Online Pointers for Letter i
=> I-AI: A Controllable & Interpretable AI System for Decoding Radiologists' Intense Focus for Accurate CXR Diagnoses
=> I-AI: A Controllable & Interpretable AI System for Decoding Radiologists' Intense Focus for Accurate CXR Diagnoses
=> I-Am: Implicitly Authenticate Me: Person Authentication on Mobile Devices Through Ear Shape and Arm Gesture
=> I-CenterNet: Road infrared target detection based on improved CenterNet
=> I-Cubed: Information Integration and Imaging LLC.
=> I-D Threshold Analysis of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides Based on TRMM Precipitation Data in Wudu, China
=> I-FAC: Efficient Fuzzy Associative Classifier for Object Classes in Images
=> I-GCN: Incremental Graph Convolution Network for Conversation Emotion Detection
=> I-HAZE: A Dehazing Benchmark with Real Hazy and Haze-Free Indoor Images
=> I-k-means-+: An iterative clustering algorithm based on an enhanced version of the k-means
=> I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder
=> i-LIDS: Bag and vehicle detection challenge
=> I-ME: iterative model evolution for learning from weakly labeled images and videos
=> I-MOVE: Independent Moving Objects for Velocity Estimation
=> I-PETER (Interactive platform to experience tours and education on the rocks): A virtual system for the understanding and dissemination of mineralogical-petrographic science
=> I-SEA: Improved shape exchange algorithm for quasi-periodic time series alignment
=> I-see-3D! An interactive and immersive system that dynamically adapts 2D projections to the location of a user's eyes
=> i-Siam: Improving Siamese Tracker with Distractors Suppression and Long-Term Strategies
=> I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected from websites and social media for Iris recognition
=> I-SPLIT: Deep Network Interpretability for Split Computing
=> i-Street: Detection, Identification, Augmentation of Street Plates in a Touristic Mobile Application
=> i-Stylist: Finding the Right Dress Through Your Social Networks
=> I-ViT: Integer-only Quantization for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference
=> I-ViT: Integer-only Quantization for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference
=> i-Wall: A Low-Cost Interactive Wall for Enhancing Visitor Experience and Promoting Industrial Heritage in Museums
=> I Bet You Are Wrong: Gambling Adversarial Networks for Structured Semantic Segmentation
=> I can't believe there's no images!: Learning Visual Tasks Using Only Language Supervision
=> I Can Already Guess Your Answer: Predicting Respondent Reactions during Dyadic Negotiation
=> I don't know the label: Active learning with blind knowledge
=> I Don't Understand My Car
=> I Enjoy Writing and Playing, Do You?: A Personalized and Emotion Grounded Dialogue Agent Using Generative Adversarial Network
=> I Find Your Lack of Uncertainty in Computer Vision Disturbing
=> I Have Seen Enough: Transferring Parts Across Categories
=> I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNSS Limitations with Cellular Signals
=> I Know How You Feel: Emotion Recognition with Facial Landmarks
=> I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-identification of People in Images
=> I Know What You Did Last Summer: Object-level Auto-annotation of Holiday Snaps
=> I Look in Your Eyes, Honey: Internal Face Features Induce Spatial Frequency Preference for Human Face Processing
=> I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos
=> I Only Have Eyes for You: The Impact of Masks On Convolutional-Based Facial Expression Recognition
=> I Remember Seeing This Video: Image Driven Search in Video Collections
=> I Saw: A Self-Attention Weighted Method for Explanation of Visual Transformers
=> I See-Through You: A Framework for Removing Foreground Occlusion in Both Sparse and Dense Light Field Images
=> I See What You See: Point of Gaze Estimation from Corneal Images
=> I spy with my little eye: Learning optimal filters for cross-modal stereo under projected patterns
=> I Understand You: Blind 3D Human Attention Inference from the Perspective of Third-Person
=> I, Domestic Robot
=> I/P Frame Selection Using Classification Based Mode Decision
=> I/P/B frame type decision by collinearity of displacements
=> I/Vector (Vectory)
=> I/Vector (Vectory)
=> IłNet: Inter-Intra-Slice Interpolation Network for Medical Slice Synthesis
=> IłNet: Inter-Intra-Slice Interpolation Network for Medical Slice Synthesis
=> I2-SDF: Intrinsic Indoor Scene Reconstruction and Editing via Raytracing in Neural SDFs
=> I2-Transformer: Intra- and Inter-Relation Embedding Transformer for TV Show Captioning
=> I2C: Invertible Continuous Codec for High-Fidelity Variable-Rate Image Compression
=> I2D-Loc: Camera localization via image to LiDAR depth flow
=> I2DFormer+: Learning Image to Document Summary Attention for Zero-Shot Image Classification
=> I2F: A Unified Image-to-Feature Approach for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
=> I2l-meshnet: Image-to-lixel Prediction Network for Accurate 3d Human Pose and Mesh Estimation from a Single RGB Image
=> I2MVFormer: Large Language Model Generated Multi-View Document Supervision for Zero-Shot Image Classification
=> I2T: From Intention Decoupling to Vehicular Trajectory Prediction Based on Prioriformer Networks
=> I2T: Image Parsing to Text Description
=> I2T2I: Learning text to image synthesis with textual data augmentation
=> I2UV-HandNet: Image-to-UV Prediction Network for Accurate and High-fidelity 3D Hand Mesh Modeling
=> I2VM: Incremental import vector machines
=> I3CL: Intra- and Inter-Instance Collaborative Learning for Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detection
=> i3DMM: Deep Implicit 3D Morphable Model of Human Heads
=> I3N: Intra- and Inter-Representation Interaction Network for Change Captioning
=> I3Net: Implicit Instance-Invariant Network for Adapting One-Stage Object Detectors
=> IA-LSTM: Interaction-Aware LSTM for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
=> IAC-ReCAM: Two-dimensional attention modulation and category label guidance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
=> IAF-LG: An Interactive Attention Fusion Network With Local and Global Perspective for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
=> IAFA: Instance-Aware Feature Aggregation for 3d Object Detection from a Single Image
=> IAGC: Interactive Attention Graph Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds in Building Indoor Environment
=> IAIFNet: An Illumination-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network
=> IAIR-CarPed: A psychophysically annotated dataset with fine-grained and layered semantic labels for object recognition
=> IAM-database: an English sentence database for offline handwriting recognition, The
=> IAM-OnDB: An on-line English sentence database acquired from handwritten text on a whiteboard
=> IAM Graph Database Repository for Graph Based Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
=> Iamascope: A Musical Application for Image Processing
=> IAN: The Individual Aggregation Network for Person Search
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
8 for IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
=> IAPR Pattern Recognition Education Resources
=> IAPR Tutorials on Topics in 2D Image Analysis, Computer Vision
=> IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recogniton in Remote Sensing
=> IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recogniton in Remote Sensing
=> IAPR: International Association for Pattern Recognition
=> IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset
=> IARPA Janus Benchmark A (IJB-A) dataset
=> IAS: A New Novel Phase-Based Filter for Detection of Unexploded Ordnances
=> IASON: Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through Networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas
=> IAUFD: A 100k images dataset for automatic football image/video analysis
=> IAUFD: A 100k images dataset for automatic football image/video analysis
=> iAutoMotion: an Autonomous Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine
=> iAVS2: A Fast Intra-Encoding Platform for IEEE 1857.4
=> IB-DRR: Incremental Learning with Information-Back Discrete Representation Replay
=> iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
=> iBase
=> iBase: Navigating Digital Library Collections
=> IBC-Mirror Mode for Screen Content Coding for the Next Generation Video Coding Standards
=> IBC Reference Block Enhancement Model Based on GAN for Screen Content Video Coding, An
=> IBEM dataset: A large printed scientific image dataset for indexing and searching mathematical expressions, The
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
13 for Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
16 for Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
=> IbISPRS Workshop on Multi-dimensional and Multi-scale Spatial Data Modeling
=> iblueCulture: Data Streaming and Object Detection in a Real-Time Video Streaming Underwater System
=> IBM Journal of Research and Development
=> IBM multimedia search and retrieval system
=> IBM multimodal interactive video threading
=> IBM Research
=> IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lecture Meetings, The
=> IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization on Lecture Meetings, The
=> IBM Smart Surveillance System (S3): A Open and Extensible Framework for Event Based Surveillance
=> IBM smart surveillance system (S3): event based video surveillance system with an open and extensible framework
=> IBM_UB_1: A Dual Mode Unconstrained English Handwriting Dataset
=> IBN-STR: A Robust Text Recognizer for Irregular Text in Natural Scenes
=> iBOAT: Isolation-Based Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection
=> iBotGuard: an Internet-based Intelligent Robot security system using Invariant Face Recognition against intruder
=> IBR-based compression for remote visualization
=> IBR-based free-viewpoint imaging of a complex scene using few cameras
=> IBR-Yolov5: Illegal Building Recognition with UAV Image Based on Improved YOLOv5
=> IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering
=> IBVC: Interpolation-driven B-frame video compression
=> IBVC: Interpolation-driven B-frame video compression
=> IC9600: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Image Complexity Assessment
=> ICA-Based Clustering for Resolving Permutation Ambiguity in Frequency-Domain Convolutive Source Separation
=> ICA-based direction-of-arrival estimation of uncorrelated and coherent signals with uniform linear array
=> ICA-based neighborhood preserving analysis for face recognition
=> ICA-based Probabilistic Local Appearance Models
=> ICA-Domain Shrinkage Based Poisson-Noise Reduction Algorithm and Its Application to Penumbral Imaging, An
=> ICA-Evolution Based Data Augmentation with Ensemble Deep Neural Networks Using Time and Frequency Kernels for Emotion Recognition from EEG-Data
=> ICA-FX features for classification of singing voice and instrumental sound
=> ICA algorithm for analyzing multiple data sets, An
=> ICA and gabor representation for facial expression recognition
=> ICA Based Approach for Complex Color Scene Text Binarization, An
=> ICA Based Face Recognition Robust to Partial Occlusions and Local Distortions
=> ICA based on asymmetry
=> ICA filters for lighting invariant face recognition
=> ICA mixture hidden conditional random field model for sports event classification
=> ICA Mixture Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Video Event Classification, An
=> ICA Mixture Hidden Markov Model for Video Content Analysis, An
=> ICA mixture model based unsupervised classification of hyperspectral imagery
=> ICA Mixture Models for Unsupervised Classification of Non-Gaussian Classes and Automatic Context Switching in Blind Separation
=> ICA with Reconstruction Cost for Efficient Overcomplete Feature Learning
=> ICAFusion: Iterative cross-attention guided feature fusion for multispectral object detection
=> ICAFusion: Iterative cross-attention guided feature fusion for multispectral object detection
=> ICAM-Reg: Interpretable Classification and Regression With Feature Attribution for Mapping Neurological Phenotypes in Individual Scans
=> iCAM06: A refined image appearance model for HDR image rendering
=> iCAP: An Individualized Model Combining Gaze Parameters and Image-Based Features to Predict Radiologists Decisions While Reading Mammograms
=> iCaps: An Interpretable Classifier via Disentangled Capsule Networks
=> ICAR: Identity Card Automatic Reader
=> ICARE-VEG: A 3D physics-based atmospheric correction method for tree shadows in urban areas
=> iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning
=> iCART: Intelligent Cooperative Autonomous Robot Transporters
=> iCausalOSR: invertible Causal Disentanglement for Open-Set Recognition
=> ICBR: Multimedia Management System for Intelligent Content Based Retrieval
=> ICC statistic as criterion for classification and feature selection
=> ICC++: Explainable feature learning for art history using image compositions
=> ICCL: Self-Supervised Intra- and Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning with 2D-3D Pairs for 3D Scene Understanding
30 for ICCV
=> ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Recognition
=> ICD: VHR-Oriented Interactive Change-Detection Algorithm
=> ICDAR 2003 page segmentation competition
=> ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions
=> ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions: Entries, results, and future directions
=> ICDAR 2005 Arabic handwriting recognition competition
=> ICDAR 2005 text locating competition results
=> ICDAR 2009 Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Book Structure Extraction Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO 2009)
=> ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Segmentation Contest
=> ICDAR 2009 Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Character Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Online Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Page Segmentation Competition
=> ICDAR 2009 Signature Verification Competition
=> ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition
=> ICDAR 2011 Chinese Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2011 Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO 2011)
=> ICDAR 2011 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal and Writer Identification, The
=> ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition - Challenge 1: Reading Text in Born-Digital Images (Web and Email)
=> ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition Challenge 2: Reading Text in Scene Images
=> ICDAR 2011 Writer Identification Contest
=> ICDAR 2011: Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2011: Arabic Recognition Competition: Multi-font Multi-size Digitally Represented Text
=> ICDAR 2011: French Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2013 Chinese Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Book Structure Extraction
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Gender Prediction from Handwriting
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Handwriting Stroke Recovery from Offline Data
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Handwritten Digit Recognition (HDRC 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Historical Book Recognition (HBR 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Historical Newspaper Layout Analysis (HNLA 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 Competition on Writer Identification
=> ICDAR 2013 Competitions on Signature Verification and Writer Identification for On- and Offline Skilled Forgeries (SigWiComp 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 CROHME: Third International Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
=> ICDAR 2013 Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 Document Image Skew Estimation Contest (DISEC 2013)
=> ICDAR 2013 Handwriting Segmentation Contest
=> ICDAR 2013 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal
=> ICDAR 2013 Robust Reading Competition
=> ICDAR 2013 Table Competition
=> ICDAR 2015 competition HTRtS: Handwritten Text Recognition on the tranScriptorium dataset
=> ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
=> ICDAR 2015 competition on text line detection in historical documents
=> ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (MS-TEx 2015)
12 for ICDAR
=> ICDAR2005 page segmentation competition
=> ICDAR2009 handwriting segmentation contest
=> ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest, The
=> ICDAR2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text
=> ICDAR2015 Competition on Keyword Spotting for Handwritten Documents
=> ICDAR2015 competition on Multi-script Writer Identification and Gender Classification using QUWI Database
=> ICDAR2015 competition on recognition of documents with complex layouts - RDCL2015
=> ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and writer identification for on- and off-line skilled forgeries (SigWIcomp2015)
=> ICDAR2015 competition on smartphone document capture and OCR (SmartDoc)
=> ICDAR2015 competition on Text Image Super-Resolution
=> ICDAR2015 Competition on Video Script Identification (CVSI 2015)
=> ICE-BA: Incremental, Consistent and Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Visual-Inertial SLAM
=> Ice-Drift Estimation Algorithm Using Radar and Ship Motion Measurements, An
=> Ice-Gouging Topography of the Exposed Aral Sea Bed
=> Ice-hockey puck detection and tracking for video highlighting
=> ICE-NeRF: Interactive Color Editing of NeRFs via Decomposition-Aware Weight Optimization
=> Ice accretion thickness prediction using flash infrared thermal imaging and BP neural networks
=> Ice Aprons in the Mont Blanc Massif (Western European Alps): Topographic Characteristics and Relations with Glaciers and Other Types of Perennial Surface Ice Features
=> Ice Cloud Properties From Himawari-8/AHI Next-Generation Geostationary Satellite: Capability of the AHI to Monitor the DC Cloud Generation Process
=> Ice Concentration From Dual-Polarization SAR Images Using Ice and Water Retrievals at Multiple Spatial Scales
=> Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: A New Methodology Designed for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
=> Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: Evaluation of a New Methodology Optimized for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
=> Ice Contamination of Meteosat/SEVIRI Implied by Intercalibration Against Metop/IASI
=> Ice Cover, Subglacial Landscape, and Estimation of Bottom Melting of Mac. Robertson, Princess Elizabeth, Wilhelm II, and Western Queen Mary Lands, East Antarctica
=> Ice Detection for Satellite Ocean Color Data Processing in the Great Lakes
=> Ice Detection of Pure and Saline Ice Using Infrared Signature
=> Ice Detection on Airplane Wings Using A Photogrammetric Point Cloud: A Simulation
=> Ice Detection on Electrical Power Cables
=> Ice Detection with Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Threshold in Long Sections of Temperate Climate Rivers
=> Ice Flow Velocity Mapping In East Antarctica Using Historical Images From 1960s to 1980s: Recent Progress
=> Ice Flow Velocity Mapping of East Antarctica From 1963 to 1989
=> Ice Freeze-up and Break-up Detection of Shallow Lakes in Northern Alaska with Spaceborne SAR
=> Ice hockey player identification via transformers and weakly supervised learning
=> Ice Identification with Error-Accumulation Enhanced Neural Dynamics in Optical Remote Sensing Images
=> Ice Loss Evaluation of Lake-Terminating Glaciers Based on Lake Bathymetry: A Case Study of the Jiongpu Glacier, An
=> Ice melting simulation with water flow handling
=> Ice Monitoring in Swiss Lakes from Optical Satellites and Webcams Using Machine Learning
=> Ice Production in Ross Ice Shelf Polynyas during 2017-2018 from Sentinel-1 SAR Images
=> Ice Sheet Bed Mapping With Airborne SAR Tomography
=> Ice Sheet Elevation Mapping and Change Detection With The Ice, Cloud And Land Elevation Satellite-2
=> Ice Sheet Topography from a New CryoSat-2 SARIn Processing Chain, and Assessment by Comparison to ICESat-2 over Antarctica
=> Ice Sheets and Fresh Water Reservoirs as Natural Dielectric Resonators
=> Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from a Single Satellite Imager Band
=> Ice Thickness Assessment of Non-Freshwater Lakes in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Borne Ice-Penetrating Radar: A Case Study of Qinghai Lake and Gahai Lake
=> Ice Thickness Estimation from Geophysical Investigations on the Terminal Lobes of Belvedere Glacier (NW Italian Alps)
=> Ice Thickness Measurement and Volume Modeling of Muztagh Ata Glacier No.16, Eastern Pamir
=> Ice Velocity Variations of the Cook Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, from 2017 to 2022 from Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Offset Tracking
=> Ice Velocity Variations of the Polar Record Glacier (East Antarctica) Using a Rotation-Invariant Feature-Tracking Approach
=> ICE: Implicit Coordinate Encoder for Multiple Image Neural Representation
=> ICE: Inter-Instance Contrastive Encoding for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
=> ICEAGE: Interactive Clustering and Exploration of Large and High-Dimensional Geodata
=> Iceberg Detection in Open and Ice-Infested Waters Using C-Band Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> IceGCN: An Interactive Sea Ice Classification Pipeline for SAR Imagery Based on Graph Convolutional Network
=> Iceland's consumers try drone delivery: The startup Aha takes on Amazon with basic drones bearing burgers
=> IceMap250: Automatic 250 m Sea Ice Extent Mapping Using MODIS Data
=> ICENET: A Semantic Segmentation Deep Network for River Ice by Fusing Positional and Channel-Wise Attentive Features
=> ICENETv2: A Fine-Grained River Ice Semantic Segmentation Network Based on UAV Images
=> Icesat-2 Altimetry As Geodetic Control
=> ICESat-2 Bathymetric Signal Reconstruction Method Based on a Deep Learning Model with Active-Passive Data Fusion
=> ICESat-2 for Coastal MSS Determination: Evaluation in the Norwegian Coastal Zone
=> ICESat-2 Marine Bathymetry: Extraction, Refraction Adjustment and Vertical Accuracy as a Function of Depth in Mid-Latitude Temperate Contexts
=> Icesat Fullwaveform Altimetry Compared to Airborne Laser Altimetry over the Netherlands
=> ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring
=> Icesat Validation Of Tandem-x I-dems Over The Uk
=> ICESAT/GLAS Altimetry Measurements: Received Signal Dynamic Range and Saturation Correction
=> ICESat/GLAS Data as a Measurement Tool for Peatland Topography and Peat Swamp Forest Biomass in Kalimantan, Indonesia
=> IceSynth: An Image Synthesis System for Sea-Ice Segmentation Evaluation
=> ICF-SRSR: Invertible scale-Conditional Function for Self-Supervised Real-world Single Image Super-Resolution
=> ICface: Interpretable and Controllable Face Reenactment Using GANs
=> ICFHR 2010 Contest: Quantitative Evaluation of Binarization Algorithms
=> ICFHR 2010 Handwriting Segmentation Contest
=> ICFHR 2010: Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
=> ICFHR 2012 Competition on Automatic Forensic Signature Verification (4NsigComp 2012)
=> ICFHR 2012 Competition on Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2012)
=> ICFHR 2012 Competition on Recognition of On-Line Mathematical Expressions (CROHME 2012)
=> ICFHR 2012 Competition on Writer Identification Challenge 1: Latin/Greek Documents
=> ICFHR 2012 Competition on Writer Identification Challenge 2: Arabic Scripts
=> ICFSIFT: Improving Collection-Specific CBIR with ICF-Based Local Features
=> ICI-Free Equalization in OFDM Systems with Blanking Preprocessing at the Receiver for Impulsive Noise Mitigation
27 for ICIAP
25 for ICIAR
=> ICICLE: Interpretable Class Incremental Continual Learning
=> Icing Detection over East Asia from Geostationary Satellite Data Using Machine Learning Approaches
=> ICIP 2016 competition on mobile ocular biometric recognition
=> ICIP 2022 Challenge on Parasitic Egg Detection and Classification in Microscopic Images: Dataset, Methods and Results
=> ICIP 2022 Challenge: PEDCMI, TOOD Enhanced by Slicing-Aided Fine-Tuning and Inference
31 for ICIP
=> ICL-D3IE: In-Context Learning with Diverse Demonstrations Updating for Document Information Extraction
=> ICL-D3IE: In-Context Learning with Diverse Demonstrations Updating for Document Information Extraction
=> iCLIP: Bridging Image Classification and Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training for Visual Recognition
=> iCloudAccess: Cost-Effective Streaming of Video Games From the Cloud With Low Latency
=> ICLR: Instance Credibility-Based Label Refinement for label noisy person re-identification
=> ICLR: Instance Credibility-Based Label Refinement for label noisy person re-identification
=> ICM method for multi-level thresholding using maximum entropy criterion
=> ICM: An efficient data association for SLAM in stochastic mapping
=> iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-Modal Subspace Clustering
=> ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Streaming in Resource Constrained Vehicular Environment
=> ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Networks
=> ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images
=> ICNet: Information Conversion Network for RGB-D Based Salient Object Detection
=> IcoCap: Improving Video Captioning by Compounding Images
=> iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hints to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer
=> Icon-Based Synoptic Visualization of Fully Polarimetric Radar Data, An
=> ICON based error concealment for JPEG and JPEG 2000 images
=> Icon Colorization Based On Triple Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Icon referenced panoramic image display
=> Icon scanning: Towards next generation QR codes
=> ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals
=> ICON: Learning Regular Maps Through Inverse Consistency
=> ICONDENSATION: Unifying Low-Level and High-Level Tracking in a Stochastic Framework
=> Iconic-based Retrieval of Grocery Images via Siamese Neural Network
=> Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition
=> Iconic Classification Scheme for Video-Based Traffic Sensor Tasks, An
=> Iconic feature based nonrigid registration: the PASHA algorithm
=> Iconic Gestures in Face-to-Face TV Interviews
=> Iconic Indexing Using Generalized Pattern Matching Techniques
=> Iconic Memory-Based Omnidirectional Route Panorama Navigation
=> Iconic Methods for Multimodal Face Recognition: A Comparative Study
=> Iconic Modelling for the Progressive Transmission of Neurological Images: Segmentation
=> Iconic Recognition with Affine-Invariant Spectral Signatures
=> Iconic registration based on the local dissimilarity card
=> Iconic Transform for Sketch Completion and Shape Abstraction, An
=> Iconographic Image Captioning for Artworks
=> iCOR Atmospheric Correction on Sentinel-3/OLCI over Land: Intercomparison with AERONET, RadCalNet, and SYN Level-2
=> ICORD: Intelligent Collection of Redundant Data: A Dynamic System for Crowdsourcing Cell Segmentations Accurately and Efficiently
=> iCoseg: Interactive co-segmentation with intelligent scribble guidance
=> ICP Fusion Techniques for 3D Face Recognition
=> ICP Registration Using Invariant Features
=> ICP registration using principal line and orientation features for palmprint alignment
=> ICP with Depth Compensation for Calibration of Multiple TOF Sensors
=> ICPIK: Inverse Kinematics based articulated-ICP
=> ICPR 2020 - Competition on Harvesting Raw Tables from Infographics
=> ICPR 2020 Competition on Text Block Segmentation on a Newseye Dataset
=> ICPR 2020 Competition on Text Block Segmentation on a NewsEye Dataset
=> ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
=> ICPR 2022: Challenge on Harvesting Raw Tables from Infographics (CHART-Infographics)
26 for ICPR
=> ICPR2016 contest on Arabic Text detection and Recognition in video frames - AcTiVComp
=> ICPR2018 Contest on Object Detection in Aerial Images (ODAI-18)
=> ICPR2018 Contest on Robust Reading for Multi-Type Web Images
=> ICPR2020 Competition on Text Detection and Recognition in Arabic News Video Frames
=> ICPR2020 Competition on Text Detection and Recognition in Arabic News Video Frames
=> ICRA: An Intelligent Clustering Routing Approach for UAV Ad Hoc Networks
=> ICSI RT07s Speaker Diarization System, The
=> ICT4Life open source libraries supporting multimodal analysis of different diseases
=> ICTH: Local-to-Global Spectral Reconstruction Network for Heterosource Hyperspectral Images
=> iCub World: Friendly Robots Help Building Good Vision Data-Sets
=> iCushion: A Pressure Map Algorithm for High Accuracy Human Identification
=> ICycleGAN: Single image dehazing based on iterative dehazing model and CycleGAN
=> Id-Free Person Similarity Learning
=> ID-Reveal: Identity-aware DeepFake Video Detection
=> ID-Unet: Iterative Soft and Hard Deformation for View Synthesis
=> ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driver's Fixation Region
=> ID documents matching and localization with multi-hypothesis constraints
=> IDA-3D: Instance-Depth-Aware 3D Object Detection From Stereo Vision for Autonomous Driving
=> IDa-Det: An Information Discrepancy-Aware Distillation for 1-Bit Detectors
=> IDA-GAN: A Novel Imbalanced Data Augmentation GAN
=> IDA: Improving distribution analysis for reducing data complexity and dimensionality in hyperspectral images
=> iDAG: Invariant DAG Searching for Domain Generalization
=> iDAG: Invariant DAG Searching for Domain Generalization
=> IDANet: An Information Distillation and Aggregation Network for Speech Enhancement
=> IDART: An Improved Discrete Tomography Algorithm for Reconstructing Images With Multiple Gray Levels
=> IDARTS: Interactive Differentiable Architecture Search
=> IDBNet: Improved differentiable binarisation network for natural scene text detection
=> IDBP: Image Dehazing Using Blended Priors Including Non-Local, Local, and Global Priors
=> IDC-Net: Breast cancer classification network based on BI-RADS 4
=> IDCT output range before clipping in MPEG video coding
=> IDD-3D: Indian Driving Dataset for 3D Unstructured Road Scenes
=> IDD-AW: A Benchmark for Safe and Robust Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather
=> IDD-AW: A Benchmark for Safe and Robust Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather
=> IDD: A Dataset for Exploring Problems of Autonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments
=> IDE: Image Dehazing and Exposure Using an Enhanced Atmospheric Scattering Model
=> IDEA-Net: Adaptive Dual Self-Attention Network for Single Image Denoising
=> IDEA-Net: Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Interpolation via Deep Embedding Alignment
=> idea of a clustering algorithm using support vector machines based on binary decision tree, An
=> Idea of Image and Music Matching Design Based on Mobile Application, The
=> IDEA: Intrinsic Dimension Estimation Algorithm
=> Ideal AFROC and FROC Observers
=> Ideal Angular Orientation of Selected 64-Channel Multi Beam Lidars for Mobile Mapping Systems
=> Ideal observer analysis for task normalization of pattern classifier performance applied to EEG and fMRI data
=> Ideal observer approximation using bayesian classification neural networks
=> Ideal Observer Computation by Use of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo With Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Ideal Observers and Optimal ROC Hypersurfaces in N-Class Classification
=> Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelets shrinkage
=> Ideals of the Multiview Variety
=> IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauthentication scheme for smartphones
=> IDECF: Improved Deep Embedding Clustering With Deep Fuzzy Supervision
=> iDeLog: Iterative Dual Spatial and Kinematic Extraction of Sigma-Lognormal Parameters
=> IDEM: Iris DEtection on Mobile Devices
=> IdeNet: Making Neural Network Identify Camouflaged Objects Like Creatures
=> IdeNet: Making Neural Network Identify Camouflaged Objects Like Creatures
=> Identical Projective Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Sphere Images with Applications to Calibration
=> Identifiability Analysis for Array Shape Self-Calibration Based on Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound
=> Identifiability Analysis for Configuration Calibration in Distributed Sensor Networks
=> Identifiability and Estimation of Probabilities from Multiple Databases with Incomplete Data and Sampling Selection
=> Identifiability Issues in Noisy ICA
=> Identifiability of the Simplex Volume Minimization Criterion for Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing: The No-Pure-Pixel Case
=> Identifiability, Separability, and Uniqueness of Linear ICA Models
=> Identifiable Face Privacy Protection via Virtual Identity Transformation
=> Identification-Based Closed-Loop NMES Limb Tracking With Amplitude-Modulated Control Input
=> Identification Algorithm of Forged Image Based on BP Neural Network, The
=> Identification and 3D Description of Shallow Environmental Structure in a Sequence of Images
=> Identification and Analysis of Ecological Corridors in the Central Urban Area of Xuchang Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data
=> Identification and Analysis of Gas-Related Volcanic Features within Chang'e-5 Landing Region, The
=> Identification and Analysis of Landslides in the Ahai Reservoir Area of the Jinsha River Basin Using a Combination of DS-InSAR, Optical Images, and Field Surveys
=> Identification and Analysis of Long-Range Aerosol Transport Pathways with Layered Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization Datasets from 2006 to 2016, The
=> Identification and Analysis of Long-Term Land Use and Planting Structure Dynamics in the Lower Yellow River Basin
=> Identification and Analysis of Microscale Hydrologic Flood Impacts Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
=> Identification and analysis of motives for eco-friendly driving within the eco-move project
=> Identification and Analysis of Queue Spillovers in City Street Networks
=> Identification and analysis of transcription factor family-specific features derived from DNA and protein information
=> Identification and Area Information Extraction of Oat Pasture Based on GEE: A Case Study in the Shandan Racecourse (China)
=> Identification and Characterization of Reclaimed and Underclaimed Mine Features Using Lidar and Temporal Remote Sensing Methods within the Coastal Plain Uranium Mining Region of Texas
=> Identification and Classification of Arid Zones through Multicriteria Evaluation and Geographic Information Systems: Case Study: Arid Regions of Northwest Mexico, The
=> Identification and classification of microaneurysms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy
=> Identification and Classification of Routine Locations Using Anonymized Mobile Communication Data
=> Identification and Correlation Analysis of Engineering Environmental Risk Factors along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor
=> Identification and Counting of European Souslik Burrows from UAV Images by Pixel-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest Classification: A Simple, Semi-Automated, yet Accurate Method for Estimating Population Size
=> Identification and Counting of Sugarcane Seedlings in the Field Using Improved Faster R-CNN
=> Identification and Deformation Characteristics of Active Landslides at Large Hydropower Stations at the Early Impoundment Stage: A Case Study of the Lianghekou Reservoir Area in Sichuan Province, Southwest China
=> Identification and Driving Factor Analysis of Ecological-Economic Spatial Conflict in Nanjing Metropolitan Area Based on Remote Sensing Data, The
=> Identification and evaluation of audience exposure to logos in a broadcast event
=> Identification and Evaluation of the Polycentric Urban Structure: An Empirical Analysis Based on Multi-Source Big Data Fusion
=> Identification and Evaluation of Urban Construction Waste with VHR Remote Sensing Using Multi-Feature Analysis and a Hierarchical Segmentation Method
=> Identification and extraction of brain tumor from MRI using local statistics of Zernike moments
=> Identification and Extraction of Geomorphological Features of Landslides Using Slope Units for Landslide Analysis
=> Identification and Geographic Distribution of Accommodation and Catering Centers
=> Identification and Mapping of High Nature Value Farmland in the Yellow River Delta Using Landsat-8 Multispectral Data
=> Identification and Mapping of Soil Erosion Processes Using the Visual Interpretation of LiDAR Imagery
=> Identification and Measurement of Convolutions in Cotton Fiber Using Image Analysis
=> Identification and Measurement of Individual Roots in Minirhizotron Images of Dense Root Systems
=> Identification and Measurement of Shrinking Cities Based on Integrated Time-Series Nighttime Light Data: An Example of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
=> Identification and Optimization of County-Level Ecological Spaces under the Dual-Carbon Target: A Case Study of Shaanxi Province, China
=> Identification and Portrait of Urban Functional Zones Based on Multisource Heterogeneous Data and Ensemble Learning
=> Identification and pose under severe occlusion in range images
=> Identification and prediction of transmission line tree obstacles based on multispectral and LiDAR data
=> Identification and Rating of Developmental Dysgraphia by Handwriting Analysis
=> Identification and Recognition Based on Point for Blood Vessel of Ocular Fundus, The
=> Identification and Recognition of Objects in Color Stereo Images Using a Hierachial SOM
=> Identification and restoration of spatially variant motion blurs in sequential images
=> Identification and segmentation of finely textured and solid regions of binary images
=> Identification and Separation of Turbulence Echo From the Multipeaked VHF Radar Spectra During Precipitation
=> Identification and Severity Monitoring of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Infection Based on Hyperspectral Measurements
=> Identification and sizing of the entirely visible rocks from a 3D surface data segmentation of laboratory rock piles
=> Identification and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bikesharing-Metro Integration Cycling
=> Identification and Suppression of Nonmeteorological Echoes Using Spectral Polarimetric Processing
=> Identification apparatus
=> identification based indirect iterative learning control via data-driven approach, An
=> Identification before-after Forest Fire and Prediction of Mangrove Forest Based on Markov-Cellular Automata in Part of Sembilang National Park, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia
=> Identification card verification system
=> Identification Method for Spring Dust Intensity Levels Based on Multiple Remote Sensing Parameters
=> Identification Method for Spring Maize in Northeast China Based on Spectral and Phenological Features, An
=> Identification Method of Corner Reflector Array Based on Mismatched Filter through Changing the Frequency Modulation Slope, An
=> identification method using thermo-image, An
=> Identification of 3D Objects from Multiple Silhouettes Using Quadtrees/Octrees
=> Identification of a Discrete Planar Symmetric Shape From a Single Noisy View
=> Identification Of A Robust Lichen Index For The Deconvolution Of Lichen And Rock Mixtures Using Pattern Search Algorithm (case Study: Greenland)
=> Identification of a Threshold Minimum Area for Reflectance Retrieval from Thermokarst Lakes and Ponds Using Full-Pixel Data from Sentinel-2
=> Identification of Abandoned Jujube Fields Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Imagery and Machine Learning
=> Identification of Abandoned Logging Roads in Point Reyes National Seashore
=> Identification of Abnormal Cortical 3-hinge Folding Patterns on Autism Spectral Brains
=> Identification of Active Areas of Earthquake by Thermal Remote Sensing
=> Identification of Active Gully Erosion Sites in the Loess Plateau of China Using MF-DFA
=> Identification of Active Sources in Single-Channel Convolutive Mixtures Using Known Source Models
=> Identification of actors drawn in Ukiyoe pictures
=> Identification of Aerosol Pollution Hotspots in Jiangsu Province of China
=> Identification of Aging Faces Using A-Stack Classification Model
=> Identification of Agricultural and Land Cover Database Changes Using Object-oriented Classification Techniques
=> Identification of Agricultural Crop Types in Northern Israel using Multitemporal RapidEye Data
=> Identification of Airfield Runways in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
=> Identification of aliasing-based patterns in re-captured LCD screens
=> Identification of Alpine Glaciers in the Central Himalayas Using Fully Polarimetric L-Band SAR Data
=> Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
=> Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking
=> Identification of ancient coins based on fusion of shape and local features
=> Identification of AR parameters at a very low SNR using estimated spectral distribution in DCT domain
=> Identification of ASD Children based on Video Data
=> Identification of atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease based on SVM feature selection and anatomical parcellation
=> Identification of Autocorrelation Model of Discrete Random Images, The
=> Identification of Ballast Fouling Status and Mechanized Cleaning Efficiency Using FDTD Method
=> Identification of Basic Behavioral Activities by Heterogeneous Sensors of In-Home Monitoring System
=> Identification of Bitmap Compression History: JPEG Detection and Quantizer Estimation
=> Identification of Black Reef Shipwreck Sites Using AI and Satellite Multispectral Imagery
=> Identification of Brain Image Biomarkers by Optimized Selection of Multimodal Independent Components
=> Identification of Brush Species and Herbicide Effect Assessment in Southern Texas Using an Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS)
=> Identification Of Buildings In Street Images Using Map Information
=> Identification of Business Forms Using Relationships Between Adjacent Frames
=> Identification of C-Band Radio Frequency Interferences from Sentinel-1 Data
=> Identification of C. elegans Strains Using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network on Behavioural Dynamics
=> Identification of Causal Non-minimum Phase Blurs Using Output Cumulants
=> Identification of Cell Nucleus Using a Mumford-Shah Ellipse Detector
=> Identification of Choroidal Neovascularisation on Fluorescein Angiograms Using Gradient Vector Flow Active Contours
=> Identification of Class a Noise Parameters via Least Square Gradient Method
=> Identification of Co-Clusters with Coherent Trends in Geo-Referenced Time Series
=> Identification of Coherent Structures in Three-dimensional Simulations of a Fluid-Mix Problem
=> Identification of Complex Slope Subsurface Strata Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
=> Identification of Construction Areas from VHR-Satellite Images for Macroeconomic Forecasts
=> Identification of contributing factors on travel mode choice among different resident types with bike-sharing as an alternative
=> Identification of copy-paste regions in digital image
=> Identification of Corner Points of Two-Dimensional Images Using a Line Search Method
=> Identification of coronary arteries in CT images by Bayesian analysis of geometric relations among anatomical landmarks
=> Identification of Cotton Root Rot by Multifeature Selection from Sentinel-2 Images Using Random Forest
=> Identification of Coupling Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Urbanization for Supporting Ecological Management: A Case Study on Areas along the Yellow River of Henan Province
=> Identification of crop diseases using improved convolutional neural networks
=> Identification of Crop Type Based on C-AENN Using Time Series Sentinel-1A SAR Data
=> Identification of cubically nonlinear systems excited by bandpass inputs
=> Identification of Cultivated Land Quality Grade Using Fused Multi-Source Data and Multi-Temporal Crop Remote Sensing Information
=> Identification of damage in buildings based on gaps in 3D point clouds from very high resolution oblique airborne images
=> Identification of Defensins Employing Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Random Forest Classifiers
=> Identification of degraded traffic sign symbols by a generative learning method
=> Identification of different script lines from multi-script documents
=> Identification of different script lines from multi-script documents
=> Identification of digital radiography image source based on digital radiography pattern noise recognition
=> Identification of Distinct Blood Vessels in Retinal Fundus Images
=> Identification of document structure and table of content in magazine archives
=> Identification of dominant coefficients in DCT image coders using weighted vector quantization
=> Identification of Dominant Factors Affecting Soil Erosion and Water Yield within Ecological Red Line Areas
=> Identification of Dominant Species and Their Distributions on an Uninhabited Island Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Machine Learning Models
=> Identification of drawing tools by classification of textural and boundary features of strokes
=> Identification of Driver State for Lane-Keeping Tasks
=> Identification of Dust Sources in a Saharan Dust Hot-Spot and Their Implementation in a Dust-Emission Model
=> Identification of Ecological Restoration Approaches and Effects Based on the OO-CCDC Algorithm in an Ecologically Fragile Region
=> Identification of Ecological Sources Using Ecosystem Service Value and Vegetation Productivity Indicators: A Case Study of the Three-River Headwaters Region, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
=> Identification of Ecosystem Functional Types from Coarse Resolution Imagery Using a Self-Organizing Map Approach: A Case Study for Spain
=> Identification of Electromagnetic Pre-Earthquake Perturbations from the DEMETER Data by Machine Learning
=> Identification of Electronic Disguised Voices in the Noisy Environment
=> Identification of embedded mathematical expressions in scanned documents
=> Identification of environmental anomaly hot spots in West Africa from time series of NDVI and rainfall
=> Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
=> Identification of Erythrocyte Types in Greyscale MGG Images for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis
=> Identification of events from 3D volumes of seismic data
=> Identification of Experimental and Control Areas for CCTV Effectiveness Assessment: The Issue of Spatially Aggregated Data
=> Identification of Expert Tower Controller Visual Scanning Patterns in Support of the Development of Automated Training Tools
=> Identification of External Defects on Fruits Using Deep Learning
=> Identification of Faces in a 2D Line Drawing Projection of a Wireframe Object
=> Identification of faces in line drawings by edge decomposition
=> Identification of facial image with high accuracy
=> Identification of facial image with high accuracy
=> Identification of Factors Influencing Locations of Tree Cover Loss and Gain and Their Spatio-Temporally-Variant Importance in the Li River Basin, China
=> Identification of Fishing Vessel Types and Analysis of Seasonal Activities in the Northern South China Sea Based on AIS Data: A Case Study of 2018
=> Identification of Forest Fire Based on Digital Image Processing, The
=> Identification of Forested Landslides Using LiDar Data, Object-based Image Analysis, and Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Identification of Gene Regulatory Pathways: A Regularization Method
=> Identification of Genetic Risk Factors Based on Disease Progression Derived From Longitudinal Brain Imaging Phenotypes
=> Identification of Geometrical Shapes in Paintings and its Application to Demonstrate the Foundations of Geometry in 1650 B.C.
=> Identification Of Geomorphic Signatures Of Neotectonic Activity Using Dem In The Precambrian Terrain Of Western Ghats, India
=> Identification of Grain Boundary Contours at Atomic Scale
=> Identification of grazed and mown grasslands using a time series of high-spatial-resolution remote sensing images
=> Identification of Ground Fissure Development in a Semi-Desert Aeolian Sand Area Induced from Coal Mining: Utilizing UAV Images and Deep Learning Techniques
=> Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques: A Case Study Upper Coruh River Basin (NE Turkey)
=> Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of the Shatt Al-Arab Basin
=> Identification of Hazard and Risk for Glacial Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya Using Satellite Imagery from 2000-2015
=> Identification of hazelnut fields using spectral and Gabor textural features
=> Identification of High Potential Bays for HABs Occurrence in Peninsular Malysia Using Palsar Remote Sensing Data
=> Identification of Highly Similar 3D Objects Using Model Saliency
=> Identification of Human Face Profiles by Computer
=> Identification of Human Faces Based on Isodensity Maps
=> Identification of Humans Using Gait
=> Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong
=> Identification of Hypertension by Mining Class Association Rules from Multi-dimensional Features
=> Identification of Ice Floes and Calculation of Sea Ice Concentration Based on a Deep Learning Method, The
=> Identification of Illustrators
=> Identification of image and blur parameters in frequency domain using the EM algorithm
=> Identification of Impact Craters from GRAIL-Acquired Gravity Data by U-Net Architecture, The
=> Identification of In-Field Sensor Defects In the Context of Image Age Approximation
=> Identification of Indic Scripts on Torn-Documents
=> Identification of individuals through the morphological processing of the iris
=> Identification of Infants at Risk for Autism Using Multi-parameter Hierarchical White Matter Connectomes
=> Identification of Infiltration Features and Hydraulic Properties of Soils Based on Crop Water Stress Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
=> Identification of insect damaged wheat kernels using transmittance images
=> Identification of Internal Tides in ECCO Estimates of Sea Surface Salinity in the Andaman Sea
=> Identification of Interreflection in Color Images Using a Physics-Based Reflection Model
=> Identification of Investigator Name Zones Using SVM Classifiers and Heuristic Rules
=> Identification of JPEG 2000 images in encrypted domain for digital cinema
=> Identification of Key Nodes in Microblog Networks
=> Identification Of Land Cover In The Past Using Infrared Images At Present
=> Identification of Landslide Precursors for Early Warning of Hazards with Remote Sensing
=> Identification of Latin-Based Languages through Character Stroke Categorization
=> Identification of Layover and Shadow Regions in InSAR Image
=> Identification of Leveled Archeological Mounds (Höyük) in the Alluvial Plain of the Ceyhan River (Southern Turkey) by Satellite Remote-Sensing Analyses
=> Identification of Linear Vegetation Elements in a Rural Landscape Using LiDAR Point Clouds
=> Identification of Low Impedance Points Along Railway Tracks From a Railroad Inspection Vehicle
=> Identification of Lunar Craters in the Chang'e-5 Landing Region Based on Kaguya TC Morning Map
=> Identification of Machine-Printed and Handwritten Words in Arabic and Latin Scripts
=> Identification of Malignant Breast Tumors Based on Acoustic Attenuation Mapping of Conventional Ultrasound Images
=> Identification of malnutrition and prediction of BMI from facial images using real-time image processing and machine learning
=> Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Videos
=> Identification of Mangrove Areas by Remote Sensing: The ROC Curve Technique Applied to the Northwestern Mexico Coastal Zone Using Landsat Imagery
=> Identification of Martian Polygonal Patterns Using the Dynamics of Watershed Contours
=> Identification of Mathematical Expressions in Document Images
=> Identification of Melanoma From Hyperspectral Pathology Image Using 3D Convolutional Networks
=> Identification of metallic mine-like objects using low frequency magnetic fields
=> Identification of Metropolitan Area Boundaries Based on Comprehensive Spatial Linkages of Cities: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
=> Identification of Mine-Shaped Objects Based on an Efficient Phase Stepped-Frequency Radar Approach
=> Identification of mining induced ground fissures using UAV and infrared thermal imager: Temperature variation and fissure evolution
=> Identification of Misclassified Pixels in Semantic Segmentation With Uncertainty Evaluation
=> Identification of More Characteristic Dynamic Patterns in a WWTP by CIBRxE
=> Identification of Morphologically Similar Seeds Using Multi-kernel Learning
=> Identification of Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Based on Residual Signals
=> Identification of multi-scale corresponding object-set pairs between two polygon datasets with hierarchical co-clustering
=> Identification of Multiple Image Steganographic Methods Using Hierarchical ResNets
=> Identification of Mung Bean in a Smallholder Farming Setting of Coastal South Asia Using Manned Aircraft Photography and Sentinel-2 Images
=> Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites with Sequence and Structural Features Employing Random Forests
=> Identification of Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Vegetation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megacity Region
=> Identification of New Commercials Using Repeated Video Sequence Detection
=> Identification of NO2 and SO2 Pollution Hotspots and Sources in Jiangsu Province of China
=> Identification of Non-Black Inks Using HSV Colour Space
=> Identification of non linear system modeled in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space using a new criterion
=> Identification of non linear system modeled in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space using a new criterion
=> Identification of Novel Classes for Improving Few-Shot Object Detection
=> Identification of Novel Classes for Improving Few-Shot Object Detection
=> Identification of O3 Sensitivity to Secondary HCHO and NO2 Measured by MAX-DOAS in Four Cities in China
=> Identification of Objects-of-Interest in X-Ray Images
=> Identification of Oceanic Eddies in Satellite Images
=> Identification of Old-Growth Mediterranean Forests Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Geostatistical Analysis
=> Identification of Paddy Varieties from Landsat 8 Satellite Image Data Using Spectral Unmixing Method in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia
=> Identification of Painted Rock-Shelter Sites Using GIS Integrated with a Decision Support System and Fuzzy Logic
=> Identification of Papilionidae Species in Yunnan Province Based on Deep Learning
=> Identification of Patterns over Regional Scales Using Self-Organising Maps on Images from Marine Modelling Outputs
=> Identification of Pedestrian and Bicyclist through Range Micro Doppler Signatures
=> Identification of people walking along curved trajectories
=> Identification of personality traits from handwritten text documents using multi-label classification models
=> Identification of phosphorylation sites using a hybrid classifier ensemble approach
=> Identification of Phyllosilicates in the Antarctic Environment Using ASTER Satellite Data: Case Study from the Mesa Range, Campbell and Priestley Glaciers, Northern Victoria Land
=> Identification of plant disease images via a squeeze-and-excitation MobileNet model and twice transfer learning
=> Identification of Polycentric Cities in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data
=> Identification of Potential Natural Aquifer Recharge Sites in Islamabad, Pakistan, by Integrating GIS and RS Techniques
=> Identification of Poverty Areas by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Case Study in Guizhou, Southwest China
=> Identification of precancerous lesions by multispectral gastroendoscopy
=> Identification of Precursors in InSAR Time Series Using Functional Data Analysis Post-Processing: Demonstration on Mud Volcano Eruptions
=> Identification of Printing Process Using HSV Colour Space
=> Identification of Products on Shop-Racks by Morphological Preprocessing and Feature-Based Detection
=> Identification of Protein Interaction Partners from Shape Complementarity Molecular Cross-Docking
=> Identification of Rain and Low-Backscatter Regions in X-Band Marine Radar Images: An Unsupervised Approach
=> Identification of random fields of points
=> Identification of Rare Wildlife in the Field Environment Based on the Improved YOLOv5 Model
=> Identification of Reduced-Order Thermal Therapy Models Using Thermal MR Images: Theory and Validation
=> Identification of Reflected, Scaled, Translated, and Rotated Objects From Their Radon Projections
=> Identification of Risk Areas of Dengue Transmission in Culiacan, Mexico
=> Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Vehicle Telemetry Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network
=> Identification of Saimaa Ringed Seal Individuals Using Transfer Learning
=> Identification of Salient Contours in Cluttered Images
=> Identification of Salt Deposits on Seismic Images Using Deep Learning Method for Semantic Segmentation
=> Identification of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity Fronts along the California Coast: Application Using Saildrone and Satellite Derived Products
=> Identification of Seed Maize Fields With High Spatial Resolution and Multiple Spectral Remote Sensing Using Random Forest Classifier
=> Identification of seismic stratigraphic traps using statistical pattern recognition
=> Identification of Shapes Using A Nonlinear Dynamic System
=> Identification of Short-Rotation Eucalyptus Plantation at Large Scale Using Multi-Satellite Imageries and Cloud Computing Platform
=> Identification of Shrinking Cities on the Main Island of Taiwan Based on Census Data and Population Registers: A Spatial Analysis
=> Identification of Significative LiDAR Metrics and Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Estimating Stand and Diversity Variables in Heterogeneous Brazilian Atlantic Forest
=> Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranean Forests Integrating Landsat Time Series and a Single Coverage of ALS Data
=> Identification of Similar Shape Contours Based on the Curvature Extremes Description
=> Identification of Soil Freezing and Thawing States Using SAR Polarimetry at C-Band
=> Identification of source social network of digital images using deep neural network
=> Identification of Sparse Audio Tampering Using Distributed Source Coding and Compressive Sensing Techniques
=> Identification of Sparsely Representable Diffusion Parameters in Elliptic Problems
=> Identification of Spatial Distribution of Afforestation, Reforestation, and Deforestation and Their Impacts on Local Land Surface Temperature in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomerations of China
=> Identification of Stable Backscattering Features, Suitable for Maintaining Absolute Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Radiometric Calibration of Sentinel-1
=> Identification of Statistically Homogeneous Pixels Based on One-Sample Test
=> Identification of stochastic textures with multiresolution features and self-organizing maps
=> Identification of story units in audio-visual sequences by joint audio and video processing
=> Identification of Streamside Landslides with the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Greece, Romania, and Turkey
=> Identification of Structurally Damaged Areas in Airborne Oblique Images Using a Visual-Bag-of-Words Approach
=> Identification of Successive Correlated Camera Shots Using Audio and Video Information
=> Identification of Sun Glint Contamination in GMI Measurements Over the Global Ocean
=> Identification of Supercooled Cloud Water by FY-4A Satellite and Validation by CALIPSO and Airborne Detection
=> Identification of systematic bias in the cross-platform (SMMR and SSM/I) EASE-Grid brightness temperature time series
=> Identification of Systematic Errors of Image Classifiers on Rare Subgroups
=> Identification of Temporary Surface Water Using Sentinel-1 Sar Data, Case Study: Sentani Flash Flooding, Indonesia
=> Identification of Textured Region Boundaries, The
=> Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estimating Plant Species Richness in Sandy Grasslands
=> Identification of the Characteristic Scale of Fine Ground Objects: A Case Study of the Core Observation Area in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin
=> Identification of the defective transmission devices using the wavelet transform
=> Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties Based on UAV Multispectral Time-Series Images
=> Identification of the motion estimation strategy using eigenalgorithms
=> Identification of the Noise Model in the Time Series of GNSS Stations Coordinates Using Wavelet Analysis
=> Identification of the Original Images
=> Identification of the Potential Critical Slip Surface for Fractured Rock Slope Using the Floyd Algorithm
=> Identification of the Roles of Climate Factors, Engineering Construction, and Agricultural Practices in Vegetation Dynamics in the Lhasa River Basin, Tibetan Plateau
=> Identification of the Root Canal from Dental Micro-CT Records
=> Identification of the Spring Green-Up Date Derived from Satellite-Based Vegetation Index over a Heterogeneous Ecoregion
=> Identification of the Urban Dry Islands Effect in Beijing: Evidence from Satellite and Ground Observations
=> Identification of the Yield of Camellia oleifera Based on Color Space by the Optimized Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Identification of Three-Dimensional Objects Using Range Information
=> Identification of Transform Coding Chains
=> Identification of Translational Displacements Between N-Dimensional Data Sets Using the High-Order SVD and Phase Correlation
=> Identification of Transversely Isotropic Properties from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using the Optimised Virtual Fields Method
=> Identification of Tropical Cyclone Centers in SAR Imagery Based on Template Matching and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms
=> Identification of tuberculosis bacteria based on shape and color
=> Identification of Typhoon-Vulnerable Areas and Countermeasures in High-Density Coastal Cities: The Case of Macau
=> Identification of Typical Solid Hazardous Chemicals Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
=> Identification of Tyre and Plastic Waste from Combined Copernicus Sentinel-1 and -2 Data
=> Identification of Urban Agglomeration Spatial Range Based on Social and Remote-Sensing Data: For Evaluating Development Level of Urban Agglomeration
=> Identification of Urban Features Using Object-Oriented Image Analysis
=> Identification of Urban Functional Areas by Coupling Satellite Images and Taxi GPS Trajectories
=> Identification of Urban Functional Regions in Chengdu Based on Taxi Trajectory Time Series Data
=> Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on POI Density and Marginalized Graph Autoencoder
=> Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on the Spatial Specificity of Online Car-Hailing Traffic Cycle
=> Identification of Various Image Operations Using Residual-Based Features
=> Identification of Very Similar Filled-in Forms with a Reject Option
=> Identification of Village Building via Google Earth Images and Supervised Machine Learning Methods
=> Identification of Wheat Yellow Rust Using Spectral and Texture Features of Hyperspectral Images
=> Identification of white blood cells for the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia
=> Identification of Widely Linear Systems Using Data-Dependent Superimposed Training
=> Identification of Woodland Vernal Pools with Seasonal Change PALSAR Data for Habitat Conservation
=> Identification of wool and mohair fibres with texture feature extraction and deep learning
=> Identification system
=> Identification Using Encrypted Biometrics
=> Identification, Characterization, and Prediction of Traffic Flow Patterns in Multi-Airport Systems
=> Identification, characterization, and segmentation of Halftone or stippled regions of binary images by growing a seed to a clipping mask
=> Identify and Delimitate Urban Hotspot Areas Using a Network-Based Spatiotemporal Field Clustering Method
=> Identify and Monitor Growth Faulting Using InSAR over Northern Greater Houston, Texas, USA
=> Identify autism spectrum disorder via dynamic filter and deep spatiotemporal feature extraction
=> Identify Complex Imaging Genetic Patterns via Fusion Self-Expressive Network Analysis
=> Identify Important Cities in the Belt and Road Comprehensive Traffic Network
=> Identify Informative Bands for Hyperspectral Target Detection Using the Third-Order Statistic
=> Identify Representative Samples by Conditional Random Field of Cancer Histology Images
=> Identify the Benefits of the Different Steps in an i-Vector Based Speaker Verification System
=> Identify, Estimate and Bound the Uncertainty of Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
=> Identifying 2010 Xynthia Storm Signature in GNSS-R-Based Tide Records
=> Identifying a Joint in Medical Ultrasound Images Using Trained Classifiers
=> Identifying a Leading Predictor of Arctic Stratospheric Ozone for April Precipitation in Eastern North America
=> Identifying a Slums' Degree of Deprivation from VHR Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Identifying Abnormal Network Alterations Common to Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer's Disease Patients Using Functional Connectome Data
=> Identifying Abnormal Riding Behavior in Urban Rail Transit: A Survey on In-Out in the Same Subway Station
=> Identifying Absorbing Aerosols Above Clouds From the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager Coupled With NASA A-Train Multiple Sensors
=> Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM
=> Identifying activities and trips with GPS data
=> Identifying Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes by Sensors and One-Class Classifiers
=> Identifying Algal Bloom Hotspots in Marginal Productive Seas: A Review and Geospatial Analysis
=> Identifying Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) Adoption in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta: A Change Detection Approach
=> Identifying Ambiguous Similarity Conditions via Semantic Matching
=> Identifying an autoregressive process disturbed by a moving-average noise using inner-outer factorization
=> Identifying Anatomical Shape Difference by Regularized Discriminative Direction
=> Identifying and Analyzing the Prevalent Regions of a Co-Location Pattern Using Polygons Clustering Approach
=> Identifying and classifying image transforms
=> Identifying and Classifying Shrinking Cities Using Long-Term Continuous Night-Time Light Time Series
=> Identifying and Correcting Signal Shift in DMSP-OLS Data
=> Identifying and correcting the errors of vehicle trajectories from roadside millimetre-wave radars
=> Identifying and evaluating community structure in complex networks
=> Identifying and learning visual attributes for object recognition
=> Identifying and Location Surface Defects in Wood: Part of an Automated Lumber Processing System
=> Identifying and mapping individual plants in a highly diverse high-elevation ecosystem using UAV imagery and deep learning
=> Identifying and Mapping the Responses of Ecosystem Services to Land Use Change in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions: A Case Study in Foshan City, China
=> Identifying and matching 12-level multistained glomeruli via deep learning for diagnosis of glomerular diseases
=> Identifying and Monitoring Gardens in Urban Areas Using Aerial and Satellite Imagery
=> Identifying and Quantifying the Abundance of Economically Important Palms in Tropical Moist Forest Using UAV Imagery
=> Identifying and tracking ellipses: a technique based on elliptical deformable templates
=> Identifying and understanding tabular material in compound documents
=> Identifying Architectural Style in 3D City Models with Support Vector Machines
=> Identifying Athletics Tracks using Keypoint Detection
=> Identifying Atypical Travel Patterns for Improved Medium-Term Mobility Prediction
=> Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder With Multi-Site fMRI via Low-Rank Domain Adaptation
=> Identifying Auxiliary or Adversarial Tasks Using Necessary Condition Analysis for Adversarial Multi-task Video Understanding
=> Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for Dynamical Systems
=> Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for Dynamical Systems
=> Identifying Behaviors in Crowd Scenes Using Stability Analysis for Dynamical Systems
=> Identifying Bikers Without Helmets Using Deep Learning Models
=> Identifying biometrics in the wild: A time, erosion and neural inspired framework for gait identification
=> Identifying brain regions contributing to Alzheimer's disease using self regulating particle swarm optimization
=> Identifying Building Change Using High Resolution Point Clouds: An Object-based Approach
=> Identifying Building Functions from the Spatiotemporal Population Density and the Interactions of People among Buildings
=> Identifying cancer regions in vital-stained magnification endoscopy images using adapted color histograms
=> Identifying Categorical Land Use Transition and Land Degradation in Northwestern Drylands of Ethiopia
=> Identifying Causes of Urban Differential Subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta by Combining InSAR and Field Observations
=> Identifying Cells in Histopathological Images
=> Identifying centers of circulating and spiraling flow patterns
=> Identifying centers of circulating and spiraling vector field patterns and its applications
=> Identifying Centres of Interest in Paintings Using Alignment and Edge Detection
=> Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data
=> Identifying Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Gaze-Following
=> Identifying Coffee Agroforestry System Types Using Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Data and Auxiliary Information
=> Identifying Coherent Subgraphs In Dynamic Brain Networks
=> Identifying Collapsed Buildings Using Post-Earthquake Satellite Imagery and Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
=> Identifying Colombian Bird Species from Audio Recordings
=> Identifying color image origin using curvelet transform
=> Identifying Color in Motion in Video Sensors
=> Identifying Common Source Digital Camera from Image Pairs
=> Identifying commuters based on random forest of smartcard data
=> Identifying Complex Junctions in a Road Network
=> Identifying computer generated graphics via histogram features
=> Identifying Computer Generated Images Based on Quaternion Central Moments in Color Quaternion Wavelet Domain
=> Identifying Conditioning Factors and Predictors of Conflict Likelihood for Machine Learning Models: A Literature Review
=> Identifying Conservation Introduction Sites for Endangered Birds through the Integration of Lidar-Based Habitat Suitability Models and Population Viability Analyses
=> Identifying Conservation Priority Areas of Hydrological Ecosystem Service Using Hot and Cold Spot Analysis at Watershed Scale
=> Identifying contents page of documents
=> Identifying Core Wavelengths of Oil Tree's Hyperspectral Data by Taylor Expansion
=> Identifying Corn Lodging in the Mature Period Using Chinese GF-1 PMS Images
=> Identifying Correspondences in Sparse and Varying 3D Point Clouds using Distinctive Features
=> Identifying Corresponding Segments From Repeated Scan Data
=> Identifying Cortical Brain Directed Connectivity Networks From High-Density EEG for Emotion Recognition
=> Identifying critical incidents in naturalistic driving data: experiences from a promoting real life observation for gaining understanding of road user behaviour in europe small-scale field trial
=> Identifying Critical Infrastructure in Imagery Data Using Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Identifying Critical Links in Urban Transportation Networks Based on Spatio-Temporal Dependency Learning
=> Identifying critical variables of principal components for unsupervised feature selection
=> Identifying Crop Growth Stages from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data in Maize and Winter Wheat from Ground and Satellite Measurements
=> Identifying Cropland Non-Agriculturalization with High Representational Consistency from Bi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: From Benchmark Datasets to Real-World Application
=> Identifying Cropland Non-Agriculturalization with High Representational Consistency from Bi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: From Benchmark Datasets to Real-World Application
=> Identifying crops in smallholder farms using time series of WorldView-2 images
=> Identifying Damaged Buildings in Aerial Images Using the Object Detection Method
=> Identifying deficits of visual security metrics for images
=> Identifying degrees of freedom in pushbroom bundle adjustment
=> Identifying determinants of spatio-temporal disparities in soil moisture of the Northern Hemisphere using a geographically optimal zones-based heterogeneity model
=> Identifying Determinants of Spatiotemporal Disparities in Ecological Quality of Mongolian Plateau
=> Identifying Developmental Dysgraphia Characteristics Utilizing Handwriting Classification Methods
=> Identifying Diagnostically Complex Cases Through Ensemble Learning
=> Identifying Different Transportation Modes from Trajectory Data Using Tree-Based Ensemble Classifiers
=> Identifying Dike-Pond System Using an Improved Cascade R-CNN Model and High-Resolution Satellite Images
=> Identifying Diverse Set of Images in Flickr
=> Identifying Document Images with Glare Using Global and Localized Feature Fusion
=> Identifying dominant people in meetings from audio-visual sensors
=> Identifying Droughts Affecting Agriculture in Africa Based on Remote Sensing Time Series between 2000-2016: Rainfall Anomalies and Vegetation Condition in the Context of ENSO
=> Identifying Dry-Season Rice-Planting Patterns in Bangladesh Using the Landsat Archive
=> Identifying Dynamic Changes in Water Surface Using Sentinel-1 Data Based on Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques
=> Identifying Ecological Security Patterns Meeting Future Urban Expansion in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration, China
=> Identifying Ecosystem Function Shifts in Africa Using Breakpoint Analysis of Long-Term NDVI and RUE Data
=> Identifying Editions of the Ptolemy of Rome Maps (1478/90-1507/08) by Copper Plates Changes
=> Identifying effective trajectory predictions under the guidance of trajectory anomaly detection model
=> Identifying elephant photos by multi-curve matching
=> Identifying Emerging Reservoirs along Regulated Rivers Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Observations
=> Identifying Emotion through Implicit and Explicit Measures: Cultural Differences, Cognitive Load, and Immersion
=> Identifying Emotions Aroused from Paintings
=> Identifying Emotions from Non-Contact Gaits Information Based on Microsoft Kinects
=> Identifying endangered species from footprints
=> Identifying epileptic seizures based on a template-based eyeball detection technique
=> Identifying Establishment Year and Pre-Conversion Land Cover of Rubber Plantations on Hainan Island, China Using Landsat Data during 1987-2015
=> Identifying explosives at a distance
=> Identifying Faces in a 2D Line Drawing Representing a Manifold Object
=> Identifying facial expression using adaptive sub-layer compensation based feature extraction
=> Identifying facsimile duplicates using radial pixel densities
=> Identifying factors affecting drivers selection of unconventional outside left-turn lanes at signallised intersections
=> Identifying Factors Influencing Surface Deformations from Underground Mining Using SAR Data, Machine Learning, and the SHAP Method
=> Identifying Factors That Influence Accuracy of Riparian Vegetation Classification and River Channel Delineation Mapped Using 1 m Data
=> Identifying film frames in a video sequence
=> Identifying First-Person Camera Wearers in Third-Person Videos
=> Identifying Flood Events over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations, Hydrological Models and In Situ Data
=> Identifying floods and flood-affected paddy rice fields in Bangladesh based on Sentinel-1 imagery and Google Earth Engine
=> Identifying fMRI Model Violations With Lagrange Multiplier Tests
=> Identifying Foreground from Multiple Images
=> Identifying Forest Impacted by Development in the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Use of Landsat and Known Change Indicators
=> Identifying Forest Structural Types along an Aridity Gradient in Peninsular Spain: Integrating Low-Density LiDAR, Forest Inventory, and Aridity Index
=> Identifying forest thinning using anomalous change detection on synthetic aperture radar data
=> Identifying Gender from Unaligned Facial Images by Set Classification
=> Identifying Generalizable Image Segmentation Parameters for Urban Land Cover Mapping through Meta-Analysis and Regression Tree Modeling
=> Identifying Genes with The Concept of Customization
=> Identifying Geomorphological Changes of Coastal Cliffs through Point Cloud Registration from UAV Images
=> Identifying Good Training Data for Self-Supervised Free Space Estimation
=> Identifying Grassland Distribution in a Mountainous Region in Southwest China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
=> Identifying Habitat Productivity Thresholds to Assess the Effects of Drought on a Specialist Folivore
=> Identifying Handwritten Text in Mixed Documents
=> Identifying Hard Noise in Long-Tailed Sample Distribution
=> Identifying Hazardous Crash Locations Using Empirical Bayes and Spatial Autocorrelation
=> Identifying Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Styles in the United Kingdom
=> Identifying Heterogeneity in SAR Data with New Test Statistics
=> Identifying High-Risk Populations of Tuberculosis Using Environmental Factors and GIS Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method
=> Identifying High Order Brain Connectome Biomarkers via Learning on Hypergraph
=> Identifying High Stranding Risk Areas of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise via Remote Sensing and Hydrodynamic Modeling
=> Identifying Human Behaviors Using Synchronized Audio-Visual Cues
=> Identifying human face profiles with semi-local integral invariants
=> Identifying Hydro-Geomorphological Conditions for State Shifts from Bare Tidal Flats to Vegetated Tidal Marshes
=> Identifying Individual Facial Expressions by Deconstructing a Neural Network
=> Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging
=> Identifying Individuals in Video by Combining Generative and Discriminative Head Models
=> Identifying intervals for hierarchical clustering using the Gershgorin circle theorem
=> Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors
=> Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors
=> Identifying Join Candidates in the Cairo Genizah
=> Identifying Label Errors in Object Detection Datasets by Loss Inspection
=> Identifying Land-Use Related Potential Disaster Risk Drivers in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar) during the Last 50 Years (1974-2021) Using a Hybrid Ensemble Learning Model
=> Identifying Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change From 2000 to 2025 Driven By Tourism Growth: A Study Case In Bali
=> Identifying Land Use/Cover Dynamics in the Koga Catchment, Ethiopia, from Multi-Scale Data, and Implications for Environmental Change
=> Identifying Leaf Phenology of Deciduous Broadleaf Forests from PhenoCam Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network Regression Method
=> Identifying leaf traits that signal stress in TIR spectra
=> Identifying Lens Distortions in Image Registration by Learning from Examples
=> Identifying Light Interference in Event-Based Vision
=> Identifying Light Interference in Event-Based Vision
=> Identifying Linear Traces of the Han Dynasty Great Wall in Dunhuang Using Gaofen-1 Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and the Hough Transform
=> Identifying Loitering Behavior with Trajectory Analysis
=> Identifying Loitering Behavior with Trajectory Analysis
=> Identifying Loose Connective and Muscle Tissues on Histology Images
=> Identifying Major Diurnal Patterns and Drivers of Surface Urban Heat Island Intensities across Local Climate Zones
=> Identifying Mangrove Deforestation Hotspots in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific
=> Identifying Mangrove Species Using Field Close-Range Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine-Learning Techniques
=> Identifying mangroves through knowledge extracted from trained random forest models: An interpretable mangrove mapping approach (IMMA)
=> Identifying Metocean Drivers of Turbidity Using 18 Years of MODIS Satellite Data: Implications for Marine Ecosystems under Climate Change
=> Identifying Missing Children: Face Age-Progression via Deep Feature Aging
=> Identifying Model Inaccuracies and Solution Uncertainties in Noninvasive Activation-Based Imaging of Cardiac Excitation Using Convex Relaxation
=> Identifying Modes of Driving Railway Trains from GPS Trajectory Data: An Ensemble Classifier-Based Approach
=> Identifying Morphological Indicators of Aging With Neural Networks on Large-Scale Whole-Body MRI
=> Identifying motion pathways in highly crowded scenes: A non-parametric tracklet clustering approach
=> Identifying Multiple Motions from Optical Flow
=> Identifying multiple objects from their appearance in inaccurate detections
=> Identifying Multiple Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity in Housing Prices Based on Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Approaches
=> Identifying multiple spatiotemporal patterns: A refined view on terrestrial photosynthetic activity
=> Identifying noisy labels with a transductive semi-supervised leave-one-out filter
=> Identifying Noncooperative Subjects at a Distance Using Face Images and Inferred Three-Dimensional Face Models
=> Identifying Nude Pictures
=> Identifying Nude Pictures
=> Identifying Objects in Images from Analyzing the Users' Gaze Movements for Provided Tags
=> Identifying Occurrences of Abnormal and Drunk Driving Using Smartphones
=> Identifying Oceanic Responses with Validated Satellite Observations after the Passage of Typhoons in the Northern South China Sea
=> Identifying Old-Growth Forests in Complex Landscapes: A New LiDAR-Based Estimation Framework and Conservation Implications
=> Identifying Optimal Gaussian Filter for Gaussian Noise Removal
=> Identifying Optimal Wavelengths as Disease Signatures Using Hyperspectral Sensor and Machine Learning
=> Identifying optimised speaker identification model using hybrid GRU-CNN feature extraction technique
=> Identifying Out-of-Domain Objects with Dirichlet Deep Neural Networks
=> Identifying Outliers of the MODIS Leaf Area Index Data by Including Temporal Patterns in Post-Processing
=> Identifying painters from color profiles of skin patches in painting images
=> Identifying photorealistic computer graphics using convolutional neural networks
=> Identifying Physically Realizable Triggers for Backdoored Face Recognition Networks
=> Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms
=> Identifying Plausible Labels from Noisy Training Data for a Land Use and Land Cover Classification Application in Amazônia Legal
=> Identifying players in broadcast sports videos using conditional random fields
=> Identifying players in broadcast videos using graph convolutional network
=> Identifying PM2.5-Related Health Burden in the Context of the Integrated Development of Urban Agglomeration Using Remote Sensing and GEMM Model
=> Identifying Port Calls of Ships by Uncertain Reasoning with Trajectory Data
=> Identifying Post-Fire Recovery Trajectories and Driving Factors Using Landsat Time Series in Fire-Prone Mediterranean Pine Forests
=> Identifying Potential Landslides by Stacking-InSAR in Southwestern China and Its Performance Comparison with SBAS-InSAR
=> Identifying Potential Landslides in Steep Mountainous Areas Based on Improved Seasonal Interferometry Stacking-InSAR
=> Identifying Potential Landslides on Giant Niexia Slope (China) Based on Integrated Multi-Remote Sensing Technologies
=> Identifying Potential Sites for Rainwater Harvesting Structures in Ghazi Tehsil, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Using Geospatial Approach
=> Identifying Potentially Cancerous Tissues in Chromoendoscopy Images
=> Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities
=> Identifying Precipitation and Reference Evapotranspiration Trends in West Africa to Support Drought Insurance
=> Identifying Precursory Cancer Lesions Using Temporal Texture Analysis
=> Identifying Priority Areas for Vegetation Management in the Context of Energy Distribution Networks Using PlanetScope Images
=> Identifying Quadruped Gait in Wildlife Video
=> Identifying Ragas in Indian Music
=> Identifying Rare and Subtle Behaviors: A Weakly Supervised Joint Topic Model
=> Identifying Rare Earth Elements Using a Tripod and Drone-Mounted Hyperspectral Camera: A Case Study of the Mountain Pass Birthday Stock and Sulphide Queen Mine Pit, California
=> Identifying Recurring Patterns with Deep Neural Networks for Natural Image Denoising
=> Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities From Myocardial Strains Using Nontracking-Based Strain Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis
=> Identifying regions of interest for discriminating Alzheimer's disease from mild cognitive impairment
=> Identifying Relationship between Regional Centrality and POI Facilities: A Case Study of Seoul Metropolitan Area
=> Identifying Reservoirs and Estimating Evaporation Losses in a Large Arid Inland Basin in Northwestern China
=> Identifying Resonant Poles by Visual Inspection of Pole-Zero Plots
=> Identifying Salient Circular Arcs on Curves
=> Identifying salient poses in lecture videos
=> Identifying Salt Marsh Shorelines from Remotely Sensed Elevation Data and Imagery
=> Identifying Same Persons from Temporally Synchronized Videos Taken by Multiple Wearable Cameras
=> Identifying SCADA Systems and Their Vulnerabilities on the Internet of Things: A Text-Mining Approach
=> Identifying script on word-level with informational confidence
=> Identifying Seasonal Groundwater-Irrigated Cropland Using Multi-Source NDVI Time-Series Images
=> Identifying Seismic Anomalies via Wavelet Maxima Analysis of Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature Observations
=> Identifying Semantically Equivalent Object Fragments
=> Identifying semi-Invariant Features on Mouse Contours
=> Identifying sensors from fingerprint images
=> Identifying Sheep Activity from Tri-Axial Acceleration Signals Using a Moving Window Classification Model
=> Identifying Ships From Radar Blips Like Humans Using a Customized Neural Network
=> Identifying Simple Shapes to Classify the Big Picture
=> Identifying Single Good Clusters in Data Sets
=> Identifying social groups in pedestrian crowd videos
=> Identifying Soil Erosion Processes in Alpine Grasslands on Aerial Imagery with a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
=> Identifying source camera using guided image estimation and block weighted average
=> Identifying Sources of Error in Underwater Photogrammetry via Sensitivity Analysis
=> Identifying Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Land Surface Albedo Using GF-1 WFV Data
=> Identifying Spatial Determinants of Rice Yields in Main Producing Areas of China Using Geospatial Machine Learning
=> Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Landsat and CBERS Multi-Resolution Imagery
=> Identifying Spatial Variation of Carbon Stock in a Warm Temperate Forest in Central Japan Using Sentinel-2 and Digital Elevation Model Data
=> Identifying Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of PM2.5 Concentrations and the Key Influencing Factors in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
=> Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns in Land Use and Cover Samples from Satellite Image Time Series
=> Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Multiscale Connectivity in the Flow Space of Urban Agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin
=> Identifying splice-junction sequences by hierarchical multiclassifier
=> Identifying Stable Patterns over Time for Emotion Recognition from EEG
=> Identifying Standing Dead Trees In Forest Areas Based On 3d Single Tree Detection From Full Waveform Lidar Data
=> Identifying story and preview images in news web pages
=> Identifying Streetscape Features Using VHR Imagery and Deep Learning Applications
=> Identifying Successful Motor Task Completion via Motion-Based Performance Metrics
=> Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri-Planning
=> Identifying Surface Changes on HRSC Images of the Mars South Polar Residual Cap (SPRC)
=> Identifying Surface Urban Heat Island Drivers and Their Spatial Heterogeneity in China's 281 Cities: An Empirical Study Based on Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
=> Identifying Surprising Events in Videos Using Bayesian Topic Models
=> Identifying Systematic Errors in Object Detectors with the SCROD Pipeline
=> Identifying tampering operations in image operator chains based on decision fusion
=> Identifying Temporal Change in Urban Water Bodies Using OpenStreetMap and Landsat Imagery: A Study of Hangzhou City
=> Identifying Terrorism-Related Key Actors in Multidimensional Social Networks
=> Identifying the best data-driven feature selection method for boosting reproducibility in classification tasks
=> Identifying the Characteristics and Implications of Post-Earthquake Debris Flow Events Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
=> Identifying the Contributions of Multi-Source Data for Winter Wheat Yield Prediction in China
=> Identifying the Coupling Coordination Relationship between Urbanization and Ecosystem Services Supply-Demand and Its Driving Forces: Case Study in Shaanxi Province, China
=> Identifying the Drivers of Caribbean Severe Weather Impacts
=> Identifying the Driving Impact Factors on Water Yield Service in Mountainous Areas of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China
=> Identifying the Factors behind Climate Diversification and Refugial Capacity in Mountain Landscapes: The Key Role of Forests
=> Identifying the Hierarchical Structure of Nighttime Economic Agglomerations Based on the Fusion of Multisource Data
=> Identifying the Impact of Regional Meteorological Parameters on US Crop Yield at Various Spatial Scales Using Remote Sensing Data
=> Identifying the Importance of Web Objects: A Study of ASEAN Perspectives
=> Identifying the Influencing Factors of Cooling Effect of Urban Blue Infrastructure Using the Geodetector Model
=> Identifying the interface between two sand materials
=> Identifying the key frames: An attention-aware sampling method for action recognition
=> Identifying the Lambertian Property of Ground Surfaces in the Thermal Infrared Region via Field Experiments
=> Identifying the Neuroanatomical Basis of Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease by Correlation- and Nonlinearity-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
=> Identifying the neuroretinal rim boundary using dynamic contours
=> Identifying the Nonlinear Impacts of Road Network Topology and Built Environment on the Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction of Dockless Bike-Sharing Trips: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
=> Identifying the Optimal Radiometric Calibration Method for UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging
=> Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Catastrophic Floods in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir, NW Himalaya, India
=> Identifying the Production-Living-Ecological Functional Structure of Haikou City by Integrating Empirical Knowledge with Multi-Source Data
=> Identifying the Qur'anic Segment from Video Recording
=> Identifying the Relatedness between Tourism Attractions from Online Reviews with Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
=> Identifying the Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing to Both Direction and Magnitude of Alpine Grassland Productivity Dynamics from 1993 to 2011 on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
=> Identifying the Responses of Vegetation Gross Primary Productivity and Water Use Efficiency to Climate Change under Different Aridity Gradients across China
=> Identifying the Role of National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) In Malaysia And for Land-based Analysis
=> Identifying the Socio-Spatial Logics of Foreclosed Housing Accumulated by Large Private Landlords in Post-Crisis Catalan Cities
=> Identifying the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of Satellite-Based and Hydrologically Modeled Profile Soil Moisture
=> Identifying the Spatial Range of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration by Fusing Nighttime Light Data with Weibo Sign-In Data
=> Identifying the Spectral Signatures of Invasive and Native Plant Species in Two Protected Areas of Pakistan through Field Spectroscopy
=> Identifying the Structure of Cities by Clustering Using a New Similarity Measure Based on Smart Card Data
=> Identifying the writer of ancient inscriptions and Byzantine codices. A novel approach
=> Identifying Thermokarst Lakes Using Discrete Wavelet Transform-based Deep Learning Framework
=> Identifying touching and overlapping chromosomes using the watershed transform and gradient paths
=> Identifying Tree-Related Microhabitats in TLS Point Clouds Using Machine Learning
=> Identifying tree crown delineation shapes and need for remediation on high resolution imagery using an evidence based approach
=> Identifying Urban and Socio-Environmental Patterns of Brazilian Amazonian Cities by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
=> Identifying Urban Functional Areas in China's Changchun City from Sentinel-2 Images and Social Sensing Data
=> Identifying Urban Functional Regions from High-Resolution Satellite Images Using a Context-Aware Segmentation Network
=> Identifying Urban Functional Zones Using Public Bicycle Rental Records and Point-of-Interest Data
=> Identifying Urban Neighborhood Names through User-Contributed Online Property Listings
=> Identifying Urban Park Events through Computer Vision-Assisted Categorization of Publicly-Available Imagery
=> Identifying Urban Residents' Activity Space at Multiple Geographic Scales Using Mobile Phone Data
=> Identifying Urban Wetlands through Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Deep Learning: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
=> Identifying User-Specific Facial Affects from Spontaneous Expressions with Minimal Annotation
=> Identifying Users' Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in the Dominican Republic
=> Identifying Vandalized Regions in Facial Images of Statues for Inpainting
=> Identifying Vegetation in Arid Regions Using Object-Based Image Analysis with RGB-Only Aerial Imagery
=> Identifying vehicles using vibrometry signatures
=> Identifying Video Forgery Process Using Optical Flow
=> Identifying Virus-Cell Fusion in Two-Channel Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences Based on a Layered Probabilistic Approach
=> Identifying visual attributes for object recognition from text and taxonomy
=> Identifying Weather Systems from Numerical Weather Prediction Data
=> Identifying well-oriented diffraction patterns in XFEL datasets
=> Identifying Winter Wheat Using Landsat Data Based on Deep Learning Algorithms in the North China Plain
=> Identifying Witness Accounts from Social Media Using Imagery
=> Identifying Women With Mammographically-Occult Breast Cancer Leveraging GAN-Simulated Mammograms
=> Identifying woody vegetation on coal surface mines using phenological indicators with multitemporal Landsat imagery
=> Identifying Wrongly Predicted Samples: A Method for Active Learning
=> Identifying, visualizing, and comparing regions in irregularly spaced 3D surface data
=> Identigram/watermark removal using cross-channel correlation
=> Identity-Adaptive Facial Expression Recognition through Expression Regeneration Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Identity-Aware Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Facial Attribute Recognition
=> Identity-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition
=> Identity-aware CycleGAN for face photo-sketch synthesis and recognition
=> Identity-Aware Face Super-Resolution for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
=> Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition in Compressed Video
=> Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Via Deep Metric Learning Based on Synthesized Images
=> Identity-Aware Hand Mesh Estimation and Personalization from RGB Images
=> Identity-Aware Multi-Sentence Video Description
=> Identity-Aware Textual-Visual Matching with Latent Co-attention
=> Identity-Aware Variational Autoencoder for Face Swapping
=> Identity-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure Information Sharing in the Maritime Transport System
=> Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing Scheme for Cloud-Based Maritime Transportation Systems, An
=> Identity-Consistent Aggregation for Video Object Detection
=> Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition
=> Identity-Enhanced Network for Facial Expression Recognition
=> Identity-Expression Ambiguity in 3D Morphable Face Models
=> Identity-Free Facial Expression Recognition Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
=> Identity-Guided Collaborative Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Reidentification
=> Identity-Guided Face Generation with Multi-Modal Contour Conditions
=> Identity-guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
=> Identity-Invariant Facial Landmark Frontalization For Facial Expression Analysis
=> Identity-Preserved Face Beauty Transformation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Identity-Preserved Model for Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis, An
=> Identity-preserving editing of multiple facial attributes by learning global edit directions and local adjustments
=> Identity-Preserving Face Aging With Multi-Attribution Fusion and Multi-Scale Attention
=> Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Identity-Preserving Face Recovery from Portraits
=> Identity-Preserving Face Recovery from Stylized Portraits
=> Identity-Preserving Talking Face Generation with Landmark and Appearance Priors
=> Identity-Quantity Harmonic Multi-Object Tracking
=> Identity-Seeking Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Generalizable Person Re-identification
=> Identity-Seeking Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Generalizable Person Re-identification
=> Identity-Sensitive Knowledge Propagation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
=> Identity-Unrelated Information Decoupling Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
=> Identity and Attribute Preserving Thumbnail Upscaling
=> Identity and expression recognition on low dimensional manifolds
=> Identity and Variation Spaces: Revisiting the Fisher Linear Discriminant
=> Identity Authentication Based on Dynamic Touch Behavior on Smartphone
=> Identity authentication based on keystroke dynamics for mobile device users
=> Identity Authentication Scheme for the Distributed Centers System
=> Identity authentication using improved online signature verification method
=> Identity Aware Synthesis for Cross Resolution Face Recognition
=> Identity Consistency Multi-Viewpoint Generative Aggregation for Person Re-Identification
=> Identity Determination with Offline Handwritten Input Using Multi Kernel Feature Combination
=> Identity Documents Classification as an Image Classification Problem
=> Identity dominance: Using fingerprints to link an individual to a larger social structure
=> Identity Enhanced Residual Image Denoising
=> Identity From Here, Pose From There: Self-Supervised Disentanglement and Generation of Objects Using Unlabeled Videos
=> Identity Inference: Generalizing Person Re-identification Scenarios
=> Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks
=> Identity Preserve Transform: Understand What Activity Classification Models Have Learnt
=> Identity Preserving Loss for Learned Image Compression
=> Identity Recognition-Based Correction Mechanism for Face Tracking
=> Identity Recognition Based on Bioacoustics of Human Body
=> Identity recognition based on generalised linear regression classification for multi-component images
=> Identity Unbiased Deception Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction
=> Identity verification based on vessel matching from fundus images
=> Identity verification by relative 3-D structure using multiple facial images
=> Identity Verification by Using Handprint
=> Identity verification through finger matching: A comparison of Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Basis Functions classifiers
=> Identity Verification Through Palm Vein and Crease Texture
=> Identity Verification Utilizing Finger Surface Features
=> Identity Verification Via the 3Bid Face Alignment System
=> IdentityMask: Deep Motion Flow Guided Reversible Face Video De-Identification
=> Identix
=> IDGCP: Image Dehazing Based on Gamma Correction Prior
=> IDGI: A Framework to Eliminate Explanation Noise from Integrated Gradients
=> IDH-Based Radiogenomic Characterization of Glioma Using Local Ternary Pattern Descriptor Integrated with Radiographic Features and Random Forest Classifier
=> IDHashGAN: Deep Hashing With Generative Adversarial Nets for Incomplete Data Retrieval
=> IDiff-Face: Synthetic-based Face Recognition through Fizzy Identity-Conditioned Diffusion Models
=> Idiom-Based Features in Sentiment Analysis: Cutting the Gordian Knot
=> iDisc: Internal Discretization for Monocular Depth Estimation
=> IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID
=> IDNet: Information Decomposition Network for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
=> IDNet: Information Decomposition Network for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
=> IDNet: Smartphone-based gait recognition with convolutional neural networks
=> IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Refinement
=> IDRLP: Image Dehazing Using Region Line Prior
=> IdroGEO: A Collaborative Web Mapping Application Based on REST API Services and Open Data on Landslides and Floods in Italy
=> IDS: The intent driven selection method for natural user interfaces
=> IDTransformer: Transformer for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
=> IDTransformer: Transformer for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
=> iDUDE Framework for Grayscale Image Denoising, The
=> IEA Wind Task 32: Wind Lidar Identifying and Mitigating Barriers to the Adoption of Wind Lidar
=> IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing
=> IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing
=> IEEE 1394 (firewire) based embedded video system for surveillance applications, An
=> IEEE 1857 Standard: Empowering Smart Video Surveillance Systems, The
=> IEEE 1857: Boosting Video Applications in CPSS
=> IEEE 802.11p-Based Multichannel MAC Scheme With Channel Coordination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
=> IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
=> IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
=> IEEE Computer Society, TC PAMI
=> IEEE Computer Society: TC PAMI
=> IEEE Computer
=> IEEE Computer
=> IEEE Computing Edge
=> IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering
=> IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
=> IEEE Conference on Sensors
=> IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
=> IEEE Expert: Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
=> IEEE Expert: Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
=> IEEE Intelligent Systems
=> IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
=> IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
=> IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
=> IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition
=> IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (ARRAY),
=> IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People
=> IEEE Internet Computing Magazine
=> IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
=> IEEE Journals
=> IEEE Journals
=> IEEE MultiMedia Magazine
=> IEEE MultiMedia Magazine
=> IEEE Pervasive Computing
=> IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
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=> IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerging Applications
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=> IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
=> IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
=> IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
=> IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation
=> IEEE Trans. Signal Processing
=> IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: System and Humans
=> IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics
=> IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews
=> IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems
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=> IEEE Virutal Reality
=> IEEE Virutal Reality
=> IEEE Workshop on Learning in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
=> IEEE Workshop on Learning in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
=> IEEE Workshop on Real-Time 3D Sensors and Their Use
=> IEEE/ISPRS Workshop on Computer Vision for Remote Sensing of the Environment
=> IEGAN: Multi-Purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Network
=> IENet: Internal and External Patch Matching ConvNet for Web Image Guided Denoising
=> IESK-ArDB: a database for handwritten Arabic and an optimized topological segmentation approach
=> IESRGAN: Enhanced U-Net Structured Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction
=> IET-BMT special issue on the 'Integration of Biometrics and Forensics'
=> IET Biometrics
=> IET Biometrics
=> IET Biometrics
=> IET Computer Vision Journal
=> IET Computer Vision Journal
=> IET Computer Vision Journal
=> IET Image Processing
=> IET Image Processing
=> IET Image Processing
=> IET Intelligent Transport Systems
=> IET Intelligent Transport Systems
=> IET Intelligent Transport Systems
=> IF-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network for Identity Preserving Facial Image Inpainting and Frontalization
=> IF-MCA: Importance Factor-Based Multiple Correspondence Analysis for Multimedia Data Analytics
=> If dropout limits trainable depth, does critical initialisation still matter? A large-scale statistical analysis on ReLU networks
=> If It's Not Enough, Make It So: Reducing Authentic Data Demand in Face Recognition through Synthetic Faces
=> IF Receiver of LFMCW Radar Based on Time Delayer, The
=> If Some Critical Regions Achieve Carbon Neutrality, How Will the Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Change?
=> If We Did Not Have ImageNet: Comparison of Fisher Encodings and Convolutional Neural Networks on Limited Training Data
=> iFAS: Image Fidelity Assessment
=> IFC-CityGML Data Integration for 3D Property Valuation
=> IFC Schemas in ISO/TC 211 Compliant UML for Improved Interoperability between BIM and GIS
=> IFCInfra4OM: An Ontology to Integrate Operation and Maintenance Information in Highway Information Modelling
=> IfCMD: A Novel Method for Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Backgrounds
=> Ifepe: On the Impact of Facial Expression in Head Pose Estimation
=> IFF: A Superresolution Algorithm for Multiple Measurements
=> IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising
=> iFlowGAN: An Invertible Flow-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
=> IFLT Based Real-Time Framework for Image Matching
=> IFOR: Iterative Flow Minimization for Robotic Object Rearrangement
=> IFOR: Iterative Flow Minimization for Robotic Object Rearrangement
=> IFOSART: a noise resistant neural network capable of incremental learning
=> IFPNet: Integrated Feature Pyramid Network with Fusion Factor for Lane Detection
=> IFQ-Net: Integrated Fixed-Point Quantization Networks for Embedded Vision
=> IFQA: Interpretable Face Quality Assessment
=> IFRAD: A Fast Feature Descriptor for Remote Sensing Images
=> IFRNet: Intermediate Feature Refine Network for Efficient Frame Interpolation
=> IFS-CoCo in the Landscape Contest: Description and Results
=> IFS-CoCo: Instance and feature selection based on cooperative coevolution with nearest neighbor rule
=> iFS-RCNN: An Incremental Few-shot Instance Segmenter
=> IFS Based Approach for Face Recognition, An
=> IFS Coding of Non-Homogeneous Fractal Images Using Grobner Bases
=> IFS: Image File System
=> IFSeg: Image-free Semantic Segmentation via Vision-Language Model
=> IFSepR: A General Framework for Image Fusion Based on Separate Representation Learning
=> IFSM: An Iterative Feature Selection Mechanism for Few-Shot Image Classification
=> IFSS-Net: Interactive Few-Shot Siamese Network for Faster Muscle Segmentation and Propagation in Volumetric Ultrasound
=> IFTrace: Video segmentation of deformable objects using the Image Foresting Transform
=> IG-Net: An Interaction Graph Network Model for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting
=> IG-RL: Inductive Graph Reinforcement Learning for Massive-Scale Traffic Signal Control
=> IGE-Net: Inverse Graphics Energy Networks for Human Pose Estimation and Single-View Reconstruction
=> iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework
=> IGFormer: Interaction Graph Transformer for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition
=> IGGtrop_SH and IGGtrop_rH: Two Improved Empirical Tropospheric Delay Models Based on Vertical Reduction Functions
=> IGIE-net: Cross-modality person re-identification via intermediate modality image generation and discriminative information enhancement
=> IGIS for Managing Cities Smartly - Urban Geoinformatics
=> iGLANCE: Transmission to medical high definition autostereoscopic displays
=> IGM-based perceptual multimodal medical image fusion using free energy motivated adaptive PCNN
=> Ignorant Led by the Blind: A Hybrid Human-Machine Vision System for Fine-Grained Categorization, The
=> IGReg: Image-Geometry-Assisted Point Cloud Registration via Selective Correlation Fusion
=> iGroup: Weakly supervised image and video grouping
=> IGS-CMAES: A Two-Stage Optimization for Ground Deformation and DEM Error Estimation in Time Series InSAR Data
=> IGSSTRCF: Importance Guided Sparse Spatio-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters For Tracking
=> IGSTK: an open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery
=> IHEM Loss: Intra-Class Hard Example Mining Loss for Robust Face Recognition
=> IHNet: Iterative Hierarchical Network Guided by High-Resolution Estimated Information for Scene Flow Estimation
=> IHNet: Iterative Hierarchical Network Guided by High-Resolution Estimated Information for Scene Flow Estimation
=> iHPPPVis: Interactive Visual Analytics Approach for Production Performance Monitoring of Heavy-Plate Production Process
=> IHS-Based Fusion for Color Distortion Reduction and Vegetation Enhancement in IKONOS Imagery, An
=> IHS-GTF: A Fusion Method for Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
=> IHS Fusion Method Integrated by the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform to Fuse the Airborne X-Band InSAR and P-Band Full PolSAR Images, An
=> IHT Algorithm for Sparse Recovery From Subexponential Measurements, An
=> II-LK: A Real-Time Implementation for Sparse Optical Flow
=> II: Integration of Remote Sensing Medium and Low Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
=> IIANet: Information Interactivity Attention Network with adversarial learning for infrared small object detection
=> IICNet: A Generic Framework for Reversible Image Conversion
=> IICNet: A Generic Framework for Reversible Image Conversion
=> IID-Net: Image Inpainting Detection Network via Neural Architecture Search and Attention
=> IID-NORD: A Comprehensive Intrinsic Image Decomposition Dataset
=> IIDS: Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Sustainable Development in Autonomous Vehicles
=> IIEU: Rethinking Neural Feature Activation from Decision-Making
=> IIIT-CFW: A Benchmark Database of Cartoon Faces in the Wild
=> IIMT-net: Poly-1 weights balanced multi-task network for semantic segmentation and depth estimation using interactive information
=> IIOF: Intra- and Inter-feature orthogonal fusion of local and global features for music emotion recognition
=> IIOF: Intra- and Inter-feature orthogonal fusion of local and global features for music emotion recognition
=> IIR filtering of surface meshes for the regularization of deformable models
=> IIRC: Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification
=> IIRNet: A lightweight deep neural network using intensely inverted residuals for image recognition
=> iJADE surveillant: An intelligent multi-resolution composite neuro-oscillatory agent-based surveillance system
=> IJCV Special Issue on 3D Object Retrieval: Foreword by the Guest Editors
=> IKD+: Reliable Low Complexity Deep Models for Retinopathy Classification
=> IKEA ASM Dataset: Understanding People Assembling Furniture through Actions, Objects and Pose, The
=> IKEA ASM Dataset: Understanding People Assembling Furniture through Actions, Objects and Pose, The
=> IKEA Ego 3D Dataset: Understanding furniture assembly actions from ego-view 3D Point Clouds
=> IKOMED Technologies, Inc.
=> IKONOS geometric characterization
=> IKONOS Image-Based Extraction of the Distribution Area of Stellera chamaejasme L. in Qilian County of Qinghai Province, China
=> IKONOS satellite, imagery, and products
=> IKONOS spatial resolution and image interpretability characterization
=> IL-GAN: Illumination-invariant representation learning for single sample face recognition
=> IL2M: Class Incremental Learning With Dual Memory
=> iLab-20M: A Large-Scale Controlled Object Dataset to Investigate Deep Learning
=> Ilac-Project: Supporting Ancient Coin Classification by Means of Image Analysis, The
=> ILBPSDNet: Based on improved local binary pattern shallow deep convolutional neural network for character recognition
=> ILC-Unet++ for Covid-19 Infection Segmentation
=> ILCOC: An Incremental Learning Framework based on Contrastive One-class Classifiers
=> iLeg: A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot: A Proof of Concept
=> ILFO: Adversarial Attack on Adaptive Neural Networks
=> ILGDB database of realistic pen-based gestural commands, The
=> ILGNet: inception modules with connected local and global features for efficient image aesthetic quality classification using domain adaptation
=> ill-posed operator for secure image authentication, An
=> Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization Analysis in Early Vision
=> Ill-Posed Problems in Early Vision
=> Ill-Posed Problems in Surface and Surface Shape Recovery
=> Illegally Parked Vehicles Detection Based on Omnidirectional Computer Vision
=> Illegible Text to Readable Text: An Image-to-Image Transformation using Conditional Sliced Wasserstein Adversarial Networks
=> Illinois-Type Methods for Noisy Euclidean Distance Realization
=> Illuminance-Reflectance Model for Nonlinear Enhancement of Color Images, An
=> illuminance-reflectance nonlinear video enhancement model for homeland security applications, An
=> Illuminance Compensation and Texture Enhancement via the Hodge Decomposition
=> Illuminance critical points on generic smooth surfaces
=> Illuminance Flow Estimation by Regression
=> Illuminance flow over anisotropic surfaces with arbitrary viewpoint
=> Illuminance Flow
=> Illuminant-Camera Communication to Observe Moving Objects under Strong External Light by Spread Spectrum Modulation
=> Illuminant-Dependence of Von Kries Type Quotients
=> Illuminant-invariant stereo matching using cost volume and confidence-based disparity refinement
=> Illuminant Adaptive Color Reproduction Based on Lightness Adaptation and Flare for Mobile Phone
=> Illuminant and device invariant colour using histogram equalisation
=> Illuminant and gamma comprehensive normalisation in logRGB space
=> Illuminant Change Estimation via Minimization of Color Histogram Divergence
=> Illuminant Chromaticity from Image Sequences
=> Illuminant classification based on random forest
=> Illuminant color estimation for real-world mixed-illuminant scenes
=> Illuminant Color Estimation Method Based on Pseudo-Detection of Specular Reflection
=> Illuminant dependence of PCA, NMF and NTF in spectral color imaging
=> Illuminant Direction Determination for Multiple Light Sources
=> Illuminant estimation for color constancy: Why spatial-domain methods work and the role of the color distribution
=> Illuminant Estimation from Projections on the Planckian Locus
=> Illuminant estimation in multispectral imaging
=> Illuminant Invariant Descriptors for Color Texture Classification
=> Illuminant segmentation for multi-illuminant scenes using latent illumination encoding
=> Illuminant segmentation in non-uniformly lit scenes
=> Illuminant Spectra-Based Source Separation Using Flash Photography
=> Illuminant spectrum estimation at a pixel
=> Illuminate Low-Light Image via Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Level Network
=> Illuminated face normalization technique by using wavelet fusion and local binary patterns
=> Illuminating Light Field: Image-Based Face Recognition Across Illuminations and Poses
=> Illuminating Pedestrians via Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
=> Illuminating the Capabilities of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band
=> Illuminating the Face
=> Illuminating the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the 2008-2009 Qaidam Earthquake Sequence with the Joint Use of Insar Time Series and Teleseismic Data
=> Illuminating Vehicles With Motion Priors For Surveillance Vehicle Detection
=> Illumination-Adaptive Person Re-Identification
=> Illumination-Adaptive Unpaired Low-Light Enhancement
=> Illumination-Aware Age Progression
=> Illumination-aware faster R-CNN for robust multispectral pedestrian detection
=> Illumination-Aware Hallucination-Based Domain Adaptation for Thermal Pedestrian Detection
=> Illumination-Aware Large Displacement Optical Flow
=> Illumination-Aware Style Transfer for Image Harmonization
=> Illumination-aware window transformer for RGBT modality fusion
=> Illumination-based adaptive saliency detection network through fusion of multi-source features
=> Illumination-Based Image Synthesis: Creating Novel Images of Human Faces Under Differing Pose and Lighting
=> Illumination-based texture descriptor and fruitfly support vector neural network for image forgery detection in face images
=> Illumination-based Transformations Improve Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopic Images
=> Illumination-free gaze estimation method for first-person vision wearable device
=> Illumination-free photometric metric for range image registration
=> Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consistency Optimization
=> illumination-independent edge detection and fuzzy enhancement algorithm based on wavelet transform for non-uniform weak illumination images, An
=> Illumination-Insensitive Face Recognition using Symmetric Shape-from-Shading
=> Illumination-insensitive features for face recognition
=> Illumination-insensitive image representation via synergistic weighted center-surround receptive field model and Weber law
=> Illumination-Invariance Optical Flow Estimation Using Weighted Regularization Transform
=> Illumination-Invariant Change Detection Method Based on Disparity Saliency Map for Multitemporal Optical Remotely Sensed Images, An
=> Illumination-Invariant Color Image Correction
=> Illumination-Invariant Color Object Recognition via Compressed Chromaticity Histograms of Color-Channel-Normalized Images
=> Illumination-Invariant Color Object Recognition via Compressed Chromaticity Histograms of Normalized Images
=> Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition With Deep Relit Face Images
=> Illumination-Invariant Face Representation via Normalized Structural Information
=> Illumination-Invariant Flotation Froth Color Measuring via Wasserstein Distance-Based CycleGAN With Structure-Preserving Constraint
=> Illumination-invariant image matching for autonomous UAV localisation based on optical sensing
=> Illumination-invariant image retrieval and video segmentation
=> Illumination-Invariant Matching of Deterministic Local Structure in Color Images, The
=> Illumination-Invariant Motion Detection Using Colour Mixture Models
=> Illumination-invariant non-local means based video denoising
=> Illumination-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects Using Local Color Invariants, The
=> Illumination-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects Using Local Color Invariants, The
=> Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Images
=> Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Images
=> Illumination-invariant representation for natural color images and its application
=> Illumination-invariant road detection and tracking using LWIR polarization characteristics
=> Illumination-Invariant Robust Multiview 3D Human Motion Capture
=> Illumination-Invariant Shadow-Based Scene Matching Navigation Approach in Low-Altitude Flight, An
=> Illumination-invariant Statistical Shape Recovery with Contiguous Occlusion
=> Illumination-Invariant Tracking via Graph Cuts
=> Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive Optimization
=> Illumination-Preserving Embroidery Simulation for Non-photorealistic Rendering
=> Illumination-Recovered Pose Normalization for Unconstrained Face Recognition
=> Illumination-Resilient Lane Detection by Threshold Self-Adjustment Using Newton-Based Extremum Seeking
=> Illumination-Robust Dense Optical Flow Using Census Signatures
=> Illumination-Robust Face Recognition from a Single Image per Person Using Matrix Polar Decomposition
=> Illumination-Robust Face Recognition Using an Efficient Mirror Technique
=> Illumination-robust face recognition using retina modeling
=> Illumination-robust face recognition using ridge regressive bilinear models
=> Illumination-robust face recognition using tensor-based active appearance model
=> Illumination-robust face recognition via sparse representation
=> Illumination-Robust Foreground Detection in a Video Surveillance System
=> Illumination-robust multispectral demosaicing
=> Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Using a Local Directional Pattern
=> Illumination-Robust remote sensing image matching based on oriented self-similarity
=> Illumination-Robust Subpixel Fourier-Based Image Correlation Methods Based on Phase Congruency
=> Illumination-robust variational optical flow using cross-correlation
=> Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow with Photometric Invariants
=> Illumination Adaptive Person REID Based on Teacher-Student Model and Adversarial Training
=> Illumination alignment using lighting ratio: Application to 3D-2D face recognition
=> Illumination and Affine-Invariant Point Matching using an Ordinal Approach
=> Illumination and camera invariant stereo matching
=> Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images
=> Illumination and device invariant image stitching
=> Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition with One Sample Image
=> Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition: Toward Sample Quality-based Adaptive Fusion
=> Illumination and Expression Invariant Recognition Using SSIM Based Sparse Representation
=> Illumination and Geometry Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Images
=> Illumination and motion-based video enhancement for night surveillance
=> Illumination and Person-Insensitive Head Pose Estimation Using Distance Metric Learning
=> Illumination and pose variable face recognition via adaptively weighted ULBP_MHOG and WSRC
=> Illumination and reflectance spectra separation of a hyperspectral image meets low-rank matrix factorization
=> Illumination and spatially varying specular reflectance from a single view
=> Illumination artifacts in hyper-NA vector imaging
=> Illumination Assessment for Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring
=> Illumination Aware MCMC Particle Filter for Long-term Outdoor Multi-object Simultaneous Tracking and Classification
=> Illumination Aware MCMC Particle Filter for Long-term Outdoor Multi-object Simultaneous Tracking and Classification
=> Illumination change compensation techniques to improve kinematic tracking
=> Illumination change robust, codec independent lowbit rate coding of stereo from singleview aerial video
=> Illumination Chromaticity Estimation Based on Dichromatic Reflection Model and Imperfect Segmentation
=> Illumination chromaticity estimation using inverse-intensity chromaticity space
=> Illumination color covariant locale-based visual object retrieval
=> Illumination Compensated Segmentation of Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge Flocs
=> Illumination Compensation Algorithm Using Eigenspaces Transformation for Facial Images
=> Illumination Compensation and Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform in Logarithm Domain
=> Illumination compensation and normalization in eigenspace-based face recognition: A comparative study of different pre-processing approaches
=> Illumination compensation and normalization using logarithm and discrete cosine transform
=> Illumination compensation based change detection using order consistency
=> Illumination Compensation for Document Images Using Local-Global Block Analysis
=> Illumination compensation for nominally planar surface recovery
=> Illumination compensation in ground based hyperspectral imaging
=> Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local Histogram Equalization and its Application to Face Recognition
=> Illumination compensation via low rank matrix completion for multiview video coding
=> Illumination Cones for Recognition under Variable Lighting: Faces
=> Illumination Cones for Recognition under Variable Lighting: Faces
=> Illumination control as a means of enhancing image features in active vision systems
=> Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupervised Retinex Embedding
=> Illumination Controllable Dehazing Network based on Unsupervised Retinex Embedding
=> Illumination Correction for Content Analysis in Uterine Cervix Images
=> Illumination Correction from Psoriasis Image Data
=> Illumination Decomposition for Photograph With Multiple Light Sources
=> Illumination demultiplexing from a single image
=> Illumination direction estimation for augmented reality using a surface input real valued output regression network
=> Illumination direction from texture shading
=> Illumination Distillation Framework for Nighttime Person Re-Identification and a New Benchmark
=> Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
=> Illumination Distribution from Shadows
=> Illumination Effect Descriptor for Video Sequences, An
=> Illumination Effects in Quantitative Virtual Microscopy
=> Illumination estimation and cast shadow detection through a higher-order graphical model
=> Illumination Estimation and Compensation of Low Frame Rate Video Sequences for Wavelet-Based Video Compression
=> Illumination Estimation Based on Bilayer Sparse Coding
=> Illumination estimation based on valid pixel selection in highlight region
=> Illumination estimation from shadow and incomplete object shape captured by an RGB-D camera
=> Illumination estimation from shadow borders
=> Illumination Estimation Is Sufficient for Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
=> Illumination Estimation of 3D Surface Texture Based on Active Basis
=> Illumination Estimation Using a Multilinear Constraint on Dichromatic Planes
=> Illumination estimation via thin-plate spline interpolation
=> Illumination from shadows
=> Illumination Guided Attentive Wavelet Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
=> Illumination Inconsistency Sleuthing for Exposing Fauxtography and Uncovering Composition Telltales in Digital Images
=> Illumination Independent Change Detection for Real World Image Sequences
=> Illumination Independent Eye Detection Algorithm, An
=> Illumination Insensitive and Structure-aware Image Color Layer Decomposition Method, An
=> Illumination Insensitive Descriptor Combining the CSLBP Features for Street View Images in Augmented Reality: Experimental Studies, An
=> Illumination Insensitive Eigenspaces
=> Illumination Insensitive Model-Based 3D Object Tracking and Texture Refinement
=> Illumination insensitive recognition using eigenspaces
=> Illumination Insensitive Representation for Face Verification in the Frequency Domain, An
=> Illumination Insensitive Template Matching with Hyperplanes
=> Illumination Intensity, Object Geometry and Highlights Invariance in Multispectral Imaging
=> Illumination Invariance Adaptive Sidewalk Detection Based on Unsupervised Feature Learning
=> Illumination Invariant 3D Model Based Tracking Algorithm, with Application in Video Compression, An
=> Illumination invariant active contour-based segmentation using complex-valued wavelets
=> illumination invariant algorithm for subpixel accuracy image stabilization and its effect on MPEG-2 video compression, An
=> Illumination invariant and rotational insensitive textural representation
=> Illumination invariant background extraction
=> Illumination Invariant Background Model Using Mixture of Gaussians and SURF Features
=> Illumination Invariant Bimodal Method Employing Discriminant Features for Face Recognition, An
=> Illumination Invariant Color Texture Analysis Based on Sum- and Difference-Histograms
=> Illumination Invariant Colour Recognition
=> Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matching
=> Illumination Invariant Efficient Face Recognition Using a Single Training Image
=> Illumination Invariant Elastic Bunch Graph Matching for Efficient Face Recognition
=> Illumination invariant extraction for face recognition using neighboring wavelet coefficients
=> Illumination Invariant Face Image Representation Using Quaternions
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Approach Using Exemplar-Based Synthesis Technique, An
=> Illumination invariant face recognition based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform
=> Illumination invariant face recognition in logarithm Discrete Cosine Transform domain
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition System for Access Control using Video, An
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition under Various Facial Expressions and Occlusions
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Combination of Face Exemplars
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Near-Infrared Images
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Quaternion-Based Correlation Filters
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Imagery
=> Illumination invariant face recognition
=> Illumination Invariant Face Recognition: A Survey
=> Illumination invariant faces
=> Illumination invariant feature based on neighboring radiance ratio
=> Illumination invariant feature extraction and mutual-information-based local matching for face recognition under illumination variation and occlusion
=> Illumination invariant feature extraction based on natural images statistics: Taking face images as an example
=> illumination invariant framework for real-time foreground detection, An
=> Illumination invariant human face recognition: frequency or resonance?
=> Illumination Invariant Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on a Digital Surface Model
=> Illumination Invariant L1 Tracker Using Photometric Normalization Techniques
=> Illumination invariant Mean-shift tracking
=> Illumination Invariant Motion Segmentation of Simple Connected Objects
=> Illumination invariant object recognition
=> Illumination invariant object tracking based on multiscale phase
=> Illumination invariant optical flow using neighborhood descriptors
=> Illumination Invariant Recognition of Color Texture Using Correlation and Covariance Functions
=> Illumination invariant representation for privacy preserving face identification
=> Illumination Invariant Robust Likelihood Estimator for Particle Filtering Based Target Tracking
=> Illumination invariant segmentation of spatio-temporal images by spatio-temporal markov random field model
=> Illumination invariant single face image recognition under heterogeneous lighting condition
=> Illumination invariant spatio-colorimetric normalization
=> Illumination invariant stationary object detection
=> Illumination Invariant Texture Retrieval
=> Illumination Invariant Three-Stage Approach for Face Alignment
=> Illumination invariant unmixing of sets of mixed pixels
=> Illumination invariant unsupervised segmenter
=> Illumination invariants based on Markov random fields
=> Illumination invariants in deep video expression recognition
=> Illumination learning from a single image with unknown shape and texture
=> Illumination method and apparatus
=> Illumination Model of Lunar Terrain around Lunar Laser Retroreflectors Based on LOLA Data
=> Illumination Model of the Trachea Appearance in Videobronchoscopy Images, An
=> Illumination modeling and normalization for face recognition
=> Illumination Modeling Method for Office Lighting Control by Using RBFNN
=> Illumination Multiplexing within Fundamental Limits
=> Illumination Normalization-Based Face Detection under Varying Illumination
=> Illumination Normalization Based on Weber's Law With Application to Face Recognition
=> Illumination Normalization by Partially Impossible Encoder-Decoder Cost Function
=> Illumination Normalization for Color Face Images
=> Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image Models
=> Illumination normalization for robust face recognition against varying lighting conditions
=> Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Illumination Normalization for Sift Based Finger Vein Authentication
=> illumination normalization model for face recognition under varied lighting conditions, An
=> Illumination normalization of face images with cast shadows
=> Illumination normalization of facial images by reversing the process of image formation
=> Illumination Normalization Using Logarithm Transforms for Face Authentication
=> Illumination Normalization Using Self-lighting Ratios for 3D2D Face Recognition
=> Illumination Normalization with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
=> Illumination Normalization with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
=> Illumination normalized based technique for retinal blood vessel segmentation
=> Illumination Planning for Measuring Per-Pixel Surface Roughness
=> Illumination Planning for Object Recognition in Structured Environments
=> Illumination Planning for Object Recognition Using Parametric Eigenspaces
=> Illumination pre-processing method for face recognition using 2D DWT and CLAHE
=> Illumination Quality Measure for Face Recognition, An
=> Illumination Ratio Image: Synthesizing and Recognition with Varying Illuminations
=> Illumination Recovery From Image With Cast Shadows Via Sparse Representation
=> Illumination Robust Color Naming via Label Propagation
=> Illumination robust dictionary-based face recognition
=> Illumination robust face recognition using random projection and sparse representation
=> Illumination Robust Facial Feature Detection via Decoupled Illumination and Texture Features
=> Illumination robust interest point detection
=> Illumination robust optical flow estimation by illumination-chromaticity decoupling
=> Illumination Robust Optical Flow Model Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients
=> Illumination Robust Video Foreground Prediction Based on Color Recovering
=> Illumination Robustness of Phase Correlation for Image Alignment, The
=> Illumination Strategies for Intensity-Only Imaging
=> Illumination Subspace for Multibody Motion Segmentation
=> Illumination technique for optical dynamic range compression and offset reduction
=> Illumination transfer using homomorphic wavelet filtering and its application to light-insensitive face recognition
=> Illumination transition image: Parameter-based illumination estimation and re-rendering
=> Illumination Unification for Person Re-Identification
=> Illumination, phase step optimization and improvements in simultaneous multiple frequency measurement for Time-of-Flight sensors
=> Illumination: a directional filter of texture?
=> IllumiRoom: Immersive Experiences Beyond the TV Screen
=> Illusion of Visual Security: Reconstructing Perceptually Encrypted Images, The
=> Illusory Shapes via Corner Fusion
=> Illusory Shapes via First-Order Phase Transition and Approximation
=> Illusory Surface Perception Using a Hierarchical Neural Network Model of the Visual Pathways
=> Illustrating How Mechanical Assemblies Work
=> Illustrating motion through DLP photography
=> Illustration of the role of multiple scattering in subwavelength imaging from far-field measurements
=> Illustrative multilevel focus+context visualization along snaking paths
=> Illustrative uncertainty visualization of DTI fiber pathways
=> Illuxtech
=> ILMICA - Interactive Learning Model of Image Collage Assessment: A Transfer Learning Approach for Aesthetic Principles
=> iLogBook: Enabling Text-Searchable Event Query Using Sparse Vehicle-Mounted GPS Data
=> iLogDemons: A Demons-Based Registration Algorithm for Tracking Incompressible Elastic Biological Tissues
=> ILP Model for Multi-Label MRFs With Connectivity Constraints, An
=> ILS-SUMM: Iterated Local Search for Unsupervised Video Summarization
=> ILSH: The Imperial Light-Stage Head Dataset for Human Head View Synthesis
=> ILVR: Conditioning Method for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
=> IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing
=> IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing
=> IM-Net for High Resolution Video Frame Interpolation
=> IM(S)2: Interactive movie summarization system
=> Im2Calories: Towards an Automated Mobile Vision Food Diary
=> Im2depth: Scalable exemplar based depth transfer
=> IM2ELEVATION: Building Height Estimation from Single-View Aerial Imagery
=> Im2Flow: Motion Hallucination from Static Images for Action Recognition
=> IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image
=> IM2GPS: Estimating Geographic Information from a Single Image
=> IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image
=> IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image
=> Im2Hands: Learning Attentive Implicit Representation of Interacting Two-Hand Shapes
=> Im2Pano3D: Extrapolating 360° Structure and Semantics Beyond the Field of View
=> Im2Pencil: Controllable Pencil Illustration From Photographs
=> Im2Struct: Recovering 3D Shape Structure from a Single RGB Image
=> Im2Text and Text2Im: Associating Images and Texts for Cross-Modal Retrieval
=> Im2Vec: Synthesizing Vector Graphics without Vector Supervision
=> Im2Vec: Synthesizing Vector Graphics without Vector Supervision
=> ImaAtCor: A Physically Based Tool for Combined Atmospheric and Topographic Corrections of Remote Sensing Images
=> ImaAtCor: A Physically Based Tool for Combined Atmospheric and Topographic Corrections of Remote Sensing Images
=> ImaGAN: Unsupervised Training of Conditional Joint CycleGAN for Transferring Style with Core Structures in Content Preserved
=> Image- and Model-Based Reconstruction of the Small Buddha of Bamiyan, Afghanistan
=> Image-adaptive contrast and entropy based model of regions of visible distortion
=> Image-Adaptive Hint Generation via Vision Transformer for Outpainting
=> Image-Adaptive Vector Quantization in an Entropy-Constrained Framework
=> Image-adaptive Watermark Based on a Redundant Wavelet Transform, An
=> Image-adaptive watermarking using 2D chirps
=> Image-Aided LiDAR Extraction, Classification, and Characterization of Lane Markings from Mobile Mapping Data
=> Image-Aided LiDAR Mapping Platform and Data Processing Strategy for Stockpile Volume Estimation
=> Image-Aided Sparse Point Cloud Registration Strategy for Managing Stockpiles in Dome Storage Facilities, An
=> Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1993
=> Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1994
=> Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1995
=> Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1995
=> Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1996
=> Image-Analysis Using Space-Filling Curves and 1D Wavelet Bases
=> Image-area identifying system for a color image processing apparatus
=> Image-attribute reciprocally guided attention network for pedestrian attribute recognition
=> Image-Based 3D Face Modeling System
=> Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval for Indoor Scenes by Simulating Scene Context
=> Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
=> Image-Based 3D Modeling of the Erechteion, Acropolis of Athens
=> Image-Based 3D Modeling via Cheeger Sets
=> Image-Based 3D Modeling vs Laser Scanning for the Analysis of Medieval Architecture: The Case of St. Croce Church in Bergamo
=> Image-Based 3D Object Reconstruction: State-of-the-Art and Trends in the Deep Learning Era
=> Image-based 3d Reconstruction And Analysis For Orthodontia
=> Image-based 3D Reconstruction Data As An Analysis And Documentation Tool for Architects: the Case of Plaka Bridge in Greece
=> Image-Based 3D Semantic Modeling of Building Facade
=> Image-based 3D surface reconstruction by combination of photometric, geometric, and real-aperture methods
=> Image-based 3D Surface Reconstruction by Combination of Sparse Depth Data with Shape from Shading and Polarisation
=> Image-Based 4-d Reconstruction Using 3-d Change Detection
=> Image-Based Absolute Positioning System for Mobile Robot Navigation
=> Image-Based Acquisition of Shape and Spatially Varying Reflectance
=> Image-Based Adaptive Staring Attitude Control for Multiple Ground Targets Using a Miniaturized Video Satellite
=> Image-based Air Pollution Estimation Using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image-Based Air Quality Analysis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image-Based Air Quality Forecasting Through Multi-Level Attention
=> Image-based Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Encoding For 3d Building Model Retrieval
=> Image-Based and Range-based 3D Modelling of Archaeological Cultural Heritage: The Telamon of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Agrigento (Italy)
=> Image-Based and Sensor-Based Approaches to Arabic Sign Language Recognition
=> Image-Based and Sketch-Based Modeling of Plants and Trees
=> Image-Based Angular Distortion Metric of Map Projections by Using Surface Fitting for Noise Reduction
=> Image-Based Appraisal of Real Estate Properties
=> Image-Based Approach for 3D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes Using Architectural Symmetries, An
=> Image-based Approach For The Architectural Modeling of Past States, An
=> Image-Based Approach for the Co-Registration of Multi-Temporal UAV Image Datasets, An
=> Image-Based Approach to Fingerprint Acceptability Assessment
=> Image-Based Approach to Interactive 3D Virtual Exhibition, An
=> Image-Based Approach to Video Copy Detection With Spatio-Temporal Post-Filtering, An
=> Image-Based Augmentation of Virtual Object for Handy Camera Video Sequence Using Arbitrary Multiple Planes
=> image-based automatic Arabic translation system, An
=> Image-based automatic detection of indoor scene events and interactive inquiry
=> Image-based Bayesian Framework for Face Detection, An
=> Image-based biomechanical relationship estimation between maximum jaw opening and masticatory muscle activities
=> Image-based building classification and 3D modeling with super-pixels
=> Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung injury
=> Image-Based Calibration of Spatial Domain Depth-from-Defocus and Application to Automatic Focus Tracking
=> image-based calibration technique of spatial domain depth-from-defocus, An
=> Image-Based Camera Localization for Large and Outdoor Environments
=> Image-Based Classification Module for Data Fusion Anti-Drone System, An
=> Image-Based Classification of Double-Barred Beach States Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning
=> Image-based Classification of Honeybees
=> Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer
=> Image-based Co-Registration of Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound Images
=> Image-based coin recognition using rotation-invariant region binary patterns based on gradient magnitudes
=> Image-Based Color Schemes
=> Image-Based Coral Reef Classification and Thematic Mapping
=> Image-based crop row detection utilizing the Hough transform and DBSCAN clustering analysis
=> Image-Based Crowd Stability Analysis Using Improved Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image-based deep learning automated grading of date fruit (Alhasa case study Saudi Arabia)
=> Image-based Deformation Monitoring Of Statically And Dynamically Loaded Beams
=> Image-Based Deformation of Objects in Real Scenes
=> Image-Based Delineation and Classification of Built Heritage Masonry
=> Image-Based Delineation of Built Heritage Masonry for Automatic Classification
=> Image-based Detection and Matching of Homologue Points Using Feature-Vectors: Functionality and Evaluation in a Deformation Measurement System
=> Image-based detection and tracking system and processing method employing clutter measurements and signal-to-clutter ratios
=> Image-based detection of Corpus Callosum variability for more accurate discrimination between autistic and normal brains
=> Image-based Document Vectors for Text Retrieval
=> Image-Based Drift and Height Estimation for Helicopter Landings in Brownout
=> Image-Based Dynamic Quantification of Aboveground Structure of Sugar Beet in Field
=> Image-Based Estimation and Validation of NIRS for High-Resolution Satellite Images
=> Image-Based Estimation of Ventricular Fiber Orientations for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
=> Image-based evaluation of treatment responses of facial wrinkles using LDDMM registration and Gabor features
=> Image-based face illumination transferring using logarithmic total variation models
=> Image-based face recognition under illumination and pose variations
=> image-based facial acupoint detection approach using high-resolution network and attention fusion, An
=> Image-based facial recognition in the domain of high-order polynomial one-way mapping
=> Image-based fall detection in bus compartment scene
=> image-based feature tracking algorithm for real-time measurement of clad height, An
=> Image-Based Food Calorie Estimation Using Recipe Information
=> Image-Based Form Document Retrieval
=> Image-Based Form Document Retrieval
=> Image-Based Gating of Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences Using the Phase Information of Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Coefficients
=> Image-based gender estimation from body and face across distances
=> Image-Based Geo-Localization Using Satellite Imagery
=> Image-based geographical location estimation using web cameras
=> Image-Based Grasping Point Detection Using Boosted Histograms of Oriented Gradients
=> Image-Based Ground Visibility for Aviation: Is What You See What You Get?
=> Image-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping of Cereals Early Vigor and Weed-Competitiveness Traits
=> Image-based historical manuscript dating using contour and stroke fragments
=> Image-Based Human Age Estimation by Manifold Learning and Locally Adjusted Robust Regression
=> Image-based human re-identification: Which covariates are actually (the most) important?
=> Image-Based Informatics for Preclinical Biomedical Research
=> Image-Based Information Guide on Mobile Devices
=> Image-Based Investigation of Human in Vivo Myofibre Strain
=> Image-Based Keyword Recognition in Oriental Language Document Images
=> Image-Based Learning to Measure Traffic Density Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image-based lens geometric distortion correction using minimization of average bicoherence index
=> Image-Based Localization for Indoor Environment Using Mobile Phone
=> Image-Based Localization Using Hourglass Networks
=> Image-Based Localization Using Hybrid Feature Correspondences
=> Image-Based Localization Using LSTMs for Structured Feature Correlation
=> Image-based location awareness and navigation: who cares?
=> Image-Based Lunar Surface Reconstruction
=> Image-based magnification calibration for electron microscope
=> image-based mail facing and orientation system for enhanced postal automation, An
=> Image-Based Measure for Evaluation of Mathematical Expression Recognition, An
=> Image-based measurement of cargo traffic flow in complex neurite networks
=> Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall
=> Image-based mesh generation of tubular geometries under circular motion in refractive environments
=> image-based method for animated stroke rendering, An
=> Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection Moulded Plastic Quality, An
=> Image-based Method to Predict Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Sensor Quality, An
=> Image-based Model Completion
=> Image-Based Model of Atrial Anatomy and Electrical Activation: A Computational Platform for Investigating Atrial Arrhythmia
=> Image-Based Modeling and Rendering from Multiple Views: A Multiple Cues Based Propagation Approach
=> Image-based Modeling and Rendering of Surfaces with Arbitrary BRDFs
=> Image-based Modeling and Rendering of Surfaces with Arbitrary BRDFs
=> Image-Based Modeling by Joint Segmentation
=> Image-based Modeling Experience About Social Facilities, Built During The Fascist Period In Middle Italy, An
=> Image-Based Modeling of Articulated and Deformable Objects
=> Image-Based Modeling of the Heterogeneity of Propagation of the Cardiac Action Potential. Example of Rat Heart High Resolution MRI
=> Image-Based Modeling Techniques for Architectural Heritage 3D Digitalization: Limits and Potentialities
=> Image-Based Modeling
=> Image-Based Molding Effect Analysis of HWTD Sample
=> Image-Based Multiclass Boosting and Echocardiographic View Classification
=> Image-Based Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
=> Image-Based Multiresolution Modeling by Surface Deformation
=> Image-Based Multiscale Shape Description Using Gaussian Filter
=> Image-Based Navigation of Forest Harvesters
=> Image-Based Network Rendering of Large Meshes for Cloud Computing
=> Image-based network rendering system for large sized meshes
=> Image-based object detection under varying illumination in environments with specular surfaces
=> Image-based object editing
=> Image-based Object Modeling: A Multiresolution Level-set Approach
=> Image-Based Obstacle Detection Methods for the Safe Navigation of Unmanned Vehicles: A Review
=> Image-based on-road vehicle detection using cost-effective Histograms of Oriented Gradients
=> Image-based Orientation Determination of Mobile Sensor Platforms
=> Image-based Out-of-Distribution-Detector Principles on Graph-Based Input Data in Human Action Recognition
=> Image-based panoramic 3D virtual environment using rotating two multi-view cameras
=> Image-based pencil drawing synthesized using convolutional neural network feature maps
=> Image-Based Phenotyping of the Mature Arabidopsis Shoot System
=> Image-based photo hulls for fast and photo-realistic new view synthesis
=> Image-based photo hulls
=> Image-based photorealistic 3-D face modeling
=> Image-based Place Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation and Inpainting to Remove Dynamic Objects
=> Image-based plant modeling by knowing leaves from their apexes
=> Image-based Pose Representation for Action Recognition and Hand Gesture Recognition
=> Image-Based Post-processing for Realistic Real-Time Rendering of Scenes in the Presence of Fluid Simulations and Image-Based Lighting
=> Image-based prediction of imaging and vision performance
=> Image-Based Quantitative Analysis of Gold Immunochromatographic Strip via Cellular Neural Network Approach
=> Image-based querying of urban photos and videos
=> Image-based Re-Rendering of Faces for Continuous Pose and Illumination Directions
=> Image-Based Real-Time Georeferencing Scheme for a UAV Based on a New Angular Parametrization, An
=> Image-Based Reconstruction of Tissue Scatterers Using Beam Steering for Ultrasound Simulation
=> Image-Based Refocusing by 3D Filtering
=> Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
=> Image-Based Relighting with 5-D Incident Light Fields
=> Image-Based Rendering (IBR) Approach for Realistic Stereo View Synthesis of TV Broadcast Based on Structure from Motion, An
=> Image-based rendering and 3D modeling: A complete framework
=> Image-Based Rendering and Tracking of Faces
=> Image-based rendering by joint view triangulation
=> Image-Based Rendering by Virtual 1D Cameras
=> Image-based Rendering for Mixed Reality
=> Image-Based Rendering for Teleconference Systems
=> Image-Based Rendering from a Single Image
=> Image-based rendering of complex scenes from a multi-camera rig
=> Image-based rendering of intersecting surfaces for dynamic comparative visualization
=> Image-Based Rendering of Synthetic Diffuse Objects in Natural Scenes
=> Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors
=> Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors
=> Image-Based Rendering Using Parameterized Image Varieties
=> Image-Based Rendering Using Parameterized Image Varieties
=> Image-Based Rendering
=> Image-Based Rendering
=> Image-Based Representation for Graph Classification, An
=> Image-Based Retrieval and Identification of Ancient Coins
=> Image-Based Road Type Classification
=> Image-Based Robot Task Planning and Control Using a Compact Visual Representation
=> image-based runway detection method for fixed-wing aircraft based on deep neural network, An
=> image-based runway detection method for fixed-wing aircraft based on deep neural network, An
=> Image-Based Scene Rendering and Manipulation Research at the University of Wisconsin
=> Image-based search and retrieval for biface artefacts using features capturing archaeologically significant characteristics
=> Image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflections using environmental structured illumination
=> Image-Based Separation of Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using Illumination Variant and Invariant Color
=> Image-based shape model for view-invariant human motion recognition
=> Image-Based Simulation of Gaseous Material
=> Image-Based Smart City Application
=> Image-Based Smoke Detection in Laparoscopic Videos
=> Image-Based Stereoscopic Stylization
=> Image-Based Structured Vehicle Behavior Analysis Inspired by Interactive Cognition
=> Image-based styling
=> Image-based surface deformation for multi-view three-dimensional facial reconstruction
=> Image-Based Surface Detail Transfer
=> Image-Based Surface Measurement for Close-Range Heritage Documentation
=> Image-based surface modeling: a multi-resolution approach
=> Image-Based Synthesis and Re-synthesis of Viewpoints Guided by 3D Models
=> Image-Based Synthesis for Deep 3D Human Pose Estimation
=> Image-Based System for Spoken-Letter Recognition, An
=> Image-Based System for Urban Navigation, An
=> Image-based Table Cell Detection: a Novel Table Structure Decomposition Method with New Dataset
=> Image-Based Table Recognition: Data, Model, and Evaluation
=> Image-Based Target Detection and Radial Velocity Estimation Methods for Multichannel SAR-GMTI
=> Image-based techniques for digitizing environments and artifacts
=> Image-Based Techniques for Shredded Document Reconstruction
=> Image-Based Three-Dimensional Digitizer for Pre-Decorating Thermoformed Parts, An
=> Image-based three-dimensional free viewpoint video synthesis
=> Image-based Topography Reconstruction by Minimizing the Reprojection-Error over a Surface
=> Image-Based Traffic Monitoring With Shadow Suppression
=> Image-based translucency transfer through correlation analysis over multi-scale spatial color distribution
=> Image-based tree modeling from a few images with very narrow viewing range
=> Image-Based Turn Ratio Measurement at Road Intersection
=> Image-Based Variational Meshing
=> Image-based vehicle indexing for a seaport transportation surveillance system
=> Image-based Vehicle Tracking From Roadside Lidar Data
=> Image-based view rendering in endoscopy
=> Image-based virtual reconstruction of complex architectures using sophisticated automated procedures: The Artemis temple in Jerash, Jordan
=> Image-based Virtual Tours And 3D Modeling of Past And Current Ages For The Enhancement of Archaeological Parks: the Visualversilia 3D Project
=> Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network with Structural Coherence
=> Image-Based Visual Perception and Representation for Collision Avoidance
=> image-based visual servoing scheme for following paths with nonholonomic mobile robots, An
=> Image-Based Visual Servoing Techniques for Robot Control
=> Image-Based Visual Speech Animation System, An
=> Image-Based Visual Threat Cue for Autonomous Navigation, An
=> Image-based walkthroughs from incremental and partial scene reconstructions
=> Image-based word recognition in oriental language document images
=> Image-Coding Making Use of B-Spline Surfaces
=> Image-Coding Using Feature Map Finite-State Vector Quantization
=> Image-Coding Using Robust Quantization for Noisy Digital Transmission
=> Image-Coding Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transforms with Symmetrical Extensions
=> Image-Coding Using Wavelets Based on Perfect Reconstruction IIR Filter Banks
=> Image-Coding with an L-Infinity Norm and Confidence-Interval Criteria
=> Image-Coding with Uniform and Piecewise-Uniform Vector Quantizers
=> Image-Consistent Detection of Road Anomalies as Unpredictable Patches
=> Image-consistent patches from unstructured points with J-linkage
=> Image-Consistent Surface Triangulation
=> Image-correspondence position detection device, distance measuring device and apparatus using the same
=> Image-Coupled Volume Propagation for Stereo Matching
=> Image-Coupled Volume Propagation for Stereo Matching
=> Image-data reduction technique
=> Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
=> Image-Dependent Local Entropy Models for Learned Image Compression
=> Image-Dependent Shape Coding and Representation
=> Image-dependent sharpness enhancement
=> Image-Derived Geometric Characteristics Predict Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth in a Machine Learning Model
=> Image-Derived Human Left Ventricular Modelling with Fluid-Structure Interaction
=> Image-Derived Prediction of Spectral Image Utility for Target Detection Applications
=> Image-Difference Prediction: From Color to Spectral
=> Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
=> Image-domain Cost Function for 3-d Rigid Body Motion Estimation, An
=> Image-Domain Estimation of Wall Parameters for Autofocusing of Through-the-Wall SAR Imagery
=> Image-Driven Data Mining for Image Content Segmentation, Classification, and Attribution
=> Image-Driven Parameter Estimation in Absorption-Diffusion Models of Chromoscopy
=> Image-Driven Population Analysis Through Mixture Modeling
=> Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation
=> Image-driven virtual simulation of arthroscopy
=> Image-Enhancement Based on a Nonlinear Multiscale Method
=> Image-Evoked Affect and its Impact on Eeg-Based Biometrics
=> Image-Flow Computation: An Estimation-Theoretic Framework and a Unified Perspective
=> Image-free Classifier Injection for Zero-Shot Classification
=> Image-free Classifier Injection for Zero-Shot Classification
=> Image-free Domain Generalization via CLIP for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
=> Image-Gradient-Guided Real-Time Stereo on Graphics Hardware
=> Image-guided decision support system for pathology
=> Image-guided depth map upsampling using normalized cuts-based segmentation and smoothness priors
=> Image-guided depth propagation using superpixel matching and adaptive autoregressive model
=> Image-guided Endoscopy for Lung-cancer Assessment
=> Image-Guided Human Reconstruction via Multi-Scale Graph Transformation Networks
=> Image-Guided Interventional Robotics: Lost in Translation?
=> Image-Guided Intraoperative Cortical Deformation Recovery Using Game Theory: Application to Neocortical Epilepsy Surgery
=> Image-guided navigation of single-element focused ultrasound transducer
=> Image-Guided Registration of Unordered Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Urban Scenes
=> Image-Guided Tethering Spine Surgery With Outcome Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Networks
=> Image-guided ToF depth upsampling: a survey
=> image-hiding method with high hiding capacity based on best-block matching and k-means clustering, An
=> Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification
=> Image-Image Translation to Enhance Near Infrared Face Recognition
=> Image-independent optimal non-negative integer bit allocation technique for the DCT-based image transform coders
=> Image-Level Adaptive Adversarial Ranking for Person Re-Identification
=> Image-level dataset synthesis with an end-to-end trainable framework
=> Image-Level Iris Morph Attack
=> Image-Level Supervised Instance Segmentation Using Instance-Wise Boundary
=> Image-Matching for Revision Detection in Printed Historical Documents
=> Image-Matching Method Using Template Updating Based on Statistical Prediction of Visual Noise, An
=> Image-Only Real-Time Incremental UAV Image Mosaic for Multi-Strip Flight
=> Image-Optimized Rolling Cache: Reducing the Miss Penalty for Memory-Intensive Vision Algorithms
=> Image-oriented economic perspective on user behavior in multimedia social forums: An analysis on supply, consumption, and saliency
=> Image-pair-based deblurring with spatially varying norms and noisy image updating
=> Image-Processing and Neural Networks for Recognition of Cartographic Area Features
=> Image-processing approach via nonlinear image-decomposition for a digital color camera
=> Image-processing device for estimating the motion of objects situated in said image
=> Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
=> Image-Processing Technique for Suppressing Ribs in Chest Radiographs by Means of Massive Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)
=> Image-Processing Techniques for Leather Hide Ranking in the Footwear Industry
=> Image-Processing with Complex Daubechies Wavelets
=> image-quality guaranteed method for quantization-based watermarking using a DWT, An
=> Image-Question-Answer Synergistic Network for Visual Dialog
=> Image-Range Stitching and Semantic-Based Crack Detection Methods for Tunnel Inspection Vehicles
=> Image-recognition technologies towards advanced automated teller machines
=> Image-Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Based on Low-Order Approximation and Restoration of the Sinogram
=> Image-Relevant Entities Knowledge-Aware News Image Captioning
=> Image-Restoration in X-Ray Microscopy: PSF Determination and Biological Applications
=> Image-Scale-Symmetric Cooperative Network for Defocus Blur Detection
=> Image-Segmentation Evaluation From the Perspective of Salient Object Extraction
=> Image-Sensitive Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition
=> Image-Set Based Face Recognition Using Boosted Global and Local Principal Angles
=> Image-set face recognition based on transductive learning
=> Image-set matching using a geodesic distance and cohort normalization
=> Image-shake correcting device for detecting vibration frequency and for changing vibration characteristics
=> Image-shake correcting device for detecting vibration frequency and for changing vibration characteristics
=> Image-shake correcting device having first and second correcting means and control means for proportionately applying same
=> Image-shake correcting device utilizing optical correcting means and electronic correcting means
=> image-sharing method with user-friendly shadow images, An
=> image-space algorithm for immersive views in 3-manifolds and orbifolds, An
=> Image-Space Collision Detection Through Alternate Surface Peeling
=> Image-space hierarchical coherence buffer
=> Image-Space Marker Detection and Recognition Using Projective Invariants
=> Image-Specific Prior Adaptation for Denoising
=> Image-speech combination for interactive computer assisted transcription of handwritten documents
=> Image-Text Embedding Learning via Visual and Textual Semantic Reasoning
=> Image-Text Multimodal Emotion Classification via Multi-View Attentional Network
=> Image-Text Pre-Training for Logo Recognition
=> Image-Text Retrieval With Cross-Modal Semantic Importance Consistency
=> Image-to-Character-to-Word Transformers for Accurate Scene Text Recognition
=> Image-to-Class Distance Metric Learning for Image Classification
=> image-to-class dynamic time warping approach for both 3D static and trajectory hand gesture recognition, An
=> Image-to-GPS Verification Through a Bottom-Up Pattern Matching Network
=> Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for 2D/3D Deformable Model Registration of Low-Contrast Organs
=> Image-to-Image Subpixel Registration Based on Template Matching of Road Network Extracted by Deep Learning
=> Image-to-image translation based face photo de-meshing using GANs
=> Image-to-Image Translation for Data Augmentation on Multimodal Medical Images
=> Image-to-Image Translation to Unfold the Reality of Artworks: An Empirical Analysis
=> Image-To-Image Translation via Group-Wise Deep Whitening-And-Coloring Transformation
=> Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement
=> Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
=> Image-to-Image Translation With Disentangled Latent Vectors for Face Editing
=> Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications
=> Image-to-Images Translation for Multi-Task Organ Segmentation and Bone Suppression in Chest X-Ray Radiography
=> Image-to-Lidar Self-Supervised Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data
=> Image-to-MIDI mapping based on dynamic fuzzy color segmentation for visually impaired people
=> Image-to-Set Face Recognition Using Locality Repulsion Projections and Sparse Reconstruction-Based Similarity Measure
=> Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
=> Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
=> Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification Using Three-Dimensional Semantic Appearance Alignment and Cross-Modal Interactive Learning
=> Image-to-video person re-identification with cross-modal embeddings
=> Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification With Temporally Memorized Similarity Learning
=> Image-to-voxel Model Translation for 3d Scene Reconstruction and Segmentation
=> Image-to-Voxel Model Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
=> Image Acquisition and Model Selection for Multi-View Stereo
=> Image Acquisition Constraints for Panoramic Frame Camera Imaging
=> Image acquisition enhancement for active video surveillance
=> Image Acquisition Modeling for Super-Resolution Reconstruction
=> Image Acquisition Using Aperture Control Adapted to Spatio-Temporal Properties
=> Image adapted total ordering for mathematical morphology on multivariate images
=> Image adaptive and high-capacity watermarking system using accurate Zernike moments
=> Image adaptive selective encryption of vector quantization index compression
=> Image Adaptive Watermarking Using Wavelet Domain Singular Value Decomposition
=> Image Adjustment for Multi-Exposure Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison A Unified Approach to Score Regression, Binary Classification, and Personalization
=> Image Aesthetic Assessment: An experimental survey
=> Image Aesthetic Distribution Prediction with Fully Convolutional Network
=> Image Aesthetic Evaluation Using Parallel Deep Convolution Neural Network
=> Image aesthetic predictors based on weighted CNNs
=> Image Aesthetics and Content in Selecting Memorable Keyframes from Lifelogs
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment Based on Hypernetwork of Emotion Fusion
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Composite Features from off-the-Shelf Deep Models
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Graph Attention Network
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment with Attribute-Assisted Multimodal Memory Network
=> Image Aesthetics Assessment with Attribute-Assisted Multimodal Memory Network
=> Image Aesthetics Classification using Deep Features and Image Category
=> Image aesthetics depends on context
=> Image Affine Inpainting
=> Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing II
=> Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing III
=> Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IV
=> Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V
=> Image Algebra for Pictorial Data Manipulation, An
=> Image Algebra: An Overview
=> Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial
=> Image alignment based on invariant features for palmprint identification
=> Image alignment based perceptual image hash for content authentication
=> Image Alignment by Online Robust PCA via Stochastic Gradient Descent
=> Image Alignment by Piecewise Planar Region Matching
=> Image alignment for multiple camera high dynamic range microscopy
=> Image Alignment for Panorama Stitching in Sparsely Structured Environments
=> Image Alignment for Precise Camera Fixation and Aim
=> Image Alignment Using Learning Prior Appearance Model
=> Image amodal completion: A survey
=> Image amplification based on pixel-splitting
=> image analogy approach for multi-scale image segmentation, An
=> Image Analogy Based Document Image Compression
=> Image Analysis-Based Automatic Detection of Transmission Towers using Aerial Imagery
=> Image Analysis-Based Automatic Utility Pole Detection for Remote Surveillance
=> Image analysis and application systems in quality evaluation and prediction for meat and live meat animals
=> Image Analysis and Classification of HEp-2 Cells in Fluorescent Images
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1987
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1988
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1989
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1990
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1991
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1992
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1997
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1998
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1998
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1999
=> Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1999
=> Image Analysis and Graphs
=> Image Analysis and Information Fusion
=> Image Analysis and Machine Learning: How to Foster a Stronger Connection?
=> Image Analysis and Processing in the Encrypted Domain
=> Image Analysis and Processing with Applications in Proteomics and Medicine
=> Image Analysis and Reconstruction using a Wavelet Transform Constructed from a Reducible Representation of the Euclidean Motion Group
=> Image analysis and rule-based reasoning for a traffic monitoring system
=> Image Analysis and Signal Processing
=> Image Analysis and Signal Processing
=> Image Analysis and Signal Processing
=> Image Analysis and Synthesis of Skin Color Textures by Wavelet Transform
=> Image analysis and synthesis using physics-based-modeling for pearl quality evaluation system
=> Image Analysis Applied to Morphological Assessment in Bovine Livestock
=> Image Analysis Approach for Detecting Malignant Cells in Digitized H&E-stained Histology Images of Follicular Lymphoma, An
=> Image analysis approach for identification of renal transplant rejection
=> Image analysis architectures and techniques for intelligent surveillance systems
=> Image analysis as a tool for printer characterization and halftoning algorithm development
=> Image Analysis Based Method To Evaluate Gravure Paper Quality, An
=> Image Analysis by Accumulative Hopfield Matching
=> Image analysis by Bessel-Fourier moments
=> Image analysis by bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
=> Image analysis by circularly semi-orthogonal moments
=> Image Analysis by Conformal Embedding
=> Image analysis by counting on a grid
=> Image analysis by discrete orthogonal dual Hahn moments
=> Image Analysis by Discrete Orthogonal Hahn Moments
=> Image analysis by fast improved radial harmonic-Fourier moments algorithm
=> Image Analysis by Fractional-Order Gaussian-Hermite Moments
=> Image analysis by fractional-order weighted spherical Bessel-Fourier moments
=> Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and generalized pseudo-Jacobi-Fourier moments
=> Image analysis by Krawtchouk moments
=> Image analysis by log-polar Exponent-Fourier moments
=> Image analysis by modified Legendre moments
=> Image analysis by moment invariants using a set of step-like basis functions
=> Image Analysis by Morphological Automata
=> Image analysis by Tchebichef moments
=> Image analysis data extraction
=> Image Analysis for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Virtual View Generation
=> Image analysis for assessing molecular activity changes in time-dependent geometries
=> Image analysis for automated tracking in robot-assisted endoscopic surgery
=> Image Analysis for Automatic Characterization of Polyhydroxyalcanoates Granules
=> Image Analysis for Core Geological Descriptions: Strata and Granulometry Detection
=> Image analysis for efficient categorization of image-based spam e-mail
=> Image Analysis for High Throughput Genomics
=> Image analysis for meat
=> Image analysis for meat
=> Image Analysis for Palaeography Inspection
=> Image analysis for soil dye tracer infiltration studies
=> Image Analysis for Validation of Simulations of a Fluid Mix Problem
=> Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
=> Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
=> Image Analysis for Wave Swash Using Color Feature Extraction
=> Image analysis method for grading raw shiitake mushrooms
=> image analysis method for quantification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, An
=> Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats at Regional Scales: the MS. MONINA State Service Example in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
=> Image analysis of crosswalk
=> Image Analysis of Renal DCE MRI for the Detection of Acute Renal Rejection
=> Image analysis of solid-liquid interface morphology in freezing solutions
=> Image analysis of videokymographic data
=> Image analysis system and method for minimizing paralysis angle
=> Image Analysis System for Automated Detection of Breast Cancer Nuclei, An
=> image analysis system for dietary assessment and evaluation, An
=> Image Analysis System, Application for Aerial Imagery Interpretation, An
=> Image analysis through local information measures
=> Image Analysis Under Varying Illumination
=> Image Analysis Using a Dual-Tree M-Band Wavelet Transform
=> Image Analysis Using Disc-Harmonic Moments and Their RST Invariants in Pattern Recognition
=> Image Analysis Using Hahn Moments
=> Image analysis using separable two-dimensional discrete orthogonal moments
=> Image Analysis with Local Binary Patterns
=> Image analysis with regularized Laplacian eigenmaps
=> Image analysis with symmetry properties of Legendre moments
=> Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing: With Algorithms for ENVI/IDL
=> Image Analysis: Focus on Texture Similarity
=> Image Analysis: Problems, Progress and Prospects
=> Image Analysis: Segmentation Operator Cooperation Led by the Interpretation
=> Image Analysis: The New Bottleneck in Plant Phenotyping
=> Image analyzer for stereoscopic camera rig alignment
=> Image and AIS Data Fusion Technique for Maritime Computer Vision Applications
=> Image and Audio Sequence Visualization and Interaction Mechanisms for Structured Video Browsing and Editing
=> Image and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach
=> Image and Depth Coherent Surface Description
=> Image and document processing techniques for the RightPages electronic library system
=> Image and feature co-clustering
=> Image and Graphic Reader
=> Image And Laser Scanner Processing As Confident Cues For Object Detection In Driving Situations
=> Image and Model Transformation with Secret Key for Vision Transformer
=> Image and Object Geo-Localization
=> Image and Pattern Analysis of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings and Reconstruction
=> Image and Sentence Matching via Semantic Concepts and Order Learning
=> Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing II
=> Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing III
=> Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IV
=> Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Signal Processing
7 for Image and Signal Processing
=> Image and Spectrum Based Deep Feature Analysis for Particle Matter Estimation with Weather Informatio
=> Image and tag retrieval by leveraging image-group links with multi-domain graph embedding
=> Image and Text Coupling for Creating Electronic Books from Manuscripts
=> Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs
=> Image and Texture Segmentation Using Local Spectral Histograms
=> Image and Video-based Artistic Stylisation
=> Image and video browsing with a cylindrical 3D storyboard
=> Image and Video Captioning with Augmented Neural Architectures
=> Image and Video Coding with Weighted Finite Automata
=> Image and Video Coding: Emerging Standards and Beyond
=> Image and video colorization based on prioritized source propagation
=> Image and Video Colorization Using Vector-Valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
=> Image and Video Compression With Neural Networks: A Review
=> Image and Video Compression
=> Image and Video Decolorization by Fusion
=> Image and video dehazing using view-based cluster segmentation
=> Image and Video Denoising Using Adaptive Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Packets
=> Image and video descriptors
=> Image and video encryption using SCAN patterns
=> Image and Video Forensics
=> Image and Video Indexing Using Networks of Operators
=> Image and Video Indexing Using Vector Quantization
=> Image and Video Matting with Membership Propagation
=> Image and Video Matting: A Survey
=> Image and video mining through online learning
=> Image and Video Processing for Cultural Heritage
=> Image and Video Processing for Visually Handicapped People
=> Image and Video Processing II
=> Image and Video Processing III
=> Image and Video Processing in the Compressed Domain
=> Image and Video Processing IV
=> Image and video processing using discrete fractional transforms
=> Image and Video Processing Using MAJC 5200
=> Image and Video Processing
=> Image and video resizing based on a multilayer approach
=> Image and Video Restorations via Nonlocal Kernel Regression
=> Image and Video Retargetting by Darting
=> Image and Video Retrieval from a User-Centered Mobile Multimedia Perspective
=> Image and Video Retrieval Using New Capture and Display Devices
=> Image and Video Saliency Models Improvement by Blur Identification
=> Image and Video Segmentation by Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift
=> Image and Video Segmentation by Combining Unsupervised Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Feature Selection
=> Image and video segmentation: the normalized cut framework
=> Image and video spatial super-resolution via bandlet-based sparsity regularization and structure tensor
=> Image and Video Transmission Over Wireless Channel: A Subband Modulation Approach
=> Image and Video Understanding in Big Data
=> Image and vision computing journal special issue on multimodal biometrics
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
12 for Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
=> Image and vision computing special issue on cognitive vision
=> Image and Vision Computing
=> Image and Vision Computing
=> Image and Volume Segmentation by Water Flow
=> Image Animation with Perturbed Masks
=> Image Anisotropic Diffusion Based on Gradient Vector Flow Fields
=> Image annotation based on multi-view robust spectral clustering
=> Image Annotation by Graph-Based Inference With Integrated Multiple/Single Instance Representations
=> Image Annotation by Input-Output Structural Grouping Sparsity
=> Image Annotation by Latent Community Detection and Multikernel Learning
=> Image Annotation by Learning Label-Specific Distance Metrics
=> Image Annotation by Multiple-Instance Learning With Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection
=> Image Annotation by Propagating Labels from Semantic Neighbourhoods
=> Image annotation by semi-supervised cross-domain learning with group sparsity
=> Image Annotation Incorporating Low-Rankness, Tag and Visual Correlation and Inhomogeneous Errors
=> Image annotation refinement using semantic similarity correlation
=> Image Annotation Using a Semantic Hierarchy
=> Image annotation using adapted Gaussian mixture model
=> Image annotation using bi-relational graph of images and semantic labels
=> Image annotation using clickthrough data
=> Image annotation using high order statistics in non-Euclidean spaces
=> Image Annotation Using Latent Components and Transmedia Association
=> Image Annotation Using Metric Learning in Semantic Neighbourhoods
=> Image annotation using multi-label correlated Green's function
=> Image annotation using multi-view non-negative matrix factorization with different number of basis vectors
=> Image annotation via deep neural network
=> Image annotation via graph learning
=> Image annotation via learning the image-label interrelations
=> Image Annotation with Multiple Quantization
=> Image Annotation Within the Context of Personal Photo Collections Using Hierarchical Event and Scene Models
=> Image annotation: the effects of content, lexicon and annotation method
=> Image annotation: Then and now
=> Image annotation: which approach for realistic databases?
=> Image Anomalies: A Review and Synthesis of Detection Methods
=> Image Anomaly Detection by Aggregating Deep Pyramidal Representations
=> Image anomaly detection for IoT equipment based on deep learning
=> Image Anomaly Detection with Capsule Networks and Imbalanced Datasets
=> Image Anonymization Detection with Deep Handcrafted Features
=> Image anonymization for PRNU forensics: A set theoretic framework addressing compression resilience
=> Image Appearance-Based Facial Expression Recognition
=> Image approximation and modeling via least statistically dependent bases
=> Image Approximation by Minimization of a Geometric Distance Applied to a 3D Finite Elements Based Model
=> Image Approximation by Rectangular Wavelet Transform
=> Image Arbitrary-Ratio Down- and Up-Sampling Scheme Exploiting DCT Low Frequency Components and Sparsity in High Frequency Components
=> Image area discriminating device
=> Image area discriminating system for an image processing apparatus
=> Image as a Foreign Language: BEIT Pretraining for Vision and Vision-Language Tasks
=> Image Assimilation for Motion Estimation of Atmospheric Layers with Shallow-Water Model
=> Image Associative Memory
=> Image asymmetry measurement for the study of endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard
=> Image atlas construction via intrinsic averaging on the manifold of images
=> Image Attribute Adaptation
=> Image augmentation by blocky artifact in Deep Convolutional Neural Network for handwritten digit recognition
=> Image Augmentations in Planetary Science: Implications in Self-Supervised Learning and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation on Mars
=> Image authentication algorithm with recovery capabilities based on neural networks in the DCT domain
=> Image Authentication and Integrity Verification Via Content-based Watermarks and a Public Key Cryptosystem
=> Image authentication and tamper detection using two complementary watermarks
=> Image Authentication and Tamperproofing for Noisy Channels
=> Image Authentication Based on Distributed Source Coding
=> Image Authentication Based on Faber Schauder DWT
=> Image authentication by detecting traces of demosaicing
=> image authentication method by applying Hamming code on rearranged bits, An
=> Image Authentication Scheme Based on Self-embedding Watermarking
=> Image Authentication Scheme for Accurate Localization and Restoration, An
=> Image authentication techniques for surveillance applications
=> Image authentication using a vector beam with sparse phase information
=> Image Authentication Using Block Truncation Coding in Lifting Wavelet Domain
=> Image Authentication Using Distributed Source Coding
=> Image authentication using generalised finite automata
=> Image auto-annotation by exploiting web information
=> Image Autocoregistration and InSAR Interferogram Estimation Using Joint Subspace Projection
=> Image Autocoregistration and Interferogram Estimation Using Extended COMET-EXIP Method
=> Image automatic annotation via multi-view deep representation
=> Image Averaging for Improved Iris Recognition
=> Image background replacement method
=> Image based 3D city modeling: Comparative study
=> Image Based 6-DOF Camera Pose Estimation with Weighted RANSAC 3D
=> Image Based Approach for Content Analysis in Document Collections, An
=> Image Based Approach to Recovering the Gravitational Field of Asteroids, An
=> Image Based Approaches for Tunnels' Defects Recognition via Robotic Inspectors
=> Image Based Architectural True-Orthophotographs
=> Image Based Auto-Focusing Algorithm for Digital Fundus Photography, An
=> Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on Human Dynamics Data
=> Image based detection of geometric changes in urban environments
=> Image Based Detection of Pedestrian Crossing, An
=> Image based document authentication using DCT
=> Image Based Estimation of Fruit Phytopathogenic Lesions Area
=> Image Based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning on Small Datasets
=> Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
=> Image Based Localization in Urban Environments
=> Image Based Measurements of Single Cell mtDNA Mutation Load
=> Image Based Metrology for Quantitative Analysis of Local Structural Similarity of Nanostructures
=> Image based Monument Recognition using Graph based Visual Saliency
=> Image Based Performance Evaluation Method for Page Dewarping Algorithms Using SIFT Features, An
=> Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
=> Image based PTM synthesis for realistic rendering of low resolution 3D models
=> Image Based Quantitative Mosaic Evaluation with Artificial Video
=> Image Based Recognition of Ancient Coins
=> Image Based Recognition of Dynamic Traffic Situations by Evaluating the Exterior Surrounding and Interior Space of Vehicles
=> Image Based Reconstruction of Liquids from 2D Surface Detections
=> Image Based Regression Using Boosting Method
=> Image based rendering for motion compensation in angiographic roadmapping
=> Image based rendering technique via sparse representation in shearlet domain
=> Image Based Search System Using Hierarchical Object Category Recognition Technique
=> Image based smoke detection with local Hurst exponent
=> Image Based Spatio-Temporal Modeling and View Interpolation of Dynamic Events
=> Image Based Temporal Registration of MRI Data for Medical Visualization
=> Image Based View Localization System Retrieving from a Panorama Database by SURF
=> Image Based View Synthesis of Articulated Agents
=> Image Based Virtual Try-On Network From Unpaired Data
=> Image Based Visibility Estimation During Day and Night
=> Image Based Visual Motion Cue for Autonomous Navigation, An
=> Image Based Visual Servoing: A New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian in Dynamic Environments
=> Image Based Visual Servoing: Estimated Image Jacobian by Using Fundamental Matrix VS Analytic Jacobian
=> Image basic features indexing techniques for video skimming
=> Image binarization apparatus
=> Image Binarization for End-to-End Text Understanding in Natural Images
=> Image bit-depth enhancement via maximum-a-posteriori estimation of graph AC component
=> Image Bit-Depth Enhancement via Maximum A Posteriori Estimation of AC Signal
=> Image blending by feature overwrite
=> Image Blending Techniques and their Application in Underwater Mosaicing
=> Image Blending with Osmosis
=> Image Blind Denoising with Generative Adversarial Network Based Noise Modeling
=> Image blind restoration based on degradation representation network
=> Image Block Coding Based on New Algorithms of Shortlength DCT with Minimal Multiplicative Complexity
=> Image Blockiness Evaluation Based on Sobel Operator
=> Image Blur Classification and Parameter Identification Using Two-stage Deep Belief Networks
=> Image blur correcting apparatus
=> Image Blur Detection Method Based on Gradient Information In Directional Statistics
=> Image blur display device
=> Image blur identification by using higher order statistic techniques
=> Image blur prevention apparatus
=> Image Blur Reduction for Cell-Phone Cameras Via Adaptive Tonal Correction
=> Image Blurring Effects Due to Depth Discontinuities: Blurring That Creates Emergent Image Details
=> Image Blurring Effects Due to Depth Discontinuities: Blurring That Creates Emergent Image Details
=> Image Boundary Extension With Mean Value for Cosine-Sine Modulated Lapped/Block Transforms
=> Image Browsing with PCA-Assisted User-Interaction
=> Image Browsing: Semantic Analysis of NN k Networks
=> Image camouflage by reversible image transformation
=> Image Caption Generation with Hierarchical Contextual Visual Spatial Attention
=> Image caption generation with high-level image features
=> Image Caption Generation with Part of Speech Guidance
=> Image Caption Method Based on Graph Attention Network with Global Context
=> Image caption model of double LSTM with scene factors
=> Image Captioning Algorithm Based on Multi-Branch CNN and Bi-LSTM
=> Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering Based on Attributes and External Knowledge
=> Image Captioning Based on Visual and Semantic Attention
=> Image Captioning for Video Surveillance System using Neural Networks
=> Image Captioning Through Image Transformer
=> Image Captioning using Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning
=> Image captioning using DenseNet network and adaptive attention
=> Image captioning via proximal policy optimization
=> Image Captioning with Attribute Refinement
=> Image Captioning With Controllable and Adaptive Length Levels
=> Image Captioning With End-to-End Attribute Detection and Subsequent Attributes Prediction
=> Image Captioning With Novel Topics Guidance and Retrieval-Based Topics Re-Weighting
=> Image Captioning with Reinforcement Learning
=> Image Captioning with Semantic Attention
=> Image Captioning with Sentiment Terms via Weakly-Supervised Sentiment Dataset
=> Image captioning with transformer and knowledge graph
=> Image Captioning with Word Level Attention
=> Image captioning: Semantic selection unit with stacked residual attention
=> Image Capture With Synchronized Multiple-cameras For Extraction Of Accurate Geometries
=> Image capture: Simulation of sensor responses from hyperspectral images
=> Image capturing apparatus, main subject position determination method, and computer-readable medium storing program
=> Image Categorization Based on a Hierarchical Spatial Markov Model
=> Image categorization by a classifier based on probabilistic topic model
=> Image Categorization by Learned Nonlinear Subspace of Combined Visual-Words and Low-Level Features
=> Image categorization by learning with context and consistency
=> Image categorization through optimum path forest and visual words
=> Image Categorization Using a Heuristic Automatic Clustering Method Based on Hierarchical Clustering
=> Image Categorization Using Agglomerative Clustering Based Smoothed Dirichlet Mixtures
=> Image Categorization Using Directed Graphs
=> Image Categorization Using ESFS: A New Embedded Feature Selection Method Based on SFS
=> Image categorization using Fisher kernels of non-iid image models
=> Image Categorization Using Local Probabilistic Descriptors
=> Image Categorization Using Scene-Context Scale Based on Random Forests
=> Image Categorization Using Texture Features
=> Image categorization via robust pLSA
=> Image Categorization with Semi-Supervised Learning
=> Image categorization with spatial mismatch kernels
=> Image categorization: Graph edit distance+edge direction histogram
=> Image Change Captioning by Learning from an Auxiliary Task
=> image change detection algorithm based on markov random field models, An
=> Image Change Detection Algorithms: A Systematic Survey
=> Image change detection system
=> Image Change Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Genetic Algorithm
=> Image Change Detection Using Paradoxical Theory for Patient Follow-Up Quantitation and Therapy Assessment
=> Image Character Reader System
=> Image character recognition using deep convolutional neural network learned from different languages
=> Image characteristics and representation by phase: From Symmetric to Geometric Structure
=> Image Characterization from Statistical Reduction of Local Patterns
=> image cipher system based on networked chaotic map with parameter q, An
=> Image Clarification Method Based on Structure-Texture Decomposition with Texture Refinement
=> Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling
=> Image Class Segmentation via Conditional Random Field over Weighted Histogram Classifier
=> Image classification and annotation based on robust regularized coding
=> Image Classification and Indexing by EM Based Multiple-Instance Learning
=> Image classification and information retrieval over wireless digital networks and the internet
=> Image Classification and Querying Using Composite Region Templates
=> Image Classification and Retrieval using Correlation
=> Image Classification Base on PCA of Multi-View Deep Representation
=> Image Classification Based on a Multiresolution Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Model
=> Image classification based on bag of visual graphs
=> Image Classification Based on Bayes Discriminant Functions
=> Image classification based on complex wavelet structural similarity
=> Image classification based on focus
=> Image Classification Based on pLSA Fusing Spatial Relationships Between Topics
=> Image classification based on segmentation-free object recognition
=> Image classification by combining local and global features
=> Image Classification by Cross-Media Active Learning with Privileged Information
=> Image classification by Distortion-Free Graph Embedding and KNN-Random forest
=> Image classification by extended certainty factors
=> Image Classification by Hierarchical Spatial Pooling with Partial Least Squares Analysis
=> Image classification by multimodal subspace learning
=> Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, correlation constrained low-rank and sparse decomposition
=> Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, low-rank and sparse decomposition
=> Image Classification by Selective Regularized Subspace Learning
=> Image Classification for Content-Based Indexing
=> Image Classification for Genetic Diagnosis using Fuzzy ARTMAP
=> Image Classification for Ground Traversability Estimation in Robotics
=> Image Classification for Mapping Oil Palm Distribution Via Support Vector Machine Using Scikit-learn Module
=> Image Classification from Generalized Image Distance Features: Application to Detection of Interstitial Disease in Chest Radiographs
=> Image Classification from Small Sample, with Distance Learning and Feature Selection
=> Image classification in natural scenes: Are a few selective spectral channels sufficient?
=> Image Classification in the Dark Using Quanta Image Sensors
=> Image Classification into Object / Non-object Classes
=> Image classification of bowel abnormalities and ischemia
=> Image Classification to Improve Printing Quality of Mixed-Type Documents
=> Image classification toward breast cancer using deeply-learned quality features
=> Image classification toward lung cancer recognition by learning deep quality model
=> Image classification towards transmission line fault detection via learning deep quality-aware fine-grained categorization
=> Image Classification using Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Image classification using color, texture and regions
=> Image classification using convolutional neural network with wavelet domain inputs
=> Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Kernel Extreme Learning Machines
=> Image Classification Using Correlation Tensor Analysis
=> Image classification using evolved parameters
=> Image Classification Using Frequent Approximate Subgraphs
=> Image Classification Using Generative Neuro Evolution for Deep Learning
=> Image classification using graph neural network and multiscale wavelet superpixels
=> Image classification using HTM cortical learning algorithms
=> Image Classification Using Marginalized Kernels for Graphs
=> Image classification using multimedia knowledge networks
=> Image Classification Using Multiscale Information Fusion Based on Saliency Driven Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
=> Image classification using object detectors
=> Image Classification Using Probability Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlations
=> Image Classification Using Pseudo Power Signatures
=> Image Classification using Random Forests and Ferns
=> Image classification using RBM to encode local descriptors with group sparse learning
=> Image Classification Using Separable Discrete Moments of Charlier-Tchebichef
=> Image classification using SLIC superpixel and FAAGKFCM image segmentation
=> Image Classification Using Spatial Difference Descriptor Under Spatial Pyramid Matching Framework
=> Image Classification Using Spatial Pyramid Coding and Visual Word Reweighting
=> Image classification using spatial pyramid robust sparse coding
=> Image classification using spectral and spatial information based on MRF models
=> Image Classification Using Subgraph Histogram Representation
=> Image Classification Using Super-Vector Coding of Local Image Descriptors
=> Image Classification Using the Surface-shape Operator and Multiscale Features
=> Image Classification via Object-Aware Holistic Superpixel Selection
=> Image Classification via Semi-supervised Feature Extraction with Out-of-Sample Extension
=> Image classification via SVM using in-between universum samples
=> Image classification with CNN-based Fisher vector coding
=> Image Classification With Densely Sampled Image Windows and Generalized Adaptive Multiple Kernel Learning
=> Image Classification with Indicator Kriging Error Comparison
=> Image Classification With Kernelized Spatial-Context
=> Image Classification with Multivariate Gaussian Descriptors
=> Image Classification with Segmentation Graph Kernels
=> Image Classification With Tailored Fine-Grained Dictionaries
=> Image Classification with the Fisher Vector: Theory and Practice
=> Image classification with the use of radial basis function neural networks and the minimization of the localized generalization error
=> Image classification: A novel texture signature approach
=> Image classification: an evolutionary approach
=> Image classification: Are rule-based systems effective when classes are fixed and known?
=> Image classification: Classifying distributions of visual features
=> Image classification: No features, no clustering
=> Image classifier learning from noisy labels via generalized graph smoothness priors
=> Image clustering algorithm using superpixel segmentation and non-symmetric Gaussian-Cauchy mixture model
=> Image Clustering Based on Frequent Approximate Subgraph Mining
=> Image clustering based on hermetian positive definite matrix and radial Jacobi moments
=> Image clustering based on sparse patch alignment framework
=> Image clustering by incorporating adaptive spatial connectivity
=> Image clustering through community detection on hybrid image similarity graphs
=> Image Clustering Using a Similarity Measure Incorporating Human Perception
=> Image clustering using exponential discriminant analysis
=> Image clustering using generated text centroids
=> Image Clustering Using Local Discriminant Models and Global Integration
=> Image Clustering via Deep Embedded Dimensionality Reduction and Probability-Based Triplet Loss
=> Image Clustering with Metric, Local Linear Structure, and Affine Symmetry
=> Image Co-Localization by Mimicking a Good Detector's Confidence Score Distribution
=> Image Co-Saliency Detection and Co-Segmentation via Progressive Joint Optimization
=> Image Co-Saliency Detection and Instance Co-Segmentation Using Attention Graph Clustering Based Graph Convolutional Network
=> Image co-saliency detection based on clustering and diffusion process
=> Image Co-segmentation Using Maximum Common Subgraph Matching and Region Co-growing
=> Image Co-segmentation via Consistent Functional Maps
=> Image Co-segmentation via Saliency Co-fusion
=> Image Co-Skeletonization via Co-Segmentation
=> Image coarsening by using space-filling curve for decomposition-based image enhancement
=> Image coding and decoding method and apparatus considering human visual characteristics
=> Image coding apparatus and method utilizing separable transformations
=> Image coding based on a fractal theory of iterated contractive image transformations
=> Image Coding Based on a Morphological Representation of Wavelet Data
=> Image coding based on classified lapped orthogonal transform-vector quantization
=> Image coding based on classified vector quantisation using edge orientation patterns
=> Image Coding Based on Contour Models
=> Image coding based on fractal approximation and vector quantization
=> Image coding based on multiple projections and multi stage vector quantization
=> Image coding based on wavelet feature vector
=> Image coding based on wavelet transform and uniform scalar dead zone quantizer
=> Image Coding Based on Zero-Crossing and Energy Information
=> Image coding by block prediction of multiresolution subimages
=> Image coding by fitting RBF-surfaces to subimages
=> Image Coding by Folding
=> Image coding by matching pursuit and perceptual pruning
=> Image coding by morphological skeleton transformation
=> Image coding by use of discrete cosine transforms
=> Image coding for level 3 Teletext and Videotext
=> Image Coding for Machines with Omnipotent Feature Learning
=> Image Coding for Transmission Over Multiple Noisy Channels Using Punctured Convolutional Codes and Trellis-coded Quantization
=> Image coding from wavelet transform maxima and projection onto convex sets
=> Image coding in the context of a psychovisual image representation with vector quantization
=> Image coding of 3D volume using wavelet transform for fast retrieval of 2D images
=> Image coding on the Phobos space probe
=> image coding scheme based on image projections and geometrical VQ, An
=> image coding scheme using block prediction of the pyramid subband decomposition, An
=> image coding scheme using parallel compressive sensing for simultaneous compression-encryption applications, An
=> Image Coding using 2-D Anisotropic Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Image coding using a classified DCT/VQ based on two-channel conjugate vector quantization
=> Image coding using adaptive recursive interpolative DPCM
=> Image coding using an adaptive sampling technique
=> Image Coding Using Depth Blurring for Aesthetically Acceptable Distortion
=> Image coding using differential vector quantization
=> Image Coding Using Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Image coding using entropy-constrained reflected residual vector quantization
=> Image coding using entropy-constrained residual vector quantization
=> Image coding using generalized optimal subband decomposition and vector quantization
=> Image Coding Using Generalized Predictors Based on Sparsity and Geometric Transformations
=> Image coding using high-order conditional entropy-constrained residual VQ
=> Image coding using lapped biorthogonal transform
=> Image coding using overlapping fractal transform in the wavelet domain
=> Image coding using short wavelet-based contourlet transform
=> Image coding using transform vector quantization with training set synthesis
=> Image coding using variable-rate side-match finite-state vector quantization
=> Image coding using Vector-Embedded Karhunen-Loeve Transform
=> Image Coding Using Wavelet Transform
=> Image Coding Using Wavelet Transforms and Entropy-Constrained Trellis-Coded Quantization
=> Image Coding using wavelets based on two-channel linear phase orthogonal IIR filter banks
=> Image Coding via Morphological Transformations: A General Theory
=> Image Coding Via Perceptually Inspired Graph Learning
=> Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
=> Image Coding With Data-Driven Transforms: Methodology, Performance and Potential
=> Image coding with face descriptors embedding
=> Image coding with fuzzy region-growing segmentation
=> Image Coding With Geometric Wavelets
=> Image coding with incomplete transform competition for HEVC
=> Image coding with iterated contourlet and wavelet transforms
=> Image coding with modulated wavelets
=> Image Coding with Optimal Reconstruction
=> Image Coding with Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
=> Image coding with wavelet representations, edge information and visual masking
=> Image Collection Organization and Its Application to Indexing, Browsing, Summarization, and Semantic Retrieval
=> Image Collection Pop-up: 3D Reconstruction and Clustering of Rigid and Non-rigid Categories
=> Image Collection Simulation Using High-Resolution Atmospheric Modeling
=> Image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation
=> Image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation
=> Image Collector II: A System to Gather a Large Number of Images from the Web
=> Image Color Cube Dimensional Filtering and Visualization
=> Image color transfer to evoke different emotions based on color combinations
=> Image colorization based on the mixed L0/L1 norm minimization
=> Image Colorization Using Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image colorization via color propagation and rank minimization
=> Image Colorization with Neural Networks
=> Image colourisation by non-local total variation method in the CB and YIQ colour spaces
=> Image colourisation using deep feature-guided image retrieval
=> Image colourisation using graph-based semi-supervised learning
=> Image colourisation using linear neighbourhood propagation and weighted smoothing
=> Image Comes Dancing With Collaborative Parsing-Flow Video Synthesis
=> Image Communication over Noisy Channels with Feedback
=> Image compact-resolution and reconstruction using reversible network
=> Image Comparison and Scaling via Nonlinear Elasticity
=> Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information with Applications to Perceptual Visual Quality Assessment, Image Registration and Tracking
=> Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information
=> Image comparison measure for digital still color cameras
=> Image Comparison on the Base of a Combinatorial Matching Algorithm
=> Image comparison system
=> Image Comparison Techniques in the Context of Scene Refinement
=> Image Completion And Extrapolation With Contextual Cycle Consistency
=> Image Completion and Its Application in Cultural Relic Preservation
=> Image Completion Approaches Using the Statistics of Similar Patches
=> Image Completion by Diffusion Maps and Spectral Relaxation
=> Image completion for view synthesis using Markov random fields and efficient belief propagation
=> Image Completion Optimised for Realistic Simulations of Wound Development
=> Image Completion Using Efficient Belief Propagation Via Priority Scheduling and Dynamic Pruning
=> Image Completion Using Global Optimization
=> Image Completion Using Global Patch Matching and Optimal Seam Synthesis
=> Image Completion Using Low Tensor Tree Rank and Total Variation Minimization
=> Image completion using multispectral imaging
=> Image completion using planar structure guidance
=> Image completion using prediction concept via support vector regression
=> Image completion with approximate convex hull tensor decomposition
=> Image Completion with Heterogeneously Filtered Spectral Hints
=> Image Complexity and Feature Extraction for Steganalysis of LSB Matching Steganography
=> Image complexity measure based on visual attention
=> Image Compositing for Segmentation of Surgical Tools Without Manual Annotations
=> Image composition by constraining responses of filters
=> Image composition for object pop-out
=> Image composition with color harmonization
=> Image Compressed Sensing Reconstruction via Deep Image Prior With Structure-Texture Decomposition
=> Image Compressed Sensing Using Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-Local Neural Network
=> Image compression-based multiple description transform coding using NSCT and OMP approximation
=> Image Compression Algorithm Based on Morphological Associative Memories
=> Image Compression Algorithm Using Warped Discrete Cosine Transform, An
=> Image compression and affine transformation for image motion compensation
=> Image compression and decompression using predictive coding and error diffusion
=> image compression and encryption scheme for similarity retrieval, An
=> Image compression and encryption scheme using fractal dictionary and Julia set
=> Image compression and matching
=> Image compression and reconstruction using a 1-D feature catalogue
=> Image Compression and Transmission Through a Low-Rate Ultrasonic Link in Subsea Telerobotic Applications
=> Image Compression Based on BTC-DPCM and its Data-Driven Parallel Implementation
=> Image compression based on Centipede Model
=> Image Compression Based on Compressive Sensing: End-to-End Comparison With JPEG
=> Image Compression Based on Fuzzy Algorithms for Learning Vector Quantization and Wavelet Image Decomposition
=> Image compression based on fuzzy segmentation and anisotropic diffusion
=> Image Compression Based on Importance Using Optimal Mass Transportation Map
=> Image compression based on multi-scale edge compensation
=> Image Compression Based on Side-Match VQ and SOC
=> Image compression based on task-specific information
=> Image Compression Based on Visual Saliency at Individual Scales
=> Image Compression by Approximated 2D Karhunen Loeve Transform
=> Image Compression by Learning to Minimize the Total Error
=> Image Compression by Moment-Preserving Edge-Detection
=> Image compression by sparse PCA coding in curvelet domain
=> Image Compression by Texture Modeling in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Compression By Vector Quantization: A Review Focused on Codebook Generation
=> Image Compression By Weighted Karhunen-Loeve Transform
=> Image compression for memory constrained printers
=> Image Compression Framework with Learning-based Filter, An
=> Image compression method and apparatus
=> image compression method based on multiple models for the probabilities of patterns, An
=> Image Compression Method of Spatial Search, An
=> Image compression mismatch effect on color image based face recognition system
=> Image Compression Network Structure Based on Multiscale Region of Interest Attention Network
=> Image compression optimized for 3D reconstruction by utilizing deep neural networks
=> Image Compression Scheme Adopted for Contourlet Transform, An
=> Image compression system and method of determining quantization parameters therefor
=> Image compression system by setting fixed bit rates
=> Image compression system with an optimisation of compression ratio
=> Image compression technique
=> Image Compression Through a Projection onto a Polyhedral Set
=> Image Compression Through Embedded Multiwavelet Transform Coding
=> Image compression through projection of wavelet coefficients
=> Image Compression Using a New Discrete Multiwavelet Transform and a New Embedded Vector Quantization
=> Image compression using adaptive multiresolution image decomposition algorithm
=> Image Compression Using Adaptive Variable Degree Variable Segment Length Chebyshev Polynomials
=> Image Compression Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees
=> Image Compression Using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms with Multiplierless 2-D Filter Mask Operation
=> Image Compression Using Coding of Wavelet Coefficients: A Survey
=> Image Compression Using Data-Dependent Triangulations
=> Image compression using finite-state vector quantization with derailment compensation
=> Image compression using high order wedgelets in a generalized quad-tree
=> Image compression using lattice vector quantization with code book shape adapted thresholding
=> Image Compression Using Modified Block Truncation Coding Algorithm
=> Image compression using multiple transforms
=> Image Compression Using Nonstationary and Inhomogeneous Multiresolution Analyses
=> Image Compression using Object-Based Regions of Interest
=> Image compression using permutative vector quantization
=> Image compression using plane fitting with inter-block prediction
=> Image compression using polylines
=> Image compression using principal component neural network
=> Image compression using principal component neural networks
=> Image compression using projection vector quantization with quadtree decomposition
=> Image compression using self-organization networks
=> Image Compression Using Shift-Invariant Dyadic Wavelets
=> Image Compression Using Stitching with Harris Corner Detector and SPIHT Coding
=> Image Compression Using Stochastic-AFD Based Multisignal Sparse Representation
=> Image Compression Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform
=> Image Compression Using the DTOCS and Delaunay Triangulation
=> Image compression using transformed vector quantization
=> Image Compression Using Wavelet Packet Tree
=> Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution Decomposition
=> Image Compression Using Zerotree and Multi-Stage Vector Quantization
=> Image compression via improved quadtree decomposition algorithms
=> Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Compression with a Geometrical Entropy Coder
=> Image Compression with a Hybrid Wavelet-Fractal Coder
=> Image Compression with Adaptive Local Cosines: A Comparative Study
=> Image Compression with Adaptive Local Cosines: A Comparative Study
=> Image Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
=> Image compression with anisotropic triangulations
=> Image compression with downsampling and overlapped transform at low bit rates
=> Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
=> Image Compression with Encoder-Decoder Matched Semantic Segmentation
=> Image compression with Generalized Lifting and partial knowledge of the signal pdf
=> Image Compression with Geometrical Wavelets
=> Image Compression with Laplacian Guided Scale Space Inpainting
=> Image compression with neural networks: A survey
=> Image compression with on-line and off-line learning
=> Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Network and Generalized Divisive Normalization
=> Image compression: Maxshift ROI encoding options in JPEG2000
=> Image Compression: Sparse Coding vs. Bottleneck Autoencoders
=> Image compressive sensing using group sparse representation via truncated nuclear norm minimization
=> Image compressive sensing via hybrid regularization combining centralized group sparse representation and deep denoiser prior
=> Image compressive sensing via Truncated Schatten-p Norm regularization
=> Image Computations on Meshes with Multiple Broadcast
=> Image Computations on Reconfigurable VLSI Arrays
=> Image computing for digital pathology
=> Image congealing via efficient feature selection
=> Image Consulting Framework for Document Analysis of Internet Graphics, An
=> Image content-based active sensor planning for a mobile trinocular active vision system
=> Image content analysis for sector-wise JPEG fragment classification
=> Image Content Annotation Using Bayesian Framework and Complement Components Analysis
=> Image Content Based Curve Matching Using HMCD Descriptor
=> Image content based improvements to locally adaptive video enhancement
=> Image content classification methods, systems and computer programs using texture patterns
=> Image Content Search by Color and Texture Properties
=> Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs
=> Image contrast enhancement based on 2D Teager-Kaiser operator
=> Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Block-Wise Intensity-Pair Distribution with Two Expansion Forces
=> Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Intensity-Pair Distribution
=> Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-compression
=> Image Contrast Enhancement by Constrained Local Histogram Equalization
=> Image Contrast Enhancement by Distances Among Points in Fuzzy Hyper-Cubes
=> Image Contrast Enhancement by Global and Local Adjustment of Gray Levels
=> Image contrast enhancement in compressed wavelet domain
=> image contrast enhancement method based on genetic algorithm, An
=> Image Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Slope
=> Image Contrast Enhancement Using Color and Depth Histograms
=> Image contrast enhancement using geometric mean filter
=> Image contrast enhancement using triple clipped dynamic histogram equalisation based on standard deviation
=> Image contrast enhancement via entropy production
=> Image contrast enhancement with brightness preservation using an optimal gamma and logarithmic approach
=> Image Contrast Measure as a Gloss Material Descriptor
=> Image Contrast Measure Based on Retinex Principles, An
=> Image Contrast, Complexity, and Stability
=> Image conversion with lossy adaptive error diffusion
=> Image Coordinate Transformation Based on DIV-CURL Vector Splines
=> Image copy-and-paste with optimized gradient
=> Image copy-move forgery detection algorithm based on ORB and novel similarity metric
=> Image copy-move forgery detection based on dynamic threshold with dense points
=> Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Combination of Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and Local Binary Pattern Features
=> Image copy-move forgery detection using sparse recovery and keypoint matching
=> Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
=> image copy detection scheme based on radon transform, An
=> Image Copy Detection via Grouping in Feature Space Based on Virtual Prior Attacks
=> Image Coregistration in SAR Interferometry
=> Image Corner Detection Using Hough Transform
=> Image Correction and In Situ Spectral Calibration for Low-Cost, Smartphone Hyperspectral Imaging
=> Image correction processing method and apparatus
=> Image Correction via Deep Reciprocating HDR Transformation
=> Image Correction with Curvature and Geometric Wavefront Sensors in Simulation and On-sky
=> Image Correlation-Based Method to Assess Ciliary Beat Frequency in Human Airway Organoids
=> Image Correlation for Shape, Motion and Deformation Measurements Basic Concepts,Theory and Applications
=> Image Correlation System
=> Image Correspondence from Motion Subspace Constraint and Epipolar Constraint
=> Image Correspondence With CUR Decomposition-Based Graph Completion and Matching
=> Image Correspondences Matching Using Multiple Features Fusion
=> Image Cosegmentation Based on Local and Global Level Set Methods
=> Image Cosegmentation by Incorporating Color Reward Strategy and Active Contour Model
=> Image Cosegmentation via Multi-task Learning
=> Image Coupling, Restoration and Enhancement via PDE's
=> Image Coupling, Restoration and Enhancement via PDE's
=> Image covariance-based subspace method for face recognition
=> Image Covert Communication With Block Regulation
=> Image Cropping Assisted By Modeling Inter-Patch Relations
=> Image cropping based on order learning
=> Image Cropping with Spatial-aware Feature and Rank Consistency
=> Image cryptography based on the imitation of gene fusion and horizontal gene transfer
=> Image Cube Trajectory Analysis for Concentric Mosaics
=> Image Cues Fusion for Object Tracking Based on Particle Filter
=> Image Curvature Microscope: Accurate Curvature Computation at Subpixel Resolution, The
=> Image DAEs based on residual entropy maximum
=> Image Data and Backbone in Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization: A Revisit and Further Thinking, The
=> Image data and LiDAR: An ideal combination matched by object-oriented analysis
=> Image data augmentation for improving performance of deep learning-based model in pathological lung segmentation
=> Image Data Augmentation with Unpaired Image-to-Image Camera Model Translation
=> Image data compression method and apparatus with pre-processing to compensate for the blocky effect
=> Image data compression using autoregressive time series models
=> Image Data Compression Using Cubic Convolution Spline Interpolation
=> Image data compression without distortion by minimizing entropy
=> Image data encoding method and device, image data reconstructing method and device, scene change detecting method and device, scene change recording device, and image data scene change record/regenerating device
=> Image data file storage and retrieval system for an image data filing system
=> Image Data Mining from Financial Documents Based on Wavelet Features
=> Image data processing apparatus and image reproduction apparatus
=> Image data processing apparatus
=> Image data processor
=> Image data rotation processing method and apparatus therefor
=> Image Data Watermarking Technique Using the Average of a Fresnel-transformed Pattern, An
=> Image database categorization using robust modeling of finite Generalized Dirichlet mixture
=> Image database categorization using robust unsupervised learning of finite generalized dirichlet mixture models
=> Image Database for 3-D Object Recognition
=> image database for benchmarking of automatic face detection and recognition algorithms, An
=> Image Database for Design and Evaluation of Visual Quality Metrics in Synthetic Scenarios, An
=> Image database indexing using JPEG coefficients
=> Image database indexing: Emotional impact assessing
=> Image Database Navigation on a Hierarchical MDS Grid
=> Image Database Navigation: A Globe-Al Approach
=> Image database organization based on membership values and connectivity graph
=> Image database retrieval of rotated objects by user sketch
=> Image database retrieval using sketched queries
=> Image Database Systems: A Survey
=> Image Database Technology of China's Ancient Tower
=> Image database TID2013: Peculiarities, results and perspectives
=> Image Database
=> Image Database
=> Image Databases and Near-Perfect Hash Table
=> Image databases are not databases with images
=> Image Databases, Scale and Fractal Transforms
=> Image Databases: A Case Study in Norwegian Silver Authentication
=> Image Dataset of Text Patches in Everyday Scenes, An
=> Image De-Blocking with Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Analysis and Spatially Variant OS Filters
=> Image De-blurring Using Shearlets
=> Image de-fencing framework with hybrid inpainting algorithm
=> Image De-fencing Revisited
=> Image de-fencing using histograms of oriented gradients
=> Image de-fencing
=> Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest Descent Concept
=> Image De-noising by Bayesian Regression
=> Image de-noising by non-local means algorithm
=> Image De-Noising by Selective Filtering Based on Double-Shot Pictures
=> Image De-noising via Overlapping Wavelet Atoms
=> Image de-quantization via spatially varying sparsity prior
=> Image De-Raining Transformer
=> Image De-Raining Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
=> Image De-Speckling Based on the Coefficient of Variation, Improved Guided Filter, and Fast Bilateral Filter
=> Image deblocking using convex optimization
=> Image deblocking using group-based sparse representation and quantization constraint prior
=> Image deblocking via shape-adaptive low-rank prior and sparsity-based detail enhancement
=> Image deblocking via sparse representation
=> Image deblur with regularized backward heat diffusion
=> Image deblurring and denoising using color priors
=> Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution by Adaptive Sparse Domain Selection and Adaptive Regularization
=> Image Deblurring based on Lightweight Multi-Information Fusion Network
=> Image deblurring by exploiting inherent bi-level regions
=> Image deblurring for less intrusive iris capture
=> Image deblurring for satellite imagery using small-support-regularized deconvolution
=> Image deblurring in super-resolution framework
=> Image Deblurring in the Presence of Impulsive Noise
=> Image Deblurring in the Presence of Salt-and-Pepper Noise
=> Image deblurring in the presence of salt-and-pepper noise
=> Image Deblurring Using Deep Multi-Scale Distortion Prior
=> Image Deblurring Using Derivative Compressed Sensing for Optical Imaging Application
=> Image Deblurring Using Fast Best Kernel Retrieval
=> Image deblurring using robust sparsity priors
=> Image Deblurring Using Smartphone Inertial Sensors
=> Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Long-Short Exposure Strategy
=> Image deblurring via enhanced local maximum intensity prior
=> Image Deblurring via Enhanced Low-Rank Prior
=> Image Deblurring via Extreme Channels Prior
=> Image Deblurring with a Class-Specific Prior
=> Image deblurring with blur kernel estimation from a reference image patch
=> Image Deblurring with Computer Generated double Phase Holograms
=> Image Deblurring with Coupled Dictionary Learning
=> Image Deblurring with Image Blurring
=> Image deblurring with matrix regression and gradient evolution
=> Image Declipping with Deep Networks
=> Image Decoding Over Noisy Channels Using Minimum Mean-Squared Estimation and a Markov Mesh
=> Image Decolorization Based on Information Theory
=> Image Decolorization Combining Local Features and Exposure Features
=> Image Decomposition and Classification Through a Generative Model
=> Image decomposition and denoising based on Shearlet and nonlocal data fidelity term
=> Image decomposition and denoising using fractional-order partial differential equations
=> Image Decomposition and Reconstruction Using Single Sided Complex Gabor Wavelets
=> Image Decomposition and Separation Using Sparse Representations: An Overview
=> Image decomposition and texture analysis via combined bi-dimensional Bedrosian's principles
=> Image Decomposition and Texture Segmentation via Sparse Representation
=> Image Decomposition Application to SAR Images
=> Image decomposition based matrix regression with applications to robust face recognition
=> Image Decomposition Based on Region-constrained Smoothing
=> Image decomposition by bidimensional ensemble patch transform
=> Image Decomposition by Radial Basis Functions
=> Image decomposition combining staircase reduction and texture extraction
=> Image Decomposition into a Bounded Variation Component and an Oscillating Component
=> Image decomposition into structure and texture subcomponents with multifrequency modulation constraints
=> Image decomposition using adaptive second-order total generalized variation
=> Image decomposition using deconvolution
=> Image decomposition using optimally sparse representations and a variational approach
=> Image decomposition via learning the morphological diversity
=> Image decomposition via the combination of sparse representations and a variational approach
=> Image Decomposition With Multilabel Context: Algorithms and Applications
=> Image decomposition, image restoration, and texture modeling using total variation minimization and the H-1 norm
=> Image decomposition: application to textured images and SAR images
=> Image Decompositions Using Spaces of Variable Smoothness and Integrability
=> Image deconvolution by stein block thresholding
=> Image deconvolution in mirror wavelet bases
=> Image Deconvolution Ringing Artifact Detection and Removal via PSF Frequency Analysis
=> Image Deconvolution Using A General Ridgelet And Curvelet Domain
=> Image Deconvolution Using Hidden Markov Tree Modeling of Complex Wavelet Packets
=> Image deconvolution using homomorphic technique
=> Image deconvolution using incomplete Fourier measurements
=> Image deconvolution using multigrid natural image prior and its applications
=> Image deconvolution using tree-structured Bayesian group sparse modeling
=> Image deconvolution via superfast inversion of a class of two-level Toeplitz matrices
=> Image Deconvolution with Deep Image and Kernel Priors
=> Image Deconvolution With Multi-Stage Convex Relaxation and Its Perceptual Evaluation
=> Image deep clustering based on local-topology embedding
=> Image Defocus Analysis for Finger Detection on A Virtual Keyboard
=> Image defogging based on amended dark channel prior and 4-directional L1 regularisation
=> Image Defogging Quality Assessment: Real-World Database and Method
=> Image deformation based on contour using moving integral least squares
=> Image Deformation Meta-Networks for One-Shot Learning
=> Image Deformation Using Velocity Fields: An Exact Solution
=> Image Degradation for Quality Assessment of Pan-Sharpening Methods
=> Image Dehazing Assessment: A Real-World Dataset and a Haze Density-Aware Criteria
=> Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
=> Image dehazing based on a transmission fusion strategy by automatic image matting
=> Image Dehazing Based on Multispectral Polarization Imaging Method In Different Detection Modes
=> Image Dehazing by Joint Estimation of Transmittance and Airlight Using Bi-Directional Consistency Loss Minimized FCN
=> Image Dehazing Guided by Low-Pass Reinforced Airlight
=> Image dehazing method via a cycle generative adversarial network
=> Image Dehazing Transformer with Transmission-Aware 3D Position Embedding
=> Image dehazing using adaptive bi-channel priors on superpixels
=> Image dehazing using Moore neighborhood-based gradient profile prior
=> Image dehazing using morphological opening, dilation and Gaussian filtering
=> Image dehazing using non-local haze-lines and multi-exposure fusion
=> Image Dehazing Using Quadtree Decomposition and Entropy-Based Contextual Regularization
=> Image Dehazing Using Regularized Optimization
=> Image dehazing using two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis
=> Image Dehazing via Pyramid Exposure Fusion
=> Image Dehazing With Contextualized Attentive U-NET
=> Image dehazing with uneven illumination prior by dense residual channel attention network
=> Image Demoireing with Learnable Bandpass Filters
=> Image demosaicing by using iterative residual interpolation
=> Image demosaicking by nonlocal adaptive thresholding
=> Image Demosaicking with Contour Stencils
=> Image Denoise Using Auto-Adapted Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm
=> Image Denoiser Using Convolutional Neural Network with Deconvolution and Modified Residual Network
=> image denoising algorithm based on adaptive clustering and singular value decomposition, An
=> Image denoising algorithm based on contourlet transform for optical coherence tomography heart tube image
=> image denoising algorithm for mixed noise combining nonlocal means filter and sparse representation technique, An
=> Image denoising algorithm via best wavelet packet base using Wiener cost function
=> Image denoising algorithm via doubly local Wiener filtering with directional windows in wavelet domain
=> Image Denoising Algorithm with an Adaptive Window, An
=> Image Denoising and Decomposition with Total Variation Minimization and Oscillatory Functions
=> Image Denoising and the Generative Accumulation of Photons
=> Image denoising and zooming under the linear minimum mean square-error estimation framework
=> image denoising approach based on adaptive nonlocal total variation, An
=> Image Denoising Based on a Mixture of Laplace Distributions with Local Parameters in Complex Wavelet Domain
=> Image denoising based on a new symmetrical second-generation wavelet
=> Image Denoising Based on Adapted Dictionary Computation
=> Image denoising based on adaptive spatial segmentation and multi-scale correlation in directionlet domain
=> Image denoising based on BCOLTA: Dataset and study
=> Image Denoising Based on Combining Neighbouring Wavelet Coefficients
=> Image Denoising Based on Fractional Gradient Vector Flow and Overlapping Group Sparsity as Priors
=> Image Denoising Based on Fuzzy and Intra-scale Dependency in Wavelet Transform Domain
=> Image denoising based on gaussian/bilateral filter and its method noise thresholding
=> Image Denoising Based on Hierarchical Markov Random Field
=> Image denoising based on iterative generalized cross-validation and fast translation invariant
=> Image Denoising Based on Multiscale Singularity Detection for Cone Beam CT Breast Imaging
=> Image denoising based on non-local means filter and its method noise thresholding
=> Image Denoising Based on Nonlocal Bayesian Singular Value Thresholding and Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator
=> Image Denoising Based on Scale-Space Mixture Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
=> Image denoising based on sparse representation and gradient histogram
=> Image Denoising Based on the Ridgelet Frame Using the Generalized Cross Validation Technique
=> Image denoising based on the symmetric normal inverse Gaussian model and non-subsampled contourlet transform
=> Image Denoising Based on the Wavelet Semi-soft Threshold and Total Variation
=> Image denoising based on wavelets and multifractals for singularity detection
=> Image denoising by adaptive lifting schemes
=> Image Denoising by Averaging of Piecewise Constant Simulations of Image Partitions
=> Image Denoising by Exploring External and Internal Correlations
=> Image Denoising by Harmonic Mean Curvature Flow
=> Image denoising by low-rank approximation with estimation of noise energy distribution in SVD domain
=> Image Denoising by Scaled Bilateral Filtering
=> Image Denoising by Sparse 3-D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering
=> Image Denoising by Statistical Area Thresholding
=> Image denoising by supervised adaptive fusion of decomposed images restored using wave atom, curvelet and wavelet transform
=> Image denoising employing local mixture models in sparse domains
=> Image Denoising for Image Retrieval by Cascading a Deep Quality Assessment Network
=> Image denoising for magnetic resonance imaging medical images using improved generalized cross-validation based on the diffusivity function
=> Image Denoising Games
=> Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise
=> Image denoising in multiplicative noise
=> Image Denoising in Nonlinear Scale-Spaces: Automatic Scale Selection via Cross-Validation
=> Image denoising in steerable pyramid domain based on a local Laplace prior
=> Image Denoising in the Wavelet Transform Domain Based on Stein's Principle
=> Image Denoising Inspired by Quantum Many-Body physics
=> Image Denoising Method Based on a Deep Convolution Neural Network
=> image denoising method based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and spectral subband decomposition, An
=> Image denoising method based on variable exponential fractional-integer-order total variation and tight frame sparse regularization
=> Image denoising methods: A new nonlocal principle
=> Image denoising searching similar blocks along edge directions
=> Image denoising through a level set approach
=> Image denoising through multi-scale learnt dictionaries
=> Image Denoising Through Support Vector Regression
=> Image denoising using 2-D separable oversampled DFT modulated filter banks
=> Image denoising using 2D orthogonal locality preserving discriminant projection
=> Image Denoising using a Block-Median Pyramid
=> Image Denoising Using a Local Contextual Hidden Markov Model in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Denoising Using a Local Gaussian Scale Mixture Model in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Denoising Using a Tight Frame
=> Image Denoising Using Adaptive Subband Decomposition
=> Image Denoising Using Adaptive Switching Median Filter
=> Image Denoising using Alexander Fractional Hybrid Filter
=> Image denoising using Bilateral filter in high dimensional patch-space
=> Image Denoising Using Bilateral Filter in High Dimensional PCA-Space
=> Image denoising using bivariate alpha-stable distributions in the complex wavelet domain
=> Image Denoising Using Block-Rotation-Based SVD Filtering in Wavelet Domain
=> Image denoising using common vector approach
=> Image denoising using complex-valued deep CNN
=> Image Denoising Using Complex Wavelets and Markov Prior Models
=> Image denoising using contextual modeling of curvelet coefficients
=> Image denoising using Contourlet and two-dimensional Principle Component Analysis
=> Image Denoising Using Convolutional Sparse Coding Network with Dry Friction
=> Image Denoising Using Derotated Complex Wavelet Coefficients
=> Image Denoising Using Directional Adaptive Variable Exponents Model
=> Image Denoising Using Directional Filter Banks
=> Image Denoising Using Dual Tree Statistical Models for Complex Wavelet Transform Coefficient Magnitudes
=> Image Denoising Using Euler-Lagrange Equations for Function-Valued Mappings
=> Image denoising using fresnel multi-resolution image analysis
=> Image Denoising using Gaussian Scale Mixtures in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Denoising using Gaussian Scale Mixtures in the Wavelet Domain
=> Image Denoising Using Gaussian Scale Mixtures with Gaussian-Hermite PDF in Steerable Pyramid Domain
=> Image denoising using generalised Cauchy filter
=> Image Denoising Using Generalized Anisotropic Diffusion
=> Image denoising using group sparsity residual and external nonlocal self-similarity prior
=> Image denoising using learned overcomplete representations
=> Image Denoising Using Matched Biorthogonal Wavelets
=> Image Denoising Using Mean Curvature of Image Surface
=> Image denoising using mixtures of Gaussian scale mixtures
=> Image Denoising Using Mixtures of Projected Gaussian Scale Mixtures
=> Image Denoising using Multi-Resolution Coefficient Support Based Empirical Wiener Filtering
=> Image denoising using multi-stage sparse representations
=> Image Denoising Using Multiscale Directional Cosine Bases
=> Image Denoising Using Neighbor and Level Dependency
=> Image Denoising Using Non-Negative Sparse Coding Shrinkage Algorithm
=> Image denoising using optimally weighted bilateral filters: A sure and fast approach
=> Image denoising using patch ordering and 3D transformation of patches
=> Image Denoising Using Quadtree-Based Nonlocal Means With Locally Adaptive Principal Component Analysis
=> Image denoising using redundant finer directional wavelet transform
=> Image Denoising Using Robust Regression
=> Image Denoising Using Scale-adaptive Lifting Schemes
=> Image denoising using scale mixtures of gaussians in the wavelet domain
=> Image Denoising Using Similarities in the Time-Scale Plane
=> Image Denoising Using Sparse Representation and Principal Component Analysis
=> Image denoising using sparse representation classification and non-subsampled shearlet transform
=> Image Denoising using Stochastic Differential Equations
=> Image Denoising Using Superpixel-Based PCA
=> Image Denoising Using the Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
=> Image Denoising Using the Lyapunov Equation from Non-uniform Samples
=> Image denoising using the ridgelet bi-frame
=> Image Denoising Using Total Least Squares
=> Image Denoising Using Trivariate Shrinkage Filter in the Wavelet Domain and Joint Bilateral Filter in the Spatial Domain
=> Image Denoising Using TV-Stokes Equation with an Orientation-Matching Minimization
=> Image Denoising Using Wavelet Thresholding and Model Selection
=> Image denoising via 2D dictionary learning and adaptive hard thresholding
=> Image denoising via a new anisotropic total-variation-based model
=> Image denoising via adaptive soft-thresholding based on non-local samples
=> Image Denoising Via Adjustment of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitude Correlation
=> Image Denoising Via Adjustment of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitude Correlation
=> Image Denoising Via Adjustment of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitude Correlation
=> Image Denoising via Bandwise Adaptive Modeling and Regularization Exploiting Nonlocal Similarity
=> Image Denoising via CNNs: An Adversarial Approach
=> Image denoising via coded aperture photography
=> Image denoising via correlation-based sparse representation
=> Image Denoising via Improved Sparse Coding
=> Image denoising via K-SVD with primal-dual active set algorithm
=> Image Denoising Via Learned Dictionaries and Sparse representation
=> Image denoising via local and nonlocal circulant similarity
=> Image Denoising via Lossy Compression and Wavelet Thresholding
=> Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
=> Image Denoising via Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion Models
=> Image denoising via patch-based adaptive Gaussian mixture prior method
=> Image Denoising via Sequential Ensemble Learning
=> Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant Representations Over Learned Dictionaries
=> Image denoising via sparse approximation using eigenvectors of graph Laplacian
=> Image Denoising With 2D Scale-Mixing Complex Wavelet Transforms
=> Image Denoising with a Constrained Discrete Total Variation Scale Space
=> Image denoising with a multi-phase kernel principal component approach and an ensemble version
=> Image denoising with an optimal threshold and neighbouring window
=> Image Denoising with an Orientation-Adaptive Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
=> Image denoising with complex ridgelets
=> Image Denoising with Directional Bases
=> Image Denoising With Dominant Sets by a Coalitional Game Approach
=> Image Denoising With Edge-Preserving and Segmentation Based on Mask NHA
=> Image Denoising with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model Patch Priors
=> Image Denoising with Graph-Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Image Denoising with k-nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Regression
=> Image denoising with neighbour dependency and customized wavelet and threshold
=> Image Denoising with Nonparametric Hidden Markov Trees
=> Image denoising with patch based PCA: local versus global
=> Image Denoising with Shrinkage and Redundant Representations
=> Image denoising: Can plain neural networks compete with BM3D?
=> Image Denoising: The Deep Learning Revolution and Beyond: A Survey Paper
=> Image dense matching based on region growth with adaptive window
=> Image dependent energy-constrained local backlight dimming
=> Image deraining with Adversarial Residual Refinement Network
=> Image Description and 3-D Reconstruction from Image Trajectories of Rotational Motion
=> Image Description of Dynamic Scenes
=> Image description through fusion based recurrent multi-modal learning
=> Image description using joint distribution of filter bank responses
=> Image Description Via the Multiresolution Intensity Axis of Symmetry
=> Image description with 1D local patterns by multi-scans: An application to face recognition
=> Image description with a goal: Building efficient discriminating expressions for images
=> Image description with Chebyshev-Fourier moments
=> Image description with features that summarize
=> Image description with generalized pseudo-Zernike moments
=> Image Description with Local Patterns: An Application to Face Recognition
=> Image Description With Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments
=> Image Descriptor Based Digital Semi-blind Watermarking for DIBR 3D Images
=> Image Descriptors Based on Curvature Histograms
=> Image Descriptors from ConvNets: Comparing Global Pooling Methods for Image Retrieval
=> Image Desnowing via Deep Invertible Separation
=> Image despeckling and deblurring via regularized complex diffusion
=> Image destabilization: Programmable defocus using lens and sensor motion
=> Image detail-preserving filter for impulsive noise attenuation
=> Image detail enhancement using a dictionary technique
=> Image Detection of Rare Orthopedic Diseases based on Explainable AI
=> Image detection under low-level illumination
=> Image Detection Under Varying Illumination and Pose
=> Image devices for pattern recognition
=> Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
=> Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
=> Image Difference Threshold Strategies and Shadow Detection
=> Image Difference Threshold Strategies and Shadow Detection
=> Image Differencing Approaches to Medical Image Classification
=> image differencing method for interface level detection in separation cells, An
=> Image Difficulty Curriculum for Generative Adversarial Networks (CuGAN)
=> Image diffusion filtering algorithm combined with variable exponent and convective constraint
=> image digital signature system with ZKIP for the graph isomorphism, An
=> Image Discrimination Enhancement Combination System (IDECS)
=> Image discrimination with continuous tone area thinning
=> Image discrimination
=> Image Disentanglement and Uncooperative Re-Entanglement for High-Fidelity Image-to-Image Translation
=> Image Disentanglement Autoencoder for Steganography without Embedding
=> Image disocclusion using a probabilistic gradient orientation
=> Image distance functions for manifold learning
=> Image distance metric learning based on neighborhood sets for automatic image annotation
=> Image Distance Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Image distortion analysis and classification scheme using a neural approach
=> Image distortion analysis based on normalized perceptual information distance
=> Image Distortion Analysis Using Polynomial Series Expansion
=> Image Distortion Effects in SAR Subsurface Imaging and a New Iterative Approach for Refocusing and Coregistration
=> Image Divergence and Deformation from Closed Curves
=> Image Divergence and Deformation from Closed Curves
=> Image downscaling via co-occurrence learning
=> Image Dynamics-Based Visual Servoing for Quadrotors Tracking a Target With a Nonlinear Trajectory Observer
=> Image Edge Detection Based on a Spatial Autoregressive Bootstrap Approach
=> Image Editing and Creation with Perception-Motivated Local Features
=> Image Editing in the Contour Domain
=> Image Editing in the Contour Domain
=> Image editing using level set trees
=> Image Editing via Segmentation Guided Self-Attention Network
=> Image editing with varying intensities of processing
=> Image Embedding in Image by a Complexity Based Region Segmentation Method, An
=> Image Emotion Recognition Using Visual and Semantic Features Reflecting Emotional and Similar Objects
=> Image encoding and synthesis
=> Image encoding apparatus
=> Image encryption algorithm based on 2D-CLICM chaotic system
=> Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Autoblocking and Electrocardiography, An
=> image encryption algorithm based on cascade chaotic map and DNA coding, An
=> Image encryption algorithm based on cascaded chaotic map and improved Zigzag transform
=> Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Combination of Chaos and DNA Encoding, An
=> Image encryption algorithm based on Henon chaotic system
=> Image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaos and DNA coding
=> Image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaos and DNA coding
=> Image encryption algorithm based on image hashing, improved chaotic mapping and DNA coding
=> Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Multiple Chaos and Wavelet Transform, An
=> Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Chaos, An
=> image encryption algorithm based on the memristive hyperchaotic system, cellular automata and DNA sequence operations, An
=> Image encryption algorithm for crowd data based on a new hyperchaotic system and Bernstein polynomial
=> image encryption algorithm using logarithmic function and Henon-chaotic function, An
=> image encryption algorithm with a plaintext-related quantisation scheme, An
=> Image Encryption and Compression for Medical Image Security
=> Image Encryption and Two Dimensional Discrete M-Parameter Fractional Fourier Transform
=> Image encryption based on compressed sensing and DNA encoding
=> Image encryption based on double random phase encoding
=> Image encryption based on Fisher-Yates shuffling and three dimensional chaotic economic map
=> Image encryption based on fractional discrete cosine transform and DWT with interplane arrangements in dost domain
=> Image encryption based on logistic chaotic systems and deep autoencoder
=> Image encryption based on the finite field cosine transform
=> Image encryption by chaos mixing
=> Image encryption by multiple random grids
=> Image encryption by random grids
=> Image Encryption In Wavelet Domain Based on Chaotic Maps
=> Image encryption scheme based on block-based confusion and multiple levels of diffusion
=> image encryption scheme based on irregularly decimated chaotic maps, An
=> Image Encryption through Using Chaotic Function and Graph
=> Image encryption using a combination of Grain-128a algorithm and Zaslavsky chaotic map
=> Image encryption using block cipher and chaotic sequences
=> Image encryption using chaotic logistic map
=> Image encryption using linear weighted fractional-order transform
=> Image Encryption via Complementary Embedding Algorithm and New Spatiotemporal Chaotic System
=> Image encryption via discrete fractional Fourier-type transforms generated by random matrices
=> Image encryption with compound chaotic sequence cipher shifting dynamically
=> Image encryption with cross colour field algorithm and improved cascade chaos systems
=> image engineering system for the inspection of transparent construction materials, An
=> Image Enhanced Rotation Prediction for Self-Supervised Learning
=> Image Enhancement-Based Detection with Small Infrared Targets
=> Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on a Contrast Measure in the Wavelet Domain for Screening Mammograms, An
=> image enhancement algorithm of video surveillance scene based on deep learning, An
=> Image Enhancement and Denoising by Complex Diffusion Processes
=> Image Enhancement and Dynamic Range Compression Using Novel Intensity-Specific Stochastic Resonance-Based Parametric Image Enhancement Model
=> Image enhancement and minutiae matching in fingerprint verification
=> Image Enhancement and Noise Suppression for FLAIR MRIs With White Matter Lesions
=> Image Enhancement and Speckle Reduction of Full Polarimetric SAR Data by Gaussian Markov Random Field
=> Image enhancement based on contourlet transform
=> Image Enhancement Based on Estimation of High Resolution Component Using Wavelet Transform
=> Image Enhancement Based on Fractional Poisson for Segmentation of Skin Lesions Using the Watershed Transform
=> Image enhancement based on fuzzy logic
=> Image enhancement based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory
=> Image enhancement based on quadratic programming
=> Image enhancement based on Retinex and lightness decomposition
=> Image Enhancement Based on Signal Subspace Approach
=> Image Enhancement Based on Signal Subspace Approach
=> Image enhancement based on skin-colour segmentation and smoothness
=> Image enhancement based on the statistics of visual representation
=> Image Enhancement by Analysis on Embedded Surfaces of Images and a New Framework for Enhancement Evaluation
=> Image enhancement by edge-preserving filtering
=> Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
=> Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
=> Image Enhancement by Gradient Distribution Specification
=> Image Enhancement by Histogram Hyperbolization
=> Image enhancement by histogram transformation
=> Image Enhancement by Median Filters in Algebraic Reconstruction Methods: An Experimental Study
=> Image enhancement by non-linear extrapolation in frequency space
=> Image enhancement by non-linear extrapolation in frequency space
=> Image Enhancement By Nonlinear Extrapolation in Frequency Space
=> Image Enhancement by S-Shaped Curves Using Successive Approximation for Preserving Brightness
=> Image Enhancement by Volume Limitation in Binary Tomography
=> Image enhancement by wavelet-based thresholding neural network with adaptive learning rate
=> Image enhancement by wavelet multi-scale edge statistics
=> Image Enhancement Driven by Object Characteristics and Dense Feature Reuse Network for Ship Target Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Image Enhancement for Backlight-Scaled TFT-LCD Displays
=> Image Enhancement for Degraded Binary Document Images
=> Image enhancement for extremely low light conditions
=> Image Enhancement for Fluid Lens Camera Based on Color Correlation
=> Image Enhancement for Improved Visibility of Digital Displays Under The Sunlight
=> Image enhancement for improving face detection under non-uniform lighting conditions
=> Image enhancement for minutiae-based fingerprint identification
=> Image enhancement for outdoor long-range surveillance using IQ-learning multiscale Retinex
=> Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on Human Visual Characteristics
=> Image Enhancement for Remote Photoplethysmography in a Low-Light Environment
=> Image Enhancement for Segmentation by Self-Induced Autoregressive Filtering
=> Image Enhancement in a Dithered Picture
=> Image enhancement in multi-resolution multi-sensor fusion
=> Image enhancement method for underwater images based on discrete cosine eigenbasis transformation
=> Image Enhancement Method in Coal Mine Underground Based on Deep Retinex Network and Fusion Strategy, An
=> Image enhancement method via blur and noisy image fusion
=> Image Enhancement of Low-Light Scenes with Near-Infrared Flash Images
=> Image Enhancement on Underwater Images for Protozoan White Spot Fish Disease Detection
=> Image Enhancement Procedure for 3D Visualization of Liver CT Data, An
=> Image enhancement revisited: From first order to second order statistics
=> Image Enhancement Segmentation and Denoising by Time Dependent Nonlinear Diffusion Processes
=> image enhancement technique based on the FIRE operator, An
=> image enhancement technique using polynomial filters, An
=> Image enhancement through complex conduction coefficient modifications
=> Image enhancement using a contrast measure in the compressed domain
=> Image Enhancement Using A Human Visual System Model
=> Image Enhancement Using Calibrated Lens Simulations
=> Image enhancement using convolutional neural network to identify similar patterns
=> Image enhancement using divide-and-conquer strategy
=> Image Enhancement Using Elastic Manifolds
=> Image enhancement using Exposure based Sub Image Histogram Equalization
=> Image enhancement using linear diffusion and an improved gradient map estimate
=> Image enhancement using local intensity distribution equalization
=> Image Enhancement using Modified Laplacian Filter, Clahe and Adaptive Thresholding
=> Image Enhancement Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
=> Image Enhancement Using Multiscale Oriented Wavelets
=> Image enhancement using non-linear diffusion
=> Image enhancement using pattern-selective color image fusion
=> Image Enhancement Using Sliding Histograms
=> Image Enhancement using Sorted Histogram Specification and POCS Postprocessing
=> Image enhancement using stochastic resonance
=> Image Enhancement Using the Hypothesis Selection Filter: Theory and Application to JPEG Decoding
=> Image Enhancement Using the Median and the Interquartile Distance
=> Image enhancement using the modified ICM method
=> Image Enhancement Using Vector Quantisation Based Interpolation
=> Image enhancement using watershed-based maximum homogeneity filtering
=> Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking
=> Image Enhancement via Fusion Based on Laplacian Pyramid Directional Filter Banks
=> Image enhancement via texture protection Retinex
=> Image enhancement with naturalness preservation
=> Image Enhancement With PDEs and Nonconservative Advection Flow Fields
=> Image enhancements with symmetric Daubechies' Wavelets
=> Image Enhancing in Poorly Illuminated Subterranean Environments for Mav Applications: A Comparison Study
=> Image Enhancing Pattern-based Sparsity for Real-time Inference on Mobile Devices, An
=> Image enlargement based on a step edge model
=> Image Enlargement with Lost High-Frequency Components Estimation Using Clustered Eigenspace-BPLP
=> Image Entropy of Primitive and visual quality assessment
=> Image error concealment using edge map and linear prediction residue watermarking and spatial smoothing
=> Image Estimation in Film-Grain Noise
=> Image Estimation in the Presence of Irregular Sampling, Noise, and Pointing Jitter
=> Image Evaluation Factors
=> Image expansion by non-orthogonal wavelets for optimal template matching
=> Image Exploration Procedure Classification with Spike-timing Neural Network for the Blind
=> Image exploration using online feature extraction and reranking
=> Image extraction in DCT domain
=> Image Extrapolation for the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model: Existence and Applications
=> Image Feature-Based Space-Time Processing for Ground Moving Target Detection
=> Image feature based GPS trace filtering for road network generation and road segmentation
=> Image Feature Correspondence Selection: A Comparative Study and a New Contribution
=> Image Feature Detection as Robust Model Fitting
=> Image Feature Detection Based on Phase Congruency by Monogenic Filters with New Noise Estimation
=> Image feature detection from phase congruency based on two-dimensional Hilbert transform
=> Image feature detection on content-based meshes
=> Image feature enhancement based on the time-controlled total variation flow formulation
=> Image feature extraction based on spectral graph information
=> Image Feature Extraction by Sparse Coding and Independent Component Analysis
=> Image Feature Extraction in Encrypted Domain With Privacy-Preserving SIFT
=> Image Feature Extraction Using 2D Mel-Cepstrum
=> Image Feature Extraction Using a Method Derived from the Hough Transform with Extended Kalman Filtering
=> Image Feature Extraction Using Gradient Local Auto-Correlations
=> Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review
=> Image feature learning combined with attention-based spectral representation for spatio-temporal photovoltaic power prediction
=> Image Feature Localization by Multiple Hypothesis Testing of Gabor Features
=> Image Feature Matching via Progressive Vector Field Consensus
=> Image feature representation by the subspace of nonlinear PCA
=> Image Features and the 1-D, 2nd Order Gaussian Derivative Jet
=> Image Features Based on a New Approach to 2D Rotation Invariant Quadrature Filters
=> Image Features for Automated Colorectal Polyp Classification Based on Clinical Prediction Models
=> Image Features Invariant with Respect to Blur
=> Image features that draw fixations
=> Image feedback path tracking control using an uncalibrated CCD camera
=> Image fidelity estimation from received embedded bitstream
=> Image Field Categorization and Edge/Corner Detection from Gradient Covariance
=> Image filling-in in a decomposition space
=> Image Filter Design for Fingerprint Enhancement
=> Image filter identification using demosaicing residual features
=> Image Filtering Driven by Level Curves
=> Image filtering in the block DCT domain using symmetric convolution
=> Image Filtering in the Compressed Domain
=> Image filtering method using trimmed statistics and edge preserving
=> Image filtering techniques and VLSI architectures for efficient data extraction in shell rendering
=> Image filtering using anisotropic structure tensor for cell membrane enhancement in 3D microscopy
=> Image filtering using morphological amoebas
=> Image Filtering Using Multiresolution Representations
=> Image Filtering with a Fourth Order Geometry-Driven Flow
=> Image Filtering with Advectors
=> Image filtering with orthogonal projectors for burst error control
=> Image Filtering, Edge-Detection, and Edge Tracing Using Fuzzy-Reasoning
=> Image fingerprinting system based on collusion secure code and watermarking method
=> Image Fitting Using arctan for JPEG AC Coefficient Prediction
=> Image Flow Constraint Equation, The
=> Image Flow Segmentation and Estimation by Constraint Line Clustering
=> Image flows and one-liner graphical image representation
=> Image focus measure based on Chebyshev moments
=> Image focus measure based on polynomial coefficients and spectral radius
=> Image forensic signature for content authenticity analysis
=> Image Forensics Based on Lighting Estimation
=> Image Forensics of High Dynamic Range Imaging
=> Image foresting transform with geodesic star convexity for interactive image segmentation
=> Image Foresting Transform: On-the-Fly Computation of Segmentation Boundaries
=> Image Foresting Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
=> Image Forgeries Detection through Mosaic Analysis: the Intermediate Values Algorithm
=> Image Forgery Detection Based on Noise Inspection: Analysis and Refinement of the Noisesniffer Method
=> Image Forgery Detection Based on Quantization Table Estimation
=> Image forgery detection through residual-based local descriptors and block-matching
=> Image forgery detection using steerable pyramid transform and local binary pattern
=> Image Forgery Detection via Forensic Similarity Graphs
=> Image forgery localization through the fusion of camera-based, feature-based and pixel-based techniques
=> Image Formation Algorithm for Asymmetric Bistatic SAR Systems With a Fixed Receiver
=> Image formation by use of the geometrical theory of diffraction
=> Image formation in image scanning microscopy, including the case of two-photon excitation
=> Image formation model for photon sieves
=> Image formation model of a 3-d translucent object observed in light microscopy
=> Image Formation of Azimuth Periodically Gapped SAR Raw Data with Complex Deconvolution
=> Image formation of thick three-dimensional objects in differential-interference-contrast microscopy
=> Image formation through walls using a distributed radar sensor array
=> Image forming method and apparatus
=> Image fragile watermarking algorithm based on deneighbourhood mapping
=> Image Fusion-Based Change Detection for Flood Extent Extraction Using Bi-Temporal Very High-Resolution Satellite Images
=> Image fusion-based contrast enhancement
=> Image Fusion-Based Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Satellite Images
=> Image fusion algorithms and metrics duality index
=> Image Fusion and 3-D Surface Reconstruction of Microparts Using Complex Valued Wavelet Transforms
=> Image Fusion and Enhancement via Empirical Mode Decomposition
=> Image Fusion and Image Quality Assessment of Fused Images
=> Image Fusion and Reconstruction of Compressed Data: A Joint Approach
=> Image fusion and wavelet analysis for 3-D reconstruction using 2-D images obtained under different illumination conditions
=> Image Fusion Applied To Satellite Imagery For The Improved Mapping And Monitoring Of Coral Reefs: A Proposal
=> Image Fusion Approach Based on Markov Random Fields, An
=> Image fusion based on a sparse linear system
=> Image fusion based on bilateral sharpness criterion in DT-CWT domain
=> Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform and Fuzzy Logic
=> Image fusion based on discrete Chebyshev moments
=> Image fusion based on image decomposition using self-fractional Fourier functions
=> Image Fusion Based on Median Filters and SOFM Neural Networks: A Three-Step Scheme
=> Image Fusion Based on Memristive Neural Network
=> Image fusion based on multi-scale transform and sparse representation: an image energy approach
=> Image fusion based on non-negative matrix factorization
=> Image fusion based on pixel significance using cross bilateral filter
=> Image fusion based on pyramidal multiband multiresolution markovian analysis
=> Image fusion based on visual salient features and the cross-contrast
=> Image Fusion Based Visible Watermarking Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
=> Image fusion by means of A trous discrete wavelet decomposition
=> Image fusion by spatially adaptive filtering using downscaling cokriging
=> Image fusion by using steerable pyramid
=> Image Fusion for Enhanced Visualization: A Variational Approach
=> Image Fusion for Spatial Enhancement of Hyperspectral Image via Pixel Group Based Non-Local Sparse Representation
=> Image fusion for stabilized medical video sequence using multimodal parametric registration
=> Image fusion in compressed sensing
=> Image fusion method based on nonseparable wavelets
=> image fusion method based on region segmentation and Cauchy convolution, An
=> Image fusion method based on simultaneous sparse representation with non-subsampled contourlet transform
=> Image fusion method based on spatially masked convolutional sparse representation
=> Image fusion method based on the local neighborhood feature and nonsubsampled contourlet transform
=> Image fusion methodology for efficient interpretation of multiband images in 3D high-resolution ultrasonic transmission tomography
=> Image Fusion of X-Ray and Electron Tomograms
=> Image Fusion Processing for IKONOS 1-m Color Imagery
=> Image Fusion Quality Measure Based on a Multi-scale Approach
=> Image fusion scheme based on modified dual pulse coupled neural network
=> Image fusion system and method
=> Image fusion technique based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and adaptive unit-fast-linking pulse-coupled neural network
=> Image fusion technique using multivariate statistical model for wavelet coefficients
=> Image Fusion Through Linear Embeddings
=> Image Fusion Transformer
=> Image Fusion Using a New Framework for Complex Wavelet Transforms
=> Image Fusion Using an Improved Max-Lifting Scheme
=> Image fusion using blur estimation
=> Image Fusion using Gaussian Mixture Models
=> Image fusion using hierarchical PCA.
=> Image Fusion Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
=> Image fusion using multiscale edge-preserving decomposition based on weighted least squares filter
=> Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD
=> Image Fusion Using Region Segmentation and Sigmoid Function
=> Image fusion using spatial unmixing
=> Image fusion using steerable dyadic wavelet transform
=> Image fusion using weighted multiscale fundamental form
=> Image fusion via dynamic gradient sparsity and anisotropic spectral-spatial total variation
=> Image fusion via feature residual and statistical matching
=> Image fusion via sparse regularization with non-convex penalties
=> Image fusion via sparse regularization with non-convex penalties
=> Image Fusion With Convolutional Sparse Representation
=> Image Fusion With Cosparse Analysis Operator
=> Image Fusion With Guided Filtering
=> Image Fusion with Local Spectral Consistency and Dynamic Gradient Sparsity
=> Image fusion with multiband linear arrays
=> Image Fusion With No Gamut Problem by Improved Nonlinear IHS Transforms for Remote Sensing
=> Image fusion with the hermite transform
=> Image fusion: The ARSIS concept and some successful implementation schemes
=> Image Fusion: Theories, Techniques and Applications
=> Image Generation From Layout
=> Image Generation from Scene Graphs
=> Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN
=> Image Generation From Small Datasets via Batch Statistics Adaptation
=> Image Generation Method of Bird Text Based on Improved StackGAN
=> Image Generators with Conditionally-Independent Pixel Synthesis
=> Image Geo-Localization Based on Multiple Nearest Neighbor Feature Matching Using Generalized Graphs
=> Image georegistration methods: A framework for application guidelines
=> Image glossiness from curvelet features using SVM-based classification
=> Image Gradient Evolution: A Visual Cue for Collision Avoidance
=> Image gray-level enhancement using Black Hole algorithm
=> Image Grid Recognition and Regression for Fast and Accurate Face Detection
=> Image guided depth enhancement via deep fusion and local linear regularizaron
=> Image guided depth map superresolution using non-local total generalized variation
=> Image Guided Depth Map Upsampling using Anisotropic TV-L2
=> Image Guided Depth Upsampling Using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation
=> Image Guided Geometry Inference
=> Image Guided Inpainting with Parameter Efficient Learning
=> Image Guided Navigation System for Accurate Alignment in Total Hip Replacement Surgery, An
=> Image Guided Personalization of Reaction-Diffusion Type Tumor Growth Models Using Modified Anisotropic Eikonal Equations
=> Image guided reconstruction of un-sampled data: A coherent filling for uncomplete Cultural Heritage models
=> Image Guided Reconstruction of Un-sampled Data: A Filling Technique for Cultural Heritage Models
=> Image Guided Tone Mapping with Locally Nonlinear Model
=> Image halftoning and inverse halftoning for optimized dot diffusion
=> Image halftoning using multipath tree coding
=> Image Hallucination From Attribute Pairs
=> Image Hallucination Using Neighbor Embedding over Visual Primitive Manifolds
=> Image hallucination with feature enhancement
=> Image hallucination with primal sketch priors
=> Image Harmonization with Transformer
=> Image harmony for consumer images
=> Image Hashing Algorithm via Iterative Scale Interaction Geometric Model
=> Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
=> Image Hatching for Visual Cryptography
=> Image haze removal based on rolling deep learning and Retinex theory
=> Image Haze Removal Using Airlight White Correction, Local Light Filter, and Aerial Perspective Prior
=> Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior
=> Image Hazing and Dehazing: From the Viewpoint of Two-Way Image Translation With a Weakly Supervised Framework
=> Image Hiding and Restoration via Deep Moiré Networks
=> Image hiding based on block difference
=> Image hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic algorithm
=> Image Hiding by Using Genetic Algorithm and LSB Substitution
=> Image hiding scheme with modulus function and dynamic programming strategy on partitioned pixels
=> Image hiding using unitary similarity transformation
=> Image identification and restoration in the subband domain
=> Image Identification and Segmentation According to Random Field Models
=> Image Identification of Encrypted JPEG Images for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing Services
=> Image identification of Protea species with attributes and subgenus scaling
=> Image Identification Scheme of Encrypted JPEG Images for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing Services, An
=> Image Identification Using the Segmented Fourier Transform and Competitive Training in the Havnet Neural Network
=> Image Illumination Enhancement for Construction Worker Pose Estimation in Low-light Conditions
=> image importance approach to human vision based image quality characterization, The
=> Image Impression Estimation by Clustering People with Similar Tastes
=> Image improvement after facsimile reception
=> Image In-painting by Band Matching, Seamless Cloning and Area Sub-division
=> Image inclination detecting method and apparatus
=> Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on Human Perceptual Color Clustering
=> Image indexing and retrieval based on vector quantization
=> Image indexing and retrieval using expressive fuzzy description logics
=> Image indexing and similarity retrieval based on spatial relationship model
=> Image indexing by Color Plane Moment
=> Image Indexing by Contour Analysis: A Comparison
=> Image indexing by modified color co-occurrence matrix
=> Image Indexing Special Issue Introduction
=> Image indexing using 3D model for image retrieval
=> Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
=> Image Indexing using Composite Color and Shape Invariant Features
=> Image Indexing Using Shape Based Visual Features
=> Image indexing using the color and bit pattern feature fusion
=> Image indexing using weighted color histogram
=> Image Indexing with Mixture Hierarchies
=> Image Information and Visual Quality
=> Image Information Assistance Neural Network for VideoPose3D-based Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
=> Image information compression apparatus
=> Image Information in Digital Photography
=> Image Information Mining System Evaluation Using Information-Theoretic Measures
=> Image information processing apparatus and its method
=> Image information processing method and apparatus therefor with multi-level data capability
=> Image information restoration based on long-range correlation
=> Image information retrieval using rough set theory
=> Image information summary apparatus, image information summary method and image information summary processing program
=> Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on Energy Minimization, An
=> Image Inpainting Algorithm Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition, An
=> Image Inpainting and Segmentation using Hierarchical Level Set Method
=> Image Inpainting Approach Based on the Poisson Equation, An
=> Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport with Adapted Distance Functions
=> Image Inpainting Based on Geometrical Modeling of Complex Wavelet Coefficients
=> Image Inpainting Based on Local Optimisation
=> Image Inpainting Based on Probabilistic Structure Estimation
=> Image inpainting based on scene transform and color transfer
=> Image Inpainting by Cooling and Heating
=> Image Inpainting by End-to-End Cascaded Refinement With Mask Awareness
=> Image Inpainting by Mscswin Transformer Adversarial Autoencoder
=> Image Inpainting by Mscswin Transformer Adversarial Autoencoder
=> Image Inpainting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity
=> Image Inpainting Considering Brightness Change and Spatial Locality of Textures and Its Evaluation
=> Image inpainting considering symmetric patterns
=> Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions
=> Image Inpainting For Random Areas Using Dense Context Features
=> Image Inpainting Guided by Coherence Priors of Semantics and Textures
=> Image inpainting in micrometeorological analysis
=> image inpainting method based on generative adversarial networks inversion and autoencoder, An
=> image inpainting method using pLSA-based search space estimation, An
=> Image inpainting network based on multi-level attention mechanism
=> Image Inpainting on the Basis of Spectral Structure from 2-D Nonharmonic Analysis
=> Image Inpainting Through Metric Labeling via Guided Patch Mixing
=> Image inpainting through neural networks hallucinations
=> Image inpainting using directional wavelet packets originating from polynomial splines
=> Image Inpainting Using Nonlocal Texture Matching and Nonlinear Filtering
=> Image Inpainting Using Parallel Network
=> Image Inpainting using Patch Consensus and DCT Priors
=> Image Inpainting using Patch Consensus and DCT Priors
=> Image inpainting using scene constraints
=> Image Inpainting Using Structure-Guided Priority Belief Propagation and Label Transformations
=> Image inpainting using wavelet-based inter- and intra-scale dependency
=> Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation
=> Image inpainting via spatial projections
=> Image inpainting via Weighted Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization
=> Image Inpainting with Bilateral Convolution
=> Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Aware Training
=> Image Inpainting with Contrastive Relation Network
=> Image Inpainting with External-internal Learning and Monochromic Bottleneck
=> Image Inpainting with Hypergraphs for Resolution Improvement in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
=> Image Inpainting with Improved Exemplar-Based Approach
=> Image Inpainting with Information Loss Reduction and Texture-Structure Feature Fusion
=> Image Inpainting with Information Loss Reduction and Texture-Structure Feature Fusion
=> Image Inpainting With Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps
=> Image Inpainting With Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps
=> Image Inpainting with Learnable Feature Imputation
=> Image Inpainting With Local and Global Refinement
=> Image inpainting with LS-SVM based on additive high order kernel
=> Image Inpainting with Multi-scale Consistent Features
=> Image inpainting with nonsubsampled contourlet transform
=> Image Inpainting with Onion Convolutions
=> Image inpainting with salient structure completion and texture propagation
=> Image inpainting with structural bootstrap priors
=> Image Inpainting: Overview and Recent Advances
=> Image insertion in video streams using a combination of physical sensors and pattern recognition
=> Image Integrity Authentication Scheme Based on Fixed Point Theory
=> image intellectual property protection scheme for gray-level images using visual secret sharing strategy, An
=> Image Intensification for Low-Light Face Recognition
=> Image Intensity Variation Information for Interest Point Detection
=> Image Interpolation Based on 2D-DWT with Novel Regularity-Preserving Algorithm Using RLS Adaptive Filters
=> Image interpolation based on inter-scale dependency in wavelet domain
=> Image Interpolation Based on Non-local Geometric Similarities and Directional Gradients
=> Image Interpolation Based on Weighted and Blended Rational Function
=> Image Interpolation by Adaptive 2-D Autoregressive Modeling and Soft-Decision Estimation
=> Image Interpolation by Blending Kernels
=> Image interpolation by high dimensional projection based on subspace method
=> Image Interpolation by Joint View Triangulation
=> Image Interpolation by Two-Dimensional Parametric Cubic Convolution
=> Image interpolation for DIBR view-synthesis using graph fourier transform
=> Image interpolation for virtual sports scenarios
=> Image interpolation from Manhattan cutset samples via orthogonal gradient method
=> Image Interpolation Scheme for Repetitive Structures, An
=> Image interpolation system
=> Image interpolation using a simple Gibbs random field model
=> Image Interpolation Using Autoregressive Model and Gauss-Seidel Optimization
=> Image interpolation using classification and stitching
=> Image Interpolation Using Constrained Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Techniques
=> Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Smoothness Measure Filter
=> Image Interpolation Using Enhanced Multiresolution Critical-Point Filters
=> Image interpolation using Gabor filter
=> Image interpolation using interpolative classified vector quantization
=> Image Interpolation using Mathematical Morphology
=> Image Interpolation Using Multi-Scale Attention-Aware Inception Network
=> Image Interpolation Using Neural Networks
=> Image interpolation using shearlet based iterative refinement
=> Image interpolation using shearlet based sparsity priors
=> Image Interpolation Using Texture Orientation Map and Kernel Fisher Discriminant
=> Image Interpolation via Graph-Based Bayesian Label Propagation
=> Image Interpolation via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
=> Image Interpolation Via Regularized Local Linear Regression
=> Image interpolation with adaptive k-nearest neighbours search and random non-linear regression
=> Image Interpolation with Contour Stencils
=> Image interpolation with edge-preserving differential motion refinement
=> Image Interpolation with Geometric Contour Stencils
=> Image interpolator for an image display system
=> Image Interpretation by Distributed Cooperative Processes
=> Image Interpretation Device Cannot Be Reliable Without Any Semantic Coherency Analysis of the Interpretated Objects: Applied to French Cadastral Maps, An
=> Image Interpretation Of Coastal Areas
=> Image interpretation of topographic maps on a medium scale via frame-based modelling
=> Image Interpretation Using Bayesian Networks
=> Image interpretation using contextual feedback
=> Image Interpretation Using Large Corpus: Wikipedia
=> Image Interpretation Using Multi-Relational Grammars
=> Image Interpretation Using Multiple Sensing Modalities
=> Image interpretation with a conceptual graph: Labeling over-segmented images and detection of unexpected objects
=> Image Interpretation with Fuzzy-Graph Based Genetic Algorithm
=> Image Intrinsic Values from Shading Information
=> Image invariance, scaling features and image similarity
=> Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces
=> Image Invariants to Anisotropic Gaussian Blur
=> Image Irradiance Equation: Its Solution and Application, The
=> Image irradiance harmonics: a phenomenological model of image irradiance of arbitrary surface reflectance
=> Image Iterative Smoothing and PDE's
=> Image jitter detection and compensation using a high-frequency angular displacement method for Yaogan-26 remote sensing satellite
=> Image Labeling and Grouping by Minimizing Linear Functionals over Cones
=> Image Labeling Based on Graphical Models Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
=> Image Labeling by Assignment
=> Image Labeling by Integrating Local, Middle and Global Information
=> Image labeling by multiple segmentation
=> Image Labeling For Lidar Intensity Image Using K-nn Of Feature Obtained By Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image Labeling Mechanism Using Digital Radon Projections, An
=> Image Labeling on a Network: Using Social-Network Metadata for Image Classification
=> Image labeling via incremental model learning
=> Image Labeling: A Neural Network Approach
=> Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segmentation
=> Image Labs International
=> Image languages in intelligent radiological palm diagnostics
=> image layered scrambling encryption algorithm based on a novel discrete chaotic map, An
=> Image level color classification for colorblind assistance
=> Image Level Fusion Method for Multimodal 2D + 3D Face Recognition
=> Image Lightness Conversion and Sharpening Taking Account of Visual Features of Elderly Person
=> Image Local Contrast Enhancement using Adaptive Non-Linear Filters
=> Image Localization in Satellite Imagery with Feature-Based Indexing
=> Image Location Estimation by Salient Region Matching
=> Image Location Inference by Multisaliency Enhancement
=> Image magnification based on a blockwise adaptive Markov random field model
=> Image Magnification Using Decimated Orthogonal Wavelet Transform
=> Image Magnification Using Interval Information
=> Image Magnification Using Level-Set Reconstruction
=> Image Manifold Interpolation using Free-Form Deformations
=> Image Manifolds which are Isometric to Euclidean Space
=> Image Manipulation Detection by Multi-View Multi-Scale Supervision
=> Image manipulation detection by multiple tampering traces and edge artifact enhancement
=> Image Manipulation Localization Using Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Adaptive Edge Supervision
=> Image Manipulation on Facebook for Forensics Evidence
=> Image Manipulation Specifications on Social Networking Services for Encryption-then-Compression Systems
=> Image Manipulation Using M-Filters in a Pyramidal Computer-Model
=> Image Manipulation with Perceptual Discriminators
=> Image Mapping Approach for Quick Dissimilarity Detection of Binary Images, An
=> Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Practice
=> Image Matching Algorithm Integrating Global SRTM and Image Segmentation for Multi-Source Satellite Imagery, An
=> Image matching and outlier removal for large scale DSM generation
=> Image Matching and Retrieval by Repetitive Patterns
=> Image Matching Based on A Local Invariant Descriptor
=> Image matching based on co-motion statistics
=> Image matching based on orientation-magnitude histograms and global consistency
=> Image Matching Based on Tracking Matching Paths in the Similarity Space
=> Image Matching by Bare Homography
=> Image matching by eigen template method for multi-class classification
=> Image Matching by Multiscale Oriented Corner Correlation
=> Image matching device and method for motion pictures
=> image matching evolutionary algorithm based on Hu invariant moments, An
=> Image Matching for Pulse Echo Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocity
=> Image Matching for Repetitive Patterns by Clustering and Transforming in Feature Space
=> Image matching for translation, rotation and uniform scaling by the Radon transform
=> Image Matching from Handcrafted to Deep Features: A Survey
=> Image matching in large scale indoor environment
=> Image Matching Method for SAR Orthophotos from Adjacent Orbits in Large Area Based on SAR-Moravec, An
=> Image Matching Optimization Via Vision And Inertial Data Fusion: Application To Navigation Of The Visually Impaired
=> Image matching robust to changes in imaging conditions with a car-mounted Camera
=> Image matching using adapted image models and its application to content-based image retrieval
=> Image Matching Using Distance Transform
=> Image Matching Using Distant Landmarks
=> Image matching using enclosed region detector
=> Image Matching Using Enhancement Offsets With Adaptive Parameter Selection Via Histogram Analysis
=> Image Matching Using Generalized Scale-Space Interest Points
=> Image Matching Using Generalized Scale-Space Interest Points
=> Image matching using GPT correlation associated with simplified HOG patterns
=> Image Matching Using High Dynamic Range Images and Radial Feature Descriptors
=> Image matching using local symmetry features
=> Image matching using peak signal-to-noise ratio-based occlusion detection
=> Image Matching Using Photometric Information
=> Image matching using resolution pyramids with geometric constraints
=> Image matching using run-length feature
=> Image Matching Using SIFT Features and Relaxation Labeling Technique: A Constraint Initializing Method for Dense Stereo Matching
=> Image Matching Using the Windowed Fourier Phase
=> Image Matching via Saliency Region Correspondences
=> Image matching with distinctive visual vocabulary
=> Image matching with higher-order geometric features
=> Image Matching with Multi-order Features
=> Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
=> Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
=> Image matching with SIFT descriptor on affine normalized MSERs
=> Image matching with SIFT features: A probabilistic approach
=> Image Matching with Spatially Variant Contrast and Offset: A Quadratic Programming Approach
=> Image Matching
=> Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond
=> Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond
=> Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond
=> Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond
=> Image matting based on local color discrimination by SVM
=> Image matting based on mutual information
=> Image Matting for Sparse User Input by Iterative Refinement
=> Image Matting in the Framework of Quantification IV
=> Image Matting via Local Tangent Space Alignment
=> Image matting with color and depth information
=> Image Matting with KL-Divergence Based Sparse Sampling
=> Image Matting with Local and Nonlocal Smooth Priors
=> Image Matting with Transductive Inference
=> Image Matting: A Comprehensive Survey on Techniques, Comparative Analysis, Applications and Future Scope
=> Image measurement of body position during side-approach transfer motion
=> Image Measurement Techniques In Rock Glacier Modelling
=> Image Memorability Using Diverse Visual Features and Soft Attention
=> Image Memorability: The Role of Depth and Motion
=> image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
=> image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
=> Image Metrics for Clutter Characterization
=> Image Metrics for Deconvolution of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
=> Image Metrics
=> Image Mining for Modeling of Forest Fires From Meteosat Images
=> Image Misregistration Error in Change Measurements
=> Image modality classification: a late fusion method based on confidence indicator and closeness matrix
=> Image Model-Based on Occluding Object Images and Maximum-Entropy, An
=> Image model and printed document authentication: A theoretical analysis
=> Image Model and Segmentation Algorithm for Reflectance Confocal Images of In Vivo Cervical Tissue, An
=> image model for quantitative image analysis, An
=> Image Modeling and Denoising With Orientation-Adapted Gaussian Scale Mixtures
=> Image modeling and enhancement via structured sparse model selection
=> Image modeling and restoration through contagion urn schemes
=> Image Modeling and Segmentation Using Incremental Bayesian Mixture Models
=> Image modeling system development for robust descriptor of environmental change
=> Image Modeling Using Interscale Phase Properties of Complex Wavelet Coefficients
=> Image modeling using inverse filtering criteria with application to texture images
=> Image Modeling Using Inverse Filtering Criteria with Application to Textures
=> Image modeling using statistical measures for visual object categorization
=> Image Modeling Using Two Dimensional Exponential Systems
=> Image modeling with position-encoding dynamic trees
=> Image Modeling
=> Image models in pattern theory
=> Image Modification Based on a Visual Saliency Map for Guiding Visual Attention
=> Image Modification Based on Spatial Frequency Components for Visual Attention Retargeting
=> Image moment invariants as local features for content based image retrieval using the Bag-of-Visual-Words model
=> image moment method for the limited range CT image reconstruction and pattern recognition, The
=> Image Morphing Based on Morphological Interpolation Combined with Linear Filtering
=> Image Morphing Based on Mutual Information and Optimal Mass Transport
=> Image Morphing in Frequency Domain
=> Image Morphing Technique Based on Optimal Mass Preserving Mapping, An
=> Image morphing using deformation and patch-based synthesis
=> Image morphing with conformal welding
=> Image Mosaic Method Based on Deviation Splitting and Transferring for Vehicle Panoramic System, An
=> Image Mosaic Technology Based on Overlapped Area Linear Transition Method
=> Image mosaic with relaxed motion
=> Image Mosaicing and Super-resolution
=> Image Mosaicing by Camera Pose Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter
=> Image mosaicing by stratified matching
=> Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality Applications
=> Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality Applications
=> Image mosaicing from a set of images without configuration information
=> Image Mosaicing from Uncalibrated Views of a Surface of Revolution
=> image mosaicing module for wide-area surveillance, An
=> Image mosaicing using local optical flow registration
=> Image mosaicing using sequential bundle adjustment
=> Image Mosaicing using Sequential Bundle Adjustments
=> Image Mosaicing using Sequential Bundle Adjustments
=> Image mosaicing via quadric surface estimation with priors for tunnel inspection
=> Image Mosaicing Without Distortion Using Projected Mask For Image Digitization
=> Image mosaicing: A deeper insight
=> Image mosaicking applied to three-dimensional surfaces
=> Image mosaicking for polyhedral scene and in particular singly visible surfaces
=> Image Mosaicking from Uncooled Thermal IR Video Captured by a Small UAV
=> Image Mosiacing for Rolled Fingerprint Construction
=> Image Motion Analysis Made Simple and Fast, One Component at a Time
=> Image Motion and Change Transducers
=> Image motion detection device
=> Image Motion Estimation Algorithms Using Cumulants
=> Image Motion Estimation for 3D Model Based Video Conferencing
=> Image motion estimation from blurred and noisy image sequences
=> Image Motion Estimation From Motion Smear: A New Computational Model
=> Image Motion Estimation Technique Based on a Combined Statistical Test and Spatiotemporal Generalised Likelihood Ratio Approach, An
=> Image Motion Estimation: Convergence and Error Analysis
=> Image motion vector detecting apparatus
=> Image motion vector detecting device and swing correcting device
=> Image movement detecting apparatus
=> Image movement vector detection apparatus
=> Image multi-encryption architecture based on hybrid keystream sequence interspersed with Haar discrete wavelet transform
=> Image Multi-Inpainting via Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image multi-scale edge detection using 3-D Hidden Markov Model based on the non-decimated wavelet
=> Image multi-thresholding based on sample moment function
=> Image Multi-Thresholding to Characterise the Mechanical Stability of Rubber Latex Concentrate
=> Image Multidistortion Estimation
=> Image Multiresolution Representation for Lossless and Lossy Compression, An
=> Image Navigation: A Massively Interactive Model for Similarity Retrieval of Images
=> Image Net, ImageNet Dataset
=> Image Network Generation Of Uncalibrated UAV Images With Low-cost GPS Data
=> Image noise estimation and removal considering the Bayer pattern of noise variance
=> Image Noise Estimation Using A Variation-Adaptive Evolutionary Approach
=> Image Noise Filter Based on DCT and Fast Clustering
=> Image Noise Induced Errors in Camera Positioning
=> Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superpixel classification
=> Image Noise Level Estimation by Principal Component Analysis
=> Image Noise Reduction Based on a Fixed Wavelet Frame and CNNs Applied to CT
=> Image Noise Reduction Method Based on Compatibility with Adjacent Pixels
=> Image noise reduction system using a wiener variant filter in a pyramid image representation
=> Image Noise Reduction via Geometric Multiscale Ridgelet Support Vector Transform and Dictionary Learning
=> Image noise types recognition using convolutional neural network with principal components analysis
=> Image Normalization and Weighted Classification Using an Efficient Approach for SVM Classifiers
=> image normalization based watermarking scheme robust to general affine transformation, An
=> Image normalization by mutual information
=> Image Normalization for Pattern-Recognition
=> Image Normalization Using Invariant Centroid for RST Invariant Digital Image Watermarking
=> Image Novelty Detection Based on Mean-Shift and Typical Set Size
=> Image object extraction with shape and edge-driven Markov random field model
=> Image Object Localization by AdaBoost Classifier
=> Image Object Recognition by SVMs and Evidence Theory
=> Image objects and multi-scale features for annotation detection
=> Image Operation Chain Detection with Machine Translation Framework
=> Image orientation and animation using quaternions
=> Image orientation detection with integrated human perception cues (or which way is up)
=> Image Orientation Estimation with Convolutional Networks
=> Image Outlier Detection and Feature Extraction via L1-Norm-Based 2D Probabilistic PCA
=> Image outpainting guided by prior structure information
=> Image Overlay Text Detection Based on JPEG Truncation Error Analysis
=> Image Pair Analysis With Matrix-Value Operator
=> Image Parallax Based Modeling of Depth-Layer Architecture
=> Image Parsing with a Three-State Series Neural Network Classifier
=> Image parsing with a wide range of classes and scene-level context
=> Image parsing with graph grammars and Markov Random Fields applied to facade analysis
=> Image parsing with stochastic grammar: The Lotus Hill dataset and inference scheme
=> Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
=> Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
=> Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
=> Image partial blur detection and classification
=> Image partioning by level set multiregion competition
=> Image partitioning into convex polygons
=> Image partitioning with kernel mapping and graph cuts
=> Image Patch-Matching With Graph-Based Learning in Street Scenes
=> Image patch analysis and clustering of sunspots: A dimensionality reduction approach
=> Image Patch is a Wave: Phase-Aware Vision MLP, An
=> Image Patch Matching Using Convolutional Descriptors with Euclidean Distance
=> Image patch prior learning based on random neighbourhood resampling for image denoising
=> Image pattern discovery by using the spatial closeness of visual code words
=> Image Pattern Similarity Index and Its Application to Task-Specific Transfer Learning
=> Image perception of vision impaired by epi-retinal electrode stimulation
=> Image phylogeny for simulating multiple print-scan
=> Image pickup apparatus with blur compensation
=> Image pickup apparatus with interpolation and edge enhancement of pickup signal varying with zoom magnification
=> Image Piece Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> image pixel based variational model for histogram equalization, An
=> Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color Map Vectorisation
=> Image Planar Positioning Method Based on Fusion of Dual-View Airborne SAR Data, An
=> Image Point Motion When Zooming and Focusing
=> Image Polarity Detection on Resource-Constrained Devices
=> Image postprocessing by Non-local Kuan's filter
=> Image Pre-compensation: Balancing Contrast and Ringing
=> Image Pre-Conditioning for Out-of-Focus Projector Blur
=> Image Pre-processing Strategies for Enhancing Photogrammetric 3d Reconstruction of Underwater Shipwreck Datasets
=> Image pre-processing sub-system
=> Image Pre-Transformation for Recognition-Aware Image Compression
=> Image Prediction Based on Neighbor-Embedding Methods
=> Image prediction using face detection and triangulation
=> Image prediction: Template matching vs. sparse approximation
=> Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning classification of diabetic retinopathy
=> Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, An
=> Image Preprocessing Assessment Detecting Low Contrast Regions under Non-homogeneous Light Conditions
=> Image primitive signatures
=> Image Prior Transfer and Ensemble Architectures for Parkinson's Disease Detection
=> Image Priors for Image Deblurring with Uncertain Blur
=> Image Probability Distribution Based on Generalized Gamma Function
=> Image Processing-Based Crystal Diameter Detection for Czochralski Method
=> Image processing-system
=> Image Processing & Communications Challenges 3
=> Image Processing Algorithm Based on Bi-dimensional Local Mean Decomposition
=> image processing algorithm for accurate extraction of the centerline from human metaphase chromosomes, An
=> Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques II
=> Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques III
=> Image Processing Algorithms Applied to Rib Boundary Detection in Chest Radiographs
=> Image Processing Algorithms for an Auto Focus System for Slit Lamp Microscopy
=> Image Processing Algorithms for Driver Assistance using Wide Angle Cameras
=> Image processing analysis and research based on game animation design
=> Image Processing and a Virtual Restoration Hypothesis for Mosaics and Their Cartoons
=> Image processing and analysis algorithms for yarn hairiness determination
=> Image processing and analysis at IPAG
=> Image Processing and Analysis for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Computation for nanoscale imaging
=> Image processing and analysis in drug discovery and clinical trials
=> Image Processing and Analysis of the Grain Constitution in Minerals
=> Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice
=> Image processing and computer graphics
=> Image Processing and Its Hardware Support Analysis vs Synthesis: Historical Trends
=> Image processing and machine learning-based bone fracture detection and classification using X-ray images
=> Image Processing and Mathematical Morphology: Fundamentals and Applications
=> Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Fundamentals and Techniques
=> Image Processing and the Problem of Quantifying Image Quality
=> Image processing and vision for the study and the modeling of spreading fires
=> Image processing apparatus and a method to compensate for shaking during image capture
=> Image processing apparatus and image processing method, and storage medium
=> Image processing apparatus and method for generating a third image from first and second images
=> Image processing apparatus and method thereof
=> Image processing apparatus and method to reduce gray levels of image
=> Image processing apparatus and method utilizing motion vectors
=> Image processing apparatus and method, and image processing system
=> Image processing apparatus and processing method
=> Image processing apparatus capable of eliminating moire pattern
=> Image processing apparatus capable of processing halftone image data
=> Image processing apparatus for correcting blurring of an image photographed by a video camera
=> Image processing apparatus for the smooth enlargement and multileveling output of an image
=> Image processing apparatus having apparatus for correcting the image processing
=> Image processing apparatus with high- and low-resolution image sensors and an edge detector
=> Image processing apparatus
=> Image processing apparatus
=> Image processing apparatus
=> Image processing apparatus
=> Image processing apparatus
=> Image processing apparatus, image processing method and transmission medium
=> Image processing apparatus, image processing method and transmission medium
=> Image processing apparatus, image processing method, navigation apparatus, program storage device and computer data signal embodied in carrier wave
=> Image Processing Application Development: From Rapid Prototyping to SW/HW Co-simulation and Automated Code Generation
=> image processing approach for rigid gas-permeable lens base-curve identification, An
=> Image Processing Approach to Distance Estimation for Automated Strawberry Harvesting, An
=> image processing approach to the simulation of electron microscopy volumes of atomic structures, An
=> Image Processing Architecture for Real-Time Micro- and Nanohandling Applications
=> Image Processing Architecture for Real Time Generation of Scale and Rotation Invariant Patterns, An
=> Image processing architecture
=> Image processing as an instructional tool in introductory signals and systems
=> Image Processing Assisted Algorithms for Optical Projection Tomography
=> Image Processing Based Approach for Retrieving Data from a Seismic Section in Bitmap Format
=> Image Processing Based on Percolation Model
=> Image processing based traffic sign detection and recognition with fuzzy integral
=> Image Processing by an Optical Analog Device
=> Image processing by self-generated spatial and spectral masks
=> Image processing by software parallel computation
=> Image Processing by Topological Asymptotic Expansion
=> Image processing chain construction by interactive goal specification
=> Image processing challenges in weak gravitational lensing
=> Image Processing Considerations for Simple Real-Time Restrictometric Fluid-Based User Interfaces
=> Image processing device and method for identifying an input image, and copier scanner and printer including same
=> Image processing device and method for identifying an input image, and copier scanner and printer including same
=> Image processing device and method for sensing moving objects and rangefinder employing the same
=> Image processing device for processing grey level images
=> Image processing device
=> Image processing device
=> Image processing device, image processing method, and storage medium
=> Image processing device, image processing method, and storage medium
=> Image Processing Done Right
=> Image processing for 3D imaging
=> Image Processing for Art Investigation
=> Image Processing for Boundary Extraction of Remotely Sensed Data
=> Image Processing for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Lung Cancer by CT (LSCT)
=> Image Processing for Computer Graphics and Vision
=> Image processing for CT-assisted reverse engineering and part characterization
=> Image Processing for Identification of Sea-Ice Floes and the Floe Size Distributions
=> Image processing for materials characterization: Issues, challenges and opportunities
=> Image processing for pattern extraction
=> Image Processing for Planetary Limb/Terminator Extraction
=> Image Processing for Primitive Image Features Recognition in the Case of Discontinuous Line Images of Printed Characters
=> Image Processing for Remote Sensing
=> Image Processing for Restoration of Heavily-corrupted Old Film Sequences
=> Image Processing for Restoration of Heavily-corrupted Old Film Sequences
=> Image processing for restoration of old film sequences
=> Image Processing for Teaching: a national dissemination program
=> Image Processing For The Food Industry
=> Image processing for three-dimensional scans generated by time-of-flight range cameras
=> Image processing for visual prostheses: A clinical perspective
=> Image processing from laser scanners for remote diagnostic and virtual fruition of cultural heritage
=> Image Processing Fundamentals
=> Image Processing Handbook, The
=> Image Processing Handbook, The
=> Image processing hardware for counting massive object streams
=> Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images
=> Image processing in catadioptric planes: spatiotemporal derivatives and optical flow computation
=> Image processing in experiments on, and simulations of plastic deformation of polycrystals
=> Image processing in high energy physics
=> Image processing in middle-school mathematics
=> Image Processing in Retinal Angiography: Extracting Angiographical Features without the Requirement of Contrast Agents
=> Image processing in the context of imaging science
=> Image Processing in Vision 3D Coordinate Measurement System
=> Image Processing Library 98
=> image processing library based on abstract image data-types in C++, An
=> Image processing LSI ISP-IV based on local parallel architecture and its applications
=> Image processing method and apparatus for correlating a test image with a template
=> Image processing method and apparatus for correlating a test image with a template
=> Image processing method and apparatus for correlating a test image with a template
=> Image processing method and apparatus for generating an image from the viewpoint of an observer on the basis of images obtained from a plurality of viewpoints
=> Image processing method and apparatus for out-putting dot-processed data with suppression of false contours and other noise
=> Image processing method and apparatus therefor
=> Image processing method and apparatus using separate processing for pseudohalf tone area
=> Image processing method and apparatus with reduction of granular noise, etc.
=> Image processing method and apparatus
=> Image processing method and apparatus
=> Image processing method and apparatus
=> Image processing method and device for constructing an image from adjacent images
=> Image processing method for 3D volume rendering from one 2D projection: Application to Cancer spheroids
=> Image Processing Method for Epidermal Cells Detection and Measurement in Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaves
=> Image processing method for generating weighted interpolated pixel data
=> Image processing method for motion estimation in a sequence of images, noise filtering method and medical imaging apparatus utilizing such methods
=> Image processing method for system employing pattern matching
=> Image processing method including image segmentation
=> Image processing method using a collapsed Walsh-Hadamard transform
=> Image processing methods and apparatus for separable, general affine transformation of an image
=> Image Processing Methods Applied in Mapping of Lubrication Parameters
=> Image Processing Methods for Coronal Hole Segmentation, Matching, and Map Classification
=> Image processing network
=> Image processing of designated image portion
=> Image Processing of Leaf Movements in Mimosa pudica
=> Image processing of particle detection for asbestos qualitative analysis support method: Particle counting system based on classification of background area
=> Image processing of regions in a wide angle video camera
=> Image Processing of Seismograms: (A) Hough Transformation for the Detection of Seismic Patterns; (B) Thinning Processing in the Seismogram
=> Image processing on a SIMD/SPMD architecture: OPSILA
=> Image Processing on MPP:1
=> Image Processing on Multicore x86 Architectures
=> Image Processing Online
=> image processing pipeline for segmenting the retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images, An
=> Image Processing Software, Inc.
=> Image processing system and method using subsampling with constraints such as time and uncertainty constraints
=> Image processing system and method using subsampling with constraints such as time and uncertainty constraints
=> Image processing system and method using subsampling with constraints such as time and uncertainty constraints
=> Image processing system dedicated to a visual intra-cortical stimulator
=> image processing system for driver assistance, An
=> Image processing system for generating interpolated data based on color-difference signals
=> Image Processing System for Industrial Robots
=> image processing system for material flow control in coal mining industry, An
=> Image processing system having skew correcting means
=> Image processing system
=> Image processing technique
=> Image processing techniques for bone image analysis
=> Image processing techniques for metallic object detection with millimetre-wave images
=> Image processing techniques for quality inspection of gelatin capsules in pharmaceutical applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
8 for Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
=> Image Processing to Overcome Channel Capacity Limitations in Telemicroscopy
=> Image Processing Tools for Fresco Restoration
=> Image Processing Tools for the Enhancement of Concealed Weapon Detection
=> Image Processing Unit for General-Purpose Representation and Association System for Recognizing Low-Resolution Digits With Visual Information Variability
=> Image processing using 3-state cellular automata
=> Image processing using an image approximation neural network
=> Image Processing Using Multi-Code GAN Prior
=> Image Processing Using Smooth Ordering of its Patches
=> Image processing using spatial transform
=> Image processing using the PCNN time matrix as a selective filter
=> Image processing with low-resolution to high-resolution conversion
=> Image Processing with MATLAB: Applications in Medicine and Biology
=> Image processing with neural networks: A Review
=> Image processing
=> Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision
=> Image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition in Latin America
=> Image Processing: Dealing with Texture
=> Image Processing: Principles and Application
=> Image processor which converts image with poor resolution into image with improved resolution
=> Image processor with improved discrimination between character image and tonal image
=> Image processor with smooth transitioning between dither and diffusion processes
=> Image Projection Network: 3D to 2D Image Segmentation in OCTA Images
=> Image Projection Network: 3D to 2D Image Segmentation in OCTA Images
=> Image Projection Ridge Regression for Subspace Clustering
=> Image Projective Invariants
=> Image protection method based on binary operations
=> Image Prototype Similarity Matching for Lymph Node Hemopathology
=> Image Provenance Analysis at Scale
=> image pyramid with morphological operators, An
=> Image quality-augmented intramodal palmprint authentication
=> Image Quality-aware Diagnosis via Meta-knowledge Co-embedding
=> Image Quality Analysis of a Novel Histogram Equalization Method for Image Contrast Enhancement
=> Image quality and position variability assessment in minutiae-based fingerprint verification
=> Image quality and readability
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on a Degradation Model
=> Image quality assessment based on adaptive multiple Skyline query
=> Image quality assessment based on DCT subband similarity
=> Image quality assessment based on deep learning with FPGA implementation
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Edge-Region Information and Distorted Pixel for JPEG and JPEG2000
=> Image quality assessment based on edge preservation
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Gradient Similarity
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Harmonics Gain/Loss Information
=> Image quality assessment based on local edge direction histogram
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Linear Information and Distortion-Specific Compensation
=> Image quality assessment based on multi-feature extraction and synthesis with support vector regression
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Local Features Description, Modeling and Quantification
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Visual Comparison
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-scale Geometric Analysis
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Multiscale Geometric Analysis
=> Image Quality Assessment Based on Perceptual Structural Similarity
=> Image quality assessment based on properties of HVS and principle of image structure
=> Image quality assessment based on regions of interest
=> Image quality assessment based on S-CIELAB model
=> Image quality assessment based on self-supervised learning and knowledge distillation
=> Image quality assessment based on the visual perception of image contents
=> Image quality assessment based on wave atoms transform
=> Image quality assessment by discrete orthogonal moments
=> Image Quality Assessment by Quantifying Discrepancies of Multifractal Spectrums
=> Image Quality Assessment by Separately Evaluating Detail Losses and Additive Impairments
=> Image Quality Assessment by Visual Gradient Similarity
=> Image Quality Assessment Dataset for Portraits, An
=> Image quality assessment for advertising applications based on neural network
=> Image Quality Assessment for Color Correction Based on Color Contrast Similarity and Color Value Difference
=> Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition
=> Image quality assessment for intelligent emergency application based on deep neural network
=> Image Quality Assessment for Measuring the Degradation by Using the Dual-Tree Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Image Quality Assessment for VHR Remote Sensing Image Classification
=> Image quality assessment in first-person videos
=> Image Quality Assessment in Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
=> Image Quality Assessment Measure Based on Natural Image Statistics in the Tetrolet Domain
=> image quality assessment method based on fuzzy inference rules, An
=> image quality assessment method based on perception of structural information, An
=> image quality assessment metric based contourlet, An
=> image quality assessment metric based on Non-shift Edge, An
=> Image quality assessment of endoscopic panorama images
=> Image Quality Assessment of Pléiades-1A Triplet Bundle and Pan-sharpened Images
=> Image quality assessment to enhance infrared face recognition
=> Image quality assessment using a novel region smoothness measure
=> Image quality assessment using a rotated Gaussian discrimination function
=> Image quality assessment using a SVD-based structural projection
=> Image quality assessment using block-based weighted SVD
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Contrastive Learning
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Directional Anisotropy Structure Measurement
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Human Visual DOG Model Fused With Random Forest
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Kernel Sparse Coding
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Mean-Centered Weber Ratio and Saliency Map, An
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Method Fusion
=> Image Quality Assessment using Semi-Supervised Representation Learning
=> Image Quality Assessment Using Similar Scene as Reference
=> Image Quality Assessment using Synthetic Images
=> Image quality assessment via spatial-transformed domains multi-feature fusion
=> Image Quality Assessment with Degradation on Spatial Structure
=> Image Quality Assessment with Gradient Siamese Network
=> Image Quality Assessment with Transformers and Multi-Metric Fusion Modules
=> Image quality assessment with visual attention
=> Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity
=> Image Quality Assessment: Measuring Perceptual Degradation via Distribution Measures in Deep Feature Spaces
=> Image Quality Assessment: Measuring Perceptual Degradation via Distribution Measures in Deep Feature Spaces
=> Image Quality Assessment: Unifying Structure and Texture Similarity
=> Image quality degradation assessment based on the dual-tree complex discrete wavelet transform for evaluating digital image watermarking
=> Image Quality Enhancement for Low Backlight TFT-LCD Displays
=> Image quality enhancement using hybrid attention networks
=> Image quality estimation for different spatial resolutions
=> Image Quality Evaluation in Professional HDR/WCG Production Questions the Need for HDR Metrics
=> Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Digital Watermarking, An
=> Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on the Relevant Parameters
=> Image Quality Evaluation Model Based on Local Features and Segmentation
=> Image quality evaluation using image quality ruler and graphical model
=> Image Quality Feedback-based Adaptive Video Definition Improvement For The Space Manipulation Task
=> Image quality guided biology application for genetic analysis
=> Image Quality Improvement Method in Side-Scan Sonar Based on Deconvolution, An
=> Image quality improvement of 8K LCD displays via process optimization
=> Image Quality Improvements in Low-cost Underwater Photogrammetry
=> Image Quality Measure using Curvature Similarity
=> Image Quality Measurement using Integer Wavelet Transformations
=> Image Quality Measurement Using Sparse Extreme Learning Machine Classifier
=> Image Quality Metric Based on a Colour Appearance Model, An
=> Image Quality Metric Based On Biologically Inspired Feature Model, An
=> Image Quality Metric based on Corner, Edge and Symmetry Maps, An
=> Image quality metric with an integrated bottom-up and top-down HVS approach
=> Image Quality Metric with Reference for Multiply Distorted Image, An
=> Image quality metrics based multifocus image fusion
=> Image Quality Metrics: PSNR vs. SSIM
=> Image quality monitoring using spread spectrum watermarking
=> Image quality optimization towards lidar registration based on iterative termination
=> Image Quality Prediction for Bitrate Allocation
=> Image quality prediction in a multidimensional perceptual space
=> Image quality quantification for fingerprints using quality-impairment assessment
=> Image quality recognition technology based on deep learning
=> Image Quality Score Distribution Prediction via Alpha Stable Model
=> Image quality study of CT imaging examination in children with childhood tumors under ultrasound-guided puncture
=> Image quality vs rate optimized coding of warps for view synthesis in 3D video applications
=> Image Quality
=> Image quality/distortion metric based on #x03B1;-stable model similarity
=> Image quality/distortion metric based on a-stable model similarity in wavelet domain
=> Image Quantization Towards Data Reduction: Robustness Analysis for SLAM Methods On Embedded Platforms
=> Image quantization under spatial smoothness constraints
=> Image query system and method
=> Image query system and method
=> Image Query System Using Object Probes
=> Image Question Answering Using Convolutional Neural Network with Dynamic Parameter Prediction
=> Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer
=> Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer
=> Image Rain Removal algorithm based on the depth of field and sparse coding, An
=> Image Random File Access Routines
=> Image ranking and retrieval based on multi-attribute queries
=> Image Ratio Features for Facial Expression Recognition Application
=> image ray transform for structural feature detection, The
=> Image Re-Attentionizing
=> Image Re-ranking and Rank Aggregation Based on Similarity of Ranked Lists
=> Image Re-Ranking Based on Topic Diversity
=> Image re-ranking system based on closed frequent patterns
=> Image Re-Segmentation Applied to Urban Imagery
=> Image reading apparatus
=> Image Reassembly Combining Deep Learning and Shortest Path Problem
=> Image Recapture Prevention Using Secure Display Schemes on Polarized 3D System
=> image recognition algorithm based on thickness of ice cover of transmission line, An
=> Image Recognition Algorithms Based on the Representation of Classes by Convex Hulls
=> Image recognition apparatus
=> Image Recognition Applied to Robot Control Using Fuzzy Modeling
=> Image recognition audience measurement system and method
=> Image recognition based on lightweight convolutional neural network: Recent advances
=> Image Recognition Based on Separable Lattice Trajectory 2-D HMMs
=> Image recognition by learned linear subspace of combined bag-of-features and low-level features
=> Image Recognition by Predicted User Click Feature With Multidomain Multitask Transfer Deep Network
=> Image recognition for driver assistance in intelligent vehicles
=> Image Recognition for Mobile Applications
=> Image recognition in the presence of non-Gaussian noise with unknown statistics
=> Image recognition method and apparatus
=> Image recognition method and apparatus
=> Image recognition method and apparatus
=> Image recognition method and apparatus
=> Image recognition method and apparatus
=> Image recognition method
=> Image Recognition on the Neural Network Based on Multi-valued Neurons
=> Image recognition system and method
=> Image recognition system
=> Image Recognition Techniques Applied to Automated and Objective QoE Assessment of Mobile WWW Services
=> Image Recognition through Incremental Discriminative Common Vectors
=> Image recognition through localized interpretation
=> Image recognition using maximal cliques of interest points
=> Image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace
=> Image Recognition with an Analog Neural-Net Chip
=> Image Recognition with Occlusions
=> Image Recommendation Algorithm Using Feature-Based Collaborative Filtering
=> Image recommendation based on keyword relevance using absorbing Markov chain and image features
=> Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the Regularized Minimax Estimation for Electrical Capacitance Tomography, An
=> Image Reconstruction Algorithm for 3-D Electrical Impedance Mammography, An
=> Image reconstruction and enhanced resolution imaging from irregular samples
=> Image Reconstruction and Multidimensional Field Estimation From Randomly Scattered Sensors
=> Image Reconstruction and Restoration
=> Image reconstruction and threshold design for Quanta Image Sensors
=> Image reconstruction based on a modified bird swarm optimization algorithm for electrical impedance tomography
=> Image reconstruction based on circulant matrices
=> Image Reconstruction Based on Deep Iterative Shrinkage Network
=> Image reconstruction by a Hopfield neural network
=> Image Reconstruction by Backprojection from Frequency-Domain Optical Measurements in Highly Scattering Media
=> Image reconstruction by conditional entropy maximisation for PET system
=> Image Reconstruction by Convolution with Symmetrical Piecewise nth-Order Polynomial Kernels
=> Image reconstruction by Krawtchouk moments via digital filter
=> Image Reconstruction by Linear Programming
=> Image Reconstruction by Multilabel Propagation
=> Image Reconstruction by Parametric Cubic Convolution
=> Image Reconstruction by Prioritized Incremental Normalized Convolution
=> Image Reconstruction by Sparse Coding and Selective Attention
=> Image Reconstruction Combined With Interference Removal Using a Mixed-Domain Proximal Operator
=> Image reconstruction for a partially immersed imperfectly conducting cylinder by genetic algorithm
=> Image Reconstruction for Accelerated MR Scan With Faster Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Image reconstruction for color contact image sensor (CIS)
=> Image reconstruction for compressed sensing based on joint sparse bases and adaptive sampling
=> Image reconstruction for diffuse optical tomography using bi-conjugate gradient and transpose-free quasi minimal residual algorithms and comparison of them
=> Image reconstruction for emission tomography using intensity normalised patch-based regularisation
=> Image Reconstruction for High-Sensitivity Imaging by Using Combined Long/Short Exposure Type Single-Chip Image Sensor
=> Image Reconstruction for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
=> image reconstruction framework based on deep neural network for electrical impedance tomography, An
=> Image reconstruction from a complete set of similarity invariants extracted from complex moments
=> Image reconstruction from a limited number of projections: detection/estimation of multiple discs with unknown radii
=> Image reconstruction from a Manhattan grid via piecewise plane fitting and Gaussian Markov random fields
=> Image Reconstruction from Bag-of-Visual-Words
=> Image reconstruction from compressed linear measurements with side information
=> Image reconstruction from continuous Gaussian-Hermite moments implemented by discrete algorithm
=> Image Reconstruction from Contrast Information
=> Image Reconstruction From Double Random Projection
=> Image Reconstruction From Finite Number of Projections: Method of Transferring Geometry
=> Image Reconstruction from Gabor Magnitudes
=> Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled (k,t)-Space Data With Joint Partial Separability and Sparsity Constraints
=> Image reconstruction from limited Fourier data
=> Image reconstruction from limited range projections using orthogonal moments
=> Image Reconstruction from Localized Fourier Magnitude
=> Image Reconstruction from Multiscale Critical Points
=> Image Reconstruction from Neuromorphic Event Cameras using Laplacian-Prediction and Poisson Integration with Spiking and Artificial Neural Networks
=> Image Reconstruction from Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments
=> Image reconstruction from partial subband images and its application in packet video transmission
=> Image Reconstruction From Random Samples With Multiscale Hybrid Parametric and Nonparametric Modeling
=> Image reconstruction from random samples with parametric and nonparametric modeling
=> Image Reconstruction from Sparse Projections Using S-Transform
=> Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Structure-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
=> Image Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging (MRCTI)
=> Image Reconstruction in MRI: Regularized Approach by Markov Random Fields
=> Image reconstruction in optical interferometry
=> Image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography involving layered acoustic media
=> Image Reconstruction in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography with the Simplified P_2 Approximation
=> Image Reconstruction in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
=> Image reconstruction in spherical-wave intensity diffraction tomography
=> Image Reconstruction is a New Frontier of Machine Learning
=> Image reconstruction of buried inhomogeneous dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
=> Image reconstruction of buried multiple conductors by genetic algorithms
=> Image reconstruction of dynamic MRI based on adaptive motion estimation
=> Image reconstruction of millimeter-wave radiometers with multi-quadric splines
=> Image Reconstruction of Multibranch Feature Multiplexing Fusion Network with Mixed Multilayer Attention
=> Image reconstruction on a special purpose array processor
=> Image reconstruction using divergent beams distributed over limited angle
=> Image Reconstruction Using High Level Constraints
=> Image Reconstruction Using Matched Wavelet Estimated From Data Sensed Compressively Using Partial Canonical Identity Matrix
=> Image Reconstruction Using Particle Filters and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
=> Image Reconstruction using the Benford Law
=> Image reconstruction using the reconfiguration technique
=> Image reconstruction using the wavelet transform for positron emission tomography
=> Image reconstruction with a shift-variant filtration in circular cone-beam CT
=> Image Reconstruction with Component Regularization Based on Bregman Iteration
=> Image Reconstruction with Imperfect Forward Models and Applications in Deblurring
=> Image Reconstruction with Initialized Boundaries from Primal Sketch
=> Image reconstruction with locally adaptive sparsity and nonlocal robust regularization
=> Image Reconstruction with Smoothed Mixtures of Regressions
=> Image reconstruction: a unifying model for resolution enhancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial
=> Image Reconstruction: From Sparsity to Data-Adaptive Methods and Machine Learning
=> Image reconstructions from two orthogonal projections
=> Image Recording Challenges for Photogrammetric Construction Site Monitoring
=> Image recovery and recognition: A combining method of matrix norm regularisation
=> Image Recovery By Peaceman-Rachford Operator Splitting Method
=> Image Recovery for Blind Polychromatic Ptychography
=> Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
=> Image Recovery from Irregularly Located Spectral Samples
=> Image recovery under nonlinear and non-Gaussian degradations
=> Image Recovery Using Partitioned-Separable Paraboloidal Surrogate Coordinate Ascent Algorithms
=> Image Recovery Using the Anisotropic Diffusion Equation
=> Image Recovery via Diffusion Tensor and Time-Delay Regularization
=> Image Recovery via Transform Learning and Low-Rank Modeling: The Power of Complementary Regularizers
=> Image rectification for prism-based stereoscopic optical systems
=> Image Rectification for Robust Matching of Car-mounted Camera Images
=> Image rectification for single camera stereo system
=> Image Rectification for Stereoscopic Visualization Without 3D Glasses
=> Image rectification for stereoscopic visualization
=> Image Reduction Using Means on Discrete Product Lattices
=> Image redundancy and classification
=> Image Reference-guided Fashion Design with Structure-aware Transfer by Diffusion Models
=> Image reflection removal using end-to-end convolutional neural network
=> Image Reflection Removal via Contextual Feature Fusion Pyramid and Task-Driven Regularization
=> Image region annotation based on segmentation and semantic correlation analysis
=> Image Region Correspondence by Structural Similarity
=> Image region description using orthogonal combination of local binary patterns enhanced with color information
=> Image region re-weighting via multiple instance learning
=> Image registration-based brain tumor detection and segmentation using ANFIS classification approach
=> Image Registration-based Method for EPI Distortion Correction Based on Opposite Phase Encoding (COPE), An
=> Image Registration Accuracy Estimation Without Ground Truth Using Bootstrap
=> Image Registration Algorithm Based On Complex Wavelet Transform
=> image registration algorithm based on phase correlation and the classical Lucas-Kanade technique, An
=> Image Registration Algorithm for Remote Sensing Images Based on Pixel Location Information
=> Image registration and a metric to assess the transformation function
=> Image Registration and Change Detection under Rolling Shutter Motion Blur
=> Image Registration and Fusion of Visible and Infrared Integrated Camera for Medium-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
=> Image registration and mosaicing using a self-calibrating camera
=> Image Registration and Object Recognition Using Affine Invariants and Convex Hulls
=> Image Registration Approach for Accurate Satellite Attitude Estimation, An
=> Image Registration Based on a Minimized Cost Function and SURF Algorithm
=> Image registration based on a novel 2-D adaptive filter algorithm
=> Image Registration Based on Autocorrelation of Local Structure
=> Image registration based on boundary mapping
=> Image registration based on criteria of feature point pair mutual information
=> Image registration based on kernel-predictability
=> Image Registration Based on Low Rank Matrix: Rank-Regularized SSD
=> Image registration based on physical forces
=> Image Registration by Aligning Entropies
=> Image Registration by Combining Thin-Plate Splines with a 3D Morphable Model
=> Image Registration by Feature Consensus
=> Image Registration by Local Approximation Methods
=> Image registration by local histogram matching
=> Image Registration by Matching Relational Structures
=> Image registration by maximization of combined mutual information and gradient information
=> Image registration by minimization of Mapping Complexity
=> Image registration by minimization of residual complexity
=> Image Registration by Simulating Human Vision
=> Image Registration by Super-Curves
=> Image registration by using a descriptor for repetitive patterns
=> Image Registration for Digital Subtraction Angiography
=> Image Registration for Foveated Omnidirectional Sensing
=> Image Registration for Image-Based Rendering
=> Image Registration for Placenta Reconstruction
=> Image registration for quality assessment of projection displays
=> Image registration for sequence of visual images captured by UAV
=> Image registration for visual inspection of imprinted pharmaceutical tablets
=> Image Registration Framework for Discontinuous Mappings Along Cracks, An
=> image registration framework for sliding motion with piecewise smooth deformations, An
=> Image Registration Framework to Estimate 3D Myocardial Strains from Cine Cardiac MRI in Mice, An
=> Image Registration Guided by Particle Filter
=> Image Registration Improved by Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image Registration in Electron Microscopy: A Stochastic Optimization Approach
=> Image registration in multispectral data sets
=> Image Registration Method Using Deep Residual Network Features for Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
=> Image Registration Method with Radial Feature Points Sampling: Application to Follow-Up CT Scans of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule, An
=> Image registration method
=> Image registration method
=> Image registration methods in high-dimensional space
=> Image Registration Methods: A Survey
=> Image registration model and algorithm for multi-focus images
=> Image Registration Model in Electron Backscatter Diffraction, An
=> Image Registration of Cochlear micro-CT Data Using Heat Distribution Similarity
=> Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Sections
=> Image Registration of High-Resolution UAV Data: The New HYPARE Algorithm
=> Image registration of medical images
=> Image Registration of Sectioned Brains
=> Image Registration of Very Large Images via Genetic Programming
=> Image Registration Under Illumination Variations Using Region-Based Confidence Weighted M -Estimators
=> Image registration under local illumination variations using robust bisquare M-estimation
=> Image Registration under Varying Illumination: Hyper-Demons Algorithm
=> Image registration using a 3-D scene representation
=> Image Registration Using a New Edge-Based Approach
=> Image registration using a point-line duality based line matching method
=> Image Registration Using Adaptive Polar Transform
=> Image Registration Using Adaptive Polar Transform
=> Image Registration Using Ant Colony and Particle Swarm Hybrid Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
=> Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
=> Image Registration Using Blur-Invariant Phase Correlation
=> Image registration using both distance and angle information
=> Image registration using BP-SIFT
=> Image registration using collinear virtual circles
=> Image registration using log-polar mappings for recovery of large-scale similarity and projective transformations
=> Image registration using Markov random coefficient and geometric transformation fields
=> Image Registration Using Markov Random Coefficient Fields
=> Image registration using modified Local Ternary Pattern
=> Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
=> Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
=> Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
=> Image Registration Using Object Shape's Chain Code
=> Image registration using robust M-estimators
=> Image registration using subpixel-shifted images for super-resolution
=> Image Registration Using Terrain Relief Correction Based On The Rigorous Sensor Models
=> Image Registration Using the Hausdorff Fraction and Virtual Circles
=> Image Registration Using the Walsh Transform
=> Image registration using virtual circles and edge direction
=> Image Registration Using Wavelet-Based Motion Model
=> Image registration with global and local luminance alignment
=> Image Registration with Guaranteed Displacement Regularity
=> Image Registration with Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
=> Image registration with shape mixtures
=> Image Registration with Sparse Approximations in Parametric Dictionaries
=> Image Registration with Uncalibrated Cameras in Hybrid Vision Systems
=> Image registration
=> Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
=> Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
=> Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
=> Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position verification in radiation therapy
=> Image Registration: Principles, Tools and Methods
=> Image regularization with multiple morphological gradient priors
=> Image Regularizations Based on the Sparsity of Corner Points
=> Image Relaxation: Restoration and Feature-Extraction
=> Image Relevance Prediction Using Query-Context Bag-of-Object Retrieval Model
=> Image relighting and matching with illumination information
=> Image Relighting by Analogy
=> Image Renaissance Using Discrete Optimization
=> Image Rendering Based on a Spatial Extension of the CIECAM02
=> image reorganization procedure for automotive road following systems, An
=> Image repairing: robust image synthesis by adaptive ND tensor voting
=> Image Replacement Through Texture Synthesis
=> Image replica detection system utilizing R-trees and linear discriminant analysis
=> Image representation alternatives for the analysis of satellite image time series
=> Image Representation and Learning With Graph-Laplacian Tucker Tensor Decomposition
=> Image representation and matching with geometric-edge random structure graph
=> Image Representation and Processing: A Recursive Approach
=> Image representation and reconstruction by compositing Gaussian ellipses
=> Image Representation and Retrieval Using Structural Features
=> Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces
=> Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces
=> Image Representation Based on the Affine Symmetry Group
=> Image representation by a new optimal non-uniform morphological sampling
=> Image representation by active curves
=> Image representation by compressed sensing
=> Image representation by compressive sensing for visual sensor networks
=> Image representation by harmonic transforms with parameters in SL(2,R)
=> Image representation by level crossings of the wavelet transform
=> Image Representation by Sign Information
=> Image representation by spectral amplitude: Conditions for Uniqueness and Optimal Reconstruction
=> Image representation for generic object recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation features on posterior probability images
=> Image representation for object recognition: Utilizing overlapping windows in Spatial Pyramid Matching
=> Image Representation in Differential Space
=> Image Representation Learning by Deep Appearance and Spatial Coding
=> Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression
=> Image Representation Using 2D Gabor Wavelets
=> Image representation using accurate orthogonal Gegenbauer moments
=> Image representation using block compressive sensing for compression applications
=> Image Representation Using Block Pattern Models and Its Image Processing Applications
=> Image Representation Using Curvature Information in Intensity Profiles
=> Image representation using Laplacian regularized nonnegative tensor factorization
=> Image Representation Using Nonorthogonal Basis Images with Adaptive Weight Optimization
=> Image representation using separable two-dimensional continuous and discrete orthogonal moments
=> Image Representation Using Vector Wavelets
=> Image Representation Using Voronoi Tessellation
=> Image Representation Using Voronoi Tessellation: Adaptive and Secure
=> Image Representation with Gaussian Wavelets and Its Applications
=> Image Representation with Gaussian Wavelets and Its Applications
=> Image Representation, Texture and the Fuzzy N-Tuple
=> Image Representational Model for Predicting Visual Distinctness of Objects
=> Image representations beyond histograms of gradients: The role of Gestalt descriptors
=> Image Representations for Visual Learning
=> Image Representations Using Multiscale Differential Operators
=> Image Representations via a Finite Radon Transformation
=> Image Representations With Spatial Object-to-Object Relations for RGB-D Scene Recognition
=> Image reproduction with compensation of luminance adaptation
=> Image resampling between orthogonal and hexagonal lattices
=> Image resizing in the compressed domain using subband DCT
=> Image resizing in the discrete cosine transform domain
=> Image Resizing Using Exponential B-Spline Functions
=> Image resizing using fuzzy inferences
=> Image resizing with SIFT feature preservation
=> Image resolution and contrast enhancement with optimal brightness compensation using wavelet transforms and particle swarm optimization
=> Image resolution conversion method that employs statistically generated multiple morphological filters
=> Image resolution enhancement based on novel view synthesis
=> Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition
=> Image Resolution Enhancement using Inter-Subband Correlation in Wavelet Domain
=> Image Resolution Enhancement using Wavelet Domain Hidden Markov Tree and Coefficient Sign Estimation
=> Image Resolution Enhancement via Data-Driven Parametric Models in the Wavelet Space
=> Image Resolution Enhancement with Hierarchical Hidden Fields
=> Image resolution up-conversion via maximum a posteriori interpolator sequence estimation and Viterbi algorithm
=> Image restoration and decomposition using nonconvex non-smooth regularisation and negative Hilbert-Sobolev norm
=> Image restoration and disparity estimation from an uncalibrated multi-layered image
=> Image restoration and reconstruction using variable splitting and class-adapted image priors
=> Image restoration and segmentation using the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional and Discrete Calculus
=> Image Restoration Based on Adaptive MCMC Particle Filter
=> Image Restoration Based on Bi-Regularization and Split Bregman Iterations
=> Image Restoration Based on Hierarchical Cluster Model with Evolutionary Optimization
=> Image Restoration Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image restoration based on multiscale relationships of image structures
=> Image Restoration Based on Smooth Gray-level Detection and Line Prediction Method for Large Missing Regions
=> Image restoration based on the fast marching method and block based sampling
=> Image Restoration by a Powerful Maximum Entropy Method
=> Image restoration by applying the genetic approach to the iterative Wiener filter
=> Image restoration by blind-Wiener filter
=> Image Restoration by Combined Order Regularization With Optimal Spatial Adaptation
=> Image Restoration by Deep Projected GSURE
=> Image Restoration by Estimating Frequency Distribution of Local Patches
=> image restoration by fusion, An
=> Image Restoration by Fuzzy Convex Ordinary Kriging
=> Image Restoration by Iterative Denoising and Backward Projections
=> Image Restoration by Matching Gradient Distributions
=> Image restoration by mixture modelling of an overcomplete linear representation
=> Image Restoration by Ordinary Kriging with Convexity
=> Image restoration combining a total variational filter and a fourth-order filter
=> Image Restoration for a Class of Linear Spatially-Variant Degradations
=> Image Restoration for Quantifying TFT-LCD Defect Levels
=> Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera
=> Image Restoration in Signal-Dependent Noise Using a Markovian Covariance Model
=> image restoration method based on PDEs and a new gradient model, An
=> Image Restoration Method Using IFS, An
=> image restoration model combining mixed L1/L2 fidelity terms, An
=> Image restoration model using Jaya-Bat optimization-enabled noise prediction map
=> Image Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Documents
=> Image Restoration of Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-2
=> Image restoration of compressed image using classified vector quantization
=> Image restoration of infrared focal plane array
=> Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT Images
=> Image Restoration Preserving Discontinuities: The Bayesian Approach and Neural Networks
=> Image Restoration Subject to a Total Variation Constraint
=> Image restoration through L0 analysis-based sparse optimization in tight frames
=> Image restoration through regularization based on error energy minimization
=> Image restoration under mixed noise using globally convex segmentation
=> Image Restoration Under Significant Additive Noise
=> Image restoration under wavelet-domain priors: An expectation-maximization approach
=> Image restoration using a kNN-variant of the mean-shift
=> Image restoration using a modified Hopfield network
=> Image restoration using a sparse quadtree decomposition representation
=> Image Restoration Using Adaptive Region-Wise p-Norm Filter with Local Constraints
=> Image Restoration Using an Hybrid Approach Based on DWT and SMKF
=> Image restoration using content-adaptive mesh modeling
=> Image restoration using digital inpainting and noise removal
=> Image Restoration Using Dual Adaptive Regularization Operators
=> Image Restoration Using Gaussian Mixture Models With Spatially Constrained Patch Clustering
=> Image restoration using gaussian scale mixtures in the wavelet domain
=> Image Restoration using Geometrically Stabilized Reverse Heat Equation
=> Image Restoration Using Gibbs Priors: Boundary Modeling, Treatment of Blurring, and Selection of Hyperparameter
=> Image Restoration Using Joint Patch-Group-Based Sparse Representation
=> Image Restoration Using Joint Statistical Modeling in a Space-Transform Domain
=> Image restoration using layered neural networks and Hopfield networks
=> Image restoration using non-circulant shift-invariant system models
=> Image Restoration Using One-Dimensional Sobolev Norm Profiles of Noise and Texture
=> Image restoration using online photo collections
=> Image Restoration Using Probability-Inducing Nuclear Norm Minimization
=> Image restoration using quantum fluctuation
=> Image restoration using recursive Markov random field models driven by Cauchy distributed noise
=> Image Restoration Using Space-Variant Gaussian Scale Mixtures in Overcomplete Pyramids
=> Image restoration using spatially variant hyper-Laplacian prior
=> Image restoration using the particle filter: handling non-causality
=> Image restoration using the W-slice method
=> Image restoration using truncated SVD filter bank based on an energy criterion
=> Image restoration via Bayesian dictionary learning with nonlocal structured beta process
=> Image restoration via Bayesian structured sparse coding
=> Image Restoration via Deep-Structured Stochastically Fully-Connected Conditional Random Fields (DSFCRFs) for Very Low-Light Conditions
=> Image restoration via DOST and total variation regularisation
=> Image restoration via efficient Gaussian mixture model learning
=> Image restoration via exponential scale mixture-based simultaneous sparse prior
=> Image Restoration Via Fast Computing of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix
=> Image Restoration via Frequency Selection
=> Image Restoration via Multi-prior Collaboration
=> Image restoration via N-nearest neighbour classification
=> Image Restoration via Reconciliation of Group Sparsity and Low-Rank Models
=> Image Restoration via Simultaneous Nonlocal Self-Similarity Priors
=> Image Restoration via Simultaneous Sparse Coding: Where Structured Sparsity Meets Gaussian Scale Mixture
=> Image restoration with 1/f-type fractal models and statistical estimation of the model parameters
=> Image restoration with 2-D non-separable oversampled lapped transforms
=> Image Restoration with a New Class of Forward-Backward-Forward Diffusion Equations of Perona-Malik Type with Applications to Satellite Image Enhancement
=> Image restoration with broken curve prediction
=> Image Restoration with Discrete Constrained Total Variation Part I: Fast and Exact Optimization
=> Image Restoration with Discrete Constrained Total Variation Part II: Levelable Functions, Convex Priors and Non-Convex Cases
=> Image restoration with group sparse representation and low-rank group residual learning
=> Image restoration with L2-type edge-continuous overlapping group sparsity
=> Image Restoration with Multiple Hard Constraints on Data-Fidelity to Blurred/Noisy Image Pair
=> Image restoration with triangular orthogonal wavelets
=> Image Restoration: An Edge Detection Based Regularization
=> Image Restoration: From Sparse and Low-Rank Priors to Deep Priors
=> Image Restoration: Past, Present and Future
=> Image Retagging Using Collaborative Tag Propagation
=> Image Retargetability
=> Image retargeting based on the sensitivity-tuned visual significance map
=> Image Retargeting for Preserving Robust Local Feature: Application to Mobile Visual Search
=> Image Retargeting in Compressed Domain
=> Image retargeting quality assessment based on content deformation measurement
=> Image Retargeting Quality Assessment Based on Registration Confidence Measure and Noticeability-Based Pooling
=> Image retargeting quality assessment based on saliency-driven classification
=> Image retargeting quality assessment based on support vector regression
=> Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
=> Image retargeting using importance diffusion
=> Image Retargeting Using Mesh Parametrization
=> Image Retargeting via Beltrami Representation
=> Image retargeting with multifocus fisheye transformation
=> Image Retargeting with Protection of Object Arrangement
=> Image retrieval and classification using adaptive local binary patterns based on texture features
=> Image retrieval and classification using associative reciprocal-image attractors
=> Image retrieval and indexing: a hierarchical approach in computing the distance between textured images
=> Image Retrieval and Pattern Spotting on Historical Documents with Binary Descriptors
=> Image Retrieval and Ranking via Consistently Reconstructing Multi-attribute Queries
=> Image retrieval and segmentation based on color invariants
=> Image retrieval and Web 2.0: where can we go from here?
=> Image Retrieval Based on Anisotropic Scaling and Shearing Invariant Geometric Coherence
=> Image retrieval based on ASIFT features in a Hadoop clustered system
=> Image retrieval based on bag of images
=> Image retrieval based on chromaticity moments
=> Image retrieval based on classified vector quantization using color local thresholding classifier
=> Image retrieval based on color distribution entropy
=> Image Retrieval Based on Compositional Features and Interactive Query Specification
=> Image Retrieval Based on Edge Representation
=> Image retrieval based on feature weighting and relevance feedback
=> Image Retrieval Based on Gaussian Mixture Approach to Color Localization
=> Image retrieval based on image-to-class similarity
=> Image retrieval based on incremental subspace learning
=> Image Retrieval Based on Index Compressed Vector Quantization
=> Image retrieval based on indexing and relevance feedback
=> Image Retrieval Based on Learning to Rank and Multiple Loss
=> Image retrieval based on LRGA algorithm and relevance feedback for insect identification
=> Image retrieval based on micro-structure descriptor
=> Image retrieval based on multi-texton histogram
=> Image retrieval based on object's orientation spatial relationship
=> Image retrieval based on perceptive weighted color blocks
=> Image retrieval based on projective invariance
=> Image retrieval based on saliency for urban image contents
=> Image retrieval based on shape similarity by edge orientation autocorrelogram
=> Image Retrieval Based on Similarity Learning
=> Image Retrieval Based on Statistical and Geometry Features
=> Image Retrieval Based on Structured Local Binary Kirsch Pattern
=> Image retrieval based on the texton co-occurrence matrix
=> Image retrieval by color regions
=> Image retrieval by dense caption reasoning
=> Image retrieval by elastic matching of user sketches
=> Image Retrieval by Local Contrast Patterns and Color
=> Image retrieval by local evaluation of nonlinear kernel functions around salient points
=> Image retrieval by multidimensional elastic matching
=> Image retrieval by ontological description of shapes (IRONS), early results
=> Image Retrieval by Partial Queries
=> Image retrieval by pattern categorization using wavelet domain perceptual features with LVQ neural network
=> Image Retrieval by Positive and Negative Examples
=> Image Retrieval by Range Query Composition of Region Categories
=> Image retrieval by shape and texture
=> Image retrieval by subspace-projected color and texture features
=> Image retrieval by texture similarity
=> Image Retrieval by Using Non-subsampled Shearlet Transform and Krawtchouk Moment Invariants
=> Image retrieval by using texture and shape correlated hand crafted features
=> Image retrieval evaluation
=> Image retrieval for computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer
=> Image Retrieval for Image-Based Localization Revisited
=> Image Retrieval for Visual Localization via Scene Text Detection and Logo Filtering
=> Image Retrieval Framework Based on Dual Representation Descriptor
=> Image Retrieval from the World Wide Web: Issues, Techniques, and Systems
=> Image Retrieval in Forensics: Tattoo Image Database Application
=> Image retrieval in multipoint queries
=> Image Retrieval in Semiconductor Manufacturing
=> Image Retrieval Interfaces: A User Perspective
=> Image retrieval measures based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
=> image retrieval method based on analysis of feedback sequence log, An
=> Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Map Pre-Sampling Construction in Indoor Positioning
=> Image Retrieval Methods for a Database of Funeral Monuments
=> Image retrieval model based on weighted visual features determined by relevance feedback
=> Image Retrieval of First-Person Vision for Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Area
=> Image retrieval on compressed images: Can we tell the difference?
=> Image retrieval on large-scale image databases
=> Image Retrieval on Real-life Images with Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models
=> Image retrieval on the Honeycomb Image Browser
=> Image Retrieval on Uncompressed and Compressed Domains
=> Image Retrieval Over Networks: Active Learning Using Ant Algorithm
=> Image retrieval system based on color-complexity and color-spatial features
=> Image Retrieval System Based on Machine Learning and Using Color Features
=> Image Retrieval System Using Multispectral Random Field Models, Color, and Geometric Features, An
=> Image retrieval system
=> Image retrieval systems and methods with semantic and feature based relevance feedback
=> Image retrieval systems based on compact shape descriptor and relevance feedback information
=> image retrieval technique based on texture features using semantic properties, An
=> Image Retrieval through Qualitative Representations over Semantic Features
=> Image Retrieval Through Shape Matching of Partially Occluded Objects Using Hierarchical Content Description
=> Image retrieval using BDIP and BVLC moments
=> Image Retrieval using Canonical Cyclic String Representation of Polygons
=> Image Retrieval Using Color-Aware Tag on Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System
=> Image Retrieval Using Color and Shape
=> Image retrieval using color histograms generated by Gauss mixture vector quantization
=> Image retrieval using dictionary similarity measure
=> Image Retrieval Using Efficient Local Area Matching
=> Image Retrieval Using Eigen Queries
=> Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Relevance Feedback and Validation with MPEG-7 Content Descriptors
=> Image retrieval using histograms of uni-color and bi-color blocks and directional changes in intensity gradient
=> Image retrieval using improved texton co-occurrence matrix
=> Image Retrieval Using Landmark Indexing for Indoor Navigation
=> Image Retrieval Using Local Characterization
=> Image Retrieval Using Local Compact DCT-Based Representation
=> Image Retrieval using Long-Term Semantic Learning
=> Image Retrieval Using Low Level Features of Object Regions with Application to Partially Occluded Images
=> Image retrieval using Markov Random Fields and global image features
=> Image Retrieval Using Mixture Models and EM Algorithm
=> Image Retrieval Using Multi-scale Color Clustering
=> Image retrieval using resegmentation driven by query rectangles
=> Image retrieval using resegmentation driven by query rectangles
=> Image Retrieval Using Scale-Space Matching
=> Image retrieval using scene graphs
=> Image Retrieval Using Spatial Color Information
=> Image retrieval using spatial intensity features
=> Image Retrieval Using Textual Cues
=> Image Retrieval Using Transaction-Based and SVM-Based Learning in Relevance Feedback Sessions
=> Image retrieval via connecting words to salient objects
=> Image Retrieval via Gated Multiscale NetVLAD for Social Media Applications
=> Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
=> Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
=> Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
=> Image retrieval via probabilistic hypergraph ranking
=> Image Retrieval with a Visual Thesaurus
=> Image Retrieval with Attribute-Associated Auxiliary References
=> Image retrieval with automatic query expansion based on local analysis in a semantical concept feature space
=> Image retrieval with feature selection and relevance feedback
=> Image Retrieval with Fisher Vectors of Binary Features
=> Image retrieval with geometry-preserving visual phrases
=> Image retrieval with graph kernel on regions
=> Image retrieval with hierarchical matching pursuit
=> Image Retrieval With Lingual And Visual Paraphrasing Via Generative Models
=> Image Retrieval with Local and Spatial Queries
=> Image retrieval with mixed initiative and multimodal feedback
=> Image retrieval with query-adaptive hashing
=> Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
=> Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
=> Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback: From Heuristic Weight Adjustment to Optimal Learning Methods
=> Image Retrieval with Scale Invariant Visual Phrases
=> Image Retrieval with Structured Object Queries Using Latent Ranking SVM
=> Image retrieval with SVM active learning embedding Euclidean search
=> Image Retrieval with Well-separated Semantic Hash Centers
=> Image retrieval
=> Image Retrieval: Color and Texture Combining Based on Query-Image
=> Image retrieval: Ideas, influences, and trends of the new age
=> Image Retrieval: Modelling Keywords via Low-level Features
=> Image Retrieving Method using the Object Index and the Motion, An
=> Image Ridge Denoising Using No-Reference Metric
=> Image rotating device
=> Image rotating system by an arbitrary angle
=> Image rotation apparatus
=> Image rotation using block transfers
=> Image Rotation without Scaling on Spiral Architecture
=> Image rotation
=> Image Saliency Applied to Infrared Images for Unmanned Maritime Monitoring
=> Image Saliency by Isocentric Curvedness and Color
=> Image Saliency by Isocentric Curvedness and Color
=> Image saliency detection via multi-scale iterative CNN
=> Image saliency detection via multi-scale statistical non-redundancy modeling
=> Image Saliency Detection with Sparse Representation of Learnt Texture Atoms
=> Image saliency estimation via random walk guided by informativeness and latent signal correlations
=> Image saliency prediction by learning deep probability model
=> Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
=> Image Salt-Pepper Noise Elimination by Detecting Edges and Isolated Noise Points
=> Image sampling by hierarchical annealing
=> Image sampling for localization using entropy
=> Image sampling structure conversion by morphological filters
=> Image Sanitization in Online Social Networks: A General Framework for Breaking Robust Information Hiding
=> Image scale and rotation from the phase-only bispectrum
=> Image scaling algorithm using multichannel sampling in the linear canonical transform domain
=> Image scaling using cubic filters
=> Image scrambling encryption algorithm of pixel bit based on chaos map
=> Image Scrambling Without Bandwidth Expansion
=> Image screening based on projection pursuit for image recognition
=> Image screening system
=> Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
=> Image Seaming for Segmentation on Parallel Architecture
=> Image seamless stitching and straightening based on the image block
=> Image search in patents: a review
=> Image Search Reranking With Hierarchical Topic Awareness
=> Image Search Reranking With Query-Dependent Click-Based Relevance Feedback
=> Image Search Result Summarization with Informative Priors
=> Image search results refinement via outlier detection using deep contexts
=> Image search system
=> Image search using deformable contours
=> Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
=> Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
=> Image Search With Text Feedback by Visiolinguistic Attention Learning
=> Image Searching and Browsing by Active Aspect-Based Relevance Learning
=> Image secret sharing method with two-decoding-options: Lossless recovery and previewing capability
=> Image security system using recursive cellular automata substitution
=> Image segment-based spectral features in the estimation of timber volume
=> Image Segmentation-based Unsupervised Multiple Objects Discovery
=> Image segmentation algorithm based on geometric flow Bandelets transformation particle replanting
=> Image segmentation algorithm based on neutrosophic fuzzy clustering with non-local information
=> Image segmentation algorithm based on superpixel clustering
=> Image segmentation algorithm based on superpixel clustering
=> Image segmentation algorithm by piecewise smooth approximation
=> Image segmentation algorithm development using ground truth image data sets
=> Image Segmentation Algorithm Using Iteratively the Mean Shift, An
=> Image segmentation algorithms based on the machine learning of features
=> Image Segmentation and Analysis via Multiscale Gradient Watershed Hierarchies
=> Image Segmentation and Contour Detection Using Fractal Coding
=> Image Segmentation and Discriminant-Analysis for the Identification of Land-Cover Units in Ecology
=> Image Segmentation and Edge Enhancement with Stabilized Inverse Diffusion Equations
=> Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction
=> Image segmentation and filtering based on transformations with reconstruction criteria
=> Image Segmentation and Filtering of Anaerobic Lagoon Floating Cover in Digital Elevation Model and Orthomosaics Using Unsupervised k-Means Clustering for Scum Association Analysis
=> Image segmentation and image matching for 3D terrain reconstruction
=> Image Segmentation and Labeling Using Free-Form Semantic Annotation
=> Image Segmentation and Labeling Using the Polya Urn Model
=> Image Segmentation and Labeling Using the Polya Urn Model
=> Image Segmentation and Matching Using the Binary Object Forest
=> Image Segmentation and Modeling of the Pediatric Tricuspid Valve in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
=> Image Segmentation and Object-Based Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring: Recent Areas of Interest, Researchers' Views on the Future Priorities
=> Image Segmentation and Object Recognition by Bayesian Grouping
=> Image Segmentation and Recognition for Multi-Class Chinese Food
=> Image Segmentation and Region Filling for Virtual Restoration of Artworks
=> Image Segmentation and Selective Smoothing by Using Mumford-Shah Model
=> Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis for Road-Sign Detection
=> Image Segmentation and Tracking Method by Segment Scanning Wave Propagation Network, An
=> Image Segmentation as an Estimation Problem
=> Image Segmentation as Regularized Clustering: A Fully Global Curve Evolution Method
=> Image Segmentation Based Approach for the Purpose of Developing Satellite Image Spatial Information Extraction for Forestation and River Bed Analysis
=> Image segmentation based on a multiresolution Bayesian framework
=> Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering
=> Image Segmentation Based on an Original Multiscale Analysis of the Pixel Connectivity Properties
=> Image Segmentation Based on Combination of the Global and Local Information
=> Image Segmentation Based on Constrained Spectral Variance Difference and Edge Penalty
=> Image segmentation based on Differential Evolution algorithm
=> Image Segmentation Based on Electrical Proximity in a Resistor-Capacitor Network
=> Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Connectedness Using Dynamic Weights
=> Image Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithms Combination
=> Image Segmentation Based on GrabCut Framework Integrating Multiscale Nonlinear Structure Tensor
=> Image Segmentation Based on Height Maps
=> Image segmentation based on hierarchical mapping
=> Image Segmentation Based on Inscribed circle
=> Image Segmentation Based on k-Means Clustering and Energy-Transfer Proximity
=> Image segmentation based on maximum-likelihood estimation and optimum entropy-distribution (MLE-OED)
=> Image segmentation based on merging of sub-optimal segmentations
=> Image segmentation based on multi-region multi-scale local binary fitting and Kullback-Leibler divergence
=> Image segmentation based on multiresolution filtering
=> Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random field with fuzzy constraint in wavelet domain
=> image segmentation based on optimized spatial feature of superpixel, The
=> Image segmentation based on situational DCT descriptors
=> Image Segmentation Based on Solving the Flow in the Mesh with the Connections of Limited Capacities
=> Image Segmentation Based on Spatially Coherent Gaussian Mixture Model
=> Image Segmentation Based on Statistically Principled Clustering
=> Image Segmentation Based on Supernodes and Region Size Estimation
=> Image segmentation based on the integration of colour-texture descriptors: A review
=> Image Segmentation Based on the Integration of Pixel Affinity and Deformable Models
=> Image Segmentation Based on the Poincaré Map Method
=> Image Segmentation Based on Transformations with Reconstruction Criteria
=> Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From attribute filters to machine learning strategies
=> Image segmentation based on weighting boundary information via graph cut
=> Image segmentation by a contrario simulation
=> Image Segmentation by a Fuzzy Clustering-Algorithm Using Adaptive Spatially Constrained Membership Functions
=> Image Segmentation by a Multiresolution Approach
=> Image segmentation by a new weighted student's t-mixture model
=> Image Segmentation by a Parallel, Non-Parametric Histogram Based Clustering Algorithm
=> Image Segmentation by a Robust Clustering Algorithm Using Gaussian Estimator
=> Image segmentation by a robust generalized fuzzy c-means algorithm
=> Image Segmentation by Active Contour Model with a New Data Fidelity
=> Image Segmentation by Bilayer Superpixel Grouping
=> Image Segmentation by Branch-and-Mincut
=> Image Segmentation by Cascaded Region Agglomeration
=> Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
=> Image segmentation by combining the strengths of Relative Fuzzy Connectedness and Graph Cut
=> Image Segmentation by Connectivity Preserving Relinking in Hierarchical Graph Structures
=> Image Segmentation by Conventional and Information-Integrating Techniques: A Synopsis
=> Image segmentation by convex quadratic programming
=> Image segmentation by cooperative optimization
=> Image segmentation by cue selection and integration
=> Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
=> Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
=> Image Segmentation by Deep Learning of Disjunctive Normal Shape Model Shape Representation
=> Image Segmentation by Directed Region Subdivision
=> Image segmentation by dirichlet process mixture model with generalised mean
=> Image segmentation by figure-ground composition into maximal cliques
=> Image Segmentation by Flexible Models Based on Robust Regularized Networks
=> Image segmentation by fusion of low level and domain specific information via Markov Random Fields
=> Image segmentation by geodesic voting. Application to the extraction of tree structures from confocal microscope images
=> Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using fuzzy sets
=> Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis
=> Image Segmentation by Image Analogies
=> Image segmentation by image foresting transform with geodesic band constraints
=> Image segmentation by iterated region merging with localized graph cuts
=> Image segmentation by iterative optimization of multiphase multiple piecewise constant model and Four-Color relabeling
=> Image Segmentation by Jensen-Shannon Divergence: Application to Measurement of Interfacial Tension
=> Image segmentation by learning approach
=> Image segmentation by local entropy methods
=> Image Segmentation by MAP-ML Estimations
=> Image segmentation by means of fuzzy entropy measure
=> Image segmentation by means of temporal parallax difference induction
=> Image segmentation by means of temporal parallax difference induction
=> Image Segmentation by Nested Cuts
=> Image Segmentation by Neural-net Classifiers with Genetic Selection of Feature Indices
=> Image Segmentation by Nonparametric Clustering based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance
=> Image Segmentation by Oriented Image Foresting Transform with Geodesic Star Convexity
=> Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification
=> Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
=> Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration
=> Image Segmentation by Reaction-Diffusion Bubbles
=> Image segmentation by region-contour cooperation for image coding
=> Image segmentation by relaxation using constraint satisfaction neural network
=> Image segmentation by selecting eigenvectors based on extended information entropy
=> Image Segmentation By Semantic Method
=> Image Segmentation by Shape-Directed Covers
=> Image segmentation by shape particle filtering
=> Image segmentation by spatially adaptive color and texture features
=> Image Segmentation by Succesive Background Extraction
=> Image Segmentation By Syntactic Method
=> Image segmentation by texture analysis
=> Image segmentation by three-level thresholding based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm
=> Image Segmentation by Tree-Structured Markov Random Fields
=> Image Segmentation by Unifying Region and Boundary Information
=> Image Segmentation by Unsupervised Sparse Clustering
=> Image Segmentation by Unsupervised Sparse Clustering
=> Image Segmentation Combining Region Depth and Object Features
=> Image segmentation combining region growing and edge detection
=> Image Segmentation Evaluation by Techniques of Comparing Clusterings
=> Image segmentation evaluation: A survey of unsupervised methods
=> Image segmentation for appearance-based self-localisation
=> Image Segmentation for Complex Natural Scenes
=> Image segmentation for detection of soft plaques in multidetector CT images
=> Image Segmentation for Human Tracking using Sequential-Image-Based Hierarchical Adaptation
=> Image Segmentation for Intensity Inhomogeneity in Presence of High Noise
=> Image segmentation for large-scale subcategory flower recognition
=> Image Segmentation for Robots: Fast Self-adapting Gaussian Mixture Model
=> Image Segmentation for the Application of the Neugebauer Colour Prediction Model on Inkjet Printed Ceramic Tiles
=> Image segmentation framework based on multiple feature spaces
=> Image segmentation framework based on optimal multi-method fusion
=> Image Segmentation Framework Based on Patch Segmentation Fusion, An
=> Image Segmentation from Consensus Information
=> Image Segmentation from Consensus Information
=> Image segmentation from scale and rotation invariant texture features from the double dyadic dual-tree complex wavelet transform
=> Image segmentation functional model
=> Image Segmentation Fusion Using General Ensemble Clustering Methods
=> Image segmentation fusion using weakly supervised trace-norm multi-task learning method
=> Image segmentation in a kernel-induced space
=> Image Segmentation in Pyramids
=> Image Segmentation in the Presence of Shadows and Highlights
=> Image segmentation in Twenty Questions
=> image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models, An
=> Image Segmentation Method of Heavy Forgings Based on Genetic Algorithm
=> Image Segmentation Method Using Thresholds Automatically Determined from Picture Contents
=> Image Segmentation Methods for Detecting Blood Vessels in Angiography
=> Image segmentation model based on adaptive adjustment of global and local information
=> Image Segmentation Model using Active Contour and Image Decomposition
=> Image Segmentation of Bricks in Masonry Wall Using a Fusion of Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Image segmentation of color image based on region coherency
=> Image Segmentation of Drosophila's Compound Eyes via Two-Dimensional Otsu Thresholding on the Basis of AGA
=> Image segmentation of G bands of Triticum monococcum chromosomes based on the model-based neural network
=> Image Segmentation of Historical Documents: Using a Quality Index
=> Image segmentation of mesenchymal stem cells in diverse culturing conditions
=> Image Segmentation of Overlapping Particles in Automatic Size Analysis Using Multi-Flash Imaging
=> Image segmentation of UV pattern for automatic paper-money inspection
=> Image Segmentation of Vickers Indentations Using Shape from Focus
=> Image segmentation on spherical coordinate representation of RGB colour space
=> Image Segmentation Parameter Optimization Considering Within- and Between-Segment Heterogeneity at Multiple Scale Levels: Test Case for Mapping Residential Areas Using Landsat Imagery
=> Image Segmentation Parameter Selection and Ant Colony Optimization for Date Palm Tree Detection and Mapping from Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery
=> Image Segmentation Schema for Low-Level Computer Vision
=> Image segmentation system and method
=> Image segmentation system
=> Image Segmentation Techniques
=> Image segmentation technology based on transformer in medical decision-making system
=> Image Segmentation That Merges Together Boundary and Region Information
=> Image Segmentation That Optimizes Global Homogeneity in a Variational Framework
=> Image segmentation through combined methods: Watershed transform, unsupervised distance learning and Normalized Cut
=> Image Segmentation Through Dual Pyramid of Agents
=> Image segmentation through energy minimization based subspace fusion
=> Image segmentation towards natural clusters
=> Image segmentation towards new image representation methods
=> Image Segmentation under Occlusion Using Selective Shape Priors
=> Image Segmentation Using a Dynamic Thresholding Pyramid
=> Image segmentation using a hierarchical student's-t mixture model
=> Image Segmentation Using a Local Extrema Texture Measure
=> Image Segmentation Using a Local GMM in a Variational Framework
=> Image Segmentation Using a Sparse Coding Model of Cortical Area V1
=> Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture Model with Gaussian Process Priors
=> Image segmentation using a texture gradient based watershed transform
=> Image segmentation using a unified Markov random field model
=> Image Segmentation Using Active Contours and Evidential Distance
=> Image Segmentation Using Active Contours Driven by the Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
=> Image Segmentation Using Active Contours With Normally Biased GVF External Force
=> Image segmentation using an efficient rotationally invariant 3D region-based hidden Markov model
=> Image segmentation using association rule features
=> Image Segmentation Using Automatic Seeded Region Growing and Instance-Based Learning
=> Image Segmentation Using Bayesian Inference for Convex Variant Mumford-Shah Variational Model
=> Image segmentation using clique based shape prior and the Mumford Shah Functional
=> Image segmentation using clustering with saddle point detection
=> Image Segmentation Using Co-EM Strategy
=> Image Segmentation using Commute times
=> Image segmentation using consensus from hierarchical segmentation ensembles
=> Image segmentation using contour, surface, and depth cues
=> Image segmentation using curve evolution and flow fields
=> Image segmentation using curve evolution and region stability
=> Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey
=> Image segmentation using dense and sparse hierarchies of superpixels
=> Image Segmentation Using Dictionary Learning and Compressed Random Features
=> Image Segmentation Using Disjunctive Normal Bayesian Shape and Appearance Models
=> Image Segmentation using Dual Distribution Matching
=> Image Segmentation Using Dynamic Run-Length Coding Technique
=> Image segmentation using finite mixtures and spatial information
=> Image Segmentation Using Fractal Coding
=> Image segmentation using fuzzy energy-based active contour with shape prior
=> Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information
=> Image segmentation using fuzzy rule based system and graph cuts
=> Image Segmentation Using GMRF Models: Parameters Estimation and Applications
=> Image segmentation using gradient vector diffusion and region merging
=> Image Segmentation Using Graph Representations and Local Appearance and Shape Models
=> Image Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Gauss Mixture Models
=> Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Merge Tree
=> Image Segmentation Using Higher-Order Correlation Clustering
=> Image segmentation using histogram specification
=> Image Segmentation Using Information Bottleneck Method
=> Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts Based on Multi-scale Smoothing
=> Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts with Residual Graph
=> Image segmentation using iterative watersheding plus ridge detection
=> Image Segmentation Using Laser Radar Data
=> Image Segmentation Using Level Set and Local Linear Approximations
=> Image Segmentation Using Linked Mean-Shift Vectors and Global/Local Attributes
=> Image segmentation using local spectral histograms and linear regression
=> Image Segmentation Using Local Spectral Histograms
=> Image Segmentation Using Local Variation and Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
=> Image Segmentation Using Local Variation
=> Image Segmentation Using Maximum Gradient Profiles Orthogonal to Edges
=> Image segmentation using multi-region stability and edge strength
=> Image segmentation using multilevel graph cuts and graph development using fuzzy rule-based system
=> Image Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts and Efficient Graph-Based Segmentation
=> Image Segmentation Using on Hierachical Meshes
=> Image Segmentation Using Parametric Contours With Free Endpoints
=> Image Segmentation Using Probabilistic Fuzzy C-means Clustering
=> Image Segmentation Using Quadtree-Based Similarity Graph and Normalized Cut
=> Image segmentation using robust mixture models
=> Image Segmentation using Salient Points-Based Object Templates
=> Image Segmentation Using Simple Markov Field Models
=> Image Segmentation Using Situational DCT Descriptors
=> Image Segmentation Using Some Piecewise Constant Level Set Methods with MBO Type of Projection
=> Image Segmentation Using Sparse Subset Selection
=> Image Segmentation Using Text and Image Prompts
=> Image Segmentation Using the Double Markov Random Field, with Application to Land Use Estimation
=> Image segmentation using the level set and improved-variation smoothing
=> Image Segmentation Using Topological Persistence
=> Image segmentation utilizing wavelet-based spatially adaptive kernels
=> Image Segmentation Via Adaptive K-Mean Clustering And Knowledge-Based Morphological Operations With Biomedical Applications
=> Image segmentation via brittle fracture mechanics
=> Image segmentation via coherent clustering in L*a*b* color space
=> Image segmentation via convolution of a level-set function with a Rigaut Kernel
=> Image segmentation via edge contour finding: a graph theoretic approach
=> Image Segmentation via Functionals Based on Boundary Functions
=> Image Segmentation via Functionals Based on Boundary Functions
=> Image segmentation via image decomposition and fuzzy region competition
=> Image Segmentation Via Iterative Histogram Thresholding and Morphological Features Analysis
=> Image segmentation via local higher order statistics
=> Image segmentation via multi-scale stochastic regional texture appearance models
=> Image Segmentation Via Multiple Active Contour Models and Fuzzy Clustering with Biomedical Applications
=> Image Segmentation via Multiresolution Diffused Expectation-Maximisation
=> Image Segmentation via Probabilistic Graph Matching
=> Image segmentation via self-organising fusion
=> Image Segmentation via Weighted Carving Decompositions
=> Image segmentation with a bounding box prior
=> Image Segmentation with a p-Laplace Equation Model
=> Image segmentation with a parametric deformable model using shape and appearance priors
=> Image Segmentation With A Propagator Markov Mesh Model
=> Image Segmentation with a Shape Prior Based on Simplified Skeleton
=> Image Segmentation with a Statistical Appearance Model and a Generic Mumford-Shah Inspired Outside Model
=> Image Segmentation with a Unified Graphical Model
=> Image Segmentation With Adaptive Edge-Region Collaborated Level-Set Method
=> Image Segmentation with Adaptive Spatial Priors from Joint Registration
=> Image segmentation with arbitrary noise models by solving minimal surface problems
=> Image Segmentation with Automatically Balanced Constraints
=> Image Segmentation With Cage Active Contours
=> Image Segmentation with Cascaded Hierarchical Models and Logistic Disjunctive Normal Networks
=> Image Segmentation With Complementary Use Of Edge And Region Information
=> Image Segmentation with Context
=> Image Segmentation with Depth Information via Simplified Variational Level Set Formulation
=> Image Segmentation With Eigenfunctions of an Anisotropic Diffusion Operator
=> Image Segmentation with Elastic Shape Priors via Global Geodesics in Product Spaces
=> Image Segmentation with Fast Wavelet-Based Color Segmenting and Directional Region Growing
=> Image segmentation with hierarchical topic assignment
=> Image Segmentation with Minimum Mean Cut
=> Image segmentation with one shape prior: A template-based formulation
=> Image Segmentation with Partial Convexity Shape Prior Using Discrete Conformality Structures
=> Image segmentation with ratio cut
=> Image Segmentation with Simplified PCNN
=> Image segmentation with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation: An energy minimization approach
=> Image segmentation with the competitive learning based MS model
=> Image Segmentation with Topic Random Field
=> Image segmentation
=> Image segmentation
=> Image segmenting apparatus and methods
=> Image Selection for 3D Measurement Based on Network Design
=> Image selection for improved Multi-View Stereo
=> Image selective restoration using multi-scale variational decomposition
=> Image self-recovery with watermark self-embedding
=> Image semantic quality assessment for compression of car-plate images
=> Image semantic segmentation based on FCN-CRF model
=> Image semantic segmentation of indoor scenes: A survey
=> Image Semantic Segmentation With Edge and Feature Level Attenuators
=> Image Sensing Systems
=> Image Sensing, Processing, and Understanding for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles
=> Image Sensor Modeling: Noise and Linear Transformation Impacts on the Color Gamut
=> Image Sensor Noise Parameter Estimation by Variance Stabilization and Normality Assessment
=> Image Sensor with Fast Extraction of Objects' Positions: Rough Vision Processor, An
=> Image separation using N-tree wavelet transforms
=> Image Separation With Side Information: A Connected Auto-Encoders Based Approach
=> Image sequence analysis and segmentation using G-blobs
=> Image Sequence Analysis for Emerging Interactive Multimedia Services: The European COST 211 Framework
=> Image Sequence Analysis for Real-Time Underwater Cable Tracking
=> Image Sequence Analysis in Environmental and Live Sciences
=> Image Sequence Analysis of Real World Human Motion
=> Image sequence analysis using a spatio-temporal coding for automatic lipreading
=> Image Sequence Analysis Using Relational Structures
=> Image Sequence Analysis via Partial Differential Equations
=> Image Sequence Based Cyclist Action Recognition Using Multi-Stream 3D Convolution
=> Image sequence classification using a neural network based active contour model and a hidden Markov model
=> Image sequence coding at very low bit rates: a review
=> Image Sequence Coding Using 3-D I.F.S.
=> Image sequence coding using a contour-based method
=> Image sequence coding using adaptive finite-state vector quantization
=> Image sequence coding using oriented edges
=> Image sequence coding using temporal co-occurrence matrices
=> Image sequence compression using adapted three-dimensional transform: Application to scintigraphic images
=> Image Sequence Denoising via Sparse and Redundant Representations
=> Image Sequence Description Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves: Toward Motion-Based Recognition
=> Image sequence enhancement system and method
=> Image Sequence Enhancement Using Multiple Motions Analysis
=> Image Sequence Enhancement Using Sub-Pixel Displacements
=> Image Sequence Evaluation: 30 Years and Still Going Strong
=> Image Sequence Fusion Using a Shift-Invariant Wavelet Transform
=> Image sequence geolocation with human travel priors
=> Image Sequence Interpolation Based on Optical Flow, Segmentation, and Optimal Control
=> Image Sequence Interpolation Using Optimal Control
=> Image Sequence Prediction Using ANN and RBFNN
=> Image Sequence Processing in Stereovision Mobile Mapping: Steps towards Robust and Accurate Monoscopic 3D Measurements and Image-Based Georeferencing
=> Image Sequence Processing Using Spatiotemporal Segmentation
=> Image Sequence Restoration: A PDE-Based Coupled Method for Image Restoration and Motion Segmentation
=> Image Sequence Restoration: A PDE-Based Coupled Method for Image Restoration and Motion Segmentation
=> Image sequence segmentation using 3-D structure tensor and curve evolution
=> Image set-based classification using collaborative exemplars representation
=> Image Set-Based Face Recognition: A Local Multi-Keypoint Descriptor-Based Approach
=> Image Set-Based Hand Shape Recognition Using Camera Selection Driven by Multi-class AdaBoosting
=> Image Set Based Face Recognition Using Self-Regularized Non-Negative Coding and Adaptive Distance Metric Learning
=> Image set classification based on cooperative sparse representation
=> Image set classification by symmetric positive semi-definite matrices
=> Image Set Classification Using Holistic Multiple Order Statistics Features and Localized Multi-kernel Metric Learning
=> Image Set Classification Using Sparse Bayesian Regression
=> Image Set Classification via Template Triplets and Context-Aware Similarity Embedding
=> Image set compression through minimal-cost prediction structures
=> Image Set Compression with Content Adaptive Sparse Dictionary
=> Image set querying based localization
=> Image sets alignment for Video-Based Face Recognition
=> Image shake detecting device
=> Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample
=> Image Sharpening by DWT-Based Hysteresis
=> Image Sharpening by Flows Based on Triple Well Potentials
=> Image sharpening by morphological filtering
=> Image Sharpening in the JPEG Domain
=> Image Sharpening Via Sobolev Gradient Flows
=> Image Sharpening With Blur Map Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image sharpness assessment based on local phase coherence and LAD criterion
=> Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Local Phase Coherence
=> Image Sharpness Assessment by Sparse Representation
=> Image Sharpness Metric Based on Maxpol Convolution Kernels
=> Image Sifting for Micro Array Image Enhancement
=> Image signal coding method, image signal coding apparatus and storage medium
=> Image signal decoding device capable of removing block distortion with simple structure
=> Image signal interpolating apparatus
=> Image signal interpolating apparatus
=> Image signal processing apparatus and recording/reproducing apparatus
=> Image signal processing apparatus and recording/reproducing apparatus
=> Image signal processing circuit for performing motion estimation
=> Image signal transmitting system using image frames differences
=> image signature for any kind of image, An
=> Image Signature Robust to Caption Superimposition for Video Sequence Identification
=> Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions
=> Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively enrich surface water mapping information
=> Image Similarity and Tissue Overlaps as Surrogates for Image Registration Accuracy: Widely Used but Unreliable
=> Image Similarity Assessment Based on Coefficients of Spatial Association
=> Image Similarity Based on Intensity Scaling
=> Image Similarity Comparison Using Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform
=> image similarity descriptor for classification tasks, An
=> Image similarity measurement by Kullback-Leibler divergences between complex wavelet subband statistics for texture retrieval
=> Image Similarity Metrics Suitable for Infrared Video Stabilization during Active Wildfire Monitoring: A Comparative Analysis
=> Image Similarity Using Mutual Information of Regions
=> Image Similarity Using Sparse Representation and Compression Distance
=> Image similarity using the normalized compression distance based on finite context models
=> Image Similarity: From Fuzzy Sets to Color Image Applications
=> Image size changeable fisheye lens system
=> Image Size Invariant Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures Subject to Display Quality Constraints
=> Image skeletonization method
=> Image Smoothing and Edge-Detection by Hermite Integration
=> Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Graph Regularization
=> Image smoothing based on pixel grouping
=> Image smoothing using a metric tensor for an affine invariant scale space
=> Image smoothing via a scale-aware filter and L_0 norm
=> Image Smoothing Via Gradient Sparsity and Surface Area Minimization
=> Image Smoothing via Multiscale Global Perception
=> Image smoothing via truncated L0 gradient regularisation
=> Image sorting via a reduction in travelling salesman problem
=> Image Source Identification with Known Post-Processed Based on Convolutional Neural Network
=> Image Space I 3 and Eigen Curvature for Illumination Insensitive Face Detection
=> Image space shading of 3-dimensional objects
=> Image spaces and video trajectories: Using isomap to explore video sequences
=> Image Spam Filtering Using Visual Information
=> Image Spatial Transformation in DCT Domain
=> Image Specific Error Rate: A Biometric Performance Metric
=> Image Specific Feature Similarities
=> Image specificity
=> Image Spectral Resolution Enhancement for Mapping Native Plant Species in a Typical Area of the Three-River Headwaters Region, China
=> Image splicing detection based on Markov features in discrete octonion cosine transform domain
=> Image splicing detection based on noncausal Markov model
=> Image Splicing Detection Through Illumination Inconsistencies and Deep Learning
=> Image splicing detection using low-dimensional feature vector of texture features and Haralick features based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
=> Image splicing detection using mask-RCNN
=> Image Splicing Detection via Camera Response Function Analysis
=> Image splicing detection with local illumination estimation
=> Image splicing forgery detection using simplified generalized noise model
=> Image Splicing Localization using a Multi-task Fully Convolutional Network (MFCN)
=> Image splicing localization using residual image and residual-based fully convolutional network
=> Image Splicing Localization via Semi-global Network and Fully Connected Conditional Random Fields
=> Image stabilization algorithm based on KLT motion tracking
=> Image Stabilization Algorithms for Video-surveillance Applications
=> Image Stabilization and Mosaicking Using the Overlapped Basis Optical Flow Field
=> Image stabilization apparatus for telescopic devices
=> Image Stabilization Based on Fusing the Visual Information in Differently Exposed Images
=> Image stabilization by features tracking
=> Image stabilization system and method for a video camera
=> Image Stabilization Technology for Digital Still Camera Based on Blind Deconvolution, An
=> Image stabilization
=> Image stabilizing apparatus for a portable video camera
=> Image stabilizing device operable responsively to a state of optical apparatus using the same
=> Image stabilizing device
=> Image stack surface area minimization for groupwise and multimodal affine registration
=> Image Stacks as Parametric Surfaces: Application to Image Registration
=> Image statistics and anisotropic diffusion
=> Image Statistics and Cortical Normalization Models
=> Image statistics and data mining of anal intraepithelial neoplasia
=> Image Statistics and Local Spatial Conditions for Nonstationary Blurred Image Reconstruction
=> Image Statistics Based on Diffeomorphic Matching
=> Image Statistics for Golden Appearance of a Painting by a Japanese Edo-era Artist Jakuchu Ito
=> Image Statistics of American Sign Language: Comparison with Faces and Natural Scenes
=> Image Steganalysis Against Adversarial Steganography by Combining Confidence and Pixel Artifacts
=> Image Steganalysis Network Based on Dual-Attention Mechanism
=> Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
=> Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
=> Image Steganoganalyzer With Comprehensive Detection Performance, An
=> Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods
=> Image Steganography and Steganalysis: Concepts and Practice
=> Image steganography in DWT domain using double-stegging with RSA encryption
=> Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey
=> Image Steganography Using an Eight-element Neighborhood Gaussian Markov Random Field Model
=> Image Steganography With Symmetric Embedding Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model
=> image stitching algorithm based on aggregated star groups, The
=> Image Stitching and Rectification for Hand-held Cameras
=> Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping
=> Image Stitching Based on Multi-Scale Meshes
=> Image Stitching Based on Semantic Planar Region Consensus
=> Image stitching by line-guided local warping with global similarity constraint
=> Image Stitching Database
=> Image Stitching for Dual Fisheye Cameras
=> Image stitching method by multi-feature constrained alignment and colour adjustment
=> Image Stitching Method for Airborne Wide-Swath HyperSpectral Imaging System Equipped with Multiple Imagers, An
=> Image stitching technology based on SIFT, FLANN, and RPOSAC algorithms
=> Image Stitching Using Multiple Homographies Estimated by Segmented Regions for Different Parallaxes
=> Image Stitching Using Structure Deformation
=> Image stitching with dynamic elements
=> Image Stitching with Locally Shared Rotation Axis
=> Image Stitching With Manifold Optimization
=> Image stitching with positional relationship constraints of feature points and lines
=> Image Stitching: Comparisons and New Techniques
=> Image storage onto synthetic DNA
=> Image Storage System Using Complex-valued Associative Memories, An
=> Image Structure Orientation Using Mathematical Morphology
=> Image Structure Subspace Learning Using Structural Similarity Index
=> Image Structure
=> Image Style Classification Based on Learnt Deep Correlation Features
=> Image style disentangling for instance-level facial attribute transfer
=> Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Image stylisation: from predefined to personalised
=> Image stylization using anisotropic reaction diffusion
=> Image subband coding using arithmetic coded trellis coded quantization
=> Image Subband Coding Using Context-Based Classification and Adaptive Quantization
=> Image subband coding using fuzzy inference and adaptive quantization
=> Image subtraction to remove ambient illumination
=> Image Super-Resolution Algorithm for Different Error Levels Per Frame, An
=> Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks
=> Image super-resolution as sparse representation of raw image patches
=> Image Super-Resolution Based on a Novel Edge Sharpness Prior
=> Image super-resolution based on adaptive joint distribution modeling
=> Image super-resolution based on conditional generative adversarial network
=> Image super-resolution based on convolution neural networks using multi-channel input
=> Image super-resolution based on deep neural network of multiple attention mechanism
=> Image super-resolution based on dictionary learning and anchored neighborhood regression with mutual incoherence
=> Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained linear coding
=> Image super-resolution based on multikernel regression
=> Image super-resolution based on self-similarity generative adversarial networks
=> Image Super-Resolution Based on Structure-Modulated Sparse Representation
=> Image super-resolution based on the pairwise dictionary selected learning and improved bilateral regularisation
=> Image Super-Resolution Based Wavelet Framework with Gradient Prior
=> Image super-resolution by extreme learning machine
=> Image Super-Resolution by Neural Texture Transfer
=> Image super-resolution by structural sparse coding
=> Image super-resolution by textural context constrained visual vocabulary
=> Image super-resolution from compressed sensing observations
=> Image super-resolution reconstruction based on implicit image functions
=> Image super-resolution reconstruction based on sparse representation and deep learning
=> Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via L1_2 and S1_2 Regularizations
=> Image super-resolution survey
=> Image Super-Resolution Using CNN Optimised By Self-Feature Loss
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Complex Dense Block on Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image super-resolution using conditional generative adversarial network
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections
=> Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
=> Image super-resolution using graph regularized block sparse representation
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Knowledge Distillation
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Local Learnable Kernel Regression
=> Image super-resolution using sparse coding over redundant dictionary based on effective image representations
=> Image Super-Resolution Using T-Tetromino Pixels
=> Image super-resolution using TV priori guided convolutional network
=> Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Residual Channel Attention Networks
=> Image super-resolution via 2D tensor regression learning
=> Image Super-Resolution via a Novel Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network Framework
=> Image super-resolution via adaptive sparse representation and self-learning
=> Image Super-Resolution Via Analysis Sparse Prior
=> Image Super-Resolution via Attention Based Back Projection Networks
=> Image super-resolution via channel attention and spatial graph convolutional network
=> Image Super-Resolution Via Deep Dilated Convolutional Networks
=> Image Super-Resolution via Deep Recursive Residual Network
=> Image Super-Resolution Via Double Sparsity Regularized Manifold Learning
=> Image Super-Resolution via Dual-State Recurrent Networks
=> Image Super-Resolution via Efficient Transformer Embedding Frequency Decomposition With Restart
=> Image Super-Resolution via Efficient Transformer Embedding Frequency Decomposition With Restart
=> Image super-resolution via feature-augmented random forest
=> Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement
=> Image Super-Resolution via Local Self-Learning Manifold Approximation
=> Image Super-Resolution Via Non-Local Steering Kernel Regression Regularization
=> Image super-resolution via nonlocal similarity and group structured sparse representation
=> Image Super-Resolution via Progressive Cascading Residual Network
=> Image Super-Resolution via Residual Block Attention Networks
=> Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness and gradient phase angle
=> Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness
=> Image Super-Resolution Via Sparse Representation
=> Image Super-Resolution With Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention and Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining
=> Image Super-Resolution with Deep Dictionary
=> Image Super-resolution with Deep Variational Autoencoders
=> Image Super-Resolution with Non-Local Sparse Attention
=> Image Super-Resolution With Parametric Sparse Model Learning
=> Image Super-Resolution With Self-Similarity Prior Guided Network and Sample-Discriminating Learning
=> Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Neighbor Embedding
=> Image Super-Resolution: Use of Self-learning and Gabor Prior
=> Image super-segmentation: Segmentation with multiple labels from shuffled observations
=> Image Super Resolution Based on Fusing Multiple Convolution Neural Networks
=> Image super resolution by dilated dense progressive network
=> Image Super Resolution using Fourier-Wavelet transform
=> Image super resolution using saliency-modulated context-aware sparse decomposition
=> Image Super Resolution Using Sparse Image and Singular Values as Priors
=> Image Superresolution Using Densely Connected Residual Networks
=> Image Superresolution Using Support Vector Regression
=> Image Surface Approximation with Irregular Samples
=> Image Surveillance Assistant
=> Image symmetries: The right balance between evenness and perception
=> Image Synthesis and Modified BlendMask Instance Segmentation for Automated Nanoparticle Phenotyping
=> Image Synthesis and Occlusion Removal of Intermediate Views by Stereo Matching
=> Image Synthesis Based on Manifold Learning
=> Image Synthesis from a Single Example Image
=> Image Synthesis from Layout with Locality-Aware Mask Adaption
=> Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style
=> Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style
=> Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Image synthesis using Conditional Random Fields
=> Image synthesis via adversarial geometric consistency pursuit
=> Image Synthesis via Semantic Composition
=> Image synthesizing apparatus
=> Image system for three dimensional, 360 Degree, time sequence surface mapping of moving objects
=> Image systems engineering at Stanford
=> Image tag completion and refinement by subspace clustering and matrix completion
=> Image tag completion by low-rank factorization with dual reconstruction structure preserved
=> Image Tag Completion by Noisy Matrix Recovery
=> Image tag completion via dual-view linear sparse reconstructions
=> Image Tag Completion via Image-Specific and Tag-Specific Linear Sparse Reconstructions
=> Image tag refinement by regularized latent Dirichlet allocation
=> Image Tag Refinement With View-Dependent Concept Representations
=> Image Tagging Using PageRank over Bipartite Graphs
=> Image Taken Place Estimation via Geometric Constrained Spatial Layer Matching
=> Image tamper detection and classification using support vector machines
=> Image tamper detection based on demosaicing artifacts
=> Image Tamper Detection using Mathematical Morphology
=> Image tampering detection based on stationary distribution of Markov chain
=> Image Tampering Identification using Blind Deconvolution
=> Image Tangent Space for Image Retrieval
=> Image Technology for Camera-Based Automatic Guided Vehicle
=> Image Technology: Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia, and Machine Vision
=> Image template matching using Mutual Information and NP-Windows
=> Image Text Detection Using a Bandlet-Based Edge Detector and Stroke Width Transform
=> Image Texture Analysis Enhances Classification of Fire Extent and Severity Using Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite Imagery
=> Image Texture Analysis Method for Minority Language Identification, An
=> Image Texture as Quality Indicator for Optical DEM Generation: Geomorphic Applications in the Arid Central Andes
=> Image texture classification using wavelet based curve fitting and probabilistic neural network
=> Image Texture Classification with Digital Filter Banks and Transforms
=> Image Texture Description Using Complex Wavelet Transform
=> image texture insensitive method for saliency detection, An
=> Image Textures and Gibbs Random Fields
=> Image thinning process
=> Image Thinning Using Pulse Coupled Neural Network
=> Image Thresholding Based on Ali-Silvey Distance Measures
=> Image thresholding based on semivariance
=> Image thresholding based on the EM algorithm and the generalized Gaussian distribution
=> Image Thresholding by Indicator Kriging
=> Image Thresholding by Maximizing the Index of Nonfuzziness of the 2-D Grayscale Histogram
=> Image thresholding by minimizing the measures of fuzziness
=> Image thresholding by variational minimax optimization
=> Image thresholding framework based on two-dimensional digital fractional integration and Legendre moments'
=> Image Thresholding Method Based on Human Visual Perception, An
=> Image Thresholding Method Using a Minimum Weighted Squared-Distortion Criterion, An
=> Image Thresholding Using Ant Colony Optimization
=> Image Thresholding Using Fuzzy Entropies
=> Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts
=> Image thresholding using Tsallis entropy
=> Image thresholding using two-dimensional Tsallis-Havrda-Charvát entropy
=> Image thresholding using type-2 fuzzy c-partition entropy and particle swarm optimization algorithm
=> Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets
=> Image Thumbnails That Represent Blur and Noise
=> Image Tiling For Clustering To Improve Stability Of Constant-Time Color Bilateral Filtering
=> Image tiling for embedded applications with non-linear constraints
=> Image Time-Series Data Mining Based on the Information-Bottleneck Principle
=> Image to Image Deep Learning for Enhanced Vegetation Height Modeling in Texas
=> Image to Image Translation for Domain Adaptation
=> Image to LIDAR matching for geotagging in urban environments
=> Image To Point Cloud Method of 3d-modeling
=> Image to Video Domain Adaptation Using Web Supervision
=> Image tone mapping based on clustering and human visual system models
=> Image Topic Discovery with Saliency Detection
=> image torque operator: A new tool for mid-level vision, The
=> Image tracking apparatus
=> Image tracking device and image tracking method
=> Image Tracking in Real-Time: A Transputer Emulation of Some Early Mammalian Vision Processes
=> Image Tracking in Real-Time: A Transputer Emulation of Some Early Mammalian Vision Processes
=> Image tracking system and method and observer tracking autostereoscopic display
=> image transform approach for HMM based automatic lipreading, An
=> Image Transform Bootstrapping and Its Applications to Semantic Scene Classification
=> Image Transformation Based on Learning Dictionaries across Image Spaces
=> Image transformation for object tracking in high-resolution video
=> Image transformation using limited reference with application to photo-sketch synthesis
=> Image Transformations and Blurring
=> Image Translation-Based Deniable Encryption against Model Extraction Attack
=> Image translation with dual-directional generative adversarial networks
=> Image transmission over noisy channels using multicarrier modulation
=> Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Variable-Coefficient Fixed-Length Coding Scheme
=> Image transmission system with line averaging preview mode using two-pass block-edge interpolation
=> Image transmission using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction
=> Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fold turbo codes over a two-user power-line binary adder channel
=> Image Transmission via LoRa Networks: A Survey
=> Image Transmission with Gross Information First
=> Image transmorphing with JPEG
=> Image treatment method and apparatus with error dispersion and controllable quantization
=> Image understanding and scene models: a generic framework integrating domain knowledge and gestalt theory
=> Image Understanding and the Man-Machine Interface III
=> Image Understanding Architecture Summary
=> Image Understanding Architecture, The
=> Image understanding based on histogram of contrast
=> Image Understanding Environments Program, The
=> Image Understanding for Aerospace Applications
=> Image Understanding for Iris Biometrics: A survey
=> Image Understanding from Experts' Eyes by Modeling Perceptual Skill of Diagnostic Reasoning Processes
=> Image Understanding from Thermal Emission Polarization
=> Image Understanding Research at UC Irvine: Automatic Recognition in Multispectral Imagery
=> Image Understanding System Aiming At Analysis Of Biological Membrane Behavior, An
=> Image Understanding System for Carotid Angiograms
=> Image Understanding Tools
=> Image Understanding using vision and reasoning through Scene Description Graph
=> Image understanding via learning weakly-supervised cross-modal semantic translation
=> Image Understanding With Reinforcement Learning: Auto-Tuning Image Attributes and Model Parameters for Object Detection and Segmentation
=> Image Understanding Workshop
=> Image Understands Point Cloud: Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation via Association Learning
=> Image unmosaicing without location information using stacked GAN
=> Image Unprocessing: A Pipeline to Recover Raw Data from sRGB Images
=> Image unprojection for 3D surface reconstruction: A triangulation-based approach
=> Image up-sampling using deep cascaded neural networks in dual domains for images down-sampled in DCT domain
=> Image up-sampling using total-variation regularization with a new observation model
=> Image upsampling via texture hallucination
=> Image Upscaling Using Global Multimodal Priors
=> Image Upscaling Using Multiple Dictionaries of Natural Image Patches
=> Image utility estimation using difference-of-Gaussian scale space
=> Image vector quantization codec indices recovery using Lagrange interpolation
=> Image Vector Quantization with Minimax L-INF Distortion
=> Image Vectorization With Real-Time Thin-Plate Spline
=> Image Velocity Estimation from Trajectory Surface in Spatiotemporal Space
=> Image visual attention computation and application via the learning of object attributes
=> Image Visual Realism: From Human Perception to Machine Computation
=> Image Visually Meaningful Cryptography Based on Julia Set Generating and Information Hiding
=> Image Warp Preserving Content Intensity
=> image warping approach to image sequence interpolation, An
=> Image warping correction in forming 360 degree panoramic images
=> Image warping for compressing and spatially organizing a dense collection of images
=> Image warping for face recognition: From local optimality towards global optimization
=> Image warping for retargeting garments among arbitrary poses
=> Image Warping for Shape Recovery and Recognition
=> Image Warping in Dermatological Image Hair Removal
=> Image Warping Method Based on Level Set, An
=> Image warping using adaptive partial matching
=> Image watermark detection in the wavelet domain using Bessel K densities
=> Image watermarking algorithm based on DDWT
=> Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Quantization and Integer Wavelet Transform
=> Image Watermarking Algorithm Robust to Geometric Distortion, An
=> Image Watermarking Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform
=> Image Watermarking Based on the Hessenberg Transform
=> Image Watermarking Based on Various Discrete Fractional Fourier Transforms
=> Image Watermarking by Moment Invariants
=> Image watermarking for tamper detection
=> Image Watermarking Method Based on the Wavelet Transform, An
=> Image Watermarking Method Satisfying IHC by Using PEG LDPC Code
=> image watermarking scheme using HVS characteristics and spread transform, An
=> Image Watermarking Scheme with Hidden Signatures, An
=> Image Watermarking Technique Using Embedder and Extractor Neural Networks
=> Image watermarking using DCT domain constraints
=> Image watermarking using DNST-PHFMs magnitude domain vector AGGM-HMT
=> Image watermarking using polar harmonic transform with parameters in SL(2,R)
=> Image watermarking using tree-based spatial-frequency feature of wavelet transform
=> Image Watermarking with Better Resilience
=> Image watermarking with feature point based synchronization robust to print-scan attack
=> Image watermarking: an evolution to content based approaches
=> Image webs: Computing and exploiting connectivity in image collections
=> Image Zoom Completion
=> Image Zooming by Curvature Interpolation and Iterative Refinement
=> image zooming technique based on vector quantization approximation, An
=> Image zooming using directional cubic convolution interpolation
=> Image zooming with contour stencils
=> Image, eye, and retina
=> Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop
=> Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop
=> Image/Map Correspondence for Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Computer Graphics
=> Image/text filtering system and method
=> Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications
=> Image/video coding based on evolutive unidirectional transforms
=> Image/video deblurring using a hybrid camera
=> Image/video scaling algorithm based on multirate signal processing
=> Image/Video/Audio Quality in Computer Vision and Generative AI
=> Image2Audio: Facilitating Semi-supervised Audio Emotion Recognition with Facial Expression Image
=> Image2GIF: Generating Cinemagraphs Using Recurrent Deep Q-Networks
=> Image2Mesh: A Learning Framework for Single Image 3D Reconstruction
=> Image2Point: 3D Point-Cloud Understanding with 2D Image Pretrained Models
=> Image2Point: 3D Point-Cloud Understanding with 2D Image Pretrained Models
=> Image2Reverb: Cross-Modal Reverb Impulse Response Synthesis
=> Image2song: Song Retrieval via Bridging Image Content and Lyric Words
=> Image2StyleGAN: How to Embed Images Into the StyleGAN Latent Space?
=> Image2StyleGAN++: How to Edit the Embedded Images?
=> Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environments for Architects and Artists
=> ImageBind One Embedding Space to Bind Them All
=> ImageCLEF annotation with explicit context-aware kernel maps
=> ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval Task at ICPR 2010: Information Fusion to Combine Visual and Textual Information, The
=> ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval Task at ICPR 2010: Information Fusion, The
=> ImageCLEF: Experimental Evaluation in Visual Information Retrieval
=> ImageCLEF@ICPR Contest: Challenges, Methodologies and Results of the Photo Annotation Task
=> Imaged Document Text Retrieval Without OCR
=> ImageGCN: Multi-Relational Image Graph Convolutional Networks for Disease Identification With Chest X-Rays
=> ImageJ-Plugins -- Various Plugins for the image manipulation software ImageJ
=> ImageJ: Image Processing and Analysis in Java
=> ImageLib: An Image Processing C++ Class Library
=> ImageMagick
=> ImageMap: Visually Browsing Millions of Images
=> Imagemetry Ltd.
=> Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and Evaluating Text-Guided Image Inpainting
=> Imagen
=> IMAGENCIES: Network image services for telemedicine applications
=> ImageNet-E: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness via Attribute Editing
=> ImageNet-Patch: A dataset for benchmarking machine learning robustness against adversarial patches
=> ImageNet Auto-Annotation with Segmentation Propagation
=> ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
=> ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database
=> ImagePairs: Realistic Super Resolution Dataset via Beam Splitter Camera Rig
=> Imager locates toxic liquids at stand-off distances
=> imager with built-in image-velocity computation capability, An
=> ImageRover: A Content-Based Image Browser for the World Wide Web
=> Imagery-based modeling of social, economic, and governance indicators in sub-Saharan Africa
=> Imagery-derived Bathymetry In Strait of Johor's Turbid Waters Using Multispectral Images
=> Imagery Overlap Block Compressive Sensing With Convex Optimization
=> Imagery Pattern Recognition and Pub/Sub Information Management
=> Imagery Time Series Cloud Removal and Classification Using Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks
=> Images-to-images person ReID without temporal linking
=> Images and Benford's Law
=> Images Annotation Extension Based on User Feedback
=> IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment
=> Images as bags of pixels
=> Images as Embedded Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, Texture, and Volumetric Medical Images
=> Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: A Unified Approach for Image Diffusion
=> Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, and Volumetric Medical Images
=> Images as Functions and Sets
=> Images as Occlusions of Textures: A Framework for Segmentation
=> Images as sets of locally weighted features
=> Images based human volumetric model reconstruction and animation
=> Images de-noising with Mapshrink estimate and dual-threshold in Curvelet Domain
=> Images don't forget: Online photogrammetry to find lost graves
=> Images in News
=> Images in Space and Time: Real Big Data in Healthcare
=> Images of 3-D Maneuvering Motion Targets for Interferometric ISAR With 2-D Joint Sparse Reconstruction
=> Images of Image Machines. Visual Interpretability in Computer Vision for Art
=> Images of Imperfectly Ordered Motifs: Properties, Analysis, and Reconstruction
=> Images of the Athenian Sun: Highlights From ICIP 2018 in Greece
=> Images on the Path to the Digital Museum
=> Images Restoration Using an Iterative Dynamic Programming Approach
=> Images similarity detection based on directional gradient angular histogram
=> Images similarity estimation by processing compressed data
=> Images Speak in Images: A Generalist Painter for In-Context Visual Learning
=> Images steganalysis using GARCH model for feature selection
=> Images with Self-Correcting Capabilities
=> Images within the Electronic Health Record
=> Images, generative models and simulation for visually rich 3D graphics
=> Imagesat International
=> ImageSig: A signature transform for ultra-lightweight image recognition
=> ImageTerrier: an extensible platform for scalable high-performance image retrieval
=> ImageWare Systems, Inc.
=> ImageX - Explore and Search Local/Private Images
=> Imagic: Text-Based Real Image Editing with Diffusion Models
=> Imagination-Augmented Reinforcement Learning Framework for Variable Speed Limit Control
=> Imaginative Generative Adversarial Network: Automatic Data Augmentation for Dynamic Skeleton-Based Hand Gesture and Human Action Recognition, The
=> ImaGINator: Conditional Spatio-Temporal GAN for Video Generation
=> Imagine a community hopeful for the future
=> Imagine All the Plants: Evaluation of a Light-Field Camera for On-Site Crop Growth Monitoring
=> Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
=> IMAGINE: Image Synthesis by Image-Guided Model Inversion
=> Imagineer Systems
=> Imaging-Based Computation of the Dynamics of Pelvic Floor Deformation and Strain Visualization Analysis
=> Imaging a Moving Point Source from Multifrequency Data Measured at One and Sparse Observation Directions (Part I): Far-Field Case
=> Imaging a Sustainable Future in 3D
=> Imaging activity in integrated circuits
=> Imaging Algorithm for Multireceiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar, An
=> Imaging Algorithm of Objects Embedded in a Lossy-Dispersive Medium for Subsurface Radar-Data Processing, An
=> Imaging Analysis and First Results of the Geostationary Interferometric Microwave Sounder Demonstrator
=> imaging analysis of asynchronous bistatic SAR with parallel tracks, The
=> Imaging and Analysis of Angiogenesis for Skin Transplantation by Microangiography
=> Imaging and analysis of traffic scene
=> Imaging and rendering of oil paintings using a multi-band camera
=> Imaging and Vision Systems: Theory, Assessment and Applications
=> Imaging Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities
=> Imaging apparatus for obtaining a high resolution image
=> Imaging Applications of Stochastic Minimal Graphs
=> Imaging Applications of Stochastic Minimal Graphs
=> imaging approach for the automatic thresholding of photo defects, An
=> Imaging Architecture Based on Derivative Estimation Sensors, An
=> Imaging arrangement which allows for capturing an image of a view at different resolutions
=> Imaging as a Surrogate for the Early Prediction and Assessment of Treatment Response through the Analysis of 4-D Texture Ensembles (ISEPARATE)
=> Imaging Behind Occluders Using Two-bounce Light
=> Imaging Below Irregular Terrain Using RF Tomography
=> Imaging Below the Diffraction Limit: A Statistical Analysis
=> Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera
=> Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera
=> Imaging biomarker analysis of rat mammary fat pads and glandular tissues in MRI images
=> Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal in Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Tomography
=> Imaging by Modification: Numerical Reconstruction of Local Conductivities from Corresponding Power Density Measurements
=> Imaging Capabilities of the 1H-X-Nucleus Metamaterial-Inspired Multinuclear RF-Coil
=> Imaging Cargo Containers Using Gravity Gradiometry
=> Imaging Compensation Algorithm for Correcting the Impact of Tropospheric Delay on Spaceborne High-Resolution SAR, An
=> Imaging Compensation Algorithm for Spaceborne High-Resolution SAR Based on a Continuous Tangent Motion Model, An
=> Imaging Corneal Biomechanical Responses to Ocular Pulse Using High-Frequency Ultrasound
=> Imaging Cultural Heritage at Different Scales: Part I, the Micro-Scale (Manufacts)
=> Imaging data detects changes in urban areas over time
=> Imaging device orientation information through analysis of test images
=> Imaging device with hand wobble display circuit
=> Imaging elastic properties of biological tissues by low-frequency harmonic vibration
=> Imaging Electric Properties of Biological Tissues by RF Field Mapping in MRI
=> Imaging Enhancement via CNN in MIMO Virtual Array-Based Radar
=> Imaging Extended Reflectors in a Terminating Waveguide
=> Imaging Facial Physiology for the Detection of Deceit
=> Imaging Floods and Glacier Geohazards with Remote Sensing
=> Imaging for Detection and Identification
=> Imaging for Detection and Identification
=> Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice
=> Imaging for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Spaceborne SAR Using Cubic Filtering and NUFFT Based on Circular Orbit Approximation
=> Imaging Genetics Study Based on a Temporal Group Sparse Regression and Additive Model for Biomarker Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
=> Imaging Geodesy: Toward Centimeter-Level Ranging Accuracy With TerraSAR-X
=> Imaging heart motion using harmonic phase MRI
=> Imaging Hydraulic Fractures Under Energized Steel Casing by Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Imaging in Random Media by Two-Point Coherent Interferometry
=> Imaging in Random Media with Convex Optimization
=> Imaging Issue in an Automatic Face/Disguise Detection System, The
=> Imaging Land Subsidence Induced by Groundwater Extraction in Beijing (China) Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
=> Imaging lidar system
=> Imaging Magnetic Nanoparticle Distributions by Atomic Magnetometry-Based Susceptometry
=> Imaging manifestations of sepsis-associated encephalopathy
=> Imaging Mass Lesions by Vibro-Acoustography: Modeling and Experiments
=> Imaging Method for Concealed Targets, An
=> Imaging Methods Versus Inverse Methods: An Option or An Alternative?
=> Imaging Model Incorporating Ultrasonic Transducer Properties for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography, An
=> Imaging Multi-Age Construction Settlement Behaviour by Advanced SAR Interferometry
=> Imaging Near-surface Buried Structure with High-resolution Surface-wave Group-velocity Tomography
=> Imaging Network Design for UGV-Based 3D Reconstruction of Buildings, An
=> Imaging Novecento. A Mobile App for Automatic Recognition of Artworks and Transfer of Artistic Styles
=> Imaging of a Moving Target With Rotating Parts Based on the Hough Transform
=> Imaging of Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities in Two Dimensions
=> Imaging of Buried Objects from Experimental Backscattering Time-Dependent Measurements Using a Globally Convergent Inverse Algorithm
=> Imaging of Cardiac Movement Using Ratiometric and Nonratiometric Optical Mapping: Effects of Ischemia and 2, 3-Butaneodione Monoxime
=> Imaging of Compact Objects Buried in Underwater Sediments Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Imaging of Elastic Modulus of Incompressible Biological Soft Tissue from a Knowledge of Displacement Measurements
=> Imaging of Fast Moving Targets Using Undersampled SAR Raw-Data
=> Imaging of Fractal Profiles
=> Imaging of hemorrhagic stroke in magnetic induction tomography: An in vitro study
=> Imaging of human tooth enamel using ultrasound
=> Imaging of Local Rough Surfaces by the Linear Sampling Method with Near-Field Data
=> Imaging of Micromotion Targets With Rotating Parts Based on Empirical-Mode Decomposition
=> Imaging of moving targets using a Doppler compensated multiresolution method
=> Imaging of Nonlinear and Dynamic Functional Brain Connectivity Based on EEG Recordings With the Application on the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
=> Imaging of Oil-Well Perforations Using UWB Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Imaging of Single and Double Scatterers in Urban Areas via SAR Tomography
=> Imaging of Single Transducer-Harmonic Motion Imaging-Derived Displacements at Several Oscillation Frequencies Simultaneously
=> Imaging of spatiotemporal coincident states by DC optical tomography
=> Imaging of the SEG/EAGE Salt Model Seismic Data Using Sparse f-x Finite-Impulse-Response Wavefield Extrapolation Filters
=> Imaging of the Upper Mantle Beneath Southeast Asia: Constrained by Teleseismic P-Wave Tomography
=> Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the heart cycle with electrical impedance using a linear spot-electrode array
=> Imaging of voids by means of a physical-optics-based shape-reconstruction algorithm
=> Imaging on Coal Seismic Data
=> Imaging Order Scheduling of an Earth Observation Satellite
=> Imaging Parameters-Considered Slender Target Detection in Optical Satellite Images
=> Imaging performance of a-PET: a small animal PET camera
=> Imaging polarimetry and retinal blood vessel quantification at the epiretinal membrane
=> Imaging Polarimetry for Industrial Inspection
=> Imaging polarimetry in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration
=> Imaging Polarizable Dipoles
=> Imaging Problem: Restoration of Blurred Digital Characters, An
=> Imaging range finder and method
=> Imaging Sciences R&D Laboratories in Argentina
=> Imaging Seafloor Features Using Multipath Arrival Structures
=> Imaging sensor Modulation Transfer Function estimation
=> Imaging Simulation for Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Full-Wave Approach
=> Imaging Simulation Method for Novel Rotating Synthetic Aperture System Based on Conditional Convolutional Neural Network
=> Imaging Simulation of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Polarimetric Analysis
=> Imaging Simulation of Polarimetric SAR for a Comprehensive Terrain Scene Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm
=> Imaging Spectroscopic Analysis of Biochemical Traits for Shrub Species in Great Basin, USA
=> Imaging Spectroscopy BRDF Correction for Mapping Louisiana's Coastal Ecosystems
=> Imaging Spectroscopy for Conservation Applications
=> Imaging Spectroscopy for Scene Analysis
=> Imaging spectroscopy for scene analysis: challenges and opportunities
=> Imaging Strong Localized Scatterers with Sparsity Promoting Optimization
=> Imaging System for Fourier Coefficients of Spectral Reflectance, An
=> Imaging system having White-RGB color filter array
=> imaging system with calibrated color image acquisition for use in dermatology, An
=> Imaging the Cardiovascular Pulse
=> Imaging the complex conductivity in electrical impedance tomography
=> Imaging the Distribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles With Ultrasound
=> Imaging the Electrical Activity of the Heart: Direct and Inverse Approaches
=> Imaging the Fault Zone Structure of the Pearl River Estuary Fault in Guangzhou, China, from Waveform Inversion with an Active Source and Dense Linear Array
=> Imaging the Finger Force Direction
=> Imaging the Internal Structure of an Alpine Glacier via L-Band Airborne SAR Tomography
=> Imaging the near-Earth space environment
=> Imaging the Propagation of Light Through Scenes at Picosecond Resolution
=> Imaging the Social Brain by Simultaneous Hyperscanning during Subject Interaction
=> Imaging through an aberrating medium with classical ghost diffraction
=> Imaging through distributed-volume aberrations using single-shot digital holography
=> Imaging through scattering media with intensity modulated incoherent sources
=> Imaging Transverse Isotropic Properties of Muscle by Monitoring Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Shear Waves Using a 2-D Matrix Ultrasound Array
=> Imaging via three-dimensional compressive sampling (3DCS)
=> Imaging With 3-D Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
=> Imaging With Equivariant Deep Learning: From unrolled network design to fully unsupervised learning
=> Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy
=> Imaging with Power Controlled Source Pairs
=> Imaging With SPADs and DMDs: Seeing Through Diffraction-Photons
=> Imaging with terahertz waves
=> Imaging with the Elliptic Radon Transform in Three Dimensions from an Analytical and Numerical Perspective
=> Imaging with Thermal Noise Induced Currents
=> Imaging with THZ Pulses
=> Imaging with tilted surfaces: an efficient matrix method for the generalized Scheimpflug condition and its application to rotationally symmetric triangulation
=> Imaging without optics: Optics-less smart sensors
=> Imagining the Unimaginable Faces by Deconvolutional Networks
=> Imago
=> Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
=> Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
=> IMAP-CE: A 51.2 Gops Video Rate Image Processor with 128 VLIW Processing Elements
=> iMAP: Implicit Mapping and Positioning in Real-Time
=> imapct of temporal features in anomaly detection in smart cities, The
=> IMAPS: A smart phone based real-time framework for prediction of affect in natural dyadic conversation
=> iMaterialist Fashion Attribute Dataset, The
=> Imbalance-Aware Adaptive Margin Loss for Fair Multi-Label Face Attribute Recognition
=> Imbalance-XGBoost: leveraging weighted and focal losses for binary label-imbalanced classification with XGBoost
=> Imbalance and Concentration in k-NN Classification
=> Imbalance Compensation Framework for Background Subtraction, An
=> Imbalance knowledge-driven multi-modal network for land-cover semantic segmentation using aerial images and LiDAR point clouds
=> Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review
=> Imbalance Robust Softmax for Deep Embeeding Learning
=> Imbalanced Continual Learning with Partitioning Reservoir Sampling
=> Imbalanced data classification using second-order cone programming support vector machines
=> Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification
=> Imbalanced ensemble learning leveraging a novel data-level diversity metric
=> Imbalanced image classification with complement cross entropy
=> Imbalanced Learning in Land Cover Classification: Improving Minority Classes' Prediction Accuracy Using the Geometric SMOTE Algorithm
=> Imbalanced Malware Family Classification Using Multimodal Fusion and Weight Self-Learning
=> Imbalanced Open Set Domain Adaptation via Moving-Threshold Estimation and Gradual Alignment
=> Imbalanced Problem in Morphological Galaxy Classification, The
=> Imbalanced RankBoost for efficiently ranking large-scale image/video collections
=> Imbalanced regression for intensity series of pain expression from videos by regularizing spatio-temporal face nets
=> Imbalanced Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Trigonometric Loss and Attention Mechanism Convolutional Network
=> ImbSAM: A Closer Look at Sharpness-Aware Minimization in Class-Imbalanced Recognition
=> ImbSAM: A Closer Look at Sharpness-Aware Minimization in Class-Imbalanced Recognition
=> IMC-NET: Learning Implicit Field with Corner Attention Network for 3D Shape Reconstruction
=> Imclass: A User-tailored Machine Learning Image Classification Chain For Change Detection Or Landcover Mapping
=> IMCN: Identifying Modal Contribution Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
=> IMD2020: A Large-Scale Annotated Dataset Tailored for Detecting Manipulated Images
=> IMDeception: Grouped Information Distilling Super-Resolution Network
=> ImDeeplabV3plus with instance selective whitening loss in domain generalization semantic segmentation
=> IME: an image management environment with content-based access
=> IME: Efficient list-based method for incremental mining of maximal erasable patterns
=> IMEmo: An Interpersonal Relation Multi-Emotion Dataset
=> IMEVR: An MVC Framework for Military Training VR Simulators
=> IMF-Slices for GPR Data Processing Using Variational Mode Decomposition Method
=> ImFace: A Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model with Implicit Neural Representations
=> ImFusion: Boosting Two-Stage 3D Object Detection via Image Candidates
=> IMG-forensics: Multimedia-enabled information hiding investigation using convolutional neural network
=> IMG2nDSM: Height Estimation from Single Airborne RGB Images with Deep Learning
=> img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation
=> ImGeoNet: Image-induced Geometry-aware Voxel Representation for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
=> ImGeoNet: Image-induced Geometry-aware Voxel Representation for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
=> imGHUM: Implicit Generative Models of 3D Human Shape and Articulated Pose
=> IMGTR: Image-triangle based multi-view 3D reconstruction for urban scenes
=> iMiGUE: An Identity-free Video Dataset for Micro-Gesture Understanding and Emotion Analysis
=> IMIS: A multi-platform software package for telediagnosis and 3D medical image processing
=> IMISketch: An interactive method for sketch recognition
=> Imitation Games with an Artificial Agent: From Mimicking to Understanding Shape-Related Iconic Gestures
=> Imitation Learning-Enhanced Iterated Matching Algorithm for On-Demand Food Delivery, An
=> Imitation Learning as State Matching via Differentiable Physics
=> Imitation Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Driving: How Does the Representation Matter?
=> Imitation Learning for Human Pose Prediction
=> Imitation Learning of Path-Planned Driving Using Disparity-Depth Images
=> Imitation of Assembly Tasks for Realizing Dexterous Manipulation
=> Imitation of Human-Eye Motion: How to Fix Gaze of an Active Vision System
=> Imitative Collaboration: A mirror-neuron inspired mixed reality collaboration method with remote hands and local replicas
=> Imitative Non-Autoregressive Modeling for Trajectory Forecasting and Imputation
=> Imitator: Personalized Speech-driven 3D Facial Animation
=> Imitator: Personalized Speech-driven 3D Facial Animation
=> IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI
=> IML-Net: A Framework for Cross-View Geo-Localization with Multi-Domain Remote Sensing Data
=> IML-SSOD: Interconnected and multi-layer threshold learning for semi-supervised detection
=> IMM-Based Lane-Change Prediction in Highways With Low-Cost GPS/INS
=> IMM-Based Tracking and Latency Control with Off-the-Shelf IP PTZ Camera
=> IMM filter based local graph matching for plant cell lineage estimation
=> IMM object tracking for high dynamic driving maneuvers
=> Immediate Vehicle Movement Estimation and 3D Reconstruction for Mono Cameras by Utilizing Epipolar Geometry and Direction Prior
=> Immediate, Scalable Object Category Detection
=> Immercity: A Curation Content Application in Virtual and Augmented Reality
=> Immersidata Analysis: Four Case Studies
=> Immersing Tele-operators in Collaborative Augmented Reality
=> Immersion in Cardboard VR Compared to a Traditional Head-Mounted Display
=> Immersion in Virtual Reality Can Increase Exercise Motivation and Physical Performance
=> Immersion Measurement in Watching Videos Using Eye-tracking Data
=> Immersive 3D Holoscopic Video System
=> Immersive 3D media networking: Challenges and solutions
=> Immersive 3D modeling with Blender and off-the-shelf hardware
=> Immersive 3D Telepresence
=> Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
=> Immersive 3d Visualizations for Software-Design Prototyping and Inspection
=> Immersive 3DUI on one dollar a day
=> Immersive and Interactive Map Touring System Based on Traveler Conceptual Models, An
=> Immersive and perceptual human-computer interaction using computer vision techniques
=> Immersive Digital Heritage Experience with the Use of Interactive Technology
=> Immersive Environment: An Emerging Future of Telecommunications
=> Immersive Free-Viewpoint Video System Using Multiple Outer/Inner Cameras, An
=> Immersive Gatekeeper Training System for Suicide Prevention in HMD Based Virtual Environments
=> Immersive Haptic Eye Tele-Surgery Training Simulation
=> Immersive Industrial Process Environment from a P&ID Diagram
=> Immersive Journalism in VR: Four Theoretical Domains for Researching a Narrative Design Framework
=> Immersive Molecular Visualization and Interactive Modeling with Commodity Hardware
=> immersive multi-agent system for interactive applications, An
=> Immersive Out-of-Core Visualization of Large-Size and Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
=> Immersive Panoramic Imagery
=> Immersive physically interactive game studio for a ball throwing game
=> Immersive point cloud virtual environments
=> Immersive ROS-integrated framework for robot teleoperation
=> Immersive Simulator for Fluvial Combat Training
=> Immersive System with Multi-Modal Human-Computer Interaction, An
=> immersive telepresence system with a locomotion interface using high-resolution omnidirectional movies, An
=> immersive time-machine: A virtual exploration of the history of Livorno, The
=> Immersive Video Coding: Should Geometry Information Be Transmitted as Depth Maps?
=> Immersive Video Postprocessing for Efficient Video Coding
=> Immersive video, including video hypermosaicing to generate from multiple video views of a scene
=> Immersive Visual Communication
=> Immersive visual media-MPEG-I: 360 video, virtual navigation and beyond
=> Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data
=> Immersive Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Data
=> Immersive Visualization of Casting Flow and Solidification
=> Immersive visualization of geophysical data
=> Immersive Visualization of the Quality of Dimensionality Reduction
=> Immersive VR System for Sports Education, An
=> Immersive Wayfinding: Virtual Reconstruction and Eye-tracking For Orientation Studies Inside Complex Architecture
=> Immersivity and Playability Evaluation of a Game Experience in Cultural Heritage
=> ImmerTai: Immersive Motion Learning in VR Environments
=> ImmerVision
=> IMMIView: a multi-user solution for design review in real-time
=> immune oriented multi-agent system for biological image processing, An
=> IMMUNER: Integrated Multimodal Mobility Under Network Disruptions
=> Immunized Token-Based Approach for Autonomous Deployment of Multiple Mobile Robots in Burnt Area
=> Immunofluorescence imaging as a tool for studying the pharmacokinetics of a human monoclonal single chain fragment antibody
=> iMoCap: Motion Capture from Internet Videos
=> IMODAL: creating learnable user-defined deformation models
=> Imorphics Ltd
=> IMOTION: A Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine
=> IMOTION: Searching for Video Sequences Using Multi-Shot Sketch Queries
=> iMouse: An Integrated Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Sensor System
=> IMP: Instance Mask Projection for High Accuracy Semantic Segmentation of Things
=> IMP: Iterative Matching and Pose Estimation with Adaptive Pooling
=> Impact Analysis and Compensation Methods of Frequency Synchronization Errors in Distributed Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Impact Analysis of Accidents on the Traffic Flow Based on Massive Floating Car Data
=> Impact Analysis of Baseband Quantizer on Coding Efficiency for HDR Video
=> Impact Analysis of Climate Change on Snow over a Complex Mountainous Region Using Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF) Simulation and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Data (MODIS)-Terra Fractional Snow Cover Products
=> Impact Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Karez in Turpan Basin of China
=> Impact Analysis of Satellite Geometry Variation on ARAIM Integrity Risk over Exposure Interval
=> Impact Analysis of Vegetation FVC Changes and Drivers in the Ring-Tarim Basin from 1993 to 2021
=> Impact and Correction of Sensitive Environmental Factors on Spectral Reflectance Measured In Situ, The
=> Impact and Detection of GNSS Jammers on Consumer Grade Satellite Navigation Receivers
=> Impact and Limitations of AR-Based Guidance for Assembly Workers
=> Impact and Suggestion of Column-to-Surface Vertical Correction Scheme on the Relationship between Satellite AOD and Ground-Level PM2.5 in China
=> Impact Assessing of Traffic Lights via GPS Vehicle Trajectories
=> Impact Assessment of Mikania Micrantha On Land Cover And Maxent Modeling to Predict Its Potential Invasion Sites
=> Impact Assessment of Oil Exploitation in South Sudan using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery
=> Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
=> Impact Assessment of Watershed In Desert Region
=> Impact assessments of intelligent transport system performance in a freight transport corridor
=> Impact Crater Recognition on Mars Based on a Probability Volume Created by Template Matching
=> Impact Localization on Rigid Surfaces Using Hermitian Angle Distribution for Human-Computer Interface Applications
=> Impact Mechanism of Climate and Vegetation Changes on the Blue and Green Water Flow in the Main Ecosystems of the Hanjiang River Basin, China, The
=> Impact of (segmentation) quality on long vs. short-timespan assessments in iris recognition performance
=> Impact of 2D and 3D display watching on EEG power spectra: A standardized low-resolution tomography (sLORETA) study
=> Impact of 3-D Structures and Their Radiation on Thermal Infrared Measurements in Urban Areas
=> Impact of a codebook filtering step on a galois lattice structure for graphics recognition
=> Impact of a combined accelerator-brake pedal solution on efficient driving
=> Impact of a New Wave Mixing Scheme on Ocean Dynamics in Typhoon Conditions: A Case Study of Typhoon In-Fa (2021)
=> Impact of a Severe Dust Event on Diurnal Behavior of Surface Water Temperature in Subtropical Lake Kinneret
=> Impact of a Single Discretionary Lane Change on Surrounding Traffic: An Analytic Investigation, The
=> Impact of a Tropical Cyclone on Terrestrial Inputs and Bio-Optical Properties in Princess Charlotte Bay (Great Barrier Reef Lagoon)
=> Impact of a Vicinity of Airport on the Prices of Single-Family Houses with the Use of Geospatial Analysis
=> Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of Topsoil Organic Carbon from Sentinel-2 for Croplands, The
=> Impact of Activation Sparsity on Overfitting in Convolutional Neural Networks, The
=> Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learning: A Survey, The
=> Impact of Aerosol and Cloud on the Solar Energy Potential over the Central Gangetic Himalayan Region
=> Impact of Aerosol Mixing State and Hygroscopicity on the Lidar Ratio
=> Impact of Aerosol Model Selection on Water-Leaving Radiance Retrievals from Satellite Ocean Color Imagery
=> Impact of Aerosol Property on the Accuracy of a CO2 Retrieval Algorithm from Satellite Remote Sensing
=> Impact of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval from Passive Satellite Sensors
=> Impact of Aerosols on NPP in Basins: Case Study of WRF-Solar in the Jinghe River Basin
=> Impact of Aerosols on the Macrophysical and Microphysical Characteristics of Ice-Phase and Mixed-Phase Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau
=> IMPACT of Agent Transparency on Human Performance, The
=> Impact of Air Temperature Inversion on the Clear-Sky Surface Downward Longwave Radiation Estimation
=> Impact of Airbnb on Long-Term Rental Markets in San Francisco: A Geospatial Analysis Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression, The
=> impact of aliasing and quantization on motion compensation, The
=> Impact of Aliasing on Generalization in Deep Convolutional Networks
=> Impact of Alphabet Knowledge on Online Writer Identification
=> Impact of Altimetry Corrections of Sentinel-3A Sea Surface Height in the Coastal Zone of the Northwest Atlantic, The
=> Impact of Ambulance Dispatch Policies on Performance of Emergency Medical Services
=> Impact of an Improved Combination of Signals From Array Coils in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
=> Impact of an Optimized Position and Orientation System on the Final Accuracy of LIDAR Data
=> Impact of Anisotropy on the Accuracy of Conductivity Imaging: A Quantitative Validation Study, The
=> Impact of annotation dimensionality under variable task complexity in remote guidance
=> Impact of Annotation Modality on Label Quality and Model Performance in the Automatic Assessment of Laughter In-the-Wild
=> impact of anthropogenic land use change on the protected areas of the Kilombero catchment, Tanzania, The
=> Impact of applying pre-processing techniques for improving classification accuracy
=> Impact of Artificial Wetland Expansion on Local Temperature in the Growing Season: the Case Study of the Sanjiang Plain, China, The
=> Impact of Assimilating China Precipitation Analysis Data Merging with Remote Sensing Products Using the 4DVar Method on the Prediction of Heavy Rainfall
=> Impact of Assimilating Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder Observations from Long- and Middle-Wave Bands on Weather Forecasts with a Locally Cloud-Resolving Global Model
=> Impact of Assimilating GK-2A All-Sky Radiance with a New Observation Error for Summer Precipitation Forecasting
=> Impact of Assimilating SARAL/AltiKa SWH in SWAN Model During Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone Phailin
=> Impact of Assimilating Satellite Radiance Observations in the Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis (CERRA), The
=> Impact of Assimilation of MADRAS Geophysical Parameters on Short Range WRF Model Forecasts
=> Impact of Atmospheric Correction Methods Parametrization on Soil Organic Carbon Estimation Based on Hyperion Hyperspectral Data
=> Impact of Atmospheric Correction on Spatial Heterogeneity Relations Between Land Surface Temperature and Biophysical Compositions
=> Impact of Atmospheric Inversion Effects on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Exploitation of the Apparent Reflectance as a Quality Indicator
=> Impact of Atmospheric Optical Properties on Net Ecosystem Productivity of Peatland in Poland
=> Impact of Attitude Model, Phase Wind-Up and Phase Center Variation on Precise Orbit and Clock Offset Determination of GRACE-FO and CentiSpace-1
=> Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality in Videoconferencing Applications
=> Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality
=> Impact of Augmented Reality on Art Engagement: Liking, Impression of Learning, and Distraction, The
=> Impact of Automatic Feature Extraction in Deep Learning Architecture
=> Impact of Automation at Different Cognitive Stages on High-Speed Train Driving Performance
=> Impact of AVHRR Channel 3b Noise on Climate Data Records: Filtering Method Applied to the CM SAF CLARA-A2 Data Record
=> Impact of Aviation Electrification on Airports: Flight Scheduling and Charging
=> Impact of Backscatter Variations Over Water Bodies on Coarse-Scale Radar Retrieved Soil Moisture and the Potential of Correcting With Meteorological Data
=> Impact of Base-to-Height Ratio on Canopy Height Estimation Accuracy of Hemiboreal Forest Tree Species by Using Satellite and Airborne Stereo Imagery
=> Impact of Base Dataset Design on Few-shot Image Classification
=> Impact of Basic Matrix Dimension on the Performance of Algorithms for Computing Typical Testors, The
=> Impact of Beam Diameter and Scanning Approach on Point Cloud Quality of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forests
=> Impact of BeiDou Observations on the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP in a Function of Observing Session Duration within Europe: Analysis Based on Open-Source Software GAMP
=> Impact of Bias Correction Methods on Estimation of Soil Moisture When Assimilating Active and Passive Microwave Observations
=> Impact of Bio-Inspired Approaches Toward the Advancement of Face Recognition, The
=> Impact of bit error on video transmission over wireless networks and error resiliency
=> Impact of Black Edge Artifact on QoE of the FOV-Based Cloud VR Services, The
=> Impact of Blackbody Warm-Up Cool-Down Cycle on the Calibration of Aqua MODIS and S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
=> Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Disparities in 1-to-Many Facial Identification
=> Impact of BRDF Spatiotemporal Smoothing on Land Surface Albedo Estimation
=> Impact Of Building Heights On 3d Urban Density Estimation From Spaceborne Stereo Imagery
=> Impact of Built Environment Factors on Elderly People's Mobility Characteristics by Metro System Considering Spatial Heterogeneity, The
=> Impact of Calibrating Filtering Algorithms on the Quality of LiDAR-Derived DTM and on Forest Attribute Estimation through Area-Based Approach
=> Impact of Canopy Reflectance on the 3D Structure of Individual Trees in a Mediterranean Forest, The
=> Impact of Categorical and Spatial Scale on Supervised Crop Classification using Remote Sensing
=> Impact of Central Heating on the Urban Thermal Environment Based on Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, The
=> Impact of Changes in Minimum Reflectance on Cloud Discrimination
=> Impact of Channel Selection with Different Bandwidths on Retrieval at 50-60 GHz
=> Impact of Character Models Choice on Arabic Text Recognition Performance
=> Impact of Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model on Atmospheric Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Data, The
=> Impact of Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model on Atmospheric Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Data, The
=> impact of class imbalance in classification performance metrics based on the binary confusion matrix, The
=> Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities to Runoff in the Du River Basin of the Qinling-Daba Mountains, China
=> Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Processes of the Glacierized Watershed and Projections, The
=> Impact of Climate Change on the Glacier and Runoff of a Glacierized Basin in Harlik Mountain, Eastern Tianshan Mountains
=> Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrological Regime of the Yarkant River Basin, China: An Assessment Using Three SSP Scenarios of CMIP6 GCMs
=> Impact of Climate Change on the Surface Albedo over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
=> Impact of Climate Change on Vegetation Growth in Arid Northwest of China from 1982 to 2011
=> Impact of Climate Change Parameters on Groundwater Level: Implications for Two Subsidence Regions in Iran Using Geodetic Observations and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
=> Impact of Climate Changes on Slope Stability and Landslide Conditioning Factors: An Example from Kravarsko, Croatia, The
=> Impact of Climate Variabilities and Human Activities on Surface Water Extents in Reservoirs of Yongding River Basin, China, from 1985 to 2016 Based on Landsat Observations and Time Series Analysis
=> Impact of Cluster Representatives on the Convergence of the K-Modes Type Clustering, The
=> Impact of Coastal Infrastructure on Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Jiaozhou Bay, China
=> Impact of Color on Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition, The
=> Impact of Colour on Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
=> Impact of combining quality measures on biometric sample matching
=> Impact of Communication Erasure Channels on the Safety of Highway Vehicle Platoons
=> Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap: Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses, The
=> impact of complexity in the rate-distortion optimization: A visualization tool, The
=> Impact of Compressive Stress on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Feldspar Specimen
=> Impact of Connected Automated Buses in a Mixed Fleet Scenario With Connected Automated Cars
=> Impact of connected vehicle environment on driving performance: A case of an extra-long tunnel scenario
=> impact of constraint induced movement therapy on brain activation in chronic stroke patients with upper extremity paralysis: An fMRI study, The
=> Impact of content mastering on the throughput of a bit stream video watermarking system
=> Impact of contextual information integration on pixel fusion
=> Impact of contrast modification on human feeling: an objective and subjective assessment
=> Impact of Convergence Cameras in a Stereoscopic System for AUVs, The
=> Impact of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control on Traffic-Flow Characteristics, The
=> Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Fisheries Sector: A Case Study from Three Harbors in Western India
=> Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Spatial Temporal Analysis in Chicago, The
=> Impact of COVID-19 on Pedestrian Flow Patterns in Urban POIs: An Example from Beijing, The
=> Impact of Cyclonic Ocean Eddies on Upper Ocean Thermodynamic Response to Typhoon Soudelor
=> Impact of Dam Construction on Downstream Vegetation Area in Dry Areas Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Case Study, The
=> Impact of Data Loss for Prediction of Traffic Flow on an Urban Road Using Neural Networks
=> Impact of data representation rules on the robustness of topological relation evaluation
=> impact of dataset selection on land degradation assessment, The
=> Impact of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Structure on Photovoltaic Array Extraction from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Impact of Deep Learning and Smartphone Technologies in Dermatology: Automated Diagnosis
=> Impact of DEM-Assisted Coregistration on High-Resolution SAR Interferometry
=> Impact of DEM reconstruction parameters on geomorphological indicators
=> Impact of depth map spatial resolution on 3D video quality and depth perception
=> Impact of Dielectric Changes on L-Band 3-D SAR Reflectivity Profiles of Forest Volumes
=> Impact of Different Filters on the Gravity Field Recovery Based on the GOCE Gradient Data, The
=> Impact of different Leaf Surface Tissues on active 3D Laser Triangulation Measurements, The
=> Impact of Different Ocean Tide Loading Models on GNSS Estimated Zenith Tropospheric Delay Using Precise Point Positioning Technique, The
=> Impact of Different Support Vectors on GOSAT-2 CAI-2 L2 Cloud Discrimination, The
=> Impact Of Different Topographic Corrections On Prediction Accuracy Of Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) in a Topographically Complex Terrain
=> Impact of Different Trajectories On Extrinsic Self-calibration For Vehicle-based Mobile Laser Scanning Systems
=> Impact of Digital and Non-Digital Urban Participatory Approaches on Public Access Conditions: An Evaluation Framework
=> Impact of Digital Elevation Model Preprocessing and Detection Methods on Karst Depression Mapping in Densely Forested Dinaric Mountains, The
=> Impact of Diurnal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature on Air-Sea Heat Flux Estimation over the Northwest Pacific Ocean, The
=> Impact of Diurnal Variation in Vegetation Water Content on Radar Backscatter From Maize During Water Stress
=> impact of domain randomization on cross-device monocular deep 6DoF detection, The
=> Impact of downsampling ratio in mixed-resolution stereoscopic video
=> Impact of Downscaling on Adversarial Images
=> Impact of Driving Behavior on Traffic Delay at a Congested Signalized Intersection
=> Impact of driving characteristics on electric vehicle energy consumption and range
=> Impact of Driving Styles on Fuel Consumption: A Data-Warehouse-and-Data-Mining-Based Discovery Process, The
=> Impact of drone swarm formations in 3D scene reconstruction
=> Impact of Drought on Isoprene Fluxes Assessed Using Field Data, Satellite-Based GLEAM Soil Moisture and HCHO Observations from OMI
=> Impact of Dynamic Emissivity-Temperature Trends on Spaceborne Data: Applications to the 2001 Mount Etna Eruption, The
=> Impact of Dynamic Model Learning on Classification of Human Motion
=> Impact of Dynamics on Subspace Embedding and Tracking of Sequences
=> Impact of Eclipsing GNSS Satellites on the Precise Point Positioning, The
=> Impact of ECOM Solar Radiation Pressure Models on Multi-GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination
=> Impact of edges characterization on image clustering
=> Impact of Efficient Transport Blocks Management on the Downlink Power in MIMO Spatial Multiplexing of LTE-A, The
=> Impact of Elevation-Dependent Warming on Runoff Changes in the Headwater Region of Urumqi River Basin
=> Impact of Energy Consumption on the Surface Urban Heat Island in China's 32 Major Cities, The
=> Impact of Enhanced Wave-Induced Mixing on the Ocean Upper Mixed Layer during Typhoon Nepartak in a Regional Model of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
=> Impact of Enhancement for Coronary Artery Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Neural Network
=> Impact of Environmental Exposure on Chronic Diseases in China and Assessment of Population Health Vulnerability
=> Impact of Environmental Factors on the Spectral Characteristics of Lava Surfaces: Field Spectrometry of Basaltic Lava Flows on Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
=> Impact of error estimation on feature selection
=> Impact of Error in Lidar-Derived Canopy Height and Canopy Base Height on Modeled Wildfire Behavior in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA
=> Impact of Errors in Environmental Correction on Gravity Field Recovery Using Interferometric Radar Altimeter Observations
=> Impact of EU Grants Absorption on Land Cover Changes: The Case of Poland, The
=> Impact of EU Privacy Legislation on Biometric System Deployment: Protecting citizens but constraining applications, The
=> Impact of Expansion Pattern of Built-Up Land in Floodplains on Flood Vulnerability: A Case Study in the North China Plain Area
=> Impact of Exposure Settings in Digital Image Forensics, The
=> Impact of Extreme Climate on the NDVI of Different Steppe Areas in Inner Mongolia, China
=> Impact of eye detection error on face recognition performance
=> Impact of Facial Landmark Localization on Facial Expression Recognition
=> Impact of facial tattoos and paintings on face recognition systems
=> Impact of Feature-Dependent Static Background Error Covariances for Satellite-Derived Humidity Assimilation on Analyses and Forecasts of Multiple Sea Fog Cases over the Yellow Sea
=> Impact of feature correlations on separation between bivariate normal distributions
=> Impact of Feature Selection on Support Vector Machine Using Microarray Gene Expression Data
=> Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines
=> Impact of Fengyun-3E Microwave Temperature and Humidity Sounder Data on CMA Global Medium Range Weather Forecasts
=> Impact of Fire Emissions on U.S. Air Quality from 1997 to 2016: A Modeling Study in the Satellite Era
=> Impact of Flight Altitude on Unmanned Aerial Photogrammetric Survey Of The Snow Height on Mount Lebanon
=> Impact of Forest Density on Forest Height Inversion Modeling from Polarimetric InSAR Data, The
=> Impact of Forest Disturbance on InSAR Surface Displacement Time Series
=> Impact of Forest Fire on Forest Cover Types In Mongolia, The
=> Impact of Foveated Rendering on Procedural Task Training
=> Impact of Fragmentation on Carbon Uptake in Subtropical Forest Landscapes in Zhejiang Province, China
=> Impact of Fused Visible-Infrared Video Streams on Visual Tracking
=> Impact of Future Sea-Level Rise on Low-Lying Subsiding Coasts: A Case Study of Tavoliere Delle Puglie (Southern Italy), The
=> Impact of Gap Filling On Quality of Road Networks
=> Impact of Gate Assignment on Departure Metering
=> impact of genetic variation in COMT and BDNF on resting-state functional connectivity, The
=> Impact of geometry-preserving encryption on rendering time
=> Impact of Geophysical Corrections on Sea-Ice Freeboard Retrieved from Satellite Altimetry, The
=> Impact of Glacial Shrinkage on Future Streamflow in the Urumqi River Source Region of Eastern Tien Shan, Central Asia, The
=> Impact of Global Warming on Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity: A Numerical Investigation
=> Impact of GPS Processing on the Estimation of Snow Water Equivalent Using Refracted GPS Signals
=> Impact of GPS/BDS Satellite Attitude Quaternions on Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution
=> Impact of helical reconstruction algorithm on 3D image artifacts
=> Impact of hierarchical structures in image categorization systems
=> Impact of High-Cadence Earth Observation in Maize Crop Phenology Classification
=> Impact of High-Resolution Topographic Mapping on Beach Morphological Analyses Based on Terrestrial LiDAR and Object-Oriented Beach Evolution
=> Impact of Horizontal Resolution on the Robustness of Radiation Emulators in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model
=> Impact of Human-Centered Vestibular System Model for Motion Control in a Driving Simulator
=> Impact of Human-Robot Interface Design on the Use of a Learning Robot System, The
=> Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on Stratospheric Water Vapour, Temperature, and Ozone
=> Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Upper Texas Coast: Using Airborne Lidar Data Sets with UAV-Derived Topographic Data to Monitor Change and Track Recovery
=> Impact of Hurricane Maria on the Vegetation of Dominica and Puerto Rico Using Multispectral Remote Sensing, The
=> Impact of HVS models on model-based halftoning
=> Impact of Illumination on Finger Vascular Pattern Recognition, The
=> Impact of Image-Processing Routines on Mapping Glacier Surface Facies from Svalbard and the Himalayas Using Pixel-Based Methods
=> Impact of image appeal on visual attention during photo triaging
=> Impact of image brightness reduction on perceived quality of 3D experience for 3D cinema spectators
=> Impact of Image Choices on the Usability and Security of Click Based Graphical Passwords, The
=> Impact of Image Resolution and Resampling on Motion Tracking of the Left Chambers from Cardiac Scans
=> Impact of ImageNet Model Selection on Domain Adaptation
=> Impact of Imaging Geometry on 3D Geopositioning Accuracy of Stereo Ikonos Imagery
=> Impact of imperfect OCR on part-of-speech tagging
=> Impact of Improved Calibration of a NEO HySpex VNIR-1600 Sensor on Remote Sensing of Water Depth
=> Impact of imputation of missing values on classification error for discrete data
=> Impact of In-Vehicle Displays Location Preferences on Drivers' Performance and Gaze
=> Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region on the hydrological processes in the Elbow river watershed in southern Alberta
=> Impact of Initial Soil Temperature Derived from Remote Sensing and Numerical Weather Prediction Datasets on the Simulation of Extreme Heat Events
=> Impact of Initialization on Design of Endmember Extraction Algorithms
=> Impact of Innovation City Projects on National Balanced Development in South Korea: Identifying Regional Network and Centrality
=> Impact of INSAT-3D/3DR Radiance Data Assimilation in Predicting Tropical Cyclone Titli Over the Bay of Bengal
=> Impact of Insolation Data Source on Remote Sensing Retrievals of Evapotranspiration over the California Delta
=> Impact of Instructional Strategies on Workload, Stress, and Flow in Simulation-Based Training for Behavior Cue Analysis
=> impact of integrating WorldView-2 sensor and environmental variables in estimating plantation forest species aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in uMgeni Catchment, South Africa, The
=> impact of inter-annual variability in remote sensing time series on modeling tree species distributions, The
=> Impact of Inter-Modulation Components on Interferometric GNSS-Reflectometry, The
=> Impact of Internal Gravity Waves on the Spectra of Turbulent Fluctuations of Vertical Wind Velocity in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer, The
=> impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance retrieval with highly similar appearance: An empirical study, The
=> Impact of involuntary subject movement on 3D face scans
=> impact of isolation kernel on agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms, The
=> Impact of ITS on CO2 emissions: the contribution of a standardised assessment framework
=> Impact of Land Cover Change Induced by a Fire Event on the Surface Energy Fluxes Derived from Remote Sensing
=> Impact of Land Reclamation on Coastal Water in a Semi-Enclosed Bay
=> Impact of Land Use Change to the Soil Erosion Estimation for Cultural Landscapes: Case Study of Paphos Disrict in Cyprus
=> Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Ecological Quality during Urbanization in the Lower Yellow River Basin: A Case Study of Jinan City
=> Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility in Rangamati Municipality of Rangamati District, Bangladesh
=> Impact of Landmark Parametrization on Monocular EKF-SLAM with Points and Lines
=> Impact of Large-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions on Interannual Water Storage Changes in the Tropics and Subtropics
=> Impact of Large Training Sets on the Recognition Rate of Offline Japanese Kanji Character Classifiers, The
=> Impact of Level of Detail In 3d City Models for Cfd-based Wind Flow Simulations, The
=> Impact Of Level Of Details In The 3d Reconstruction Of Trees For Microclimate Modeling
=> Impact of lexicon completeness on city name recognition
=> Impact of Lidar Elevation Uncertainty on Mapping Intertidal Habitats on Barrier Islands, The
=> Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy and Flood Zone Delineation
=> Impact of LiDAR system calibration on the relative and absolute accuracy of derived point cloud
=> Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on Forecasts of a Leeward Slope Precipitation Event in the Western Margin of the Junggar Basin
=> Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on the Short-Term Precipitation Forecast over the Central Mediterranean Sea
=> Impact of Linear Motion Blur on the Object Recognition Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, The
=> Impact of Local Acquisition Time on the Accuracy of Microwave Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals over the Contiguous United States, The
=> Impact of Lock-In Time Constant on Remote Monitoring of Trace Gas in the Atmospheric Column Using Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR)
=> Impact of lossy data compression techniques on EEG-based pattern recognition systems
=> Impact of Lossy Image Compression on CAD Support Systems for Colonoscopy
=> Impact of Magnetic Field on Mung Bean Ultraweak Luminescence
=> Impact of Mapping Error on the Performance of Upscaling Agricultural Maps, The
=> Impact of Meteorological Conditions and Emissions on Tropospheric Column Ozone Trends in Recent Years, The
=> Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales from 1986 to 2020 on Vegetation Changes in the Shendong Mining Area, The
=> Impact of metrics on biclustering solution and quality: A review
=> Impact of Misregistration Upon Composited Wide Field of View Satellite Data and Implications for Change Detection, The
=> Impact of Missing Passive Microwave Sensors on Multi-Satellite Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm
=> Impact of Model Based Despeckling on Soil Moisture Estimation, The
=> Impact of Model Shape Mismatch on Reconstruction Quality in Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Impact of Modeling Abstractions When Estimating Leaf Mass per Area and Equivalent Water Thickness over Sparse Forests Using a Hybrid Method
=> Impact of MODIS Quality Control on Temporally Aggregated Urban Surface Temperature and Long-Term Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity
=> Impact of Molecular Spectroscopy on Carbon Monoxide Abundances from SCIAMACHY
=> Impact of Molecular Spectroscopy on Carbon Monoxide Abundances from TROPOMI
=> Impact of Monsoon-Transported Anthropogenic Aerosols and Sun-Glint on the Satellite-Derived Spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance in the Indian Ocean
=> Impact of Motion on Individual Simulator Sickness in a Moving Base VR Simulator with Head-Mounted Display (HMD), The
=> Impact of Motion on the Random Access Efficiency of Scalable Compressed Video
=> Impact of Multi-Thresholds and Vector Correction for Tracking Precipitating Systems over the Amazon Basin
=> Impact of Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Change on Land Surface Temperature Due to Urbanization in Hefei City, China
=> Impact of Network Dynamics on User's Video Quality: Analytical Framework and QoS Provision
=> Impact of Network Topology on the Resilience of Vehicle Platoons
=> impact of new hardware on OCR designs, The
=> Impact of no GCP on elevation extraction from WorldView stereo data
=> Impact of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation on LAI Estimation by NDVI in Mixed Grassland, The
=> impact of nonlinear filtering and confidence information on optical flow estimation in a Lucas and Kanade framework, The
=> Impact of nonstationary optical illumination on image reconstruction in optoacoustic tomography
=> Impact of NPV on the Spectral Parameters in the Yellow-Edge, Red-Edge and NIR Shoulder Wavelength Regions in Grasslands, The
=> Impact of object extraction methods on classification performance in surface inspection systems
=> Impact of Occlusion Masks on Gender Classification from Iris Texture
=> Impact of Ocean Currents on Wind Stress in the Tropical Indian Ocean
=> Impact of Ocean Domain Definition on Sea Level Budget
=> Impact of Ocean Waves on Guanlan's IRA Measurement Error
=> Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observations on Phet Cyclone Simulation
=> Impact of OCR Accuracy and Feature Transformation on Automatic Text Classification, The
=> Impact of OCR Errors on Automated Classification of OCR Japanese Texts with Parts-of-Speech Analysis, An
=> Impact of on-board tutoring systems to improve driving efficiency of non-professional drivers
=> Impact of online handwriting recognition performance on text categorization
=> Impact of Packet Loss and Google Congestion Control on QoE for WebRTC-Based Mobile Multiparty Audiovisual Telemeetings, The
=> Impact of Padding on Image Classification by Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks, The
=> Impact of Pan-Sharpening and Spectral Resolution on Vineyard Segmentation through Machine Learning, The
=> Impact of Personality on Takeover Time and Maneuvers Shortly After Takeover Request
=> Impact of Phenological Developments on Interferometric and Polarimetric Crop Signatures Derived from Sentinel-1: Examples from the DEMMIN Study Site (Germany), The
=> Impact of Pilot's Expertise on Selection, Use, Trust, and Acceptance of Automation
=> Impact of pixel per processor ratio on embedded SIMD architectures
=> Impact of Plant Surface Moisture on Differential Interferometric Observables: A Controlled Electromagnetic Experiment
=> Impact of Plasma Bubbles on OTHR Shortwave Propagation in Different Backgrounds
=> Impact of Point Cloud Density on Building Outline Extraction, The
=> Impact of Point Spread Function on Infrared Radiances From Geostationary Satellites
=> Impact of Polar Vortex Strength on the Longitudinal Structure of the Noontime Mid-Latitude Ionosphere and Thermosphere, The
=> Impact of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Reduction On Classification Of Agriculture Lands
=> Impact of Pooling Methods on Image Quality Metrics
=> Impact of Port Construction on the Spatial Pattern of Land Use in Coastal Zones Based on CLDI and LUT Models: A Case Study of Qingdao and Yantai
=> Impact of Positional Errors on Soft Classification Accuracy Assessment: A Simulation Analysis, The
=> Impact of Potential Land Cover Misclassification on MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI) Estimation: A Statistical Perspective, The
=> Impact of Pre-Processing on Recognition of Cursive Video Text
=> Impact of Precipitation Deficit and Urbanization on Variations in Water Storage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, The
=> Impact of Prior Channel Information for Speaker Identification
=> Impact of Profiles Data Assimilation on an Ideal Tropical Cyclone Case, The
=> Impact of Pseudo-Stochastic Pulse and Phase Center Variation on Precision Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2A from Experimental HY2 Receiver GPS Data
=> Impact of Pseudo Depth on Open World Object Segmentation with Minimal User Guidance
=> Impact of Quality Of Images On Users Behavior On Social Media
=> Impact of Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation on Southeast Asian Cold Surge Rainfall Monitored by TRMM Satellite Observation
=> Impact of quasi-expertise on knowledge acquisition in computer vision
=> Impact of Racial Distribution in Training Data on Face Recognition Bias: A Closer Look, The
=> Impact of Radar Radial Velocity Data Assimilation Using WRF-3DVAR System with Different Background Error Length Scales on the Forecast of Super Typhoon Lekima (2019), The
=> Impact of Radarsat-2 SAR Ultrafine-Mode Parameters on Stereo-Radargrammetric DEMs
=> impact of radial distortion on the self-calibration of rotating cameras, The
=> Impact of Radiance Data Assimilation on the Prediction of Heavy Rainfall in RMAPS: A Case Study
=> Impact of Radio-Frequency Interference on WindSat Ocean Surface Observations, The
=> Impact of Random and Burst Packet Losses on H.264 Scalable Video Coding
=> Impact of Rapid Urban Sprawl on the Local Meteorological Observational Environment Based on Remote Sensing Images and GIS Technology
=> Impact of Rate Control Algorithms on Video Codec Hardware Design, The
=> Impact of Receiver Saturation on Surface Doppler Velocity Measurements From the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar
=> Impact of Reduced Video Quality on Visual Speech Recognition, The
=> Impact of Reducing Polarimetric SAR Input on the Uncertainty of Crop Classifications Based on the Random Forests Algorithm
=> Impact of Reliability Evaluation on a Semi-supervised Learning Approach, The
=> Impact of resolution and image quality on video face analysis
=> impact of ride-hailing services on the use of traditional taxis: Evidence from Chinese urban panel data, The
=> Impact of Road Configuration in V2V-Based Cooperative Localization: Mathematical Analysis and Real-World Evaluation, The
=> Impact of Ruling Lines on Writer Identification, The
=> Impact of Saline-Alkali Land Greening on the Local Surface Temperature: A Multiscale Assessment Based on Remote Sensing
=> Impact of SAR Image Resolution on Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry With Amplitude Dispersion Optimization
=> Impact of SAR Parameter Errors on the Ionospheric Correction Based on the Range-Doppler Model and the Split-Spectrum Method, The
=> Impact of Satellite-Derived Land Cover Resolution Using Machine Learning and Hydrological Simulations
=> Impact of Satellite and In Situ Data Assimilation on Hydrological Predictions
=> Impact of Satellite Attitude on Altimetry Calibration with Microwave Transponders
=> Impact of Satellite Radiance Data on Simulations of Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclones Using the WRF-3DVAR Modeling System
=> Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Data on Simulations of Coastal Circulation and Hypoxia on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
=> Impact of Satellite Soil Moisture Data Assimilation on the Hydrological Modeling of SWAT in a Highly Disturbed Catchment, The
=> Impact of Satellite Wind on Improving Simulation of the Upper Ocean Response to Tropical Cyclones
=> Impact of scalability in video transmission in promotion-capable differentiated services networks
=> Impact of Scene Decorrelation on Geosynchronous SAR Data Focusing
=> Impact of Scent Type on Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia Quality of Experience, The
=> Impact Of Schematic Designs On The Cognition Of Underground Tube Maps
=> Impact of screencasting on video temporal synchronization
=> Impact of Sea Breeze Dynamics on Atmospheric Pollutants and Their Toxicity in Industrial and Urban Coastal Environments
=> Impact of Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Errors, Discretization and Grid Type on Calculations of Ice Deformation
=> Impact of Sea Level Rise on Geodetic Vertical Datum of Peninsular Malaysia, The
=> Impact of Seasonal Variations on Foliage Penetration Experiment: A WSN-Based Device-Free Sensing Approach
=> Impact of Seasonality and Response Period on Qualifying the Relationship between Ecosystem Productivity and Climatic Factors over the Eurasian Steppe, The
=> Impact of Self-View Latency on Quality of Experience: Analysis of Natural Interaction in XR Environments
=> Impact of Sensor Zenith Angle on MOD10A1 Data Reliability and Modification of Snow Cover Data for the Tarim River Basin
=> Impact of Shale Oil and Gas Development on Rangelands in the Permian Basin Region: An Assessment Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data, The
=> Impact of Shifts in Vegetation Phenology on the Carbon Balance of a Semiarid Sagebrush Ecosystem
=> Impact of Side-Scan Sonar Resolution and Acoustic Shadow Phenomenon on the Quality of Sonar Imagery and Data Interpretation Capabilities, The
=> Impact of Signal Contamination on the Adaptive Detection Performance of Local Hyperspectral Anomalies
=> Impact of Signal Quantization on the Performance of RFI Mitigation Algorithms
=> Impact of Smoke Plumes Transport on Air Quality in Sydney during Extensive Bushfires (2019) in New South Wales, Australia Using Remote Sensing and Ground Data
=> Impact of SMOS Soil Moisture Data Assimilation within the Operational Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), The
=> Impact of Snow Cover Phenology on the Vegetation Green-Up Date on the Tibetan Plateau
=> Impact of Snowpack on the Land Surface Phenology in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia
=> Impact of SO2 Flux Estimation in the Modeling of the Plume of Mount Etna Christmas 2018 Eruption and Comparison against Multiple Satellite Sensors
=> Impact of Soil Moisture Data Characteristics on the Sensitivity to Crop Yields Under Drought and Excess Moisture Conditions
=> Impact of Soil Permittivity and Temperature Profile on L-Band Microwave Emission of Frozen Soil
=> Impact of Soil Reflectance Variation Correction on Woody Cover Estimation in Kruger National Park Using MODIS Data
=> Impact of Sowing Date on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Wheat Analyzed through Spatial Modeling and FORMOSAT-2 Images
=> Impact of Spatial Resolution on the Classification of Vegetation Types in Highly Fragmented Planting Areas Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Images, The
=> Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach
=> Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984-2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, The
=> Impact of Spectral Resolution and Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Vis-NIR Spectrometry on Soil Organic Matter Estimation
=> Impact of Spectrum Sensing Frequency and Packet-Loading Scheme on Multimedia Transmission Over Cognitive Radio Networks, The
=> Impact of STARFM on Crop Yield Predictions: Fusing MODIS with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 NDVIs in Bavaria Germany
=> Impact of Stochastic Generation/Load Variations on Distributed Optimal Energy Management in DC Microgrids for Transportation Electrification
=> Impact of Strike Hard on Repeat and Near-Repeat Residential Burglary in Beijing, The
=> Impact of Structural, Photochemical and Instrumental Effects on Leaf and Canopy Reflectance Variability in the 500-600 nm Range
=> Impact of Stylistic Features, Architectural and Urban Rules of the Algiers Architectural Heritage Dating Between 1830 and 1930 on the Strength of its Buildings During the Earthquake
=> Impact of subjective dataset on the performance of image quality metrics
=> impact of subsampling on MODIS level-3 statistics of cloud optical thickness and effective radius, The
=> Impact of Subscale Inhomogeneity on Oxygen A Band Cloud-Top Pressure Estimates: Using ESA's MERIS as a Proxy for DSCOVR-EPIC, The
=> Impact of sun-view geometry on canopy spectral reflectance variability
=> Impact of Sunlight Conditions on the Consistency of Vegetation Indices in Croplands: Effective Usage of Vegetation Indices from Continuous Ground-Based Spectral Measurements, The
=> Impact of Surface Albedo Assimilation on Snow Estimation
=> Impact of Surface Anisotropy on Classification Accuracy of Selected Vegetation Classes: An Evaluation Using Multidate Multiangular MISR Data Over Parts of Madhya Pradesh, India
=> Impact of Surface Soil Moisture Variations on Radar Altimetry Echoes at Ku and Ka Bands in Semi-Arid Areas
=> Impact of Surface Waves on SWOT's Projected Ocean Accuracy
=> Impact of Sympathetic Activation in Imaging Photoplethysmography
=> Impact of Synthetic Images on Morphing Attack Detection Using a Siamese Network
=> Impact of System Effects on Estimates of Faraday Rotation From Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements, The
=> Impact of System Noise in Polarimetric SAR Imagery on Oil Spill Observations, The
=> Impact of Systematic Attitude Error on the Measurement of Interferometric Radar Altimeter, The
=> Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
=> Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
=> Impact of the Accuracy of Terrain Surface Data on the Navigation of Off-Road Vehicles, The
=> Impact of the Acquisition Geometry of Very High-Resolution Pléiades Imagery on the Accuracy of Canopy Height Models over Forested Alpine Regions
=> Impact of the Acquisition Time on ECG Compression-Based Biometric Identification Systems
=> Impact of the Antenna Spacing on the Brightness Temperature Maps Retrieved with a Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometer
=> Impact of the Approaches Involved on Word-Graph Derivation from the ASR System
=> Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
=> Impact of the AtatÜrk Dam Lake On Agro-meteorological Aspects of the Southeastern Anatolia Region Using Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis
=> Impact of the Atmospheric Non-tidal Pressure Loading on Global Geodetic Parameters Based on Satellite Laser Ranging to GNSS
=> Impact of the Calibration Method on the Accuracy of Point Clouds Derived Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multi-View Stereopsis, The
=> Impact of the cameras radiometric resolution on the accuracy of determining spectral reflectance coefficients
=> Impact of the Cartographer's Position and Topographic Accessibility on the Accuracy of Historical Land Use Information: Case of the Second Military Survey Maps of the Habsburg Empire
=> Impact of the Control Measures during the COVID-19 Outbreak on Air Pollution in China, The
=> Impact of the Cropping Attack on Scalar STDM Data Hiding, The
=> Impact of the Dates of Input Image Pairs on Spatio-Temporal Fusion for Time Series with Different Temporal Variation Patterns
=> Impact of the Detection Channels Added by Fengyun Satellite MWHS-II at 183 GHz on Global Numerical Weather Prediction
=> Impact of the Distribution of Observations on Terrestrial Laser Scanner Self-calibration Quality, The
=> Impact of the Dust Aerosol Model on the VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Product across China
=> Impact of the Elevation Angle on CYGNSS GNSS-R Bistatic Reflectivity as a Function of Effective Surface Roughness over Land Surfaces
=> Impact of the Expansion and Contraction of China Cities on Carbon Emissions, 2002-2021, Evidence from Integrated Nighttime Light Data and City Attributes, The
=> Impact of the face registration techniques on facial expressions recognition
=> Impact of the Geographic Resolution on Population Synthesis Quality
=> Impact of the Initial State on BDS Real-Time Orbit Determination Filter Convergence
=> Impact of the Lips for Biometrics
=> Impact of the Local Oscillator Calibration Rate on the SMOS Measurements and Retrieved Salinities
=> Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Cyclone Amphan (2020) and Southwest Monsoon Onset, The
=> Impact of the Management Scale on the Technical Efficiency of Forest Vegetation Carbon Sequestration: A Case Study of State-Owned Forestry Enterprises in Northeast China
=> Impact of the Mesoscale Ocean Variability on the Estimation of Tidal Harmonic Constants Based on Satellite Altimeter Data in the South China Sea, The
=> Impact of the method of registering Terrestrial Laser Scanning data on the quality of documenting cultural heritage structures
=> Impact of the New ERA5 Reanalysis in the Computation of Radar Altimeter Wet Path Delays
=> Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation of Multi-atlas Segmentation
=> Impact of the Parameterisation of Physiographic Features of Urbanised Catchment Areas on the Spatial Distribution of Components of the Water Balance Using the WetSpass Model, The
=> Impact of the Radar-Sampling Volume on Multiwavelength Spaceborne Radar Measurements Using Airborne Radar Observations, The
=> Impact of the Resolution on the Difference of Perceptual Video Quality Between CRT and LCD
=> Impact of the Revisit of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Observations on Evapotranspiration Uncertainty: A Sensitivity Study Using AmeriFlux Data
=> Impact of the road network configuration on map-matching algorithms for FCD in urban environments
=> Impact of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Global Marine Network Based on Massive Vessel Trajectories
=> Impact of the Scale on Several Metrics Used in Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis: Does GEOBIA Mitigate the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)?
=> Impact of the Soil Moisture Distribution in the Top Layer on the Accuracy Moisture Retrieval by Microwave Radiometer Data
=> Impact of the Spatial Domain Size on the Performance of the Ts-VI Triangle Method in Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation
=> Impact of the Type and Spatial Resolution of a Source Image on the Effectiveness of Texture Analysis, The
=> Impact of the tyre dynamics on autonomous vehicle path following control with front wheel steering and differential motor torque
=> Impact of Three Gorges Reservoir Water Impoundment on Vegetation-Climate Response Relationship
=> Impact of Tides and Surges on Fluvial Floods in Coastal Regions
=> Impact of Tile Size and Tile Overlap on the Prediction Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks Trained for Road Classification
=> Impact of Time Difference between Satellite Overpass and Ground Observation on Cloud Cover Performance Statistics, The
=> Impact of Topographic Correction on PRISMA Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 Images
=> Impact of Topography and Rainfall Intensity on the Accuracy of IMERG Precipitation Estimates in an Arid Region
=> Impact of Topology-Related Attributes from Local Binary Patterns on Texture Classification
=> Impact of Tourist Traffic on the Condition and Cell Structures of Alpine Swards, The
=> Impact of tracking system knowledge on multi-sensor 3D triangulation
=> Impact of Traffic Flow Rate on the Accuracy of Short-Term Prediction of Origin-Destination Matrix in Urban Transportation Networks
=> Impact of train positioning inaccuracies on railway traffic management systems: framework development and impacts on TMS functions
=> Impact of Training Set Configurations for Differentiating Plantation Forest Genera with Sentinel-2 Imagery and Machine Learning
=> Impact of Training Set Size and Lead Time on Early Tomato Crop Mapping Accuracy
=> Impact of Tree-Oriented Growth Order in Marker-Controlled Region Growing for Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) Data
=> Impact of Tree Crown Transmittance on Surface Reflectance Retrieval in the Shade for High Spatial Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy: A Simulation Analysis Based on Tree Modeling Scenarios
=> Impact of Tree Species on Magnitude of PALSAR Interferometric Coherence over Siberian Forest at Frozen and Unfrozen Conditions
=> impact of tree structures on the performance of zerotree-based wavelet video codecs, The
=> Impact of Tropospheric Mismodelling in GNSS Precise Point Positioning: A Simulation Study Utilizing Ray-Traced Tropospheric Delays from a High-Resolution NWM
=> Impact of Typicality for Informative Representative Selection, The
=> Impact of UAS Image Orientation on Accuracy of Forest Inventory Attributes
=> Impact of UAV Surveying Parameters on Mixed Urban Landuse Surface Modelling
=> Impact of Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Method on Breast Lesion Classification with Deep Learning
=> Impact of Uncertainty Estimation of Hydrological Models on Spectral Downscaling of GRACE-Based Terrestrial and Groundwater Storage Variation Estimations
=> Impact of Unfocused Vickers Indentation Images on the Segmentation Performance, The
=> Impact of Urban Expansion on Rain Island Effect in Jinan City, North China
=> Impact of Urban Inequalities on Monitoring Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Methodological Considerations, The
=> Impact of Urban Land-Cover Changes on the Spatial-Temporal Land Surface Temperature in a Tropical City of Mexico
=> Impact of Urban Public Transport on Residential Transaction Prices: A Case Study of Poznan, Poland, The
=> Impact of Urban Renewal on Land Surface Temperature Changes: A Case Study in the Main City of Guangzhou, China, The
=> Impact of Urbanization and Climate on Vegetation Coverage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China
=> Impact of Urbanization on Cloud Characteristics over Sofia, Bulgaria
=> Impact of Urbanization on Spatial-Temporal Variation in Vegetation Phenology: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta, China, The
=> Impact of Urbanization on Urban Heat Island Dynamics in Shillong City, India Using Google Earth Engine and CA-Markov Modeling
=> Impact of Using a New High-Resolution Solar Reference Spectrum on OMI Ozone Profile Retrievals
=> Impact of V2V Warning Information on Traffic Stream Performance Using Microscopic Simulation Based on Real-World Connected Vehicle Driving Behavior
=> Impact of Various Atmospheric Corrections on Sentinel-2 Land Cover Classification Accuracy Using Machine Learning Classifiers
=> Impact of Vector Ordering Strategies on Morphological Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images
=> Impact of Vegetation on Lithological Mapping Using Airborne Multispectral Data: A Case Study for the North Troodos Region, Cyprus, The
=> Impact of Vegetation on the Visibility of Archaeological Features in Airborne Laser Scanning Datasets from Different Acquisition Dates, The
=> Impact of vertex clustering on registration-based 3D dynamic mesh coding
=> Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectral Properties and Traits across Multiple Species
=> Impact of Vertical Profiles of Aerosols on the Photolysis Rates in the Lower Troposphere from the Synergy of Photometer and Ceilometer Measurements in Raciborz, Poland, for the Period 2015-2020
=> Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds over Tian Shan Mountains: A Case Study Based on Radar Observation and Numerical Simulation
=> Impact of Video Compression on Remote Cardiac Pulse Measurement Using Imaging Photoplethysmography, The
=> Impact of Viewing Distance on Task Performance and Its Properties
=> impact of viewing geometry on material discriminability in hyperspectral images, The
=> Impact of Viewing Geometry on Vision Through the Atmosphere, The
=> Impact of Virtual Reality Experience On Accessibility of Cultural Heritage
=> Impact of Visual-Haptic Spatial Discrepancy on Targeting Performance
=> Impact of visual angle on attention deployment and robustness of visual saliency models in videos: From SD to UHD
=> Impact of Water Level Fluctuations on Landslide Deformation at Longyangxia Reservoir, Qinghai Province, China
=> Impact of Wavelength Shift in Relative Spectral Response at High Angles of Incidence in Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager and Future Landsat Design Concepts
=> Impact of Wildfires on Land Surface Cold Season Climate in the Northern High-Latitudes: A Study on Changes in Vegetation, Snow Dynamics, Albedo, and Radiative Forcing
=> Impact of Winter Snowfall on Vegetation Greenness in Central Asia
=> Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localization Tasks of Anatomical Priors in SPECT Reconstruction
=> Impacts and Contributors of Representativeness Errors of In~Situ Albedo Measurements for the Validation of Remote Sensing Products
=> Impacts of 3D Aerosol, Cloud, and Water Vapor Variations on the Recent Brightening during the South Asian Monsoon Season
=> Impacts of 3DEnVar-Based FY-3D MWHS-2 Radiance Assimilation on Numerical Simulations of Landfalling Typhoon Ampil (2018)
=> Impacts of a green-driving application in city buses on fuel consumption, speeding and passenger comfort
=> Impacts of a Large Water Transfer Project on a Waterbird Community in the Receiving Dam: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir, China, The
=> Impacts of a Resolution-Pyramid on Gibbs Random Field Classification
=> Impacts of advanced driver assistance systems on commercial truck driver behaviour performance using naturalistic data
=> Impacts of Agricultural Expansion (1910s-2010s) on the Water Cycle in the Songneng Plain, Northeast China
=> Impacts of Air Quality on Vegetation Health in Dense Urban Environments: A Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Approach, The
=> Impacts of Airborne Lidar Pulse Density on Estimating Biomass Stocks and Changes in a Selectively Logged Tropical Forest
=> Impacts of AOD Correction and Spatial Scale on the Correlation between High-Resolution AOD from Gaofen-1 Satellite and In Situ PM2.5 Measurements in Shenzhen City, China
=> Impacts of Arc Length and ECOM Solar Radiation Pressure Models on BDS-3 Orbit Prediction
=> Impacts of Assimilating ATMS Radiances on Heavy Rainfall Forecast in RMAPS-ST
=> Impacts of Assimilating CYGNSS Satellite Ocean-Surface Wind on Prediction of Landfalling Hurricanes with the HWRF Model
=> Impacts of Building Orientation on Polarimetric Orientation Angle Estimation and Model-Based Decomposition for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data in Urban Areas, The
=> Impacts of bus stop location and berth number on urban network traffic performance
=> Impacts of Climate and Human Activities on Grassland Productivity Variation in China, The
=> Impacts of Climate and Supraglacial Lakes on the Surface Velocity of Baltoro Glacier from 1992 to 2017
=> Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on NDVI in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
=> Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Plant Species alpha-Diversity across the Tibetan Grasslands
=> Impacts of Climate Change and Intensive Lesser Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) Activity on Surface Water in High Arctic Pond Complexes
=> Impacts of Climate Change on a Coastal Wetland from Model Simulation Combining Satellite and Gauge Observations: A Case Study of Jiangsu, China
=> Impacts of Climate Change on European Grassland Phenology: A 20-Year Analysis of MODIS Satellite Data
=> Impacts of Climate Change on Lake Fluctuations in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau
=> Impacts of Climate Change on Tibetan Lakes: Patterns and Processes
=> Impacts of Climate Change, Glacier Mass Loss and Human Activities on Spatiotemporal Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Qaidam Basin, China
=> Impacts of Climate Oscillation on Offshore Wind Resources in China Seas
=> Impacts of Climate Variability and Drought on Surface Water Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa Using Remote Sensing: A Review
=> Impacts of Climatic Fluctuations and Vegetation Greening on Regional Hydrological Processes: A Case Study in the Xiaoxinganling Mountains-Sanjiang Plain Region, Northeastern China
=> Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Road Safety and Efficiency: A Systematic Literature Review
=> Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Road Safety and Efficiency: A Systematic Literature Review
=> Impacts of Connected Automated Vehicles on Freeway Traffic Patterns at Different Penetration Levels
=> Impacts of COVID-19 on Ship Behaviours in Port Area: An AIS Data-Based Pattern Recognition Approach
=> Impacts of Crop Type and Climate Changes on Agricultural Water Dynamics in Northeast China from 2000 to 2020
=> Impacts of Deformed Fabry-Perot Interferometer Transmission Spectrum on Wind Lidar Measurements, The
=> Impacts of Direct Assimilation of the FY-4A/GIIRS Long-Wave Temperature Sounding Channel Data on Forecasting Typhoon In-Fa (2021)
=> Impacts of Drought and Climatic Factors on Vegetation Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin and Yangtze River Basin, China
=> Impacts of Drought and Heatwave on the Vegetation and Ecosystem in the Yangtze River Basin in 2022
=> Impacts of Drought Changes on Alpine Vegetation during the Growing Season over the Tibetan Plateau in 1982-2018, The
=> Impacts of Drought on Vegetation Assessed by Vegetation Indices and Meteorological Factors in Afghanistan
=> Impacts of Dual Head-up Display Use on Workload in the Civil Aviation Flight Deck: Implications for Crew Coordination
=> impacts of environmental variables on water reflectance measured using a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based spectrometer system, The
=> Impacts of Extreme-High-Temperature Events on Vegetation in North China
=> Impacts of Extreme Precipitation and Diurnal Temperature Events on Grassland Productivity at Different Elevations on the Plateau
=> Impacts of Extreme Space Weather Events on September 6th, 2017 on Ionosphere and Primary Cosmic Rays
=> Impacts of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation on Crops during the Growing Season in South Asia
=> Impacts of Farmland Loss on Regional Food Self-Sufficiency in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration over Last Two Decades, The
=> Impacts of Fengyun-4A and Ground-Based Observation Data Assimilation on the Forecast of Kaifeng's Heavy Rainfall (2022) and Mechanism Analysis of the Event
=> Impacts of FY-4A AGRI Radiance Data Assimilation on the Forecast of the Super Typhoon In-Fa (2021)
=> Impacts of FY-4A Atmospheric Motion Vectors on the Henan 7.20 Rainstorm Forecast in 2021
=> Impacts of FY-4A GIIRS Water Vapor Channels Data Assimilation on the Forecast of 21-7 Extreme Rainstorm in Henan, China with CMA-MESO
=> Impacts of Green Fraction Changes on Surface Temperature and Carbon Emissions: Comparison under Forestation and Urbanization Reshaping Scenarios
=> Impacts of Growth and Environmental Parameters on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Seasonal and Diurnal Scales, The
=> Impacts of Heat and Drought on Gross Primary Productivity in China
=> Impacts of Human Activities on the Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Aral Sea Basin
=> Impacts of Information Flow Topology on Traffic Dynamics of CAV-MV Heterogeneous Flow
=> Impacts of Insufficient Observations on the Monitoring of Short- and Long-Term Suspended Solids Variations in Highly Dynamic Waters, and Implications for an Optimal Observation Strategy
=> Impacts of Ionospheric Irregularities on L-Band Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Impacts of Ionospheric Scintillation on the BIOMASS P-Band Satellite SAR
=> Impacts of Land-Use Change on the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Storage in the Gansu Province, Northwest China
=> Impacts of Land-Use Changes on Soil Erosion in Water-Wind Crisscross Erosion Region of China
=> Impacts of Land Cover and Seasonal Variation on Maximum Air Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Imagery
=> Impacts of Land Cover/Use on the Urban Thermal Environment: A Comparative Study of 10 Megacities in China
=> Impacts of Land Use Changes on Net Primary Productivity in Urban Agglomerations under Multi-Scenarios Simulation
=> Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Distributions on Permafrost Simulations on Tibetan Plateau
=> Impacts of Landscape Patterns on Ecosystem Services Value: A Multiscale Buffer Gradient Analysis Approach
=> Impacts of Large-Scale Open-Pit Coal Base on the Landscape Ecological Health of Semi-Arid Grasslands
=> Impacts of Leaf Age on Canopy Spectral Signature Variation in Evergreen Chinese Fir Forests
=> Impacts of Marine Heatwave Events on Three Distinct Upwelling Systems and Their Implications for Marine Ecosystems in the Northwestern South China Sea
=> Impacts of National Highway G214 on Vegetation in the Source Area of Yellow and Yangtze Rivers on the Southern Qinghai Plateau, West China
=> Impacts of Orbital and Constellation Parameters on the Number and Spatiotemporal Coverage of LEO-LEO Occultation Events
=> Impacts of Platooning of Connected Automated Vehicles on Highways
=> Impacts of Public Schools on Housing Prices of Residential Properties: A Case Study of Greater Sydney, Australia, The
=> Impacts of Quality-Oriented Dataset Labeling on Tree Cover Segmentation Using U-Net: A Case Study in WorldView-3 Imagery, The
=> Impacts of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Stratospheric Isentropic Mixing Process
=> Impacts of Radiometric Uncertainty and Weather-Related Surface Conditions on Soil Moisture Retrievals with Sentinel-1
=> Impacts of Rapid Socioeconomic Development on Cropping Intensity Dynamics in China during 2001-2016
=> Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Thermal Environment: A Remote Sensing Study of Guangzhou, South China, The
=> Impacts of Re-Vegetation on Surface Soil Moisture over the Chinese Loess Plateau Based on Remote Sensing Datasets
=> Impacts of Resampling and Downscaling Digital Elevation Model and Its Morphometric Factors: A Comparison of Hopfield Neural Network, Bilinear, Bicubic, and Kriging Interpolations
=> Impacts of Reservoir Water Level Fluctuation on Measuring Seasonal Seismic Travel Time Changes in the Binchuan Basin, Yunnan, China
=> Impacts of Saline-Alkali Land Improvement on Regional Climate: Process, Mechanisms, and Implications
=> Impacts of Scale on Geographic Analysis of Health Data: An Example of Obesity Prevalence
=> Impacts of Shape Assumptions on Z-R Relationship and Satellite Remote Sensing Clouds Based on Model Simulations and GPM Observations
=> Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
=> Impacts of Spatial Configuration of Land Surface Features on Land Surface Temperature across Urban Agglomerations, China
=> Impacts of spatial heterogeneity on crop area mapping in Canada using MODIS data
=> Impacts of Spatial Resolution, Viewing Angle, and Spectral Vegetation Indices on the Quantification of Woody Mediterranean Species Seasonality Using Remote Sensing, The
=> Impacts of Spatial Variability on Aboveground Biomass Estimation from L-Band Radar in a Temperate Forest
=> Impacts of Species Misidentification on Species Distribution Modeling with Presence-Only Data
=> Impacts of stochastic models on real-time 3D UAV mapping
=> Impacts of Street-Visible Greenery on Housing Prices: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model and a Massive Street View Image Dataset in Beijing
=> Impacts of Temporal-Spatial Variant Background Ionosphere on Repeat-Track GEO D-InSAR System
=> Impacts of the Angular Dependence of the Solar Diffuser BRDF Degradation Factor on the SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Band On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration
=> Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality in the Guanzhong Basin, China, The
=> Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model, The
=> Impacts of the Kuroshio and Tidal Currents on the Hydrological Characteristics of Yilan Bay, Northeastern Taiwan
=> Impacts of the Kuroshio Intrusion through the Luzon Strait on the Local Precipitation Anomaly
=> Impacts of the Microclimate of a Large Urban Park on Its Surrounding Built Environment in the Summertime
=> Impacts of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project on Land Surface Temperature and Fractional Vegetation Coverage in the Danjiang River Basin
=> Impacts of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: Suppression of EPBs and Quasi-6-Day Oscillations
=> Impacts of the Tropical Cyclone Idai in Mozambique: A Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Imagery Analysis
=> Impacts of the Urmia Lake Drought on Soil Salinity and Degradation Risk: An Integrated Geoinformatics Analysis and Monitoring Approach
=> Impacts of Thermal Differences in Surfacing Urban Heat Islands on Vegetation Phenology
=> Impacts of Thermal Time on Land Surface Phenology in Urban Areas
=> Impacts of Transportation Networks on the Landscape Patterns: A Case Study of Shanghai
=> Impacts Of Tree Height-DBH Allometry On Lidar-based Tree Aboveground Biomass Modeling
=> Impacts of Urban Expansion Forms on Ecosystem Services in Urban Agglomerations: A Case Study of Shanghai-Hangzhou Bay Urban Agglomeration
=> Impacts of Urban Green Space on Land Surface Temperature from Urban Block Perspectives
=> Impacts of Urban Morphology on Seasonal Land Surface Temperatures: Comparing Grid- and Block-Based Approaches
=> Impacts of Urbanization on the Ecosystem Services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
=> Impacts of Urbanization on the Muthurajawela Marsh and Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka: Implications for Landscape Planning towards a Sustainable Urban Wetland Ecosystem
=> Impacts of Urbanization on Vegetation Phenology over the Past Three Decades in Shanghai, China
=> Impacts of verification on a numeral string recognition system
=> Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage in Central Yunnan Province, China (2017-2022)
=> Impacts of Water Resources Management on Land Water Storage in the Lower Lancang River Basin: Insights from Multi-Mission Earth Observations
=> Impacts on Noise Analyses of GNSS Position Time Series Caused by Seasonal Signal, Weight Matrix, Offset, and Helmert Transformation Parameters
=> Impacts on the Urban Environment: Land Cover Change Trajectories and Landscape Fragmentation in Post-War Western Area, Sierra Leone
=> Impaired operator detection and warning system employing eyeblink analysis
=> Impaired Water Hazard Zones: Mapping Intersecting Environmental Health Vulnerabilities and Polluter Disproportionality
=> Impairing Factors in Remote-PPG Pulse Transit Time Measurements on the Face
=> Impairing Land Registry: Social, Demographic, and Economic Determinants of Forest Classification Errors
=> Impairment-Factor-Based Audiovisual Quality Model for IPTV: Influence of Video Resolution, Degradation Type, and Content Type
=> Impairment Metric For Video Temporal Fluctuation Measure, An
=> Impairments in decoding facial and vocal emotional expressions in high functioning autistic adults and adolescents
=> Impartial Take to the CNN vs Transformer Robustness Contest, An
=> Imparting Fairness to Pre-Trained Biased Representations
=> Impash: A Novel Domain-shift Resistant Representation for Colorectal Cancer Tissue Classification
=> Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
=> Impatient DNNs: Deep Neural Networks with Dynamic Time Budgets
=> ImpDet: Exploring Implicit Fields for 3D Object Detection
=> Impedance-Optical Dual-Modal Cell Culture Imaging With Learning-Based Information Fusion
=> Impedance Imaging With First-Order TV Regularization
=> Impedance Variation and Learning Strategies in Human-Robot Interaction
=> Impending Hydrological Regime of Lhasa River as Subjected to Hydraulic Interventions: A SWAT Model Manifestation
=> Imperceptible-visible watermarking for copyright protection of digital videos based on temporal codes
=> Imperceptible Adversarial Examples for Fake Image Detection
=> Imperceptible On-Screen Markers for Mobile Interaction on Public Large Displays
=> Imperceptible Transfer Attack and Defense on 3D Point Cloud Classification
=> Imperfect ImaGANation: Implications of GANs exacerbating biases on facial data augmentation and snapchat face lenses
=> Imperfect Iris Information for Identity Recognition
=> Imperial College, London
=> Imperial College, London
=> Imperial College, London
=> Imperial College, London
=> Impervious Surface Change Mapping with an Uncertainty-Based Spatial-Temporal Consistency Model: A Case Study in Wuhan City Using Landsat Time-Series Datasets from 1987 to 2016
=> Impervious surface extraction with very high resolution imagery in urban areas: Reducing tree obscuring effect
=> Impervious Surface Information Extraction Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Impervious Surface Information Extraction Using an Improved Object-Oriented Method
=> Impervious Surface Spectral Index on Multispectral Imagery Using Visible and Near-Infrared Bands, An
=> Impervious Surfaces Mapping at City Scale by Fusion of Radar and Optical Data through a Random Forest Classifier
=> Implantable Microimaging Device for Observing Brain Activities of Rodents
=> Implantation of voicing on whispered speech using frequency-domain parametric modelling of source and filter information
=> Implement contour following task of objects with unknown geometric models by using combination of two visual servoing techniques
=> Implementation Analysis and Design for Energy Efficient Intervention on Heritage Buildings
=> Implementation and Advanced Results on the Non-interrupted Skeletonization Algorithm
=> Implementation and Analysis of a Peer-to-Peer Retransmissions System for Live Video Services
=> Implementation and Analysis of Jpeg2000 System on a Chip
=> Implementation and analysis of optimized architectures for rank order filter
=> Implementation and application of local computation of wavelet coefficients in the dual-tree complex wavelets
=> Implementation and Applications of Tri-State Self-Organizing Maps on FPGA
=> Implementation and design of a new model of neural network with application to typographical character recognition
=> implementation and detailed analysis of the K-SVD image denoising algorithm, An
=> Implementation and Evaluation of a Fast Area Feature Labeling Method Using Auxiliary Lines
=> Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based method for spatiotemporal exploration and analysis
=> Implementation And Evaluation Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Integrated Range And Intensity Images For Traffic Signs Localization
=> Implementation And Evaluation Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Integrated Range And Intensity Images For Traffic Signs Localization
=> Implementation and evaluation of a reaction-diffusion based coding rate control mechanism for camera sensor networks
=> Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise control functionalities
=> Implementation and evaluation of FAST corner detection on the massively parallel embedded processor MX-G
=> Implementation and evaluation of IPv6 to IPv4 transition mechanisms in network simulator 3
=> Implementation and Evaluation of Load Balancing Mechanism With Multiple Edge Server Cooperation for Dynamic Map System
=> Implementation and First Evaluation of An Indoor Mapping Application Using Smartphones and AR Frameworks
=> Implementation and Optimization of Image Processing Algorithms on Embedded GPU
=> Implementation and optimization of image processing algorithms on handheld GPU
=> Implementation and optimization of software depth estimation for ARM
=> Implementation and Parallelization of the Scale Space Meshing Algorithm, An
=> implementation and performance evaluation of a space variant OT-MACH filter for a security detection application using FLIR sensor, An
=> Implementation and Testing of Low Cost UAV Platform for Orthophoto Imaging
=> Implementation and Usage Scenarios of a Participatory Platform for Cultural Environments
=> Implementation and Validation of a High Accuracy UAV-Photogrammetry Based Rail Track Inspection System
=> Implementation and Validation of a Retrieval Algorithm for Profiling of Water Vapor From Differential Attenuation Measurements at Microwaves
=> Implementation architecture for performing hierarchical motion analysis of video images in real time
=> Implementation for Noise Suppression in Images
=> Implementation Method of Automotive Video SAR (ViSAR) Based on Sub-Aperture Spectrum Fusion
=> Implementation of 2D-DCT on XC4000 Series FPGA Using DFT-based DSFG and DA Architectures
=> Implementation of 3d Cadastre With Indigenous Knowledge Concept of tri Hita Karana in Bali Island, Indonesia
=> Implementation of 3D Tools and Immersive Experience Interaction for Supporting Learning in a Library-Archive Environment. Visions and Challenges
=> Implementation of a 3D GIS in Internet environment
=> Implementation of a Character Recognition System Based on Finger-Joint Tracking Using a Depth Camera
=> Implementation of a Computational Theory of Visual Surface Interpolation, An
=> Implementation of a cost-shared transform architecture for multiple video codecs
=> Implementation of a Denoising Algorithm Based on High-Order Singular Value Decomposition of Tensors
=> Implementation of a Fast Fourier transform algorithm onto a manycore processor
=> Implementation of a Low Cost Structured Light Scanner
=> Implementation of a Mineral Dust Wet Deposition Scheme in the GOCART-AFWA Module of the WRF Model, The
=> Implementation of a Modified Faster R-CNN for Target Detection Technology of Coastal Defense Radar
=> Implementation of a modular real-time feature-based architecture applied to visual face tracking
=> Implementation of a Nowcasting Hydrometeorological System for Studying Flash Flood Events: The Case of Mandra, Greece
=> Implementation of a Parallel GPU-Based Space-Time Kriging Framework
=> Implementation of A Photogrammetric Procedure for the Adjustment Of The Old Raster Cadastral Plans, The
=> Implementation of a Rainfall Normalization Module for GSMaP Microwave Imagers and Sounders
=> Implementation of a Random Forest Classifier to Examine Wildfire Predictive Modelling in Greece Using Diachronically Collected Fire Occurrence and Fire Mapping Data
=> Implementation of a Real-time Foreground/Background Segmentation System on the Intel Architecture
=> Implementation of a real time image rotation using B-spline interpolation on FPGA's board
=> Implementation of a reticle seeker missile simulator for jamming effect analysis
=> Implementation of a robust coded structured light technique for dynamic 3D measurements
=> Implementation of a Satellite Based Inland Water Algal Bloom Alerting System Using Analysis Ready Data
=> Implementation of a shadow carving system for shape capture
=> Implementation of a SPIHT coprocessor memory issues and hardware implications
=> Implementation of a Surface Water Extent Model in Cambodia using Cloud-Based Remote Sensing
=> Implementation of a Theory of Edge Detection
=> Implementation Of Active Teaching Methods And Emerging Topics In Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing Subjects
=> Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard for encryption and decryption of images and text on a GPU
=> Implementation of Advanced Foreground Segmentation Algorithms GMM, ViBE and PBAS in FPGA and GPU: A Comparison
=> Implementation of Algorithm for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry using Open Source GIS and Evaluation for Tsunami Simulation
=> Implementation Of An Agricultural Environmental Information System (aeis) For The Sanjiang Plain, Ne-china
=> Implementation of an Architectonic GIS on a Brickwork Farmhouse
=> Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Approach to GPR Systems for Landmine Detection
=> Implementation of an Equal-area Gridding Method for Global-scale Image Archiving
=> Implementation of an Improved Water Change Tracking (IWCT) Algorithm: Monitoring the Water Changes in Tianjin over 1984-2019 Using Landsat Time-Series Data
=> Implementation of an MHT-based object detection algorithm on a 2-D processor mesh
=> Implementation of An On-Board Compression System Based on Wavelet Transform
=> Implementation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System for Large Scale Mapping
=> Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Based Ensemble Models for Gully Erosion Susceptibility Assessment
=> Implementation of auto-rectification and depth estimation of stereo video in a real-time smart camera system
=> Implementation of automatic crack evaluation using Crack Fundamental Element
=> Implementation of autostereoscopic HD projection display with dense horizontal parallax
=> Implementation of BFASTmonitor Algorithm on Google Earth Engine to Support Large-Area and Sub-Annual Change Monitoring Using Earth Observation Data
=> Implementation of Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
=> Implementation of Calderon's Method for 3-D Limited-View EIT, An
=> Implementation of Cellular-Logic Operators Using 3X3 Convolution and Table Lookup Hardware
=> Implementation of Combined Local-Global Optical Flow, An
=> Implementation of computation-reduced DCT using a novel method
=> Implementation of Content Analysis System for Recognition of Journals' Table of Contents
=> Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizers in coronary ischemia detection
=> Implementation of deep neural networks for classifying electroencephalogram signal using fractional S-transform for epileptic seizure detection
=> Implementation of error resilience technique for Multiview Video Coding
=> Implementation of FAIR Principles for Ontologies in the Disaster Domain: A Systematic Literature Review
=> Implementation of fast free-viewpoint video rendering on graphics processing units
=> Implementation of fast HEVC encoder based on SIMD and data-level parallelism
=> Implementation of Fixed-Length Template Protection Based on Homomorphic Encryption with Application to Signature Biometrics
=> Implementation of FPGA for decision making in portable automatic testing systems for IC's library & digital circuits
=> Implementation of Fully-Pipelined CNN Inference Accelerator on FPGA and HBM2 Platform
=> Implementation of Gaussian and Box Kernel Based Approximation of Bilateral Filter Using OpenCL
=> Implementation of Geographical Conditions Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China
=> Implementation of Geospatial Data Provenance in a Web Service Workflow Environment With ISO 19115 and ISO 19115-2 Lineage Model
=> Implementation of Gestalt principles for object segmentation
=> Implementation of GIS Tools in the Quality of Life Assessment of Czech Municipalities
=> Implementation of H.264 encoder and decoder on personal computers
=> Implementation of HDR Photographic Pipeline in Mobile Devices
=> Implementation of HEVC decoder on x86 processors with SIMD optimization
=> Implementation of IEEE-802.11a/g receiver blocks on a coarse-grained reconfigurable array
=> Implementation of Image Denoising based on Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
=> Implementation of in-loop filter for HEVC decoder on reconfigurable processor
=> Implementation of JPEG2000 arithmetic decoder using dynamic reconfiguration of FPGA
=> Implementation Of Kriging Methods In Mobile GIS To Estimate Damage To Buildings In Crisis Scenarios
=> Implementation of Level Transformations for Hiding Watermarks in Image Bit-Planes under Limited Level Changes
=> Implementation of Linear Prediction Models for Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images in Novel Parallel Environments
=> Implementation of Local Fourier Burst Accumulation for Video Deblurring
=> Implementation of low power Successive Approximation ADC for MAV's
=> Implementation of Max Principle with PCA in image fusion for Surveillance and Navigation Application
=> Implementation of MIMO Radar-Based Point Cloud Images for Environmental Recognition of Unmanned Vehicles and Its Application
=> Implementation of Modern Geocentric Datum: a Review, The
=> Implementation of morphological filters using coordinate logic operations
=> Implementation of multidirectional moire computerized tomography: multidirectional affine calibration
=> Implementation of Multimedia Decoder Framework for Android on PAC Duo Platform, The
=> Implementation of Non Local Means Filter in GPUs
=> Implementation of Nonlocal Pansharpening Image Fusion
=> Implementation of Open Source-Based Software as a Service (SaaS) to Produce TOA and TOC Reflectance of High-Resolution KOMPSAT-3/3A Satellite Image, An
=> Implementation of optical correlator for face recognition applications
=> Implementation of Oriented Filters for Arc Detection
=> Implementation of PALplus decoder with programmable video signal processor
=> Implementation of Pornographic Videos Detection System
=> Implementation of real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to remote sensing image classification
=> Implementation of real-time pedestrian detection on FPGA
=> Implementation of Real-Time Post-Processing for High-Quality Stereo Vision
=> Implementation of Real-Time Space Target Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Space-Based Surveillance
=> Implementation of Scale and Rotation Invariant On-Line Object Tracking Based on CUDA
=> Implementation of Scan-to-BIM and FEM for the Documentation and Analysis of Heritage Timber Roof Structures
=> implementation of searchable video player, An
=> Implementation of Source Engine for Virtual Tours in Manufacturing Factories
=> Implementation of Spatial Planning Objects in a 3D Cadastral Model, The
=> Implementation of Stereoscopic and Dualview Images on a Micro-Display High Definition Television
=> Implementation of SURE Guided Piecewise Linear Image Denoising, The
=> Implementation of Survey and Three-dimensional Monitoring Of Archaeological Excavations of The Khirbat Al-dusaq Site, Jordan
=> Implementation of Texture-Based Video Up-Scaling on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture, The
=> Implementation of the ASPRS LAS Standard, An
=> Implementation of the Burned Area Component of the Copernicus Climate Change Service: From MODIS to OLCI Data
=> Implementation of the Centroid Method for the Correction of Turbulence
=> Implementation of The Distributed Parallel Program for Geoid Heights Computation Using MPI and Openmp
=> Implementation of the Exponential Pyramid Data Structure with Application to Determination of Symmetries in Pictures, An
=> Implementation of the Exposure Fusion Algorithm, An
=> Implementation of the Hough Transformation for the Identification and Labelling of Fixed Period Sinusoidal Curves, An
=> Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google Earth Engine
=> Implementation of the Local Rank Differences Image Feature Using SIMD Instructions of CPU
=> Implementation of the Mean Shift Algorithm, An
=> Implementation of the Midway Image Equalization
=> Implementation of the Non-Local Bayes (NL-Bayes) Image Denoising Algorithm
=> Implementation of the OFDM Chirp Waveform on MIMO SAR Systems
=> Implementation of the Optical Flow to Estimate the Propagation of Eddies in the South Atlantic Ocean
=> Implementation of the Principal Component Analysis onto High-Performance Computer Facilities for Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction: Results and Comparisons
=> Implementation of the Principle Phase Decomposition Algorithm
=> Implementation of the Self-Similarity Descriptor
=> Implementation of the USB Token System for Fingerprint Verification
=> Implementation of the watershed method in the HSI color space for the face extraction
=> Implementation of Three Text to Speech Systems for Kurdish Language
=> Implementation of TiOISSS with meaningful shadows and with an additional authentication image
=> Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing
=> Implementation of Two-Stream Emission Model for L-Band Retrievals on the Tibetan Plateau
=> Implementation of uniform and simultaneous ART for 3-D reconstruction in an X-ray imaging system
=> Implementation of VBM3D and Some Variants
=> Implementation of velocity optimisation strategy based on preview road information to trade off transport time and fuel consumption for hybrid mining trucks
=> Implementation of vision-based planar grasp planning
=> Implementation of Visual Motion Detection in Analog Neuromorphic Circuitry: A Case Study of the Issue of Circuit Precision
=> Implementation of Web Map Services for Old Cadastral Maps
=> Implementation of Wireless Vision Sensor Node for Characterization of Particles in Fluids
=> Implementation Of Zoom-dependent Camera Calibration In Close-range Photogrammetry
=> Implementation Resource Allocation for Collision-Avoidance Assistance Systems Considering Driver Capabilities
=> Implementation Strategies for Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Bayesian Source Separation
=> Implementation Strategy and Spatiotemporal Extensibility of Multipredictor Ensemble Model for Water Quality Parameter Retrieval With Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
=> Implementation Strategy of NDVI Algorithm with Nvidia Thrust
=> Implementation Strategy of Visible and Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer on Yutu-2 Rover Based on Vision Measurement Technology
=> Implementation techniques for geometric branch-and-bound matching methods
=> Implementation, calibration and accuracy testing of an image-enhanced endoscopy system
=> Implementational Improvements for Active Region Models
=> Implementations and Implications of Foveated Vision
=> Implementations of on Sensor Image Compression and Comparisons Between Pixel and Column Parallel Architectures
=> Implementations, comparisons, and an investigation of heuristic techniques for cone-beam tomography
=> implemented architecture of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC, An
=> Implementing 3D visualizations of EEG signals in artistic applications
=> Implementing a Commercial-Strength Parallel Hybrid Movie Recommendation Engine
=> Implementing a Dual-Spectrometer Approach for Improved Surface Reflectance Estimation
=> Implementing a Multi-Model Estimation Method
=> Implementing a Robust Explanatory Bias in a Person Re-identification Network
=> Implementing a spatial data infrastructure successfully with free and open source software?
=> Implementing An Adaptive Approach For Dense Stereo-matching
=> Implementing Analog Artificial Neural Networks for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Speed in Machine Learning Applications
=> Implementing cascaded regression tree-based face landmarking: An in-depth overview
=> Implementing Cepstral Filtering Technique using Gabor Filters
=> Implementing Cloud Computing for the Digital Mapping of Agricultural Soil Properties from High Resolution UAV Multispectral Imagery
=> Implementing continuous-scale morphology via curve evolution
=> Implementing Data-Dependent Triangulations with Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
=> Implementing Decision Trees and Forests on a GPU
=> Implementing Dempster's Rule for Hierarchical Evidence
=> Implementing Digital Multispectral 3D Scanning Technology for Rapid Assessment of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Weed Competitive Traits
=> Implementing Distinctive Behavior for Conversational Agents
=> Implementing Elements of Fear Invoking Anxiety Using a Game Platform
=> Implementing Expressive Gesture Synthesis for Embodied Conversational Agents
=> Implementing Fully Configurable Video Coding
=> Implementing Functional Modularity for Processing of General Photogrammetric Data With The Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox (DBAT)
=> Implementing GIS to Improve Hospital Efficiency in Natural Disasters
=> Implementing Handheld Burst Super-Resolution
=> Implementing Handheld Burst Super-Resolution
=> Implementing high resolution structured light by exploiting projector blur
=> Implementing image applications on FPGAs
=> Implementing Immersive Worlds for Metaverse-Based Participatory Design through Photogrammetry and Blockchain
=> Implementing Low Level Features for Human Aggressive Movement Detection
=> Implementing Morphological Operations Using Programmable Neural Networks
=> Implementing multiplexing, streaming, and server interaction for MPEG-4
=> Implementing of maximum likelihood in tomographical coded aperture
=> Implementing real-time RCF-Retinex image enhancement method using CUDA
=> Implementing real-time RCF-Retinex image enhancement method using CUDA
=> Implementing real-time video abstraction
=> Implementing Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning to Detect Plant Stress in Olive Groves
=> Implementing set operations over moving regions using the component moving region model
=> Implementing Smart City Strategies as an Innovative Practice for Covid-19 Pandemic in Egyptian Context
=> Implementing Spatio-Temporal 3D-Convolution Neural Networks and UAV Time Series Imagery to Better Predict Lodging Damage in Sorghum
=> Implementing textural features on GPUs for improved real-time pavement distress detection
=> Implementing the 2-D Wavelet Transform on SIMD-Enhanced General-Purpose Processors
=> Implementing the Abingdon Cross benchmark on the ASP
=> Implementing the Affective Mechanism for Group Emotion Recognition With a New Graph Convolutional Network Architecture
=> Implementing the European Space Agency's SentiNel Application Platform's Open-Source Python Module for Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Coseismic Ground Deformation from Sentinel-1 Data
=> Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
=> Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
=> Implementing transfer learning across different datasets for time series forecasting
=> Implementing urban canopy height derived from a TanDEM-X-DEM: An expert survey and case study
=> Implementing Word Retrieval in Handwritten Documents Using a Small Dataset
=> Implication between Geophysical Events and the Variation of Seasonal Signal Determined in GNSS Position Time Series
=> implication of data diversity for a classifier-free ensemble selection in random subspaces, The
=> Implication of the number of utilized images on the quality of generated building models using model-based image fitting
=> Implications for Image Watermarking of Recent Work in Image Analysis and Representation
=> Implications of Acoustic Variation for the Segmentation of the Czech Trill r
=> Implications of Classification of Methodological Decisions in Flooding Analysis from Hurricane Katrina
=> Implications of Field Worker Characteristics and Landscape Heterogeneity for Classification Correctness and the Completeness of Topographical Mapping, The
=> Implications of Fire Management in the Andean Paramo: A Preliminary Assessment Using Satellite Remote Sensing, The
=> Implications of GNSS-Inferred Tropopause Altitude Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
=> Implications of invariance and uncertainty for local structure analysis filter sets
=> Implications of M3C2 Projection Diameter on 3D Semi-Automated Rockfall Extraction from Sequential Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds, The
=> Implications of ocular pathologies for iris recognition reliability
=> Implications of Pixel Quality Flags on the Observation Density of a Continental Landsat Archive
=> Implications of Safety Definition for Automated Driving
=> Implications of Solution Patterns on Adversarial Robustness
=> Implications of the computational complexity of transit route network redesign for metaheuristic optimisation systems
=> Implications of Ultrasound Frequency in Optoacoustic Mesoscopy of the Skin
=> Implications of Whole-Disc DSCOVR EPIC Spectral Observations for Estimating Earth's Spectral Reflectivity Based on Low-Earth-Orbiting and Geostationary Observations
=> Implicit-Explicit Motion Learning for Video Camouflaged Object Detection
=> Implicit 3D Human Mesh Recovery using Consistency with Pose and Shape from Unseen-view
=> Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images
=> Implicit Active-Contouring with MRF
=> Implicit Active Contours Driven by Local Binary Fitting Energy
=> Implicit Active Model using Radial Basis Function Interpolated Level Sets
=> Implicit active shape model employing boundary classifier
=> Implicit Affective Video Tagging Using Pupillary Response
=> Implicit Analysis of Perceptual Multimedia Experience Based on Physiological Response: A Review
=> Implicit and Explicit Camera Calibration: Theory and Experiments
=> Implicit and explicit commonsense for multi-sentence video captioning
=> Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation
=> Implicit and Explicit Graph Embedding: Comparison of Both Approaches on Chemoinformatics Applications
=> Implicit and Nonparametric Shape Reconstruction from Unorganized Data Using a Variational Level Set Method
=> Implicit Annealing in Kernel Spaces: A Strongly Consistent Clustering Approach
=> Implicit Arbitrary Shape Visual Objects via MPEG-4 Scene Description
=> Implicit Attention-Based Cross-Modal Collaborative Learning for Action Recognition
=> Implicit Autoencoder for Point-Cloud Self-Supervised Representation Learning
=> Implicit Autoencoder for Point-Cloud Self-Supervised Representation Learning
=> Implicit B-spline fitting using the 3L algorithm
=> Implicit B-Spline Surface Reconstruction
=> Implicit Background Estimation For Semantic Segmentation
=> Implicit Bit Allocation for Combined Coarse Granular Scalability and Spatial Scalability
=> Implicit Block Diagonal Low-Rank Representation
=> Implicit Boundary Learning for Connectomics
=> Implicit Calibration of a Remote Gaze Tracker
=> Implicit coding for very low bit rate image compression
=> Implicit color segmentation features for pedestrian and object detection
=> Implicit Component-Graph: A Discussion
=> Implicit Compositional Generative Network for Length-Variable Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis
=> Implicit Contour Morphing Framework Applied to Computer-Aided Severe Weather Forecasting, An
=> Implicit Convolution
=> Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks
=> Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms
=> Implicit Diffusion Models for Continuous Super-Resolution
=> Implicit Digital Surfaces in Arbitrary Dimensions
=> Implicit distributed associative memory for ill-posed object recognition
=> Implicit Dual-Domain Convolutional Network for Robust Color Image Compression Artifact Reduction
=> Implicit elastic matching with random projections for pose-variant face recognition
=> Implicit Emotion Relationship Mining Based on Optimal and Majority Synthesis From Multimodal Data Prediction
=> Implicit Epipolar Geometric Function based Light Field Continuous Angular Representation
=> Implicit Euler ODE Networks for Single-Image Dehazing
=> Implicit Evolution of Open Ended Curves
=> Implicit Feature-Based Alignment System for Radiotherapy
=> Implicit Feature Alignment: Learn to Convert Text Recognizer to Text Spotter
=> Implicit Feature Decoupling with Depthwise Quantization
=> Implicit Feedback between Reconstruction and Tracking in a Combined Optimization Approach
=> Implicit Field Supervision for Robust Non-rigid Shape Matching
=> Implicit Functions in Feature Space for 3D Shape Reconstruction and Completion
=> Implicit Geometric Regularization of 3D Building Shape Using Airborne LIDAR Data, An
=> Implicit hierarchical boosting for multi-view object detection
=> Implicit hybrid video emotion tagging by integrating video content and users' multiple physiological responses
=> Implicit Identity Driven Deepfake Face Swapping Detection
=> Implicit Identity Leakage: The Stumbling Block to Improving Deepfake Detection Generalization
=> Implicit Identity Representation Conditioned Memory Compensation Network for Talking Head Video Generation
=> Implicit Image Differentiation and Filtering with Applications to Image Sharpening
=> Implicit Intention Communication in Human-Robot Interaction Through Visual Behavior Studies
=> Implicit kernel sparse shape representation: a sparse-neighbors-based objection segmentation framework
=> Implicit Latent Variable Model for Scene-consistent Motion Forecasting
=> Implicit Map Augmentation for Relocalization
=> implicit Markov random field model for the multi-scale oriented representations of natural images, An
=> Implicit Media Tagging and Affect Prediction from RGB-D Video of Spontaneous Facial Expressions
=> Implicit Memory-Based Variational Motion Talking Face Generation
=> Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling
=> Implicit meshes for modeling and reconstruction
=> Implicit Meshes for Surface Reconstruction
=> Implicit Meshing for Finite Element Methods using Levelsets
=> Implicit Method for Interpolating Two Digital Closed Curves on Parallel Planes, An
=> Implicit Model-oriented Optimal Thresholding Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Similarity Measure
=> Implicit modeling using subdivision curves
=> Implicit Moment Invariants
=> Implicit Motion-Compensated Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
=> Implicit Motion-Shape Model: A generic approach for action matching
=> Implicit Motion Handling for Video Camouflaged Object Detection
=> implicit motion likelihood for tracking with particle filters, An
=> Implicit Negative Sub-Categorization and Sink Diversion for Object Detection
=> Implicit Neural Head Synthesis via Controllable Local Deformation Fields
=> Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
=> Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
=> Implicit neural refinement based multi-view stereo network with adaptive correlation
=> Implicit neural representation for change detection
=> Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement
=> Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement
=> Implicit Neural Representation in Medical Imaging: A Comparative Survey
=> Implicit Neural Representations for Image Compression
=> Implicit Neural Representations for Variable Length Human Motion Generation
=> Implicit Neural Representations With Structured Latent Codes for Human Body Modeling
=> implicit non-linear numerical scheme for illumination-robust variational optical flow, An
=> Implicit Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with Priors
=> Implicit Occupancy Flow Fields for Perception and Prediction in Self-Driving
=> Implicit Polynomial Representation Through a Fast Fitting Error Estimation
=> Implicit Polynomials, Orthogonal Distance Regression, and the Closest Point on a Curve
=> Implicit Probabilistic Models of Human Motion for Synthesis and Tracking
=> implicit radar convolutional burn index for burnt area mapping with Sentinel-1 C-band SAR data, An
=> Implicit Rank-Sparsity Decomposition: Applications to Saliency/Co-saliency Detection
=> Implicit Reconstruction by Zooming
=> Implicit Reconstruction of Vasculatures Using Bivariate Piecewise Algebraic Splines
=> Implicit Regularization For 3d Building Rooftop Modeling Using Airborne Lidar Data, An
=> Implicit Regularization of Dropout
=> Implicit Representation and Scene Reconstruction from Probability Density Functions
=> Implicit Representation of Parametric Curves and Surfaces
=> Implicit retrieval of salient images using Brain Computer Interface
=> Implicit Saliency In Deep Neural Networks
=> Implicit Sample Extension for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
=> Implicit Scene Context for Object Segmentation and Classification
=> Implicit Seleted Transform Skip Method for AVS3
=> Implicit Shape Biased Few-Shot Learning for 3D Object Generalization
=> Implicit Shape Kernel for Discriminative Learning of the Hough Transform Detector
=> Implicit Shape Model for Combined Object Categorization and Segmentation, An
=> Implicit Shape Models for Object Detection In 3d Point Clouds
=> Implicit Shape Models, Model Selection, and Plane Sweeping for 3D Facade Interpretation
=> Implicit Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Domain Generalization
=> Implicit similarity: a new approach to multi-sensor image registration
=> Implicit Simplicial Models for Adaptive Curve Reconstruction
=> implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures, An
=> Implicit space pose consistent transfer network for deep face verification
=> Implicit spatial inference with sparse local features
=> implicit spatiotemporal shape model for human activity localization and recognition, An
=> Implicit Surface-Based Geometric Fusion
=> Implicit Surface Contrastive Clustering for LiDAR Point Clouds
=> Implicit Surface Modeling from Imprecise Point Clouds
=> Implicit surface octrees for ray tracing point models
=> Implicit surface reconstruction from contours
=> Implicit Surface Reconstruction with an Analogy of Polar Field Model
=> Implicit Surface Representation Using Epanechnikov Mixture Regression
=> Implicit Surface Representations As Layers in Neural Networks
=> Implicit Surface Segmentation by Minimal Paths, Applications in 3D Medical Images
=> Implicit surfaces from polygon soup with compactly supported radial basis functions
=> Implicit Surfaces Make for Better Silhouettes
=> Implicit Temporal Modeling with Learnable Alignment for Video Recognition
=> Implicit Temporal Modeling with Learnable Alignment for Video Recognition
=> Implicit Three-Dimensional Geo-Modelling Based on HRBF Surface
=> Implicit Values of A Good Hand Shake: Handheld Multi-Frame Neural Depth Refinement, The
=> Implicit video multi-emotion tagging by exploiting multi-expression relations
=> Implicit View-Time Interpolation of Stereo Videos Using Multi-Plane Disparities and Non-Uniform Coordinates
=> Implicit visual concept modeling in image/video annotation
=> Implicit, Formal, and Powerful Semantics in Geoinformation
=> Implicit, view invariant, linear flexible shape modelling
=> ImplicitAtlas: Learning Deformable Shape Templates in Medical Imaging
=> Implicitization of Parametric Curves by Matrix Annihilation
=> Implicitization of Parametric Curves by Matrix Annihilation
=> Implicitization, Inversion, and Intersection of Planar Rational Cubic Curves
=> Implicitly Constrained Semi-supervised Linear Discriminant Analysis
=> Implicitly Selected Transform for AVS3
=> Implicitly Weighted Methods in Robust Image Analysis
=> Implied Feedback: Learning Nuances of User Behavior in Image Search
=> Import of distortion on saliency applied to image quality assessment
=> Importance-Aware Information Bottleneck Learning Paradigm for Lip Reading
=> Importance-Aware Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
=> Importance-based approach for rough drawings
=> Importance-weighted covariance estimation for robust common spatial pattern
=> Importance-Weighted Cross-Validation for Covariate Shift
=> Importance-weighted label prediction for active learning with noisy annotations
=> Importance Coding of Still Imagery Based on Importance Maps of Visually Interpretable Regions
=> Importance Densities for Particle Filtering Using Iterated Conditional Expectations
=> Importance Estimation for Neural Network Pruning
=> Importance filtering for image retargeting
=> Importance First: Generating Scene Graph of Human Interest
=> Importance is in your attention: Agent importance prediction for autonomous driving
=> importance measurement for video and its application to TV news items distillation, An
=> Importance of Aliasing in Structured Quantization Index Modulation Data Hiding, The
=> Importance of Artworks 3D Digitalization at the Time of COVID Epidemy: Case Studies by the Use of a Multi-wavelengths Technique, The
=> importance of being random: statistical principles of iris recognition, The
=> Importance of Calibration for Improving the Efficiency of Data Assimilation for Predicting Forest Characteristics
=> Importance of Context When Recommending TV Content: Dataset and Algorithms, The
=> Importance of Digital Methods in Preservation of Cultural Heritage The Example of Zirnikli Mansion, The
=> Importance of Expert Knowledge for Automatic Modulation Open Set Recognition, The
=> Importance of Feature Visibility for the Evaluation of a Matching Hypothesis, The
=> Importance of High Resolution Digital Elevation Models for Improved Hydrological Simulations of a Mediterranean Forested Catchment, The
=> Importance of Image Interpretation: Patterns of Semantic Misclassification in Real-world Adversarial Images, The
=> Importance of Indigenous Cartography and Toponymy to Historical Land Tenure and Contributions to Euro/American/Canadian Cartography, The
=> importance of intermediate representations for the modeling of 2D shape detection: Endstopping and curvature tuned computations, The
=> Importance of Long-Range Interactions to Texture Similarity, The
=> Importance of Phase to Texture Similarity, The
=> Importance of Physical Quantities for the Analysis of Multitemporal and Multiangular Optical Very High Spatial Resolution Images, The
=> Importance of Protected Areas by Brazilian States to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon
=> Importance of Qualitative Elements in Subjective Evaluation of Semantic Gestures, The
=> importance of ray pathlengths when measuring objects in maximum intensity projection images, The
=> Importance of recommendation system in modern forms of learning
=> Importance of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Variables for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of African Citrus Triozid (Trioza erytreae) in Kenya
=> Importance of Scale in Object-based Mapping of Vegetation Parameters with Hyperspectral Imagery, The
=> importance of scale when selecting pixels for image registration, The
=> Importance of School World Atlases According to Czech Geography Teachers, The
=> Importance Of Skip Connections In Encoder-Decoder Architectures For Colorectal Polyp Detection, The
=> Importance of Small Pupils: A Study of How Pupil Dilation Affects Iris Biometrics, The
=> Importance of Smoothness Constraints on Spectral Object Reflectances when Modeling Metamer Mismatching, The
=> Importance of Soil Moisture and Soil Structure for InSAR Phase and Backscatter, as Determined by FDTD Modeling, The
=> Importance of Spatial Resolution in the Modeling of Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands, The
=> importance of spatial scale and vegetation complexity in woody species diversity and its relationship with remotely sensed variables, The
=> Importance of subject-dependent classification and imbalanced distributions in driver sleepiness detection in realistic conditions
=> Importance of Subsurface Processes in Land Surface Modeling over a Temperate Region: An Analysis with SMAP, Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing and Triple Collocation Analysis, The
=> importance of the Bi-directionally predicted pictures in video streaming, The
=> importance of the color information in face recognition, The
=> Importance of the Instantaneous Phase for Face Detection using Simple Convolutional Neural Networks, The
=> importance of the normalizing channel in log-chromaticity space, The
=> Importance of Truncation Activation in Pre-Processing for Spatial and Jpeg Image Steganalysis
=> Importance of Ultrawide Bandwidth for Optoacoustic Esophagus Imaging
=> Importance of Vertices in Complex Networks Applied to Texture Analysis
=> Importance prioritisation in JPEG 2000 for improved interpretability
=> Importance Sampling-Based Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval
=> importance sampling approach to learning structural representations of shape, An
=> Importance sampling based discriminative learning for large scale offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
=> Importance Sampling Kalman Filter for Image Estimation
=> Importance Weight Estimation and Generalization in Domain Adaptation Under Label Shift
=> Importance Weighted Adversarial Nets for Partial Domain Adaptation
=> Importance Weighted Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
=> Important LiDAR metrics for discriminating forest tree species in Central Europe
=> Important of TOPONYM in the Middle of Maps and Imagery for Disaster Management, The
=> Important Scene Detection Of Baseball Videos Via Time-Lag Aware Deep Multiset Canonical Correlation Maximization
=> Important stuff, everywhere! Activity recognition with salient proto-objects as context
=> Important Variables of a RapidEye Time Series for Modelling Biophysical Parameters of Winter Wheat
=> Imposing cognitive load to unmask prepared lies
=> Imposing Consistency for Optical Flow Estimation
=> Imposing Differential Constraints on Radial Distortion Correction
=> Imposing Hard Constraints on Deformable Models Through Optimization in Orthogonal Subspaces
=> Imposing Hard Constraints on Soft Snakes
=> Imposing Semantic Consistency of Local Descriptors for Few-Shot Learning
=> Imposing Semi-Local Geometric Constraints for Accurate Correspondences Selection in Structure from Motion: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
=> Imposing Total Variation Prior Into Guided Filter
=> ImPosing: Implicit Pose Encoding for Efficient Visual Localization
=> impossibility of affine reconstruction from perspective image pairs obtained by a translating camera with varying parameters, The
=> Impossible and Ambiguous Shading Patterns
=> Impossible Shaded Images
=> Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation
=> Imprecise Gaussian discriminant classification
=> Imprecise Navigation
=> Imprecision in Finite Resolution Spatial Data
=> Imprementation Of Vgi-based Geoportal For Empowering Citizen's Geospatial Observatories Related To Urban Disaster Management
=> Impression Estimation for Deformed Portraits With a Landmark-Based Ranking Network
=> Impression transformation of a face based on discriminant analysis on separately coded representations of facial shape and texture
=> Imprint of Mesoscale Eddies on Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
=> Imprinted Braille-character pattern recognition using image processing techniques
=> Improbability of Harris Interest Points, The
=> Impromptu Crisis Mapping to Prioritize Emergency Response
=> Improper Gaussian Signaling for Broadcast Interference Networks
=> Improvable Structure for Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces: Application on Image Databases, An
=> Improve Accurate Pose Alignment and Action Localization by Dense Pose Estimation
=> Improve adaptive cruise control under driver distraction: Time headway compensation based on a random-effect crash risk model
=> Improve Adversarial Robustness of AI Models in Remote Sensing via Data-Augmentation and Explainable-AI Methods
=> Improve CAM with Auto-Adapted Segmentation and Co-Supervised Augmentation
=> Improve conditional adversarial domain adaptation using self-training
=> Improve Convolutional Neural Network Pruning by Maximizing Filter Variety
=> Improve data compression performance using wavelet transform based on HVS
=> Improve Deep Unsupervised Hashing via Structural and Intrinsic Similarity Learning
=> Improve gamut mapping of Color Management System by perceptual quality-oriented analysis
=> Improve Handwritten Character Recognition Performance by Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis
=> Improve Image Captioning by Estimating the Gazing Patterns from the Caption
=> Improve Image Codec's Performance By Variating Post Enhancing Neural Network: Submission of zxw for CLIC2020
=> Improve maximum likelihood estimation for subband GGD parameters
=> Improve Non-graph Matching Feature-Based Face Recognition Performance by Using a Multi-stage Matching Strategy
=> Improve object detection via a multi-feature and multi-task CNN model
=> Improve Pedestrian Attribute Classification by Weighted Interactions from Other Attributes
=> Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
=> Improve Regression Network on Depth Hand Pose Estimation With Auxiliary Variable
=> Improve robustness of image watermarking via adaptive receiving
=> Improve robustness of sparse PCA by L1-norm maximization
=> Improve scene categorization via sub-scene recognition
=> Improve security of fragile watermarking via parameterized wavelet
=> Improve Temporal Action Proposals using Hierarchical Context
=> Improve the Accuracy in Numerical Modeling of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the Hangzhou Bay by Assimilating Remote Sensing Data Utilizing Combined Techniques of Adjoint Data Assimilation and the Penalty Function Method
=> Improve the Accuracy of Water Storage Estimation: A Case Study from Two Lakes in the Hohxil Region of North Tibetan Plateau
=> Improve the Estimation of Monocular Vision 6-DOF Pose Based on the Fusion of Camera and Laser Rangefinder
=> Improve the Performance of SAR Ship Detectors by Small Object Detection Strategies
=> Improve the Performance of Transfer Learning Without Fine-Tuning Using Dissimilarity-Based Multi-view Learning for Breast Cancer Histology Images
=> Improve the Robot Calibration Accuracy Using a Dynamic Online Fuzzy Error Mapping System
=> Improve The Zy-3 Height Accuracy Using Icesat/glas Laser Altimeter Data
=> Improve Unsupervised Deep Hashing Via Masked Contrastive Learning
=> Improve Unsupervised Pretraining for Few-label Transfer
=> Improve Word Mover's Distance with Part-of-Speech Tagging
=> Improved-LDA based face recognition using both facial global and local information
=> Improved-StoryGAN for sequential images visualization
=> Improved-UWB/LiDAR-SLAM Tightly Coupled Positioning System with NLOS Identification Using a LiDAR Point Cloud in GNSS-Denied Environments
=> Improved 1-km-Resolution Hourly Estimates of Aerosol Optical Depth Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> improved 2-D adaptive lattice filtering algorithm and its application to detection of small objects in correlated clutter, An
=> Improved 2-D Maximum Entropy Threshold Segmentation Method Based on PSO, An
=> Improved 2D-to-3D video conversion by fusing optical flow analysis and scene depth learning
=> Improved 2D mass-spring-damper model with unstructured triangular meshes
=> Improved 2DLPP Method on Gabor Features for Palmprint Recognition, An
=> Improved 3-D facial representation through statistical shape model
=> Improved 3-D shape recovery and correction algorithm from a single view
=> Improved 3D Depth Image Estimation Algorithm for Visual Camera
=> Improved 3D head reconstruction system based on combining shape-from-silhouette with two-stage stereo algorithm
=> Improved 3D Human Face Reconstruction Approach Based on Cubic Splines Models, An
=> Improved 3D Markerless Mouse Pose Estimation Using Temporal Semi-supervision
=> Improved 3d Model Search for Facial Feature Location and Pose Estimation in 2d images
=> Improved 3D reconstruction in smart-room environments using ToF imaging
=> improved 3D shape visibility graph with application to mesh segmentation, An
=> Improved 3D sparse maps for high-performance SFM with low-cost omnidirectional robots
=> Improved 3D Stem Mapping Method and Elliptic Hypothesis-Based DBH Estimation from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
=> Improved 3D Thinning Algorithms for Skeleton Extraction
=> Improved 3D video synthesis combining graph cuts and chroma key technology
=> Improved 4-DVar Simulation of Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Using a Regional Model
=> Improved A-Star Algorithm for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Using Terrain Data Map
=> Improved A* Navigation Path-Planning Algorithm Based on Hexagonal Grid
=> Improved A* Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for the Plant Protection UAV with Millimeter Wave Radar and Monocular Camera Data Fusion, The
=> Improved Acceleration Approach by Utilizing K-Band Range Rate Observations, An
=> Improved Accessibility-Based Model to Evaluate Educational Equity: A Case Study in the City of Wuhan, An
=> Improved Accuracy and Robustness of a Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation Method Based on Merging Superpixels
=> Improved accuracy assessment indices for object-based high resolution remotely sensed imagery classification
=> Improved Accuracy in Gradient Based Optical Flow Estimation
=> Improved Accuracy in Shape Based Image Retrieval with Complex Zernike Moments Using Wavelets
=> Improved Accuracy of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimates from MODIS Imagery Using a Two-Band Ratio Algorithm and Geostatistics: As Applied to the Monitoring of Eutrophication Processes over Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam)
=> Improved Accuracy of Phenological Detection in Rice Breeding by Using Ensemble Models of Machine Learning Based on UAV-RGB Imagery
=> Improved Accuracy of Riparian Zone Mapping Using Near Ground Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Photogrammetry Method
=> Improved action proposals using fine-grained proposal features with recurrent attention models
=> Improved action recognition by combining multiple 2D views in the bag-of-words model
=> Improved Active Contours Model Based on Morphology for Image Segmentation, An
=> Improved Active Deep Learning for Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Image
=> improved active noise control system without secondary path model, An
=> Improved Active Shape Model for automatic optical phase identification of microdrill bits in Printed Circuit Board production
=> improved active shape model: Handling occlusion and outliers, An
=> Improved Active Speaker Detection based on Optical Flow
=> Improved AdaBoost-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback via Paired Feature Learning
=> Improved Adaptive Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Video Compression Technology
=> Improved Adaptive Document Image Binarization Method, An
=> Improved adaptive gaussian mixture model for background subtraction
=> Improved adaptive image retrieval with the use of shadowed sets
=> Improved Adaptive Kalman Filter for a Single Frequency GNSS/MEMS-IMU/Odometer Integrated Navigation Module, An
=> Improved adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system car-following behaviour model based on the driver-vehicle delay
=> Improved Adaptive Path Following Control System for Autonomous Vehicle in Different Velocities
=> Improved Adaptive Pattern Analysis Algorithm for Isolating EMI, An
=> Improved Adaptive Smoothing Method, An
=> Improved Adaptive Sparrow Search Algorithm for TDOA-Based Localization, An
=> Improved Adaptive Spatial Information Clustering for Image Segmentation
=> Improved Adaptive Subsurface Phytoplankton Layer Detection Method for Ocean Lidar Data, An
=> Improved adaptive vector quantization algorithm using hybrid codebook data structure
=> Improved Adversarial Training via Learned Optimizer
=> Improved Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm for Moderate to High Spatial Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
=> Improved Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm for Multiangle Directional Polarimetric Camera (DPC), An
=> Improved Aerosol Optical Thickness, Columnar Water Vapor, and Surface Reflectance Retrieval from Combined CASI and SASI Airborne Hyperspectral Sensors
=> Improved Agent-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Smart Cameras
=> Improved Aggregated-Mosaic Method for the Sparse Object Detection of Remote Sensing Imagery, An
=> Improved Air-Light Estimation Scheme for Single Haze Images Using Color Constancy Prior, An
=> Improved Aircraft Recognition for Aerial Refueling Through Data Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Improved Albedo Estimates Implemented in the METRIC Model for Modeling Energy Balance Fluxes and Evapotranspiration over Agricultural and Natural Areas in the Brazilian Cerrado
=> Improved Algorithm about Subpixel Edge Detection Based on Zernike Moments and Three-Grayscale Pattern
=> Improved Algorithm for Algebraic Curve and Surface Fitting, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Defogging of Sky Images Based on Dark Channel Prior
=> Improved algorithm for detecting zero-quantised discrete cosine transform coefficients in H.264/AVC (revised version)
=> Improved Algorithm for Discriminating Soil Freezing and Thawing Using AMSR-E and AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Efficient Computation of Slepian Functions Over Arbitrary Regions on the Sphere
=> Improved Algorithm for Estimating the ICA Model Concerning the Convergence Rate, An
=> improved algorithm for estimating the Secchi disk depth from remote sensing data based on the new underwater visibility theory, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Harris Corner Detection, An
=> improved algorithm for interactive medical image segmentation based on Intelligent scissors, An
=> Improved algorithm for multiple sclerosis diagnosis in MRI using convolutional neural network
=> Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matching, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature From MSG-2/SEVIRI Data, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Rotational Motion Artifact Suppression in MRI, An
=> improved algorithm for segmenting and recognizing connected handwritten characters, An
=> Improved Algorithm for the Retrieval of the Antarctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness from ICESat-2 Altimeter Data, An
=> Improved Algorithm for the Sequential Extraction of Boundaries from a Raster Scan, An
=> improved algorithm for thinning binary digital patterns, An
=> improved algorithm for two-image camera self-calibration and Euclidean structure recovery using absolute quadric, An
=> improved algorithm For UWB based imaging of breast tumors, An
=> Improved Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design, An
=> Improved Algorithm of Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited Algorithm
=> Improved Algorithm of Error-Resilient Entropy Coding Using State Information
=> improved algorithm of median flow for visual object tracking and its implementation on ARM platform, An
=> Improved Algorithm Robust to Illumination Variations for Reconstructing Point Cloud Models from Images, An
=> Improved Algorithm to Delineate Urban Targets with Model-Based Decomposition of PolSAR Data, An
=> Improved Algorithm Used In Automatic Matching for Low-altitude Aerial Image, An
=> improved algorithm using weighted guided coefficient and union self-adaptive image enhancement for single image haze removal, An
=> Improved Algorithms for Robust Histogram Shape-Based Image Watermarking
=> Improved Algorithms for Translation of Pictures Represented by Leaf Codes
=> Improved algorithms for trip-chain estimation using massive student behaviour data from urban transit systems
=> improved all-optical diffractive deep neural network with less parameters for gesture recognition, An
=> Improved Altimeter in-Orbit Range Noise-Level Estimation Approach Based on Along-Track Differential Method, An
=> Improved AM-FM-Based Approach for Reconstructing Fingerprints from Minutiae, An
=> Improved Analysis for Subspace Pursuit Algorithm in Terms of Restricted Isometry Constant
=> Improved Analytical Formula for the SAR Doppler Centroid Estimation Standard Deviation for a Dynamic Sea Surface
=> Improved Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Improved anisotropic diffusion equation based on new non-local information scheme for image denoising