Index for ripar

Analysis of riparian forest buffers dynamics in Colombian basins by Landsat Time Series
Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico
Assessing the Impacts of Streamside Ordinance Protection on the Spatial and Temporal Variability in Urban riparian Vegetation
Assessment of Green Infrastructure in riparian Zones Using Copernicus Programme
Automatic Geographic Object Based Mapping of Streambed and riparian Zone Extent from LiDAR Data in a Temperate Rural Urban Environment, Australia
CO-RIP: A riparian Vegetation and Corridor Extent Dataset for Colorado River Basin Streams and Rivers
Combining Hyperspectral, LiDAR, and Forestry Data to Characterize riparian Forests along Age and Hydrological Gradients
Comparison of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Models Over Two Typical Sites in an Arid riparian Ecosystem of Northwestern China
Distance to a River Modifies Climate Legacy on Vegetation Growth in a Boreal riparian Forest
Drought Sensitivity and Trends of riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018)
Effects of Human Disturbance on riparian Wetland Landscape Pattern in a Coastal Region
Estimating riparian and Agricultural Actual Evapotranspiration by Reference Evapotranspiration and MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index
Estimation and Mapping of Carbon Stocks in riparian Forests by using a Machine Learning Approach with Multiple Geodata
Europe's Green Arteries: A Continental Dataset of riparian Zones
Evaluating Concentrated Flowpaths in riparian Forest Buffer Contributing Areas Using LiDAR Imagery and Topographic Metrics
Evaluation of riparian Tree Cover and Shading in the Chauga River Watershed Using LiDAR and Deep Learning Land Cover Classification
Identifying Factors That Influence Accuracy of riparian Vegetation Classification and River Channel Delineation Mapped Using 1 m Data
Improved Accuracy of riparian Zone Mapping Using Near Ground Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Photogrammetry Method
Influence of Different Satellite Imagery on the Analysis of riparian Leaf Density in a Mountain Stream
Machine Learning Approach for Mapping Forest Vegetation in riparian Zones in an Atlantic Biome Environment Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
Mapping Annual riparian Water Use Based on the Single-Satellite-Scene Approach
Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico
Mapping Fractional Vegetation Cover Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle Imagery to Guide Conservation of a Rare riparian Shrub Ecosystem in Southern California
Mapping riparian Habitats of Natura 2000 Network (91E0*, 3240) at Individual Tree Level Using UAV Multi-Temporal and Multi-Spectral Data
Mapping riparian Zones over Large Regions from High Spatial Resolution Satellite and Airborne Imagery: Specifications for Operational Mapping
Monitoring the Area Change in the Three Gorges Reservoir riparian Zone Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimized Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentinel-1 Data
Object-based Change Detection on Acacia Xanthophloea Species Degradation Along Lake Nakuru riparian Reserve
Operational Mapping of the Environmental Condition of riparian Zones over Large Regions from LiDAR Data
Optimized Stratification for Mapping riparian Vegetation in Arid and Semiarid Environments
Remote Sensing of Channels and riparian Zones with a Narrow-Beam Aquatic-Terrestrial LIDAR
Remote Sensing of riparian Ecosystems
Response Of riparian Vegetation In Australia's Largest River Basin To Inter And Intra-annual Climate Variability And Flooding As Quantified With Landsat And Modis
riparian Area Changes in Greenness and Water Use on the Lower Colorado River in the USA from 2000 to 2020
riparian Plant Evapotranspiration and Consumptive Use for Selected Areas of the Little Colorado River Watershed on the Navajo Nation
riparian Vegetation Status and Rates of Water Use From Satellite Data
Spectral discrimination of giant reed (Arundo donax L.): A seasonal study in riparian areas
Transferability of a Visible and Near-Infrared Model for Soil Organic Matter Estimation in riparian Landscapes
Use of an Airborne Laser Scanner for Rapid Identification of Invasive Tree Species Acer negundo in riparian Forests, The
Using Discrete-Point LiDAR to Classify Tree Species in the riparian Pacific Northwest, USA
Very High-Resolution Imagery and Machine Learning for Detailed Mapping of riparian Vegetation and Substrate Types
40 for riparian

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Last update:18-Apr-24 12:23:06
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