Index for recal

C3Net: Cross-Modal Feature recalibrated, Cross-Scale Semantic Aggregated and Compact Network for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Modal High-Resolution Aerial Images
Mission-Long recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Radiometric Dataset Using Advanced Algorithms for Time Series Studies
recalibrated Bandpass Filtering on Temporal Waveform for Audio Spoof Detection

On the Methods for recalibrating Geostationary Longwave Channels Using Polar Orbiting Infrared Sounders
recalibrating 3D ConvNets With Project Excite
recalibrating Features and Regression for Oriented Object Detection
recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks With Spatial and Channel Squeeze and Excitation Blocks

Adaptive Feature Recombination and recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks
Additive margin networks with adaptive feature recalibration and its applications in Brain Stroke CT Image classification
Automatic recalibration of Moving Cameras in Stereo Vision Systems
camera on-line recalibration framework using SIFT, A
Climate Data Records from Meteosat First Generation Part III: recalibration and Uncertainty Tracing of the Visible Channel on Meteosat-2-7 Using Reconstructed, Spectrally Changing Response Functions
Domain-specific feature recalibration and alignment for multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation
DRNet: Double recalibration Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Dual Attention and Element recalibration Networks for Automatic Depression Level Prediction
Enhanced Data-recalibration: Utilizing Validation Data to Mitigate Instance-Dependent Noise in Classification
Evaluation of Landsat-8 TIRS data recalibrations and land surface temperature split-window algorithms over a homogeneous crop area with different phenological land covers
Extrinsic recalibration in Camera Networks
Feature Separation and recalibration for Adversarial Robustness
Lazy Man's Approach to Benchmarking: Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and recalibration, A
Multi-scale Spatially-Asymmetric recalibration for Image Classification
Omni-Rig: Linear Self-recalibration of a Rig with Varying Internal and External Parameters
Procedure for Radiometric recalibration of Landsat 5 TM Reflective-Band Data, A
recalibration of Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites
Regional context-based recalibration network for cataract recognition in AS-OCT
RF-DCM: Multi-Granularity Deep Convolutional Model Based on Feature recalibration and Fusion for Driver Fatigue Detection
Self recalibration of a Structured Light Vision System from a Single View
Self-recalibration of a colour-encoded light system for automated 3-D measurements
Self-recalibration of a structured light system via plane-based homography
Semantics recalibration and detail enhancement network for real-time semantic segmentation
Spectral recalibration for In-Flight Broadband Sensor Using Man-Made Ground Targets
SRM: A Style-Based recalibration Module for Convolutional Neural Networks
26 for recalibration

Active Bucket Categorization for High recall Video Retrieval
Associative recall of Spatial Correlated Patterns, The
Bidirectional multiple-valued neural network for pattern recognition and associative recall
Binormal Assumption on Precision-recall Curves, The
Consensus Ranking for Efficient Face Image Retrieval: A Novel Method for Maximising Precision and recall
Content-based indexing performance: a class size normalized precision, recall, generality evaluation
Historical recall and precision: summarizing generated hypotheses
Localization recall Precision (LRP): A New Performance Metric for Object Detection
LSQ++: Lower Running Time and Higher recall in Multi-codebook Quantization
More is Better: Precise and Detailed Image Captioning Using Online Positive recall and Missing Concepts Mining
New Pixel-Based Quality Measure for Segmentation Algorithms Integrating Precision, recall and Specificity, A
Novel Cued-recall Graphical Password Scheme, A
On recall Rate of Interest Point Detectors
One Metric to Measure Them All: Localisation recall Precision (LRP) for Evaluating Visual Detection Tasks
Photo recall: Using the Internet to Label Your Photos
Precision-recall operating characteristic (P-ROC) curves in imprecise environments
Precision-recall-Classification Evaluation Framework: Application to Depth Estimation on Single Images
Probabilistic Precision and recall Towards Reliable Evaluation of Generative Models
recall or precision oriented skin classifier using binary combining strategies, A
recall What You See Continually Using GridLSTM in Image Captioning
recall: Replay-based Continual Learning in Semantic Segmentation
Recognition by recall
Robust Small-scale Pedestrian Detection with Cued recall via Memory Learning
Segmentation quality evaluation using region-based precision and recall measures for remote sensing images
Show and recall: Learning What Makes Videos Memorable
Soft precision and recall
Threshold optimization for F measure of macro-averaged precision and recall
Total recall II: Query expansion revisited
Total recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative Feature Model for Object Retrieval
Towards Total recall in Industrial Anomaly Detection
30 for recall

recall@k Surrogate Loss with Large Batches and Similarity Mixup

Stereoscopic Vision recalling Memory for Monocular 3D Object Detection
Thresholded Learning Matrix for Efficient Pattern recalling
Video Prediction recalling Long-term Motion Context via Memory Alignment Learning

Index for "r"

Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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