Index for nevi

Neviarouskaya, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aono, M.: Sentiment Word Relations with Affect, Judgment, and Apprecia...
     with: Ishizuka, M.: SentiFul: A Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis
     with: Prendinger, H.: SentiFul: A Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis

Neville, P.R.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baros, S.V.: Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial P...
     with: Barrett, H.A.: Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial...
     with: Bogus, S.M.: Characterizing Pavement Surface Distress Conditions with ...
     with: Lippitt, C.D.: Characterizing Pavement Surface Distress Conditions wit...
     with: Sinclair, L.L.: Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aeria...
     with: Talasila, S.: Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial ...
     with: Zhang, S.: Characterizing Pavement Surface Distress Conditions with Hy...
     with: Zhang, S.: Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial Pho...
8 for Neville, P.R.H.

Neville, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Curr, K.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Labeli...
     with: Edmonds, E.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Lab...
     with: Lu, J.F.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Labeli...
     with: Phua, R.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Labeli...
     with: Shen, C.H.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Labe...
     with: Zhang, J.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Label...
     with: Zhang, J.J.: SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Lab...
7 for Neville, R.

Nevins, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arderiu, J.: HPU, The
     with: Davis, J.: HPU, The
     with: Gallo, O.: HPU, The
     with: Lin, H.: HPU, The
     with: Schuon, S.: HPU, The
     with: Yang, M.H.: HPU, The

Index for "n"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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