen, F. and Ali, M.", TITLE = "JPEG image encryption with grouping coefficients based on entropy coding", JOURNAL = JVCIR, VOLUME = "97", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "103975", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337265"} @article{bb342981, AUTHOR = "Chai, X.L. and Wang, Y.J. and Chen, X.H. and Gan, Z.H. and Zhang, Y.S.", TITLE = "TPE-GAN: Thumbnail Preserving Encryption Based on GAN With Key", JOURNAL = SPLetters, VOLUME = "29", YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "972-976", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337266"} @article{bb342982, AUTHOR = "Wen, W.Y. and Jiang, Q.Y. and Huang, H.G. and Zhang, Y.S. and Fang, Y.M.", TITLE = "TPE-DF: Thumbnail Preserving Encryption via Dual-2DCS Fusion", JOURNAL = SPLetters, VOLUME = "31", YEAR = "2024", PAGES = "1039-1043", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337267"} @article{bb342983, AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y.S. and Zhou, W.T. and Zhao, R. and Zhang, X.P. and Cao, X.C.", TITLE = "F-TPE: Flexible Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Multi-Pixel Sum-Preserving Encryption", JOURNAL = 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"http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337271"} @inproceedings{bb342987, AUTHOR = "Ting, J. and Wong, K. and Ong, S.", TITLE = "Format-Compliant Perceptual Encryption Method for JPEG XT", BOOKTITLE = ICIP19, YEAR = "2019", PAGES = "4559-4563", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337272"} @inproceedings{bb342988, AUTHOR = "Maqbool, S. and Ahmad, N. and Muhammad, A. and Enriquez, A.M.M.", TITLE = "Simultaneous Encryption and Compression of Digital Images Based on Secure-JPEG Encoding", BOOKTITLE = MCPR16, YEAR = "2016", PAGES = "145-154", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337273"} @inproceedings{bb342989, AUTHOR = "Hofbauer, H. and Unterweger, A. and Uhl, A.", TITLE = "Encrypting only AC coefficient signs considered harmful", BOOKTITLE = ICIP15, YEAR = "2015", PAGES = "3740-3744", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337274"} @inproceedings{bb342990, AUTHOR = "Korshunov, P. and Ebrahimi, T.", TITLE = "Scrambling-based tool for secure protection of JPEG images", BOOKTITLE = ICIP14, YEAR = "2014", PAGES = "3423-3425", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337275"} @inproceedings{bb342991, AUTHOR = "Pinto, M. and Puech, W. and Subsol, G.", TITLE = "Protection of JPEG compressed e-comics by selective encryption", BOOKTITLE = ICIP13, YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "4588-4592", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337276"} @inproceedings{bb342992, AUTHOR = "Chen, B. and Chandran, V.", TITLE = "Robust Image Hashing Using Higher Order Spectral Features", BOOKTITLE = DICTA10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "100-104", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996jpcry3.html#TT337277"} @inproceedings{bb342993, AUTHOR = "Ahmed, F. and Siyal, M.Y. and Abbas, V.U.", TITLE = "A Perceptually Scalable and JPEG Compression Tolerant Image Encryption Scheme", BOOKTITLE = PSIVT10, YEAR = "2010", 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"2011", NUMBER = "9", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "1341-1345", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/char996vcry2.html#TT337284"}