Online Pointers for Letter r

=> R-C3D: Region Convolutional 3D Network for Temporal Activity Detection
=> R-Clustering for Egocentric Video Segmentation
=> R-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
=> R-CNN Based Method to Localize Speech Balloons in Comics, An
=> R-CNN for Small Object Detection
=> R-CNN minus R
=> R-Covnet: Recurrent Neural Convolution Network for 3D Object Recognition
=> R-D optimized auxiliary information for inpainting-based view synthesis
=> R-D Optimized Multi-Layer Encoder Control for SVC
=> R-D optimized progressive compression of 3D meshes using prioritized gate selection and curvature prediction
=> R-DFCIL: Relation-Guided Representation Learning for Data-Free Class Incremental Learning
=> R-DFS: A Coverage Path Planning Approach Based on Region Optimal Decomposition
=> r-FACE: Reference guided face component editing
=> R-FCN-3000 at 30fps: Decoupling Detection and Classification
=> R-FUSE: Robust Fast Fusion of Multiband Images Based on Solving a Sylvester Equation
=> R-IMNet: Spatial-Temporal Evolution Analysis of Resource-Exhausted Urban Land Based on Residual-Intelligent Module Network
=> R-Letter disorder diagnosis (R-LDD): Arabic speech database development for automatic diagnosis of childhood speech disorders (Case study)
=> R-LKDepth: Recurrent Depth Learning With Larger Kernel
=> R-LRBPNet: A Lightweight SAR Image Oriented Ship Detection and Classification Method
=> R-MFNet: Analysis of Urban Carbon Stock Change against the Background of Land-Use Change Based on a Residual Multi-Module Fusion Network
=> R-MNet: A Perceptual Adversarial Network for Image Inpainting
=> R-MSFM: Recurrent Multi-Scale Feature Modulation for Monocular Depth Estimating
=> R-Net: A Relationship Network for Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detection
=> R-PCR: Recurrent Point Cloud Registration Using High-Order Markov Decision
=> R-PointHop: A Green, Accurate, and Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration Method
=> R-Pred: Two-Stage Motion Prediction Via Tube-Query Attention-Based Trajectory Refinement
=> r-Regularity
=> R-SigNet: Reduced space writer-independent feature learning for offline writer-dependent signature verification
=> R-SLAM: Optimizing Eye Tracking from Rolling Shutter Video of the Retina
=> R-snakes
=> R-SpaRCS: An algorithm for foreground-background separation of compressively-sensed surveillance videos
=> R-Unet: A Deep Learning Model for Rice Extraction in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
=> R&D investment in new energy vehicles with purchase subsidy based on technology adoption life cycle and customers' choice behaviour
=> R&D of Drone-borne SAR System
=> R(Det)2: Randomized Decision Routing for Object Detection
=> r, n)-Threshold Image Secret Sharing Methods with Small Shadow Images
=> R_1-2-DPCA and Face Recognition
=> R2-ResNeXt: A ResNeXt-Based Regression Model with Relative Ranking for Facial Beauty Prediction
=> R2-trans: Fine-grained visual categorization with redundancy reduction
=> R2-trans: Fine-grained visual categorization with redundancy reduction
=> R2CI: Information theoretic-guided feature selection with multiple correlations
=> R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Arbitrarily-Oriented Scene Text Detection
=> R2FA-Det: Delving into High-Quality Rotatable Boxes for Ship Detection in SAR Images
=> R2GAN: Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval With Generative Adversarial Network
=> R2L: Distilling Neural Radiance Field to Neural Light Field for Efficient Novel View Synthesis
=> R2Net: Relight the restored low-light image based on complementarity of illumination and reflection
=> R2Net: Residual refinement network for salient object detection
=> r2p2: A ReparameteRized Pushforward Policy for Diverse, Precise Generative Path Forecasting
=> R2RNet: Low-light image enhancement via Real-low to Real-normal Network
=> R2SN: Refined Semantic Segmentation Network of City Remote Sensing Image
=> R3-Net: A Deep Network for Multioriented Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images and Videos
=> R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
=> R3ACWU: A Lightweight, Trustworthy Authentication Scheme for UAV-Assisted IoT Applications
=> R3D3: Dense 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes from Multiple Cameras
=> R3DG features: Relative 3D geometry-based skeletal representations for human action recognition
=> R3L: Connecting Deep Reinforcement Learning To Recurrent Neural Networks for Image Denoising Via Residual Recovery
=> R3P: Real-time RGB-D Registration Pipeline
=> R4-Syn: Relative Referenceless Receiver/Receiver Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
=> R4 Det: Refined single-stage detector with feature recursion and refinement for rotating object detection in aerial images
=> R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes
=> R6P: Rolling shutter absolute pose problem
=> RA-CLIP: Retrieval Augmented Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training
=> RA-Depth: Resolution Adaptive Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
=> RA-YOLOX: Re-parameterization align decoupled head and novel label assignment scheme based on YOLOX
=> RA-YOLOX: Re-parameterization align decoupled head and novel label assignment scheme based on YOLOX
=> RA Code: A Robust and Aesthetic Code for Resolution-Constrained Applications
=> RA Loss: Relation-Aware Loss for Robust Person Re-identification
=> RAANet: A Residual ASPP with Attention Framework for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Rabin-Karp Implementation for Handling Multiple Pattern-Matching on the GPU, A
=> RaBit: Parametric Modeling of 3D Biped Cartoon Characters with a Topological-Consistent Dataset
=> RACDNet: Resolution- and Alignment-Aware Change Detection Network for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Race Bias Analysis of Bona Fide Errors in Face Anti-spoofing
=> Race Classification Based on Facial Features
=> Race to Improve Radar Imagery: An overview of recent progress in statistical sparsity-based techniques, The
=> Racial Bias in the Beautyverse: Evaluation of Augmented-Reality Beauty Filters
=> Racial Faces in the Wild: Reducing Racial Bias by Information Maximization Adaptation Network
=> Racing Bib Numbers Recognition
=> Racing Bicycle Detection/Tracking from UAV Footage, UAV Detection
=> RACKET: Real-time autonomous computation of kinematic elements in tennis
=> Racking focus and tracking focus on live video streams: A stereo solution
=> RACL: A robust adaptive contrastive learning method for conversational satisfaction prediction
=> RAD-BNN: Regulating activation distribution for accurate binary neural network
=> RAD-BNN: Regulating activation distribution for accurate binary neural network
=> RAD: Realtime and Accurate 3D Object Detection on Embedded Systems
=> RADAM: Texture recognition through randomized aggregated encoding of deep activation maps
=> Radar-Based Human-Motion Recognition With Deep Learning: Promising applications for indoor monitoring
=> Radar-Based Human Activity Recognition Under the Limited Measurement Data Support Using Domain Translation
=> Radar-Based Human Gait Recognition Using Dual-Channel Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Radar-Based Monitoring of Vital Signs: A Tutorial Overview
=> Radar-based multipoint displacement measurements of a 1200-m-long suspension bridge
=> Radar-Based Multisensor Fusion for Uninterrupted Reliable Positioning in GNSS-Denied Environments
=> Radar-Based Non-Contact Continuous Identity Authentication
=> Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasting Based on Improved U-Net Model
=> Radar-Based Shape and Reflectivity Reconstruction Using Active Surfaces and the Level Set Method
=> Radar-Camera Pixel Depth Association for Depth Completion
=> Radar-derived Internal Layering and Basal Roughness Characterization Along A Traverse From Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
=> Radar-Derived Internal Structure and Basal Roughness Characterization along a Traverse from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
=> Radar-Infrared Sensor Fusion Based on Hierarchical Features Mining
=> Radar-Jamming Decision-Making Based on Improved Q-Learning and FPGA Hardware Implementation
=> Radar-on-Chip/in-Package in Autonomous Driving Vehicles and Intelligent Transport Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
=> Radar-to-Radar Interference Suppression for Distributed Radar Sensor Networks
=> RADAR-Vegetation Structural Perpendicular Index (R-VSPI) for the Quantification of Wildfire Impact and Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery
=> Radar + RGB Fusion For Robust Object Detection In Autonomous Vehicle
=> Radar 101: Celebrating 101 Years of Development
=> Radar Active Jamming Recognition under Open World Setting
=> Radar Aeroecology
=> Radar Altimetry as a Proxy for Determining Terrestrial Water Storage Variability in Tropical Basins
=> Radar and Communication Spectral Coexistence on Moving Platform with Interference Suppression
=> Radar and Jammer Intelligent Game under Jamming Power Dynamic Allocation
=> Radar and Optical Data Comparison/Integration for Urban Delineation: A Case Study
=> Radar and Rain Gauge Merging-Based Precipitation Estimation via Geographical-Temporal Attention Continuous Conditional Random Field
=> Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing (2nd Edition)
=> Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing
=> Radar and vision data fusion for hybrid adaptive cruise control on highways
=> Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Hybrid Cruise Control on Highways
=> Radar Anti-Jamming Decision-Making Method Based on DDPG-MADDPG Algorithm
=> Radar apparatus using neural network for azimuth and elevation detection
=> Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow With Dual Ka-Band Radar
=> Radar Backscatter And Optical Textural Indices Fusion For Pine Plantation Structure Mapping
=> Radar Backscatter Mapping Using TerraSAR-X
=> Radar Backscatter Modeling Based on Global TanDEM-X Mission Data
=> Radar Backscattering of Lake Ice During Freezing and Thawing Stages Estimated by Ground-Based Scatterometer Experiment and Inversion From Genetic Algorithm
=> Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving
=> Radar Characteristics and Causal Analysis of Two Consecutive Tornado Events Associated with Heavy Precipitation during the Mei-Yu Season
=> Radar Coincidence Imaging: An Instantaneous Imaging Technique with Stochastic Signals
=> Radar Detection Method of Plasma-Sheath-Covered Target Based on the Improved Keystone Algorithm, A
=> Radar Detection of Moving Targets Behind Corners
=> Radar ECCM based on phase-aid distributed compressive sensing
=> Radar Echo Recognition of Gust Front Based on Deep Learning
=> Radar Echo Reconstruction in Oceanic Area via Deep Learning of Satellite Data
=> Radar Emitter Identification with Multi-View Adaptive Fusion Network (MAFN)
=> Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Parameter Set Clustering and Classification
=> Radar Emitter Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Open Set Recognition Based on Deep Neural Network
=> Radar emitter signal recognition based on support vector machines
=> Radar fusion to detect targets: Part II
=> Radar High-Resolution Range Profile Rejection Based on Deep Multi-Modal Support Vector Data Description
=> Radar High-Resolution Range Profile Ship Recognition Using Two-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks Concatenated with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
=> Radar HRRP Open Set Target Recognition Based on Closed Classification Boundary
=> Radar HRRP Target Recognition Based on Dynamic Learning with Limited Training Data
=> Radar HRRP Target Recognition Based on the Improved Kernel Distance Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method
=> Radar HRRP Target Recognition Model Based on a Stacked CNN-Bi-RNN With Attention Mechanism
=> Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
=> Radar HRRP Unseen Class Recognition Based on the Joint Dictionary Learning
=> Radar Image-Based Positioning for USV Under GPS Denial Environment
=> Radar image denoising by recursive thresholding
=> Radar image processing for ship-traffic control
=> Radar Image Reconstruction from Raw ADC Data using Parametric Variational Autoencoder with Domain Adaptation
=> Radar Image Series Denoising of Space Targets Based on Gaussian Process Regression
=> Radar Imager for Perception and Mapping in Outdoor Environments
=> Radar Imaging From Geosynchronous Orbit: Temporal Decorrelation Aspects
=> Radar imaging of moving targets in foliage using multifrequency multiaperture polarimetric SAR
=> Radar imaging of three-dimensional surfaces using limited data
=> Radar Imaging of Urban Areas by Means of Very High-Resolution SAR and Interferometric SAR
=> Radar Imaging Statistics of Non-Gaussian Rough Surface: A Physics-Based Simulation Study
=> Radar Imaging Through a Building Corner
=> Radar Imaging Through Cinderblock Walls: Achievable Performance by a Model-Corrected Linear Inverse Scattering Approach
=> Radar Interference Mitigation for Automated Driving: Exploring Proactive Strategies
=> Radar Interferometric Phase Ambiguity Resolution Using Viterbi Algorithm for High-Precision Space Target Positioning
=> Radar Interferometry as a Comprehensive Tool for Monitoring the Fault Activity in the Vicinity of Underground Gas Storage Facilities
=> Radar Interferometry as a Monitoring Tool for an Active Mining Area Using Sentinel-1 C-Band Data, Case Study of Riotinto Mine
=> Radar Interferometry Time Series to Investigate Deformation of Soft Clay Subgrade Settlement: A Case Study of Lungui Highway, China
=> Radar Interferometry: 20 Years of Development in Time Series Techniques and Future Perspectives
=> Radar Intra-Pulse Signal Modulation Classification with Contrastive Learning
=> Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Zoom Discrete Chirp Fourier Transform
=> Radar Measurements of Morphological Parameters and Species Identification Analysis of Migratory Insects
=> Radar Measurements of Snow Depth Over Sea Ice on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Radar micro-doppler for long range front-view gait recognition
=> Radar mosaic based on the explicit radar ray paths
=> Radar Observation of the Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars
=> Radar Path Delay Effects in Volcanic Gas Plumes: The Case of Láscar Volcano, Northern Chile
=> Radar Performance Degradation Elimination for Sub-Pulse-Based FMCW in DFRC
=> Radar Phase-Coded Waveform Design with Local Low Range Sidelobes Based on Particle Swarm-Assisted Projection Optimization
=> Radar Polarimetry Analysis Applied to Single-Hole Fully Polarimetric Borehole Radar
=> Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications II
=> RADAR Project: A Service for Research Data Archival and Publication, The
=> Radar Propagation Experiment in the North Sea: The Sylt Campaign
=> Radar Pulse Compression Methods Based on Nonlinear and Quadratic Optimization
=> Radar Pulse Stream Clustering Based on MaskRCNN Instance Segmentation Network
=> Radar Radial Velocity Dealiasing Algorithm for Radar Data Assimilation and its Evaluation with Observations from Multiple Radar Networks, A
=> Radar Recognition through Statistical Classification of Cellular Emission in the Moment Space
=> Radar Reconnaissance Pulse-Splitting Modeling and Detection Method
=> radar reflectance model for terrain analysis using shape from shading, A
=> Radar Reflectivity Assimilation Based on Hydrometeor Control Variables and Its Impact on Short-Term Precipitation Forecasting
=> Radar Reflectivity Image Prediction Method: The Spatial MIM + Pix2Pix, A
=> Radar Remote Sensing Applications in Landslide Monitoring With Multi-platform Insar Observations: a Case Study From China
=> Radar remote sensing image retrieval algorithm based on improved Sobel operator
=> Radar Remote Sensing of Urban Areas
=> Radar Remote Sensing to Supplement Pipeline Surveillance Programs through Measurements of Surface Deformations and Identification of Geohazard Risks
=> Radar Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for High-Resolution Mapping of Man-Made Forest Change in Chongming Eco-Island
=> Radar scan conversion for plan position indicator
=> Radar Scatter Decomposition to Differentiate between Running Ice Accumulations and Intact Ice Covers along Rivers
=> Radar Scattering From a Modulated Rough Surface: Simulations and Applications
=> Radar Scheme With Raised Reflector for NLOS Vehicle Detection
=> Radar Sea Clutter Reconstruction Based on Statistical Singularity Power Spectrum and Instantaneous Singularity Exponents Distribution
=> Radar sensors and sensor platform used for pedestrian protection in the EC-funded project SAVE-U
=> Radar Signal Classification with Multi-Frequency Multi-Scale Deformable Convolutional Networks and Attention Mechanisms
=> Radar Signal Environment Simulation Based on Quadrature Multiple Waveform Synthesis Method
=> Radar Signal Intrapulse Modulation Recognition Based on a Denoising-Guided Disentangled Network
=> Radar Signal Processing for Elderly Fall Detection: The future for in-home monitoring
=> Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The challenges associated with real-time implementation of emerging algorithms
=> Radar Signal Processor of the First Romanian Space Surveillance Radar, The
=> Radar Signals With ZACZ Based on Pairs of D-Code Sequences and Their Compression Algorithm
=> Radar Sounding Through the Earth's Ionosphere at 45 MHz
=> Radar Sounding Using the Cassini Altimeter: Waveform Modeling and Monte Carlo Approach for Data Inversion of Observations of Titan's Seas
=> Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues
=> Radar Stride Rate Extraction
=> Radar Target and Moving Clutter Separation Based on the Low-Rank Matrix Optimization
=> Radar Target Characterization and Deep Learning in Radar Automatic Target Recognition: A Review
=> Radar Target Detection Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
=> Radar Target Detection and Localization Aided by an Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
=> Radar Target Identification Using Spatial Matched-Filters
=> Radar target recognition based on fuzzy optimal transformation using high-resolution range profile
=> Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analysis theory and neural network
=> Radar Target Recognition Using Salient Keypoint Descriptors and Multitask Sparse Representation
=> Radar Target Tracking via Robust Linear Filtering
=> Radar Technologies for Earth Remote Sensing From CubeSat Platforms
=> Radar Tools
=> Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Data, A
=> Radar Waveform Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Clutter with PDA-RBPF and Max-Q-Based Criterion
=> Radar Waveform Sidelobe Level Optimality and Sampling
=> RADAR: Robust Algorithm for Depth Image Super Resolution Based on FRI Theory and Multimodal Dictionary Learning
=> RadarGNN: Transformation Invariant Graph Neural Network for Radar-based Perception
=> Radargrammetric 3D Imaging through Composite Registration Method Using Multi-Aspect Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
=> Radargrammetric approaches to the flat relief of the Amazon coast using COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X datasets
=> Radargrammetric DEM Extraction Over Urban Area Using Circular SAR Imagery
=> Radargrammetric Digital Surface Models Generation From Terrasar-x Imagery: Case Studies, Problems And Potentialities
=> Radargrammetric DSM Generation by Semi-Global Matching and Evaluation of Penalty Functions
=> Radargrammetric DSM generation in mountainous areas through adaptive-window least squares matching constrained by enhanced epipolar geometry
=> Radargrammetric registration of airborne multi-aspect SAR data of urban areas
=> Radarnet: Exploiting Radar for Robust Perception of Dynamic Objects
=> Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophysical Parameters of Regenerating Mangrove Forests
=> RADARSAT-2 Quad-Polarized Time Series for Monitoring Crop and Soil Conditions in Barrax, Spain, A
=> Radarsat-2 Synthetic-aperture Radar Land Cover Segmentation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First Results, The
=> RadarVerses in Metaverses: A CPSI-Based Architecture for 6S Radar Systems in CPSS
=> Radatron: Accurate Detection Using Multi-resolution Cascaded MIMO Radar
=> RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Observing Imagers Operating in the Visible to Shortwave Infrared Spectral Range
=> RadChat: Spectrum Sharing for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation
=> RADDet: Range-Azimuth-Doppler based Radar Object Detection for Dynamic Road Users
=> RADet: Refine Feature Pyramid Network and Multi-Layer Attention Network for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images
=> Radial-Based Undersampling for imbalanced data classification
=> Radial basis function based level set interpolation and evolution for deformable modelling
=> Radial Basis Function Based Neural Network for Motion Detection in Dynamic Scenes
=> Radial Basis Function for Registration of Local Features in Images, A
=> Radial Basis Function Networks and Complexity Regularization in Function Learning and Classification
=> Radial Basis Function Networks and Nonparametric Classification: Complexity Regularization and the Rates of Convergence
=> Radial Basis Function Networks in Nonparametric Classification and Function Learning
=> Radial Basis Functions Collocation Methods for Model Based Level-Set Segmentation
=> Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
=> Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
=> Radial basis functions with compact support for elastic registration of medical images
=> Radial Bright Channel Prior for Single Image Vignetting Correction
=> Radial correlations in iris patterns, and mutual information within IrisCodes
=> Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence, A
=> Radial Deblurring with FFTs
=> Radial distortion correction from a single image of a planar calibration pattern using convex optimization
=> Radial distortion homography
=> Radial Distortion Invariant Factorization for Structure from Motion
=> Radial distortion invariants and lens evaluation under a single-optical-axis omnidirectional camera
=> Radial Distortion Refinement by Inverse Mapping-Based Extrapolation
=> Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
=> Radial Distortion Triangulation
=> Radial Edge Configuration for Semi-local Image Structure Description
=> Radial feature descriptors for cell classification and recommendation
=> Radial Function Based Ab-Initio Tomographic Reconstruction for Cryo Electron Microscopy
=> Radial Grammars and Radial L-Systems
=> Radial homomorphic deconvolution of B-mode medical ultrasound images
=> Radial Imaging With Multipolar Magnetic Encoding Fields
=> Radial Lens Distortion Correction by Adding a Weight Layer with Inverted Foveal Models to Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Radial lens distortion correction using cascaded one-parameter division model
=> Radial Lens Distortion Correction Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained with Synthesized Images
=> Radial Meixner moments for rotational invariant pattern recognition
=> Radial Multi-focal Tensors: Applications to Omnidirectional Camera Calibration
=> Radial Neural Convolutional Layer for Multi-oriented Character Recognition, A
=> Radial Projection: An Efficient Update Rule for Relaxation Labeling
=> Radial projections for non-linear feature extraction
=> Radial Search Method for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Range Images, A
=> Radial segmentation
=> Radial shifted Legendre moments for image analysis and invariant image recognition
=> Radial symmetries based decomposition of cell clusters in binary and gray level images
=> Radial Symmetry Guided Particle Filter for Robust Iris Tracking
=> Radial Tchebichef moment invariants for image recognition
=> Radial Topology Algorithm: A New Approach for Deriving 2.5D GIS Data Models, The
=> Radial Trifocal Tensor: A Tool for Calibrating the Radial Distortion of Wide-Angle Cameras, The
=> Radial Velocity Retrieval for Multichannel SAR Moving Targets With Time-Space Doppler Deambiguity
=> Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations
=> Radially balanced error diffusion
=> RadialNet: a point cloud classification approach using local structure representation with radial basis function
=> Radiance-Reflectance Combined Optimization and Structure-Guided L_0-Norm for Single Image Dehazing
=> radiance cache method for highly glossy surfaces, A
=> Radiance Differences between Wavelength and Wavenumber Spaces in Convolving Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Spectrum to Broadband for Intercomparison, The
=> Radiance map construction based on spatial and intensity correlations between LE and SE images for HDR imaging
=> Radiance Uncertainty Characterisation to Facilitate Climate Data Record Creation
=> Radiant Power Patterns Inferred from Remote Sensing Using a Cloud Computing Platform, during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
=> RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and Transformer
=> Radiation-Variation Insensitive Coarse-to-Fine Image Registration for Infrared and Visible Remote Sensing Based on Zero-Shot Learning
=> Radiation Component Calculation and Energy Budget Analysis for the Korean Peninsula Region
=> Radiation Dose Reduction in CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using SMART-RECON
=> Radiation Feature Fusion Dual-Attention Cloud Segmentation Network
=> Radiation Mapping in Post-Disaster Environments Using an Autonomous Helicopter
=> Radiation of Arbitrary Magnetic Dipoles in a Cylindrically Layered Anisotropic Medium for Well-Logging Applications
=> Radiation Sensitivity Analysis of Ocean Wake Information Detection System Based on Visible Light Remote Sensing
=> Radiative Characteristics at 89 and 36 GHz for Satellite-Based Cloud Water Estimation Over Land
=> Radiative Effects and Costing Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo Changes
=> Radiative Energy Budget for East Asia Based on GK-2A/AMI Observation Data
=> Radiative Transfer Characteristics of the O2 Infrared Atmospheric Band in Limb-Viewing Geometry, The
=> Radiative transfer codes applied to hyperspectral data for the retrieval of surface reflectance
=> Radiative Transfer Image Simulation Using L-System Modeled Strawberry Canopies
=> Radiative Transfer Model for Heterogeneous Agro-Forestry Scenarios, A
=> Radiative Transfer Model for MW Cold and IR Hot Spots of Chang'e and Diviner Observations, A
=> Radiative Transfer Model for Patchy Landscapes Based on Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory, A
=> Radiative Transfer Model Simulations for Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers in North China
=> Radiative Transfer Modeling of Phytoplankton Fluorescence Quenching Processes
=> Radiative transfer modeling to measure fire impact and forest engineering resilience at short-term
=> Radical-Based Neighboring Segment Matching Method for On-Line Chinese Character Recognition
=> Radical aggregation network for few-shot offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
=> Radical analysis network for learning hierarchies of Chinese characters
=> Radical Approach to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Active Handwriting Models, A
=> Radical based fine trajectory HMMs of online handwritten characters
=> Radical Counter Network for Robust Chinese Character Recognition
=> Radical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters using GA-based kernel active shape modelling
=> Radio-Assisted Human Detection
=> Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging Based on a 180° Sample Rotation With Feasibility Study of Full Current Density Vector Reconstruction
=> Radio-Frequency Interference Mitigation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Microwave Radiometer
=> Radio-frequency interference separation and suppression from ultrawideband radar data via low-rank modeling
=> Radio-Frequency Vector Magnetic Field Mapping in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
=> Radio astronomical image deconvolution using prolate spheroidal wave functions
=> Radio astronomical imaging from coherence data
=> Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application
=> Radio Astronomy Image Enhancement in the Presence of Phase Errors Using Genetic Algorithms
=> Radio Base Stations and Electromagnetic Fields: GIS Applications and Models for Identifying Possible Risk Factors and Areas Exposed. Some Exemplifications in Rome
=> Radio Echo Sounding of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica: Aperture Synthesis Processing and Analysis of Feasibility From Space
=> Radio Frequencies: Policy and Management
=> Radio Frequency Fingerprint Extraction Based on Multi-Dimension Approximate Entropy
=> Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Localization in Sentinel-1 Images
=> Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation for Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on the Time-Frequency Constraint Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Properties
=> Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation in Data and Image Bi-Domains for an Aperture Synthesis Radiometer
=> Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Based on Instantaneous Spectrum Forward Consecutive Mean Excision
=> Radio Frequency Tomography for Nondestructive Testing of Pillars
=> Radio Frequency Tomography for Tunnel Detection
=> Radio Galaxy Morphology Generation using Residual Convolutional Autoencoder and Gaussian Mixture Models
=> Radio Map Assisted Path Planning for UAV Anti-Jamming Communications
=> Radio Resource Management for V2V Multihop Communication Considering Adjacent Channel Interference
=> RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
=> Radioactive Pollution Estimate For Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant By A Particle Model
=> Radiogenomics: Lung Cancer-Related Genes Mutation Status Prediction
=> Radiological Assessment on Interest Areas on the Sellafield Nuclear Site via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Radiological Identification of Near-Surface Mineralogical Deposits Using Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Radiological Pain Predictors in Knee Osteoarthritis, a Four Feature Selection Comparison: Data from the OAI
=> Radiological Surveillance Using a Fixed-Wing UAV Platform
=> Radiolucent 4D Ultrasound Imaging: System Design and Application to Radiotherapy Guidance
=> Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
=> Radiometric Aerial Triangulation for the Equalization of Digital Aerial Images and Orthoimages, A
=> Radiometric alignment of image sequences
=> Radiometric and Atmospheric Corrections of Multispectral µMCA Camera for UAV Spectroscopy
=> Radiometric And Geometric Accuracy Analysis Of Rasat Pan Imagery
=> Radiometric and Geometric Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery Acquired from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Radiometric and geometric characteristics of Pleiades images
=> Radiometric and geometric evaluation of GeoEye-1, WorldView-2 and Pléiades-1A stereo images for 3D information extraction
=> Radiometric and geometric evaluation of worldview-2 stereo scenes.
=> Radiometric and Geometric Quality Aspects of the Large Format Aerial Camera ULTRACAM XP
=> Radiometric and Polarimetric Quality Validation of Gaofen-3 over a Five-Year Operation Period
=> Radiometric and Spatial Resolution Constraints in Millimeter-Wave Close-Range Passive Screener Systems
=> Radiometric Approach for Estimating Relative Changes in Intraglacier Average Temperature
=> Radiometric Assessment of ICESat-2 over Vegetated Surfaces
=> Radiometric Block Adjusment and Digital Radiometric Model Generation
=> Radiometric Block Adjustment for Multi-Strip Airborne Waveform Lidar Data
=> Radiometric Calibration Accuracy of GOES Sounder Infrared Channels
=> Radiometric Calibration and Characterization of Largeformat Digital Photogrammetric Sensors in a Test Field
=> Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne multispectral cameras: Laboratory and field protocols
=> Radiometric Calibration by Rank Minimization
=> Radiometric calibration by transform invariant low-rank structure
=> Radiometric Calibration Evaluation for FY3D MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Channels at Lake Qinghai
=> Radiometric Calibration for AgCam
=> Radiometric calibration for HDR imaging
=> Radiometric Calibration for Incidence Angle, Range and Sub-Footprint Effects on Hyperspectral LiDAR Backscatter Intensity
=> Radiometric Calibration for Internet Photo Collections
=> Radiometric calibration from a single image
=> Radiometric Calibration from Faces in Images
=> Radiometric Calibration from Noise Distributions
=> Radiometric Calibration Methodology of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
=> Radiometric Calibration Model for the Field Imaging Spectrometer System, A
=> Radiometric Calibration of 'Commercial off the Shelf' Cameras for UAV-Based High-Resolution Temporal Crop Phenotyping of Reflectance and NDVI
=> Radiometric calibration of a Helmholtz stereo rig
=> Radiometric calibration of airborne LiDAR intensity data for land cover classification
=> Radiometric calibration of airborne LiDAR intensity data for land cover classification
=> Radiometric Calibration of ALS Intensity
=> Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
=> Radiometric Calibration of Full-Waveform Small-Footprint Airborne Laser Scanners
=> Radiometric Calibration Of Mars Hirise High Resolution Imagery Based On Fpga
=> Radiometric Calibration Of Multi-wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning Data
=> Radiometric calibration of small-footprint full-waveform airborne laser scanner measurements: Basic physical concepts
=> Radiometric Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with External Reference Targets
=> Radiometric Calibration of the Landsat MSS Sensor Series
=> Radiometric Calibration of the Near-Infrared Bands of GF-5-02/DPC for Water Vapor Retrieval
=> Radiometric Calibration of TLS Intensity: Application To Snow Cover Change Detection
=> Radiometric Calibration of UAV Remote Sensing Image with Spectral Angle Constraint
=> Radiometric calibration of vision cameras and intensity uncertainty estimation
=> Radiometric calibration using photo collections
=> Radiometric calibration using temporal irradiance mixtures
=> Radiometric calibration with illumination change for outdoor scene analysis
=> Radiometric CCD Camera Calibration and Noise Estimation
=> Radiometric Characteristics of KOMPSAT-3 Multispectral Images Using the Spectra of Well-Known Surface Tarps
=> Radiometric characterization of IKONOS multispectral imagery
=> Radiometric Comparison within the Sentinel-1 SAR Constellation over a Wide Backscatter Range
=> Radiometric compensation for procam system based on anchoring theory
=> Radiometric Compensation in a Projector-Camera System Based Properties of Human Vision System
=> Radiometric Compensation of Images Projected on Non-White Surfaces by Exploiting Chromatic Adaptation and Perceptual Anchoring
=> Radiometric compensation using stratified inverses
=> Radiometric confidence criterion for patch-based inpainting
=> Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery for Mineral Exploration of Vertical Outcrops
=> Radiometric Correction and Normalization of Airborne LiDAR Intensity Data for Improving Land-Cover Classification
=> Radiometric Correction of Airborne Radar Images Over Forested Terrain With Topography
=> Radiometric Correction of Close-Range Spectral Image Blocks Captured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a Radiometric Block Adjustment
=> Radiometric correction of hemispherical images
=> Radiometric Correction of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Scenes Using Drone Imagery in Synergy with Field Spectroradiometry
=> Radiometric correction of laser scanning intensity data applied for terrestrial laser scanning
=> Radiometric Correction of Multispectral UAS Images: Evaluating the Accuracy of the Parrot Sequoia Camera and Sunshine Sensor
=> Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy
=> Radiometric Correction with Topography Influence of Multispectral Imagery Obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
=> Radiometric Corrections for Multispectral Airborne Video Imagery
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-1 PMS Sensor with a New BRDF Model
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 PMS Sensor Based on Assimilation of Landsat-8 OLI Images
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4/PMS Based on Radiometric Block Adjustment
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF6-PMS and WFV Sensors with Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 9-OLI2
=> Radiometric Cross-calibration of Kompsat-3a with Landsat-8
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Large-View-Angle Satellite Sensors Using Global Searching to Reduce BRDF Influence
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite FASat-C Using RapidEye and EO-1 Hyperion Data and a Simultaneous Nadir Overpass Approach
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS
=> Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Wide-Field-of-View Cameras Based on Gaofen-1/6 Satellite Synergistic Observations Using Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Images: A Solution for Off-Nadir Wide-Field-of-View Associated Problems
=> Radiometric Cross Calibration and Validation Using 4 Angle BRDF Model between Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A
=> Radiometric cross Calibration of Gaofen-1 WFV Cameras Using Landsat-8 OLI Images: A Simple Image-Based Method
=> Radiometric Cross Calibration of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
=> Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations
=> Radiometric enhancement of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data for volumetric representation in environmental applications
=> Radiometric Equalization of Nonperiodic Striping in Satellite Data
=> Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes
=> Radiometric framework for image mosaicking
=> Radiometric Inter-Calibration between Himawari-8 AHI and S-NPP VIIRS for the Solar Reflective Bands
=> Radiometric Inter-Consistency of VIIRS DNB on Suomi NPP and NOAA-20 from Observations of Reflected Lunar Lights over Deep Convective Clouds
=> Radiometric inter-sensor cross-calibration uncertainty using a traceable high accuracy reference hyperspectral imager
=> Radiometric invariant stereo matching based on relative gradients
=> Radiometric Measurement Quantity for SAR Images, The
=> Radiometric Microwave Indices for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces
=> Radiometric Model and Inter-Comparison Results of the SGLI-VNR On-Board Calibration
=> Radiometric Non-Uniformity Characterization and Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Using Earth Imagery-Based Techniques
=> Radiometric normalization and cloud detection of optical satellite images using invariant pixels
=> Radiometric Normalization for Cross-Sensor Optical Gaofen Images with Change Detection and Chi-Square Test
=> Radiometric Normalization Of Large Airborne Image Data Sets Acquired By Different Sensor Types
=> Radiometric normalization of multitemporal high-resolution satellite images with quality control for land cover change detection
=> Radiometric Normalization of SPOT-5 Scenes: 6S Atmospheric Model versus Pseudo-invariant Features
=> Radiometric Normalization of Temporal Images Combining Automatic Detection of Pseudo-Invariant Features from the Distance and Similarity Spectral Measures, Density Scatterplot Analysis, and Robust Regression
=> Radiometric order preserving method to display wide-dynamic images for imagery photointerpretation
=> Radiometric Performance Evaluation of ASTER VNIR, SWIR, and TIR
=> Radiometric Performance of the TerraSAR-X Mission over More Than Ten Years of Operation
=> Radiometric Quality Assessment for Maxar HD Imagery
=> Radiometric Resolution Analysis and a Simulation Model
=> Radiometric Scene Decomposition: Scene Reflectance, Illumination, and Geometry from RGB-D Images
=> Radiometric Self Calibration
=> Radiometric Self Calibration
=> Radiometric Self Calibration
=> Radiometric Sensitivity and Signal Detectability of Ocean Color Satellite Sensor Under High Solar Zenith Angles
=> Radiometric Stability and Scaling of Collection 6 Terra- and Aqua-MODIS VIS, NIR, and SWIR Spectral Bands, The
=> Radiometric stability assessment of an airborne photogrammetric sensor in a test field
=> Radiometric Stability Monitoring of the Suomi NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Reflective Solar Bands Using the Moon
=> Radiometric Terrain Correction Method Based on RPC Model for Polarimetric SAR Data
=> Radiometric Terrain Flattening of Geocoded Stacks of SAR Imagery
=> Radiometric Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Consistency Assessment for Landsat 8/OLI, Sentinel-2/MSI, PROBA-V, and DEIMOS-1 over Libya-4 and RadCalNet Calibration Sites
=> Radiometric Uncertainty Tool for the Sentinel 2 Mission, A
=> Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements
=> Radiometric, Geometric, and Image Quality Assessment of ALOS AVNIR-2 and PRISM Sensors
=> Radiometrically-Compensated Projection onto Non-Lambertian Surface Using Multiple Overlapping Projectors
=> Radiometrically Consistent Climate Fingerprinting Using CrIS and AIRS Hyperspectral Observations
=> Radiometry Calibration With High-Resolution Profiles of GPM: Application to ATMS 183-GHz Water Vapor Channels and Comparison Against Reanalysis Profiles
=> Radiometry of Multiple Images, The
=> Radiometry Propagation to Large 3D Point Clouds from Sparsely Sampled Ground Truth
=> Radiomic and Dosiomic Profiling of Paediatric Medulloblastoma Tumours Treated with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
=> Radiomic Deformation and Textural Heterogeneity (R-DepTH) Descriptor to Characterize Tumor Field Effect: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma
=> Radiomic feature reliability of amide proton transfer-weighted MR images acquired with compressed sensing at 3?T
=> Radiomics-Guided Global-Local Transformer for Weakly Supervised Pathology Localization in Chest X-Rays
=> Radiomics Analyses of Schwannomas in the Head and Neck: A Preliminary Analysis
=> RadioTransformer: A Cascaded Global-Focal Transformer for Visual Attention-Guided Disease Classification
=> Radix-3 Algorithm for the Fast Computation of Forward and Inverse MDCT
=> Radix-4x4 for fast calculation of the 2-D NMNT
=> Radix-N Algorithm for Computing N^(2^(n))-Point DFT Approximations
=> RADOLAN_API: An Hourly Soil Moisture Data Set Based on Weather Radar, Soil Properties and Reanalysis Temperature Data
=> Radon-Augmented Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery to Derive Wave-Patterns and Regional Bathymetry
=> Radon-Based Structure from Motion without Correspondences
=> Radon-Gabor barcodes for medical image retrieval
=> Radon-Like features and their application to connectomics
=> Radon-Linear Canonical Ambiguity Function-Based Detection and Estimation Method for Marine Target With Micromotion
=> Radon-Split Method for Helical Cone-Beam CT and Its Application to Nongated Reconstruction, The
=> Radon-Transform-Based Image Noise Filter: With Applications to Multibeam Bathymetry, A
=> Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform and Its Application to Image Classification, The
=> radon image as plenoptic function, The
=> Radon Inversion via Deep Learning
=> Radon Representation-Based Feature Descriptor for Texture Classification
=> Radon space and Adaboost for Pose Estimation
=> Radon Space Dose Optimization in Repeat CT Scanning
=> Radon transform-based analysis of bidirectional structural textures, The
=> Radon transform and Conformal Geometric Algebra with lines
=> Radon Transform and Harmonical Analysis Using Lines for 3D Rotation Estimation without Correpondences from Omnidirectional Vision
=> Radon Transform and Its Application to Shape Parameterization in Machine Vision, The
=> Radon Transform based Ship-Wake Detection
=> Radon transform for lineal symbol representation
=> Radon Transform For Terahertz Computed Tomography Incorporating The Beam Shape, The
=> Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture recognition
=> Radon Transform Inversion via Wiener Filtering over the Euclidean Motion Group
=> Radon Transform Orientation Estimation for Rotation Invariant Texture Analysis
=> Radon/ridgelet signature for image authentication
=> RADU: Ray-Aligned Depth Update Convolutions for ToF Data Denoising
=> RadWet-L: A Novel Approach for Mapping of Inundation Dynamics of Forested Wetlands Using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 L-Band Radar Imagery
=> RadWet: An Improved and Transferable Mapping of Open Water and Inundated Vegetation Using Sentinel-1
=> RAF-AU Database: In-the-wild Facial Expressions with Subjective Emotion Judgement and Objective Au Annotations
=> RAFM: Recurrent Atrous Feature Modulation for Accurate Monocular Depth Estimating
=> RAFNet: Reparameterizable Across-Resolution Fusion Network for Real-Time Image Semantic Segmentation
=> RaFPN: Relation-Aware Feature Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
=> RAFT-3D: Scene Flow using Rigid-Motion Embeddings
=> RAFT-MSF: Self-Supervised Monocular Scene Flow Using Recurrent Optimizer
=> RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching
=> Raft cultivation area extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery by fusing multi-scale region-line primitive association features
=> Raft: Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow
=> RaftMLP: How Much Can Be Done Without Attention and with Less Spatial Locality?
=> RaftMLP: How Much Can Be Done Without Attention and with Less Spatial Locality?
=> RaftNet: A New Deep Neural Network for Coastal Raft Aquaculture Extraction from Landsat 8 OLI Data
=> RAG-Net: ResNet-50 attention gate network for accurate iris segmentation
=> ragBERT: Relationship-aligned and grammar-wise BERT model for image captioning
=> RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring With Consistency Regularisation
=> RAGO: Recurrent Graph Optimizer For Multiple Rotation Averaging
=> RAGS: Region-Aided Geometric Snake
=> RAiA-Net: A Multi-Stage Network With Refined Attention in Attention Module for Single Image Deraining
=> RAIC: Robust Adaptive Image Clustering
=> RAID-G: Robust Estimation of Approximate Infinite Dimensional Gaussian with Application to Material Recognition
=> RaidaR: A Rich Annotated Image Dataset of Rainy Street Scenes
=> Rail Central Displacement Method About GB-SAR, A
=> Rail Component Detection, Optimization, and Assessment for Automatic Rail Track Inspection
=> Rail Corrugation Detection by Gabor Filtering
=> Rail transit OD-matrix completion via manifold regularized tensor factorisation
=> Railcar Detection, Identification and Tracking for Rail Yard Management
=> Railmapper: A Dedicated Mobile Lidar Mapping System for Railway Networks, The
=> Railroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> Railroad online: acquiring and visualizing route panoramas of rail scenes
=> Railway Accident Prevention System Using an Intelligent Pilot Vehicle, A
=> Railway Alignment Optimization Based on Multiobjective Bi-Level Programming Considering Ecological Impact
=> Railway Automatic Switch Stationary Contacts Wear Detection Under Few-Shot Occasions
=> Railway Ballast Monitoring by GPR: A Test-Site Investigation
=> Railway car routing optimization based on the coordinated utilization of station-line capacities
=> Railway Cyber-Security in the Era of Interconnected Systems: A Survey
=> Railway Fastener Inspection by Real-Time Machine Vision
=> Railway freight volume forecast using an ensemble model with optimised deep belief network
=> Railway infrastructure asset management: The whole-system life cost analysis
=> Railway Intrusion Detection Based on Machine Vision: A Survey, Challenges, and Perspectives
=> Railway Lidar Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Target Detection and Trajectory Filtering, A
=> Railway System Energy Management Optimization Demonstrated at Offline and Online Case Studies
=> Railway Track Condition Assessment at Network Level by Frequency Domain Analysis of GPR Data
=> Railway Track Recognition Based on Radar Cross-Section Statistical Characterization Using mmWave Radar
=> Railway Traffic Conflict Detection via a State Transition Prediction Approach
=> Railway Traffic Object Detection Using Differential Feature Fusion Convolution Neural Network
=> RAIM-NET: A Deep Neural Network for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
=> RAIM Fault Detection and Exclusion with Spatial Correlation for Integrity Monitoring
=> Rain-code Fusion: Code-to-code Convlstm Forecasting Spatiotemporal Precipitation
=> Rain-component-aware capsule-GAN for single image de-raining
=> RAIN-F+: The Data-Driven Precipitation Prediction Model for Integrated Weather Observations
=> Rain-Free and Residue Hand-in-Hand: A Progressive Coupled Network for Real-Time Image Deraining
=> Rain-Prior Injected Knowledge Distillation for Single Image Deraining
=> Rain-Use-Efficiency: What it Tells us about the Conflicting Sahel Greening and Sahelian Paradox
=> Rain Clouds Tracking with Radar Image Processing Based on Morphological Skeleton Matching
=> Rain Detection From X-Band Marine Radar Images: A Support Vector Machine-Based Approach
=> Rain Microstructure Parameters Vary with Large-Scale Weather Conditions in Lausanne, Switzerland
=> Rain Monitoring with Polarimetric GNSS Signals: Ground-Based Experimental Research
=> Rain O'er Me: Synthesizing Real Rain to Derain With Data Distillation
=> Rain or Snow Detection in Image Sequences Through Use of a Histogram of Orientation of Streaks
=> Rain Pixel Recovery Algorithm for Videos With Highly Dynamic Scenes, A
=> Rain Radar and Meteorological Parameters Fusion for Precipitation Nowcasting: Effect Exploration and Lightweight Model
=> Rain Removal From Light Field Images With 4D Convolution and Multi-Scale Gaussian Process
=> Rain Removal in Traffic Surveillance: Does it Matter?
=> Rain removal system for dynamic scene in diminished reality
=> Rain removal via residual generation cascading
=> Rain Rendering for Evaluating and Improving Robustness to Bad Weather
=> Rain Streak Removal From Light Field Images
=> Rain Streak Removal Using Layer Priors
=> Rain Streak Removal with Well-recovered Moving Objects from Video Sequences Using Photometric Correlation
=> Rain Streaks Removal for Single Image Via Directional Total Variation Regularization
=> RAIN: Reinforced Hybrid Attention Inference Network for Motion Forecasting
=> Rainbow Coverage Path Planning for a Patrolling Mobile Robot With Circular Sensing Range, A
=> Rainbow Flash Camera: Depth Edge Extraction Using Complementary Colors
=> Rainbow Flash Camera: Depth Edge Extraction Using Complementary Colors
=> Rainbow Memory: Continual Learning with a Memory of Diverse Samples
=> Rainbow UDA: Combining Domain Adaptive Models for Semantic Segmentation Tasks
=> RAINBOW: An Operational Oriented Combined IR-Algorithm
=> Raindrop-Aware GAN: Unsupervised Learning for Raindrop-Contaminated Coastal Video Enhancement
=> Raindrop-Tampered Scene Detection and Traffic Flow Estimation for Nighttime Traffic Surveillance
=> Raindrop Detection and Removal from Long Range Trajectories
=> Raindrop detection and removal using salient visual features
=> Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Precipitation Events Based on a PWS100 Disdrometer in the Alpine Mountains, Eastern Tianshan, China
=> Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of the Western Pacific Tropical Cyclones Measured in the Palau Islands
=> Raindrop Size Distribution Prediction by an Improved Long Short-Term Memory Network
=> Raindrop Size Distributions and Rain Characteristics Observed by a PARSIVEL Disdrometer in Beijing, Northern China
=> Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Observed at the Coastal and Inland Stations in South India
=> Raindrops size from video and image processing
=> Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Recognition and Transferability Using Object-Based Image Analysis in Brazil
=> Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Two Adjacent Catchments Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Rainfall-integrated traffic speed prediction using deep learning method
=> Rainfall Area Identification Algorithm Based on Himawari-8 Satellite Data and Analysis of its Spatiotemporal Characteristics
=> Rainfall Consistency, Variability, and Concentration over the UAE: Satellite Precipitation Products vs. Rain Gauge Observations
=> Rainfall Differences and Possible Causes of Similar-Track Tropical Cyclones Affected and Unaffected by Binary Tropical Cyclones (BTCs) in China
=> Rainfall Erosivity Characteristics during 1961-2100 in the Loess Plateau, China
=> Rainfall Erosivity in Peru: A New Gridded Dataset Based on GPM-IMERG and Comprehensive Assessment (2000-2020)
=> Rainfall Erosivity Mapping for Tibetan Plateau Using High-Resolution Temporal and Spatial Precipitation Datasets for the Third Pole
=> Rainfall Estimation with a Geosensor Network of Cars: Theoretical Considerations and First Results
=> Rainfall Fields Monitoring Based on Satellite Microwave Down-Links and Traditional Techniques in the City of Genoa
=> Rainfall Forecast Using Machine Learning with High Spatiotemporal Satellite Imagery Every 10 Minutes
=> Rainfall Induced Shallow Landslide Temporal Probability Modelling and Early Warning Research in Mountains Areas: A Case Study of Qin-Ba Mountains, Western China
=> Rainfall Intra-Seasonal Variability and Vegetation Growth in the Ferlo Basin (Senegal)
=> Rainfall Model Based on a Geographically Weighted Regression Algorithm for Rainfall Estimations over the Arid Qaidam Basin in China, A
=> Rainfall Variability and Trends over the African Continent Using TAMSAT Data (1983-2020): Towards Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation
=> Rainfall Variability, Wetland Persistence, and Water-Carbon Cycle Coupling in the Upper Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa
=> RainFlow: Optical Flow Under Rain Streaks and Rain Veiling Effect
=> RainGAN: Unsupervised Raindrop Removal via Decomposition and Composition
=> Rainrate Estimation from FY-4A Cloud Top Temperature for Mesoscale Convective Systems by Using Machine Learning Algorithm
=> Rainy Night Scene Understanding With Near Scene Semantic Adaptation
=> Raising Awareness about Space via Vibro-Tactile Notifications
=> Raising context awareness in motion forecasting
=> Raising in watershed lattices
=> Raising Semantics-Awareness in Geospatial Metadata Management
=> Raising the Bar on the Evaluation of Out-of-Distribution Detection
=> Raking over the Ashes: The Analysis of the LBA Ashmounds from NE Romania
=> RALF: A reinforced active learning formulation for object class recognition
=> RaLL: End-to-End Radar Localization on Lidar Map Using Differentiable Measurement Model
=> RAM360: Robust Adaptive Multi-Layer 360° Video Streaming With Lyapunov Optimization
=> RAMA: A Rapid Multicut Algorithm on GPU
=> Raman Lidar Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties in 11 Cities from France to Siberia
=> Raman Spectroscopy from Laboratory and Proximal to Remote Sensing: A Tool for the Volcanological Sciences
=> Ramanujan Sums as Derivatives and Applications
=> RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint for Satellite Video Single-Object Tracking
=> RAMCIP Robot: A Personal Robotic Assistant: Demonstration of a Complete Framework
=> RamGAN: Region Attentive Morphing GAN for Region-Level Makeup Transfer
=> Ramp Distribution-Based Image Enhancement Techniques for Infrared Images
=> Ramp Loss based robust one-class SVM
=> Ramps are better than stairs to reduce cybersickness in applications based on a HMD and a Gamepad
=> RAMT-GAN: Realistic and accurate makeup transfer with generative adversarial network
=> RANA: Relightable Articulated Neural Avatars
=> RANCER: Non-Axis Aligned Anisotropic Certification with Randomized Smoothing
=> Randaugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space
=> RandLA-Net: Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds
=> Random-access-aware Light Field Video Coding using Tree Pruning Method
=> Random-bit sequence generation from image data
=> Random-Field Model-Based Algorithm for Anomalous Complex Image Pixel Detection, A
=> Random-Frequency SAR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
=> Random-Grid-Based Visual Cryptography Schemes
=> Random-Noise Attenuation for Seismic Data by Local Parallel Radial-Trace TFPF
=> random-periods model for the comparison of a metrics efficiency to classify cell-cycle expressed genes, A
=> Random-Positioned License Plate Recognition Using Hybrid Broad Learning System and Convolutional Networks
=> Random-sampling-based spatial-temporal feature for consumer video concept classification
=> Random-Selection-Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery
=> random-valued impulse noise removal algorithm with local deviation index and edge-preserving regularization, A
=> Random-valued impulse noise removal using adaptive dual threshold median filter
=> Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-local means
=> Random-Walker-Based Collaborative Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Random-Walker Monocular Road Detection in Adverse Conditions Using Automated Spatiotemporal Seed Selection
=> Random Access in C-RAN for User Activity Detection With Limited-Capacity Fronthaul
=> Random Access Memories: A New Paradigm for Target Detection in High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing Images
=> Random access point period optimization for viewport adaptive tile based streaming of 360° video
=> Random access using isolated regions
=> Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-Scale Matrices With Missing Entries, A
=> Random and Adversarial Bit Error Robustness: Energy-Efficient and Secure DNN Accelerators
=> Random automatic detection of clusters
=> Random Binary Search Trees for Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search in Binary Space
=> Random bounce algorithm: Real-time image processing for the detection of bats and birds
=> Random Boxes Are Open-world Object Detectors
=> Random Boxes Are Open-world Object Detectors
=> Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
=> Random Cascades of Gaussian Scale Mixtures and Their Use in Modeling Natural Images with Application to Denoising
=> Random Cascades of Gaussian Scale Mixtures and Their Use in Modeling Natural Images with Application to Denoising
=> Random Cascades on Wavelet Trees and Their Use in Modeling and Analyzing Natural Imagery
=> random center surround bottom up visual attention model useful for salient region detection, A
=> Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting, The
=> Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting, The
=> Random Collective Representation-Based Detector with Multiple Features for Hyperspectral Images
=> Random cross-observation intensity consistency method for large-scale SAR images mosaics: An example of Gaofen-3 SAR images covering China
=> Random Cycle Loss and Its Application to Voice Conversion
=> Random Decision Forests Approach to Face Detection, A
=> Random Decomposition Forests
=> Random direction divisive clustering
=> Random Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
=> Random Discriminative Projection Based Feature Selection with Application to Conflict Recognition
=> random electrode selection ensemble for EEG signal classification, The
=> Random Embedding Machines for Low-complexity Pattern Recognition
=> Random ensemble metrics for object recognition
=> Random epipolar constraint loss functions for supervised optical flow estimation
=> Random epipolar constraint loss functions for supervised optical flow estimation
=> Random Error Modeling and Analysis of Airborne Lidar Systems
=> Random Exploration of the Procedural Space for Single-View 3D Modeling of Buildings
=> Random Extension for Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Metric Learning, A
=> Random Faces Guided Sparse Many-to-One Encoder for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
=> Random feature maps via a Layered Random Projection (LARP) framework for object classification
=> Random feature subset selection in a nonstationary environment: Application to textured image segmentation
=> Random Features for Kernel Approximation: A Survey on Algorithms, Theory, and Beyond
=> Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines
=> Random Features for Sparse Signal Classification
=> Random Field Computational Adaptive Optics Framework for Optical Coherence Microscopy, A
=> Random Field Model for Improved Feature Extraction and Tracking, A
=> Random Field Model for Integration of Local Information and Global Information
=> Random field models in the textural analysis of ultrasonic images of the liver
=> Random Field Models of Images
=> Random Field Texture Coding
=> Random field topic model for semantic region analysis in crowded scenes from tracklets
=> Random Forest-Based Approach to Map Soil Erosion Risk Distribution in Hickory Plantations in Western Zhejiang Province, China, A
=> Random Forest-Based CA-Markov Model to Examine the Dynamics of Land Use/Cover Change Aided with Remote Sensing and GIS, A
=> Random Forest-Based Data Fusion Method for Obtaining All-Weather Land Surface Temperature with High Spatial Resolution, A
=> random forest-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from dynamic contrast-enhanced CT images, A
=> Random Forest-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Coastal Regions of Artvin, Turkey
=> Random Forest-Based Manifold Learning for Classification of Imaging Data in Dementia
=> Random Forest-Based Method of Fine-Resolution Population Spatialization by Using the International Space Station Nighttime Photography and Social Sensing Data, The
=> Random Forest-Based Reconstruction and Application of the GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates for the Lancang-Mekong River Basin
=> Random Forest-based River Plastic Detection with a Handheld Multispectral Camera
=> Random Forest-Based Soil Moisture Estimation Using Sentinel-2, Landsat-8/9, and UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data
=> Random forest-based tuberculosis bacteria classification in images of ZN-stained sputum smear samples
=> Random Forest-cellular Automata Modeling Approach to Predict Future Forest Cover Change in Middle Atlas Morocco, Under Anthropic, Biotic and Abiotic Parameters, A
=> Random Forest Algorithm Combined with Bayesian Optimization for Atmospheric Duct Estimation, A
=> Random Forest Algorithm for Landsat Image Chromatic Aberration Restoration Based on GEE Cloud Platform: A Case Study of Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, A
=> Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle, A
=> Random Forest Algorithm Improves Detection of Physiological Activity Embedded within Reflectance Spectra Using Stomatal Conductance as a Test Case
=> Random Forest And Objected-based Classification For Forest Pest Extraction From UAV Aerial Imagery
=> Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D-LBP feature extraction
=> Random Forest and Rotation Forest for fully polarized SAR image classification using polarimetric and spatial features
=> random forest approach to segmenting and classifying gestures, A
=> Random Forest Based Approach for One Class Classification in Medical Imaging, A
=> Random Forest Based Left Ventricle Segmentation in LGE-MRI
=> Random forest classification based acoustic event detection utilizing contextual-information and bottleneck features
=> Random Forest Classification of Inundation Following Hurricane Florence (2018) via L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar and Ancillary Datasets
=> Random Forest Classification of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Using Sentinel-2 Data: A Case Study of Czechia
=> Random Forest Classification Of Sediments On Exposed Intertidal Flats Using Alos-2 Quad-polarimetric Sar Data
=> Random Forest Classification of Wetland Landcovers from Multi-Sensor Data in the Arid Region of Xinjiang, China
=> random forest classifier based on pixel comparison features for urban LiDAR data, A
=> Random Forest Classifier for Cloud Clearing of the Operational TROPOMI XCH4 Product
=> Random Forest Clustering and Application to Video Segmentation
=> Random forest clustering for discrete sequences
=> Random Forest Construction With Robust Semisupervised Node Splitting
=> Random forest dissimilarity based multi-view learning for Radiomics application
=> Random Forest Ensembles and Extended Multiextinction Profiles for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Random Forest for Gene Expression Based Cancer Classification: Overlooked Issues
=> Random Forest for Image Annotation
=> Random Forest for Reliable Pre-classification of Handwritten Characters
=> Random forest in remote sensing: A review of applications and future directions
=> Random Forest Machine Learning Approach for the Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Wheat, A
=> Random Forest Method to Forecast Downbursts Based on Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures, A
=> Random Forest Model-Based Inversion of Aerosol Vertical Profiles in China Using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Oxygen A-Band Observations
=> Random Forest Model and Sample Explainer for Non-experts in Machine Learning: Two Case Studies
=> Random Forest Model for Drought: Monitoring and Validation for Grassland Drought Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, A
=> Random forest regression for manifold-valued responses
=> Random Forest Regression Model for Estimation of the Growing Stock Volumes in Georgia, USA, Using Dense Landsat Time Series and FIA Dataset
=> Random Forest Spatial Interpolation
=> Random Forest Variable Importance Measures for Spatial Dynamics: Case Studies from Urban Demography
=> Random Forest Variable Importance Spectral Indices Scheme for Burnt Forest Recovery Monitoring: Multilevel RF-VIMP
=> Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2 L-band, RADARSAT-2 C-band, and TerraSAR-X imagery
=> Random Forest With Learned Representations for Semantic Segmentation
=> Random Forest with Suppressed Leaves for Hough Voting
=> Random Forests-based Feature Selection For Land-Use Classification Using Lidar Data And Orthoimagery
=> Random Forests Based Multiple Classifier System For Power-Line Scene Classification
=> Random Forests for land cover classification
=> Random Forests for Landslide Prediction in Tsengwen River Watershed, Central Taiwan
=> Random Forests for Real Time 3D Face Analysis
=> Random Forests for Simultaneous-Multislice (SMS) Undersampled HARDI Reconstruction and Uncertainty Estimation
=> Random Forests of Local Experts for Pedestrian Detection
=> random forests quantile classifier for class imbalanced data, A
=> Random Forests with Bagging and Genetic Algorithms Coupled with Least Trimmed Squares Regression for Soil Moisture Deficit Using SMOS Satellite Soil Moisture
=> Random Forests with ensemble of feature spaces
=> Random Forests
=> Random Fourier Approximations for Skewed Multiplicative Histogram Kernels
=> Random Generated Dictionaries for Convolutional Sparse Coding: An ELM Interpretation for Simple CSC Applications
=> Random Geometric Prior Forest for Multiclass Object Segmentation
=> Random grid-based visual secret sharing with abilities of OR and XOR decryptions
=> Random grid-based visual secret sharing with multiple decryptions
=> Random grid based color visual cryptography scheme for black and white secret images with general access structures
=> Random Grids-Based Threshold Visual Secret Sharing with Improved Contrast by Boolean Operations
=> Random Grids-Based Threshold Visual Secret Sharing with Improved Visual Quality
=> Random Grids: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors and Range Searching for Image Search
=> Random hand gesture authentication via efficient Temporal Segment Set Network
=> Random hand gesture authentication via efficient Temporal Segment Set Network
=> Random Hole Display: A non-uniform barrier autostereoscopic display
=> Random image frequency aggregation dropout in image classification for deep convolutional neural networks
=> Random Image Matching CAPTCHA System
=> Random impulse noise removal using sparse and low rank decomposition of annihilating filter-based Hankel matrix
=> Random impulsive scan for lidar sampling
=> Random Laplace Feature Maps for Semigroup Kernels on Histograms
=> Random Lens Imaging
=> Random linear network coding with ladder-shaped global coding matrix for robust video transmission
=> Random Matching Pursuit for Image Watermarking
=> Random Matrix Ensembles of Time Correlation Matrices to Analyze Visual Lifelogs
=> Random Matrix Theory-Based Reduced-Dimension Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Finite Training Samples
=> Random maximum margin hashing
=> random monogenic signal, The
=> Random Multi-Graphs: A semi-supervised learning framework for classification of high dimensional data
=> Random Multispace Quantization as an Analytic Mechanism for BioHashing of Biometric and Random Identity Inputs
=> Random N-Finder (N-FINDR) Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Random Neighbor Pixel-Block-Based Deep Recurrent Learning for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
=> Random neighbourhood dynamic clustering
=> Random Network Coding for Multimedia Delivery Services in LTE/LTE-Advanced
=> Random Network Ensemble for Face Recognition, A
=> Random NL-Means to Restoration of Colour Images
=> Random Noise Assessment in Aerial and Satellite Images
=> Random Noise Radar/Sodar With Ultrawideband Waveforms
=> Random Noise Suppression of Magnetic Resonance Sounding Data with Intensive Sampling Sparse Reconstruction and Kernel Regression Estimation
=> Random one-dependence estimators
=> Random Paintbrush Transformation
=> Random Parameter EM-Based Kalman Filter (REKF) for Joint Symbol Detection and Channel Estimation in Fast Fading STTC MIMO Systems
=> Random Part Localization Model for Fine Grained Image Classification
=> Random Pattern Generation Processes
=> Random perturbation models and performance characterization in computer vision
=> Random Perturbation Models for Boundary Extraction Sequence
=> Random phase-free computer holography
=> Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis
=> Random projection and orthonormality for lossy image compression
=> Random Projection Based Bias-corrected Fuzzy C-means Algorithm For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
=> Random Projections for face detection under resource constraints
=> Random projections on manifolds of Symmetric Positive Definite matrices for image classification
=> Random Prototype-based Oracle for Selection-fusion Ensembles
=> RANdom sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithm for enhancing overlapped etched track counting
=> Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography
=> Random Sample Fitting Method to Determine the Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Satellite-Based Lidar Backscatter Profiles
=> Random sampling based SVM for relevance feedback image retrieval
=> Random sampling for fast face sketch synthesis
=> Random Sampling for Subspace Face Recognition
=> Random sampling LDA for face recognition
=> Random Sampling Local Binary Pattern Encoding Based on Gaussian Distribution
=> Random Sampling Nonlinear Optimization for Camera Self-calibration with Modeling of Intrinsic Parameter Space
=> random sampling strategy for piecewise planar scene segmentation, A
=> Random screen generator apparatus for producing halftone images
=> Random Set Framework for Context-Based Classification With Hyperspectral Imagery
=> random set view of texture classification, A
=> Random Shuffling Data for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Siamese and Knowledge Distillation Network
=> Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
=> Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
=> Random Spray Retinex: A New Retinex Implementation to Investigate the Local Properties of the Model
=> Random Sub-Samples Generation for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising
=> Random Sub-Samples Generation for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising
=> Random Subspace-Based k-Nearest Class Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Random subspace based ensemble sparse representation
=> Random Subspace Ensembles for fMRI Classification
=> Random Subspace Ensembles for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Extended Morphological Attribute Profiles
=> Random subspace for an improved BioHashing for face authentication
=> Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests, The
=> Random subspace method for multivariate feature selection
=> Random Subspace Method in Text Categorization
=> Random Subspace Supervised Descent Method for Regression Problems in Computer Vision
=> Random Subspaces and Subsampling for 2-D Face Recognition
=> Random Subwindows for Robust Image Classification
=> Random Subwindows for Robust Peak Recognition in Intracranial Pressure Signals
=> Random swap EM algorithm for finite mixture models in image segmentation
=> Random swap EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models
=> Random Temporal Skipping for Multirate Video Analysis
=> Random Tessellations and Boolean Random Functions
=> Random tessellations generated by Boolean random functions
=> Random Texture Defect Detection Using 1-D Hidden Markov Models Based on Local Binary Patterns
=> Random tree walk toward instantaneous 3D human pose estimation
=> Random vector functional link neural network based ensemble deep learning
=> Random walk-based feature learning for micro-expression recognition
=> Random Walk and Front Propagation on Watershed Adjacency Graphs for Multilabel Image Segmentation
=> Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
=> Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
=> random walk approach for multiatlas-based segmentation, A
=> Random walk approach to image enhancement
=> Random walk approach to image enhancement
=> Random Walk Approach to Noise Reduction in Color Images
=> Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images
=> Random Walk Kernel Applications to Classification Using Support Vector Machines
=> Random Walk Kernel Derived from Graph Edit Distance, A
=> Random Walk Model Kalman Filter in Multichannel Active Noise Control, The
=> Random Walk on Image Patches, A
=> random walker based approach to combining multiple segmentations, A
=> Random walkers on morphological trees: A segmentation paradigm
=> Random walks based multi-image segmentation: Quasiconvexity results and GPU-based solutions
=> Random Walks for Image Segmentation
=> Random Walks for Pansharpening in Complex Tight Framelet Domain
=> Random Walks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Fusion in Framelet Domain
=> Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timestamp Supervision
=> Random walks in directed hypergraphs and application to semi-supervised image segmentation
=> Random Walks on Graphs for Salient Object Detection in Images
=> Random walks on graphs to model saliency in images
=> Random walks with statistical shape prior for cochlea and inner ear segmentation in micro-CT images
=> Random Walks, Constrained Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Image Enhancement
=> Randomised Manifold Forests for Principal Angle-Based Face Recognition
=> Randomised visual secret sharing scheme for grey-scale and colour images
=> randomized-Hough-transform-based method for great-circle detection on sphere, The
=> Randomized Adversarial Style Perturbations for Domain Generalization
=> Randomized Adversarial Training via Taylor Expansion
=> randomized algorithm for clustering discrete sequences, A
=> Randomized Algorithm for Sparse Recovery, A
=> Randomized algorithm of spectral clustering and image/video segmentation using a minority of pixels
=> Randomized Approach to Probabilistic Footprint Estimation of a Space Debris Uncontrolled Reentry, A
=> randomized approach with geometric constraints to fingerprint verification, A
=> randomized approximating graph algorithm for image annotation refinement problem, The
=> Randomized Bidirectional B-Spline Parameterization Motion Planning
=> Randomized circle detection with isophotes curvature analysis
=> Randomized Clustering Forests for Image Classification
=> Randomized decision bush: Combining global shape parameters and local scalable descriptors for human body parts recognition
=> Randomized decision forests for static and dynamic hand shape classification
=> Randomized Ensemble Approach to Industrial CT Segmentation, A
=> Randomized Ensemble Tracking
=> Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images
=> Randomized Generalized Hough Transform for 2-D Grayscale Object Detection
=> Randomized Global Transformation Approach for Dense Correspondence
=> Randomized Gradient-Free Attack on ReLU Networks, A
=> randomized hierarchical trees indexing approach for camera-based information spotting, A
=> Randomized Hough transform (RHT)
=> Randomized Hough Transform (RHT): Basic Mechanisms, Algorithms, and Computational Complexities
=> Randomized Hough Transform Applied to Translational and Rotational Motion Analysis
=> Randomized Hough Transform for Spherical Images, The
=> Randomized Hough Transform: Improved Ellipse Detection with Comparison
=> Randomized hybrid linear modeling by local best-fit flats
=> Randomized Locality Sensitive Vocabularies for Bag-of-Features Model
=> Randomized low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for motion detection
=> Randomized Max-Margin Compositions for Visual Recognition
=> Randomized motion estimation
=> Randomized Neural Network Based Signature for Classification of Titanium Alloy Microstructures
=> Randomized nonnegative matrix factorization
=> randomized parallel algorithm for string matching on hypercube, A
=> Randomized Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for Scene Recognition
=> Randomized Quantization: A Generic Augmentation for Data Agnostic Self-supervised Learning
=> Randomized Quantization: A Generic Augmentation for Data Agnostic Self-supervised Learning
=> Randomized Radon Signature for face biometric verification
=> Randomized RANSAC with Sequential Probability Ratio Test
=> Randomized RANSAC with Td,d test
=> Randomized Sampling-Based Fly Local Sensitive Hashing
=> Randomized Spatial Context for Object Search
=> Randomized Spatial Partition for Scene Recognition
=> Randomized spatial pooling in deep convolutional networks for scene recognition
=> Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object Detector in Unseen Domains
=> Randomized structure from motion based on atomic 3D models from camera triplets
=> Randomized Subspace Learning Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
=> Randomized Subspace Newton Convex Method Applied to Data-Driven Sensor Selection Problem
=> Randomized Support Vector Forest
=> Randomized texture flow estimation using visual similarity
=> Randomized Transferable Machine
=> Randomized Tree Ensembles for Object Detection in Computational Pathology
=> Randomized trees for human pose detection
=> Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint Recognition
=> Randomized trees for real-time one-step face detection and recognition
=> Randomized trees for time series representation and similarity
=> Randomized Truncated Pivoted QLP Factorization for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
=> Randomized visual phrases for object search
=> Randomized Voting-Based Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation
=> Randomizing Human Brain Function Representation for Brain Disease Diagnosis
=> Randomizing Human Brain Function Representation for Brain Disease Diagnosis
=> Randomly driven fuzzy key extraction of unclonable images
=> Randomly initialized convolutional neural network for the recognition of COVID-19 using X-ray images
=> Randomly Perturbed B-Splines for Nonrigid Image Registration
=> Randomly Perturbed Free-Form Deformation for Nonrigid Image Registration
=> Randomly Sparsified Synthesis for Model-Based Deformation Analysis
=> Randomly Walking Can Get You Lost: Graph Segmentation with Unknown Edge Weights
=> Randomness-in-Structured Ensembles for compressed sensing of images
=> Randomness and Geometric Figures in Computer Vision
=> Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning with Application to Cancer Image Classification
=> Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning with Application to Cancer Image Classification
=> Randomness is the Root of All Evil: More Reliable Evaluation of Deep Active Learning
=> Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training for Neural Networks
=> RandomRooms: Unsupervised Pre-training from Synthetic Shapes and Randomized Layouts for 3D Object Detection
=> RANet: A Reliability-Guided Aggregation Network for Hyperspectral and RGB Fusion Tracking
=> RANet: Ranking Attention Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
=> RANet: Ranking Attention Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
=> RANet: Relationship Attention for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
=> Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression for the SAR-GMTI System Based on Extended Azimuth Phase Coding
=> Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression via FDA MIMO Planar Array Radar with Compressed Sensing
=> Range-Angle Decoupling and Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar via Atomic Norm Minimization and Accelerated Proximal Gradient
=> Range-based Navigation System for a Mobile Robot
=> Range-Based Reactive Deployment of Autonomous Drones for Optimal Coverage in Disaster Areas
=> Range-Data-Based Object Surface Segmentation via Edges and Critical-Points
=> Range-Doppler-Time Tensor Processing for Deep-Space Satellite Characterization Using Narrowband Radar
=> Range-Doppler Based CFAR Ship Detection with Automatic Training Data Selection
=> Range-Doppler Based Moving Target Image Trace Analysis Method in Circular SAR
=> Range-Doppler Fast Block LMS algorithm for a DVB-T-based Passive Bistatic Radar
=> Range-doppler Hand Gesture Recognition Using Deep Residual-3dcnn with Transformer Network
=> Range-Doppler Sidelobe Suppression for Pulsed Radar Based on Golay Complementary Codes
=> Range-Independent TDOA Localization Using Stepwise Accuracy Enhancement Under Speed Uncertainty
=> Range-nullspace Video Frame Interpolation with Focalized Motion Estimation
=> Range-only SLAM with Interpolated Range Data
=> Range-Point Migration-Based Image Expansion Method Exploiting Fully Polarimetric Data for UWB Short-Range Radar
=> Range-Sample Depth Feature for Action Recognition
=> Range-space based identification of parametric linear systems
=> Range-speed imaging with FM-CW signaling
=> Range-Spread Target Detection Networks Using HRRPs
=> Range Adaptation for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR
=> Range Adjustment for Ground-Based Radar, Derived With the Spaceborne TRMM Precipitation Radar
=> Range and AGC normalization in airborne discrete-return LiDAR intensity data for forest canopies
=> Range and Bearing Data Fusion for Precise Convex Network Localization
=> Range and Image Based Modelling: A Way for Frescoed Vault Texturing Optimization
=> Range and Intensity Vision for Rock-Scene Segmentation
=> Range and Motion Segmentation: A Robust Approach
=> Range and Size Estimation Based on a Coordinate Transformation Model for Driving Assistance Systems
=> Range and variability of CBF in young adults: PC-MRI and ASL studies
=> Range Based Method For Complex Facade Modeling, A
=> Range based object tracking and segmentation
=> Range Beacon Placement Problem for Robot Navigation, The
=> Range Camera Collecting Multi-Spectral Texture for Architecture Applications, A
=> Range camera self-calibration with scattering compensation
=> Range comfort zone of electric vehicle users- concept and assessment
=> Range Data-Acquisition Using Color Structured Lighting and Stereo Vision
=> Range Data Analysis Guided by a Junction Dictionary
=> Range Data Reconstruction Using Fourier Slice Theorem
=> Range Data Registration Using Photometric Features
=> Range determination with waveform recording laser systems using a Wiener Filter
=> Range Estimation by Optical Differentiation
=> Range Estimation by Optical Differentiation
=> Range estimation via multi-dimensional segmentation
=> Range Filters: Local-Intensity Subrange Filters and Their Properties
=> Range Finder Using Circular Dynamic Stereo
=> Range finding device
=> Range Flow Estimation
=> Range Flow for Varying Illumination
=> Range Flow in Varying Illumination: Algorithms and Comparisons
=> Range from translational motion blurring
=> Range Gate Pull-Off Mainlobe Jamming Suppression Approach with FDA-MIMO Radar: Theoretical Formalism and Numerical Study
=> Range Image Acquisition of Objects with Non-uniform Albedo Using Structured Light Range Sensor
=> Range Image Acquisition with a Single Binary-Encoded Light Pattern
=> Range Image Analysis by Using Morphological Signal Decomposition
=> Range Image Based Point Cloud Colorization Using Conditional Generative Model
=> Range Image Enhancement via One-Dimensional Spatial Filtering
=> Range Image Feature Extraction with Varying Degrees of Data Irregularity
=> Range image fusion for object reconstruction and modeling
=> Range Image Processing Based on Multiresolution Analysis
=> Range Image Processing for Real Time Hospital-Room Monitoring
=> Range image reconstruction based on robust multiresolution estimation of surface parameters
=> range image refinement technique for multi-view 3D model reconstruction, A
=> Range Image Registration Based on Circular Features
=> Range Image Registration of Specular Objects under Complex Illumination
=> Range image registration preserving local structures of object surfaces
=> Range Image Registration Using a Photometric Metric under Unknown Lighting
=> Range image registration using enhanced genetic algorithms
=> Range image registration: A software platform and empirical evaluation
=> Range image segmentation and fitting by residual consensus
=> Range Image Segmentation Based on Differential Geometry: A Hybrid Approach
=> Range image segmentation based on randomized Hough transform
=> Range image segmentation based on split-merge clustering
=> Range Image Segmentation by an Effective Jump-Diffusion Method
=> Range Image Segmentation by Dynamic Neural-Network Architecture
=> Range image segmentation by surface extraction using an improved robust estimator
=> Range Image Segmentation for Modeling and Object Detection in Urban Scenes
=> Range image segmentation using local approximation of scan lines with application to CAD model acquisition
=> Range Image Segmentation Using Surface Selection Criterion
=> Range Image Segmentation Using the Numerical Description of the Mean Curvature Values
=> Range Image Segmentation with Application to CAD Model Acquisition
=> Range Image Segmentation: The User's Dilemma
=> Range Image Sequence Analysis by 2.5-D Least-Squares-Tracking with Variance Component Estimation and Robust Variance Covariance Matrix Estimation
=> Range Image Technique for Change Analysis of Rock Slopes Using Dense Point Cloud Data
=> Range images registration by correction of perspective deformations and camera calibration
=> Range Imaging Based on Moving Pattern Light and Spatio-Temporal Matched Filter
=> Range Imaging Laser Radar
=> Range Imaging of E-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities by Using a Multifrequency Technique: Validation and Initial Results
=> Range Imaging with Adaptive Color Structured Light
=> Range invariant anomaly detection for LWIR polarimetric imagery
=> Range Loss for Deep Face Recognition with Long-Tailed Training Data
=> Range map superresolution-inpainting, and reconstruction from sparse data
=> Range Map with Missing Data: Joint Resolution Enhancement and Inpainting
=> Range Migration Algorithm in The Processing Chain of Signals of A Ground-based Sar Sensor
=> range of fusible horizontal disparities around the empirical horopters, The
=> Range of Motion Measurements Using Motion Capture Data and Augmented Reality Visualisation
=> range of the value for the fuzzifier of the fuzzy c-means algorithm, The
=> Range Policy of Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles for Improved Flow Stability and String Stability
=> Range recovery using virtual multi-camera stereo
=> Range resolution improvement in FM-based passive radars using deconvolution
=> Range resolved mode mixing in a large volume for the mitigation of speckle and strategic target orientation requirements in active millimeter-wave imaging
=> Range Scaling Global U-Net for Perceptual Image Enhancement on Mobile Devices
=> range scanner with a virtual laser, A
=> Range segmentation of large building exteriors: A hierarchical robust approach
=> Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
=> Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints
=> Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints
=> Range Sensing by Projecting Multiple Slits with Random Cuts
=> Range Surface Characterization and Segmentation Using Neural Networks
=> Range synthesis for 3D environment modeling
=> Range unfolding for Time-of-Flight depth cameras
=> Range/Domain Approximation Error-Based Approach for Fractal Image Compression, A
=> RangeDet: In Defense of Range View for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection
=> Rangefinder device with focused elongated light source
=> RangeIoUDet: Range Image based Real-Time 3D Object Detector Optimized by Intersection over Union
=> Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET): An Operational Remote Sensing-Based Application for Quantifying Woody Cover on Western Rangelands
=> Rangeland Fractional Components Across the Western United States from 1985 to 2018
=> Rangeland Productivity Partitioned to Sub-Pixel Plant Functional Types
=> Ranger finder device and camera
=> RangeViT: Towards Vision Transformers for 3D Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
=> Ranging apparatus and method implementing stereo vision system
=> Rank-1 Tensor Approximation for High-Order Association in Multi-target Tracking
=> Rank-1 Tensor Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Denoising with Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
=> Rank-aware graph fusion with contextual dissimilarity measurement for image retrieval
=> Rank-Based Approach to Active Diagnosis, A
=> Rank-based camera spectral sensitivity estimation
=> Rank-Based Decision Fusion for 3D Shape-Based Face Recognition
=> Rank-Based Decomposable Losses in Machine Learning: A Survey
=> Rank-Based Decompositions of Morphological Templates
=> Rank-based distance metric learning: An application to image retrieval
=> Rank-Based Encoding Features for Stereo Matching
=> Rank-Based Methods for Selection of Landscape Metrics for Land Cover Pattern Change Detection
=> Rank-based multisensory fusion in multitarget video tracking
=> Rank-based ordinal classification
=> Rank-Based Similarity Search: Reducing the Dimensional Dependence
=> Rank-based voting with inclusion relationship for accurate image search
=> Rank-Consistency Deep Hashing for Scalable Multi-Label Image Search
=> Rank-Constrained Fundamental Matrix Estimation by Polynomial Global Optimization Versus the Eight-Point Algorithm
=> Rank-constrained PCA for intrinsic images decomposition
=> Rank-Mixer and Rank-Booster: Improving the Effectiveness of Retrieval Methods
=> RANK-NOSH: Efficient Predictor-Based Architecture Search via Non-Uniform Successive Halving
=> Rank-One Detector for Kronecker-Structured Constant Modulus Constellations
=> Rank-One Matrix Approximation With lp-Norm for Image Inpainting
=> Rank-One Network: An Effective Framework for Image Restoration
=> Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery
=> Rank-One Prior: Toward Real-Time Scene Recovery
=> Rank-One Projections With Adaptive Margins for Face Recognition
=> Rank-One Projections With Adaptive Margins for Face Recognition
=> Rank-One Tensor Updating Algorithm for Tensor Completion, A
=> rank-one update method for least squares linear discriminant analysis with concept drift, A
=> rank-order distance based clustering algorithm for face tagging, A
=> Rank-Order Filters for FOPEN Target Detection
=> Rank-order polynomial subband decomposition for medical image compression
=> Rank-Ordered Differences Statistic Based Switching Vector Filter
=> Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix Representation
=> Rank-SIFT: Learning to rank repeatable local interest points
=> Rank-Smoothed Pairwise Learning In Perceptual Quality Assessment
=> Rank-sparsity balanced representation for subspace clustering
=> Rank-Two Beamformed Secure Multicasting for Wireless Information and Power Transfer
=> Rank-Two Beamforming and Stochastic Beamforming for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting with Finite-Alphabet Inputs
=> Rank &Sort Loss for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
=> Rank 1 weighted factorization for 3D structure recovery: Algorithms and performance analysis
=> Rank 4 Constraint in Multiple (over 3) View Geometry, The
=> Rank Aggregation Framework for Video Interestingness Prediction, A
=> Rank Algorithms for Picture Processing
=> Rank analysis of a light field for dual-layer 3D displays
=> Rank Classification of Linear Line Structure in Determining Trifocal Tensor
=> Rank Classification of Linear Line Structures from Images by Trifocal Tensor Determinability
=> Rank Conditioned Rank Selection Filters for Signal Restoration
=> Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
=> Rank consistent ordinal regression for neural networks with application to age estimation
=> rank constrained continuous formulation of multi-frame multi-target tracking problem, A
=> Rank constrained recognition under unknown illuminations
=> Rank Constraints for Homographies over Two Views: Revisiting the Rank Four Constraint
=> Rank correlation as illumination invariant descriptor for color object recognition
=> Rank Correlation Based Detection of Known Signals in Middleton's Class-A Noise
=> Rank Estimation in Missing Data Matrix Problems
=> Rank Filters in Digital Image Processing
=> Rank Flow Embedding for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Manifold Learning
=> Rank in Style: A Ranking-based Approach to Find Interpretable Directions
=> rank minimization-based late fusion method for multi-label image annotation, A
=> Rank Minimization across Appearance and Shape for AAM Ensemble Fitting
=> Rank minimization approach to image inpainting using null space based alternating optimization
=> Rank Minimization Approach to Video Inpainting, A
=> Rank Minimization Code Aperture Design for Spectrally Selective Compressive Imaging
=> Rank Minimization for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
=> Rank Minimization or Nuclear-Norm Minimization: Are We Solving the Right Problem?
=> Rank Minimization with Structured Data Patterns
=> Rank order filtering on SIMD machines
=> Rank Pooling for Action Recognition
=> Rank Preserving Sparse Learning for Kinect Based Scene Classification
=> Rank Priors for Continuous Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction
=> Rank Priors for Continuous Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction
=> Rank2Tell: A Multimodal Driving Dataset for Joint Importance Ranking and Reasoning
=> RankBoost with L1 regularization for facial expression recognition and intensity estimation
=> RankDetNet: Delving into Ranking Constraints for Object Detection
=> RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
=> RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
=> Ranked dither for high-quality robust printing
=> Ranked k-means clustering for terahertz image segmentation
=> Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning
=> Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning
=> Ranked Similarity Weighting and Top-nk Sampling in Deep Metric Learning
=> RankGAN: A Maximum Margin Ranking GAN for Generating Faces
=> ranking-based cascade approach for unbalanced data, A
=> Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
=> ranking-based feature selection approach for handwritten character recognition, A
=> ranking-based problem transformation method for weakly supervised multi-label learning, A
=> Ranking-based scores for the assessment of aesthetic quality in photography
=> Ranking-Based Siamese Visual Tracking
=> Ranking-Preserving Cross-Source Learning for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
=> Ranking-Preserving Low-Rank Factorization for Image Annotation With Missing Labels
=> Ranking 3D feature correspondences via consistency voting
=> Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
=> Ranking and retrieval of image sequences from multiple paragraph queries
=> Ranking answers of comparative questions using heterogeneous information organization from social media
=> Ranking Approach for Human Ages Estimation Based on Face Images, A
=> Ranking Based Attention Approach for Visual Tracking, A
=> Ranking cell tracking systems without manual validation
=> Ranking Color Correction Algorithms Using Cluster Indices
=> Ranking consistency for image matching and object retrieval
=> Ranking Consistent Rate: New evaluation criterion on pairwise subjective experiments
=> Ranking Corner Points by the Angular Difference between Dominant Edges
=> Ranking Distance Calibration for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning
=> Ranking Domain-Specific Highlights by Analyzing Edited Videos
=> Ranking Highlights in Personal Videos by Analyzing Edited Videos
=> Ranking Images Based on Aesthetic Qualities
=> Ranking in Rp and its use in multivariate image estimation
=> Ranking Information Based Network for Facial Beauty Prediction, A
=> Ranking list preservation for feature matching
=> Ranking Loss: A Novel Metric Learning Method for Person Re-identification
=> ranking method for multimedia recommenders, A
=> ranking model for face alignment with Pseudo Census Transform, A
=> Ranking Model for Facial Age Estimation
=> Ranking Models in Unlabeled New Environments
=> Ranking Neural Checkpoints
=> Ranking Nodes in Complex Networks: a Case Study of The Gaubus
=> Ranking of Assets with Respect to Their Exposure to the Landslide Hazard: A GIS Proposal
=> Ranking of Illegal Buildings Close to Rivers: A Proposal, Its Implementation and Preliminary Validation
=> Ranking Orientation Responses of Path Operators: Motivations, Choices and Algorithmics
=> Ranking Part Model for Object Detection, A
=> Ranking prior likelihood distributions for Bayesian shape localization framework
=> Ranking Regularization for Critical Rare Classes: Minimizing False Positives at a High True Positive Rate
=> Ranking Saliency
=> Ranking Star-Shaped Valued Mappings with Respect to Shape Variability
=> Ranking Station Importance With Human Mobility Patterns Using Subway Network Datasets
=> Ranking System for Image Database Using Special Type of Markov Chain
=> Ranking the City: The Role of Location-Based Social Media Check-Ins in Collective Human Mobility Prediction
=> Ranking the local invariant features for the robust visual saliencies
=> Ranking video segments with LSTM and determinantal point processes
=> RankIQA: Learning from Rankings for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
=> Ranklets on hexagonal pixel lattices
=> Ranklets: orientation selective non-parametric features applied to face detection
=> RankMatch: Fostering Confidence and Consistency in Learning with Noisy Labels
=> RankMI: A Mutual Information Maximizing Ranking Loss
=> RankMix: Data Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Learning of Classifying Whole Slide Images with Diverse Sizes and Imbalanced Categories
=> RankMixup: Ranking-Based Mixup Training for Network Calibration
=> Ranks for Pairs of Spatial Fields via Metric Based on Grayscale Morphological Distances
=> RankSeg: Adaptive Pixel Classification with Image Category Ranking for Segmentation
=> RankSRGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks With Ranker for Image Super-Resolution
=> RankSRGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks With Ranker for Image Super-Resolution
=> RankSRGAN: Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks With Learning to Rank
=> RANP: Resource Aware Neuron Pruning at Initialization for 3D CNNs
=> RANSAC-Based DARCES: A New Approach to Fast Automatic Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images
=> RANSAC-based multi primitive building reconstruction from 3D point clouds
=> RANSAC-flow: Generic Two-stage Image Alignment
=> RANSAC-LEL: An optimized version with least entropy like estimators
=> RANSAC-SVM for large-scale datasets
=> RANSAC for (Quasi-)Degenerate data (QDEGSAC)
=> RANSAC lens boundary feature based kernel SVM for transparent contact lens detecTion
=> Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for colour-based tracking
=> Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for tracking with application in visual surveillance
=> Rao-Blackwellized Importance Sampling of Camera Parameters from Simple User Input with Visibility Preprocessing in Line Space
=> Rao-Blackwellized MCMC algorithm for recovering piecewise planar 3D models from multiple view RGBD images, A
=> Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for eigentracking, A
=> Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Human Appearance and Position Tracking
=> Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering with Gaussian mixture models for robust visual tracking
=> Rao-Blackwellized Parts-Constellation Tracker, A
=> RAO-UNet: a residual attention and octave UNet for road crack detection via balance loss
=> Rao and Wald Tests for Distributed Targets Detection With Unknown Signal Steering
=> Rao and Wald Tests for Moving Target Detection in Forward Scatter Radar
=> RAP-MAC: A Robust and Adaptive Pipeline MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic String Networks
=> Rape (Brassica napus L.) Growth Monitoring and Mapping Based on Radarsat-2 Time-Series Data
=> Rapid-Convergence Precise Point Positioning Approach Using Double Augmentations of Low Earth Orbit Satellite and Atmospheric Information, A
=> Rapid-DEM: Rapid Topographic Updates through Satellite Change Detection and UAS Data Fusion
=> Rapid-transform based rotation invariant descriptor for texture classification under non-ideal conditions
=> Rapid 3-D cone-beam reconstruction with the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) using 2-D texture mapping hardware
=> Rapid 3D Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage: A Case Study On Istanbul Suleymaniye Social Complex (Kulliye)
=> Rapid 3D Face Data Acquisition Using a Color-Coded Pattern and a Stereo Camera System
=> Rapid 3D face modeling using a frontal face and a profile face for accurate 2D pose synthesis
=> Rapid 3D face reconstruction by fusion of SFS and Local Morphable Model
=> Rapid Acquisition of Environmental Information After Accidents with Hazardous Cargo Through Remote Sensing by UAV
=> Rapid Adaptation in Online Continual Learning: Are We Evaluating It Right?
=> Rapid Adaptation in Online Continual Learning: Are We Evaluating It Right?
=> Rapid Analytic Optimization of Quadratic ICP Algorithms
=> Rapid and accurate developmental stage recognition of C. elegans from high-throughput image data
=> Rapid and Accurate Monitoring of Intertidal Oyster Reef Habitat Using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion
=> Rapid and Automated Mapping of Crop Type in Jilin Province Using Historical Crop Labels and the Google Earth Engine
=> Rapid and Automated Urban Boundary Extraction Method Based on Nighttime Light Data in China, A
=> rapid and automatic image registration algorithm with subpixel accuracy, A
=> rapid and automatic method for camera calibration based on LCD circle pattern, A
=> Rapid and Efficient Determination of Relative Water Contents of Crop Leaves Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy in Vegetative Growth Stage
=> Rapid and High-Precision Mountain Vertex Extraction Method Based on Hotspot Analysis Clustering and Improved Eight-Connected Extraction Algorithms for Digital Elevation Models, A
=> Rapid and large-scale mapping of flood inundation via integrating spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery with unsupervised deep learning
=> Rapid and Reliable Detection of Film Grain Noise
=> Rapid and Robust Background Modeling Technique for Low-Cost Road Traffic Surveillance Systems
=> Rapid and robust human detection and tracking based on omega-shape features
=> Rapid and Steady Mass Loss of the Patagonian Icefields throughout the GRACE Era: 2002-2017, The
=> Rapid Anisotropic Diffusion Using Space-Variant Vision
=> rapid anomalous region extraction method by iterative projection onto kernel eigenspace, A
=> Rapid Assessment of a Typhoon Disaster Based on NPP-VIIRS DNB Daily Data: The Case of an Urban Agglomeration along Western Taiwan Straits, China
=> Rapid Assessment of Architectural Traits in Pear Rootstock Breeding Program Using Remote Sensing Techniques
=> Rapid Assessment of Building Damage Using Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of April 2015 Nepal Earthquake
=> Rapid Assessment of Crop Status: An Application of MODIS and SAR Data to Rice Areas in Leyte, Philippines Affected by Typhoon Haiyan
=> Rapid Assessment of Flood Inundation and Damaged Rice Area in Red River Delta from Sentinel 1A Imagery
=> Rapid Assessment of Hillslope Erosion Risk after the 2019-2020 Wildfires and Storm Events in Sydney Drinking Water Catchment
=> Rapid Assessment of Landslide Dynamics by UAV-RTK Repeated Surveys Using Ground Targets: The Ca Lita Landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy)
=> Rapid Assessments of Amazon Forest Structure and Biomass Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
=> Rapid automated detection of roots in minirhizotron images
=> Rapid Automated Polygonal Image Decomposition
=> rapid automatic brain tumor detection method for MRI images using modified minimum error thresholding technique, A
=> Rapid Biologically-Inspired Scene Classification Using Features Shared with Visual Attention
=> Rapid blockwise multi-resolution clustering of facial images for intelligent watermarking
=> Rapid brain tissue segmentation process by modified FCM algorithm with CUDA enabled GPU machine
=> Rapid building damage assessment workflow: An implementation for the 2023 Rolling Fork, Mississippi tornado event
=> Rapid Change Detection Algorithm For Disaster Management
=> Rapid Change Detection of Flood Affected Area after Collapse of the Laos Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Using Sentinel-1 GRD Data
=> Rapid classification of specular and diffuse reflection from image velocities
=> Rapid Classification of Surface Reflectance from Image Velocities
=> Rapid Coastal Forest Decline in Florida's Big Bend
=> Rapid Compaction Monitoring and Quality Control of Embankment Dam Construction Based on UAV Photogrammetry Technology: A Case Study
=> Rapid computation of sodium bioscales using gpu-accelerated image reconstruction
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
=> Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
15 for Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation => Rapid construction of 4D high-quality microstructural image for cement hydration using partial information registration
=> Rapid contour detection for image classification
=> Rapid Creation of Large-Scale Photorealistic Virtual Environments
=> Rapid Crowd Evacuation for Passenger Ships Using LPWAN
=> Rapid Cut Detection on Compressed Video
=> Rapid Damage Assessment by Means of Multi-Temporal SAR: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook to Sentinel-1
=> Rapid Damage Detection in the Bam Area Using Multitemporal SAR and Exploiting Ancillary Data
=> Rapid Detection of Blind Roads and Crosswalks by Using a Lightweight Semantic Segmentation Network
=> Rapid detection of camera tampering and abnormal disturbance for video surveillance system
=> Rapid Detection of Iron Ore and Mining Areas Based on MSSA-BNVTELM, Visible: Infrared Spectroscopy, and Remote Sensing
=> Rapid Detection of Many Object Instances
=> Rapid Detection of Windthrows Using Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data
=> Rapid Determination of Nutrient Concentrations in Hass Avocado Fruit by Vis/NIR Hyperspectral Imaging of Flesh or Skin
=> Rapid Determination of Soil Class Based on Visible-Near Infrared, Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Data Fusion
=> Rapid Development of a Gunfire Detection Algorithm Using an Imagery Database
=> Rapid development of natural user interaction using kinect sensors and VRPN
=> Rapid Disaster Analysis based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study about the Tohoku Tsunami Disaster 2011
=> Rapid Disaster Analysis Based on SAR Techniques
=> Rapid Disaster Damage Estimation
=> Rapid Disaster Mapping through Data Integration from UAVS and Multi-sensors Mounted on Investigation Platforms of Ndmi, Korea
=> Rapid Disparity Prediction for Dynamic Scenes
=> Rapid Dynamic Image Registration of the Beating Heart for Diagnosis and Surgical Navigation
=> Rapid Ecosystem Change at the Southern Limit of the Canadian Arctic, Torngat Mountains National Park
=> Rapid elastic image registration for 3-D ultrasound
=> Rapid Emergency Response Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Driven by Fusion of InSAR Deformation Data and Newmark Physical Models
=> Rapid Estimation of Camera Motion from Compressed Video with Application to Video Annotation
=> Rapid Estimation of Road Friction for Anti-Skid Autonomous Driving
=> Rapid Estimation of Undifferenced Multi-GNSS Real-Time Satellite Clock Offset Using Partial Observations
=> Rapid Euclidean Distance Transform Using Grayscale Morphology Decomposition
=> Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tundi Reserved Forest Area, India
=> Rapid Evaluation of the Handwriting Performance for Gesture Based Text Input
=> Rapid explorative direct inverse kinematics learning of relevant locations for active vision
=> Rapid Exposure Assessment Of Nationwide River Flood For Disaster Risk Reduction
=> Rapid Extracting Pillars by Slicing Point Clouds
=> Rapid extraction and updating of road network from airborne LiDAR data
=> Rapid Extraction of Urban Road Guardrails from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
=> Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021-2022 Malaysia Flood
=> Rapid face recognition using hashing
=> Rapid feature space MLLR speaker adaptation for deep neural network acoustic modeling
=> Rapid Flood Inundation Forecast Using Fourier Neural Operator
=> Rapid Flood Mapping and Evaluation with a Supervised Classifier and Change Detection in Shouguang Using Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Optical Data
=> Rapid Flood Progress Monitoring in Cropland with NASA SMAP
=> Rapid generation of event-based indexes for personalized video digests
=> Rapid Generation of the State Codebook in Side Match Vector Quantization
=> Rapid Geometric Correction of SSC TERRASAR-X Images with Direct Georeferencing, Global DEM and Global Geoid Models
=> Rapid glacier Shrinkage and Glacial Lake Expansion of a China-Nepal Transboundary Catchment in the Central Himalayas, between 1964 and 2020
=> Rapid Glacier Shrinkage in the Gongga Mountains in the Last 27 Years
=> Rapid Gridding Reconstruction With a Minimal Oversampling Ratio
=> Rapid Growth of Tropical Cyclone Outer Size over the Western North Pacific
=> Rapid Hand Shape Reconstruction with Chebyshev Phase Shifting
=> Rapid head-pose detection for automated slice prescription of fetal-brain MRI
=> Rapid human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance
=> rapid hybrid algorithm for image restoration combining parametric Wiener filtering and wave atom transform, A
=> Rapid identification of damaged buildings using incremental learning with transferred data from historical natural disaster cases
=> Rapid image binarization with morphological operators
=> Rapid Image Completion System Using Multiresolution Patch-Based Directional and Nondirectional Approaches
=> Rapid image retargeting based on curve-edge grid representation
=> Rapid in-flight image quality check for UAV-enabled bridge inspection
=> Rapid Inference of Object Rigidity and Reflectance Using Optic Flow
=> Rapid Inspection of Large Concrete Floor Flatness Using Wheeled Robot with Aided-INS
=> Rapid Inspection of Pavement Markings Using Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
=> Rapid Invasion of Spartina alterniflora in the Coastal Zone of Mainland China: New Observations from Landsat OLI Images
=> rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c-means for brain tissue segmentation with CUDA-enabled GPU machine, A
=> Rapid Land Cover Map Updates Using Change Detection and Robust Random Forest Classifiers
=> Rapid Landslide Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using SHAP-OPT-XGBoost
=> Rapid Large-Scale Wetland Inventory Update Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing
=> Rapid Linear Frequency Swept Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Laser Source Using Iterative Pre-Distortion Algorithm
=> Rapid Localisation and Retrieval of Human Actions with Relevance Feedback
=> Rapid Localization and Extraction of Street Light Poles in Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds: A Supervoxel-Based Approach
=> Rapid location of radiation sources in complex environments using optical and radiation sensors
=> rapid look-up table method for reconstructing MR images from arbitrary K-space trajectories, A
=> Rapid Mangrove Forest Loss and Nipa Palm (Nypa fruticans) Expansion in the Niger Delta, 2007-2017
=> Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Urban Green Spaces on Google Earth Engine
=> rapid mapping approach to quantify damages caused by the 2003 bam earthquake using high resolution multitemporal optical images, A
=> Rapid Mapping of Forest Fires in the European Mediterranean Region: A Change Detection Approach Using X-Band SAR-Data
=> Rapid Mapping Of Forested Landslide From Ultra-high Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data
=> Rapid mapping of high resolution SAR scenes
=> Rapid Mapping of Landslides Induced by Heavy Rainfall in the Emilia-Romagna (Italy) Region in May 2023
=> Rapid Mapping of Landslides on SAR Data by Attention U-Net
=> Rapid Mapping of Large-Scale Greenhouse Based on Integrated Learning Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
=> Rapid Mapping of Slow-Moving Landslides Using an Automated SAR Processing Platform (HyP3) and Stacking-InSAR Method
=> Rapid Mapping of Small-Scale River-Floodplain Environments Using UAV SfM Supports Classical Theory
=> Rapid method for assessing relative tissue stiffness using MR acoustic radiation force imaging
=> rapid method of hypercube stitching for snapshot multi-camera system, A
=> Rapid Mobile Object Recognition Using Fisher Vector
=> Rapid Model (COV_PSDI) for Winter Wheat Mapping in Fallow Rotation Area Using MODIS NDVI Time-Series Satellite Observations: The Case of the Heilonggang Region, A
=> Rapid modeling of cones and cylinders from a single calibrated image using minimum 2D control points
=> Rapid Modelling of Complex Building Interiors
=> Rapid Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Crop Growth Monitoring Using the SIFT Algorithm
=> Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images
=> Rapid Network Adaptation: Learning to Adapt Neural Networks Using Test-Time Feedback
=> Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features
=> Rapid Object Indexing and Recognition Using Enhanced Geometric Hashing
=> Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and Joint 3D-Signature Space Estimation
=> Rapid Octree Construction from Image Sequences
=> Rapid omnidirectional vision acquisition using an intelligent linear scanning technique
=> Rapid Online Learning of Objects in a Biologically Motivated Recognition Architecture
=> Rapid Photogrammetry with a 360-Degree Camera for Tunnel Mapping
=> Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
=> Rapid pose estimation of Mongolian faces using projective geometry
=> Rapid Procedure for Spectral Similarity Matching of Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence Spectra, A
=> Rapid prototyping 3D objects from scanned measurement data
=> Rapid Prototyping for The Extension of The Accessibility to Cultural Heritage for Blind People
=> Rapid Prototyping in the Context of Cultural Heritage and Museum Displays
=> Rapid Prototyping: A Tool for Presenting 3-Dimensional Digital Models Produced by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Rapid Radiometric Calibration of Multiple Camera Array Using In-situ Data for UAV Multispectral Photogrammetry
=> Rapid radiometric enhancement of colored 3D point clouds using color balacing
=> Rapid Recognition Method for Pedestrian Abnormal Behavior, A
=> Rapid recognition of freeform objects in noisy range images using tripod operators
=> Rapid Recognition of Object Outlines in Reduced Resolution Images
=> Rapid Reconstruction and Simulation of Real Characters in Mixed Reality Environments
=> Rapid reconstruction of small objects on mobile phones
=> Rapid region analysis for classification
=> Rapid registration for wide field of view freehand three-dimensional ultrasound
=> Rapid Relocation Method for Mobile Robot Based on Improved ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm
=> Rapid rendering of apparent contours of implicit surfaces for real-time tracking
=> Rapid Response to a Typhoon-Induced Flood with an SAR-Derived Map of Inundated Areas: Case Study and Validation
=> Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Post-fire Erosion Modeling: Linking Remote Sensing and Process-based Hydrological Models to support Post-fire Remediation
=> Rapid Robust Principal Component Analysis: CUR Accelerated Inexact Low Rank Estimation
=> Rapid scalar value classification and volume clipping for interactive 3D medical image visualization
=> Rapid scene analysis on compressed video
=> Rapid Search for Spherical Objects in Aerial Photographs
=> Rapid Segmentation of Thoracic Organs using U-net Architecture
=> Rapid selection of reliable templates for visual tracking
=> Rapid Self-Supervised Deep-Learning-Based Method for Post-Earthquake Damage Detection Using UAV Data (Case Study: Sarpol-e Zahab, Iran), A
=> Rapid shape acquisition using color structured light and multi-pass dynamic programming
=> Rapid Ship Detection Method on Movable Platform Based on Discriminative Multi-Size Gradient Features and Multi-Branch Support Vector Machine
=> Rapid signer adaptation for continuous sign language recognition using a combined approach of eigenvoices, MLLR, and MAP
=> Rapid Signer Adaptation for Isolated Sign Language Recognition
=> Rapid Single Image-Based DTM Estimation from ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Images Using Generative Adversarial U-Nets
=> Rapid Skin: Estimating the 3D Human Pose and Shape in Real-Time
=> Rapid SLAM using simple map representation in indoor environment
=> Rapid Solution of the Cryo-EM Reconstruction Problem by Frequency Marching
=> Rapid Spaceborne Mapping of Wildfire Retardant Drops for Active Wildfire Management
=> Rapid Spectral Cloud Screening Onboard Aircraft and Spacecraft
=> Rapid spline-based kernel density estimation for bayesian networks
=> Rapid stereo-vision enhanced face detection
=> Rapid stereo-vision enhanced face recognition
=> Rapid surface registration of 3D volumes using a neural network approach
=> Rapid survey method for large-scale outdoor surveillance cameras using binary space partitioning
=> Rapid SVBRDF Measurement by Algebraic Solution Based on Adaptive Illumination
=> Rapid Synthesis of Massive Face Sets for Improved Face Recognition
=> Rapid Target Detection of Fruit Trees Using UAV Imaging and Improved Light YOLOv4 Algorithm
=> Rapid TAURUS for Relaxation-Based Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
=> Rapid Technique to Eliminate Moving Shadows for Accurate Vehicle Detection
=> Rapid Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction for Irregularly Layered Heterogeneous Media
=> Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobile-based coarse-to-fine instance segmentation algorithm
=> Rapid Training Data Creation by Synthesizing Medical Images for Classification and Localization
=> Rapid training of image classifiers through adaptive, multi-frame sampling method
=> Rapid trajectory clustering based on neighbor spatial analysis
=> Rapid Tsunami Potential Assessment Using GNSS Ionospheric Disturbance: Implications from Three Megathrusts
=> Rapid Ultrasound Optical Clearing of Human Light and Dark Skin
=> Rapid Uncertainty Computation with Gaussian Processes and Histogram Intersection Kernels
=> Rapid Updating and Improvement of Airborne LIDAR DEMs Through Ground-Based SfM 3-D Modeling of Volcanic Features
=> Rapid variable angle digital screening
=> Rapid Vegetation Growth due to Shifts in Climate from Slow to Sustained Warming over Terrestrial Ecosystems in China from 1980 to 2018
=> Rapid Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images under the Complex Background of Dense Urban Areas
=> Rapid Visual Presentation to Support Geospatial Big Data Processing
=> Rapid weak-perspective Structure from Motion with missing data
=> Rapid, Accurate and Machine-Agnostic Segmentation and Quantification Method for CT-Based COVID-19 Diagnosis, A
=> Rapid, Low-Cost, and High-Precision Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Data Acquisition System for Plant Phenotyping, A
=> Rapid, man-made object morphological segmentation for aerial images using a multi-scaled, geometric image analysis
=> rapid, non-parametric clustering scheme for flow cytometric data, A
=> RAPID: A Single Stage Pruning Framework
=> RAPID: A video rate object tracker
=> RAPiD: Rotation-Aware People Detection in Overhead Fisheye Images
=> Rapidly Adaptive Cell Detection Using Transfer Learning with a Global Parameter
=> Rapidly Assessed Wetland Stress Index (RAWSI) Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 Radar Data, A
=> Rapidly constructed appearance models for tracking in augmented reality applications
=> Rapidly Creating Structure-Aware Halftoning with Improved Error Diffusion
=> rapidly deformable liquid lens, A
=> Rapidly Deployable Video Analysis Sensor units for wide area surveillance
=> rapidly deployable virtual presence extended defense system, A
=> Rapidly Trainable and Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection System, A
=> Rapidmap: rapid mapping and information dissemination for disasters using remote sensing and geoinformation
=> RapidScat Cross-Calibration Using the Double Difference Technique
=> RapidScat Diurnal Cycles Over Land
=> RAPNet: Residual Atrous Pyramid Network for Importance-Aware Street Scene Parsing
=> Rapport with Virtual Agents: What Do Human Social Cues and Personality Explain?
=> RAPS: Robust and Efficient Automatic Construction of Person-Specific Deformable Models
=> RAPT360: Reinforcement Learning-Based Rate Adaptation for 360-Degree Video Streaming With Adaptive Prediction and Tiling
=> Raptor codes-based energy-efficient screen mirroring system
=> Raptor Codes Based Unequal Protection for Compressed Video According to Packet Priority
=> RAR-U-NET: A Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation Under Noisy Labels
=> Rare-Event Detection by Quasi-Wang-Landau Monte Carlo Sampling with Approximate Bayesian Computation
=> Rare Class Classification by Support Vector Machine
=> Rare Class Oriented Scene Labeling Using CNN Incorporated Label Transfer
=> Rare Event Detection Using Disentangled Representation Learning
=> Rare event simulation for Markov random fields with application to grain growth in crystals
=> Rare Events via Cross-Entropy Population Monte Carlo
=> Rare: A new bottom-up saliency model
=> RARE: people detection in crowded passages by range image reconstruction
=> RARE2012: A multi-scale rarity-based saliency detection with its comparative statistical analysis
=> RareAnom: A Benchmark Video Dataset for Rare Type Anomalies
=> RarePlanes Soar Higher: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Resource Constrained and Synthetic Datasets
=> RarePlanes: Synthetic Data Takes Flight
=> Rarity-Based Visual Attention Map: Application to Texture Description, A
=> RaRWS: A Radar-assisted Real-time Water Segmentation Network to Meet the Autonomous Navigation of USV in Inland Waterways
=> Rasabodha: Understanding Indian classical dance by recognizing emotions using deep learning
=> RaScaNet: Learning Tiny Models by Raster-Scanning Images
=> RASCNA: Radio Astronomy Signal Classification through Neighborhood Assemblies
=> RASCor: Realtime Associative Stereo Correspondence
=> RASIM: A Novel Rotation and Scale Invariant Matching of Local Image Interest Points
=> RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
=> RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
=> RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
=> RASNet: Renal automatic segmentation using an improved U-Net with multi-scale perception and attention unit
=> Raspberry Pi 2-based stereo camera depth meter, A
=> Raspberry Pi 3 Multispectral Low-cost Sensor for UAV Based Remote Sensing. Case Study in South-west Niger
=> RaspiReader: Open Source Fingerprint Reader
=> RAST: Restorable Arbitrary Style Transfer via Multi-restoration
=> raster-mode algorithm for interactive modification of line drawing data, A
=> Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation
=> Raster Data Based Automated Noise Data Integration for Noise Mapping Limiting Data Dependency
=> Raster Data Partitioning for Supporting Distributed GIS Processing
=> Raster Map Image Analysis
=> Raster Map Line Element Extraction Method Based on Improved U-Net Network
=> Raster Scale Farmland Productivity Assessment with Multi-Source Data Fusion: A Case of Typical Black Soil Region in Northeast China
=> Raster Vs. Point Cloud LiDAR Data Classification
=> Rasterization And Voxelization Of Two- And Three-dimensional Space Partitionings
=> Rasterizing Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds by Block Kriging
=> RasterNet: Modeling Free-Flow Speed using LiDAR and Overhead Imagery
=> Rate-accuracy optimization in visual wireless sensor networks
=> Rate-accuracy optimization of binary descriptors
=> Rate-Accuracy Trade-Off in Video Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Rate-Accuracy Trade-Off in Video Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Rate-adaptive Compact Fisher Codes for Mobile Visual Search
=> Rate-Adaptive Neural Network for Image Compressive Sensing
=> Rate-Compatible Codes via Recursive BMST for Content-Sharing in Intelligent Vehicular Network
=> Rate-Complexity-Distortion Optimization for Hybrid Video Coding
=> Rate-complexity-distortion Optimization for Quadtree-based DCT Coding
=> Rate-complexity tradeoff for client-side free viewpoint image rendering
=> rate-constrafned key-frame extraction scheme for channel-aware video streaming, A
=> Rate-Constrained 3D Surface Estimation From Noise-Corrupted Multiview Depth Videos
=> Rate-constrained adaptive FEC for video over erasure channels with memory
=> Rate-Constrained Arbitrarily Shaped Video Object Coding with Object-Based Rate Control
=> Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Coding Standards
=> Rate-Constrained Fast Full-Search Algorithm Based on Block Sum Pyramid, A
=> Rate-constrained key frame selection using iteration
=> Rate-constrained learning-based image compression
=> Rate-Constrained Modular Predictive Residual Vector Quantization of Digital Images
=> Rate-Constrained Modular Predictive Residual Vector Quantization
=> Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding
=> Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation and Perceptual Coding
=> Rate-constrained motion estimation using Kalman filter
=> Rate-constrained Multi-hypothesis Motion-compensated Prediction for Video Coding
=> Rate-Constrained Multihypothesis Prediction for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
=> Rate-constrained successive elimination of Hadamard-based SATDs
=> rate-control algorithm using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC for low-delay applications, A
=> rate-control scheme for video transport over wireless channels, A
=> Rate-controlled redundancy-adaptive multiple description coding for video transmission over MIMO systems
=> Rate-distorsion Efficiency of Zerotree Coders
=> Rate-Distortion-Authentication Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
=> Rate-Distortion-Authentication optimized streaming with Generalized Butterfly Graph authentication
=> Rate-distortion-based combined motion estimation and segmentation
=> Rate-distortion-complexity adaptive video compression and streaming
=> Rate-distortion-complexity optimization for x265
=> Rate-distortion-complexity optimization of fast motion estimation in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
=> Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimized Coding Mode Decision for HEVC
=> Rate-Distortion-Constrained Statistical Motion Estimation for Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion-Constrained Subband Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion-Efficient Video Compression Using a 3-D Head Model
=> Rate-Distortion-Optimization-Based Quantization Parameter Cascading Technique for Random-Access Configuration in H.265/HEVC
=> Rate-Distortion-Optimization for Deep Image Compression
=> Rate-distortion-optimized content-adaptive coding for immersive networked experience of sports events
=> Rate-distortion-optimized predictive compression of dynamic 3D mesh sequences
=> Rate-Distortion-Optimized Video Transmission Using Pyramid Vector Quantization
=> Rate-distortion-smoothness optimized rate allocation schemes for Spectral Fine Granular Scalable video coding technique
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Strategy for Motion Estimation at the Decoder using Maximum Likelihood Technique in Distributed Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis and Streaming of SP and SI Frames
=> Rate-distortion analysis for H.264/AVC video coding and its application to rate control
=> Rate-distortion analysis for light field coding and streaming
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part II: Two-Pass VBR Coding for H.264/AVC
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part I: Fundamental Theory
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis of Directional Wavelets
=> Rate-distortion analysis of discrete-HMM pose estimation via multiaspect scattering data
=> Rate-distortion analysis of leaky prediction based FGS video for constant quality constrained rate adaptation
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Analysis of Motion-Compensated Rate Scalable Video
=> Rate-distortion analysis of random access for compressed light fields
=> Rate-distortion analysis of structured sensing matrices for block compressive sensing of images
=> Rate-distortion analysis of super-resolution image/video decoding
=> Rate-distortion analysis of weighted prediction for error resilience
=> rate-distortion analysis on motion prediction efficiency and mode decision for scalable wavelet video coding, A
=> Rate-Distortion and Complexity Joint Optimization for Fast Motion Estimation In H.264 Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion and Complexity Optimized Motion Estimation for H.264 Video Coding
=> Rate-distortion Approach to Wavelet-based Encoding of Predictive Error Frames, A
=> Rate-Distortion Based Image Segmentation Using Recursive Merging
=> Rate-Distortion Based Piecewise Planar 3D Scene Geometry Representation
=> Rate-distortion based real-time wireless video streaming
=> Rate-distortion based reconstruction optimization in distributed source coding for interactive multiview video streaming
=> Rate-distortion based selective decoding for pixel-domain distributed video coding
=> Rate-distortion based sparse coding for image set compression
=> Rate-distortion based video coding with adaptive mean-removed vector quantization
=> Rate-distortion bounds for motion compensated rate scalable video coders
=> Rate-Distortion Cost Estimation for H.264/AVC
=> Rate-Distortion Criterion Based Picture Padding for Arbitrary Resolution Video Coding Using H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
=> Rate-Distortion Driven Adaptive Partitioning for Octree-Based Point Cloud Geometry Coding
=> Rate-distortion driven decoder-side bitplane mode decision for distributed video coding
=> Rate-Distortion Driven Decomposition of Multiview Imagery to Diffuse and Specular Components
=> Rate-Distortion Driven Separation of Diffuse and Specular Components in Multiview Imagery
=> Rate-Distortion Efficient Piecewise Planar 3-D Scene Representation From 2-D Images
=> Rate-distortion evaluation for two-layer coding systems
=> Rate-Distortion Hint Tracks for Adaptive Video Streaming
=> Rate-distortion model and analytical bit allocation for wavelet-based region of interest coding
=> Rate-Distortion Model Based Bit Allocation for 3-D Facial Compression Using Geometry Video
=> Rate-distortion model based rate control for real-time VBR video coding and low-delay communications
=> Rate-Distortion Modeling for Bit Rate Constrained Point Cloud Compression
=> Rate-Distortion Modeling for Efficient H.264/AVC Encoding
=> Rate-distortion modeling for multiscale binary shape coding based on markov random fields
=> Rate-Distortion Modeling of Binary Shape using State Partitioning
=> Rate-distortion modeling of scalable video coders
=> Rate-Distortion Motion Compensated Noise Filtering For Low Bit Rate Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Bit Allocation for Object-Based Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Contour Prediction for a Region-Based Coder
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Depth Maps in the Wavelet Domain for Free-Viewpoint Rendering
=> Rate-distortion optimal downsampling of H.264 compressed video using full-resolution information
=> Rate-distortion optimal fast thresholding with complete JPEG/MPEG decoder compatibility
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Hybrid Scalable/Multiple-Description Video Codec, A
=> Rate-distortion optimal joint macroblock mode selection and motion estimation for mpeg-like video coders
=> Rate-distortion Optimal Joint Source/channel Coding for Robust and Efficient Low Bit Rate Packet Video Communications
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Joint Texture and Depth Map Coding for 3-D Video Streaming
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Motion Estimation Algorithms for Motion-Compensated Transform Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Parameter Choice in a Wavelet Image Communication System
=> Rate-distortion Optimal Skeleton-based Shape Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Transform Coefficient Selection for Unoccupied Regions in Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
=> Rate-distortion Optimal Video Pre-processing Algorithm, A
=> Rate-distortion optimal video summary generation
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP Allowing Packets With Bit Errors
=> Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP with Bit Errors
=> Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current coefficients of Wyner-Ziv frame in unidirectional distributed video coding
=> Rate-distortion optimised transform competition for intra coding in HEVC
=> Rate-distortion optimization and adaptation of intra prediction filter parameters
=> Rate-distortion optimization for automatic sprite video coding using H.264/AVC
=> Rate-distortion optimization for progressive compression of 3D mesh with color attributes
=> Rate-Distortion Optimization for VBR Environments Using a Motion Compensated Wavelet Coder
=> Rate-Distortion Optimization in Dynamic Mesh Compression
=> rate-distortion optimization model for SVC inter-layer encoding and bitstream extraction, A
=> Rate-distortion optimization of a tone mapping with SDR quality constraint for backward-compatible high dynamic range compression
=> Rate-Distortion Optimization of Hierarchical Displacement-Fields
=> Rate-distortion optimization of multi-exposure image coding for high dynamic range image coding
=> Rate-distortion optimization of parametrized quantization matrix for MPEG-2 encoding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimization of Rate Control for H.264 With Adaptive Initial Quantization Parameter Determination
=> Rate-distortion optimization of scalable video codecs
=> Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Adaptive Lagrange Multipliers
=> Rate-distortion optimized application-level retransmission using streaming agent for video streaming over 3G wireless network
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Bitstream Extractor for Motion Scalability in Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression and View-Dependent Transmission of 3-D Normal Meshes
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross-Layer Rate Control in Wireless Video Communication
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Delivery of JPEG2000 Compressed Video with Hierarchical Motion Side Information
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Frame Type Selection for MPEG Encoding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Geometry Compression for Spinning LiDAR Point Cloud
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph-Based Representation for Multiview Images With Complex Camera Configurations
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph Coarsening and Partitioning for Light Field Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph for Point Cloud Attribute Coding
=> Rate-distortion optimized H.264/MVc video communications over QoS-enabled networks
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Hybrid Error Control for Real-Time Packetized Video Transmission
=> Rate-distortion optimized image compression using wedgelets
=> Rate-distortion optimized interactive browsing of JPEG2000 images
=> Rate-distortion optimized intra update for error resilience in MPEG-4 video coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Joint Source/Channel Coding of WWAN Multicast Video for a Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Collective
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV) with Motion and Quantization Bin Side-Information
=> Rate-distortion optimized layered coding of high dynamic range videos
=> Rate-distortion optimized layered coding with unequal error protection for robust internet video
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Learning-Based Image Compression using an Adaptive Hierachical Autoencoder with Conditional Hyperprior
=> Rate-distortion optimized merge frame using piecewise constant functions
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Mode Selection for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding and the Emerging H.263 Standard
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Mode Switching for Error-Resilient Multi-View Video Plus Depth Based 3-D Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion-Compensated Prediction for Packet Loss Resilient Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Smoothing for MPEG-2 Encoding
=> Rate-distortion optimized on-demand media streaming with server diversity
=> Rate-distortion optimized optical flow estimation
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Pixel-Based Motion Vector Concatenation for Reference Picture Selection
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Post-Training Quantization for Learned Image Compression
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Post-Training Quantization for Learned Image Compression
=> Rate-distortion optimized rate-allocation for motion-compensated predictive video codecs using PixelRank
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for Depth Map-Based 3-D Video Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Reference Picture Management for High Efficiency Video Coding
=> Rate-distortion Optimized Region-based Video Coder
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Scan for Point Cloud Color Compression
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Scheduling for Redundant Video Representations
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Sparse Coding With Ordered Dictionary for Image Set Compression
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming for 3-D Wavelet Video
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
=> Rate-distortion optimized streaming of compressed light fields
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Video with Multiple Independent Encodings
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Transmission Power Adaptation for Video Streaming over Wireless Channels
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Tree-Structured Compression Algorithms for Piecewise Polynomial Images
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Tree-Structured Point-Lattice Vector Quantization for Compression of 3D Point Clouds Geometry
=> Rate-distortion optimized unequal loss protection for video transmission over packet erasure channels
=> Rate-distortion Optimized Video Coding Considering Frameskip
=> Rate-distortion optimized video coding with stopping rules: Quality and complexity
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming over Internet Packet Traces
=> Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming with Adaptive Playout
=> Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with multiple deadlines
=> Rate-distortion performance for joint source and channel coding of images
=> Rate-Distortion Performance of H.264/AVC Compared to State-of-the-Art Video Codecs
=> Rate-distortion performance of multi-view image coding with subsampling of viewpoints
=> Rate-Distortion Snake: A Tool for Optimal Shape Coding
=> Rate-Distortion Theory for Affine Global Motion Compensation in Video Coding
=> Rate-distortion Unequal Error Protection for Fractal Image Codes
=> Rate-efficient error robustness for IDR frames through edge-based redundancy maps
=> Rate-efficient visual correspondences using random projections
=> Rate-energy-accuracy optimization of convolutional architectures for face recognition
=> Rate-Invariant Analysis of Covariance Trajectories
=> Rate-Invariant Analysis of Trajectories on Riemannian Manifolds with Application in Visual Speech Recognition
=> Rate-invariant comparisons of covariance paths for visual speech recognition
=> Rate-Invariant Recognition of Humans and Their Activities
=> Rate-Performance-Loss Optimization for Inter-Frame Deep Feature Coding From Videos
=> Rate-quality tradeoff MPEG video encoder
=> Rate-Quantization Model for MPEG Encoders, A
=> Rate-reduction transcoding design for wireless video streaming
=> Rate-Rendering Distortion Optimized Preprocessing for Texture Map Compression of 3D Reconstructed Scenes
=> Rate-Scalable Object-Based Wavelet Codec with Implicit Shape Coding
=> Rate-visual-distortion optimized extraction with Quality Layers for scalable coding of stereo videos
=> Rate adaptation for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP in content distribution network
=> rate adaptation transcoding scheme for real-time video transmission over wireless channels, A
=> Rate adaptive video streaming under lossy network conditions
=> Rate Allocation Algorithms for Motion Compensated Embedded Video Coders
=> Rate Allocation Criteria in Source-channel Coding of Images
=> Rate Allocation for Prediction Drift Reduction in Video Streaming
=> Rate allocation for robust video streaming based on distributed video coding
=> Rate Allocation for Spotlight SAR Phase History Data Compression
=> Rate Allocation in Predictive Video Coding Using a Convex Optimization Framework
=> Rate and buffer regulation in a video encoder for seamless splicing
=> Rate and decoding power constrained video coding scheme for mobile multimedia players
=> Rate and Distortion Modeling of CGS Coded Scalable Video Content
=> Rate and distortion modeling of medium grain scalable video coding
=> Rate and Distortion Optimization for Reversible Data Hiding Using Multiple Histogram Shifting
=> Rate and Energy Efficient Power Control in a Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network
=> Rate and Power Allocation for Joint Coding and Transmission in Wireless Video Chat Applications
=> Rate Bounds on SSIM Index of Quantized Images
=> Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
=> Rate constrained multiresolution transmission of video
=> Rate control algorithm based on intra-picture complexity for H.264/AVC
=> Rate control algorithm based on quality factor optimization for Dirac video codec
=> Rate Control Algorithm for DCT-Based Video Coding Using Simple Rate Estimation and Linear Source Model, A
=> Rate Control Algorithm for High Quality Compression of Static Test Image in Digital TV System
=> Rate Control Algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC Transcoding
=> Rate control and bit allocation for MPEG-4
=> Rate control based on linear regression for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
=> Rate Control for an Embedded Wavelet Video Coder
=> Rate control for an MPEG transcoder without a priori knowledge of picture type
=> Rate Control for Consistent Objective Quality in High Efficiency Video Coding
=> Rate control for consistent video quality with inter-dependent distortion model for HEVC
=> Rate control for consistent visual quality of H.264/AVC encoding
=> Rate control for foveated MPEG/H.263 video
=> Rate Control for H.264 Video With Enhanced Rate and Distortion Models
=> Rate control for HEVC intra-coding with a CTU-dependent distortion model
=> Rate control for JVT video coding scheme with urd considerations
=> Rate control for layered video compression using matching pursuits
=> Rate control for low-bit-rate video via variable-encoding frame rates
=> Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Using a Dynamic Rate Table
=> Rate control for MPEG-2 SNR scalability and stream morphing using codeword estimation and overhead modelling
=> Rate control for MPEG transcoders
=> Rate control for MPEG video coding
=> Rate control for non-uniform video in HEVC
=> Rate Control for Predictive Transform Screen Content Video Coding Based on RANSAC
=> Rate control for screen content coding based on picture classification
=> Rate control for stereoscopic digital video encoding
=> Rate control for unbalanced multiple description video streaming
=> Rate control for VBR video over ATM: simplification and implementation
=> Rate Control For Versatile Video Coding
=> Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
=> Rate control for video coding over variable bit rate channels with applications to wireless transmission
=> Rate control for video coding with slice type dependencies
=> Rate Control for Videophone Using Local Perceptual Cues
=> Rate Control in DCT Video Coding for Low-Delay Communications
=> Rate control initialization algorithm for scalable video coding
=> Rate Control Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Video Sequences in HEVC
=> rate control method for H.263 temporal scalability, A
=> Rate Control Method with Pre-analysis for Real-time MPEG-2 Video Coding, A
=> Rate control model for high dynamic range video
=> Rate Control of H.264 Encoded Sequences by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain
=> Rate Control of H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
=> Rate Control Optimization for Temporal-Layer Scalable Video Coding
=> Rate control optimization in embedded wavelet coding
=> Rate Control Optimization of X265 Using Information from Quarter-Resolution Pre-Motion-Estimation
=> Rate Control Performance under End-User's Perspective: A Test Tool
=> Rate Control Scheme for Consistent Video Quality in Scalable Video Codec
=> Rate Control Scheme for Low-delay MPEG-2 Video Transcoder
=> Rate Control Scheme for Video Coding Using Low-Memory-Cost Look-Up Table
=> rate control scheme using Kalman filtering for H.263, A
=> Rate control schemes for panoramic video coding
=> Rate control technique based on 3D quality optimization for 3D video encoding
=> Rate Control Using Adaptive Model-Based Quantization, A
=> Rate control using linear rate-rho model for H.264
=> Rate Control via Adjustment of Lagrange Multiplier for Video Coding
=> Rate control with delay constraint for screen content coding
=> Rate controlled redundancy-adaptive multiple description video coding
=> Rate conversion of MPEG coded video by re-quantization process
=> Rate distortion-based motion estimation search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms
=> Rate Distortion Analysis for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
=> Rate distortion analysis of high dynamic range video coding techniques
=> Rate distortion analysis of leaky prediction layered video coding using quantization noise modeling
=> Rate Distortion Analysis of Motion Side Estimation in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
=> Rate Distortion Data Hiding of Motion Vector Competition Information in Chroma and Luma Samples for Video Compression
=> Rate Distortion Framework for 3D Browsing, A
=> Rate Distortion Method for Beamforming in RF Image Formation, A
=> rate distortion method for waveform design in RF image formation, A
=> Rate distortion Multiple Instance Learning for image classification
=> Rate distortion optimal bit allocation for stereo image coding
=> Rate Distortion Optimal Bit Allocation Methods for Volumetric Data Using JPEG 2000
=> Rate distortion optimal ECG signal compression
=> Rate Distortion Optimization for H.264 Interframe Coding: A General Framework and Algorithms
=> Rate Distortion Optimization Over Large Scale Video Corpus With Machine Learning
=> Rate distortion optimization using SSIM for 3D video coding
=> Rate Distortion Optimization: A Joint Framework and Algorithms for Random Access Hierarchical Video Coding
=> Rate Distortion Optimized Adaptive Multiscale Vector Quantization
=> Rate distortion optimized curve determination for curved wavelet image coding
=> Rate Distortion Optimized Document Coding Using Resolution Enhanced Rendering
=> Rate Distortion Optimized Inter-View Frame Level Bit Allocation Method for MV-HEVC
=> Rate distortion optimized mode decision in the scalable video coding
=> Rate distortion optimized quantization based on weighted mean squared error for lossy image coding
=> Rate distortion optimized transform for intra block coding for HEVC
=> Rate Distortion Performance of Pyramid and Subband Motion Compensation Based on Quantization Theory
=> Rate estimation for H.264/AVC spatial resolution reduction
=> Rate Estimation Techniques for Encoder Parallelization
=> Rate GQN: A Deviations-Reduced Decision-Making Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Autonomy
=> Rate Gradient Approximation Attack Threats Deep Spiking Neural Networks
=> Rate insensitive steganalysis of ±1 embedding in images
=> Rate model considering inter-symbol dependency for HEVC inter-frame coding
=> Rate Perceptual-Distortion Optimized Video Coding HEVC, A
=> Rate/distortion-based combination of multiple DCT transforms for video coding
=> Rate/distortion optimization in multiple description video coding
=> Rateless scalable video coding for overlay multisource streaming in MANETs
=> Rating-Aware Self-Organizing Maps
=> Rating Image Aesthetics Using a Crowd Sourcing Approach
=> Rating Image Aesthetics Using Deep Learning
=> Rating Iron Deficiency in Soybean Using Image Processing and Decision-Tree Based Models
=> Rating Prediction Based on Social Sentiment From Textual Reviews
=> Rating prediction via generative convolutional neural networks based regression
=> Rating Vs. Paired Comparison for the Judgment of Dominance on First Impressions
=> Ratio-and-Scale-Aware YOLO for Pedestrian Detection
=> Ratio-Based Multitemporal SAR Images Denoising: RABASAR
=> Ratio-Based Nonlocal Anisotropic Despeckling Approach for SAR Images
=> Ratio Contour Code
=> ratio edge detector for speckled images based on maximum strength edge pruning, A
=> Ratio model serves suprathreshold color luminance discrimination
=> Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate in the Major Metropolitan Areas of Romania
=> Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate: Analysis of Different Formulations Applied to Mainland Portugal
=> Ratio of the Arithmetic to the Geometric Mean: A First-order Statistical Test for Multilook SAR Image Homogeneity, The
=> Ratio of the Land Consumption Rate to the Population Growth Rate: A Framework for the Achievement of the Spatiotemporal Pattern in Poland and Lithuania, The
=> Ratio Regions: A Technique for Image Segmentation
=> Ratio Sum Versus Sum Ratio for Linear Discriminant Analysis
=> Rational-operator-based depth-from-defocus approach to scene reconstruction
=> Rational Delegation Computing Using Information Theory and Game Theory Approach
=> Rational Discrete Generalized Cylinders And Their Application To Shape Recovery In Medical Images
=> rational edge-preserving smoother, A
=> Rational filter design for depth from defocus
=> Rational Filters for Passive Depth from Defocus
=> Rational Filters for Passive Depth from Defocus
=> Rational Filters for Passive Depth from Defocus
=> Rational Function Lens Distortion Model for General Cameras, A
=> Rational Function Model Based Geo-Positioning Method for Satellite Images without Using Ground Control Points, A
=> rational function model: A Tool for Processing High-Resolution Imagery, The
=> Rational function modeling for spaceborne SAR datasets
=> Rational Functions and Potential for Rigorous Sensor Model Recovery
=> Rational Polynomial Camera Model Warping for Deep Learning Based Satellite Multi-View Stereo Matching
=> Rational Polynomial Modelling for CARTOSAT-1 data
=> Rational Unsharp Masking Method for TV Applications, A
=> Rationalising the Renormalisation Method of Kanatani
=> Rationality of Restricted Re-quantization for Efficient MPEG Transcoding
=> Rationalizing Edge Detectors
=> Rationalizing Efficient Compositional Image Alignment
=> Rationalizing the Coefficients of Popular Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters
=> RATM: Recurrent Attentive Tracking Model
=> RATSAC - Random Tree Sampling for Maximum Consensus Estimation
=> RAU-Net-Based Imaging Method for Spatial-Variant Correction and Denoising in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Radar
=> RAV (Reparameterized Angle Variations) Algorithm for Online Handwriting Recognition
=> RAV: Learning-Based Adaptive Streaming to Coordinate the Audio and Video Bitrate Selections
=> RAVAN: CubeSat Demonstration for Multi-Point Earth Radiation Budget Measurements
=> RAVEN: A Dataset for Relational and Analogical Visual REasoNing
=> RavenGaze: A Dataset for Gaze Estimation Leveraging Psychological Experiment Through Eye Tracker
=> Raw-guided Enhancing Reprocess of Low-light Image via Deep Exposure Adjustment
=> Raw-to-Raw: Mapping between Image Sensor Color Responses
=> Raw Data Simulation of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar with Accurate Range Model
=> Raw High-Definition Radar for Multi-Task Learning
=> Raw Image Based Over-Exposure Correction Using Channel-Guidance Strategy
=> Raw Image Based Over-Exposure Correction Using Channel-Guidance Strategy
=> Raw Image Deblurring
=> RAW Image Reconstruction Using a Self-Contained sRGB-JPEG Image with Only 64 KB Overhead
=> RAW Image Reconstruction Using a Self-contained sRGB-JPEG Image with Small Memory Overhead
=> Raw Image Reconstruction with Learned Compact Metadata
=> Raw Signal Simulator for SAR With Trajectory Deviation Based on Spatial Spectrum Analysis
=> RAW tool identification through detected demosaicing regularity
=> Raw vs. Processed: How to Use the Raw and Processed Images for Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
=> RawFormer: An Efficient Vision Transformer for Low-Light RAW Image Enhancement
=> Rawgment: Noise-Accounted RAW Augmentation Enables Recognition in a Wide Variety of Environments
=> RawHDR: High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction from a Single Raw Image
=> RAWtoBit: A Fully End-to-end Camera ISP Network
=> Raxel Imaging Model and Ray-Based Calibration, The
=> Ray-based Color Image Segmentation
=> Ray-based Detection Of Openings In Urban Areas Using Mobile Lidar Data
=> Ray-based Segmentation Algorithm for Medical Imaging
=> Ray-Patch: An Efficient Querying for Light Field Transformers
=> Ray-Space-Based Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Audio Source Separation
=> Ray-Space Epipolar Geometry for Light Field Cameras
=> Ray-Space Motion Compensation for Lenslet Plenoptic Video Coding
=> Ray-Space Projection Model for Light Field Camera
=> Ray-Tracing Simulation Techniques for Understanding High-Resolution SAR Images
=> Ray Carving with Gradients and Motion
=> Ray Casting Deformable Models on the GPU
=> Ray casting for modeling solids
=> Ray Conditioning: Trading Photo-consistency for Photo-realism in Multi-view Image Generation
=> Ray Contribution Masks for Structure Adaptive Sinogram Filtering
=> Ray Deformation Networks for Novel View Synthesis of Refractive Objects
=> Ray Divergence-Based Bundle Adjustment Conditioning for Multi-view Stereo
=> Ray geometry in non-pinhole cameras: A survey
=> Ray Markov Random Fields for image-based 3D modeling: Model and efficient inference
=> Ray Priors through Reprojection: Improving Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Extrapolation
=> Ray Projection for Recovering Projective Transformations and Illumination Changes
=> Ray Saliency: Bottom-Up Visual Saliency for a Rotating and Zooming Camera
=> Ray Space Features for Plenoptic Structure-from-Motion
=> Ray Traced Virtual Reality
=> Ray Tracing-Guided Design of Plenoptic Cameras
=> Ray Tracing and SAR-Tomography for 3D Analysis of Microwave Scattering at Man-Made Objects
=> Ray tracing for HoloVizio light field displays
=> Ray Tracing for Modeling of Small Footprint Airborne Laser Scanning Returns
=> ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images, A
=> Ray tracing via GPU rasterization
=> Ray3D: ray-based 3D human pose estimation for monocular absolute 3D localization
=> Raydiance: A Tangible Interface for Teaching Computer Vision
=> Rayleigh-Maximum-Likelihood Filtering for Speckle Reduction of Ultrasound Images
=> Rayleigh-Rice Mixture Parameter Estimation via EM Algorithm for Change Detection in Multispectral Images
=> Rayleigh-Ritz style method for large-scale discriminant analysis, A
=> Rayleigh EigenDirections (REDs): Nonlinear GAN Latent Space Traversals for Multidimensional Features
=> Rayleigh Lidar Signal Denoising Method Combined with WT, EEMD and LOWESS to Improve Retrieval Accuracy
=> Rayleigh segmentation of the endocardium in ultrasound images
=> Rayleigh, Deep Convective Clouds, and Cross-Sensor Desert Vicarious Calibration Validation for the PROBA-V Mission
=> RayMVSNet: Learning Ray-based 1D Implicit Fields for Accurate Multi-View Stereo
=> RayMVSNet++: Learning Ray-Based 1D Implicit Fields for Accurate Multi-View Stereo
=> RayNet: Learning Volumetric 3D Reconstruction with Ray Potentials
=> RayPortals: a light transport editing framework
=> Rays: New Representation for Polygons and Polyhedra
=> Raytracing Simulated GPS Radio Wave Propagation Paths Experiencing Large Disturbances When Going through the Top of the Sub-Cloud Layer
=> RayTran: 3D Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction of Multiple Objects from Videos with Ray-Traced Transformers
=> RB-Dust - A Reference-based Dataset for Vision-based Dust Removal
=> RB-Net: Training Highly Accurate and Efficient Binary Neural Networks With Reshaped Point-Wise Convolution and Balanced Activation
=> RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
=> RbA: Segmenting Unknown Regions Rejected by All
=> RbA: Segmenting Unknown Regions Rejected by All
=> RBC: Rectifying the Biased Context in Continual Semantic Segmentation
=> RBDF: Reciprocal Bidirectional Framework for Visible Infrared Person Reidentification
=> RBDL: Robust block-Structured dictionary learning for block sparse representation
=> RBF-Based Compression Method for Image-Based Relighting, An
=> RBF-Based Multiphase Level Set Method for Segmentation in Echocardiography using the Statistics of the Radiofrequency Signal, A
=> RBF-based neurodynamic nearest neighbor classification in real pattern space
=> RBF-based pattern recognition method by competitively reducing classification-oriented error, An
=> RBF-Based QP Estimation Model for VBR Control in H.264/SVC
=> RBF-Softmax: Learning Deep Representative Prototypes with Radial Basis Function Softmax
=> RBF-Softmax: Learning Deep Representative Prototypes with Radial Basis Function Softmax
=> RBF based spatio-temporal representation technique for video compression
=> RBF Model Applied to Forecast the Water and Sediment Fluxes in Lijin Section
=> RBF Network with Tunable Function Shape, An
=> RBF Neural Networks for Hand-Based Biometric Recognition
=> RBF patching of laser scanner data
=> RBF shape histograms and their application to 3D face processing
=> RBFA-Net: A Rotated Balanced Feature-Aligned Network for Rotated SAR Ship Detection and Classification
=> RBFN Restoration of Nonlinearly Degraded Images
=> RBFNN-Based Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Consensus
=> RBFNN-Based Fractional-Order Control of High-Speed Train With Uncertain Model and Actuator Failures
=> RBGAN: Realistic-generation and balanced-utility GAN for face de-identification
=> RBGNet: Ray-based Grouping for 3D Object Detection
=> RBM-based Silhouette Encoding for Human Action Modelling
=> RBM-LBP: Joint Distribution of Multiple Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
=> RBP-Pose: Residual Bounding Box Projection for Category-Level Pose Estimation
=> RBRIEF: a robust descriptor based on random binary comparisons
=> Rbvs-Net: A Robust Convolutional Neural Network For Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation
=> RC-Heli and Structure and Motion techniques for the 3-D reconstruction of a Milan Dome spire
=> RC-MVSNet: Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo with Neural Rendering
=> RC-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
=> RC Filter Design for Wireless Power Transfer: A Fourier Series Approach
=> RCA-NOC: Relative Contrastive Alignment for Novel Object Captioning
=> RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search
=> RCBSR: Re-parameterization Convolution Block for Super-resolution
=> RCCNet: Reducing Channel Convolution Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
=> RCCT-ASPPNet: Dual-Encoder Remote Image Segmentation Based on Transformer and ASPP
=> RCD-SGD: Resource-Constrained Distributed SGD in Heterogeneous Environment Via Submodular Partitioning
=> RCD: A recurring concept drift framework
=> RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunnel Lining Void Detection from GPR Images
=> RCFL: Redundancy-Aware Collaborative Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks
=> RCGAN: Learning a Generative Model for Arbitrary Size Image Generation
=> RCL: Recurrent Continuous Localization for Temporal Action Detection
=> RCLane: Relay Chain Prediction for Lane Detection
=> RCMF: Robust Constrained Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
=> RCNN-SliceNet: A Slice and Cluster Approach for Nuclei Centroid Detection in Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Images
=> RCP: Recurrent Closest Point for Point Cloud
=> RCS of Complex Targets: Original Representation Validated by Measurements: Application to ISAR Imagery
=> RCSANet: A Full Convolutional Network for Extracting Inland Aquaculture Ponds from High-Spatial-Resolution Images
=> RCsearcher: Reaction center identification in retrosynthesis via deep Q-learning
=> RCUMP: Residual Completion Unrolling With Mixed Priors for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
=> RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference for Resource-Constrained Deep Learning
=> RD-GAN: Few/zero-shot Chinese Character Style Transfer via Radical Decomposition and Rendering
=> RD-IWAN: Residual Dense Based Imperceptible Watermark Attack Network
=> RD-Optimized 3D Planar Model Reconstruction & Encoding for Video Compression
=> RD-optimized interactive streaming of multiview video with multiple encodings
=> RD-Optimized View Synthesis Prediction for Multiview Video Coding
=> RD Optimized Bandwidth Efficient Motion Estimation and Its Hardware Design With On-Demand Data Access
=> RD optimized bitstream extraction for H.264/SVC based video streaming
=> RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
=> RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
=> RDA: Reciprocal Distribution Alignment for Robust Semi-supervised Learning
=> RDA: Robust Domain Adaptation via Fourier Adversarial Attacking
=> RDC-SLAM: A Real-Time Distributed Cooperative SLAM System Based on 3D LiDAR
=> RDCFace: Radial Distortion Correction for Face Recognition
=> RDCRMG: A Raster Dataset Clean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness
=> RDD-net: Robust duplicated-diffusion watermarking based on deep network
=> RDEN: Residual Distillation Enhanced Network-Guided Lightweight Synthesized View Quality Enhancement for 3D-HEVC
=> RDEPD: Re-Exploring Depth Estimation for Pedestrian Detection
=> RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photometric Similarity Filter for Optical Image Restoration
=> RDF-Based Blackboard Architecture for Improving Table Analysis, An
=> RDFNet: RGB-D Multi-level Residual Feature Fusion for Indoor Semantic Segmentation
=> RDI-Net: Relational Dynamic Inference Networks
=> RDIR: Capturing Temporally-Invariant Representations of Multiple Objects in Videos
=> RDMNet: Reliable Dense Matching Based Point Cloud Registration for Autonomous Driving
=> RDO-Q: Extremely Fine-Grained Channel-Wise Quantization via Rate-Distortion Optimization
=> RDONet: Rate-Distortion Optimized Learned Image Compression with Variable Depth
=> RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
=> RDRN: Recursively Defined Residual Network for Image Super-resolution
=> RDTC Optimized Compression of Image-Based Scene Representations (Part I): Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
=> RDTC Optimized Compression of Image-Based Scene Representations (Part II): Practical Coding
=> RDTC Optimized Streaming for Remote Browsing in Image-Based Scene Representations
=> RDVideo: A New Lossless Video Codec on GPU
=> Re-abstraction and perturbing support pair network for few-shot fine-grained image classification
=> Re-Aging GAN: Toward Personalized Face Age Transformation
=> Re-Analysis and Synthesis of Data on Affect Dynamics in Learning, A
=> Re-Arranging Space, Time and Scales in GIS: Alternative Models for Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Analyses
=> Re-Attention for Visual Question Answering
=> Re-Balancing Strategy for Class-Imbalanced Classification Based on Instance Difficulty, A
=> Re-basin via implicit Sinkhorn differentiation
=> Re-Caption: Saliency-Enhanced Image Captioning Through Two-Phase Learning
=> Re-codable video
=> Re-coding ECOCs without re-training
=> Re-Compose the Image by Evaluating the Crop on More Than Just a Score
=> Re-decoupling the classification branch in object detectors for few-class scenes
=> RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
=> Re-Discovering Ancient Landscapes: Archaeological Survey of Mound Features from Historical Maps in Northwest India and Implications for Investigating the Large-Scale Distribution of Cultural Heritage Sites in South Asia
=> Re-distributing Biased Pseudo Labels for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation: A Baseline Investigation
=> Re-emerging Malaria Vectors In Rural Sahel (nouna, Burkina Faso): The Paluclim Project
=> Re-energizing Domain Discriminator with Sample Relabeling for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
=> Re-EnGAN: Unsupervised image-to-image translation based on reused feature encoder in CycleGAN
=> Re-estimation of Motion and Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding
=> Re-evaluating colour constancy algorithms
=> Re-Evaluating LiDAR Scene Flow
=> Re-evaluation of Pedestrian Detection on Riemannian Manifolds, A
=> Re-Evaluation of the Security of a Family of Image Diffusion Mechanisms
=> Re-examining the Optical Flow Constraint: A New Optical Flow Algorithm with Outlier rejection
=> Re-GAN: Data-Efficient GANs Training via Architectural Reconfiguration
=> Re-ID Driven Localization Refinement for Person Search
=> Re-id: Hunting Attributes in the Wild
=> Re-identification by neighborhood structure metric learning
=> Re-identification for Online Person Tracking by Modeling Space-Time Continuum
=> Re-identification framework for long term visual object tracking based on object detection and classification
=> Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps
=> Re-identification Loss in Combination Spaces for Multiple Object Tracking
=> Re-identification of Pedestrians in Crowds Using Dynamic Time Warping
=> Re-identification of pedestrians with variable occlusion and scale
=> Re-identification of Visual Targets in Camera Networks: A Comparison of Techniques
=> Re-Identification of Zebrafish using Metric Learning
=> Re-Identification Supervised Texture Generation
=> Re-Identification With Consistent Attentive Siamese Networks
=> Re-identification with RGB-D Sensors
=> Re-identify people in wide area camera network
=> Re-illuminating single images using Albedo estimation
=> Re-IQA: Unsupervised Learning for Image Quality Assessment in the Wild
=> Re-labeling ImageNet: From Single to Multi-Labels, from Global to Localized Labels
=> Re-lighting and Compensation for Face Images
=> Re-mapping Animation Parameters Between Multiple Types of Facial Model
=> Re-mine, Learn and Reason: Exploring the Cross-modal Semantic Correlations for Language-guided HOI detection
=> Re-net: A Relation Embedded Deep Model for AU Occurrence and Intensity Estimation
=> re-OBJ: Jointly Learning the Foreground and Background for Object Instance Re-identification
=> Re-Parameterization Making GC-Net-Style 3dconvnets More Efficient
=> Re-Parameterized Real-Time Stereo Matching Network Based on Mixed Cost Volumes Toward Autonomous Driving
=> Re-Parameterized Vision Transformer (ReVT) for Domain-Generalized Semantic Segmentation, A
=> Re-photography and Environment Monitoring Using a Social Sensor Network
=> RE-PLAN: An Extensible Software Architecture to Facilitate Disaster Response Planning
=> Re-Plannable Automated Parking System With a Standalone Around View Monitor for Narrow Parking Lots
=> Re-Planning of Flight Routes Avoiding Convective Weather and the Three Areas
=> Re-presentations of Art Collections
=> Re-projective Pose Estimation of a Planar Prototype
=> Re-Projective vs. Projective Camera Calibration: Effects on 3D-Reconstruction
=> Re-quantization Based Semi-Fragile Authentication for General Uniform Quantizer
=> Re-ranking and TOPSIS-based ensemble feature selection with multi-stage aggregation for text categorization
=> Re-ranking by Multi-feature Fusion with Diffusion for Image Retrieval
=> Re-Ranking High-Dimensional Deep Local Representation for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
=> Re-ranking image-text matching by adaptive metric fusion
=> Re-ranking of the Merging Order for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
=> Re-ranking of web image search results using a graph algorithm
=> Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-Reciprocal Encoding
=> Re-ranking using compression-based distance measure for Content-based Commercial Product Image Retrieval
=> Re-Ranking via Metric Fusion for Object Retrieval and Person Re-Identification
=> Re-ranking with ranking-reflected similarity for person re-identification
=> Re-ranking with two-level hashing
=> Re-ReND: Real-time Rendering of NeRFs across Devices
=> Re-sampling for Chinese Sign Language Recognition
=> Re-scalable V-BLAST MIMO system for FPGA
=> Re-scoring using image-language similarity for few-shot object detection
=> Re-scoring using image-language similarity for few-shot object detection
=> Re-Sign: Re-Aligned End-to-End Sequence Modelling with Deep Recurrent CNN-HMMs
=> Re-staining Pathology Images by FCNN
=> Re-Synchronization Using the Hand Preceding Model for Multi-Modal Fusion in Automatic Continuous Cued Speech Recognition
=> Re-texturing by Intrinsic Video
=> Re-Thinking Co-Salient Object Detection
=> Re-Thinking Federated Active Learning Based on Inter-Class Diversity
=> Re-Thinking Model Inversion Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks
=> Re-thinking non-rigid structure from motion
=> Re-Thinking the Effectiveness of Batch Normalization and Beyond
=> Re-Thinking the Relations in Co-Saliency Detection
=> Re-Using of the Historical Buildings in the Context of Sustainablity: An Architectural Design Studio Study on Old Girls Teacher Training School
=> Re-Visiting Discriminator for Blind Free-Viewpoint Image Quality Assessment
=> Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
=> Re-Weighted Adversarial Adaptation Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
=> Re-Weighted Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-View Clustering
=> Re-Weighted L_1 Algorithms within the Lagrange Duality Framework
=> Re-weighting and 1-Point RANSAC-Based PnnP Solution to Handle Outliers
=> Re-weighting features selection based on wrapper filter and genetic algorithms for figurative images recognition
=> Re-Weighting Large Margin Label Distribution Learning for Classification
=> Re-weighting Linear Discrimination Analysis under ranking loss
=> Re-weighting the morphological diversity
=> Re-writing the Construction History of Boughton House (Northamptonshire, Uk) with the Help of Docu-tools®
=> Re:PolyWorld - A Graph Neural Network for Polygonal Scene Parsing
=> Re2TAL: Rewiring Pretrained Video Backbones for Reversible Temporal Action Localization
=> Reach-Avoid Games With Two Defenders and One Attacker: An Analytical Approach
=> Reach Out and Touch Space (Motion Learning)
=> Reach Project Contribution to Protecting, Preserving and Valuing Tangible and Intangible Heritage Through Participation, The
=> Reaching the World Through Free Licenses and Wikimedia's Crowdsourced Platforms
=> REACT: Remainder Adaptive Compensation for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
=> ReAct: Temporal Action Detection with Relational Queries
=> Reaction-diffusion algorithm for stereo disparity detection
=> Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Learning
=> Reaction-diffusion network for geometric multiscale high speed image processing
=> Reaction-diffusion Systems for Hypothesis Propagation
=> Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks
=> ReactioNet: Learning High-order Facial Behavior from Universal Stimulus-Reaction by Dyadic Relation Reasoning
=> Reactions to Peripheral Image Motion Using a Head/Eye Platform
=> Reactiva'Motion Project: Motion Synthesis Based on a Reactive Representation
=> Reactive Computer Vision System with Reconfigurable Architecture
=> Reactive control of zoom while fixating using perspective and affine cameras
=> Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors
=> Reactive Memories: An Interactive Talking-Head
=> Reactive Memories: An Interactive Talking-Head
=> Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
=> Reactive Obstacle Avoidance for Highly Maneuverable Vehicles Based on a Two-Stage Optical Flow Clustering
=> Reactive pedestrian path following from examples
=> Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry
=> Reactive Zoom Control while Tracking Using an Affine Camera
=> Reactive Zoom Control while Tracking Using an Affine Camera
=> Reactnet: Towards Precise Binary Neural Network with Generalized Activation Functions
=> Reactrix
=> Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning
=> Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning
=> Read-the-game skill evaluation by analyzing head orientation in immersive VR
=> Read-Write Memory Network for Movie Story Understanding, A
=> Read and Attend: Temporal Localisation in Sign Language Videos
=> Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition
=> Read My Lips: Continuous Signer Independent Weakly Supervised Viseme Recognition
=> READ: Reciprocal Attention Discriminator for Image-to-Video Re-identification
=> READ: Recursive Autoencoders for Document Layout Generation
=> Readability Enhancement of Displayed Images Under Ambient Light
=> READER: Robust Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Dimension Reduction
=> Reading-Life Log: Technologies to Recognize Texts That We Read, The
=> Reading-Strategy Inspired Visual Representation Learning for Text-to-Video Retrieval
=> Reading 1D Barcodes with Mobile Phones Using Deformable Templates
=> Reading Activity Recognition Using an Off-the-Shelf EEG: Detecting Reading Activities and Distinguishing Genres of Documents
=> Reading Ancient Coins: Automatically Identifying Denarii Using Obverse Legend Seeded Retrieval
=> Reading Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text from Images Through Spline Regression and Rectification
=> Reading between the Lines: A Method for Extracting Dynamic 3D with Texture
=> Reading between the Lines: Object Localization Using Implicit Cues from Image Tags
=> Reading between the Lines: Object Localization Using Implicit Cues from Image Tags
=> Reading between the Lines: Object Localization Using Implicit Cues from Image Tags
=> Reading between the turns: Statistical modeling for identity recognition and verification in chats
=> Reading car license plates using deep neural networks
=> Reading challenging barcodes with cameras
=> Reading Chess
=> Reading comprehension by content-related audiovisual feedback in children's story application (app)
=> Reading Cursive Handwriting by Alignment of Letter Prototypes
=> Reading Cursive Handwriting
=> Reading Digital Video Clocks by Two Phases of Connected Deep Networks
=> Reading During Fully Automated Driving: A Study of the Effect of Peripheral Visual and Haptic Information on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload
=> Reading from Scratch: A Vision-System for Reading Data on Micro-structured Surfaces
=> Reading Greenness in Urban Areas: Possible Roles of Phenological Metrics from the Copernicus HR-VPP Dataset
=> Reading grid for feature selection relevance criteria in regression
=> Reading Handwritten Words Using Hierarchical Relaxation
=> Reading LCD/LED Displays with a Camera Cell Phone
=> Reading Newspaper Text
=> Reading order detection in visually-rich documents with multi-modal layout-aware relation prediction
=> Reading Order of Chinese Newspaper Articles Using a Block Growing Method
=> Reading Out the Synaptic Echoes of Low-Level Perception in V1
=> Reading Personality Preferences From Motion Patterns in Computer Mouse Operations
=> Reading Speed and Superiority of Right Visual Field on Foveated Vision
=> Reading Text in the Wild from Compressed Images
=> Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation
=> Reading the signs: A video based sign dictionary
=> Reading to Listen at the Cocktail Party: Multi-Modal Speech Separation
=> Reading Users' Minds From Their Eyes: A Method for Implicit Image Annotation
=> Reading Watermarks from Printed Binary Images with a Camera Phone
=> ReadingAct RGB-D action dataset and human action recognition from local features
=> Readjusting Unstable Regions to Improve the Quality of High Accuracy Optical Flow
=> Readout of Energy Pulses on Microwave SQUID Multiplexer: A Sensor Array-Based Approach
=> ReADS: A Rectified Attentional Double Supervised Network for Scene Text Recognition
=> ReadSoft International
=> Ready-Aim-Fly! Hands-Free Face-Based HRI for 3D Trajectory Control of UAVs
=> Ready-to-Use Methods for the Detection of Clouds, Cirrus, Snow, Shadow, Water and Clear Sky Pixels in Sentinel-2 MSI Images
=> REAF: Remembering Enhancement and Entropy-Based Asymptotic Forgetting for Filter Pruning
=> ReAgent: Point Cloud Registration using Imitation and Reinforcement Learning
=> Reagformer: Reaggregation Transformer with Affine Group Features for 3d Object Detection
=> Real- and Complex-Valued Neural Networks for SAR Image Segmentation Through Different Polarimetric Representations
=> Real- Time Hyperspectral Stereo Processing for the Generation of 3D Depth Information
=> Real- Time Video Denoising on Mobile Phones
=> Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data
=> Real-life Activity Recognition: Focus on Recognizing Reading Activities
=> real-life dangers of augmented reality, The
=> Real-life Test of Face Recognition System for Dialogue Interface Robot in Ubiquitous Environments, A
=> Real-life violent social interaction detection
=> Real-MFF: A large realistic multi-focus image dataset with ground truth
=> Real-RawVSR: Real-World Raw Video Super-Resolution with a Benchmark Dataset
=> Real-Scene Reflection Removal With RAW-RGB Image Pairs
=> Real-Time 100 Object Recognition System
=> Real-time 16K video coding on a GPU with complexity scalable BPC-PaCo
=> Real-Time 2-D Feature Detection on a Reconfigurable Computer
=> Real-Time 2-D Vector Doppler System for Clinical Experimentation, A
=> Real-time 2-D wavelet transform implementation for HDTV compression
=> Real-time 2D-3D filtering using order statistics based algorithms
=> Real-time 2D feature detection with low-level image processing algorithms on smart CCD/CMOS image sensors
=> Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion
=> Real-time 2D video/3D LiDAR registration
=> Real-Time 2D/3D Deformable Registration Using Metric Learning
=> Real-time 2D+3D facial action and expression recognition
=> Real-Time 2DHoG-2DPCA Algorithm for Hand Gesture Recognition
=> Real-time 3-D face tracking and modeling framework for mid-res cam
=> Real-time 3-D face tracking and modeling from a webcam
=> Real-Time 3-D Facial Animation: From Appearance to Internal Articulators
=> Real-time 3-D human body tracking using learnt models of behaviour
=> Real-Time 3-D Human Body Tracking using Variable Length Markov Models
=> Real-time 3-D image analysis via Jacobi moments
=> Real-time 3-D image reconstruction from multi-focus images by efficient linear filtering with multi-dimensional symmetry
=> Real-Time 3-D Measurement System Based on Light-Section Method Using Smart Image Sensor
=> Real-Time 3-D Semantic Scene Parsing With LiDAR Sensors
=> Real-Time 3-D Sensing, Visualization and Recognition of Dynamic Biological Microorganisms
=> Real-Time 3-D Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Cameras
=> Real-Time 3-D Visual Detection-Based Soft Wire Avoidance Scheme for Industrial Robot Manipulators, A
=> Real-time 3d arm pose estimation from monocular video for enhanced HCI
=> Real-Time 3D Articulated Pose Tracking using Particle Filtering and Belief Propagation on Factor Graphs
=> Real-Time 3D Articulated Pose Tracking using Particle Filters Interacting through Belief Propagation
=> Real-Time 3D Body Pose Tracking from Multiple 2D Images
=> Real-Time 3D Face Acquisition Using Reconfigurable Hybrid Architecture
=> Real-Time 3D Face Alignment Using an Encoder-Decoder Network With an Efficient Deconvolution Layer
=> Real-Time 3D Face and Facial Action Tracking Using Extended 2D+3D AAMs
=> Real-Time 3D Face Fitting and Texture Fusion on In-the-Wild Videos
=> Real-time 3D face identification from a depth camera
=> Real-Time 3d Face Recognition Using Line Projection And Mesh Sampling
=> Real-Time 3d Face Recognition Using Line Projection And Mesh Sampling
=> Real-Time 3D Face Recognition with the Integration of Depth and Intensity Images
=> Real-time 3D face reconstruction from one single image by displacement mapping
=> Real-Time 3d Face Reconstruction from Single Image Using End-To-End Cnn Regression
=> Real-time 3D face tracking based on active appearance model constrained by depth data
=> Real-Time 3D Face Tracking with Mutual Information and Active Contours
=> Real-Time 3D Face Verification with a Consumer Depth Camera
=> Real-Time 3D Facial Tracking via Cascaded Compositional Learning
=> Real-time 3D fluid simulation digital art using BCI
=> Real-time 3D Football Ball Tracking from Multiple Cameras
=> Real-Time 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation for Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Feature Analysis and Inverse Kinematics
=> Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kinematics and Physical Constraints
=> Real-time 3D head pose and facial landmark estimation from depth images using triangular surface patch features
=> Real-time 3D head pose estimation using both geometry and learning
=> Real-Time 3D Head Pose Tracking Through 2.5D Constrained Local Models with Local Neural Fields
=> Real-Time 3D Head Tracking Under Rapidly Changing Pose, Head Movement and Illumination
=> Real-Time 3D Human Body Tracking and Modeling System, A
=> Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular View with Applications to Event Detection and Video Gaming
=> Real-time 3D human pose estimation without skeletal a priori structures
=> Real-Time 3D Ladar Imaging
=> Real-Time 3D Mapping in Complex Environments Using a Spinning Actuated LiDAR System
=> Real-Time 3D Microwave Medical Imaging With Enhanced Variational Born Iterative Method
=> Real-Time 3D Model-Based Gesture Tracking for Multimedia Control
=> Real-Time 3D Model Tracking in Color and Depth on a Single CPU Core
=> Real-Time 3D Modeling System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras for Free-Viewpoint Video Generation, A
=> Real-time 3D motion and structure of point features: a front-end system for vision-based control and interaction
=> Real-Time 3D Motion Capture by Monocular Vision and Virtual Rendering
=> Real-Time 3D Motion Capture by Monocular Vision and Virtual Rendering
=> Real-Time 3D multi-person tracking using Monte Carlo Surface Sampling
=> Real-Time 3D Object Tracking
=> Real-time 3D page tracking and book status recognition for high-speed book digitization based on adaptive capturing
=> Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition for mobile robots with cascade HMM and particle filter
=> Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space
=> Real-time 3D pulse-echo ultrasonic imaging with coded-excitation systems
=> Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and 6-DoF Tracking with an Event Camera
=> Real-time 3D reconstruction and pose estimation for human motion analysis
=> Real-Time 3D Reconstruction for Occlusion-Aware Interactions in Mixed Reality
=> Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from Images Taken from an UAV
=> Real-Time 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes Using Point-Based Fusion
=> Real-time 3D reconstruction of non-rigid shapes with a single moving camera
=> Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Traffic Scenes Under an Images-to-Model Framework
=> Real-time 3D Reconstruction on High Resolution Focal Plane Array
=> Real-time 3D registration of stereo-vision based range images using GPU
=> Real-time 3D registration using GPU
=> Real-Time 3D Rendering of Heterogeneous Scenes
=> Real-time 3D rendering with hatching
=> Real-time 3D scene reconstruction with dynamically moving object using a single depth camera
=> Real-time 3D segmentation of the left ventricle using deformable subdivision surfaces
=> Real-time 3D semi-local surface patch extraction using GPGPU
=> Real-time 3D shape reconstruction, dynamic 3D mesh deformation, and high fidelity visualization for 3D video
=> Real-Time 3D Single Object Tracking With Transformer
=> Real-time 3D skeletonisation in computer vision-based human pose estimation using GPGPU
=> Real-time 3D Surface Tracking and Its Applications
=> Real-time 3D tracking using multiple sample points
=> Real-time 3D video synthesis from binocular capture system based on commodity graphic hardware
=> Real-Time 3D Video Synthesis from Binocular Stereo Camera
=> Real-Time 3D Visual Singing Synthesis: From Appearance to Internal Articulators, A
=> Real-Time 4D Reconstruction of Human Motion
=> Real-time 6-DoF Pose Estimation by an Event-based Camera using Active LED Markers
=> Real-time 6D Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
=> Real-time 6D stereo Visual Odometry with non-overlapping fields of view
=> Real-time 6K Image Rescaling with Rate-distortion Optimization
=> Real-Time Abnormal Event Detection in Complicated Scenes
=> Real-time abnormal motion detection in surveillance video
=> Real-time abnormal situation detection based on particle advection in crowded scenes
=> real-time accompaniment system based on sung voice recognition, A
=> Real-time accumulation of occlusion-based snow
=> Real-Time Accurate 3D Head Tracking and Pose Estimation with Consumer RGB-D Cameras
=> Real-time accurate circle fitting with occlusions
=> Real-time accurate crowd counting based on RGB-D information
=> Real-Time Accurate Geo-Localization of a MAV with Omnidirectional Visual Odometry and GPS
=> Real-time Accurate Object Detection using Multiple Resolutions
=> Real-time accurate optical flow-based motion sensor
=> Real-Time Accurate Stereo Matching Using Modified Two-Pass Aggregation and Winner-Take-All Guided Dynamic Programming
=> Real-time accurate stereo with bitwise fast voting on CUDA
=> Real-time acquisition and super-resolution techniques on 3D reconstruction
=> Real-time acquisition of depth and color images using structured light and its application to 3D face recognition
=> Real-time acquisition of high quality face sequences from an active pan-tilt-zoom camera
=> Real-Time Acrobatic Gesture Analysis
=> Real-time Action Recognition by Spatiotemporal Semantic and Structural Forest
=> Real-Time Action Recognition With Deeply Transferred Motion Vector CNNs
=> Real-Time Action Recognition with Enhanced Motion Vector CNNs
=> Real-Time Action Representation With Temporal Encoding and Deep Compression, A
=> Real-time Action Unit Intensity Detection
=> Real-time active multiview 3D reconstruction
=> Real-time Active Shape Models for Face Segmentation
=> Real-Time Active Shape Models for Segmentation of 3D Cardiac Ultrasound
=> Real-Time Active Vision and Computer Interfaces Exploiting Human Actions and Object Context for Recognition Tasks
=> Real-Time Active Vision With Fault-Tolerance
=> Real-Time Activity Detection of Human Movement in Videos via Smartphone Based on Synthetic Training Data
=> Real-time Activity Recognition by Discerning Qualitative Relationships Between Randomly Chosen Visual Features
=> Real-Time Activity Search of Surveillance Video
=> Real-Time Actor-Critic Tracking
=> Real-time AdaBoost cascade face tracker based on likelihood map and optical flow
=> Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in Automated Long-Haul Trucking: Development of a System Based on Biomathematical Modelling, Fatigue and Relaxation Monitoring
=> Real-time adaptive background modeling in fast changing conditions
=> Real-Time Adaptive Camera Tamper Detection for Video Surveillance
=> Real-time adaptive clustering of flow cytometric data
=> Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display
=> Real-Time Adaptive Energy Optimization Method for Urban Rail Flexible Traction Power Supply System, A
=> Real-Time Adaptive Event Detection in Astronomical Data Streams
=> Real-time adaptive filtering for projection reconstruction MR fluoroscopy
=> Real-Time Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation
=> Real-Time Adaptive Hand Motion Recognition Using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier
=> Real-Time Adaptive Histogram Min-Max Bucket (HMMB) Model for Background Subtraction
=> Real-Time Adaptive Learning Method for Driver Eye Detection, A
=> Real-time adaptive obstacle detection based on an image database
=> Real-time adaptive pixel replacement
=> Real-Time Adaptive Thresholding for Video Change Detection, A
=> Real-time adaptive visual secret sharing with reversibility and high capacity
=> Real-Time Adjustment of Tracking Offsets Through a Brain-Computer Interface for Weight Perception in Virtual Reality
=> Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
=> Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
=> Real-time aerial image mosaicing
=> Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons Learned From An European Civil Protection Exercise
=> Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for the Identification and Re-Identification of Suspicious Individuals using the Bayesian ScatterNet Hybrid (BSH) Network
=> Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Correlation and its Application for Digital Image Stabilization
=> Real-time affine invariant patch matching using DCT descriptor and affine space quantization
=> Real-Time Affine Region Tracking and Coplanar Grouping
=> Real-Time Age-Invariant Face Recognition in Videos Using the ScatterNet Inception Hybrid Network (SIHN)
=> Real-Time Age Estimation from Face Imagery Using Fisher Vectors
=> Real-Time Age Estimation from Facial Images Using YOLO and EfficientNet
=> Real-time air quality estimation based on color image processing
=> Real-time airport security checkpoint surveillance using a camera network
=> Real-Time Algorithm for Color Sorting Edge-Glued Panel Parts, A
=> Real-Time Algorithm for Error Recovery in Remote Video-Based Surveillance Applications, A
=> Real-Time Algorithm for Medical Shape Recovery, A
=> Real-Time Algorithm for the Approximation of Level-Set-Based Curve Evolution, A
=> Real-time Algorithms Optimization Based on a Gaze-point Position
=> Real-Time All-in-Focus Video-Based Rendering Using A Network Camera Array
=> Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition from Video Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desk and Wearable Computer Based Video
=> Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desk and Wearable Computer Based Video
=> Real-time analogue gauge transcription on mobile phone
=> Real-Time Analysis of Ships in Radar Images with Neural Networks
=> Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
=> Real-time and accurate rail wear measurement method and experimental analysis
=> Real-Time and Accurate Segmentation of 3-D Point Clouds Based on Gaussian Process Regression
=> Real-Time and Accurate Stereo: A Scalable Approach With Bitwise Fast Voting on CUDA
=> Real-Time and Accurate UAV Pedestrian Detection for Social Distancing Monitoring in COVID-19 Pandemic
=> Real-Time And Automatic 2-Class Clustering By Analytical Formulas
=> Real-Time and Continuous Tracking of Total Phosphorus Using a Ground-Based Hyperspectral Proximal Sensing System
=> Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Embedded System for Intelligent ADAS with RNN-Based Deep Risk Prediction using Stereo Camera, A
=> Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Face Detection on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
=> Real-Time and Fully Distributed Approach to Motion Planning for Multirobot Systems, A
=> Real-time and light-weighted unsupervised video object segmentation network
=> Real-time and Lightweight Method for Tiny Airborne Object Detection, A
=> Real-Time and Low-Memory Multi-Faces Detection System Design With Naive Bayes Classifier Implemented on FPGA
=> Real-time and low-power processing of 3D direct/inverse discrete cosine transform for low-complexity video codec
=> Real-Time and Marker-Free 3D Motion Capture for Home Entertainment Oriented Applications
=> Real-Time and Markerless 3D Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Views
=> Real-Time and Open Geographic Information System and Its Application for Smart Rivers: A Case Study of the Yangtze River, A
=> Real-time and precise 3-D hand posture estimation based on classification tree trained with variations of appearances
=> Real-time and rate-distortion optimized video streaming with TCP
=> Real-Time and Robust Background Updating for Video Surveillance and Monitoring
=> Real-time and robust hand tracking with a single depth camera
=> Real-Time and Robust Monocular SLAM Using Predictive Multi-resolution Descriptors
=> Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank Coherency Analysis in Feature Space
=> Real-time and Robust System for Counting Movement-Specific Vehicle at Crowded Intersections
=> Real-Time and Robust Visual Tracking with Scene-Perceptual Memory
=> Real-time and Simultaneous Recognition of Multiple Moving Objects Using Cubic Higher-order Local Auto-Correlation
=> real-time and unsupervised face re-identification system for human-robot interaction, A
=> Real-time anomaly detection and localization in crowded scenes
=> Real-Time Anomaly Detection Based on a Fast Recursive Kernel RX Algorithm
=> Real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images using multivariate normal mixture models and GPU processing
=> Real-time Anti-distractor Infrared UAV Tracker with Channel Feature Refinement Module, A
=> Real-Time Apple Targets Detection Method for Picking Robot Based on Improved YOLOv5, A
=> Real-time approach for cloth simulation
=> Real-Time Approach to the Spotting, Representation, and Recognition of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction, A
=> Real-time approximate and exact CSG of implicit surfaces on the GPU
=> Real-time arabic handwritten character recognition
=> Real-time arbitrary view rendering on GPU from stereo video and time-of-flight camera
=> Real-Time Articulated Hand Detection and Pose Estimation
=> Real-Time Articulated Hand Pose Estimation Using Semi-supervised Transductive Regression Forests
=> Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
=> Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
=> Real-Time Asphalt Pavement Layer Thickness Prediction Using Ground-Penetrating Radar Based on a Modified Extended Common Mid-Point (XCMP) Approach
=> Real-time assessment of bone structure positions via ultrasound imaging
=> Real-Time ATC Safety Monitoring Framework Using a Deep Learning Approach, A
=> Real-Time Atmospheric Correction of AVIRIS-NG Imagery
=> Real-time attacks on robust watermarking tools in the wild by CNN
=> Real-Time Audio-Guided Multi-Face Reenactment
=> Real-Time Audiovisual Feature Extraction for Online Service Provision over DVB Streams
=> Real-time augmented reality application using color analysis
=> real-time augmented view synthesis system for transparent car pillars, A
=> Real-time auto white balancing for digital cameras using discrete wavelet transform-based scoring
=> Real-Time Automated Aerial Refueling Using Stereo Vision
=> Real-Time Automated Classification of Sky Conditions Using Deep Learning and Edge Computing
=> Real-time Automated Concurrent Visual Tracking of Many Animals and Subsequent Behavioral Compilation
=> Real-time automated segmentation of breast lesions using CNN-based deep learning paradigm: Investigation on mammogram and ultrasound
=> Real-Time Automated System for the Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
=> Real-Time automated visual inspection of color tablets in pharmaceutical blisters
=> Real-time automated visual inspection system for contaminant removal from wool
=> Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral Nerve
=> Real-Time Automatic Calibration for Omni-display in Ubiquitous Computing
=> Real-Time Automatic Cloud Detection Using a Low-Cost Sky Camera
=> Real-time Automatic Deceit Detection from Involuntary Facial Expressions
=> Real-Time Automatic Detection of Violent-Acts by Low-Level Colour Visual Cues
=> Real-time automatic helmet detection of motorcyclists in urban traffic using improved YOLOv5 detector
=> Real-Time Automatic Kinematic Model Building for Optical Motion Capture Using a Markov Random Field
=> Real-time automatic license plate recognition for CCTV forensic applications
=> Real-time automatic multilevel color video thresholding using a novel class-variance criterion
=> Real-time automatic recognition of omnidirectional multiple barcodes and DSP implementation
=> Real-Time Automatic Traffic Accident Recognition Using HFG
=> Real-time autonomous video enhancement system (RAVE)
=> Real-time avatar animation from a single image
=> Real-time avatar animation from a single image
=> Real-Time Avatar Animation Steered by Live Body Motion
=> Real-time avatar animation with dynamic face texturing
=> Real-Time Background Compensation for PTZ Cameras Using GPU Accelerated and Range-Limited Genetic Algorithm Search
=> Real-time background generation and foreground object segmentation for high-definition colour video stream in FPGA device
=> Real-time background subtraction-based video surveillance of people by integrating local texture patterns
=> Real-time bag of words, approximately
=> Real-time ballistocardiographic artifact reduction using the k-teager energy operator detector and multi-channel referenced adaptive noise cancelling
=> Real-time Bangla License Plate Recognition System for Low Resource Video-based Applications
=> Real-Time Barcode Detection in the Wild
=> Real-Time Bayesian 3-D Pose Tracking
=> Real-Time BDS-3 Clock Estimation with a Multi-Frequency Uncombined Model including New B1C/B2a Signals
=> Real-Time Bidirectional Search: Coordinated Problem-Solving in Uncertain Situations
=> Real-Time Bidirectional Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From Aerial Videos
=> Real-Time Bike Trip Planning Policy With Self-Organizing Bike Redistribution, A
=> Real-Time Bimanual Interaction Across Virtual Workspaces
=> Real-Time Binary Descriptor Based Background Modeling
=> Real-Time Binocular Smooth-Pursuit
=> Real-time Binocular Vision Implementation on an Soc Tms320c6678 DSP
=> Real-time block matching motion estimation onto GPGPU
=> Real-time body motion analysis for dance pattern recognition
=> Real-Time Body Pose Recognition Using 2D or 3D Haarlets
=> Real-time Body Tracking Using a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
=> Real-Time Body Tracking with One Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors
=> Real-Time Bottom Tracking Using Side Scan Sonar Data Through One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Real-Time Brand Logo Recognition
=> Real-Time Burst Photo Selection Using a Light-Head Adversarial Network
=> Real-Time Calibration and Monitoring of Radar Reflectivity on Nationwide Dual-Polarization Weather Radar Network
=> Real-time calibration of space zoom cameras based on fixed stars
=> Real-Time CAM-Based Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation
=> Real-Time CAM-Based Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation, A
=> Real-Time Camera-Based Recognition of Characters and Pictograms
=> Real-time Camera Guidance for 3d Scene Reconstruction
=> Real-time camera motion tracking in planar view scenarios
=> Real-time camera orientation estimation based on vanishing point tracking under Manhattan World assumption
=> Real-time Camera Parameter Estimation from Images for a Mixed Reality System
=> Real-time Camera Pose and Focal Length Estimation
=> Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
=> Real-time camera pose estimation via line tracking
=> Real-Time Camera Pose in a Room
=> Real-time camera position and posture estimation using a feature landmark database with priorities
=> Real-time camera tracking for marker-less and unprepared augmented reality environments
=> Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Global Localization Scheme
=> Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Particle Filter
=> Real-Time Camera Tracking Using Known 3D Models and a Particle Filter
=> Real-time camera tracking using sports pitch markings
=> Real-Time Camera Tracking: When is High Frame-Rate Best?
=> Real-Time Camera Walks Using Light Fields
=> Real-Time Cardiac MR Anatomy and Dyssynchrony Overlay for Guidance of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Procedures: Clinical Results Update
=> Real-time cardiac MRI using DSPs
=> Real-time cartoon style video generation
=> Real-Time Cascaded Video Denoising Algorithm Using Intensity and Structure Tensor, A
=> Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Driving
=> Real-time Caustics and Dispersion on Arbitrary Surfaces in GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing
=> Real-Time Cell Counting in Unlabeled Microscopy Images
=> Real-Time Center Detection of an OLED Structure
=> Real-time change detection for surveillance in public transportation
=> Real-time Channel Mixing Net for Mobile Image Super-resolution
=> Real-Time Character Control for Wrestling Games
=> Real-Time Charging Scheduling of Automated Guided Vehicles in Cyber-Physical Smart Factories Using Feature-Based Reinforcement Learning
=> Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
=> Real-Time Chip Implementation for Adaptive Video Coding Control, A
=> real-time ciphering transcoder for H.264 and HEVC streams, A
=> Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from moving cameras on lightweight edge devices
=> Real-Time Classification of Lying Bodies by HOG Descriptors
=> Real-time classification of pedestrians and cyclists for intelligent counting of non-motorized traffic
=> Real-time classification of polymers with NIR spectral imaging and blob analysis
=> Real-Time Classification of Seagrass Meadows on Flat Bottom with Bathymetric Data Measured by a Narrow Multibeam Sonar System
=> Real-time classification on oral ulcer images with residual network and image enhancement
=> Real-Time Close Range Web-Cam Photogrammetry Suited to the Coordination of Optical Topography Sensors Located on the Human Head
=> Real-time clothes comparison based on multi-view vision
=> Real-time clothing recognition in surveillance videos
=> real-time coarse-to-fine multiview capture system for all-in-focus rendering on a light-field display, A
=> Real-time coarse-to-fine topologically preserving segmentation
=> Real-time coherent stylization for augmented reality
=> Real-time collaborative GIS: A technological review
=> Real-time collision-free linear trajectory generation on GPU for crowd simulations
=> Real-time Collision Risk Estimation based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
=> Real-Time Color Correction Method for a Low-Cost Still/Video Camera
=> Real-time color holographic video display system
=> Real-Time Color Image Improvement System for Visual Testing of Nuclear Reactors
=> Real-Time Color Image Processing Using Order Statistics Filters
=> Real-time color image segmentation based on mean shift algorithm using an FPGA
=> Real-Time Color Image Watermarking Based on D-SVD Scheme
=> Real-Time Color Recognition in Symbolic Programming for Machine Vision Systems
=> real-time color space converter for the measurement of appearance, A
=> Real-time coloring method of laser surgery video based on generative adversarial network
=> real-time column array processor architecture for images, A
=> Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
=> Real-Time Commercial Recognition Using Color Moments and Hashing
=> Real-time complexity constrained encoding
=> Real-Time Compressed- Domain Video Watermarking Resistance to Geometric Distortions
=> Real-time compressed-domain spatiotemporal segmentation and ontologies for video indexing and retrieval
=> Real-time compressed imaging of scattering volumes
=> Real-time compression architecture for efficient coding in autostereoscopic displays
=> Real-time Compression Artifact Reduction Via Robust Nonlinear Filtering
=> Real-Time Compressive Tracking
=> Real-Time Computation of 3D Wireframes in Computer-Generated Holography
=> Real-time computation of disparity for hand-pair gesture recognition using a stereo webcam
=> Real-time computation of two-dimensional moments on binary images using image block representation
=> Real-Time Computation of Zernike Moments
=> Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Bangla Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Contour Analysis and Prediction Algorithm
=> Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition System, A
=> Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV
=> Real-Time Computer Vision/DGPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System for Lane-Level Vehicle Navigation
=> Real-Time Computerized Annotation of Pictures
=> Real-time Concealed Weapon Detection on 3D Radar Images for Walk-through Screening System
=> Real-Time Connectivity Constrained Depth Map Computation Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
=> Real-time constant memory visual summaries for surveillance
=> Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding
=> Real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery
=> Real-time content-aware image resizing using reduced linear model
=> Real-Time Content-Based Adaptive Streaming of Sports Videos
=> Real-Time Content Adaptation Framework for Exploiting ROI Scalability in H.264/AVC, A
=> Real-time Continuous Automatic Focus Algorithm for Digital Cameras, A
=> Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition System for Sign Language, A
=> Real-Time Continuous Image Processing
=> Real-Time Continuous Image Registration Enabling Ultraprecise 2-D Motion Tracking
=> Real-time Contrast Enhancement for 3d Medical Images Using Histogram Equalization
=> Real-time control of video surveillance systems with program supervision techniques
=> Real-Time Controllable Denoising for Image and Video
=> Real-Time Convolutional Neural Network for Super-Resolution on FPGA With Applications to 4K UHD 60 fps Video Services, A
=> Real-time cooperative multi-target tracking by communicating active vision agents
=> Real-time cooperative multi-target tracking by communicating active vision agents
=> Real-Time Cooperative Vehicle Coordination at Unsignalized Road Intersections
=> Real-time coordination of connected vehicles at intersections using graphical mixed integer optimization
=> Real-Time Corner Detection Algorithm for Motion Estimation
=> Real-time correction of panoramic images using hyperbolic Möbius transformations
=> Real-Time Correlation-Based Stereo Vision with Reduced Border Errors
=> Real-Time Correlation Filter Tracking by Efficient Dense Belief Propagation With Structure Preserving
=> Real-time correlation for locating systems utilizing heterogeneous computing architectures
=> Real-Time Correlation Tracking Via Joint Model Compression and Transfer
=> Real-time correlogram tracking for airborne traffic surveillance
=> Real-Time Counting People in Crowded Areas by Using Local Empirical Templates and Density Ratios
=> Real-time crash prediction on urban expressways: identification of key variables and a hybrid support vector machine model
=> Real-Time Crisis Mapping of Natural Disasters Using Social Media
=> real-time critical-scenario-generation framework for defect detection of autonomous driving system, A
=> Real-time Cross-dataset Quality Production Assessment in Industrial Laser Cutting Machines
=> Real-Time Cross-Modality Correlation Filtering Method for Referring Expression Comprehension, A
=> Real-Time Crowd Density Estimation Using Images
=> Real-time crowd motion analysis
=> Real-time CVSA decals recognition system using deep convolutional neural network architectures
=> Real-Time Dance Pattern Recognition Invariant to Anthropometric and Temporal Differences
=> Real-time data-driven traffic simulation for performance measure estimation
=> Real-Time Data Analytics of COVID Pandemic Using Virtual Reality
=> Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
=> Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
=> Real-time data fusion on tracking camera pose for direct visual guidance
=> Real-Time De-Interlacing for H.264-Coded HD Videos
=> Real-Time Decentralized Articulated Motion Analysis and Object Tracking From Videos
=> Real-time Decentralized Monocular SLAM
=> Real-Time Decision Making and Path Planning for Robotic Autonomous Luggage Trolley Collection at Airports
=> Real-Time Decision Support Approach for Managing Disruptions in Line-Haul Freight Transport Networks, A
=> Real-Time Deep Hair Matting on Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time Deep Image Retouching Based on Learnt Semantics Dependent Global Transforms
=> Real-time deep image super-resolution via global context aggregation and local queue jumping
=> Real-Time Deep Pose Estimation With Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
=> Real-time deep satellite image quality assessment
=> Real-Time Deep Tracking via Corrective Domain Adaptation
=> Real-time defect detection method based on YOLO-GSS at the edge end of a transmission line
=> Real-time defect detection of steel wire rods using wavelet filters optimized by univariate dynamic encoding algorithm for searches
=> Real-Time Deformable Detector, A
=> Real-time demographic profiling from face imagery with Fisher vectors
=> Real-time Demonstration of Personal Audio and 3d Audio Rendering Using Line Array Systems
=> Real-time demosaicking method based on mixed color channel correlation
=> Real-Time Denoising of Medical X-Ray Image Sequences: Three Entirely Different Approaches
=> Real-time dense 3D face alignment from 2D video with automatic facial action unit coding
=> Real-time Dense 3d Reconstruction From Monocular Video Data Captured By Low-cost UAVs
=> Real-time Dense Disparity Estimation based on Multi-Path Viterbi for Intelligent Vehicle Applications
=> Real-Time Dense Geometry from a Handheld Camera
=> Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM With Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network
=> Real-Time Dense Reconstruction of Tissue Surface From Stereo Optical Video
=> Real-Time Dense Semantic Labeling with Dual-Path Framework for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
=> Real-time dense stereo for intelligent vehicles
=> Real-time dense stereo for intelligent vehicles
=> Real-time Dense Stereo Mapping For Multi-sensor Navigation
=> Real-time Dense Visual Tracking under Large Lighting Variations
=> Real-Time Depth-Image-Based Rendering for 3DTV Using OpenCL
=> Real-time depth diffusion for 3D surface reconstruction
=> Real-time depth enhancement by fusion for RGB-D cameras
=> Real-Time Depth Estimation Approach for a Focused Plenoptic Camera, A
=> Real-time depth estimation for immersive 3D videoconferencing
=> Real-Time Depth Estimation with Wide Detectable Range Using Horizontal Planes of Sharp Focus Proceedings
=> Real-time depth fusion using a low-cost depth sensor array
=> Real-Time Depth Map Based People Counting
=> Real-time depth map generation architecture for 3D videoconferencing
=> Real-Time Depth Refinement for Specular Objects
=> Real-Time Descriptorless Feature Tracking
=> Real-time detecting and tracking of traffic shockwaves based on weighted consensus information fusion in distributed video network
=> Real-Time Detecting Method for Continuous Urban Flood Scenarios Based on Computer Vision on Block Scale, A
=> Real-time detecting one specific tampering operation in multiple operator chains
=> Real-Time Detection and Estimation of Denial of Service Attack in Connected Vehicle Systems
=> Real-time detection and interpretation of 3D deictic gestures for interactionwith an intelligent environment
=> Real-time detection and reading of LED/LCD displays for visually impaired persons
=> Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Road Traffic Signs
=> Real-Time Detection and Spatial Localization of Insulators for UAV Inspection Based on Binocular Stereo Vision
=> Real-time Detection and Tracking Network with Feature Sharing
=> Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Multiple Humans from High Bird's-Eye Views in the Visual and Infrared Spectrum
=> Real-Time Detection and Understanding of Isolated Protruded Fingers
=> real-time detection method of building energy efficiency based on image processing, A
=> Real-time detection of abnormal crowd behavior using a matrix approximation-based approach
=> Real-time Detection of Activities in Untrimmed Videos
=> Real-Time Detection of Anomalous Objects in Dynamic Scene
=> Real-Time Detection of Camera Tampering
=> Real-time detection of colored objects in multiple camera streams with off-the-shelf hardware components
=> Real-Time Detection of Daytime and Night-Time Fire Hotspots from Geostationary Satellites
=> Real-time detection of distracted driving based on deep learning
=> Real-Time Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction Using Support Vector Machines
=> Real-time detection of end-of-queue shockwaves on freeways using probe vehicles with spacing equipment
=> Real-time Detection of Faces in Video Streams
=> Real-Time Detection of Full-Scale Forest Fire Smoke Based on Deep Convolution Neural Network
=> Real-Time Detection of Ground Objects Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing with Deep Learning: Application in Excavator Detection for Pipeline Safety
=> Real-time detection of illegally parked vehicles using 1-D transformation
=> Real-Time Detection of Independent Motion using Stereo
=> Real-Time Detection of Landscape Scenes
=> Real-Time Detection of Lines and Grids: By PClines and Other Approaches
=> Real-time detection of lines using parallel coordinates and CUDA
=> Real-time detection of moving vehicles
=> Real-time Detection of Nodding and Head-shaking by Directly Detecting and Tracking the Between-eyes
=> Real-Time Detection of Out-of-Plane Objects in Stereo Vision
=> Real-time detection of planar regions in unorganized point clouds
=> Real-time Detection of Semi-transparent Watermarks in Decompressed Video
=> Real-Time Detection of Small Surface Objects Using Weather Effects
=> Real-time detection of steam in video images
=> Real-Time Detection of the Triangular and Rectangular Shape Road Signs
=> Real-time detection of threat
=> Real-time Detection of Tiny Objects Based on a Weighted Bi-directional FPN
=> Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analysis
=> Real-Time Detection of Voids in Asphalt Pavement Based on Swin-Transformer-Improved YOLOv5
=> Real-Time Detection of Winter Jujubes Based on Improved YOLOX-Nano Network
=> Real-Time Detection System of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning
=> Real-time detection via homography mapping of foreground polygons from multiple cameras
=> real-time detector for parked vehicles based on hybrid background modeling, A
=> Real-time diabetic retinopathy patient screening using multiscale AM-FM methods
=> Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization System Using Modified Proportional Integrated Controller
=> Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization Using Kalman Filters
=> Real-Time Digital Image Warping for Display Distortion Correction
=> Real-Time Digital Self Interference Cancellation Method for In-Band Full-Duplex Underwater Acoustic Communication Based on Improved VSS-LMS Algorithm, A
=> Real-Time Digitizer for Stereo Image Processing, A
=> Real-Time Direct Dense Matching on Fisheye Images Using Plane-Sweeping Stereo
=> Real-Time Discriminative Background Subtraction
=> Real-time disparity analysis for applications in immersive teleconference scenarios-a comparative study
=> Real-Time Disparity Contrast Combination for Onboard Estimation of the Visibility Distance
=> Real-time disparity estimation using line-wise hybrid recursive matching and cross-bilateral median up-sampling
=> Real-time disparity map computation using the cell broadband engine
=> Real-time dispersion-compensated image reconstruction for compressive sensing spectral domain optical coherence tomography
=> Real-Time Displacement of Point Symbols Based on Spatial Distribution Characteristics
=> Real-Time Display And Manipulation Of 3-D Medical Objects: The Voxel Processor Architecture
=> Real-Time Display of Virtual Humans: Levels of Details and Impostors
=> Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geometric metaballs and physics-centric mesh-free method
=> Real-Time Distributed Multi-object Tracking in a PTZ Camera Network
=> Real-time distributed tracking with non-overlapping cameras
=> Real-time distributed video analytics for privacy-aware person search
=> Real-Time Document Detection in Smartphone Videos
=> Real-Time Document Image Retrieval for a 10 Million Pages Database with a Memory Efficient and Stability Improved LLAH
=> Real-Time Downward View Generation of a Vehicle Using Around View Monitor System
=> Real-Time Drivable Road Detection Algorithm in Urban Traffic Environment, A
=> Real-Time Driver's Stress Event Detection
=> Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection for Embedded System Using Model Compression of Deep Neural Networks
=> Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection using Facial Action Units
=> Real-Time Driver Visual Attention Monitoring System, A
=> Real-time drogue detection and template tracking strategy for autonomous aerial refueling
=> Real-Time Drone Detection and Tracking With Visible, Thermal and Acoustic Sensors
=> Real-time Drone Mapping Based on Reference Images for Vehicle Facility Monitoring
=> Real-time Drone Mapping Platform for Marine Surveillance, A
=> Real-Time Drone Surveillance and Population Estimation of Marine Animals from Aerial Imagery
=> Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweight brain sensing headbands
=> Real-Time DSP Implementation for MRF-Based Video Motion Detection
=> Real-time DSP implementation of motion: JPEG2000 using overlapped block transferring and parallel-pass methods
=> real-time dual-image-based reversible data hiding scheme using turtle shells, A
=> Real-time dynamic 3-D object shape reconstruction and high-fidelity texture mapping for 3-D video
=> Real-time Dynamic Deformable Meshes for Volumetric Segmentation and Visualisation
=> Real-Time Dynamic Network Anomaly Detection
=> Real-Time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Using Prior 3D-Maps
=> Real-Time Dynamic Radiosity Relighting of Virtual Environments
=> Real-time dynamic reflections for realistic rendering of 3D scenes
=> Real-time dynamic texture recognition using random sampling and dimension reduction
=> Real-time dynamic tone-mapping operator on GPU
=> Real-time dynamic vehicle detection on resource limited mobile platform
=> Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkles of Face for Animated Skinned Mesh
=> Real-time dynamically reconfigurable 2-D filterbanks
=> Real-time edge-enhanced dynamic correlation and predictive open-loop car-following control for robust tracking
=> Real-Time Edge Follow: A Real-Time Path Search Approach
=> real-time edge linker, A
=> Real-time EEG-based emotion monitoring using stable features
=> Real-Time Efficient Exploration in Unknown Dynamic Environments Using MAVs
=> Real-Time Electrical Impedance Variations in Women With and Without Breast Cancer
=> Real-Time Elimination of Brightness in Color Images by MS Diagram and Mathematical Morphology
=> Real-time elliptical head contour detection under arbitrary pose and wide distance range
=> Real-time embedded age and gender classification in unconstrained video
=> Real-Time Embedded Computer Vision on UAVs
=> Real-time embedded hyperspectral image compression for tactical military platforms
=> Real-time embedded image processing applications using the A3 methodology
=> Real-time embedded implementation of robust speed-limit sign recognition using a novel centroid-to-contour description method
=> Real-time Embedded Person Detection and Tracking for Shopping Behaviour Analysis
=> Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
=> real-time embedded solution for skew correction in banknote analysis, A
=> Real-time embedded system for traffic sign recognition based on ZedBoard
=> Real-time embedded systems powered by FPGA dynamic partial self-reconfiguration: a case study oriented to biometric recognition applications
=> Real-Time Embedded Vision System for the Watchfulness Analysis of Train Drivers
=> Real-Time Emotion Recognition from Natural Bodily Expressions in Child-Robot Interaction
=> Real-Time Emotion Recognition on Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time Emotion Recognition Using Biologically Inspired Models
=> Real-time emotion retrieval scheme in video with image sequence features
=> Real-time encoding frame rate control for H.263+ video over the Internet
=> Real-Time End-to-End Action Detection with Two-Stream Networks
=> Real-time End-to-End Lane ID Estimation Using Recurrent Networks
=> Real-time energy management for commute HEVs using modified A-ECMS with traffic information recognition
=> Real-Time Energy Management Strategy Based on Velocity Forecasts Using V2V and V2I Communications
=> Real-Time Enhancement of Dynamic Depth Videos with Non-Rigid Deformations
=> Real-time enhancement of sparse 3D maps using a parallel segmentation scheme based on superpixels
=> Real-time Environmental Sensors To Improve Health In The Sensing City
=> Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Disparity
=> Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation of Binocular Stereo Heads
=> Real-time error concealing bitstream adaptation methods for SVC in IPTV systems
=> Real-Time Error Protection of Embedded Codes for Packet Erasure and Fading Channels
=> Real-time estimation and prediction of lateral stability of coaches: A hybrid approach based on EKF, BPNN, and online autoregressive integrated moving average algorithm
=> Real-time estimation for the parameters of Gaussian filtering via deep learning
=> Real-time estimation of 3D scene geometry from a single image
=> Real-Time Estimation of BDS-3 Satellite Clock Offset with Ambiguity Resolution Using B1C/B2a Signals
=> Real-Time Estimation of Fast Egomotion with Feature Classification Using Compound Omnidirectional Vision Sensor
=> Real-Time Estimation of FLE Statistics for 3-D Tracking With Point-Based Registration
=> Real-time estimation of freeway travel time with recurrent congestion based on sparse detector data
=> Real-time estimation of geometrical transformation between views in distributed smart-cameras systems
=> Real-Time Estimation of GPS-BDS Inter-System Biases: An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
=> Real-time Estimation of Head Motion Using Weak Perspective Epipolar Geometry
=> Real-Time Estimation of Heart Rate in Situations Characterized by Dynamic Illumination using Remote Photoplethysmography
=> Real-time estimation of human attention field in LWIR and color surveillance videos
=> Real-Time Estimation of Human Body Posture from Monocular Thermal Images
=> Real-Time Estimation of Lane-to-Lane Turning Flows at Isolated Signalized Junctions
=> Real-time estimation of light source environment for photorealistic augmented reality
=> Real-Time Estimation of Long-Term 3-D Motion Parameters for SNHC Face Animation and Model-Based Coding Applications
=> Real-Time Estimation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Clock Based on Ground Tracking Stations
=> Real-Time Estimation of Planar Surfaces in Arbitrary Environments Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
=> Real-time Estimation of the Camera Path from a Sequence of Intrinsically Calibrated PMD Depth Images
=> Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and CCTV
=> Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and filtering algorithm
=> Real-Time Estimation of Travel Times Along the Arcs and Arrival Times at the Nodes of Dynamic Stochastic Networks
=> Real-Time Evaluation in Online Continual Learning: A New Hope
=> Real-time event classification in field sport videos
=> Real-Time Exemplar-Based Face Sketch Synthesis
=> Real-time exploration and photorealistic reconstruction of large natural environments
=> Real-Time Expression Recognition From Dynamic Sequences Of 3d Facial Scans
=> Real-Time Expression Recognition From Dynamic Sequences Of 3d Facial Scans
=> Real-Time Extraction of Colored Segments for Robot Visual Navigation
=> Real-time extraction of surface patches with associated uncertainties by means of Kinect cameras
=> Real-time eye blink detection with GPU-based SIFT tracking
=> Real-Time Eye Gesture Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Mobile Devices Monitoring, A
=> Real-time eye localization, blink detection, and gaze estimation system without infrared illumination
=> Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression Forest
=> Real-time eye tracking using a smart camera
=> Real-Time Eye, Gaze, and Face Pose Tracking for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
=> Real-time Face-based Auto-Focus for Digital Still and Cell-Phone Cameras
=> Real-time face alignment with tracking in video
=> Real-time face and head detection using four directional features
=> Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
=> Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection
=> Real-Time Face Detection and Lip Feature Extraction Using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
=> Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition on LEGO Mindstorms NXT Robot
=> Real-time face detection and recognition using hybrid-information extracted from face space and facial features
=> Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition via Local Binary Pattern Plus Sample Selective Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
=> Real-time face detection and tracking for mobile videoconferencing
=> Real-time face detection using boosting in hierarchical feature spaces
=> Real-Time Face Detection Using Edge-Orientation Matching
=> Real-Time Face Detection Using Illumination Invariant Features
=> Real-Time Face Identification Using Two Cooperative Active Cameras
=> Real-Time Face Identification via CNN and Boosted Hashing Forest
=> Real-time face location on gray-scale static images
=> Real-time face perception based encoding strategy optimization method for UHD videos
=> Real-Time Face Pose Estimation from Single Range Images
=> Real-Time Face Pose Estimation in Challenging Environments
=> Real-time face recognition based on pre-identification and multi-scale classification
=> Real-time face recognition demonstration
=> Real-time face recognition for human-robot interaction
=> Real-Time Face Recognition Using Feature Combination
=> Real-Time Face Recognition using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization for LDA
=> Real-Time Face Reconstruction from a Single Depth Image
=> Real-Time Face Tracker, A
=> Real-time face tracking and recognition by sparse eigentracker with associative mapping to 3D shape
=> Real-Time Face Tracking for Attention Aware Adaptive Games
=> Real-Time Face Tracking using the Stereo Active Appearance Model, A
=> Real-Time Face Verification for Mobile Platforms
=> Real-Time Facial-Feature Tracking Based on Matching Techniques and Its Applications
=> Real-time facial action unit intensity prediction with regularized metric learning
=> Real-Time Facial and Eye Gaze Tracking System
=> Real-time facial character animation
=> Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition Based on Features' Positions and Dimensions
=> Real-time facial expression recognition based on iterative transfer learning and efficient attention network
=> Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Natural Interaction
=> Real-time Facial Expression Recognition In The Wild by Disentangling 3D Expression from Identity
=> Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition on Smartphones
=> real-time facial expression recognition system based on Active Appearance Models using gray images and edge images, A
=> Real-time facial expression recognition using STAAM and layered GDA classifier
=> Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition using the STAAM, A
=> Real-time facial expression recognition with illumination-corrected image sequences
=> Real-Time Facial Feature Detection for Person Identification System
=> Real-time facial feature detection using conditional regression forests
=> Real-Time Facial Feature Extraction by Cascaded Parameter Prediction and Image Optimization
=> Real-time facial feature localization by combining space displacement neural networks
=> Real-time facial feature tracking from 2D+3D video streams
=> Real-Time Facial Feature Tracking on a Mobile Device
=> Real-time Facial Features Tracking by Discrete Gabor Jets and Mean Shift
=> Real-time facial motion analysis for virtual teleconferencing
=> Real-Time Facial Segmentation and Performance Capture from RGB Input
=> Real-time facial shape recovery from a single image under general, unknown lighting by rank relaxation
=> Real-Time Fall Detection Method Based on Hidden Markov Modelling
=> real-time fall detection system based on HMM and RVM, A
=> Real-Time Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Incorporating Contextual Features and Two Fusion Levels, A
=> Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Pulse Rectifier in Traction System Based on Structural Model
=> Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
=> Real-time feature-based image morphing for memory-efficient impostor rendering and animation on GPU
=> Real-Time Feature-Based Video Stabilization on FPGA
=> Real-Time Feature Acquisition and Integration for Vision-Based Mobile Robots
=> Real-Time Feature Matching using Adaptive and Spatially Distributed Classification Trees
=> Real-Time Feature Tracking and Outlier Rejection with Changes in Illumination
=> Real-Time Feature Tracking and Outlier Rejection with Changes in Illumination
=> Real-Time Feature Tracking and Projective Invariance as a Basis for Hand-Eye Coordination
=> Real-Time Feed-Forward Neural Network-Based Forward Collision Warning System Under Cloud Communication Environment
=> Real-Time Feedback Impacts on Eco-Driving Behavior and Influential Variables in Fuel Consumption in a Lisbon Urban Bus Operator
=> Real-Time FEM-Based Registration of 3-D to 2.5-D Transrectal Ultrasound Images
=> Real-Time Fidelity Measurement of JPEG2000 Coded Images
=> Real-time field sports scene classification using colour and frequency space decompositions
=> Real-time fingerprint image enhancement with a two-stage algorithm and block-local normalization
=> Real-time fingertip localization conditioned on hand gesture classification
=> Real-Time Fire Detection for Video-Surveillance Applications Using a Combination of Experts Based on Color, Shape, and Motion
=> Real-time Fixation, Mosaic Construction, and Moving Object Detection from a Moving Camera
=> Real-Time Focus Range Sensor
=> Real-Time Focus Range Sensor
=> Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
=> Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
=> Real-Time Follow-Up Tracking Fast Moving Object with an Active Camera
=> Real-Time Forecast Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Attention Mechanism for Passenger Car Sales in 5G Environment, A
=> Real-Time Forecast of SMAP L3 Soil Moisture Using Spatial-Temporal Deep Learning Model with Data Integration
=> Real-Time Forecasting of Dockless Scooter-Sharing Demand: A Spatio-Temporal Multi-Graph Transformer Approach
=> Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model
=> Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Based on Case-Based Trajectory Classification
=> Real-time foreground segmentation on GPUs using local online learning and global graph cut optimization
=> Real-time foreground segmentation via range and color imaging
=> Real-Time Foreground Segmentation with Kinect Sensor
=> Real-time forward error correction for video transmission
=> Real-time foveation techniques for low bit rate video coding
=> real-time FPGA architecture for 3D reconstruction from integral images, A
=> Real-time FPGA architecture of modified Stable Euler-Number algorithm for image binarization
=> Real-Time FPGA Design for OMP Targeting 8K Image Reconstruction
=> Real-time FPGA implementation of Hough Transform using gradient and CORDIC algorithm
=> Real-Time FPGA Implementation of Visible/Near Infrared Fusion Based Image Enhancement, A
=> Real-Time FPGA Processing for High-Speed Optical Frequency Domain Imaging
=> Real-time frame-dependent video watermarking in VLC domain
=> Real-Time Framework for Detection of Long Linear Infrastructural Objects in Aerial Imagery, A
=> real-time framework for eye detection and tracking, A
=> Real-Time Framework for Video Time and Pitch Scale Modification, A
=> Real-time free-viewpoint DIBR on GPUs for large base-line multi-view 3DTV videos
=> Real-time Free-Viewpoint Navigation from Compressed Multi-Video Recordings
=> Real-time free-viewpoint viewer from multiview video plus depth representation coded by H.264/AVC MVC extension
=> Real-Time Free Viewpoint from Multiple Moving Cameras
=> Real-time free viewpoint image rendering by using fast multi-pass dynamic programming
=> Real-time free viewpoint video from a range sensor and color cameras
=> Real-time free viewpoint video from uncalibrated cameras using plane-sweep algorithm
=> Real-Time Free Viewpoint Video Synthesis System Based on DIBR and a Depth Estimation Network
=> Real-Time Freeway Level of Service Using Inductive-Signature-Based Vehicle Reidentification System
=> Real-Time Freeway Network Traffic Surveillance: Large-Scale Field-Testing Results in Southern Italy
=> Real-time freeway sideswipe crash prediction by support vector machine
=> Real-time full-field 3-D surface-shape measurement using off-the-shelf components and a single processor
=> Real-Time Fusion of Endoscopic Views With Dynamic 3-D Cardiac Images: A Phantom Study
=> real-time fuzzy hardware structure for disparity map computation, A
=> real-time fuzzy morphological algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
=> Real-time Gabor-type Filtering Using Analog Focal Plane Image Processors
=> Real-Time Gabor Primal Sketch for Visual Attention, A
=> Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation With Challenging Radionuclides
=> Real-Time Gait-Based Age Estimation and Gender Classification from a Single Image
=> Real-time gait biometrics for surveillance applications: A review
=> Real-time GAN-based Model for Underwater Image Enhancement
=> Real-Time Gaze Estimation Using a Kinect and a HD Webcam
=> Real-Time Gaze Estimation with Online Calibration
=> Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
=> Real-time Gaze Holding in Binocular Robot Vision
=> Real-Time Gaze Position Estimation Method Based on a 3-D Eye Model, A
=> Real-time gaze tracking with appearance-based models
=> Real-time Generation and Presentation of View-dependent Binocular Stereo Images Using a Sequence of Omnidirectional Images
=> Real-Time Generation of Dynamic Wave Interaction
=> Real-Time Generation of Environmental Map and Obstacle Avoidance Using Omnidirectional Image Sensor with Conic Mirror
=> Real-time generation of multi-view video plus depth content using mixed narrow and wide baseline
=> Real-time Generation of Novel Views of a Dynamic Scene Using Morphing and Visual Hull
=> Real-Time Generic Object Tracking via Recurrent Regression Network
=> Real-time geometric fitting and pose estimation for surface of revolution
=> Real-time geometrical tracking and pose estimation using laser triangulation and photogrammetry
=> Real-Time Geophysical Applications with Android GNSS Raw Measurements
=> Real-time georeferencing of thermal images using small fixed-wing UAVs in maritime environments
=> Real-time Gestural Control of Robot Manipulator Through Deep Learning Human-pose Inference
=> Real-time gesture detection for multi-touch devices
=> Real-Time Gesture Recognition by Learning and Selective Control of Visual Interest Points
=> Real-time gesture recognition system and application
=> Real-time gesture recognition system based on contour signatures
=> Real-time gesture recognition using bio inspired 3D vision sensor
=> Real-time Gesture Recognition with Minimal Training Requirements and On-line Learning
=> Real-Time GIS and Its Application in Indoor Fire Disaster
=> Real-Time Global Localization of Robotic Cars in Lane Level via Lane Marking Detection and Shape Registration
=> Real-time global localization with a pre-built visual landmark database
=> Real-time global motion blur detection
=> Real-Time Global Motion Vectors Estimation Based on Phase Correlation and Gray Projection Algorithm
=> Real-time global prediction for temporally stable stereo
=> Real-time Global Stereo Matching Using Hierarchical Belief Propagation
=> Real-Time Globally Consistent Dense 3D Reconstruction With Online Texturing
=> Real-Time GNSS-Derived PWV for Typhoon Characterizations: A Case Study for Super Typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong
=> Real-Time GPS Precise Point Positioning-Based Precipitable Water Vapor Estimation for Rainfall Monitoring and Forecasting
=> Real-Time GPU-Aided Lung Tumor Tracking
=> Real-time GPU-based face detection in HD video sequences
=> Real-Time GPU-Based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain
=> Real-Time GPU-Based Ultrasound Simulation Using Deformable Mesh Models
=> Real-Time GPU-Based Voxel Carving with Systematic Occlusion Handling
=> Real-time GPU color-based segmentation of football players
=> Real-time gradient-domain painting
=> Real-time gradient vector flow on GPUs using OpenCL
=> Real-Time Grayscale-Thermal Tracking via Laplacian Sparse Representation
=> real-time grid map generation and object classification for ground-based 3D LIDAR data using image analysis techniques, A
=> Real-Time Ground-Level Building Damage Detection Based on Lightweight and Accurate YOLOv5 Using Terrestrial Images
=> Real-Time Guiding Catheter and Guidewire Detection for Congenital Cardiovascular Interventions
=> Real-time gymnast detection and performance analysis with a portable 3D camera
=> Real-time H.264/AVC baseline decoder implementation on TMS320C6416
=> Real-time H.264/AVC codec on Intel architectures
=> Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder With Complexity-Aware Time Allocation, A
=> real-time H.264/AVC VLSI encoder architecture, A
=> Real-time H264/AVC encoder based on enhanced frame level parallelism for smart multicore DSP camera
=> Real-time H264/AVC high definition video encoder on a multicore DSP TMS320C6678
=> Real-Time Hair Rendering Using Sequential Adversarial Networks
=> Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Geometry
=> Real-time hand-arm motion analysis using a single video camera
=> Real-Time Hand-Painted Graphics for Mobile Games
=> Real-Time Hand and Eye Coordination for Flexible Impedance Control of Robot Manipulator
=> Real-Time Hand Detection and Gesture Tracking with GMM and Model Adaptation
=> Real-time hand detection based on multi-stage HOG-SVM classifier
=> Real-Time Hand Gesture Detection and Recognition Using Boosted Classifiers and Active Learning
=> Real-Time Hand Gesture Identification in Thermal Images
=> Real-time hand gesture recognition for augmented screen using average background and camshift
=> Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Uncontrolled Environments Using Adaptive SURF Tracking and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
=> Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Color Glove
=> Real-time hand gesture recognition using range cameras
=> Real-Time Hand Grasp Recognition Using Weakly Supervised Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks for Understanding Manipulation Actions
=> Real-Time Hand Pose Estimation Using Classifiers
=> Real-Time Hand Pose Recognition Method with Hidden Finger Prediction, A
=> Real-time Hand Pose Recognition Using Low-Resolution Depth Images
=> Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric features and Fisher Vector
=> Real-time hand posture recognition using range data
=> Real-time hand shape recognition for human interface
=> Real-time hand status recognition from RGB-D imagery
=> real-time hand tracker using variable-length Markov models of behaviour, A
=> Real-time hand tracking by invariant hough forest detection
=> Real-time hand tracking on depth images
=> Real-Time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor
=> Real-Time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor
=> Real-time hand tracking using a mean shift embedded particle filter
=> Real-Time Hand Tracking Using a Sum of Anisotropic Gaussians Model
=> Real-time Hand Tracking With Variable-Length Markov Models of Behaviour
=> Real-time haptic interaction with RGBD video streams
=> Real-time hardware-software embedded vision system for ITS smart camera implemented in Zynq SoC
=> Real-time hardware acceleration of the trace transform
=> Real-Time Hazardous Traffic Condition Warning System: Framework and Evaluation
=> Real-time haze removal in monocular images using locally adaptive processing
=> Real-time HD image distortion correction in heterogeneous parallel computing systems using efficient memory access patterns
=> Real-Time HDR Video Tone Mapping Using High Efficiency Video Coding
=> real-time HDTV signal processor: HD-VSP, A
=> Real-Time Head Action Recognition Based on HOF and ELM
=> Real-Time Head and Hand Tracking Based on 2.5D Data
=> Real-Time Head Nod and Shake Detector, A
=> Real-time head orientation estimation using neural networks
=> Real-Time Head Orientation from a Monocular Camera Using Deep Neural Network
=> Real-Time Head Pose Estimation and Face Modeling From a Depth Image
=> Real-Time Head Pose Estimation on Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Using Multi-variate RVM on Faces in the Wild
=> Real-Time Head Pose Tracking with Online Face Template Reconstruction
=> real-time head tracker for autostereoscopic display, A
=> Real-time head tracking and 3d pose estimation from range data
=> Real-time head tracking system for computer games and other applications
=> Real-time heads-up display detection in video
=> Real-Time Heterogeneous Video Transcoding for Low-Power Applications
=> Real-time hierarchal pyramid signal processing apparatus
=> Real-Time Hierarchical Outdoor SLAM Based on Stereovision and GPS Fusion
=> Real-time Hierarchical Soft Attention-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
=> Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimum Spanning Tree
=> Real-Time High-Performance Semantic Image Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes
=> Real-Time High-Quality Complete System for Depth Image-Based Rendering on FPGA, A
=> Real-Time High-Quality Stereo Vision System in FPGA
=> Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting
=> Real-Time High-Resolution Cone-Beam CT Using GPU-Based Multi-Resolution Sampling
=> Real-time High Density People Counter Using Morphological Tools
=> Real-time High Density People Counter Using Morphological Tools
=> real-time high dynamic range HD video camera, A
=> Real-Time High Resolution Image Compression System Based on ADV212, A
=> Real-Time High Speed Motion Prediction Using Fast Aperture-Robust Event-Driven Visual Flow
=> Real-Time Highway Traffic Condition Assessment Framework Using Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration (VII) With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
=> Real-Time HOG-based pedestrian detection in thermal images for an embedded system
=> Real-Time Holding Control for Transfer Synchronization via Robust Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
=> Real-time holography using the high-resolution LCTV-SLM
=> Real-Time Hough Transform on 1-D SIMD Processors: Implementation and Architecture Exploration
=> Real-time Hough/Radon transform: algorithm and architectures
=> Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Path and Code-Word-Table Optimizer
=> Real-time human-centric segmentation for complex video scenes
=> real-time Human-Robot Interaction system based on gestures for assistive scenarios, A
=> Real-time human action recognition based on depth motion maps
=> Real-time human action recognition from motion capture data
=> Real-time human action recognition on an embedded, reconfigurable video processing architecture
=> Real-Time Human Action Recognition Using Locally Aggregated Kinematic-Guided Skeletonlet and Supervised Hashing-by-Analysis Model
=> Real-time human body parts localization from dynamic vision sensor
=> Real-time human cross-race aging-related face appearance detection with deep convolution architecture
=> Real-time human detection and tracking in complex environments using single RGBD camera
=> Real-time Human Detection based on Personness Estimation
=> Real-time human detection in urban scenes: Local descriptors and classifiers selection with AdaBoost-like algorithms
=> Real-Time Human Detection System for Video, A
=> Real-time human detection using fast contour template matching for visual surveillance
=> Real-Time Human Detection Using Hierarchical HOG Matrices
=> Real-time human detection using histograms of oriented gradients on a GPU
=> Real-Time Human Detection Using Relational Depth Similarity Features
=> Real-Time Human Detection, Tracking, and Verification in Uncontrolled Camera Motion Environments
=> Real-time human figure control using tracked blobs
=> Real-Time Human Foot Motion Localization Algorithm With Dynamic Speed
=> Real-time Human Motion Analysis and IK-based Human Figure Control
=> Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Silhouette Contour and Color Blob
=> Real-Time Human Motion Capture with Multiple Depth Cameras
=> Real-time Human Motion Capturing System
=> Real-Time Human Motion Detection with Distributed Smart Cameras
=> Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based inverse kinematics for interactive applications
=> Real-Time Human Movement Retrieval and Assessment With Kinect Sensor
=> Real-time human object motion parameters estimation from depth images
=> Real-Time Human Pose Estimation via Cascaded Neural Networks Embedded with Multi-task Learning
=> Real-Time Human Pose Estimation: A Case Study in Algorithm Design for Smart Camera Networks
=> Real-Time Human Pose Inference using Kernel Principal Component Pre-image Approximations
=> Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
=> Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
=> Real-Time Human Pose Tracking from Range Data
=> Real-Time Human Posture Estimation Using Monocular Thermal Images
=> Real-Time Human Stress Monitoring System Using Dynamic Bayesian Network, A
=> Real-time human tracking based on switching linear dynamic system combined with adaptive Meanshift tracker
=> Real-Time Humans Detection in Urban Scenes
=> Real-time hybrid pose estimation from vision and inertial data
=> Real-time Hybrid Stereo Vision System for HD Resolution Disparity Map
=> Real-time hybrid ToF multi-camera rig fusion system for depth map enhancement
=> Real-Time Hydrogen Refuelling of the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Through the Coupled Transportation Network and Power System
=> Real-time Hyper-Dimensional Reconfiguration at the Edge using Hardware Accelerators
=> Real-Time Hyperbola Recognition and Fitting in GPR Data
=> Real-Time Hyperspectral Data Transmission for UAV-Based Acquisition Platforms
=> Real-time Hyperspectral Imaging in Hardware via Trained Metasurface Encoders
=> Real-time Hyperspectral Imaging with Volume Holographic Optical Elements
=> Real-time identification of blood regions for hemostasis support in laparoscopic surgery
=> Real-time identification of eye fixations and saccades using radial basis function networks and Markov chains
=> Real-time identification of pedestrian meeting and split events from surveillance videos using motion similarity and its applications
=> Real-Time Identification of Rice Weeds by UAV Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Based on Improved Semantic Segmentation Model
=> Real-time identification using a canonical face depth map
=> Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection Algorithm in Urban Environments
=> Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection in Outdoor Environments Using 1-D Transformation
=> Real-time illumination-invariant motion detection in spatio-temporal image volumes
=> Real-time illumination and shadow invariant lane detection on mobile platform
=> Real-Time Illumination and Visual Coherence for Photorealistic Augmented/Mixed Reality
=> Real-time illumination compensation for face processing in video surveillance
=> Real-time Illumination for Two-level Volume Rendering
=> Real-Time Illumination Robust Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on Color Invariance
=> Real-time image-based 6-DOF localization in large-scale environments
=> Real-Time Image-Based B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation of Needles Using Tensor-Product Interpolation
=> Real-time Image-Based Guidance Method for Lung-Cancer Assessment
=> Real-Time Image-Based Motion Detection Using Color and Structure
=> Real-Time Image-Based Rendering Framework, A
=> Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method
=> real-time image-to-panorama registration approach for background subtraction using pan-tilt-cameras, A
=> Real-Time Image Alignment for a Gyro-visual Hybrid Pointing Device
=> Real-Time Image Analysis Using MIMD Parallel à trous Wavelet Algorithms
=> Real-time image and video processing in portable and mobile devices
=> Real-Time Image and Video Processing: From Research to Reality
=> Real-Time Image Based Lighting for 360-Degree Panoramic Video
=> Real-Time Image Based Rendering from Uncalibrated Images
=> Real-time image carrier generation based on generative adversarial network and fast object detection
=> real-time image dehazing method considering dark channel and statistics features, A
=> Real-time Image Enhancer via Learnable Spatial-aware 3D Lookup Tables
=> Real-time image filtering scheme based on robust estimators in presence of impulsive noise
=> real-time image forensics scheme based on multi-domain learning, A
=> Real-time image improvement system for visual testing of nuclear reactors
=> Real-Time Image Matching Based on Multiple View Kernel Projection
=> Real-time Image Mosaicing from a Video Sequence
=> Real-Time Image Mosaicing Using Non-rigid Registration
=> Real-time image processing algorithms for an automated retinal laser surgery system
=> Real-Time Image Processing by Using Image Compression Sensor
=> Real-time image processing for active monitoring of wide areas
=> Real-Time Image Processing Using Graphics Hardware: A Performance Study
=> Real-time image processing with a compact FPGA-based systolic architecture
=> Real-time image processing with dynamically reconfigurable architecture
=> Real-time image recognition using weighted spatial pyramid networks
=> Real-time image reconstruction for spiral MRI using fixed-point calculation
=> Real-Time Image Registration of RGB Webcams and Colorless 3D Time-of-Flight Cameras
=> Real-Time Image Restoration for Iris Recognition Systems
=> Real-time image restoration in diagnostic X-ray imaging, the effects on quantum noise
=> Real-time image segmentation based on a parallel and pipelined watershed algorithm
=> Real-time image segmentation for visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets
=> Real-time image smoke detection using staircase searching-based dual threshold AdaBoost and dynamic analysis
=> Real-Time Image Stabilization System Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform, A
=> Real-time image tracking for automatic traffic monitoring and enforcement applications
=> Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving teaching performance and student experience in e-learning
=> Real-Time Imaging Processing of Squint Spaceborne SAR with High-Resolution Based on Nonuniform PRI Design
=> Real-Time Imaging
=> Real-time implementation of a new low-memory SPIHT image coding algorithm using DSP chip
=> Real-time implementation of an adaptive simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm on a GPU
=> Real-time implementation of an optical flow algorithm
=> Real-Time Implementation of Background Modelling Algorithms in FPGA Devices
=> Real-Time Implementation of Caldeórn's Method on Subject-Specific Domains
=> Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms on DSP Chip
=> real-time implementation of gradient domain high dynamic range compression using a local Poisson solver, A
=> Real-Time Implementation of Modified LD-NET using Docker on NVIDIA Jetson Nano for Image Dehazing Application
=> Real-time implementation of morphological filters with polygonal structuring elements
=> Real-Time Implementation of Nonlinear Unsharp Masking with FPLDs, A
=> Real-Time Implementation of Obstacle Detection Algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI Architecture
=> Real-time implementation of order-statistics-based directional filters
=> Real-time implementation of remotely sensed hyperspectral image unmixing on GPUs
=> Real-Time Implementation Of Scalable Hevc Encoder
=> real-time implementation of SIFT using GPU, A
=> Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
=> Real-time implementations of Hough Transform on SIMD architecture
=> Real-time impulse noise removal
=> Real-Time Impulse Noise Suppression from Images Using an Efficient Weighted-Average Filtering
=> Real-Time Incremental and Geo-Referenced Mosaicking by Small-Scale UAVs
=> Real-time Incremental J-Linkage for Robust Multiple Structures Estimation
=> Real-Time Incremental Segmentation and Tracking of Vehicles at Low Camera Angles Using Stable Features
=> Real-Time Incremental Video Mosaic Framework for UAV Remote Sensing, A
=> Real-time indoor scene understanding using Bayesian filtering with motion cues
=> Real-time inference of 3D human poses by assembling local patches
=> Real-Time Inference of Complex Mental States from Facial Expressions and Head Gestures
=> Real-time inference of mental states from facial expressions and upper body gestures
=> Real-time inference of mental states from facial expressions and upper body gestures
=> Real-time infrared pedestrian detection via sparse representation
=> Real-Time Infrared Stereo Matching Algorithm for RGB-D Cameras' Indoor 3D Perception, A
=> Real-Time Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards
=> Real-Time Instance Segmentation Techniques using Neural Networks for the Assessment of Green-Lipped Mussels
=> Real-time Instance Segmentation with Discriminative Orientation Maps
=> Real-Time Instance Segmentation with Polygons Using an Intersection-Over-Union Loss
=> Real-Time Instance Segmentation with Polygons Using an Intersection-Over-Union Loss
=> Real-Time Integral Imaging Based on Extremely High Resolution Video System
=> Real-Time Integrated Holding and Priority Control Strategy for Transit Systems
=> Real-Time Integration of Segmentation Techniques for Reduction of False Positive Rates in Fire Plume Detection Systems during Forest Fires
=> Real-Time Intelligent Automatic Transportation Safety Based on Big Data Management
=> Real-Time Intensity-Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras Using Manifold Regularisation
=> Real-Time Intensity-Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras Using Manifold Regularisation
=> real-time interactive 3-D-DVA for robust coronary MRA, The
=> Real-time interactive multi-target tracking using kernel-based trackers
=> Real-time Interactive Object Outlining Using Control Points and Smoothness Parameter Manipulation
=> Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adaptation of the External Forces
=> Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adaptation of the External Forces
=> Real-time interactive regions of interest in H.264/AVC
=> Real-Time Interactively Distributed Multi-Object Tracking Using a Magnetic-Inertia Potential Model
=> Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
=> Real-time Interpretation of Hand Motions using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier on Motion Gradient Orientation Images
=> Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
=> Real-Time Ionospheric Threat Adaptation Using a Space Weather Prediction for GNSS-Based Aircraft Landing Systems
=> Real-Time IoT-Based Connected Vehicle Infrastructure for Intelligent Transportation Safety
=> Real-Time Iris Detection on Coronal-Axis-Rotated Faces
=> Real-time iris localization method
=> Real-Time Isoline Tracing Algorithm Based on CUDA, A
=> Real-time iterative framework of regularized image restoration and its application to video enhancement
=> Real-time joint disparity and disparity flow estimation on programmable graphics hardware
=> Real-time joint estimation of camera orientation and vanishing points
=> Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object from RGB-D Input
=> Real-time K-Means Clustering for Color Images on Reconfigurable Hardware
=> Real-time keypoints detection for autonomous recovery of the unmanned ground vehicle
=> Real-time keystone correction for hand-held projectors with an RGBD camera
=> Real-time Kinect-based air-writing system with a novel analytical classifier
=> Real-Time Kinematic Precise Orbit Determination for LEO Satellites Using Zero-Differenced Ambiguity Resolution
=> Real-Time Knowledge-Based Processing of Images: Application of the Online NLPM Method to Perceptual Visual Analysis
=> Real-Time Lagrangian Traffic State Estimator for Freeways
=> Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
=> Real-time lane departure warning system based on a single FPGA
=> Real-Time Lane Departure Warning System on a Lower Resource Platform
=> Real-Time Lane Estimation Using Deep Features and Extra Trees Regression
=> Real-time lane tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
=> Real-Time Large-Scale Dense 3D Reconstruction with Loop Closure
=> Real-Time Large-Scale Fusion of High Resolution 3D Scans with Details Preservation
=> Real-time large-scale visual concept detection with linear classifiers
=> Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
=> Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
=> Real-Time Laser Point Tracking
=> Real-time Learning and Detection of 3D Texture-less Objects: A Scalable Approach
=> Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
=> Real-time least-squares ensemble visual tracking
=> Real-Time LEO Satellite Clocks Based on Near-Real-Time Clock Determination with Ultra-Short-Term Prediction
=> Real-Time LEO Satellite Orbits Based on Batch Least-Squares Orbit Determination with Short-Term Orbit Prediction
=> Real-time level set based tracking with appearance model using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
=> Real-Time Lexicon-Free Scene Text Localization and Recognition
=> Real-time Lexicon-free Scene Text Retrieval
=> Real-time license plate detection and recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
=> Real-time license plate localisation on FPGA
=> Real-Time License Plate Recognition on an Embedded DSP-Platform
=> real-time license plate recognition system for Saudi Arabia using LabVIEW, A
=> Real-Time Life Experience Logging Tool, A
=> Real-time life logging via a depth silhouette-based human activity recognition system for smart home services
=> Real-time Light Fall-off Stereo
=> Real-Time Light Field Depth Estimation via GPU-Accelerated Muti-View Semi-Global Matching
=> Real-time Lightweight CNN in Robots with Very Limited Computational Resources: Detecting Ball in NAO
=> Real-time line detection through an improved Hough transform voting scheme
=> Real-time line detection through an improved Hough transform voting scheme
=> Real-Time Line Detection Using Accelerated High-Resolution Hough Transform
=> Real-Time Line Extraction Using a Highly Parallel Hough Transform Board
=> Real-Time Linear Prediction Algorithm for Detecting Abnormal BDS-2/BDS-3 Satellite Clock Offsets, A
=> Real-Time Lip Contour Extraction and Tracking Using an Improved Active Contour Model
=> Real-time lip reading system for isolated Korean word recognition
=> Real-Time Lip Tracking for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Applications
=> Real-time local stereo via edge-aware disparity propagation
=> Real-Time Localization for Underwater Moving Object Using Precalculated DC Electric Field Template
=> Real-time Localization in Outdoor Environments using Stereo Vision and Inexpensive GPS
=> Real-time Localized Photorealistic Video Style Transfer
=> Real-Time Location-Based Rendering of Urban Underground Pipelines
=> Real-Time Long-Range Lane Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
=> Real-time long-term tracker with tracking-verification-detection-refinement
=> Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correction
=> Real-time long-term tracking with reliability assessment and object recovery
=> Real-time lossless compression of mosaic video sequences
=> Real-time low-complexity adaptive approach for enhanced QoS and error resilience in MPEG-2 video transport over RTP networks
=> real-time low-cost marker-based multiple camera tracking solution for virtual reality applications, A
=> Real-Time Low-Cost Omni-Directional Stereo Vision via Bi-polar Spherical Cameras
=> Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Vision Engine Using Semi-Global Matching, A
=> Real-time low cost infrared vein imaging system
=> Real-time machine-vision-based position sensing system for UAV aerial refueling
=> real-time machine vision system for bottle finish inspection, A
=> Real-Time Maintenance of Figure-Ground Segmentation
=> Real-Time Map Refinement Method Using a Multi-Sensor Localization Framework, A
=> Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple electro-optic sensors
=> Real-Time Marker-free Motion Capture from multiple cameras
=> Real-time marker prediction and CoR estimation in optical motion capture
=> Real-Time Markerless Human Body Tracking with 3-D Voxel Reconstruction
=> Real-time markerless kinect based finger tracking and hand gesture recognition for HCI
=> Real-Time Matching System for Large Fingerprint Databases
=> Real-Time MDNet
=> Real-Time Measurement of Link Vehicle Count and Travel Time in a Road Network
=> Real-Time Measurement of Thread Number of Rail Fastener
=> Real-Time Median Filtering for Embedded Smart Cameras
=> Real-Time Medical Ultrasound Simulator Based on a Generative Adversarial Network Model, A
=> Real-time medical video processing, enabled by hardware accelerated correlations
=> Real-Time Memory Updating Strategy for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification, A
=> Real-time method for counting unseen stacked objects in mobile
=> Real-Time Method for Railway Track Detection and 3D Fitting Based on Camera and LiDAR Fusion Sensing, A
=> Real-time method of digitally altering a video data stream to remove portions of the original image and substitute elements to create a new image
=> Real-Time Method to Detect and Track Moving Objects (DATMO) from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Using a Single Camera, A
=> Real-Time Micro-expression Detection in Unlabeled Long Videos Using Optical Flow and LSTM Neural Network
=> Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Reality
=> Real-time microfacet billboarding for free-viewpoint video rendering
=> Real-Time Minimization of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
=> Real-Time Mission-Motion Planner for Multi-UUVs Cooperative Work Using Tri-Level Programing
=> Real-Time Mobile Facial Expression Recognition System: A Case Study
=> Real-Time Mobile Food Recognition System
=> Real-Time Model-Based Articulated Object Pose Detection and Tracking with Variable Rigidity Constraints
=> Real-Time Model-Based Hand Localization for Unsupervised Palmar Image Acquisition
=> Real-Time Model-Based Inversion in Cross-Sectional Optoacoustic Tomography
=> Real-Time Model-Based Method for 3-D Object Orientation Estimation in Outdoor Scenes, A
=> Real-Time Model-Based Rigid Object Pose Estimation and Tracking Combining Dense and Sparse Visual Cues
=> Real-Time Model-Based SLAM Using Line Segments
=> Real-Time Model of the Seasonal Temperature of Lunar Polar Region and Data Validation, A
=> Real-Time Modeling of 3-D Soccer Ball Trajectories From Multiple Fixed Cameras
=> Real-Time Modeling of Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Ground Penetrating Radar Scattering From Rough Terrain
=> Real-time modeling of image sequences based on hidden Markov mesh random field models
=> Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface and Numerical Weather Prediction Models, A
=> Real-Time Monitoring of Crop Phenology in the Midwestern United States Using VIIRS Observations
=> Real-time monocular 6-DOF head pose estimation from salient 2D points
=> Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation Using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation via Image Style Transfer
=> Real-time Monocular Depth Estimation with Extremely Light-Weight Neural Network
=> Real-time Monocular Depth Estimation with Sparse Supervision on Mobile
=> Real-Time Monocular Fixation Control Using the Log-Polar Transformation and a Confidence-Based Similarity Measure
=> Real-time monocular image-based path detection
=> Real-Time Monocular Joint Perception Network for Autonomous Driving
=> Real-Time Monocular Pose Estimation of 3D Objects Using Temporally Consistent Local Color Histograms
=> Real-Time Monocular Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Multiple Objects
=> Real-Time Monocular SLAM With Low Memory Requirements
=> Real-Time Monocular SLAM with Straight Lines
=> real-time monocular vision-based 3D mouse system, A
=> Real-Time monophonic and polyphonic audio classification from power spectra
=> Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2-D Cellular Automata CAM^2
=> Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2-D Cellular Automata CAM^2
=> Real-time Motion-based Gesture Recognition Using the GPU
=> Real-Time Motion-Feature-Extraction VLSI Employing Digital-Pixel-Sensor-Based Parallel Architecture, A
=> Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear Programming
=> Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear Programming
=> Real-Time Motion Capture on a Budget
=> real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fusion, A
=> Real-time motion control using pose space probability density estimation
=> Real-time motion detection based on Discrete Cosine Transform
=> Real-time motion detection based on SW/HW-codesign for walking rescue robots
=> Real-Time Motion Detection for a Mobile Observer Using Multiple Kernel Tracking and Belief Propagation
=> Real-time motion estimation based on event-based vision sensor
=> Real-Time Motion Estimation by Object-Matching for High-Level Video Representation
=> real-time motion estimation FPGA architecture, A
=> Real-time Motion Planning for Robotic Teleoperation Using Dynamic-goal Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Real-time motion segmentation from moving cameras
=> Real-Time Motion Segmentation of Sparse Feature Points at Any Speed
=> Real-Time Motion Stereo
=> Real-time Motion Template Gradients using Intel CVLib
=> Real-time motion tracker for a robotic vision system
=> Real-Time Motion Trajectory-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Video Sequences
=> Real-Time Motion Transition by Example
=> Real-time moustache detection by combining image decolorization and texture detection with applications to facial gender recognition
=> Real-Time Movie-Induced Discrete Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals
=> Real-Time Moving Object Classification with Automatic Scene Division
=> Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resolution videos using GPUs
=> Real-Time Moving Object Detection for Video Surveillance
=> Real-Time Moving Object Segmentation and Classification From HEVC Compressed Surveillance Video
=> Real-time moving object segmentation and tracking for H.264/AVC surveillance videos
=> Real-Time Moving Target Evaluation Search
=> Real-Time Moving Vehicle Detection With Cast Shadow Removal in Video Based on Conditional Random Field
=> Real-time MPEG-2 delivery based on RTP: implementation issues
=> Real-time MPEG-4 facial animation with 3D scalable meshes
=> Real-Time MPEG Video on the Web Using Dynamic Rate Shaping
=> Real-time MPEG2 video watermarking in the VLC domain
=> Real-Time MRF Based Approach for Binary Segmentation, A
=> Real-time multi-agent system for an adaptive intrusion detection system
=> Real-time multi-camera air surveillance system using a simultaneous estimation, filtering and rejection tracking algorithm
=> Real-time multi-camera video analytics system on GPU
=> real-time multi-camera vision system for UAV collision warning and navigation, A
=> Real-Time Multi-Car Localization and See-Through System
=> Real-Time Multi-Car Localization and See-Through System
=> Real-time Multi-Class Helmet Violation Detection Using Few-Shot Data Sampling Technique and YOLOv8
=> Real-time multi-class moving target tracking and recognition
=> Real-time multi-class object detection using two-dimensional index
=> Real-time multi-colourspace hand segmentation
=> real-time multi-cue framework for determining optical flow confidence, A
=> Real-time multi-feature based fire flame detection in video
=> Real-Time Multi-Frame Analysis of Dominant Translation
=> Real-Time Multi-GNSS Precise Orbit Determination Based on the Hourly Updated Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Method
=> Real-Time Multi-Guidewire Endpoint Localization in Fluoroscopy Images
=> Real-Time Multi-human Tracking Using a Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and Multiple Detectors
=> Real-Time Multi-Label Classification System for Short Videos, A
=> Real-Time Multi-Material Reflectance Reconstruction for Large-Scale Scenes Under Uncontrolled Illumination from RGB-D Image Sequences
=> Real-Time Multi-Object Detection Using Enhanced Yolov5-7S on Multi-GPU for High-Resolution Video
=> Real-Time Multi-object Tracking with Occlusion and Stationary Objects Handling for Conveying Systems
=> Real-time multi-objective speed planning ATO considering assist driving for subway
=> Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video
=> Real-Time Multi-person Motion Capture from Multi-view Video and IMUs
=> Real-time Multi-person Pose Tracking Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Tracking using Data Assimilation
=> Real-time multi-person tracking with detector assisted structure propagation
=> Real-Time Multi-Person Tracking with Time-Constrained Detection
=> Real-time multi-resolution edge detection with pattern analysis on graphics processing unit
=> Real-Time Multi-scale Action Detection from 3D Skeleton Data
=> Real-time multi-scale parallel compressive tracking
=> Real-time multi-scale Retinex to enhance night scene of vehicular camera
=> Real-time multi-scale tracking based on compressive sensing
=> Real-time multi-stage infrared image-based tracking system
=> Real-Time Multi-Step View Reconstruction for a Virtual Teleconference System
=> Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second in Wide Area Motion Imagery
=> Real-Time Multi-Task Environmental Perception System for Traffic Safety Empowered by Edge Artificial Intelligence
=> Real-Time Multi-Task Single Shot Face Detector, A
=> Real-time multi-trajectory matching for dynamic hand gesture recognition
=> Real-Time Multi-view 3D Object Tracking in Cluttered Scenes
=> Real-time multi-view event detection in soccer games
=> Real-Time Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation in Video Stream
=> Real-time multi-view face detection
=> Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using 3D Model and Latency Tolerant Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Resampling
=> Real-time Multi-view Stereo Algorithm using Adaptive-weight Parzen Window and Local Winner-take-all Optimization
=> Real-Time Multi-View Volumetric Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes Using Kinect V2
=> Real-time multi-window stereo matching algorithm with fuzzy logic
=> real-time multi face detection technique using positive-negative lines-of-face template, A
=> Real-Time Multiaperture Omnidirectional Visual Sensor Based on an Interconnected Network of Smart Cameras, A
=> Real-time multimedia processing in video sensor networks
=> Real-Time Multimedia Social Event Detection in Microblog
=> Real-Time Multimodal Human-Avatar Interaction
=> Real-Time Multipedestrian Tracking in Traffic Scenes via an RGB-D-Based Layered Graph Model
=> Real-time multiple-person tracking system
=> Real-Time Multiple-Vehicle Detection and Tracking System with Prior Occlusion Detection and Resolution, and Prior Queue Detection and Resolution, A
=> Real-time multiple description intra-coding by sorting and interpolation of coefficients
=> Real-Time Multiple Description Video Streaming over QoS-Based Wireless Networks
=> Real-Time Multiple Face Detection Using Active Illumination
=> Real-Time Multiple Human Perception With Color-Depth Cameras on a Mobile Robot
=> Real-Time Multiple Moving Targets Detection from Airborne IR Imagery by Dynamic Gabor Filter and Dynamic Gaussian Detector
=> Real-Time Multiple Objects Tracking with Occlusion Handling in Dynamic Scenes
=> Real-time Multiple Pedestrians Tracking in Multi-camera System
=> Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
=> Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
=> Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
=> Real-time multiple vehicle detection and tracking from a moving vehicle
=> Real-Time Multiple Vehicles Tracking with Occlusion Handling
=> Real-time multiply recursive reflections and refractions using hybrid rendering
=> Real-Time Multiresolutional Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
=> Real-Time Multisensory Image Segmentation Algorithm with an Application to Visual and X-Ray Inspection, A
=> Real-time multispectral color video synthesis using an array of commodity cameras
=> Real-Time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection with a Single-Pass Deep Neural Network
=> Real-time multitarget tracking by a cooperative distributed vision system
=> Real-time multitarget tracking for sensor-based sorting
=> Real-Time Multiview Recognition of Human Gestures by Distributed Image Processing
=> Real-Time N-Descriptions Video Coding Architecture, A
=> Real-time N-finder processing algorithms for hyperspectral imagery
=> Real-Time NDT-NDE Through an Innovative Adaptive Partial Least Squares SVR Inversion Approach
=> Real-Time Near-Duplicate Elimination for Web Video Search With Content and Context
=> real-time near infrared image acquisition system based on image quality assessment, A
=> Real-Time Neighborhood Based Disparity Estimation Incorporating Temporal Evidence
=> Real-Time Neural Character Rendering with Pose-Guided Multiplane Images
=> Real-Time Neural Light Field on Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time Neural Rasterization for Large Scenes
=> Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos
=> Real-Time Neurodegenerative Disease Video Classification with Severity Prediction
=> Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Filter Learning
=> Real-time noise-aware tone-mapping and its use in luminance retargeting
=> Real-Time Noise Estimation and Correction in Dual-Polarization Radar Systems
=> Real-Time Non-Rigid 3D Respiratory Motion Estimation for MR-Guided Radiotherapy Using MR-MOTUS
=> Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
=> Real-time non-rigid multi-frame depth video super-resolution
=> Real-Time Non-rigid Shape Recovery Via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality
=> Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
=> Real-Time Nonlinear Complementary Filter on SO(3) for Attitude Estimation of Small-Scale Aerial Robot
=> Real-Time Nonparametric Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Settings
=> Real-time nonparametric background subtraction with tracking-based foreground update
=> Real-Time Nonrigid Mosaicking of Laparoscopy Images
=> Real-time O(1) bilateral filtering
=> Real-Time Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Colour Segmentation and Connected Component Labeling
=> Real-time Object Classification in Video Surveillance Based on Appearance Learning
=> real-time object detecting and tracking system for outdoor night surveillance, A
=> Real-Time Object Detection and Localization in Compressive Sensed Video
=> Real-time object detection and localization with SIFT-based clustering
=> Real-time object detection by a multi-feature fully convolutional network
=> Real-Time Object Detection for Smart Vehicles
=> Real-Time Object Detection for Smart Vehicles
=> Real-time Object Detection for Streaming Perception
=> Real-time object detection on CUDA
=> Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded Platforms
=> Real-Time Object Detection Using Adaptive Background Model and Margined Sign Correlation
=> Real-Time Object Detection with Adaptive Background Model and Margined Sign Correlation
=> Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent Drones: A Novel Approach
=> Real-Time Object Recognition Based on Cortical Multi-scale Keypoints
=> real-time object recognition for forward looking sonar, A
=> Real-time Object Recognition in Sparse Range Images Using Error Surface Embedding
=> Real-time object recognition on image sequences with the adaptable time delay neural network algorithm applications for autonomous vehicles
=> Real-Time Object Recognition System on Cell Broadband Engine, A
=> Real-time object recognition using a modified generalized Hough transform
=> Real-time object recognition using local features on a DSP-based embedded system
=> Real-time Object Recognition using Relational Dependency based on Graphical Model
=> Real-time Object Recognition using Relational Dependency based on Graphical Model
=> Real-Time Object Recognition: Hierarchical Image Matching in a Parallel Virtual Machine Environment
=> Real-Time Object Segmentation and Coding for Selective-Quality Video Communications
=> Real-Time Object Tracking Algorithm with Cameras Mounted on Moving Platforms
=> Real-time object tracking based on an adaptive transition model and extended Kalman filter to handle full occlusion
=> Real-Time Object Tracking By Rotating Range Sensor
=> Real-Time Object Tracking from a Moving Video Camera: A Software Approach on a PC
=> Real-Time Object Tracking on a Drone With Multi-Inertial Sensing Data
=> Real-Time Object Tracking on iPhone
=> Real-time object tracking using bounded irregular pyramids
=> Real-Time Object Tracking Using Powell's Direct Set Method for Object Localization and Kalman Filter for Occlusion Handling
=> Real-Time Object Tracking via Fusion of Global and Local Appearance Models
=> Real-Time Object Tracking Via Online Discriminative Feature Selection
=> Real-time object tracking via optimal feature subspace
=> Real-Time Object Tracking with Generalized Part-Based Appearance Model and Structure-Constrained Motion Model
=> Real-time Object Tracking with Movels and Affine Transformations
=> Real-time object tracking with relevance feedback
=> Real-Time Object Tracking without Feature Extraction
=> Real-time objects tracking by using smart image sensor and FPGA
=> Real-Time Observations of Dust-Cloud Interactions Based on Polarization and Raman Lidar Measurements
=> Real-time Obstacle Avoidance Using an MPEG-processor-based Optic Flow Sensor
=> Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Central Flow Divergence and Peripheral Flow
=> Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Central Flow Divergence and Peripheral Flow
=> Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Central Flow Divergence and Peripheral Flow
=> Real-time obstacle detection and avoidance in the presence of specular surfaces using an active 3D sensor
=> Real-time obstacle detection with motion features using monocular vision
=> Real-Time Obstacles Detection and Status Classification for Collision Warning in a Vehicle Active Safety System
=> Real-Time Occlusion Aware Hardware Structure for Disparity Map Computation, A
=> Real-time occupant detection system in an active illumination
=> Real-Time Octree Generation from Rotating Objects
=> Real-Time Omnidirectional Image Sensors
=> Real-time On-board Image Processing Using an Embedded GPU for Monocular Vision-based Navigation
=> Real-Time On-Orbit Signal Tracking Algorithm for GNSS Surface Observations, A
=> Real-time one-dimensional motion estimation and its application in computer vision
=> Real-Time Online Action Detection Forests Using Spatio-Temporal Contexts
=> Real-time online camera synchronization for volume carving on GPU
=> Real-Time Online Video Detection with Temporal Smoothing Transformers
=> Real-Time Online Video Object Silhouette Extraction Using Graph Cuts on the GPU
=> Real-Time Optic Flow Computation with Variational Methods
=> Real-Time Optical Edge and Corner Tracking at Subpixel Accuracy
=> Real-time optical flow-based video stabilization for unmanned aerial vehicles
=> Real-Time Optical Flow for Vehicular Perception With Low- and High-Resolution Event Cameras
=> Real-time optical markerless tracking for augmented reality applications
=> Real-time optimal-memory image rotation for embedded systems
=> Real-Time Optimisation-Based Path Planning for Visually Impaired People in Dynamic Environments
=> Real-Time Optimized Clustering and Caching for 6G Satellite-UAV-Terrestrial Networks
=> Real-time Ordnance Recognition in Color Imagery
=> Real-Time Orientation of a PYZ-Camera Based on Pedestrian Detection in Video Data of Wide and Complex Scenes
=> Real-time oriented behavior-driven 3D freehand tracking for direct interaction
=> Real-Time Orthophoto Mosaicing on Mobile Devices for Sequential Aerial Images with Low Overlap
=> Real-time outdoor video surveillance with robust foreground extraction and object tracking via multi-state transition management
=> Real-Time Painterly Rendering of Terrains
=> Real-time palmprint acquisition system design
=> Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation From Dense Detections
=> Real-Time Parallel and Cooperative Recognition of Facial Images for an Interactive Visual Human Interface
=> Real-time parallel and fully pipelined two-dimensional DCT lattice structures with application to HDTV systems
=> Real-Time Parallel Computation of Disparity and Optical-Flow Using Phase Difference
=> Real-Time Parallel Implementation of SSD Stereo Vision Algorithm on CSX SIMD Architecture
=> Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a Dual-Pol Radar Rain Rate Estimator Using the Extended Kalman Filter
=> Real-Time Parametric Modeling and Estimation of Urban Traffic Junctions
=> Real-time part-based visual tracking via adaptive correlation filters
=> Real-Time Part Position Sensing
=> Real-time passenger flow anomaly detection in metro system
=> Real-Time Passenger Flow Estimation and Prediction Method for Urban Bus Transit Systems, A
=> Real-time patch-based medical image modality propagation by GPU computing
=> Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Projection Kernels
=> Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Projection Kernels
=> Real-Time Pattern Selection Algorithm for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Relevance and Similarity Metrics, A
=> Real-time PCA calculation for spectral imaging (using SIMD and GP-GPU)
=> Real-time pedestrian classification exploiting 2D and 3D information
=> real-time pedestrian classification method for event-based dynamic stereo vision, A
=> Real-Time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Nighttime for Driver-Assistance Systems
=> Real-Time Pedestrian Detection using Eigenflow
=> Real-Time Pedestrian Detection with Deep Network Cascades
=> Real-time pedestrian detection with deep supervision in the wild
=> Real-time Pedestrian Lane Detection for Assistive Navigation using Neural Architecture Search
=> Real-time pedestrian tracking in natural scenes
=> Real-Time Pedestrian Tracking with Bacterial Foraging Optimization
=> Real-Time People Counting across Spatially Adjacent Non-overlapping Camera Views
=> Real-Time People Counting Approach in Indoor Environment, A
=> Real-time people counting from depth imagery of crowded environments
=> Real-Time People Detection in Videos Using Geometrical Features and Adaptive Boosting
=> Real-Time Perceptual Model for Distraction in Interfering Audio-on-Audio Scenarios
=> Real-Time Performance-Focused Localization Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle: A Review
=> Real-Time Periodic Motion Detection, Analysis, and Applications
=> Real-Time Permittivity Estimation Method for Stepped-Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar by Full-Waveform Inversion, A
=> Real-time person counting by propagating networks flows
=> Real-Time Person Detection and Tracking in Panoramic Video
=> Real-Time Person Re-identification at the Edge: A Mixed Precision Approach
=> Real-time Person Tracking and Association on Doorbell Cameras
=> Real-Time Person Tracking and Pointing Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
=> Real-Time Phase Bias Estimation for BeiDou Satellites Based on Consideration of Orbit Errors
=> Real-Time Phaseless Microwave Frequency-Diverse Imaging with Deep Prior Generative Neural Network
=> Real-time photo-realistic visualization of 3D environments for enhanced tele-operation of vehicles
=> Real-Time Photo Sensor Dead Pixel Detection for Embedded Devices
=> real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision, A
=> Real-time Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Human Movement Dynamics, A
=> real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture, A
=> Real-Time Photorealistic 3D Map Building using Mobile Multiple Stereo Cameras Setup
=> Real-Time Physiological Measurement and Visualization Using a Synchronized Multi-camera System
=> Real-Time Piano Music Transcription Based on Computer Vision
=> Real-time Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space
=> Real-Time Plane-Sweeping Stereo with Multiple Sweeping Directions
=> Real-time plane extraction from depth images with the Randomized Hough Transform
=> Real-Time Plane Segmentation and Obstacle Detection of 3D Point Clouds for Indoor Scenes
=> Real-Time Point Cloud Alignment for Vehicle Localization in a High Resolution 3D Map
=> Real-Time Point Cloud Object Detection via Voxel-Point Geometry Abstraction
=> Real-time pointing gesture recognition for an immersive environment
=> Real-Time Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy using Lightweight Transformer
=> Real-Time Polyps Segmentation for Colonoscopy Video Frames Using Compressed Fully Convolutional Network
=> Real-Time Pose-Invariant Face Recognition by Triplet Pose Sparse Matrix from Only a Single Image
=> Real-Time Pose Detection and Tracking of Hundreds of Objects
=> Real-time pose estimation for outdoor, mobile robots using range data
=> Real-time pose estimation of articulated objects using low-level motion
=> Real-time pose estimation of rigid objects in heavily cluttered environments
=> Real-Time Pose Estimation Piggybacked on Object Detection
=> Real-Time Pose Estimation Using Constrained Dynamics
=> Real-Time Pose Imitation by Mid-Size Humanoid Robot With Servo-Cradle-Head RGB-D Vision System
=> Real-Time Pose Regression with Fast Volume Descriptor Computation
=> Real-time positioning for augmented reality on a custom parallel machine
=> Real-Time Posture Analysis in a Crowd using Thermal Imaging
=> Real-time posture and activity recognition
=> Real-Time Posture Reconstruction for Microsoft Kinect
=> Real-time Power Line Detection Network using Visible Light and Infrared Images
=> Real-Time Power Line Harmonics Suppression from MRS Based on Stacking and ANC
=> Real-time Powerline Corridor Inspection By Edge Computing of UAV Lidar Data
=> Real-time precise detection of regular grids and matrix codes
=> Real-Time Precise DGNSS/INS Integrated Relative Positioning with High Output Rate and Low Broadcast Rate for Kinematic-to-Kinematic Applications
=> Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Based on GPS and BDS-3 PPP B2b Service
=> Real-Time Precise Point Positioning during Outages of the PPP-B2b Service
=> Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using Tomographic Wet Refractivity Fields
=> real-time precrash vehicle detection system, A
=> Real-Time Prediction of Crop Yields From MODIS Relative Vegetation Health: A Continent-Wide Analysis of Africa
=> Real-Time Prediction of Seasonal Heteroscedasticity in Vehicular Traffic Flow Series
=> Real-Time Prediction of Taxi Demand Using Recurrent Neural Networks
=> Real-Time Prediction System of Train Carriage Load Based on Multi-Stream Fuzzy Learning
=> Real-time predictive coordination based on vehicle-triggered platoon dispersion in a low penetration connected vehicle environment
=> Real-Time Predictive Cruise Control for Eco-Driving Taking into Account Traffic Constraints
=> Real-time predictive eco-driving assistance considering road geometry and long-range radar measurements
=> Real-time predictive zoom tracking for digital still cameras
=> Real-time preprocessing for dense 3-D range imaging on the GPU: Defect interpolation, bilateral temporal averaging and guided filtering
=> Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update
=> Real-Time Probabilistic Tracking of Faces in Video
=> Real-Time ProCam System for Interaction with Chinese Ink-and-Wash Cartoons, A
=> Real-time processing algorithms for target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery
=> Real-Time Processing and Compression of DNA Microarray Images
=> Real-time processing for long-range imaging
=> Real-time processing for shape-from-focus techniques
=> Real-Time Processing of Electromagnetic Induction Dynamic Data Using Kalman Filters for Unexploded Ordnance Detection
=> Real-Time Processing Stand-Alone Multiple Object Visual Tracking System, A
=> Real-Time Processor for the Hough Transform, A
=> Real-Time Professional Photographing Guiding System Through Image Composition Analysis, A
=> Real-Time Progressive 3D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Scenes
=> Real-Time Projector Tracking on Complex Geometry Using Ordinary Imagery
=> Real-Time Projector Tracking on Complex Geometry Using Ordinary Imagery
=> Real-Time Public-Transport Operational Tactics Using Synchronized Transfers to Eliminate Vehicle Bunching
=> Real-Time Quality Assessment of Pediatric MRI via Semi-Supervised Deep Nonlocal Residual Neural Networks
=> Real-Time Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile NPUs, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
=> Real-Time Quantized Optical Flow
=> Real-time radial symmetry for speed sign detection
=> Real-time railway speed limit sign recognition from video sequences
=> Real-time raindrop detection based on cellular neural networks for ADAS
=> Real-Time Range Acquisition by Adaptive Structured Light
=> Real-Time Range Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Kernels and Kalman Filtering
=> Real-time range imaging for dynamic scenes using colour-edge based structured light
=> Real-time range scanning of deformable surfaces by adaptively coded structured light
=> Real-time rate distortion-optimized image compression with region of interest on the ARM architecture for underwater robotics applications
=> Real-time rate distortion-optimized image compression with region of interest on the ARM architecture for underwater robotics applications
=> Real-Time Realistic Skin Translucency
=> Real-Time Rear-End Collision-Warning System Using a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
=> Real-Time Recognition of 3D-Pointing Gestures for Human-Machine-Interaction
=> Real-Time Recognition of Activity Using Temporal Templates
=> Real-Time Recognition of Activity Using Temporal Templates
=> Real-Time Recognition of Affective States from Nonverbal Features of Speech and Its Application for Public Speaking Skill Analysis
=> Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
=> Real-time Recognition of Daily Actions Based on 3d Joint Movements and Fisher Encoding
=> Real-Time Recognition of Hand Alphabet Gestures Using Principal Component Analysis
=> Real-Time Recognition of Human Gestures for 3D Interaction
=> Real-time recognition of human motions using multidimensional features in ultrawideband biological radar
=> Real-time recognition of self-similar landmarks
=> Real-time recognition of self-similar landmarks
=> Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-writing using leap motion
=> Real-time recognition of suicidal behavior using an RGB-D camera
=> Real-Time Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics: Backtracking and Relationship Discovery, A
=> Real-Time Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics: Structural Development, A
=> Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture Database
=> Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture Database
=> Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture Database
=> Real-Time Reconfigurable Processor to Detect Similarities in Compressed Video Using Generalized Hough Transformation
=> Real-Time Reconstruction of Sensitivity Encoded Radial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Graphics Processing Unit
=> Real-time Reconstruction of Surface Velocities from Satellite Observations in the Alboran Sea
=> Real-time reconstruction of symmetrical image using Cellular Neural Network
=> Real-Time Reconstruction of Wavelet-Encoded Meshes for View-Dependent Transmission and Visualization
=> Real-Time Reconstruction of Wavelet-Encoded Meshes for View-Dependent Transmission and Visualization
=> Real-time recovery and recognition of motion blurry QR code image based on fractional order deblurring method
=> Real-Time Recurrent Tactile Recognition: Momentum Batch-Sequential Echo State Networks
=> Real-time registration of airborne laser data with sub-decimeter accuracy
=> Real-time Registration of Paper Watermarks
=> Real-Time Registration of RGB-D Image Pair for See-Through System
=> Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography
=> Real-time relighting previews with virtual light fields
=> Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in medical images
=> Real-Time Rendering and Manipulation of Large Terrains
=> Real-time rendering of glossy materials with regular sampling
=> Real-Time Rendering of Large Terrain on Mobile Device
=> Real-Time Rendering of Light Shafts on GPU
=> Real-time rendering of multi-perspective images for a glasses-free tabletop 3d display
=> Real-time rendering of refracting transmissive objects with multi-scale rough surfaces
=> Real-time Rendering of Teeth with No Preprocessing
=> Real-Time Reshaping of Humans
=> Real-Time Respiration Monitoring of Neonates from Thermography Images Using Deep Learning
=> Real-Time Restoration of Dark Stereo Images
=> Real-Time Restoration of Images Degraded by Uniform Motion Blur in Foveal Active Vision Systems
=> Real-Time Retrieval for Images of Documents in Various Languages Using a Web Camera
=> Real-Time Retrieval of Near-Duplicate Fragments in Images and Video-Clips
=> Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galileo Observations by Using the MGEX Network
=> Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histogram Modification
=> Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histogram Modification
=> Real-time reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on hybrid embedding mechanism
=> Real-time reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on hybrid embedding mechanism
=> Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding with Shifting Block Histogram of Pixel Differences in Encrypted Image
=> real-time reversible image authentication method using uniform embedding strategy, A
=> Real-Time RFI Detection and Mitigation System for Microwave Radiometers
=> Real-Time RGB-D Activity Prediction by Soft Regression
=> Real-Time RGB-D Camera Pose Estimation in Novel Scenes Using a Relocalisation Cascade
=> Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using the random ball cover data structure
=> Real-time RGB-D Tracking with Depth Scaling Kernelised Correlation Filters and Occlusion Handling
=> Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation
=> Real-Time Road-Slope Estimation Based on Integration of Onboard Sensors With GPS Using an IMMPDA Filter
=> Real-Time Road Sign Detection Using Bilateral Chinese Transform, A
=> Real-time road surface and semantic lane estimation using deep features
=> Real-time road traffic density estimation using block variance
=> Real-Time Robot Manipulation Using Mouth Gestures in Facial Video Sequences
=> Real-Time Robot Path Planning via a Distance-Propagating Dynamic System with Obstacle Clearance
=> Real-Time Robotic Grasping Approach With Oriented Anchor Box, A
=> Real-time Robust Approach for Tracking UAVs in Infrared Videos, A
=> Real-time robust background subtraction under rapidly changing illumination conditions
=> Real-Time Robust Image Feature Description and Matching
=> Real-time robust individual X point localization for stereoscopic tracking
=> Real-time Robust Mapping for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle using an Omnidirectional Camera
=> Real-time robust tracking via sparse representation: A mode-seeking approach
=> Real-time robust vision-based hand gesture recognition using stereo images
=> Real-Time Rodent Tracking System for Both Light and Dark Cycle Behavior Analysis, A
=> Real-Time Rotation-Invariant Face Detection with Progressive Calibration Networks
=> Real-time rotation invariant face detection based on cost-sensitive AdaBoost
=> Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
=> Real-Time Runway Detection for Infrared Aerial Image Using Synthetic Vision and an ROI Based Level Set Method
=> Real-Time Safety Assessment for Dynamic Systems With Limited Memory and Annotations
=> Real-Time Safety Driving Advisory System Utilizing a Vision-Based Driving Monitoring Sensor
=> Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
=> Real-Time Salient Object Detection with a Minimum Spanning Tree
=> Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination
=> Real-time scalable hardware architecture for 3D-HEVC bipartition modes
=> Real-Time Scalable Visual Tracking via Quadrangle Kernelized Correlation Filters
=> Real-Time Scale Invariant 3D Range Point Cloud Registration
=> Real-Time Scale Selection in Hybrid Multi-scale Representations
=> Real-Time Scan-to-Map Matching Localization System Based on Lightweight Pre-Built Occupancy High-Definition Map
=> Real-Time Scene-Aware LiDAR Point Cloud Compression Using Semantic Prior Representation
=> Real-time scene reconstruction and triangle mesh generation using multiple RGB-D cameras
=> Real-time Scene Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
=> Real-Time Scene Text Detection Based on Stroke Model
=> Real-Time Scene Text Detection With Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion
=> Real-time scene text localization and recognition
=> Real-Time Scene Text to Speech System, A
=> Real-Time Scene Understanding System for Airport Apron Monitoring, A
=> Real-time scheduling based on imprecise computation for scalable streaming media system over the Internet
=> Real-time Scheme of Video Stabilization for Mobile Surveillance Robot, A
=> Real-time scratching behavior quantification system for laboratory mice using high-speed vision
=> Real-time screen image scaling and its GPU acceleration
=> Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction
=> Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
=> real-time secret image sharing with fairness, A
=> Real-Time Sectional Image Measuring System Using Time Sequentially Coded Grating Method, A
=> Real-time seed sorting system via 2D information entropy-based CNN pruning and TensorRt acceleration
=> Real-Time Segmentation and Recognition of Surgical Tasks in Cataract Surgery Videos
=> Real-Time Segmentation for Advanced Disparity Estimation in Immersive Videoconference Applications
=> Real-time Segmentation Networks Should be Latency Aware
=> Real-Time Segmentation of Moving Objects in a Video Sequence by a Contrario Detection
=> Real-Time Segmentation of Non-rigid Surgical Tools Based on Deep Learning and Tracking
=> Real-time segmentation of objects from video sequences with non-stationary backgrounds using spatio-temporal coherence
=> Real-Time Segmentation of Stereo Videos on a Portable System With a Mobile GPU
=> Real-time segmentation of surgical instruments inside the abdominal cavity using a joint hue saturation color feature
=> Real-time segmentation of various insulators using generative adversarial networks
=> Real-time Segmenting Human Portrait at Anywhere
=> Real-time selective video encryption based on the chaos system in scalable HEVC extension
=> Real-Time Self-Adaptive Deep Stereo
=> Real-Time Self-Calibrating Stereo Person Tracking Using 3-D Shape Estimation from Blob Features
=> Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Without GPU
=> Real-Time Selfie Video Stabilization
=> Real-Time Semantic Background Subtraction
=> Real-time Semantic Clothing Segmentation
=> Real-time semantic context labeling for image understanding
=> Real-Time Semantic Scene Completion Via Feature Aggregation And Conditioned Prediction
=> Real-Time Semantic Segmentation-Based Stereo Reconstruction
=> real-time semantic segmentation model using iteratively shared features in multiple sub-encoders, A
=> Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
=> Real-time Semantic Segmentation via Region and Pixel Context Network
=> Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation Network
=> Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Label Propagation
=> Real-time semantic segmentation with local spatial pixel adjustment
=> Real-time semantic segmentation with weighted factorized-depthwise convolution
=> Real-time Semantic SLAM with DCNN-based Feature Point Detection, Matching and Dense Point Cloud Aggregation
=> Real-Time Semantics-Based Detection of Suspicious Activities in Public Spaces
=> Real-Time Semi-Automatic Segmentation Using a Bayesian Network
=> Real-time semi-global matching disparity estimation on the GPU
=> Real-time Semi-Global Matching on the CPU
=> Real-Time Semi-Supervised Deep Tone Mapping Network, A
=> Real-Time Sensor Anomaly Detection and Identification in Automated Vehicles
=> Real-Time Sensor Anomaly Detection and Recovery in Connected Automated Vehicle Sensors
=> Real-time sepsis severity prediction on knowledge graph deep learning networks for the intensive care unit
=> Real-time shadow detection using multi-channel binarization and noise removal
=> Real-Time Shape Analysis of a Human Body in Clothing Using Time-Series Part-Labeled Volumes
=> Real-Time Shot Change Detection Over Online MPEG-2 Video
=> Real-time siamese multiple object tracker with enhanced proposals
=> Real-Time Sidewalk Slope Calculation through Integration of GPS Trajectory and Image Data to Assist People with Disabilities in Navigation
=> Real-time sign language letter and word recognition from depth data
=> Real-time sign language recognition and speech conversion using VGG16
=> Real-Time Sign Language Recognition Using a Consumer Depth Camera
=> Real-Time Simplex Growing Algorithms for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
=> Real-time simulating and rendering of layered dust
=> Real-Time Simulation and Rendering of 3D Smoke on GPU Programme
=> Real-Time Simulation of Animated Characters Crowd in Unreal Engine 4
=> Real-Time Simulation of Camera Errors and Their Effect on Some Basic Robotic Vision Algorithms
=> Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Soft Tissue Based on Mass-Spring and Medial Representation
=> Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshfree methods in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
=> Real-time simulation of lightweight rigid bodies
=> Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system
=> Real-time Simulation of Ship Motions in Waves
=> Real-Time Simulation of Vehicle Tracks on Soft Terrain
=> Real-time simulation techniques for augmented learning in science and engineering
=> Real-Time Simultaneous 3D Reconstruction and Optical Flow Estimation
=> Real-time simultaneous localisation and mapping with a single camera
=> Real-Time Simultaneous Pose and Shape Estimation for Articulated Objects Using a Single Depth Camera
=> Real-Time Simultaneous Pose and Shape Estimation for Articulated Objects Using a Single Depth Camera
=> Real-time Single-camera Approach For Automatic Fall Detection, A
=> Real-time single-pass connected components analysis algorithm
=> Real-Time Single-Workstation Obstacle Avoidance Using Only Wide-Field Flow Divergence
=> Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network
=> Real-time single image dehazing using block-to-pixel interpolation and adaptive dark channel prior
=> Real-Time Skeleton-Tracking-Based Human Action Recognition Using Kinect Data
=> Real-time Slam for the Off-road Autonomous Driving
=> Real-Time SLAM Relocalisation
=> Real-time SLAM relocalization with online learning of binary feature indexing
=> Real-Time SLAM with a High-Speed CMOS Camera
=> Real-time small bowel visualization quality assessment in wireless capsule endoscopy images using different lightweight embeddable models
=> Real-time smart and standalone vision/IMU navigation sensor
=> Real-time smart lighting control using human motion tracking from depth camera
=> Real-time smoke detection using texture and color features
=> Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under fire scenario
=> Real-time smoke simulation based on vorticity preserving lattice Boltzmann method
=> Real-Time Smooth Pursuit Tracking for a Moving Binocular Robot
=> Real-Time Smooth Pursuit Tracking for a Moving Binocular Robot
=> Real-time smoothing for network adaptive video streaming
=> Real-time Snowfall Noise Elimination
=> Real-time social interaction analysis
=> Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
=> Real-time software-based moving picture coding (SBMPC) system
=> Real-Time Software for the Efficient Generation of the Clumping Index and Its Application Based on the Google Earth Engine
=> Real-time software synchronisation of webcams for live 3D tracking
=> Real-Time Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem with Unknown Radial Distortion and Focal Length
=> Real-time Sound Source Localization Based on Audiovisual Frequency Integration
=> Real-Time Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Highlights the Importance of Joint Controls on Atmospheric Pollution in Cold Region of China
=> Real-Time Source Modeling of the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan, China Earthquake with High-Rate GNSS Observations
=> Real-Time Space Carving Using Graphics Hardware
=> Real-Time Sparse Visual Tracking Using Circulant Reverse LASSO Model
=> Real-Time Spatial Queries for Moving Objects Using Storm Topology
=> Real-Time Spatial Surface Modeling System Using Wand Traversal Patterns of Grid Edges
=> Real-time Spatio-temporal Action Localization via Learning Motion Representation
=> Real-time spatiotemporal segmentation of video objects in the H.264 compressed domain
=> Real-Time Spatiotemporal Stereo Matching Using the Dual-Cross-Bilateral Grid
=> Real-time speckle image processing
=> Real-Time Speckle Reduction in Ultrasound Images by Means of Nonlinear Coherent Diffusion Using GPU
=> Real-Time Specular Highlight Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
=> Real-Time Specularity Detection Using Unnormalized Wiener Entropy
=> Real-time speech-driven 3D face animation
=> Real-Time Speed-Limit Sign Detection and Recognition Using Spatial Pyramid Feature and Boosted Random Forest
=> Real-time Speed Limit Sign Recognition Based on Locally Adaptive Thresholding and Depth-First-Search
=> Real-time speed profile calculation for fuel saving considering unforeseen situations and travel time
=> Real-time speed profile calculation for fuel saving considering unforeseen situations and travel time
=> Real-Time Speed Sign Detection Using the Radial Symmetry Detector
=> Real-Time Speed Trajectory Planning for Minimum Fuel Consumption of a Ground Vehicle
=> Real-Time Sphere Sweeping Stereo from Multiview Fisheye Images
=> Real-Time Spherical Harmonics Based Subsurface Scattering
=> Real-Time Spherical Mosaicing Using Whole Image Alignment
=> Real-Time Spherical Stereo
=> Real-Time Spherical Videos from a Fast Rotating Camera
=> Real-Time Stability Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Maglev Trains' Levitation System: A Data-Driven Approach
=> Real-time stabilization of long range observation system turbulent video
=> Real-time Stable Texture Regions Extraction for Motion-based Object Segmentation
=> Real-time staircase detection from a wearable stereo system
=> Real-time stent and balloon simulation for stenosis treatment
=> Real-time stereo-based view synthesis algorithms: A unified framework and evaluation on commodity GPUs
=> Real-Time Stereo 3D Car Detection With Shape-Aware Non-Uniform Sampling
=> Real-time stereo and flow-based video segmentation with superpixels
=> Real-Time Stereo by using Dynamic Programming
=> Real-time stereo matching architecture based on 2D MRF model: A Memory-Efficient Systolic Array
=> Real-time stereo matching based on fast belief propagation
=> Real-Time Stereo Matching Network with High Accuracy
=> Real-Time Stereo Matching on CUDA Using an Iterative Refinement Method for Adaptive Support-Weight Correspondences
=> Real-time Stereo Matching using Adaptive Binary Window
=> Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
=> Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
=> Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Orthogonal Reliability-Based Dynamic Programming
=> Real-time stereo on GPGPU using progressive multi-resolution adaptive windows
=> Real-time Stereo Processing, Obstacle Detection and Terrain Reconstruction from a Vehicle-mounted Moving Stereo Pair of Cameras
=> Real-time stereo to multi-view conversion system based on adaptive meshing
=> Real-Time Stereo Tracking for Head Pose and Gaze Estimation
=> Real-time stereo using approximated joint bilateral filtering and dynamic programming
=> Real-time stereo vision on the PARTS reconfigurable computer
=> Real-time stereo vision on the VisionServer Framework for robot guidance
=> Real-time stereo vision system using adaptive weight cost aggregation approach
=> Real-time stereo vision using semi-global matching on programmable graphics hardware
=> Real-Time Stereo Vision: Making More Out of Dynamic Programming
=> Real-Time Stereo within the VIDET Project
=> Real-time stereoscopic rendering of realistic avatar for interactive 3D telepresence system
=> Real-Time Stereovision Approach of Object Detection for Driving Assistance
=> Real-Time Streaming and Rendering of Terrains
=> real-time streaming server in the RTLinux environment using VideoLanClient, A
=> Real-time stress assessment using thermal imaging
=> Real-time structure and motion recovery from two views of a multiplanar scene
=> Real-time structured light coding for adaptive patterns
=> Real-Time Style Transfer with Strength Control
=> Real-time Sub-pixel Cross Bar Position Metrology
=> Real-Time Subspace-Based Background Modeling Using Multi-channel Data
=> Real-time sufficient dimension reduction through principal least squares support vector machines
=> Real-time super-resolution for digital zooming using finite kernel-based edge orientation estimation and truncated image restoration
=> Real-Time Supermarket Product Recognition on Mobile Devices Using Scalable Pipelines
=> Real-Time Superpixel Segmentation by DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm
=> Real-time surface inspection by texture
=> Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense SLAM
=> Real-Time Surveillance System Detecting Persons in Complex Scenes
=> Real-time surveillance video display with salience
=> Real-Time Synchronous 3-D Detection of Air Pollution and Wind Using a Solo Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
=> Real-Time Synchronous Acquisition and Processing of Signal in Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar Using FPGA
=> Real-Time Synthesis of Natural Head Motion on A 3D AVATAR from Reconstructed 3D Frontal Face Data
=> Real-time synthetic aperture sonar imaging using a parallel architecture
=> real-time system for 3D recovery of dynamic scene with multiple RGBD imagers, A
=> Real-Time System for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on SVC
=> real-time system for audio source localization with cheap sensor device, A
=> real-time system for classification of moving objects, A
=> Real-Time System for Counting the Number of Passing People Using a Single Camera
=> Real-Time System for Epipolar Geometry and Ego-Motion Estimation, A
=> Real-Time System for High-Image Resolution Disparity Estimation
=> Real-time system for monitoring driver vigilance
=> Real-time system for monitoring driver vigilance
=> Real-Time System for Monitoring of Cyclists and Pedestrians, A
=> Real-Time System for Monitoring Pedestrians, A
=> real-time system for motion retrieval and interpretation, A
=> real-time system for pattern recognition of human sleep stages by fuzzy system analysis, A
=> Real-Time System for Video Surveillance of Unattended Outdoor Environments
=> real-time systolic array for distance transformation, A
=> Real-Time Target Tracking Algorithm for a Robotic Flexible Endoscopy Platform, A
=> Real-time target tracking applied to improve fragmentation of renal stones in extra-corporeal lithotripsy
=> Real-Time Task Recognition in Cataract Surgery Videos Using Adaptive Spatiotemporal Polynomials
=> Real-Time Taxi-Passenger Matching Using a Differential Evolutionary Fuzzy Controller
=> Real-Time Technique for Spatio-Temporal Video Noise Estimation, A
=> Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-Failure Using a Smartphone: Lessons Learned
=> Real-Time Temporal Superpixels for Unsupervised Remote Photoplethysmography
=> Real-time temporal texture characterisation using block based motion co-occurrence statistics
=> Real-Time Tephra Detection and Dispersal Forecasting by a Ground-Based Weather Radar
=> Real-time terahertz scanning imaging by use of a pyroelectric array camera and image denoising
=> Real-Time Terrain Correction of Satellite Imagery-Based Solar Irradiance Maps Using Precomputed Data and Memory Optimization
=> real-time text-independent speaker identification system, A
=> Real-Time Text Steganalysis Based on Multi-Stage Transfer Learning
=> Real-time text tracking in natural scenes
=> Real-Time Texture-Based 3-D Tracking
=> Real-Time Texture-less Object Recognition on Mobile Devices
=> Real-time texture boundary detection from ridges in the standard deviation space
=> Real-time Thermal Face Identification System for Low Memory Vision Applications Using Cnn
=> Real-Time Three-Dimensional Tracking of Distant Moving Objects Using Non-Imaging Single-Pixel LiDAR
=> Real-time thresholding with Euler numbers
=> Real-time through-wall imaging using an ultrawideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) phased array radar system
=> Real-time through-wall imaging using an ultrawideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) phased array radar system
=> Real-Time Through-Wall Situation Awareness Using a Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor
=> Real-Time Tomographic Inversion of Truncated Ionospheric GNSS Radio Occultations
=> Real-time tonal depiction method by reaction-diffusion mask
=> Real-time tone mapping on GPU and FPGA
=> Real-Time Tone Mapping: A Survey and Cross-Implementation Hardware Benchmark
=> Real-Time Tool Condition Monitoring Using Wavelet Transforms and Fuzzy Techniques
=> Real-Time Topology Modification for Finite Element Models with Haptic Feedback
=> Real-Time Tracking-by-Detection in Broadcast Sports Videos
=> Real-time tracking-with-detection for coping with viewpoint change
=> Real-time tracking algorithm based on improved Mean Shift and Kalman filter
=> Real-Time Tracking Algorithm for Aerial Vehicles Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning
=> Real-Time Tracking Algorithm for Multi-Target UAV Based on Deep Learning, A
=> Real-time tracking and estimation of plane pose
=> Real-time tracking and identification on an intelligent IR-based surveillance system
=> Real-time tracking and reproduction of 3D human body motion
=> Real-Time Tracking Combined with Object Segmentation
=> Real-Time Tracking Error Estimation for Augmented Reality for Registration with Linecode Markers
=> Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
=> Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
=> Real-time Tracking in Satellite Videos Via Joint Discrimination And Pose Estimation
=> Real-Time Tracking of Complex Objects Using Dynamic Interpretation Tree
=> Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration
=> Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Navigation Using Deep Neural Networks
=> Real-time Tracking of Face Features and Gaze Direction Determination
=> Real-Time Tracking of Highly Articulated Structures in the Presence of Noisy Measurements
=> Real-time tracking of low-resolution vehicles for wide-area persistent surveillance
=> Real-Time Tracking of Moving Persons by Exploring Spatio-Temporal Image Slices
=> Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
=> Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
=> Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
=> Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
=> Real-time tracking of multiple fingertips and gesture recognition for augmented desk interface systems
=> Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Moving Camera Image Sequences Using Robust Statistics
=> Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Linear Motion and Repulsive Motion
=> Real-time tracking of multiple objects in space-variant vision based on magnocellular visual pathway
=> Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fiducials for Augmented Reality
=> Real-time tracking of multiple occluding objects using level sets
=> Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People Using Stereo
=> Real-time tracking of multiple persons
=> Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Skin-Colored Objects with a Possibly Moving Camera
=> Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift
=> Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift
=> Real-time tracking of quad-marked surfaces
=> Real-Time Tracking of Single and Multiple Objects from Depth-Colour Imagery Using 3D Signed Distance Functions
=> Real-time tracking of single people and groups simultaneously by contextual graph-based reasoning dealing complex occlusions
=> Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
=> Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
=> Real-time tracking of unconstrained full-body motion using Niching Swarm Filtering combined with local optimization
=> Real-Time Tracking of Video Sequences in a Panoramic View for Object-Based Video Coding
=> Real-time tracking using A* heuristic search and template updating
=> Real-Time Tracking Using Level Sets
=> Real-Time Tracking Using Multiple Target Models
=> Real-time tracking using trust-region methods
=> Real-Time Tracking Using Wavelet Representation
=> Real-Time Tracking via Deformable Structure Regression Learning
=> Real-Time Tracking via On-line Boosting
=> Real-time tracking with an embedded 3D camera with FPGA processing
=> Real-Time Tracking with Classifiers
=> Real-Time Tracking with Multiple Cues by Set Theoretic Random Search
=> Real-Time Tracking with Online Constrained Compressive Learning
=> Real-time Tracking with Stabilized Frame
=> Real-Time Traffic-Sign Recognition Using Tree Classifiers
=> Real-time traffic analysis at night-time
=> Real-time traffic cone detection for autonomous driving based on YOLOv4
=> Real-Time Traffic Density Estimation: Putting on-Coming Traffic to Work
=> Real-Time Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Spectral Analysis
=> Real-Time Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From UAV Video Based on Ensemble Classifier and Optical Flow
=> Real-Time Traffic Light Detection With Adaptive Background Suppression Filter
=> Real-Time Traffic Light Recognition Based on Smartphone Platforms
=> Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Occlusion Handling
=> Real-Time Traffic Monitoring
=> Real-time traffic parameter extraction using entropy
=> Real-Time Traffic Prediction and Probing Strategy for Lagrangian Traffic Data
=> Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection: An Evaluation Study
=> Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Efficient CNNs in the Wild
=> Real-time traffic sign recognition from video by class-specific discriminative features
=> Real-time traffic sign recognition using color segmentation and SVM
=> Real-time traffic signal control for intersections based on dynamic O-D estimation and multi-objective optimisation: combined model and algorithm
=> Real-Time Traffic Speed Estimation With Graph Convolutional Generative Autoencoder
=> Real-Time Traffic State Estimation With Connected Vehicles
=> Real-Time Train Scheduling With Uncertain Passenger Flows: A Scenario-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control Approach
=> Real-Time Transit Signal Priority Control Model Considering Stochastic Bus Arrival Time, A
=> Real-time transmission of high-resolution multi-view stereo video over IP networks
=> Real-time transmission tower detection from video based on a feature descriptor
=> Real-Time Traversable Surface Detection by Colour Space Fusion and Temporal Analysis
=> Real-Time Tree Crown Detection Approach for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images on FPGAs, A
=> Real-time Triple-modal Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging of Humans
=> Real-Time Tropospheric Delay Retrieval from Multi-GNSS PPP Ambiguity Resolution: Validation with Final Troposphere Products and a Numerical Weather Model
=> Real-Time Tropospheric Delays Retrieved from Multi-GNSS Observations and IGS Real-Time Product Streams
=> Real-Time Trust Prediction in Conditionally Automated Driving Using Physiological Measures
=> Real-Time Tsunami Detection with Oceanographic Radar Based on Virtual Tsunami Observation Experiments
=> Real-time TV commercial monitoring based on robust visual hashing
=> Real-time Two-Stage SPECK (TSSP) design and implementation for scalable video coding on embedded systems
=> real-time typhoon eye detection method based on deep learning for meteorological information forensics, A
=> Real-Time UAV Patrol Technology in Orchard Based on the Swin-T YOLOX Lightweight Model
=> Real-Time UAV Tracking Based on PSR Stability
=> Real-time ultra-high definition multiview glasses-free 3D display system
=> Real-Time Ultra-High Definition Video Decoder of AVS3 on Heterogeneous Systems, A
=> Real-Time Ultrasound Detection of Breast Microcalcifications Using Multifocus Twinkling Artifact Imaging
=> Real-time ultrasound image reconstruction as an inverse problem on a GPU
=> Real-Time Ultrasound Segmentation, Analysis and Visualisation of Deep Cervical Muscle Structure
=> Real-Time Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision via Uncertainty-Aware Distribution Distillation
=> Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Derived Irradiance Nowcasts
=> Real-Time Uncharacteristic-Part Tracking Based on Points Tracking
=> Real-Time Uncharacteristic-Part Tracking with a Point Set
=> Real-time Under-display Cameras Image Restoration and HDR on Mobile Devices
=> Real-Time Underwater Fish Tracking Based on Adaptive Multi-Appearance Model
=> Real-Time Underwater Maritime Object Detection in Side-Scan Sonar Images Based on Transformer-YOLOv5
=> Real-Time Underwater Object Detection Based on DC Resistivity Method
=> real-time unsupervised background extraction-based target detection method for hyperspectral imagery, A
=> Real-time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance
=> Real-time unsupervised speaker change detection
=> Real-time update of 3D deformable models for computer aided liver surgery
=> Real-Time Upper-Body Human Pose Estimation Using a Depth Camera
=> Real-Time Upper-Limbs Posture Recognition Based on Particle Filters and AdaBoost Algorithms
=> Real-Time Upper Body Detection and 3D Pose Estimation in Monoscopic Images
=> Real-time upper body pose estimation from depth images
=> Real-time upper body tracking with online initialization using a range sensor
=> Real-Time Urban Monitoring Using Cell Phones: A Case Study in Rome
=> Real-Time User-guided Adaptive Colorization with Vision Transformer
=> Real-time user independent hand gesture recognition from time-of-flight camera video using static and dynamic models
=> Real-Time User Position Estimation in Indoor Environments Using Digital Watermarking for Audio Signals
=> Real-time vanishing point detection using the Local Dominant Orientation Signature
=> Real-time Vanishing Point Detector Integrating Under-parameterized RANSAC and Hough Transform
=> Real-Time Vanishing Point Estimation in Road Sequences Using Adaptive Steerable Filter Banks
=> Real-Time Variable Sampling Technique: DIEM, A
=> Real-Time Variational Range Image Fusion and Visualization for Large-Scale Scenes Using GPU Hash Tables
=> Real-Time VBR Video Traffic Prediction for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
=> Real-time vehicle back-up warning system with a single camera
=> Real-time vehicle detection and counting in complex traffic scenes using background subtraction model with low-rank decomposition
=> real-time vehicle detection and tracking system in outdoor traffic scenes, A
=> Real-time vehicle detection for highway driving
=> Real-Time Vehicle Detection Using an Effective Region Proposal-Based Depth and 3-Channel Pattern
=> Real-time vehicle detection using segmentation-based detection network and trajectory prediction
=> Real-time vehicle detection with foreground-based cascade classifier
=> Real-time vehicle distance estimation using single view geometry
=> Real-Time Vehicle Ego-Motion Using Stereo Pairs and Particle Filters
=> Real-time vehicle global localisation with a single camera in dense urban areas: Exploitation of coarse 3D city models
=> Real-Time Vehicle Identification Performance Using FPGA Correlator Hardware
=> Real-time Vehicle Localization and Tracking Using Monocular Panomorph Panoramic Vision
=> Real-Time Vehicle Localization using on-Board Visual SLAM for Detection and Tracking
=> Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Based on a Bag of SURF Features
=> Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Learning
=> Real-Time Vehicle Navigation Algorithm in Sensor Network Environments, A
=> Real-time vehicle queue estimation of large-scale traffic scene
=> Real-Time Vehicle Sound Detection System Based on Depthwise Separable Convolution Neural Network and Spectrogram Augmentation
=> Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
=> Real-Time Vehicle Tracking in Aerial Video Using Hyperspectral Features
=> Real-time vehicle type classification with deep convolutional neural networks
=> Real-time vehicle type classification with deep convolutional neural networks
=> Real-Time Vehicular Vision System to Seamlessly See-Through Cars, A
=> Real-time velocity measurement to linear motion of a rigid object with monocular image sequence analyses
=> Real-Time Vergence Control for Binocular Robots
=> Real-Time Vergence Control for Binocular Robots
=> real-time versatile roadway path extraction and tracking on an FPGA platform, A
=> Real-Time Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding with Adaptive Mean-Removed Vector Quantization
=> Real-Time Vessel Segmentation and Tracking for Ultrasound Imaging Applications
=> Real-time video-based rendering from uncalibrated cameras using plane-sweep algorithm
=> Real-Time Video-Based Traffic Measurement and Visualization System for Energy/Emissions
=> Real-Time Video-Shot Detection for Scene Surveillance Applications
=> Real-Time Video-Shot Detection for Scene Surveillance Applications
=> Real-Time Video Analytics: The Killer App for Edge Computing
=> Real-Time Video Annotations for Augmented Reality
=> Real-time video anomaly detection for smart surveillance
=> Real-time video chroma keying: a parallel approach based on local texture and global colour distribution
=> Real-Time Video Compression Using Differential Vector Quantization
=> Real-Time Video Copy-Location Detection in Large-Scale Repositories
=> Real-time video decolorization using bilateral filtering
=> real-time video denoising algorithm with FPGA implementation for Poisson-Gaussian noise, A
=> Real-time video denoising on multicores and GPUs with Kalman-based and Bilateral filters fusion
=> Real-Time Video Deraining via Global Motion Compensation and Hybrid Multi-Scale Temporal Correlations
=> Real-time video effects on a PlayStation2
=> Real-Time Video Emotion Recognition Based on Reinforcement Learning and Domain Knowledge
=> Real-time video event detection in crowded scenes using MPEG derived features: A multiple instance learning approach
=> Real-time video frame rate adaptation based on warping of edge-preserving meshes
=> Real-Time Video Indexing System for Live Digital Broadcast TV Programs
=> Real-Time Video Inference on Edge Devices via Adaptive Model Streaming
=> Real-Time Video Matting Based on Bilayer Segmentation
=> Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT
=> Real-time video object generation for smart cameras
=> Real-time video object segmentation in H.264 compressed domain
=> Real-Time Video Object Segmentation Using HSV Space
=> Real-Time Video Phase-Locked Loops
=> Real-time video photomosaics with optimized image set and GPU
=> Real-time video postprocessing for deblocking and deringing on mediaprocessors
=> Real-Time Video Processing for Multi-Object Chromatic Tracking
=> Real-Time Video Segmentation with VGA Resolution and Memory Bandwidth Reduction
=> Real-time video segmentation
=> Real-time video stabilization without phantom movements for micro aerial vehicles
=> Real-Time Video Stabilizer Based on Linear-Programming, A
=> Real-time video stitching
=> Real-Time Video Streaming Using Randomized Expanding Reed-Solomon Code
=> Real-time video streaming with interactive region-of-interest
=> Real-time video summarization on mobile
=> Real-Time Video Super-Resolution on Smartphones with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
=> Real-time video super-resolution using lightweight depthwise separable group convolutions with channel shuffling
=> Real-Time Video Super-Resolution with Spatio-Temporal Networks and Motion Compensation
=> Real-time video super resolution network using recurrent multi-branch dilated convolutions
=> Real-Time Video Surveillance with Self-Organizing Maps
=> real-time video transport system for the best-effort Internet, A
=> Real-time video watermarking techniques robust against re-encoding
=> Real-time view-based face alignment using active wavelet networks
=> Real-time view-based pose recognition and interpolation for tracking initialization
=> Real-Time View-Dependent Shape Optimization for High Quality Free-Viewpoint Rendering of 3D Video, A
=> Real-time view recognition and event detection for sports video
=> Real-time view synthesis from a sparse set of views
=> Real-time viewpoint-invariant hand localization with cluttered backgrounds
=> Real-Time Viola-Jones Face Detection in a Web Browser
=> Real-time Virtual Object Insertion
=> Real-Time Virtual Viewpoint Generation on the GPU for Scene Navigation
=> Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps
=> Real-Time Vision-Based 3D Motion Estimation System for Positioning and Trajectory Following, A
=> Real-Time Vision-Based Stop Sign Detection System on FPGA
=> Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspection
=> Real-time vision-based tracking and reconstruction
=> Real-Time Vision and Speech Driven Avatars for Multimedia Applications
=> Real-Time Vision at Siemens Corporate Research
=> Real-Time Vision for Human-Computer Interaction
=> Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
=> Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
=> Real-Time Vision System for Automatic Traffic Monitoring Based on 2D Spatio-Temporal Images, A
=> Real-Time Vision System for Traffic Signs Recognition Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale, A
=> Real-time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras using Keyframe-based Nonlinear Optimization
=> Real-time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras using Keyframe-based Nonlinear Optimization
=> Real-Time Visual-Inertial SLAM Based on Adaptive Keyframe Selection for Mobile AR Applications
=> Real-time visual analysis of microvascular blood flow for critical care
=> Real-Time Visual Analytics for Text Streams
=> Real-Time visual attention on a massively parallel SIMD architecture
=> real-time visual card reader for mobile devices, A
=> Real-Time Visual Concept Classification
=> Real-Time Visual Ground-Truth System for Indoor Robotic Applications
=> Real-Time Visual Inspection System for Railway Maintenance: Automatic Hexagonal-Headed Bolts Detection, A
=> Real-time Visual Object Tracking with Natural Language Description
=> Real-time visual odometry from dense RGB-D images
=> real-time visual postprocessor for MPEG-coded video sequences, A
=> Real-time visual recognition of facial gestures for human-computer interaction
=> Real-Time Visual Recognition of Objects and Scenes Using P-Channel Matching
=> Real-time Visual Recovery of Pose using Line Tracking in Multiple Cameras
=> Real-Time Visual Rotational Velocity Estimation Using a Biologically-Inspired Algorithm on Embedded Hardware
=> Real-time visual saliency by Division of Gaussians
=> Real-Time Visual SLAM with Resilience to Erratic Motion
=> Real-Time Visual Target Tracking in RGB-D Data for Person-Following Robots
=> Real-time visual tracking by deep reinforced decision making
=> Real-Time Visual Tracking for Surveillance and Path Planning
=> Real-Time Visual Tracking of Complex Structures
=> Real-time Visual Tracking under Arbitrary Illumination Changes
=> Real-time visual tracking using compressive sensing
=> Real-time visual tracking using L2 norm regularization based collaborative representation
=> Real-time Visual Tracking via Incremental Covariance Tensor Learning
=> Real-Time Visual Tracking Via Online Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
=> Real-time visual tracking with ELM augmented adaptive correlation filter
=> Real-Time Visual Tracking: Promoting the Robustness of Correlation Filter Learning
=> Real-time Visualization of a Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Rendering
=> Real-Time Visualization of Cardiac Catheterization Procedures Based on a New Algorithm for Reconstructions from Planar Cross Sections Using the Unconstrained 3D Delaunay Triangulation
=> Real-Time Visualization of Geo-Sensor Data Based on the Protocol-Coupling Symbol Construction Method
=> Real-time Visualization of Interactive Parameter Changes in Image Processing Systems
=> Real-time Visualization of Interactive Parameter Changes in Image Processing Systems
=> Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Features Derived From Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements
=> Real-Time Visualizations of Gigapixel Texture Data Sets Using HTML5
=> Real-time Visually Guided Human Figure Control Using IK-based Motion Synthesis
=> real-time VLSI-based architecture for multi-motion estimation, A
=> Real-time volumetric 3D capture of room-sized scenes for telepresence
=> Real-Time Volumetric Reconstruction and Tracking of Hands in a Desktop Environment
=> Real-time volumetric reconstruction of Manhattan indoor scenes from depth sequences
=> Real-time walkthrough of outdoor scenes using TRI-view morphing
=> Real-Time Water Level Monitoring Based on GNSS Dual-Antenna Attitude Measurement
=> Real-time water rendering based on the graphics hardware acceleration
=> Real-Time Wavelet-Spatial-Activity-Based Adaptive Video Enhancement Algorithm for FPGA
=> Real-Time Wavelet Vector Quantization Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture, A
=> Real-Time Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
=> Real-time web-based hyperspectral data viewing and control
=> Real-Time Web Map Construction Based on Multiple Cameras and GIS
=> real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body postures, A
=> Real-Time Weed Control Application Using a Jetson Nano Edge Device and a Spray Mechanism
=> Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Automotive Production
=> Real-Time Whiteboard Capture and Processing Using a Video Camera for Remote Collaboration
=> Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
=> real-time wide field of view passive millimeter-wave imaging camera, A
=> Real-Time Wildfire Detection Algorithm Based on VIIRS Fire Product and Himawari-8 Data
=> Real-time Wildfire Detection From Space - a Trade-off Between Sensor Quality, Physical Limitations and Payload Size
=> Real-Time X-Ray Inspection of 3D Defects in Circuit Board Patterns
=> Real-time, 3-D-multi object position estimation and tracking
=> Real-time, accurate depth of field using anisotropic diffusion and programmable graphics cards
=> Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentation via Unsupervised Adaptation and Cross-Unit Deployment on Mobile Device
=> Real-Time, Adaptive, and Locality-Based Graph Partitioning Method for Video Scene Clustering
=> Real-time, automatic shape-changing robot adjustment and gender classification
=> Real-Time, Curvature-Sensitive Surface Simplification Using Depth Images
=> Real-Time, Embedded Scene Invariant Crowd Counting Using Scale-Normalized Histogram of Moving Gradients (HoMG)
=> Real-Time, Full 3-D Reconstruction of Moving Foreground Objects From Multiple Consumer Depth Cameras
=> Real-time, fully automatic upper facial feature tracking
=> Real-time, fully automatic upper facial feature tracking
=> Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
=> Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
=> Real-time, long-term hand tracking with unsupervised initialization
=> Real-time, multiple hot-target tracking and multi-spectral fusion
=> Real-Time, Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Approach, A
=> Real-time, parallel segmentation of high-resolution images on multi-core platforms
=> real-time, power-efficient architecture for mean-shift image segmentation, A
=> real-time, semi-automatic method for discriminant target initialization in thermal imagery, A
=> Real-to-Virtual Domain Unification for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
=> Real-valued Block Filter Bank with Perfect-Reconstruction Property, A
=> Real-Valued Negative Selection (RNS) for Classification Task
=> Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
=> Real-World Application of Lane-Guidance Technologies: Automated Snowblower, A
=> Real-World Applications for Drones
=> Real-world Blur Dataset for Learning and Benchmarking Deblurring Algorithms
=> Real-world Cross-modal Retrieval via Sequential Learning
=> Real-world efficient fall detection: Balancing performance and complexity with FDGA workflow
=> real-world evaluation of a generic document recognition method applied to a military form of the 19th century, A
=> Real-World Event Detection Using Flickr Images
=> Real-world gender classification via local Gabor binary pattern and three-dimensional face reconstruction by generic elastic model
=> Real-world Hyperspectral Image Processing Workflow for Vegetation Stress and Hydrocarbon Indirect Detection, A
=> Real-World Image Annotation and Retrieval: An Introduction to the Special Section
=> Real-world image deblurring using data synthesis and feature complementary network
=> Real-world image dehazing with improved joint enhancement and exposure fusion
=> Real-World Image Denoising with Deep Boosting
=> Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Learning
=> Real-World Image Super-Resolution Via Kernel Augmentation And Stochastic Variation
=> Real-World ISAR Object Recognition Using Deep Multimodal Relation Learning
=> Real-World Non-Homogeneous Haze Removal by Sliding Self-Attention Wavelet Network
=> Real-World Non-NIR Illumination and Wavelength-Specific Acquisition Variants in Iris Recognition
=> Real-World Normal Map Capture for Nearly Flat Reflective Surfaces
=> Real-World Person Re-Identification via Degradation Invariance Learning
=> Real-World Recognition from Inputs With Limited Quality
=> Real-World Recognition from Inputs With Limited Quality
=> Real-World Reinforcement Learning Framework for Safe and Human-Like Tactical Decision-Making, A
=> Real-world remote sensing image super-resolution via a practical degradation model and a kernel-aware network
=> Real-World Repetition Estimation by Div, Grad and Curl
=> Real-World Stereo-Analysis Evaluation
=> Real-world stimuli show perceived hue shifts in the peripheral visual field
=> Real-world super-resolution of face-images from surveillance cameras
=> Real-World Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel Estimation and Noise Injection
=> Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
=> Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
=> Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
=> Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
=> Real-World Thermal Image Super-Resolution
=> Real-World Underwater Enhancement: Challenges, Benchmarks, and Solutions Under Natural Light
=> Real-World Urban Light Emission Functions and Quantitative Comparison with Spacecraft Measurements
=> Real-World Video Anomaly Detection by Extracting Salient Features
=> Real-World Video Deblurring: A Benchmark Dataset and an Efficient Recurrent Neural Network
=> Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme
=> Real-World Vision System: Mechanism, Control, and Vision Processing, A
=> Real and Simulated Waveform Recording LIDAR Data in Boreal Juvenile Forest Vegetation
=> Real Aperture Axial Stereo: Solving for Correspondences in Blur
=> Real Aperture Radar Angular Super-Resolution Imaging Using Modified Smoothed L0 Norm with a Regularization Strategy
=> Real Environment-Aware Multisource Data-Associated Cold Chain Logistics Scheduling: A Multiple Population-Based Multiobjective Ant Colony System Approach
=> Real Estate Image Classification
=> Real Estate Image Classification
=> Real Helper Data Scheme, A
=> Real Image Denoising Based on Multi-Scale Residual Dense Block and Cascaded U-Net with Block-Connection
=> Real Image Denoising via Guided Residual Estimation and Noise Correction
=> Real Image Denoising With a Locally-Adaptive Bitonic Filter
=> Real Image Denoising With Feature Attention
=> Real in the Virtual. the 3D Model in the Cultural Heritage Sector: The Tip of the Iceberg, The
=> Real masks and spoof faces: On the masked face presentation attack detection
=> Real Micro-Doppler Parameters Extraction of Spinning Targets Based on Rotating Interference Antenna
=> Real Problem of Bridging the Semantic Gap, The
=> Real Projective Plane Mapping for Detection of Orthogonal Vanishing Points
=> real regularised fractional derivative, A
=> Real Representation of the Polarimetric Scattering Matrix for Monostatic Radar
=> Real Signal Equalization for OQAM
=> Real Spike: Learning Real-Valued Spikes for Spiking Neural Networks
=> Real Testbed for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in Power Grid Using Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Aerial Imaging
=> Real Time 3D Environment Modeling for a Mobile Robot by Aligning Range Image Sequence
=> Real time 3D face alignment with Random Forests-based Active Appearance Models
=> Real time 3D face and facial feature tracking
=> Real time 3D face pose discrimination based on active IR illumination
=> Real Time 3D Face Pose Tracking From an Uncalibrated Camera
=> Real time 3D face tracking from appearance
=> Real Time 3D Template Matching
=> Real Time 3D Visualization of Intraoperative Organ Deformations Using Structured Dictionary
=> Real time action recognition using histograms of depth gradients and random decision forests
=> Real time adaptive non-linear estimator/predictor design for traffic systems with inadequate detectors
=> Real Time Adaptive Ultrasound Speckle Reduction and Coherence Enhancement
=> real time adaptive visual surveillance system for tracking low-resolution colour targets in dynamically changing scenes, A
=> Real Time Aerial Video Stitching via Sensor Refinement and Priority Scan
=> real time aggressive human behaviour detection system in cage environment across multiple cameras, A
=> real time algorithm for people tracking using contextual reasoning, A
=> Real time anomaly detection in H.264 compressed videos
=> Real time appearance based hand tracking
=> Real time Artificial Auditory Systems for cluttered environments
=> Real Time Augmented Reality System Using GPU Acceleration, A
=> Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Based on Convolutional Neural Network Under Limited Resources Constraint
=> Real Time Ball Detection Framework For Soccer Video, A
=> Real time believable stereo and virtual view synthesis engine for autostereoscopic display
=> Real Time Body Pose Tracking in an Immersive Training Environment
=> real time Breast Microwave Radar imaging reconstruction technique using simt based interpolation, A
=> Real Time Camera Phone Guidance for Compliant Document Image Acquisition without Sight
=> Real time cardiac image registration during respiration: a time series prediction approach
=> Real Time Closed World Tracking
=> Real Time Closed World Tracking
=> Real time color based particle filtering for object tracking with dual cache architecture
=> Real time color purity and convergence measurement algorithms for automatic ITC adjustment system
=> Real Time Complete Dense Depth Reconstruction for a Monocular Camera
=> Real time complex event detection for resource-limited multimedia sensor networks
=> Real Time Computer Vision System for Measuring Traffic Parameters, A
=> Real Time Computer Vision System for Measuring Traffic Parameters, A
=> Real Time Computer Vision System for Measuring Traffic Parameters, A
=> real time connected word recognition system, A
=> Real time constrained motion estimation for ECG-gated cardiac MRI
=> Real Time Continuous Tracking of Dynamic Hand Gestures on a Mobile GPU
=> Real time contour tracking with a new edge detector
=> Real time data hiding by exploiting the IPCM macroblocks in H.264/AVC streams
=> Real Time Data Processing for Optical Remote Sensing Payloads
=> Real Time Dense Stereo
=> Real Time Detection and Recognition of Human Profiles Using Inexpensive Desktop Cameras
=> Real Time Detection and Segmentation of Reflectionally Symmetric Objects in Digital Images
=> Real time detection of driver fatigue based on CNN-LSTM
=> Real time detection of lane markers in urban streets
=> Real Time Detection of Repeated Structures in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes
=> Real Time Detection of Social Interactions in Surveillance Video
=> Real time detection of stopped vehicles in traffic scenes
=> Real Time Direct Visual Odometry for Flexible Multi-camera Rigs
=> Real Time Door Access Event Detection and Notification in a Reactive Smart Surveillance System
=> real time expert system for anomaly detection of aerators based on computer vision and surveillance cameras, A
=> Real Time Eye-Motion Monitoring System, A
=> Real Time Eye Gaze Tracking with 3D Deformable Eye-Face Model
=> Real time eye gaze tracking with Kinect
=> Real Time Eyes Tracking and Classification for Driver Fatigue Detection
=> Real Time Face and Object Tracking as a Component of a Perceptual User Interface
=> Real time face detection from color video stream based on PCA method
=> Real time face recognition using decision fusion of neural classifiers in the visible and thermal infrared spectrum
=> Real Time Face Tracking and Animation System, A
=> Real Time Facial Expression Recognition from Image Sequences Using Support Vector Machines
=> Real Time Facial Expression Recognition with AdaBoost
=> Real Time Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Cells by Cameras on Drones
=> Real Time Feature-Based Parallel Morphing in GPU Applied to Texture-Based Animation
=> Real Time Feature Based 3-D Deformable Face Tracking
=> Real time feature point tracking with automatic model selection
=> Real Time Fencing Move Classification and Detection at Touch Time during a Fencing Match
=> real time FFT chip set: architectural issues, A
=> Real time fingerprint recording terminal
=> Real Time Fingers Detection by Symmetry Transform Using a Two Cameras System, A
=> Real Time Fingertip Detection with Kinect Depth Image Sequences
=> Real Time Foreground-Background Segmentation Using a Modified Codebook Model
=> Real time fractal image coder based on characteristic vector matching
=> Real Time Fusion of Motion and Stereo Using Flow/Depth Constraint for Fast Obstacle Detection
=> Real Time Gait Recognition System Based on Kinect Skeleton Feature
=> Real Time GAZED: Online Shot Selection and Editing of Virtual Cameras from Wide-Angle Monocular Video Recordings
=> real time generic variable pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding, A
=> Real Time Gesture Recognition Using Eigenspace from Multi Input Image Sequence
=> Real Time Gesture Recognition with Heuristic-Based Classification
=> Real Time H.263 Video Codec Using Parallel DSP
=> Real Time Hand Based Robot Control Using 2D/3D Images
=> Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition Including Hand Segmentation and Tracking
=> Real time Hand Gesture Recognition using different algorithms based on American Sign Language
=> Real time hand pose estimation using depth sensors
=> Real time hand pose recognition with depth sensors for mixed reality interfaces
=> Real Time Hand Segmentation on Frugal Headmounted Device for Gestural Interface
=> Real time hand tracking by combining particle filtering and mean shift
=> Real Time Hardware Accelerator for Image Filtering
=> Real time hardware architecture for visual robot navigation
=> Real Time Head Model Creation and Head Pose Estimation on Consumer Depth Cameras
=> Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras
=> Real Time Head Pose Estimation with Random Regression Forests
=> Real time head pose tracking from multiple cameras with a generic model
=> Real Time Head Tracking via Camera Saccade and Shape-Fitting
=> Real Time High-Sensitivity Imaging for Home Surveillance System by Using Combined Long/Short Exposure
=> Real Time High Speed Measurement of Photogrammetric Targets
=> Real Time Hot Spot Detection Using FPGA
=> Real Time Human Action Recognition in a Long Video Sequence
=> Real time human action recognition using triggered frame extraction and a typical CNN heuristic
=> Real Time Human Detection System Based on Far Infrared Vision, A
=> Real Time Human Motion Analysis by Image Skeletonization
=> Real Time Human Visual System Based Framework for Image Fusion
=> Real Time Illumination Invariant Background Subtraction Using Local Kernel Histograms
=> Real time illumination invariant motion change detection
=> Real time image enhancement and segmentation for sign/text detection
=> Real time image enhancement for both text and color photo images
=> Real time image processing for fast seam tracking
=> Real Time Image Processing
=> Real Time Image Rotation Using Dynamic Reconfiguration
=> Real time implementation of rate-distortion optimized coding mode selection for H.263 video coders
=> Real Time Implementation of the Saliency-Based Model of Visual Attention on a SIMD Architecture, A
=> Real Time Indoor 3D Pipeline for an Advanced Sensory Substitution Device
=> Real Time Infrared Imaging System Based on DSP and FPGA, A
=> Real Time Inventory Management: Visual Survey of Interior Architecture Elements and Space Making Crafts of Gujarat, India
=> Real time iris segmentation quality evaluation using medoids
=> Real Time Large Vocabulary Continuous Sign Language Recognition Based on OP/Viterbi Algorithm
=> Real Time Limb Tracking with Adaptive Model Selection
=> Real Time Lip Motion Analysis for a Person Authentication System using Near Infrared Illumination
=> Real time localization and 3D depth estimation across disparate sensing systems: Toward hazard aware and tele-immersive spaces
=> Real Time Localization and 3D Reconstruction
=> Real Time Localization System for Vehicles Using Terrain-Based Time Series Subsequence Matching, A
=> Real Time Machine Learning Based Car Detection in Images With Fast Training
=> Real Time Monitoring of Cultural Heritage through Camera Phone Digital Images
=> Real Time Monocular Depth from Defocus
=> Real Time Morphological Snakes Algorithm, A
=> Real time motion analysis for monitoring the rear and lateral road
=> Real time motion capture using a single time-of-flight camera
=> Real Time Motion Changes for New Event Detection and Recognition
=> Real time motion estimation using a neural architecture implemented on GPUs
=> Real time moving vehicle detection and reconstruction for improving classification
=> Real Time Multi-vehicle Tracking and Counting at Intersections from a Fisheye Camera
=> Real Time Multiple Object Tracking Based on Active Contours
=> Real time multiple objects tracking and identification based on discrete wavelet transform
=> Real time multispectral high temperature measurement: Application to control in the industry
=> Real Time Myocardial Strain Analysis of Tagged MR Cines Using Element Space Non-rigid Registration
=> Real time non-rigid 3D surface tracking using particle filter
=> Real Time Object Detection on Aerial Imagery
=> Real Time Object Detection, Tracking and Classification in Monocular Image Sequences of Road Traffic Scenes
=> Real time object localization and recognition from silhouette images
=> Real Time Object Oriented 6-Point Skeleton Extraction Component from Human Silhouette for Video Surveillance and Analysis Application
=> Real time object tracking based on dynamic feature grouping with background subtraction
=> Real Time Object Tracking in a Video Sequence Using a Fixed Point DSP
=> Real Time Object Tracking using Reflectional Symmetry and Motion
=> Real Time Object Tracking using Reflectional Symmetry and Motion
=> Real Time Parameter Optimization for Elementary Motion Detectors
=> Real time perception of and response to the actions of an unencumbered participant/user
=> Real time pipeline profile extraction using recursive filtering and circle location
=> Real Time Processing for Epipolar Resampling of Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Fast Algorithm for Best Scan Line Searching
=> Real time railway extraction by angle alignment measure
=> Real Time Ray Tracing of Analytic and Implicit Surfaces
=> Real Time Recognition of Gesture and Gesture Degree Information Using Multi Input Image Sequences
=> Real time repeated video sequence identification
=> Real Time Robust Human Detection and Tracking System
=> Real time robust L1 tracker using accelerated proximal gradient approach
=> Real time security framework for detecting abnormal events at ATM installations
=> Real Time Segmentation and Tracking of Face and Hands in VR Applications
=> Real Time Segmentation of Lip Pixels for Lip Tracker Initialization
=> real time semantic interoperability framework in ad hoc network of geospatial databases: disaster management context, A
=> Real Time Semantic Interoperability in Ad Hoc Networks of Geospatial Data Sources: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives
=> Real Time Semi-dense Point Tracking
=> Real time SHVC decoder: Implementation and complexity analysis
=> Real time sign language recognition using depth sensor
=> Real Time Simulation Optimization Framework for Vessel Collision Avoidance and the Case of Singapore Strait, A
=> Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Digital Camera
=> Real Time Sobel Square Edge Detector for Night Vision Analysis
=> Real time software implementation of scalable video codec
=> Real Time Speckle Filter by Cellular Neural Network
=> Real Time Speed Estimation From Monocular Video
=> Real time stereo vision using exponential step cost aggregation on GPU
=> Real Time Surface Registration for PET Motion Tracking
=> real time surveillance system for metropolitan railways, A
=> Real Time Surveillance System Using Wired and Wireless Sensor Networks by Multi-algorithmic Approach, A
=> real time system for model-based interpretation of the dynamics of facial expressions, A
=> Real Time System for Robust 3D Voxel Reconstruction of Human Motions, A
=> Real Time System for Robust 3D Voxel Reconstruction of Human Motions, A
=> Real Time System for Robust 3D Voxel Reconstruction of Human Motions, A
=> Real Time Target Tracking with Pan Tilt Zoom Camera
=> Real time temporal segmentation of MPEG video
=> Real time texture classification using field programmable gate arrays
=> Real Time Tracking and Modeling of Faces: An EKF-based Analysis by Synthesis Approach
=> Real Time Tracking for 3D Realistic Lip Animation
=> Real Time Tracking for Enhanced Tennis Broadcasts
=> Real Time Tracking of 3d Objects with Occultations
=> Real time tracking of 3D objects: an efficient and robust approach
=> Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
=> Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
=> Real time tracking of camera pose
=> Real Time Tracking of Image Regions with Changes in Geometry and Illumination
=> Real Time Tracking of Moving Objects with an Active Camera
=> Real time tracking of multiple persons by Kalman filtering and face pursuit for multimedia applications
=> Real time tracking of multiple persons using elementary tracks
=> Real time tracking using an active pan-tilt-zoom network camera
=> Real time tracking with occlusion and illumination variations
=> Real Time Trinocular Stereo for Tele-immersion
=> Real Time Trinocular Stereo for Tele-immersion
=> Real time ultrasound image denoising
=> Real time vanishing points detection on smartphones under Manhattan world assumption
=> Real Time Vector Median Like Filter: FPGA Design and Application to Color Image Filtering
=> real time vehicle's license plate recognition system, A
=> Real Time Vehicle Detection Algorithm for Vision-Based Sensors, A
=> Real Time Vehicle Pose Using On-Board Stereo Vision System
=> Real time video architecture of a texture generator for digital video production
=> Real time video fire detection using spatio-temporal consistency energy
=> Real Time Video Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
=> Real time vision-based hand gesture recognition using depth sensor and a stochastic context free grammar
=> Real Time Vision System for Obstacle Detection and Localization on FPGA
=> Real Time Visual Cues Extraction for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
=> Real time visual tracking using a spatially weighted von Mises mixture model
=> Real time visualization of 3D variable in time object based on cloud of points data gathered by coloured structure light projection system
=> Real Time Viterbi Optimization of Hidden Markov Models for Multi Target Tracking
=> Real time watermarking to authenticate the WSQ bitstream
=> Real Valued MUSIC Method for Height Measurement of Meter Wave Polarimetric MIMO Radar Based on Matrix Reconstruction
=> Real vs. Fake Emotion Challenge: Learning to Rank Authenticity from Facial Activity Descriptors
=> Real World Dataset for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction, A
=> Real World Issues in Developing a Malaysian Forest Battlefield Environment for Small Unit Tactics Using 3D Graphics
=> Real world/virtual world correlation system using 3D graphics pipeline
=> RealFlow: EM-Based Realistic Optical Flow Dataset Generation from Videos
=> RealFusion 360° Reconstruction of Any Object from a Single Image
=> RealGraph: A Multiview Dataset for 4D Real-world Context Graph Generation
=> RealGraph: A Multiview Dataset for 4D Real-world Context Graph Generation
=> Realigning 2D and 3D Object Fragments without Correspondences
=> REALIMPACT: A Dataset of Impact Sound Fields for Real Objects
=> REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
=> REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
=> Realised safety impacts of electronic stability control in Finland
=> Realism Metric for Generated LiDAR Point Clouds, A
=> Realistic 3-D Scene Modeling from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
=> Realistic 3D face modeling using feature-preserving surface registration
=> Realistic 3D facial animation using parameter-based deformation and texture remapping
=> Realistic 3D Modeling of the Liver from MRI Images
=> Realistic 3D reconstruction of the human teeth using shape from shading with shape priors
=> Realistic action recognition via sparsely-constructed Gaussian processes
=> Realistic Analytical Phantoms for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
=> Realistic and Easy-to-Implement Weighting Model for GPS Phase Observations, A
=> Realistic Augmentation for Effective 2d Human Pose Estimation Under Occlusion
=> Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring
=> Realistic Bokeh Effect Rendering on Mobile GPUs, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
=> Realistic colorization via the structure tensor
=> Realistic Crowds via Motion Capture and Cell Marking
=> Realistic Dataset for Performance Evaluation of Document Layout Analysis, A
=> Realistic Depth Blur for Images with Range Data
=> Realistic Depth Image Synthesis for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
=> Realistic Digitization Model of Straight-Lines, A
=> Realistic Dynamic Facial Textures from a Single Image Using GANs
=> Realistic Evaluation of Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification, A
=> Realistic Face-to-Face Conversation System Based on Deep Neural Networks, A
=> Realistic Face Animation for Audiovisual Speech Applications: A Densification Approach Driven by Sparse Stereo Meshes
=> Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
=> Realistic Facial Modeling and Animation Based on High Resolution Capture
=> Realistic FDTD GPR Antenna Models Optimized Using a Novel Linear/Nonlinear Full-Waveform Inversion
=> Realistic Film Grain Rendering
=> Realistic Film Noise Generation Based on Experimental Noise Spectra
=> Realistic Forest Stand Reconstruction from Terrestrial LiDAR for Radiative Transfer Modelling
=> Realistic frontal face reconstruction using coupled complementarity of far-near-sighted face images
=> Realistic Full-Body Anonymization with Surface-Guided GANs
=> Realistic Full-Body Tracking from Sparse Observations via Joint-Level Modeling
=> Realistic hair modeling from a hybrid orientation field
=> Realistic HDR tone-mapping based on contrast perception matching
=> Realistic head motion synthesis for an image-based talking head
=> Realistic head motion synthesis for an image-based talking head
=> Realistic human action recognition by Fast HOG3D and self-organization feature map
=> Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature Selection and Fusion
=> Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context
=> Realistic human head modeling with multi-view hairstyle reconstruction
=> Realistic image composite with best-buddy prior of natural image patches
=> Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic analysis
=> Realistic inverse lighting from a single 2D image of a face, taken under unknown and complex lighting
=> Realistic landscape modelling with high level of detail
=> Realistic log-compressed law for ultrasound image recovery
=> Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
=> Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
=> Realistic Modeling of Water Droplets for Monocular Adherent Raindrop Recognition Using Bézier Curves
=> Realistic Models of Children Heads from 3D-MRI Segmentation and Tetrahedral Mesh Construction
=> Realistic mouth synthesis based on shape appearance dependence mapping
=> Realistic multi-view face animation with aid of 3D PDM
=> Realistic Natural Interaction With Virtual Statues in X-reality Environments
=> Realistic One-Shot Mesh-Based Head Avatars
=> Realistic Projection on Casual Dual-Planar Surfaces with Global Illumination Compensation
=> Realistic Range Rendering for Object Hypothesis Verification
=> Realistic Range Rendering
=> Realistic Rendering of Material Aging for Artwork Objects
=> Realistic Saliency Guided Image Enhancement
=> Realistic Simulation of the 3-D Growth of Brain Tumors in MR Images Coupling Diffusion With Biomechanical Deformation
=> Realistic Speech-Driven Facial Animation with GANs
=> Realistic speech animation based on observed 3D face dynamics
=> Realistic stereo error models and finite optimal stereo baselines
=> Realistic surface geometry reconstruction using a hand-held RGB-D camera
=> Realistic Synthesis of Novel Human Movements from a Database of Motion Capture Examples
=> Realistic Synthetic Mushroom Scenes Dataset, A
=> Realistic Talking Face Synthesis With Geometry-Aware Feature Transformation
=> Realistic Texture Reconstruction Incorporating Spectrophotometric Color Correction
=> Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Real-Time Audiovisual Streams
=> realistic virtual environment for evaluating face analysis systems under dynamic conditions, A
=> Realistic Walkthrough of Cultural Heritage Sites-Hampi
=> RealisticHands: A Hybrid Model for 3D Hand Reconstruction
=> Reality-Preserving Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Angular Transform and Its Application to Color Image Encryption
=> Reality Augmentation for Medical Procedures: System Architecture, Single Camera Marker Tracking, and System Evaluation
=> Reality Transform Adversarial Generators for Image Splicing Forgery Detection and Localization
=> Reality: An Interactive Reconstruction Tool of 3-D Objects from Photographs
=> Reality3DSketch: Rapid 3D Modeling of Objects From Single Freehand Sketches
=> Realization and Evaluation of an Instructor-Like Assistance System for Collision Avoidance
=> Realization of a digital tomographic imaging system applied to odontology
=> Realization of a Dilemma-Zone Guiding Algorithm at Signalized Intersections
=> Realization of an Efficient Line Detection by Askant Glance Camera Vision System Using Extended Hough Transform
=> Realization of Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding, The
=> Realization of Autoencoders by Kernel Methods
=> Realization of Beamlet Transform edge detection algorithm using FPGA
=> Realization of CUDA-based real-time multi-camera visual SLAM in embedded systems
=> Realization of CUDA-based real-time registration and target localization for high-resolution video images
=> Realization of Digraph Filters Via Augmented GFT
=> Realization of hybrid compressive imaging strategies
=> Realization of lossless-to-lossy image coding compatible with JPEG standard by direct-lifting of DCT-IDCT
=> Realization of Rank Order Filters Based on Majority Gate
=> Realizations of fast 2-D/3-D image filtering and enhancement
=> Realize Generative Yet Complete Latent Representation for Incomplete Multi-View Learning
=> Realizing a Low-Power Head-Mounted Phase-Only Holographic Display by Light-Weight Compression
=> Realizing Constant Current and Constant Voltage Outputs and Input Zero Phase Angle of Wireless Power Transfer Systems With Minimum Component Counts
=> Realizing Low-Cost Flash Memory Based Video Caching in Content Delivery Systems
=> Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Block Encoder for JPEG2000
=> Realizing Railway Cognitive Radio: A Reinforcement Base-Station Multi-Agent Model
=> Realizing Super-Resolution with Superimposed Projection
=> REALM: Robust Entropy Adaptive Loss Minimization for Improved Single-Sample Test-Time Adaptation
=> RealPatch: A Statistical Matching Framework for Model Patching with Real Samples
=> RealPixVSR: Pixel-Level Visual Representation Informed Super-Resolution of Real-World Videos
=> RealPoint3D: Generating 3D Point Clouds from a Single Image of Complex Scenarios
=> RealSense real heart rate: Illumination invariant heart rate estimation from videos
=> Realsmilenet: A Deep End-to-end Network for Spontaneous and Posed Smile Recognition
=> Realtime-3D Interactive Content Creation for Multi-platform Distribution: A 3d Interactive Content Creation User Study
=> Realtime 3D Depth Flow Generation and Its Application to Track to Walking Human Being
=> Realtime affine-photometric KLT feature tracker on GPU in CUDA framework
=> Realtime and Robust Hand Tracking from Depth
=> Realtime Anomaly Detection Using Trajectory-Level Crowd Behavior Learning
=> Realtime arbitrary-shaped template matching process
=> Realtime background subtraction from dynamic scenes
=> Realtime Compositing Of Procedural Facade Textures on the GPU
=> Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
=> Realtime Depth Estimation and Obstacle Detection from Monocular Video
=> Realtime Dynamic 3D Facial Reconstruction for Monocular Video In-the-Wild
=> Realtime Edge-Based Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera
=> Realtime Extraction of Connected Component in 3D Sonar Range Images
=> Realtime face detection and tracking using a single Pan, Tilt, Zoom camera
=> Realtime Face Verification with Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Realtime forest animation in wind
=> Realtime Gesture Recognition under the Multi-Layered Parallel Recognition Framework of QVIPS
=> Realtime Hand Posture Estimation with Self-Organizing Map for Stable Robot Control
=> realtime hardware system for stereoscopic videoconferencing with viewpoint adaptation, A
=> Realtime Head and Hands Tracking by Monocular Vision
=> Realtime Hierarchical Clustering Based on Boundary and Surface Statistics
=> Realtime Human Segmentation in Video
=> Realtime IBR with Omnidirectional Crossed-Slits Projection
=> Realtime Image Sequence Interpretation for Video-Surveillance Applications
=> Realtime Kernel based Machine Learning Template Matching (KMLT)
=> Realtime motion segmentation based multibody visual SLAM
=> Realtime multi-aircraft tracking in aerial scene with deep orientation network
=> Realtime Multi-person 2D Pose Estimation Using Part Affinity Fields
=> Realtime multi-scale scene text detection with scale-based region proposal network
=> Realtime multibody visual SLAM with a smoothly moving monocular camera
=> Realtime Multilevel Crowd Tracking Using Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
=> Realtime object-of-interest tracking by learning Composite Patch-based Templates
=> Realtime object matching with robust dominant orientation templates
=> Realtime Online Adaptive Gesture Recognition
=> Realtime Online Adaptive Gesture Recognition
=> Realtime phase-based optical flow on the GPU
=> Realtime Quality Assessment of Iris Biometrics Under Visible Light
=> Realtime Road Detection by Learning from One Example
=> Realtime Shrug Detector, A
=> Realtime Sitting Posture Recognition on Embedded Device
=> Realtime stereo and motion analysis on passive video images using an efficient image-to-image comparison algorithm requiring minimal buffering
=> Realtime synthesis of moving human-like agent in response to user's moving image
=> Realtime Time Synchronized Event-Based Stereo
=> Realtime training on mobile devices for face recognition applications
=> Realtime Visual Tracking of Aircrafts
=> Realtime Visualization of Monocular Data for 3D Reconstruction
=> RealVAD: A Real-World Dataset and A Method for Voice Activity Detection by Body Motion Analysis
=> RealViz
=> RealVR: Efficient, Economical, and Quality-of-Experience-Driven VR Video System Based on MPEG OMAF
=> REALY: Rethinking the Evaluation of 3D Face Reconstruction
=> REAP: A Large-Scale Realistic Adversarial Patch Benchmark
=> REAP: A Large-Scale Realistic Adversarial Patch Benchmark
=> Reaper: Articulated Object 6d Pose Estimation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters and Microwave Radiometer Data
=> Rear-End Collision Avoidance-Based on Multi-Channel Detection
=> Rear-End Collision Risk Evaluation and Control Scheme Using a Bayesian Network Model, A
=> Rear-Lamp Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Low-Exposure Color Video for Night Conditions
=> Rear-Stitched View Panorama: A Low-Power Embedded Implementation for Smart Rear-View Mirrors on Vehicles
=> Rear-Vehicle Detection System for Static Images Based on Monocular Vision, A
=> Rear-View Vehicle Detection and Tracking by Combining Multiple Parts for Complex Urban Surveillance
=> Rear Vehicle Tracking on a Bicycle Using Active Sensor Orientation Control
=> rearrangement algorithm of wavelet packet coefficients for zerotree coding, A
=> Rearrangement of Recognized Strokes in Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Words Recognition
=> Rearrangement pixel granularity template matching for lossy screen content picture intra coding
=> Rearranging Online Tubes for Streaming Video Synopsis: A Dynamic Graph Coloring Approach
=> Rearview Camera-Based Backover Warning System Exploiting a Combination of Pose-Specific Pedestrian Recognitions
=> Rearview Camera-Based Stixel Generation for Backing Crash Prevention
=> Reason Analysis of the Jiwenco Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and Potential Hazard on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
=> Reason Generation for Point of Interest Recommendation Via a Hierarchical Attention-Based Transformer Model
=> Reasonable Effectiveness of Synthetic Visual Data, The
=> Reasoning-Based Framework for Driving Safety Monitoring Using Driving Event Recognition
=> Reasoning-Based Scheduling Method for Agile Earth Observation Satellite with Multi-Subsystem Coupling
=> Reasoning-RCNN: Unifying Adaptive Global Reasoning Into Large-Scale Object Detection
=> Reasoning about cardinal directions between extended objects: The NP-hardness result
=> Reasoning about Context in Uncertain Pervasive Computing Environments
=> Reasoning about discrete and continuous noisy sensors and effectors in dynamical systems
=> Reasoning about Edges in Scale Space
=> Reasoning About Expected Job Completion Time in Dynamic Vehicular Clouds
=> Reasoning About Fine-Grained Attribute Phrases Using Reference Games
=> Reasoning About Functionality In Object Recognition
=> Reasoning about Hand-Drawn Sketches: An Approach Based on Intelligent Software Agents
=> Reasoning About Human-Object Interactions Through Dual Attention Networks
=> Reasoning About Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds
=> Reasoning About Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds
=> Reasoning about Object Affordances in a Knowledge Base Representation
=> Reasoning about Occlusions During Hypothesis Verification
=> Reasoning about Photo Collections using Models of Outdoor Illumination
=> Reasoning about Pictures and Similarity Retrieval for Image-Information Systems Based on SK-Set Knowledge Representation
=> Reasoning About Threats: From Observables to Situation Assessment
=> Reasoning and Tuning: Graph Attention Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
=> reasoning engine for intruders' localization in wide open areas using a network of cameras and RFIDs, A
=> Reasoning Framework for Solving Nonograms, A
=> Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star-Shaped to Hierarchical
=> Reasoning on the Relation: Enhancing Visual Representation for Visual Question Answering and Cross-Modal Retrieval
=> Reasoning Strategies for 3D Object Detection
=> Reasoning Visual Dialogs With Structural and Partial Observations
=> Reasoning with entropy graphs for image operators
=> Reasoning with Multi-Structure Commonsense Knowledge in Visual Dialog
=> ReasonNet: End-to-End Driving with Temporal and Global Reasoning
=> Reasons for East Siberia Winter Snow Water Equivalent Increase in the Recent Decades
=> Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
=> Reassembling Shredded Document Stripes Using Word-Path Metric and Greedy Composition Optimal Matching Solver
=> Reassembly of fractured objects using surface signature
=> Reassembly of Rock Segments, the Case of Areopagus Hill
=> Reassignment Algorithm of the Ride-Sourcing Market Based on Reinforcement Learning
=> Rebalanced Zero-Shot Learning
=> Rebalancing and Charging Scheduling With Price Incentives for Car Sharing Systems
=> Rebalancing Batch Normalization for Exemplar-Based Class-Incremental Learning
=> Rebalancing Bike Sharing Systems for Minimizing Depot Inventory and Traveling Costs
=> Rebalancing gradient to improve self-supervised co-training of depth, odometry and optical flow predictions
=> Rebalancing network with knowledge stability for class incremental learning
=> Rebalancing of One-Way Car-Sharing Systems Considering Elastic Demand and Waiting Time
=> ReBreathe: A Calibration Protocol that Improves Stress/Relax Classification by Relabeling Deep Breathing Relaxation Exercises
=> Rebuilding a Microwave Soil Moisture Product Using Random Forest Adopting AMSR-E/AMSR2 Brightness Temperature and SMAP over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
=> Rebuilding Long Time Series Global Soil Moisture Products Using the Neural Network Adopting the Microwave Vegetation Index
=> Rebuilding Long Time Series Global Soil Moisture Products Using the Neural Network Adopting the Microwave Vegetation Index
=> Rebuilding Visual Vocabulary via Spatial-temporal Context Similarity for Video Retrieval
=> REC-MV: REconstructing 3D Dynamic Cloth from Monocular Videos
=> Recalibrated Bandpass Filtering on Temporal Waveform for Audio Spoof Detection
=> Recalibrating 3D ConvNets With Project Excite
=> Recalibrating Features and Regression for Oriented Object Detection
=> Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks With Spatial and Channel Squeeze and Excitation Blocks
=> Recalibration of Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
=> Recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites
=> Recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites
=> recall or precision oriented skin classifier using binary combining strategies, A
=> Recall What You See Continually Using GridLSTM in Image Captioning
=> RECALL: Replay-based Continual Learning in Semantic Segmentation
=> Recall@k Surrogate Loss with Large Batches and Similarity Mixup
=> RecapNet: Action Proposal Generation Mimicking Human Cognitive Process
=> Recapture Image Forensics Based on Laplacian Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Recaptured image forensics based on local ternary count of high order prediction error
=> Recaptured Image Forensics Based on Quality Aware and Histogram Feature
=> Recaptured photo detection using specularity distribution
=> Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing in Raw Domain
=> Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing in Raw Domain
=> Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing
=> Recaptured screen image identification based on vision transformer
=> Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise
=> Recaspia: Recognizing Carrying Actions in Single Images Using Privileged Information
=> RecDis-SNN: Rectifying Membrane Potential Distribution for Directly Training Spiking Neural Networks
=> Receding Horizon Cache and Extreme Learning Machine based Reinforcement Learning
=> Receding Horizon Control for Aircraft Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling
=> Receding Horizon Estimation for Hybrid Particle Filters and Application for Robust Visual Tracking
=> Receding horizon optimal control of HEVs with on-board prediction of driver's power demand
=> Receive Antenna Selection for Underlay Cognitive Radio with Instantaneous Interference Constraint
=> Received-Signal-Strength-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
=> receiver-compatible system for channel noise reduction, A
=> Receiver-Driven Adaptive Enhancement Layer Switching Algorithm for Scalable Video Transmission Over Link-adaptive Networks
=> Receiver-Driven Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Light Fields
=> Receiver-initiated resource renegotiation for VBR video transport
=> Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of GNSS Signals for Electronic Toll Collection
=> receiver aware H.264/AVC encoder for decoder complexity control in mobile applications, A
=> Receiver driven layered multicast with layer-aware forward error correction
=> Receiver operating characteristic curves with an indeterminacy zone
=> Receiver Operating Curves and Optimal Bayesian Operating Points
=> Receiver Performance of the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) on the International Space Station
=> Receiver Widelane Analysis and Its Effect on Precise Point Positioning
=> Receiving a Mediated Touch From Your Partner vs. a Male Stranger: How Visual Feedback of Touch and Its Sender Influence Touch Experience
=> Recent 50-Year Glacier Mass Balance Changes over the Yellow River Source Region, Determined by Remote Sensing
=> Recent Abnormal Hydrologic Behavior of Tibetan Lakes Observed by Multi-Mission Altimeters
=> Recent Accelerating Glacier Mass Loss of the Geladandong Mountain, Inner Tibetan Plateau, Estimated from ZiYuan-3 and TanDEM-X Measurements
=> Recent Active Fires in Indonesia's Southern Papua Province Caused by El Nino Conditions
=> Recent Advance on Mean Shift Tracking: A Survey
=> Recent Advancement in Mangrove Forests Mapping and Monitoring of the World Using Earth Observation Satellite Data
=> Recent Advancement in Remote Sensing Technology for Hydrology Analysis and Water Resources Management
=> Recent Advances and Challenges in Schumann Resonance Observations and Research
=> Recent Advances and Challenges in the Seismo-Electromagnetic Study: A Brief Review
=> Recent Advances at the Brain-Driven Computer Vision Workshop 2018
=> Recent Advances for Quantum Neural Networks in Generative Learning
=> Recent Advances in 3D Object Detection in the Era of Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
=> Recent advances in age and height estimation from still images and video
=> Recent Advances in Airborne InSAR for 3D Applications
=> Recent Advances in Baggage Threat Detection: A Comprehensive and Systematic Survey
=> Recent Advances in Camera Planning for Large Area Surveillance: A Comprehensive Review
=> Recent Advances in Compression of 3D Meshes
=> Recent advances in convolutional neural networks
=> Recent Advances in Crop Disease Detection Using UAV and Deep Learning Techniques
=> Recent Advances in Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Images
=> Recent advances in deterministic human motion prediction: A review
=> Recent Advances in Dielectric Properties-Based Soil Water Content Measurements
=> Recent advances in ear biometrics
=> Recent Advances in End-to-End Learned Image and Video Compression
=> Recent advances in face biometrics with Gabor wavelets: A review
=> Recent Advances in Face Recognition
=> Recent advances in facial soft biometrics
=> Recent Advances in Fingerprint Verification
=> Recent Advances in Fingerprint Verification
=> Recent Advances in Graph-Based Pattern Recognition with Applications in Document Analysis
=> Recent advances in high dynamic range imaging technology
=> Recent advances in image and video retrieval
=> Recent Advances in Immersive Multimedia
=> Recent Advances in Kernel Machines
=> Recent Advances in Large Margin Learning
=> Recent Advances in Large Scale Image Search
=> Recent Advances in Light-Induced Thermoelastic Spectroscopy for Gas Sensing: A Review
=> Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices
=> Recent Advances in Modelling Geodetic Time Series and Applications for Earth Science and Environmental Monitoring
=> Recent Advances in Music Signal Processing
=> Recent Advances in Open Set Recognition: A Survey
=> Recent Advances in Phase Retrieval
=> Recent Advances in Radar Imaging [From the Guest Editors]
=> Recent advances in rate control for video coding
=> Recent Advances in Rate Control: From Optimization to Implementation and Beyond
=> Recent Advances in Recommender Systems and Future Directions
=> Recent Advances in Reduction of False Positives in Computerized Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
=> Recent advances in remote sensing image processing
=> Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
=> Recent advances in shape correspondence
=> Recent advances in small object detection based on deep learning: A review
=> Recent Advances in Structural Pattern Recognition with Applications to Visual Form Analysis
=> Recent Advances in the Automatic Inspection of Integrated-Circuits for Pattern Defects
=> Recent advances in the automatic recognition of audiovisual speech
=> Recent Advances in the Capture and Display of Macroscopic and Microscopic 3-D Scenes by Integral Imaging
=> Recent Advances in the GPR Detection of Grouting Defects behind Shield Tunnel Segments
=> Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms
=> Recent Advances in Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Visual Recognition: A Problem-Oriented Perspective
=> Recent advances in using Chinese Earth observation satellites for remote sensing of vegetation
=> Recent Advances in Video Question Answering: A Review of Datasets and Methods
=> Recent advances in vision modeling for image and video processing
=> Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
=> Recent Advances in Zero-Shot Recognition: Toward Data-Efficient Understanding of Visual Content
=> Recent Advances of Deep Learning for Sign Language Recognition
=> Recent Advances of Hyperspectral Imaging Technology and Applications in Agriculture
=> Recent Advances of Large-Scale Linear Classification
=> Recent Advances of Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective
=> Recent Advances of Structures Monitoring and Evaluation Using GPS-Time Series Monitoring Systems: A Review
=> Recent Advances on HEVC Inter-Frame Coding: From Optimization to Implementation and Beyond
=> Recent Advances on Singlemodal and Multimodal Face Recognition: A Survey
=> Recent Advances on Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification: An Overview and New Guidelines
=> Recent Applications of Landsat 8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping: A Systematic Review
=> Recent Cereal Phenological Variations under Mediterranean Conditions
=> Recent changes and future trends in general purpose processor architectures to support image and video applications
=> Recent Changes in Drought Events over South Asia and Their Possible Linkages with Climatic and Dynamic Factors
=> Recent Changes in Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan, Central Asia
=> Recent Changes in Groundwater and Surface Water in Large Pan-Arctic River Basins
=> Recent Changes in Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in Asia from 1982 to 2011
=> Recent Changes in Water Discharge in Snow and Glacier Melt-Dominated Rivers in the Tienshan Mountains, Central Asia
=> Recent Changes of Glacial Lakes in the High Mountain Asia and Its Potential Controlling Factors Analysis
=> Recent Climate Change Feedbacks to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Changes from GRACE
=> Recent Crustal Deformation Based on Interpolation of GNSS Velocity in Continental China
=> Recent Data Augmentation Strategies for Deep Learning in Plant Phenotyping and Their Significance
=> Recent Deceleration of the Ice Elevation Change of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)
=> Recent Declines in Warming and Vegetation Greening Trends over Pan-Arctic Tundra
=> Recent Development and Challenges in Spectroscopy and Machine Vision Technologies for Crop Nitrogen Diagnosis: A Review
=> Recent Developments and Applications of Acoustic Infrasound to Monitor Volcanic Emissions
=> Recent developments and trends in point set registration methods
=> Recent developments from MPEG in HDR video compression
=> Recent Developments in 3D Multi-modal Laser Imaging Applied to Cultural Heritage
=> Recent Developments in Graph Matching
=> Recent developments in human motion analysis
=> Recent developments in large-scale tie-point matching
=> Recent Developments in Linear Quadtree-Based Geographic Information Systems
=> Recent developments in multidimensional multirate systems
=> Recent Developments in the Sparse Fourier Transform: A compressed Fourier transform for big data
=> Recent developments in the study of rapid human movements with the kinematic theory: Applications to handwriting and signature synthesis
=> Recent developments of the minimum entropy algorithm
=> Recent developments of the syntactic pattern recognition model based on quasi-context sensitive languages
=> Recent developments on direct relative orientation
=> Recent elevation and velocity changes of Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adelie, Antarctica
=> Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
=> Recent Ground Subsidence in the North China Plain, China, Revealed by Sentinel-1A Datasets
=> Recent Ground Subsidence in the North China Plain, China, Revealed by Sentinel-1A Datasets
=> Recent Improvements to Suomi NPP Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite Nadir Mapper Sensor Data Records
=> Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X DEM Time Series
=> Recent Large Scale Environmental Changes in the Mediterranean Sea and Their Potential Impacts on Posidonia Oceanica
=> Recent methods and databases in vision-based hand gesture recognition: A review
=> Recent NDVI Trends in Mainland Spain: Land-Cover and Phytoclimatic-Type Implications
=> Recent Patents on Color Demosaicing
=> Recent Patents on Computer Science
=> Recent Phenomenal and Investigational Subsurface Landslide Monitoring Techniques: A Mixed Review
=> Recent Practical Applications of Close-Range Photogrammetry for Complex Motion Study
=> Recent Progress and Developments in Imaging Spectroscopy
=> Recent Progress in CAD-Based Computer Vision: An Introduction to the Special Issue
=> Recent Progress in CAD-Based Vision
=> Recent Progress in Coded Structured Light as a Technique to Solve the Correspondence Problem: A Survey
=> Recent progress in image denoising: A training strategy perspective
=> Recent Progress in In-Flight Radiometric Calibration and Validation of the RapidEye Constellation of 5 Multispectral Remote Sensing Satellites
=> Recent Progress in Modeling Neural Mechanisms of Form and Color Vision
=> Recent progress in quantifying colour reproduction quality
=> Recent Progress in Quantitative Land Remote Sensing in China
=> Recent progress in road and lane detection: a survey
=> Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
=> Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
=> Recent Progress on Modeling Land Emission and Retrieving Soil Moisture on the Tibetan Plateau Based on L-Band Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
=> Recent Progress on Object Classification and Detection
=> Recent progress on perceptual video coding
=> Recent Progress on Vegetation Remote Sensing Using Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry
=> Recent progress to formal approach of pattern recognition and scene analysis
=> Recent progresses of accelerated MRI using annihilating filter-based low-rank interpolation
=> Recent Regime Shifts in Mineral Dust Trends Over South Asia From Long-Term CALIPSO Observations
=> Recent Response of Vegetation Water Use Efficiency to Climate Change in Central Asia
=> Recent Results of Online Japanese Handwriting Recognition and Its Applications
=> Recent review on image clustering
=> Recent Sea Level Change in the Black Sea from Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Observations
=> Recent Sea Level Changes in the Black Sea From Satellite Gravity And Altimeter Mesurements
=> Recent Seasonal Spatiotemporal Variations in Alpine Glacier Surface Elevation in the Pamir
=> Recent Shrinkage and Fragmentation of Bluegrass Landscape in Kentucky
=> Recent Spatiotemporal Trends in Glacier Snowline Altitude at the End of the Melt Season in the Qilian Mountains, China
=> Recent submissions in linear dimensionality reduction and face recognition
=> Recent Surface Deformation in the Tianjin Area Revealed by Sentinel-1A Data
=> recent survey on perceived group sentiment analysis, A
=> Recent Trend and Advance of Synthetic Aperture Radar with Selected Topics
=> Recent trends in 2D blind deconvolution for nondestructive evaluation
=> Recent trends in gesture recognition: How depth data has improved classical approaches
=> Recent Trends in Task and Motion Planning for Robotics: A Survey
=> Recent Trends of Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems
=> Recent Uplift Characteristics of the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, an Analysis Based on Fluvial Indices
=> RecepNet: Network with Large Receptive Field for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation and Application for Blue-Green Algae
=> Receptive Field Based Image Modeling Method for Interactive Segmentation
=> Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection
=> Receptive Field Size Optimization with Continuous Time Pooling
=> Receptive Field Size Versus Model Depth for Single Image Super-Resolution
=> Receptive field structures for recognition
=> Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
=> Receptive fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid framework
=> Receptive Multi-Granularity Representation for Person Re-Identification
=> ReCF: Exploiting Response Reasoning for Correlation Filters in Real-Time UAV Tracking
=> Rechargeable Battery Cabinet Deployment for Public Bike System
=> Recherches en vision par ordinateur
=> RECIFE-MILP: An Effective MILP-Based Heuristic for the Real-Time Railway Traffic Management Problem
=> Recipe1M+: A Dataset for Learning Cross-Modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images
=> Recipe2Video: Synthesizing Personalized Videos from Recipe Texts
=> Reciprocal-Orthogonal Parametric Transform and Its Fast Algorithm, A
=> Reciprocal-Wedge Transform for Space-Variant Sensing
=> Reciprocal-Wedge Transform for Space-Variant Sensing
=> Reciprocal 360-deg 3D light-field image acquisition and display system
=> Reciprocal and Extensible Architecture for Multiple-Target Tracking in a Smart Home, A
=> Reciprocal Consistency Prediction Network for Multi-Step Human Trajectory Prediction
=> Reciprocal Focus Profile
=> Reciprocal GAN Through Characteristic Functions (RCF-GAN)
=> Reciprocal Image Features for Uncalibrated Helmholtz Stereopsis
=> Reciprocal Landmark Detection and Tracking with Extremely Few Annotations
=> Reciprocal Learning Networks for Human Trajectory Prediction
=> Reciprocal Multi-Layer Subspace Learning for Multi-View Clustering
=> Reciprocal normalization for domain adaptation
=> Reciprocal Subpixel Motion Estimation: Video Coding With Limited Hardware Resources
=> Reciprocal Teacher-Student Learning via Forward and Feedback Knowledge Distillation
=> Reciprocal Transformations for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
=> Reciprocal Twin Networks for Pedestrian Motion Learning and Future Path Prediction
=> Reciprocity Property of the Unbiased Cramer-Rao Bound for Vector Parameter Estimation, A
=> Reciprocity Theorems for One-Way Wave Fields in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
=> RECIST-Induced Reliable Learning: Geometry-Driven Label Propagation for Universal Lesion Segmentation
=> RECISTSup: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Volume Segmentation Using RECIST Measurement
=> Reclaimed Area Land Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and LiDAR Point Clouds
=> ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation
=> RECM: Relational evidential c-means algorithm
=> ReCo: Region-Controlled Text-to-Image Generation
=> Recoding Color Transfer as A Color Homography
=> Recognising action as clouds of space-time interest points
=> Recognising Algebraic Surfaces from Two Outlines
=> Recognising and monitoring high-level behaviours in complex spatial environments
=> Recognising Behaviours of Multiple People with Hierarchical Probabilistic Model and Statistical Data Association
=> Recognising complex activities with histograms of relative tracklets
=> Recognising Cortical Sulci and Gyri in MR Images
=> Recognising daytime and nighttime driving images using bayes classifier
=> Recognising decorations in archaeological finds through the analysis of characteristic curves on 3D models
=> Recognising faces in unseen modes: A tensor based approach
=> Recognising Facial Expressions Using Spherical Harmonics
=> Recognising Familiar Facial Features in Paintings Belonging to Separate Domains
=> Recognising handwritten Arabic manuscripts using a single hidden Markov model
=> Recognising Human-Object Interaction via Exemplar Based Modelling
=> Recognising human actions by analysing negative spaces
=> Recognising Human and Animal Movement by Symmetry
=> Recognising human interaction from videos by a discriminative model
=> Recognising human running behaviour in sports video sequences
=> Recognising Known Configurations of Garments For Dual-Arm Robotic Flattening
=> Recognising Letters in On-Line Handwriting Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference
=> Recognising moving hand shapes
=> Recognising Objects on the Ground Plane
=> Recognising occluded multi-view actions using local nearest neighbour embedding
=> Recognising online spatial activities using a bioinformatics inspired sequence alignment approach
=> Recognising panoramas
=> Recognising Planes in a Single Image
=> Recognising spontaneous facial micro-expressions
=> Recognising spontaneous facial micro-expressions
=> Recognising spontaneous facial micro-expressions
=> Recognising Tabular Mathematical Expressions Using Graph Rewriting
=> Recognising Team Activities from Noisy Data
=> Recognising Text in Real Scenes
=> Recognising the Dynamics of Faces across Multiple Views
=> Recognising Trajectories of Facial Identities Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
=> Recognising Trajectories of Facial Identities Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
=> Recognition-Aware Deep Video Compression for Remote Surveillance
=> Recognition-based character segmentation for multi-level writing style
=> Recognition-based gesture spotting in video games
=> recognition-based motion capture baseline on the HumanEva II test data, A
=> Recognition-Based Reconstruction of an Indoor Scene Using an Integration of Active and Passive Sensing Techniques
=> Recognition-Based Segmentation Algorithm for On-Line Arabic Handwriting
=> Recognition-Based Segmentation of Nom Characters from Body Text Regions of Stele Images Using Area Voronoi Diagram
=> Recognition-Based Segmentation of Online Run-On Handprinted Words: Input vs. Output Segmentation
=> Recognition-directed recovering of temporal information from handwriting images
=> Recognition-Driven Compressed Image Generation Using Semantic-Prior Information
=> Recognition-Driven Two-Dimensional Competing Priors Toward Automatic and Accurate Building Detection
=> Recognition-Oriented Image Compressive Sensing With Deep Learning
=> Recognition Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform for Handprinted Chinese Characters
=> recognition algorithm for chinese characters in diverse fonts, A
=> Recognition Algorithm for Handprinted Chinese Characters by 2D-FFT
=> Recognition Algorithm for Letter Digital Images Based on the Centroid, A
=> Recognition and 6D Pose Estimation of Large-scale Objects using 3D Semi-Global Descriptors
=> Recognition and analysis of cell nuclear phases for high-content screening based on morphological features
=> Recognition and Analysis of Objects in Medieval Images
=> Recognition and classification of images of fruits' juices based on 3-Sigma approach
=> Recognition and Classification of Martian Chaos Terrains Using Imagery Machine Learning: A Global Distribution of Chaos Linked to Groundwater Circulation, Catastrophic Flooding, and Magmatism on Mars
=> Recognition and classification of red blood cells using digital holographic microscopy and data clustering with discriminant analysis
=> Recognition and Data Extraction of Form Documents Based on 3 Types of Line Segments
=> Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural network classifier with recursive data reconstruction
=> Recognition and Detection of Two-Person Interactive Actions Using Automatically Selected Skeleton Features
=> Recognition and extraction of named entities in online medical diagnosis data based on a deep neural network
=> Recognition and Geological Model of a Deep-Seated Ancient Landslide at a Reservoir under Construction, A
=> Recognition and Grading of Severely Distorted Geometric Shapes from within a Complex Figure
=> Recognition and identification of target images using feature based retrieval in UAV missions
=> Recognition and Information Extraction of Grid Wiring Diagram Based on Convolutional Neural Network, The
=> Recognition and Inspection of Manufactured Parts Using Line Moments of Their Boundaries
=> Recognition and Inspection of Two-Dimensional Industrial Parts Using Subpolygons
=> Recognition and Integration of Dimension Sets in Vectorized Engineering Drawings
=> Recognition and Interpretation of Parametric Gesture
=> Recognition and Interpretation of Parametric Gesture
=> Recognition and Interpretation of Parametric Gesture
=> Recognition and learning of a class of context-sensitive languages described by augmented regular expressions
=> Recognition and Learning With Polymorphic Structural Components
=> Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation Using Functionality
=> Recognition and Location by Parallel Pose Clustering
=> Recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using multiple views
=> Recognition and Positioning of Three-Dimensional Objects by Combining Matchings of Primitive Local Patterns
=> Recognition and Prediction of Safety Pattern for Tunnel Face of Shield Tunneling
=> Recognition and Prediction of Situations in Urban Traffic Scenarios
=> Recognition and quality assessment of data charts in mixed-mode documents
=> Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus Perseae in Avocado Leaves
=> Recognition and Real-time Detection of Blinking Eyes on Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform
=> Recognition and Reconstruction of 3-d Objects Using Model-based Perceptual Grouping
=> Recognition and Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
=> Recognition and Reconstruction of Primitives in Music Scores
=> Recognition and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings on Roads from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
=> Recognition and Recovery of the Three-Dimensional Orientation of Planar Point Patterns
=> Recognition and retrieval of mathematical expressions
=> Recognition and retrieval of objects in diverse applications
=> Recognition and retrieval of textured images using gradient indexing
=> Recognition and retrieval via histogram trees
=> Recognition and Segmentation of 3-D Human Action Using HMM and Multi-class AdaBoost
=> Recognition and Segmentation of Scene Content using Region-Based Classification
=> Recognition and Semi-Differential Invariants
=> Recognition and Shape Synthesis of 3D Objects Image Based on Attributed Hypergraphs
=> Recognition and Structure from one 2D Model View: Observations on Prototypes, Object Classes and Symmetries
=> Recognition and Tracking of 3D Objects
=> Recognition and Tracking of the Members of a Moving Human Body
=> Recognition and transition frame detection of Arabic news captions for video retrieval
=> Recognition and verification of postcodes in handwritten and hand-printed addresses
=> Recognition and Verification of Unconstrained Handwritten Words
=> recognition and verification strategy for handwritten word recognition, A
=> Recognition And Vision Library
=> Recognition and volume estimation of food intake using a mobile device
=> recognition approach of 3-D objects based on the Tsallis entropy, A
=> Recognition Approach to Gesture Language Understanding, A
=> recognition based approach for segmenting touching components in Arabic manuscripts, A
=> Recognition based text localization from natural scene images
=> Recognition by association via learning per-exemplar distances
=> Recognition by Functional Parts
=> Recognition by Functional Parts
=> Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
=> Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
=> Recognition by Matching Dense, Oriented Pixels
=> Recognition by Probabilistic Hypothesis Construction
=> Recognition by Prototypes
=> Recognition by Prototypes
=> Recognition by Prototypes
=> Recognition by Recall
=> Recognition by Symmetry Derivatives and the Generalized Structure Tensor
=> Recognition by Using an Active/Space-Variant Sensor
=> Recognition confidence analysis of handwritten Chinese character with CNN
=> Recognition driven burst transmissions in distributed third generation surveillance systems
=> Recognition Driven Page Orientation Detection
=> Recognition Experiments of Cursive Dynamic Handwriting with Self-Organizing Networks
=> Recognition experiments with typed numerals from envelopes in the mail
=> Recognition for large sets of handwritten mathematical symbols
=> Recognition for SAR deformation military target from a new MiniSAR dataset using multi-view joint transformer approach
=> Recognition for SAR deformation military target from a new MiniSAR dataset using multi-view joint transformer approach
=> Recognition from Appearance Subspaces Across Image Sets of Variable Scale
=> Recognition from Hand Cameras: A Revisit with Deep Learning
=> Recognition From Web Data: A Progressive Filtering Approach
=> recognition graph: Language independent adaptable on-line cursive script recognition, The
=> Recognition improvement through the optimisation of learning instances
=> Recognition in Terra Incognita
=> Recognition in Terra Incognita
=> Recognition Information
=> Recognition method and apparatus
=> Recognition Method for Airplane Targets Using 3D Point Cloud Data, A
=> Recognition Method for Roughly Hand-Drawn Logical Diagrams Based on Hybrid Utilization of Multi-Layered Knowledge, The
=> Recognition Method for Underwater Acoustic Target Based on DCGAN and DenseNet
=> recognition method of machine-printed monetary amounts based on the two-dimensional segmentation and the bottom-up parsing, A
=> Recognition Method of New Address Elements in Chinese Address Matching Based on Deep Learning
=> Recognition Method of Shape Distorted Objects Using Hierarchical Feature Descriptions
=> Recognition Method of Weed Seeds Based on Computer Vision
=> Recognition Model Incorporating Geometric Relationships of Ship Components, A
=> Recognition Model of Sideslip of Surrounding Vehicles Based on Perception Information of Driverless Vehicle
=> Recognition of 2-D Objects by Optimal Matching
=> Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using the Wavelet Transform Zero-Crossing Representation
=> Recognition of 3-D Objects in Range Images Using a Butterfly Multiprocessor
=> recognition of 3-phase power quality events using optimal feature selection and random forest classifier, The
=> Recognition of 3D emotional facial expression based on handcrafted and deep feature combination
=> Recognition of 3D faces with missing parts based on profile networks
=> Recognition of 3D facial expression dynamics
=> Recognition of 3D Free-Form Objects Using Segment-Based Stereo Vision
=> Recognition of 3D free-form objects
=> Recognition of 3D Object from One Image Based on Projective and Permutative Invariants
=> Recognition of 3D Object Using Attributed Relation Graph of Silhouette's Extended Convex Hull
=> Recognition of 3D Objects Based on Implicit Polynomials
=> Recognition of 3D Objects by Learning from Correspondences in a Sequence of Unlabeled Training Images
=> Recognition of 3D Objects Using Heat Diffusion Equations and Random Forests
=> Recognition of 3D package shapes for single camera metrology
=> Recognition of 3D planar objects in canonical frames
=> Recognition of 3d Textured Objects by Mixing View-based and Model-based Representations
=> Recognition of a person's state using FG Vision Sensor
=> Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
=> Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
=> Recognition of action dynamics in fencing using multimodal cues
=> Recognition of Action Units in the Wild with Deep Nets and a New Global-Local Loss
=> Recognition of Activities of Daily Living from Egocentric Videos Using Hands Detected by a Deep Convolutional Network
=> Recognition of Advertisement Emotions With Application to Computational Advertising
=> Recognition of Affect Based on Gait Patterns
=> Recognition of Affect in the Wild Using Deep Neural Networks
=> Recognition of airborne fungi spores in digital microscopic images
=> Recognition of an Indian script using multilayer perceptrons and fuzzy features
=> Recognition of Anatomically Relevant Objects with Binary Partition Trees
=> Recognition of Anomalously Deformed Kana Sequences in Japanese Historical Documents
=> Recognition of Apparent Personality Traits from Text and Handwritten Images
=> Recognition of Arabic Characters
=> Recognition of Arabic digits using a convolutional neural network
=> Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Literal Amounts Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Arabic License Plates using NN
=> Recognition of Arabic Sign Language Alphabet Using Polynomial Classifiers
=> Recognition of Architectural and Electrical Symbols by COSFIRE Filters with Inhibition
=> Recognition of Area without Understory Vegetation Based on the RGB-UAV Ultra-High Resolution Images in Red Soil Erosion Area
=> Recognition of arm movements
=> Recognition of arrows in line drawings based on the aggregation of geometric criteria using the Choquet integral
=> Recognition of Articulated and Occluded Objects
=> Recognition of Asymmetric Facial Action Unit Activities and Intensities
=> Recognition of attentive objects with a concept association network for image annotation
=> Recognition of Ballistic Targets by Fusing Micro-Motion Features with Networks
=> Recognition of Banana Fusarium Wilt Based on UAV Remote Sensing
=> Recognition of Bangla compound characters using structural decomposition
=> Recognition of Bangla text from scene images through perspective correction
=> Recognition of blurred faces using Local Phase Quantization
=> Recognition of Blurred Faces via Facial Deblurring Combined with Blur-Tolerant Descriptors
=> Recognition of Blurred Images by the Method of Moments
=> Recognition of books by verification and retraining
=> Recognition of box-like objects by fusing cues of shape and edges
=> Recognition of Broken Characters from Historical Printed Books Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
=> Recognition of Broken Corn Seeds Based on Contour Curvature
=> Recognition of Bronchus in Three Dimensional X-Ray CT Images with Applications to Virtualized Bronchoscopy System
=> Recognition of building group patterns in topographic maps based on graph partitioning and random forest
=> Recognition of Building Roof Facets by Merging Aerial Images and 3D Lidar Data in a Hierarchical Segmentation Framework
=> Recognition of Buildings from Aerial Images
=> Recognition of camera-captured low-quality characters using motion blur information
=> Recognition of Car License Plate by Using Dynamical Thresholding Method and Enhanced Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Car Makes and Models From a Single Traffic-Camera Image
=> Recognition of characters in cursive script
=> Recognition of Chinese artists via windowed and entropy balanced fusion in classification of their authored ink and wash paintings (IWPs)
=> Recognition of Chinese Business Cards
=> Recognition of Complex 3-D Objects from Range Data
=> Recognition of Complex Events: Exploiting Temporal Dynamics between Underlying Concepts
=> Recognition of Complex Gestures for Real-Time Emoji Assignment
=> Recognition of Complex Human Behaviors in Pool Environment Using Foreground Silhouette
=> Recognition of complex static hand gestures by using the wristband-based contour features
=> Recognition of Composite Human Activities through Context-Free Grammar Based Representation
=> Recognition of connected numeral strings using partial boundary features
=> Recognition of container code characters through gray-level feature extraction and gradient-based classifier optimization
=> Recognition of Convex Blobs
=> Recognition of courtesy amounts on bank checks based on a segmentation approach
=> Recognition of cursive Roman handwriting past, present and future
=> Recognition of cursive video text using a deep learning framework
=> Recognition of Cylindrical Objects Using Occluding Boundaries Obtained from Colour Based Segmentation
=> Recognition of degraded characters using dynamic Bayesian networks
=> Recognition of Degraded Handwritten Characters Using Local Features
=> Recognition of Deictic Gestures for Wearable Computing
=> Recognition of Deictic Gestures with Context
=> Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using genetic algorithms
=> Recognition of Digital Hyperplanes and Level Layers with Forbidden Points
=> Recognition of Digital Images of the Human Face at Ultra Low Resolution Via Illumination Spaces
=> Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces Is Decidable in Dimension 3
=> Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces
=> Recognition of Digits in Hydrographic Maps: Binary Versus Topographic Analysis
=> Recognition of Distorted Patterns by Invariance Kernels
=> Recognition of Distorted Patterns by Invariance Kernels
=> Recognition of distorted QR codes with one missing position detection pattern
=> Recognition Of Drainage Tunnels During Glacier Lake Outburst Events From Terrestrial Image Sequences
=> Recognition of driving postures by contourlet transform and random forests
=> Recognition of dynamic hand gestures
=> Recognition of Dynamic Video Contents With Global Probabilistic Models of Visual Motion
=> Recognition of echocardiograms by a dynamic programming matching method
=> Recognition of echocardiograms by a dynamic programming matching method
=> Recognition of electrical symbols in document images using morphology and geometric analysis
=> Recognition of emotions from video using acoustic and facial features
=> Recognition of Emotions in User-Generated Videos through Frame-Level Adaptation and Emotion Intensity Learning
=> Recognition of Emotions in User-Generated Videos With Kernelized Features
=> Recognition of English Multi-oriented Characters
=> Recognition of Essential Folding Operations: A Step for Interpreting Illustrated Books of Origami
=> Recognition of expression variant faces from one sample image per enrolled subject
=> Recognition of expression variant faces using weighted subspaces
=> Recognition of Fabric Defects Using Wavelet Texture Analysis and LVQ Neural Network, The
=> Recognition of face expressions using Local Principal Texture Pattern
=> Recognition of Facial Action Units with Action Unit Classifiers and an Association Network
=> Recognition of Facial Attributes Using Adaptive Sparse Representations of Random Patches
=> Recognition of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Conspicuous Net
=> Recognition of Facial Expressions by Cortical Multi-scale Line and Edge Coding
=> Recognition of Facial Expressions in the Presence of Occlusion
=> Recognition of Facial Expressions using Local Mean Binary Pattern
=> Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments
=> Recognition of Facial Expressions Using Muscle-Based Feature Models
=> Recognition of Facial Gestures Based on Support Vector Machines
=> Recognition of Facial Images with Low-Resolution Using a Hopfield Memory Model
=> Recognition of facsimile documents using a database of robust features
=> Recognition of Farsi handwriting strokes using profile HMM
=> Recognition of feature curves on 3D shapes using an algebraic approach to Hough transforms
=> Recognition of fish species by colour and shape
=> Recognition of folding process from origami drill books
=> Recognition of Food-texture Attributes Using an In-ear Microphone
=> Recognition of Form Documents Based on Three Types of Line Segments, The
=> Recognition of Fragmented Characters Using Multiple Feature-Subset Classifiers
=> Recognition of Free-Form Objects in Complex Scenes Using DGI-BS Models
=> Recognition of free-form objects in dense range data using local features
=> Recognition of Freely Selected Keypoints on Human Limbs
=> Recognition of Generic Components Using Logic-Program Relations of Image Contours
=> Recognition of Genuine Smiles
=> Recognition of Geons by Parametric Deformable Contour Models
=> Recognition of German Literal Amounts by Means of 1-Dimensional and Pseudo 2-Dimensional HMMS
=> Recognition of Gesture Sequences in Real-Time Flow, Context of Virtual Theater
=> Recognition of gestures in Arabic sign language using neuro-fuzzy systems
=> Recognition of gestures in the context of speech
=> Recognition of Group Activities in Videos Based on Single-and Two-Person Descriptors
=> Recognition of group activities using dynamic probabilistic networks
=> Recognition of Hand-Drawn Graphs Using Digital-Geometric Techniques
=> Recognition of hand-lettered characters in the GTX 5000 drawing processor
=> Recognition of hand-printed characters based on structural description and inductive logic programming
=> Recognition of hand-printed characters based on structural description and inductive logic programming
=> Recognition of Hand-Written Archive Text Documents
=> Recognition of Hand-Written Rotated Digits by Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Recognition of Handprinted Characters by an Outermost Point Method
=> Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters by Constrained Graph Matching
=> Recognition of handprinted chinese characters via stroke relaxation
=> Recognition of Handprinted Hebrew Characters Using Features Selected in the Hough Transform Space
=> Recognition of Handprinted Numerals in Visa(R) Card Application Forms
=> Recognition of handprinted Tamil characters
=> Recognition of Handwritten Arabic (Indian) Numerals Using Freeman's Chain Codes and Abductive Network Classifiers
=> Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Words with Dropout Applied in MDLSTM
=> Recognition of Handwritten Bengali Characters: A Novel Multistage approach
=> Recognition of Handwritten Characters in Chinese Legal Amounts by Stacked Autoencoders
=> Recognition of Handwritten Characters: A Review
=> Recognition of handwritten Chinese address with writing variations
=> Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Combining Regularization, Fisher's Discriminant and Distorted Sample Generation
=> Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by critical region analysis
=> Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by elastic matching
=> Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Modified Hough Transform Techniques
=> Recognition Of Handwritten Chinese Characters By Modified Relaxation Methods
=> Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by searching the multiway heterogeneous tree
=> Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters via Short Line Segments
=> Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Text by Segmentation: A Segment-Annotation-Free Approach
=> Recognition Of Handwritten Cursive Arabic Characters
=> recognition of handwritten digit strings of unknown length using hidden Markov models, The
=> Recognition of Handwritten Digits Based on Contour Information
=> Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Template and Model Matching
=> Recognition of handwritten foreign mail
=> Recognition of handwritten Lanna Dhamma characters using a set of optimally designed moment features
=> Recognition of handwritten layout drawings
=> Recognition of Handwritten Month Words on Bank Cheques
=> Recognition of Handwritten Musical Notes by a Modified Neocognitron
=> recognition of handwritten numeral strings using a two-stage HMM-based method, The
=> Recognition of Handwritten Numerals Using Gabor Features
=> Recognition of Handwritten Numerals with Multiple Feature and Multistage Classifier
=> Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Fields in a Large Single-Writer Historical Collection
=> Recognition of handwritten Persian/Arabic numerals by shadow coding and an edited probabilistic neural network
=> Recognition of Handwritten Phrases as Applied to Street Name Images
=> Recognition of handwritten sentences using a restricted lexicon
=> Recognition of Handwritten Symbols
=> Recognition of Handwritten Words: First and Second Order Hidden Markov Model Based Approach
=> Recognition of Handwritten Words: First and Second Order Hidden Markov Model Based Approach
=> Recognition of Head Gestures Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Recognition of heart sounds and murmurs for cardiac diagnosis
=> Recognition of High-level Group Activities Based on Activities of Individual Members
=> Recognition of Highway Workzones for Reliable Autonomous Driving
=> Recognition of historical Greek polytonic scripts using LSTM networks
=> Recognition of Household Objects by Service Robots Through Interactive and Autonomous Methods
=> Recognition of Human Actions from RGB-D Videos Using a Reject Option
=> Recognition of Human Actions using an Optimal Control Based Motor Model
=> Recognition of human actions using motion history information extracted from the compressed video
=> Recognition of human actions using texture descriptors
=> Recognition of Human Activities in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain
=> Recognition of Human Activities Using Space Dependent Switched Dynamical Models
=> Recognition of human activities using SVM multi-class classifier
=> Recognition of Human Activities
=> Recognition of human and animal movement using infrared video streams
=> Recognition of human behavior by space-time silhouette characterization
=> Recognition of Human Body Motion Using Phase Space Constraints
=> Recognition of Human Body Motion Using Phase Space Constraints
=> Recognition of human body posture from a cloud of 3d data points using wavelet transform coefficients
=> Recognition of Human Continuous Action with 3D CNN
=> Recognition of Human Faces: From Biological to Artificial Vision
=> Recognition of Human Facial Expressions without Feature Extraction
=> Recognition of Human Front Faces Using Knowledge-Based Feature-Extraction and Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm
=> Recognition of Human Gaits
=> Recognition of Human Gaits
=> Recognition of human gestures and behaviour based on motion trajectories
=> Recognition of Human Interaction Using Multiple Features in Grayscale Images
=> Recognition of Human Interaction Using Multiple Features in Grayscale Images
=> Recognition of human Iris for biometric identification using Daugman's method
=> Recognition of human locomotion on various transportations fusing smartphone sensors
=> Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal Templates, The
=> Recognition of human periodic motion: A frequency domain approach
=> Recognition of human periodic movements from unstructured information using a motion-based frequency domain approach
=> Recognition of Human Pose from Images Based on Graph Spectra
=> Recognition of Humans and Their Activities Using Video
=> Recognition of Humboldt's Handwriting in Complex Surroundings
=> Recognition of image patterns generated by a stochastic object-replacement model
=> Recognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur
=> Recognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur
=> Recognition of Indian multi-oriented and curved text
=> Recognition of Indoor Images Employing Qualitative Model Fitting and Supporting Relation Between Objects
=> Recognition of Infants' Gaze Behaviors and Emotions
=> Recognition of Integrated Circuit Images in Reverse Engineering
=> Recognition of Intersection Traffic Regulations from Crowdsourced Data
=> Recognition of Intersections in Corridors Environments
=> Recognition of ischaemia and infection in diabetic foot ulcer: A deep convolutional neural network based approach
=> Recognition of Isolated and Simply Connected Handwritten Numerals
=> Recognition of isolated complex mono-and bi-manual 3D hand gestures
=> Recognition of isolated handwritten Farsi/Arabic alphanumeric using fractal codes
=> Recognition of Isolated Handwritten Kannada Numerals Based on Image Fusion Method
=> Recognition of Isothetic Arc Using Number Theoretic Properties
=> Recognition of Japanese Sign Language from Image Sequence Using Color Combination
=> Recognition of JPEG compressed face images based on statistical methods
=> Recognition of JSL finger spelling using convolutional neural networks
=> Recognition of Kidney Glomerulus by Dynamic Programming Matching Method
=> recognition of landed aircrafts based on PCNN model and affine moment invariants, The
=> Recognition of Landslide Triggering Mechanisms and Dynamics Using GNSS, UAV Photogrammetry and In Situ Monitoring Data
=> Recognition of large-set printed Hangul (Korean script) by two-stage backpropagation neural classifier
=> Recognition of Layout-Free Characters on Complex Background
=> Recognition of License Plate Images: Issues and Perspectives
=> Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Language Recognition System
=> Recognition of Local Symmetries in Gray Value Images by Harmonic Functions
=> Recognition of Long-Term Behaviors by Parsing Sequences of Short-Term Actions with a Stochastic Regular Grammar
=> Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Using Multiple Still Images and Multiple Cameras
=> Recognition of Low-Resolution Logos in Vehicle Images Based on Statistical Random Sparse Distribution
=> Recognition of Lung Cancers on CT Using 3-D Object Models of Different Classes
=> Recognition of lung lobes and its application to the bronchial structure analysis
=> Recognition of lung nodules from x-ray ct images using 3d markov random field models
=> Recognition of Map Using the Geometric Relations Between Lines and the Structural Information of Objects, A
=> Recognition of Material Types Using Spectral Image
=> Recognition of Meaningful Human Actions for Video Annotation Using EEG Based User Responses
=> Recognition of Mental Workload Levels Under Complex Human-Machine Collaboration by Using Physiological Features and Adaptive Support Vector Machines
=> Recognition of merged characters based on forepart prediction, necessity-sufficiency matching, and character-adaptive masking
=> Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a set of invariant moments
=> Recognition of Motion from Temporal Texture
=> Recognition of Moving Light Displays Using Hidden Markov-Models
=> Recognition of Moving Object in High Dynamic Scene for Visual Prosthesis
=> Recognition of Multi-Agent Interaction in Video Surveillance
=> Recognition of Multi-Object Events Using Attribute Grammars
=> Recognition of Multi-oriented Touching Characters in Graphical Documents
=> Recognition of Multi-oriented, Multi-sized, and Curved Text
=> Recognition of Multiple Anxiety Levels Based on Electroencephalograph, The
=> Recognition of Multiple Characters in a Scene Image Using Arrangement of Local Features
=> Recognition of multiple configurations of objects with limited data
=> Recognition of multiple drivers' emotional state
=> Recognition of Multiple Food Items in A Single Photo for Use in A Buffet-Style Restaurant
=> Recognition of multiple objects based on global image consistency
=> Recognition of Musical Gestures in Known Pieces and in Improvisations
=> Recognition of Musical Symbols in Ancient Manuscripts
=> Recognition of Musically Similar Polyphonic Music
=> Recognition of non-negative patterns
=> Recognition of Non-pedestrian Human Forms Through Locally Weighted Descriptors
=> Recognition of Numeric Postal Codes from Multi-script Postal Address Blocks
=> Recognition of Object Classes from Range Data
=> Recognition of Object Classes from Range Data
=> Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: An Edge Combination Approach
=> Recognition of objects in various situations from two dimensional images
=> Recognition of Obstacles on Structured 3D Background
=> Recognition of Occluded Objects by a Genetic Algorithm
=> Recognition of occluded objects by reducing feature interactions
=> Recognition of Occluded Objects with Heuristic Search
=> Recognition of Occluded Objects
=> Recognition of occluded polyhedra from range images
=> Recognition of Occluded Shapes Using Relaxation
=> Recognition of Occluded Shapes Using Size Functions
=> Recognition of Occluded Targets Using Stochastic Models
=> Recognition of Occlusions in CT Images Using a Curve-Based Parameterization Method
=> Recognition of occupational therapy exercises and detection of compensation mistakes for Cerebral Palsy
=> Recognition of Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Words Using HMM Toolkit (HTK)
=> Recognition of Off-Line Cursive Handwriting
=> Recognition of off-line handwritten Arabic words using hidden Markov model approach
=> Recognition of Off-Line Handwritten Devnagari Characters Using Quadratic Classifier
=> Recognition of Off-Line Handwritten Korean Characters
=> Recognition of olfactory signals based on supervised fuzzy C-means and k-NN algorithms
=> Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Commutative Diagrams
=> Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions in the E-Chalk system: An extension
=> Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions using 2D stochastic context-free grammars and hidden Markov models
=> Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical formulas in the E-chalk system
=> Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Patterns Through Shape Metamorphosis
=> Recognition of ongoing complex activities by sequence prediction over a hierarchical label space
=> Recognition of Online Cursive Korean Characters Combining Statistical and Structural Methods
=> Recognition of Online Handwritten Math Symbols Using Deep Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
=> Recognition of online handwritten mathematical formulas using probabilistic SVMs and stochastic context free grammars
=> Recognition of Overlapping 2-D Objects by Local Feature Construction Method
=> Recognition of Paper-Based Conceptual Models Captured Under Uncontrolled Conditions
=> Recognition of Parameterized Objects from 3D Data: A Parallel Implementation
=> Recognition of Partial Circular Shapes from Segmented Contours
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded and Deformed Binary Objects
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded and Deformed Binary Objects
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded and/or Imprecisely Localized Faces using a Probabilistic Approach
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using B-Spline Representation
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Neural Network Based Indexing
=> Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Perfect Hashing: An Efficient and Robust Approach
=> Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
=> Recognition of partially occluded target objects
=> Recognition of partly occluded person actions in meeting scenarios
=> Recognition of Passports Using a Hybrid Intelligent System
=> Recognition of patterns in vector fields by Gaussian-hermite invariants
=> Recognition of Patterns of Health Problems and Falls in the Elderly Using Data Mining
=> Recognition of pear leaf disease under complex background based on DBPNet and modified mobilenetV2
=> Recognition of Pen-Based Music Notation: The HOMUS Dataset
=> Recognition of Persian handwritten digits using image profiles of multiple orientations
=> Recognition of perspectively distorted planar grids
=> Recognition of phonetic labels of the TIMIT speech corpus by means of an artificial neural network
=> Recognition of Plain Objects Using Local Region Matching
=> Recognition of Planar Object Classes
=> Recognition of planar objects in 3D space using a modified dynamic link architecture
=> Recognition of Planar Objects Using the Density of Affine Shape
=> Recognition of planar point configurations using the density of affine shape
=> Recognition of Planar Shapes from Perspective Images Using Contour-Based Invariants
=> Recognition Of Planar Shapes Under Affine Distortion
=> Recognition of Plane Projective Symmetry
=> Recognition of Plural Grouping Patterns in Trademarks for CBIR According to the Gestalt Psychology
=> Recognition of Pollen-Bearing Bees from Video Using Convolutional Neural Network
=> Recognition of Polyhedra by a Mechanical Theorem Proving Method
=> Recognition of polyhedral objects using triplets of projected spatial edges based on a single perspective image
=> Recognition of Polyhedrons with a Range Finder
=> Recognition of Polynomial Position and Orientation through the Finite Polynomial Discrete Radon Transform, The
=> Recognition of Pornographic Web Pages by Classifying Texts and Images
=> Recognition Of Postal Codes From Fingerspelling Video Sequence
=> Recognition of printed Amharic documents
=> Recognition of printed arabic text based on global features and decision tree learning techniques
=> Recognition of Printed Arabic Text Using Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters by Automatic Pattern Analysis
=> Recognition of printed Devanagari text using BLSTM Neural Network
=> Recognition of Printed Mathematical Expressions Using Two-Dimensional Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
=> Recognition of Printed Telugu Characters
=> Recognition of printed Urdu script
=> Recognition of Protruding Objects in Highly Structured Surroundings by Structural Inference
=> Recognition of quantized still face images
=> Recognition of Relatively Small Handwritten Characters or Size Matters
=> Recognition of Repetitive Movement Patterns: The Case of Football Analysis
=> Recognition of repetitive sequential human activity
=> Recognition of Road Markings from In-Vehicle Camera Images by a Generative Learning Method
=> Recognition of road type for unmanned vehicle based on texture and color features
=> Recognition of Roads and Bridges in SAR Images
=> Recognition of rotated characters by Eigen-space
=> Recognition of rotated characters by inexact matching
=> Recognition of Sago Palm Trees Based on Transfer Learning
=> Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text
=> Recognition of Sedimentary Rock Occurrences in Satellite and Aerial Images of Other Worlds: Insights from Mars
=> Recognition of selected fingerprints and iris features enhanced by curvelet transform with Artificial Neural Networks
=> Recognition of Semantic Basketball Events Based on Optical Flow Patterns
=> Recognition of Severe Convective Cloud Based on the Cloud Image Prediction Sequence from FY-4A
=> Recognition of shape-changing hand gestures based on switching linear model
=> Recognition of shapes by attributed skeletal graphs
=> Recognition of Shapes by Editing Shock Graphs
=> Recognition of shapes by editing their shock graphs
=> Recognition of shapes by statistical modeling of centroidal profile
=> Recognition of Sharp, Closely Spaced Edges, The
=> Recognition of Shiny Dielectric Objects by Analyzing the Polarization of Reflected Light
=> Recognition of Sign Language Motion Images
=> Recognition of signed expressions observed by Kinect Sensor
=> Recognition of similar objects using 2-D wavelet-fractal feature extraction
=> Recognition of Simple 3D Geometrical Objects under Partial Occlusion
=> Recognition of simple and complex interacting non-orthogonal features
=> Recognition of Simple Gestures Using a PIR Sensor Array
=> Recognition of simulated cyanosis by color-vision-normal and color-vision-deficient subjects
=> Recognition of Single 3D Curved Objects Using 2D Cross-Sectional Slice Shapes
=> Recognition of Single and Overlay of Objects on a Conveyor Belt
=> Recognition of social dancing from auditory and visual information
=> Recognition of social interactions based on feature selection from visual codebooks
=> Recognition of Spatial Point Patterns
=> Recognition of Strings Using Non-stationary Markovian Models: An Application to ZIP Code Recognition
=> Recognition of strong and weak connection models in continuous sign language
=> Recognition of Surface Reflectance Properties from a Single Image under Unknown Real-World Illumination
=> Recognition of symbols in grey level line-drawings from an adaptation of the radon transform
=> Recognition of Symmetry Structure by Use of Gestalt Algebra
=> Recognition of table of contents for electronic library consulting
=> Recognition of Temporal Structures: Learning Prior and Propagating Observation Augmented Densities via Hidden Markov States
=> Recognition of Texting-While-Walking by Joint Features Based on Arm and Head Poses
=> Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
=> Recognition of the blurred image by complex moment invariants
=> Recognition of the coronary blood vessels on angiograms using hierarchical model-based iconic search
=> Recognition of the finger vascular system using multi-wavelength imaging
=> Recognition of the gaze direction: Anchoring with the eyebrows
=> Recognition of the Human Fatigue Based on the ICAAM Algorithm
=> Recognition of the Multi Specularity Objects Using the Eigen-Window
=> Recognition of the Multi Specularity Objects Using the Eigen-Window
=> Recognition of the Point Symbols in the Scanned Topographic Maps, The
=> Recognition of the Spatial Position of Industrial 3D-Objects Using Relaxation Techniques
=> Recognition of the Typical Distress in Concrete Pavement Based on GPR and 1D-CNN
=> Recognition of Tomographic Images in the Diagnosis of Stroke
=> Recognition of Trademarks during Sport Television Broadcasts
=> Recognition of Traffic Lights in Live Video Streams on Mobile Devices
=> Recognition of traffic signs based on their colour and shape features extracted using human vision models
=> Recognition of Transitional Action for Short-Term Action Prediction using Discriminative Temporal CNN Feature
=> Recognition of Trip-Based Aggressive Driving: A System Integrated With Gaussian Mixture Model Structured of Factor-Analysis, and Hierarchical Clustering
=> Recognition of two dimensional objects based on a novel generalized Hough transform method
=> Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Strings by Composite Segmentation Method
=> Recognition of unconstrained handwritten numeral strings using decision value generator
=> Recognition Of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals by Doubly Self-Organizing Neural Network
=> Recognition of unconstrained legal amounts handwritten on Chinese bank checks
=> Recognition of Unconstrained On-line Devanagari Characters
=> Recognition of underwater transient patterns
=> Recognition of unideal iris images using region-based active contour model and game theory
=> Recognition of Unseen Bird Species by Learning from Field Guides
=> Recognition of Unseen Bird Species by Learning from Field Guides
=> Recognition of Unstained Live Drosophila Cells in Microscope Images
=> Recognition of Urban Functions and Mixed Use Based on Residents' Movement and Topic Generation Model: The Case of Wuhan, China
=> Recognition of Urdu ligatures - a holistic approach
=> Recognition of user-dependent and independent static hand gestures: Application to sign language
=> Recognition of Vehicle License Plate Using a Genetic Algorithm Based Segmentation, A
=> Recognition of Video Text through Temporal Integration
=> Recognition of visual-related non-driving activities using a dual-camera monitoring system
=> Recognition of Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing
=> Recognition of visual speech elements using adaptively boosted hidden Markov models
=> Recognition of volcanoes on Venus using correlation methods
=> Recognition of volcanoes on Venus using correlation methods
=> Recognition of walking humans in 3D: Initial results
=> Recognition of Water Colour Anomaly by Using Hue Angle and Sentinel 2 Image
=> Recognition of Wheat Spike from Field Based Phenotype Platform Using Multi-Sensor Fusion and Improved Maximum Entropy Segmentation Algorithms
=> Recognition of Words from Legal Amounts of Indian Bank Cheques
=> Recognition of writers by handwriting images
=> Recognition Robotics,Inc.
=> Recognition Strategies in Machine Vision Applications
=> Recognition Strategy Generation for Pose Estimation of Multiple 3-Dimensional Objects
=> Recognition Strategy Language, The
=> Recognition system for automatic diagnosis of knee ligaments
=> recognition system for handwritten Kannada and English characters, A
=> Recognition System for Home-Service-Related Sign Language Using Entropy-Based K -Means Algorithm and ABC-Based HMM
=> Recognition system for run-on handwritten characters
=> Recognition System Of Human Activities Based On Time-Frequency Features Of Accelerometer Data
=> Recognition system, particularly for recognising people
=> Recognition technique for character cube stacking robot
=> Recognition through constructing the Eigenface classifiers using conjugation indices
=> Recognition under transformation using ordering property of superpositions
=> Recognition Unit for Optical Character Reading System
=> Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
=> Recognition Using Labelled Objects
=> Recognition Using Motion and Shape
=> Recognition Using Multiband Filtered Energy Matrices
=> Recognition using Rapid Classification Tree
=> Recognition Using Region Correspondences
=> Recognition Using Region Correspondences
=> Recognition using regions
=> Recognition Using Specular Highlights
=> Recognition using visual phrases
=> Recognition via Consensus of Local Moments of Brightness and Orientation
=> Recognition with local features: the kernel recipe
=> Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features
=> Recognition without Correspondence using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms
=> Recognition without Correspondence using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms
=> Recognition, Pose and Tracking of Modelled Polyhedral Objects by Multi-Ocular Vision
=> Recognition, Resolution, and Complexity of Objects Subject to Affine Transformations
=> Recognition, Tracking, and Reconstruction of Human Motion
=> Recognition, Understanding and Aestheticization of Freehand Drawing Flowcharts
=> Recognitionwith raw canonical phonetic movement and handshape subunits on videos of continuous Sign Language
=> Recogniton of Character Strings from Color Urban Map Images on the Basis of Validation Mechanism
=> Recognizability assessment of facial images for automated teller machine applications
=> Recognizability Embedding Enhancement for Very Low-Resolution Face Recognition and Quality Estimation
=> Recognizability of iso-picture languages by Wang systems
=> Recognizability of Polyhexes by Tiling and Wang Systems
=> Recognizable-Image Selection for Fingerprint Recognition With a Mobile-Device Camera
=> Recognizable units in Pashto language for OCR
=> Recognize Actions by Disentangling Components of Dynamics
=> Recognize Color Face Images Using Complex Eigenfaces
=> Recognize complex events from static images by fusing deep channels
=> Recognize High Resolution Faces: From Macrocosm to Microcosm
=> Recognize Human Activities from Partially Observed Videos
=> Recognize Multi-people Interaction Activity by PCA-HMMs
=> Recognize objects with three kinds of information in landmarks
=> Recognize the Similarity Between Shapes Under Affine Transformation
=> Recognizing 2-tone images in grey-level parametric eigenspaces
=> Recognizing 2D Objects by a Multi-Resolution Approach
=> Recognizing 3-colorings cycle-patterns on graphs
=> Recognizing 3-D Objects by Using a Hopfield-Style Optimization Algorithm for Matching Patch Based Descriptions
=> Recognizing 3-D objects in needle maps
=> Recognizing 3-D Objects Using 2-D Images
=> Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions
=> Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions
=> Recognizing 3-D objects with linear support vector machines
=> Recognizing 3D Objects by Generating Random Actions
=> Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images: An Error Analysis
=> Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images: An Error Analysis
=> Recognizing 3D objects in cluttered scenes using projection images
=> Recognizing 3D Objects Using Photometric Invariant
=> Recognizing 3D Objects Using Photometric Invariant
=> Recognizing 3D Objects using Ray-Triangle Intersection Distances
=> Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants
=> Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants
=> Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants
=> Recognizing 3D Objects with 3D Information from Stereo Vision
=> Recognizing 50 human action categories of web videos
=> Recognizing 50 human action categories of web videos
=> Recognizing a facial image from a police sketch
=> Recognizing Abruptly Changing Facial Expressions from Time-Sequential Face Images
=> Recognizing action at a distance
=> Recognizing action events from multiple viewpoints
=> Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Actions Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
=> Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
=> Recognizing Actions across Cameras by Exploring the Correlated Subspace
=> Recognizing Actions by Shape-motion Prototype Trees
=> Recognizing Actions from Depth Cameras as Weakly Aligned Multi-part Bag-of-Poses
=> Recognizing actions from still images
=> Recognizing actions in images by fusing multiple body structure cues
=> Recognizing Actions in Videos from Unseen Viewpoints
=> Recognizing Actions Through Action-Specific Person Detection
=> Recognizing actions via sparse coding on structure projection
=> Recognizing activities in multiple views with fusion of frame judgments
=> Recognizing Activities of Daily Living from Egocentric Images
=> Recognizing Activities of Daily Living with a Wrist-Mounted Camera
=> Recognizing Activities via Bag of Words for Attribute Dynamics
=> Recognizing activities with cluster-trees of tracklets
=> Recognizing Activities with Multiple Cues
=> Recognizing Affect from Linguistic Information in 3D Continuous Space
=> Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot
=> Recognizing Algebraic Surfaces from Their Outlines
=> Recognizing Algebraic Surfaces from Their Outlines
=> Recognizing American Sign Language Gestures from Within Continuous Videos
=> Recognizing American Sign Language Nonmanual Signal Grammar Errors in Continuous Videos
=> Recognizing an Action Using Its Name: A Knowledge-Based Approach
=> Recognizing Ancient Coins Based on Local Features
=> Recognizing and Analyzing Private Car Commuters Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
=> Recognizing and Localizing Individual Activities through Graph Matching
=> Recognizing and Locating Polyhedral Objects from Sparse Range Data
=> Recognizing and Presenting the Storytelling Video Structure With Deep Multimodal Networks
=> Recognizing and tracking clasping and occluded hands
=> Recognizing and Tracking High-Level, Human-Meaningful Navigation Features of Occupancy Grid Maps
=> Recognizing and Tracking Human Action
=> Recognizing Animals Using Motion Parts
=> Recognizing apple leaf diseases using a novel parallel real-time processing framework based on MASK RCNN and transfer learning: An application for smart agriculture
=> Recognizing arbitrarily connected and superimposed handwritten numerals in intangible writing interfaces
=> Recognizing articulated objects in SAR images
=> Recognizing Articulated Objects Using a Region-Based Invariant Transform
=> Recognizing Articulated Objects Using Invariance
=> Recognizing articulated objects with information theoretic methods
=> Recognizing Assembly Tasks using Face-Contact Relations
=> Recognizing Bengali Word Images - A Zero-Shot Learning Perspective
=> Recognizing blurred, nonfrontal, illumination, and expression variant partially occluded faces
=> Recognizing body poses using multilinear analysis and semi-supervised learning
=> Recognizing Brain States Using Deep Sparse Recurrent Neural Network
=> Recognizing Building Group Patterns in Topographic Maps by Integrating Building Functional and Geometric Information
=> Recognizing Car Fluents from Video
=> Recognizing Cartoon Image Gestures for Retrieval and Interactive Cartoon Clip Synthesis
=> Recognizing Characters in Scene Images
=> Recognizing Characters with Severe Perspective Distortion Using Hash Tables and Perspective Invariants
=> Recognizing chinese characters through interactive activation and competition
=> Recognizing Chinese Texts with 3D Convolutional Neural Network
=> Recognizing Chromospheric Objects via Markov Chain Monte Carlo
=> Recognizing City Identity via Attribute Analysis of Geo-tagged Images
=> Recognizing Color Patterns Irrespective of Viewpoint and Illumination
=> Recognizing Complex Events in Videos by Learning Key Static-Dynamic Evidences
=> Recognizing Complex Events Using Large Margin Joint Low-Level Event Model
=> Recognizing Complex Events Using Large Margin Joint Low-Level Event Model
=> Recognizing complex instrumental activities of daily living using scene information and fuzzy logic
=> Recognizing Components of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Attributed Relational Graphs with Stable Features
=> Recognizing Compressed Videos: Challenges and Promises
=> Recognizing conic shape: a nonlinear iterative approach
=> Recognizing Context for Privacy Preserving of First Person Vision Image Sequences
=> Recognizing Continuous Grammatical Marker Facial Gestures in Sign Language Video
=> Recognizing Conversational Expressions Using Latent Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
=> Recognizing Conversational Interaction Based on 3D Human Pose
=> Recognizing Corners by Fitting Parametric Models
=> Recognizing cultural events in images: A study of image categorization models
=> Recognizing Daily Activities from First-Person Videos with Multi-task Clustering
=> Recognizing Daily Activities in Realistic Environments Through Depth-Based User Tracking and Hidden Conditional Random Fields for MCI/AD Support
=> Recognizing Dance Motions with Segmental SVD
=> Recognizing Degree of Continuous Facial Expression Change
=> Recognizing Distractions for Assistive Driving by Tracking Body Parts
=> Recognizing Emotions Based on Human Actions in Videos
=> Recognizing Emotions from Abstract Paintings Using Non-Linear Matrix Completion
=> Recognizing Emotions From an Ensemble of Features
=> Recognizing Emotions Induced by Affective Sounds through Heart Rate Variability
=> Recognizing emphysema: A neural network approach
=> Recognizing Eruptions of Mount Etna through Machine Learning using Multiperspective Infrared Images
=> Recognizing expression variant faces from a single sample image per class
=> Recognizing Expressions by Direct Estimation of the Parameters of a Pixel Morphable Model
=> Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
=> Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
=> Recognizing Expressions in a New Database Containing Played and Natural Expressions
=> Recognizing eyebrow and periodic head gestures using CRFs for non-manual grammatical marker detection in ASL
=> Recognizing Face or Object from a Single Image: Linear vs. Kernel Methods on 2D Patterns
=> Recognizing face profiles in the presence of hairs/glasses interferences
=> Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subjects: A perception-based study for facial distinctiveness
=> Recognizing faces by weakly orthogonalizing against perturbations
=> Recognizing Faces In 3D Images Even In Presence Of Occlusions
=> Recognizing faces like humans: A new approach to facial identification makes automated surveillance easier
=> Recognizing Faces of Moving People by Hierarchical Image-Set Matching
=> Recognizing faces using Adaptively Weighted Sub-Gabor Array from a single sample image per enrolled subject
=> Recognizing faces with expressions: Within-class space and between-class space
=> Recognizing faces with normalized local Gabor features and Spiking Neuron Patterns
=> Recognizing faces with PCA and ICA
=> Recognizing facial action units using independent component analysis and support vector machine
=> Recognizing Facial Actions by Combining Geometric Features and Regional Appearance Patterns
=> Recognizing facial actions using gabor wavelets with neutral face average difference
=> Recognizing Facial Expression Using Particle Filter Based Feature Points Tracker
=> Recognizing Facial Expression: Machine Learning and Application to Spontaneous Behavior
=> Recognizing facial expressions at low resolution
=> Recognizing facial expressions based on pyramid multi-head grid and spatial attention network
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions by Spatio-Temporal Analysis
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions by Tracking Feature Shapes
=> Recognizing facial expressions from 3D video: Current results and future prospects
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions in Image Sequences Using Local Parameterized Models of Image Motion
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions in Image Sequences Using Local Parameterized Models of Image Motion
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions in Videos Using a Facial Action Analysis-Synthesis Scheme
=> Recognizing Facial Expressions with PCA and ICA onto Dimension of the Emotion
=> Recognizing Fall Actions from Videos Using Reconstruction Error of Variational Autoencoder
=> Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW): The 4th Edition
=> Recognizing Families through Images with Pretrained Encoder
=> Recognizing Fine-Grained and Composite Activities Using Hand-Centric Features and Script Data
=> Recognizing Fine Facial Micro-Expressions Using Two-Dimensional Landmark Feature
=> Recognizing Fish Species Captured Live on Wild Sea Surface in Videos by Deep Metric Learning with a Temporal Constraint
=> Recognizing Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS With Dynamically Trained Latent Structured Models
=> Recognizing Freeform Digital Ink Annotations
=> Recognizing frontal face images using hidden markov models with one training image per person
=> Recognizing Functionality
=> Recognizing Future Hot Topics and Hard Problems In Biometrics Research
=> Recognizing Gaits Across Views Through Correlated Motion Co-Clustering
=> Recognizing Geons from Superquadrics Fitted to Range Data
=> Recognizing Gestures by Learning Local Motion Signatures of HOG Descriptors
=> Recognizing Gestures for Virtual and Real World Interaction
=> Recognizing Gestures from Videos using a Network with Two-branch Structure and Additional Motion Cues
=> Recognizing Groceries in situ Using in vitro Training Data
=> Recognizing Groups of Curves Based on New Affine Mutual Geometric Invariants, with Applications to Recognizing Intersecting Roads in Aerial Images
=> Recognizing hand-object interactions in wearable camera videos
=> Recognizing Hand-Printed Digits with a Distance Quasi-Metric
=> Recognizing Hand-Raising Gestures using HMM
=> Recognizing hand gesture using fourier descriptors
=> Recognizing hand gestures using dynamic Bayesian network
=> Recognizing Hand Gestures Using Motion Trajectories
=> Recognizing hand gestures using the weighted elastic graph matching (WEGM) method
=> Recognizing Hand Gestures
=> Recognizing handwritten Arabic words using grapheme segmentation and recurrent neural networks
=> Recognizing Handwritten Digits Using Hierarchical Products of Experts
=> Recognizing handwritten mathematical expressions via paired dual loss attention network and printed mathematical expressions
=> Recognizing Hierarchical Watersheds
=> Recognizing High-level Audio-visual Concepts Using Context
=> Recognizing human-human interaction activities using visual and textual information
=> Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Still Images by Modeling the Mutual Context of Objects and Human Poses
=> Recognizing Human-Object Interactions Using Sparse Subspace Clustering
=> Recognizing human-vehicle interactions from aerial video without training
=> Recognizing Human Action at a Distance in Video by Key Poses
=> Recognizing human action efforts: An adaptive three-mode PCA framework
=> Recognizing human action from a far field of view
=> Recognizing human action in time-sequential images using hidden Markov model
=> Recognizing Human Actions as the Evolution of Pose Estimation Maps
=> Recognizing human actions based on silhouette energy image and global motion description
=> Recognizing human actions based on Sparse Coding with Non-negative and Locality constraints
=> Recognizing human actions by attributes
=> Recognizing human actions by fusing spatio-temporal appearance and motion descriptors
=> Recognizing Human Actions by Learning and Matching Shape-Motion Prototype Trees
=> Recognizing Human Actions by Using Spatio-temporal Motion Descriptors
=> Recognizing human actions from still images with latent poses
=> Recognizing Human Actions in a Static Room
=> Recognizing human actions in still images: A study of bag-of-features and part-based representations
=> Recognizing Human Actions in Videos Acquired by Uncalibrated Moving Cameras
=> Recognizing human actions using curvature estimation and NWFE-based histogram vectors
=> Recognizing Human Actions Using Key Poses
=> Recognizing human actions using multiple features
=> Recognizing Human Actions Using Silhouette-based HMM
=> Recognizing human actions
=> Recognizing human actions: a local SVM approach
=> Recognizing human actions: a local SVM approach
=> Recognizing Human Activities from Silhouettes: Motion Subspace and Factorial Discriminative Graphical Model
=> Recognizing human activities
=> Recognizing human behavior using universal eigenspace
=> Recognizing Human Emotional State Based on the 2D-FrFT and FLDA
=> Recognizing Human Emotional State From Audiovisual Signals
=> Recognizing Human Emotional State From Audiovisual Signals*
=> Recognizing Human Facial Expressions from Long Image Sequences Using Optical-Flow
=> Recognizing Human Facial Expressions in a Potential Field
=> Recognizing Human Facial Expressions
=> Recognizing human group activities with localized causalities
=> Recognizing Human Iris by Modified Empirical Mode Decomposition
=> Recognizing Human Motion using Parameterized Models of Optical Flow
=> Recognizing human motions from surrounding viewpoints employing hierarchical eigenspaces
=> Recognizing human motions through mixture modeling of inertial data
=> Recognizing image style and activities in video using local features and naive Bayes
=> Recognizing Image Style
=> Recognizing Imprecisely Localized, Partially Occluded, and Expression Variant Faces from a Single Sample per Class
=> Recognizing in the depth: Selective 3D Spatial Pyramid Matching Kernel for object and scene categorization
=> Recognizing Individual Typing Patterns
=> Recognizing Indoor Scenes
=> Recognizing indoor scenes
=> Recognizing Induced Emotions of Movie Audiences from Multimodal Information
=> Recognizing Interaction Activities using Dynamic Bayesian Network
=> Recognizing interactions between human performers by Dominating Pose Doublet
=> Recognizing Interactions Between People from Video Sequences
=> Recognizing Interactive Group Activities Using Temporal Interaction Matrices and Their Riemannian Statistics
=> Recognizing irregular entities in biomedical text via deep neural networks
=> Recognizing jumbled images: The role of local and global information in image classification
=> Recognizing jump patterns with physics-based validation in human moving trajectory
=> Recognizing Large 3-D Objects through Next View Planning using an Uncalibrated Camera
=> Recognizing large isolated 3-D objects through next view planning using inner camera invariants
=> Recognizing Linear Building Patterns in Topographic Data by Using Two New Indices based on Delaunay Triangulation
=> Recognizing linked events: Searching the space of feasible explanations
=> Recognizing live fish species by hierarchical partial classification based on the exponential benefit
=> Recognizing locations with Google Glass: A case study
=> Recognizing Lower Face Action Units in Facial Expression
=> Recognizing machines with parametric and nonparametric learning methods using contextual information
=> Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows using domain-specific visual and textual cues
=> Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
=> Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
=> Recognizing Material of a Covered Object: A Case Study With Graffiti
=> Recognizing Material Properties from Images
=> Recognizing Materials from Virtual Examples
=> Recognizing Materials Using Perceptually Inspired Features
=> Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation
=> Recognizing mice, vegetables and hand printed characters based on implicit polynomials, invariants and Bayesian methods
=> Recognizing Micro-Actions and Reactions from Paired Egocentric Videos
=> Recognizing micro actions in videos by learning multi-layer local features
=> Recognizing Moving Objects From Orthographic Views
=> Recognizing Multiple Billboard Advertisements in Videos
=> Recognizing multiple human activities and tracking full-body pose in unconstrained environments
=> Recognizing Multiple Objects via Regression Incorporating the Co-occurrence of Categories
=> Recognizing multiple observations using adaptive graph based label propagation
=> Recognizing Multiple Overlapping Objects in Image: A Optimal Formulation
=> Recognizing Multiple Persons' Facial Expressions Using HMM Based on Automatic Extraction of Significant Frames from Image Sequences
=> Recognizing Multiple Text Sequences from an Image by Pure End-to-End Learning
=> Recognizing Natural Scene Characters by Convolutional Neural Network and Bimodal Image Enhancement
=> Recognizing Network Trip Patterns Using a Spatio-Temporal Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Algorithm
=> Recognizing Night Walkers Based on One Pseudoshape Representation of Gait
=> Recognizing Novel 3-D Objects Under New Illumination and Viewing Position Using a Small Number of Examples
=> Recognizing Object by Components with Human Prior Knowledge Enhances Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
=> Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning About 3-D Shape and Dynamic Physical Properties
=> Recognizing object manipulation activities using depth and visual cues
=> Recognizing Objects and Scenes in News Videos
=> Recognizing Objects by Matching Oriented Points
=> Recognizing objects by piecing together the Segmentation Puzzle
=> Recognizing Objects by Rules of Inference on Sequentially Thresholded Gray-Level Pictures
=> Recognizing Objects From Any View With Object and Viewer-Centered Representations
=> Recognizing Objects From Curvilinear Motion
=> Recognizing Objects in Adversarial Clutter: Breaking a Visual CAPTCHA
=> Recognizing Objects in Cluttered Images Using Subgraph Isomorphism
=> Recognizing Objects in Range Data Using Regional Point Descriptors
=> Recognizing Objects in Smart Homes Based on Human Interaction
=> Recognizing objects on cluttered backgrounds
=> Recognizing Objects on the Ground-Plane
=> Recognizing Objects Using Scale Space Local Invariants
=> Recognizing occluded faces by exploiting psychophysically inspired similarity maps
=> Recognizing Off-Line Cursive Handwriting
=> Recognizing offensive strategies from football videos
=> Recognizing offensive tactics in broadcast basketball videos via key player detection
=> Recognizing on-line handwritten alphanumeric characters through flexible structural matching
=> Recognizing On-Line Handwritten Chinese Character via FARG Matching
=> Recognizing One Million Celebrities in the Real World
=> Recognizing online handwritten Chinese characters using RNNs with new computing architectures
=> Recognizing Parameterized Objects Using 3D Edges
=> Recognizing Part Attributes With Insufficient Data
=> Recognizing partial facial action units based on 3D dynamic range data for facial expression recognition
=> Recognizing Partially Occluded Faces from a Single Sample Per Class Using String-Based Matching
=> Recognizing Patterns of Dynamic Behaviors Based on Multiple Relations in Soccer Robotics Domain
=> Recognizing Patterns: Are there Processes that Precede Feature Analysis?
=> Recognizing People's Faces: from Human to Machine Vision
=> Recognizing People and Their Activities in Surveillance Video: Technology State of Readiness and Roadmap
=> Recognizing people by face and body in Photo Collections
=> Recognizing People by Their Gait: The Shape of Motion
=> Recognizing People by Their Gait: The Shape of Motion
=> Recognizing People by Their Personal Aesthetics: A Statistical Multi-level Approach
=> Recognizing People in Blind Spots Based on Surrounding Behavior
=> Recognizing Perceived Emotions from Facial Expressions
=> Recognizing Personal Contexts from Egocentric Images
=> Recognizing Personal Locations From Egocentric Videos
=> Recognizing perspective scene text with context feature
=> Recognizing picture-taking environment from satellite images: A feasibility study
=> Recognizing planar curves using curvature-tuned smoothing
=> Recognizing Planar Objects Using Invariant Image Features
=> Recognizing Planar Symbols with Severe Perspective Deformation
=> Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
=> Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
=> Recognizing Planned, Multiperson Action
=> Recognizing Plant Species by Leaf Shapes: A Case Study of the Acer Family
=> Recognizing plants using stochastic L-systems
=> Recognizing Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields
=> Recognizing polyhedral objects from a single perspective view
=> Recognizing polyhedral objects from a single perspective view
=> Recognizing Predictive Substructures With Subgraph Information Bottleneck
=> Recognizing primitive interactions by exploring actor-object states
=> Recognizing Products: A Per-exemplar Multi-Label Image Classification Approach
=> Recognizing Profile Faces by Imagining Frontal View
=> Recognizing proxemics in personal photos
=> Recognizing realistic actions from videos in the wild
=> Recognizing RGB Images by Learning from RGB-D Data
=> Recognizing Rigid Patterns of Unlabeled Point Clouds by Complete and Continuous Isometry Invariants with no False Negatives and no False Positives
=> Recognizing Rotated Faces from Two Orthogonal Views in Mugshot Databases
=> Recognizing Rotationally Symmetric Surfaces from Their Outlines
=> Recognizing S-Star Polygons
=> Recognizing Scene Categories of Historical Postcards
=> Recognizing scene viewpoint using panoramic place representation
=> Recognizing semantic correlation in image-text Weibo via feature space mapping
=> Recognizing Shapes in Planar Binary Images
=> Recognizing Shapes in Video Sequences Using Multi-class Boosting
=> Recognizing Sign Language from Brain Imaging
=> Recognizing Similarity Through a Constrained Non-Rigid Transform
=> Recognizing Slanted Deck Scenes by Non-Manhattan Spatial Right Angle Projection
=> Recognizing Social Relationships in Long Videos via Multimodal Character Interaction
=> Recognizing Solid Objects by Alignment with an Image
=> Recognizing Song-Based Blink Patterns: Applications for Restricted and Universal Access
=> Recognizing sources of random strings
=> Recognizing specific texture patterns by integration of multiple texture methods
=> Recognizing Street Lighting Poles From Mobile LiDAR Data
=> Recognizing Stress Using Semantics and Modulation of Speech and Gestures
=> Recognizing surface qualities from natural images based on learning to rank
=> Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
=> Recognizing Surfaces using Three-Dimensional Textons
=> Recognizing tactic patterns in broadcast basketball video using player trajectory
=> Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections
=> Recognizing Temporal Trajectories Using the CONDENSATION Algorithm
=> Recognizing Text-Based Traffic Guide Panels with Cascaded Localization Network
=> Recognizing Text-Based Traffic Signs
=> Recognizing Text Elements for SVG Comic Compression and Its Novel Applications
=> Recognizing text in historical maps using maps from multiple time periods
=> Recognizing text in raster maps
=> Recognizing Text with a CNN
=> Recognizing Text with Perspective Distortion in Natural Scenes
=> Recognizing the Design Patterns of Complex Vaults: Drawing, Survey and Modeling. Experiments on Palazzo Mazzonis' Atrium in Turin
=> Recognizing the Emotions Evoked by Artworks Through Visual Features and Knowledge Graph-Embeddings
=> Recognizing Three-Dimensional Objects without the Use of Models
=> Recognizing Three Dimensional Objects by Comparing Two-Dimensional Images
=> Recognizing Tiny Faces
=> Recognizing unseen actions in a domain-adapted embedding space
=> Recognizing Upper Face Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
=> Recognizing User's Context from Wearable Sensors: Baseline System
=> Recognizing users feedback from non-verbal communicative acts in conversational recommender systems
=> Recognizing vehicle classification information from blade sensor signature
=> Recognizing vehicles in infrared images using IMAP parallel vision board
=> Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neural Networks
=> Recognizing Visual Categories with Symbol-Relational Grammars and Bayesian Networks
=> Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention From Head Pose in Natural Meetings
=> Recognizing Visual Signatures of Spontaneous Head Gestures
=> Recognizing Volumetric Objects in the Presence of Uncertainty
=> Recognizing Walking People
=> Recognizing Words from Gestures: Discovering Gesture Descriptors Associated with Spoken Utterances
=> Recognizing Zucchinis Intercropped with Sunflowers in UAV Visible Images Using an Improved Method Based on OCRNet
=> Recognizing, Fast and Slow: Complex Emotion Recognition With Facial Expression Detection and Remote Physiological Measurement
=> Recoloring Algorithms for Colorblind People: A Survey
=> Recoloring Image For Color Vision Deficiency By GANS
=> Recombinant adeno-associated virus targets passenger gene expression to cones in primate retina
=> Recombination of 2D and 3D Images for Multimodal 2D + 3D Face Recognition
=> Recombinator Networks: Learning Coarse-to-Fine Feature Aggregation
=> Recombining Vision Transformer Architecture for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
=> Recommendation Approach in Social Learning Based on K-Means Clustering, A
=> Recommendation based on Prominent Items
=> Recommendation for Ridesharing Groups Through Destination Prediction on Trajectory Data
=> Recommendation of Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Objects for the Promotion of Tourism
=> Recommendation of move method refactorings using coupling, cohesion and contextual similarity
=> Recommendation of Process Discovery Algorithms Through Event Log Classification
=> Recommendation System Regarding Meeting Places for Groups during Events, A
=> Recommendations for HCHO and SO2 Retrieval Settings from MAX-DOAS Observations under Different Meteorological Conditions
=> Recommendations for recognizing video events by concept vocabularies
=> Recommendations in location-based social networks: a survey
=> Recommendations Supporting Situation Awareness in Partially Automated Driver Assistance Systems
=> Recommended keypoint-aware tracker: Adaptive real-time visual tracking using consensus feature prior ranking
=> Recommender system algorithms: A comparative analysis based on monotonicity
=> Recommender System for Digital Storytelling: A Novel Approach to Enhance Cultural Heritage
=> Recommender System for Sport Videos Based on User Audiovisual Consumption
=> Recommender Systems Leveraging Multimedia Content
=> Recommending-and-Grabbing: A Crowdsourcing-Based Order Allocation Pattern for On-Demand Food Delivery
=> Recommending Multimedia Objects in Cultural Heritage Applications
=> Recommending Outfits from Personal Closet
=> Recommending Outfits from Personal Closet
=> Recompression effects in iris recognition
=> Recompression of JPEG Crypto-Compressed Images Without a Key
=> Recompression of JPEG images by requantization
=> Recomputation and Updating of MOLA Geolocation
=> Recomputation of the Dense Layers for Performance Improvement of DCNN
=> RECON: Scale-adaptive robust estimation via Residual Consensus
=> Reconcile Prediction Consistency for Balanced Object Detection
=> Reconciling Flagging Strategies for Multi-Sensor Satellite Soil Moisture Climate Data Records
=> Reconciling Hand-Crafted and Self-Supervised Deep Priors for Video Directional Rain Streaks Removal
=> Reconciling Image Captioning and User's Comments for Urban Tourism
=> Reconciling Landmarks and Level Sets
=> Reconciling Object-Level and Global-Level Objectives for Long-Tail Detection
=> Reconciling Object-Level and Global-Level Objectives for Long-Tail Detection
=> ReCoNet: Real-Time Coherent Video Style Transfer Network
=> ReCoNet: Recurrent Correction Network for Fast and Efficient Multi-modality Image Fusion
=> ReconfigISP: Reconfigurable Camera Image Processing Pipeline
=> reconfigurable and hierarchical parallel processing architecture: performance results for stereo vision, A
=> Reconfigurable apparatus and method for inspection during a manufacturing process
=> reconfigurable architecture for autonomous visual-navigation, A
=> Reconfigurable Architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform in Video Coding, A
=> Reconfigurable Architecture for Neural Approximation in Multimedia Computing
=> Reconfigurable architectures and processors for real-time video motion estimation
=> Reconfigurable computing for imaging systems
=> Reconfigurable computing systems
=> Reconfigurable computing: design methodology and hardware tasks scheduling for real-time image processing
=> Reconfigurable Convolution-in-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Architecture, A
=> Reconfigurable cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection in smart cities via smart video-surveillance
=> Reconfigurable data flow engine for HEVC motion estimation
=> Reconfigurable Embedded System for 1000 f/s Real-Time Vision, A
=> reconfigurable embedded vision system for advanced driver assistance, A
=> Reconfigurable FPGA Implementation of the AVC Quantiser and De-quantiser Blocks
=> Reconfigurable Hardware for Real Time Image Processing
=> Reconfigurable hardware implementation of a phase-correlation stereo algorithm
=> Reconfigurable hardware implementation of a phase-correlation stereo algorithm
=> Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multimedia Processor for IC-Stacking on Si-Interposer, A
=> Reconfigurable High Speed Architecture Design for Discrete Hilbert Transform, A
=> Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Radar Deception Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
=> Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Sparse DOA Estimation Method With Non-ULA
=> Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Target Three-Dimensional Localization with 2-D Radar
=> Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
=> Reconfigurable models for scene recognition
=> Reconfigurable omnidirectional camera array calibration with a linear moving object
=> Reconfigurable Pedestrian Detection System Using Deep Learning for Video Surveillance
=> Reconfigurable Peer-to-Peer network Image Retrieval
=> Reconfigurable Platform for Magnetic Resonance Data Acquisition and Processing, A
=> Reconfigurable Platform for MPEG-4 Encoder Based on SOPC, A
=> Reconfigurable processing for satellite on-board automatic cloud cover assessment
=> Reconfigurable Processor for Binary Image Processing
=> Reconfigurable Radiation Pattern Antenna with eight Switchable Beams in Azimuth Plane for WLAN Wireless System
=> Reconfigurable self-embedding with high quality restoration under extensive tampering
=> Reconfigurable Streaming Architectures for Embedded Smart Cameras
=> Reconfigurable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization, A
=> Reconfigurable templates for robust vehicle detection and classification
=> Reconfigurable Transmission Scheme for Lossy Image Transmission over Congested Wireless Sensor Networks, A
=> Reconfigurable video coding framework and decoder reconfiguration instantiation of AVS
=> Reconfigurable Video Coding Standard, The
=> Reconfigurable video coding: Objectives and technologies
=> reconfiguration system for video decoder, A
=> Reconfiguring the Imaging Pipeline for Computer Vision
=> ReconFormer: Accelerated MRI Reconstruction Using Recurrent Transformer
=> ReconFormer: Accelerated MRI Reconstruction Using Recurrent Transformer
=> Reconnaissance en-Ligne de Caractères Arabes Manuscrits par un Réseau de Kohonen
=> Reconnaissance with Slant Plane Circular SAR Imaging
=> Reconnecting Broken Ridges in Fingerprint Images
=> ReconNet: Non-Iterative Reconstruction of Images from Compressively Sensed Measurements
=> ReConPatch: Contrastive Patch Representation Learning for Industrial Anomaly Detection
=> Reconsidering CO2 emissions from Computer Vision
=> Reconsidering Representation Alignment for Multi-view Clustering
=> Reconsidering Tourism Destination Images by Exploring Similarities between Travelogue Texts and Photographs
=> Reconstruct and Represent Video Contents for Captioning via Reinforcement Learning
=> Reconstruct as Far as You Can: Consensus of Non-Rigid Reconstruction from Feasible Regions
=> Reconstruct Dynamic Soft-Tissue With Stereo Endoscope Based on a Single-Layer Network
=> Reconstruct from Top View: A 3D Lane Detection Approach based on Geometry Structure Prior
=> Reconstruct Locally, Localize Globally: A Model Free Method for Object Pose Estimation
=> Reconstruct street network from imprecise excavation data using fuzzy Hough transforms
=> Reconstruct, Rasterize and Backprop: Dense shape and pose estimation from a single image
=> Reconstructed 3-D Ocean Temperature Derived from Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Measurements for Mixed Layer Depth Analysis
=> Reconstructed Convolution Module Based Look-Up Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
=> Reconstructed Convolution Module Based Look-Up Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
=> Reconstructed Densenets for Image Super-Resolution
=> Reconstructed Global Daily Seamless SIF Product at 0.05 Degree Resolution Based on TROPOMI, MODIS and ERA5 Data, A
=> Reconstructed Graph Constrained Auto-Encoders for Multi-View Representation Learning
=> reconstructed residual error: A novel segmentation evaluation measure for reconstructed images in tomography, The
=> Reconstructed Wind Fields from Multi-Satellite Observations
=> Reconstructible Pairs Of Incomplete Polyhedral Line Drawings Under General Reconstruction Procedure
=> Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
=> Reconstructing 3-D Models with Algebraic Curved Surfaces from Three-View Drawings
=> Reconstructing 3-D Skin Surface Motion for the DIET Breast Cancer Screening System
=> Reconstructing 34 Years of Fire History in the Wet, Subtropical Vegetation of Hong Kong Using Landsat
=> Reconstructing 3D Buildings from LIDAR Using Level Set Methods
=> Reconstructing 3D City Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne Views
=> Reconstructing 3D Contour Models of General Scenes from RGB-D Sequences
=> Reconstructing 3D Face Model with Associated Expression Deformation from a Single Face Image via Constructing a Low-Dimensional Expression Deformation Manifold
=> Reconstructing 3D Facial Shape Using Spherical Harmonics
=> Reconstructing 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences Using Hierarchical Human Body Model Learning
=> Reconstructing 3D Human Pose by Watching Humans in the Mirror
=> Reconstructing 3D Human Pose from 2D Image Landmarks
=> Reconstructing 3D independent motions using non-accidentalness
=> Reconstructing 3D Lines from a Sequence of 2D Projections: Representation and Estimation
=> Reconstructing 3D Motion Trajectories of Particle Swarms by Global Correspondence Selection
=> Reconstructing 3D Motion Trajectories of Particle Swarms by Global Correspondence Selection
=> Reconstructing 3D Shapes From Multiple Sketches Using Direct Shape Optimization
=> Reconstructing 3D trajectories of independently moving objects using generic constraints
=> Reconstructing a 3-D Depth Map from One or More Images
=> Reconstructing a 3D Line from a Single Catadioptric Image
=> Reconstructing a 3D structure from serial histological sections
=> Reconstructing a Convex Polygon from Binary Perspective Projections
=> Reconstructing a dynamic surface from video sequences using graph cuts in 4d space-time
=> Reconstructing a fragmented face from a cryptographic identification protocol
=> Reconstructing a Matrix with a Given List of Coefficients and Prescribed Row and Column Sums Is NP-Hard
=> Reconstructing a Mesh from a Point Cloud by Using a Moving Parabolic Approximation
=> Reconstructing a textured CAD model of an urban environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
=> Reconstructing a Whole Face Image from a Partially Damaged or Occluded Image by Multiple Matching
=> Reconstructing Activity Location Sequences From Incomplete Check-In Data: A Semi-Markov Continuous-Time Bayesian Network Model
=> Reconstructing Aircraft Trajectories from Multi-Return Airborne Laser-Scanning Data
=> Reconstructing an Edge on a Polyhedron Using an Optimization Method
=> Reconstructing an image from its local descriptors
=> Reconstructing and analyzing periodic human motion from stationary monocular views
=> Reconstructing Animatable Categories from Videos
=> Reconstructing Arbitrarily Focused Images From Two Differently Focused Images Using Linear Filters
=> Reconstructing Archeological Vessels by Fusing Surface Markings and Border Anchor Points on Fragments
=> Reconstructing Articulated Rigged Models from RGB-D Videos
=> Reconstructing Binary Matrices with Neighborhood Constraints: An NP-hard Problem
=> Reconstructing Building Interiors from Images
=> Reconstructing Buildings with Discontinuities And Roof Overhangs From Oblique Aerial Imagery
=> Reconstructing camera projection matrices from multiple pairwise overlapping views
=> Reconstructing CCTV, Beijing
=> Reconstructing Cloud-Contaminated Multispectral Images With Contextualized Autoencoder Neural Networks
=> Reconstructing cloud-contaminated NDVI images with SAR-Optical fusion using spatio-temporal partitioning and multiple linear regression
=> Reconstructing Cloud Contaminated Pixels Using Spatiotemporal Covariance Functions and Multitemporal Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Reconstructing compact building models from point clouds using deep implicit fields
=> Reconstructing complex scenes for virtual reality
=> Reconstructing Complex Surfaces from Multiple Stereo Views
=> Reconstructing Convex Sets from Support Line Measurements
=> Reconstructing coronary arterial segments from three projection boundaries
=> Reconstructing Creative Lego Models
=> Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers and Integer Programming
=> Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus Images for Novel View Synthesis
=> Reconstructing Depth from Spatiotemporal Curves
=> Reconstructing diffusion kurtosis tensors from sparse noisy measurements
=> Reconstructing digital sets from X-rays
=> Reconstructing Digital Terrain Models from ArcticDEM and WorldView-2 Imagery in Livengood, Alaska
=> Reconstructing discontinuous surfaces from a given gradient field using partial integrability
=> Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency
=> Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences
=> Reconstructing Faces on a Polyhedron from Apparent Gradients of Edges
=> Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data
=> Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data. Part II: The Strong Interaction Regime
=> Reconstructing Flood Inundation Probability by Enhancing Near Real-Time Imagery With Real-Time Gauges and Tweets
=> Reconstructing force-dynamic models from video sequences
=> Reconstructing Free-Form Surfaces from Sparse Data
=> Reconstructing FT-IR spectroscopic imaging data with a sparse prior
=> Reconstructing Fukushima: A Case Study
=> Reconstructing Gas Flows Using Light-Path Approximation
=> Reconstructing Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Temperature Imagery Based on a Multiscale Feature Connected Convolutional Neural Network
=> Reconstructing Groundwater Storage Changes in the North China Plain Using a Numerical Model and GRACE Data
=> Reconstructing Groups of People with Hypergraph Relational Reasoning
=> Reconstructing Groups of People with Hypergraph Relational Reasoning
=> Reconstructing Hand-Object Interactions in the Wild
=> Reconstructing High-Precision Coral Reef Geomorphology from Active Remote Sensing Datasets: A Robust Spatial Variability Modified Ordinary Kriging Method
=> Reconstructing High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution (30 m and 8-Days) NDVI Time-Series Data for the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 2000-2020
=> Reconstructing High Quality Face-Surfaces using Model Based Stereo
=> Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
=> Reconstructing Human Body Mesh from Point Clouds by Adversarial Gp Network
=> Reconstructing Humpty Dumpty: Multi-feature Graph Autoencoder for Open Set Action Recognition
=> Reconstructing images from their most singular fractal manifold
=> Reconstructing Intensity Images from Binary Spatial Gradient Cameras
=> Reconstructing Interacting Hands with Interaction Prior from Monocular Images
=> Reconstructing Interacting Hands with Interaction Prior from Monocular Images
=> Reconstructing Interlaced High-Dynamic-Range Video Using Joint Learning
=> Reconstructing Large- and Mesoscale Dynamics in the Black Sea Region from Satellite Imagery and Altimetry Data: A Comparison of Two Methods
=> Reconstructing Line Drawings from Wings: the Polygonal Case
=> Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer Programming
=> Reconstructing magnetic resonance spectroscopic image using spatial domain prior
=> Reconstructing Mass-Conserved Water Surfaces Using Shape from Shading and Optical Flow
=> Reconstructing mirror symmetric scenes from a single view using 2-view stereo geometry
=> Reconstructing Model Based on Time-Space-Depth Partitioning for Global Ocean Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, A
=> Reconstructing Natural Visual Scenes From Spike Times
=> Reconstructing NBA Players
=> Reconstructing neuronal morphology from microscopy stacks using fast marching
=> Reconstructing non-stationary articulated objects in monocular video using silhouette information
=> Reconstructing occluded regions using fast weighted PCA
=> Reconstructing Occluded Surfaces Using Synthetic Apertures: Stereo, Focus and Robust Measures
=> Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocean Warming from Remote Sensing Perspectives
=> Reconstructing One Kilometre Resolution Daily Clear-Sky LST for China's Landmass Using the BME Method
=> Reconstructing Open Surfaces from Image Data
=> Reconstructing open surfaces from unorganized data points
=> Reconstructing Optical Flow Fields by Motion Inpainting
=> Reconstructing Orientation Field From Fingerprint Minutiae to Improve Minutiae-Matching Accuracy
=> Reconstructing PASCAL VOC
=> Reconstructing Plants in 3D from a Single Image Using Analysis-by-Synthesis
=> Reconstructing Polarisation Components from Unpolarised Images
=> Reconstructing Polyhedral Models of Architectural Scenes from Photographs
=> Reconstructing Power Lines from Images
=> Reconstructing Pruned Filters using Cheap Spatial Transformations
=> Reconstructing Randomly Masked Spectra Helps DNNs Identify Discriminant Wavenumbers
=> Reconstructing Reflective and Transparent Surfaces from Epipolar Plane Images
=> Reconstructing regular meshes from points: A parameterization-based approach
=> Reconstructing Relief Surfaces
=> Reconstructing Relief Surfaces
=> Reconstructing Road Network Graphs from both Aerial Lidar and Images
=> Reconstructing Rome
=> Reconstructing Satellite-Based Monthly Precipitation over Northeast China Using Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Reconstructing satellite images to quantify spatially explicit land surface change caused by fires and succession: A demonstration in the Yukon River Basin of interior Alaska
=> Reconstructing scene depth and appearance behind foreground occlusion using camera array
=> Reconstructing Seabed Topography from Side-Scan Sonar Images with Self-Constraint
=> Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
=> Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
=> Reconstructing Sessions from Data Discovery and Access Logs to Build a Semantic Knowledge Base for Improving Data Discovery
=> Reconstructing Shape and Appearance of Thin Film Objects with Hyper Spectral Sensor
=> Reconstructing Shape from Dictionaries of Shading Primitives
=> Reconstructing shape from shading images under point light source illumination
=> Reconstructing Shape from Shading with a Point Light Source at the Projection Center: Shape Reconstruction from an Endoscope Image
=> Reconstructing Shapes and Appearances of Thin Film Objects Using RGB Images
=> Reconstructing sharply folding surfaces: A convex formulation
=> Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguistic Priors
=> Reconstructing Snow-Free Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery: A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Approach
=> Reconstructing Snow Cover under Clouds and Cloud Shadows by Combining Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Images in a Mountainous Region
=> Reconstructing spatiotemporal trajectories from sparse data
=> Reconstructing specimens using DIC microscope images
=> Reconstructing Spectral Images from RGB-Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network
=> Reconstructing Speech From CNN Embeddings
=> Reconstructing static scene viewed through smoke using video
=> Reconstructing Storyline Graphs for Image Recommendation from Web Community Photos
=> Reconstructing Surfaces by Volumetric Regularization Using Radial Basis Functions
=> Reconstructing Surfaces for Sparse Point Clouds with On-Surface Priors
=> Reconstructing Surfaces Using Anisotropic Basis Functions
=> Reconstructing Teeth with Bite Information
=> Reconstructing Terrain Maps from Dense Range Data
=> Reconstructing Textured CAD Model or Urban Environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
=> Reconstructing the 3D Shape and Bone Mineral Density Distribution of the Proximal Femur From Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
=> Reconstructing the Activity Surface for Cardiac PET Imagery
=> Reconstructing the drawing process of reproductions from medieval images
=> Reconstructing the Geometry of Flowing Water
=> Reconstructing the Geometry of the Yushu Fault in the Tibetan Plateau Using TLS, GPR and Trenching
=> Reconstructing the Historic Landscape of Larochette, Luxembourg
=> Reconstructing The Landscape of The Past in The Agricultural Terraces Of the City of Avdat
=> Reconstructing the Noise Variance Manifold for Image Denoising
=> Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulation Contrast Images
=> Reconstructing the Roman Site Aquis Querquennis (Bande, Spain) from GPR, T-LiDAR and IRT Data Fusion
=> Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Development of Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan Using Landsat Time Series
=> Reconstructing the Surface of Inhomogeneous Transparent Scenes by Scatter-Trace Photography
=> Reconstructing the Third Dimension: Interactions Between Color, Texture, Motion, Binocular Disparity, and Shape
=> Reconstructing the Three-Dimensional Structure of Loop Current Rings from Satellite Altimetry and In Situ Data Using the Gravest Empirical Modes Method
=> Reconstructing the World's Museums
=> Reconstructing the World's Museums
=> Reconstructing the world* in six days
=> Reconstructing Thin Structures of Manifold Surfaces by Integrating Spatial Curves
=> Reconstructing three-dimensional models of objects using a Kinect sensor
=> Reconstructing Three-dimensional Specific Curve Building Models From A Single Perspective View Image
=> Reconstructing Three Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Brazilian Biomes with Landsat Archive and Earth Engine
=> Reconstructing Time-Dependent Dynamics
=> Reconstructing Training Data from Diverse ML Models by Ensemble Inversion
=> Reconstructing Transient Images from Single-Photon Sensors
=> Reconstructing Turbidity in a Glacially Influenced Lake Using the Landsat TM and ETM+ Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record Archive, Lake Clark, Alaska
=> Reconstructing Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
=> Reconstructing urban 3D model using vehicle-borne laser range scanners
=> Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar: A Case Study in Computational Sustainability
=> Reconstructing Videos From Multiple Compressed Copies
=> Reconstructing with moments
=> Reconstruction-Aware Imaging System Ranking by Use of a Sparsity-Driven Numerical Observer Enabled by Variational Bayesian Inference
=> Reconstruction-Based Disentanglement for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
=> Reconstruction-Based Pairwise Depth Dataset for Depth Image Enhancement Using CNN
=> Reconstruction-Based Recognition of Scenes with Translationally Repeated Quadrics
=> Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
=> Reconstruction-Based Visual-Acoustic-Semantic Embedding Method for Speech-Image Retrieval, A
=> Reconstruction-Classification Method for Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
=> Reconstruction-Free Action Inference from Compressive Imagers
=> Reconstruction-free inference on compressive measurements
=> Reconstruction-free matching for fingerprint sweep sensors
=> Reconstruction-Free Parallel Planes Identification from Uncalibrated Images
=> Reconstruction-Free Projection Selection Procedure for Binary Tomography Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
=> Reconstruction-Optimized Lapped Orthogonal-Transforms for Robust Image Transmission
=> Reconstruction algorithm for fluorescence molecular tomography using sorted L-one penalized estimation
=> Reconstruction Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging Based on the Nonuniform FFT, A
=> Reconstruction algorithm for polychromatic CT imaging: Application to beam hardening correction
=> Reconstruction Algorithms for Photoacoustic Tomography in Heterogeneous Damping Media
=> Reconstruction and Accurate Alignment of Feature Maps for Augmented Reality
=> Reconstruction and analysis of multi-pose face images based on nonlinear dimensionality reduction
=> Reconstruction and Analysis of the 3D Aquifer Model Based on the Well Logs
=> Reconstruction and Boundary Detection of Range and Intensity Images Using Multiscale MRF Representations
=> Reconstruction and Characterisation of Past and the Most Recent Slope Failure Events at the 2021 Rock-Ice Avalanche Site in Chamoli, Indian Himalaya
=> Reconstruction and Efficient Visualization of Heterogeneous 3D City Models
=> Reconstruction and Enumeration of hv-Convex Polyominoes with Given Horizontal Projection
=> Reconstruction and Finite Element Mesh Generation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms From Computerized Tomography Angiography Data With Minimal User Interactions
=> Reconstruction and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion
=> Reconstruction and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion
=> Reconstruction and Nowcasting of Rainfall Field by Oblique Earth-Space Links Network: Preliminary Results from Numerical Simulation
=> Reconstruction and Purpose: Response
=> Reconstruction and Purpose: Response
=> Reconstruction and quantification of the carotid artery bifurcation from 3-D ultrasound images
=> Reconstruction and recognition of boundary representations from range images in SOMBRERO
=> Reconstruction and Recognition of Tensor-Based Objects With Concurrent Subspaces Analysis
=> Reconstruction and segmentation of underwater acoustic images combining confidence information in MRF models
=> Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
=> Reconstruction and Super-Resolution of Dilute Aperture Imagery
=> Reconstruction And Visualization Of Original Landscape Based On Reverse Mapping
=> Reconstruction Based Finger-Knuckle-Print Verification With Score Level Adaptive Binary Fusion
=> Reconstruction Based Recognition of Scenes with Multiple Repeated Components
=> Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection
=> Reconstruction by Low Cost Software Based on Photogrammetry as a Reverse Engineering Process
=> Reconstruction by zooming from implicit calibration
=> Reconstruction combined training for convolutional neural networks on character recognition
=> Reconstruction comparison and a composite segmentation method for electron tomography
=> Reconstruction Error in Transform Subband Coding
=> Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding: A Context-Adaptive Markov Random Field Approach
=> Reconstruction for Spatially Distributed Single-Pixel Imaging Based on Pattern Filtering
=> Reconstruction for stochastic 3-D signals with symmetric statistics in noise: Electron microscopy of virus particles
=> Reconstruction Formula for Photoacoustic Tomography with Cylindrical Detectors
=> Reconstruction from Affine Cameras Using Closure Constraints
=> Reconstruction From Antenna-Transformed Radar Data Using a Time-Domain Reconstruction Method
=> Reconstruction From Aperture-Filtered Samples With Application to Scatterometer Image Reconstruction
=> Reconstruction from Calibrated Cameras: A New Proof of the Kruppa-Demazure Theorem
=> Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths
=> Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths
=> Reconstruction From Limited-Angle Projections Based on delta-u Spectrum Analysis
=> Reconstruction From Multiple Particles for 3D Isotropic Resolution in Fluorescence Microscopy
=> Reconstruction From Multispectral to Hyperspectral Image Using Spectral Library-Based Dictionary Learning
=> Reconstruction from Planar Motion Image Sequences with Applications for Autonomous Vehicles
=> Reconstruction from Plane Mirror Reflection
=> Reconstruction from Projections Using Grassmann Tensors
=> Reconstruction from Projections Using Grassmann Tensors
=> Reconstruction from Six-Point Sequences
=> Reconstruction from Six-Point Sequences
=> Reconstruction from the multi-component AM-FM image representation
=> Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Affine Silhouettes
=> Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Sequences with a Hierarchy of Trifocal Tensors
=> Reconstruction From Uniformly Attenuated SPECT Projection Data Using the DBH Method
=> Reconstruction Guided Meta-Learning for Few Shot Open Set Recognition
=> Reconstruction in diffraction ultrasound tomography using nonuniform FFT
=> Reconstruction in the Round Using Photometric Normals and Silhouettes
=> Reconstruction Method for Broken Contour Lines Based on Similar Contours, A
=> Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effects in Transillumination Laser CT
=> Reconstruction Method for Gappy and Noisy Arterial Flow Data, A
=> Reconstruction Method of Missing Texture Using Error Reduction Algorithm
=> Reconstruction method with data from a multiple-site continuous-wave source for three-dimensional optical tomography
=> Reconstruction Network for Video Captioning
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Curves from 2-D Images Using Affine Shape Methods for Curves
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Density Functions from Few Projections: Structural Assumptions for Graceful Degradation
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Horizons From 3-D Seismic Datasets
=> Reconstruction of 3-D shape and texture by active rangefinding
=> Reconstruction of 3-D Symmetric Curves from Perspective Images without Discrete Features
=> Reconstruction of 30m DEM from 90m Srtm DEM with Bicubic Polynomial Interpolation Method
=> Reconstruction of 3D Accident Scene From Multirotor UAV Platform
=> Reconstruction of 3D building models from aerial images and maps
=> Reconstruction of 3D Cardiac MR Images from 2D Slices Using Directional Total Variation
=> Reconstruction of 3D Curves for Quality Control
=> Reconstruction of 3D dynamic expressions from single facial image
=> Reconstruction of 3D Face from a Single 2D Image for Face Recognition
=> Reconstruction of 3D Face Model from Single Shading Image Based on Anatomical Database
=> Reconstruction of 3D Figure Motion from 2D Correspondences
=> Reconstruction of 3D Human Body Pose for Gait Recognition
=> Reconstruction of 3D human body pose from stereo image sequences based on top-down learning
=> Reconstruction of 3D human motion in real-time using particle swarm optimization with GPU-accelerated fitness function
=> Reconstruction of 3D Information of Buildings from Single-View Images Based on Shadow Information
=> Reconstruction of 3D Interaction Models from Images using Shape Prior
=> Reconstruction of 3D lines from a single axial catadioptric image using cross-ratio
=> Reconstruction of 3D Models Consisting of Line Segments
=> Reconstruction of 3D Models from Specular Motion Using Circular Lights
=> Reconstruction of 3D Object Meshes from Silhouette Images
=> Reconstruction of 3D Objects by Integration of Multiple Range Data
=> Reconstruction of 3D Objects of Assets and Facilities by Using Benchmark Points
=> Reconstruction of 3D Shapes Considering Inconsistent 2D Silhouettes
=> Reconstruction of 3D Surface and Restoration of Flat Document Image from Monocular Image Sequence
=> Reconstruction of 3D tooth images
=> Reconstruction of 3D Trajectories for Performance Analysis in Table Tennis
=> Reconstruction of 3D Vector Models of Buildings by Combination of ALS, TLS and VLS Data
=> Reconstruction of 3D Vertebrae and Spinal Cord Models from CT and STIR-MRI Images
=> Reconstruction of 4-D Dynamic SPECT Images From Inconsistent Projections Using a Spline Initialized FADS Algorithm (SIFADS)
=> Reconstruction of 7T-Like Images From 3T MRI
=> Reconstruction of a Complex Mirror Surface from a Single Image
=> Reconstruction of a digital circle
=> Reconstruction of a high-resolution image by simultaneous registration, restoration, and interpolation of low-resolution images
=> Reconstruction of a High Dynamic Range and High Resolution Image from a Multisampled Image Sequence
=> Reconstruction of a high resolution image from registration and restoration of low resolution images
=> Reconstruction of a Monthly 1 km NDVI Time Series Product in China Using Random Forest Methodology
=> Reconstruction of a Scene with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
=> Reconstruction of a Scene with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
=> Reconstruction of a Segment of the UNESCO World Heritage Hadrian's Villa Tunnel Network by Integrated GPR, Magnetic-Paleomagnetic, and Electric Resistivity Prospections
=> Reconstruction of a Signal from the Real Part of Its Discrete Fourier Transform
=> Reconstruction of All-Weather Daytime and Nighttime MODIS Aqua-Terra Land Surface Temperature Products Using an XGBoost Approach
=> Reconstruction of Annual Glacier Mass Balance from Remote Sensing-Derived Average Glacier-Wide Albedo
=> Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from a Moving Camera
=> Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from Point Correspondences in a Single Uncalibrated Image
=> Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from Point Correspondences in a Single Uncalibrated Image
=> Reconstruction of As-is Semantic 3D Models of Unorganised Storehouses
=> Reconstruction of attenuation map using discrete consistency conditions
=> Reconstruction of Baseline JPEG Coded Images in Error Prone Environments
=> Reconstruction of Bicolored Images
=> Reconstruction of Binary Images with Few Disjoint Components from Two Projections
=> Reconstruction of Binary Images with Fixed Number of Strips
=> Reconstruction of Binary Shapes From Blurred Images via Hankel-Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
=> Reconstruction of Blood Vessel Networks From X-Ray Projections and a Vascular Catalogue
=> Reconstruction of broken handwritten digits based on structural morphological features
=> Reconstruction of Building Models with Curvilinear Boundaries from Laser Scanner and Aerial Imagery
=> Reconstruction Of Building Outlines in Dense Urban Areas Based on LIDAR Data and Address Points
=> Reconstruction of Buildings from Interferometric SAR Data of Built-Up Areas
=> Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple High Resolution Images
=> Reconstruction of Canal Surfaces from Single Images Under Exact Perspective
=> Reconstruction of Canonical hv-Convex Discrete Sets from Horizontal and Vertical Projections
=> Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Dynamic SPECT Images
=> Reconstruction of CASSI-Raman Images with Machine-Learning
=> Reconstruction of Cloud-free Sentinel-2 Image Time-series Using an Extended Spatiotemporal Image Fusion Approach
=> Reconstruction of Coherent Pairs of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Acquired in Interrupted Mode
=> Reconstruction of Commercial Ways and Silk Road in Nuratau Area
=> Reconstruction of compact binary images from limited Fourier amplitude data
=> Reconstruction of complex environments by robust pre-aligned ICP
=> Reconstruction of Complex Roof Semantic Structures from 3D Point Clouds Using Local Convexity and Consistency
=> Reconstruction of Complex Shape Buildings from Lidar Data Using Free Form Surfaces
=> Reconstruction of Compressed-Sensed Multiview Video With Disparity- and Motion-Compensated Total Variation Minimization
=> Reconstruction of Compressed Hyperspectral Image Using SqueezeNet Coupled Dense Attentional Net
=> Reconstruction of compressively sampled light fields using a weighted 4D-DCT basis
=> Reconstruction of compressively sampled texture images in the graph-based transform domain
=> Reconstruction of compressively sampled ultrasound images using dual prior information
=> Reconstruction of compressively sensed ultrasound RF echoes by exploiting non-Gaussianity and temporal structure
=> Reconstruction of Concealed Objects in a Corrugated Wall With a Smoothly Varying Roughness Using the Linear Sampling Method
=> Reconstruction of Concurrent Lines from Leaning Points
=> Reconstruction of conductivity distribution with a compound variational strategy in electrical impedance tomography
=> Reconstruction of Connected Digital Lines Based on Constrained Regularization
=> Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Cloud Data Using A Priori CAD Models
=> Reconstruction of Consistent Shape from Inconsistent Data: Optimization of 2.5D Sketches
=> Reconstruction of Consistent Shape from Inconsistent Data: Optimization of 2.5D Sketches
=> Reconstruction of Continuous High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Data Using Time-Aware Implicit Neural Representation
=> Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries From a Single Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence
=> Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries from One Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence
=> Reconstruction of Curves in R3, using Factorization and Bundle Adjustment
=> Reconstruction of Daily 30 m Data from HJ CCD, GF-1 WFV, Landsat, and MODIS Data for Crop Monitoring
=> Reconstruction of Daily MODIS/Aqua Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Turbid Estuarine Waters Based on Attention U-NET
=> Reconstruction of Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Radial Basis Function Networks
=> Reconstruction of degraded image sequences. Application to film restoration
=> Reconstruction of degraded images using genetic algoritm for archive film restoration
=> Reconstruction of DEMs From ERS-1/2 Tandem Data in Mountainous Area Facilitated by SRTM Data
=> Reconstruction of depth and normals from interreflections
=> Reconstruction of Detailed Left Ventricle Motion from tMRI Using Deformable Models
=> Reconstruction of display and eyes from a single image
=> Reconstruction of Domains with Algebraic Boundaries from Generalized Polarization Tensors
=> Reconstruction of dynamic 3-D structures of biological objects using stereo microscopy
=> Reconstruction of Dynamic 3D Structure of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscope Images, The
=> Reconstruction of Dysphonic Speech by MELP
=> Reconstruction of Emission Tomography Data Using Origin Ensembles
=> Reconstruction of Euclidean planes from voxels
=> Reconstruction of Face Texture Based on the Fusion of Texture Patches
=> Reconstruction of Facial Shape from Freehand Multi-viewpoint Snapshots
=> Reconstruction of Fan-Beam Data by Filtering the Back-Projection, The
=> Reconstruction of Façade Structures Using a Formal Grammar and RjMCMC
=> Reconstruction of Fine-Scale Auroral Dynamics
=> Reconstruction of Fingerprints from Minutiae Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
=> Reconstruction of flame temperature field with optical sectioning method
=> Reconstruction of Forest and Grassland Cover for the Conterminous United States from 1000 AD to 2000 AD
=> Reconstruction of fragmented trajectories of collective motion using Hadamard deep autoencoders
=> Reconstruction of frescoes by sequential layers of feature extraction
=> Reconstruction of gene network through Backward Elimination based Information-Theoretic Inference with Maximal Information Coefficient
=> Reconstruction of General Curves, Using Factorization and Bundle Adjustment
=> Reconstruction of Geometric and Optical Parameters of Non-Planar Objects with Thin Film
=> Reconstruction of GF-1 Soil Moisture Observation Based on Satellite and In Situ Sensor Collaboration Under Full Cloud Contamination
=> Reconstruction of Global Long-Term Gap-Free Daily Surface Soil Moisture from 2002 to 2020 Based on a Pixel-Wise Machine Learning Method
=> Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using a Split Bregman Optimization Approach
=> Reconstruction of HARDI using compressed sensing and its application to contrast HARDI
=> Reconstruction of Heart Motion from 4D Echocardiographic Images
=> Reconstruction of High-Contrast Proppant in Hydraulic Fractures With Galvanic Measurements
=> Reconstruction of High-Resolution 3D GPR Data from 2D Profiles: A Multiple-Point Statistical Approach
=> Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Using Recursive Error Back-Projection
=> Reconstruction of High-Resolution Sea Surface Salinity over 2003-2020 in the South China Sea Using the Machine Learning Algorithm LightGBM Model
=> Reconstruction of High-Temporal- and High-Spatial-Resolution Reflectance Datasets Using Difference Construction and Bayesian Unmixing
=> Reconstruction of high contrast images for dynamic scenes
=> Reconstruction of High Dynamic Range images with poisson noise modeling and integrated denoising
=> Reconstruction of High Resolution 3D Visual Information Using Sub-pixel Camera Displacements
=> Reconstruction of highly structured image by entropy optimization
=> Reconstruction of Historical Geodetic Systems for Their Implementation In Reprojection Algorithms
=> Reconstruction of Historical Land Use and Urban Flood Simulation in Xi'an, Shannxi, China
=> Reconstruction of HOT Curves from Image Sequences
=> Reconstruction of HOT Curves from Image Sequences
=> Reconstruction of Hourly FY-4A AGRI Land Surface Temperature under Cloud-Covered Conditions Using a Hybrid Method Combining Spatial and Temporal Information
=> Reconstruction of Human-Induced Forest Loss in China during 1900-2000
=> Reconstruction of hv-Convex Sets by Their Coordinate X-Ray Functions
=> Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Imagery From Random Projections Using Multihypothesis Prediction
=> Reconstruction of images taken by a pair of non-regular sampling sensors using correlation based matching
=> Reconstruction of Indoor Models Using Point Clouds Generated from Single-Lens Reflex Cameras and Depth Images
=> Reconstruction of Indoor Navigation Elements for Point Cloud of Buildings with Occlusions and Openings by Wall Segment Restoration from Indoor Context Labeling
=> Reconstruction of Inextensible Surfaces on a Budget via Bootstrapping
=> Reconstruction of Interior Walls from Point Cloud Data with Min-Hashed J-Linkage
=> Reconstruction of intermediate views from stereoscopic images using a rational filter
=> Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images Using Disparity Vectors Estimated by the Geometrical Constraint
=> Reconstruction of Ionospheric Perturbation Induced by 2004 Sumatra Tsunami Using a Computerized Tomography Technique
=> Reconstruction of irregularly-sampled images by regularization in spline spaces
=> Reconstruction of Irregularly-Sampled Volumetric Data in Efficient Box Spline Spaces
=> Reconstruction of Kikuchi patterns by intensity-enhanced Radon transformation
=> Reconstruction of Lambertian surfaces by discrete equal height contours and regions propagation
=> Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperature Derived from FY-4A AGRI Data Based on Two-Point Machine Learning Method
=> Reconstruction of Large, Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Images. A Tensor-Based Approach
=> Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from a Single Image Using the Vanishing Points
=> Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from Single Images with a Camera of Unknown Focal Length
=> Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from Single Images with a Camera of Unknown Focal Length
=> Reconstruction of lines and planes of urban buildings with angle regularization
=> Reconstruction of Local Features for Facial Video Compression
=> Reconstruction of LoD-2 Building Models Guided by Facade Structures from Oblique Photogrammetric Point Cloud
=> Reconstruction of Lost Architectural Volumes By Integration Of Photogrammetry from Archive Imagery With 3-d Models of the Status Quo
=> Reconstruction of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes: Context of Ancient Objects in Time and Space
=> Reconstruction of lost depth data in multiview video-plus-depth communications using geometric transforms
=> Reconstruction of low-rank jointly sparse signals from multiple measurement vectors
=> Reconstruction of Low-Resolution Images Using Adaptive Bimodal Priors
=> Reconstruction of Macromolecular Envelopes from Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Amplitudes
=> Reconstruction of Medical Images by Perspective Shape-from-Shading
=> Reconstruction of medical images under different image acquisition angles
=> Reconstruction of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products Based on Multi-Temporal Information
=> Reconstruction of MODIS Spectral Reflectance under Cloudy-Sky Condition
=> Reconstruction of Monthly Surface Nutrient Concentrations in the Yellow and Bohai Seas from 2003-2019 Using Machine Learning
=> Reconstruction of motion vector missing macroblocks in H.263 encoded video transmission over lossy networks
=> Reconstruction of MR images from data acquired on a general nonregular grid by pseudoinverse calculation
=> Reconstruction of Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery by Coupling Variational Segmentation and Radiometric Analysis
=> Reconstruction of multiple overlapping surfaces via standard regularization techniques
=> Reconstruction of Near-Surface Air Temperature over the Greenland Ice Sheet Based on MODIS Data and Machine Learning Approaches
=> Reconstruction of Nearly Convex Colored Images
=> Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrained Genetic Algorithm
=> Reconstruction of Nineteenth-Century Channel Patterns of Polish Carpathians Rivers from the Galicia and Bucovin a Map (1861-1864)
=> Reconstruction of non-Lambertian surfaces by fusion of Shape from Shading and active range scanning
=> Reconstruction of non-rigid 3D shapes from stereo-motion
=> Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Images in Spline Spaces
=> Reconstruction of object layers from their X-ray projections: A simulation study
=> reconstruction of objects from shadowgraphs with high contrasts, The
=> Reconstruction of Objects from Their Averaged Finite Crystal Diffraction Intensity
=> Reconstruction of objects from their projections using generalized inverses
=> Reconstruction of objects with jagged edges through Rao-Blackwellized fitting of piecewise smooth subdivision curves
=> Reconstruction of Ocean Color Data Using Machine Learning Techniques in Polar Regions: Focusing on Off Cape Hallett, Ross Sea
=> Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Mixed Low Rank Approximation and Second Order Tensor Based Total Variation Method
=> Reconstruction of Optical Vector-Fields With Applications in Endoscopic Imaging
=> Reconstruction of Order Parameters Based on Immunity Clonal Strategy for Image Classification
=> Reconstruction of Orthogonal Polygonal Lines
=> Reconstruction of Orthographic Mosaics From Perspective X-Ray Images
=> Reconstruction of Outdoor Sculptures from Silhouettes under Approximate Circular Motion of an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera
=> Reconstruction of partially damaged face images based on a morphable face model
=> Reconstruction of passive millimeter-wave images with Graph Cuts
=> Reconstruction of Patient-Specific 3D Bone Model from Biplanar X-Ray Images and Point Distribution Models
=> Reconstruction of Patterns from Noisy Inputs Using Morphological Associative Memories
=> Reconstruction of periodic nonuniform samples using Lagrange interpolation in time-interleaved ADCs
=> Reconstruction of Periodic Signals From Asynchronous Trains of Samples
=> Reconstruction of Planar Boundaries from Incomplete Information
=> Reconstruction of Planar Surfaces Behind Occlusions in Range Images
=> Reconstruction of Privacy-Sensitive Data from Protected Templates
=> Reconstruction of Probability Density Functions from Channel Representations
=> Reconstruction of Quadric Surface From Occluding Contour
=> Reconstruction of Quadtrees from Quadtree Medial Axis Transforms
=> Reconstruction of Quantitative Properties from X-Rays
=> Reconstruction of Rainfall Field Using Earth-Space Links Network: A Compressed Sensing Approach
=> Reconstruction of random objects from noisy projections
=> Reconstruction of Realistic 3d Surface Model and 3d Animation from Range Images Obtained by Real Time 3d Measurement System
=> Reconstruction of Rectangular Windows In Multi-looking Oblique View ALS Data
=> Reconstruction of Recurring Pulses From Distribution of Short Sequences of Samples
=> Reconstruction of reflectance data using an interpolation technique
=> Reconstruction of relief objects from line drawings
=> Reconstruction of Remotely Sensed Snow Albedo for Quality Improvements Based on a Combination of Forward and Retrieval Models
=> Reconstruction of respiratory-binned cardiac spect using a robust smoothing prior
=> Reconstruction of retinal spectra from RGB data using a RBF network
=> Reconstruction of River Boundaries at Sub-Pixel Resolution: Estimation and Spatial Allocation of Water Fractions
=> Reconstruction of rotatory moving image from projections
=> Reconstruction of Satellite-Retrieved Land-Surface Reflectance Based on Temporally-Continuous Vegetation Indices
=> Reconstruction of Scalar Diffraction Field from Distributed Data Points Over 3D Space
=> Reconstruction of Scene Models from Sparse 3D Structure
=> Reconstruction of Sculpture From Its Profiles With Unknown Camera Positions
=> Reconstruction of Sculpture from Uncalibrated Image Profiles
=> Reconstruction of segmentally articulated structure in freeform movement with low density feature points
=> Reconstruction of Sentinel-2 Image Time Series Using Google Earth Engine
=> Reconstruction of Sentinel Images for Suspended Particulate Matter Monitoring in Arid Regions
=> Reconstruction of severely degraded image sequences
=> Reconstruction of Sewer Shaft Profiles from Fisheye-Lens Camera Images
=> Reconstruction of Signals and Images from the Noisy Fourier Transform Phase by Means of the Generalized Difference Principle, The
=> Reconstruction Of Single-Grain Orientation Distribution Functions for Crystalline Materials
=> Reconstruction of Single Image from Multiple Blurry Measured Images
=> Reconstruction of Single Tree with Leaves Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Data
=> Reconstruction of Sky Illumination Domes From Ground-based Panoramas
=> Reconstruction of Smooth 3D Color Functions from Keypoints: Application to Lossy Compression and Exemplar-Based Generation of Color LUTs
=> Reconstruction of Smooth Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Adaptive Splines
=> Reconstruction of Snow Depth Data at Moderate Spatial Resolution (1 km) from Remotely Sensed Snow Data and Multiple Optimized Environmental Factors: A Case Study over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
=> Reconstruction of Some Segmented and Dynamic Scenes: Trifocal Tensors in P4 Theoretical Set Up for Critical Loci, and Instability
=> Reconstruction of Sparse Wavelet Signals From Partial Fourier Measurements
=> Reconstruction of Spectra Using Empirical Basis Functions
=> Reconstruction of Specular Surfaces using Polarization Imaging
=> Reconstruction of Spheres using Occluding Contours from Stereo Images
=> Reconstruction of spherical representation models from multiple partial models
=> Reconstruction of Stochastic 3D Signals With Symmetric Statistics From 2D Projection Images Motivated by Cryo-Electron Microscopy
=> Reconstruction of Structurally-Incomplete Matrices With Reweighted Low-Rank and Sparsity Priors
=> Reconstruction of structured scenes from two uncalibrated images
=> Reconstruction of Subjective Surfaces from Occlusion Cues
=> Reconstruction of Subsurface Salinity Structure in the South China Sea Using Satellite Observations: A LightGBM-Based Deep Forest Method
=> Reconstruction of super-resolution lung 4D-CT using patch-based sparse representation
=> Reconstruction of Surface and Stochastic Dynamics from a Planar Projection of Trajectories
=> Reconstruction of Surface of Revolution from Multiple Uncalibrated Views: A Bundle-Adjustment Approach
=> Reconstruction of surfaces behind occlusions in range images
=> Reconstruction of Surfaces from Point Clouds Using a Lagrangian Surface Evolution Model
=> Reconstruction of Surfaces of 3-D Objects by M-array Pattern Projection Method
=> Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution from Single Uncalibrated Views
=> Reconstruction of Synthetic Aperture Radar Raw Data under Analog-To-Digital Converter Saturation Distortion for Large Dynamic Range Scenes
=> Reconstruction of textureless regions using structure from motion and image-based interpolation
=> Reconstruction of the Crossing Type of a Point Set from the Compatible Exchange Graph of Noncrossing Spanning Trees
=> Reconstruction of the Daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product Using the Two-Step Improved Similar Pixels Method
=> Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Drosophila Genes Expression from Sets of Images Sharing a Common Pattern
=> Reconstruction of the High Resolution Phase in a Closed Loop Adaptive Optics System
=> Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance images
=> Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle from Two Orthogonal Projections
=> Reconstruction of the Radar Reflectivity of Convective Storms Based on Deep Learning and Himawari-8 Observations
=> Reconstruction of the Shape of a Compact Object from Few Projections
=> Reconstruction of the Slip Distribution Along the West Helanshan Fault, Northern China Based on High-resolution Topography
=> Reconstruction of the Surface Inshore Labrador Current from SWOT Sea Surface Height Measurements
=> Reconstruction of the Water Cultivation Paleoenvironment Dating Back to the Han and Tang Dynasties Surrounding the Yangguan Frontier Pass Using X- and L-Band SAR Data
=> Reconstruction Of Thin Tubular Inclusions in Three-Dimensional Domains Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional (3D) Indoor Interiors with Multiple Stories via Comprehensive Segmentation
=> Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Wind-Turbine Wake Wind Fields with Volumetric Long-Range Wind Doppler LiDAR Measurements
=> Reconstruction of three-dimensional flame with color temperature
=> Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Images Based on Estimation of Spinning Target Parameters in Radar Network
=> Reconstruction of three-dimensional linear structures in the breast from craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique mammographic views
=> Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects through Matching of Their Parts
=> Reconstruction of three dimensional models from real images
=> Reconstruction of time-varying 3-d left-ventricular shape from multiview x-ray cineangiocardiograms
=> Reconstruction of time-varying tidal flat topography using optical remote sensing imageries
=> Reconstruction of tomographic images from limited range projections using discrete Radon transform and Tchebichef moments
=> Reconstruction of Torn Documents Using Contour Maps
=> Reconstruction of transparent objects in unstructured scenes with a depth camera
=> Reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional images from synthetic-collimator data
=> Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Light Intensity Distribution from the Data of Photo-Count Experiments
=> Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Patterns from Fourier Descriptors
=> Reconstruction of Two-Directionally Connected Binary Patterns from Their Two Orthogonal Projections, The
=> Reconstruction of underlying curves with styling radius corners
=> Reconstruction of Underwater Image by Bispectrum
=> Reconstruction of Urartu Buildings of Altintepe in Virtual Environment, The
=> Reconstruction of Urban Sites from Photos
=> Reconstruction of Vascular Networks Using 3-Dimensional Models
=> Reconstruction of vascular structures in retinal images
=> Reconstruction of Vector Fields in Bounded Domain Vector Tomography
=> Reconstruction of Vectorial Acoustic Sources in Time-Domain Tomography
=> Reconstruction of Vegetation Index Time Series Based on Self-Weighting Function Fitting from Curve Features
=> Reconstruction of Vehicle-Induced Vibration on Concrete Pavement Using Distributed Fiber Optic
=> Reconstruction of videos taken by a non-regular sampling sensor
=> Reconstruction of viruses from solution X-ray scattering data
=> Reconstruction of visual appearance
=> Reconstruction of visual surfaces from sparse data using parametric triangular approximants
=> Reconstruction of Wall Surfaces Under Occlusion and Clutter in 3D Indoor Environments
=> Reconstruction of Wet Refractivity Field Using an Improved Parameterized Tropospheric Tomographic Technique
=> Reconstruction of Wire Structures from Scanned Point Clouds
=> Reconstruction of Wooden Polish Manor
=> Reconstruction of X-Ray Sources from Penumbral images
=> Reconstruction Optimization for Temporal Response Improvement in CT Fluoroscopy
=> Reconstruction or Retrieval? Investigating Neural 3D Reconstruction
=> Reconstruction problems in 3D for viral cryo electron microscopy
=> Reconstruction regularized low-rank subspace learning for cross-modal retrieval
=> Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory-gated cardiac SPECT
=> Reconstruction with dictionary learning for accelerated parallel magnetic resonance imaging
=> Reconstruction with Guided PatchMatch Stereo
=> Reconstruction with Interval Constraints Propagation
=> Reconstruction with robustness: A semantic prior guided face super-resolution framework for multiple degradations
=> Reconstruction without Discontinuities
=> Reconstruction, Recognition, and Representation of Trees
=> Reconstruction, Registration, and Matching of 3D Facial Models from Stereo-Images
=> Reconstruction, Registration, and Modeling of Deformable Object Shapes
=> Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Analysis of Medical Images
=> Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Analysis of Medical Images
=> Reconstruction: Argumentation Method, The
=> Reconstructions from Doppler Radon Transforms
=> Reconstructions of Chest Phantoms by the D-Bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Reconstructions of Noisy Digital Contours with Maximal Primitives Based on Multi-scale/Irregular Geometric Representation and Generalized Linear Programming
=> Reconstructive and Discriminative Sparse Representation for Visual Object Categorization
=> Reconstructive Sequence-Graph Network for Video Summarization
=> Reconstructive Sparse Code Transfer for Contour Detection and Semantic Labeling
=> Reconstructive Training for Real-World Robustness in Image Classification
=> Record-Setting 2021 Heat Wave in Western Canada Had a Significant Temporary Impact on Greenness of the World's Largest Protected Temperate Rainforest, A
=> Record Low Arctic Stratospheric Ozone in Spring 2020: Measurements of Ground-Based Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy in Ny-Olesund during 2017-2021
=> Recording and Analysis of the Rec Yard at Alcatraz Island
=> Recording and Decoding for Neural Prostheses
=> Recording and erasure of photorefractive holograms in undoped BTO crystal at moderate to high intensities of 639.7nm laser under action of 532nm laser pre-illumination
=> Recording And Modeling Of Fortresses And Castles With Uas. Some Study Cases In Jaen (southern Spain)
=> Recording And Modelling Of Monuments' Interior Space Using Range And Optical Sensors
=> Recording and Playback of Camera Shake: Benchmarking Blind Deconvolution with a Real-World Database
=> Recording Approach Of Heritage Sites Based On Merging Point Clouds From High Resolution Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Recording Cultural Heritage Using Terrestrial Laserscanning: Dealing with the System, the Huge Datasets They Create and Ways to Extract the Necessary Deliverables You Can Work with
=> Recording Denisyuk-type holograms with multi-pulse laser exposure
=> Recording Information On Architectural Heritage Should Meet The Requirements for Conservation Digital Recording Practices at the Summer Palace
=> Recording the Region of Interest from Flycam Panoramic Video
=> Recording Urban Land Dynamic and Its Effects during 2000-2019 at 15-m Resolution by Cloud Computing with Landsat Series
=> Recording, Documentation and Application of Stereo Views in Cultural Heritage
=> Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications Development for the Acropolis of Athens
=> Recording, Processing, and Analysis of Digital High-Speed Sequences in Glottography
=> RECORDS: Reaching Recording Data Technologies
=> Recorrupted-to-Recorrupted: Unsupervised Deep Learning for Image Denoising
=> Recover and Identify: A Generative Dual Model for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
=> Recover Fair Deep Classification Models via Altering Pre-trained Structure
=> Recover Human Pose from Monocular Image Under Weak Perspective Projection
=> Recover the Residual of Residual: Recurrent Residual Refinement Network for Image Super-Resolution
=> Recover Writing Trajectory from Multiple Stroked Image Using Bidirectional Dynamic Search
=> RECOVER: An Automated, Cloud-Based Decision Support System for Post-Fire Rehabilitation Planning
=> Recoverability of faulty discrete event systems
=> Recovering 3D facial shape via coupled 2D/3D space learning
=> Recovering 3D Hand Mesh Sequence from a Single Blurry Image: A New Dataset and Temporal Unfolding
=> Recovering 3D Human Body Configurations Using Shape Contexts
=> Recovering 3D Human Mesh From Monocular Images: A Survey
=> Recovering 3D Human Pose from Monocular Images
=> Recovering 3D Information from Complex Aerial Imagery
=> Recovering 3D Motion and Structure from Stereo and 2D Token Tracking Cooperation
=> Recovering 3D Motion and Structure of Multiple Objects Using Adaptive Hough Transform
=> Recovering 3D Motion Of Multiple Objects Using Adaptive Hough Transform
=> Recovering 3D Planes from a Single Image via Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Recovering 3D Shape and Albedo from a Face Image under Arbitrary Lighting and Pose by Using a 3D Illumination-Based AAM Model
=> Recovering 3D Shape and Light Source Positions from Non-planar Shadows
=> Recovering 3D Shape and Motion from Image Streams Using Non-Linear Least Squares
=> Recovering 3D Shape and Texture from Continuous Focus Series: Using a Polarized Filter
=> Recovering 3D Shape Using an Improved Fast Marching Method
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose and Predicting Next-Best-View in the Crowd
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose
=> Recovering 6D Object Pose: A Review and Multi-Modal Analysis
=> Recovering A Boundary-Level Structural Description From Dynamic Stereo
=> Recovering a clean background: A parallel deep network architecture for single-image deraining
=> Recovering a Function from Circular Means or Wave Data on the Boundary of Parabolic Domains
=> Recovering a Molecule's 3D Dynamics from Liquid-phase Electron Microscopy Movies
=> Recovering a Polygon from Noisy Data
=> Recovering Accurate 3D Human Pose in the Wild Using IMUs and a Moving Camera
=> Recovering Affine Deformations of Fuzzy Shapes
=> Recovering Affine Features from Orientation- and Scale-Invariant Ones
=> Recovering Affine Motion and Defocus Blur Simultaneously
=> Recovering Affine Motion and Defocus Blur Simultaneously
=> Recovering an indoor 3D layout with top-down semantic segmentation from a single image
=> Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using an Efficient Model Based Approach
=> Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using an Efficient Model Based Approach
=> Recovering and matching minutiae patterns from finger knuckle images
=> Recovering and Tracking Pose of Curved 3D Objects from 2D Images
=> Recovering Articulated Motion with a Hierarchical Factorization Method
=> Recovering Articulated Non-rigid Shapes, Motions and Kinematic Chains from Video
=> Recovering Articulated Pose: A Comparison of Two Pre and Postimposed Constraint Methods
=> Recovering audio-to-video synchronization by audiovisual correlation analysis
=> Recovering background regions in videos of cluttered urban scenes
=> Recovering ball motion from a single motion-blurred image
=> Recovering Building Structures from Stereo
=> Recovering Camera Motion Using L-inf Minimization
=> Recovering Camera Pose from Omni-directional Images
=> Recovering color from black and white photographs
=> Recovering Colors in an Image with Chromatic Illuminant
=> Recovering complex non-rigid 3D structures from monocular images by union of nonlinear subspaces
=> Recovering consistent video depth maps via bundle optimization
=> Recovering Correct Reconstructions from Indistinguishable Geometry
=> Recovering DC Coefficients in Block-Based DCT
=> Recovering Dense Stereo Depth Maps Using a Single Gaussian Blurred Structured Light Pattern
=> Recovering depth from a single image using spectral energy of the defocused step edge gradient
=> Recovering Depth Map from Video with Moving Objects
=> Recovering depth of a dynamic scene using real world motion prior
=> Recovering depth of background and foreground from a monocular video with camera motion
=> Recovering dynamic information from static handwriting
=> Recovering Dynamic Stroke Information of Multi-stroke Handwritten Characters with Complex Patterns
=> Recovering elastic property of soft tissues using 2d image sequences with limited range data
=> Recovering Endocardial Walls from 3D TEE
=> Recovering Entire Shape of a Deformable Object Employing a Single Measurement Matrix
=> Recovering epipolar direction from two affine views of a planar object
=> Recovering Epipolar Geometry by Reactive Tabu Search
=> Recovering Estimates of Fluid Flow from Image Sequence Data
=> Recovering Euclidean deformable models from stereo-motion
=> Recovering Euclidean structure by conics and spheres: application to camera calibration
=> Recovering Euclidean structure from principal-axes paralleled conics: applications to camera calibration
=> Recovering face shape and reflectance properties from single images
=> Recovering Faces From Portraits with Auxiliary Facial Attributes
=> Recovering facial pose with the EM algorithm
=> Recovering facial reflectance and geometry from multi-view images
=> Recovering Facial Shape and Albedo Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
=> Recovering Facial Shape Using a Statistical Model of Surface Normal Direction
=> Recovering Facial Shape Using A Statistical Surface Normal Model
=> Recovering field of view lines by using projective invariants
=> Recovering Fine Details for Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction
=> Recovering fluid-type motions using Navier-Stokes potential flow
=> Recovering free space of indoor scenes from a single image
=> Recovering from bit errors in scalar-quantized discrete wavelet transformed images
=> Recovering from Random Pruning: On the Plasticity of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Recovering Frontal-pose Image from a Single Profile Image
=> Recovering Generalization via Pre-Training-Like Knowledge Distillation for Out-of-Distribution Visual Question Answering
=> Recovering hard-to-find object instances by sampling context-based object proposals
=> Recovering Heading and Structure for Constant-Direction Motion
=> Recovering height information from SAR images of terrain
=> Recovering high dynamic range by Multi-Exposure Retinex
=> Recovering Historical Film Footage by Processing Microtomographic Images
=> Recovering Human Body Configurations Using Pairwise Constraints between Parts
=> Recovering Human Body Configurations: Combining Segmentation and Recognition
=> Recovering Human Motion Patterns from Passive Infrared Sensors: A Geometric-Algebra Based Generation-Template-Matching Approach
=> Recovering human pose in 3D by visual manifolds
=> Recovering Illumination and Texture Using Ratio Images
=> Recovering image data from JPEG file fragments
=> Recovering imaging device sensitivities: a data-driven approach
=> Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects by Multi-Frequency Illumination
=> Recovering inner slices of translucent objects by multi-frequency illumination
=> Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image
=> Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image
=> Recovering intrinsic images from image sequences using total variation models
=> Recovering Intrinsic Images using an Illumination Invariant Image
=> Recovering Joint and Individual Components in Facial Data
=> Recovering Latent Signals From a Mixture of Measurements Using a Gaussian Process Prior
=> Recovering Light Directions and Camera Poses from a Single Sphere
=> Recovering Line-Networks in Images by Junction-Point Processes
=> Recovering Local Shape of a Mirror Surface from Reflection of a Regular Grid
=> Recovering Local Surface-Structure Through Local Phase Difference Measurements
=> Recovering Lost Cultural Heritage Places of Mexico. The Case of The Temple of Jesus Maria - Masonic Lodge of Merida
=> Recovering LSHGCs and SHGCs from Stereo
=> Recovering LSHGCs and SHGCs from Stereo
=> Recovering missing coefficients in DCT-transformed images
=> Recovering Missing Contours for Occluded Object Detection
=> Recovering Missing Data in Coherent Diffraction Imaging
=> Recovering Missing Data on Satellite Images
=> Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transform Using Ghosts
=> Recovering Missing Trajectory Data for Mobile Laser Scanning Systems
=> Recovering more classes than available bands for sets of mixed pixels in satellite images
=> Recovering Motion and Structure from a Set of Planar Patches in an Uncalibrated Image Sequence
=> Recovering Motion Parameters from a 2D Range Image Sequence
=> Recovering multidimensional signals from their projections
=> Recovering Multiple View Geometry from Mutual Projections of Multiple Cameras
=> Recovering Non-overlapping Network Topology Using Far-field Vehicle Tracking Data
=> Recovering Non-Rigid 3D Shape from Image Streams
=> Recovering Non-rigid 3D Shape Using a Plane+Parallax Approach
=> Recovering Object Surfaces from Viewed Changes in Surface Texture Patterns
=> Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image
=> Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from an Image
=> Recovering of autoregressive spectral estimates of signals buried in noise
=> Recovering Old Stereoscopic Negatives and Producing Digital 3D Models of Former Appearances of Historic Buildings
=> Recovering Over-/Underexposed Regions in Photographs
=> Recovering Parametric Geons from Multiview Range Data
=> Recovering Partial 3D Wire Frame Descriptions from Stereo Data
=> Recovering Partial 3D Wire Frame Descriptions from Stereo Data
=> Recovering People Tracking Errors Using Enhanced Covariance-Based Signatures
=> Recovering Photometric Properties of Multiple Strongly-Reflective, Partially-Transparent Surfaces from a Single Image
=> Recovering Piecewise Smooth Multichannel Images by Minimization of Convex Functionals with Total Generalized Variation Penalty
=> Recovering planar homographies between 2D shapes
=> Recovering planar motion from homographies obtained using a 2.5-point solver for a polynomial system
=> Recovering planar projections of printed clustered-dot halftones
=> Recovering Planar Surfaces by Stereovision Based on Projective Geometry
=> Recovering Plot-Specific Diameter Distribution and Height-Diameter Curve Using ALS Based Stand Characteristics
=> Recovering Portugal Aerial Images Repository
=> Recovering Pose and 3D Deformable Shape from Multi-instance Image Ensembles
=> Recovering Projection Geometry: How a Cheap Camera Can Outperform an Expensive Stereo System
=> Recovering Projective Transformations between Binary Shapes
=> Recovering Quality Scores in Noisy Pairwise Subjective Experiments Using Negative Log-Likelihood
=> Recovering Quantitative Remote Sensing Products Contaminated by Thick Clouds and Shadows Using Multitemporal Dictionary Learning
=> Recovering radar shadow to improve interferometric phase unwrapping and dem reconstruction
=> Recovering Range Using Virtual Multicamera Stereo
=> Recovering Range Using Virtual Multicamera Stereo
=> Recovering Real-World Reflectance Properties and Shading From HDR Imagery
=> Recovering Real Demand for Free-Floating Bike-Sharing System Considering Demand Truncation, Migration, and Spatial Correlation
=> Recovering Realistic Details for Magnification-Arbitrary Image Super-Resolution
=> Recovering Realistic Texture in Image Super-Resolution by Deep Spatial Feature Transform
=> Recovering Reflectance and Illumination in a World of Painted Polyhedra
=> Recovering Regional Groundwater Storage Anomalies by Combining GNSS and Surface Mass Load Data: A Case Study in Western Yunnan
=> Recovering Relative Depth from Low-Level Features Without Explicit T-junction Detection and Interpretation
=> Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and Defocus Analysis
=> Recovering Scene Structures from Scattered Surface Points
=> Recovering Shading from Color Images
=> Recovering shape and irradiance maps from rich dense texton fields
=> Recovering shape and motion by a dynamic system for low-rank matrix approximation in L_1 norm
=> Recovering shape and reflectance model of non-lambertian objects from multiple views
=> Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
=> Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
=> Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
=> Recovering Shape by Shading and Stereo Under Lambertian Shading Model
=> Recovering shape characteristics on near-flat specular surfaces
=> Recovering Shape Deformation by an Extended Circular Image Representation
=> Recovering shape from a single image of a mirrored surface from curvature constraints
=> Recovering Shape from Contour for Constant Cross Section Generalized Cylinders
=> Recovering sign bits of DCT coefficients in digital images as an optimization problem
=> Recovering size and shape of polyp from endoscope image by RBF-NN modification
=> Recovering Social Networks From Massive Track Datasets
=> Recovering spectral reflectance under commonly available lighting conditions
=> Recovering specular surfaces using curved line images
=> Recovering Spheres from 3D Point Data
=> Recovering Stereo Pairs from Anaglyphs
=> Recovering structures and motions from mutual projection of cameras
=> Recovering Surface Curvature and Orientation from Texture Distortion: A Least Squares Algorithm and Sensitivity Analysis
=> Recovering Surface Details under General Unknown Illumination Using Shading and Coarse Multi-view Stereo
=> Recovering Surface Layout from an Image
=> Recovering Surface Normal and Arbitrary Images: A Dual Regression Network for Photometric Stereo
=> Recovering surface reflectance and multiple light locations and intensities from image data
=> Recovering Surface Shape and Orientation from Texture
=> Recovering Surfaces from the Restoring Force
=> Recovering tampered regions in encrypted video using POB number system
=> Recovering Texture of Denoised Image via its Statistical Analysis
=> Recovering the 3-Dimensional Motion and Structure of Multiple Moving-Objects from Binocular Image Flows
=> Recovering the 3D shape and poses of face images based on the similarity transform
=> Recovering the 3d Shape of a Road by On-board Monocular Vision
=> Recovering the 3D Structure of Tubular Objects from Stereo Silhouettes
=> Recovering the Basic Structure of Human Activities from a Video-Based Symbol String
=> Recovering the full pose from a single keyframe
=> Recovering the Geometry of Single Axis Motions by Conic Fitting
=> Recovering the linguistic components of the manual signs in American Sign Language
=> Recovering the Missing Components in a Large Noisy Low-Rank Matrix: Application to SFM
=> Recovering the Missing Link: Predicting Class-Attribute Associations for Unsupervised Zero-Shot Learning
=> Recovering the Near-Surface Magnetic Image of Mercury from Satellite Observations
=> Recovering the Parameters of an LDPC Code From Noisy Intercepted Sequences
=> Recovering the Position and Orientation of Free-Form Objects from Image Contours Using 3D Distance Maps
=> Recovering the Scaling Function of a SHGC from a Single Perspective View
=> Recovering the shading image under known illumination
=> Recovering the Shape of Polyhedra Using Line-Drawing Analysis and Complex Reflectance Models
=> Recovering the Shape of Polyhedra Using Line-Drawing Analysis and Complex Reflectance Models
=> Recovering the spatial layout of cluttered rooms
=> Recovering the Subpixel PSF from Two Photographs at Different Distances
=> Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
=> Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
=> Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
=> Recovering the Topology of Multiple Cameras by Finding Continuous Paths in a Trellis
=> Recovering the Vanishing Self-polar Triangle from a Single View of a Planar Pattern
=> Recovering the Viewing Parameter of Random, Translated and Noisy Projections of Asymmetric Objects
=> Recovering thin structures via nonlocal-means regularization with application to depth from defocus
=> Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging
=> Recovering Three-Dimensional Shape from a Single Image of Curved Objects
=> Recovering Trajectories of Unmarked Joints in 3D Human Actions Using Latent Space Optimization
=> Recovering translational motion parameters from image sequences using Randomized Hough Transform
=> Recovering Translucent Objects Using a Single Time-of-Flight Depth Camera
=> Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Distortion
=> Recovering variations in facial albedo from low resolution images
=> Recovering Very Large Visual Motion Fields
=> Recovering wavelet relations using SVM for image denoising
=> Recovering Writing Traces in Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: Using a Global Optimization Technique
=> Recovery and localization of handwritings by a camera-pen based on tracking and document image retrieval
=> Recovery and Reasoning About Occlusions in 3D Using Few Cameras with Applications to 3D Tracking
=> Recovery and Tracking of Continuous 3D Surfaces from Stereo Data using a Deformable Dual-Mesh
=> Recovery and Understanding of a Line Drawing from Indoor Scenes, The
=> Recovery Effect of Different Virtual Natural Environments on Stress in Short-term Isolation Tasks
=> Recovery from Errors Due to Domain Truncation in Magnetic Particle Imaging: Approximation Error Modeling Approach
=> Recovery from Sensor Failure in an Evolving Multiobjective Swarm
=> Recovery Guarantees for Rank Aware Pursuits
=> Recovery limits in pointwise degradation
=> Recovery of 2D and 3D Layout Information through an Advanced Image Stitching Algorithm using Scanning Electron Microscope Images
=> Recovery of 3-D Closed Surfaces Using Progressive Shell Models
=> Recovery of 3-d Face Structure Using Recognition
=> Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
=> Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
=> Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
=> Recovery of 3-D shape using hybrid reflectance model
=> Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
=> Recovery of 3D Closed Surfaces from Sparse Data
=> Recovery of 3D Motion of a Single Particle
=> Recovery of 3D Pose of Bones in Single 2D X-ray Images
=> Recovery of 3D Solar Magnetic Field Model Parameter Using Image Structure Matching
=> Recovery of a drawing order from off-line isolated letters dedicated to on-line recognition
=> Recovery of a Near Optimal Layer Representation for an Entire Image Sequence, The
=> Recovery of audio-to-video synchronization through analysis of cross-modality correlation
=> Recovery of Binary Sparse Signals From Compressed Linear Measurements via Polynomial Optimization
=> Recovery of Blood Flow From Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Data Using Sparse Modeling
=> Recovery of Blurred Video Signals Using Iterative Image Restoration Combined with Motion Estimation
=> Recovery of Circular Motion from Profiles of Surfaces
=> Recovery of Circular Motion Geometry in Spite of Varying Intrinsic Parameters
=> Recovery of correlated sparse signals using adaptive backtracking matching pursuit
=> Recovery of Corrupted DCT Coded Images Based on Reference Information
=> Recovery of Corrupted Image Data Based on the NURBS Interpolation
=> Recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices via half-quadratic based nonconvex minimization
=> Recovery of Damped Exponentials Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Completion
=> Recovery of Depth Information from Optical Microscope Images by Constrained Deconvolution
=> Recovery of Discontinuous Signals Using Group Sparse Higher Degree Total Variation
=> Recovery of distorted document images from bound volumes
=> Recovery of Distorted Shapes Obtained from the Flying Laser Range Sensor for Large-Scale Cultural Heritages
=> Recovery of Drawing Order from Scanned Images of Multi-Stroke Handwriting
=> Recovery of Drawing Order from Single-Stroke Handwriting Images
=> Recovery of Dynamic Scene Structure from Multiple Image Sequences
=> Recovery of Ego-Motion and Segmentation of Independent Object Motion Using the EM Algorithm
=> Recovery of Ego-Motion Using Image Stabilization
=> Recovery of Ego-Motion Using Region Alignment
=> Recovery of elevation from estimated gradient fields constrained by digital elevation maps of lower lateral resolution
=> Recovery of epipolar geometry as a manifold fitting problem
=> Recovery of Forest Canopy Parameters by Inversion of Multispectral LiDAR Data
=> Recovery of Fragile Objects from Underwater Archaeological Excavations: New Materials and Techniques by SASMAP Project
=> Recovery of Global Nonrigid Motion: A Model-Based Approach without Point Correspondences
=> Recovery of Hierarchical Part Structure of 3D Shape from Range Image
=> Recovery of Illuminant and Surface Colors from Images Based on the CIE Daylight
=> Recovery of Image Blocks Using the Method of Alternating Projections
=> Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters using Perspective Views of Rectangles
=> Recovery of limited-extent images aliased because of spectral undersampling
=> Recovery of Lost Color and Depth Frames in Multiview Videos
=> Recovery of Low Rank and Jointly Sparse Matrices with Two Sampling Matrices
=> Recovery of missing information in graph sequences by means of reference pattern matching and decision tree learning
=> Recovery of Motion JPEG2000 Video when LL Subband Disrupted
=> Recovery of motion patterns and dominant paths in videos of crowded scenes
=> Recovery of motion vectors for error concealment based on an edge-detection approach
=> Recovery of Non-Rigid Motion from Stereo Images, The
=> Recovery of Nonridid Motion and Structure
=> Recovery of Nonridid Motion and Structure
=> Recovery of Object Shape and Camera Motion using a Sensing System with a Video Camera and a Gyro Sensor, The
=> Recovery of Parametric Models from Range Images: The Case for Superquadrics with Global Deformations
=> Recovery of Perceptual Shape Organizations from Simple Closed Boundaries
=> Recovery of Piecewise Smooth Density and Lamé Parameters from High Frequency Exterior Cauchy Data
=> Recovery of polarimetric Stokes images by spatial mixture models
=> Recovery of Rapid Water Mass Changes (RWMC) by Kalman Filtering of GRACE Observations
=> Recovery of Reflectances and Varying Illuminants from Multiple Views
=> Recovery of relative depth from a single observation using an uncalibrated (real-aperture) camera
=> Recovery of Rigid Structure from Orthographically Projected Optical Flow
=> Recovery of Seismic Events by Time-Frequency Peak Filtering
=> Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from relative rotation of light source
=> Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from rotation of light source
=> Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
=> Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
=> Recovery of Slice Rotations with the Stack Alignment Transform in Cardiac MR Series
=> Recovery of Sparse Positive Signals on the Sphere from Low Resolution Measurements
=> Recovery of spectral reflectances of imaged objects by the use of features of spectral reflectances
=> Recovery of spectral reflectances of objects being imaged by multispectral cameras Virtual Journal
=> Recovery of Spectral Reflectances of Objects Being Imaged Without Prior Knowledge
=> Recovery of Spectral Sensitivity Functions from a Colour Chart Image under Unknown Spectrally Smooth Illumination
=> Recovery of Subspace Structure from High-Rank Data with Missing Entries
=> Recovery of Superquadric Primitive from Stereo Images
=> Recovery Of Superquadric Primitives from a Range Image Using Simulated Annealing
=> Recovery of Surface Height from Diffuse Polarisation
=> Recovery of Surface Height Using Polarization from Two Views
=> Recovery of Surface Normals and Reflectance from Different Lighting Conditions
=> Recovery of Surface Orientation From Diffuse Polarization
=> Recovery of Surfaces and Functions in High Dimensions: Sampling Theory and Links to Neural Networks
=> Recovery of Surfaces with Discontinuities by Fusing Shading and Range Data within a Variational Framework
=> Recovery of Systematic Biases in Laser Altimetry Data Using Natural Surfaces
=> Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting
=> Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting
=> Recovery of Temporal Information of Cursively Handwritten Words for On-Line Recognition
=> Recovery of the 3-D Location and Motion of a Rigid Object Through Camera Image (An Extended Kalman Filter Approach)
=> Recovery of the metric structure of a pattern of points using minimal information
=> Recovery of the Starting Times of Delayed Signals
=> Recovery of the Three-Dimensional Shape of and Object from a Single View
=> Recovery of the trajectories of multiple moving objects in an image sequence with a PMHT approach
=> Recovery of Tropical Cyclone Induced SST Cooling Observed by Satellite in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
=> Recovery of upper body poses in static images based on joints detection
=> Recovery of urban 3D road boundary via multi-source data
=> Recovery of UWB Radar Signals in Spectrally Restricted Environments
=> Recovery of video in the presence of packet loss using interleaving and spatial redundancy
=> Recovery of visual structure in illustrated Japanese gardens
=> Recovery of Volumetric Object Descriptions from Laser Rangefinder Images
=> Recovery of Water Quality and Detection of Algal Blooms in Lake Villarrica through Landsat Satellite Images and Monitoring Data
=> Recovery of writing sequence of static images of handwriting using UWM
=> Recovery performance improvement of image compressive sensing using complex-valued Vandermonde matrix
=> Recovery Rate of Clustering Algorithms
=> Recovery Rates of Wetland Vegetation Greenness in Severely Burned Ecosystems of Alaska Derived from Satellite Image Analysis
=> Recovery Video Stabilization Using MRF-MAP Optimization
=> Recreate the Ancient Urban Landscape. Multimedia and Interactive Tools To Improve Accessibility and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage Of Milan
=> Recreating Cultural Heritage Environments for VR Using Photogrammetry
=> Recreation and Simulation of Preindustrial Flour Processes in the Margin of Rivers
=> RecRecNet: Rectangling Rectified Wide-Angle Images by Thin-Plate Spline Model and DoF-based Curriculum Learning
=> RecRecNet: Rectangling Rectified Wide-Angle Images by Thin-Plate Spline Model and DoF-based Curriculum Learning
=> RecResNet: A Recurrent Residual CNN Architecture for Disparity Map Enhancement
=> Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network
=> Rectangle Detection Method for Real-Time Extraction of Large Panel Edge, A
=> Rectangle Extraction in Catadioptric Images
=> Rectangle Labelling for an Invoice Understanding System
=> Rectangle outline extraction of vehicles in SAR images
=> Rectangling Stereographic Projection for Wide-Angle Image Visualization
=> Rectangular-Output Image Stitching
=> Rectangular Arrays and Petri Nets
=> Rectangular based binary image representation: Theory, applications, and dataset introduction
=> Rectangular building extraction from stereoscopic airborne Radar images
=> Rectangular Decomposition of Binary Images
=> Rectangular Discrete Radon Transform for Buildings Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images
=> Rectangular Fish Eye View as an Efficient Method for the Transmission and Display of Large Images, The
=> Rectangular Microstrip Array Feed Antenna for C-Band Satellite Communications: Preliminary Results
=> Rectangular partitioning for Intra prediction in HEVC
=> Rectangular Region Coding for Image Data Compression
=> Rectangular Road Marking Detection with Marked Point Processes
=> Rectangular target extraction for mobile augmented reality applications
=> Rectangular Traffic Sign Recognition
=> Rectangularization of Digital Objects and Its Relation with Straight Skeletons
=> Rectification-based Knowledge Retention for Continual Learning
=> Rectification-Based Knowledge Retention for Task Incremental Learning
=> Rectification-Based View Interpolation and Extrapolation for Multiview Video Coding
=> Rectification-conducted adaptive snake for segmenting complex-boundary objects from textured backgrounds
=> Rectification-Free Multibaseline Stereo for Non-ideal Configurations
=> Rectification and 3D reconstruction of curved document images
=> Rectification and recognition of text in 3-D scenes
=> Rectification for any epipolar geometry
=> Rectification for any epipolar geometry
=> Rectification for any epipolar geometry
=> Rectification for Cone-Beam Projection and Backprojection
=> Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales
=> Rectification of 3D Data Obtained from Moving Range Sensors by using Multiple View Geometry
=> Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images with Mixed Contents and Varied Layouts
=> Rectification of camera captured document images for camera-based OCR technology
=> Rectification of curved document images based on single view three-dimensional reconstruction
=> Rectification of Digital Close Range Images: Sensor Models, Geometric Image Transformations and Resampling
=> Rectification of figures and photos in document images using bounding box interface
=> Rectification of Historic Royal Air Force Aerial Photos and Generation of an Aerial Image Mosaic of the Sarno River Basin, Italy
=> Rectification of Illumination in Images Used for Shape from Focus
=> Rectification of Images for Binocular and Trinocular Stereovision
=> Rectification of Multichannel Images in Mass Storage Using Image Transposition
=> Rectification of Multichannel Images in Mass Storage Using Image Transposition
=> Rectification of Optical Characters as Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
=> Rectification of planar targets using line segments
=> Rectification of Stereoscopic Video for Planar Catadioptric Stereo Systems
=> Rectification of the chordal axis transform skeleton and criteria for shape decomposition
=> Rectification Using Different Types of Cameras Attached to a Vehicle
=> Rectification with Intersecting Optical Axes for Stereoscopic Visualization
=> Rectification with unconstrained stereo geometry
=> Rectification, and Segmentation of Coplanar Repeated Patterns
=> Rectified Binary Convolutional Networks with Generative Adversarial Learning
=> Rectified Catadioptric Stereo Sensors
=> Rectified Catadioptric Stereo Sensors
=> Rectified Euler k-means and beyond
=> Rectified Mosaicing: Mosaics without the Curl
=> Rectified nearest feature line segment for pattern classification
=> Rectified Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs and Robot Mapping
=> Rectified Registration Consistency for Image Registration Evaluation
=> Rectified Surface Mosaics
=> Rectified Surface Mosaics
=> Rectified Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Perceptual Image Restoration
=> Rectified Wing Loss for Efficient and Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Rectifying Non-euclidean Similarity Data through Tangent Space Reprojection
=> Rectifying Non-Euclidean Similarity Data Using Ricci Flow Embedding
=> Rectifying Perspective Views of Text in 3D Scenes Using Vanishing Points
=> Rectifying projective distortion in 4D light field
=> Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
=> Rectifying rolling shutter video from hand-held devices
=> Rectifying rolling shutter video from hand-held devices
=> Rectifying Supporting Regions With Mixed and Active Supervision for Rib Fracture Recognition
=> Rectifying the bound document image captured by the camera: A model based approach
=> Rectifying the Data Bias in Knowledge Distillation
=> Rectifying Transformation Networks for Transformation-Invariant Representations with Power Law
=> Rectifying Transformations That Minimize Resampling Effects
=> rectilinear Gaussian model for estimating straight-line parameters, A
=> Rectilinear parsing of architecture in urban environment
=> Rectilinear parsing of architecture in urban environment
=> Rectilinear Structure Extraction in Textured Images with an Irregular Graph-Based Markov Random Field Model
=> Rectilinearity Measurement for Polygons, A
=> Rectilinearity Measurement for Polygons, A
=> Rectilinearity measurements for polygons
=> Rectilinearity of 3D Meshes
=> RectiNet-v2: A stacked network architecture for document image dewarping
=> RectMatch: A novel scan matching method using the rectangle-flattening representation for mobile LiDAR systems
=> ReCU: Reviving the Dead Weights in Binary Neural Networks
=> Recuperation of Regenerative Braking Energy in Electric Rail Transit Systems
=> Recur, Attend or Convolve? On Whether Temporal Modeling Matters for Cross-Domain Robustness in Action Recognition
=> Recurrence Analysis of Vegetation Indices for Highlighting the Ecosystem Response to Drought Events: An Application to the Amazon Forest
=> Recurrence textures for human activity recognition from compressive cameras
=> Recurrence without Recurrence: Stable Video Landmark Detection with Deep Equilibrium Models
=> Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark Detection
=> Recurrent 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Cascaded Pose-Guided 3D Alignments
=> Recurrent 3D Pose Sequence Machines
=> Recurrent Adaptive Network: Balanced Learning for Road Crack Segmentation with High-Resolution Images, A
=> Recurrent Affine Transformation for Text-to-Image Synthesis
=> Recurrent age estimation
=> Recurrent and Dynamic Models for Predicting Streaming Video Quality of Experience
=> Recurrent Assistance: Cross-Dataset Training of LSTMs on Kitchen Tasks
=> Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks + Events, Frames, Semantic labels, and Depth maps recorded in CARLA simulator
=> Recurrent Attention Models for Depth-Based Person Identification
=> Recurrent Attentional Networks for Saliency Detection
=> Recurrent Attentive Decomposition Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
=> Recurrent Attentive Zooming for Joint Crowd Counting and Precise Localization
=> Recurrent Autoregressive Networks for Online Multi-object Tracking
=> Recurrent Back-Projection Network for Video Super-Resolution
=> Recurrent bag-of-features for visual information analysis
=> Recurrent Bayesian Network for the Recognition of Human Behaviors from Video
=> Recurrent Bilinear Optimization for Binary Neural Networks
=> Recurrent CNN for Automatic Detection and Classification of Coronary Artery Plaque and Stenosis in Coronary CT Angiography, A
=> Recurrent Color Constancy
=> Recurrent context-aware multi-stage network for single image deraining
=> Recurrent Context Aggregation Network for Single Image Dehazing
=> Recurrent Convolutional Face Alignment
=> Recurrent Convolutional Network for Video-Based Person Re-identification
=> Recurrent convolutional neural network for object recognition
=> Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video
=> Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Staged Optimization
=> Recurrent Convolutional Shape Regression
=> Recurrent Convolutions for Causal 3D CNNs
=> recurrent cycle consistency loss for progressive face-to-face synthesis, A
=> Recurrent Deep Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
=> Recurrent Dynamic Embedding for Video Object Segmentation
=> Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Sequential Face Alignment, A
=> Recurrent Exposure Generation for Low-Light Face Detection
=> Recurrent Face Aging with Hierarchical AutoRegressive Memory
=> Recurrent Face Aging
=> Recurrent Feature Reasoning for Image Inpainting
=> Recurrent Filter Learning for Visual Tracking
=> Recurrent Flow-Guided Semantic Forecasting
=> Recurrent flow networks: A recurrent latent variable model for density estimation of urban mobility
=> Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Video Segmentation
=> Recurrent Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-slice MRI Cardiac Segmentation
=> Recurrent Fusion Network for Image Captioning
=> recurrent fuzzy network for fuzzy temporal sequence processing and gesture recognition, A
=> Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Face Completion
=> Recurrent Glimpse-based Decoder for Detection with Transformer
=> Recurrent Glimpse-based Decoder for Detection with Transformer
=> Recurrent Global Convolutional Network for Scene Text Detection
=> Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Abnormal Driving Behavior Recognition
=> Recurrent Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
=> recurrent graph neural network for inductive representation learning on dynamic graphs, A
=> Recurrent Graph Neural Networks for Video Instance Segmentation
=> Recurrent Highway Networks with Attention Mechanism for Scene Text Recognition
=> Recurrent HMMs and Cursive Handwriting Recognition Graphs
=> Recurrent Homography Estimation Using Homography-Guided Image Warping and Focus Transformer
=> Recurrent Human Pose Estimation
=> Recurrent Image Annotation with Explicit Inter-Label Dependencies
=> Recurrent Instance Segmentation
=> Recurrent Interaction Network for Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution
=> Recurrent Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmentation
=> Recurrent Knowledge Distillation
=> Recurrent Leaky Bucket
=> Recurrent learning with clique structures for prostate sparse-view CT artifacts reduction
=> Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
=> Recurrent Memory Addressing for Describing Videos
=> Recurrent Modeling of Interaction Context for Collective Activity Recognition
=> Recurrent Models for Lane Change Prediction and Situation Assessment
=> Recurrent Models for Situation Recognition
=> Recurrent Motion Neural Network for Low Resolution Drone Detection
=> Recurrent Multi-Frame Deraining: Combining Physics Guidance and Adversarial Learning
=> Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration
=> Recurrent Multimodal Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
=> Recurrent Multiresolution Convolutional Networks for VHR Image Classification
=> Recurrent MVSNet for High-Resolution Multi-View Stereo Depth Inference
=> Recurrent network-based face recognition using image sequences
=> Recurrent Network Models for Human Dynamics
=> recurrent neural network approach for 3D vision-based force estimation, A
=> Recurrent Neural Network Based Collaborative Filtering for QoS Prediction in IoV
=> Recurrent Neural Network Based Small-footprint Wake-up-word Speech Recognition System with a Score Calibration Method
=> recurrent neural network classifier for Doppler ultrasound blood flow signals, A
=> Recurrent Neural Network for (Un-)Supervised Learning of Monocular Video Visual Odometry and Depth
=> Recurrent Neural Network for Particle Tracking in Microscopy Images Using Future Information, Track Hypotheses, and Multiple Detections, A
=> Recurrent Neural Network for Rain Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links
=> Recurrent neural network non-singular terminal sliding mode control for path following of autonomous ground vehicles with parametric uncertainties
=> Recurrent neural networks for atmospheric noise removal from InSAR time series with missing values
=> Recurrent Neural Networks for Financial Time-Series Modelling
=> Recurrent neural networks for remote sensing image classification
=> Recurrent Neural Networks for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
=> Recurrent Neural Networks to Correct Satellite Image Classification Maps
=> Recurrent Neural Networks With Intra-Frame Iterations for Video Deblurring
=> Recurrent Pixel Embedding for Instance Grouping
=> Recurrent Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Attention for Crowd Attribute Recognition
=> Recurrent Refinement for Visual Saliency Estimation in Surveillance Scenarios
=> Recurrent Residual Deformable Conv Unit and Multi-Head with Channel Self-Attention Based on U-Net for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
=> Recurrent Residual Learning for Action Recognition
=> Recurrent Residual Module for Fast Inference in Videos
=> Recurrent RLCN-Guided Attention Network for Single Image Deraining
=> Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network for Tiny Target Segmentation in Abdominal CT Scans
=> Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network: Incorporating Multi-stage Visual Cues for Small Organ Segmentation
=> Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN
=> Recurrent Scene Parsing with Perspective Understanding in the Loop
=> Recurrent Segmentation for Variable Computational Budgets
=> Recurrent Semantic Preserving Generation for Action Prediction
=> Recurrent semi-supervised classification and constrained adversarial generation with motion capture data
=> Recurrent Shape Regression
=> Recurrent Slice Networks for 3D Segmentation of Point Clouds
=> Recurrent Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Action Recognition in Videos
=> Recurrent Spatial Pyramid CNN for Optical Flow Estimation
=> Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
=> Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
=> Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
=> Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
=> Recurrent Temporal Deep Field for Semantic Video Labeling
=> Recurrent Thrifty Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Recognition
=> Recurrent Tissue-Aware Network for Deformable Registration of Infant Brain MR Images
=> Recurrent Topic-Transition GAN for Visual Paragraph Generation
=> Recurrent Transformer Network for Novel View Action Synthesis, A
=> Recurrent Tubelet Proposal and Recognition Networks for Action Detection
=> Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
=> Recurrent unit augmented memory network for video summarisation
=> Recurrent Variational Network: A Deep Learning Inverse Problem Solver applied to the task of Accelerated MRI Reconstruction
=> Recurrent Vision Transformer for Solving Visual Reasoning Problems
=> Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras
=> Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras
=> Recurrent wavelet structure-preserving residual network for single image deraining
=> Recurrently exploring class-wise attention in a hybrid convolutional and bidirectional LSTM network for multi-label aerial image classification
=> Recurrently Target-Attending Tracking
=> Recurring Element Detection in Movies
=> Recurring the Transformer for Video Action Recognition
=> Recursions Are All You Need: Towards Efficient Deep Unfolding Networks
=> Recursive-Batch Estimation of Motion and Structure from Monocular Image Sequences
=> Recursive 'concave-convex' Fisher Linear Discriminant with applications to face, handwritten digit and terrain recognition
=> Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition
=> Recursive 3-D Visual-Motion Estimation Using Subspace Constraints
=> Recursive 3D scene estimation with multiple camera pairs
=> Recursive active contours for hierarchical segmentation of wetlands in high-resolution satellite imagery of Arctic landscapes
=> Recursive Affine Structure and Motion from Image Sequences
=> Recursive algorithm based on fuzzy 2-partition entropy for 2-level image thresholding
=> recursive algorithm for calculating the relative convex hull, A
=> Recursive Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Based Identification of Blur from Multiple Observations, A
=> Recursive algorithm, architectures and FPGA implementation of the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform
=> Recursive Algorithms for Bias and Gain Nonuniformity Correction in Infrared Videos
=> recursive analysis for form cell recognition, A
=> Recursive and Model-Constrained Region Splitting Algorithm for Cell Clump Decomposition, A
=> Recursive Anisotropic 2-D Gaussian Filtering Based on a Triple-Axis Decomposition
=> recursive approach for de-interlacing using improved ELA and motion compensation based on bi-directional BMA, A
=> Recursive Approach to Generate Univariate Orthonormal Wavelet, A
=> Recursive Approximation of the Bilateral Filter
=> Recursive Band Processing of Automatic Target Generation Process for Finding Unsupervised Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery
=> recursive Bayesian approach to describe retinal vasculature geometry, A
=> recursive Bayesian approach to pattern recognition, A
=> Recursive Bayesian beamforming with uncertain projected steering vector and strong interferences
=> Recursive Bayesian Control of Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation
=> Recursive Bayesian Filtering for Multiple Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Cameras
=> Recursive Bayesian fire recognition using greedy margin-maximizing clustering
=> Recursive bilateral filter for encoder-integrated video denoising
=> Recursive Bilateral Filtering
=> Recursive Binary Dilation and Erosion Using Digital Line Structuring Elements in Arbitrary Orientations
=> Recursive Binary Particle Swarm Optimization based Face Localization
=> Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering, A
=> Recursive Calculation of Relative Convex Hulls
=> Recursive Camera-Motion Estimation With the Trifocal Tensor
=> Recursive Camera Autocalibration with the Kalman Filter
=> recursive camera resectioning technique for off-line video-based augmented reality, A
=> Recursive Cascaded Networks for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
=> Recursive Chaining of Reversible Image-to-Image Translators for Face Aging
=> Recursive Clustering for Multiple Object Tracking
=> Recursive Clustering Technique for Color Picture Segmentation, A
=> Recursive Coarse-to-Fine Localization for Fast Object Detection
=> Recursive Compositional Models for Vision: Description and Review of Recent Work
=> Recursive compositional models: Representation, learning, and inference
=> Recursive computation method for fast encoding of vector quantization based on 2-pixel-merging sum pyramid data structure
=> Recursive Computation of Forward Krawtchouk Moment Transform Using Clenshaw's Recurrence Formula
=> Recursive computation of minimum-length polygons
=> Recursive computation of moments of 2D objects represented by elliptic Fourier descriptors
=> Recursive computation of Tchebichef moment and its inverse transform
=> Recursive Context Routing for Object Detection
=> Recursive Contextual Classification Using a Spatial Stochastic Model
=> Recursive Contour-Saliency Blending Network for Accurate Salient Object Detection
=> Recursive Conversion of Chain Code into Quadtree with Table Lookup
=> Recursive Convolutional Neural Networks for Epigenomics
=> Recursive Copy and Paste GAN: Face Hallucination From Shaded Thumbnails
=> Recursive CSI Quantization of Time-Correlated MIMO Channels by Deep Learning Classification
=> Recursive cubic spline interpolation filter approach for the removal of high density salt-and-pepper noise
=> Recursive decoder distortion estimation based on AF(1) source modeling for video
=> Recursive Deep Residual Learning for Single Image Dehazing
=> Recursive Deformable Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
=> Recursive Deformable Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
=> Recursive Dimensionality Reduction Using Fishers Linear Discriminant
=> Recursive Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Real Time Stereoscopic Video Applications
=> Recursive Division of Image for Explanation of Shallow CNN Models
=> Recursive drivable road detection with shadows based on two-camera systems
=> Recursive Dynamically Variable Step Search Motion Estimation Algorithm for High Definition Video
=> Recursive ECOC classification
=> Recursive edge-aware filters for stereo matching
=> Recursive Embedding Approach to Median Graph Computation, A
=> Recursive end-to-end distortion estimation with model-based cross-correlation approximation
=> Recursive Enhancement of Weak Subsurface Boundaries and Its Application to SHARAD Data
=> Recursive erosion, dilation, opening, and closing transforms
=> Recursive Estimation Approach to the Segmentation of MR Imagery, A
=> Recursive Estimation of 3D Motion and Surface Structure from Local Affine Flow Parameters
=> Recursive estimation of camera motion from uncalibrated image sequences
=> Recursive estimation of generative models of video
=> Recursive Estimation of Illuminant Motion from Flow Field and Simultaneous Recovery of Shape
=> Recursive estimation of illuminant motion from flow field
=> Recursive Estimation of Images Using Non-gaussian Autoregressive Models
=> Recursive estimation of motion and a scene model with a two-camera system of divergent view
=> Recursive Estimation of Motion and Planar Structure
=> Recursive Estimation of Motion Parameters
=> Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal Length
=> Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal Length
=> Recursive Estimation of Parameters of Straight Lines and Circles: Application to the Segmentation of the Rey's Complex Figure
=> Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion Using Relative Orientation Constraints
=> Recursive Estimation of the Stein Center of SPD Matrices and Its Applications
=> Recursive Estimation of Time-Varying Motion and Structure Parameters
=> Recursive Estimation with Implicit Constraints
=> Recursive Factorization Method for the Paraperspective Model Based on the Perspective Projection
=> Recursive Feature Elimination and Random Forest Classification of Natura 2000 Grasslands in Lowland River Valleys of Poland Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion
=> Recursive Filter for Despeckling SAR Images, A
=> recursive filter for linear systems on Riemannian manifolds, A
=> Recursive Filter for Phase Velocity Assisted Shape-Based Tracking of Cardiac Non-Rigid Motion, A
=> Recursive Filtering and Edge Closing: Two Primary Tools for 3D Edge Detection
=> Recursive Filtering and Edge Closing: Two Primary Tools for 3D Edge Detection
=> Recursive Filtering and Edge Tracking: Two Primary Tools for 3D Edge Detection
=> Recursive Filters For Optical-Flow
=> Recursive Fitting-and-Splitting Algorithm for 3-D Object Modeling Using Superquadrics, A
=> Recursive flow based structure from parallax with automatic rescaling
=> recursive framework for expression recognition: From web images to deep models to game dataset, A
=> Recursive framework for joint inpainting and de-noising of photographic films
=> Recursive Frichet Mean Computation on the Grassmannian and Its Applications to Computer Vision
=> Recursive Gabor Filtering
=> Recursive Gaussian Derivative Filters
=> Recursive Gaussian process: On-line regression and learning
=> Recursive head reconstruction from multi-view video sequences
=> Recursive Hierarchical Clustering for Hyperspectral Images
=> Recursive Hierarchical Radical Extraction for Handwritten Chinese Characters
=> Recursive Hierarchical Scheme for Radical Extraction of Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
=> Recursive high-resolution reconstruction of blurred multiframe images
=> Recursive Histogram Modification: Establishing Equivalency Between Reversible Data Hiding and Lossless Data Compression
=> Recursive Hull and Signal-Based Building Footprint Generation from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
=> Recursive Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Markovian Dynamic Systems
=> Recursive Hybrid Fusion Pyramid Network for Real-Time Small Object Detection on Embedded Devices
=> Recursive identification of FIR systems with binary-valued observations
=> Recursive Identification of Gesture Inputs Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Recursive Image Sequence Segmentation by Hierarchical Models
=> Recursive Implementation of Erosions and Dilations Along Discrete Lines at Arbitrary Angles
=> Recursive Inception Network for Super-Resolution
=> Recursive Integer Cosine Transform for HEVC and Future Video Coding Standards
=> Recursive inverse adaptive algorithm: A second-order version, a fast implementation technique, and further results
=> Recursive Least-Squares Estimator-Aided Online Learning for Visual Tracking
=> Recursive Least-Squares Estimator-Aided Online Learning for Visual Tracking
=> Recursive Live Dense Reconstruction: Some comments on established and imaginable new approaches
=> Recursive LMS L Filters for Noise Removal in Images
=> Recursive Local Summation of RX Detection for Hyperspectral Image Using Sliding Windows
=> Recursive MAP Displacement Field Estimation and Its Applications
=> Recursive MDL via graph cuts: Application to segmentation
=> recursive method for the investigation of the linear separability of two sets, A
=> Recursive method to extract rectangular objects from scans
=> Recursive Model-based Image Restoration
=> Recursive Model-Reduction Method for Approximate Inference in Gaussian Markov Random Fields, A
=> Recursive model optimization using ICP and free moving 3D data acquisition
=> Recursive Morphological Operators for Gray Image Processing. Application in Granulometry Analysis
=> Recursive Motion and Structure Estimation with Complete Error Characterization
=> Recursive Multi-Frame Planar Parallax Algorithm, The
=> Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust salient object detection via parallel sub-networks
=> Recursive Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Automatic Photo Selection
=> Recursive Multi-Scale Channel-Spatial Attention for Fine-Grained Image Classification
=> Recursive Multiscale Correlation-Averaging Algorithm for an Automated Distributed Road-Condition-Monitoring System, A
=> Recursive Multiscale Estimation of Space-Time Random Fields
=> Recursive Nearest Agglomeration (ReNA): Fast Clustering for Approximation of Structured Signals
=> Recursive neighbourhood operations on the linear processor array SYMPATI-2
=> Recursive Neural Network for Video Deblurring
=> Recursive neural networks learn to localize faces
=> Recursive NMF: Efficient label tree learning for large multi-class problems
=> Recursive Non-Linear Estimation of Discontinuous Flow Fields
=> Recursive non-rigid structure from motion with online learned shape prior
=> recursive nonlinear filter for removal of impulse noise, A
=> Recursive Nonstationary Map Displacement Vector Field Estimation Algorithm, A
=> Recursive On-Line 2D PCA and Its Application to Long-Term Background Subtraction
=> Recursive Online Kernel PCA Algorithm, A
=> Recursive opening transform
=> Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree structured vector quantizers
=> Recursive Optimal Relevance Feedback Scheme for Content Based Image Retrieval, A
=> Recursive optimization of spherical watermarking using transportation theory
=> Recursive orientation estimation based on hypersurface reconstruction
=> Recursive Orthogonal Projection-Based Simplex Growing Algorithm
=> recursive Otsu thresholding method for scanned document binarization, A
=> Recursive Path Planning Using Reduced States for Car-Like Vehicles on Grid Maps
=> Recursive Perceptual Grouping for 3D Object Reconstruction from 2D Scenes
=> Recursive photometric stereo when multiple shadows and highlights are present
=> Recursive Prediction for Joint Spatial and Temporal Prediction in Video Coding
=> Recursive Procedure for Finding the Intersection of Two Digital Curves, A
=> Recursive projected sparse matrix recovery (ReProSMR) with application in real-time video layer separation
=> Recursive projection twin support vector machine via within-class variance minimization
=> Recursive Propagation of Correspondences with Applications to the Creation of Virtual Video
=> Recursive Pyramid Network with Joint Attention for Cross-Media Retrieval
=> Recursive Recognition of Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
=> Recursive Recovery of Position and Orientation from Stereo Image Sequences without Three-Dimensional Structures
=> Recursive Recurrent Nets with Attention Modeling for OCR in the Wild
=> Recursive reduced least squares support vector regression
=> Recursive reduction net for large-scale high-dimensional data
=> Recursive Region Extraction
=> Recursive Region Segmentation by Analysis of Histograms
=> Recursive Region Splitting at Hierarchial Scope Views
=> Recursive Regularization Filters: Design, Properties, and Applications
=> Recursive Representation and Progressive Display of Binary Objects for Efficient Network Browsing
=> Recursive residual atrous spatial pyramid pooling network for single image deraining
=> Recursive Residual Convolutional Neural Network- Based In-Loop Filtering for Intra Frames
=> Recursive Resolving Algorithm For Multiple Stereo And Motion Matches
=> Recursive Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Method With a Very High Payload, A
=> Recursive risk estimation for non-linear image deconvolution with a wavelet-domain sparsity constraint
=> recursive robust filtering approach for 3D registration, A
=> Recursive RX with Extended Multi-Attribute Profiles for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
=> Recursive Segmentation and Recognition Templates for Image Parsing
=> Recursive Separation of Stationary Components by Subspace Projection and Stochastic Constraints
=> Recursive Shape and Pose Determination Using Deformable Model
=> recursive shape error concealment algorithm, A
=> Recursive sLORETA-FOCUSS Algorithm for EEG Dipoles Localization
=> Recursive Social Behavior Graph for Trajectory Prediction
=> Recursive Soft-decision Psf and Neural Network Approach to Adaptive Blind Image Regularization, A
=> Recursive soft morphological filters
=> Recursive Sparse Blind Source Separation Method for Nonnegative and Correlated Data in NMR Spectroscopy, A
=> Recursive Spatial Transformer (ReST) for Alignment-Free Face Recognition
=> Recursive Square-root Filters
=> Recursive Structure and Motion Estimation Based on Hybrid Matching Constraints
=> Recursive structure and motion estimation from noisy uncalibrated video sequences
=> Recursive Structure and Motion from Image Sequences Using Shape and Depth Spaces
=> Recursive Structure from Motion Using Hybrid Matching Constraints with Error Feedback
=> Recursive sub-image histogram equalization applied to gray scale images
=> Recursive SURE for image recovery via total variation minimization
=> Recursive temporal denoising and motion estimation of video
=> Recursive Texture Orientation Estimation Based on Space Transformation and Hypersurface Reconstruction
=> Recursive Three-Dimensional Model Reconstruction Based on Kalman Filtering
=> Recursive Thresholding Technique for Image Segmentation, A
=> Recursive time-varying filter banks for subband image coding
=> Recursive total least squares algorithm for 3-D camera motion estimation from image sequences
=> Recursive Tower of Knowledge for Learning to Interpret Scenes
=> Recursive transform-based phase unwrapping
=> Recursive unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
=> Recursive Update Model for Estimating High-Resolution LAI Based on the NARX Neural Network and MODIS Times Series, A
=> Recursive Updating of Planar Motion
=> Recursive Updating Rule for Efficient Computation of Linear Moments in Sliding-Window Applications, A
=> Recursive Variable Span Linear Filter for Noise Reduction
=> Recursive Video Lane Detection
=> Recursive Video Lane Detection
=> Recursive Video Matting and Denoising
=> Recursive Visual Attention in Visual Dialog
=> Recursive Visual Sound Separation Using Minus-Plus Net
=> Recursive voids for identifying a nonconvex boundary of a set of points in the plane
=> Recursive Wiener Filter for Motion Parameter Estimation in Three-Parameter Motion Model
=> RecursiveDet: End-to-End Region-based Recursive Object Detection
=> RecursiveDet: End-to-End Region-based Recursive Object Detection
=> Recursively Conditional Gaussian for Ordinal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
=> Recursively Estimating Optical Flow from a Noisy Image Sequence
=> Recursively generated B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological surfaces
=> Recursively Refined R-CNN: Instance Segmentation with Self-RoI Rebalancing
=> Recursivity and PDE's in Image Processing
=> ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances
=> ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances
=> Recyclable Waste Paper Sorting Using Template Matching
=> Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting
=> RecycleNet: Latent Feature Recycling Leads to Iterative Decision Refinement
=> Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimation From Sentinel-2/MSI Imagery
=> Red-eye detection/retouch apparatus
=> Red-Eyes Removal through Cluster-Based Boosting on Gray Codes
=> Red-eyes removal through cluster based Linear Discriminant Analysis
=> Red-Green-Blue and Multispectral Imaging as Potential Tools for Estimating Growth and Nutritional Performance of Cassava under Deficit Irrigation and Potassium Fertigation
=> Red-green-blue Augmented Reality Tags for Retail Stores
=> Red-handed: collaborative gesture interaction with a projection table
=> RED-Net: A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Video-Based Face Alignment
=> Red-Pill Robots Only, Please
=> RED-PSM: Regularization by Denoising of Partially Separable Models for Dynamic Imaging
=> ReD-SFA: Relation Discovery Based Slow Feature Analysis for Trajectory Clustering
=> Red blood cell segmentation from SEM images
=> Red Carpet to Fight Club: Partially-supervised Domain Transfer for Face Recognition in Violent Videos
=> Red Eye Detection through Bag-of-Keypoints Classification
=> Red eye detection using color and shape
=> Red eye detection with machine learning
=> Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
=> Red lesions detection in digital fundus images
=> Red light, green light, no light: Tomorrow's communicative cars could take turns at intersections
=> Red tide detection based on high spatial resolution broad band optical satellite data
=> Red Tide Detection Method for HY-1D Coastal Zone Imager Based on U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
=> RED: A Simple but Effective Baseline Predictor for the TrajNet Benchmark
=> RED++: Data-Free Pruning of Deep Neural Networks via Input Splitting and Output Merging
=> ReDA: Reinforced Differentiable Attribute for 3D Face Reconstruction
=> ReDAL: Region-based and Diversity-aware Active Learning for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
=> Redefined Block-Lifting-Based Filter Banks With Efficient Reversible Nonexpansive Convolution
=> Redefining nearest neighbor classification in high-dimensional settings
=> Redefining prior feature space via finetuning a triplet network for few-shot learning
=> Redefining the DCT-based feature for scene text detection: Analysis and comparison of spatial frequency-based features
=> Redesigning Graphical User Interface of Open-Source Geospatial Software in a Community-Driven Way: A Case Study of GRASS GIS
=> Redesigning Multi-Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting
=> Redesigning of JPEG Statistical Model in the Lossy Mode Fitting Distribution of Dct Coefficients
=> ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection
=> RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters With Smartphones
=> ReDFeat: Recoupling Detection and Description for Multimodal Feature Learning
=> Redif Extraction in Handwritten Ottoman Literary Texts
=> Redirected touching: The effect of warping space on task performance
=> Redirected Touching: Training and adaptation in warped virtual spaces
=> ReDirTrans: Latent-to-Latent Translation for Gaze and Head Redirection
=> Rediscovering the Lost Roman Landscape in the Southern Trieste Karst (North-Eastern Italy): Road Network, Land Divisions, Rural Buildings and New Hints on the Avesica Road Station
=> Redistributing Light
=> REDMAPS: Reduced-Dimensionality Matching for Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction
=> REDRESS: Generating Compressed Models for Edge Inference Using Tsetlin Machines
=> Redro: Efficiently Learning Large-sized SPD Visual Representation
=> Reduce Information Loss in Transformers for Pluralistic Image Inpainting
=> Reduce shadow size in aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes using a square block-wise operation
=> Reduce, reuse & recycle: Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs
=> Reduced- and No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
=> Reduced-complexity biometric recognition using 1-D cross-sections of correlation filters
=> Reduced-Complexity Data-Fusion Algorithm Using Belief Propagation for Location Tracking in Heterogeneous Observations, A
=> Reduced-Complexity Delayed-Decision Algorithm for Context-Based Image Processing Systems
=> Reduced-Complexity End-to-End Variational Autoencoder for on Board Satellite Image Compression
=> Reduced-complexity entropy coding of transform coefficient levels using truncated golomb-rice codes in video compression
=> reduced-complexity image coding scheme using decision-directed wavelet-based contourlet transform, A
=> Reduced-complexity image segmentation under parallel Markov Random Field formulation using graph partitioning
=> Reduced-Complexity Intra Block Copy (IntraBC) Mode With Early CU Splitting and Pruning for HEVC Screen Content Coding
=> Reduced-complexity iterative post-filtering of video
=> Reduced-Complexity Partial-Interference-Cancellation Group Decoder for STBCs, A
=> Reduced-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimization of Multiresolution Motion Field and Prediction Residual
=> Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partitions using texture and depth data
=> Reduced-complexity shape-adaptive DCT for region-based image coding
=> Reduced-Complexity Soft-Decision Aided Space-Time Shift Keying
=> Reduced-Complexity Super-Resolution DOA Estimation with Unknown Number of Sources
=> Reduced-Dose Imageless Needle and Patient Tracking in Interventional CT Procedures
=> Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Altimetry Satellite Using a Refined Empirical Acceleration Model
=> Reduced-illuminance autofluorescence imaging in ABCA4-associated retinal degenerations
=> Reduced-Rank DOA Estimation Algorithms Based on Alternating Low-Rank Decomposition
=> Reduced-Rank STAP for Slow-Moving Target Detection by Antenna-Pulse Selection
=> Reduced-Rank Tensor-on-Tensor Regression and Tensor-Variate Analysis of Variance
=> Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on distortion families of local perceived sharpness
=> Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Improved Local Binary Pattern
=> Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on perceptual image hashing
=> Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment by Structural Similarity Estimation
=> Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment in Free-Energy Principle and Sparse Representation
=> Reduced-reference image quality assessment in reorganized DCT domain
=> Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Reorganized DCT-Based Image Representation
=> Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment with Visual Information Fidelity
=> Reduced-reference image quality metric based on statistic model in complex wavelet transform domain
=> Reduced-Reference Learning for Target Localization in Deep Brain Stimulation
=> Reduced-reference metric based on the quaternionic wavelet coefficients modeling by information criteria
=> Reduced-reference metric design for objective perceptual quality assessment in wireless imaging
=> Reduced-reference perceptual quality assessment for video streaming
=> reduced-reference perceptual quality metric for texture synthesis, A
=> Reduced-reference quality assessment based on the entropy of DNT coefficients of locally weighted gradients
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Based on the Entropy of DWT Coefficients of Locally Weighted Gradient Magnitudes
=> Reduced-reference quality assessment for retargeted images
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Metric for Super-Resolution Reconstructed Images with Information Gain and Texture Similarity, A
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Image Super-Resolution by Energy Change and Texture Variation
=> Reduced-reference quality assessment of multiply-distorted images based on structural and uncertainty information degradation
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Point Clouds via Content-Oriented Saliency Projection
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images
=> Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Scheme for Blurred Images, A
=> Reduced-reference quality assessment with scalable overhead for video with packet loss
=> Reduced-reference quality evaluation for compressed depth maps associated with colour plus depth 3D video
=> Reduced-reference quality metric for 3D depth map transmission
=> Reduced-reference quality metric for screen content image
=> Reduced-reference SSIM estimation
=> Reduced-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment based on view and disparity zero-watermarks
=> Reduced-reference synthesized-texture quality assessment based on multi-scale spatial and statistical texture attributes
=> Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Based on the Activity-Difference of DCT Coefficients, A
=> Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment of Compressed Video Sequences
=> Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Discriminative Local Harmonic Strength With Motion Consideration
=> Reduced-search dynamic programming for approximation of polygonal curves
=> Reduced Analytic Dependency Modeling: Robust Fusion for Visual Recognition
=> Reduced Analytical Dependency Modeling for Classifier Fusion
=> reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for classification, A
=> Reduced annotation based on deep active learning for arabic text detection in natural scene images
=> Reduced Biquaternion Convolutional Neural Network for Color Image Processing
=> Reduced Biquaternion Convolutional Neural Network for Color Image Processing
=> Reduced Biquaternion Stacked Denoising Convolutional AutoEncoder for RGB-D Image Classification
=> Reduced bootstrap aggregating of learning algorithms
=> Reduced complexity diffusion filtered x least mean square algorithm for distributed active noise cancellation
=> Reduced Complexity Modeling and Reproduction of Colored Textures
=> Reduced complexity multi-view video coding scheme for 2D camera arrays
=> Reduced Complexity Multiscale CNN for in-Loop Video Restoration
=> Reduced Complexity Recursive Grassmannian Quantization
=> Reduced complexity Retinex algorithm via the variational approach
=> Reduced Complexity Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using a Blind Deconvolution Approach
=> Reduced Complexity Superresolution for Low-Bitrate Video Compression
=> reduced computational effort mode-level scheme for 3D-HEVC depth maps intra-frame prediction, A
=> Reduced Covariance Color Texture Model For Micro-Textures, A
=> Reduced cross-discrimination for discriminative filters
=> Reduced Data Based Improved MEB/L2-SVM Equivalence
=> Reduced data set for multi-target recognition using compressed sensing frame
=> Reduced data similarity-based matching for time series patterns alignment
=> Reduced DCT approximations for low bit rate coding
=> Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-domain Wyner-Ziv video coders
=> Reduced Dependency Fast Unsupervised 3D Face Reconstruction
=> Reduced dimension image compression and its applications
=> reduced domain pool based on DCT for a fast fractal image encoding, A
=> Reduced egomotion estimation drift using omnidirectional views
=> Reduced Encoding Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Implemented With a Bi-Gaussian Model
=> Reduced epipolar cost for accelerated incremental SfM
=> Reduced Frame Quantization in Video Coding
=> Reduced Human Perception of FPN Noise of the Pyramidal Readout CMOS Image Sensor
=> Reduced Image Aliasing With Microwave Radiometers and Weather Radar Through Windowed Spatial Averaging
=> Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions
=> Reduced Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation for Painterly Rendering
=> reduced memory bandwidth and high throughput HDTV motion compensation decoder for H.264/AVC High 4:2:2 profile, A
=> Reduced memory, low complexity embedded image compression algorithm using hierarchical listless discrete tchebichef transform
=> Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
=> Reduced model of discrete-time dynamic image segmentation system and its bifurcation analysis
=> Reduced Multidimensional Cooccurrence Histograms in Texture Classification
=> Reduced Multidimensional Histograms in Color Texture Description
=> Reduced Multidimensional Texture Histograms
=> Reduced Multilinear Constraints: Theory and Experiments
=> Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Model for Multimodal Biometrics and Classifiers Fusion, A
=> Reduced Order Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Algorithm for Surgical Simulation, A
=> Reduced Order Extended Kalman Filter for Sequential Images Containing a Moving Object, A
=> Reduced Order Model Approach to Inverse Scattering
=> Reduced order modeling and robust controller design for a heat conduction problem
=> Reduced Order Modeling Inversion of Monostatic Data in a Multi-scattering Environment
=> Reduced Ordering Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images
=> Reduced Parzen Classifier, The
=> Reduced Prediction Saturation and View Effects for Estimating the Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat
=> Reduced quaternion matrix-based sparse representation and its application to colour image processing
=> Reduced reference image quality assessment using regularity of phase congruency
=> Reduced Reference Metric for Visual Quality Evaluation of Point Cloud Contents, A
=> Reduced Reference Perceptual Quality Model With Application to Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
=> Reduced Reference Quality Metric for Synthesized Virtual Views in 3DTV
=> Reduced Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based on Binocular Perceptual Information
=> Reduced Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Sparse Representation and Natural Scene Statistics
=> Reduced resolution and scale space for dominant feature detection in contours
=> Reduced Resolution Update method on transform domain for H.264/AVC, A
=> Reduced Resolution Update Mode Extension to the H.264 Standard
=> Reduced Resolution Update Video Coding with Interblock Filtering of Prediction Error Residuals
=> Reduced selective encryption of intra and inter frames of H.264/AVC using psychovisual metrics
=> Reduced set density estimator for object segmentation based on shape probabilistic representation
=> Reduced Storage VQ via Secondary Quantization
=> reduced unconstrained system for the cloth dynamics solver, A
=> Reduced Uneven Multi-hexagon-grid Search for Fast Integer Pel Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
=> Reduced Universal Background Model for Speech Recognition and Identification System
=> reduced universum twin support vector machine for class imbalance learning, A
=> Reducing-Over-Time Tree for Event-based Data
=> Reducing aliasing in images: A simple diffusion equation based on the inverse diffusivity
=> Reducing Aliasing in Wavelets Based Downsampling for Improved Resolution Scalability
=> Reducing ambiguity in feature point matching by preserving local geometric consistency
=> Reducing Ambiguity in Object Recognition Using Relational Information
=> Reducing Annotation Effort by Identifying and Labeling Contextually Diverse Classes for Semantic Segmentation Under Domain Shift
=> Reducing Annotation Workload Using a Codebook Mapping and Its Evaluation in On-Line Handwriting
=> Reducing Anomaly Detection in Images to Detection in Noise
=> Reducing Artifacts between Adjacent Bricks in Multi-resolution Volume Rendering
=> Reducing artifacts in BDCT-coded images by adaptive pixel-adjustment
=> Reducing Artifacts in JPEG Decompression by Segmentation and Smoothing
=> Reducing Basis Mismatch in Harmonic Signal Recovery via Alternating Convex Search
=> Reducing bi-level feature redundancy for unsupervised domain adaptation
=> Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolution
=> Reducing Building Conflicts in Map Generalization with an Improved PSO Algorithm
=> Reducing CACC Platoon Disturbances Caused by State Jitters by Combining Two Stages Driving State Recognition With Multiple Platoons' Strategies and Risk Prediction
=> Reducing camera vibrations and photometric changes in surveillance video
=> Reducing catastrophic forgetting with learning on synthetic data
=> Reducing channel change delay in IPTV by predictive pre-joining of TV channels
=> Reducing circular hough transform parameters using morphological operations
=> Reducing classification error of grassland overgrowth by combing low-density lidar acquisitions and optical remote sensing data
=> Reducing communication in federated learning via efficient client sampling
=> Reducing Complexity of HEVC: A Deep Learning Approach
=> Reducing Consumer Uncertainty: Towards an Ontology for Geospatial User-Centric Metadata
=> Reducing correspondence ambiguity in loosely labeled training data
=> Reducing covariate factors of gait recognition using feature selection and dictionary-based sparse coding
=> Reducing Data Complexity Using Autoencoders With Class-Informed Loss Functions
=> Reducing descriptor measurement error through bayesian estimation of fingerprint minutia location and direction
=> Reducing Distributional Uncertainty by Mutual Information Maximisation and Transferable Feature Learning
=> Reducing Domain Gap by Reducing Style Bias
=> Reducing DRAM Image Data Access Energy Consumption in Video Processing
=> Reducing drift in differential tracking
=> Reducing Drift in Mosaicing Slit-Lamp Retinal Images
=> Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking
=> Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking
=> Reducing Drift in Structure From Motion Using Extended Features
=> Reducing Edge Effects in the Classification of High Resolution Imagery
=> Reducing energy dissipation of frame memory by adaptive bit-width compression
=> Reducing examples to accelerate support vector regression
=> Reducing False Positives in Object Tracking with Siamese Network
=> Reducing False Positives in Video Shot Detection Using Learning Techniques
=> Reducing Fear or Anxiety by Simulating Breathing Movements as Physical Contact with an Unrelated Person
=> Reducing FFT Scalloping Loss Errors Without Multiplication
=> Reducing Footskate in Human Motion Reconstruction with Ground Contact Constraints
=> Reducing forgeries in writer-independent off-line signature verification through ensemble of classifiers
=> Reducing frequency-domain artifacts of binary image due to coarse sampling by repeated interpolation and smoothing of Radon projections
=> Reducing Geographic Performance Differentials for Face Recognition
=> Reducing Global Environmental Uncertainties in Reports of Tropical Forest Carbon Fluxes to REDD+ and the Paris Agreement Global Stocktake
=> Reducing graphs in graph cut segmentation
=> Reducing HEVC encoding complexity using two-stage motion estimation
=> Reducing I/O Cost of Similarity Queries by Processing Several at a Time
=> Reducing Illumination Based on Nonlinear Gamma Correction
=> Reducing Image Compression Artifacts by Structural Sparse Representation and Quantization Constraint Prior
=> Reducing Information Loss for Spiking Neural Networks
=> Reducing integrability artefacts for data fusion through colour space manipulation
=> Reducing Integrability Error of Color Tensor Gradients for Image Fusion
=> Reducing Interferences in VANETs
=> Reducing Ionospheric Effects in InSAR Data Using Accurate Coregistration
=> Reducing JointBoost-based multiclass classification to proximity search
=> Reducing Keypoint Database Size
=> Reducing Label Effort: Self-Supervised meets Active Learning
=> Reducing Language Biases in Visual Question Answering with Visually-grounded Question Encoder
=> Reducing Latency for Multimedia Broadcast Services Over Mobile Networks
=> Reducing local traffic emissions at urban intersection using ITS countermeasures
=> Reducing magnetic resonance image spacing by learning without ground-truth
=> Reducing mismatching under time-pressure by reasoning about visibility and occlusion
=> Reducing Model Error Effects in El Nino-Southern Oscillation Prediction Using Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation
=> Reducing Motion Blur Artifact of Foveal Projection for a Dynamic Focus-Plus-Context Display
=> Reducing Multiplexing Artifacts in Multi-Pinhole SPECT With a Stacked Silicon-Germanium System: A Simulation Study
=> Reducing Navigators in Free-Breathing Abdominal MRI via Temporal Interpolation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Reducing noise and redundancy in registered range data for planar surface extraction
=> Reducing Noise Pixels and Metric Bias in Semantic Inpainting on Segmentation Map
=> Reducing noisy labels in weakly labeled data for visual sentiment analysis
=> Reducing Number of Classifiers in DAGSVM Based on Class Similarity
=> Reducing Operation Cost of LPWAN Roadside Sensors Using Cross Technology Communication
=> Reducing Operational Costs in Cloud Social TV: An Opportunity for Cloud Cloning
=> Reducing parameter number in residual networks by sharing weights
=> Reducing power consumption of HEVC codec with lossless reference frame recompression
=> Reducing randomness of non-regular sampling masks for image reconstruction
=> Reducing Redundancy in Maps without Lowering Accuracy: A Geometric Feature Fusion Approach for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
=> Reducing redundancy in the bottleneck representation of autoencoders
=> Reducing Scaling Effect on Downscaled Land Surface Temperature Maps in Heterogenous Urban Environments
=> Reducing search space for fast pedestrian detection
=> Reducing Search Space for Stereo Correspondence with Graph Cuts
=> Reducing shadow size in essential secret image sharing by conjunctive hierarchical approach
=> Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area
=> Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting
=> Reducing Stair Artifacts in CT Reconstruction
=> Reducing Streaking Artifacts in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
=> Reducing Structure-From-Motion: A General Framework For Dynamic Vision Part 1: Modeling
=> Reducing Structure-From-Motion: A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 2: Implementation And Experimental Assessment
=> Reducing Structure from Motion: A General Framework for Dynamic Vision with Experimental Evaluation
=> Reducing SVM Classification Time Using Multiple Mirror Classifiers
=> Reducing the Annotation Effort for Video Object Segmentation Datasets
=> Reducing the Coefficients of a Two-Dimensional Integer Linear Constraint
=> Reducing the Complexity of Model-Based MRI Reconstructions via Sparsification
=> Reducing the Complexity of the N-FINDR Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
=> Reducing the computational complexity of a MAP post-processing algorithm for video sequences
=> Reducing the computational cost of shape matching with the distance set
=> Reducing the Cost of High-Speed Railway Communications: From the Propagation Channel View
=> Reducing the dimensionality of plant spectral databases
=> Reducing the Effect of Noise on Human Contour in Gait Recognition
=> Reducing the Effect of the Endmembers' Spectral Variability by Selecting the Optimal Spectral Bands
=> Reducing the effects of misregistration and sun-surface-sensor geometry on the detection of forest harvest cut-blocks
=> Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A Structured Matrix Completion Approach
=> Reducing the Error Accumulation in Car-Following Models Calibrated With Vehicle Trajectory Data
=> Reducing the Error in Terrestrial Laser Scanning by Optimizing the Measurement Set-Up
=> Reducing the false alarm rate in abandoned object detection
=> Reducing the feature divergence of RGB and near-infrared images using Switchable Normalization
=> Reducing the Feature Vector Length in Local Binary Pattern Based Face Recognition
=> Reducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segmentation With Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Reducing the impact of internal upsets inside the correlation process in GPS Receivers
=> Reducing the Influence of Soil Moisture on the Estimation of Clay from Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study Using Simulated PRISMA Data
=> Reducing the Influence of Systematic Errors in Interference Core of Stepped Micro-Mirror Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer: A Novel Calibration Method
=> Reducing the Label Bias for Timestamp Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation
=> Reducing the number of sub-classifiers for pairwise multi-category support vector machines
=> Reducing the other-race effect through caricatures
=> Reducing the oversegmentation induced by quasi-flat zones for multivariate images
=> Reducing the Pain: A Novel Tool for Efficient Ground-Truth Labelling in Images
=> Reducing the precision/uncertainty duality in the Hough transform
=> Reducing the Residual Topography Phase for the Robust Landscape Deformation Monitoring of Architectural Heritage Sites in Mountain Areas: The Pseudo-Combination SBAS Method
=> Reducing the Side-Effects of Oscillations in Training of Quantized YOLO Networks
=> Reducing the Sim-to-real Gap for Event Cameras
=> Reducing the spiral CT slice thickness using super resolution
=> Reducing the template ageing effect in on-line signature biometrics
=> Reducing The Time to Get Emergency Assistance for Accident Vehicles On The Road Through An Intelligent Transportation System
=> Reducing the training set using semi-supervised self-training algorithm for segmenting the left ventricle in ultrasound images
=> Reducing the training time of deep learning models using synchronous SGD and large batch size
=> Reducing the Uncertainty of Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain Using a Linear Model Approach
=> Reducing the Variance of Variational Estimates of Mutual Information by Limiting the Critic's Hypothesis Space to RKHS
=> Reducing Tongue Shape Dimensionality from Hundreds of Available Resources Using Autoencoder
=> Reducing Training Time in Cross-Silo Federated Learning using Multigraph Topology
=> Reducing Training Time in Cross-Silo Federated Learning using Multigraph Topology
=> Reducing Triangle Inequality Violations with Deep Learning and Its Application to Image Retrieval
=> Reducing Uncertainties in Applying Remotely Sensed Land Use and Land Cover Maps in Land-Atmosphere Interaction: Identifying Change in Space and Time
=> Reducing Uncertainty in Mapping of Mangrove Aboveground Biomass Using Airborne Discrete Return Lidar Data
=> Reducing Uncertainty in Undersampled MRI Reconstruction With Active Acquisition
=> Reducing Variability in Anatomical Definitions Over Time Using Longitudinal Diffeomorphic Mapping
=> Reducing video-quality fluctuations for streaming scalable video using unequal error protection, retransmission, and interleaving
=> Reducing Vision-Answer Biases for Multiple-Choice VQA
=> reduct derived from feature selection, A
=> Reduction in number of constraints in max-margin early event detectors
=> Reduction in Uncertainty in Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of Pinus densata Forests in Shangri-La City, China
=> Reduction Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Data
=> Reduction Method of Bathymetric Datasets that Preserves True Geodata, The
=> Reduction of Air Pollution in Poland in Spring 2020 during the Lockdown Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
=> Reduction of Air Traffic Complexity Using Trajectory-Based Operations and Validation of Novel Complexity Indicators
=> Reduction of Aliasing Artifacts by Sign Function Approximation in Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Foreground-Background Separation
=> Reduction of Bias in Maximum Likelihood Ellipse Fitting
=> Reduction of Bleed-Through Effect in Images of Chinese Bank Items
=> Reduction of Block-Transform Image-Coding Artifacts by Using Local Statistics of Transform Coefficients
=> Reduction of Blocking Artifact in Block Coded Images Using Wavelet Transform
=> Reduction of Blocking Artifacts by Adaptive DCT Coefficient Estimation in Block-based Video Coding
=> Reduction of blocking artifacts by cepstral filtering
=> Reduction of blocking artifacts in block transformed compressed color images
=> Reduction of Blocking Artifacts in Image and Video Coding
=> Reduction of blocking effect in DCT-coded images based on a visual perception criterion
=> Reduction of Boundary Artifacts in Image Restoration
=> Reduction of Circular Arcs in European Cadastral Systems: The Proposal of a Solution Referring to the Recommendations of the INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels
=> Reduction of clustering problem to pattern recognition
=> Reduction of Colour Artifacts Using Inverse Demosaicking
=> Reduction of computational complexity of Hough transforms using a convolution approach
=> Reduction of discrete cosine transform/ quantisation/inverse quantisation/inverse discrete cosine transform computational complexity in H.264 video encoding by using an efficient prediction algorithm
=> Reduction of false alarm rate in automatic forest fire infrared surveillance systems
=> Reduction of False Alarm Rate in SAR-MTI Based on Weighted Kurtosis
=> Reduction of false alarms triggered by spiders/cobwebs in surveillance camera networks
=> Reduction of false positive detection in clustered microcalcifications
=> Reduction of false positives in lung nodule detection using a two-level neural classification
=> Reduction of Feature Contamination for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
=> Reduction of Feature Statistics Estimation Error for Small Training Sample Size in Off-Line Signature Verification
=> Reduction of Inherent Ambiguities in Structure from Motion Problem Using Inertial Data
=> Reduction of Insar DEM Tropospheric Noise With GPS Observations
=> Reduction of intra-coding time for HEVC based on temporary direction map
=> Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention without Affecting Route Recognition Performance
=> Reduction of Markov Extended Features in JPEG Image Steganalysis
=> Reduction of Missing Wedge Artifact in Oblique-View Computed Tomography
=> Reduction of musical residual noise using perceptual tools with classic speech denoising techniques
=> Reduction of noise-induced streak artifacts in X-ray computed tomography through spline-based penalized-likelihood sinogram smoothing
=> Reduction of Nonstationary Noise in Telescope Imagery Using a Support Constraint
=> Reduction of Obscuration Noise Using Multiple Images
=> Reduction of phase fluctuations in swept-source optical coherence tomography
=> Reduction of Point Cloud Artifacts Using Shape Priors Estimated with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
=> Reduction of Poisson Noise in Coded Exposure Photography
=> Reduction of processing time for optimal and quadratic discriminant analyses
=> Reduction of Rank-Reduced Orientation-from-Color Problem with Many Unknown Lights to Two-Image Known-Illuminant Photometric Stereo
=> Reduction of Ring Artifacts in High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography Images
=> Reduction of Signal-Dependent Noise From Hyperspectral Images for Target Detection
=> Reduction of Spatially Structured Errors in Wide-Swath Altimetric Satellite Data Using Data Assimilation
=> Reduction of Species Identification Errors in Surveys of Marine Wildlife Abundance Utilising Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
=> Reduction of speckle in digital holography by discrete Fourier filtering
=> Reduction Of Striping Noise In Overlapping Lidar Intensity Data By Radiometric Normalization
=> Reduction of Subsidence and Large-Scale Rebound in the Beijing Plain after Anthropogenic Water Transfer and Ecological Recharge of Groundwater: Evidence from Long Time-Series Satellites InSAR
=> Reduction of temporal distortion in video coding based on detection of just-noticeable temporal pumping artifact
=> Reduction of the class of feature evaluation techniques in pattern analysis
=> Reduction of the Search Space Region in the Edge Based Stereo Correspondence
=> Reduction of the storage requirements of Bledsoe and Browning's n-tuple method of pattern recognition
=> Reduction of transients during lifting based spatial switching of two-channel filter banks
=> Reduction of Uncorrelated Striping Noise: Applications for Hyperspectral Pushbroom Acquisitions
=> Reduction of Vibration-Induced Artifacts in Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Imagery Using the Fractional Fourier Transform
=> Reduction of Vibration-Induced Artifacts in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
=> Reduction or annihilation of aberrations of an optical system by balancing ghost-imaging technique and optimal imaging of a pure weak phase object
=> Redundancy-Based Measure of Dissimilarity among Probability Distributions for Hierarchical Clustering Criteria, A
=> Redundancy-driven modified Tomek-link based undersampling: A solution to class imbalance
=> Redundancy-Reduced Sparsity-Based Adaptive Beamforming for Polarization-Sensitive Arrays
=> Redundancy Allocation Based on the Weighted Mismatch-Rate Slope for Multiple Description Video Coding
=> Redundancy and diversity measure inspired biometrics fusion
=> Redundancy and Optimization of tANS Entropy Encoders
=> Redundancy controllable scalable unbalanced multiple description bitstream generation for peer-to-peer video streaming
=> Redundancy in All Pairs Fast Marching Method
=> Redundancy of signals and transformations and computational complexity of signal and image processing
=> Redundancy Pyramid and Its Application to Segmentation on an Image Sequence, The
=> Redundancy Rate-Distortion Analysis of Multiple Description Coding Using Pairwise Correlating Transforms
=> Redundancy reducing coding of moving object shapes
=> Redundancy removal for isolated gesture in Indian sign language and recognition using multi-class support vector machine
=> Redundant-Wavelet Watermarking with Pixel-Wise Masking
=> Redundant Bit Vectors for Robust Indexing and Retrieval of Electronic Ink
=> Redundant Class-Dependence Feature Analysis Based on Correlation Filters Using FRGC2.0 Data
=> Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform and Additive Noise, The
=> Redundant DWT based translation invariant wavelet feature extraction for face recognition
=> Redundant frame structure using M-frame for interactive light field streaming
=> Redundant GNSS-INS Low-Cost UAV Navigation Solution for Professional Applications, A
=> Redundant image representation via multi-scale digital Radon projections
=> Redundant image representations in security applications
=> Redundant manipulator techniques for partially decentralized path planning and control of a platoon of autonomous vehicles
=> Redundant representation with complex wavelets: How to achieve sparsity
=> Redundant Slice Optimal Allocation for H.264 Multiple Description Coding
=> Redundant versus orthogonal wavelet decomposition for multisensor image fusion
=> Redundant Wavelet Watermarking using Spread Spectrum Modulation
=> Redundant Wavelets on Graphs and High Dimensional Data Clouds
=> Reeb graph path dissimilarity for 3D object matching and retrieval
=> Reeb Graphs of Piecewise Linear Functions
=> Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns
=> ReeBundle: A Method for Topological Modeling of White Matter Pathways Using Diffusion MRI
=> Reed-Muller Transform Image Coding
=> Reed-Solomon Code Based Measurement Matrix with Small Coherence, A
=> Reed-Solomon VLSI codec for advanced television
=> Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch
=> Reef-Up Approach to Classifying Coral Habitats From IKONOS Imagery, A
=> ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer
=> ReenactNet: Real-time Full Head Reenactment
=> ReEnFP: Detail-Preserving Face Reconstruction by Encoding Facial Priors
=> REER-H: A Reliable Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Maritime Intelligent Transportation Systems
=> Reevaluating Mare Moscoviense And Its Vicinity Using Chang'E-2 Microwave Sounder Data
=> Reevaluating the Safety Impact of Inherent Interpretability on Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
=> Reevaluation of color constancy algorithm performance
=> Ref-NeRF: Structured View-Dependent Appearance for Neural Radiance Fields
=> Ref-NeuS: Ambiguity-Reduced Neural Implicit Surface Learning for Multi-View Reconstruction with Reflection
=> Ref-NPR: Reference-Based Non-Photorealistic Radiance Fields for Controllable Scene Stylization
=> RefCLIP: A Universal Teacher for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension
=> RefEgo: Referring Expression Comprehension Dataset from First-Person Perception of Ego4D
=> Refer-it-in-RGBD: A Bottom-up Approach for 3D Visual Grounding in RGBD Images
=> Reference-Based Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation
=> Reference-Based Defect Detection Network
=> Reference-Based Image and Video Super-Resolution via C^2-Matching
=> Reference-Based Image Dehazing With Internal and External Contrastive Learning
=> Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution with Deformable Attention Transformer
=> Reference-Based JPEG Image Artifacts Removal
=> Reference-based local color distribution transformation method and its application to image integration
=> Reference-Based Multi-Level Features Fusion Deblurring Network for Optical Remote Sensing Images
=> Reference-based person re-identification
=> Reference-based probabilistic segmentation as non-rigid registration using Thin Plate Splines
=> Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes
=> Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes
=> Reference-Based Scheme Combined With K-SVD for Scene Image Categorization
=> Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization Using Augmented-Self Reference and Dense Semantic Correspondence
=> Reference-Based Super-Resolution Method for Remote Sensing Images with Feature Compression Module
=> Reference-Based Video Colorization With Multi-Scale Semantic Fusion and Temporal Augmentation
=> Reference-Based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets
=> Reference-free Adaptive Attitude Determination Method Using Low-cost Marg Sensors
=> Reference-Free DIBR-Synthesized Video Quality Metric in Spatial and Temporal Domains
=> Reference-free metric for quantitative noise appraisal in holographic phase measurements
=> Reference-Free PRFS MR-Thermometry Using Near-Harmonic 2-D Reconstruction of the Background Phase
=> Reference-Free Quality Assessment of Sonar Images via Contour Degradation Measurement
=> reference-free underwater image quality assessment metric in frequency domain, A
=> Reference-guided Controllable Inpainting of Neural Radiance Fields
=> Reference-Guided Deep Super-Resolution via Manifold Localized External Compensation
=> Reference-guided exposure fusion in dynamic scenes
=> Reference-Guided Landmark Image Inpainting With Deep Feature Matching
=> Reference-Guided Large-Scale Face Inpainting With Identity and Texture Control
=> Reference-Guided Texture and Structure Inference for Image Inpainting
=> Reference-omitted affine soft correspondence algorithm
=> Reference based holoscopic 3D camera aperture stitching for widening the overall viewing angle
=> Reference Clip for Inter Prediction in Video Coding
=> Reference consistent reconstruction of 3D cloth surface
=> Reference Data Accuracy Impacts Burned Area Product Validation: The Role of the Expert Analyst
=> Reference data preparation for complex satellite image segmentation
=> Reference Data Set for Accuracy Evaluation of Orientation Estimation Algorithms for Inertial Motion Capture Systems
=> Reference data set for camera spectral sensitivity estimation
=> Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subject Gait with Inertial Measurements Units, A
=> Reference Estimation in EEG: Analysis of Equivalent Approaches
=> Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece
=> Reference frame context-adaptive variable-length coder: a real-time hardware-friendly approach for lossless external memory bandwidth reduction in current video-coding systems
=> Reference frame modification techniques for temporal and spatial scalability
=> Reference Frame Optimization for Multiple-Path Video Streaming With Complexity Scaling
=> Reference frame selection for loss-resilient texture and depth map coding in multiview video conferencing
=> Reference Grid-assisted Network for 3D Point Signature Learning from Point Clouds
=> Reference guided image super-resolution via efficient dense warping and adaptive fusion
=> Reference Guided Reflection Removal Using Deep Visual Attribute Cues
=> Reference Image-Assisted Auxiliary Feature Fusion in Image Inpainting
=> Reference Image Based Color Correction for Multi-camera Panoramic High Resolution Imaging
=> Reference image based method of region of interest enhancement for haze image
=> Reference Information Based Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction with Generalized Nonconvex Low-Rank Approximation
=> Reference LIDAR Surfaces for Enhanced Aerial Triangulation and Camera Calibration
=> Reference line approach for vector data compression
=> Reference line extraction from form documents with complicated backgrounds
=> Reference Measurements in Developing UAV Systems for Detecting Pests, Weeds, and Diseases
=> Reference model for a data grid approach to address data in a dynamic SDI
=> Reference Model for Driver Attention in Automation: Glance Behavior Changes During Lateral and Longitudinal Assistance, A
=> Reference Picture Selection in an Already MPEG Encoded Bitstream
=> Reference picture selection using checkerboard pattern for resilient video coding
=> Reference picture selection with decreased temporal dependency for HEVC error resilience
=> Reference Point Detection for Arch Type Fingerprints
=> Reference point detection for fingerprint recognition
=> Reference Pose Generation for Long-term Visual Localization via Learned Features and View Synthesis
=> Reference Set Thinning for the k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Rule
=> Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
=> Reference Stream Selection for Multiple Depth Stream Encoding
=> Reference Target Correction Based on Point-Target SAR Simulation
=> Reference Tracking Optimization With Obstacle Avoidance via Task Prioritization for Automated Driving
=> Reference View Selection in DIBR-Based Multiview Coding
=> Referenced Based Color Transfer for Medical Volume Rendering
=> Referenceless Measure of Blocking Artifacts by Tchebichef Kernel Analysis
=> Referenceless MR Thermometry for Monitoring Thermal Ablation in the Prostate
=> Referenceless perceptual image defogging
=> Referenceless Prediction of Perceptual Fog Density and Perceptual Image Defogging
=> Referenceless Quality Assessment for Contrast Distorted Image Using Hybrid Features
=> Referit3d: Neural Listeners for Fine-grained 3d Object Identification in Real-world Scenes
=> Referring expression comprehension model with matching detection and linguistic feedback
=> Referring Expression Comprehension: A Survey of Methods and Datasets
=> Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension via Attributes
=> Referring expression grounding by multi-context reasoning
=> Referring Image Matting
=> Referring Image Segmentation by Generative Adversarial Learning
=> Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision
=> Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision
=> Referring Image Segmentation via Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension
=> Referring Image Segmentation via Recurrent Refinement Networks
=> Referring Multi-Object Tracking
=> Referring Object Manipulation of Natural Images with Conditional Classifier-Free Guidance
=> Referring Relationships
=> Referring Segmentation in Images and Videos With Cross-Modal Self-Attention Network
=> Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attention Network
=> REFICS: A Step Towards Linking Vision with Hardware Assurance
=> Refign: Align and Refine for Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation to Adverse Conditions
=> Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point Clouds
=> Refine and Distill: Exploiting Cycle-Inconsistency and Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation
=> Refine and Redistribute: Multi-Domain Fusion and Dynamic Label Assignment for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
=> Refine Myself by Teaching Myself: Feature Refinement via Self-Knowledge Distillation
=> Refine Stereo Correspondence Using Bayesian Network and Dynamic Programming on a Color Based Minimal Span Tree
=> Refined 3D Pose Dataset for Fine-Grained Object Categories, A
=> Refined 3D Pose Dataset for Fine-Grained Object Categories, A
=> Refined Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Moso Bamboo Forest Using Culm Lengths Extracted from TLS Point Cloud
=> Refined Algorithm for Multisensor Image Registration Based on Pixel Migration, A
=> Refined Analysis of Vegetation Phenology Changes and Driving Forces in High Latitude Altitude Regions of the Northern Hemisphere: Insights from High Temporal Resolution MODIS Products
=> Refined clothing texture parsing by exploiting the discriminative meanings of sparse codes
=> Refined Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy to Overcome Multiscale Permutation Entropy Length Dependence
=> Refined Coseismic Slip Model and Surface Deformation of the 2021 Maduo Earthquake: Implications for Sensitivity of Rupture Behaviors to Geometric Complexity
=> Refined Deep Learning for Digital Objects Recognition via Betti Invariants
=> Refined edge detection with cascaded and high-resolution convolutional network
=> Refined Empirical Line Approach for Retrieving Surface Reflectance from EO-1 ALI Images
=> Refined Exponential Filter with Applications to Image Restoration and Interpolation
=> Refined Filtering of Interferometric Phase From InSAR Data
=> Refined Four-Stream Radiative Transfer Model for Row-Planted Crops, A
=> Refined Fractional-Order Fault-Tolerant Coordinated Tracking Control of Networked Fixed-Wing UAVs Against Faults and Communication Delays via Double Recurrent Perturbation FNNs
=> Refined Gravity Field Models for Height System Unification in China, The
=> refined ICP algorithm for robust 3-d correspondence estimation, A
=> Refined InSAR Mapping Based on Improved Tropospheric Delay Correction Method for Automatic Identification of Wide-Area Potential Landslides
=> Refined Knowledge Transfer for Language-Based Person Search
=> Refined Lines/Regions and Lines/Lines Topological Relations Model Based on Whole-Whole Objects Intersection Components, A
=> Refined Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Machine Learning for Newly Constructed Building Areas, A
=> Refined Model-Based and Feature-Driven Extraction of Buildings from PolSAR Images
=> Refined Model for Quad-Polarimetric Reconstruction from Compact Polarimetric Data, A
=> Refined Moment Calculation Using Image Block Representation
=> Refined Morphological Methods of Moment Computation
=> refined motion estimation strategy for adaptive interpolation filter, A
=> Refined Noise Filtering Using Local Statistics
=> Refined Non-rigid Registration of a Panoramic Image Sequence to a LiDAR Point Cloud
=> refined object detection method based on HTM, A
=> Refined One-Stage Oriented Object Detection Method for Remote Sensing Images
=> refined particle filter based on determined level set model for robust contour tracking, A
=> Refined Regional Model for Estimating Pressure, Temperature, and Water Vapor Pressure for Geodetic Applications in China, A
=> Refined shape model fitting methods for detecting various types of phenological information on major U.S. crops
=> Refined SNR Based Stochastic Model to Reduce Site-Dependent Effects, A
=> Refined Tomographic Window for GNSS-Derived Water Vapor Tomography, A
=> Refined translation and scale Legendre moment invariants
=> Refined TV-L1 Optical Flow Estimation Using Joint Filtering
=> Refined Two-Stage Programming-Based Multi-Baseline Phase Unwrapping Approach Using Local Plane Model
=> Refined Two-Stage Programming Approach of Phase Unwrapping for Multi-Baseline SAR Interferograms Using the Unscented Kalman Filter
=> Refined UNet V2: End-to-End Patch-Wise Network for Noise-Free Cloud and Shadow Segmentation
=> Refined UNet V4: End-to-End Patch-Wise Network for Cloud and Shadow Segmentation with Bilateral Grid
=> Refined UNet: UNet-Based Refinement Network for Cloud and Shadow Precise Segmentation
=> Refined Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Integrating Open-Source Data
=> RefineDet++: Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection
=> RefineDetLite: A Lightweight One-stage Object Detection Framework for CPU-only Devices
=> RefineDNet: A Weakly Supervised Refinement Framework for Single Image Dehazing
=> RefineFace: Refinement Neural Network for High Performance Face Detection
=> RefineLoc: Iterative Refinement for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
=> RefineMask: Towards High-Quality Instance Segmentation with Fine-Grained Features
=> Refinement and Universal Approximation via Sparsely Connected ReLU Convolution Nets
=> Refinement Co-supervision network for real-time semantic segmentation
=> refinement framework for background subtraction based on color and depth data, A
=> Refinement Method For Residential Area Revision Using Remote Sensing Image and GIS Data in Earthquake Risk Assessment
=> Refinement Method for Single-Stage Object Detection Based on Progressive Decoupled Task Alignment, A
=> Refinement Method of Real-Time Ionospheric Model for China, A
=> Refinement of 3D meshes by Selective Subdivision
=> Refinement of Building Facades by Integrated Processing of LIDAR and Image Data
=> Refinement of digital elevation models from shadowing cues
=> Refinement of Digital Surface Models through Constrained Connectivity Partitioning of Optical Imagery
=> Refinement of digitized documents through recognition of mathematical formulae
=> Refinement of Disparity Estimates Through the Fusion of Monocular Image Segmentations
=> Refinement of human silhouette segmentation in omni-directional indoor videos
=> Refinement of Hyperspectral Image Classification with Segment-Tree Filtering
=> Refinement of Individual Tree Detection Results Obtained from Airborne Laser Scanning Data for a Mixed Natural Forest
=> Refinement of interferometric SAR parameters using digital terrain model as an external reference
=> Refinement of Landslide Susceptibility Map Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry in Areas of Intense Mining Activities in the Karst Region of Southwest China
=> Refinement of LiDAR point clouds using a super voxel based approach
=> Refinement of Noisy Correspondence Using Feedback from 3-D Motion
=> Refinement of Optical Flow Estimation and Detection of Motion Edges
=> Refinement Of Stereo Image Analysis Using Photometric Shape Recovery As An Alternative To Bundle Adjustment
=> Refinement of Urban Digital Elevation Models from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Images
=> Refinements and Introduction of Photogrammetric Elements to An Experimental Trilateration Based Optical Metrology System
=> RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for Dense Prediction
=> RefineNet: Multi-path Refinement Networks for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation
=> RefiNet: 3D Human Pose Refinement with Depth Maps
=> Refinet: A Deep Segmentation Assisted Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection
=> RefineU-Net: Improved U-Net with progressive global feedbacks and residual attention guided local refinement for medical image segmentation
=> Refining 3d models using a two-stage neural network-based iterative process
=> Refining 3D Reconstructions: A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Effect of Cross-Correlations
=> Refining a k-nearest neighbor graph for a computationally efficient spectral clustering
=> Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking data
=> Refining Action Segmentation with Hierarchical Video Representations
=> Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool
=> Refining Altimeter-Derived Gravity Anomaly Model from Shipborne Gravity by Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network: A Case in the South China Sea
=> Refining Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Refining AttnGAN Using Attention on Attention Network
=> Refining Building Facade Models with Images
=> Refining Correctness of Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Aerial Image Sequences by Means of Velocity and Trajectory Evaluation
=> Refining Design Spaces in Knowledge Distillation for Deep Collaborative Learning
=> Refining Edges Detected by a LoG Operator
=> Refining Edges Detected by a LoG Operator
=> Refining Existing 3d Building Models With Terrestrial Laser Points Acquired From A Mobile Mapping Vehicle
=> Refining Face Tracking with Integral Projections
=> Refining faster-RCNN for accurate object detection
=> Refining Geometry from Depth Sensors using IR Shading Images
=> Refining GPS/GLONASS Satellite Clock Offset Estimation in the Presence of Pseudo-Range Inter-Channel Biases
=> Refining high-frequencies for sharper super-resolution and deblurring
=> Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water Surface Elevation Accuracy on Rivers
=> Refining image annotation using contextual relations between words
=> Refining Image Segmentation by Integration of Edge and Region Data
=> Refining implicit function representations of 3-D scenes
=> Refining Land-Cover Maps Based on Probabilistic Re-Classification in CCA Ordination Space
=> Refining Land Cover Classification Maps Based on Dual-Adaptive Majority Voting Strategy for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Refining Local 3D Feature Matching through Geometric Consistency for Robust Biometric Recognition
=> Refining Method For Building Object Aggregation And Footprint Modelling Using Multi-source Data, A
=> Refining Mitochondria Segmentation in Electron Microscopy Imagery with Active Surfaces
=> Refining MODIS NIR Atmospheric Water Vapor Retrieval Algorithm Using GPS-Derived Water Vapor Data
=> Refining Noisy Labels With Label Reliability Perception for Person Re-Identification
=> Refining OpenPose with a new sports dataset for robust 2D pose estimation
=> Refining pre-image via error compensation for KPCA-based pattern de-noising
=> Refining Pseudo Labels with Clustering Consensus over Generations for Unsupervised Object Re-identification
=> Refining PTZ camera calibration
=> Refining QP to improve coding efficiency in AVS
=> Refining Rates of Active Crustal Deformation in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones, Implied by Geological and Geodetic Data: The E-Dipping West Crati Fault, Southern Italy
=> Refining Self-Supervised Learning in Imaging: Beyond Linear Metric
=> Refining Shape Correspondence For Similar Objects Using Strain
=> Refining Side Information for Improved Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
=> Refining Spatial and Temporal XCO2 Characteristics Observed by Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 and Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 Using Sentinel-5P Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument NO2 Observations in China
=> Refining structural texture synthesis approach
=> Refining surface curvature with relaxation labeling
=> Refining the Bounding Volumes for Lossless Compression of Voxelized Point Clouds Geometry
=> Refining the Joint 3D Processing of Terrestrial and UAV Images Using Quality Measures
=> Refining the Pose: Training and Use of Deep Recurrent Autoencoders for Improving Human Pose Estimation
=> Refining the Resolution of DUACS Along-Track Level-3 Sea Level Altimetry Products
=> Refining Time-Space Traffic Diagrams: A Simple Multiple Linear Regression Model
=> Refining triangle meshes by non-linear subdivision
=> Refining Uncertain Features With Self-Distillation for Face Recognition and Person Re-Identification
=> Refining Urban Built-Up Area via Multi-Source Data Fusion for the Analysis of Dongting Lake Eco-Economic Zone Spatiotemporal Expansion
=> ReFit: Recurrent Fitting Network for 3D Human Recovery
=> ReFit: Recurrent Fitting Network for 3D Human Recovery
=> Refitting Solutions Promoted by L12 Sparse Analysis Regularizations with Block Penalties
=> Reflash Dropout in Image Super-Resolution
=> Reflectance-aware optical flow
=> Reflectance-based 3D shape refinement of surfaces with spatially varying BRDF properties
=> Reflectance-based classification of color edges
=> Reflectance-based material classification for printed circuit boards
=> Reflectance-Based Segmentation Using Photometric and Illumination Invariants
=> Reflectance-based surface saliency
=> Reflectance-Elevation Relationships and Their Seasonal Patterns over Twelve Glaciers in Western China Based on Landsat 8 Data
=> Reflectance-Guided Histogram Equalization and Comparametric Approximation
=> Reflectance Adaptive Filtering Improves Intrinsic Image Estimation
=> Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer Graphics
=> Reflectance Analysis Under Solar Illumination
=> Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectral Recovery via Actively Lit RGB Images
=> Reflectance and Fluorescent Spectra Recovery Based on Fluorescent Chromaticity Invariance under Varying Illumination
=> Reflectance and Illumination Recovery in the Wild
=> Reflectance and Natural Illumination from a Single Image
=> Reflectance and Natural Illumination from Single-Material Specular Objects Using Deep Learning
=> Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Camera Under Natural Illumination
=> Reflectance and Shape from Images Using a Collinear Light Source
=> Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
=> Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
=> Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints
=> Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints: spectral predictions with multi-ink halftones
=> Reflectance Anisotropy from MODIS for Albedo Retrieval from a Single Directional Reflectance
=> Reflectance Anisotropy Measurements Using a Pushbroom Spectrometer Mounted on UAV and a Laboratory Goniometer: Preliminary Results
=> Reflectance Based Method For Shadow Detection and Removal, A
=> Reflectance Based Object Recognition
=> Reflectance Calibration Scheme for Airborne Frame Camera Images
=> Reflectance Capture Using Univariate Sampling of BRDFs
=> Reflectance Computation for a Specular Only V-Cavity
=> Reflectance correction for perspiring faces
=> Reflectance estimation and white balancing using multiple images
=> Reflectance estimation from motion under complex illumination
=> Reflectance from locally glossy thoroughly pitted surfaces
=> Reflectance from Surfaces with Layers of Variable Roughness
=> Reflectance Function Estimation and Shape Recovery from Image Sequence of a Rotating Object
=> Reflectance hashing for material recognition
=> Reflectance Intensity Assisted Automatic and Accurate Extrinsic Calibration of 3D LiDAR and Panoramic Camera Using a Printed Chessboard
=> Reflectance Map Techniques for Analyzing Surface Defects in Metal Casings
=> Reflectance Measurement System for Skin Color Modeling in Chromaticity Color Space
=> Reflectance Model for Metallic Paints Using a Two-Layer Structure Surface with Microfacet Distributions, A
=> Reflectance Model for Radar Shape From Shading, A
=> Reflectance Modeling for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries
=> Reflectance Normalization in Illumination-Based Image Manipulation Detection
=> Reflectance Properties of Hemiboreal Mixed Forest Canopies with Focus on Red Edge and Near Infrared Spectral Regions
=> Reflectance Ratio: A Photometric Invariant for Object Recognition
=> reflectance re-weighted Retinex model for non-uniform and low-light image enhancement, A
=> Reflectance Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image Based on Gaussian Surface Fitting
=> Reflectance recovery for airborne sensor images of 3D scenes
=> Reflectance Sharing: Predicting Appearance from a Sparse Set of Images of a Known Shape
=> Reflectance spectra based skin and non-skin classification
=> Reflectance spectra modeling methods
=> Reflectance spectra recovery from tristimulus values by adaptive estimation with metameric shape correction
=> Reflectance Transformation Imaging Method for Large-Scale Objects
=> Reflecting on How Artworks Are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision
=> Reflection-area-based feature descriptor for solder joint inspection
=> Reflection and Rotation Invariant Uniform Patterns for Texture Classification
=> Reflection and Rotation Symmetry Detection via Equivariant Learning
=> Reflection and Transparency Model of Rose Petals for Computer Graphics based on the Micro-Scopic Scale Structures
=> Reflection Angle-Domain Pseudoextended Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration Using Hybrid Regularization
=> Reflection Backdoor: A Natural Backdoor Attack on Deep Neural Networks
=> Reflection coefficient representation for convex planar sets
=> Reflection Component Separation Using Statistical Analysis and Polarisation
=> Reflection Components Decomposition of Textured Surfaces Using Linear Basis Functions
=> Reflection correspondence for exposing photograph manipulation
=> Reflection detection in image sequences
=> Reflection Intensity Guided Single Image Reflection Removal and Transmission Recovery
=> Reflection Layer Extension to the Stereoscopic Highlight Technique for Node-Link Diagrams: An Empirical Study, The
=> Reflection Modeling for Passive Stereo
=> Reflection of Income Segregation and Accessibility Cleavages in Sydney's House Prices, The
=> Reflection removal for in-vehicle black box videos
=> Reflection Removal for Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
=> Reflection Removal for People Detection in Video Surveillance Applications
=> Reflection Removal for Stele Images via Sparse Signal Decomposition
=> Reflection Removal in Color Videos
=> Reflection removal on the windshield during nighttime driving
=> Reflection Removal Under Fast Forward Camera Motion
=> Reflection Removal Using a Dual-Pixel Sensor
=> Reflection removal using disparity and gradient-sparsity via smoothing algorithm
=> Reflection Removal Using Dual-Polarization and Saliency in Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Imaging
=> Reflection removal using ghosting cues
=> Reflection Removal Using Low-Rank Matrix Completion
=> Reflection Removal Using RGB-D Images
=> Reflection Removal With NIR and RGB Image Feature Fusion
=> Reflection Removal with Varied Field of View Images
=> Reflection reprojection using temporal coherence
=> Reflection Scene Separation From a Single Image
=> Reflection separation using guided annotation
=> Reflection Separation via Multi-bounce Polarization State Tracing
=> Reflection Stereo: Novel Monocular Stereo using a Transparent Plate
=> Reflection Symmetry-Integrated Image Segmentation
=> Reflection Symmetry Approximation of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data and its Application to Freeman-Durden Decomposition, A
=> Reflection symmetry aware image retargeting
=> Reflection Symmetry Axes Detection Using Multiple Model Fitting
=> Reflection symmetry detection of shapes based on shape signatures
=> Reflection Symmetry Detection Using Locally Affine Invariant Edge Correspondence
=> Reflection Symmetry Detection via Appearance of Structure Descriptor
=> Reflection symmetry measure for convex sets
=> Reflections of an ancient document processor
=> Reflections on Cognitive Vision Systems
=> Reflections on Shading
=> Reflections on the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity
=> Reflective and Fluorescent Separation Under Narrow-Band Illumination
=> Reflective Decoding Network for Image Captioning
=> Reflective Features Detection and Hierarchical Reflections Separation in Image Sequences
=> Reflective Field for Pixel-Level Tasks
=> Reflective Learning With Label Noise
=> Reflective Noise Filtering of Large-Scale Point Cloud Using Multi-Position LiDAR Sensing Data
=> Reflective Noise Filtering of Large-Scale Point Cloud Using Transformer
=> Reflective Regression of 2D-3D Face Shape Across Large Pose
=> Reflective surfaces as computational sensors
=> Reflective Symmetry Descriptor, A
=> Reflective Tomography Lidar Image Reconstruction for Long Distance Non-Cooperative Target
=> Reflectivity estimation for SAR image compression
=> Reflectivity Estimation Using Expectation Maximization Algorithm in Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
=> Reflektas: lane departure prevention system based on behavioural control
=> Reflex Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network for Granular Data Classification, A
=> REFLICS: Real-time Flow Imaging and Classification System
=> REFLICS: Real-time Flow Imaging and Classification System
=> ReFOCUS+: Multi-Layers Real-Time Intelligent Route Guidance System With Congestion Detection and Avoidance
=> RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing Using a Single Image
=> Refocusing and Zoom-In Polar Format Algorithm for Curvilinear Spotlight SAR Imaging on Arbitrary Region of Interest
=> refocusing distance of a standard plenoptic photograph, The
=> Refocusing FMCW SAR Moving Target Data in the Wavenumber Domain
=> Refocusing High-Resolution SAR Images of Complex Moving Vessels Using Co-Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Refocusing of Ground Moving Targets with Doppler Ambiguity Using Keystone Transform and Modified Second-Order Keystone Transform for Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Refocusing of Moving Ships in Squint SAR Images Based on Spectrum Orthogonalization
=> Refocusing of Moving Targets in SAR Images via Parametric Sparse Representation
=> Refocusing plenoptic images using depth-adaptive splatting
=> Refocusing Swing Ships in SAR Imagery Based on Spatial-Variant Defocusing Property
=> Refocusing Through Building Walls Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Reforestation Planning Based on Plant Hardiness Zones In Vitilevu Island, Fiji
=> Reformative Gradient Vector Flow Based on Beltrami Flow, A
=> reformative kernel Fisher discriminant analysis, A
=> Reforming mixed operation schedule for electric buses and traditional fuel buses by an optimal framework
=> Reforming the force-restore method for predicting ground surface temperature
=> Reforming the Theory of Invariant Moments for Pattern Recognition
=> Reformulating and Optimizing the Mumford-Shah Functional on a Graph: A Faster, Lower Energy Solution
=> Reformulating Graph Kernels for Self-Supervised Space-Time Correspondence Learning
=> Reformulating Graph Kernels for Self-Supervised Space-Time Correspondence Learning
=> Reformulating HOI Detection as Adaptive Set Prediction
=> Reformulating Level Sets as Deep Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Semantic Segmentation
=> Reformulating Optical Flow to Solve Image-Based Inverse Problems and Quantify Uncertainty
=> Reformulation and Solution Algorithms for Absolute and Percentile Robust Shortest Path Problems
=> RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
=> Refraction and coordinate correction with the JONSWAP model for ICESat-2 bathymetry
=> Refraction Correction Based on ATL03 Photon Parameter Tracking for Improving ICESat-2 Bathymetry Accuracy
=> Refraction Correction for Spectrally Derived Bathymetry Using UAS Imagery
=> Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on Sea Surface Profile and Ray Tracing
=> Refraction Wiggles for Measuring Fluid Depth and Velocity from Video
=> Refractive and Specular 3D Shape by Light-Path Reconstruction
=> Refractive Calibration of Underwater Cameras
=> Refractive Camera for Acquiring Stereo and Super-resolution Images, A
=> Refractive Epipolar Geometry for Underwater Stereo Matching
=> Refractive geometry for underwater domes
=> Refractive height fields from single and multiple images
=> Refractive index estimation and color image rendering
=> Refractive Index Estimation of Naturally Occurring Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
=> Refractive index estimation using photometric stereo
=> Refractive Index Estimation Using Polarisation and Photometric Stereo
=> Refractive Multi-view Stereo
=> Refractive Plane Sweep for Underwater Images
=> Refractive Pose Refinement
=> Refractive shape from light field distortion
=> Refractive stereo ray tracing for reconstructing underwater structures
=> Refractive Structure-from-Motion on Underwater Images
=> Refractive Structure-from-Motion Through a Flat Refractive Interface
=> Refractive Two-View Reconstruction for Underwater 3D Vision
=> Reframing Neural Networks: Deep Structure in Overcomplete Representations
=> RefRec: Pseudo-labels Refinement via Shape Reconstruction for Unsupervised 3D Domain Adaptation
=> Refreshment need metrics for improved shape and texture object-based resilient video coding
=> RefSR-NeRF: Towards High Fidelity and Super Resolution View Synthesis
=> RefTeacher: A Strong Baseline for Semi-Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension
=> Refugee Camp Monitoring and Environmental Change Assessment of Kutupalong, Bangladesh, Based on Radar Imagery of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2
=> Refusion: Enabling Large-Size Realistic Image Restoration with Latent-Space Diffusion Models
=> RegARD: Symmetry-Based Coarse Registration of Smartphone's Colorful Point Clouds with CAD Drawings for Low-Cost Digital Twin Buildings
=> Regarding Some Pitfalls in Urban Heat Island Studies Using Remote Sensing Technology
=> Regarding the quality of disparity estimation from distorted light fields
=> ReGen: A good Generative zero-shot video classifier should be Rewarded
=> Regenerated Phase-Shifted Sinusoid-Assisted Empirical Mode Decomposition
=> Regenerative Braking Control Strategy for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Slope and Mass Co-Estimation
=> Regenerative morphing
=> Regenerative Potential of Managed Calluna Heathlands: Revealing Optical and Structural Traits for Predicting Recovery Dynamics, The
=> ReGenMorph: Visibly Realistic GAN Generated Face Morphing Attacks by Attack Re-generation
=> RegFormer: An Efficient Projection-Aware Transformer Network for Large-Scale Point Cloud Registration
=> RegFormer: An Efficient Projection-Aware Transformer Network for Large-Scale Point Cloud Registration
=> RegGAN: An End-to-End Network for Building Footprint Generation with Boundary Regularization
=> RegGeoNet: Learning Regular Representations for Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
=> RegGeoNet: Learning Regular Representations for Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
=> Region-Activity-Based Pyramidal Image Coder Using Generalized Rank-Ordered Prediction Filter
=> Region-adaptive and context-complementary cross modulation for RGB-T semantic segmentation
=> Region-Adaptive Deformable Network for Image Quality Assessment
=> Region-Adaptive Deformable Registration of CT/MRI Pelvic Images via Learning-Based Image Synthesis
=> Region-Adaptive Local Perturbation-Based Method for Generating Adversarial Examples in Synthetic Aperture Radar Object Detection, A
=> Region-adaptive transform based on a stochastic model
=> Region-and-Trajectory Movement Matching for Multiple Turn-counts at Road Intersection on Edge Device, A
=> Region-Aware 3-D Warping for DIBR
=> Region-aware Adaptive Instance Normalization for Image Harmonization
=> Region-Aware Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection With Progressive Fusion
=> Region-Aware Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection With Progressive Fusion
=> Region-aware Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation
=> Region-Aware Face Swapping
=> Region-Aware Hierarchical Latent Feature Representation Learning-Guided Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
=> Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning
=> Region-Aware Image Denoising by Exploring Parameter Preference
=> Region-Aware Portrait Retouching With Sparse Interactive Guidance
=> Region-Aware Pretraining for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection with Vision Transformers
=> Region-Aware Reflection Removal With Unified Content and Gradient Priors
=> Region-aware RGB and near-infrared image fusion
=> Region-aware scattering convolution networks for facial beauty prediction
=> Region-Based 2D Deformable Generalized Cylinder for Narrow Structures Segmentation
=> Region-Based 3D Artwork Indexing and Classification
=> Region-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Images Acquired by Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems
=> Region-Based Active Contour with Noise and Shape Priors
=> Region-based active contours and sparse representations for texture segmentation
=> Region-based Active Contours for Video Object Segmentation with Camera Compensation
=> Region-based active contours using geometrical and statistical features for image segmentation
=> Region-based active contours with cosine fitting energy for image segmentation
=> Region-Based Active Contours with Exponential Family Observations
=> Region-based active surface modelling and alpha matting for unsupervised tumour segmentation in PET
=> Region-based adaptive bilateral filter in depth map coding
=> Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhancement and pre-processing using auto-colour transfer method
=> Region-based all-in-focus light field rendering
=> Region-based Alternative for Edge-preserving Smoothing, A
=> Region-Based Annotation of Digital Photographs
=> Region-Based Anomaly Localisation in Crowded Scenes via Trajectory Analysis and Path Prediction
=> Region-based Appearance and Flow Characteristics for Anomaly Detection in Infrared Surveillance Imagery
=> Region-Based Approach for Describing Urban Morphology Based on Sub-Pixel Estimation of Sealed Surface Cover, A
=> Region-based Approach for Discriminant Snakes
=> Region-Based Approach for Human Body Motion Analysis, A
=> Region-based approach for the spectral clustering Nyström approximation with an application to burn depth assessment
=> Region-Based Approach to Building Detection in Densely Build-Up High Resolution Satellite Image, A
=> Region-Based Automatic Building and Forest Change Detection on Cartosat-1 Stereo Imagery
=> Region-based backlight compensation algorithm for images and videos
=> Region-based blood color detection and its application to bloody image filtering
=> Region-based brain selection and classification on pet images for Alzheimer's disease computer aided diagnosis
=> Region-based CBIR in GIS with local space filling curves to spatial representation
=> Region-Based Change Detection for Polarimetric SAR Images Using Wishart Mixture Models
=> Region-based change detection of PolSAR images using analytic information-theoretic divergence
=> Region-Based Classification of PolSAR Data Through Kernel Methods and Stochastic Distances
=> Region-based classification potential for land-cover classification with very high spatial resolution satellite data
=> Region-based coding of images using a spline model
=> Region-based coding of motion fields for low-bitrate video compression
=> Region-based Color Image Indexing and Retrieval
=> Region-Based Color Transfer from Multi-Reference with Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
=> Region-Based Context Enhanced Network for Robust Multiple Face Alignment
=> Region-Based Contrast Enhancement of Digital Mammograms Using an Improved Watershed Segmentation
=> Region-based control points determination for multivector motion description
=> Region-Based Convolutional Networks for Accurate Object Detection and Segmentation
=> Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Wind Turbine Wake Characterization in Complex Terrain
=> Region-Based Correspondence Between 3D Shapes via Spatially Smooth Biclustering
=> Region-Based Deep Learning Approach to Automated Retail Checkout, A
=> Region-based Deformable Net for automatic color image segmentation
=> Region-Based Dehazing via Dual-Supervised Triple-Convolutional Network
=> Region-Based Dense Depth Extraction from Multi-View Video
=> Region-based depth-preserving stereoscopic image retargeting
=> Region-based depth recovery for highly sparse depth maps
=> Region-Based Descriptor Network for Uniformly Sampled Keypoints, A
=> Region-Based Discriminative Feature Pooling for Scene Text Recognition
=> Region-based dropout with attention prior for weakly supervised object localization
=> Region-based enhancement and analysis of SAR images
=> Region-Based Epipolar and Planar Geometry Estimation in Low-Textured Environments
=> Region-based face detection
=> Region-Based Feature Extraction Method for Rs-fMRI of Depressive Disorder Classification, A
=> Region-Based Feature Extraction Using TRUS Images
=> Region-based feature fusion for facial-expression recognition
=> Region-Based Feature Fusion Network for VHR Image Change Detection, A
=> Region-Based Feature Interpretation for Recognizing 3-D Models in 2-D Images
=> Region-based Fitting of Overlapping Ellipses and its application to cells segmentation
=> region-based formalism for picture processing, A
=> Region-based fractal image compression using deterministic search
=> Region-based fractal image compression using heuristic search
=> Region-Based Fractal Image Compression
=> Region-based fully convolutional siamese networks for robust real-time visual tracking
=> Region-Based Fuzzy Feature Matching Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
=> Region-Based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking, A
=> Region-Based GeneSIS Segmentation Algorithm for the Classification of Remotely Sensed Images, A
=> region-based GLRT detection of oil spills in SAR images, A
=> Region-based growing algorithm for 3D reconstruction from MRI images
=> Region-Based Hierarchical Cross-Section Analysis for Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using ALS Data, A
=> Region-Based Hierarchical Image Matching
=> Region-Based Illuminant Estimation for Effective Color Correction
=> Region-based Image Annotation using Asymmetrical Support Vector Machine-based Multiple-Instance Learning
=> Region-based image binarization system
=> Region-Based Image Clustering and Retrieval Using Multiple Instance Learning
=> Region-based image coding with multiple algorithms
=> Region-Based Image Compression Using Fractals and Shape-Adaptive DCT
=> Region-Based Image Querying
=> Region-based image registration for remote sensing imagery
=> Region-based image registration for wide-baseline stereo
=> Region-based image retargeting quality assessment
=> Region-based Image Retrieval System Using Efficient Feature Description
=> Region-based image retrieval using color-size features of watershed regions
=> Region-based image retrieval using integrated color, shape, and location index
=> Region-based Image Retrieval Using Probabilistic Feature Relevance Learning
=> Region-based Image Retrieval Using Shape-Adaptive DCT
=> Region-based Image Retrieval Using Shape-Adaptive DCT
=> Region-Based Image Retrieval using Wavelet Transform
=> Region-based image retrieval with high-level semantics using decision tree learning
=> Region-based Image Retrieval
=> Region-based image segmentation evaluation via perceptual pooling strategies
=> Region-based image segmentation via graph cuts
=> Region-based image segmentation with local signed difference energy
=> Region-Based Image Transform for Transition Between Object Appearances
=> Region-based image watermarking
=> Region-Based Iterative Reconstruction of Structurally Changing Objects in CT
=> Region-based Level Set Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Man-made Objects from Aerial and Satellite Images, A
=> Region-based Matching for Robust 3D Face Recognition
=> Region-based mean shift tracking: Application to face tracking
=> region-based method for graph to image registration with an application to cadastre data, A
=> region-based method for model-free object tracking, A
=> Region-based Mixture of Gaussians modelling for foreground detection in dynamic scenes
=> Region-based modeling and tree edit distance as a basis for gesture recognition
=> Region-Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Method Using a Variance-Distortion Curve, A
=> Region-based motion-compensated frame rate up-conversion by homography parameter interpolation
=> Region-Based Motion Analysis and 3D Reconstruction for a Translational Video Sequence
=> Region-Based Motion Compensated 3D-Wavelet Transform Coding of Video
=> Region-Based Motion Compensated 3D-Wavelet Transform Coding of Video
=> Region-based MRF Model for Unsupervised Segmentation of Moving Objects in Image Sequences, A
=> Region-based Multi-scale Approach For Object-based Image Analysis, A
=> region-based multi-sensor image fusion scheme using pulse-coupled neural network, A
=> Region-Based Multimodal Image Fusion using ICA Bases
=> Region-Based Multiple Description Coding for Multiview Video Plus Depth Video
=> Region-Based Near-Duplicate Image Retrieval with Geometric Consistency
=> Region-based Non-local Operation for Video Classification
=> Region-based Non-local Operation for Video Classification
=> Region-based Object Recognition using Shape-from-Shading
=> Region-Based Object Recognition: Pruning Multiple Representations and Hypotheses
=> Region-Based Optical Flow Estimation
=> region-based particle filter for generic object tracking and segmentation, A
=> Region-Based Particle Filter for Video Object Segmentation
=> Region-Based perceptual quality regulable bit allocation and rate control for video coding applications
=> Region-based pose tracking with occlusions using 3D models
=> Region-Based Pose Tracking
=> Region-Based Prediction for Image Compression in the Cloud
=> Region-Based Predictive Decoding of Video
=> Region-Based Predictors For Intra Block Copy
=> Region-based progressive stereo matching
=> Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentation, A
=> Region-Based Randomized Voting Scheme for Stereo Matching, A
=> region-based rate-control scheme using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC, A
=> Region-based rate control for 3D-HEVC based texture video coding
=> Region-Based Rate Control for H.264/AVC for Low Bit-Rate Applications
=> Region-based representations of image and video: Segmentation Tools for Multimedia Services
=> Region-based retrieval: coarse segmentation with fine color signature
=> Region-Based Saliency Detection and Its Application in Object Recognition
=> Region-based saliency detection
=> Region-Based Satellite Image Classification: Method and Validation
=> Region-based Scanning for Image Compression
=> Region-Based Scheme Using RKLT and Predictive Classified Vector Quantization, A
=> Region-Based Sea Ice Mapping Using Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery with Learned Features and Contextual Information
=> Region-based segmentation of 2D and 3D images with tissue-like P systems
=> Region-Based Segmentation of Parasites for High-throughput Screening
=> Region-based segmentation of textured images
=> Region-based segmentation on depth images from a 3D reference surface for tree species recognition
=> Region-Based Segmentation on Evolving Surfaces with Application to 3D Reconstruction of Shape and Piecewise Constant Radiance
=> Region-Based Segmentation via Non-Rigid Template Matching
=> region-based selective optical flow back-projection for genuine motion vector estimation, A
=> Region-Based Semantic Segmentation with End-to-End Training
=> Region-based shape descriptor invariant to rotation, scale and translation
=> region-based shape descriptor using Zernike moments, A
=> Region-Based Shape Incorporation for Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation
=> Region-Based Shock-Diffusion Equation for Adaptive Image Enhancement
=> region-based spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm, A
=> Region-Based Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Object Segmentation
=> Region-based stereo image coding
=> Region-Based Strategies for Active Contour Models
=> region-based subband coding scheme, A
=> Region-based Subband/wavelet Image Coding
=> Region-Based Super Resolution for Video Sequences Considering Registration Error
=> Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
=> Region-Based Template Deformation and Masking for Eye-Feature Extraction and Description
=> Region-Based Template Matching Prediction for Intra Coding
=> Region-based temporally consistent video post-processing
=> Region-based texture modelling for next generation video codecs
=> Region-based thresholding using component tree
=> Region-Based Tracking in an Image Sequence
=> Region-Based Tracking Using Affine Motion Models in Long Image Sequences
=> Region-Based Transform Coding of Multispectral Images
=> Region-based two-stage MRI bone tissue segmentation of the knee joint
=> Region-based video coder using the MDL formalism
=> Region-Based Video Coding Using a Multiscale Image Segmentation
=> Region-based Video Segmentation using DCT Coefficients
=> Region-Based vs. Edge-Based Registration for 3D Motion Capture by Real Time Monoscopic Vision
=> Region-Based Wavelet-Packet Adaptive Algorithm for Sparse Response Identification
=> Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
=> Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
=> Region-Based Wavelet Compression for Very Low Bitrate Video Coding
=> Region-Based Weighted Prediction for Coding Video With Local Brightness Variations
=> Region-by-Region Registration Combining Feature-Based and Optical Flow Methods for Remote Sensing Images
=> region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation, A
=> Region-classification-based rate control for flicker suppression of I-frames in HEVC
=> Region-dependent vehicle classification using PCA features
=> Region-Division-Based Joint Sparse Representation Classification for Hyperspectral Images
=> Region-Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
=> Region-Growing Algorithm for Matching of Terrain Images
=> Region-growing approach to colour segmentation using 3D clustering and relaxation labelling
=> Region-Kernel-Based Support Vector Machines for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Region-level bit allocation for rate control of 360-degree videos using cubemap projection
=> Region-Level Graph Labeling Approach to Motion-Based Segmentation, A
=> Region-Level Image Authentication Using Bayesian Structural Content Abstraction
=> Region-Level Motion-Based Background Modeling and Subtraction Using MRFs
=> Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal Using MRFs
=> Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Segmentation Under a Bayesian Network
=> Region-Level Motion-Based Graph Representation and Labeling for Tracking a Spatial Image Partition, A
=> Region-Level Traffic Prediction Based on Temporal Multi-Spatial Dependence Graph Convolutional Network from GPS Data
=> Region-of-Interest 3D Video Coding Based on Depth Images
=> Region-of-interest Attentive Heteromodal Variational Encoder-decoder for Segmentation with Missing Modalities
=> Region-of-interest based coding scheme for synthesized video
=> Region-of-Interest Based Finite Element Modelling of the Brain: An Approach to Brain-Surgery Simulation
=> Region-of-Interest Based Resource Allocation for Conversational Video Communication of H.264/AVC
=> Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
=> Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
=> Region-Of-Interest Coding Schemes for HTTP Adaptive Streaming With VVC
=> Region-of-Interest Extraction Based on Local-Global Contrast Analysis and Intra-Spectrum Information Distribution Estimation for Remote Sensing Images
=> Region-of-interest extraction in low depth of field images using ensemble clustering and difference of Gaussian approaches
=> Region-of-interest image coding based on EBCOT
=> Region-of-Interest intra prediction for H.264/AVC error resilience
=> Region-of-Interest Method for Texturally-Rich Document Image Coding, A
=> Region-of-Interest Retrieval in Large Image Datasets with Voronoi VLAD
=> Region-of-interest segmentation based on Bayesian theorem for H.264 video transcoding
=> Region-of-interest tomography using exponential radial sampling
=> Region-of-interest tomography using the wavelet transform and angular harmonics
=> Region-of-interest video coding based on rate and distortion variations for H.263+
=> Region-of-unpredictable determination for accelerated full-frame feature generation in video sequences
=> Region-oriented Compression of Color Images Using Fuzzy Inference and Shape Adaptive DCT
=> Region-oriented compression of multispectral images by shape-adaptive wavelet transform and SPIHT
=> Region-Oriented Transform Image Coding Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Schmid't Orthogonalization
=> Region-Oriented Video Coding Using the MDL Principle and Quad-Tree optimization
=> region-region and region-edge cooperative approach of image segmentation, A
=> Region-Semantics Preserving Image Synthesis
=> Region-sequence based six-stream CNN features for general and fine-grained human action recognition in videos
=> Region-Specific and Weather-Dependent Characteristics of the Relation between GNSS-Weighted Mean Temperature and Surface Temperature over China
=> Region-specific Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
=> Region-Tree Based Stereo Using Dynamic Programming Optimization
=> Region-Wise Deep Feature Representation for Remote Sensing Images
=> Region-wise loss for biomedical image segmentation
=> Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
=> Region Adaptive Graph Fourier Transform for 3D Point Clouds
=> Region Adaptive Inter-Color Prediction Approach to RGB 4:4:4 Intra Coding
=> Region Adaptive R-lambda Model-Based Rate Control for Depth Maps Coding
=> Region adaptive spectral transformation For wavelet based color image compression
=> Region Adaptive Subband Image-Coding
=> Region adaptive workload prediction for parallel view synthesis
=> Region Adjacency and Its Application to Object Detection
=> Region and constellations based categorization of images with unsupervised graph learning
=> Region and Edge-Adaptive Sampling and Boundary Completion for Segmentation
=> region and gradient based active contour model and its application in boundary tracking on anal canal ultrasound images, A
=> Region and Graph-Based Motion Segmentation
=> Region and Relations Based Multi Attention Network for Graph Classification
=> Region and Temporal Dependency Fusion for Multi-label Action Unit Detection
=> Region Assisted Sketch Colorization
=> Region Attention Networks for Pose and Occlusion Robust Facial Expression Recognition
=> Region Attentive Action Unit Intensity Estimation With Uncertainty Weighted Multi-Task Learning
=> Region average pooling for context-aware object detection
=> Region Aware Video Object Segmentation With Deep Motion Modeling
=> Region based 4D tomographic image reconstruction: Application to cardiac x-ray CT
=> Region Based Adversarial Synthesis of Facial Action Units
=> Region based alpha-semantics graph driven image retrieval
=> Region Based Color Image Retrieval Using Curvelet Transform
=> Region Based Contour Detection by Dynamic Programming
=> Region based coronary artery segmentation using modified Frangi's vesselness measure
=> region based decorrelation stretching method: Application to multispectral chromosome image classification, A
=> Region Based Descriptor for Spatial Distribution of Motion Activity for Compressed Video, A
=> Region Based Detection of Occluded People for the Tracking in Video Image Sequences
=> Region Based Exemplar References for Image Segmentation Evaluation
=> Region based foreground segmentation combining color and depth sensors via logarithmic opinion pool decision
=> Region Based Forest Change Detection from CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Imagery
=> Region based fusion of 3D and 2D visual data for Cultural Heritage objects
=> Region Based Image Annotation
=> Region Based Image Retrieval Incorporated with Camera Metadata
=> Region based image retrieval with query-adaptive feature fusion
=> Region Based Image Segmentation Using a Modified Mumford-Shah Algorithm
=> Region based Image Steganalysis using Artificial Bee Colony
=> Region based inter-layer cross-color filtering for scalable extension of HEVC
=> Region Based Local Binarization Approach for Handwritten Ancient Documents
=> Region based matching for print process identification
=> Region based motion vector prediction using data hiding and decoder side reasoning
=> Region based multi-stream convolutional neural networks for collective activity recognition
=> region based multiple frame-rate tradeoff of video streaming, A
=> Region Based Parametric Motion Representation
=> Region Based Parametric Motion Representation
=> Region Based Seed Detection for Root Detection in Minirhizotron Images, A
=> Region Based Segmentation in Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneity Using Legendre Polynomials
=> Region based segmentation of QuickBird multispectral imagery through band ratios and fuzzy comparison
=> Region Based Segmentation Using the Tree of Shapes
=> Region based stellate features for classification of mammographic spiculated lesions in computer-aided detection
=> region based stereo matching algorithm using cooperative optimization, A
=> Region Based Stereo Matching Oriented Image Processing
=> Region based subband image coding scheme
=> Region Based Visual Object Categorization Using Segment Features and Polynomial Modeling
=> Region change rate-driven seamline determination method
=> Region Classification for Robust Floor Detection in Indoor Environments
=> Region Classification with Markov Field Aspect Models
=> Region Competition via Local Watershed Operators
=> Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
=> Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
=> Region Connection Calculus: Its models and composition table
=> Region contrast and supervised locality-preserving projection-based saliency detection
=> Region contrastive camera localization
=> Region Correspondence by Global Configuration Matching and Progressive Delaunay Triangulation
=> Region Correspondence by Inexact Attributed Planar Graph Matching
=> Region correspondence for image retrieval using graph-theoretic approach and maximum likelihood estimation
=> Region Covariance Matrix-Based Object Tracking with Occlusions Handling
=> Region Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Detection and Classification
=> Region Description Using Extended Local Ternary Patterns
=> Region detection and description for Object Category Recognition
=> Region Detection by Minimizing Intraclass Variance With Geometric Constraints, Global Optimality, and Efficient Approximation
=> Region Digitization and Boundary Estimation
=> region dissimilarity relation that combines feature-space and spatial information for color image segmentation, A
=> Region Diversity Maximization for Salient Object Detection
=> Region duplication detection based on Harris corner points and step sector statistics
=> Region ensemble network: Improving convolutional network for hand pose estimation
=> Region ensemble network: Towards good practices for deep 3D hand pose estimation
=> Region Extraction and Shape Analysis in Aerial Photographs
=> Region Extraction Approach to Blood Smear Segmentation, A
=> Region extraction based on belief propagation for gaussian model
=> Region Extraction from Multiple Images
=> Region extraction in large-scale urban LIDAR data
=> Region extraction in vector images
=> Region Extraction Method Based on Clustering Along an Object Contour
=> Region Extraction Method using Multiple Active Contour Models, A
=> Region Extraction Using Competition of Multiple Active Contour Models
=> Region Extraction Using Convergent Evidence
=> Region extraction with standard brain atlas for analysis of MRI brain images
=> Region Feature Based Similarity Searching of Semantic Video Objects
=> Region Filling and Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
=> Region Filling with the Use of the Discrete Green Theorem
=> Region Filtering Using Color and Texture Features for Image Retrieval
=> Region graph based method for multi-object detection and tracking using depth cameras
=> Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
=> Region Graph Spectra as Geometric Global Image Features
=> Region Group Adaptive Attention Model For Subtle Expression Recognition, A
=> Region Grouping from a Range Image
=> Region Growing and Merging Algorithm to Color Segmentation, A
=> Region Growing Based on Extended Gradient Vector Flow Field Model for Multiple Objects Segmentation
=> Region growing Euclidean distance transforms
=> Region growing for image segmentation using an extended PCNN model
=> Region Growing Motion Segmentation and Estimation in Object-Oriented Video Coding
=> Region Growing Selection Technique for Dense Volume Visualization
=> Region growing stereo matching method for 3D building reconstruction
=> Region Growing: A New Approach
=> Region Growing: Childhood and Adolescence
=> Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography
=> Region level SAR image classification using deep features and spatial constraints
=> Region level segmentation based on a derivative approach for video tracking process
=> Region Matching and Depth Finding for 3D Objects in Stereo Aerial Photographs
=> Region matching based on colour invariants in RGB orthogonal space
=> Region matching based on local structure information in ipsilateral digital breast tomosynthesis views
=> Region Matching in Free-Form Surfaces Using Self Organizing Maps
=> Region Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
=> Region Matching with Missing Parts
=> Region Matching with Missing Parts
=> Region Matching with Missing Parts
=> Region Merging Method for Remote Sensing Spectral Image Aided by Inter-Segment and Boundary Homogeneities
=> Region merging parameter dependency as information diversity to create sparse hierarchies of partitions
=> Region Merging Prior for Variational Level Set Image Segmentation, A
=> Region Merging Segmentation with Local Scale Parameters: Applications to Spectral and Elevation Data, A
=> Region Merging Techniques Using Information Theory Statistical Measures
=> Region moments: Fast invariant descriptors for detecting small image structures
=> Region of Interest-Based Coding Technique of Medical Images Using Varying Grading of Compression
=> Region of Interest Autoencoders with an Application to Pedestrian Detection
=> Region of Interest Based Prostate Tissue Characterization Using Least Square Support Vector Machine LS-SVM
=> Region of interest coding in JPEG 2000
=> Region of interest coding of volumetric medical images
=> Region Of Interest Detection Based On Histogram Segmentation For Satellite Image
=> Region of Interest detection using indoor structure and saliency map
=> Region Of Interest Extraction Based On Co-Saliency Analysis And Feedback Strategy For Remote Sensing Images
=> Region of Interest Extraction in Infrared Images Using One-Bit Transform
=> Region of Interest Finding in Reduced Resolution Color Imagery: Application to Cancer Cell Detection
=> Region of Interest Generation in Dynamic Environments Using Local Entropy Fields
=> Region of Interest Identification, Feature Extraction, and Information Fusion in a Forward Looking Infrared Sensor Used in Landmine Detection
=> Region of Interest Reconstruction From Truncated Data in Circular Cone-Beam CT
=> Region of Interest Watermarking Based on Fractal Dimension
=> Region oriented compression of color images using fuzzy inference and fast merging
=> Region partition and feature matching based color recognition of tongue image
=> Region Pooling with Adaptive Feature Fusion for End-to-End Person Recognition
=> Region Proposal Approach for Cells Detection and Counting from Microscopic Blood Images, A
=> Region Proposal by Guided Anchoring
=> Region Proposal Network Based Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting
=> Region Proposal Oriented Approach for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
=> Region Proposal Ranking via Fusion Feature for Object Detection
=> Region Ranking SVM for Image Classification
=> Region recognizing device
=> Region Refinement and Parametric Reconstruction of Building Roofs by Integration of Image and Height Data
=> Region Reinforcement Network With Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching
=> Region removal and restoration using a genetic algorithm with isophote constraint
=> Region Representation: Parallel Connected Stripes
=> Region Representation: Quadtree from Binary Arrays
=> Region saliency as a measure for colour segmentation stability
=> Region saliency detection via multi-feature on absorbing Markov chain
=> Region Segmentation and Feature Point Extraction on 3D Faces using a Point Distribution Model
=> Region segmentation and matching in stereo images
=> Region Segmentation and Object Extraction Based on Virtual Edge and Global Features
=> Region segmentation based on active mesh representation of motion: comparison of parallel and sequential approaches
=> Region segmentation by multispectral imaging
=> Region segmentation for table image with unknown complex structure
=> Region Segmentation in the Frequency Domain Applied to Upper Airway Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Images
=> Region Segmentation Method for Colonoscopy Images Using a Model of Polyp Appearance, A
=> Region segmentation of sheep ribs based on fully convolutional neural network
=> Region segmentation using edge based circle growing
=> Region segmentation using K-mean clustering and genetic algorithms
=> Region Segmentation via Deformable Model-Guided Split and Merge
=> Region Segmentation: Signal vs. Semantics
=> Region selection for occluded person re-identification via policy gradient
=> Region Selective Fusion Network for Robust RGB-T Tracking
=> Region Separable Stereo Matching
=> Region Similarity Representation Learning
=> Region support DCT (RS-DCT) for coding of arbitrarily shaped texture
=> Region tracking for non-rigid video objects in a non-parametric MAP framework
=> Region Tracking on Level-Sets Methods
=> Region Tracking Through Image Sequences
=> Region Tracking Through Image Sequences
=> Region tracking using perspective motion model
=> Region Tracking via HMMF in Joint Feature-Spatial Space
=> Region Tracking via Level Set PDEs without Motion Computation
=> Region tracking via local statistics and level set PDEs
=> Region tracking with narrow perception of background
=> Region Tree Based Sparse Model for Optical Flow Estimation
=> Region, Lesion and Border-Based Multiresolution Analysis of Mammogram Lesions
=> Regional-Scale Forest Mapping over Fragmented Landscapes Using Global Forest Products and Landsat Time Series Classification
=> Regional-Scale High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) from Field Survey and Landsat Data: A Case Study for the Country of Wales
=> Regional-Scale Monitoring of Wheat Stripe Rust Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Detectors
=> Regional-Scale Systematic Mapping of Archaeological Mounds and Detection of Looting Using COSMO-SkyMed High Resolution DEM and Satellite Imagery
=> Regional Accuracy Assessment of 30-Meter GLC_FCS30, GlobeLand30, and CLCD Products: A Case Study in Xinjiang Area
=> Regional Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation with Land and Meteorological Variables Derived from Multi-Source Satellite Data
=> Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical operators for facial expression recognition
=> regional adaptive variational PDE model for computed tomography image reconstruction, A
=> Regional Admittivity Spectra With Tomosynthesis Images for Breast Cancer Detection: Preliminary Patient Study
=> Regional Aerosol Model for the Oceanic Area around Eastern China Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), A
=> Regional Analysis of Dominant Factors Influencing Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Complex Terrain Regions Using a Geographic Statistical Model
=> Regional and Local Scale Evolution of the Spatial Structure of High-Speed Railway Networks: A Case Study Focused on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, The
=> Regional appearance modeling based on the clustering of intensity profiles
=> Regional Assessment of Aspen Change and Spatial Variability on Decadal Time Scales
=> Regional Assessment of Cardiac Left Ventricular Myocardial Function via MRI Statistical Features
=> Regional Assessment of Soil Moisture Active Passive Enhanced L3 Soil Moisture Product and Its Application in Agriculture
=> Regional Assessments of Surface Ice Elevations from Swath-Processed CryoSat-2 SARIn Data
=> Regional Atmospheric Aerosol Pollution Detection Based on LiDAR Remote Sensing
=> Regional Atmospheric CO2 Response to Ecosystem CO2 Budgets in China
=> Regional Attention Networks with Context-aware Fusion for Group Emotion Recognition
=> Regional Bare-Earth Digital Terrain Model for Costa Rica Based on NASADEM Corrected for Vegetation Bias
=> Regional Bit Allocation and Rate Distortion Optimization for Multiview Depth Video Coding With View Synthesis Distortion Model
=> Regional Blended Precipitation Dataset over Pakistan Based on Regional Selection of Blending Satellite Precipitation Datasets and the Dynamic Weighted Average Least Squares Algorithm, A
=> Regional category parsing in undirected graphical models
=> Regional Changes in Earth's Color and Texture as Observed From Space Over a 15-Year Period
=> Regional Characteristics of Cloud Properties over the Loess Plateau
=> Regional Climate Effects of Irrigation under Central Asia Warming by 2.0 °C
=> Regional Consistency for Semi-Supervised Segmentation of 3D Medical Images
=> Regional context-based recalibration network for cataract recognition in AS-OCT
=> Regional Contribution and Attribution of the Interannual Variation of Net Primary Production in the Yellow River Basin, China
=> Regional Contributions and Climate Attributions to Interannual Variation of Global Net Ecosystems Production by an ECOSYSTEM Processed Model Driven by Remote Sensing Data over the Past 35 Years
=> Regional Coordinated Bus Priority Signal Control Considering Pedestrian and Vehicle Delays at Urban Intersections
=> Regional Crop Gross Primary Productivity and Yield Estimation Using Fused Landsat-MODIS Data
=> Regional Daily ET Estimates Based on the Gap-Filling Method of Surface Conductance
=> Regional Dependence of Atmospheric Responses to Oceanic Eddies in the North Pacific Ocean
=> Regional Disparity of Urban Spatial Expansion Is Greater than That of Urban Socioeconomic Expansion in China: A New Perspective from Nighttime Light Remotely Sensed Data and Urban Land Datasets, The
=> regional distance regression network for monocular object distance estimation, A
=> Regional Equivalent Water Thickness Modeling from Remote Sensing across a Tree Cover/LAI Gradient in Mediterranean Forests of Northern Tunisia
=> Regional Estimation of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Using the Surface Energy Balance-Advection (SEB-A) Method
=> Regional Evaluation of Minor Tidal Constituents for Improved Estimation of Ocean Tides
=> Regional evaluation of satellite-based methods for identifying leaf unfolding date
=> Regional Forest Mapping over Mountainous Areas in Northeast China Using Newly Identified Critical Temporal Features of Sentinel-1 Backscattering
=> Regional Forest Volume Estimation by Expanding LiDAR Samples Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
=> Regional fusion for high-resolution palmprint recognition using spectral minutiae representation
=> Regional Gap-Filling Method Based on Spatiotemporal Variogram Model of CO2 Columns, A
=> Regional Gating Neural Networks for Multi-label Image Classification
=> Regional Geological Mapping in the Graham Land of Antarctic Peninsula Using Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Data
=> Regional glacier mapping from time-series of Landsat type data
=> Regional GNSS-Derived SPCI: Verification and Improvement in Yunnan, China
=> Regional Gravity Field Modeling Using Band-Limited SRBFs: A Case Study in Colorado
=> Regional Ground Movement Detection by Analysis and Modeling PSI Observations
=> Regional Hexagonal Tile Rewriting Grammars
=> Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet Dove Imagery for Conservation Decision-Making and Marine Planning
=> Regional Homogeneity: Towards Learning Transferable Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Defenses
=> Regional image similarity criteria based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimator
=> Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery
=> Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
=> Regional Ionospheric Corrections for High Accuracy GNSS Positioning
=> Regional Ionospheric Maps with Quad-Constellation Raw Observations as Applied to Single-Frequency PPP
=> Regional Land Subsidence Analysis in Eastern Beijing Plain by InSAR Time Series and Wavelet Transforms
=> Regional Land Use Drought Index for Florida, A
=> Regional Landslide Identification Based on Susceptibility Analysis and Change Detection
=> Regional Landslide Susceptibility Assessment and Model Adaptability Research
=> Regional Leaf Area Index Retrieval Based on Remote Sensing: The Role of Radiative Transfer Model Selection
=> Regional Level Data Server for Fire Hazard Evaluation and Fuel Treatments Planning
=> Regional Lung Perfusion Analysis in Experimental ARDS by Electrical Impedance and Computed Tomography
=> Regional lung perfusion as determined by electrical impedance tomography in comparison with electron beam ct imaging
=> Regional Maize Yield Hierarchical Linear Model Combining Landsat 8 Vegetative Indices and Meteorological Data: Case Study in Jilin Province, A
=> Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
=> Regional Mapping and Spatial Distribution Analysis of Canopy Palms in an Amazon Forest Using Deep Learning and VHR Images
=> Regional Mapping Method for Oilseed Rape Based on HSV Transformation and Spectral Features, A
=> Regional Mapping of Essential Urban Land Use Categories in China: A Segmentation-Based Approach
=> Regional Mapping of Groundwater Potential in Ar Rub Al Khali, Arabian Peninsula Using the Classification and Regression Trees Model
=> Regional Mapping of Plantation Extent Using Multisensor Imagery
=> Regional Model for Predicting Tropospheric Delay and Weighted Mean Temperature in China Based on GRAPES_MESO Forecasting Products, A
=> Regional Modeling of Forest Fuels and Structural Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Oregon
=> Regional Models for High-Resolution Retrieval of Chlorophyll a and TSM Concentrations in the Gorky Reservoir by Sentinel-2 Imagery
=> Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early Warning Systems
=> Regional motion patterns for the Left Ventricle function assessment
=> regional multimodulus algorithm for blind image deconvolution, A
=> Regional mutual information-based identification and reduction of flicker artifacts during video encoding
=> Regional Objective Analysis for Merging High-Resolution MERIS, MODIS/Aqua, and SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a Data From 1998 to 2008 on the European Atlantic Shelf
=> Regional Partitioned Iterated Function Systems for digital image enhancement
=> Regional Partitioned Iterated Function Systems for digital image enhancement
=> Regional Patterns and Asynchronous Onset of Ice-Wedge Degradation since the Mid-20th Century in Arctic Alaska
=> Regional Patterns of Vegetation Dynamics and Their Sensitivity to Climate Variability in the Yangtze River Basin
=> Regional Precipitation Model Based on Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Kriging
=> Regional Quantitative Cover Mapping of Tundra Plant Functional Types in Arctic Alaska
=> Regional Ranking of Marine Turtle Nesting in Remote Western Australia by Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Remote Sensing
=> Regional Real-Time between-Satellite Single-Differenced Ionospheric Model Establishing by Multi-GNSS Single-Frequency Observations: Performance Evaluation and PPP Augmentation
=> Regional Recognition and Classification of Active Loess Landslides Using Two-Dimensional Deformation Derived from Sentinel-1 Interferometric Radar Data
=> Regional remote sensing by near-space vehicle-borne passive radar system
=> Regional Representativeness Analysis of Ground-Monitoring PM2.5 Concentration Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and Machine Learning Techniques
=> Regional Saliency Map Attack for Medical Image Segmentation
=> Regional Satellite Algorithms to Estimate Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter Concentrations in Vembanad Lake
=> Regional Scale Dryland Vegetation Classification with an Integrated Lidar-Hyperspectral Approach
=> Regional Scale Mapping of Grassland Mowing Frequency with Sentinel-2 Time Series
=> Regional Scale Rain-Forest Height Mapping Using Regression-Kriging of Spaceborne and Airborne LiDAR Data: Application on French Guiana
=> Regional Seafloor Topography by Extended Kalman Filtering of Marine Gravity Data without Ship-Track Information
=> Regional Semantic Contrast and Aggregation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> Regional Small Towns Classification Assessment and Spatial Pattern Integration: A Case Study of the Yunnan Section of the China-Laos Economic Corridor
=> Regional Spatially Adaptive Total Variation Super-Resolution with Spatial Information Filtering and Clustering
=> Regional Spatiotemporal Downscaling Method for CO2 Columns, A
=> Regional Spatiotemporal Patterns of Fire in the Eurasian Subarctic Based on Satellite Imagery
=> Regional Study on the Oceanic Cool Skin and Diurnal Warming Effects: Observing and Modeling
=> Regional Terrain Complexity Assessment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Geographic Information System: A Case of Jiangxi Province, China
=> Regional thinning of cerebral cortical thickness in first-episode and chronic schizophrenia
=> Regional Tropical Aboveground Biomass Mapping with L-Band Repeat-Pass Interferometric Radar, Sparse Lidar, and Multiscale Superpixels
=> Regional Typhoon Track Prediction Using Ensemble k-Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning in the GIS Environment
=> Regional Urban Extent Extraction Using Multi-Sensor Data and One-Class Classification
=> Regional Variability and Driving Forces behind Forest Fires in Sweden
=> Regional Variability in Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Features with Lightning across China: Observations from GPM
=> Regional Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution from a Network of Disdrometers over Complex Terrain in Southern China
=> Regional Variance Dependant Sub-frame Reduction for Face Detection in High Definition Video Frames
=> Regional Variations of Land-Use Development and Land-Use/Cover Change Dynamics: A Case Study of Turkey
=> Regional Vicarious Calibration of the SWIR-Based Atmospheric Correction Approach for MODIS-Aqua Measurements of Highly Turbid Inland Water
=> Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China
=> Regional Yield Estimation for Sugarcane Using MODIS and Weather Data: A Case Study in Florida and Louisiana, United States of America
=> Regional Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) Model Based on GPT3 and ANN, A
=> Regional Zenith Tropospheric Delay Modeling Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine Using GNSS and ERA5 Data
=> Regional Zernike moments for texture recognition
=> Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
=> Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
=> Regionalization and Partitioning of Soil Health Indicators for Nigeria Using Spatially Contiguous Clustering for Economic and Social-Cultural Developments
=> Regionalization of Agricultural Management by Using the Multi-Data Approach (MDA)
=> Regionalization of an Existing Global Forest Canopy Height Model for Forests of the Southern United States
=> Regionalization of Coarse Scale Soil Moisture Products Using Fine-Scale Vegetation Indices: Prospects and Case Study
=> Regionalization of Rainfall Regimes Using Hybrid RF-Bs Couple with Multivariate Approaches
=> Regionalization of Uncovered Agricultural Soils Based on Organic Carbon and Soil Texture Estimations
=> Regionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis
=> Regionalized Linear Models for River Depth Retrieval Using 3-Band Multispectral Imagery and Green LIDAR Data
=> Regionally and Locally Adaptive Models for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters From Remotely Sensed Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Regionally Optimised Mathematical Models of Cardiac Myocyte Orientation in Rat Hearts
=> Regionally Optimized Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging in MRI Applications
=> Regionally Robust High-Spatial-Resolution Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm for MODIS Images Over Eastern China, A
=> RegionBoost learning for 2D+3D based face recognition
=> RegionCL: Exploring Contrastive Region Pairs for Self-supervised Representation Learning
=> RegionCLIP: Region-based Language-Image Pretraining
=> RegionCut: Interactive multi-label segmentation utilizing cellular automaton
=> Regionlets for Generic Object Detection
=> Regionlets for Generic Object Detection
=> Regions Adjacency Graph Applied to Color Image Segmentation
=> Regions Growing with the Stochastic Pyramid: Application in Landscape Ecology
=> Regions Matching Algorithms Analysis to Quantify the Image Segmentation Results
=> Regions of Backprojection and Comet Tail Artifacts for pi-Line Reconstruction Formulas in Tomography
=> Regions of Interest in a Fundus Image Selection Technique Using the Discriminative Analysis Methods
=> Regions Segmentation from SAR Images
=> Regions Set in Stone: Delimiting and Categorizing Regions in Europe by Settlement Patterns Derived from EO-Data
=> Regionwise Classification of Building Facade Images
=> Regionwise Generative Adversarial Image Inpainting for Large Missing Areas
=> Regisration of hyperspectral and trichromatic images via cross cumulative residual entropy maximisation
=> Registar Machine: From Conception to Installation, The
=> Register based on efficient scene learning and keypoint matching for Augmented Reality system
=> Register Length Analysis and VLSI Optimization of VBS Hadamard Transform in H.264/AVC
=> Registered 3-D Ultrasound and Digital Stereotactic Mammography for Breast Biopsy Guidance
=> Registered and Segmented Deformable Object Reconstruction from a Single View Point Cloud
=> Registering a Multi-Sensor Ensemble of Images
=> Registering aerial photographs of farmland with satellite imagery
=> Registering Aerial Video Images Using the Projective Constraint
=> Registering Depth Maps from Multiple Views Recorded by Color Image Sequences
=> Registering Explicit to Implicit: Towards High-Fidelity Garment Mesh Reconstruction from Single Images
=> Registering Images to Untextured Geometry Using Average Shading Gradients
=> Registering Incomplete Radar Images Using the EM Algorithm
=> Registering Landsat Images by Point Matching
=> Registering Long-Term Image Series
=> Registering Multiple Cartographic Models with the Hierarchical Mixture of Expert Algorithms
=> Registering Multiview Range Data to Create 3D Computer Objects
=> Registering panoramic range data and omni-directional color image based on edge histograms
=> Registering point clouds of polyhedral buildings to 2D maps
=> Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraprocedure 3-D Ultrasound Using an Ultrasound Imaging Model
=> Registering Range Views of Multipart Objects
=> Registering Real-Scene to Virtual Imagery Using Robust Image Features
=> Registering real and virtual imagery
=> Registering retinal images using automatically selected control point pairs
=> Registering Retinal Vessel Images from Local to Global via Multiscale and Multicycle Features
=> Registering sequences of in vivo microscopy images for cell tracking using dynamic programming and minimum spanning trees
=> Registering two overlapping range images using a relative registration error histogram
=> Registering two overlapping range images
=> Registering, Integrating, and Building CAD Models from Range Data
=> Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echocardiographic Data Using Deformable Models
=> registration-based approach to quantify flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery in ultrasound image sequences, A
=> Registration-Based Interpolation
=> Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of the Bones of the Human Wrist
=> Registration-Based Propagation Framework for Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation of Cardiac MRI, A
=> Registration-Based Reconstruction of Four-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography
=> Registration-Based Segmentation Using the Information Bottleneck Method
=> Registration-enhanced multiple instance learning for cervical cancer whole slide image classification
=> Registration-Error-Resistant Swath Reconstruction Method of ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data Using SRE-ResNet, A
=> Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild
=> Registration-Free Multicomponent Joint AVA Inversion Using Optimal Transport
=> Registration-reliability based strategy to enhance multi-frame super-resolution algorithms
=> Registration algorithm based on image matching for outdoor AR system with fixed viewing position
=> Registration Algorithm Based on Line-Intersection-Line for Satellite Remote Sensing Images of Urban Areas
=> Registration Algorithm for Astronomical Images Based on Geometric Constraints and Homography, A
=> Registration and analysis for images couple: Application to mammograms
=> Registration and Analysis of Vascular Images
=> Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Differently Focused Images
=> Registration and Combined Adjustment for the Laser Altimetry Data and High-Resolution Optical Stereo Images of the GF-7 Satellite
=> Registration and Composition of Stacks of Serial Optical Slices Captured by a Confocal Microscope
=> Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality
=> Registration and entire shape acquisition for grid based active one-shot scanning techniques
=> Registration and Exploitation of Multi-pass Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
=> Registration and Fusion of Blurred Images
=> Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions
=> Registration and fusion of infrared and millimeter wave images for concealed weapon detection
=> Registration and fusion of intensity and range data for 3D modelling of real world scenes
=> Registration and Fusion of Multi-Spectral Images Using a Novel Edge Descriptor
=> Registration and fusion of multiple images acquired with medium format cameras.
=> Registration and fusion of retinal images: a comparative study
=> Registration and fusion of retinal images: An evaluation study
=> Registration and Integration of Multiple Object Views for 3D Model Construction
=> Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images by Matching Signed Distance Fields for Object Shape Modeling
=> Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images for 3-D Model Construction
=> Registration and Integration of Textured 3-D Data
=> Registration and interactive planar segmentation for stereo images of polyhedral scenes
=> Registration and matching method for directed point set with orientation attributes and local information
=> Registration and Matching of Perspective Surface Normal Maps
=> Registration and Modeling From Spaced and Misaligned Image Volumes
=> Registration and Modeling of Elastic Deformations of Fingerprints
=> Registration and occlusion detection in motion blur
=> Registration and Region Extraction of Data from Forms
=> Registration and retrieval of highly elastic bodies using contextual information
=> Registration and Tracking In the Context of Augmented Reality
=> Registration and tracking to integrate X-ray and MR images in an XMR facility
=> Registration Assisted Image Smoothing and Segmentation
=> Registration Based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
=> Registration Based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
=> Registration Based on Scene Recognition and Natural Features Tracking Techniques for Wide-Area Augmented Reality Systems
=> Registration by using a pseudo color attribute
=> Registration Error Estimation Framework for Correlative Imaging, A
=> Registration Evaluation by De-enhancing CT Images
=> Registration for 3D Morphological Comparison of Brain Aneurysm Growth
=> Registration for 3D surfaces with large deformations using quasi-conformal curvature flow
=> Registration for Correlative Microscopy Using Image Analogies
=> Registration for Optical Multimodal Remote Sensing Images Based on FAST Detection, Window Selection, and Histogram Specification
=> Registration for stereo vision-based augmented reality based on extendible tracking of markers and natural features
=> Registration Framework for the Comparison of Mammogram Sequences, A
=> Registration Fusion Using Markov Random Fields
=> Registration Invariant Representations for Expression Detection
=> Registration Loss Learning for Deep Probabilistic Point Set Registration
=> Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolution SAR Images, A
=> Registration Method for Rigid Objects Without Point Matching, A
=> Registration Method of Overlap Aware Point Clouds Based on Transformer-to-Transformer Regression, A
=> Registration Method of Point Clouds Collected By Mobile Lidar Using Solely Standard Las Files Information, A
=> Registration Method of Sparse Representation Classification Method
=> Registration of 2d Drawings On a 3d Point Cloud As a Support for The Modeling of Complex Architectures
=> Registration of 2D Histological Images of Bone Implants with 3D SRmuCT Volumes
=> Registration of 2D Images from Fast Scanning Ophthalmic Instruments
=> Registration of 2D Points Using Geometric Algebra and Tensor Voting
=> Registration of 3-D Head Surfaces Using Multiple Landmarks
=> Registration of 3-D images using weighted geometrical features
=> Registration of 3D Angiographic and X-Ray Images Using Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling
=> Registration of 3D Geometric Model and Color Images Using SIFT and Range Intensity Images
=> Registration of 3D Points Using Geometric Algebra and Tensor Voting
=> Registration of 3D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Data and 2D Fundus Images
=> Registration of 3D Ultrasound Through an Air-Tissue Boundary
=> Registration of 3D+t Coronary CTA and Monoplane 2D+t X-Ray Angiography
=> Registration of 4D Cardiac CT Sequences Under Trajectory Constraints With Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons
=> Registration of a Curve on a Surface Using Differential Properties
=> Registration of a SPOT Image and a SAR Image Using Multiresolution Representation of a Coastline
=> Registration of Agia Sanmarina Lidar Data Using Surface Elements
=> Registration of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Aerial Images through Terrestrial Image Blocks
=> Registration of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds by Matching the Linear Plane Features of Building Roof Facets
=> Registration of an uncalibrated image pair to a 3d surface model
=> Registration of anatomical images using geodesic paths of diffeomorphisms parameterized with stationary vector fields
=> Registration of Anatomical Images Using Paths of Diffeomorphisms Parameterized with Stationary Vector Field Flows
=> Registration of Breast Surface Data Before and After Surgical Intervention
=> Registration of Building Scan with IFC-Based BIM Using the Corner Points
=> Registration of CAD-Models to Images by Iterative Inverse Perspective Matching
=> Registration of CAD mesh models with CT volumetric model of assembly of machine parts
=> Registration of camera captured documents under non-rigid deformation
=> Registration of cardiac MSCT and optical tracking data: Image-guided CABG at the arrested heart
=> Registration of Cervical MRI Using Multifeature Mutual Information
=> Registration of Challenging Image Pairs: Initialization, Estimation, and Decision
=> Registration of Challenging Image Pairs: Initialization, Estimation, and Decision
=> Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initialization through verification
=> Registration of Cortical Connectivity Matrices
=> Registration of depth and video data in depth image based rendering
=> Registration of Developmental Image Sequences with Missing Data
=> Registration of diffusion tensor images
=> Registration of Digital Ophthalmic Images Using Vector Mapping
=> Registration of digital retinal images using landmark correspondence by expectation maximization
=> Registration of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI with Local Rigidity Constraint
=> Registration of Expressions Data using a 3D Morphable Model
=> Registration of eye reflection and scene images using an aspherical eye model
=> Registration of Fingerprints by Complex Filtering and by 1D Projections of Orientation Images
=> Registration of Free-Hand Ultrasound and MRI of Carotid Arteries through Combination of Point-Based and Intensity-Based Algorithms
=> Registration of Geometric Deformations in the Presence of Varying Illumination
=> Registration of head volume images using implantable fiducial markers
=> Registration of high-dimensional remote sensing data based on a new dimensionality reduction rule
=> Registration of High Resolution SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery in Urban Areas
=> Registration of Highly-oblique and Zoomed in Aerial Video to Reference Imagery
=> Registration of Human Point Set using Automatic Key Point Detection and Region-aware Features
=> Registration of Image Sequences from Experimental Low-Cost Fundus Camera
=> Registration of images from a hull mounted, low frequency synthetic aperture sonar
=> Registration of images with affine geometric distortion based on Maximally Stable Extremal Regions and phase congruency
=> Registration of Images With N-Fold Dihedral Blur
=> Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
=> Registration of Images With Varying Topology Using Embedded Maps
=> Registration of infra-red and visible-spectrum imagery for face recognition
=> Registration of IR and EO Video Sequences based on Frame Difference
=> Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
=> Registration of Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Aerial Images Using Either Artificial Or Natural Tie Features
=> Registration of Long-Strip Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using RANSAC and Closed Constraint Adjustment
=> Registration of MMS Lidar Points and Panoramic Image Sequence Using Relative Orientation Model
=> Registration of Modern and Historic Imagery for Timescape Creation
=> Registration of Moving Surfaces by Means of One-Shot Laser Projection
=> Registration of multi-dimensional image data via sub-pixel resolution phase correlation
=> Registration of Multi-Level Property Rights in 3D in The Netherlands: Two Cases and Next Steps in Further Implementation
=> Registration of multi-platform point clouds using edge detection for rockfall monitoring
=> Registration of Multi-Sensor Bathymetric Point Clouds in Rural Areas Using Point-to-Grid Distances
=> Registration of Multi-view Images of Planar Surfaces
=> Registration of Multi-View Point Sets Under the Perspective of Expectation-Maximization
=> Registration of Multimodal Fluorescein Images Sequence of the Retina
=> Registration of Multimodal Stereo Images Using Disparity Voting from Correspondence Windows
=> Registration of Multiple-Range Views Using the Reverse-Calibration Technique
=> Registration of Multiple Acoustic Range Views for Underwater Scene Reconstruction
=> Registration of Multiple Overlapping Range Images: Scenes without Distinctive Features
=> Registration of Multiple Overlapping Range Images: Scenes without Distinctive Features
=> Registration of Multiple Point Sets using the EM Algorithm
=> Registration of Multiple Point Sets
=> Registration of multiple range scans as a location recognition problem: hypothesis generation, refinement and verification
=> Registration of Multiple Range Views for Automatic 3-D Model Building
=> Registration of Multiple Shapes using Constrained Optimal Control
=> Registration of Multisensor Images through a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network and a Correlation-Type Similarity Measure
=> Registration of multitemporal aerial optical images using line features
=> Registration of multitemporal GF-1 remote sensing images with weighting perspective transformation model
=> Registration of Multiview Real-Time 3-D Echocardiographic Sequences
=> Registration of Near Real-Time SAR Images by Image-to-Image Matching
=> Registration of NEVI in Successive Skin Images for Early Detection of Melanoma
=> Registration of Noisy Images via Maximum A-Posteriori Estimation
=> Registration of Noisy Point Clouds Using Virtual Interest Points
=> Registration Of Non-Rigid Medical Images Using an Elastic Spatial Transformation
=> Registration of Optical Data with High-Resolution SAR Data: A New Image Registration Solution
=> Registration of partially overlapping surfaces by rejection of false point correspondences
=> Registration of PET and MR Hand Volumes Using Bayesian Networks
=> Registration of physical space to laparoscopic image space for use in minimally invasive hepatic surgery
=> Registration of Point Clouds Based on the Ratio of Bidirectional Distances
=> Registration of point clouds using sample-sphere and adaptive distance restriction
=> Registration of Pre-Operative CT and Non-Contrast-Enhanced C-Arm CT: An Application to Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
=> Registration of range and color images using gradient constraints and range intensity images
=> Registration of range data from unmanned aerial and ground vehicles
=> Registration of Range Images Based on Segmented Data
=> Registration of range images that preserves local surface structures and color
=> Registration of Real-Time 3-D Ultrasound Images of the Heart for Novel 3-D Stress Echocardiography
=> Registration of region of interest for object tracking applications in wide area motion imagery
=> Registration of Remote Sensing Image Data Based on Wavelet Transform
=> Registration of RGB and Thermal Point Clouds Generated by Structure From Motion
=> Registration of Seal Images Using Contour Analysis
=> Registration of sheared images using phase correlation
=> Registration of Spherical Panoramic Images with Cadastral 3D Models
=> Registration of stereo and temporal images of the retina
=> Registration of Stereo Based 3D Maps for Object Modeling: A Stochastic Yet Intelligent Solution
=> Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
=> Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
=> Registration of Technical Drawings and Calibrated Images for Industrial Augmented Reality
=> Registration of Technical Drawings and Calibrated Images for Industrial Augmented Reality
=> Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Unoverlap Point Clouds by One Image
=> Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveys Using Terrain-Invariant Regions for Measuring Exploitative Volumes over Open-Pit Mines
=> Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans via Image Based Features
=> Registration of terrestrial laserscanning data using planar patches and image data
=> Registration of the Prokudin-Gorskii Colour Photographs Using a Multiresolution SSIM Algorithm
=> Registration of thermal and visible light images of diseased plants using silhouette extraction in the wavelet domain
=> Registration of time of flight terrestrial laser scanner data for stop-and-go mode
=> Registration of under-sampled images via higher resolution spectrum restoration
=> Registration of Unrectified Optical and SAR imagery over Mountainous Areas through Automatic Free-form Features Global Matching
=> Registration of unseen images based on the generative manifold modeling of variations of appearance and anatomical shape in brain population
=> Registration of Untracked 2D Laparoscopic Ultrasound to CT Images of the Liver Using Multi-Labelled Content-Based Image Retrieval
=> Registration of very time-distant aerial images
=> Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
=> Registration of Whole-Mount Histology and Volumetric Imaging of the Prostate Using Particle Filtering
=> Registration Optimization of Mobile Handheld Scanner Point Clouds With Static Scans
=> Registration Parameter Spaces for Molecular Electron Tomography Images
=> Registration Problem Revisited: Optimal Solutions From Points, Lines and Planes, The
=> Registration Techniques for Multisensor Remotely Sensed Imagery
=> Registration Uncertainty for Robot Self-localization in 3D
=> Registration Via Direct Methods: A Statistical Approach
=> Registration with a Moving Zoom Lens Camera for Augmented Reality Applications
=> Registration with probabilistic correspondences: Accurate and robust registration for pathological and inhomogeneous medical data
=> Registration with Uncertainties and Statistical Modeling of Shapes with Variable Metric Kernels
=> Registration without Correspondences
=> Registration without Correspondences
=> Registration without ICP
=> Registration, Calibration and Blending in Creating High Quality Panoramas
=> RegNeRF: Regularizing Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
=> ReGO: Reference-Guided Outpainting for Scenery Image
=> ReGO: Reference-Guided Outpainting for Scenery Image
=> Regressed Importance Sampling on Manifolds for Efficient Object Tracking
=> Regressing a 3D Face Shape from a Single Image
=> Regressing Local to Global Shape Properties for Online Segmentation and Tracking
=> Regressing Local to Global Shape Properties for Online Segmentation and Tracking
=> Regressing Robust and Discriminative 3D Morphable Models with a Very Deep Neural Network
=> Regression-based Active Appearance Model initialization for facial feature tracking with missing frames
=> regression-based approach to recover human pose from voxel data, A
=> Regression-Based Cardiac Motion Prediction From Single-Phase CTA
=> Regression-Based Facial Expression Optimization
=> regression-based framework for estimating the objective quality of HEVC coding units and video frames, A
=> Regression-based Hand Pose Estimation from Multiple Cameras
=> Regression-Based High-Pass Modulation Pansharpening Approach, A
=> Regression-Based Human Motion Capture From Voxel Data
=> Regression-based intensity estimation of facial action units
=> Regression-based label fusion for multi-atlas segmentation
=> Regression-based metric learning
=> Regression-Based Motion Vector Field for Video Coding
=> Regression-Based Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
=> Regression-based parking space availability prediction for the Ubike system
=> Regression-Based Prediction for Blocking Artifact Reduction in JPEG-Compressed Images
=> Regression-Based Retrieval of Boreal Forest Biomass in Sloping Terrain Using P-Band SAR Backscatter Intensity Data
=> Regression-Based Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Objects
=> Regression-Based User Calibration Framework for Real-Time Gaze Estimation, A
=> Regression-Selective Feature-Adaptive Tracker for Visual Object Tracking
=> Regression-then-Fusion or Fusion-then-Regression? A Theoretical Analysis for Generating High Spatiotemporal Resolution Land Surface Temperatures
=> Regression analysis and automorphic orbits in free groups of rank 2
=> Regression Analysis of Errors of SAR-based DEMs and Controlling Factors
=> Regression Analysis of Subsidence in the Como Basin (Northern Italy): New Insights on Natural and Anthropic Drivers from InSAR Data
=> Regression and Classification Approaches to Eye Localization in Face Images
=> Regression and Evaluation on a Forward Interpolated Version of the Great Circle Arcs-Based Distortion Metric of Map Projections
=> Regression Approaches to Small Sample Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and Preliminary Indicator of Diseased Lungs
=> Regression based automatic face annotation for deformable model building
=> Regression Based Bandwidth Selection for Segmentation Using Parzen Windows
=> Regression based landmark estimation and multi-feature fusion for visual speech recognition
=> Regression Based Non-frontal Face Synthesis for Improved Identity Verification
=> Regression Based Trajectory Learning and Prediction for Human Motion
=> Regression by Re-Ranking
=> Regression Committee Machine and Petrophysical Model Jointly Driven Parameters Prediction From Wireline Logs in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs
=> Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneous dictionary learning
=> Regression Forests for Efficient Anatomy Detection and Localization in CT Studies
=> Regression from local features for viewpoint and pose estimation
=> Regression from patch-kernel
=> Regression Guided by Relative Ranking Using Convolutional Neural Network (R^3CNN) for Facial Beauty Prediction
=> Regression Guided Deformable Models for Segmentation of Multiple Brain ROIs
=> Regression Kriging for Improving Crop Height Models Fusing Ultra-Sonic Sensing with UAV Imagery
=> Regression model for speckled data with extreme variability
=> Regression Model in Tensor PCA Subspace for Face Image Super-resolution Reconstruction, A
=> Regression Nearest Neighbor in Face Recognition
=> Regression of Instance Boundary by Aggregated CNN and GCN
=> Regression or Classification? Reflection on BP prediction from PPG data using Deep Neural Networks in the scope of practical applications
=> Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
=> Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
=> Regression tracking with data relevance determination
=> Regression Tree CNN for Estimation of Ground Sampling Distance Based on Floating-Point Representation
=> Regression Tree Fields: An efficient, non-parametric approach to image labeling problems
=> Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of Remote-Sensing Data
=> Regression Wavelet Analysis for Near-Lossless Remote Sensing Data Compression
=> Regression with interval output values
=> Regression with residual neural network for vanishing point detection
=> Regressive Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Keypoint Detection
=> regressive encoder-decoder-based deep attention model for segmentation of fetal head in 2D-ultrasound images, A
=> Regressive Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Few-Frame Human Motion Prediction
=> Regressive Structure for Online Computation of Arbitrary Length DCT-IV and DST-IV Transforms, A
=> Regressive Tree Structured Model for Facial Landmark Localization
=> Regressor Based Estimation of the Eye Pupil Center
=> Regressor Basis Learning for anchored super-resolution
=> Regretful Agent: Heuristic-Aided Navigation Through Progress Estimation, The
=> REGroup: Rank-aggregating Ensemble of Generative Classifiers for Robust Predictions
=> REGTR: End-to-end Point Cloud Correspondences with Transformers
=> Regular-Texture Image Retrieval Based on Texture-Primitive Extraction
=> Regular and Small Target Detection
=> Regular Arcs in Digital Contours
=> Regular Arcs in Digital Contours
=> Regular Decomposition of Multivariate Time Series and Other Matrices
=> Regular Hybrid Wavelets and Directional Filter Banks: Extensions and Applications
=> Regular Polygon Detection
=> regular polygon detector, The
=> Regular polyhedral descriptor for 3-D object retrieval system
=> Regular Shape Similarity Index: A Novel Index for Accurate Extraction of Regular Objects From Remote Sensing Images
=> Regular Spatial B-Spline Active Contour for Fast Video Segmentation
=> Regular Splitting Graph Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
=> Regular Texture Analysis as Statistical Model Selection
=> Regular texture removal for video stabilization
=> RegularFace: Deep Face Recognition via Exclusive Regularization
=> Regularisation Functions and Estimators
=> Regularisation learning of correlation filters for robust visual tracking
=> Regularisation of 3D Signed Distance Fields
=> Regularisation of the limited data computed tomography problem via the boundary element method
=> regularised deep matrix factorised model of matrix completion for image restoration, A
=> Regularised differentiation for image derivatives
=> Regularised IHS-based pan-sharpening approach using spectral consistency constraint and total variation
=> Regularised nonlinear blind signal separation using sparsely connected network
=> Regularised Range Flow
=> Regularised region-based Mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
=> Regularised transfer learning for hyperspectral image classification
=> Regularised, semi-local hurst estimation via generalised lasso and dual-tree complex wavelets
=> Regularising neural networks for future trajectory prediction via inverse reinforcement learning framework
=> Regularity-Constrained Fast Sine Transforms
=> Regularity-Driven Building Facade Matching between Aerial and Street Views
=> Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
=> Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
=> Regularity analysis on bus networks and route directions by automatic vehicle location raw data
=> Regularity and Complexity of Human Electroencephalogram Dynamics: Applications to Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease
=> Regularity and Scale-Space Properties of Fractional High Order Linear Filtering
=> Regularity Classes for Locally Orderless Images
=> Regularity Guaranteed Human Pose Correction
=> Regularity of spectral residual for reduced reference image quality assessment
=> Regularity Preserved Superpixels and Supervoxels
=> Regularity Properties of Distance Transformations in Image-Analysis
=> Regularity selection for effective 3D object reconstruction from a single line drawing
=> Regularization-Based 3-D Object Modeling from Multiple Range Images
=> Regularization-Based Error Concealment in JPEG 2000 Coding Scheme
=> Regularization Analysis and Design for Prior-Image-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction
=> Regularization and optimization in model-based clustering
=> Regularization and Sparsity for Adversarial Robustness and Stable Attribution
=> regularization approach for bayer reconstruction in lossy image coding by inverse demosaicing, A
=> Regularization Approach to Blind Deblurring and Denoising of QR Barcodes, A
=> Regularization Approach to Joint Blur Identification and Image Restoration, A
=> Regularization Approaches to Demosaicking
=> Regularization by Architecture: A Deep Prior Approach for Inverse Problems
=> Regularization by denoising sub-sampled Newton method for spectral CT multi-material decomposition
=> Regularization by Denoising super-resolution method based on genetic algorithms, A
=> Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (RED-PRO)
=> Regularization Designs for Uniform Spatial Resolution and Noise Properties in Statistical Image Reconstruction for 3-D X-ray CT
=> Regularization for functional MRI models
=> Regularization for Uniform Spatial Resolution Properties in Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction
=> Regularization Framework for Joint Blur Estimation and Super-Resolution of Video Sequences, A
=> Regularization Framework for Learning Over Multitask Graphs, A
=> regularization framework for multiclass classification: A deterministic annealing approach, A
=> regularization framework for robust dimensionality reduction with applications to image reconstruction and feature extraction, A
=> regularization framework for stereo matching using IGMRF prior and sparseness learned from autoencoder, A
=> Regularization in Image Non-Rigid Registration: I. Trade-off between Smoothness and Intensity Similarity
=> Regularization in metric learning for person re-identification
=> Regularization in parallel magnetic resonance imaging
=> Regularization in tomographic reconstruction using thresholding estimators
=> regularization method for unfolding the measured data of different X-ray spectrometers in Compton scattering tomography, A
=> Regularization Methods in Non-Rigid Registration: II. Isotropic Energies, Filters and Splines
=> Regularization of Building Roof Boundaries from Airborne LiDAR Data Using an Iterative CD-Spline
=> Regularization of Complex SAR Images Using Markov Random Fields
=> Regularization of deep neural networks using a novel companion objective function
=> Regularization of diffusion tensor field using coupled robust anisotropic diffusion filters
=> Regularization of Discrete Contour by Willmore Energy
=> Regularization of flow streamlines in multislice phase-contrast MR imaging
=> Regularization of Incompletely, Irregularly and Randomly Sampled Data
=> Regularization of Mixture Models for Robust Principal Graph Learning
=> Regularization of Noisy ISAR Images Containing Extended Features
=> Regularization of Optic Flow Estimates by Means of Weighted Vector Median Filtering
=> Regularization of Phase Retrieval With Phase-Attenuation Duality Prior for 3-D Holotomography
=> Regularization of polynomial networks for image recognition
=> Regularization of Positive Definite Matrix Fields Based on Multiplicative Calculus
=> Regularization of RIF Blind Image Deconvolution
=> Regularization of the Problem of Image Restoration from its Noisy Fourier Transform Phase
=> Regularization of transportation maps for color and contrast transfer
=> Regularization on Discrete Spaces
=> Regularization on Spatio-Temporally Smoothed Feature for Action Recognition
=> Regularization Operators for Natural Images Based on Nonlinear Perception Models
=> Regularization Parameter Estimation for Non-Negative Hyperspectral Image Deconvolution
=> Regularization parameter estimation for spectral regression discriminant analysis based on perturbation theory
=> Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative Image Restoration and MRI Reconstruction Using GCV and SURE-Based Methods
=> Regularization Parameter Selection in Minimum Volume Hyperspectral Unmixing
=> Regularization Paths for Re-Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization
=> Regularization Preserving Localization of Close Edges
=> Regularization Properties of Mumford-Shah-Type Functionals with Perimeter and Norm Constraints for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
=> Regularization Strategies for Discontinuity-Preserving Optical Flow Methods
=> Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
=> Regularization studies of linear discriminant analysis in small sample size scenarios with application to face recognition
=> Regularization studies on LDA for face recognition
=> Regularization Super-Resolution with Inaccurate Image Registration
=> Regularization techniques for high-dimensional data analysis
=> Regularization via Deep Generative Models: An Analysis Point of View
=> Regularization with Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training
=> Regularization with Metric Double Integrals of Functions with Values in a Set of Vectors
=> Regularization with Sparse Vector Fields: From Image Compression to TV-type Reconstruction
=> Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge-Detection Filters
=> Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge-Detection Filters
=> Regularization: Convergence of iterative thresholding algorithm
=> Regularize implicit neural representation by itself
=> Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Learning
=> Regularized 2-D complex-log spectral analysis and subspace reliability analysis of micro-Doppler signature for UAV detection
=> Regularized 3D Modeling from Noisy Building Reconstructions
=> Regularized 3D morphable models
=> Regularized active shape model for shape alignment
=> Regularized Adaptive Algorithms-Based CIR Predictors for Time-Varying Channels in OFDM Systems
=> Regularized adaptive classification based on image retrieval for clustered microcalcifications
=> Regularized adaptive high-resolution image reconstruction considering inaccurate subpixel registration
=> Regularized adaptive super-resolution using kernel estimation-based edge reconnection and kernel orientation constraints
=> Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-Shot Virtual Try-On
=> Regularized Affine-Scaling Trust-Region Method for Parametric Imaging of Dynamic PET Data, A
=> Regularized All-Pole Models for Speaker Verification Under Noisy Environments
=> Regularized Approach for Geodesic-Based Semisupervised Multimanifold Learning, A
=> Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimation from Short-Time Projection Data Frames In Emission Tomography, A
=> regularized approach for unsupervised multi-view multi-manifold learning, A
=> Regularized Approach to Feature Selection for Face Detection, A
=> Regularized asymmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering in directed networks
=> Regularized Auto-Associative Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
=> Regularized Background Adaptation: A Novel Learning Rate Control Scheme for Gaussian Mixture Modeling
=> Regularized Bayesian Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
=> Regularized blur-assisted displacement field estimation
=> Regularized Bundle-Adjustment to Model Heads from Image Sequences without Calibration Data
=> Regularized CDWT optical flow applied to moving-target detection in IR imagery
=> Regularized CNN Feature Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Regularized color clustering in medical image database
=> Regularized constrained total least squares image restoration
=> Regularized constraint subspace based method for image set classification
=> Regularized Contrast Statistic for Object Boundary Estimation: Implementation and Statistical Evaluation, A
=> Regularized coplanar discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
=> Regularized Covariance Matrix Estimation via Empirical Bayes
=> Regularized Curvature Flow Designed for a Selective Shape Restoration, A
=> Regularized Data Fusion Improves Image Segmentation
=> Regularized Deep Belief Network for Image Attribute Detection
=> Regularized Densely-Connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
=> Regularized depth from defocus
=> Regularized dequantization for image copies compressed with different quantization parameters
=> Regularized Diffusion Process on Bidirectional Context for Object Retrieval
=> Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport
=> Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport
=> Regularized discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition
=> Regularized discriminant analysis for face recognition
=> Regularized Discriminant Analysis for Holistic Human Activity Recognition
=> Regularized discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem in face recognition
=> Regularized discriminant analysis for transformation-invariant object recognition
=> Regularized discriminant entropy analysis
=> Regularized Discriminative Spectral Regression Method for Heterogeneous Face Matching
=> Regularized dynamic Boltzmann machine with Delay Pruning for unsupervised learning of temporal sequences
=> regularized ensemble framework of deep learning for cancer detection from multi-class, imbalanced training data, A
=> Regularized estimation of Bloch-Siegert B1-maps in MRI
=> Regularized Estimation of Flow Patterns in MR Velocimetry
=> Regularized Estimation of Magnitude and Phase of Multi-Coil B_1 Field Via Bloch-Siegert B_1 Mapping and Coil Combination Optimizations
=> Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search
=> Regularized Feature Reconstruction for Spatio-Temporal Saliency Detection
=> Regularized Field Map Estimation in MRI
=> Regularized Flexible Activation Function Combination for Deep Neural Networks
=> Regularized Framework for Feature Selection in Face Detection and Authentication, A
=> Regularized fully convolutional networks for RGB-D semantic segmentation
=> Regularized fuzzy c-means method for brain tissue clustering
=> Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for High-Dimensional Clustering
=> Regularized generalized eigen-decomposition with applications to sparse supervised feature extraction and sparse discriminant analysis
=> Regularized Generalized Inverse Accelerating Linearized Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Frame-Based Poissonian Image Deblurring
=> Regularized Geometric Hulls for Bio-medical Image Segmentation
=> Regularized Gradient Descent Training of Steered Mixture of Experts for Sparse Image Representation
=> Regularized Gradient Kernel Anisotropic Diffusion for Better Image Filtering
=> Regularized Hardmining loss for face recognition
=> Regularized Hierarchical Feature Learning with Non-negative Sparsity and Selectivity for Image Classification
=> Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS) Imaging Using a Cross-Tracer Prior
=> Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Positron Emission Tomography
=> Regularized Image Recovery in Scattering Media
=> Regularized image restoration based on adaptively selecting parameter and operator
=> Regularized image restoration with singular value decomposition
=> Regularized image up-sampling using a new observation model and the level set method
=> Regularized Intermediate Layers Attack: Adversarial Examples With High Transferability
=> Regularized Interpolation for Noisy Images
=> Regularized Interpolation Using Kronecker Product for Still Images
=> Regularized Inverse Approach to Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Imaging, A
=> Regularized iterative image sequence interpolation with spatially adaptive constraints
=> Regularized Iteratively Reweighted MAD Method for Change Detection in Multi- and Hyperspectral Data, The
=> Regularized K-SVD
=> Regularized Kaczmarz Algorithms for Tensor Recovery
=> Regularized Kernel Least Mean Square Algorithm with Multiple-delay Feedback
=> Regularized Kernel Locality Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
=> Regularized L1-Graph for Data Clustering
=> Regularized Laplacian Zero Crossings as Optimal Edge Integrators
=> Regularized learning framework in the estimation of reflectance spectra from camera responses
=> Regularized Least-Squares Coding with Unlabeled Dictionary for Image-Set Based Face Recognition
=> regularized least mean mixed norm multichannel image restoration algorithm, A
=> Regularized local metric learning for person re-identification
=> Regularized Locality Preserving Learning of Pre-Image Problem in Kernel Principal Component Analysis
=> Regularized Locality Preserving Projections and Its Extensions for Face Recognition
=> Regularized logistic regression algorithm learns progressive sweep algorithm
=> Regularized logistic regression method for change detection in multispectral data via Pathwise Coordinate optimization
=> Regularized Loss for Weakly Supervised Single Class Semantic Segmentation
=> Regularized Loss With Hyperparameter Estimation for Weakly Supervised Single Class Segmentation
=> Regularized Marching Cubes Mesh
=> Regularized margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss for prototype learning
=> Regularized Mask Tuning: Uncovering Hidden Knowledge in Pre-trained Vision-Language Models
=> Regularized Material Decomposition for K-edge Separation in Hyperspectral Computed Tomography
=> Regularized Matrix Factorization for Multilabel Learning With Missing Labels
=> Regularized max-min linear discriminant analysis
=> Regularized Max Pooling for Image Categorization
=> Regularized metric adaptation for unconstrained face verification
=> regularized minimum cross-entropy algorithm on mixtures of experts for time series prediction and curve detection, A
=> Regularized Mixed Dimensionality and Density Learning in Computer Vision
=> Regularized mixture discriminant analysis
=> Regularized Model-Based Optimization Framework for Pan-Sharpening, A
=> Regularized motion blur-kernel estimation with adaptive sparse image prior learning
=> Regularized motion estimation using robust entropic functionals
=> Regularized MSBL algorithm with spatial correlation for sparse hyperspectral unmixing
=> Regularized multi-class semi-supervised boosting
=> Regularized Multi-Concept MIL for weakly-supervised facial behavior categorization
=> Regularized Multi-Output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation
=> Regularized Multi-view Multi-metric Learning for Action Recognition
=> Regularized Multichannel Recovery of Compressed Video
=> Regularized Multinomial Regression Method for Hyperspectral Data Classification via Pathwise Coordinate Optimization
=> Regularized Neighborhood Component Analysis
=> Regularized Non-local Total Variation and Application in Image Restoration
=> Regularized online Mixture of Gaussians for background subtraction
=> Regularized Optimal Transport Layers for Generalized Global Pooling Operations
=> Regularized Partial Matching of Rigid Shapes
=> Regularized patch motion estimation
=> Regularized polychromatic reconstruction for transmission tomography
=> Regularized polygonal approximation for analysis and interpretation of planar contour figures
=> Regularized Primitive Graph Learning for Unified Vector Mapping
=> Regularized Projection-Based Geometry Compression Scheme for LiDAR Point Cloud, A
=> Regularized Quadrature Filters for Local Frequency Estimation: Application to Multimodal Volume Image Registration
=> Regularized query classification using search click information
=> Regularized RBF Networks for Hyperspectral Data Classification
=> Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography using a variance uniformization constraint
=> Regularized Reconstruction of 3d High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Images from Acquisitions of Anisotropically Degraded Resolutions
=> Regularized Reconstruction of a Surface from its Measured Gradient Field
=> Regularized Reconstruction of Grid System for Traditional Chinese Timber Structure Building in HBIM
=> Regularized Reconstruction of Shapes with Statistical a priori Knowledge
=> Regularized reconstruction to reduce blocking artifacts of block discrete cosine transform compressed images
=> Regularized restoration of partial-response distortions in sporadically degraded images
=> Regularized Restoration of Scintigraphic Images in Bayesian Frameworks
=> Regularized Restoration Using Image Fusion for Digital Auto-Focusing
=> Regularized Robust Coding for Face Recognition
=> Regularized selection: A new paradigm for inverse based regularized image reconstruction techniques
=> Regularized Semi-non-negative Matrix Factorization for Hashing
=> Regularized set-to-set distance metric learning for hyperspectral image classification
=> Regularized Shock Filters and Complex Diffusion
=> Regularized Simultaneous Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithm for Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
=> Regularized single-image super-resolution based on progressive gradient estimation
=> Regularized single-kernel conditional density estimation for face description
=> Regularized Solution to Edge Detection, A
=> Regularized Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion for Feature Characterization
=> regularized spectral algorithm for Hidden Markov Models with applications in computer vision, A
=> Regularized Spectral Matched Filter for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Regularized Spectral Matched Filter for Target Recognition in Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Regularized Subband Coding Scheme
=> Regularized Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Speech Recognition
=> regularized tensor decomposition method with adaptive rank adjustment for Compressed-Sensed-Domain background subtraction, A
=> Regularized tensor discriminant analysis for single trial EEG classification in BCI
=> Regularized tessellation density estimation with bootstrap aggregation and complexity penalization
=> Regularized topic-aware latent influence propagation in dynamic relational networks
=> Regularized Total Least Squares Approach for Nonconvolutional Linear Inverse Problems
=> Regularized Total Least Squares Reconstruction for Optical Tomographic Imaging Using Conjugate Gradient Method
=> Regularized Trace Ratio Discriminant Analysis with Patch Distribution Feature for human gait recognition
=> Regularized Transfer Boosting for Face Detection Across Spectrum
=> Regularized Tree Partitioning and Its Application to Unsupervised Image Segmentation
=> regularized trust region method for joint reconstruction of spin magnitude, T2* decay, and off-resonance field map, A
=> Regularized Two Granularity Loss Function for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
=> Regularized uncertainty-based multi-task learning model for food analysis
=> Regularized vector field learning with sparse approximation for mismatch removal
=> Regularized Vector Quantization for Tokenized Image Synthesis
=> Regularized Visibility-Based Approach to Astronomical Imaging Spectroscopy, A
=> Regularized Volumetric Fusion Framework for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction, A
=> Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal blood vessel segmentation
=> Regularizing 3D medial axis using medial scaffold transforms
=> Regularizing a Set of Unstructured 3D Points from a Sequence of Stereo Images
=> Regularizing Activation Distribution for Training Binarized Deep Networks
=> Regularizing AdaBoost with validation sets of increasing size
=> Regularizing autoencoders with wavelet transform for sequence anomaly detection
=> Regularizing Class-Wise Predictions via Self-Knowledge Distillation
=> Regularizing CNN Transfer Learning With Randomised Regression
=> Regularizing Deep Networks by Modeling and Predicting Label Structure
=> Regularizing deep networks with label geometry for accurate object localization on small training datasets
=> Regularizing Deep Networks With Semantic Data Augmentation
=> Regularizing Discriminative Capability of CGANs for Semi-Supervised Generative Learning
=> Regularizing face verification nets for pain intensity regression
=> Regularizing Flows for Constrained Matrix-Valued Images
=> Regularizing Flows over Lie Groups
=> Regularizing Generative Adversarial Networks under Limited Data
=> Regularizing Image Intensity Transformations Using the Wasserstein Metric
=> Regularizing Long Short Term Memory with 3D Human-Skeleton Sequences for Action Recognition
=> Regularizing max-margin exemplars by reconstruction and generative models
=> Regularizing Meta-learning via Gradient Dropout
=> Regularizing method for the determination of the backscatter cross section in lidar data
=> Regularizing Multilayer Perceptron for Robustness
=> Regularizing multiple kernel learning using response surface methodology
=> Regularizing Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Perturbation
=> Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical Energy
=> Regularizing Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse RGB-D Inputs
=> Regularizing Nighttime Weirdness: Efficient Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation in the Dark
=> Regularizing optical-flow computation using tensor theory and complex analysis
=> Regularizing Orientation Estimation in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Three-Dimensional Map Refinement through Measure-Based Lifting over Riemannian Manifolds
=> Regularizing Phase Based Stereo
=> Regularizing RNNs for Caption Generation by Reconstructing the Past with the Present
=> Regularizing Second-Order Influences for Continual Learning
=> Regularizing Topic Discovery in EMRs with Side Information by Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models
=> Regularizing Vector Embedding in Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation
=> Regularizing Visual Semantic Embedding With Contrastive Learning for Image-Text Matching
=> Regularly Truncated M-Estimators for Learning With Noisy Labels
=> Regulated complexity scalable MPEG-2 video decoding for media processors
=> Regulated Ecosystem Services Trade-Offs: Synergy Research and Driver Identification in the Vegetation Restoration Area of the Middle Stream of the Yellow River
=> Regulated morphological operations
=> Regulation of Evapotranspiration in Different Precipitation Zones and Its Application in High-Temperature and Drought Monitoring
=> Regulation probability method for gene selection
=> Regulations in the field of Geo-Information
=> Regulators seek ways to down rogue drones: Growing antidrone industry offers radar, remote ID, and other tools
=> Regulatory Effect Evaluation of Warming and Cooling Factors on Urban Land Surface Temperature Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
=> Rehabilitating Heritage Places) Structural Repairs And Conservation Works for Astor Kolkata, India
=> Rehabilitation Closure Criteria Assessment Using High Resolution Photogrammetrically Derived Surface Models
=> Rehabilitation Exercise Repetition Segmentation and Counting Using Skeletal Body Joints
=> Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injured Patients: Patient Mood Analysis from Multimodal Video
=> ReHAR: Robust and Efficient Human Activity Recognition
=> Rehashing for Bayesian geometric hashing
=> Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning over Small Non-I.I.D. Batches
=> Rehearsal-Free Domain Continual Face Anti-Spoofing: Generalize More and Forget Less
=> Rehearsal-Free Domain Continual Face Anti-Spoofing: Generalize More and Forget Less
=> Rehearsal revealed: The limits and merits of revisiting samples in continual learning
=> Reidentification by Relative Distance Comparison
=> ReidTrack: Reid-only Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking
=> ReIDTracker_Sea: Multi-Object Tracking in Maritime Computer Vision
=> ReigSAC: fast discrimination of spurious keypoint correspondences on planar surfaces
=> Reillumination-driven shape from shading
=> Reimagining the central challenge of face recognition: Turning a problem into an advantage
=> Reimagining the Scientific Visualization Interaction Paradigm
=> REIN Algorithm and the Influence of Point Cloud Density on nDSM and DTM Precision in a Submediterranean Forest
=> REIN: Flexible Mesh Generation from Point Clouds
=> Reinforce Data, Multiply Impact: Improved Model Accuracy and Robustness with Dataset Reinforcement
=> Reinforce Data, Multiply Impact: Improved Model Accuracy and Robustness with Dataset Reinforcement
=> Reinforced Adaptation Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
=> Reinforced Attention for Few-Shot Learning and Beyond
=> Reinforced Axial Refinement Network for Monocular 3d Object Detection
=> Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
=> Reinforced Cross-Media Correlation Learning by Context-Aware Bidirectional Translation
=> Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision-Language Navigation
=> Reinforced Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Driving in Carla
=> Reinforced Disentanglement for Face Swapping without Skip Connection
=> Reinforced Feature Points: Optimizing Feature Detection and Description for a High-Level Task
=> Reinforced pedestrian attribute recognition with group optimization reward
=> Reinforced quasi-random forest
=> Reinforced Random Algorithm for a Partial Contour Perceptual Similarity Problem, A
=> Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-operative Brain Scan Using Anatomical Guidance for Image Alignment
=> Reinforced Self-Supervised Training for Few-Shot Learning
=> Reinforced Short-Length Hashing
=> Reinforced Structured State-Evolution for Vision-Language Navigation
=> Reinforced SVM method and memorization mechanisms
=> Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-identification
=> Reinforced Tracker Based on Hierarchical Convolutional Features
=> Reinforced, Incremental and Cross-Lingual Event Detection From Social Messages
=> Reinforcedet: Object Detection By Integrating Reinforcement Learning With Decoupled Pipeline
=> Reinforcement-based Display Selection for Frugal Learning
=> Reinforcement-Learning-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Buses in the Lincoln Tunnel Corridor with Time-Varying Topology
=> Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for Multi-Task Video Analytics Pipeline, A
=> Reinforcement-Tracking: An Effective Trajectory Tracking and Navigation Method for Autonomous Urban Driving
=> Reinforcement Cutting-Agent Learning for Video Object Segmentation
=> Reinforcement Learning-Based Black-Box Model Inversion Attacks
=> Reinforcement learning-based feature learning for object tracking
=> Reinforcement Learning-Based Interactive Video Search
=> Reinforcement Learning-Based Layer-Wise Quantization For Lightweight Deep Neural Networks
=> Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy to Reduce Traffic Congestion at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks
=> Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Algorithm-Based Network Module for Camera-LiDAR Detection
=> Reinforcement Learning and Neuroevolution in Flappy Bird Game
=> Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-Time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
=> Reinforcement Learning and Prediction-Based Lookahead Policy for Vehicle Repositioning in Online Ride-Hailing Systems, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Approach for Enacting Cautious Behaviours in Autonomous Driving System: Safe Speed Choice in the Interaction With Distracted Pedestrians, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Approach for Rebalancing Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems, A
=> reinforcement learning approach to active camera foveation, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Approach to Autonomous Decision Making of Intelligent Vehicles on Highways, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Approach to the View Planning Problem, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data
=> Reinforcement learning based coding unit early termination algorithm for high efficiency video coding
=> Reinforcement learning based mainline dynamic speed limit adjustment of expressway off-ramp upstream under connected and autonomous vehicles environment
=> Reinforcement Learning Based Markov Edge Decoupled Fusion Network for Fusion Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR
=> Reinforcement Learning Based Relay Selection for Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Networks
=> Reinforcement Learning Based Two-Stage Model for Emotion Cause Pair Extraction, A
=> Reinforcement learning based visual attention with application to face detection
=> Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Autonomous Driving in General Urban Scenarios, A
=> Reinforcement learning combined with a fuzzy adaptive learning control network (FALCON-R) for pattern classification
=> Reinforcement learning cropping method based on comprehensive feature and aesthetics assessment
=> Reinforcement Learning Enhanced PicHunter for Interactive Search
=> Reinforcement learning for combining relevance feedback techniques
=> Reinforcement Learning for Compressed-Sensing Based Frequency Agile Radar in the Presence of Active Interference
=> Reinforcement learning for instance segmentation with high-level priors
=> Reinforcement Learning for Logic Recipe Generation: Bridging Gaps From Images to Plans
=> Reinforcement learning for neural architecture search: A review
=> Reinforcement Learning for Online Dispatching Policy in Real-Time Train Timetable Rescheduling
=> Reinforcement Learning for Robust and Efficient Real-World Tracking
=> Reinforcement Learning for Scalable Train Timetable Rescheduling With Graph Representation
=> Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control in Hybrid Action Space
=> Reinforcement learning for video encoder control in HEVC
=> Reinforcement Learning for Visual Object Detection
=> reinforcement learning framework for parameter control in computer vision applications, A
=> Reinforcement Learning Helps SLAM: Learning to Build Maps
=> Reinforcement Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Enabling Continuous Brain-Machine Interface Adaptation
=> Reinforcement Learning to Drive a Car by Pattern Matching
=> Reinforcement Learning via Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Reinforcement Learning with Dual Attention Guided Graph Convolution for Relation Extraction
=> Reinforcement Learning With Function Approximation for Traffic Signal Control
=> Reinforcement Learning With Multiple Relational Attention for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
=> Reinforcement Learning with Raw Image Pixels as Input State
=> Reinforcement learning with space carving for plant scanning
=> Reinforcement Matching Using Region Context
=> Reinforcement online learning for emotion prediction by using physiological signals
=> Reinforcement Shrink-Mask for Text Detection
=> ReinforcementDriving: Exploring Trajectories and Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles
=> Reinforcing Generated Images via Meta-Learning for One-Shot Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
=> Reinforcing Neuron Extraction from Calcium Imaging Data via Depth-Estimation Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
=> Reinforcing Pedestrian Parsing on Small Scale Dataset
=> Reinforcing the reliability of pedestrian detection in far-infrared sensing
=> Reinforcing the Robustness of a Deep Neural Network to Adversarial Examples by Using Color Quantization of Training Image Data
=> Reinitialization-Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion
=> Reinstating Floyd-Steinberg: Improved Metrics for Quality Assessment of Error Diffusion Algorithms
=> Reinterpretation and Enhancement of Signal-Subspace-Based Imaging Methods For Extended Scatterers
=> Reinterpretation of three famous experiments on visual perception from the view of spatial frequency multi-channel
=> Reinterpreting CTC training as iterative fitting
=> Reinterpreting the Application of Gabor Filters as a Manipulation of the Margin in Linear Support Vector Machines
=> Reinventing The National Topographic Database
=> Reject Management in a Handwriting Recognition System
=> Reject Option for VQ-based Bayesian Classification
=> Reject option with multiple thresholds
=> Rejecting False Positives in Video Object Segmentation
=> Rejecting Mismatches by Correspondence Function
=> Rejection-Based Method for Event Detection in Video, A
=> Rejection algorithm for mis-segmented characters in multilingual document recognition
=> Rejection based classifier for face detection
=> Rejection based multipath reconstruction for background estimation in SBMnet 2016 dataset
=> Rejection based multipath reconstruction for background estimation in video sequences with stationary objects
=> Rejection measurement based on linear discriminant analysis for document recognition
=> Rejection measures for handwriting sentence recognition
=> Rejection methods for an adaptive committee classifier
=> Rejection of mismatched correspondences along the affine epipolar line
=> Rejection of non-meaningful activities for HMM-based activity recognition system
=> Rejection of Non-meaningful Activities
=> Rejection Optimization Based on Threshold Mapping for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
=> Rejection Schemes in Multi-class Classification: Application to Handwritten Character Recognition
=> Rejection strategies and confidence measures for a k-nn classifier in an ocr task
=> Rejection strategies for offline handwritten sentence recognition
=> Rejection Strategies for Offline Handwritten Text Line Recognition
=> Rejection Strategies Involving Classifier Combination for Handwriting Recognition
=> Rejection Strategies with Multiple Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition
=> Rejection strategy for convolutional neural network by adaptive topology applied to handwritten digits recognition
=> Rek-Means: A k-Means Based Clustering Algorithm
=> Relasphone: Mobile and Participative In Situ Forest Biomass Measurements Supporting Satellite Image Mapping
=> Relatable Clothing: Detecting Visual Relationships between People and Clothing
=> Related Solutions to the Perspective Three-Point Pose Problem
=> ReLaText: Exploiting visual relationships for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection with graph convolutional networks
=> Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima
=> Relating Deep Neural Network Representations to EEG-fMRI Spatiotemporal Dynamics in a Perceptual Decision-Making Task
=> Relating Discontinuous Cardiac Electrical Activity to Mesoscale Tissue Structures: Detailed Image Based Modeling
=> Relating Geotechnical Sediment Properties and Low Frequency CHIRP Sonar Measurements
=> Relating GPM Radar Reflectivity Profile Characteristics to Path-Integrated Attenuation
=> Relating Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices with Soil Salinity at Different Depths for the Diagnosis of Winter Wheat Salt Stress
=> Relating image warping to 3D geometrical deformations
=> Relating intensities with three-dimensional facial shape using partial least squares
=> Relating P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography to Tropical Forest Biomass
=> Relating Pace to Activity Changes in Mono- and Multi-camera Surveillance Videos
=> Relating retinal nerve fiber thickness to behavioral sensitivity in patients with glaucoma: application of a linear model
=> Relating Scene Depth to Image Ratios
=> Relating Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence to Mowing Events on Grasslands
=> Relating spatial and spectral models of oriented bandpass natural images
=> Relating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Forest Fires Burned Area and Duration to Diurnal Land Surface Temperature Anomalies
=> Relating Statistical Image Differences and Degradation Features
=> Relating Structural and Functional Connectivity in MRI: A Simple Model for a Complex Brain
=> Relating the Age of Arctic Sea Ice to its Thickness, as Measured during NASA's ICESat and IceBridge Campaigns
=> Relating Things and Stuff by High-Order Potential Modeling
=> Relating Things and Stuff via ObjectProperty Interactions
=> Relating View Directions of Complementary-View Mobile Cameras via the Human Shadow
=> Relating wavefront error, apodization, and the optical transfer function: on-axis case
=> Relating words and image segments on multiple layers for effective browsing and retrieval
=> Relating X-band SAR Backscattering to Leaf Area Index of Rice in Different Phenological Phases
=> Relation-Augmented Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Scenes, A
=> Relation-aware attention for video captioning via graph learning
=> Relation-Aware Compositional Zero-Shot Learning for Attribute-Object Pair Recognition
=> Relation-aware dynamic attributed graph attention network for stocks recommendation
=> Relation-Aware Global Attention for Person Re-Identification
=> Relation-Aware Graph Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
=> Relation-aware Instance Refinement for Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding
=> Relation-aware Network for Facial Expression Recognition
=> Relation-Aware Shared Representation Learning for Cancer Prognosis Analysis with Auxiliary Clinical Variables and Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
=> Relation-balanced graph convolutional network for 3D human pose estimation
=> Relation-Based Associative Joint Location for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
=> Relation-Constrained 3D Reconstruction of Buildings in Metropolitan Areas from Photogrammetric Point Clouds
=> Relation-Guided Network for Image-Text Retrieval
=> Relation-Induced Multi-Modal Shared Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
=> Relation-mining self-attention network for skeleton-based human action recognition
=> Relation-Preserving Feature Embedding for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
=> Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis
=> Relation and context augmentation network for facial expression recognition
=> Relation Attention for Temporal Action Localization
=> Relation Bag-of-Features for Symbol Retrieval
=> Relation Between 3D Invariants and 2D Invariants
=> Relation between Bayesian Fisher information and Shannon information for detecting a change in a parameter
=> Relation between Changes in Photosynthetic Rate and Changes in Canopy Level Chlorophyll Fluorescence Generated by Light Excitation of Different Led Colours in Various Background Light
=> Relation between Convective Rainfall Properties and Antecedent Soil Moisture Heterogeneity Conditions in North Africa
=> relation between financial industry agglomeration and industrial economic growth in Hubei province based on big data analysis, The
=> Relation between Seasonally Detrended Shortwave Infrared-Reflectance Data and Land Surface Moisture in Semi-Arid Sahel
=> Relation between the Arrangements of the Information on the Sign and the Cognitive Levels of the Sign, The
=> Relation Between the Filtered Backprojection Algorithm and the Backprojection Algorithm in CT
=> relation between the theory of formal concepts and multiway clustering, A
=> Relation between the Views and the Real Estate Application to a Mediterranean Coastal Area
=> Relation Distillation Networks for Video Object Detection
=> Relation Enhanced Vision Language Pre-Training
=> Relation fusion propagation network for transductive few-shot learning
=> Relation Graph Network for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
=> Relation Graph Reasoning for Image-Text Matching
=> Relation Learning: A New Approach to Face Recognition
=> Relation Matters: Foreground-Aware Graph-Based Relational Reasoning for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
=> Relation Matters: Relational Context-Aware Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Aerial Images
=> Relation Mining and Visualization Framework for Automated Text Summarization, A
=> Relation Modeling with Graph Convolutional Networks for Facial Action Unit Detection
=> Relation Network for Full-waveforms Lidar Classification
=> Relation Network for Multilabel Aerial Image Classification
=> Relation Networks for Few-shot Video Object Detection
=> Relation Networks for Object Detection
=> Relation of Photochemical Reflectance Indices Based on Different Wavelengths to the Parameters of Light Reactions in Photosystems I and II in Pea Plants
=> relation of susceptibility levels of hypnosis and different mental tasks, The
=> Relation Parsing Neural Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
=> Relation Preserving Triplet Mining for Stabilising the Triplet Loss in Re-identification Systems
=> Relation R-CNN: A Graph Based Relation-Aware Network for Object Detection
=> Relation Regularized Scene Graph Generation
=> Relation, Transition and Comparison Between the Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Rule and the Hypersphere Classifier
=> Relational-Regularized Discriminative Sparse Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
=> Relational Action Forecasting
=> Relational Attention Network for Crowd Counting
=> Relational Constraints for Point Distribution Models
=> Relational Context Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection
=> Relational Discriminant Analysis and its Large Sample Size Problem
=> Relational distance and document-level contrastive pre-training based relation extraction model
=> Relational divergence based classification on Riemannian manifolds
=> Relational duals of the C-means clustering algorithms
=> Relational Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Improve Multi-target Tracking
=> Relational Edge-Node Graph Attention Network for Classification of Micro-Expressions
=> Relational Embedding for Few-Shot Classification
=> Relational entropy-based saliency detection in images and videos
=> Relational Fusion Networks: Graph Convolutional Networks for Road Networks
=> Relational Future Captioning Model for Explaining Likely Collisions in Daily Tasks
=> Relational Generalization of the Khalimsky Topology, A
=> Relational graph labelling using learning techniques and markov random fields
=> Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
=> Relational Histograms for Shape Indexing
=> Relational HOG feature with wild-card for object detection
=> Relational indexing of vectorial primitives for symbol spotting in line-drawing images
=> relational kernel-based approach to scene classification, A
=> Relational Kernel-Based Framework for Hierarchical Image Understanding, A
=> Relational Knowledge Distillation
=> Relational Learning and Network Modelling Using Infinite Latent Attribute Models
=> relational learning method for pattern and object recognition, A
=> Relational learning techniques for document image understanding: comparing statistical and logical approaches
=> Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
=> Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
=> Relational matching with active graphs
=> Relational Matching with Dynamic Graph Structures
=> Relational Matching With Mean Field Annealing
=> Relational Matching with Stochastic Optimisation
=> Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
=> Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
=> Relational Modeling for Robust and Efficient Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Scans
=> Relational Models for Visual Understanding of Graphical Documents. Application to Architectural Drawings.
=> Relational object recognition from large structural libraries
=> Relational Prior for Multi-Object Tracking
=> Relational Prior Knowledge Graphs for Detection and Instance Segmentation
=> Relational Reasoning for Group Activity Recognition via Self-Attention Augmented Conditional Random Field
=> Relational Reasoning Over Spatial-Temporal Graphs for Video Summarization
=> Relational Skeletons for Retrieval in Patent Drawings
=> Relational Space-Time Query in Long-Form Videos
=> Relational Subgraph for Graph-based Path Prediction
=> Relational Temporal Graph Reasoning for Dual-Task Dialogue Language Understanding
=> Relational User Attribute Inference in Social Media
=> Relational visual cluster validity (RVCV)
=> Relationformer: A Unified Framework for Image-to-Graph Generation
=> RelationNet: Learning Deep-Aligned Representation for Semantic Image Segmentation
=> RelationRS: Relationship Representation Network for Object Detection in Aerial Images
=> Relations analysis between canal and urban development of Yangzhou supported by space technology
=> Relations between bundle-adjustment and epipolar-geometry-based approaches, and their applications to efficient structure from motion
=> Relations Between Grace-derived Water Storage Change With Precipitation And Temperature Over Kaidu River Basin, China
=> Relations Between Higher Order TV Regularization and Support Vector Regression
=> Relations Between Regularization and Diffusion Filtering
=> Relations between Soft Wavelet Shrinkage and Total Variation Denoising
=> Relationship-Embedded Representation Learning for Grounding Referring Expressions
=> Relationship-Guided Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Facial Expression Recognition
=> Relationship between an Invasive Shrub and Soil Moisture: Seasonal Interactions and Spatially Covarying Relations, The
=> Relationship between an LPTV system and the equivalent LTI MIMO structure
=> Relationship Between Cardiac Electrical and Mechanical Activation Markers by Coupling Bidomain and Deformation Models
=> Relationship Between Climate Change Impact, Migration And Socioeconomic Development
=> Relationship Between Criteria Based on Correntropy and Second Order Statistics for Equalization of Communication Channels
=> Relationship between Fire Events and Land Use Changes in the State of São Paulo, Brazil
=> Relationship Between Generalization Error and Training Samples in Kernel Regressors, A
=> Relationship Between Himawari-8-derived Overshooting Tops And Extreme Weather Events In Southeast Asia
=> Relationship between Hyperspectral Measurements and Mangrove Leaf Nitrogen Concentrations
=> Relationship between identification metrics: Expected confusion and area under a ROC curve
=> relationship between image fidelity and image quality, The
=> relationship between information prioritization and visual distinctness in two progressive image transmission schemes, The
=> Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature in the Douro Demarcated Region, Portugal, The
=> Relationship Between Landcover Pattern And Surface Net Radiation In An Coastal City
=> Relationship between Lidar-Derived Canopy Densities and the Scattering Phase Center of High-Resolution TanDEM-X Data
=> Relationship between Light Use Efficiency and Photochemical Reflectance Index Corrected Using a BRDF Model at a Subtropical Mixed Forest
=> Relationship Between Motivational Strategies and Gamification User Types in VR Movement Games
=> Relationship between MRPV Model Parameters from MISRL2 Land Surface Product and Land Covers: A Case Study within Mainland Spain
=> Relationship between Near-Repeat Street Robbery and the Environment: Evidence from Malmö, Sweden, The
=> relationship between peripherally matched invariant hues and unique hues: a cone-contrast approach, The
=> Relationship between quaternion linear canonical and quaternion fourier transforms
=> Relationship between reduced scattering coefficient and intracranial pressure in clinical patients under different brain edema states
=> Relationship between restricted dissimilarity functions, restricted equivalence functions and normal EN-functions: Image thresholding invariant
=> Relationship Between Rice Residue Burning and Increasing Air Pollution In North-west India
=> Relationship between Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices and Live Weight Changes of Beef Cattle in Extensive Grazing Conditions, The
=> Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps: An Earth Observation-Based Analysis
=> Relationship Between Spline-Based Deformable Models and Weighted Graphs in Non-rigid Matching, A
=> Relationship between Surface Displacement and Groundwater Level Change and Its Hydrogeological Implications in an Alluvial Fan: Case Study of the Choshui River, Taiwan, The
=> Relationship between the accuracy of classifier error estimation and complexity of decision boundary
=> Relationship between the Construction of Transportation Infrastructure and the Development of New Urbanization, The
=> Relationship between the Growing Season Maximum Enhanced Vegetation Index and Climatic Factors on the Tibetan Plateau
=> Relationship between the Intraseasonal Oscillation over Mid-High-Latitude Eurasia and the Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in February 2018
=> Relationship Between the Matched-Filter Operator and the Target Signature Space-Orthogonal Projection Classifier, The
=> Relationship between the source size at the diffuser plane and the longitudinal spatial coherence function of the optical coherence microscopy system
=> Relationship Between the Traffic Flow and the Look-Ahead Cruise Control, The
=> Relationship between TIR and NIR-SWIR as Indicator of Vegetation Water Availability
=> Relationship between Topological Structure and Ecosystem Services of Forest Grass Ecospatial Network in China
=> Relationship between Urban Land Surface Material Fractions and Brightness Temperature Based on MESMA, The
=> Relationship between Urban Three-Dimensional Spatial Structure and Population Distribution: A Case Study of Kunming's Main Urban District, China
=> Relationship Between Visual Complexity and Aesthetics: Application to Beauty Prediction of Photos
=> Relationship between Winter Snow Cover Dynamics, Climate and Spring Grassland Vegetation Phenology in Inner Mongolia, China
=> Relationship Induced Multi-atlas Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
=> Relationship Induced Multi-Template Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
=> Relationship Learning From Multisource Images via Spatial-Spectral Perception Network
=> Relationship Matters: Relation Guided Knowledge Transfer for Incremental Learning of Object Detectors
=> Relationship of Abrupt Vegetation Change to Climate Change and Ecological Engineering with Multi-Timescale Analysis in the Karst Region, Southwest China
=> Relationship of Attributes of Soil and Topography with Land Cover Change in the Rift Valley Basin of Ethiopia
=> Relationship of Gross Primary Productivity with NDVI Rather than Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Is Weakened under the Stress of Drought, The
=> relationship of pixel parallax to audience emotional response, The
=> relationship of plant distribution to geomorphic processes, The
=> relationship of the multi-shell to multistage and standard median filters, The
=> Relationship of Time Span and Missing Data on the Noise Model Estimation of GNSS Time Series, The
=> Relationship Proposal Networks
=> Relationship Spatialization for Depth Estimation
=> Relationships Among Various 2-D Quaternion Fourier Transforms
=> Relationships And Unification of Binary Images Data-Hiding Methods
=> Relationships between Burn Severity and Environmental Drivers in the Temperate Coniferous Forest of Northern China
=> Relationships Between Errors Propagated in Fraction of Vegetation Cover by Algorithms Based on a Two-Endmember Linear Mixture Model
=> Relationships between Land Surface Temperatures and Neighboring Environment in Highly Urbanized Areas: Seasonal and Scale Effects Analyses of Beijing, China
=> Relationships Between Land Use/land Cover and Land Surface Temperature In Tabriz From 2000 to 2017
=> Relationships Between Nonlinear and Space-Variant Linear Models in Hyperspectral Image Unmixing
=> Relationships between Peri-Urbanization Processes and Multi-Hazard Increases: Compared Diachronic Analysis in Basins of the Mediterranean Coast
=> Relationships Between Smooth- and Small-Phase Conditions in X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging
=> Relationships between some watershed definitions and their tie-zone transforms
=> Relationships between the mineralogical and chemical composition of tropical soils and topography from hyperspectral remote sensing data
=> Relationships between the Spatio-Temporal Variation in Reflectance Data from the Sentinel-2 Satellite and Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Yield and Stem Density
=> Relationships of S-Band Radar Backscatter and Forest Aboveground Biomass in Different Forest Types
=> RelationTrack: Relation-Aware Multiple Object Tracking With Decoupled Representation
=> Relative-position embedding based spatially and temporally decoupled Transformer for action recognition
=> Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex-Hull Computation from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
=> Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex Hull Computations from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
=> Relative 3D Reconstruction Using Multiple Uncalibrated Images
=> Relative 3D Regularized B-Spline Surface Reconstruction Through Image Sequences
=> Relative advantage of touch over vision in the exploration of texture
=> Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications
=> Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications
=> Relative Affine Structure: Theory and Application to 3D Reconstruction from Perspective Views
=> Relative Altitude Estimation Using Omnidirectional Imaging and Holistic Descriptors
=> Relative Anatomical Location for Statistical Non-parametric Brain Tissue Classification in MR Images
=> Relative and Absolute Calibration of a Multihead Camera System with Oblique and Nadir Looking Cameras for a UAS
=> Relative Attribute Classification with Deep-rankSVM
=> Relative attribute guided dictionary learning
=> Relative Attribute SVM: Learning for Age Estimation
=> Relative Attributes for Large-Scale Abandoned Object Detection
=> Relative attributes
=> Relative Azimuthal-Angle Matching (RAM): A Screening Method for GEO-LEO Reflectance Comparison in Middle Latitude Forests
=> Relative Camera Localisation in Non-overlapping Camera Networks Using Multiple Trajectories
=> Relative Camera Pose Estimation Method Using Optimization On The Manifold
=> Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Relative Camera Rotation from a Single Oriented Correspondence
=> Relative CNN-RNN: Learning Relative Atmospheric Visibility From Images
=> Relative Contrastive Loss for Unsupervised Representation Learning
=> Relative Contributions of Anatomical and Quantum Noise in Signal Detection and Perception of Tomographic Digital Breast Images
=> Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing on the Dynamics of Grassland NPP and PUE on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
=> Relative Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Productivity Variation in National Nature Reserves on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
=> Relative Contributions of Internal and External Features to Face Recognition
=> Relative Convex Hull Determination from Convex Hulls in the Plane
=> Relative coordinates oriented symbolic string for spatial relationship retrieval
=> relative decision entropy-based feature selection approach, A
=> Relative dense tracklets for human action recognition
=> Relative Depth Estimation from Hyperspectral Data
=> Relative depth estimation of video objects for image interpolation
=> Relative depth from monocular optical flow
=> Relative Depth from Vergence Micromovements
=> Relative distance features for gait recognition with Kinect
=> relative distance of key point based iris recognition, The
=> Relative Effects of Climate Change and Phenological Change on Net Primary Productivity Vary with Grassland Types on the Tibetan Plateau, The
=> Relative effects of resolution and quantization on the quality of compressed medical images
=> Relative Effects of the Greenhouse Gases and Stratospheric Ozone Increases on Temperature and Circulation in the Stratosphere over the Arctic
=> Relative Efficiency of ALS and InSAR for Biomass Estimation in a Tanzanian Rainforest
=> Relative Entropy-Based Approach To Image Thresholding, A
=> Relative entropy collaborative fuzzy clustering method
=> Relative Epipolar Motion of Tracked Features for Correspondence in Binocular Stereo
=> Relative Evaluation of Multiclass Image Classification by Support Vector Machines, A
=> Relative facial action unit detection
=> Relative Feature Importance
=> Relative Feature Orientation Filtering in COLMAP Structure from Motion
=> Relative features for photo quality assessment
=> Relative Field Antenna Calibration Method Designed for Low-Cost GNSS Antennas by Exploiting Triple-Differenced Measurements, A
=> Relative Forest for Attribute Prediction
=> Relative Forest for Visual Attribute Prediction
=> Relative Fuzzy Connectedness among Multiple Objects: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
=> Relative Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
=> Relative Geometric Refinement of Patch Images Without Use of Ground Control Points for the Geostationary Optical Satellite GaoFen4
=> Relative height error analysis of TanDEM-X elevation data
=> Relative Hidden Markov Models for Evaluating Motion Skill
=> Relative Hidden Markov Models for Video-Based Evaluation of Motion Skills in Surgical Training
=> Relative Image Orientation for Multiple-view Terrain Reconstruction
=> Relative Impact of Ghosting and Noise on the Perceived Quality of MR Images, The
=> Relative Importance of Binocular Disparity and Motion Parallax for Depth Estimation: A Computer Vision Approach
=> Relative INS/GNSS aerial control in integrated sensor orientation: Models and performance
=> Relative Interior Rule in Block-Coordinate Descent
=> Relative Karhunen-Loeve operator
=> Relative Karhunen-Loeve Transform Method for Pattern Recognition
=> Relative Kinematic Orbit Determination for GRACE-FO Satellite by Jointing GPS and LRI
=> Relative Margin Support Tensor Machines for gait and action recognition
=> Relative Merits of Optimal Estimation and Non-Linear Retrievals of Sea-Surface Temperature from MODIS
=> Relative Motion and Pose from Arbitrary Plane Curves
=> Relative motion and pose from invariants
=> Relative multiscale deep depth from focus
=> Relative navigation of an AUV using a light-section ranging system
=> relative neighborhood graph for mixed feature variables, The
=> Relative neighborhood graphs in the Li-metric
=> Relative Neighbourhood Graph of a Finite Planar Set, The
=> Relative Norm Alignment for Tackling Domain Shift in Deep Multi-Modal Classification
=> Relative Order Analysis and Optimization for Unsupervised Deep Metric Learning
=> Relative Orientation And Modified Piecewise Epipolar Resampling For High Resolution Satellite Images
=> Relative orientation and scale for improved feature matching
=> Relative orientation based on multi-features
=> Relative Orientation In Low Altitude Photogrammetry Survey
=> Relative Orientation
=> Relative Parts: Distinctive Parts for Learning Relative Attributes
=> Relative Performance of Correlation-Based and Feature-Based Classifiers of Aircraft Using Radar Range Profiles
=> Relative Pose Consistency for Semi-Supervised Head Pose Estimation
=> Relative Pose Estimation and Fusion of 2D Spectral and 3D Lidar Images
=> Relative Pose Estimation and Fusion of Omnidirectional and Lidar Cameras
=> Relative Pose Estimation for a Multi-camera System with Known Vertical Direction
=> Relative Pose Estimation for Light Field Cameras Based on LF-Point-LF-Point Correspondence Model
=> Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing
=> Relative Pose Estimation For Stereo Rolling Shutter Cameras
=> Relative Pose Estimation From Airborne Image Sequences
=> Relative Pose Estimation from Two Circles
=> Relative Pose Estimation of Calibrated Cameras with Known Se(3) Invariants
=> Relative Pose Estimation of Non-Cooperative Space Targets Using a TOF Camera
=> Relative Pose Estimation of Surgical Tools in Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
=> Relative Pose Estimation Using Image Feature Triplets
=> Relative Pose Estimation with a Single Affine Correspondence
=> Relative Pose from a Calibrated and an Uncalibrated Smartphone Image
=> Relative Pose from Deep Learned Depth and a Single Affine Correspondence
=> Relative Pose from SIFT Features
=> Relative Pose from SIFT Features
=> Relative pose measurement of Satellite and rocket based on photogrammetry
=> Relative pose problem for non-overlapping surveillance cameras with known gravity vector
=> Relative Pose Solvers using Monocular Depth
=> Relative Position-Based Spatial Relationships using Mathematical Morphology
=> Relative Position and Map Networks in Few-shot Learning for Image Classification
=> Relative Positioning Enhancement in VANETs: A Tight Integration Approach
=> Relative Positioning from Geometric Invariants
=> Relative Positioning from Model Indexing
=> Relative Positioning from Model Indexing
=> Relative Positioning from Model Indexing
=> Relative Positioning of Stroke-based Clustering: A New Approach to Online Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition
=> Relative Priority Based QoS Interaction Between Video Applications and Differentiated Service Networks
=> Relative Radiation Normalization Method of ISS Nighttime Light Images Based on Pseudo Invariant Features, A
=> Relative Radiometric Calibration Method Based on the Histogram of Side-Slither Data for High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery, A
=> Relative Radiometric Calibration of Airborne LiDAR Data for Archaeological Applications
=> Relative Radiometric Calibration Using Tie Points and Optimal Path Selection for UAV Images
=> Relative Radiometric Correction Method for Airborne Image Using Outdoor Calibration and Image Statistics, A
=> Relative radiometric correction of multi-temporal ALOS AVNIR-2 data for the estimation of forest attributes
=> Relative Radiometric Correction of Pushbroom Satellites Using the Yaw Maneuver
=> Relative range camera calibration
=> Relative range camera calibration
=> Relative ranking of facial attractiveness
=> Relative Representation of Trajectories in Geogaphical Spaces, A
=> Relative Research on Psychological Character and Plot Design Preference for Audiences of VR Movies
=> Relative Roles of Climate Variation and Human Activities in Vegetation Dynamics in Coastal China from 2000 to 2019, The
=> Relative Saliency and Ranking: Models, Metrics, Data and Benchmarks
=> Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Application to Yarn Surface Evaluation
=> Relative scale estimation between two camera motions
=> Relative scale method to locate an object in cluttered environment
=> Relative Sea-Level Rise Scenario for 2100 along the Coast of South Eastern Sicily (Italy) by InSAR Data, Satellite Images and High-Resolution Topography
=> Relative Sea Level Change Along The Black Sea Coast From Tide-gauge Observations
=> Relative Sea Level Trends for the Coastal Areas of Peninsular and East Malaysia Based on Remote and In Situ Observations
=> Relative sensitivity of a family of closest-point graphs in computer vision applications
=> Relative significance of the terms in the CIEDE2000 and CIE94 color-difference formulas
=> Relative space-based GIS data model to analyze the group dynamics of moving objects
=> Relative Spatial Weighting of Features for Localizing Parts of Faces
=> Relative Strengths Recognition of Nine Mainstream Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products at the Global Scale
=> Relative Total Variation Structure Analysis-Based Fusion Method for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
=> Relative Trajectory Estimation During Chang'e-2 Probe's Flyby of Asteroid Toutatis Using Dynamics, Optical, and Radio Constraints
=> Relative view based holistic-separate representations for two-person interaction recognition using multiple graph convolutional networks
=> Relative Viewing Distance: A Correspondence Invariance under Paraperspective Projection
=> Relative Volume Constraints for Single View 3D Reconstruction
=> Relatively-Paired Space Analysis: Learning a Latent Common Space From Relatively-Paired Observations
=> Relatively Lazy: Indoor-Outdoor Navigation Using Vision and GNSS
=> Relativistic Discriminator: A One-Class Classifier for Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection
=> Relativistic Effects in Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Relativistic Scale-Spaces
=> RELAX: Representation Learning Explainability
=> Relax: Retinal Layer Attribution for Guided Explanations of Automated Optical Coherence Tomography Classification
=> Relaxation-Based Preprocessing Techniques for Markov Random Field Inference
=> Relaxation-Free Deep Hashing via Policy Gradient
=> relaxation algorithm for minimizing the L2 reconstruction error in 2-D nonorthogonal subband coding, A
=> relaxation algorithm for real-time multiple view 3D-tracking, A
=> Relaxation and Constrained Optimization by Local Processes
=> relaxation approach to computation of second-order wedgelet transform with application to image compression, A
=> Relaxation by Hopfield Network in Stereo Image Matching
=> Relaxation by the Hopfield Neural Network
=> relaxation computation of optic flow from spatial and temporal cooccurrence matrices, A
=> Relaxation in X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
=> Relaxation Labeling Algorithm for Information Integration and its Convergence
=> Relaxation labeling in stereo image matching
=> Relaxation Labeling Meets GANs: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Missing Borders
=> Relaxation labeling of Markov random fields
=> Relaxation labeling processes for protein secondary structure prediction
=> Relaxation Labeling Using Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Method
=> Relaxation labeling using Lagrange-Hopfield method
=> Relaxation Labelling Algorithms: A Review
=> Relaxation Matching for Georegistration of Aerial and Satellite Imagery
=> Relaxation Methods for Supervised Image Segmentation
=> Relaxation of Hard Classification Targets for LSE Minimization
=> Relaxation time constants and apparent diffusion coefficients of rat retina at 7 Tesla
=> Relaxation Using Models from Quantum Mechanics
=> Relaxation vs Maximal Cliques Search for Projected Beams Labeling in a Structured Light Sensor
=> Relaxation: Application to the Matrix Reconstruction Problem
=> Relaxational Extracting Method for Character Recognition in Scene Images, A
=> Relaxational metric adaptation and its application to semi-supervised clustering and content-based image retrieval
=> Relaxational Refinement of Intensity Ridges
=> Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping
=> Relaxations for Non-Separable Cardinality/Rank Penalties
=> Relaxed Cheeger Cut for image segmentation
=> Relaxed collaborative representation for face recognition based low-rank matrix recovery
=> Relaxed collaborative representation for pattern classification
=> Relaxed Energy Preserving Hashing for Image Retrieval
=> Relaxed Energy Preserving Hashing for Image Retrieval
=> Relaxed Exponential Kernels for Unsupervised Learning
=> relaxed factorial Markov random field for colour and depth estimation from a single foggy image, A
=> Relaxed Gauss-Newton Methods with Applications to Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Relaxed Grey-World: Computational Colour Constancy by Surface Matching
=> Relaxed Linearized Algorithms for Faster X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
=> Relaxed local ternary pattern for face recognition
=> Relaxed matching kernels for robust image comparison
=> Relaxed Multiple-Instance SVM with Application to Object Discovery
=> Relaxed Oriented Image Foresting Transform for Seeded Image Segmentation
=> Relaxed Pairwise Learned Metric for Person Re-identification
=> Relaxed Problem of Registration Based on the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff Material Stored Energy for the Mapping of Mouse Brain Gene Expression Data to a Neuroanatomical Mouse Atlas, A
=> Relaxed Proximal Gradient Descent Algorithm for Convergent Plug-and-play with Proximal Denoiser, A
=> Relaxed sparse eigenvalue conditions for sparse estimation via non-convex regularized regression
=> Relaxed Spatio-Temporal Deep Feature Aggregation for Real-Fake Expression Prediction
=> Relaxed Transformer Decoders for Direct Action Proposal Generation
=> Relaxing Contrastiveness in Multimodal Representation Learning
=> Relaxing from Vocabulary: Robust Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning for Vocabulary-Free Image Tagging
=> Relaxing Symmetric Multiple Windows Stereo Using Markov Random Fields
=> Relaxing the 3L algorithm for an accurate implicit polynomial fitting
=> Relaxing the Forget Constraints in Open World Recognition
=> Relaxing the Triangle Inequality in Pattern Matching
=> Relay-Aided NOMA in Uplink Cellular Networks
=> Relay-Assisted Multiuser Video Streaming in Cognitive Radio Networks
=> Relay Backpropagation for Effective Learning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Relay Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraint
=> Relay Boost Fusion for Learning Rare Concepts in Multimedia
=> Relay Cooperative Transmission Algorithms for IoV Under Aggregated Interference
=> Relay dueling network for visual tracking with broad field-of-view
=> Relay Level Set Method for Automatic Image Segmentation, A
=> Relay Power Control for Two-Way Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
=> Relaying scene information to the blind via sound using cartoon depth maps
=> RelCom: Relational combinatorics features for rapid object detection
=> ReLeaPS: Reinforcement Learning-based Illumination Planning for Generalized Photometric Stereo
=> Relevance-aware Question Generation in Non-task-oriented Dialogue Systems
=> Relevance-CAM: Your Model Already Knows Where to Look
=> Relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization
=> Relevance analysis of 3D curvature-based shape descriptors on interest points of the face
=> Relevance Assessment for Visual Video Re-ranking
=> Relevance Assessment of Crowdsourced Data (CSD) Using Semantics and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Techniques
=> Relevance attack on detectors
=> Relevance Criteria for Data Mining Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching
=> Relevance Criteria for Spatial Information Retrieval Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching
=> Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spatio- Temporal Action Localization
=> Relevance feature mapping for content-based multimedia information retrieval
=> relevance feedback-based learner for image retrieval using SIFT descriptors, A
=> relevance feedback algorithm based on the clustering and parzen window, A
=> Relevance feedback approach for image retrieval combining support vector machines and adapted gaussian mixture models
=> Relevance Feedback Architecture for Content-based Multimedia Information Retrieval Systems, A
=> Relevance feedback based on genetic programming for image retrieval
=> Relevance feedback based on incremental learning for mammogram retrieval
=> Relevance feedback based on non-negative matrix factorisation for image retrieval
=> relevance feedback CBIR algorithm based on fuzzy sets, A
=> Relevance feedback for CBIR: a new approach based on probabilistic feature weighting with positive and negative examples
=> Relevance feedback for Content-based Image Retrieval using deep learning
=> Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based Image Retrieval
=> Relevance feedback for real-world human action retrieval
=> Relevance Feedback for Semantics Based Image Retrieval
=> Relevance feedback for shape query refinement
=> Relevance Feedback Framework for Image Retrieval Based on Ant Colony Algorithm, A
=> Relevance Feedback Image Retrieval Scheme Using Multi-Instance and Pseudo Image Concepts, A
=> Relevance Feedback in Biometric Retrieval of Animal Photographs
=> Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval system by selective region growing in the feature space
=> Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: Bayesian framework, feature subspaces, and progressive learning
=> Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: Some recent advances
=> Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
=> Relevance Feedback in Surfimage
=> Relevance Feedback Reinforced with Semantics Accumulation
=> Relevance feedback strategies for artistic image collections tagging
=> Relevance feedback using generalized Bayesian framework with region-based optimization learning
=> Relevance Feedback: A Power Tool for Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval
=> Relevance learning for spectral clustering with applications on image segmentation and video behaviour profiling
=> Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-identification by Exploiting Global Similarities
=> Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
=> Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
=> Relevance of a Feed-Forward Model of Visual Attention for Goal-Oriented and Free-Viewing Tasks
=> Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests
=> Relevance of Interest Points for Eye Position Prediction on Videos
=> Relevance of knowledge from bit-saving in progressive transmission
=> Relevance of multifractal textures in static images
=> Relevance of Non-Generic Events in Scale Space Models, The
=> Relevance of Non-Generic Events in Scale Space Models, The
=> Relevance of Statistically Significant Differences Between Reconstruction Algorithms
=> Relevance of the Cell Neighborhood Size in Landscape Metrics Evaluation and Free or Open Source Software Implementations
=> Relevance of Using the Moon's Age as an Alternative in Imkanur Rukyah Criteria, The
=> Relevance prediction in similarity-search systems using extreme value theory
=> Relevance Preserving Projection and Ranking for Web Image Search Reranking
=> Relevance Ranking of Video Data using Hidden Markov Model Distances and Polygon Simplification
=> Relevance tuning in content-based retrieval of structurally-modeled images using Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Relevance Vector Machine for Automatic Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications
=> Relevance Vector Machine Learning for Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
=> Relevance Voxel Machine (RVoxM): A Self-Tuning Bayesian Model for Informative Image-Based Prediction, The
=> Relevant edge probability-based adaptively weighted active contour for medical image segmentation
=> Relevant Feature Selection for Human Pose Estimation and Localization in Cluttered Images
=> Relevant features for gender classification in NIR periocular images
=> Relevant Features for Video-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition
=> Relevant image pre-filtering in automatic image orientation correction
=> Relevant linear feature extraction using side-information and unlabeled data
=> Relevant pattern selection for subspace learning
=> Relevant shape contour snippet extraction with metadata supported hidden Markov models
=> Relevant Window-Based Bitmap Compression in P2P Systems: Framework and Solution
=> RelGAN: Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via Relative Attributes
=> Reliability-Adaptive Consistency Regularization for Weakly-Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation
=> Reliability-aware cross multilateral filtering for robust disparity map refinement
=> Reliability-Aware Joint Optimization for Cooperative Vehicular Communication and Computing
=> Reliability-Aware Prediction via Uncertainty Learning for Person Image Retrieval
=> Reliability-Aware Restoration Framework for 4D Spectral Photoacoustic Data
=> Reliability-Based Discontinuity-Preserving Stereo Matching
=> Reliability-based driver drowsiness detection using Dempster-Shafer theory
=> Reliability-Based Local Features Aggregation for Image Segmentation
=> Reliability-Based Multi-Algorithm Fusion Technique in Detecting Changes in Land Cover, A
=> Reliability-Based Multiview Depth Enhancement Considering Interview Coherence
=> Reliability-Based Traffic Signal Control for Urban Arterial Roads
=> Reliability-Driven, Spatially-Adaptive Regularization for Deformable Registration
=> Reliability-Oriented Optimization of Computation Offloading for Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems
=> Reliability / precision uncertainity in shape fitting problems
=> Reliability Analysis for Global Motion Estimation
=> Reliability Analysis of an Evaluation Experiment on Cultural Websites
=> Reliability Analysis of LandScan Gridded Population Data. The Case Study of Poland
=> Reliability Analysis of Parameter Estimation in Linear Models with Applications to Mensuration Problems in Computer Vision
=> Reliability analysis of the rank transform for stereo matching
=> Reliability and judging fatigue reduction in 3D perceptual quality estimation
=> Reliability and Uncertainties of the Analysis of an Unstable Rock Slope Performed on RPAS Digital Outcrop Models: The Case of the Gallivaggio Landslide (Western Alps, Italy)
=> Reliability assessment of principal point estimates for forensic applications
=> Reliability Assessment of the TLS Registration Methods: The Case Study of the Royal Castle In Warsaw, The
=> Reliability Assessment Paradigm for Automated Video Tracking Systems, A
=> Reliability Estimation for Statistical Shape Models
=> Reliability estimation of a statistical classifier
=> Reliability Evaluation of the Joint Observation of Cloud Top Height by FY-4A and HIMAWARI-8
=> Reliability Framework for Traffic Signal Control, A
=> Reliability Fusion of Time-of-Flight Depth and Stereo Geometry for High Quality Depth Maps
=> Reliability Improvement Top-Gate Self-Aligned IGZO TFTs with Cu Electrode For AMOLED Display
=> Reliability in Semantic Segmentation: Are we on the Right Track?
=> Reliability Index for Iris Code Matching in Iris Recognition Systems
=> Reliability index of optical flow that considers error margin of matches and stabilizes camera movement estimation
=> Reliability Map Estimation for CNN-Based Camera Model Attribution
=> Reliability measure assignment to sonar for robust target differentiation
=> Reliability measure for shape-from-focus
=> Reliability measurement of disparity estimates for intermediate view reconstruction
=> Reliability Object Layer for Deep Hashing-Based Visual Indexing, A
=> Reliability of 2D quality assessment methods for synthesized views evaluation in stereoscopic viewing conditions
=> Reliability of an image analysis system for quantifying the radiographic trabecular pattern
=> Reliability of an in-vehicle warning system for railway level crossings-a user-oriented analysis
=> Reliability of Deep Neural Networks for an End-to-End Imitation Learning-Based Lane Keeping
=> reliability of estimated confidence intervals for classification error rates when only a single sample is available, The
=> Reliability of explainable Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Perturbation Scenarios
=> Reliability of Forensic Body-Shape Identification, The
=> Reliability of GAN Generated Data to Train and Validate Perception Systems for Autonomous Vehicles
=> Reliability of Global Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products over Amazon, The
=> Reliability of GPM IMERG Satellite Precipitation Data for Modelling Flash Flood Events in Selected Watersheds in the UAE
=> Reliability of Gridded Precipitation Products for Water Management Studies: The Case of the Ankavia River Basin in Madagascar
=> Reliability of Gridded Precipitation Products in the Yellow River Basin, China
=> Reliability of Power Electronic Systems for EV/HEV Applications
=> Reliability of Results and Fairness in the Comparison of Rates Among 3D Facial Expression Recognition Works
=> Reliability of The Geometric Calibration of An Hyperspectral Frame Camera
=> Reliability of Travel Time Forecasting, The
=> Reliability of Wind Speed Data From Satellite Altimeter to Support Wind Turbine Energy
=> Reliability verification-based convolutional neural networks for object tracking
=> reliable-inference framework for recognition of human actions, A
=> Reliable 2D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveys: Case Studies from Greece and Romania
=> Reliable 3D reconstruction from a few catadioptric images
=> Reliable 3D surface acquisition, registration and validation using statistical error models
=> reliable advanced-join system for data multicasting in ITS networks, A
=> Reliable Age Estimation Based on Apt Gabor Features Selection and SVM
=> Reliable algorithm for iris segmentation in eye image
=> Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consistency Enforcing for Fast and Coherent Video Object Segmentation With the Bilateral Grid
=> Reliable and Efficient Computation of Optical Flow
=> Reliable and Efficient Content Sharing for 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks
=> Reliable and Efficient Image Cropping: A Grid Anchor Based Approach
=> Reliable and Efficient Pattern Matching Using an Affine Invariant Metric
=> Reliable and Efficient UAV Image Matching via Geometric Constraints Structured by Delaunay Triangulation
=> Reliable and fast eye finding in close-up images
=> Reliable and Fast Fingerprint Identification for Security Applications
=> Reliable and fast structure-oriented video noise estimation
=> Reliable and Fast Tracking of Faces under Varying Pose
=> Reliable and Interpretable Personalized Federated Learning
=> Reliable and Practical City Map generation at 1:1000 or 1:500 scale based on five control points recification of digitized images
=> Reliable and rapidly-converging ICP algorithm using multiresolution smoothing
=> Reliable and Reversible Image Privacy Protection Based on False Colors, A
=> Reliable and Robust Lane Detection System Based on the Parallel Use of Three Algorithms for Driving Safety Assistance, A
=> Reliable and Scalable Routing Under Hybrid SDVN Architecture: A Graph Learning Based Method
=> Reliable and Scalable Routing Under Hybrid SDVN Architecture: A Graph Learning Based Method
=> Reliable and Secure Distributed Smart Road Pricing System for Smart Cities
=> reliable and unobtrusive approach to display area detection for imperceptible display camera communication, A
=> Reliable Application Layer Multicast Over Combined Wired and Wireless Networks
=> Reliable Atrial Activity Extraction from ECG Atrial Fibrillation Signals
=> Reliable Attribute-Based Object Recognition Using High Predictive Value Classifiers
=> Reliable Automatic Calibration of a Marker-Based Position Tracking System
=> Reliable Autonomous Driving Environment Model With Unified State-Extended Boundary
=> Reliable background prediction using approximated GMM
=> Reliable background suppression for complex scenes
=> Reliable broadcast mechanism for emergency message in urban vehicular ad hoc networks
=> Reliable Camera Model Identification Using Sparse Gaussian Processes
=> Reliable camera pose and calibration from a small set of point and line correspondences: A probabilistic approach
=> Reliable classification by double hyperspheres in pattern vector space
=> Reliable Classification of Vehicle Types Based on Cascade Classifier Ensembles
=> Reliable Cooperative Authentication for Vehicular Networks
=> Reliable Covid-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Images
=> Reliable Crop Identification with Satellite Imagery in the Context of Common Agriculture Policy Subsidy Control
=> Reliable Crops Classification Using Limited Number of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Images
=> Reliable Cross-Camera Learning in Random Camera Person Re-Identification
=> Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Expression Recognition in the Wild
=> Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Unconstrained Facial Expression Recognition
=> Reliable Depth Map Regeneration Via a Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Sensor
=> reliable descriptor for face objects in visual content, A
=> Reliable detection of audio events in highly noisy environments
=> Reliable detection of core and delta in fingerprints by using singular candidate method
=> Reliable detection of doppelgängers based on deep face representations
=> Reliable detection of eye features and eyes in color facial images using ternary eye-verifier
=> Reliable Detection of Overtaking Vehicles Using Robust Information Fusion
=> Reliable Determination of Object Pose from Line Features by Hypothesis Testing
=> Reliable Dual-Band Based Contour Detection: A Double Dynamic Programming Approach
=> Reliable ear identification using 2-D quadrature filters
=> Reliable Emergency Message Dissemination Scheme for Urban Vehicular Networks
=> Reliable Estimates of Merchantable Timber Volume from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Reliable Estimation of Dense Optical Flow Fields with Large Displacements
=> Reliable Event Generation With Invertible Conditional Normalizing Flow
=> Reliable Exterior Orientation by a Robust Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Algorithm
=> Reliable Extraction of the Camera Motion Using Constraints on the Epipole
=> Reliable Extraction of the Camera Motion Using Constraints on the Epipole
=> Reliable Eyelid Localization for Iris Recognition
=> Reliable Face Recognition Methods: System Design, Implementation and Evaluation
=> Reliable face recognition using adaptive and robust correlation filters
=> Reliable face recognition using feature selection and image rejection based on probabilistic face model
=> reliable fault detection scheme for the AES hardware implementation, A
=> Reliable Feature Matching across Widely Separated Views
=> Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor
=> Reliable Fiducial Detection in Natural Scenes
=> Reliable fusion of ToF and stereo data based on joint depth filter
=> Reliable Fusion of ToF and Stereo Depth Driven by Confidence Measures
=> Reliable histogram features for detecting LSB matching
=> Reliable Human Detection and Tracking in Top-View Depth Images
=> Reliable Hybrid Positioning Methodology for Land Vehicles Using Low-Cost Sensors, A
=> Reliable identification of redundant kernels for convolutional neural network compression
=> Reliable image matching based on relative gradients
=> Reliable image matching via photometric and geometric constraints structured by Delaunay triangulation
=> Reliable Image Matching with Recursive Tiling
=> Reliable information bit hiding
=> Reliable information embedding for image/video in the presence of lossy compression
=> Reliable interest point detection under large illumination variations
=> Reliable intruder detection using combined modalities of intensity, thermal infrared and stereo depth
=> reliable iris recognition algorithm based on reverse biorthogonal wavelet transform, A
=> Reliable Isometric Point Correspondence from Depth
=> Reliable JPEG Quantization Table Estimator, A
=> Reliable JPEG steganalysis based on multi-directional correlations
=> Reliable Label-Supervised Pixel Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Building Segmentation in UAV Imagery
=> Reliable Left Luggage Detection Using Stereo Depth and Intensity Cues
=> Reliable light field multiwindow disparity estimation
=> Reliable Line Segment Matching for Multispectral Images Guided by Intersection Matches
=> Reliable Link-Layer Protocol for Robust and Scalable Intervehicle Communications, A
=> Reliable Location and Regression Estimates with Application to Range Image Segmentation
=> Reliable Lung Segmentation Methodology by Including Juxtapleural Nodules
=> Reliable matching of building facades using geometric measurements and an iterative reliability verification model
=> Reliable Method for Driving Events Recognition
=> Reliable Methodology to Collect Ground Truth Data of Image Aesthetic Appeal, A
=> Reliable metrics-based linear regression model for multilevel privacy measurement of face instances
=> Reliable Motion Detection/Compensation for Interlaced Sequences and Its Applications to Deinterlacing
=> Reliable moving vehicle detection based on the filtering of swinging tree leaves and raindrops
=> Reliable Multi-Kernel Subtask Graph Correlation Tracker
=> reliable multidomain model for speech act classification, A
=> Reliable Multilane Detection and Classification by Utilizing CNN as a Regression Network
=> Reliable Multimedia Transmission Over Cognitive Radio Networks Using Fountain Codes
=> Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Aligned Uncertainty Optimization
=> Reliable Multiscale and Multiwindow Stereo Matching
=> Reliable Mutual Distillation for Medical Image Segmentation Under Imperfect Annotations
=> Reliable NCO carrier generators for GPS receivers
=> Reliable Next-Generation Cortical Interfaces for Chronic Brain-Machine Interfaces and Neuroscience
=> Reliable Object Recognition Using Deep Transfer Learning for Marine Transportation Systems With Underwater Surveillance
=> Reliable Observation Point Selection Method for GB-SAR in Low-Coherence Areas, A
=> Reliable on-line human signature verification system for point-of-sales applications
=> Reliable Online Human Signature Verification Systems
=> Reliable Online Method for Joint Estimation of Focal Length and Camera Rotation, A
=> Reliable Online Stroke Recovery from Offline Data with the Data-Embedding Pen
=> Reliable Order-Statistics-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm, A
=> Reliable Patch Trackers: Robust visual tracking by exploiting reliable patches
=> Reliable Path Planning for Drone Delivery Using a Stochastic Time-Dependent Public Transportation Network
=> Reliable pedestrian detection using a deep neural network trained on pedestrian counts
=> Reliable Point Correspondences in Scenes Dominated by Highly Reflective and Largely Homogeneous Surfaces
=> Reliable Polygonal Approximations of Imaged Real Objects Through Dominant Point Detection
=> Reliable Pooled Steganalysis Using Fine-Grained Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
=> Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single camera: A scene invariant approach
=> Reliable Posterior Probability Estimation for Streaming Face Recognition
=> Reliable Pretrip Multipath Planning and Dynamic Adaptation for a Centralized Road Navigation System
=> Reliable Re-Detection for Long-Term Tracking
=> Reliable real-time foreground detection for video surveillance applications
=> Reliable recovery of piled box-like objects via parabolically deformable superquadrics
=> Reliable rejection of mismatching candidates for efficient ZNCC template matching
=> Reliable Representation of Data on Manifolds
=> Reliable Shot Identification for Complex Event Detection Via Visual-Semantic Embedding
=> reliable skin mole localization scheme, A
=> Reliable Smart Road Signs
=> Reliable smoke detection in the domains of image energy and color
=> Reliable stabilization for a class of uncertain switched systems: A sliding mode control design
=> reliable string kernel based approach for solving queries by sketch, A
=> Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection
=> Reliable Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Range Images
=> Reliable Technology of Centimeter GPS/GLONASS Surveying in Forest Environments
=> Reliable Temporally Consistent Feature Adaptation for Visual Object Tracking
=> Reliable Tracking of Human Arm Dynamics by Multiple Cue Integration and Constraint Fusion
=> Reliable Tracking of Large Scale Dense Antiparallel Particle Motion for Fluorescence Live Cell Imaging
=> Reliable Transmission of High-Quality Video over ATM Networks
=> Reliable Uplink Synchronization Maintenance for Satellite-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A High-Order Statistics-Based Timing Advance Update Approach
=> Reliable Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Vision and a Single-Track Model
=> Reliable Video Clock Time Recognition
=> Reliable Video Streaming With Strict Playout Deadline in Multihop Wireless Networks
=> Reliable Video Transmission Using Codes Close to the Channel Capacity
=> Reliable Vision-Based Grasping Target Recognition for Upper Limb Prostheses
=> Reliable Visual Question Answering: Abstain Rather Than Answer Incorrectly
=> Reliable Weighted Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
=> Reliably Creating Collision Avoidance Advisories in Piloted Simulations
=> Reliably fast adversarial training via latent adversarial perturbation
=> Relics of Mining Activities in West Bohemia: Mapping by Airborne Laser Scanning
=> RELIEF-based modality weighting approach for multimodal information retrieval, A
=> Relief Dependent Evaluation of Digital Elevation Models on Different Scales for Northern Chile, A
=> Relief Effects on the L-Band Emission of a Bare Soil
=> Relief Mosaics by Joint View Triangulation
=> Relief of Mercury and The Moon: From Morphometry to Morphological Mapping
=> Relief Reconstruction from SAR Stereo Pairs: The Optimal Gradient Matching Method
=> Relief Supply-Demand Estimation Based on Social Media in Typhoon Disasters Using Deep Learning and a Spatial Information Diffusion Model
=> Relief Texture from Specularities
=> Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
=> Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
=> ReliefF-ML: An Extension of ReliefF Algorithm to Multi-label Learning
=> Relieving Long-tailed Instance Segmentation via Pairwise Class Balance
=> Relieving Pixel-wise Labeling Effort for Pathology Image Segmentation with Self-training
=> ReLight My NeRF: A Dataset for Novel View Synthesis and Relighting of Real World Objects
=> Relightable Neural Human Assets from Multi-view Gradient Illuminations
=> RelightableHands: Efficient Neural Relighting of Articulated Hand Models
=> RelightGAN: Instance-level Generative Adversarial Network for Face Illumination Transfer
=> Relightify: Relightable 3D Faces from a Single Image via Diffusion Models
=> Relighting acquired models of outdoor scenes
=> Relighting for an Arbitrary Shape Object Under Unknown Illumination Environment
=> Relighting Forest Ecosystems
=> Relighting from multiple color and depth images using matrix factorization
=> Relighting Images in the Wild with a Self-Supervised Siamese Auto-Encoder
=> Relighting objects from image collections
=> Relighting of Facial Images
=> Relighting with the Reflected Irradiance Field: Representation, Sampling and Reconstruction
=> Relighting with the Reflected Irradiance Field: Representation, Sampling and Reconstruction
=> Relighting4D: Neural Relightable Human from Videos
=> Relightning of Facial Video
=> ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
=> RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
=> Relmobnet: End-to-end Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using a Robust Two-stage Training
=> Relocated Colour Contrast Occurrence Matrix and Adapted Similarity Measure for Colour Texture Retrieval
=> RelocNet: Continuous Metric Learning Relocalisation Using Neural Nets
=> RelPose: Predicting Probabilistic Relative Rotation for Single Objects in the Wild
=> RELT: Visualizing Trees on Mobile Devices
=> RelTR: Relation Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
=> RelTransformer: A Transformer-Based Long-Tail Visual Relationship Recognition
=> REM: Relational Entropy-Based Measure of Saliency
=> ReMagicMirror: Action Learning Using Human Reenactment with the Mirror Metaphor
=> remanent noise problem with the median filter, A
=> REMAP: Multi-Layer Entropy-Guided Pooling of Dense CNN Features for Image Retrieval
=> remark on the paper, A method of deriving compatibility coefficients for relaxation operators, A
=> Remarkable Urban Uplift in Staufen im Breisgau, Germany: Observations from TerraSAR-X InSAR and Leveling from 2008 to 2011
=> Remarkable Visual Abilities of Nocturnal Insects: Neural Principles and Bioinspired Night-Vision Algorithms, The
=> Remarks on a Real-time 3d Human Body Posture Estimation Method Using Trinocular Images
=> Remarks on some aspects of language structure and their relevance to pattern analysis
=> Remarks on some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest
=> Remarks on the difficulty of top-down supervisor synthesis
=> Remarks on the Spatial Smoothing Step in Coarray MUSIC
=> ReMarNet: Conjoint Relation and Margin Learning for Small-Sample Image Classification
=> Remember Intentions: Retrospective-Memory-based Trajectory Prediction
=> Remembering Both the Machine and the Crowd When Sampling Points: Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation of ALS Point Clouds
=> Remembering Key Features of Visual Images Based on Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity of Spiking Neurons
=> Remembering Normality: Memory-guided Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
=> Remembering Pictures of Real-World Images Using Eye Fixation Sequences in Imagery and in Recognition
=> Remeshing algorithm for multiresolution prior model in segmentation
=> Remind Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting
=> Reminiscent Net: Conditional GAN-based Old Image De-Creasing
=> Remission based improvement of extrinsic parameter calibration of camera and laser scanner
=> ReMix: Towards Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data
=> ReMoDiffuse: Retrieval-Augmented Motion Diffusion Model
=> ReMoDiffuse: Retrieval-Augmented Motion Diffusion Model
=> ReMOT: A model-agnostic refinement for multiple object tracking
=> Remote-Sensed Monitoring of Dominant Plant Species Distribution and Dynamics at Jiuduansha Wetland in Shanghai, China
=> Remote-Sensing-Based Alteration Zonation Model of the Duolong Porphyry Copper Ore District, Tibet, A
=> Remote-Sensing-Based Assessment of the Ecological Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Ecosystems in the Upper Yellow River over the Past 20 Years
=> Remote-sensing-based Biophysical Models For Estimating LAI of Irrigated Crops In Murry Darling Basin
=> Remote-Sensing-Based Sampling Design and Prescription Mapping for Soil Acidity
=> Remote-Sensing-Based Streamflow Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Models
=> Remote-Sensing-Driven System for Mining Marine Spatiotemporal Association Patterns, A
=> Remote-Sensing Cross-Domain Scene Classification: A Dataset and Benchmark
=> Remote-Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques in Crop Mapping and Yield Prediction: A Systematic Review
=> Remote-Sensing Driven Tool for Estimating Crop Stress and Yields, A
=> Remote-Sensing Evaluation and Temporal and Spatial Change Detection of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal-Mining Areas
=> Remote-Sensing Hydraulic Characterization of Channel Habitat Units in a Tropical Montane River: Bladen River, Belize
=> Remote-Sensing Image Compression Using Two-Dimensional Oriented Wavelet Transform
=> remote-sensing image enhancement algorithm based on patch-wise dark channel prior and histogram equalisation with colour correction, A
=> Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification With Deep Neural Networks in JPEG 2000 Compressed Domain
=> Remote-Sensing Image Superresolution Based on Visual Saliency Analysis and Unequal Reconstruction Networks
=> Remote-sensing issues for intelligent underwater systems
=> Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Grassland Degradation Based on the GDI in Shangri-La, China
=> Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Postfire Vegetation Dynamics in the Greater Hinggan Mountain Range Based on Long Time-Series Data: Analysis of the Effects of Six Topographic and Climatic Factors
=> Remote-Sensing Scene-Image Classification Method Based on Deep Multiple-Instance Learning with a Residual Dense Attention ConvNet, A
=> Remote-Vision-Based Safety Helmet and Harness Monitoring System Based on Attribute Knowledge Modeling, A
=> Remote 3D Displacement Sensing for Large Structures with Stereo Digital Image Correlation
=> Remote 3D face reconstruction by means of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
=> Remote and collaborative 3D interactions
=> Remote and head-motion-free gaze tracking for real environments with automated head-eye model calibrations
=> Remote and Proximal Assessment of Plant Traits
=> Remote Attitude Sensing Based on High-speed Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
=> Remote audio/video acquisition for human signature detection
=> Remote Authentication Using Vaulted Fingerprint Verification
=> Remote automated document processing system
=> Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS, LASH, and QuickBird imagery
=> Remote Biometric Verification for eLearning Applications: Where We Are
=> Remote Blind Motion Separation Using a Single-Tone SIMO Doppler Radar Sensor
=> Remote browsing of JPEG2000 images
=> Remote cable-based video surveillance applications: the AVS-RIO project
=> Remote classification from an airborne camera using image super-resolution
=> Remote Crop Mapping at Scale: Using Satellite Imagery and UAV-Acquired Data as Ground Truth
=> Remote Cross-Calibration of Wave Buoys Based on Significant Wave Height Observations of Altimeters in the Northern Hemisphere
=> Remote Data for Mapping and Monitoring Coastal Phenomena and Parameters: A Systematic Review
=> Remote detection of cerebral pathologies in magnetic resonance imagery: an unsupervised heuristic approach
=> Remote Detection of Geothermal Alteration Using Airborne Light Detection and Ranging Return Intensity
=> Remote detection of humans and animals
=> Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Building Walls by Time-Of-Flight and Phase-Shift Terrestrial Laser Scanners
=> Remote Detection of Surge-Related Glacier Terminus Change across High Mountain Asia
=> Remote Detection of the Fluorescence Spectrum of Natural Pollens Floating in the Atmosphere Using a Laser-Induced-Fluorescence Spectrum (LIFS) Lidar
=> Remote Detection of Uranium Using Self-Focusing Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses
=> Remote Diagnosis of Architectural Heritage Based on 5W1H Model-Based Metadata in Virtual Reality
=> Remote Diagnosis Service Platform for Wearable ECG Monitors, A
=> Remote Distinction of A Noxious Weed (Musk Thistle: CarduusNutans) Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and the Support Vector Machine Classifier
=> Remote estimates of total suspended matter in China's main estuaries using Landsat images and a weight random forest model
=> Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters by a NIR-Red-Based Algorithm: Validation in Asian Lakes
=> Remote Estimation of Continuous Blood Pressure by a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Spatial Patterns of Facial Pulse Waves
=> Remote Estimation of Heart Rate Based on Multi-Scale Facial ROIs
=> Remote estimation of Kd (PAR) using MODIS and Landsat imagery for turbid inland waters in Northeast China
=> Remote Estimation of Leaf and Canopy Water Content in Winter Wheat with Different Vertical Distribution of Water-Related Properties
=> Remote Estimation of Mangrove Aboveground Carbon Stock at the Species Level Using a Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System
=> Remote Estimation of Nitrogen Vertical Distribution by Consideration of Maize Geometry Characteristics
=> Remote Estimation of Target Height from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
=> Remote Estimation of the Particulate Phosphorus Concentrations in Inland Water Bodies: A Case Study in Hongze Lake
=> Remote Estimation of Trophic State Index for Inland Waters Using Landsat-8 OLI Imagery
=> Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction and Flower Fraction in Oilseed Rape with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data
=> Remote Estimation of Water Clarity and Suspended Particulate Matter in Qinghai Lake from 2001 to 2020 Using MODIS Images
=> Remote Geophysical Observatory in Antarctica with HF Data Transmission: A Review
=> Remote health monitoring system of elderly based on Fog to Cloud (F2C) computing
=> Remote Heart Rate Estimation by Signal Quality Attention Network
=> Remote Heart Rate Measurement from Face Videos under Realistic Situations
=> Remote Heart Rate Measurement From Highly Compressed Facial Videos: An End-to-End Deep Learning Solution With Video Enhancement
=> Remote Hyperspectral Imaging Acquisition and Characterization for Marine Litter Detection
=> Remote identification of faces: Problems, prospects, and progress
=> Remote Identification of Housing Buildings with High-Resolution Remote Sensing
=> Remote identification of research and educational activities using spectral properties of nighttime light
=> Remote Inspection of the Structural Integrity of Engineering Structures and Materials With Passive MST Probes
=> Remote Interactive Browsing of Video Surveillance Content Based on JPEG 2000
=> Remote Liveness and Heart Rate Detection from Video
=> Remote machinery maintenance system with the use of virtual reality
=> Remote mass facial temperature screening in varying ambient temperatures and distances
=> Remote Measurement of the Lightning Impulse Charge Moment Change Using the Fast Electric Field Antenna
=> Remote Measurements of Industrial CO2 Emissions Using a Ground-Based Differential Absorption Lidar in the 2 mu-m Wavelength Region
=> Remote monitoring and commanding dispatch system of working boats based on C/S structure
=> Remote monitoring method of deep foundation pit operation equipment based on AIOT technology and data mining
=> Remote Monitoring of a Landslide Using an Integration of GB-InSAR and LIDAR Techniques
=> Remote Monitoring of Atmospheric and Hydrophysical Characteristics of the Water Surface Based on Microwave Radiometric Measurements
=> Remote monitoring of camera based respiration rate estimated by using occlusion of dot pattern
=> Remote Monitoring of Floating Covers Using UAV Photogrammetry
=> Remote Monitoring of Mediterranean Hurricanes Using Infrasound
=> Remote Monitoring System of Temperature and Humidity Based on GSM
=> Remote multimodal biometric authentication using bit priority-based fragile watermarking
=> Remote Nonlinear State Estimation With Stochastic Event-Triggered Sensor Schedule
=> Remote photoplethysmography based on implicit living skin tissue segmentation
=> Remote Photoplethysmography Correspondence Feature for 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection
=> Remote Photoplethysmography: Rarely Considered Factors
=> Remote Physiological Signal Sensing
=> Remote PPG based vital sign measurement using adaptive facial regions
=> Remote Prediction of Oilseed Rape Yield via Gaofen-1 Images and a Crop Model
=> Remote Pulse Estimation in the Presence of Face Masks
=> Remote Pulse Rate Measurement From Near-Infrared Videos
=> Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model
=> Remote Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon: Role of Topography in the Intra-Field Distribution
=> Remote Radio-Physical Harbingers of Drought in Steppes of the South of Western Siberia
=> Remote Reality Demonstration
=> Remote Reality
=> Remote Respiration Monitoring of Moving Person Using Radio Signals
=> Remote Robot Execution Through WWW Simulation
=> Remote Scene Binocular Video Surveillance System with Small Object Tracking, A
=> Remote Seismoacoustic Monitoring of Tropical Cyclones in the Sea of Japan
=> Remote sensed-based rainfall estimations over the East and West Africa regions for disaster risk management
=> Remote Sensed and/or Global Datasets for Distributed Hydrological Modelling: A Review
=> Remote sensed images segmentation through shape refinement
=> Remote Sensing-Based 3D Assessment of Landslides: A Review of the Data, Methods, and Applications
=> Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Water Colour Variations in Baiyangdian Lake after the Establishment of the Xiong'an New Area
=> Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Urban Landscape Change in the City of Bucharest, Romania
=> Remote Sensing-Based Application of Bayesian Networks for Epithermal Gold Potential Mapping in Ahar-Arasbaran Area, NW Iran, A
=> Remote Sensing-Based Approach for the Assessing of Ecological Environmental Quality Variations Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China
=> Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the 2005-2011 Bamboo Reproductive Event in the Arakan Mountain Range and Its Relation with Wildfires
=> Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Crop, Energy and Water Nexus in the Central Valley, California
=> Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Variability of Winter and Summer Precipitation in the Pamirs and Their Effects on Hydrology and Hazards Using Harmonic Time Series Analysis
=> Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of Water Resources in the Arabian Peninsula, A
=> Remote Sensing-Based Biomass Estimation and Its Spatio-Temporal Variations in Temperate Grassland, Northern China
=> Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat
=> Remote Sensing-Based Classification of Winter Irrigation Fields Using the Random Forest Algorithm and GF-1 Data: A Case Study of Jinzhong Basin, North China
=> Remote sensing-based crop lodging assessment: Current status and perspectives
=> Remote Sensing-based Detection And Spatial Pattern Analysis For Geo-ecological Niche Modeling Of Tillandsia Spp. In The Atacama, Chile
=> Remote Sensing-Based Estimates of Changes in Stored Groundwater at Local Scales: Case Study for Two Groundwater Subbasins in California's Central Valley
=> Remote Sensing-Based Exploration of Structurally-Related Mineralizations around Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
=> Remote Sensing-Based Fractal Analysis and Scale Dependence Associated with Forest Fragmentation in an Amazon Tri-National Frontier
=> Remote Sensing-Based Hydro-Extremes Assessment Techniques for Small Area Case Study (The Case Study of Poland)
=> Remote Sensing-Based Inventory of West Africa Tropical Forest Patches: A Basis for Enhancing Their Conservation and Sustainable Use, A
=> Remote Sensing-Based Mapping of Senescent Leaf C:N Ratio in the Sundarbans Reserved Forest Using Machine Learning Techniques
=> Remote Sensing-Based Methodology for the Quick Update of the Assessment of the Population Exposed to Natural Hazards
=> remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
=> remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
=> Remote Sensing-Based Outdoor Thermal Comfort Assessment in Local Climate Zones in the Rural-Urban Continuum of eThekwini Municipality, South Africa
=> Remote Sensing-Based Proxies for Urban Disaster Risk Management and Resilience: A Review
=> Remote Sensing-Based Quantification of the Summer Maize Yield Gap Induced by Suboptimum Sowing Dates over North China Plain
=> Remote Sensing-Based Rainfall Variability for Warming and Cooling in Indo-Pacific Ocean with Intentional Statistical Simulations
=> Remote Sensing-Based Research for Monitoring Progress towards SDG 15 in Bangladesh: A Review
=> Remote Sensing-Based Simulation of Snow Grain Size and Spatial-Temporal Variation Characteristics of Northeast China from 2001 to 2019
=> Remote Sensing-Based Statistical Approach for Defining Drained Lake Basins in a Continuous Permafrost Region, North Slope of Alaska
=> Remote Sensing-Based Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Assessment
=> Remote Sensing-Based Urban Sprawl Modeling Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Markov Chain in Baghdad, Iraq
=> Remote Sensing-Based Yield Estimation of Winter Wheat Using Vegetation and Soil Indices in Jalilabad, Azerbaijan
=> Remote Sensing-Derived Bathymetry of Lake Poopó
=> Remote Sensing-Detected Changes in Precipitation over the Source Region of Three Rivers in the Recent Two Decades
=> Remote Sensing-Guided Sampling Design with Both Good Spatial Coverage and Feature Space Coverage for Accurate Farm Field-Level Soil Mapping
=> Remote Sensing-Guided Spatial Sampling Strategy over Heterogeneous Surface Ground for Validation of Vegetation Indices Products with Medium and High Spatial Resolution
=> Remote Sensing-Informed Zonation for Understanding Snow, Plant and Soil Moisture Dynamics within a Mountain Ecosystem
=> Remote Sensing-Supported Flood Forecasting of Urbanized Watersheds: A Case Study in Southern China
=> Remote Sensing 10th Anniversary Best Paper Award
=> remote sensing adapted image registration method based on SIFT and phase congruency, A
=> Remote Sensing Advances in Fire Science: From Fire Predictors to Post-Fire Monitoring
=> Remote sensing aid to the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief effort
=> Remote Sensing Algorithm of Column-Integrated Algal Biomass Covering Algal Bloom Conditions in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake, A
=> Remote sensing algorithms for estimation of fractional vegetation cover using pure vegetation index values: A review
=> Remote Sensing Analysis for Vegetation Assessment of a Large-Scale Constructed Wetland Treating Produced Water Polluted with Oil Hydrocarbons
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of Ecological Maintenance in Subtropical Coastal Mountain Area, China
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of Erosion in Arctic Coastal Areas of Alaska and Eastern Siberia
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of Geologic Hazards
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of the Status of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1985 to 2021
=> Remote Sensing Analysis of Typhoon-Induced Storm Surges and Sea Surface Cooling in Chinese Coastal Waters
=> Remote Sensing Analysis Techniques and Sensor Requirements to Support the Mapping of Illegal Domestic Waste Disposal Sites in Queensland, Australia
=> Remote Sensing and Argo Float Observations Reveal Physical Processes Initiating a Winter-Spring Phytoplankton Bloom South of the Kuroshio Current Near Shikoku
=> Remote Sensing and Bio-Geochemical Modeling of Forest Carbon Storage in Spain
=> Remote Sensing and Cast Shadows in Mountainous Terrain
=> Remote Sensing and Cropping Practices: A Review
=> Remote Sensing and Data Analyses on Planetary Topography
=> Remote Sensing and Deep Learning to Understand Noisy OpenStreetMap
=> Remote Sensing and Earthquake Damage Assessment: Experiences, Limits, and Perspectives
=> Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira's Prehistoric Paintings
=> Remote Sensing and Field Survey Data Integration to Investigate on the Evolution of the Coastal Area: The Case Study of Bagnara Calabra (Southern Italy)
=> Remote Sensing and Geo-Archaeological Data: Inland Water Studies for the Conservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Ferrara District, Italy
=> Remote Sensing and Geodetic Measurements for Volcanic Slope Monitoring: Surface Variations Measured at Northern Flank of La Fossa Cone (Vulcano Island, Italy)
=> Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems Applied to Groundwater Research
=> Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies in Public Health
=> Remote Sensing and Geovisualization of Rock Slopes and Landslides
=> Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and its Cross-validation in Three Test Areas Using a Frequency Ratio Model
=> Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of Rockfall Distributions from the 5 July 2019 Ridgecrest (MW7.1) and 24 June 2020 Owens Lake (MW5.8) Earthquakes, A
=> Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to the Landscape for the Environmental Restoration of Urbanizations by Means of 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization (Salamanca, Spain)
=> Remote Sensing and GIS Approach to Study the Long-Term Vegetation Recovery of a Fire-Affected Pine Forest in Southern Greece, A
=> Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Analysis and Cultural Heritage
=> Remote Sensing and GIS for Habitat Quality Monitoring: New Approaches and Future Research
=> Remote Sensing and GIS in Landslide Management: An Example from the Kravarsko Area, Croatia
=> Remote Sensing and GIS Integration for Monitoring the Areas Affected by Forest Fires: A Case Study in Izmir, Turkey
=> Remote Sensing and GIS Studies of the Hegau Volcanic Area in SW Germany
=> Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
=> Remote Sensing and Machine Learning-Based Approach to Forecast the Onset of Harmful Algal Bloom, A
=> Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Accurate Fire Severity Mapping in Northern Algeria
=> Remote Sensing and Machine Learning in Crop Phenotyping and Management, with an Emphasis on Applications in Strawberry Farming
=> Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Support Wetland Monitoring: A Meta-Analysis of Three Decades of Research
=> Remote Sensing and Mapping of Tamarisk along the Colorado River, USA: A Comparative Use of Summer-Acquired Hyperion, Thematic Mapper and QuickBird Data
=> Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data Fusion in Predicting Bushfire Severity: A Case Study from Victoria, Australia
=> Remote Sensing and Mineralogical Analyses: A First Application to the Highly Active Hydrothermal Discharge Area of Pisciarelli in the Campi Flegrei Volcanic Field (Italy)
=> Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Cryosphere in High Mountain Asia: A Multidisciplinary Review
=> Remote Sensing and Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Malaria Risk Mapping to Support Indoor Residual Spraying Prioritization in the Central Highlands of Madagascar
=> Remote Sensing and Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for The Estimation of Urban Expansion (case of Darkhan City, Mongolia)
=> Remote Sensing and Night Time Urban Heat Island
=> Remote Sensing and Reconstruction for Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes
=> Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data Reveal Scale-Dependent and System-Specific Strengths of Urban Heat Island Determinants
=> Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis for Land-Take Assessment in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)
=> Remote Sensing and Texture Image Classification Network Based on Deep Learning Integrated with Binary Coding and Sinkhorn Distance
=> Remote Sensing Application for Landslide Detection, Monitoring along Eastern Lake Michigan (Miami Park, MI)
=> Remote Sensing Application in Chinese Medicinal Plant Identification and Acreage Estimation: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Application in Ecological Restoration Monitoring: A Systematic Review
=> Remote Sensing Application Of The Geophysical Changes In The Coastlines And Rivers Of Zambales, Philippines
=> Remote Sensing Applications for Landslide Monitoring and Investigation in Western Canada
=> Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas
=> Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas: A Bibliometric Analysis
=> Remote Sensing Applications in Sugarcane Cultivation: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Applications to Climate Change
=> Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regime Attributes and Their Influence on Post-Fire Greenness Recovery in Pine Ecosystems
=> Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach for Mapping the Development of Ancient Water Management in the Near East, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Coastal Wetland in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Change Trends and Their Driving Forces
=> Remote Sensing Approach for Regional-Scale Mapping of Agricultural Land-Use Systems Based on NDVI Time Series, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach for Surface Urban Heat Island Modeling in a Tropical Colombian City Using Regression Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Detect Burn Severity Risk Zones in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Environmental Monitoring in a Reclaimed Mine Area, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Estimate Vertical Profile Classes of Phytoplankton in a Eutrophic Lake, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Estimating Cropland Sustainability in the Lateritic Red Soil Region of China, A
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Evaluate Post-fire Vegetation Structure
=> Remote Sensing Approach to Understanding Patterns of Secondary Succession in Tropical Forest, A
=> Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges
=> Remote Sensing Assessment of Forest Disturbance across Complex Mountainous Terrain: The Pattern and Severity of Impacts of Tropical Cyclone Yasi on Australian Rainforests
=> Remote Sensing at Bavarian State Institute of Forestry Transfer of Research Results in Forestry Practice
=> Remote Sensing Based Binary Classification of Maize. Dealing with Residual Autocorrelation in Sparse Sample Situations
=> Remote Sensing Based Conservation Effectiveness Evaluation of Mangrove Reserves in China
=> Remote Sensing Based Detection of Crop Phenology for Agricultural Zones in China Using a New Threshold Method
=> remote sensing based framework for predicting water quality of different source waters, A
=> Remote Sensing Based Integrated Approach to Quantify the Impact of Fluvial and Pluvial Flooding in an Urban Catchment, A
=> Remote Sensing Based Method to Detect Soil Erosion in Forests, A
=> Remote Sensing Based Population Maps for Crisis Response
=> Remote Sensing Based Simple Models of GPP in Both Disturbed and Undisturbed Piñon-Juniper Woodlands in the Southwestern U.S.
=> Remote Sensing Based Spatial-Temporal Monitoring of the Changes in Coastline Mangrove Forests in China over the Last 40 Years
=> Remote Sensing Based Spatial Statistics to Document Tropical Rainforest Transition Pathways
=> Remote Sensing Based Two-Stage Sampling for Accuracy Assessment and Area Estimation of Land Cover Changes
=> Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation in a Stochastic Framework: Case Study of Durum Wheat in Tunisia
=> Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Gradient Boosted Regression in India
=> Remote Sensing Best Paper Award for the Year 2015
=> Remote Sensing Big Data Classification with High Performance Distributed Deep Learning
=> Remote Sensing Big Data: Theory, Methods and Applications
=> Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Contextual Bayes Decision
=> Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Multidirectional Adaptive Feature Fusion and Perceptual Similarity
=> Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi-Attention Slow Feature Analysis
=> Remote Sensing Classification Method of Wetland Based on an Improved SVM
=> remote sensing computer-assisted learning tool developed using the unified modeling language, A
=> Remote Sensing Contributions to Prediction and Risk Assessment of Natural Disasters Caused by Large-Scale Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks
=> Remote Sensing Crop Recognition by Coupling Phenological Features and Off-Center Bayesian Deep Learning
=> Remote Sensing Data As Basis for The Modelling and Reassembly Of Dismantled Heritage Structures
=> Remote Sensing Data Assimilation in Dynamic Crop Models Using Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Remote sensing data assimilation in environmental models
=> Remote Sensing Data Based Artificial Neural Network Approach for Predicting Climate-Sensitive Infectious Disease Outbreaks: A Case Study of Human Brucellosis, A
=> Remote Sensing Data Copy-Move Forgery Protection Algorithm
=> Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Research: A Review
=> remote sensing data fusion approach to monitor agricultural areas, A
=> Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Evaluate Patterns of Regional Evapotranspiration: A Case Study for Dynamics of Film-Mulched Drip-Irrigated Cotton in China's Manas River Basin over 20 Years
=> Remote Sensing Derived Built-Up Area and Population Density to Quantify Global Exposure to Five Natural Hazards over Time
=> Remote Sensing Derived Indices for Tracking Urban Land Surface Change in Case of Earthquake Recovery
=> Remote Sensing Detecting of Yellow Leaf Disease of Arecanut Based on UAV Multisource Sensors
=> Remote Sensing Detection of Algal Blooms in a Lake Impacted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons
=> Remote Sensing Diagnosis of Water Use and Water Stress in a Region with Intense Irrigation Growth in Brazil, A
=> Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
=> Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
=> Remote Sensing Efficiency For Urban Analysis Of Mecca And Surrounds
=> Remote Sensing Estimates of Grassland Aboveground Biomass Based on MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP): A Case Study in the Xilingol Grassland of Northern China
=> Remote Sensing Estimates of Particulate Organic Carbon Sources in the Zhanjiang Bay Using Sentinel-2 Data and Carbon Isotopes
=> Remote Sensing Estimation and Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Terrestrial Net Ecosystem Productivity in China
=> Remote Sensing Estimation of CDOM and DOC with the Environmental Implications for Lake Khanka
=> Remote sensing estimation of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in optically shallow waters
=> Remote Sensing Estimation of Lake Total Phosphorus Concentration Based on MODIS: A Case Study of Lake Hongze
=> Remote Sensing Estimation of Regional NO2 via Space-Time Neural Networks
=> Remote Sensing Estimation of Sea Surface Salinity from GOCI Measurements in the Southern Yellow Sea
=> Remote Sensing Evaluation of Ecological Environment of Anqing City Based on Remote Sensing Ecological Index
=> Remote Sensing Experts Classification System Applying in the Land Use Classification in Guangzhou City
=> Remote Sensing Exploration of Nb-Ta-LREE-Enriched Carbonatite (Epembe/Namibia)
=> Remote Sensing Extraction Method of Illicium verum Based on Functional Characteristics of Vegetation Canopy
=> Remote Sensing Extraction of Agricultural Land in Shandong Province, China, from 2016 to 2020 Based on Google Earth Engine
=> Remote Sensing Extraction of Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau Based on the Google Earth Engine and Deep Learning
=> Remote Sensing for Agricultural Water Management in Jordan
=> Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in an African Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study of Indigenous Wells in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia
=> Remote Sensing for Characterisation and Kinematic Analysis of Large Slope Failures: Debre Sina Landslide, Main Ethiopian Rift Escarpment
=> Remote Sensing for Geography, Geology, Land Planning, and Cultural Heritage
=> Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Role and Implications
=> Remote Sensing for Land Administration 2.0
=> Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
=> Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
=> Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: From Research into Practice
=> Remote Sensing for Maritime Monitoring and Vessel Identification
=> Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
=> Remote Sensing for Optimal Estimation of Water Temperature Dynamics in Shallow Tidal Environments
=> Remote Sensing for Plant Water Content Monitoring: A Review
=> Remote Sensing for Property Valuation: A Data Source Comparison in Support of Fair Land Taxation in Rwanda
=> Remote Sensing for Soil Organic Carbon Mapping and Monitoring
=> Remote Sensing for the Quantification of Land Surface Dynamics in Large River Delta Regions: A Review
=> Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Environmental Management
=> Remote Sensing from Ground to Space Platforms Associated with Terrain Attributes as a Hybrid Strategy on the Development of a Pedological Map
=> Remote Sensing from Space: Supporting International Peace and Security
=> Remote Sensing Grassland Productivity Attributes: A Systematic Review
=> Remote Sensing Guides Management Strategy for Invasive Legumes on the Central Plateau, New Zealand
=> Remote Sensing Identification and Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of Cladophora with Different Morphologies
=> Remote Sensing Image-Change Detection with Pre-Generation of Depthwise-Separable Change-Salient Maps
=> Remote sensing image analysis by aggregation of segmentation-classification collaborative agents
=> Remote Sensing Image Augmentation Based on Text Description for Waterside Change Detection
=> Remote Sensing Image Captioning Using Hire-MLP
=> Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Deep Multi-Scale Multi-Attention Siamese Transformer Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification Applied To The First National Geographical Information Census Of China
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on a Modified Self-organizing Neural Network with a Priori Knowledge
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Improved BP Neural Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Stacked Denoising Autoencoder
=> Remote sensing image classification using an ensemble framework without multiple classifiers
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Attribute Filters Defined Over the Tree of Shapes
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification With Large-Scale Gaussian Processes
=> Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Neuro-fuzzy MCS Approach
=> Remote Sensing Image Compression Based on Direction Lifting-Based Block Transform with Content-Driven Quadtree Coding Adaptively
=> Remote sensing image compression based on double-sparsity dictionary learning and universal trellis coded quantization
=> Remote Sensing Image Compression Based on the Multiple Prior Information
=> Remote Sensing Image Defogging Method Based on Improved CycleGAN Network, A
=> Remote Sensing Image Defogging Networks Based on Dual Self-Attention Boost Residual Octave Convolution
=> Remote Sensing Image Dehazing via a Local Context-Enriched Transformer
=> Remote Sensing Image Denoising Based on Deep and Shallow Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism
=> Remote Sensing Image Denoising via Low-Rank Tensor Approximation and Robust Noise Modeling
=> Remote Sensing Image Destriping Model Based on Low-Rank and Directional Sparse Constraint, A
=> Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Thresholding in NSCT Domain
=> Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet and Nonlinear Iteration
=> Remote Sensing Image Extraction and Precision Analysis for Alpine Wetland Based on Coupling Analysis of Multispectral Factor PCA and Decision Tree
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion at the Segment Level Using a Spatially-Weighted Approach: Applications for Land Cover Spectral Analysis and Mapping
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Discrete Fractional Random Transform for Modified IHS
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Two-Stream Fusion Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion Method Combining Low-Level Visual Features and Parameter-Adaptive Dual-Channel Pulse-Coupled Neural Network, A
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion on Gradient Field
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using ICA and Optimized Wavelet Transform
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Multiscale Mapped LS-SVM
=> Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing
=> Remote Sensing Image Fusion via Sparse Representations Over Learned Dictionaries
=> Remote sensing image fusion via wavelet transform and sparse representation
=> Remote Sensing Image Harmonization Method for Fine-Grained Ship Classification
=> Remote Sensing Image Information Quality Evaluation via Node Entropy for Efficient Classification
=> Remote sensing image interpolation via the nonsubsampled contourlet transform
=> Remote Sensing Image Interpretation for Urban Environment Analysis: Methods, System and Examples
=> Remote Sensing Image Matching Based on Adaptive Binning SIFT Descriptor
=> Remote Sensing Image Matching for Unpiloted Aircraft Based on SIFT Arithmetic Operators
=> Remote sensing image quality evaluation based on deep support value learning networks
=> Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction Using Tensor Ring Completion and Total Variation
=> Remote sensing image registration based on fusion of spatial transformation and dense convolution
=> Remote Sensing Image Registration Techniques: A Survey
=> Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Multiple Image Features
=> Remote Sensing Image Registration with Line Segments and Their Intersections
=> Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Algorithm for Dense Data
=> Remote Sensing Image Retrieval by Scene Semantic Matching
=> Remote Sensing Image Retrieval with Gabor-CA-ResNet and Split-Based Deep Feature Transform Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Retrieval With Global Morphological Texture Descriptors
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Based on Global Self-Attention Module
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Based on Semantic and Spatial Interactive Information
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Combined Attention Mechanism and Multiscale Feature
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using CNN-CapsNet
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using Multi-Scale Completed Local Binary Patterns and Fisher Vectors
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using Rearranged Local Features
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Label Augmentation and Intra-Class Constraint
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Multi-Level Representation Learning
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Self-Supervised Learning and Knowledge Distillation
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with Noisy Label Distillation
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with Self-Supervised Learning Based on Partially Unlabeled Datasets
=> Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification: Benchmark and State of the Art
=> Remote sensing image segmentation advances: A meta-analysis
=> Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Hierarchical Student's-t Mixture Model and Spatial Constrains with Adaptive Smoothing
=> Remote sensing image segmentation by active queries
=> Remote Sensing Image Segmentation by Combining Spectral and Texture Features
=> Remote sensing image segmentation using geodesic-kernel functions and multi-feature spaces
=> Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation Based on Edge Information Guidance
=> Remote Sensing Image Ship Detection under Complex Sea Conditions Based on Deep Semantic Segmentation
=> Remote Sensing Image Spatiotemporal Fusion Using a Generative Adversarial Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Stripe Detecting and Destriping Using the Joint Sparsity Constraint with Iterative Support Detection
=> Remote Sensing Image Stripe Noise Removal: From Image Decomposition Perspective
=> Remote Sensing Image Subpixel Mapping Based on Adaptive Differential Evolution
=> Remote sensing image super-resolution based on convolutional blind denoising adaptive dense connection
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Channel Attention Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Novel Dense-Sampling Networks
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Second-Order Multi-Scale Networks
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Mixed High-Order Attention Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Multi-Scale Texture Transfer Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Residual-Dense Hybrid Attention Network
=> Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Saliency-Guided Feedback GANs
=> Remote Sensing Image Superresolution Using Deep Residual Channel Attention
=> Remote Sensing Image Target Detection: Improvement of the YOLOv3 Model with Auxiliary Networks
=> Remote Sensing Imagery and Signature Fields Reconstruction Via Aggregation of Robust Regularization with Neural Computing
=> Remote Sensing Imagery Segmentation: A Hybrid Approach
=> Remote Sensing Images in Support of Environmental Protocol: Monitoring the Sugarcane Harvest in São Paulo State, Brazil
=> Remote Sensing Images Secure Distribution Scheme Based on Deep Information Hiding
=> Remote Sensing Images Stripe Noise Removal by Double Sparse Regulation and Region Separation
=> Remote Sensing Imaging as a Tool to Support Mulberry Cultivation for Silk Production
=> Remote Sensing In A Changing Climate and Environment: The Rift Valley Fever Case
=> Remote Sensing in Agriculture: Accomplishments, Limitations, and Opportunities
=> Remote Sensing in Environmental Justice Research: A Review
=> Remote Sensing in Field Crop Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review of Sensor Systems, Data Analyses and Recent Advances
=> Remote Sensing in Human Health: A 10-Year Bibliometric Analysis
=> Remote Sensing in Irrigated Crop Water Stress Assessment
=> Remote Sensing in Mapping Mangrove Ecosystems: An Object-Based Approach
=> Remote Sensing in Studies of the Growing Season: A Bibliometric Analysis
=> Remote Sensing in Urban Forestry: Recent Applications and Future Directions
=> Remote Sensing Index for Mapping Canola Flowers Using MODIS Data
=> Remote Sensing Indices for Spatial Monitoring of Agricultural Drought in South Asian Countries
=> Remote Sensing Intertidal Flats with TerraSAR-X. A SAR Perspective of the Structural Elements of a Tidal Basin for Monitoring the Wadden Sea
=> Remote Sensing Inversion and Mapping of Typical Forest Stand Age in the Loess Plateau
=> Remote Sensing Inversion of Leaf Maximum Carboxylation Rate Based on a Mechanistic Photosynthetic Model
=> Remote Sensing Inversion of Typical Offshore Water Quality Parameter Concentration Based on Improved SVR Algorithm
=> Remote Sensing Is Changing Our View of the Coast: Insights from 40 Years of Monitoring at Narrabeen-Collaroy, Australia
=> Remote Sensing Mapping of Build-Up Land with Noisy Label via Fault-Tolerant Learning
=> Remote Sensing Mapping of Peat-Fire-Burnt Areas: Identification among Other Wildfires
=> Remote Sensing Materials for a Preliminary Archaeological Evaluation of the Giove Countryside (Terni, Italy)
=> Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy Heights Lag in Restoring Floodplain Vegetation
=> Remote Sensing Method for Crop Mapping Based on Multiscale Neighborhood Feature Extraction, A
=> Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Surface Air Temperature and Surface Vapor Pressure on a Regional Scale, A
=> Remote Sensing Method to Assess the Future Multi-Hazard Exposure of Urban Areas, A
=> Remote Sensing Method to Monitor Water, Aquatic Vegetation, and Invasive Water Hyacinth at National Extents, A
=> Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
=> Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
=> Remote Sensing Micro-Object Detection under Global and Local Attention Mechanism
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Jinwuco Lateral Moraine Landslide-Glacial Lake Outburst in Southeast Tibet
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in China's Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions Based on XCO2 Data
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring and Quick Assessment on the Dammed Lakes
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Advancing and Surging Glaciers in the Tien Shan, 1990-2019
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecological-Economic Impacts in the Belt and Road Initiatives Mining Project: A Case Study in Sino Iron and Taldybulak Levoberezhny
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Grasslands Based on Adaptive Feature Fusion with Multi-Source Data
=> Remote sensing monitoring of land restoration interventions in semi-arid environments using a before-after control-impact statistical design
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Pine Wilt Disease Based on Time-Series Remote Sensing Index
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice and Wheat Canopy Nitrogen: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Based on a Multidimensional Euclidean Distance Method
=> Remote sensing monitoring of the impact of a major mining wastewater disaster on the turbidity of the Doce River plume off the eastern Brazilian coast
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Pietrafitta Earth Flows in Southern Italy: An Integrated Approach Based on Multi-Sensor Data
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Spatial Pattern of Greening and Browning in Xilin Gol Grassland and Its Response to Climate and Human Activities
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dynamic Changes after Fire in the Greater Hinggan Mountain Area: The Algorithm and Application for Eliminating Phenological Impacts
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Reclamation in the Antaibao Open-Pit Mine
=> Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Based on mRMR-XGBoost Algorithm
=> Remote Sensing Neural Radiance Fields for Multi-View Satellite Photogrammetry
=> Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Observation of New Particle Formation Events with a (UV, VIS) Polarization Lidar
=> Remote Sensing Observation of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Pearl River Estuary
=> Remote Sensing Observations of a Coastal Water Environment Based on Neural Network and Spatiotemporal Fusion Technology: A Case Study of Hangzhou Bay
=> Remote Sensing of 2000-2016 Alpine Spring Snowline Elevation in Dall Sheep Mountain Ranges of Alaska and Western Canada
=> Remote Sensing of 3-D Geometry and Surface Moisture of a Peat Production Area Using Hyperspectral Frame Cameras in Visible to Short-Wave Infrared Spectral Ranges Onboard a Small Unmanned Airborne Vehicle (UAV)
=> Remote Sensing of Above-Ground Biomass
=> Remote Sensing of Aerated Flows at Large Dams: Proof of Concept
=> Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Airborne Polarimeter over North China
=> Remote Sensing of Aerosols and Water-Leaving Radiance from Chinese FY-3/MERSI Based on a Simultaneous Method
=> Remote Sensing of Aerosols at Night with the CoSQM Sky Brightness Data
=> Remote Sensing of Agricultural Greenhouses and Plastic-Mulched Farmland: An Analysis of Worldwide Research
=> Remote sensing of albedo-reducing snow algae and impurities in the Maritime Antarctica
=> Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review
=> Remote Sensing of Antarctic Glacier and Ice-Shelf Front Dynamics: A Review
=> Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols in South Africa
=> Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) over Hefei, China with Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry
=> Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) over Hefei, China with Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry
=> Remote Sensing of Black Lakes and Using 810 nm Reflectance Peak for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters of Optically Complex Waters
=> Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 1: Data Use for Policy and Management
=> Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 2: Methods for Evaluating Boreal Wetland Ecosystem State and Drivers of Change
=> Remote Sensing of Burn Severity Using Coupled Radiative Transfer Model: A Case Study on Chinese Qinyuan Pine Fires
=> Remote Sensing of Channels and Riparian Zones with a Narrow-Beam Aquatic-Terrestrial LIDAR
=> Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a in Xinkai Lake Using Machine Learning and GF-6 WFV Images
=> Remote sensing of chlorophyll a concentration in turbid coastal waters based on a global optical water classification system
=> Remote Sensing of City. Digital Databases for Architecture
=> Remote Sensing of Climate-Vegetation Dynamics and Their Effects on Ecosystems
=> Remote sensing of coastal habitats
=> Remote Sensing of Coastal Upwelling in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea: Statistical Properties and Implications for the Coastal Environment
=> Remote Sensing of Coastal Vegetation Phenology in a Cold Temperate Intertidal System: Implications for Classification of Coastal Habitats
=> Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters, Land Use/Cover, Lakes, Rivers, and Watersheds II
=> Remote Sensing of Coastal Wetland Degradation Using the Landscape Directional Succession Model
=> Remote Sensing of Coconut Trees in Tonga Using Very High Spatial Resolution WorldView-3 Data
=> Remote Sensing of Complex Permittivity and Penetration Depth of Soils Using P-Band SAR Polarimetry
=> Remote Sensing of Coral Bleaching Using Temperature and Light: Progress towards an Operational Algorithm
=> Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs for Monitoring and Management: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Deformation of a High Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam Using InSAR: A Study of the Shuibuya Dam, China
=> Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Structure: Part 2: Initial Findings of Ecosystem Functioning through Intra- and Inter-Annual Comparisons with Earth Observation Data
=> Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency: A Review of Direct and Indirect Estimation Methods
=> Remote Sensing of Environment
=> Remote Sensing of Environmental Change in the Antirio Deltaic Fan Region, Western Greece
=> Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes in Cold Regions: Methods, Achievements and Challenges
=> Remote Sensing of Environmental Drivers Influencing the Movement Ecology of Sympatric Wild and Domestic Ungulates in Semi-Arid Savannas, a Review
=> Remote Sensing of Epibenthic Shellfish Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Imagery
=> Remote Sensing of Explosives-Induced Stress in Plants: Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis for Remote Detection of Unexploded Threats
=> Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands: A Challenging Frontier in the Monitoring of Changing Environments
=> Remote sensing of forage nutrients: Combining ecological and spectral absorption feature data
=> Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Post-Fire Recovery: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Forest Structural Changes Due to the Recent Boom of Unconventional Shale Gas Extraction Activities in Appalachian Ohio
=> Remote Sensing of Forests in Bavaria: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Fractional Green Vegetation Cover Using Spatially-Interpolated Endmembers
=> Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity: Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics
=> Remote Sensing of Glacier Change in the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Relationship with Changing Climate
=> Remote Sensing of Global Monthly Evapotranspiration With An Energy Balance (EB) Model
=> Remote Sensing of Global Sea Surface pH Based on Massive Underway Data and Machine Learning
=> Remote Sensing of Grass Response to Drought Stress Using Spectroscopic Techniques and Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion
=> Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management: A Review
=> Remote sensing of ground deformation
=> Remote Sensing of Human-Environment Interactions in Global Change Research: A Review of Advances, Challenges and Future Directions
=> Remote Sensing of Hydrological Changes in Tian-e-Zhou Oxbow Lake, an Ungauged Area of the Yangtze River Basin
=> Remote Sensing of Ice Conditions in the Southeastern Baltic Sea and in the Curonian Lagoon and Validation of SAR-Based Ice Thickness Products
=> Remote Sensing of Ice Phenology and Dynamics of Europe's Largest Coastal Lagoon (The Curonian Lagoon)
=> Remote Sensing of Infrasound Signals of the Voice of the Sea during the Evolution of Typhoons
=> Remote Sensing of Instantaneous Drought Stress at Canopy Level Using Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Canopy Reflectance
=> Remote Sensing of Irrigated Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
=> Remote Sensing of Lake Ice Phenology across a Range of Lakes Sizes, ME, USA
=> Remote Sensing of Lake Sediment Core Particle Size Using Hyperspectral Image Analysis
=> Remote Sensing of Lake Water Clarity: Performance and Transferability of Both Historical Algorithms and Machine Learning
=> Remote Sensing of Land Surface Phenology: Editorial
=> Remote Sensing of Landslide-Generated Sediment Plumes, Peace River, British Columbia
=> Remote Sensing of Landslides: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Leaf and Canopy Nitrogen Status in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Based on N-PROSAIL Model
=> Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index from LiDAR Height Percentile Metrics and Comparison with MODIS Product in a Selectively Logged Tropical Forest Area in Eastern Amazonia
=> Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canada during 2001-2020, and Its Relationship with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations
=> Remote Sensing of Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Mangroves and Estuarine Communities in Central Queensland, Australia
=> Remote Sensing of Marine Phytoplankton Sizes and Groups Based on the Generalized Addictive Model (GAM)
=> Remote Sensing of Mine Site Rehabilitation for Ecological Outcomes: A Global Systematic Review
=> Remote Sensing of Night Lights: Beyond DMSP
=> Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries
=> Remote Sensing of Ocean Oil-Spill Pollution
=> Remote Sensing of Organic Films on the Water Surface Using Dual Co-Polarized Ship-Based X-/C-/S-Band Radar and TerraSAR-X
=> Remote Sensing of Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Algorithm Development and Application Implications
=> Remote Sensing of Pasture Degradation in the Highlands of the Kyrgyz Republic: Finer-Scale Analysis Reveals Complicating Factors
=> Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Class in Northwest Atlantic from 1998 to 2016: Bio-Optical Algorithms Comparison and Application
=> Remote Sensing of Pigment Content at a Leaf Scale: Comparison among Some Specular Removal and Specular Resistance Methods
=> Remote Sensing of Planetary Boundary Layer Thermodynamic and Material Structures over a Large Steel Plant, China
=> Remote Sensing of Poplar Phenophase and Leaf Miner Attack in Urban Forests
=> Remote Sensing of Precipitation Using Reflected GNSS Signals: Response Analysis of Polarimetric Observations
=> Remote Sensing of Riparian Ecosystems
=> Remote Sensing of River Delta Inundation: Exploiting the Potential of Coarse Spatial Resolution, Temporally-Dense MODIS Time Series
=> Remote Sensing of River Discharge: A Review and a Framing for the Discipline
=> Remote Sensing of River Erosion on the Colville River, North Slope Alaska
=> Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands: Editorial
=> Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2 GHz Microwave Radiometry
=> Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Artificial Floating Plastic Targets with Sentinel-2 and Unmanned Aerial Systems (Plastic Litter Project 2019)
=> Remote Sensing of Sea Surface pCO2 in the Bering Sea in Summer Based on a Mechanistic Semi-Analytical Algorithm (MeSAA)
=> Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity: Comparison of Satellite and In Situ Observations and Impact of Retrieval Parameters
=> Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional vegetation cover and its object-based spatial pattern analysis over mountain areas
=> Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters and Its Application with MERIS Data
=> Remote Sensing of Shrubland Drying in the South-East Mediterranean, 1995-2010: Water-Use-Efficiency-Based Mapping of Biomass Change
=> Remote Sensing of Snow Cover Using Spaceborne SAR: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Soil Alkalinity and Salinity in the Wuyu'er-Shuangyang River Basin, Northeast China
=> Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture in Vineyards Using Airborne and Ground-Based Thermal Inertia Data
=> Remote Sensing of Soil Organic Carbon at Regional Scale Based on Deep Learning: A Case Study of Agro-Pastoral Ecotone in Northern China
=> Remote Sensing of Sonoran Desert Vegetation Structure and Phenology with Ground-Based LiDAR
=> Remote Sensing of Spatiotemporal Changes in Wetland Geomorphology Based on Type 2 Fuzzy Sets: A Case Study of Beidagang Wetland from 1975 to 2015
=> Remote sensing of species diversity using Landsat 8 spectral variables
=> Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Reservoirs and State Space Model (SSM)-Based Estimation
=> Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Reservoirs and State Space Model (SSM)-Based Estimation
=> Remote Sensing of Sub-Surface Suspended Sediment Concentration by Using the Range Bias of Green Surface Point of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry
=> Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Shallow Non-Turbid River Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Remote Sensing of Surface and Subsurface Soil Organic Carbon in Tidal Wetlands: A Review and Ideas for Future Research
=> Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change: A Review
=> Remote Sensing of Suspended Sediment Concentrations Based on the Waveform Decomposition of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry
=> Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere by the Ultraviolet Detector TUS Onboard the Lomonosov Satellite
=> Remote Sensing of the Interaction between Human and Natural Ecosystems in Asia
=> Remote Sensing of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes' Surface Temperature
=> Remote Sensing of the Polar Ice Zones with HF Radar
=> Remote Sensing of the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Northwest Pacific over the Past 23 Years (1997-2020)
=> Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
=> Remote Sensing of Tropical Rainforest Biomass Changes in Hainan Island, China from 2003 to 2018
=> Remote Sensing of Turbidity in the Tennessee River Using Landsat 8 Satellite
=> Remote Sensing of Urban Forests
=> Remote Sensing of Urban Heat Islands by Day and Night
=> Remote Sensing of Urban Poverty and Gentrification
=> Remote sensing of vegetation from UAV platforms using lightweight multispectral and thermal imaging sensors
=> Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structure Using Computer Vision
=> Remote Sensing of Volcanic Hazards and Their Precursors
=> Remote Sensing of Volcanic Processes and Risk
=> Remote Sensing Of Water Quality In Optically Complex Lakes
=> Remote Sensing of Water Use Efficiency and Terrestrial Drought Recovery across the Contiguous United States
=> Remote Sensing of Watershed: Towards a New Research Paradigm
=> Remote Sensing of Wave Overtopping on Dynamic Coastal Structures
=> Remote Sensing of Wetland Flooding at a Sub-Pixel Scale Based on Random Forests and Spatial Attraction Models
=> Remote Sensing of Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America
=> Remote Sensing on Alfalfa as an Approach to Optimize Production Outcomes: A Review of Evidence and Directions for Future Assessments
=> Remote Sensing Open Access Journal of MDPI: Current Progress and Future Vision
=> Remote Sensing Open Access Journal: Increasing Impact through Quality Publications
=> Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion
=> Remote Sensing Parameter Extraction of Artificial Young Forests under the Interference of Undergrowth
=> Remote Sensing Perspective on Mass Wasting in Contrasting Planetary Environments: Cases of the Moon and Ceres, A
=> Remote Sensing Phenology of the Brazilian Caatinga and Its Environmental Drivers
=> Remote sensing platforms and sensors: A survey
=> Remote Sensing Precursors Analysis for Giant Landslides
=> Remote Sensing Products Validated by Flux Tower Data in Amazon Rain Forest
=> Remote Sensing Retrieval of Total Phosphorus in the Pearl River Channels Based on the GF-1 Remote Sensing Data
=> Remote Sensing Retrieval of Turbidity in Alpine Rivers based on high Spatial Resolution Satellites
=> Remote Sensing Satellite Data Preparation for Simulating and Forecasting River Discharge
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Pre-Trained Using Attention-Guided Sparse Filters
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification by Gated Bidirectional Network
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification by Unsupervised Representation Learning
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Domain Sematic High-Order Network
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multilayer Stacked Covariance Pooling
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multiple Pyramid Pooling
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification via Multi-Branch Local Attention Network
=> Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Dual Attention-Aware Network
=> Remote Sensing Scene Graph and Knowledge Graph Matching with Parallel Walking Algorithm
=> Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on Dense Fusion of Multi-level Features
=> Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on mmsCNN-HMM with Stacking Ensemble Model
=> Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on Self-Compensating Convolution Neural Network
=> Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A Deep Gradient-Aware Network with Image-Specific Enhancement
=> Remote Sensing Small Object Detection Network Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
=> Remote Sensing Support for the Gain-Loss Approach for Greenhouse Gas Inventories
=> Remote Sensing Supported Sea Surface pCO2 Estimation and Variable Analysis in the Baltic Sea
=> Remote Sensing Survey of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Rocks and Minerals for Planetary Analog Use
=> Remote sensing target tracking in satellite videos based on a variable-angle-adaptive Siamese network
=> Remote Sensing Techniques As A Tool For Environmental Monitoring
=> Remote sensing techniques as a tool for runoff water estimation
=> Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Techniques In Disaster Management: Amynteon Mine Landslides, Greece
=> Remote Sensing Techniques in Monitoring Post-Fire Effects and Patterns of Forest Recovery in Boreal Forest Regions: A Review
=> Remote Sensing Techniques To Assess Post-fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales Via Multi-scale Model
=> Remote Sensing Technologies for Linear Infrastructure Monitoring
=> Remote Sensing Texture Analysis Using Multi-Parameter and Multi-Scale Features
=> Remote Sensing the Archaeological Traces of Boat Movement in the Marshes of Southern Mesopotamia
=> Remote Sensing Time Series Analysis Aimed At Detecting and Monitoring Brazilian Iron Ore Mining Disasters
=> Remote Sensing Time Series Classification Based on Self-Attention Mechanism and Time Sequence Enhancement
=> Remote Sensing to Characterize River Floodplain Structure and Function
=> Remote Sensing to Detect Nests of the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Teak Plantations
=> Remote Sensing to Study Mangrove Fragmentation and Its Impacts on Leaf Area Index and Gross Primary Productivity in the South of Peninsular Malaysia
=> Remote Sensing UAV/Drone Technology as a Tool for Urban Development Measures in APCRDA
=> Remote Sensing with Imaging Radar
=> Remote Sensing with Polarimetric Radar
=> Remote Sensing
=> Remote Sensing, Archaeological, and Geophysical Data to Study the Terramare Settlements: The Case Study of Fondo Paviani (Northern Italy)
=> Remote Sensing: Based Assessment of the Water-Use Efficiency of Maize over a Large, Arid, Regional Irrigation District
=> Remote Sensing: New Applications for Urban Areas
=> Remote Sensor Design for Visual Recognition With Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Remote Soil Moisture Measurement from Drone-Borne Reflectance Spectroscopy: Applications to Hydroperiod Measurement in Desert Playas
=> Remote Spectral Imaging Using a Low Cost UAV System
=> Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings
=> Remote Touch: Humanizing Social Interactions in Technology Through Multimodal Interfaces
=> Remote ultrasound real-time consultation and quality control system
=> Remote Vibration Estimation Using Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna SAR for Strong Clutter Environments
=> Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
=> Remote Vision-Based Multi-type Gesture Interaction
=> Remote Visualization and Navigation of 3D Models of Archeological Sites
=> Remote walkthrough over mobile networks using 3-D image warping and streaming
=> Remote, Rugged Field Scenarios for Archaeology and the Field Sciences: Object Avoidance and 3D Flight Planning with sUAS Photogrammetry
=> Remotely-Observed Early Spring Warming in the Southwestern Yellow Sea Due to Weakened Winter Monsoon
=> Remotely-Sensed Early Warning Signals of a Critical Transition in a Wetland Ecosystem
=> Remotely-Sensed Identification of a Transition for the Two Ecosystem States Along the Elevation Gradient: A Case Study of Xinjiang Tianshan Bogda World Heritage Site
=> Remotely-sensed Urban Wet-landscapes: An Indicator Of Coupled Effects Of Human Impact And Climate Change
=> Remotely and Directly Obtained Results of Glaciological Studies on King George Island: A Review, The
=> Remotely detecting canopy nitrogen concentration and uptake of paddy rice in the Northeast China Plain
=> Remotely detecting weapons of mass destruction
=> Remotely Estimating Beneficial Arthropod Populations: Implications of a Low-Cost Small Unmanned Aerial System
=> Remotely Monitoring Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Grassland and Cropland in China's Arid and Semi-Arid Regions with MODIS Data
=> Remotely Monitoring Vegetation Productivity in Two Contrasting Subtropical Forest Ecosystems Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
=> Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Random Forest in the Evaluation of the Spatial Variability of Foliar Nitrogen in Coffee Crop
=> Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) at Barrow, Alaska Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Remotely Sensed Agriculture Drought Indices for Assessing the Impact on Cereal Yield
=> Remotely Sensed Agroclimatic Classification and Zoning in Water-Limited Mediterranean Areas towards Sustainable Agriculture
=> Remotely Sensed Analysis of Channel Bar Morphodynamics in the Middle Yangtze River in Response to a Major Monsoon Flood in 2002
=> Remotely Sensed Assessment of Surface Ecological Change over the Gomishan Wetland, Iran, A
=> Remotely sensed big data: evolution in model development for information extraction
=> Remotely sensed biomass over steep slopes: An evaluation among successional stands of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
=> Remotely sensed canopy resistance model for analyzing the stomatal behavior of environmentally-stressed winter wheat
=> Remotely Sensed Data Fusion In Modern Age Archaeology And Military Historical Reconstruction
=> Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security Pattern Construction: A Comparative Analysis of Pingtan (China) and Durban (South Africa)
=> Remotely Sensed Empirical Modeling of Bathymetry in the Southeastern Caspian Sea
=> Remotely Sensed Framework for Spatially-Detailed Dryland Soil Organic Matter Mapping: Coupled Cross-Wavelet Transform with Fractional Vegetation and Soil-Related Endmember Time Series, A
=> Remotely Sensed Ground Control Points
=> Remotely Sensed Image Classification Using Sparse Representations of Morphological Attribute Profiles
=> Remotely Sensed Image Fast Classification and Smart Thematic Map Production
=> Remotely sensed image retrieval based on region-level semantic mining
=> Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature-Based Water Stress Index for Wetland Habitats
=> Remotely Sensed Mid-Channel Bar Dynamics in Downstream of the Three Gorges Dam, China
=> Remotely Sensed Monitoring of Small Reservoir Dynamics: A Bayesian Approach
=> Remotely Sensed Nightlights to Map Societal Exposure to Hydrometeorological Hazards
=> Remotely Sensed Seasonal Shoreward Intrusion of the East Australian Current: Implications for Coastal Ocean Dynamics
=> Remotely Sensed Single Tree Data Enable the Determination of Habitat Thresholds for the Three-Toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
=> Remotely Sensed Soil Data Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of El-Fayoum Depression, Egypt
=> Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Assimilation in the Distributed Hydrological Model Based on the Error Subspace Transform Kalman Filter
=> Remotely Sensed Spatial Structure as an Indicator of Internal Changes of Vegetation Communities in Desert Landscapes
=> Remotely Sensed Spatiotemporal Variation in Crude Protein of Shortgrass Steppe Forage
=> Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
=> Remotely Sensed Trajectory Analysis of Channel Migration in Lower Jingjiang Reach during the Period of 1983-2013
=> Remotely Sensed Tree Characterization in Urban Areas: A Review
=> Remotely Sensed Urban Surface Ecological Index (RSUSEI): An Analytical Framework for Assessing the Surface Ecological Status in Urban Environments
=> Remotely Sensed Variables of Ecosystem Functioning Support Robust Predictions of Abundance Patterns for Rare Species
=> Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices to Discriminate Field-Grown Olive Cultivars
=> Remotely Sensed Water Limitation in Vegetation: Insights from an Experiment with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
=> Remotely Sensed Winter Habitat Indices Improve the Explanation of Broad-Scale Patterns of Mammal and Bird Species Richness in China
=> Remotely sensing the complexity of rivers and estuaries
=> Remotely Sensing the Invisible-Thermal and Magnetic Survey Data Integration for Landscape Archaeology
=> Remotely Sensing the Morphometrics and Dynamics of a Cold Region Dune Field Using Historical Aerial Photography and Airborne LiDAR Data
=> Remotely Sensing the Source and Transport of Marine Plastic Debris in Bay Islands of Honduras (Caribbean Sea)
=> ReMotENet: Efficient Relevant Motion Event Detection for Large-Scale Home Surveillance Videos
=> remotIO: A Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal InSAR Infrastructure Monitoring Service with Automatic Updates and Data Mining Capabilities
=> Removal and contraction operations to define combinatorial pyramids: Application to the design of a spatial modeler
=> Removal of 3D facial expressions: A learning-based approach
=> Removal of abdominal wall for 3D visualization and segmentation of organs in CT volume
=> Removal of Adherent Waterdrops from Images Acquired with a Stereo Camera System
=> Removal of Baseline Wander from Dynamic Electrocardiogram Signals
=> Removal of Bird-Contaminated Wind Profiler Data Based on Neural Networks
=> Removal of Blocking Artifacts using Random Pattern Filtering
=> Removal of Canvas Patterns in Digital Acquisitions of Paintings
=> Removal of Chlorophyll-a Spectral Interference for Improved Phycocyanin Estimation from Remote Sensing Reflectance
=> Removal of Compression Artifacts Using Projections onto Convex Sets and Line Process Modeling
=> Removal of Correlated Noise by Modeling Spatial Correlations and Interscale Dependencies in the Complex Wavelet Domain
=> Removal of Correlated Noise by Modeling the Signal of Interest in the Wavelet Domain
=> Removal of Covariant Errors from Altimetric Wave Height Data
=> Removal of curtaining effects by a variational model with directional forward differences
=> Removal of digitization errors in fingerprint ridgelines using B-splines
=> Removal of dust artifacts in focal stack image sequences
=> Removal of dynamic weather conditions based on variable time window
=> Removal of false positive in object detection with contour-based classifiers
=> Removal of Floating Particles from Underwater Images Using Image Transformation Networks
=> Removal of hand-drawn annotation lines from document images by digital-geometric analysis and inpainting
=> Removal of high-intensity impulse noise by Weber's law Noise Identifier
=> Removal of high and low density impulse noise from digital images using non linear filter
=> Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter
=> Removal of high density salt and pepper noise using neighborhood based switching filter
=> Removal of Image Artifacts Due to Sensor Dust
=> Removal of Image Obstacles for Vehicle-mounted Surrounding Monitoring Cameras by Real-time Video Inpainting
=> Removal of impulse noise by selective filtering
=> Removal of impulse noise from color images based on the localized image characteristics and noise level
=> Removal of impulse noise using a FIRE filter
=> Removal of Interfering Strokes in Double-Sided Document Images
=> Removal of Interpolation Induced Artifacts in Similarity Surfaces
=> Removal of Ionospheric Effects from Sigma Naught Images of the ALOS/PALSAR-2 Satellite
=> Removal of Large-Scale Stripes Via Unidirectional Multiscale Decomposition
=> Removal of Micro-Doppler Effect of ISAR Image Based on Laplacian Regularized Nonconvex Low-Rank Representation
=> Removal of Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise Using Directional Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets
=> Removal of Motion Uncertainty and Quantization Noise in Motion Compensation
=> Removal of Moving Objects and Inconsistencies in Color Tone for an Omnidirectional Image Database
=> Removal of Moving Objects from a Street-View Image by Fusing Multiple Image Sequences
=> Removal of Noise by Wavelet Method to Generate High Quality Temporal Data of Terrestrial MODIS Products
=> Removal of noise in MRI images using a block difference-based filtering approach
=> Removal of noise patterns in handwritten images using expectation maximization and fuzzy inference systems
=> Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shifting digital holography
=> Removal of non-uniform complex and compound shadows from textured surfaces using adaptive directional smoothing and the thin plate model
=> Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data
=> Removal of Partial Occlusion from Single Images
=> Removal of rain from videos: a review
=> Removal of ring artifacts in micro-CT imaging using iterative morphological filters
=> Removal of salt-and-pepper noise in corrupted image using three-values-weighted approach with variable-size window
=> Removal of Salt-and-Pepper Noise Using a High-Precision Frequency Analysis Approach
=> Removal of Specular Reflection Component Using Multi-view Images and 3D Object Model
=> Removal of specular reflections from image sequences using feature correspondences
=> Removal of Specularities Using Color and Polarization
=> Removal of the MCSST MODIS SST Bias During Upwelling Events Along the Southeastern Coast of Brazil
=> Removal of Thin Cirrus Scattering Effects in Landsat 8 OLI Images Using the Cirrus Detecting Channel
=> Removal of Thin Clouds in Landsat-8 OLI Data with Independent Component Analysis
=> Removal of tile artifacts using projection onto scaling functions for JPEG 2000
=> Removal of Translation Bias when using Subspace Methods
=> Removal Of Tree Offsets from SRTM and Other Digital Surface Models
=> Removal of Uncontrollable Phase Distortions in Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals
=> Removal of Vesicle Structures From Transmission Electron Microscope Images
=> Removal of video line jitter using a dynamic programming approach
=> Removal of Visual Disruption Caused by Rain Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Removal Operations in nD Generalized Maps for Efficient Homology Computation
=> Remove Cosine Window From Correlation Filter-Based Visual Trackers: When and How
=> Remove extremum median filtering and minimal absolute difference of four directional filtering on improved PCNN model
=> Remove Noise in Video with 3D Topological Maps
=> Remove to Improve?
=> Removing Adversarial Noise in Class Activation Feature Space
=> Removing Adversarial Noise via Low-Rank Completion of High-Sensitivity Points
=> Removing Anomalies as Noises for Industrial Defect Localization
=> Removing Arbitrary-Scale Rain Streaks via Fractal Band Learning With Self-Supervision
=> Removing Artefacts From Color and Contrast Modifications
=> Removing Atmospheric Turbulence Effects Via Geometric Distortion and Blur Representation
=> Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Deep Adversarial Learning
=> Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Space-Invariant Deconvolution
=> Removing Backdoor-Based Watermarks in Neural Networks with Limited Data
=> Removing Blindness Shadows from Image Based on Its Points Calculation in High Dimensional Space
=> Removing Boundary Artifacts for Real-Time Iterated Shrinkage Deconvolution
=> Removing Boundary Effect of a Patch-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm
=> Removing camera fingerprint to disguise photograph source
=> Removing Camera Shake via Weighted Fourier Burst Accumulation
=> Removing Clouds and Recovering Ground Observations in Satellite Image Sequences via Temporally Contiguous Robust Matrix Completion
=> Removing contaminated data for illumination-robust face recognition
=> Removing Cradle Artifacts in X-Ray Images of Paintings
=> Removing Diffraction Image Artifacts in Under-Display Camera via Dynamic Skip Connection Network
=> Removing Dimensional Restrictions on Complex/Hyper-Complex Neural Networks
=> Removing Gaussian noise for colour images by quaternion representation and optimisation of weights in non-local means filter
=> Removing Haze Particles From Single Image via Exponential Inference With Support Vector Data Description
=> Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Deep Learning
=> Removing Imaging Artifacts in Electron Microscopy using an Asymmetrically Cyclic Adversarial Network without Paired Training Data
=> Removing Impulse Bursts from Images by Training-Based Filtering
=> Removing InSAR Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Effect Based on Deep Learning
=> Removing interference components in time-frequency representations using morphological operators
=> Removing Intra-1-Hz Covariant Error to Improve Altimetric Profiles of sigma0 and Sea Surface Height
=> Removing Intra-1-Hz Covariant Error to Improve Altimetric Profiles of sigma0 and Sea Surface Height
=> Removing JPEG blocking artifacts using machine learning
=> Removing Label Ambiguity in Learning-Based Visual Saliency Estimation
=> Removing Line Scratches in Digital Image Sequences by Fusion Techniques
=> Removing Mistracking of Multibody Motion Video Database Hopkins155
=> Removing Mistracking of Multibody Motion Video Database Hopkins155
=> Removing Monte Carlo noise using a Sobel operator and a guided image filter
=> Removing motion blur from barcode images
=> Removing Motion Blur With Space-Time Processing
=> Removing Moving Objects without Registration from 3D LiDAR Data Using Range Flow Coupled with IMU Measurements
=> Removing Multiplicative Noise by Douglas-Rachford Splitting Methods
=> Removing Noise and Preserving Details with Relaxed Median Filters
=> Removing noise from astronomical images using a pixel-specific noise model
=> Removing non-significant regions in hierarchical clustering and segmentation
=> Removing non-static objects from 3D laser scan data
=> Removing Non-Uniform Motion Blur from Images
=> Removing Object Reflections in Videos by Global Optimization
=> Removing Objects From Neural Radiance Fields
=> Removing outliers by minimizing the sum of infeasibilities
=> Removing Outliers Using The L-inf Norm
=> Removing partial blur in a single image
=> Removing Partial Occlusion from Blurred Thin Occluders
=> Removing pedestrians from Google street view images
=> Removing Photography Artifacts using Gradient Projection and Flash-Exposure Sampling
=> Removing Pose from Face Images
=> Removing Prior Information from Remotely Sensed Atmospheric Profiles by Wiener Deconvolution Based on the Complete Data Fusion Framework
=> Removing Rain from a Single Image via Discriminative Sparse Coding
=> Removing Rain from Single Images via a Deep Detail Network
=> Removing Raindrops and Rain Streaks in One Go
=> Removing Raindrops from a Single Image using Synthetic Data
=> Removing redundancy data with preserving the structure and visuality in a database
=> Removing Redundancy in Multi-Resolution Scalable Video Coding Schemes
=> Removing ring artifacts in CBCT images via L0 smoothing
=> Removing rolling shutter wobble
=> Removing Rule-Lines from Binary Handwritten Arabic Document Images Using Directional Local Profile
=> Removing salt-and-pepper noise from binary images of engineering drawings
=> Removing Shade and Specular Noise in Images of Objects and Documents Acquired with a 3D-Scanner
=> Removing Shading Distortions in Camera-based Document Images Using Inpainting and Surface Fitting With Radial Basis Functions
=> Removing shadows from a single real-world color image
=> Removing Shadows from Face Images Using ICA
=> Removing Shadows From High-resolution Urban Aerial Images Based On Color Constancy
=> Removing Shadows from Images of Documents
=> Removing shadows from images using color and near-infrared
=> Removing Shadows from Images
=> Removing shadows
=> Removing Shape-Preserving Transformations in Square-Root Elastic (SRE) Framework for Shape Analysis of Curves
=> Removing Specular Reflection Components for Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
=> Removing temperature drift and temporal variation in thermal infrared images of a UAV uncooled thermal infrared imager
=> Removing Temporal Stationary Blur in Route Panoramas
=> Removing the artifacts from artwork cross-section images
=> Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning
=> Removing the Bias from Line Detection
=> Removing the Bias of Integral Pose Regression
=> Removing the blocking artifacts of block-based DCT compressed images
=> Removing the Quality Tax in Controllable Face Generation
=> Removing Time Dispersion from Elastic Wave Modeling with the pix2pix Algorithm Based on cGAN
=> Removing Turbulence Effect via Hybrid Total Variation and Deformation-Guided Kernel Regression
=> Removing Weather Effects from Monochrome Images
=> ReMP: Rectified Metric Propagation for Few-Shot Learning
=> Renaissance for Handwriting, A
=> Renal Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound via Fuzzy Appearance Models and Patient-Specific Alpha Shapes
=> Renal tumor quantification and classification in contrast-enhanced abdominal CT
=> RENAS: Reinforced Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search
=> ReNAS: Relativistic Evaluation of Neural Architecture Search
=> Render for CNN: Viewpoint Estimation in Images Using CNNs Trained with Rendered 3D Model Views
=> Render4Completion: Synthesizing Multi-View Depth Maps for 3D Shape Completion
=> Renderable Neural Radiance Map for Visual Navigation
=> RenderDiffusion: Image Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction, Inpainting and Generation
=> Rendered Benchmark Data Set for Evaluation of Occlusion-Handling Strategies of a Parts-Based Car Detector
=> RenderIH: A Large-scale Synthetic Dataset for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation
=> RenderIH: A Large-scale Synthetic Dataset for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation
=> Rendering-Aware Point Cloud Coding for Mixed Reality Devices
=> Rendering-Oriented Decoding for a Distributed Multiview Coding System Using a Coset Code
=> Rendering-Oriented Decoding for Distributed Multi-View Coding System
=> Rendering Almost Perspective Views from a Sparse Set of Omnidirectional Images
=> Rendering by Manifold Hopping
=> Rendering chamfering structures of sharp edges
=> Rendering complex scenes for psychophysics using RADIANCE: How accurate can you get?
=> Rendering Deformed Speckle Images with a Boolean Model
=> Rendering Dynamic Real-World Scenes Using Image Spheres
=> Rendering Humans from Object-Occluded Monocular Videos
=> Rendering Humans from Object-Occluded Monocular Videos
=> Rendering multi-view plus depth data on light-field displays
=> Rendering Natural Camera Bokeh Effect with Deep Learning
=> Rendering Nighttime Image Via Cascaded Color and Brightness Compensation
=> Rendering of brain tumors using endoneurosonography
=> Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation
=> Rendering Optimizations Guided by Head-Pose Estimates and Their Uncertainty
=> Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond
=> Rendering Real-World Objects Using View Interpolation
=> Rendering real-world objects without 3-D model
=> Rendering realistic spectral bokeh due to lens stops and aberrations
=> Rendering Realistic Subject-Dependent Expression Images by Learning 3DMM Deformation Coefficients
=> Rendering stereoscopic video for simultaneous 2D and 3D presentation
=> Rendering Synthetic Objects in Natural Scenes
=> Rendering Synthetic Objects into Real Scenes
=> Rendering Tree Roots Outdoors: A Comparison Between Optical See Through Glasses and Smartphone Modules for Underground Augmented Reality Visualization
=> Rendering Virtual Objects with High Dynamic Range Lighting Extracted Automatically from Unordered Photo Collections
=> Rendering with Concentric Mosaics
=> Rendering with Non-uniform Approximate Concentric Mosaics
=> RenderSR: A Lightweight Super-Resolution Model for Mobile Gaming Upscaling
=> Rendezvous-Guidance Trajectory Planning for Robotic Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance and Interception
=> Rendezvous in planar environments with obstacles and unknown initial distance
=> Rendition-based video editing for public contents authoring
=> Rendition techniques for HDR scenes in painting, photography, and electronic imaging
=> Rendition: Reclaiming What a Black Box Takes Away
=> RendNet: Unified 2D/3D Recognizer with Latent Space Rendering
=> ReNeRF: Relightable Neural Radiance Fields with Nearfield Lighting
=> Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6G-Oriented Green Highway Management
=> Renewable Minutiae Templates with Tunable Size and Security
=> renewed image annotation baseline by image embedding and tag correlation, A
=> ReNN: Rule-embedded Neural Networks
=> Renofeation: A Simple Transfer Learning Method for Improved Adversarial Robustness
=> RENOIR-A dataset for real low-light image noise reduction
=> Renormalization for Initialization of Rolling Shutter Visual-Inertial Odometry
=> Renormalization for unbiased estimation
=> Renormalization Group Approach to Image Processing Problems, A
=> Renormalization Returns: Hyper-renormalization and Its Applications
=> Renormalized Curvature Scale Space and the Evolution Properties of Planar Curves, The
=> Renovated Algorithm for Extracting Moving Target from Background in Real Time Video Tracking System, A
=> Renovated Framework of a Convolution Neural Network with Transformer for Detecting Surface Changes from High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images, A
=> Renovating Contaminative Image Archives Based on Patch Propagation and Adaptive Confidence Collation
=> Renovating Parsing R-CNN for Accurate Multiple Human Parsing
=> Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
=> Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
=> Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
=> Rent3D: Floor-plan priors for monocular layout estimation
=> Renyi Entropy-Based Adaptive Integration Method for 5G-Based Passive Radar Drone Detection
=> Reordering for improving global Arnoldi-Tikhonov method in image restoration problems
=> Reorientation in virtual environments using interactive portals
=> Repaid Identification and Prediction of Cadmium-Lead Cross-Stress of Different Stress Levels in Rice Canopy Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
=> RePaint: Inpainting using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
=> REPAIR: Removing Representation Bias by Dataset Resampling
=> Repairing 3D Binary Images Using the FCC Grid
=> Repairing Bad Co-Segmentation Using Its Quality Evaluation and Segment Propagation
=> Repairing Binary Images Through the 2d Diamond Grid
=> Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures
=> Repairing imperfect video enhancement algorithms using classification-based trained filters
=> Repairing Incomplete Measured Data with Haptic Interaction
=> Repairing self-confident active-transductive learners using systematic exploration
=> Repairing Sparse Low-Rank Texture
=> Repairing the sheltered human skeleton based on natural interaction
=> Reparameterisation Based Approach to Geodesic Constrained Solvers for Curve Matching, A
=> Reparameterized attention for convolutional neural networks
=> Reparameterized Residual Feature Network For Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
=> Reparameterizing and dynamically quantizing image features for image generation
=> Reparameterizing Convolutions for Incremental Multi-Task Learning Without Task Interference
=> RePCD-Net: Feature-Aware Recurrent Point Cloud Denoising Network
=> RepDarkNet: A Multi-Branched Detector for Small-Target Detection in Remote Sensing Images
=> Repeat-pass Interferometric and Backscatter Analysis of X-band Paz Satellite - First Results
=> Repeat-Pass Interferometric Speckle
=> Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry With Partially Coherent Targets
=> Repeat Glacier Collapses and Surges in the Amney Machen Mountain Range, Tibet, Possibly Triggered by a Developing Rock-Slope Instability
=> Repeat Oblique Photography Shows Terrain and Fire-Exposure Controls on Century-Scale Canopy Cover Change in the Alpine Treeline Ecotone
=> Repeat Pass Interferometry Using Alos-2 Palsar-2 Data (study Case In Brazil)
=> Repeatability and Similarity of Freeway Traffic Flow and Long-Term Prediction Under Big Data
=> Repeatability Assessment of Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients
=> Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Affine Regions via Discriminability
=> Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Affine Regions via Discriminability
=> Repeatability of Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Maps From Repeat Scans in the Breast
=> Repeatable and Efficient Canonical Reference for Surface Matching, A
=> repeatable and robust local reference frame for 3D surface matching, A
=> repeatable change detection approach to map extreme storm-related damages caused by intense surface runoff based on optical and SAR remote sensing: Evidence from three case studies in the South of France, A
=> Repeatable Data Hiding: Towards the Reusability of Digital Images
=> Repeatable Semantic Reef-Mapping through Photogrammetry and Label-Augmentation
=> Repeatable texture sampling with interchangeable patches
=> Repeated (4D) Marine Geophysical Surveys as a Tool for Studying the Coastal Environment and Ground-Truthing Remote-Sensing Observations and Modeling
=> Repeated constrained sparse coding with partial dictionaries for hyperspectral unmixing
=> Repeated Look-Up Tables
=> Repeated Measures GLMM Estimation of Subject-Related and False Positive Threshold Effects on Human Face Verification Performance
=> Repeated Pattern Detection Using CNN Activations
=> Repeated review based image captioning for image evidence review
=> Repeatedly Smoothing, Discrete Scale-Space Evolution and Dominant Point Detection
=> Repeater-Type SAR Deceptive Jamming Method Based on Joint Encoding of Amplitude and Phase in the Intra-Pulse and Inter-Pulse, A
=> Repertoire and Efficiency of Students' Strategies for General-Reference Maps
=> Repetition-aware Image Sequence Sampling for Recognizing Repetitive Human Actions
=> Repetition-based dense single-view reconstruction
=> Repetition Estimation
=> Repetitive Action Counting with Motion Feature Learning
=> Repetitive Activity Counting by Sight and Sound
=> Repetitive and Morphological Padding for Object-Based Video Coding
=> Repetitive motion analysis: segmentation and event classification
=> REPF-Net: Distortion-Aware Re-Projection Fusion Network for Object Detection in Panorama Image
=> Rephrasing Visual Questions by Specifying the Entropy of the Answer Distribution
=> Replacement Algorithms for Fingerprint Template Update
=> Replacement Based Video De-Interlacing Technique by Feathering Effect Detection and Artifact Agglomeration Index, A
=> Replacing Labeled Real-image Datasets with Auto-generated Contours
=> Replacing Mobile Camera ISP with a Single Deep Learning Model
=> Replacing picture regions in H.264/AVC bitstream by utilizing independent slices
=> Replacing the Red Band with the Red-SWIR Band (0.74 rho red+0.26 rho swir) Can Reduce the Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices to Soil Background
=> Replay-based Online Adaptation for Unsupervised Deep Visual Odometry
=> Replay Attention and Data Augmentation Network for 3D Dense Alignment and Face Reconstruction
=> Replay: Multi-modal Multi-view Acted Videos for Casual Holography
=> replenishment technique for low bit-rate video compression based on wavelets and vector quantization, A
=> Replicated Data Algorithms in Image Processing
=> Replicating Coded Content in Crowdsourcing-Based CDN Systems
=> Replicator Dynamics in the Iterative Process for Accurate Range Image Matching
=> Replicator Graph Clustering
=> Reply to Comments on 'A New Feedforward Hybrid Active Noise Control System'
=> Reply to Comments on A New Shape Factor
=> Reply to Comments on Compact Polarimetry Based on Symmetry Properties of Geophysical Media: The pi/4 Mode
=> Reply to Comments on Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
=> Reply to Comments on Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
=> Reply to Comments on: optimality test for fixed points
=> Reply to Comments
=> Reply to Correction to An Investigation of Bistatic Calibration Objects
=> Reply to David A. Pintsov
=> Reply to Philippe Martin
=> Reply to the Comments on Comparative Study with New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
=> Reply to the comments on Frequency Decomposition and Compounding of Ultrasound Medical Images with Wavelet Packets
=> Reply to Vauhkonen: Comment on Tompalski et al. Combining Multi-Date Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Photogrammetric Data for Forest Growth and Yield Modelling. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 347
=> Reply to: Comments on Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks
=> RepMatch: Robust Feature Matching and Pose for Reconstructing Modern Cities
=> RepMet: Representative-Based Metric Learning for Classification and Few-Shot Object Detection
=> RepMix: Representation Mixing for Robust Attribution of Synthesized Images
=> RepMix: Representation Mixing for Robust Attribution of Synthesized Images
=> RepMLPNet: Hierarchical Vision MLP with Re-parameterized Locality
=> RepMode: Learning to Re-Parameterize Diverse Experts for Subcellular Structure Prediction
=> RepNet: Efficient On-Device Learning via Feature Reprogramming
=> RepNet: Weakly Supervised Training of an Adversarial Reprojection Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
=> REPNP: Plug-and-Play with Deep Reinforcement Learning Prior for Robust Image Restoration
=> Repopulating Street Scenes
=> Report from the AND 2009 working group on noisy text datasets
=> Report of the NSF/ARPA Workshop on 3D Object Representation for Computer Vision
=> Report on the 1994 workshop on 3-D object representations in computer vision
=> Report on the FG 2015 Video Person Recognition Evaluation
=> Report on the First Contest on Graph Matching Algorithms for Pattern Search in Biological Databases
=> Report on UG2+ challenge Track 1: Assessing algorithms to improve video object detection and classification from unconstrained mobility platforms
=> Reported use of speed control systems: cruise control and speed limiter
=> Reporting Leaders and Followers among Trajectories of Moving Point Objects
=> Reports of the DAS02 working groups
=> RePOSE: Fast 6D Object Pose Refinement via Deep Texture Rendering
=> Reposing Humans by Warping 3D Features
=> Repositioning Error Compensation in Discontinuous Ground-Based SAR Monitoring
=> Repositioning the salient region of videos by using active illumination
=> RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection
=> RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection
=> RepQ-ViT: Scale Reparameterization for Post-Training Quantization of Vision Transformers
=> RepQ-ViT: Scale Reparameterization for Post-Training Quantization of Vision Transformers
=> RePr: Improved Training of Convolutional Filters
=> Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework for Class-Agnostic Counting
=> Representation Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Images Using Dimensionality Reduction
=> Representation and Analysis of Topology in Multi-Representation Databases
=> Representation and classification of 3-D objects
=> Representation and Classification Scheme for Tree-Like Structures in Medical Images: Analyzing the Branching Pattern of Ductal Trees in X-ray Galactograms, A
=> Representation and coding of images with nonseparable two-dimensional wavelets
=> Representation and Coding of Volumetric Images Using the 3-d Derivative of Gaussian Transform, The
=> Representation and Computation of the Spatial Environment for Indoor Navigation
=> Representation and Computation of the Spatial Environment for Indoor Navigation
=> Representation and Detection of Deformable Shapes
=> Representation and Detection of Deformable Shapes
=> Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images
=> Representation and Digitalization of Stone Theatres in Eastern Sicily: The Palazzolo Acreide Theater
=> Representation and Display of Scenes with a Wide Range of Detail, The
=> Representation and encoding of general arbitrary shapes
=> Representation and geometric computation using the extended Gaussian image
=> Representation and Inference of User Intention for Internet Robot
=> Representation and learning of invariance
=> Representation and linking mechanisms for audio in MPEG-7
=> Representation and matching of articulated shapes
=> representation and matching of categorical shape, The
=> Representation and Matching of Images Using Top Points, The
=> Representation and Optimal Recognition of Human Activities
=> Representation and Recognition in Vision
=> Representation and Recognition of 3-D Curves
=> Representation and Recognition of Action in Interactive Spaces
=> Representation and Recognition of Action Using Temporal Templates, The
=> Representation and Recognition of Action Using Temporal Templates, The
=> Representation and Recognition of Complex Human Motion
=> Representation and Recognition of Events in Surveillance Video Using Petri Nets
=> Representation and Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Deformable Templates
=> Representation and Recognition of Surface Shapes in Range Images: A Differential Geometry Approach
=> Representation and Recognition of Text Using Hidden Markov Models, The
=> Representation and Reconconstruction of Triangular Irregular Networks with Vertical Walls
=> Representation and reconstruction of map regions
=> Representation and Retrieval of Video Scene by Using Object Actions and Their Spatio-temporal Relationships
=> Representation and Segmentation of a Cluttered Scene Using Fused Edge and Surface Data
=> Representation and Self-Similarity of Shapes
=> Representation and Self-Similarity of Shapes
=> Representation and Spatially Adaptive Segmentation for PolSAR Images Based on Wedgelet Analysis
=> Representation and synthesis of behaviour using Gaussian mixtures
=> Representation and the Dimensions of Shape Deformation
=> Representation and transformation of uncertainty in an evidence theory framework
=> Representation and Visual Recognition of Complex, Multi-Agent Actions Using Belief Networks
=> Representation Bound for Human Facial Mimic with the Aid of Principal Component Analysis
=> Representation Compensation Networks for Continual Semantic Segmentation
=> Representation constraint-based dual-channel network for face antispoofing
=> Representation Decomposition for Image Manipulation and Beyond
=> Representation Disentanglement in Generative Models with Contrastive Learning
=> Representation Disparity-aware Distillation for 3D Object Detection
=> Representation Flow for Action Recognition
=> Representation for Image Structure and Its Application to Object Selection Using Freehand Sketches, A
=> Representation Issues in the ML Estimation of Camera Motion
=> Representation learning by hierarchical ELM auto-encoder with double random hidden layers
=> Representation Learning by Learning to Count
=> Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces
=> Representation Learning for Cloud Classification
=> Representation Learning for Contextual Object and Region Detection in Remote Sensing
=> Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Classification
=> Representation Learning for Point Clouds with Variational Autoencoders
=> Representation learning for very short texts using weighted word embedding aggregation
=> Representation Learning for Visual Object Tracking by Masked Appearance Transfer
=> Representation learning from videos in-the-wild: An object-centric approach
=> Representation Learning of Histopathology Images using Graph Neural Networks
=> Representation learning of image composition for aesthetic prediction
=> Representation Learning of Temporal Dynamics for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
=> Representation Learning of Vertex Heatmaps for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction From Multi-View Images
=> Representation Learning on Unit Ball with 3D Roto-translational Equivariance
=> Representation Learning on Visual-Symbolic Graphs for Video Understanding
=> Representation Learning Optimization for 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment Without Reference
=> Representation Learning Through Latent Canonicalizations
=> Representation learning using deep random vector functional link networks for clustering
=> Representation Learning Using Rank Loss for Robust Neurosurgical Skills Evaluation
=> Representation Learning via Global Temporal Alignment and Cycle-Consistency
=> Representation Learning with a Variational Autoencoder for Predicting Nitrogen Requirement in Rice
=> Representation Learning With Class Level Autoencoder for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
=> Representation learning with deep sparse auto-encoder for multi-task learning
=> Representation Learning with Information Theory to Detect Covid-19 and Its Severity
=> Representation Learning with Smooth Autoencoder
=> Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to Mitigate Bias
=> Representation Learning with Very Limited Images: The Potential of Self-, Synthetic- and Formula-Supervision
=> Representation Learning, Scene Understanding, and Feature Fusion for Drowsiness Detection
=> Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
=> Representation Method for Complex Road Networks in Virtual Geographic Environments, A
=> Representation of 3D Surfaces by Two-Variable Fourier Descriptors
=> Representation of Block-Based Image Features in a Multi-Scale Framework for Built-Up Area Detection
=> Representation of Categories in Filters of Deep Neural Networks
=> Representation of Chemical Spectral Data for Classification, The
=> Representation of colored images by manifolds embedded in higher dimensional non-Euclidean space
=> Representation of Contours and Regions for Efficient Computer Search
=> Representation Of Cultural Heritage From Traditional Drawing To 3d Survey: The Case Study Of Casamary's Abbey, The
=> Representation of Cultural Objects by Image Sets with Directional Illumination
=> Representation of Deformable Object Structure and Motion for Autonomous Manipulation Using Relative Elasticity
=> Representation of Digital Line Segments and Their Preimages
=> representation of digital planes by least square fits, A
=> Representation of Digitized Contours in Terms of Conic Arcs and Straight-Line Segments
=> representation of digitized patterns and an edge tracking thinning method, A
=> Representation of enclosing surfaces from simple voxelized objects by means of a chain code
=> Representation of facial expression categories in continuous arousal-valence space: Feature and correlation
=> Representation of Facial Features by Catmull-Rom Splines
=> Representation of Figures by Labeled Graphs
=> Representation of Fuzzy Shapes
=> Representation of Hand Dorsal Vein Features Using a Low Dimensional Representation Integrating Cholesky Decomposition
=> Representation of High Resolution Images from Low Sampled Fourier Data: Applications to Dynamic MRI
=> Representation of Human Postures for Vision-Based Gesture Recognition in Real-Time
=> Representation of image content based on RoI-BoW
=> Representation of Image Texture, The
=> Representation of images for classification with independent features
=> Representation of Imprecise Digital Objects
=> Representation of Many-Sided Polygons and Polygonal Lines for Rapid Processing
=> Representation of motion activity in hierarchical levels for video indexing and filtering
=> Representation of Moving Images with Skewed Planes and Its Application to the Video Coding
=> Representation of Objects in a Volumetric Frequency Domain with Application to Face Recognition
=> Representation of occurrences for road vehicle traffic
=> Representation of online handwriting using multi-component sinusoidal model
=> Representation of Polyhedral Objects Using SP-Octrees
=> Representation of Range Data with B-Spline Surface Patches
=> Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps
=> Representation of Specular Appearance, A
=> Representation of Speech in Deep Neural Networks, The
=> Representation of structured events and efficient procedures for their recognition
=> Representation of Surfaces with Normal Cycles and Application to Surface Registration
=> Representation of Synthetic Shadows On 3D Digital Models for The Volumetric Interpretation On Concave-convex Archaeological Artifacts
=> Representation of the Fourier Transform by Fourier Series
=> Representation of Three-Dimensional Motion in Dynamic Scenes
=> representation of time series based on implicit polynomial curve, A
=> Representation of Uncertainty in Spatial Target Tracking
=> Representation of Visual Scenes
=> Representation of watercolor based on regions
=> Representation of WOS Filters Through Support Vector Machine, A
=> Representation Reconstruction Head for Object Detection
=> Representation Recovering for Self-Supervised Pre-training on Medical Images
=> Representation Robustness and Feature Expansion for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning
=> Representation Sharing for Fast Object Detector Search and Beyond
=> Representation Similarity Analysis for Efficient Task Taxonomy and Transfer Learning
=> Representation Space-Based Discriminative Graph Construction for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Representation Space Paradigm of Concurrent Evolving Object Descriptions, The
=> Representation Space Paradigm of Concurrent Evolving Object Descriptions, The
=> Representation Space: An Approach to the Integration of Visual Information
=> Representation Theory for Morphological Image and Signal Processing, A
=> Representation transfer and data cleaning in multi-views for text simplification
=> Representation without Reconstruction: Reply
=> Representation, Classification and Modelling of Graphs for Efficient Pattern Recognition in Line Images
=> Representation, Coding and Interactive Rendering of High-Resolution Panoramic Images and Video Using MPEG-4
=> Representation, Display, and Manipulation of 3D Digital Scenes and Their Medical Applications
=> Representation, Extraction and Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features
=> Representational Gradient Boosting: Backpropagation in the Space of Functions
=> Representational image generation for 3D objects
=> Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
=> Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
=> Representational strategy in the visual cortex
=> Representations and Algorithms for Force-Feedback Display
=> Representations and metrics for off-line handwriting segmentation
=> Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches
=> Representations for recognizing complex curved 3D objects
=> Representations of Keypoint-Based Semantic Concept Detection: A Comprehensive Study
=> Representations of the Complex-Valued Frequency-Domain LPC for Audio Coding
=> Representations, Metrics and Statistics for Shape Analysis of Elastic Graphs
=> Representative-Discriminative Learning for Open-Set Land Cover Classification of Satellite Imagery
=> Representative band selection for hyperspectral image classification
=> Representative Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Representative Batch Normalization with Feature Calibration
=> Representative Color Transform for Image Enhancement
=> Representative cross information potential clustering
=> Representative discovery of structure cues for coronary heart disease recognition based on quality assessment
=> Representative Discovery of Structure Cues for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation
=> Representative Fashion Feature Extraction by Leveraging Weakly Annotated Online Resources
=> Representative Feature Alignment for Adaptive Object Detection
=> Representative feature chain for single gallery image face recognition
=> Representative Forgery Mining for Fake Face Detection
=> Representative Graph Neural Network
=> Representative Image Thumbnails for Good Browsing
=> Representative Learning via Span-Based Mutual Information for PolSAR Image Classification
=> Representative Multiple Kernel Learning for Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Representative Noise-Free Complete-Link Classification with Application to Protein Structures
=> Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
=> Representative Patterns for Model-Based Matching
=> Representative pixels compression algorithm using graph signal processing for colorization-based image coding
=> Representative reference-set and betweenness centrality for scene image categorization
=> Representative sampling with certainty propagation for image retrieval
=> Representative Segment-Based Emotion Analysis and Classification with Automatic Respiration Signal Segmentation
=> Representative Selection on a Hypersphere
=> Representative Selection with Structured Sparsity
=> Representativeness of Two Global Gridded Precipitation Data Sets in the Intensity of Surface Short-Term Precipitation over China
=> Representing 2D Digital Images Through a Normalized Measure of Redundancy
=> Representing 3-D Objects in Range Images Using Geons
=> Representing 3D shapes based on implicit surface functions learned from RBF neural networks
=> Representing 3D Shapes with Probabilistic Directed Distance Fields
=> Representing 3D texture on mesh manifolds for retrieval and recognition applications
=> Representing a Cascade of Complex Gaussian AR Models by a Single Laplace AR Model
=> Representing a Global Map for a Mobile Robot with Relational Local Maps from Sensory Data
=> Representing a Partially Observed Non-Rigid 3D Human Using Eigen-Texture and Eigen-Deformation
=> Representing and Characterizing Handwritten Mathematical Symbols through Succinct Functional Approximation
=> Representing and Comparing Shapes Using Shape Polynomials
=> Representing and Compressing Facial Animation Parameters Using Facial Action Basis Functions
=> Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Using Player Roles
=> Representing and Estimating 3-D Lines
=> Representing and Learning High Dimensional Data with the Optimal Transport Map from a Probabilistic Viewpoint
=> Representing and recognizing complete set of geons using extended superquadrics
=> Representing and recognizing complete set of geons using extended superquadrics
=> Representing and recognizing complex events in surveillance applications
=> Representing and recognizing objects with massive local image patches
=> Representing and Recognizing the Visual Appearance of Materials using Three-dimensional Textons
=> Representing and recognizing visual dynamic events with support vector machines
=> Representing and Retrieving Regions using Binary Partition Trees
=> Representing and Retrieving Video Shots in Human-Centric Brain Imaging Space
=> Representing arbitrarily-shaped regions: A Case Study of Overcomplete Representations
=> Representing Boundary-Ambiguous Scene Online With Scale-Encoded Cascaded Grids and Radiance Field Deblurring
=> Representing Complex Evolving Spatial Networks: Geographic Network Automata
=> Representing Contours as Sequence of One Dimensional Functions
=> Representing cultural heritage in digital forms for VR systems through computer vision techniques
=> Representing Curves at Their Natural Scales
=> Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis
=> Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis
=> Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory graphs
=> Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory graphs
=> Representing Diffusion MRI in 5-D Simplifies Regularization and Segmentation of White Matter Tracts
=> Representing Directions for Hough Transforms
=> Representing Edge Models via Local Principal Component Analysis
=> Representing Environment Through Target-Guided Navigation
=> Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
=> Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
=> Representing Geographic Information in Multidimensional XML: Appling Dimensions in Spatial Databases
=> Representing Graphs via Gromov-Wasserstein Factorization
=> Representing Images in 200 Bytes: Compression via Triangulation
=> Representing images of a rotating object with cyclic permutation for view-based pose estimation
=> Representing Images Using Curvilinear Feature Driven Subdivision Surfaces
=> Representing Images Using Nonorthogonal Haar-Like Bases
=> Representing images using points on image surfaces
=> Representing local shape geometry from multi-view silhouette perspective: A distinctive and robust binary 3D feature
=> Representing local structure in Bayesian networks by Boolean functions
=> Representing Local Structure Using Tensors II
=> Representing Modifiable and Reusable Musical Content on the Web With Constrained Multi-Hierarchical Structures
=> Representing Moving Images with Layers
=> Representing Moving Images with Layers
=> Representing Moving Images with Layers
=> Representing Moving Images with Layers
=> Representing Moving Images with Layers
=> Representing Multimodal Behaviors With Mean Location for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
=> Representing Multiscale N-folded Symmetry in Color Texture
=> Representing object manifolds by parametrized SOMs
=> Representing Objects in Video as Space-Time Volumes by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes
=> Representing OCRed Documents in HTML
=> Representing Orientation in n-Dimensional Spaces
=> Representing Oriented Piecewise C^2 Surfaces
=> Representing Oriented Piecewise C^2 Surfaces
=> Representing Pairs of Orientations in the Plane
=> Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action Recognition
=> Representing pictures with sound
=> Representing plane closed curves with Hartley descriptors
=> Representing point clouds with generative conditional invertible flow networks
=> Representing Relative Visual Attributes with a Reference-Point-Based Decision Model
=> Representing Roots on the Basis of Reeb Graphs in Plant Phenotyping
=> Representing scenes for real-time context classification on mobile devices
=> Representing Shape Collections With Alignment-Aware Linear Models
=> Representing shape with a spatial pyramid kernel
=> Representing Space for Practical Reasoning
=> Representing Spatial Data with Graph Contrastive Learning
=> Representing Stereo Data with the Delaunay Triangulation
=> Representing Surface Curvature Discontinuities on Curved Surfaces
=> Representing Surface Curvature Discontinuities on Curved Surfaces
=> Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part I: Overview and Key Issues
=> Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part II: Impact, Comparison, and Future Developments
=> Representing topological relationships for spatiotemporal objects
=> Representing Topological Structures Using Cell-Chains
=> Representing Videos as Discriminative Sub-graphs for Action Recognition
=> Representing Videos Using Mid-level Discriminative Patches
=> Representing visual appearance by video Brownian covariance descriptor for human action recognition
=> Representing volumetric vascular structures using curve skeletons
=> Representing Volumetric Videos as Dynamic MLP Maps
=> Representing Volumetric Videos as Dynamic MLP Maps
=> Reprocessed MODIS Version 6.1 Leaf Area Index Dataset and Its Evaluation for Land Surface and Climate Modeling
=> Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
=> Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improve the Radiometric and Spectral Long-Term Accuracy and Stability
=> Reproducibility and Practical Adoption of GEOBIA with Open-Source Software in Docker Containers
=> Reproducibility and reliability of the DTI fiber tracking algorithm integrated in the Sisyphe software
=> Reproducibility of Global and Local Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Micro-Computed Tomography of Iliac Crest Biopsies
=> Reproducibility of Left Ventricular CINE DENSE Strain in Pediatric Subjects with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
=> Reproducibility of Pansharpening Methods and Quality Indexes versus Data Formats
=> Reproducible Classification of Infarct Heterogeneity Using Fuzzy Clustering on Multicontrast Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images
=> Reproducible evaluation of Pan-Tilt-Zoom tracking
=> Reproducible research in signal processing
=> Reproducible Research
=> Reproducible Scaling Laws for Contrastive Language-Image Learning
=> Reproducing deep 3D images from captured light fields
=> Reproducing Kernel Hilbert-Space Method for Optimal Interpolation of Potential Field Data
=> Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Q-Ball Imaging, A
=> Reproducing kernel Hilbert space based estimation of systems of ordinary differential equations
=> Reproducing Sensory Induced Hallucinations via Neural Fields
=> Reproduction Angular Error for Evaluating the Performance of Illuminant Estimation Algorithms, The
=> Reproduction Angular Error: An Improved Performance Metric for Illuminant Estimation
=> Reproduction of Colour, The
=> Reproduction of Colour, The
=> Reproduction of the Marine Debris Distribution in the Seto Inland Sea Immediately after the July 2018 Heavy Rains in Western Japan Using Multidate Landsat-8 Data
=> Reproduction Of Turkish Traditional Wall-painting Using Close Range Photogrammetry, A Case Study In Gaziantep
=> Reprojection Flow for Image Registration Across Seasons
=> Reprojection of VIIRS SDR Imagery Using Concurrent Gradient Search
=> Repudiation Detection in Handwritten Documents
=> Repulsion Loss: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd
=> Repulsive Force Unit for Garment Collision Handling in Neural Networks, A
=> Repurposing existing deep networks for caption and aesthetic-guided image cropping
=> Repurposing GANs for One-Shot Semantic Part Segmentation
=> Repurposing GANs for One-Shot Semantic Part Segmentation
=> Reputation-Aware, Trajectory-Based Recruitment of Smart Vehicles for Public Sensing
=> RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again
=> REQA: Coarse-to-fine assessment of image quality to alleviate the range effect
=> REQA: Coarse-to-fine assessment of image quality to alleviate the range effect
=> requantization algorithm for the transcoding of JPEG images, A
=> Requantization for Transcoding of MPEG-2 Intraframes
=> Requantization transcoding for H.264/AVC video coding
=> Requantization Transcoding in Pixel and Frequency Domain for Intra 16x16 in H.264/AVC
=> Request Analysis of DGPS/IMU on the Air-Borne INSAR System
=> Request for Clarity over the End of Sequence Token in the Self-critical Sequence Training, A
=> Request for Clarity over the End of Sequence Token in the Self-critical Sequence Training, A
=> Requiem for Freeway Travel Time Estimation Methods Based on Blind Speed Interpolations Between Point Measurements
=> Required range of electric vehicles: An analysis of longitudinal mobility data
=> Requirement Analysis for the Definition of Reusable Spatial Objects
=> Requirements and Tests for Phase Preservation in a SAR Processor
=> Requirements for a Game-Based Approach to Strengthen Leadership in Health Care
=> Requirements for a Gesture Specification Language: A Comparison of Two Representation Formalisms
=> Requirements for Aerial Images Quality, Obtained for Mapping Purposes
=> Requirements for Camera Calibration: Must Accuracy Come with a High Price?
=> Requirements for Digital / Digitized Aerial Imagery A Manual of the Working Group of Forest Interpreters of Aerial Photographs
=> Requirements for Future Collision Avoidance Systems in Visual Flight: A Human-Centered Approach
=> Requirements for high quality video coding standards
=> Requirements for Sequential Flow and Static Image Analysis: A Preliminary Study
=> Requirements on Long-Term Accessibility and Preservation of Research Results with Particular Regard to Their Provenance
=> Requirements, Development, and Evaluation of A National Building Standard: A Swedish Case Study
=> reranking approach for context-based concept fusion in video indexing and retrieval, A
=> Reranking of person re-identification by manifold-based approach
=> Reranking optimization for person re-identification under temporal-spatial information and common network consistency constraints
=> RERBEE: Robust Efficient Registration via Bifurcations and Elongated Elements Applied to Retinal Fluorescein Angiogram Sequences
=> Res-Dense Net for 3D Covid Chest CT-Scan Classification
=> RES-PCA: A Scalable Approach to Recovering Low-Rank Matrices
=> RES-StS: Referring Expression Speaker via Self-Training With Scorer for Goal-Oriented Vision-Language Navigation
=> RES Signatures of Ice Bottom Near to Dome C (Antarctica)
=> RES: Computing the Interactions Between Real and Virtual Objects in Video Sequences
=> RES: Computing the Interactions Between Real and Virtual Objects in Video Sequences
=> Res2-unet: An Enhanced Network for Generalized Nuclear Segmentation in Pathological Images
=> Res2-Unet+, a Practical Oil Tank Detection Network for Large-Scale High Spatial Resolution Images
=> Res2Net: A New Multi-Scale Backbone Architecture
=> Res3ATN: Deep 3D Residual Attention Network for Hand Gesture Recognition in Videos
=> Resample-Based Hybrid Multi-Hypothesis Scheme for Distributed Compressive Video Sensing
=> Resample-Based SVA Algorithm for Sidelobe Reduction of SAR/ISAR Imagery With Noninteger Nyquist Sampling Rate, A
=> resample strategy and artificial bee colony optimization-based 3d range imaging registration, A
=> Resampling-based selective clustering ensembles
=> Resampling 4-D Images Using Adaptive Filtering
=> Resampling approach for one-Class classification
=> Resampling Approach to Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Meshes
=> Resampling for face detection by self-adaptive genetic algorithm
=> Resampling for Face Recognition
=> Resampling for Spatial Scalability
=> Resampling Images to a Regular Grid From a Non-Regular Subset of Pixel Positions Using Frequency Selective Reconstruction
=> Resampling Methods for Particle Filtering: Classification, implementation, and strategies
=> Resampling of data between arbitrary grids using convolution interpolation
=> Resampling of scanned imagery for rectification and registration
=> Resampling Structure from Motion
=> Rescaling-Assisted Super-Resolution for Medium-Low Resolution Remote Sensing Ship Detection
=> Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Parameters
=> Rescaling Egocentric Vision: Collection, Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100
=> Rescan: Inductive Instance Segmentation for Indoor RGBD Scans
=> Rescheduling Trains Using Petri Nets and Heuristic Search
=> Rescoring of N-Best Hypotheses Using Top-Down Selective Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition
=> Rescue-robot show-down
=> Rescue Dog Action Recognition by Integrating Ego-centric Video, Sound and Sensor Information
=> RescueNet: Joint Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery
=> ResDepth: A deep residual prior for 3D reconstruction from high-resolution satellite images
=> ResDepth: Learned Residual Stereo Reconstruction
=> ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation
=> ResDNN: deep residual learning for natural image denoising
=> Research about security mechanism in wireless sensor network
=> Research Advances and Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Ground Vehicles
=> Research advances in intelligent collision avoidance and adaptive cruise control
=> Research and Analysis of Ecological Environment Quality in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin between 2000 and 2019
=> Research and Analyze about Signal Enhancement Algorithm in Image Recognition System
=> Research and Application of BIM Engineering Management Platform Combining Big Data
=> Research and Application of Digital Media Exhibition Technology (DMET) in the Small City's Museum, The
=> Research and Application of Historical 3D Modeling Based on Archived Non-oblique Aerial Photos
=> Research and Application of Lidar Technology In Cadastral Surveying And Mapping
=> Research and Application of Spatial Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Conservation-Case Study on Grand Canal of CHINA, The
=> Research and Application of Video Image Bit Rate Control Based on PID Controller and ADV611
=> Research and Communication of Urban History in 4D Using Historical Photographs: A Status Report of the Research Group UrbanHistory4D
=> Research and Design of CAS Protocol Identity Authentication
=> Research and design of collimating prism that can obtain parallel light
=> Research and design of GPU-based network video stream decoding and playing system
=> Research and Design of Navigation Simulator Dome Laboratory
=> Research and Design of Smart Home Speech Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
=> Research and Design of the Base-height Ratio for the Three Linear Array Camera of Satellite Photogrammetry, The
=> Research and Display of The Restoration of Zhaoxi-ling Based On VR And AR Technology
=> Research and Engineering Practice of Emergency Geographic Information Collaborative Service Mode with Crowdsourced Data
=> Research and Evaluation on Dynamic Maintenance of an Elevation Datum Based on CORS Network Deformation
=> Research and Implement of Head Milled Rice Detection High-Speed Algorithm Based on FPGA
=> Research and Implementation on Face Detection Approach Based on Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Research And Practical Trends In Geospatial Sciences
=> Research and Practice of Virtual Simulation Experiment of Computer Major in Colleges
=> Research and realization of automatic test system for ADC based on Matlab
=> Research and simulation of spatial spectrum estimation algorithm
=> Research and Technological Innovation for The Knowledge, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage in Sicily
=> Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Automated Vehicles
=> Research Challenges for Visualization Software
=> Research Contributions with Algorithmic Comparison on the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
=> Research Data Management Training for Geographers: First Impressions
=> Research Gap Analysis of Remote Sensing Application in Fisheries: Prospects for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
=> Research Hotspots Analysis of E-commerce Security in China
=> Research in Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery
=> Research in codec optimization and the application of SP-frame in H.264/AVC
=> Research in HDFS based on the campus network environment
=> Research in Image Understanding and Automated Cartography: 1997-1998
=> Research in Image Understanding and Automated Cartography: 1997-1998
=> Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1993-1994
=> Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1994-1995
=> Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1995-1996
=> Research into the Optimal Regulation of the Groundwater Table and Quality in the Southern Plain of Beijing Using Geographic Information Systems Data and Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Research issues in image registration for remote sensing
=> Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
=> Research of 3D face reconstruction based on one image
=> research of 3D parametric modeling method along railways based on cylindrical projection, The
=> research of a basic language of expert systems for pattern recognition-design and realization of LOG-BASIC programming language, The
=> Research of Acoustic Signal De-Noising Using Wavelet Transform
=> Research of Algorithm for Handwritten Character Recognition in Correcting Assignment System, The
=> Research of an Embedded Processor Element for Multimedia Domain, The
=> Research of Automatic Generation for Engineering Geological Survey Reports Based on a Four-Dimensional Dynamic Template
=> Research of Automatic Needle Puncture Based on Ultrasound Image Processing
=> Research of biogas generator monitoring system model based on probability Petri nets
=> Research of biogas power generator system based on internet technology
=> Research of Chain Model Based on CNN-TDNNF in Yulin Dialect Speech Recognition, The
=> Research of Computer Assisted Astronomical Positioning Algorithm
=> Research of Construction Mechanism of Vassal State's City Group during Spring and Autumn Period Based on the Analyzation of Geographic Image: Take south region of Shandong as example, A
=> Research of data packet transmission based on SMS services
=> Research of Deformation and Soil Moisture in Loess Landslide Simultaneous Retrieved with Ground-Based GNSS
=> Research of Digital Watermarking Based on DWT and Holography Image
=> Research of Distance-Intensity Imaging Algorithm for Pulsed LiDAR Based on Pulse Width Correction
=> Research of Double-Threshold Segmentation of Brazing-Area Defect of Saw Based on Otsu and HSV Color Space
=> Research of establishment and application for spatio-temporal data models of an open-pit stope
=> Research of face recognition based on SVD
=> Research of Finger Vein Recognition Based on Fusion of Wavelet Moment and Horizontal and Vertical 2DPCA
=> Research of Full-Wave Acoustic Logging Signal Processing, The
=> Research of Fuzhou Historical Building Management Platform Based On Data Warehouse Technology
=> Research of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition on Ultrasonic Image Diagnoses of Multi-Layered Adhesive Structure in Solid Rocket Motor
=> Research of Image Compression Based on Optical Wavelet Transform
=> Research of Image Matching Algorithm Based On Rotation Vector Field
=> Research of Line Matching Algorithm Under The Improved Homograph Matrix Constraint Condition, The
=> Research of Location Algorithm Model Based on Fuzzy Identification with Stratified Synchronization and Cooperative Difference, The
=> Research of Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal Processing Based on Wavelet De-Noising and EMD
=> research of MPPT implementation strategy based on the improved conductance increment method, A
=> Research of Multi-Baseline INSAR Elevation Inversion Based on MLHE Method
=> Research of Object Tracking Algorithm Applied in Passenger Flow Statistics in Public Traffic
=> Research of obstacle vehicles avoidance for automated heavy vehicle platoon by switching the formation
=> Research of overload control algorithm fairness based on Parlay
=> Research of Parallel Magnetic Field Tomography Based on Finite Element Method, The
=> Research of parallel placed submarine cable route detection method
=> Research of pseudo frame skip technology applied in H.264
=> Research of red tide visualization system based on OpenGL
=> Research of Scoliosis Detection Method Based on Kinect
=> Research of Seismogenic Structures of the 2016 and 2022 Menyuan Earthquakes, in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
=> research of semantic content applied to image fusion, The
=> Research of space target segmentation algorithm based on ToF camera
=> Research of Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Decision-Making Assistant System for Disabled Person Affairs Based on Mapworld, The
=> Research of STRAIGHT Spectrogram and Difference Subspace Algorithm for Speech Recognition
=> Research of Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Multi-Images of Random Micro-Offset
=> Research of Target Detection and Classification Techniques Using Millimeter-Wave Radar and Vision Sensors
=> Research of The Camera Calibration Using Series of Images With Common Center of Projection
=> Research of the Dual-Band Log-Linear Analysis Model Based on Physics for Bathymetry without In-Situ Depth Data in the South China Sea
=> Research of the Embedded Data Pre-Processing and Fault Prognostics System for Turbine-Generator Units
=> Research of Tool Wear Predictive Technique Based on Support Vector Machine
=> research of tree growth based on image vision theory, The
=> Research of Vision Localization and Measuring System for Magnetic Field Distribution
=> Research of visual tracking based on prior knowledge
=> Research of wind turbine gearbox vibration signal based on the wavelet analysis
=> Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomography
=> Research on a 3D Geological Disaster Monitoring Platform Based on REST Service
=> Research on a coordinated cornering brake control of three-axle heavy vehicles based on hardware-in-loop test
=> Research on a Correction Method to Existing Grid-based DEM
=> Research on a DSRC-Based Rear-End Collision Warning Model
=> Research on a face recognition algorithm based on 3D face data and 2D face image matching
=> Research on a hole filling algorithm of a point cloud based on structure from motion
=> Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multivehicle collaborative mapping and a potential field method
=> Research on a Multi-Sources Remote Sensing Fusion Method Based on Least Square Model Combined with Color Space Transform
=> Research on a road displacement model and parameters determination based on structure mechanics
=> Research on a Simulation Model of a Skywave Over-the-Horizon Radar Sea Echo Spectrum
=> Research on A Special Hyper-Pixel for SAR Radiometric Monitoring
=> Research on Adaptive Classification Algorithm of Remote Sensing Image
=> Research on adaptive cruise control algorithm considering road conditions
=> Research on Adaptive Cruise Control based on curve radius prediction
=> Research on adaptive local feature enhancement in convolutional neural networks
=> Research on an embedded-based mask wearing detection system
=> Research on an Intra-Pulse Orthogonal Waveform and Methods Resisting Interrupted-Sampling Repeater Jamming within the Same Frequency Band
=> Research on an Urban Building Area Extraction Method with High-Resolution PolSAR Imaging Based on Adaptive Neighborhood Selection Neighborhoods for Preserving Embedding
=> Research on Analysis Method of Characteristics Generation of Urban Rail Transit
=> Research on Analytical Solution Tensor Voting
=> Research on and Application of GNSS Assisted MINS Multiscale Learning Method Based on Chaotic Neural Network
=> Research on Application of Bidirectional Thyristor in the Intelligent Air Filter
=> Research on Application of Weighted Sampling Bayesian Network Parameter Learning in Bridge Condition Assessment
=> Research on Approach of Data Association Based on Fuzzy Logic for Nomadic Tracking Application
=> Research on Approach of Entropy-Based Wavelet Filtering for Nomadic Service
=> Research on Approximate Spatial Keyword Group Queries Based on Differential Privacy and Exclusion Preferences in Road Networks
=> research on arabic numeral symbol's use in poster design, The
=> Research on Arc Sag Measurement Methods for Transmission Lines Based on Deep Learning and Photogrammetry Technology
=> Research on assessment of air traffic control operation quality based on track data
=> Research on auto-calibration technology of intelligent vehicle camera based on machine vision
=> Research on automatic determining clustering centers algorithm based on linear regression analysis
=> Research on Automatic Dish Recognition Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
=> Research on Automatic Identification Method of Terraces on the Loess Plateau Based on Deep Transfer Learning
=> Research on Automatic Inspection and Classification for Middle Thickness Pb Alloy Castings Based on Machine Vision Recognition Technology
=> Research on automatic target detection and recognition based on deep learning
=> Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS Observations Based on Sequence Matching Method
=> Research on Azimuth DBF Method of HRWS SPC MAB SAR Imaging Mode with Non-Ideal Antenna Mode
=> Research on BiLSTM-GRU Water Quality Prediction Model Based on Attention Mechanism
=> Research on Blunder Detection Methods of Pseudorange Observation in GNSS Observation Domain
=> Research on CA Differencing for Remote Sensing Change Detection
=> Research on calculation Method of On-Orbit Instrumental Line Shape Function for the Greenhouse Gases Monitoring Instrument on the GaoFen-5B Satellite
=> Research on Camera Calibration Technology Based on Deep Neural Network in Mine Environment
=> Research on Camera Internal Parameters Self-Calibration Method for Mobile 3D Coordinates Vision Measurement System
=> Research on CCD De-Noising Technology
=> Research on Chaos-Based Message Digest Method for Medical Images
=> Research on Chinese characters recognition in complex background images
=> Research on Chinese financial invoice recognition technology
=> Research on Chinese Traditional Garden Immersive Aesthetic Experience in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
=> Research on classification and influencing factors of metro commuting patterns by combining smart card data and household travel survey data
=> Research on Classification of Wild Fungi Based on Improved Resnet50 Network
=> Research on CNN Algorithm for Monochromatic Fabric Defect Detection
=> Research on Co-Channel Interference Cancellation for Underwater Acoustic MIMO Communications
=> Research on Collapse Detection in Old Coal Mine Goafs Based on Space-Sky-Earth Remote Sensing Survey
=> Research on Color Space Conversion Model from CMYK to CIE-LAB Based on GRNN
=> Research on Comfort Evaluation Model of Urban Residents' Public Space Lighting Integrating Public Perception and Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data
=> Research on computer vision-based for UAV autonomous landing on a ship
=> Research on conflict detection model for taxi-in process on the apron based on aircraft wingtip keypoint detection
=> Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Based on Electromagnetic Induction Technology
=> Research on Cross-Regional Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping Based on Transfer Learning, A
=> Research on CSR-DCF Tracking Algorithm based on YOLO Detection, A
=> Research on cyanobacteria blooms monitoring ability of HJ-1 CCD
=> Research on Cyberpunk Images in the Visual Digital Media
=> Research on data classification and feature fusion method of cancer nuclei image based on deep learning
=> Research on data mining models for the internet of things
=> Research on de-motion blur image processing based on deep learning
=> Research on deep learning in the field of mechanical equipment fault diagnosis image quality
=> Research on Deformation Evolution of a Large Toppling Based on Comprehensive Remote Sensing Interpretation and Real-Time Monitoring
=> Research on Design of Antennae Tacking-Pointing Control System for Airborne Platform
=> Research on Detection and Safety Analysis of Unfavorable Geological Bodies Based on OCTEM-PHA
=> Research on Detection Technology of Spoofing under the Mixed Narrowband and Spoofing Interference
=> Research On Differential Coding Method For Satellite Remote Sensing Data Compression
=> Research on Digital Technology's Application in Preservation Planning of Wenming Historical and Cultural Block in Kunming, A
=> Research on Digital Twin Vehicle Stability Monitoring System Based on Side Slip Angle
=> Research on dimension reduction method for hyperspectral remote sensing image based on global mixture coordination factor analysis
=> Research on directional and distance query algorithm based on MOIS-tree
=> Research on DQN Dynamic Bus Multi-Distribution Dynamic Path Decision-making
=> Research on Dual Anti Duplication and Anti-counterfeiting Technology of QR Code Based on Metamerism Characteristics
=> Research on Dynamic Change of Soil Organic Matter Content in Hailun County Using Remotely Sensed Imagery
=> Research on Dynamic Deformation Laws of Super High-Rise Buildings and Visualization Based on GB-RAR and LiDAR Technology
=> Research on E-government information service mechanism based on unified communication technology
=> Research on edge-guided disambiguation module for shadow detection
=> Research on efficient detection network method for remote sensing images based on self attention mechanism
=> Research on Ergonomics Design of the Height and Operation Force for Furniture Lockset
=> Research on Estimation Crop Planting Area by Integrating the Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Data
=> Research on Evaluation Method of Real Estate Registration Data Quality
=> Research on Expression Method of GDP Data Based on GRID
=> Research on Extension of SPARQL Ontology Query Language Considering the Computation of Indoor Spatial Relations
=> Research on Face recognition based on Grey Wolf algorithm optimization
=> Research on Fast Extraction of Information System from Online Social Network Images Based on Big Data Algorithm
=> Research on fatigue detection based on visual features
=> Research on feature extraction algorithm for plantar pressure image and gait analysis in stroke patients
=> Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Positioning Image Based on Area Division of Foreground and Background
=> Research on Feature Importance of Gait Mechanomyography Signal Based on Random Forest
=> Research on Financial Trading Strategies Based on Dynamic Programming Theory
=> Research on fingerprint classification based on twin support vector machine
=> Research on focal segmentation of bone scan based on Swin Transformer
=> Research on Fruit Counting of Xanthoceras Sorbifolium Bunge Based on Deep Learning
=> Research on fuzzy enhancement algorithms for infrared image recognition quality of power internet of things equipment based on membership function
=> Research on Generalized RQD of Rock Mass Based on 3D Slope Model Established by Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry
=> Research on Generating an Indoor Landmark Salience Model for Self-Location and Spatial Orientation from Eye-Tracking Data
=> Research on Glacier Elevation Variability in the Qilian Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Topographic Correction by Pyramid Registration
=> Research on GPU-Based Real-Time MTF Compensation Algorithm
=> Research on Gridding of Urban Spatial Form Based on Fractal Theory
=> Research on HAR-Based Floor Positioning
=> Research On HBIM and Level of Information for The Life Cycle Of Traditional Chinese Built Heritage in Taiwan
=> Research on High-Resolution Reconstruction of Marine Environmental Parameters Using Deep Learning Model
=> Research on High Performance Acquisition and Synchronization of Signals Based on Beidou New System
=> Research on High Precision Positioning Method for Pedestrians in Indoor Complex Environments Based on UWB/IMU
=> Research on high resolution & high sensitivity panoramic surveillance system
=> Research on High Robustness Underwater Target Estimation Method Based on Variational Sparse Bayesian Inference
=> Research on HMM_based speech synthesis for Lhasa dialect
=> Research on Human-in-the-loop Traffic Adaptive Decision Making Method
=> Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attention Mechanism
=> Research on identification and classification of grassland forage based on deep learning and attention mechanisms
=> Research on Identification and Detection of Transmission Line Insulator Defects Based on a Lightweight YOLOv5 Network
=> Research on image compression technology based on Huffman coding
=> Research on image denoising new method based on curvelet transform
=> Research on image feature extraction and retrieval algorithms based on convolutional neural network
=> Research on image preprocessing and target detection of vehicle-machine cooperative system
=> Research on Image Processing Algorithms of Image Stabilization Testing for Sighting Telescope Based on Cross Lines
=> Research on image processing of intelligent building environment based on pattern recognition technology
=> Research on Image Processing Technology of Computer Vision Algorithm
=> Research on image quality in decision management system and information system framework
=> Research on image recognition based on neural network model learning algorithm
=> Research on Image Recognition based on Reinforcement Learning
=> Research on image recognition method of bank financing bill based on binary tree decision
=> Research on Image Recognition Method of In-Service Pipeline Corrosion Fault
=> Research on image restoration algorithms based on BP neural network
=> Research on image screening model of ancient villages
=> Research on image steganography analysis based on deep learning
=> Research on Image Translation Between SAR and Optical Imagery
=> Research on Industrial Monitoring Model Based on Neural Network Improvement
=> Research on Information Extraction of Collapsed Houses by Floods
=> Research on infrared image enhancement and segmentation of power equipment based on partial differential equation
=> Research on Input Schemes for Polarimetric SAR Classification Using Deep Learning
=> Research on Instrument Visibility of Ozone Wind Imaging Interferometer
=> Research on Integrated Static and Dynamic Geometric Calibration Technology for Optical Surveying and Mapping Satellites
=> Research on intelligent campus construction based on virtual reality technology
=> Research on Intelligent Crack Detection in a Deep-Cut Canal Slope in the Chinese South-North Water Transfer Project
=> Research on Intelligent Recognition of Bridge Diseases Based on YOLOv5 and DeepLabv3+
=> Research on Intelligent Transportation Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithms Based on Video
=> Research on Internal Solitary Wave Detection and Analysis Based on Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter Onboard the Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory
=> Research on Inversion and Correction Method of Urban Light Environment Based on Cooperative Observation
=> Research on Iterative Closest Contour Point for Underwater Terrain-Aided Navigation
=> Research on Key Points of Quality Inspection of Aerial Photogrammetry Results and Quality Improvement Measures
=> Research on key technologies of remote design of mechanical products based on artificial intelligence
=> Research on Kinect Calibration and Depth Error Compensation Based on BP Neural Network
=> Research on Landslides Automatic Extraction Model Based on the Improved Mask R-CNN, A
=> Research on Large-Scale Urban Shrinkage and Expansion in the Yellow River Affected Area Using Night Light Data
=> Research on Layout and Simulation of Human-Machine Interface in Vehicle, The
=> Research on Lhasa Tibetan prosodic model of journalese based on respiratory signal
=> Research on License Plate Detection Based on Salient Feature under Complex Background
=> Research on Lightweight Disaster Classification Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Research on Lightweight Network of Human Posture Estimation for Physical Training
=> Research on Long-Term Tidal-Height-Prediction-Based Decomposition Algorithms and Machine Learning Models
=> Research on Management and Publishing of Disaster Emergency Monitoring Data: Take Yingjiang Earthquake as an Example
=> Research on Mask-Wearing Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv7-Tiny
=> Research on Mask Wearing Detection Algorithm Based on Pedestrian Detection in the Post-Pandemic
=> Research on Measurement and Classification System Design and Application about Ultra Steel Dimple
=> Research on Measuring Analysis and Prediction of the Nanoscale Precipitated Phase in Steel, The
=> Research on Methods to Improve Length of Day Precision by Combining with Effective Angular Momentum
=> Research on Minimum Non-Collision Distance and Protection Strategy for Normal Train to Avoid Rear-End Accidents With Braking-Fault Train
=> Research on missile-borne image transmission technology based on compressive sensing
=> Research on Mixed Reality Visual Augmentation Method for Teleoperation Interactive System
=> research on mobile game engine, The
=> Research on Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Method for Underground Long-Narrow Tunnels
=> Research on modeling for submarine cable monitoring system based on timed colored Petri Nets
=> Research on Models Mergence Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation
=> Research on Motion Model for Technique Movements of Competitive Swimming in Virtual Interactive Environment
=> Research on Motor Function of the Elderly in Guangzhou Based on Anthropometry
=> Research on Multi-Domain Dimensionality Reduction Joint Adaptive Processing Method for Range Ambiguous Clutter of FDA-Phase-MIMO Space-Based Early Warning Radar
=> Research on Multi-Mode Medical Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform and the Edge Characteristics of Images
=> Research on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technique for Motor Fault Diagnosis
=> Research on Multi-task Semantic Segmentation Based on Attention and Feature Fusion Method
=> Research on Multiscale Pedestrian Detection Algorithm
=> Research on neural processes with multiple latent variables
=> Research On Non-destructive Testing Technology in Renovating Projects Of Mukden Palace
=> Research on Offline Classification and Counting Algorithm of Long Fitness Video
=> Research on Offline Palmprint Image Enhancement
=> Research on On-line Detection Method and Device Development of HF and Micro Water Content with Optical Image Processing
=> Research on Optimization of Point Cloud Registration ICP Algorithm
=> Research on Optimization of Processing Parcels of New Bare Land Based on Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
=> Research on optimized spatial data query algorithm in the spatial database
=> Research on Ordering Recommendation System of Traditional Chinese Medical Health Preserving Ontology Model based on Context-aware Environment
=> Research on oriented surface defect detection in the aircraft skin-coating process based on an attention detector
=> Research on origin-destination travel demand prediction method of inter-regional online taxi based on SpatialOD-BiConvLSTM
=> Research on Orthorectification of Remote Sensing Images Using GPU-CPU Cooperative Processing
=> Research on parallel cone-beam CT image reconstruction on CUDA-Enabled GPU
=> Research on Parallel Control Mechanism and Its Implementation in ATP
=> Research On Path Planning Of Hull Decontamination Robot Based On Q-Learning
=> Research on Pavement Marking Recognition and Extraction Method
=> Research on Pavement Traffic Load State Perception Based on the Piezoelectric Effect
=> Research on Personalized AEB Strategies Based on Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning
=> Research on Photon-Integrated Interferometric Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction Based on Compressed Sensing
=> Research on Pleasure Experience Design of Housekeeping APP for Middle-Aged and Elderly
=> Research on Polarized Multi-Spectral System and Fusion Algorithm for Remote Sensing of Vegetation Status at Night
=> Research on pornographic images recognition method based on visual words in a compressed domain
=> Research on Positioning and Posing of Mobile Mapping in Metropolis
=> Research on Post-Earthquake Landslide Extraction Algorithm Based on Improved U-Net Model
=> Research on Precise Geometry Model of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
=> Research on prediction method of expressway section traffic flow considering anomaly detection probability
=> Research on Prediction of Surface Deformation in Mining Areas Based on TPE-Optimized Integrated Models and Multi-Temporal InSAR
=> Research on Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Agricultural Standardization Construction in Jingmen in the Era of Big Data
=> Research on Printed Chinese Character Recognition Based on Stroke Features with Optical/Digital Hybrid Realization, A
=> Research on Product Style Design Based on Genetic Algorithm
=> Research on Public Opinion Hot Spot Acquisition Method Based on Reverse Relation in Social Network
=> Research on Quality Evaluation Algorithm of Flight Training for National Day Parade Air Echelon
=> Research on Quality Framework of Real Scene 3d Model Based on Oblique Photogrammetry
=> Research on quality improvement method of deformation monitoring data based on InSAR
=> Research on Quality Improvement of Globeland30 Update Data
=> Research on Radar PRI Modulation Pattern Recognition Based on Recurrent Neural Network
=> Research on Rapid Identification of Water Ponding in Tunnels Based on Multi-frame Fusion and Improved SSD Algorithm
=> Research on real-time analysis technology of urban land use based on support vector machine
=> Research on recognition of working condition for calciner and grate cooler based on expert system
=> Research On Reef Bathymetric Survey Of Uav Stereopair Based On Two-medium Photogrammetry
=> Research on regional energy efficiency based on GIS technology and image quality processing
=> Research on rehabilitation training bed with action prediction based on NARX neural network
=> Research on Reliable Long-Baseline NRTK Positioning Method Considering Ionospheric Residual Interpolation Uncertainty
=> Research on Remote-Sensing Identification Method of Typical Disaster-Bearing Body Based on Deep Learning and Spatial Constraint Strategy
=> Research on remote sensing image retrieval based on geographical and semantic features
=> Research on Resource Allocation Method of Space Information Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Research on reversible image steganography of encrypted image based on image interpolation and difference histogram shift
=> Research on Road Environmental Sense Method of Intelligent Vehicle Based on Tracking Check
=> Research on Road Extraction Method Based on Sustainable Development Goals Satellite-1 Nighttime Light Data
=> Research on Road Extraction Semi-Automatically from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
=> Research on Road Marking Extraction Method Based on Machine Learning
=> Research on Road Network Partitioning Considering the Coupling of Network Connectivity and Traffic Attributes
=> Research on Road Traffic Situation Awareness System Based on Image Big Data
=> Research on roaming and interaction in VR game based on Unity 3D
=> Research on robust face recognition based on depth image sets
=> Research on Rural Environments' Effects on Well-Being: The Huizhou Area in China
=> Research on Rutting Deformation Monitoring Method Based on Intelligent Aggregate
=> Research on SAR Image Matching Technology based on SIFT
=> Research on Satellite Selection Strategy for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Applications
=> Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration Based on Remote Sensing Image Fusion
=> Research on Scale Selection in Image Edge Detection Methods Based on Wavelet Transform
=> Research on seamless image stitching based on fast marching method
=> Research on Secure Transmission Performance of Electric Vehicles Under Nakagami-m Channel
=> Research on Security Defense of Coupled Transportation and Cyber-Physical Power System Based on the Static Bayesian Game
=> Research on Sediment Discharge Variations and Driving Factors in the Tarim River Basin
=> Research on Self-Noise Suppression of Marine Acoustic Sensor Arrays
=> Research on Self-Supervised Building Information Extraction with High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images for Photovoltaic Potential Evaluation
=> Research on Semantic-assisted SLAM in Complex Dynamic Indoor Environment
=> Research on Sensing Localization and Orientation of Objects in VR with Facial Vibrotactile Display, A
=> Research on Service Value and Adaptability Zoning of Grassland Ecosystem in Ethiopia
=> Research on Ship's Officer Behavior Identification Based on Mask R-CNN
=> Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model Using GNSS-R Raw Data
=> Research on Signal Processing for LD-PSD System Based on Square-Wave Modulation
=> Research on Small Sample Apple Defect Classification Method Based on Siamese Network
=> Research on Social Innovation Design of SCD Pre-hospital Emergency Equipment Based on IoT Technology
=> Research on Soil Moisture Inversion Method for Canal Slope of the Middle Route Project of the South to North Water Transfer Based on GNSS-R and Deep Learning
=> Research on Spaceborne InSAR Images Registration and Removal of the Effect of the Flat Earth
=> Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Pension Resources in Shanghai Community-Life Circle
=> Research on Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms of Live Streaming Commerce in China Based on Geolocation Data
=> Research On Spatial Topological Association Rules Mining, A
=> Research on Spatiotemporal Land Deformation (2012-2018) over Xi'an, China, with Multi-Sensor SAR Datasets
=> Research on sports video image based on fuzzy algorithms
=> Research on Stellar Occultation Detection with Bandpass Filtering for Oxygen Density Retrieval
=> Research on subway pedestrian detection algorithms based on SSD model
=> Research on SUnet Winter Wheat Identification Method Based on GF-2
=> Research on Super-Resolution Objective Evaluation Index System of Visible Light Image
=> Research on surface defect detection model of steel strip based on MFFA-YOLOv5
=> Research on Susceptibility Mapping of Multiple Geological Hazards in Yanzi River Basin, China, A
=> Research on SVM Based Classification for Welding Defects in Radiographic Testing
=> Research on Tabu Search applied in off-line MPLS layout design problem
=> Research on Target Damage Assessment Based on SAR Images
=> Research on target detection-based autofocus system
=> Research on Target Tracking based on Unscented Kalman Filter
=> Research on Task-Driven Dual-Light Image Fusion and Enhancement Method under Low Illumination
=> Research on Telemetry Vibration Signal Processing by Hilbert-Huang Transform
=> Research on Temporal and Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Night-Time Economy Supported by Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
=> Research on Temporal and Spatial Resolution and the Driving Forces of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal Mining Areas Considering Topographic Correction
=> Research on the Adaptability of Typical Denoising Algorithms Based on ICESat-2 Data
=> Research on the Algorithm of License Plate Recognition Based on MPGAN Haze Weather
=> Research on the algorithm of urban waste classification and recycling based on deep learning technology
=> Research On The Ancient Mongolian Place-name Along The Silk Road
=> Research on the Applicability of DInSAR, Stacking-InSAR and SBAS-InSAR for Mining Region Subsidence Detection in the Datong Coalfield
=> Research on the application of body posture action feature extraction and recognition comparison
=> Research on the Application of Digital Animation Technology in Petrochemical Simulation Teaching Platform
=> Research on the Audit Failure Based on the Perspective of Manager Behavior Game
=> Research on the Building Shadow Extraction and Elimination Method
=> Research on the Calibration Method of Industrial Robot Vision System Based on VisionPro
=> Research on the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Forest Ecological Network Topological Features and Network Optimization Based on Modification Recognition in the Yellow River Basin Mining Area: A Case Study of Jincheng City
=> Research on the Characteristic Spectral Band Determination for Water Quality Parameters Retrieval Based on Satellite Hyperspectral Data
=> Research on the Characteristics of Thermosyphon Embankment Damage and Permafrost Distribution Based on Ground-Penetrating Radar: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
=> Research on the Classification of High Resolution Image Based on Object-oriented and Class Rule
=> Research on the Colors of Military Symbols in Digital Situation Maps Based on Event-Related Potential Technology
=> Research On The Construction Method Of Comprehensive Evaluation Index Of Geographic Conditions
=> Research on the Construction Method of the Service-Oriented Web-SWMM System
=> Research on the Construction of Corpus for Automatic Solution of Elementary Mathematics Statistics Applications
=> Research on the Contribution of Urban Land Surface Moisture to the Alleviation Effect of Urban Land Surface Heat Based on Landsat 8 Data
=> Research on the Cooperative Train Control Strategy to Reduce Energy Consumption
=> Research on the Current Status and History Transformation of Hutong in Beijing Imperial City Based On GIS Technique
=> Research on the Cyberspace Map and Its Conceptual Model
=> Research on the De-Noising Algorithm
=> Research on the Design of a Smart Wearable Device for Taichi practitioners Based on AI Concept
=> Research on the Dynamic Evolution of the Landscape Pattern in the Urban Fringe Area of Wuhan from 2000 to 2020
=> Research on the Dynamic Monitoring Technology of Road Subgrades with Time-Lapse Full-Coverage 3D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
=> Research on the Etalon Effect in Dispersive Hyperspectral VNIR Imagers Using Back-Illuminated CCDs
=> Research on the Evolution and Driving Factors of the Economic Spatial Pattern of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the Context of the COVID-19 Epidemic
=> Research on the Extraction Method Comparison and Spatial-Temporal Pattern Evolution for the Built-Up Area of Hefei Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
=> Research On The Framework of The Smart Conservation Management System For The Historic City Fuzhou
=> Research on the Functions of Tai Chi Stripping and SanDa Wrestling Based on the Analysis of Image
=> Research on the Geographical Pattern, Evolution Model, and Driving Mechanism of Carbon Emission Density from Urban Industrial Land in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China
=> Research on the GIS as a Communication Platform in the Risk Management of Traditional Settlement
=> Research on the Hierarchy and Completeness of Roof Topology for Robust Building Reconstruction from Airborne Point Cloud, A
=> Research on the identification method of micro assembly part
=> Research on the Impact of BDS-2/3 Receiver ISB on LEO Satellite POD
=> Research On The Improved Image Dodging Algorithm Based On Mask Technique
=> Research on the influence factors of real driving cycle with statistical analysis and dynamic time warping
=> Research on the Influence of Icon Shape Complexity and Composition on Visual Search Based on Military Geographic Intelligence System
=> Research on the Ionospheric Delay of Long-Range Short-Wave Propagation Based on a Regression Analysis
=> Research On The Key Technology Of Large Scale Mapping From Low Altitude Photogrammetry
=> Research on the Layering A* Algorithm for Real-Time Navigation
=> Research on the localization method of protecting traditional village landscape: a case study on Tangyin
=> Research on the magnetic resonance imaging brain tumor segmentation algorithm based on DO-UNet
=> Research on the Mathematic Model of Direct Geolocation with Airborne SAR Image
=> Research on the Measurement Accuracy of Shipborne Rayleigh Scattering Lidar
=> Research on the Metaphorical Features of Computer Language in English from the Perspective of Cognition
=> Research on the meter's pulse signal processing based on sleep-monitoring alarm system
=> Research on the Method of Rainfall Field Retrieval Based on the Combination of Earth-Space Links and Horizontal Microwave Links
=> Research on the Method of Urban Jobs-Housing Space Recognition Combining Trajectory and POI Data
=> Research on the Methods of Quality Inspection for Published Charts Based on Entity Rules and Cartographic Specifications
=> Research on the model of submarine cable route monitoring based on improved Petri Nets
=> Research on the Monitoring Ability of Fengyun-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Capturing Heavy Precipitation: A Case Study of the 7-20 Rainstorm in Henan Province, China
=> Research on the Network Map Service Technology of Remote Sensing Image Intelligent Conversion Based on Gan Model
=> Research on the online parameter identification method of train driving dynamic model
=> Research on the optimal planning of the battery switch station for electric vehicles
=> Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
=> Research on the Parallelization of the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm for Spatial Data Mining Based on the Spark Platform
=> Research on the Performance Evaluation Technique for Communication Network
=> Research on the Performance of an Active Rotating Tropospheric and Stratospheric Doppler Wind Lidar Transmitter and Receiver
=> Research On the Positioning of Protection And Utilization of Historic Districts Under Big Data Analysis
=> Research on the Problems of Equipment Dynamic Maintenance Dispatch to Make the Amount of Restoration Maximum
=> Research on the Protection of Haiyan Hall Earthen Stereobate Relic Site at Yuan-Mingyuan Park
=> Research On The Prototype of Rail Clearance Measurement System
=> Research on the Real-Time Ambiguity Resolution Algorithm of GPS/Galileo/BDS Based on CNES Real-Time Products
=> Research on the Relationship between the Structure of Forest and Grass Ecological Spaces and Ecological Service Capacity: A Case Study of the Wuding River Basin
=> Research on the restoration of motion-blurred images of Ochotona curzoniae
=> Research on the Rotational Correction of Distributed Autonomous Orbit Determination in the Satellite Navigation Constellation
=> Research on the Shearer Positioning Method Based on SINS and LiDAR with Velocity and Absolute Position Constraints
=> Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image recognition
=> Research on the Spatial Features of the E-Retailing-Economic Linkages at County Level: A Case Study for Zhejiang Province, China
=> Research on the Spatial Network Structure of Tourist Flows in Hangzhou Based on BERT-BiLSTM-CRF
=> Research on the Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electrical Power Consumption in Three Urban Agglomerations of Yangtze River Economic Belt, China Based on DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
=> Research on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Mangrove Forests in the Hainan Island from 1991 to 2021 Based on SVM and Res-UNet Algorithms
=> Research on the Technology of Extracting 3D Face Feature Points on Basis of Binocular Vision
=> Research on the Temperature Transfer Relationship Between Miniature Fixed-Point and Blackbody for On-Orbit Infrared Remote Sensor Calibration
=> Research on the Three-Dimensional Underwater Acoustic Image Measurement Technology Using Planar Array
=> Research on the Three Angular Resolution of Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Research on the unbiased probability estimation of error-correcting output coding
=> Research on the Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Using Various Data-Driven Models and Attribute Interval Division
=> Research on the Use of Puppeteering to Improve Realism in Army Simulations and Training Games
=> Research on the Visualization and Simulation of Branch Breaking Based on Physical and Stochastic Approaches
=> Research on Three-Dimensional Cloud Structure Retrieval and Fusion Technology for the MODIS Instrument
=> Research on Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Chart Hybrid Spatial Index Structure Based on Quadtree and R-Tree
=> Research on three image difference algorithm
=> Research on Tightly Coupled Multi-Antenna GNSS/MEMS Single-Frequency Single-Epoch Attitude Determination in Urban Environment
=> Research on Time-Aware Group Query Method with Exclusion Keywords
=> Research on Time-Correlated Errors Using Allan Variance in a Kalman Filter Applicable to Vector-Tracking-Based GNSS Software-Defined Receiver for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation
=> Research on Time-Frequency Characteristics of Engine Induction Noise and Time-Frequency Representation of the Acoustic Signals
=> Research on Tourism Marketing Based on Community E-commerce
=> Research on Traditional Tangka Image Classification Based on Visual Features, A
=> Research on Traffic Accident Detection Based on Vehicle Perspective
=> Research on Traffic Accident Risk Prediction Method Based on Spatial and Visual Semantics
=> Research on Traffic Artery Intelligent Control System Base on Wireless Sensor Network
=> Research on train braking model by improved Polach model considering wheel-rail adhesion characteristics
=> Research on Tree Classification Algorithm Based on Morphology and Leaf
=> Research on Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction: Bibliometrics and Knowledge Graph Analysis
=> Research on Unequal Error Protection with Irregular LDPC and Application on Image Transmission
=> Research on Unmanned Vehicle Detection Method Based on Improved YOLOv4_Tiny
=> Research on Urban Carrying Capacity Based on Multisource Data Fusion: A Case Study of Shanghai
=> Research on Urban Ecological Network Under the Threat of Road Networks: A Case Study of Wuhan
=> Research on Urban Fire Station Layout Planning Based on a Combined Model Method
=> Research on using sign language in outdoor advertising
=> Research on UWB Indoor Positioning Algorithm under the Influence of Human Occlusion and Spatial NLOS
=> Research on Vehicle Object Detection Based on Deep Learning
=> Research on video classification method of key pollution sources based on deep learning
=> Research on video scene mapping of fixed viewing angle
=> Research on Vision-Based Service Robot Oriented Facial Expression Recognition
=> Research on Vision of Intelligent Car Based on Broad Learning System
=> Research On Visual Analysis Methods Of Terrorism Events
=> Research on weather radar nowcasting extrapolation
=> Research on WebGIS-Based Visualization of Storm Surge Disaster Based on Sphere: Take the Taiwan Strait Storm Surge Forecast Data as an Example
=> Research on Weighted Association Rules Mining Algorithm for the Medical Internet of Things Information Based on Fuzzy Numerical Constraints
=> Research opportunities in creating medical images
=> Research Oriented Remote Sensing Image Processing Software Design In Practical Courses for Senior Undergraduates
=> Research Pathways of Forest Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Based on SAR Backscatter and Interferometric SAR Observations
=> Research Perception Towards Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection: Challenges and Future Directions
=> Research Progress and Development Trend of Social Media Big Data (SMBD): Knowledge Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace
=> Research Progress in Speech Enhancement Technology
=> Research Progress of SHM System for Super High-Rise Buildings Based on Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud Platform
=> Research Progress On The Four-in-one Method System for Sustainable Protection of Architectural Heritage
=> Research Status and Development Trend of Remote Sensing in China Using Bibliometric Analysis
=> Research the Performance of a Recursive Algorithm of the Local Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Research Trends in the Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Blooms: Results from Bibliometrics
=> Researchers Push Speech Recognition Toward the Mainstream
=> Researches on the Land-Use Change Detection of Mine Area Based on TM/ETM Images
=> Researching Knowledge Concerns in Virtual Historical Architecture
=> Resection and Monte Carlo Covariance From Vanishing Points for Images Of Unknown Origin
=> ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic Segmentation
=> Reservation-Based Cooperative Ecodriving Model for Mixed Autonomous and Manual Vehicles at Intersections
=> reservoir-driven non-stationary hidden Markov model, A
=> Reservoir-Induced Land Deformation: Case Study from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
=> Reservoir Computing with Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
=> Reservoir Induced Deformation Analysis for Several Filling and Operational Scenarios at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Impoundment
=> Reservoir Lithology Determination by Hidden Markov Random Fields Based on a Gaussian Mixture Model
=> Resetting the baseline: CT-based COVID-19 diagnosis with Deep Transfer Learning is not as accurate as widely thought
=> ResFeats: Residual network based features for image classification
=> ResFeats: Residual network based features for underwater image classification
=> ResFormer: Scaling ViTs with Multi-Resolution Training
=> ResFPN: Residual Skip Connections in Multi-Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Accurate Dense Pixel Matching
=> ResFusion: deeply fused scene parsing network for RGB-D images
=> Reshaping 3D facial scans for facial appearance modeling and 3D facial expression analysis
=> Reshaping 3D facial scans for facial appearance modeling and 3D facial expression analysis
=> Reshaping Hyperspectral Data into a Two-Dimensional Image for a CNN Model to Classify Plant Species from Reflectance
=> Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some common and uncommon methods
=> Reshaping Leaf-Level Reflectance Data for Plant Species Discrimination: Exploring Image Shape's Impact on Deep Learning Results
=> Reshaping the Intelligent Transportation Scene: Challenges of an Operational and Safe Internet of Vehicles
=> RESIC: A Tool for Music Stretching Resistance Estimation
=> Resident activity pattern recognition and comparison of six Sino-American metropolises
=> Resident Location-Recognition Algorithm Using a Bayesian Classifier in the PIR Sensor-Based Indoor Location-Aware System
=> Residential Area Extraction Based on Saliency Analysis for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Residential Area Recognition Using Oscillatory Correlation Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Residential Building Reconstruction Based on the Data Fusion of Sparse LiDAR Data and Satellite Imagery
=> Residential Buildings By Giuseppe Terragni in Como: Proposals For Integration Between Research, Communication and Valorisation Of Heritage
=> Residential Extraction Based on Weakly-Supervised Similarity-Aware Multi-Source Alignment Strategy with Limited SAR Data
=> Residential floor plan recognition and reconstruction
=> Residents' Experiential Knowledge and Its Importance for Decision-Making Processes in Spatial Planning: A PPGIS Based Study
=> Residual-based forensic comparison of video sequences
=> Residual-Based Post-Processing for HEVC
=> Residual-Consensus Driven Linear Matching
=> Residual-Consensus Driven Linear Matching
=> Residual-Dyad Encoder Discriminator Network for Remote Sensing Image Matching, A
=> Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
=> Residual-Network-Leveraged Vehicle-Thrown-Waste Identification in Real-Time Traffic Surveillance Videos
=> Residual-wider convolutional neural network for image recognition
=> Residual 3D convolutional neural network to enhance sinograms from small-animal positron emission tomography images
=> Residual Analysis for Feature Detection
=> Residual Analysis for Fingerprint Orientation Modeling
=> Residual approach on a hierarchical segmentation
=> Residual Ash Mapping and Coffee Plant Development Based on Multispectral RPA Images
=> Residual attention-based tracking-by-detection network with attention-driven data augmentation
=> Residual Attention and Local Context-Aware Network for Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
=> Residual attention fusion network for video action recognition
=> Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Network for Geometric 3D Scene Classification
=> Residual Attention Network for Image Classification
=> Residual attention unit for action recognition
=> Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition
=> Residual Augmented Attentional U-Shaped Network for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
=> Residual Cascade CNN for Detection of Spatially Relevant Objects in Agriculture: The Grape-stem Paradigm
=> Residual Channel Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution and Noise Reduction
=> Residual Codean Autoencoder for Facial Attribute Analysis
=> Residual Coding in Document Image Compression
=> Residual coding of depth map with transform skipping
=> Residual Coding of Images for L-Infinity Control under the JPEG 2000 Framework
=> Residual Component Analysis of Hyperspectral Images: Application to Joint Nonlinear Unmixing and Nonlinearity Detection
=> Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Super-Resolution, A
=> Residual Convolutional Neural Networks to Automatically Extract Significant Breast Density Features
=> Residual Correlation Regularization Based Image Denoising
=> Residual Deconvolutional Networks for Brain Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation
=> Residual Deformable Convolution for better image de-weathering
=> Residual Deformable Convolution for better image de-weathering
=> Residual Degradation Learning Unfolding Framework with Mixing Priors Across Spectral and Spatial for Compressive Spectral Imaging
=> Residual dense collaborative network for salient object detection
=> Residual Dense Generative Adversarial Network For Pansharpening With Geometrical Constraints, A
=> Residual Dense Network Based on Channel-Spatial Attention for the Scene Classification of a High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
=> Residual Dense Network for Image Restoration
=> Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution
=> Residual dense U-Net for abnormal exposure restoration from single images
=> Residual Dilated U-net For The Segmentation Of COVID-19 Infection From CT Images
=> Residual Dilation Based Feature Pyramid Network
=> Residual Dual Scale Scene Text Spotting by Fusing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
=> Residual Encoder-Decoder Network For Deep Subspace Clustering
=> Residual Enhanced Multi-Hypergraph Neural Network
=> Residual Excitation Skewness for Automatic Speech Polarity Detection
=> Residual Expansion Algorithm: Fast and Effective Optimization for Nonconvex Least Squares Problems
=> Residual Feature-Reutilization Inception Network
=> Residual Feature Aggregation Network for Image Super-Resolution
=> Residual Feature Distillation Channel Spatial Attention Network for ISP on Smartphone
=> Residual Feature Pyramid Network for Enhancement of Vascular Patterns
=> Residual feature pyramid networks for salient object detection
=> Residual Filter for Improving Coding Performance of Noisy Video Sequences
=> Residual Fractal Network for Single Image Super Resolution by Widening and Deepening
=> residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The
=> Residual Geometric Feature Transform Network for 3D Surface Super-Resolution
=> Residual Graph Attention Network and Expression-Respect Data Augmentation Aided Visual Grounding
=> Residual Graph Convolutional Network for Bird's-Eye-View Semantic Segmentation
=> Residual Group Channel and Space Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Residual Guided Deblocking With Deep Learning
=> Residual Highway Convolutional Neural Networks for in-loop Filtering in HEVC
=> Residual HSRCNN: Residual Hyper-Spectral Reconstruction CNN from an RGB Image
=> Residual image coding for stereo image compression
=> Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!
=> Residual Inception Skip Network for Binary Segmentation
=> Residual Inception: A New Module Combining Modified Residual with Inception to Improve Network Performance
=> Residual interpolation for color image demosaicking
=> Residual Learning Approach to Deblur and Generate High Frame Rate Video With an Event Camera, A
=> Residual learning based CNN for breast cancer histopathological image classification
=> Residual Learning for Salient Object Detection
=> Residual Learning of Video Frame Interpolation Using Convolutional LSTM
=> Residual Local Feature Network for Efficient Super-Resolution
=> Residual LSTM Attention Network for Object Tracking
=> Residual MeshNet: Learning to Deform Meshes for Single-View 3D Reconstruction
=> Residual Multi-Attention Classification Network for A Forest Dominated Tropical Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Residual multi-task learning for facial landmark localization and expression recognition
=> Residual network with detail perception loss for single image super-resolution
=> Residual Networks as Flows of Diffeomorphisms
=> Residual Networks Based Distortion Classification and Ranking for Laparoscopic Image Quality Assessment
=> Residual Networks for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
=> Residual Networks for Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation and Texture Characterization
=> Residual Networks of Residual Networks: Multilevel Residual Networks
=> Residual Neural Network Integrated with a Hydrological Model for Global Flood Susceptibility Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Datasets, A
=> Residual objectness for imbalance reduction
=> Residual orientation modeling for fingerprint enhancement and singular point detection
=> Residual packet loss rate analysis of 2-D parity forward error correction
=> Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
=> Residual Pattern Learning for Pixel-wise Out-of-Distribution Detection in Semantic Segmentation
=> Residual Pixel Attention Network for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
=> Residual Pyramid Learning for Single-Shot Semantic Segmentation
=> Residual Quantization for Low Bit-Width Neural Networks
=> Residual RCM Correction for LFM-CW Mini-SAR System Based on Fast-Time Split-Band Signal Interferometry
=> Residual Regression With Semantic Prior for Crowd Counting
=> Residual shape adaptive dense-nested Unet: Redesign the long lateral skip connections for metal surface tiny defect inspection
=> Residual Signals Modeling for Layered Image/Video Softcast with Hybrid Digital-Analog Transmission
=> Residual spatiotemporal convolutional networks for face anti-spoofing
=> Residual Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for Battery Cell Surface Inspection
=> Residual Stacked RNNs for Action Recognition
=> Residual Swin Transformer Unet with Consistency Regularization for Automatic Breast Ultrasound Tumor Segmentation
=> Residual U-Net for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
=> Residual U-Structure Nested Conditional Adversarial Nets Colorized CT Improves Deep Learning Based Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation
=> Residual Uncertainty in 3-Dimensional Reconstruction Using 2-Planes Calibration and Stereo Methods
=> Residual UNet with Dual Attention: An ensemble residual UNet with dual attention for multi-modal and multi-class brain MRI segmentation
=> Residual vs. Inception vs. Classical Networks for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
=> Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in l2-l2 Image Super-Resolution Problems
=> ResiDualGAN: Resize-Residual DualGAN for Cross-Domain Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation
=> Residuals of Tropospheric Delays from GNSS Data and Ray-Tracing as a Potential Indicator of Rain and Clouds
=> Residue-free video coding with pixelwise adaptive spatio-temporal prediction
=> Residue boundary histograms for action recognition in the compressed domain
=> Residue Number System Hardware Design of Fast-Search Variable-Motion-Estimation Accelerator for HEVC/H.265, A
=> Residue role assignment based transform partition predetermination on HEVC
=> Residues Cluster-Based Segmentation and Outlier-Detection Method for Large-Scale Phase Unwrapping
=> Residues of Morphological Filtering by Reconstruction for Texture Classification
=> ReSIFT: Reliability-weighted sift-based image quality assessment
=> Resilience-Oriented Train Rescheduling Optimization in Railway Networks: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach
=> Resilience and Preservation of Cultural Heritage After Natural Disasters: Case Study of City of Volos, Greece
=> Resilience and Self-Healing of Deep Convolutional Object Detectors
=> Resilience Assessment of an Urban Rail Transit Network Under Short-Term Operational Disturbances
=> Resilience Mask for Robust Audio Hashing, A
=> Resilience of Massive MIMO PNC to Jamming Attacks in Vehicular Networks, The
=> Resilience of the Central Indian Forest Ecosystem to Rainfall Variability in the Context of a Changing Climate
=> Resilience of the U.S. National Airspace System Airport Network
=> Resilience of Transportation Systems: Concepts and Comprehensive Review
=> Resilience of Urban Network Structure in China: The Perspective of Disruption
=> Resilient-Based and Attack-Intensity Event-Triggered Protocol for Active Quarter-Vehicle Suspension Systems Under DoS Attacks
=> Resilient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Autonomous Vehicles Using Machine Learning
=> Resilient Cooperative Localization Based on Factor Graphs for Multirobot Systems
=> Resilient Countermeasures Against Cyber-Attacks on Self-Driving Car Architecture
=> Resilient Distributed Event-Triggered Platooning Control of Connected Vehicles Under Denial-of-Service Attacks
=> Resilient Distributed Kalman Filtering Under Bidirectional Stealthy Attack, A
=> Resilient Factor Graph-Based GNSS/IMU/Vision/Odo Integrated Navigation Scheme Enhanced by Noise Approximate Gaussian Estimation in Challenging Environments
=> Resilient Formation Tracking of Spacecraft Swarm Against Actuation Attacks: A Distributed Lyapunov-Based Model Predictive Approach
=> Resilient Information Hiding for Abstract Semi-structures
=> Resilient Interactive Sensor-Independent-Update Fusion Navigation Method
=> Resilient path-following control of autonomous vehicles subject to intermittent denial-of-service attacks
=> Resilient peer-to-peer streaming of scalable video over hierarchical multicast trees with backup parent pools
=> Resilient Platoon Control of Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems Under DoS Attacks and Multiple Disturbances
=> Resilient Subclass Discriminant Analysis
=> Resilient transmission of motion data in multiple description coding of video
=> Resilient UAV Traffic Congestion Control Using Fluid Queuing Models
=> Resilient Urban Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Comparison of Five Flow-Weighted Metro Networks in Terms of the Resilience Cycle Framework
=> Resistance-Geodesic Distance and Its Use in Image Processing and Segmentation
=> Resistance Analysis of Scalable Video Fingerprinting Systems Under Fair Collusion Attacks
=> Resistance of Grassland under Different Drought Types in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China
=> Resistance Welding Spot Defect Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Resisting Large Data Variations via Introspective Transformation Network
=> Resistivity Logging Through Casing Response of Inclined Fractured Formation
=> Resistivity Probability Tomography Imaging at the Castle of Zena, Italy
=> Resistivity Tensor Imaging via Network Discretization of Faraday's Law
=> Resizing Algorithm With Two-Stage Realization for DCT-Based Transcoding, A
=> Resizing of images in the DCT space by arbitrary factors
=> ResKD: Residual-Guided Knowledge Distillation
=> RESKM: A General Framework to Accelerate Large-Scale Spectral Clustering
=> RESLS: Region and Edge Synergetic Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation
=> ResLT: Residual Learning for Long-Tailed Recognition
=> ResMax: Detecting Voice Spoofing Attacks with Residual Network and Max Feature Map
=> ResMLP: Feedforward Networks for Image Classification With Data-Efficient Training
=> ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
=> ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learning strategy for moving object detection, A
=> ResNet-based surface normal estimator with multilevel fusion approach with adaptive median filter region growth algorithm for road scene segmentation
=> Resnet-based Tree Species Classification Using UAV Images
=> ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
=> ResNet-LDDMM: Advancing the LDDMM Framework Using Deep Residual Networks
=> ResNet-like Architecture with Low Hardware Requirements
=> ResNet or DenseNet? Introducing Dense Shortcuts to ResNet
=> ResnetCrowd: A residual deep learning architecture for crowd counting, violent behaviour detection and crowd density level classification
=> Resolution-Appropriate Shape Representation
=> Resolution-Aware 3D Morphable Model
=> Resolution-aware Constrained Local Model with mixture of local experts
=> Resolution-Aware Fitting of Active Appearance Models to Low Resolution Images
=> Resolution-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Inference
=> Resolution-Aware Network for Image Super-Resolution
=> Resolution-Controlled Conductivity Discretization in Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Resolution-effective diameters for asymmetric-knife-edge pinhole collimators
=> Resolution-Enhanced Lensless Color Shadow Imaging Microscopy Based on Large Field-of-View Submicron-Pixel Imaging Sensors
=> Resolution-Enhanced Photometric Stereo
=> Resolution-Free Point Cloud Sampling Network with Data Distillation
=> Resolution-Independent Characteristic Scale Dedicated to Satellite Images
=> Resolution-Independent Superpixels Based on Convex Constrained Meshes Without Small Angles
=> Resolution-invariant Image Classification Based on Fourier Neural Operators
=> Resolution-Invariant Image Representation and its applications
=> Resolution-Invariant Person ReId Based on Feature Transformation and Self-Weighted Attention
=> Resolution-invariant separable ARMA modeling of images
=> Resolution-progressive compression of encrypted grayscale images
=> Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions
=> Resolution-Sensitive Added Value Analysis of CORDEX-CORE RegCM4-7 Past Seasonal Precipitation Simulations over Africa Using Satellite-Based Observational Products
=> Resolution Adaptive Networks for Efficient Inference
=> Resolution Adaptive Volume Sculpting
=> Resolution analysis for Gradient Direction Matching of object model edges to overhead images
=> Resolution Analysis of Imaging with L_1 Optimization
=> Resolution Analysis of Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Fast Moving Objects
=> Resolution Analysis of Spatial Modulation Coincidence Imaging Based on Reflective Surface
=> resolution and frame-rate scalable subband/wavelet video coder, A
=> Resolution and noise properties of MAP reconstruction for fully 3-D PET
=> Resolution and Tonal Continuity in Bilevel Printed Picture Quality
=> Resolution assessment in dynamic image formation
=> Resolution based Feature Distillation for Cross Resolution Person Re-Identification
=> Resolution Booster: Global Structure Preserving Stitching Method for Ultra-high Resolution Image Translation
=> Resolution Consideration in Spatially Variant Sensors
=> Resolution Consideration in Spatially Variant Sensors
=> Resolution Conversion Integrated with Quantization in Coded Domain for DV to Mpeg-4 Transcoder
=> Resolution conversion of bitmap images using error term averaging
=> Resolution conversion of bitmap images
=> Resolution conversion of gray-level images by discrete geometry
=> resolution enhancement algorithm for an asymmetric resolution stereo video, A
=> Resolution enhancement and thinning method for printing pixel images
=> Resolution enhancement based on learning the sparse association of image patches
=> Resolution enhancement by AdaBoost
=> Resolution Enhancement by Prediction of the High-Frequency Image Based on the Laplacian Pyramid
=> Resolution enhancement for binocular stereo
=> Resolution Enhancement for Drill-Core Hyperspectral Mineral Mapping
=> Resolution Enhancement for Inversed Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Under Low SNR via Improved Compressive Sensing
=> Resolution enhancement for video clips: tight frame approach
=> Resolution enhancement for video display using multi-line interpolation
=> Resolution enhancement for video display using multi-line interpolation
=> Resolution Enhancement in High Numerical Aperture Optical System
=> Resolution Enhancement in Multi-Image Stereo
=> Resolution enhancement in single depth map and aligned image
=> Resolution Enhancement of Color Video Sequences
=> Resolution enhancement of compressed image data
=> Resolution enhancement of facial image using an error back-projection of example-based learning
=> Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function
=> Resolution enhancement of monochrome and color video using motion compensation
=> Resolution Enhancement of Multilook Imagery for the Multispectral Thermal Imager
=> Resolution enhancement of nondestructive testing from B-scans
=> Resolution Enhancement of PMD Range Maps
=> Resolution Enhancement of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: Current Status and Perspectives
=> Resolution enhancement of ROI from surveillance video using Bernstein interpolation
=> Resolution Enhancement of SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Estimates
=> Resolution enhancement of textual images via multiple coupled dictionaries and adaptive sparse representation selection
=> Resolution enhancement of textual images: a survey of single image-based methods
=> Resolution Enhancement of Video Sequences Using Motion Compensation
=> Resolution enhancement system for combined binary and gray scale halftone images
=> Resolution enhancement via probabilistic deconvolution of multiple degraded images
=> Resolution Guarantees in Electrical Impedance Tomography
=> Resolution Improvement from Stereo Images with 3D Pose Differences
=> Resolution Improvement In FZA Lens-Less Camera By Synthesizing Images Captured With Different Mask-Sensor Distances
=> Resolution Improvement of Infrared Images Using Visible Image Information
=> Resolution improvement using enriched Krylov subspace for microwave tomography breast imaging system
=> Resolution Improving Method from Multi-focal Omnidirectional Images
=> Resolution independent deformable model
=> Resolution Independent Real-Time Vector-Embedded Mesh for Animation
=> Resolution Invariant Surfaces for Panoramic Vision Systems
=> Resolution Learning in Deep Convolutional Networks Using Scale-Space Theory
=> Resolution Limits for Band-Limited and Positivity-Constrained 1-D Signals
=> Resolution limits of closely spaced random signals given the desired success rate
=> Resolution limits on visual speech recognition
=> Resolution loss without imaging blur
=> Resolution of the Bas-relief ambiguity in structure-from-motion under orthographic projection
=> Resolution reduction by growth of zones for visual prosthesis
=> Resolution Scalable Coding and Region of Interest Access with Three-Dimensional SBHP Algorithm
=> Resolution Scalable Image Coding with Dyadic Complementary Rational Wavelet Transforms
=> Resolution Scalable Image Coding With Reversible Cellular Automata
=> Resolution Scalable Lossless Progressive Image Coding Via Conditional Quadrisection
=> Resolution Selection Using Generalized Entropies of Multiresolution Histograms
=> Resolution Switchable Networks for Runtime Efficient Image Recognition
=> Resolution Switchable Networks for Runtime Efficient Image Recognition
=> Resolution Threshold Analysis of the Microwave Radar Coincidence Imaging
=> Resolution trade-off analysis for aperture size and signaling bandwidth of diffraction tomography based on spatial-frequency spectral coverage
=> Resolution Transfer for Object Detection from Satellite Imagery
=> Resolution vs. tracking error: Zoom as a gain controller
=> Resolutional Analysis of Multiplicative High-Frequency Speckle Noise Based on SAR Spatial De-Speckling Filter Implementation and Selection
=> Resolvability Ellipsoid for Visual Servoing, The
=> Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constraints
=> Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constraints
=> Resolving a Defect in Quadrant-based Classification for Fast Block-matching
=> Resolving Ambiguities in Confused Online Tamil Characters with Post Processing Algorithms
=> Resolving Ambiguities in SHARAD Data Analysis Using High-Resolution Digital Terrain Models
=> Resolving Ambiguities of Self-calibration in Turntable Motion
=> Resolving Ambiguous Hand Pose Predictions by Exploiting Part Correlations
=> Resolving Class Imbalance for LiDAR-based Object Detector by Dynamic Weight Average and Contextual Ground Truth Sampling
=> Resolving Copycat Problems in Visual Imitation Learning via Residual Action Prediction
=> Resolving distortion between linear and area sensors for forensic print inspection
=> Resolving Edge-Line Ambiguities Using Probabilistic Relaxation
=> Resolving Fine-Scale Surface Features on Polar Sea Ice: A First Assessment of UAS Photogrammetry Without Ground Control
=> Resolving hand over face occlusion
=> Resolving hand over face occlusion
=> Resolving handwriting from background printing using photometric stereo
=> Resolving Motion Correspondence for Densely Moving Points
=> Resolving multifont character confusion with neural networks
=> Resolving Objects at Higher Resolution from a Single Motion-blurred Image
=> Resolving Occlusion in Augmented Reality: A Contour Based Approach Without 3D Reconstruction
=> Resolving occlusion in multiframe reconstruction of deformable surfaces
=> Resolving overlapping convex objects in silhouette images by concavity analysis and Gaussian process
=> Resolving permutation ambiguity in correlation-based blind image separation
=> Resolving Scale Ambiguity via XSlit Aspect Ratio Analysis
=> Resolving stereo matching errors due to repetitive structures using model information
=> Resolving Surface Displacements in Shenzhen of China from Time Series InSAR
=> Resolving the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity by Entropy Minimization
=> Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics
=> Resolving Three-Dimensional Surface Motion with InSAR: Constraints from Multi-Geometry Data Fusion
=> Resolving Ultrasound Contrast Microbubbles Using Minimum Variance Beamforming
=> Resolving View Sensitivity With Surface Locality
=> Resolving vision and language ambiguities together: Joint segmentation & prepositional attachment resolution in captioned scenes
=> Resolving Visual Uncertainty and Occlusion through Probabilistic Reasoning
=> Resolving Zero-Shot and Fact-Based Visual Question Answering via Enhanced Fact Retrieval
=> Resonance Analysis of a Circular Dipole Array Antenna in Cylindrically Layered Media for Directional Borehole Radar
=> Resonant Deformable Matching: Simultaneous Registration and Reconstruction
=> Resonant modes analysis in power systems algorithms and Matlab GUI
=> resonant retina: Exploiting vibration noise to optimally detect edges in an image, The
=> Resonation of The Vitruvius's Modular, Systematic Approach With The Computational Mindset of The Digital Age: 3d Modeling of The Ionian Temples of Aegean Turkey
=> ReSORT: an ID-recovery multi-face tracking method for surveillance cameras
=> RESOUND: Towards Action Recognition Without Representation Bias
=> Resource-aware configuration in smart camera networks
=> Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks
=> Resource-Aware Optimization of DNNs for Embedded Applications
=> Resource-aware sensor selection and task assignment
=> Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm
=> Resource-Constrained Human Presence Detection for Indirect Time-of-Flight Sensors
=> Resource-constrained rate control for Motion JPEG2000
=> Resource-Efficient DNNs for Keyword Spotting using Neural Architecture Search and Quantization
=> Resource-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Analysis, A
=> Resource-efficient Hybrid X-formers for Vision
=> Resource-efficient latent fingerprint age estimation for Adhoc crime scene forensics: Quality assessment of flat bed scans and statistical features
=> Resource-Efficient Mobile Multimedia Streaming With Adaptive Network Selection
=> Resource-Efficient Parallel Connected Component Labeling Algorithm and Its Hardware Implementation, A
=> Resource-Efficient Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Semi-Global Stereo Matching, A
=> Resource-Efficient RGBD Aerial Tracking
=> Resource-Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Embedded Smart Cameras by Tracking Feedback
=> Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis of Wireless Video Sensors
=> Resource Allocation Control of UAV-Assisted IoT Communication Device
=> Resource Allocation for Downlink Multiuser Video Transmission Over Wireless Lossy Networks
=> Resource Allocation for Downlink Multiuser Video Transmission Over Wireless Lossy Networks
=> Resource Allocation for Error Resilient Video Coding Over AWGN Using Optimization Approach
=> Resource Allocation for Personalized Video Summarization
=> Resource Allocation for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Using Directional Transmission
=> Resource Allocation Framework for Adaptive Selection of Point Matching Strategies, A
=> resource allocation framework for summarizing team sport videos, A
=> Resource Allocation in 5G IoV Architecture Based on SDN and Fog-Cloud Computing
=> Resource Allocation of Video Streaming Over Vehicular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
=> Resource Allocation Optimization for Users with Different Levels of Service in Multicarrier Systems
=> Resource Allocation With Video Traffic Prediction in Cloud-Based Space Systems
=> Resource aware and incremental mosaics of wide areas from small-scale UAVs
=> Resource Aware Person Re-identification Across Multiple Resolutions
=> Resource aware real-time stream adaptation of MPEG-4 video in constrained bandwidth networks
=> Resource Constrained Multimedia Event Detection
=> Resource Constrained Neural Network Architecture Search: Will a Submodularity Assumption Help?
=> Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Resource Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision
=> Resource Efficient Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Communication Systems for Electric Vehicle Enabled Microgrids
=> Resource management applications of a web-based geo-referenced digital image management system
=> Resource Management for Intelligent Vehicular Edge Computing Networks
=> Resource management for wireless visual sensor networks based on individual video characteristics
=> Resource Management of Video Traffic Over Heterogeneous NOMA Networks
=> Resource Planning Under Hypercube Queuing Equilibrium With Server Disruptions and Cooperative Dispatches
=> Resource prediction and quality control for parallel execution of heterogeneous medical imaging tasks
=> Resource Problem of Using Linear Layer Leakage Attack in Federated Learning, The
=> Resource Provisioning and Profit Maximization for Transcoding in Clouds: A Two-Timescale Approach
=> Resource Recommendation Using Adaptive Automaton
=> ReSParser: Fully Convolutional Multiple Human Parsing With Representative Sets
=> Respecting Domain Relations: Hypothesis Invariance for Domain Generalization
=> Respective Effects of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Moisture on Ecosystem Productivity in Southwest China, The
=> Respho(sc)net: A Zero-shot Learning Framework for Norwegian Handwritten Word Image Recognition
=> Respiration Motion State Estimation on 4D CT Rib Cage Images
=> Respiratory-synchronized digital subtraction angiography based on a respiratory phase matching method
=> Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a magnification and displacement model
=> Respiratory Feature Extraction for Contactless Breathing Pattern Recognition Using a Single Digital Camera
=> Respiratory Motion Correction in 3-D PET Data With Advanced Optical Flow Algorithms
=> Respiratory Motion of the Heart From Free Breathing Coronary Angiograms
=> Respiratory motion prediction from CBCT image observations using UKF
=> Respiratory Rate Estimation Based on Detected Mask Area in Thermal Images
=> Respiratory rate estimation via simultaneously tracking and segmentation
=> Respondence of Wave on Sea Surface Temperature in the Context of Global Change, The
=> Responding to Large-Scale Forest Damage in an Alpine Environment with Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Web-GIS
=> Responding to natural disasters with satellite imagery
=> Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
=> Response and Feedback of Ocean Mesoscale Eddies to Four Sequential Typhoons in 2016 Based on Multiple Satellite Observations and Argo Floats, The
=> Response for light scattered in the ocular fundus from double-pass and Hartmann-Shack estimations
=> Response of a Mesoscale Dipole Eddy to the Passage of a Tropical Cyclone: A Case Study Using Satellite Observations and Numerical Modeling
=> Response of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees to Competition: New Insights from Using Fractal Analysis
=> Response of Canopy Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to the Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Absorbed by Chlorophyll
=> Response of Ecohydrological Variables to Meteorological Drought under Climate Change
=> Response of Ecosystem Carbon-Water Fluxes to Extreme Drought in West Asia
=> Response of Evapotranspiration (ET) to Climate Factors and Crop Planting Structures in the Shiyang River Basin, Northwestern China
=> Response of Grassland Degradation to Drought at Different Time-Scales in Qinghai Province: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics, Correlation, and Implications
=> Response of Industrial Warm Drainage to Tide Revealed by Airborne and Sea Surface Observations
=> Response of Land Surface Phenology to Variation in Tree Cover during Green-Up and Senescence Periods in the Semi-Arid Savanna of Southern Africa
=> Response of Land Surface Temperature Changes to the Vegetation Dynamics in the Yangtze River Basin, The
=> Response of Landscape Evolution to Human Disturbances in the Coastal Wetlands in Northern Jiangsu Province, China
=> Response of Mangrove Carbon Fluxes to Drought Stress Detected by Photochemical Reflectance Index
=> Response of Multi-Incidence Angle Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data to Herbaceous Vegetation Features in the Lower Paraná River Floodplain, Argentina
=> Response of Natural Vegetation to Climate in Dryland Ecosystems: A Comparative Study between Xinjiang and Arizona
=> Response of Precipitation in Tianshan to Global Climate Change Based on the Berkeley Earth and ERA5 Reanalysis Products
=> Response Of Riparian Vegetation In Australia's Largest River Basin To Inter And Intra-annual Climate Variability And Flooding As Quantified With Landsat And Modis
=> Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Processes Induced by Forest Roads in Mountainous Watershed
=> Response of Snow Cover to the Climate in the Northwest Himalaya (NWH) Using Satellite Products, A
=> Response of Spectral Reflectances and Vegetation Indices on Varying Juniper Cone Densities
=> Response of Subdaily L-Band Backscatter to Internal and Surface Canopy Water Dynamics
=> Response of Tallgrass Prairie to Management in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Site Descriptions, Management Practices, and Eddy Covariance Instrumentation for a Long-Term Experiment
=> Response of Texture Features to Illuminant Rotation, The
=> Response of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Snow Cover Changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
=> Response of Total Suspended Sediment and Chlorophyll-a Concentration to Late Autumn Typhoon Events in the Northwestern South China Sea
=> Response of Vegetation Phenology and Productivity to Drought in Semi-Arid Regions of Northern China, The
=> Response of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau Considering Time-Lag and Cumulative Effects
=> Response of Vegetation Phenology to the Interaction of Temperature and Precipitation Changes in Qilian Mountains
=> Response of Vegetation Photosynthetic Phenology to Urbanization in Dongting Lake Basin, China
=> Response of Vegetation to Different Climate Extremes on a Monthly Scale in Guangdong, China
=> Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers Based on Causal Analysis
=> Response of Vegetation to Regional Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau Based on Remote Sensing Products and the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, The
=> Response of winter wheat to spring frost from a remote sensing perspective: Damage estimation and influential factors
=> Response Relationship between the Regional Thermal Environment and Urban Forms during Rapid Urbanization (2000-2010-2020): A Case Study of Three Urban Agglomerations in China
=> Response Time Analysis for Explainability of Visual Processing in CNNs
=> Response Time and Time Headway of an Adaptive Cruise Control. An Empirical Characterization and Potential Impacts on Road Capacity
=> response time model for abrupt changes in binocular disparity, A
=> Response to A note on bit-counting hardware for parallel processors
=> Response to Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
=> Response to Ghost Numbers
=> Response to Ignorance, Myopia, and Naivete in Computer Vision Systems by R. C. Jain and T. O. Binford, A
=> Response to Letter Regarding Article: Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
=> Response to Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
=> Response to the Comment on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
=> response to the European Data Protection Supervisor Misunderstandings in Biometrics by the European Association for Biometrics, A
=> Response to Variations in River Flowrate by a Spaceborne GNSS-R River Width Estimator
=> Response Versus Scan-Angle Assessment of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands in Collection 6.1 Calibration
=> Responses of Natural Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Drivers in China from 1982 to 2011
=> Responses of Natural Vegetation to Different Stages of Extreme Drought during 2009-2010 in Southwestern China
=> Responses of Ozone to the Solar Eclipse on the 21st of June 2020 in the Mesosphere and Upper Stratosphere, The
=> Responses of Satellite Chlorophyll-a to the Extreme Sea Surface Temperatures over the Arabian and Omani Gulf
=> Responses of Seasonal Indicators to Extreme Droughts in Southwest China
=> Responses of Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes to Climate on the Tibetan Plateau from 1980 to 2016
=> Responses of Stream Geomorphic Indices to Piedmont Fault Activity in the Northern Segment of the Red River Fault Zone
=> Responses of Summer Upwelling to Recent Climate Changes in the Taiwan Strait
=> Responses of the Remote Sensing Drought Index with Soil Information to Meteorological and Agricultural Droughts in Southeastern Tibet
=> Responses of the Very Low Frequency Transmitter Signals During the Solar Eclipse on December 26, 2019 Over a North-South Propagation Path
=> Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest China
=> Responses to Take-Over Request in Autonomous Vehicles: Effects of Environmental Conditions and Cues
=> Responses to the Comments on Plane-Based Optimization for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings
=> Responsible Computer Vision
=> Responsible Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
=> Responsive Listening Head Generation: A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
=> Responsive Social Smile: A Machine Learning based Multimodal Behavior Assessment Framework towards Early Stage Autism Screening
=> ReSprop: Reuse Sparsified Backpropagation
=> ResQ: Residual Quantization for Video Perception
=> ResRep: Lossless CNN Pruning via Decoupling Remembering and Forgetting
=> ResSaNet: A Hybrid Backbone of Residual Block and Self-Attention Module for Masked Face Recognition
=> RESSCAL3D: Resolution Scalable 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
=> ResSFL: A Resistance Transfer Framework for Defending Model Inversion Attack in Split Federated Learning
=> ReST-Net: Diverse Activation Modules and Parallel Subnets-Based CNN for Spatial Image Steganalysis
=> ResT-ReID: Transformer block-based residual learning for person re-identification
=> ReST: A Reconfigurable Spatial-Temporal Graph Model for Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking
=> ReST: A Reconfigurable Spatial-Temporal Graph Model for Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking
=> restarted iterative homotopy analysis method for three-dimensional image segmentation, A
=> RESTEP Into the Future: Relational Spatio-Temporal Learning for Multi-Person Action Forecasting
=> ReStGAN: A step towards visually guided shopper experience via text-to-image synthesis
=> Restitution Automation for Close-Range Applications
=> Restorable Semi-fragile Watermarking Combined DCT with Interpolation, A
=> Restorable Visible and Infrared Image Fusion
=> restoration-segmentation algorithm based on flexible Arnoldi-Tikhonov method and Curvelet denoising, A
=> restoration algorithm for images contaminated by mixed Gaussian plus random-valued impulse noise, A
=> Restoration algorithm for noisy complex illumination
=> Restoration and Conservation of Egyptian Alabaster Vessels from the Early Era in Atfiyah Museum Store, Helwan, Egypt, The
=> Restoration and demosaicing for pixel mixture images in dsc video clips
=> Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System
=> Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System
=> Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System
=> Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System
=> Restoration and Enhancement of Historical Stereo Photos Through Optical Flow
=> Restoration and Recognition in a Loop
=> Restoration and Reconstruction from Overlapping Images for Multi-Image Fusion
=> Restoration and Rehabilitation of world heritage Site of Chupan Church
=> Restoration and Segmentation of Highly Degraded Characters Using a Shape-Independent Level Set Approach and Multi-level Classifiers
=> Restoration for weakly blurred and strongly noisy images
=> Restoration Framework for Correcting Photometric and Geometric Distortions in Camera-based Document Images, A
=> restoration method for distorted comics to improve comic contents identification, A
=> Restoration of a Frontal Illuminated Face Image Based on KPCA
=> Restoration of a Poissonian-Gaussian color moving-image sequence with virtual multiplex imaging and super-resolution deblurring
=> Restoration of a Single Superresolution Image from Several Blurred, Noisy, and Undersampled Measured Images
=> Restoration of Aqua MODIS Band 6 Using Histogram Matching and Local Least Squares Fitting
=> Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Historical Document Images Using Flow Lines
=> Restoration of Archival Documents Using a Wavelet Technique
=> Restoration of Astrophysical Images: The Case of Poisson Data with Additive Gaussian Noise
=> Restoration of binary and gray-scale images using the contour mid-crack codes description
=> Restoration of Binary Images Using Contour Direction Chain Codes Description
=> Restoration of Biomedical Images using Locally Adaptive B-Spline Smoothing
=> Restoration of blue scratches in digital image sequences
=> Restoration of Blurred-Noisy Images Through the Concept of Bilevel Programming
=> Restoration of blurred bilevel signals by multiscaling with finite support filters
=> Restoration of Blurred Binary Images Using Discrete Tomography
=> Restoration of blurred star field images by maximally sparse optimization
=> Restoration of Blurred TV Picture Caused by Uniform Linear Motion
=> Restoration of Bone-Conducted Speech With U-Net-Like Model and Energy Distance Loss
=> Restoration of Camera Documents Through Image Segmentation, The
=> Restoration of Color Images Degraded by Space-Variant Motion Blur
=> Restoration of Colour Images Using Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Reflection
=> Restoration of curved document images through 3D shape modeling
=> Restoration of Defocus Blur Image Based on Global Phase Coherence
=> Restoration of Degraded Video Through Turbulent Atmosphere
=> Restoration of Dendrites and Spines with the Objective of Topologically Correct Segmentation
=> Restoration of differential images for enhancement of compressed video
=> Restoration of differently blurred versions of an image with measurement errors in the PSF's
=> Restoration of digitized video sequences: An efficient drop-out detection and removal framework
=> Restoration of Double-Sided Ancient Music Documents with Bleed-Through
=> Restoration of DWI Data Using a Rician LMMSE Estimator
=> Restoration of error-diffused images using projection onto convex sets
=> restoration of extended astronomical images using the spatially-variant point spread function, The
=> Restoration of Extremely Compressed Background for VCM Using Guided Generative Priors
=> Restoration of Fast Moving Objects
=> Restoration of foggy and motion-blurred road scenes
=> Restoration of halftoned color-quantized images using projection onto convex sets
=> Restoration of Hand-Drawn Architectural Drawings using Latent Space Mapping with Degradation Generator
=> Restoration of high ISO-sensitivity color images
=> Restoration of historic film for digital compression: a case study
=> Restoration of images and 3D data to higher resolution by deconvolution with sparsity regularization
=> Restoration of images corrupted by Gaussian and uniform impulsive noise
=> Restoration of Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise and Mixed Gaussian Impulse Noise Using Blind Inpainting
=> Restoration of images corrupted by mixed Gaussian-impulse noise via l1-l0 minimization
=> Restoration of images degraded by mechanical vibrations
=> Restoration of Images Scanned from Thick Bound Documents
=> Restoration of Images with Piecewise Space-Variant Blur
=> Restoration of images with wavefront aberrations
=> Restoration of Impulse Noise-Corrupted Images Using Long-Range Correlation
=> Restoration of Individual Tree Missing Point Cloud Based on Local Features of Point Cloud
=> Restoration of Information Obscured by Mountainous Shadows Through Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Without the Use of DEM Data: A New Method
=> Restoration of lossy compressed astronomical images
=> Restoration of Lossy Compressed Noisy Images
=> Restoration of Lossy JPEG-Compressed Brain MR Images Using Cross-Domain Neural Networks
=> Restoration of low resolution car plate images using PCA based image super-resolution
=> Restoration of Motion Blur in Time-of-Flight Depth Image Using Data Alignment
=> Restoration of Multiple Images with Motion Blur in Different Directions
=> Restoration of Multitemporal Short-Exposure Astronomical Images
=> Restoration of Noisy Images Using a Raised Cosine Function Approximation
=> Restoration of noisy regions modeled by noncausal Markov random fields of unknown parameters
=> Restoration of noisy scanning tunneling microscope images
=> Restoration of noisy underwater acoustic images using Markov Random Fields
=> Restoration of Non-Rigidly Distorted Underwater Images Using a Combination of Compressive Sensing and Local Polynomial Image Representations
=> Restoration of Partial Color Artifact and Blotches using histogram matching and sparse technique
=> Restoration of Poisson noise corrupted digital images with nonlinear PDE based filters along with the choice of regularization parameter estimation
=> Restoration of Poissonian Images Using Alternating Direction Optimization
=> Restoration of polarimetric SAR images using simulated annealing
=> Restoration of randomly blurred images via the maximum a posteriori criterion
=> Restoration of Range Images by the Gaussian Pyramid Method, Testing Different Interpolation Techniques to Select the Best Performance
=> Restoration of retinal images using anisotropic diffusion like algorithms
=> Restoration of rotationally blurred images
=> Restoration of scanning probe microscope images
=> Restoration of Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images Using a Partially Occluded Training Set
=> Restoration of Severely Blurred High Range Images Using Compound Models
=> Restoration of severely blurred high range images using stochastic and deterministic relaxation algorithms in compound Gauss-Markov random fields
=> Restoration of Simulated EnMAP Data through Sparse Spectral Unmixing
=> Restoration of solar radio images using adaptive regularization techniques based on clustering
=> Restoration of spatially varying blurred images using multiple model-based extended Kalman filters
=> Restoration of speckle noise corrupted SAR images using regularization by denoising
=> Restoration of Temporal Information in Off-Line Arabic Handwriting
=> Restoration of the Dome of St. James's Cathedral in Šibenik
=> Restoration of the image degraded by linear motion
=> Restoration of ultrasound images using a hierarchical Bayesian model with a generalized Gaussian prior
=> Restoration of uncertain blurs using an error in variables criterion
=> Restoration of Unevenly Illuminated Images
=> Restoration of Variable Area Soundtracks
=> Restoration of Video Frames from a Single Blurred Image with Motion Understanding
=> Restoration of Videos Degraded by Local Isoplanatism Effects in the Near-Infrared Domain
=> Restoration of VOYAGER 1 Image of Io
=> Restoration of Wavelet-compressed Images Using Adaptively Masking Smoothness Constraints
=> Restoration Potential of the Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau, The
=> Restoration Technique for Pleiades-HR Panchromatic Images
=> Restore from Restored: Video Restoration with Pseudo Clean Video
=> Restore Globally, Refine Locally: A Mask-Guided Scheme to Accelerate Super-Resolution Networks
=> RestoreFormer: High-Quality Blind Face Restoration from Undegraded Key-Value Pairs
=> RestoreFormer++: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration From Undegraded Key-Value Pairs
=> restoreInpaint
=> RestoreX-AI: A Contrastive Approach towards Guiding Image Restoration via Explainable AI Systems
=> Restoring 2D Content from Distorted Documents
=> Restoring an Image Taken through a Window Covered with Dirt or Rain
=> Restoring camera-captured distorted document images
=> Restoring Degraded Old Films with Recursive Recurrent Transformer Networks
=> Restoring Degraded Old Films with Recursive Recurrent Transformer Networks
=> Restoring Extremely Dark Images in Real Time
=> Restoring Fort Frontenac in 3D: Effective Usage of 3D Technology for Heritage Visualization
=> Restoring highly corrupted images by impulse noise using radial basis functions interpolation
=> Restoring illumination and view dependent data from sparse samples
=> Restoring images of ancient color postcards
=> Restoring Ink Bleed-Through Degraded Document Images Using a Recursive Unsupervised Classification Technique
=> Restoring lost resolution of plenoptic images
=> Restoring occluded regions using FW-PCA for face recognition
=> Restoring Spatially-heterogeneous Distortions Using Mixture of Experts Network
=> Restoring subsampled color images
=> Restoring the perception of eye contact in the visually impaired
=> Restoring Vision in Adverse Weather Conditions With Patch-Based Denoising Diffusion Models
=> Restoring vision in hazy weather with hierarchical contrastive learning
=> Restoring Warped Document Images through 3D Shape Modeling
=> Restoring Warped Document Images using Shape-from-Shading and Surface Interpolation
=> Restormer: Efficient Transformer for High-Resolution Image Restoration
=> ReSTR: Convolution-free Referring Image Segmentation Using Transformers
=> Restricted affine motion compensation in video coding using particle filtering
=> Restricted Boltzmann Machine-Based Approach for Robust Dimensionality Reduction, A
=> Restricted Boltzmann Machine-Based Voice Conversion for Nonparallel Corpus
=> Restricted Boltzmann machine approach to couple dictionary training for image super-resolution
=> Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Gender Classification
=> Restricted Connection Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Subspace Clustering
=> Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Neural Network System for Hand Image Segmentation, A
=> Restricted Deformable Convolution-Based Road Scene Semantic Segmentation Using Surround View Cameras
=> Restricted Entropy and Spectrum Properties for the Compressively Sensed Domain in Hyperspectral Imaging
=> Restricted guided filter with SURE-LET-based parameter optimization
=> Restricted H.264/AVC video coding for privacy protected video scrambling
=> Restricted H.264/AVC video coding for privacy region scrambling
=> Restricted Isometry Property of Subspace Projection Matrix Under Random Compression
=> Restricted Set Classification with prior probabilities: A case study on chessboard recognition
=> Restricted set classification: Who is there?
=> Restricted Structural Random Matrix for compressive sensing
=> Restricted structure optimal linear estimators
=> Restrictions on the three-class ideal observer's decision boundary lines
=> Restructured Eigenfilter Matching for Novelty Detection in Random Textures
=> ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement
=> Resultant Based Incremental Recovery of Camera Pose From Pairwise Matches
=> Resulted word counts optimization: A new approach for better automatic image annotation
=> Results and Analysis of ChaLearn LAP Multi-modal Isolated and Continuous Gesture Recognition, and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions Challenges
=> Results and Implications of a Study of Fifteen Years of Satellite Image Classification Experiments
=> Results from Developments in the Use of a Scanning Sonar to Support Diving Operations from a Rescue Ship
=> Results from MICHE II-Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II
=> Results From the Deep Convective Clouds-Based Response Versus Scan-Angle Characterization for the MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
=> Results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign
=> Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cancer Using Helical CT Images, The
=> Results of a Precrash Application Based on Laser Scanner and Short-Range Radars
=> Results of a Space-Surface Bistatic SAR Image Formation Algorithm
=> Results of a Study on Invoice-Reading Systems in Germany
=> Results of an Evaluation of the Orchestration Capabilities of the Zoo Project and the 52° North Framework for an Intelligent Geoportal
=> Results of Hyperspectral Analysis for The Characterization of Mudwall. Comparison Based On Normalization
=> Results of Researches On Photogrammetric Calibration of The Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX1RM2 Camera
=> Results of the 2020 fastMRI Challenge for Machine Learning MR Image Reconstruction
=> Results of the Dragon 4 Project on New Ocean Remote Sensing Data for Operational Applications
=> Results of the ISPRS benchmark on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction
=> results of the NICE.II Iris biometrics competition, The
=> Results of the RIMES Evaluation Campaign for Handwritten Mail Processing
=> Results of the Use of Bayesian Classifiers for Identification of Breast Cancer Cell Nuclei
=> Results on Hexagonal Tile Rewriting Grammars
=> Results on Range Image Segmentation for Service Robots
=> Results Using Random Field Models for the Segmentation of Color Images
=> Resuming Shapes with Applications
=> ResUNet-a: A deep learning framework for semantic segmentation of remotely sensed data
=> ResViT: Residual Vision Transformers for Multimodal Medical Image Synthesis
=> Resynchronization Properties of Arithmetic Coding
=> Resynthesizing Facial Animation through 3D Model-based Tracking
=> RETA: 4D Radar-Based End-to-End Joint Tracking and Activity Estimation for Low-Observable Pedestrian Safety in Cluttered Traffic Scenarios
=> Retain and Recover: Delving Into Information Loss for Few-Shot Segmentation
=> Retain and Recover: Delving Into Information Loss for Few-Shot Segmentation
=> Retaining Diverse Information in Contrastive Learning Through Multiple Projectors
=> Retaining Local Image Information in Gamut Mapping Algorithms
=> retargetable framework for interactive diagram recognition, A
=> Retargetable Table Reader, A
=> Retargeted Regression Methods for Multi-label Learning
=> Retargeting HR Aerial Photos Under Contaminated Labels With Application in Smart Navigation
=> Retargeting Semantically-Rich Photos
=> Rete: A Fast Algorithm for the Many Pattern/Many Object Pattern Match Problem
=> Retentive Compensation and Personality Filtering for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Object Detection
=> Retentive Compensation and Personality Filtering for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Object Detection
=> Retexturing Single Views Using Texture and Shading
=> Rethink arbitrary style transfer with transformer and contrastive learning
=> Rethink Cross-Modal Fusion in Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
=> Rethinking 360° Image Visual Attention Modelling with Unsupervised Learning
=> Rethinking 3D-CNN in Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
=> Rethinking 3D cost aggregation in stereo matching
=> Rethinking Adversarial Examples in Wargames
=> Rethinking Algorithm Design and Development in Speech Processing
=> Rethinking Amodal Video Segmentation from Learning Supervised Signals with Object-centric Representation
=> Rethinking Amodal Video Segmentation from Learning Supervised Signals with Object-centric Representation
=> Rethinking and Designing a High-Performing Automatic License Plate Recognition Approach
=> Rethinking and Improving Feature Pyramids for One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension
=> Rethinking and Improving Few-Shot Segmentation From a Contour-Aware Perspective
=> Rethinking and Improving Few-Shot Segmentation From a Contour-Aware Perspective
=> Rethinking and Improving Relative Position Encoding for Vision Transformer
=> Rethinking and Improving the Robustness of Image Style Transfer
=> Rethinking Architecture Design for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
=> Rethinking Attentive Object Detection via Neural Attention Learning
=> Rethinking Background And Foreground In Deep Neural Network-Based Background Subtraction
=> Rethinking Batch Sample Relationships for Data Representation: A Batch-Graph Transformer Based Approach
=> Rethinking Bayesian Deep Learning Methods for Semi-Supervised Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
=> Rethinking big data: A review on the data quality and usage issues
=> Rethinking BiSeNet For Real-time Semantic Segmentation
=> Rethinking Bottleneck Structure for Efficient Mobile Network Design
=> Rethinking Camouflaged Object Detection: Models and Datasets
=> Rethinking Channel Dimensions for Efficient Model Design
=> Rethinking Channel Dimensions for Efficient Model Design
=> Rethinking Class-Balanced Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition From a Domain Adaptation Perspective
=> Rethinking Class Activation Mapping for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
=> Rethinking class orders and transferability in class incremental learning
=> Rethinking Class Relations: Absolute-relative Supervised and Unsupervised Few-shot Learning
=> Rethinking Classical Internal Forces for Active Contour Models
=> Rethinking Classification and Localization for Object Detection
=> Rethinking Closed-Loop Training for Autonomous Driving
=> Rethinking Clustering-Based Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Meta-Learning
=> Rethinking Clustering-Based Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Meta-Learning
=> Rethinking CNN-Based Pansharpening: Guided Colorization of Panchromatic Images via GANs
=> Rethinking Coarse-to-Fine Approach in Single Image Deblurring
=> Rethinking Collaborative Metric Learning: Toward an Efficient Alternative Without Negative Sampling
=> Rethinking color cameras
=> Rethinking Common Assumptions to Mitigate Racial Bias in Face Recognition Datasets
=> Rethinking Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
=> Rethinking Confidence Calibration for Failure Prediction
=> Rethinking Confidence Calibration for Failure Prediction
=> Rethinking Content and Style: Exploring Bias for Unsupervised Disentanglement
=> Rethinking Context: Leveraging Human and Machine Computation in Disaster Response
=> Rethinking Controllable Variational Autoencoders
=> Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework
=> Rethinking Cross-Domain Pedestrian Detection: A Background-Focused Distribution Alignment Framework for Instance-Free One-Stage Detectors
=> Rethinking Data Augmentation for Image Super-resolution: A Comprehensive Analysis and a New Strategy
=> Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Question Answering
=> Rethinking data collection for person re-identification: Active redundancy reduction
=> Rethinking Data Distillation: Do Not Overlook Calibration
=> Rethinking Deconvolution for 2D Human Pose Estimation Light yet Accurate Model for Real-time Edge Computing
=> Rethinking deep active learning: Using unlabeled data at model training
=> Rethinking Deep Face Restoration
=> Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising
=> Rethinking Deinterlacing for Early Interlaced Videos
=> Rethinking Depth Estimation for Multi-View Stereo: A Unified Representation
=> Rethinking Depthwise Separable Convolutions: How Intra-Kernel Correlations Lead to Improved MobileNets
=> Rethinking Design and Evaluation of 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Models
=> Rethinking Differentiable Search for Mixed-Precision Neural Networks
=> Rethinking Dilated Convolution for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
=> Rethinking Domain Generalization Baselines
=> Rethinking Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing: Separability and Alignment
=> Rethinking Dual-Stream Super-Resolution Semantic Learning in Medical Image Segmentation
=> Rethinking Efficacy of Softmax for Lightweight Non-local Neural Networks
=> Rethinking Efficient Lane Detection via Curve Modeling
=> Rethinking Engagement: Innovations in How Humanitarians Explore Geoinformation
=> Rethinking Ensemble-Distillation for Semantic Segmentation Based Unsupervised Domain Adaption
=> Rethinking Experience Replay: a Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning
=> Rethinking Fast Fourier Convolution in Image Inpainting
=> Rethinking Feature-based Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition
=> Rethinking Feature Distribution for Loss Functions in Image Classification
=> Rethinking Federated Learning with Domain Shift: A Prototype View
=> Rethinking Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning With Open-Set Hypothesis in Hyperbolic Geometry
=> Rethinking Few-shot Image Classification: A Good Embedding is All You Need?
=> Rethinking Few-Shot Medical Segmentation: A Vector Quantization View
=> Rethinking Few-Shot Object Detection on a Multi-Domain Benchmark
=> Rethinking Generic Camera Models for Deep Single Image Camera Calibration to Recover Rotation and Fisheye Distortion
=> Rethinking Genre Classification With Fine Grained Semantic Clustering
=> Rethinking Gradient Projection Continual Learning: Stability/Plasticity Feature Space Decoupling
=> Rethinking Graph Contrastive Learning: An Efficient Single-View Approach via Instance Discrimination
=> Rethinking Graph Neural Architecture Search from Message-passing
=> Rethinking Illumination for Person Re-Identification: A Unified View
=> Rethinking Image Cropping: Exploring Diverse Compositions from Global Views
=> Rethinking Image Deraining via Rain Streaks and Vapors
=> Rethinking Image Inpainting via a Mutual Encoder-decoder with Feature Equalizations
=> Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Semantic Saliency Reranking First, Pixelwise Saliency Refinement Later
=> Rethinking Image Super Resolution from Long-Tailed Distribution Learning Perspective
=> Rethinking ImageNet Pre-Training
=> Rethinking interactive image segmentation: Feature space annotation
=> Rethinking IoU-based Optimization for Single-stage 3D Object Detection
=> Rethinking Keypoint Representations: Modeling Keypoints and Poses as Objects for Multi-person Human Pose Estimation
=> Rethinking Knowledge Distillation with Raw Features for Semantic Segmentation
=> Rethinking Knowledge Graph Propagation for Zero-Shot Learning
=> Rethinking Label Flipping Attack: From Sample Masking to Sample Thresholding
=> Rethinking Learning Approaches for Long-Term Action Anticipation
=> Rethinking Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient and High-Quality Pavement Crack Detection
=> Rethinking Lightweight Salient Object Detection via Network Depth-Width Tradeoff
=> Rethinking Lightweight: Multiple Angle Strategy for Efficient Video Action Recognition
=> Rethinking local-to-global representation learning for rotation-invariant point cloud analysis
=> Rethinking local-to-global representation learning for rotation-invariant point cloud analysis
=> Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dense Prediction
=> Rethinking Long-Tailed Visual Recognition with Dynamic Probability Smoothing and Frequency Weighted Focusing
=> Rethinking Long-Tailed Visual Recognition with Dynamic Probability Smoothing and Frequency Weighted Focusing
=> Rethinking Low-level Features for Interest Point Detection and Description
=> Rethinking Low-Light Enhancement via Transformer-GAN
=> Rethinking Minimal Sufficient Representation in Contrastive Learning
=> Rethinking Mobile Block for Efficient Attention-based Models
=> Rethinking Motion Representation: Residual Frames With 3D ConvNets
=> Rethinking Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution: Rectangle-Window Cross-Attention Transformer and Arbitrary-Scale Upsampling
=> Rethinking Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution: Rectangle-Window Cross-Attention Transformer and Arbitrary-Scale Upsampling
=> Rethinking Multimodal Content Moderation from an Asymmetric Angle with Mixed-modality
=> Rethinking Noise Synthesis and Modeling in Raw Denoising
=> Rethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-Flow Processing Paradigm
=> Rethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-Flow Processing Paradigm
=> Rethinking of Deep Models Parameters with Respect to Data Distribution
=> Rethinking of Radar's Role: A Camera-Radar Dataset and Systematic Annotator via Coordinate Alignment
=> Rethinking Online Knowledge Distillation with Multi-Exits
=> Rethinking Optical Flow from Geometric Matching Consistent Perspective
=> Rethinking Out-of-distribution (OOD) Detection: Masked Image Modeling is All You Need
=> Rethinking PASCAL-VOC and MS-COCO dataset for small object detection
=> Rethinking PCA for Modern Data Sets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
=> Rethinking Performance Estimation in Neural Architecture Search
=> Rethinking Planar Homography Estimation Using Perspective Fields
=> Rethinking Point Cloud Registration as Masking and Reconstruction
=> Rethinking Point Cloud Registration as Masking and Reconstruction
=> Rethinking PointNet Embedding for Faster and Compact Model
=> Rethinking Portrait Matting with Privacy Preserving
=> Rethinking pose estimation in crowds: overcoming the detection information bottleneck and ambiguity
=> Rethinking pose estimation in crowds: overcoming the detection information bottleneck and ambiguity
=> Rethinking Pose in 3D: Multi-stage Refinement and Recovery for Markerless Motion Capture
=> Rethinking pre-training on medical imaging
=> Rethinking precision of pseudo label: Test-time adaptation via complementary learning
=> Rethinking preventing class-collapsing in metric learning with margin-based losses
=> Rethinking Pseudo-Lidar Representation
=> Rethinking Range View Representation for LiDAR Segmentation
=> Rethinking Reconstruction Autoencoder-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection
=> Rethinking referring relationships from a perspective of mask-level relational reasoning
=> Rethinking ReID: Multi-Feature Fusion Person Re-identification Based on Orientation Constraints
=> Rethinking ReLU to Train Better CNNs
=> Rethinking Representation Learning-Based Hyperspectral Target Detection: A Hierarchical Representation Residual Feature-Based Method
=> Rethinking Reprojection: Closing the Loop for Pose-Aware Shape Reconstruction from a Single Image
=> Rethinking Road Surface 3-D Reconstruction and Pothole Detection: From Perspective Transformation to Disparity Map Segmentation
=> Rethinking Robust Representation Learning Under Fine-Grained Noisy Faces
=> Rethinking Rotation in Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning: Adaptive Positive or Negative Data Augmentation
=> Rethinking Safe Semi-supervised Learning: Transferring the Open-set Problem to A Close-set One
=> Rethinking Sampling Strategies for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
=> Rethinking Segmentation Guidance for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
=> Rethinking Self-supervised Correspondence Learning: A Video Frame-level Similarity Perspective
=> Rethinking Semantic Image Compression: Scalable Representation with Cross-Modality Transfer
=> Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequence Perspective with Transformers
=> Rethinking Semantic Segmentation: A Prototype View
=> Rethinking Shape From Shading for Spoofing Detection
=> Rethinking Shared Features and Re-ranking for Cross-Modality Person Re-identification
=> Rethinking Spatial Dimensions of Vision Transformers
=> Rethinking Spatial Invariance of Convolutional Networks for Object Counting
=> Rethinking Spatiotemporal Feature Learning: Speed-Accuracy Trade-offs in Video Classification
=> Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes
=> Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia
=> Rethinking Supervised Depth Estimation for 360° Panoramic Imagery
=> Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-Consistent Flow-Free Approach
=> Rethinking Task-Incremental Learning Baselines
=> Rethinking Task and Metrics of Instance Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds
=> Rethinking Temporal Structure Modeling Method for Temporal Action Localization
=> Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach
=> Rethinking the Approximation Error in 3D Surface Fitting for Point Cloud Normal Estimation
=> Rethinking the Augmentation Module in Contrastive Learning: Learning Hierarchical Augmentation Invariance with Expanded Views
=> Rethinking the Backdoor Attacks' Triggers: A Frequency Perspective
=> Rethinking the Competition Between Detection and ReID in Multiobject Tracking
=> Rethinking the Correlation in Few-Shot Segmentation: A Buoys View
=> Rethinking the Data Annotation Process for Multiview 3D Pose Estimation with Active Learning and Self-Training
=> Rethinking the Defocus Blur Detection Problem and a Real-time Deep Dbd Model
=> Rethinking the Distribution Gap of Person Re-identification with Camera-Based Batch Normalization
=> Rethinking the Effectiveness of Objective Evaluation Metrics in Multi-Focus Image Fusion: A Statistic-Based Approach
=> Rethinking the Evaluation of Video Summaries
=> Rethinking the Faster R-CNN Architecture for Temporal Action Localization
=> Rethinking the Form of Latent States in Image Captioning
=> Rethinking the Fourier-Mellin Transform: Multiple Depths in the Camera's View
=> Rethinking the Fusion of Technology and Clinical Practices in Functional Behavior Analysis for the Elderly
=> Rethinking the Heatmap Regression for Bottom-up Human Pose Estimation
=> Rethinking the high capacity 3D steganography:\\ Increasing its resistance to steganalysis
=> Rethinking the Importance of Quantization Bias, Toward Full Low-Bit Training
=> Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision
=> Rethinking the Learning Paradigm for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
=> Rethinking the Person Localization for Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Estimation
=> Rethinking the Random Cropping Data Augmentation Method Used in the Training of CNN-Based SAR Image Ship Detector
=> Rethinking the Role of Pre-Trained Networks in Source-Free Domain Adaptation
=> Rethinking the Rotation Invariance of Local Convolutional Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
=> Rethinking the Route Towards Weakly Supervised Object Localization
=> Rethinking the Self-Attention in Vision Transformers
=> Rethinking the sGLOH Descriptor
=> Rethinking the Test Collection Methodology for Personal Self-tracking Data
=> Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
=> Rethinking the U-Shape Structure for Salient Object Detection
=> Rethinking the unpretentious U-net for medical ultrasound image segmentation
=> Rethinking Training Data for Mitigating Representation Biases in Action Recognition
=> Rethinking Training Objective for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Semantic Cues To Rescue
=> Rethinking Training Schedules for Verifiably Robust Networks
=> Rethinking Transformer-based Set Prediction for Object Detection
=> Rethinking Transit Time Reliability by Integrating Automated Vehicle Location Data, Passenger Patterns, and Web Tools
=> Rethinking Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation
=> Rethinking Unified Spectral-Spatial-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Under 3D Configuration of Vision Transformer
=> Rethinking Unsupervised Neural Superpixel Segmentation
=> Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach
=> Rethinking Video Frame Interpolation from Shutter Mode Induced Degradation
=> Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model and a Deraining Network with Video Rain Prior
=> Rethinking Video ViTs: Sparse Video Tubes for Joint Image and Video Learning
=> Rethinking Visibility in Human Pose Estimation: Occluded Pose Reasoning via Transformers
=> Rethinking Vision Transformers for MobileNet Size and Speed
=> Rethinking Visual Geo-localization for Large-Scale Applications
=> Rethinking Zero-shot Action Recognition: Learning from Latent Atomic Actions
=> Rethinking Zero-Shot Learning: A Conditional Visual Classification Perspective
=> Rethinking Zero-Shot Video Classification: End-to-End Training for Realistic Applications
=> RethNet: Object-by-Object Learning for Detecting Facial Skin Problems
=> Retica
=> RetiFluidNet: A Self-Adaptive and Multi-Attention Deep Convolutional Network for Retinal OCT Fluid Segmentation
=> Retiling scheme: a novel approach of direct anisotropic quad-dominant remeshing
=> Retin al: an active learning strategy for image category retrieval
=> RETIN: A Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval System
=> RETIN: a smart interactive digital media retrieval system
=> Retina-enhanced SURF descriptors for semantic concept detection in videos
=> Retina-Inspired Encoder: An Innovative Step on Image Coding Using Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons, A
=> Retina-Inspired Filter
=> Retina-Inspired Spatio-Temporal Filtering for Dynamic Video Coding
=> Retina-Like Visual Image Reconstruction via Spiking Neural Model
=> Retina-Like Visual Sensor for Fast Tracking and Navigation Robots
=> Retina Identification Based on the Pattern of Blood Vessels Using Angular and Radial Partitioning
=> Retina Layer Segmentation and Spatial Alignment of Antibody Expression Levels
=> Retina model inspired image quality assessment
=> Retina Sampling Feature Detection and Saccades; A Statistical Perspective.
=> Retina simulation using cellular automata and GPU programming
=> Retina Verification System Based on Biometric Graph Matching
=> Retina verification using a combined points and edges approach
=> Retina Vessel Detection Using Fuzzy Ant Colony Algorithm
=> RetinaFace: Single-Shot Multi-Level Face Localisation in the Wild
=> Retinal-inspired filtering for dynamic image coding
=> Retinal Artery-Vein Classification via Topology Estimation
=> Retinal Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease: Insights from Transgenic Mouse Models
=> Retinal Blood Vessel Caliber Estimation for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Based on 3D Superellipsoid Modeling
=> Retinal blood vessel extraction method based on basic filtering schemes
=> Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using a New Enhancement Technique of Modified Convolution Filters and Sauvola Thresholding
=> Retinal blood vessel localization approach based on bee colony swarm optimization, fuzzy c-means and pattern search
=> Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation and Bifurcation Point Detection
=> Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Line Operators and Support Vector Classification
=> Retinal blood vessel segmentation using the elite-guided multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm
=> Retinal blood vessel segmentation via graph cut
=> Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
=> Retinal Blood Vessels Differentiation for Calculation of Arterio-Venous Ratio
=> Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological operations
=> Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using the Radial Projection and Supervised Classification
=> Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation: Improving State-of-the-Art Deep Methods
=> Retinal fundus image registration framework using Bayesian integration and asymmetric Gaussian mixture model
=> Retinal fundus vasculature multilevel segmentation using whale optimization algorithm
=> Retinal Image Analysis Oriented to the Clinical Task
=> Retinal image blood vessel extraction and quantification with Euclidean distance transform approach
=> Retinal Image Classification via Vasculature-Guided Sequential Attention
=> Retinal image enhancement using adaptive histogram equalization tuned with nonsimilar grouping curvelet
=> Retinal image enhancement with artifact reduction and structure retention
=> Retinal Image Mosaic Based on Invariant Feature and Hierarchial Transformation Models, The
=> Retinal Image Quality Classification Using Saliency Maps and CNNs
=> Retinal Image Registration for NIH's ETDRS
=> Retinal image registration from 2D to 3D
=> Retinal image registration using bifurcation structures
=> Retinal Image Registration Using Creases as Anatomical Landmarks
=> Retinal Image Registration Via Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model
=> Retinal Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Features Method
=> Retinal Image Segmentation Based on Mumford-Shah Model and Gabor Wavelet Filter
=> Retinal Image Synthesis and Semi-Supervised Learning for Glaucoma Assessment
=> Retinal Image Synthesis for CAD Development
=> Retinal Images: Optic Disk Localization and Detection
=> Retinal information mapping system
=> Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images With Boundary Regression and Feature Polarization
=> Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images With Boundary Regression and Feature Polarization
=> Retinal Mechanism Inspired Color Constancy Model, A
=> Retinal Microaneurysm Detection Through Local Rotating Cross-Section Profile Analysis
=> Retinal Microaneurysms Detection Using Local Convergence Index Features
=> Retinal nerve fibre layer detection in fundus camera images compared to results from optical coherence tomography
=> Retinal network characterization through fundus image processing: Significant point identification on vessel centerline
=> Retinal Oximetry Based on Nonsimultaneous Image Acquisition Using a Conventional Fundus Camera
=> Retinal Spectral Image Analysis Methods Using Spectral Reflectance Pattern Recognition
=> Retinal Spot Lesion Detection Using Adaptive Multiscale Morphological Processing
=> Retinal Structure Detection in OCTA Image via Voting-Based Multitask Learning
=> Retinal thickness measurements from optical coherence tomography using a markov boundary model
=> Retinal thickness measurements from optical coherence tomography using a markov boundary model
=> Retinal Vascular Network Topology Reconstruction and Artery/Vein Classification via Dominant Set Clustering
=> Retinal venous caliber abnormality: Detection and analysis using matrix edge fields-based simultaneous smoothing and segmentation
=> Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
=> Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
=> Retinal vessel delineation using a brain-inspired wavelet transform and random forest
=> Retinal Vessel Detection in Wide-Field Fluorescein Angiography with Deep Neural Networks: A Novel Training Data Generation Approach
=> Retinal Vessel Detection using Self-Matched Filtering
=> Retinal vessel enhancement via sparse coding and dictionary learning
=> Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
=> Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
=> Retinal Vessel Extraction Using First-Order Derivative of Gaussian and Morphological Processing
=> Retinal Vessel Extraction with the Image Ray Transform
=> Retinal vessel segmentation approach based on corrected morphological transformation and fractal dimension
=> Retinal vessel segmentation based on an improved deep forest
=> Retinal vessel segmentation based on task-driven generative adversarial network
=> Retinal vessel segmentation by improved matched filtering: evaluation on a new high-resolution fundus image database
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation from a Hyperspectral Camera Images
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathematical Morphology
=> Retinal vessel segmentation to diagnose diabetic retinopathy using fundus images: A survey
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation Under Extreme Low Annotation: A Gan Based Semi-Supervised Approach
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using a probabilistic tracking method
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using a strip wise classification approach with grid search-based parameter selection
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using Average of Synthetic Exact Filters and Hessian matrix
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Blending-Based Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Matched Filter with Joint Relative Entropy
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel Tree Detector
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using multiwavelet kernels and multiscale hierarchical decomposition
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using neural network
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using system fuzzy and DBSCAN algorithm
=> Retinal vessel segmentation using the 2-D Gabor wavelet and supervised classification
=> Retinal vessel segmentation via Iterative Geodesic Time Transform
=> Retinal Vessel Segmentation With Skeletal Prior and Contrastive Loss
=> Retinal vessel tree segmentation using a deformable contour model
=> Retinal Vessels Segmentation Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
=> Retinal vessels segmentation based on level set and region growing
=> Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication
=> Retinally Reconstructed Images: Digital Images Having a Resolution Match with the Human Eye
=> RetinaMatch: Efficient Template Matching of Retina Images for Teleophthalmology
=> RetinaTrack: Online Single Stage Joint Detection and Tracking
=> retinex-based enhancing approach for single underwater image, A
=> Retinex-based Image Denoising / Contrast Enhancement Using Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer
=> Retinex-Based Image Enhancement with Particle Swarm Optimization and Multi-Objective Function
=> Retinex-Based Variational Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement and Denoising
=> Retinex-Guided Channel Grouping-Based Patch Swap for Arbitrary Style Transfer
=> Retinex-inspired contrast stretch and detail boosting for lowlight image enhancement
=> Retinex-inspired Unrolling with Cooperative Prior Architecture Search for Low-light Image Enhancement
=> Retinex-MPCNN: A Retinex and Modified Pulse coupled Neural Network based method for low-illumination visible and infrared image fusion
=> Retinex based visual identicalness detection for videos corrupted by imaging noise
=> Retinex by Higher Order Total Variation L1 Decomposition
=> Retinex by Two Bilateral Filters
=> Retinex Combined with Total Variation for Image Illumination Normalization
=> Retinex in Matlab
=> Retinex in Matlab
=> Retinex Poisson Equation: a Model for Color Perception
=> Retinex Underwater Image Enhancement With Multiorder Gradient Priors
=> RetinexDIP: A Unified Deep Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement
=> Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement
=> Retinexformer: One-stage Retinex-based Transformer for Low-light Image Enhancement
=> Retinomorphic Event-Based Vision Sensors: Bioinspired Cameras With Spiking Output
=> Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
=> Retinotopic mapping in awake monkeys suggests a different functional organization for dorsal and ventral V4
=> RETOUCH: The Retinal OCT Fluid Detection and Segmentation Benchmark and Challenge
=> Retracking Cryosat-2 Data in SARIn and LRM Modes for Plateau Lakes: A Case Study for Tibetan and Dianchi Lakes
=> RETRACTED ARTICLE: Cartesian vector-based directional nonparametric fuzzy filter for random-valued impulse noise removal
=> RETRACTED ARTICLE: Cartesian vector-based directional nonparametric fuzzy filter for random-valued impulse noise removal
=> Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
=> Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
=> Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
=> Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
=> RETRACTED: Robot Path Planning Method Based on Indoor Spacetime Grid Model
=> RETRACTED: A new On-orbit Geometric Self-calibration Approach for the High-resolution Multi-linear Array Optical Satellite Based on Stereoscopic Image Pairs
=> RETRACTED: A new On-orbit Geometric Self-calibration Approach for the High-resolution Multi-linear Array Optical Satellite Based on Stereoscopic Image Pairs
=> Retracted: An iterative propagation based co-saliency framework for RGBD images
=> Retracted: An iterative propagation based co-saliency framework for RGBD images
=> RETRACTED: Analysis of security operation and maintenance system using privacy utility in media environment
=> RETRACTED: Camera network analysis for visual surveillance in electric industrial context
=> RETRACTED: Chen et al. An Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on a Weighted Human Visual Comparison Mechanism for Safety Monitoring
=> RETRACTED: Deeply fusing multimodal features in hypergraph
=> RETRACTED: Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
=> RETRACTED: Forecasting the Landslide Blocking River Process and Cascading Dam Breach Flood Propagation by an Integrated Numerical Approach: A Reservoir Area Case Study
=> RETRACTED: Geometric Construction of Video Stereo Grid Space
=> RETRACTED: Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
=> Retracted: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
=> RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
=> Retracted: Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation using Vessel's Location Map and Frangi Enhancement Filter
=> Retracted: Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation using Vessel's Location Map and Frangi Enhancement Filter
=> RETRACTED: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network's Data from Weibo
=> Retracted: Visualization of Positive and Monotone Data by Rational Quadratic Spline
=> Retraction Note: Pose invariant face recognition using biological inspired features based on ensemble of classifiers
=> Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
=> Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
=> Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
=> Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
=> Retraction notice
=> Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand from single depth images
=> Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand from single depth images
=> Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
=> Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
=> Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
=> Retraction: Attention-Based Deep Feature Fusion for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Retraction: Attention-Based Deep Feature Fusion for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
=> Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
=> Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
=> Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
=> Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
=> Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
=> Retraction: Deep learning for real-time semantic segmentation: Application in ultrasound imaging
=> Retraction: Deep learning for real-time semantic segmentation: Application in ultrasound imaging
=> Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
=> Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
=> Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
=> Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
=> Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
=> RETRACTION: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
=> RETRACTION: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
=> Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep learning and balanced sparrow search algorithm
=> Retraction: The Exploration of Urban Material Anabolism Based on RS and GIS Methods: Case Study in Jinchang, China
=> RETRACTION: Transformer-induced graph reasoning for multimodal semantic segmentation in remote sensing
=> Retrain-free fully connected layer optimization using matrix factorization
=> Retraining a Novelty Detector with Impostor Patterns for Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication
=> Retraining: A Simple Way to Improve the Ensemble Accuracy of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification
=> Retreating Shorelines as an Emerging Threat to Adelie Penguins on Inexpressible Island
=> Retrieval-Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks Against Adversarial Examples
=> retrieval-based approach for diverse and image-specific adversary selection, A
=> Retrieval-based cartoon gesture recognition and applications via semi-supervised heterogeneous classifiers learning
=> Retrieval-Based Face Annotation by Weak Label Regularized Local Coordinate Coding
=> Retrieval-based Spatially Adaptive Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis
=> Retrieval Accuracy of HCHO Vertical Column Density from Ground-Based Direct-Sun Measurement and First HCHO Column Measurement Using Pandora
=> retrieval algorithm of the sea surface salinity based on the improved K-S model in Hong Kong Waters, The
=> Retrieval and Assessment of Significant Wave Height from CYGNSS Mission Using Neural Network
=> Retrieval and Calculation of Vertical Aerosol Mass Fluxes by a Coherent Doppler Lidar and a Sun Photometer
=> Retrieval and classification methods for textured 3D models: A comparative study
=> Retrieval and Comparison of Forest Leaf Area Index Based on Remote Sensing Data from AVNIR-2, Landsat-5 TM, MODIS, and PALSAR Sensors
=> Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
=> Retrieval and Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Images from Bare Cropland in Autumn
=> Retrieval and Multi-scale Validation of Soil Moisture from Multi-temporal SAR Data in a Semi-Arid Tropical Region
=> Retrieval and Quality Assessment of Wind Velocity Vectors on the Ocean With C-Band SAR
=> Retrieval and Spatio-Temporal Variations Analysis of Yangtze River Water Clarity from 2017 to 2020 Based on Sentinel-2 Images
=> Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
=> Retrieval and Validation of AOD from Himawari-8 Data over Bohai Rim Region, China
=> Retrieval and Validation of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth From AVHRR Over China
=> Retrieval and Validation of Cloud Top Temperature from the Geostationary Satellite INSAT-3D
=> Retrieval and Validation of Water Turbidity at Metre-Scale Using Pléiades Satellite Data: A Case Study in the Gironde Estuary
=> Retrieval and Validation of XCO2 from TanSat Target Mode Observations in Beijing
=> Retrieval Augmented Classification for Long-Tail Visual Recognition
=> Retrieval by classification of images containing large manmade objects using perceptual grouping
=> Retrieval by classification of images containing large manmade objects using perceptual grouping
=> Retrieval by Layout Similarity of Documents Represented with MXY Trees
=> Retrieval by Local Motion
=> Retrieval by shape using multidimensional indexing structures
=> Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a Comparative Evaluation
=> Retrieval characteristics of an untrained holographic index for image databases
=> Retrieval Compensated Group Structured Sparsity for Image Super-Resolution
=> Retrieval Consistency between LST CCI Satellite Data Products over Europe and Africa
=> Retrieval for Color Artistry Concepts
=> Retrieval From and Understanding of Large-Scale Multi-modal Medical Datasets: A Review
=> Retrieval from Document Image Collections
=> Retrieval in Long-Surveillance Videos Using User-Described Motion and Object Attributes
=> Retrieval method for multi-category images
=> Retrieval Method of Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity for Migratory Animals Using Weather Radar, A
=> Retrieval Methods for English-Text with Misrecognized OCR Characters
=> Retrieval of 2D vector images by matching Weighted Feature Points
=> Retrieval of 30-m Resolution LAI from Landsat Data by Combining MODIS Products, The
=> Retrieval of 3D Articulated Objects Using A Graph-Based Representation
=> Retrieval of 3D Articulated Objects Using A Graph-Based Representation
=> Retrieval of 3D objects using curvature maps and weighted walkthroughs
=> Retrieval of 3D Polygonal Objects Based on Multiresolution Signatures
=> Retrieval of 3D protein structures
=> Retrieval of 500 m Aerosol Optical Depths from MODIS Measurements over Urban Surfaces under Heavy Aerosol Loading Conditions in Winter
=> Retrieval of a Temporal High-Resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) by Combining MODIS LAI and ASTER Reflectance Data
=> Retrieval of Aerodynamic Parameters in Rubber Tree Forests Based on the Computer Simulation Technique and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Components Using Multi-Wavelength Mie-Raman Lidar and Comparison with Ground Aerosol Sampling
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Fine-Mode Fraction from Intensity and Polarization Measurements by PARASOL over East Asia
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from Multi-Wavelength Mie-Raman Lidar Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Algorithm, Performance, and Application
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Optimal Interpolation Approach Applied to SEVIRI Data
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth in the Arid or Semiarid Region of Northern Xinjiang, China
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth Using the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) Based on PARASOL Multi-Angle Intensity Data
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties over Land Using an Optimized Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Directional Polarimetric Camera
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Arctic Snow-Covered Regions Using Passive Remote Sensing: Impact of Aerosol Typing and Surface Reflection Model
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Properties for Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures over Beijing from PARASOL Measurements
=> Retrieval of Aerosol Single-Scattering Albedo from MODIS Data Using an Artificial Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Aged Biomass-Burning Aerosol Properties by Using GRASP Code in Synergy with Polarized Micro-Pulse Lidar and Sun/Sky Photometer
=> Retrieval of All-Weather 1 km Land Surface Temperature from Combined MODIS and AMSR2 Data over the Tibetan Plateau
=> Retrieval of an On-Orbit Bidirectional Reflectivity Reference in the Mid-Infrared Bands of FY-3D/MERSI-2 Channels 20
=> Retrieval of Archival Moving Imagery: CBIR Outside the Frame?
=> Retrieval of Arctic Sea Ice Parameters by Satellite Passive Microwave Sensors: A Comparison of Eleven Sea Ice Concentration Algorithms
=> Retrieval of Arctic Vegetation Biophysical and Biochemical Properties from CHRIS/PROBA Multi-Angle Imagery Using Empirical and Physical Modelling
=> Retrieval of At-Surface Upwelling Radiance and Albedo by Parameterizing Cloud Scattering and Transmittance over Rugged Terrain
=> Retrieval of Atmospheric Aerosol and Surface Properties Over Land Using Satellite Observations
=> Retrieval of Atmospheric and Surface Parameters From Satellite Microwave Radiometers Over the Mediterranean Sea
=> Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profile from Historical Data and Ground-Based Observations by Using a Machine Learning Algorithm
=> Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data Based on TPE-MLP: Analysis of Retrieval Accuracy and Influencing Factors
=> Retrieval of Atmospheric Water Vapor Content in the Environment from AHI/H8 Using Both Physical and Random Forest Methods—A Case Study for Typhoon Maria (201808)
=> Retrieval of Biophysical Crop Variables from Multi-Angular Canopy Spectroscopy
=> Retrieval of Biophysical Parameters of Agricultural Crops Using Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
=> Retrieval of Black Carbon Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth from AERONET Observations over the World during 2000-2018
=> Retrieval of Boreal Forest Heights Using an Improved Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) Model Based on Repeat-Pass Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: The Case Study of Saihanba, China
=> Retrieval of Both Soil Moisture and Texture Using TerraSAR-X Images
=> Retrieval of Canopy Closure and LAI of Moso Bamboo Forest Using Spectral Mixture Analysis Based on Real Scenario Simulation
=> Retrieval of carbon content and biomass from hyperspectral imagery over cultivated areas
=> Retrieval of Carbon Dioxide Using Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on S-NPP
=> Retrieval of Chla Concentrations in Lake Xingkai Using OLCI Images
=> Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Solids Using Iterative Stepwise Elimination Partial Least Squares (ISE-PLS) Regression Based on Field Hyperspectral Measurements in Irrigation Ponds in Higashihiroshima, Japan
=> Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations of Class II Water Bodies of Inland Lakes and Reservoirs Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data
=> Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations Using Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery in Lake Chagan Based on Assessments with Machine Learning Models
=> Retrieval of Chlorophyll a from Sentinel-2 MSI Data for the European Union Water Framework Directive Reporting Purposes
=> Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth under Day and Night Conditions from MODIS Collection 6 Cloud Property Data
=> Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Properties From the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder: The k-Coefficient Approach Using Cloud-Cleared Radiances as Input
=> Retrieval of clothing images based on relevance feedback with focus on collar designs
=> Retrieval of Cloud Optical Properties From Multiple Infrared Hyperspectral Measurements: A Methodology Based on a Line-by-Line Multiple-Scattering Code
=> Retrieval of Cloud Optical Thickness from Sky-View Camera Images using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer
=> Retrieval of Coarse-Resolution Leaf Area Index over the Republic of Kazakhstan Using NOAA AVHRR Satellite Data and Ground Measurements
=> Retrieval of Colored 3D Models
=> Retrieval of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Pearl River Estuary Using MODIS Data
=> Retrieval of Commercials by Video Semantics
=> Retrieval of Crop Canopy Chlorophyll: Machine Learning vs. Radiative Transfer Model
=> Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral UAV Image Data Using PROSAIL in Maize Canopy
=> Retrieval of Crude Protein in Perennial Ryegrass Using Spectral Data at the Canopy Level
=> Retrieval of Daily Mean Top-of-Atmosphere Reflected Solar Flux Using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Instruments
=> Retrieval of Daily Mean VIIRS SST Products in China Seas
=> Retrieval of Daily PM2.5 Concentrations Using Nonlinear Methods: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China
=> Retrieval of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration for Croplands in South Korea Using Machine Learning with Satellite Images and Numerical Weather Prediction Data
=> Retrieval of Daytime Total Column Water Vapour from OLCI Measurements over Land Surfaces
=> Retrieval of Desert Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Retrieval of Document Images: A Brief Survey, The
=> Retrieval of Drop Size Distribution Parameters Using a Dual-Polarimetric Radar, The
=> Retrieval of DTM under Complex Forest Stand Based on Spaceborne LiDAR Fusion Photon Correction
=> Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water Equivalent from Radar and Passive Microwave Measurements
=> Retrieval of Effective Leaf Area Index in Heterogeneous Forests With Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Retrieval of Envelope Images Using Graph Matching
=> Retrieval of Family Members Using Siamese Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Farmland Surface Soil Moisture Based on Feature Optimization and Machine Learning
=> Retrieval of Fine-Grained PM2.5 Spatiotemporal Resolution Based on Multiple Machine Learning Models
=> Retrieval of Fine-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in Semiarid Urban Areas Using Landsat Data: A Case Study in Urumqi, NW China
=> Retrieval of Firn Thickness by Means of Polarisation Phase Differences in L-Band SAR Data
=> Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume with Airborne Scanning LiDAR
=> Retrieval of forest leaf functional traits from HySpex imagery using radiative transfer models and continuous wavelet analysis
=> Retrieval of Forest Vertical Structure from PolInSAR Data by Machine Learning Using LIDAR-Derived Features
=> Retrieval of Fractional Snow Cover over High Mountain Asia Using 1 km and 5 km AVHRR/2 with Simulated Mid-Infrared Reflective Band
=> Retrieval of gamma corrected images
=> Retrieval of Gap Fraction and Effective Plant Area Index from Phase-Shift Terrestrial Laser Scans
=> Retrieval of Global Orbit Drift Corrected Land Surface Temperature from Long-term AVHRR Data
=> Retrieval of Glyoxal from OMI over China: Investigation of the Effects of Tropospheric NO2, A
=> Retrieval of Grassland Aboveground Biomass through Inversion of the PROSAIL Model with MODIS Imagery
=> Retrieval of Ground NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) Data Consistent with Remote-Sensing Observations, The
=> Retrieval of guitarist fingering information using computer vision
=> Retrieval of Hand-Sketched Envelopes in Logo Images
=> Retrieval of Handwritten Lines in Historical Documents
=> Retrieval of head-neck medical images using Gabor filter based on power-law transformation method and rank BHMT
=> Retrieval of High-Resolution Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentrations from Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Thickness over the Pearl River Delta Area, China
=> Retrieval of High-Resolution Soil Moisture through Combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
=> Retrieval of High-Resolution Vegetation Optical Depth from Sentinel-1 Data over a Grassland Region in the Heihe River Basin
=> Retrieval of High Spatial Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from HJ-1 A/B CCD Data
=> Retrieval of High Spatiotemporal Resolution Leaf Area Index with Gaussian Processes, Wireless Sensor Network, and Satellite Data Fusion
=> Retrieval of High Temporal Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Using the GOCI Remote Sensing Data
=> Retrieval of Higher Order Ocean Spectral Information From Sunglint
=> Retrieval of Hyperspectral Surface Reflectance Based on Machine Learning
=> Retrieval of Images from Artistic Repositories Using a Decision Fusion Framework
=> Retrieval of images of man-made structures based on projective invariance
=> Retrieval of Images Using Rich Region Descriptions
=> Retrieval of Images with Objects of Specific Size, Location, and Spatial Configuration
=> Retrieval of Inherent Optical Properties for Turbid Inland Waters From Remote-Sensing Reflectance
=> Retrieval of Internal Solitary Wave Amplitude in Shallow Water by Tandem Spaceborne SAR
=> Retrieval of Land-Use/Land Cover Change (LUCC) Maps and Urban Expansion Dynamics of Hyderabad, Pakistan via Landsat Datasets and Support Vector Machine Framework
=> Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 VHRR data using a single-channel algorithm and its validation over western India
=> Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature over Mountainous Areas Using Fengyun-3D MERSI-II Data
=> Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature over the Heihe River Basin Using HJ-1B Thermal Infrared Data
=> Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature With Topographic Effect Correction From Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data in Mountainous Areas
=> Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmospheric Parameters From Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Image Using a Feature-Band Linear-Format Hybrid Algorithm
=> Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from VIIRS Time-Series Data
=> Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Water Content (WC) Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing under Controlled Glass House Conditions for Spring Barley and Sugar Beet
=> Retrieval of Leaf Area Index by Linking the PROSAIL and Ross-Li BRDF Models Using MODIS BRDF Data
=> Retrieval of leaf area index in different plant species using thermal hyperspectral data
=> Retrieval of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest Area
=> Retrieval of leaf water content spanning the visible to thermal infrared spectra
=> Retrieval of Leaf, Sunlit Soil, and Shaded Soil Component Temperatures Using Airborne Thermal Infrared Multiangle Observations
=> Retrieval of Live Fuel Moisture Content Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data and Ensemble Deep Learning Model
=> Retrieval of logically relevant 3D human motions by Adaptive Feature Selection with Graded Relevance Feedback
=> Retrieval of machine-printed Latin documents through Word Shape Coding
=> Retrieval of Maize Leaf Area Index Using Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data
=> Retrieval of Mangrove Aboveground Biomass at the Individual Species Level with WorldView-2 Images
=> Retrieval of Marine Surface Slick Dielectric Properties From Radarsat-2 Data via a Polarimetric Two-Scale Model
=> Retrieval of Melt Pond Fraction over Arctic Sea Ice during 2000-2019 Using an Ensemble-Based Deep Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Melt Ponds on Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice in Summer from TerraSAR-X Dual-Polarization Data Using Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study in the Chukchi Sea with Mid-Incidence Angle Data
=> Retrieval of Multiple Instances of Objects in Videos
=> Retrieval of Music-Notation Primitives via Image-to-Sequence Approaches
=> Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
=> Retrieval of O3, NO2, BrO and OClO Columns from Ground-Based Zenith Scattered Light DOAS Measurements in Summer and Autumn over the Northern Tibetan Plateau
=> Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching
=> Retrieval of occluded images using DCT phase and region merging
=> Retrieval of Ocean Surface Wind Speed Using Reflected BPSK/BOC Signals
=> Retrieval of Ocean Wind Speed Using Super-Resolution Delay-Doppler Maps
=> Retrieval of oceanic chlorophyll concentration using support vector machines
=> Retrieval of Oil-Water Mixture Ratio at Ocean Surface Using Compact Polarimetry Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Retrieval of on-line hand-drawn sketches
=> Retrieval of online handwriting by synthesis and matching
=> Retrieval of Ottoman documents
=> Retrieval of Outgoing Longwave Radiation from the Fengyun-3D Satellite and Its Climate Applications
=> Retrieval of Overlapping and Touching Objects Using Hidden Markov Models
=> Retrieval of Paintings Using Principal Color Information
=> Retrieval of Particle Scattering Coefficients and Concentrations by Genetic Algorithms in Stratified Lake Water
=> Retrieval of Particle Size of Natural Granite From Multiangular Bidirectional Reflectance Spectra Using the Hapke Model (June 2020)
=> Retrieval of Particulate Backscattering Using Field and Satellite Radiometry: Assessment of the QAA Algorithm
=> Retrieval of pathology image for breast cancer using PLSA model based on texture and pathological features
=> Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Time-Series P-Band Radar Observations
=> Retrieval of phase history parameters from distributed scatterers in urban areas using very high resolution SAR data
=> Retrieval of Photometric Parameters of Minerals Using a Self-Made Multi-Angle Spectrometer Based on the Hapke Radiative Transfer Model
=> Retrieval of Phytoplankton Pigment Composition from Their In Vivo Absorption Spectra
=> Retrieval of Phytoplankton Pigments from Underway Spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait
=> Retrieval of Polarimetric Azimuthal Angular Characteristics via the Application of Target Decomposition to Spectral Domain Circular SAR Images
=> Retrieval of Rashi Semi-cursive Handwriting via Fuzzy Logic
=> Retrieval of Reflected Shortwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
=> Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images with Pattern Spectra Descriptors
=> Retrieval of River Ice Thickness From C-Band PolSAR Data
=> Retrieval of Salt Marsh Above-Ground Biomass from High-Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery Using PROSAIL
=> Retrieval of Sea and Land Surface Temperature From SVISSR/FY-2C/D/E Measurements
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Range Velocities From Envisat ASAR Doppler Centroid Measurements
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Skin Temperature from the High Resolution Picture Transmission Data of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Series Satellites
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature From HY-2A Scanning Microwave Radiometer
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island Water of Indonesia with Landsat 8 TIRS Image: A Preliminary Algorithm
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Fields Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speed from Spaceborne SAR over the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone with a Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speeds from Gaofen-3 Full Polarimetric Data
=> Retrieval of Seasonal Leaf Area Index from Simulated EnMAP Data through Optimized LUT-Based Inversion of the PROSAIL Model
=> Retrieval of Secchi Disk Depth in Turbid Lakes from GOCI Based on a New Semi-Analytical Algorithm
=> Retrieval of Sediment Fill Factor by Inversion of a Modified Hapke Model Applied to Sampled HCRF from Airborne and Satellite Imagery
=> Retrieval of Sediment Filling Factor in a Salt Panne from Multi-View Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Retrieval of Sentence Sequences for an Image Stream via Coherence Recurrent Convolutional Networks
=> Retrieval of shoemarks using Harris points and SIFT descriptor
=> Retrieval of Significant Wave Height and Mean Sea Surface Level Using the GNSS-R Interference Pattern Technique: Results From a Three-Month Field Campaign
=> Retrieval of Similar Pictures on Pictorial Databases
=> Retrieval of sketches based on spatial relation between strokes
=> Retrieval of Snow Albedo and Total Ozone Column from Single-View MSI/S-2 Spectral Reflectance Measurements over Antarctica
=> Retrieval of Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Using Dual Polarization SAR Data
=> Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice from the FY3B/MWRI
=> Retrieval of Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice Using a Deep Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Snow Depths on Arctic Sea Ice in the Cold Season from FY-3D/MWRI Data
=> Retrieval of Snow Properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument
=> Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on a Modified Hapke Photometric Model: A Novel Method Applied to Laboratory Hyperspectral and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
=> Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on Multisatellite Dual-Frequency Combination Multipath Errors
=> Retrieval of Soil Water Content in Saline Soils from Emitted Thermal Infrared Spectra Using Partial Linear Squares Regression
=> Retrieval of spatial-temporal motion topics from 3D skeleton data
=> Retrieval of Spatial Join Pattern Instances from Sensor Networks
=> Retrieval of Stratospheric HNO3 and HCl Based on Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
=> Retrieval of Stratospheric Ozone Profiles from Limb Scattering Measurements of the Backward Limb Spectrometer on Chinese Space Laboratory Tiangong-2: Preliminary Results
=> Retrieval of Striated Toolmarks Using Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Retrieval of Subsurface Velocities in the Southern Ocean from Satellite Observations
=> Retrieval of Summer Sea Ice Concentration in the Pacific Arctic Ocean from AMSR2 Observations and Numerical Weather Data Using Random Forest Regression
=> Retrieval of Surface Albedo on a Daily Basis: Application to MODIS Data
=> Retrieval of Surface Energy Fluxes Considering Vegetation Changes and Aerosol Effects
=> Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture over Wheat Fields during Growing Season Using C-Band Polarimetric SAR Data
=> Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter in Inland Waters with Widely Differing Optical Properties Using a Semi-Analytical Scheme
=> Retrieval of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the Pearl River Estuary Using Multi-Source Satellite Imagery
=> Retrieval of Tephra Size Spectra and Mass Flow Rate From C-Band Radar During the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption, Iceland
=> Retrieval of textured images through the use of quantization and modal analysis
=> Retrieval of the Absorption Coefficient of L-Band Radiation in Antarctica From SMOS Observations
=> Retrieval of the Backscatter Cross-Section in Full-Waveform Lidar Data using B-Splines
=> Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model
=> Retrieval of the Fine-Mode Aerosol Optical Depth over East China Using a Grouped Residual Error Sorting (GRES) Method from Multi-Angle and Polarized Satellite Data
=> Retrieval of the Fraction of Radiation Absorbed by Photosynthetic Components (FAPARgreen) for Forest Using a Triple-Source Leaf-Wood-Soil Layer Approach
=> Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Data Using a Neural Network Supported by Simulation Data
=> Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Surface Reflectance Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
=> Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part I: Derivation of an Algorithm
=> Retrieval of the Ocean Skin Temperature Profiles From Measurements of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiometers Part II: Field Data Analysis
=> Retrieval of the Ornaments from the Hand-Press Period: An Overview
=> Retrieval of the Statistical Characteristics of Wind Waves From the Width and Shift of the Doppler Spectrum of the Backscattered Microwave Signal at Low Incidence Angles
=> Retrieval of the Top n Matches with Support Vector Machines
=> Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Green Volume in Urban Green Space from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
=> Retrieval of Total Phosphorus Concentration in the Surface Water of Miyun Reservoir Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water from Himawari-8 AHI Data: A Comparison of Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and Deep Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water over Global Land Based on FY-3D/MWRI Data, The
=> Retrieval of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Based on the Iterative Analysis of Multiple Equations: A Case Study of a Lake Taihu Image from the First Sustainable Development Goals Science Satellite's Multispectral Imager for Inshore
=> Retrieval of translated, rotated and scaled color textures
=> Retrieval of Tree Height Percentiles over Rugged Mountain Areas via Target Response Waveform of Satellite Lidar
=> Retrieval of Ultraviolet Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients From Ocean Color Using the Kernel Principal Components Analysis Over Ocean
=> Retrieval of Urban Aerosol Optical Depth from Landsat 8 OLI in Nanjing, China
=> Retrieval of Vertical Foliage Profile and Leaf Area Index Using Transmitted Energy Information Derived from ICESat GLAS Data
=> Retrieval of Vertical Mass Concentration Distributions: Vipava Valley Case Study
=> Retrieval of Water Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties from Combined Multiwavelength Lidar and Radar Data
=> Retrieval of Water Constituents from Hyperspectral In-Situ Measurements under Variable Cloud Cover: A Case Study at Lake Stechlin (Germany)
=> Retrieval of water optical properties for optically deep waters using genetic algorithms
=> Retrieval of Water Quality from UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms
=> Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters Based on Near-Surface Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithm
=> Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters from Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Bayesian Probabilistic Neural Network
=> Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters in Dianshan Lake Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and Machine Learning: Algorithm Evaluation and Spatiotemporal Change Research
=> Retrieval of Water Vapour Profiles from GLORIA Nadir Observations
=> Retrieval Oriented Deep Feature Learning With Complementary Supervision Mining
=> retrieval pattern-based inter-query learning approach for content-based image retrieval, A
=> Retrieval Relationship between Lightning and Maximum Proxy Reflectivity Based on Random Forest, The
=> Retrieval System of Medicine Molecules Based on Graph Similarity, A
=> Retrieval with Knowledge-driven Kernel Design: An Approach to Improving SVM-Based CBIR with Relevance Feedback
=> RETRIEVAL: An Online Performance Evaluation Tool for Information Retrieval Methods
=> RetrievalFuse: Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with a Database
=> RetrievalLab: a programming tool for content based retrieval
=> Retrievals of All-Weather Daily Air Temperature Using MODIS and AMSR-E Data
=> Retrievals of Chlorophyll-a from GOCI and GOCI-II Data in Optically Complex Lakes
=> Retrievals of Lake Ice Thickness From Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake Using CryoSat-2
=> Retrieve Ice Velocities and Invert Spatial Rigidity of the Larsen C Ice Shelf Based on Sentinel-1 Interferometric Data
=> Retrieve in Style: Unsupervised Facial Feature Transfer and Retrieval
=> Retrieve the Visible Feature to Improve Thermal Pedestrian Detection Using Discrepancy Preserving Memory Network
=> Retrieved Image Refinement by Bootstrap Outlier Test
=> RetrieveGAN: Image Synthesis via Differentiable Patch Retrieval
=> Retrieving-to-Answer: Zero-Shot Video Question Answering with Frozen Large Language Models
=> Retrieving 2-D Leaf Angle Distributions for Deciduous Trees From Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
=> Retrieving 2D shapes using caterpillar decomposition
=> Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Single Amplitude Pair of SAR Using Offset Tracking
=> Retrieving 3-D Topography by Using a Single-Antenna Squint-Mode Airborne SAR
=> Retrieving actions in movies
=> Retrieving ancient Maya glyphs with Shape Context
=> Retrieving and Highlighting Action with Spatiotemporal Reference
=> Retrieving and Validating Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Content at Moderate Resolution: A Multiscale Analysis with the Sentinel-3 OLCI Sensor
=> Retrieving Articulated 3-D Models Using Medial Surfaces and Their Graph Spectra
=> Retrieving articulated 3-D models using medial surfaces
=> Retrieving Articulated 3D Objects Using Normalized Distance Function
=> Retrieving Atmospheric Gas Profiles Using FY-3E/HIRAS-II Infrared Hyperspectral Data by Neural Network Approach
=> Retrieving Clear-Sky Surface Skin Temperature for Numerical Weather Prediction Applications from Geostationary Satellite Data
=> Retrieving ClipArt Images by Content
=> Retrieving Corn Canopy Leaf Area Index from Multitemporal Landsat Imagery and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
=> Retrieving Crop Albedo Based on Radar Sentinel-1 and Random Forest Approach
=> Retrieving Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using an Improved Look-Up-Table Approach by Combining Multiple Canopy Structures and Soil Backgrounds
=> Retrieving daily evapotranspiration from the combination of geostationary and polar-orbit satellite data
=> Retrieving dental radiographs for post-mortem identification
=> Retrieving digital images from a JPEG compressed image database
=> Retrieving Directional Gap Fraction, Extinction Coefficient, and Effective Leaf Area Index by Incorporating Scan Angle Information From Discrete Aerial Lidar Data
=> Retrieving Doppler Frequency via Local Correlation Method of Segmented Modeling
=> Retrieving faces by the PIFS fractal code
=> Retrieving Foliar Traits of Quercus garryana var. garryana across a Modified Landscape Using Leaf Spectroscopy and LiDAR
=> Retrieving Forest Canopy Elements Clumping Index Using ICESat GLAS Lidar Data
=> Retrieving Forest Inventory Variables with Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in Urban Heterogeneous Forest
=> Retrieving Forest Structure Variables From Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using An Automatic Method
=> Retrieving Freeze/Thaw Cycles Using Sentinel-1 Data in Eastern Nunavik (Quebec, Canada)
=> Retrieving global leaf chlorophyll content from MERIS data using a neural network method
=> Retrieving gray-level information from a Binary Sensor and its application to gesture detection
=> Retrieving Handwriting Styles: A Content Based Approach to Handwritten Document Retrieval
=> Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China
=> Retrieving imaged documents in digital libraries based on word image coding
=> Retrieving Images by Appearance
=> Retrieving images by content from strong relational graph matching
=> Retrieving Images by Similarity of Visual Appearance
=> Retrieving images combining saliency detection with IRM
=> Retrieving Images for Remote Sensing Applications
=> Retrieving Images of Similar Geometrical Configuration
=> Retrieving images using content-based followed by pixel-based search
=> Retrieving images using saliency detection and graph matching
=> Retrieving Information from Document Images: Problems and Solutions
=> Retrieving information Through navigating in historical Baalbek
=> Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Imagery with a Novel Combined Strategy
=> Retrieving Landmark Salience Based on Wikipedia: An Integrated Ranking Model
=> Retrieving Layer-Averaged Tropospheric Humidity From Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Water Vapor Channels
=> Retrieving leaf area index in discontinuous forest using ICESat/GLAS full-waveform data based on gap fraction model
=> Retrieving leaf area index with a neural network method: simulation and validation
=> Retrieving Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Incorporating Variable Leaf Surface Reflectance in the PROSPECT Model
=> Retrieving Mediterranean Sea Surface Salinity Distribution and Interannual Trends from Multi-Sensor Satellite and In Situ Data
=> Retrieving Middle-Infrared Reflectance Using Physical and Empirical Approaches: Implications for Burned Area Monitoring
=> Retrieving multiple light sources in the presence of specular reflections and texture
=> Retrieving Multispectral Satellite Images Using Physics-Based Invariant Representations
=> Retrieving Multispectral Satellite Images Using Physics-Based Invariant Representations
=> Retrieving Object Motions From Coded Shutter Snapshot in Dark Environment
=> Retrieving Objects Using Local Integral Invariants
=> Retrieving Photometric Properties and Soil Moisture Content of Tidal Flats Using Bidirectional Spectral Reflectance
=> Retrieving Phytoplankton Size Class from the Absorption Coefficient and Chlorophyll A Concentration Based on Support Vector Machine
=> Retrieving Pigment Concentrations Based on Hyperspectral Measurements of the Phytoplankton Absorption Coefficient in Global Oceans
=> Retrieving poorly degraded OCR documents
=> Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor Data Using GPS Zenith Delays and Global Reanalysis Data in China
=> Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor from Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using VMF1/VMF3 Forecasting Products
=> Retrieving Profile Temperatures in a Frozen Topsoil Near the TFS, Alaska, Based on SMOS Brightness Temperatures at the 1.4-GHz Frequency
=> Retrieving Rain Drop Size Distribution Moments from GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar
=> Retrieving relative soft biometrics for semantic identification
=> Retrieving Root-Zone Soil Moisture Profile From P-Band Radar via Hybrid Global and Local Optimization
=> Retrieving scale from quasi-stationary images
=> Retrieving Sea Level and Freeboard in the Arctic: A Review of Current Radar Altimetry Methodologies and Future Perspectives
=> Retrieving Secondary Forest Aboveground Biomass from Polarimetric ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data in the Brazilian Amazon
=> Retrieving Shape Information from Multiple Images of a Specular Surface
=> Retrieving Shapes Efficiently by a Qualitative Shape Descriptor: The Scope Histogram
=> Retrieving Similar Styles to Parse Clothing
=> Retrieving snow wetness based on surface and volume scattering simulation
=> Retrieving Soil Moisture at the Field Scale from Sentinel-1 Data over a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Agricultural Area
=> Retrieving Soil Moisture in the Permafrost Environment by Sentinel-1/2 Temporal Data on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
=> Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Analysis of RF, ANN, and SVM Regression Models
=> Retrieving SPAD Values of Summer Maize Using UAV Hyperspectral Data Based on Multiple Machine Learning Algorithm
=> Retrieving Sub-Canopy Terrain from ICESat-2 Data Based on the RNR-DCM Filtering and Erroneous Ground Photons Correction Approach
=> Retrieving Surface Deformation of Mining Areas Using ZY-3 Stereo Imagery and DSMs
=> Retrieving Surface Soil Moisture From Modis and Amsr-e Data: A Case Study In Taiwan
=> Retrieving Surface Soil Moisture over Wheat and Soybean Fields during Growing Season Using Modified Water Cloud Model from Radarsat-2 SAR Data
=> Retrieving Surface Soil Water Content Using a Soil Texture Adjusted Vegetation Index and Unmanned Aerial System Images
=> Retrieving the Bioenergy Potential from Maize Crops Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
=> Retrieving the gap fraction, element clumping index, and leaf area index of individual trees using single-scan data from a terrestrial laser scanner
=> Retrieving the Infected Area of Pine Wilt Disease-Disturbed Pine Forests from Medium-Resolution Satellite Images Using the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory
=> Retrieving the Kinematic Process of Repeated-Mining-Induced Landslides by Fusing SAR/InSAR Displacement, Logistic Model, and Probability Integral Method
=> Retrieving the Lake Trophic Level Index with Landsat-8 Image by Atmospheric Parameter and RBF: A Case Study of Lakes in Wuhan, China
=> Retrieving the parameters of cryo Electron Microscopy dataset in the heterogeneous ab-initio case
=> Retrieving Three-Dimensional Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2017 Mw7.3 Iraq Earthquake by Multi-Sensor SAR Images
=> Retrieving Three-Dimensional Large Surface Displacements in Coal Mining Areas by Combining SAR Pixel Offset Measurements with an Improved Mining Subsidence Model
=> Retrieving Total and Inorganic Suspended Sediments in Amazon Floodplain Lakes: A Multisensor Approach
=> Retrieving Urban Objects Using a Wavelet Transform Approach
=> Retrieving Vertical Cloud Radar Reflectivity from MODIS Cloud Products with CGAN: An Evaluation for Different Cloud Types and Latitudes
=> Retrieving video shots in semantic brain imaging space using manifold-ranking
=> Retrieving Volcanic Ash Top Height through Combined Polar Orbit Active and Geostationary Passive Remote Sensing Data
=> Retrieving Water Quality Parameters from Noisy-Label Data Based on Instance Selection
=> Retrieving Water Turbidity in Araucanian Lakes (South-Central Chile) Based on Multispectral Landsat Imagery
=> Retrieving XCO2 from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI
=> Retro-Actions: Learning Close by Time-Reversing Open Videos
=> Retro-FPN: Retrospective Feature Pyramid Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
=> Retro-FPN: Retrospective Feature Pyramid Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
=> Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and shape
=> Retrospect to Multi-prompt Learning across Vision and Language, A
=> Retrospective adaptive prefetching for interactive Web GIS applications
=> Retrospective Analysis of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Using AI Earth InSAR and Optical Images: A Case Study of South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim
=> Retrospective analysis of long-term landscape evolution based on archive satellite imagery and historical maps
=> Retrospective Analysis of National-Scale Agricultural Development in Saudi Arabia from 1990 to 2021, A
=> Retrospective analysis of time series for frame selection in surveillance video summarization
=> Retrospective Encoders for Video Summarization
=> Retrospective evaluation of intersubject brain registration
=> Retrospective Illumination Correction of Greyscale Historical Aerial Photos
=> Retrospective InSAR Analysis of East London during the Construction of the Lee Tunnel
=> Retrospective intermodality registration techniques for images of the head: surface-based versus volume-based
=> Retrospective Motion Correction in Digital Subtraction Angiography: A Review
=> Retrospective on Interpreting Line Drawings as Three-Dimensional Surfaces
=> Retrospective on Real-Time Imaging, a New Taxonomy and a Roadmap for the Future, A
=> Retrospective Predictions of Rice and Other Crop Production in Madagascar Using Soil Moisture and an NDVI-Based Calendar from 2010-2017
=> Retrospective Rigid Motion Correction in k-Space for Segmented Radial MRI
=> Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the June 2012 North American Derecho, A
=> Return of grid seams: A superpixel algorithm using discontinuous multi-functional energy seam carving
=> Return of the Devil in the Details: Delving Deep into Convolutional Nets
=> Return of the Siegesburg: 3d-reconstruction of A Disappeared And Forgotten Monument, The
=> Retweet Wars: Tweet Popularity Prediction via Dynamic Multimodal Regression
=> Reusability of the Output of Map-Matching Algorithms Across Space and Time Through Machine Learning
=> Reusable HEVC Design in 3D-HEVC
=> Reusable Model for Emotional Biped Walk-Cycle Animation with Implicit Retargeting, A
=> Reusable road condition information system for traffic safety and targeted maintenance
=> Reuse Non-Terrain Policies for Learning Terrain-Adaptive Humanoid Locomotion Skills
=> Reusing annotation labor for concept selection
=> Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
=> Reusing Multimedia Content for the Creation of Interactive Experiences in Cultural Institutions
=> Reusing Remote Sensing-Based Validation Data: Comparing Direct and Indirect Approaches for Afforestation Monitoring
=> Reusing the Task-specific Classifier as a Discriminator: Discriminator-free Adversarial Domain Adaptation
=> revaluation of frame difference in fast and robust motion detection, A
=> Revamped fly-over for accurate colon visualisation in virtual colonoscopy
=> Revamping Blood Vessel Edge-Buffer Labels: A Self-Correcting Region Supervision
=> Revamping Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval with Hierarchical Transformers and Self-supervised Learning
=> Revc: Computationally Reliable Video Coding on unreliable hardware platforms: A case study on error-tolerant H.264/AVC CAVLC entropy coding
=> Reve: Regularizing Deep Learning with Variational Entropy Bound
=> REVEAL intermediate report
=> Reveal
=> Reveal: Retrieval-Augmented Visual-Language Pre-Training with Multi-Source Multimodal Knowledge Memory
=> Revealing a Shift in Solar Photovoltaic Planning Sites in Vietnam from 2019 to 2022
=> Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
=> Revealing Annual Crop Type Distribution and Spatiotemporal Changes in Northeast China Based on Google Earth Engine
=> Revealing Celtic Fields from LIDAR Data using Kriging Based Filtering
=> Revealing Decadal Glacial Changes and Lake Evolution in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia: A Semi-Automated Landsat Imagery Analysis
=> Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Systemic Right Ventricle
=> Revealing Disocclusions in Temporal View Synthesis through Infilling Vector Prediction
=> Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
=> Revealing Event Saliency in Unconstrained Video Collection
=> Revealing Fine Structures of the Retinal Receptive Field by Deep-Learning Networks
=> Revealing Hidden 3-D Reflection Symmetry
=> Revealing Hidden Context Bias in Segmentation and Object Detection through Concept-specific Explanations
=> Revealing Implicit Assumptions of the Component Substitution Pansharpening Methods
=> Revealing Invisible Changes In The World
=> Revealing Kunming's (China) Historical Urban Planning Policies Through Local Climate Zones
=> Revealing Occlusions with 4D Neural Fields
=> Revealing Occlusions with 4D Neural Fields
=> Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities in Social Networks
=> Revealing Recurrent Urban Congestion Evolution Patterns with Taxi Trajectories
=> Revealing Scenes by Inverting Structure From Motion Reconstructions
=> Revealing Schematic Map Designs with Preservation of Relativity in Node Position and Segment Length in Existing Official Maps
=> Revealing Senior Mobility Patterns and Activities in Urban Transit Systems
=> Revealing Significant Medial Structure in Polyhedral Meshes
=> Revealing Smooth Structure of Visual Data by Permutation on Manifolds
=> Revealing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Urban Travel: A Large-Scale Analysis and Visualization Study with Taxi GPS Data
=> Revealing stable and unstable modes of denoisers through nonlinear eigenvalue analysis
=> Revealing structure in large graphs: Szemerédi's regularity lemma and its use in pattern recognition
=> Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating Lidar, Photogrammetry, Field Mapping, and Geophysical Surveys to Assess the Late Quaternary Activity of the Sava Fault (Southern Alps, Slovenia)
=> Revealing synthetic facial animations of realistic characters
=> Revealing Taxi Interaction Network of Urban Functional Area Units in Shenzhen, China
=> Revealing the Correlation between Population Density and the Spatial Distribution of Urban Public Service Facilities with Mobile Phone Data
=> Revealing the Dark Secrets of Masked Image Modeling
=> Revealing the Dark Secrets of Masked Image Modeling
=> Revealing the Distributional Vulnerability of Discriminators by Implicit Generators
=> Revealing the Driving Mechanisms of Land Surface Temperature Spatial Heterogeneity and Its Sensitive Regions in China Based on GeoDetector
=> Revealing the Eco-Environmental Quality of the Yellow River Basin: Trends and Drivers
=> Revealing The Everyday Landscape: Innovative Systems for Heritage Education in Schools. The SCAR (School Activates Resources) Project
=> Revealing the Fingerprint of Climate Change in Interannual NDVI Variability among Biomes in Inner Mongolia, China
=> Revealing the Hidden Consequences of Increased Soil Moisture Storage in Greening Drylands
=> Revealing the Hidden Markov Recognizer
=> Revealing the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Residential Travel Structure Based on Floating Car Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Nantong, China
=> Revealing the Influence of the Fine-Scale Built Environment on Urban Rail Ridership with a Semiparametric GWPR Model
=> Revealing the Invisible With Model and Data Shrinking for Composite-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
=> Revealing the Kinematic Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of a Buried Fault through the Joint Inversion of GPS and Strong-Motion Data: The Case of the 2022 Mw7.0 Taiwan Earthquake
=> Revealing the Land Subsidence Deceleration in Beijing (China) by Gaofen-3 Time Series Interferometry
=> Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions
=> Revealing the Morphological Evolution of Krakatau Volcano by Integrating SAR and Optical Remote Sensing Images
=> Revealing the Potential of Deep Learning for Detecting Submarine Pipelines in Side-Scan Sonar Images: An Investigation of Pre-Training Datasets
=> Revealing the Reciprocal Relations between Self-Supervised Stereo and Monocular Depth Estimation
=> Revealing the Secret of FaceHashing
=> Revealing the Secrets of Stonehenge Through the Application of Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and Visualisation Techniques
=> Revealing the spatial variation in biomass uptake rates of Brazil's secondary forests
=> Revealing the Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of the Association between the Built Environment and Urban Vitality in Shenzhen
=> Revealing the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Anthropogenic Light at Night within Ecological Conservation Redline Using Series Satellite Nighttime Imageries (2000-2020)
=> Revealing the Structure and Composition of the Restored Vegetation Cover in Semi-Arid Mine Dumps Based on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Images
=> Revealing the traces of histogram equalisation in digital images
=> Revealing the Traces of Median Filtering Using High-Order Local Ternary Patterns
=> Revealing the Visually Unknown in Ancient Manuscripts with a Similarity Measure for IR-Imaged Inks
=> RevealNet: Seeing Behind Objects in RGB-D Scans
=> Reverberant Audio Source Separation via Sparse and Low-Rank Modeling
=> Reverberation Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Channel Signals Using a 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network
=> REVERIE: Natural human interaction in virtual immersive environments
=> REVERIE: Remote Embodied Visual Referring Expression in Real Indoor Environments
=> Reversal effect of low-intensity ultrasound on adriamycin-resistant human hepatoma cells in vitro and in vivo
=> Reversal of Aerosol Properties in Eastern China with Rapid Decline of Anthropogenic Emissions
=> Reversal of Cubic and Cylindric Figures
=> Reversal of pixel rotation: A reversible data hiding system towards cybersecurity in encrypted images
=> Reverse-Convex Programming for Sparse Image Codes
=> Reverse-nearest neighborhood based oversampling for imbalanced, multi-label datasets
=> Reverse-Time Migration Based Optical Imaging
=> Reverse-Time Migration Imaging of Ground-Penetrating Radar in NDT of Reinforced Concrete Structures
=> Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation
=> Reverse Attention-Based Multi-Feature Interaction Network for Finger Vein Image Quality Evaluation
=> Reverse Attention-Based Residual Network for Salient Object Detection
=> Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection
=> Reverse caricatures effects on three-dimensional facial reconstructions
=> Reverse circulation bit fluid field calculation
=> Reverse Classification Accuracy: Predicting Segmentation Performance in the Absence of Ground Truth
=> Reverse Densely Connected Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
=> Reverse Difference Network for Highlighting Small Objects in Aerial Images
=> Reverse Engineering and 3D Modelling for Digital Documentation of Maritime Heritage
=> Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics
=> Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics
=> Reverse engineering for causal discovery based on monotonic characteristic of causal structure
=> Reverse Engineering Garments
=> Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters From Generated Images
=> Reverse Engineering Psychologically Valid Facial Expressions of Emotion into Social Robots
=> Reverse engineering the human face
=> Reverse Engineering the Human Vision System: A Possible Explanation for the Role of Microsaccades
=> Reverse Error Modeling for Improved Semantic Segmentation
=> Reverse Hierarchy Model for Predicting Eye Fixations, A
=> Reverse Image Segmentation: A High-Level Solution to a Low-Level Task
=> Reverse Imaging Pipeline for Raw RGB Image Augmentation
=> Reverse Indexing for Reading Graffiti Tags
=> Reverse Knowledge Distillation: Training a Large Model using a Small One for Retinal Image Matching on Limited Data
=> Reverse Modeling of Cultural Heritage: Pipeline and Bottlenecks
=> Reverse Modelling Realized by Digital Scans and Fotomodellazione: Based on Post-Processing Compared Several Noteworthy Episodes Contained in the Basilical Complex of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura in Rome, The
=> Reverse Optical Flow for Self-Supervised Adaptive Autonomous Robot Navigation
=> Reverse Perspective Network for Perspective-Aware Object Counting
=> Reverse Projection Correlation Principle for Depth from Defocus, The
=> Reverse scan for transform skip mode in HEVC codec
=> Reverse Seam Carving
=> Reverse Testing Image Set Model Based Multi-view Human Action Recognition
=> Reverse Thinking: A New Method from the Graph Perspective for Evaluating and Mitigating Regional Surface Heat Islands
=> Reverse Thinking: The Logical System Research Method of Urban Thermal Safety Pattern Construction, Evaluation, and Optimization
=> Reverse Training: An Efficient Approach for Image Set Classification
=> Reverse upsampling method and system
=> Reverse Variational Autoencoder for Visual Attribute Manipulation and Anomaly Detection
=> Reverse, Sub-Pixel Block Matching: Applications within H.264 and Analysis of Limitations
=> Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2022 Challenge Report
=> Reversed Sketch: A scalable and comparable shape representation
=> Reversed Surface-Mass-Balance Gradients on Himalayan Debris-Covered Glaciers Inferred from Remote Sensing
=> Reversibility-oriented secret image sharing mechanism with steganography and authentication based on code division multiplexing
=> Reversibility Error of Image Interpolation Methods: Definition and Improvements
=> reversibility of cancelable biometric templates based on iterative perturbation stochastic approximation strategy, The
=> Reversible 3D Image Data Hiding with Quality Enhancement
=> Reversible Acoustic Steganography for Integrity Verification, A
=> Reversible adversarial steganography for security enhancement
=> Reversible AMBTC-based secret sharing scheme with abilities of two decryptions
=> Reversible and high-capacity data hiding in medical images
=> reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique for telemedicine applications, A
=> Reversible and Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Quantization Index Modulation and Amplitude Expansion
=> Reversible and Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Spread Spectrum and Amplitude Expansion
=> Reversible attack based on adversarial perturbation and reversible data hiding in YUV colorspace
=> Reversible Audio Data Hiding Based on Variable Error-Expansion of Linear Prediction for Segmental Audio and G.711 Speech
=> Reversible Audio Information Hiding Based on Integer DCT Coefficients with Adaptive Hiding Locations
=> Reversible binary image data hiding by run-length histogram modification
=> Reversible Binary Image Watermarking Method Using Overlapping Pattern Substitution
=> Reversible cellular automata image encryption for similarity search
=> Reversible color-to-gray mapping using subband domain texturization
=> Reversible Color-to-Gray Mapping with Resistance to JPEG Encoding
=> Reversible Color Spaces without Increased Bit Depth and Their Adaptive Selection
=> Reversible color transform with compatiblity to irreversible transform
=> Reversible compression of MR images
=> Reversible contrast enhancement for medical images with background segmentation
=> Reversible data-embedding with a hierarchical structure
=> Reversible data-hiding for progressive image transmission
=> Reversible data embedding for high quality images using interpolation and reference pixel distribution mechanism
=> Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis
=> Reversible Data Embedding Into Images Using Wavelet Techniques and Sorting
=> Reversible Data Embedding Technique for Palette Images Using De-clustering
=> Reversible data embedding using a difference expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding-Based Approach for Intra-Frame Error Concealment in H.264/AVC
=> Reversible Data Hiding-Based Contrast Enhancement With Multi-Group Stretching for ROI of Medical Image
=> Reversible data hiding and lossless reconstruction of binary images using pair-wise logical computation mechanism
=> Reversible data hiding based on automatic contrast enhancement using histogram expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Combined Predictor and Prediction Error Expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Dual Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
=> Reversible data hiding based on flexible block-partition and adaptive block-modification strategy
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based On H.264/AVC Intra Prediction
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Pixel Differences
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Shifting
=> Reversible data hiding based on hybrid prediction and interleaving histogram modification with single seed pixel recovery
=> Reversible data hiding based on local histogram shifting with multilayer embedding
=> Reversible data hiding based on multi-predictor and adaptive expansion
=> Reversible data hiding based on multilevel histogram modification and pixel value grouping
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Adaptive Two-Dimensional Prediction-Error Histograms Modification
=> Reversible data hiding based on multiple histograms modification and deep neural networks
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Two-Dimensional Histograms Modification
=> Reversible Data Hiding Based on Partitioning the Prediction Values
=> Reversible data hiding based on RSBEMD coding and adaptive multi-segment left and right histogram shifting
=> Reversible data hiding based on three shadow images using rhombus magic matrix
=> Reversible data hiding based on two-dimensional histogram and generalized histogram shifting
=> Reversible Data Hiding by Median-Preserving Histogram Modification for Image Contrast Enhancement
=> Reversible Data Hiding by Using Adaptive Pixel Value Prediction and Adaptive Embedding Bin Selection
=> Reversible Data Hiding By Using CNN Prediction and Adaptive Embedding
=> Reversible data hiding exploiting spatial correlation between sub-sampled images
=> Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive 3D Prediction-Error Expansion and Double Deep Q-Network
=> Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive Three-Dimensional Histogram Modification
=> Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models With Secret Sharing Over Galois Field
=> Reversible data hiding for encrypted image based on adaptive prediction error coding
=> Reversible data hiding for encrypted signals by homomorphic encryption and signal energy transfer
=> Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images Based on Histogram Pairs
=> Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images Based on Multiple Two-Dimensional Histograms
=> Reversible data hiding for JPEG images with a cascaded structure
=> Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images With Adaptive Multiple Two-Dimensional Histogram and Mapping Generation
=> Reversible data hiding for ordered dithered halftone images
=> Reversible Data Hiding for Texture Videos and Depth Maps Coding with Quality Scalability
=> Reversible data hiding in binary images by flipping pattern pair with opposite center pixel
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Block Compressed Sensing Images
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Color Image With Grayscale Invariance
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted AMBTC Compressed Images
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Color Images Based on Vacating Room After Encryption and Pixel Prediction
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted color images using cross-channel correlations
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted H.264/AVC Video Streams
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing Based on GF(p) and GF(28)
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Absolute Mean Difference of Multiple Neighboring Pixels
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on adaptive local entropy analysis
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Image Partition and Spatial Correlation
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Multi-MSB Prediction and Huffman Coding
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Progressive Recovery
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Time-Varying Huffman Coding Table
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reversible Image Transformation
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images for coding channel based on adaptive steganography
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using adaptive block-level prediction-error expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Cipher-Feedback Secret Sharing
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using cross division and additive homomorphism
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Global Compression of Zero-Valued High Bit-Planes and Block Rearrangement
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Interpolation and Histogram Shifting
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Adaptive Huffman Code Based on Dynamic Prediction Axes
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Distributed Source Encoding
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with private-key homomorphism and public-key homomorphism
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Sharing and Hybrid Coding
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with separability and high embedding capacity
=> Reversible data hiding in encrypted images without additional information transmission
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstream
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Three-Dimensional Mesh Models
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Halftone Images Based on Dynamic Embedding States Group
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain by Mirroring Ciphertext Group
=> Reversible data hiding in JPEG bitstream using optimal VLC mapping
=> Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images Under Multi-Distortion Metric
=> Reversible data hiding in JPEG images utilising zero quantised coefficients
=> Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images With Multi-Objective Optimization
=> Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
=> Reversible data hiding in Paillier cryptosystem
=> Reversible Data Hiding in Palette Images
=> Reversible Data Hiding in the VQ-Compressed Domain
=> reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images, A
=> Reversible data hiding of a VQ index table based on referred counts
=> Reversible data hiding of full color JPEG2000 compressed bit-stream preserving bit-depth information
=> Reversible Data Hiding of Grayscale Images Using General Distortion Metric
=> Reversible Data Hiding of JPEG Image Based on Adaptive Frequency Band Length
=> Reversible Data Hiding Over Encrypted Images via Preprocessing-Free Matrix Secret Sharing
=> Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Side Match Vector Quantization, A
=> Reversible data hiding scheme based on significant-bit-difference expansion
=> Reversible data hiding scheme for high dynamic range images based on multiple prediction error expansion
=> Reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices based on modified locally adaptive coding and double-layer embedding strategy
=> reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices using locally adaptive coding, A
=> Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted-Image Based on Prediction and Compression Coding
=> Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Domain for Secret Image Sharing Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem, A
=> Reversible data hiding scheme with edge-direction predictor and modulo operation
=> Reversible Data Hiding Under Inconsistent Distortion Metrics
=> Reversible data hiding using B-tree triangular decomposition based prediction
=> Reversible Data Hiding Using Controlled Contrast Enhancement and Integer Wavelet Transform
=> Reversible Data Hiding Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Companding Technique
=> Reversible Data Hiding Using Invariant Pixel-Value-Ordering and Prediction-Error Expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding Using Prediction Error Values Embedding
=> Reversible Data Hiding via Arranging Blocks of Bit-planes in Encrypted Images
=> Reversible Data Hiding With Automatic Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement
=> Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhancement for color images
=> Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhancement using two-sided histogram expansion
=> Reversible Data Hiding With Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement by Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification
=> Reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement using adaptive histogram shifting and pixel value ordering
=> Reversible Data Hiding With Hierarchical Embedding for Encrypted Images
=> Reversible Data Hiding With Optimal Value Transfer
=> Reversible data hiding
=> Reversible Data Hiding
=> Reversible data hiding
=> Reversible DCT-based lossy-to-lossless still image compression
=> Reversible DCT for lossless
=> reversible extended secret image sharing scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem, A
=> Reversible GANs for Memory-Efficient Image-To-Image Translation
=> Reversible image data hiding based on scalable difference expansion
=> Reversible Image Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
=> Reversible image watermarking based on full context prediction
=> Reversible Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Modified Integer-to-Integer Discrete Wavelet Transform and CDMA Algorithm, A
=> Reversible image watermarking
=> Reversible information hiding for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding
=> Reversible Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transforms for Image Compression: Performance Evaluation and Analysis
=> Reversible Integer Color Transform with Bit-Constraint
=> Reversible Integer Color Transform
=> Reversible integer KLT for progressive-to-lossless compression of multiple component images
=> Reversible Interger 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform by Control Bits
=> Reversible Interpolation of Vectorial Images by an Anisotropic Diffusion-Projection PDE
=> reversible jump markov chain monte carlo algorithm for analysis of functional neuroimages, A
=> Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Unsupervised MRF Color Image Segmentation
=> Reversible Jump MCMC in Bayesian Blind Deconvolution With a Spherical Prior, A
=> Reversible Modal Conversion Model for Thermal Infrared Tracking
=> reversible modified least significant bit (LSB) matching revisited method, A
=> Reversible Multiresolution Image Coding based on Adaptive Lifting
=> Reversible non-expansive symmetric convolution for M-channel lifting based linear-phase filter banks
=> Reversible Quantization-Index Modulation Using Neighboring Correlation
=> Reversible Recursive Instance-Level Object Segmentation
=> Reversible Shared Data Hiding Based on Modified Signed Digit EMD
=> Reversible SMVQ Image Hiding Using Adaptive Search Order Coding
=> Reversible Steganographic Method with High Payload for JPEG Images
=> reversible steganographic scheme for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding, A
=> Reversible Symmetric Nonexpansive Convolution: An Effective Image Boundary Processing for M-Channel Lifting-Based Linear-Phase Filter Banks
=> Reversible Transformer for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
=> Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves and applications
=> Reversible video stream anonymization for video surveillance systems based on pixels relocation and watermarking
=> Reversible video watermarking using motion-compensated frame interpolation error expansion
=> Reversible Visible Watermarking and Lossless Recovery of Original Images
=> reversible visible watermarking for 2D CAD engineering graphics based on graphics fusion, A
=> Reversible Visible Watermarking Technique for Images
=> Reversible Vision Transformers
=> Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correlations within color images
=> Reversible watermark using difference expansion of triplets
=> Reversible Watermark Using the Difference Expansion of a Generalized Integer Transform
=> Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Using Sorting and Prediction
=> Reversible watermarking based on generalized histogram shifting
=> Reversible Watermarking Based on Histogram Shifting, A
=> Reversible Watermarking Based on Invariability and Adjustment on Pixel Pairs
=> Reversible watermarking based on PMO of triplets
=> Reversible watermarking by prediction-error expansion
=> reversible watermarking for authenticating 2D vector graphics based on bionic spider web, A
=> Reversible Watermarking for Error Diffused Halftone Images Using Statistical Features
=> Reversible watermarking scheme with image-independent embedding capacity
=> Reversible watermarking technique to enhance security of a biometric authentication system
=> Reversible watermarking using enhanced local prediction
=> Reversible watermarking using prediction and Difference Expansion
=> Reversible Watermarking Using Prediction Error Histogram and Blocking
=> Reversible watermarking utilising weighted median-based prediction
=> Reversible watermarking with localization for biometric images
=> Reversible wavelet and spectral transforms for lossless compression of color images
=> Reversible wavelet and spectral transforms for lossless compression of color images
=> Reversible, Fast, and High-Quality Grid Conversions
=> Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Image Processing: Performance Analysis and Modeling
=> Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Images
=> Reversing Image Signal Processors by Reverse Style Transferring
=> Reversing motion vector fields
=> Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through Enhanced Monocular Distillation
=> Reversing the General One-Trailer System: Asymptotic Curvature Stabilization and Path Tracking
=> Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking for Saliency Detection
=> Revertible Guidance Image Based Image Detail Enhancement
=> RevHashNet: Perceptually de-hashing real-valued image hashes for similarity retrieval
=> Review Analysis of Irrigation and Application of Remote Sensing in the Lower Mekong River Basin
=> review and an approach for object detection in images, A
=> Review and Analysis of Solutions of the Three Point Perspective Pose Estimation Problem
=> Review and comparative evaluation of symbolic dynamic filtering for detection of anomaly patterns
=> Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, A
=> Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surveillance Systems, A
=> Review and evaluation of commonly-implemented background subtraction algorithms
=> Review and Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Efficient Land Cover Mapping with UAS Hyper-Spatial Imagery: A Case Study Over a Wetland
=> review and evaluation of methods estimating ego-motion, A
=> Review and Meta-Analysis of Multimodal Affect Detection Systems, A
=> Review and performance evaluation of path tracking controllers of autonomous vehicles
=> Review and Perspective for Distance-Based Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories
=> Review and Preview: Disocclusion by Inpainting for Image-Based Rendering
=> Review and synthesis of Big Data analytics and computing for smart sustainable cities
=> Review of 3D GIS for Use in Creating Virtual Historic Dublin, A
=> review of 3D human pose estimation algorithms for markerless motion capture, A
=> Review of 3D Pose Estimation from a Monocular Image Sequence, A
=> Review of Academic Recommendation Systems Based on Intelligent Recommendation Algorithms, A
=> review of accuracy assessment for object-based image analysis: From per-pixel to per-polygon approaches, A
=> Review of Active Appearance Models, A
=> Review of Advanced Technologies and Development for Hyperspectral-Based Plant Disease Detection in the Past Three Decades, A
=> Review of Affective Computing Research Based on Function-Component-Representation Framework, A
=> review of algorithms for filtering the 3D point cloud, A
=> Review of Algorithms for Shape Analysis, A
=> Review of Alignment Optimization Research for Roads, Railways and Rail Transit Lines, A
=> Review of an Old Dilemma: Demosaicking First, or Denoising First?, A
=> review of approaches investigated for right ventricular segmentation using short-axis cardiac MRI, A
=> Review of Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Archaeological Research, A
=> Review of automated segmentation approaches for knee images
=> Review of Automatic Fault Diagnosis Systems Using Audio and Vibration Signals
=> Review of Automatic Feature Extraction from High-Resolution Optical Sensor Data for UAV-Based Cadastral Mapping
=> Review of Automatic Processing of Topography and Surface Feature Identification LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
=> Review of Bayesian Spatiotemporal Models in Spatial Epidemiology, A
=> Review of Big Data and Processing Frameworks for Disaster Response Applications
=> Review of Big Data Applications in Urban Transit Systems, A
=> Review of Biologically Motivated Space-Variant Data Reduction Models for Robotic Vision, A
=> review of biometric technology along with trends and prospects, A
=> Review of Brain Information Processing for Robot Control, A
=> Review of brain MRI image segmentation methods
=> review of cardiac image registration methods, A
=> Review of Classic Edge Detectors, A
=> Review of Collision Avoidance and Path Planning Methods for Ships Utilizing Radar Remote Sensing
=> Review of Communication, Driver Characteristics, and Controls Aspects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), A
=> Review of Computational Anthropomorphic Anatomical and Physiological Models
=> Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic, A
=> Review of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoon Merging and Splitting Operations, A
=> Review of constraints on vision-based gesture recognition for human-computer interaction
=> review of Convolutional-Neural-Network-based action recognition, A
=> Review of Crop Water Stress Assessment Using Remote Sensing, A
=> Review of Crowdsourcing Update Methods for High-Definition Maps, A
=> Review of Data Analytics for Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Geometry
=> Review of Data Augmentation Methods of Remote Sensing Image Target Recognition, A
=> review of data preprocessing modules in digital image forensics methods using deep learning, A
=> Review of Deep-Learning Methods for Change Detection in Multispectral Remote Sensing Images, A
=> Review of Deep Learning-Based Methods for Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
=> Review of Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: Imaging Traits, Technology Trends, Case Studies With Progress Highlights, and Future Promises, A
=> Review of Deep Learning in Multiscale Agricultural Sensing, A
=> review of deep learning techniques for 2D and 3D human pose estimation, A
=> review of deformable surfaces: topology, geometry and deformation, A
=> Review of Distributed Algorithms for Principal Component Analysis, A
=> Review of Distributed VR Co-design Systems, A
=> Review of Domain Adaptation without Target Labels, A
=> Review of Earth Observation-Based Analyses for Major River Basins, A
=> Review of Earth Observation-Based Drought Studies in Southeast Asia, A
=> Review of Emerging Video Codecs: Challenges and Opportunities, A
=> Review of Enhancement and Segmentation Techniques for Digital Images, A
=> review of EO image information mining, A
=> Review of Estimation for Vehicle Tire-Road Interactions Toward Automated Driving, A
=> Review of Estimation Methods for Aboveground Biomass in Grasslands Using UAV, A
=> Review of Evaluation Practices of Gesture Generation in Embodied Conversational Agents, A
=> Review of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for the Traction System in High-Speed Trains, A
=> Review of Fine-Scale Land Use and Land Cover Classification in Open-Pit Mining Areas by Remote Sensing Techniques, A
=> Review of Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Key Characteristics, Applications, and Wireless Technologies, A
=> Review of Forest Height Inversion by PolInSAR: Theory, Advances, and Perspectives, A
=> Review of Forty Years of Technological Changes in Geomatics toward the Big Data Paradigm
=> review of fully interactive video on demand, A
=> Review of gait recognition approaches and their challenges on view changes
=> Review of GAN-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
=> Review of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Methods, A
=> Review of Geometric Transformations for Nonrigid Body Registration, A
=> Review of Geospatial Semantic Information Modeling and Elicitation Approaches, A
=> Review of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Based Dynamic Monitoring Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring, A
=> Review of GNSS-R Technology for Soil Moisture Inversion
=> Review of GPR Activities in Civil Infrastructures: Data Analysis and Applications
=> Review of GPR Application on Transport Infrastructures: Troubleshooting and Best Practices, A
=> Review of Graph-Based Hazardous Event Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving Systems
=> Review of Graphic Languages (1972).
=> Review of Gray-scale Image Recoloring Methods With Neural Network Based Model, A
=> review of ground-based SAR interferometry for deformation measurement, A
=> Review of ground and aerial methods for vegetation cover fraction (fCover) and related quantities estimation: definitions, advances, challenges, and future perspectives
=> Review of Ground Penetrating Radar Applications for Water Dynamics Studies in Unsaturated Zone
=> Review of Handwriting Analysis for Predicting Personality Traits
=> Review of High-resolution Global Land Cover
=> Review of Human-Machine Cooperation in the Robotics Domain, A
=> Review of Human-Machine Interfaces for Small Unmanned Systems With Robotic Manipulators
=> Review of Human Mobility Research Based on Big Data and Its Implication for Smart City Development, A
=> Review of Human Violence Recognition Algorithms
=> Review of Hybrid Approaches for Quantitative Assessment of Crop Traits Using Optical Remote Sensing: Research Trends and Future Directions, A
=> Review of Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on Deep Learning, A
=> Review Of Hyperspectral Imaging In Close Range Applications, A
=> Review of Image-based Rendering Techniques, A
=> Review of Image Classification Algorithms Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
=> review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one, A
=> Review of Image Fusion Algorithms Based on the Super-Resolution Paradigm, A
=> review of image fusion techniques for pan-sharpening of high-resolution satellite imagery, A
=> Review of image processing approaches for detecting plant diseases
=> Review of Image Super-Resolution Approaches Based on Deep Learning and Applications in Remote Sensing, A
=> review of intelligent ship marine object detection based on RGB camera, A
=> Review of Irrigation Information Retrievals from Space and Their Utility for Users, A
=> Review of key-binding-based biometric data protection schemes
=> Review of Land Surface Albedo: Variance Characteristics, Climate Effect and Management Strategy
=> Review of Landcover Classification with Very-High Resolution Remotely Sensed Optical Images: Analysis Unit, Model Scalability and Transferability, A
=> review of lane detection methods based on deep learning, A
=> Review of Low Frame Rate Effects on Human Performance
=> Review of Machine Learning-Based Recognition of Sign Language, A
=> Review of Machine Learning Approaches for Biomass and Soil Moisture Retrievals from Remote Sensing Data
=> Review of Machine Vision Applications in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
=> Review of Marine Gravity Field Recovery from Satellite Altimetry, A
=> review of mean-shift algorithms for clustering, A
=> Review of Methods for Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity in MRI, A
=> Review of Methods for Determining the Spatial Resolution of UAV Sensors
=> Review of Methods to Predict Social Image Interestingness and Memorability
=> Review of Microscopic Lane-Changing Models and Future Research Opportunities
=> Review of Modelling Approaches On Tidal Analysis and Prediction, A
=> Review of Modern Fashion Recommender Systems, A
=> review of monocular visual odometry, A
=> review of motion analysis methods for human Nonverbal Communication Computing, A
=> Review of Motion Planning for Highway Autonomous Driving, A
=> Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles, A
=> Review of Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA) Using 4D Dynamic Models, A
=> Review of Multi-Sensor Fusion SLAM Systems Based on 3D LIDAR, A
=> review of non-rigid transformations and learning-based 3D point cloud registration methods, A
=> Review of objective video quality metrics and performance comparison using different databases
=> Review of Ocean Color Algorithms to Detect Trichodesmium Oceanic Blooms and Quantify Chlorophyll Concentration in Shallow Coral Lagoons of South Pacific Archipelagos, A
=> Review of Online Dynamic Models and Algorithms for Railway Traffic Management, A
=> review of optical pattern recognition techniques, A
=> Review of palm vein recognition
=> Review of panoptic segmentation for mobile mapping point clouds, A
=> Review of Passive and Active Ultra-Wideband Baluns for Use in Ground Penetrating Radar, A
=> Review of pedestrian detection techniques in automotive far-infrared video
=> Review of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Methods: Comparing Deep Learning and Knowledge-Based Approaches
=> Review of person re-identification techniques
=> Review of personal identification based on near infrared vein imaging of finger
=> Review of Phased Array Steering for Narrow-Band Electrooptical Systems, A
=> Review of Point Clouds Segmentation And Classification Algorithms, A
=> Review of Practical AI for Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, A
=> Review of Progress and Applications of Pulsed Doppler Wind LiDARs, A
=> Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Downwelling Irradiance for the Validation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Water, A
=> Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Water-Leaving Radiance for Validation of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data over Water, A
=> Review of psychological processes in pattern recognition
=> Review of pulse-coupled neural networks
=> Review of Quantifying pCO2 in Inland Waters with a Global Perspective: Challenges and Prospects of Implementing Remote Sensing Technology, A
=> review of real-time segmentation of uncompressed video sequences for content-based search and retrieval, A
=> review of recent advances in 3D ear- and expression-invariant face biometrics, A
=> review of recent advances in lane detection and departure warning system, A
=> Review of Recent Advances in Registration Techniques Applied to Minimally Invasive Therapy, A
=> Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques, A
=> review of recent advances in visual speech decoding, A
=> Review of Recent Range Image Reconstruction Algorithms, A
=> review of recent range image registration methods with accuracy evaluation, A
=> Review Of Recent Research In Indoor Modelling & Mapping, A
=> Review of Recent Spatial Accessibility Studies That Benefitted from Advanced Geospatial Information: Multimodal Transportation and Spatiotemporal Disaggregation, A
=> Review of Recent Texture Segmentation and Feature Extraction Techniques, A
=> Review of Reconstructing Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature under Cloudy Conditions, A
=> Review of Recording Technologies for Digital Fabrication in Heritage Conservation, A
=> Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets, A
=> review of regional and Global scale Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) mapping products generated from satellite remote sensing, A
=> review of reinforcement learning applications in adaptive traffic signal control, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing Applications in Grassland Monitoring
=> Review of Remote Sensing Challenges for Food Security with Respect to Salinity and Drought Threats, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring in China, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing for Land Administration: Origins, Debates, and Selected Cases
=> Review of Remote Sensing for Water Quality Retrieval: Progress and Challenges, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing Image Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production Systems
=> Review of Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Profiles and Cloud Properties by Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers in Central China, A
=> Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation for Non-Specialists, A
=> Review of Research on Human Behavior Recognition Methods Based on Deep Learning, A
=> Review of Researches on the Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing Based on HCI
=> Review of RFI Mitigation Techniques in Microwave Radiometry, A
=> review of ridge counting in dermatoglyphics, A
=> Review of Road Segmentation for SAR Images
=> Review of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methods Based on Remote Sensing, A
=> Review of Satellite Interferometry for Landslide Detection in Italy
=> Review of Satellite Remote Sensing and Unoccupied Aircraft Systems for Counting Wildlife on Land
=> Review of Segmentation and Contextual Analysis Techniques for Text Recognition, A
=> review of segmentation method for MR image, A
=> Review of Selected Applications of GNSS CORS and Related Experiences at the University of Palermo (Italy), A
=> review of semantic segmentation using deep neural networks, A
=> Review of Sensing and Communication, Human Factors, and Controller Aspects for Information-Aware Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
=> review of sensor devices in stroke rehabilitation, A
=> Review of Serial and Parallel Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Computer Vision
=> Review of Shadow Techniques in Augmented Reality, A
=> Review of Shape Coding Techniques
=> Review of Shape Descriptors for Document Analysis, A
=> Review of shape representation and description techniques
=> Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications, A
=> Review of Ship Collision Avoidance Guidance Algorithms Using Remote Sensing and Game Control
=> Review of Spatial and Non-spatial Data Transformation to 3D Geovisualization for Natural Disaster
=> review of speckle filtering in the context of estimation theory, A
=> Review of Spectral Indices for Mangrove Remote Sensing, A
=> Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation: Integrating Color, Texture, Motion and Shape, A
=> Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation: Integrating Color, Texture, Motion and Shape, A
=> Review of Statistical Data Association Techniques for Motion Correspondence, A
=> Review of statistical shape spaces for 3D data with comparative analysis for human faces
=> Review of stereo vision algorithms and their suitability for resource-limited systems
=> review of supervised object-based land-cover image classification, A
=> Review of surface defect detection of steel products based on machine vision
=> Review of Surge-type Glaciers, A
=> Review of Swidden Agriculture in Southeast Asia, A
=> Review of Synthetic-Aperture Radar Image Formation Algorithms and Implementations: A Computational Perspective, A
=> review of system integration and current integrity monitoring methods for positioning in intelligent transport systems, A
=> Review of Techniques for Diagnosing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Using Aerosol Lidar Data, A
=> Review of Ten-Year Advances of Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry Using TerraSAR-X Data, A
=> Review of Terrestrial Carbon Assessment Methods Using Geo-Spatial Technologies with Emphasis on Arid Lands, A
=> Review of the application of machine learning to the automatic semantic annotation of images
=> Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and Monitoring, A
=> Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abandoned Agricultural Land Identification with Focus on Central and Eastern Europe, A
=> Review of the Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation Systems, A
=> Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology, A
=> Review of the As-Built BIM Approaches
=> Review of the CALIMAS Team Contributions to European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission Calibration and Validation
=> Review of the Challenges of Using Deep Learning Algorithms to Support Decision-Making in Agricultural Activities, A
=> review of the combination of spectral and geometric modelling for the application in forest remote sensing, A
=> review of the comparative studies on traditional and intelligent face recognition methods, A
=> Review of the Current State of UAV Regulations
=> Review of the Distinguishing Features of the Historical Buildings In Safranbolu Region for the Purpose of Classification for Semantically Enhanced 3d Building Model, A
=> Review of the Far-Reaching Usage of Low-Light Nighttime Data, A
=> Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) competition series: 2009 to 2015
=> Review of the Fractal Image Coding Literature, A
=> Review of the Gumbel-max Trick and its Extensions for Discrete Stochasticity in Machine Learning, A
=> Review of the Intelligent Diagnosis Methods for the Power Transmission Lines
=> Review of the Monothematic Series of Publications Concerning Research on Statistical Distributions of Navigation Positioning System Errors
=> Review of the Sustainability Concept and the State of SDG Monitoring Using Remote Sensing, A
=> Review of the Sustainability Concept and the State of SDG Monitoring Using Remote Sensing, A
=> Review of Thermal Infrared Applications and Requirements for Future High-Resolution Sensors
=> Review of Three-Dimensional Imaging Technologies for Pavement Distress Detection and Measurements, A
=> Review of Tomographic Imaging using Finite Element Method
=> Review of Tools and Methods for Detection, Analysis, and Prediction of Allostatic Load Due to Workplace Stress, A
=> Review of trajectory optimisation for connected automated vehicles
=> Review of Tree Species Classification Based on Airborne LiDAR Data and Applied Classifiers, A
=> Review of underwater image restoration algorithms
=> Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Low-Altitude Remote Sensing (UAV-LARS) Use in Agricultural Monitoring in China, A
=> review of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning for time-series modeling, A
=> Review of Urban Air Pollution Monitoring and Exposure Assessment Methods, A
=> review of video surveillance systems, A
=> Review of Virtual Reality Studies on Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction, A
=> Review of Virtual Therapists in Anxiety and Phobias Alleviating Applications, A
=> Review of Vision-Based Gait Recognition Methods for Human Identification, A
=> Review of vision-based steel surface inspection systems
=> review of vision-based systems for soccer video analysis, A
=> Review of Vision-Based Traffic Semantic Understanding in ITSs, A
=> Review of Visual Saliency Detection With Comprehensive Information
=> Review of Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Deep Learning
=> Review of Voxel-Based Computerized Ionospheric Tomography with GNSS Ground Receivers, A
=> review of wave-net identical learning and filling-in in a decomposition space of (JPG-JPEG) sampled images, A
=> Review of wavelet-based unsupervised texture segmentation, advantage of adaptive wavelets
=> Review of Web Mapping: Eras, Trends and Directions
=> Review of Wide-Baseline Stereo Image Matching Based on Deep Learning
=> Review of Works Combining GNSS and InSAR in Europe
=> Review of: Digital color management, encoding solutions
=> Review of: LTE: The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practise
=> review on 2D instance segmentation based on deep neural networks, A
=> Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction
=> Review on Anti-Spoofing: Face Manipulation and Liveness Detection, A
=> Review on Assessing and Mapping Soil Erosion Hazard Using Geo-Informatics Technology for Farming System Management, A
=> review on automatic image annotation techniques, A
=> Review on Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis: Automated MRI Image Analysis for the Prediction of Primary Cancer Using Radiomics, A
=> Review on Citizen Science (Citsci) Applications for Disaster Management, A
=> review on classifying abnormal behavior in crowd scene, A
=> Review on Content-Based Image Retrieval System: Present Trends and Future Challenges, A
=> Review on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in vegetation remote sensing
=> review on dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms, A
=> Review on Data Driven Preliminary Study Pertaining to Assistive Digital Learning Technologies to Support Dyscalculia Learners
=> Review on Deep Learning Algorithms and Benchmark Datasets for Pairwise Global Point Cloud Registration
=> Review on Deep Learning Classifier for Hyperspectral Imaging, A
=> Review on Deep Learning Techniques for 3D Sensed Data Classification, A
=> Review on Deep Learning Techniques for Video Prediction, A
=> Review on Design and Control Aspects of Robotic Shoulder Rehabilitation Orthoses
=> review on egomotion by means of differential epipolar geometry applied to the movement of a mobile robot, A
=> review on image mining, A
=> Review on Image Segmentation Techniques, A
=> Review on Image Segmentation Techniques, A
=> Review on Indoor Localization with Internet of Things, A
=> review on infrared and visible image fusion algorithms based on neural networks, A
=> Review on IoT Deep Learning UAV Systems for Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance, A
=> review on key challenges in intelligent vehicles: Safety and driver-oriented features, A
=> Review on Legal Traceability of GNSS Measurements in the Malaysian Cadastral Practice, A
=> Review On Measuring Entrepreneurs' Social Behaviour Via Spatial Analysis Techniques, A
=> Review on mining data from multiple data sources
=> Review on Multi-GNSS for Earth Observation and Emerging Applications, A
=> Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning, A
=> Review on Nonlinear Methods Using Electroencephalographic Recordings for Emotion Recognition, A
=> review on object pose recovery: From 3D bounding box detectors to full 6D pose estimators, A
=> Review on on-line visual ferrographic analysis system for marine diesel engine
=> Review on Persian Script and Recognition Techniques, A
=> Review on Photogrammetric Surface Inspection In Automotive Production
=> Review on Psychological Stress Detection Using Biosignals
=> Review on Recent Patents in Texture Synthesis
=> Review on research studies and monitoring system applied to cetaceans in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian sea, Central-Eastern Mediterranean Sea)
=> Review on Rice Crop Disease Classification Using Computational Approach, A
=> review on robust video copy detection, A
=> Review on sign language recognition methods for supporting communication between deaf and non-deaf persons
=> Review on Simulation Platforms for Agent-Based Modeling in Electrified Transportation, A
=> Review On Spatial Quality Assessment Methods for Evaluation Of Pan-sharpened Satellite Imagery, A
=> review on strategies for recognizing natural objects in colour images of outdoor scenes, A
=> Review on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving the Traffic Signal Control Problem, A
=> Review on the Applications of Petri Nets in Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Urban Traffic, A
=> review on the combination of binary classifiers in multiclass problems, A
=> Review on the effects of age, gender, and race demographics on automatic face recognition
=> Review on the Geophysical and UAV-Based Methods Applied to Landslides
=> Review on the Infomobility Quality: a new framework
=> Review on the Possibilities and Challenges of Today's Soil and Soil Surface Assessment Techniques in the Context of Process-Based Soil Erosion Models, A
=> Review on the Role of GNSS Meteorology in Monitoring Water Vapor for Atmospheric Physics
=> Review on UAV-Based Applications for Plant Disease Detection and Monitoring, A
=> Review on Vehicle-Trailer State and Parameter Estimation, A
=> Review on Vision-Based Full DOF Hand Motion Estimation, A
=> Review the strength of gabor features for face recognition from the angle of its robustness to mis-alignment
=> Review
=> Review, analysis and parameterisation of techniques for copy-move forgery detection in digital images
=> Review: An Analysis of Geospatial Technologies for Risk and Natural Disaster Management
=> Review: Cost-Effective Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Platform for Field Plant Breeding Application
=> Review: Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
=> Review: Recent Progress in the Design and Development of Nonlinear Radars, A
=> Review: Recent Progress in the Design and Development of Nonlinear Radars, A
=> Review: Restoration Approaches, A
=> Reviewing ALOS PALSAR Backscatter Observations for Stem Volume Retrieval in Swedish Forest
=> Reviewing Performance Metrics for Handwriting Recognition: Must-Rejects and Recognition Graph Scores
=> Reviewing Space-Borne GNSS-Reflectometry for Detecting Freeze/Thaw Conditions of Near-Surface Soils
=> Reviewing the Potential of Sentinel-2 in Assessing the Drought
=> Reviewing ViBe, a Popular Background Subtraction Algorithm for Real-Time Applications
=> Reviewing ViBe, a Popular Background Subtraction Algorithm for Real-Time Applications
=> ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions
=> ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions
=> Reviews of Geospatial Information Technology and Collaborative Data Delivery for Disaster Risk Management
=> Revise-Net: Exploiting Reverse Attention Mechanism for Salient Object Detection
=> REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets
=> REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets
=> ReVISE: Self-Supervised Speech Resynthesis with Visual Input for Universal and Generalized Speech Regeneration
=> Revised Contrastive Loss for Robust Age Estimation from Face
=> Revised Coordinates for Apollo Hardware
=> Revised Definition of Optical Flow: Integration of Radiometric and Geometric Cues for Dynamic Scene Analysis
=> Revised depth map estimation for multi-view stereo
=> Revised Fundamental Theorem of Moment Invariants, The
=> Revised Landsat-5 TM Radiometric Calibration Procedures and Postcalibration Dynamic Ranges
=> Revised Representation of Optical Flow for Dynamic Scene Analysis
=> Revised Snow Cover Algorithm to Improve Discrimination between Snow and Clouds: A Case Study in Gran Paradiso National Park, A
=> Revised SNR Estimator in DSSS Receiver Based on Curve Fitting
=> Revised Spatial Transformer Network towards Improved Image Super-resolutions
=> Revised spectral matching algorithm for scenes with mutually inconsistent local transformations
=> Revised Temporal Scaling Method to Yield Better ET Estimates at a Regional Scale, A
=> revised terrain correction method for forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data, A
=> Revised Underwater Image Formation Model, A
=> Revising Cadastral Data on Land Boundaries Using Deep Learning in Image-Based Mapping
=> Revising the Observation Satellite Scheduling Problem Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Revision of multifractal descriptors for texture classification based on mathematical morphology
=> revision of NASA SeaDAS atmospheric correction algorithm over turbid waters with artificial Neural Networks estimated remote-sensing reflectance in the near-infrared, A
=> Revision of Pyramid Segmentation, A
=> Revision of Using Eigenvalues of Covariance Matrices in Boundary-Based Corner Detection
=> Revision of WDM7 Microphysics Scheme and Evaluation for Precipitating Convection over the Korean Peninsula
=> Revisioning the unification of syntax, semantics and statistics in shape analysis
=> revisit of Generative Model for Automatic Image Annotation using Markov Random Fields, A
=> Revisit of Methods for Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes, A
=> Revisit of Sparse Coding Based Anomaly Detection in Stacked RNN Framework, A
=> Revisit PCA-based technique for Out-of-Distribution Detection
=> Revisit PCA-based technique for Out-of-Distribution Detection
=> revisit to cost aggregation in stereo matching: How far can we reduce its computational redundancy?, A
=> revisit to human action recognition from depth sequences: Guided SVM-sampling for joint selection, A
=> Revisit to Least Squares Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Parametric Curves and Surfaces, A
=> Revisited Estimation of Moderate Resolution Sargassum Fractional Coverage Using Decametric Satellite Data (S2-MSI)
=> Revisiting-Reciprocal Distance Re-Ranking for Skeleton-Based Person Re-Identification
=> Revisiting 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Graph-Based Applications
=> Revisiting 3D geometric models for accurate object shape and pose
=> Revisiting a kNN-Based Image Classification System with High-Capacity Storage
=> Revisiting a Nearest Neighbor Method for Shape Classification
=> Revisiting Adaptive Convolutions for Video Frame Interpolation
=> Revisiting Additive Quantization
=> Revisiting Adversarial Robustness Distillation: Robust Soft Labels Make Student Better
=> Revisiting All-Zero Block Detection for Versatile Video Coding
=> Revisiting Anchor Mechanisms for Temporal Action Localization
=> Revisiting AP Loss for Dense Object Detection: Adaptive Ranking Pair Selection
=> Revisiting Artistic Style Transfer for Data Augmentation in A Real-Case Scenario
=> Revisiting AUC-Oriented Adversarial Training With Loss-Agnostic Perturbations
=> Revisiting Autofocus for Smartphone Cameras
=> Revisiting Batch Norm Initialization
=> Revisiting Batch Norm Initialization
=> Revisiting Batch Normalization for Improving Corruption Robustness
=> Revisiting Carl Bildt's Impostor: Would a Speaker Verification System Foil Him?
=> Revisiting Class Imbalance for End-to-end Semi-Supervised Object Detection
=> Revisiting Click-Based Interactive Video Object Segmentation
=> Revisiting Co-Saliency Detection: A Novel Approach Based on Two-Stage Multi-View Spectral Rotation Co-clustering
=> Revisiting coarse-to-fine strategy for low-light image enhancement with deep decomposition guided training
=> Revisiting coarse-to-fine strategy for low-light image enhancement with deep decomposition guided training
=> Revisiting Column-Wise Vector Quantization for Memory-Efficient Matrix Multiplication
=> Revisiting Complex Moments for 2-D Shape Representation and Image Normalization
=> Revisiting Component Tree Based Segmentation Using Meaningful Photometric Informations
=> Revisiting Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
=> Revisiting Confidence Estimation: Towards Reliable Failure Prediction
=> Revisiting Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning
=> Revisiting convexity-preserving signal recovery with the linearly involved GMC penalty
=> Revisiting Convolutional Sparse Coding for Image Denoising: From a Multi-Scale Perspective
=> Revisiting correlation-based filters for low-resolution and long-term visual tracking
=> Revisiting Cross-Channel Information Transfer for Chromatic Aberration Correction
=> Revisiting crowd counting: State-of-the-art, trends, and future perspectives
=> Revisiting Dead Leaves Model: Training With Synthetic Data
=> Revisiting Deep Intrinsic Image Decompositions
=> Revisiting Deep Structured Models for Pixel-Level Labeling with Gradient-Based Inference
=> Revisiting Depth Image Fusion with Variational Message Passing
=> Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions
=> Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> Revisiting Distillation and Incremental Classifier Learning
=> Revisiting Document Image Dewarping by Grid Regularization
=> Revisiting Domain-Adaptive 3D Object Detection by Reliable, Diverse and Class-balanced Pseudo-Labeling
=> Revisiting Domain-Adaptive 3D Object Detection by Reliable, Diverse and Class-balanced Pseudo-Labeling
=> Revisiting Domain Generalized Stereo Matching Networks from a Feature Consistency Perspective
=> Revisiting EmbodiedQA: A Simple Baseline and Beyond
=> Revisiting ensemble adversarial attack
=> Revisiting Example Dependent Cost-Sensitive Learning with Decision Trees
=> Revisiting Facial Age Estimation With New Insights From Instance Space Analysis
=> Revisiting Feature Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
=> Revisiting Finite-Time Distributed Algorithms via Successive Nulling of Eigenvalues
=> Revisiting Foreground and Background Separation in Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization: A Clustering-based Approach
=> Revisiting Foreground and Background Separation in Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization: A Clustering-based Approach
=> Revisiting Fully Convolutional Geometric Features for Object 6D Pose Estimation
=> Revisiting Fully Convolutional Geometric Features for Object 6D Pose Estimation
=> Revisiting Generalizability in Deepfake Detection: Improving Metrics and Stabilizing Transfer
=> Revisiting graph construction for fast image segmentation
=> Revisiting Graph Neural Networks: Graph Filtering Perspective
=> Revisiting guided image filter based stereo matching and scanline optimization for improved disparity estimation
=> Revisiting Hard Example for Action Recognition
=> Revisiting Harris Corner Detector Algorithm: A Gradual Thresholding Approach
=> Revisiting Hartley's normalized eight-point algorithm
=> Revisiting hierarchy: Deep learning with orthogonally constrained prior for classification
=> Revisiting Horn and Schunck: Interpretation as Gauss-newton Optimisation
=> Revisiting Human Action Recognition: Personalization vs. Generalization
=> Revisiting Ice Flux and Mass Balance of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System Using Multi-Remote-Sensing Datasets, East Antarctica
=> Revisiting IM2GPS in the Deep Learning Era
=> Revisiting Image-Language Networks for Open-Ended Phrase Detection
=> Revisiting image captioning via maximum discrepancy competition
=> Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection
=> Revisiting image splitting
=> Revisiting ImprovedGAN with Metric Learning for Semi-Supervised Learning
=> Revisiting inaccuracies of time series averaging under dynamic time warping
=> Revisiting Inter-Genre Similarity
=> Revisiting Jump-Diffusion Process for Visual Tracking: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
=> Revisiting Kernel Temporal Segmentation as an Adaptive Tokenizer for Long-form Video Understanding
=> Revisiting kernelized locality-sensitive hashing for improved large-scale image retrieval
=> Revisiting Knowledge Distillation via Label Smoothing Regularization
=> Revisiting Knowledge Distillation: An Inheritance and Exploration Framework
=> Revisiting Knowledge Transfer for Training Object Class Detectors
=> Revisiting Latent Space of GAN Inversion for Robust Real Image Editing
=> Revisiting LBP-Based Texture Models for Human Action Recognition
=> Revisiting Learnable Affines for Batch Norm in Few-Shot Transfer Learning
=> Revisiting Learned Image Compression With Statistical Measurement of Latent Representations
=> Revisiting Light Field Rendering With Deep Anti-Aliasing Neural Network
=> Revisiting Lightning Activity and Parameterization Using Geostationary Satellite Observations
=> Revisiting Linear Discriminant Techniques in Gender Recognition
=> Revisiting Local Descriptor Based Image-To-Class Measure for Few-Shot Learning
=> Revisiting Loss-Specific Training of Filter-Based MRFs for Image Restoration
=> Revisiting Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation in Log-Concave Models
=> Revisiting Metric Learning for SPD Matrix Based Visual Representation
=> Revisiting Modality-Specific Feature Compensation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
=> Revisiting Modality Imbalance In Multimodal Pedestrian Detection
=> Revisiting Multi-Codebook Quantization
=> Revisiting Multi-Level Feature Fusion: A Simple Yet Effective Network for Salient Object Detection
=> Revisiting Multimodal Representation in Contrastive Learning: From Patch and Token Embeddings to Finite Discrete Tokens
=> Revisiting multiple instance neural networks
=> Revisiting Natural Scene Statistical Modeling Using Deep Features for Opinion-Unaware Image Quality Assessment
=> Revisiting Near/Remote Sensing with Geospatial Attention
=> Revisiting Open World Object Detection
=> Revisiting Optical Flow Estimation in 360 Videos
=> Revisiting Outer Optimization in Adversarial Training
=> Revisiting Outlier Rejection Approach for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
=> Revisiting overlap invariance in medical image alignment
=> Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking
=> Revisiting Person Re-Identification by Camera Selection
=> Revisiting Person Re-Identification by Camera Selection
=> Revisiting Perspective Information for Efficient Crowd Counting
=> Revisiting PID Control for Power-Constrained Video Display
=> Revisiting Pixel-Level Contrastive Pre-Training on Scene Images
=> Revisiting Point Cloud Classification: A New Benchmark Dataset and Classification Model on Real-World Data
=> Revisiting Point Cloud Classification: A New Benchmark Dataset and Classification Model on Real-World Data
=> Revisiting Point Cloud Simplification: A Learnable Feature Preserving Approach
=> Revisiting Point Matching Methods for Object Pose Estimation
=> Revisiting Pose-Normalization for Fine-Grained Few-Shot Recognition
=> Revisiting priority queues for image analysis
=> Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection, The
=> Revisiting Projective Structure from Motion: A Robust and Efficient Incremental Solution
=> Revisiting Prototypical Network for Cross Domain Few-Shot Learning
=> Revisiting Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) Over Sand Deserts for Vicarious Calibration of Optical Imagers at 20 km and 100 km Scales
=> Revisiting Radial Distortion Absolute Pose
=> Revisiting Radial Distortion Rectification in Polar-Coordinates: A New and Efficient Learning Perspective
=> Revisiting radiometric calibration for color computer vision
=> Revisiting Random Channel Pruning for Neural Network Compression
=> Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN
=> Revisiting Realistic Test-Time Training: Sequential Inference and Adaptation by Anchored Clustering Regularized Self-Training
=> Revisiting Residual Networks for Adversarial Robustness
=> Revisiting Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection
=> Revisiting Robust Visual Tracking Using Pixel-Wise Posteriors
=> Revisiting Role of Autoencoders in Adversarial Settings
=> Revisiting Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment: Toward Accurate and Fast Solution
=> Revisiting Rotation Averaging: Uncertainties and Robust Losses
=> Revisiting Saliency Metrics: Farthest-Neighbor Area Under Curve
=> Revisiting Salient Object Detection: Simultaneous Detection, Ranking, and Subitizing of Multiple Salient Objects
=> Revisiting Scene Text Recognition: A Data Perspective
=> Revisiting Scene Text Recognition: A Data Perspective
=> Revisiting Self-Similarity: Structural Embedding for Image Retrieval
=> Revisiting Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
=> Revisiting Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task Loss and Skip-Memory
=> Revisiting Shadow Detection: A New Benchmark Dataset for Complex World
=> Revisiting single-step adversarial training for robustness and generalization
=> Revisiting Single-View Shape Tensors: Theory and Applications
=> Revisiting Single Image Depth Estimation: Toward Higher Resolution Maps With Accurate Object Boundaries
=> Revisiting SIRET Video Retrieval Tool
=> Revisiting Skeleton-based Action Recognition
=> Revisiting Spatial Inductive Bias with MLP-Like Model
=> Revisiting spectral clustering for near-convex decomposition of 2D shape
=> Revisiting Stereo Depth Estimation From a Sequence-to-Sequence Perspective with Transformers
=> Revisiting Street-to-Aerial View Image Geo-localization and Orientation Estimation
=> Revisiting Superpixels for Active Learning in Semantic Segmentation with Realistic Annotation Costs
=> Revisiting Superquadric Fitting: A Numerically Stable Formulation
=> Revisiting Temporal Alignment for Video Restoration
=> Revisiting Temporal Modeling for CLIP-Based Image-to-Video Knowledge Transferring
=> Revisiting the accuracy of the biohashing algorithm on fingerprints
=> Revisiting the Astonishing Growth of Human-Computer Interaction Research
=> Revisiting the Brightness Constraint: Probabilistic Formulation and Algorithms
=> Revisiting the Critical Factors of Augmentation-Invariant Representation Learning
=> Revisiting the Efficiency of UGC Video Quality Assessment
=> Revisiting The Evaluation of Class Activation Mapping for Explainability: A Novel Metric and Experimental Analysis
=> Revisiting the Evaluation of Uncertainty Estimation and Its Application to Explore Model Complexity-Uncertainty Trade-Off
=> Revisiting the Fisher vector for fine-grained classification
=> Revisiting the GNSS-R Waveform Statistics and Its Impact on Altimetric Retrievals
=> Revisiting the Inverted Indices for Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbors
=> Revisiting the Iterative Ant-tree for color quantization algorithm
=> Revisiting the Kronecker Array Transform
=> Revisiting the Linear Programming Relaxation Approach to Gibbs Energy Minimization and Weighted Constraint Satisfaction
=> Revisiting the medial axis for planar shape decomposition
=> Revisiting the P3P Problem
=> Revisiting the Parameter Efficiency of Adapters from the Perspective of Precision Redundancy
=> Revisiting the Parameter Efficiency of Adapters from the Perspective of Precision Redundancy
=> Revisiting the Past: Replicability of a Historic Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics Assessment in the Era of Big Data Analytics
=> Revisiting the PnP Problem with a GPS
=> Revisiting the PnP Problem: A Fast, General and Optimal Solution
=> Revisiting The Procedures for The Vector Data Quality Assurance In Practice
=> Revisiting the Receptive Field of Conv-GRU in DROID-SLAM
=> Revisiting the Regression between Raw Outputs of Image Quality Metrics and Ground Truth Measurements
=> Revisiting the Regularizers in Blind Image Deblurring With a New One
=> Revisiting the Relationship Between Adaptive Smoothing and Anisotropic Diffusion With Modified Filters
=> Revisiting the Role of Place in Geographic Information Science
=> Revisiting the Short-Wave Spectrum of the Sea Surface in the Light of the Weighted Curvature Approximation
=> Revisiting the Sibling Head in Object Detector
=> Revisiting the Spaceborne Illuminators of Opportunity for Airborne Object Tracking
=> Revisiting the Stack-Based Inverse Tone Mapping
=> Revisiting the Training of Very Deep Neural Networks without Skip Connections
=> Revisiting the transferability of adversarial examples via source-agnostic adversarial feature inducing method
=> Revisiting the Transferability of Supervised Pretraining: An MLP Perspective
=> Revisiting the Variable Projection Method for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
=> Revisiting Token Pruning for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
=> Revisiting Token Pruning for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
=> Revisiting Training-free NAS Metrics: An Efficient Training-based Method
=> Revisiting Trans-Arctic Maritime Navigability in 2011-2016 from the Perspective of Sea Ice Thickness
=> Revisiting Trifocal Tensor Estimation Using Lines
=> Revisiting uncertainty in graph cut solutions
=> Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era
=> Revisiting Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Models: A Smoothness Perspective
=> Revisiting Unsupervised Meta-Learning via the Characteristics of Few-Shot Tasks
=> Revisiting Vicinal Risk Minimization for Partially Supervised Multi-Label Classification Under Data Scarcity
=> Revisiting Video Saliency Prediction in the Deep Learning Era
=> Revisiting Video Saliency: A Large-Scale Benchmark and a New Model
=> Revisiting visual attention identification based on eye tracking data analytics
=> Revisiting Visual Odometry for Real-Time Performance
=> Revisiting Visual Question Answering Baselines
=> Revisiting Volgenant-Jonker for Approximating Graph Edit Distance
=> Revisiting Weak-to-Strong Consistency in Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> Revisiting Weakly Supervised Pre-Training of Visual Perception Models
=> Revisiting Zhang's 1D calibration algorithm
=> ReVISOR: ResUNets with visibility and intensity for structured outlier removal
=> Revisting Quantization Error in Face Alignment
=> Revitalizing Optimization for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation: A Sparse Constrained Formulation
=> Revitalizing Regression Tasks Through Modern Training Procedures: Applications in Medical Image Analysis for Covid-19 Infection Percentage Estimation
=> Reviving Iterative Training with Mask Guidance for Interactive Segmentation
=> Reviving Legacy Population Maps With Object-Oriented Image Processing Techniques
=> Reviving Standard-Dynamic-Range Videos for High-Dynamic-Range Devices: A Learning Paradigm With Hybrid Attention Mechanisms
=> Revocable Fingerprint Biotokens: Accuracy and Security Analysis
=> Revolution of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies Accelerated by Wide Bandgap Devices
=> Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneering Sun Glint Detection and Removal Techniques
=> Revolutionizing COVID-19 Diagnosis with Swin Transformer: A Comparative Study on CT Image Attention Analysisand CNN Models performance
=> Revolutionizing Thermal Imaging: GAN-Based Vision Transformers for Image Enhancement
=> Revolutions and Experimental Computer Vision
=> REVT: Robust and Efficient Visual Tracking by Region-Convolutional Regression Network
=> Reward-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning: Dynamic Policy Gradient Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion
=> Reward-punishment editing
=> Reward (Mis)design for autonomous driving
=> Reward Conditions Modify Children's Drawing Behaviour
=> Reward Learning from Narrated Demonstrations
=> Reward shaping with hierarchical graph topology
=> Rewarded Semi-Supervised Re-Identification on Identities Rarely Crossing Camera Views
=> Reweighted Algorithms for Independent Vector Analysis
=> Reweighted and Adaptive Morphology Separation
=> Reweighted Extreme Learning Machine-Based Clutter Suppression and Range Compensation Algorithm for Non-Side-Looking Airborne Radar
=> Reweighted infrared patch image model for small target detection based on non-convex Lp-norm minimisation and TV regularisation
=> Reweighted Joint Spatial-Radon Domain CT Image Reconstruction Model for Metal Artifact Reduction, A
=> Reweighted laplace prior based hyperspectral compressive sensing for unknown sparsity
=> Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Analysis With Structural Smoothness for Image Denoising
=> Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and its Application in Image Restoration
=> Reweighted Non-Convex Non-Smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold
=> Reweighted Nuclear Norm and Reweighted Frobenius Norm Minimizations for Narrowband RFI Suppression on SAR System
=> Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching
=> Reweighted Robust Particle Filtering Approach for Target Tracking in Automotive Radar Application
=> Reweighted Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Unmixing
=> Reweighted sparse subspace clustering
=> Reweighted Tensor Factorization Method for SAR Narrowband and Wideband Interference Mitigation Using Smoothing Multiview Tensor Model
=> reweighted zero-attracting/repelling LMS algorithm for sparse system identification, A
=> Reworking Bridging for Use within the Image Domain
=> Rewriting a Deep Generative Model
=> Rewriting P Systems Generating Iso-picture Languages
=> Rex Leopold II Model: Application of the Reduced Set Density Estimator to Human Categorization., The
=> REX: Reasoning-aware and Grounded Explanation
=> RF-Based Drone Detection Enhancement via a Generalized Denoising and Interference-Removal Framework
=> RF-DCM: Multi-Granularity Deep Convolutional Model Based on Feature Recalibration and Fusion for Driver Fatigue Detection
=> RF-GAN: A Light and Reconfigurable Network for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
=> RF-Net: An End-To-End Image Matching Network Based on Receptive Field
=> RF-Next: Efficient Receptive Field Search for Convolutional Neural Networks
=> RF absorption in biological tissue at varying distances and angles and rapport to tissue impedance
=> RF Field Visualization of RF Ablation at the Larmor Frequency
=> RF*IPF: a weighting scheme for multimedia information retrieval
=> RFAP: A Revocable Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon
=> RFAU: A Database for Facial Action Unit Analysis in Real Classrooms
=> RFCNet: Enhancing urban segmentation using regularization, fusion, and completion
=> RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Reference to Feature Dictionary
=> RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction
=> RFE-VCR: Reference-enhanced transformer for remote sensing video cloud removal
=> RFE-VCR: Reference-enhanced transformer for remote sensing video cloud removal
=> RFGAN: RF-Based Human Synthesis
=> RFI Characterization and Mitigation for the SMAP Radar
=> RFI Detection and Mitigation for Advanced Correlators in Interferometric Radiometers
=> RFI Mitigation for UWB Radar Via Hyperparameter-Free Sparse SPICE Methods
=> RFI Source Localization in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry: A Sparse Signal Reconstruction Perspective
=> RFI Suppression Based on Atomic Norm Minimization in SAR Signal Recovery
=> RFI Suppression Based on Phase-Coded Stepped-Frequency Waveform in Through-Wall Radar
=> RFI Suppression for SAR Systems Based on Removed Spectrum Iterative Adaptive Approach
=> RFI Suppression for SAR via a Dictionary-Based Nonconvex Low-Rank Minimization Framework and Its Adaptive Implementation
=> RFID-assisted visual multiple object tracking without using visual appearance and motion
=> RFID-Integrated Framework for Tag Anti-Collision in UAV-Aided VANETs, A
=> RFID Technology Study for Traffic Signage Inventory Management Application
=> RFim: A Real-Time Inundation Extent Model for Large Floodplains Based on Remote Sensing Big Data and Water Level Observations
=> RFL-CDNet: Towards accurate change detection via richer feature learning
=> RFL-CDNet: Towards accurate change detection via richer feature learning
=> RFLA: A Stealthy Reflected Light Adversarial Attack in the Physical World
=> RFLA: Gaussian Receptive Field Based Label Assignment for Tiny Object Detection
=> RFM-Based Block Adjustment for Spaceborne Images with Weak Convergent Geometry
=> RFM Pattern Recognition System Invariant to Rotation, Scale and Translation, A
=> RFMask: A Simple Baseline for Human Silhouette Segmentation With Radio Signals
=> RFNet-4D: Joint Object Reconstruction and Flow Estimation from 4D Point Clouds
=> RFNet: A Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation
=> RFNet: Recurrent Forward Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
=> RFNet: Region-aware Fusion Network for Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation
=> RFNet: Unsupervised Network for Mutually Reinforcing Multi-modal Image Registration and Fusion
=> RFPad: Enabling Device-Free Handwriting Recognition With a Tag Square
=> RFS-Based Multiple Extended Target Tracking With Resolved Multipath Detections in Clutter
=> RFS-Net: Railway Track Fastener Segmentation Network With Shape Guidance
=> RFSIM: A feature based image quality assessment metric using Riesz transforms
=> RFVTM: A Recovery and Filtering Vertex Trichotomy Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration
=> RG-GCN: A Random Graph Based on Graph Convolution Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
=> RGB-(D) scene labeling: Features and algorithms
=> RGB-D-based action recognition datasets: A survey
=> RGB-D-based human motion recognition with deep learning: A survey
=> RGB-D-T Based Face Recognition
=> RGB-D and Lidar Calibration Supported by GPU
=> RGB-D Based Face Reconstruction and Recognition
=> RGB-D Based Multi-attribute People Search in Intelligent Visual Surveillance
=> RGB-D based place representation in topological maps
=> RGB-D Based Tracking of Complex Objects
=> RGB-D Camera Based Walking Pattern Detection Method for Smart Rollators, An
=> RGB-D camera based wearable navigation system for the visually impaired
=> RGB-D Co-Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
=> RGB-D Computer Vision Techniques for Simulated Prosthetic Vision
=> RGB-D data fusion in complex space
=> RGB-D DSO: Direct Sparse Odometry With RGB-D Cameras for Indoor Scenes
=> RGB-D face recognition under various conditions via 3D constrained local model
=> RGB-D Face Recognition using Reconstruction based Shared Representation
=> RGB-D Face Recognition via Deep Complementary and Common Feature Learning
=> RGB-D Fusion for Point-Cloud-Based 3d Human Pose Estimation
=> RGB-D Human Matting: A Real-World Benchmark Dataset and a Baseline Method
=> RGB-D image-based detection of stairs, pedestrian crosswalks and traffic signs
=> RGB-D image segmentation based on multiple random walkers
=> RGB-D image segmentation using superpixel and multi-feature fusion graph theory
=> RGB-D Indoor Plane-based 3D-Modeling using Autonomous Robot
=> RGB-D Local Implicit Function for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects
=> RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field
=> RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field
=> RGB-D Multi-view System Calibration for Full 3D Scene Reconstruction
=> RGB-D Object Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
=> RGB-D Object Recognition via Incorporating Latent Data Structure and Prior Knowledge
=> RGB-D Railway Platform Monitoring and Scene Understanding for Enhanced Passenger Safety
=> RGB-D road segmentation based on cross-modality feature maintenance and encouragement
=> RGB-D Saliency Detection by Multi-stream Late Fusion Network
=> RGB-D saliency detection under Bayesian framework
=> RGB-D Saliency Detection via Cascaded Mutual Information Minimization
=> RGB-D saliency detection via mutual guided manifold ranking
=> RGB-D Saliency Detection With Pseudo Depth
=> RGB-D Salient Object Detection by a CNN With Multiple Layers Fusion
=> RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Minimum Barrier Distance Transform and Saliency Fusion
=> RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Cross-modality Modulation and Selection
=> RGB-D Salient Object Detection With Ubiquitous Target Awareness
=> RGB-D salient object ranking based on depth stack and truth stack for complex indoor scenes
=> RGB-D scene classification via heterogeneous model fusion
=> RGB-D Scene Labeling with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks
=> RGB-D Segmentation of Poultry Entrails
=> RGB-D Semantic Segmentation and Label-Oriented Voxelgrid Fusion for Accurate 3D Semantic Mapping
=> RGB-D sensing based human action and interaction analysis: A survey
=> RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
=> RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments Using Point Correlations
=> RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
=> RGB-depth map formation from cili-padi plant imaging using stereo vision camera
=> RGB-Guided Depth Map Recovery by Two-Stage Coarse-to-Fine Dense CRF Models
=> RGB-Guided Hyperspectral Image Upsampling
=> RGB-ICP Method to Calculate Ground Three-Dimensional Deformation Based on Point Cloud from Airborne LiDAR
=> RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
=> RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-identification
=> RGB-Infrared Person Re-identification via Image Modality Conversion
=> RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification Via Multi-Modality Relation Aggregation and Graph Convolution Network
=> RGB-IR cross-modality person ReID based on teacher-student GAN model
=> RGB-IR Person Re-identification by Cross-Modality Similarity Preservation
=> RGB-Multispectral Matching: Dataset, Learning Methodology, Evaluation
=> RGB-T Crowd Counting from Drone: A Benchmark and Mmccn Network
=> RGB-T Image Saliency Detection via Collaborative Graph Learning
=> RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline
=> RGB-T Saliency Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Unified Collaborative Ranking
=> RGB-T Salient Object Detection via Fusing Multi-Level CNN Features
=> RGB-T Semantic Segmentation With Location, Activation, and Sharpening
=> RGB-T tracking by modality difference reduction and feature re-selection
=> RGB-Thermal Image Segmentation Method Based on Parameter Sharing and Attention Fusion for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
=> RGB-to-RGBG conversion algorithm with adaptive weighting factors based on edge detection and minimal square error
=> RGB-W: When Vision Meets Wireless
=> RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
=> RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
=> RGB-Z: Mapping a Sparse Depth Map to a High Resolution RGB Camera Image
=> RGB and depth intra-frame Cross-Compression for low bandwidth 3D video
=> RGB Calibration for Color Image-Analysis in Machine Vision
=> RGB Color Distribution Analysis Using Volumetric Fractal Dimension
=> RGB Color Image Steganography Scheme by Binary Lower Triangular Matrix, An
=> RGB depth salient object detection via cross-modal attention and boundary feature guidance
=> RGB Image-Derived Indicators for Spatial Assessment of the Impact of Broadleaf Weeds on Wheat Biomass
=> RGB Image Prioritization Using Convolutional Neural Network on a Microprocessor for Nanosatellites
=> RGB Imaging Based Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content
=> RGB Indices and Canopy Height Modelling for Mapping Tidal Marsh Biomass from a Small Unmanned Aerial System
=> RGB No More: Minimally-Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers
=> RGB pixel n-grams: A texture descriptor
=> RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
=> RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
=> RGB SAR product exploiting multitemporal: General processing and applications
=> RGB to Spectral Reconstruction via Learned Basis Functions and Weights
=> RGB, to spectral image conversion using spectral pallete and compression by SVD
=> RGBD-Dog: Predicting Canine Pose from RGBD Sensors
=> RGBD-fusion: Real-time high precision depth recovery
=> RGBD-HuDaAct: A color-depth video database for human daily activity recognition
=> RGBD-Net: Predicting Color and Depth Images for Novel Views Synthesis
=> RGBD-SLAM Based on Object Detection With Two-Stream YOLOv4-MobileNetv3 in Autonomous Driving
=> RGBD Based Dimensional Decomposition Residual Network for 3D Semantic Scene Completion
=> RGBD Camera Based Material Recognition via Surface Roughness Estimation
=> RGBD Co-Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Clustering
=> RGBD Datasets: Past, Present and Future
=> RGBD object pose recognition using local-global multi-kernel regression
=> RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion
=> RGBD Salient Object Detection via Disentangled Cross-Modal Fusion
=> RGBD Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
=> RGBD2: Generative Scene Synthesis via Incremental View Inpainting Using RGBD Diffusion Models
=> RGBD2lux: Dense Light Intensity Estimation With an RGBD Sensor
=> RGBT-Dog: A Parametric Model and Pose Prior For Canine Body Analysis Data Creation
=> RGBT Salient Object Detection: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark
=> RGBT Salient Object Detection: Benchmark and A Novel Cooperative Ranking Approach
=> RGBT Tracking by Trident Fusion Network
=> RGBT Tracking via Challenge-Based Appearance Disentanglement and Interaction
=> RGBT Tracking via Multi-Adapter Network with Hierarchical Divergence Loss
=> RGF Pandemonium: A Low-Level Representational Model for Images, The
=> RGFF Representational Model: A System for the Automatically Learned Partitioning of Visual Pattern in Digital Images, The
=> RGL-NET: A Recurrent Graph Learning framework for Progressive Part Assembly
=> RGPNet: A Real-Time General Purpose Semantic Segmentation
=> RGTransformer: Region-Graph Transformer for Image Representation and Few-Shot Classification
=> Rheology of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Lithosphere Inferred from the Post-Seismic Deformation Resulting from the 2001 Mw 7.8 Kokoxili Earthquake
=> Rheology of the Zagros Lithosphere from PostSeismic Deformation of the 2017 Mw7.3 Kermanshah, Iraq, Earthquake
=> RheumaSCORE: A CAD System for Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis and Follow-Up
=> RheumaVIT: transformer-based model for Automated Scoring of Hand Joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis
=> RHEVC intra-prediction mode
=> Rhinoceros 5 + Vray As a Tool for The Evaluation of Conditions in BIC Environments: The Cases of The Atarazanas, The Convent of San Agustin And The Plaza Nueva in Seville
=> Rho-theta Hough transform-elimination of quantization noise and linearization of voting curves in the rho-theta parameter space
=> Rhobin Challenge – Reconstruction of Human-Object Interaction
=> Rhombic Dodecahedron Grid: Coordinate System and 3D Digital Object Definitions
=> Rhombic Dodecahedron Map: An Efficient Scheme for Encoding Panoramic Video, The
=> Rhyrnn: Rhythmic RNN for Recognizing Events in Long and Complex Videos
=> Rhythm-Aware Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Labanotation Generation With Gesture-Sensitive Graph Convolutional Encoding
=> Rhythm Modeling for Voice Conversion
=> Rhythm of Flow: Detecting Facial Expressions of Flow Experiences Using CNNs, The
=> Rhythm of Motion Extraction and Rhythm-Based Cross-Media Alignment for Dance Videos
=> Rhythm of Transit Stations - Uncovering the Activity-Travel Dynamics of Transit-Oriented Development in the U.S.
=> Rhythm: A Unified Measurement Platform for Human Organizations
=> Rhythmic Brushstrokes Distinguish van Gogh from His Contemporaries: Findings via Automated Brushstroke Extraction
=> RhythmNet: End-to-End Heart Rate Estimation From Face via Spatial-Temporal Representation
=> RI-LPOH: Rotation-Invariant Local Phase Orientation Histogram for Multi-Modal Image Matching
=> Ri-Minace Filters to Augment Segmentation of Touching Objects
=> RIATIG: Reliable and Imperceptible Adversarial Text-to-Image Generation with Natural Prompts
=> RIAV-MVS: Recurrent-Indexing an Asymmetric Volume for Multi-View Stereo
=> RIBAC: Towards Robust and Imperceptible Backdoor Attack against Compact DNN
=> Ribbon-Based Motion Analysis of Human Body Movements
=> RibbonView: Interactive Context-Preserving Cutaways of Anatomical Surface Meshes
=> Ribcage Boundary Delineation in Chest X-ray Images
=> RIC-CNN: Rotation-Invariant Coordinate Convolutional Neural Network
=> RIC-CNN: Rotation-Invariant Coordinate Convolutional Neural Network
=> Riccati Equation Solution Method for the Computation of the Extreme Solutions of X+A*X-1A=Q and X-A*X-1A=Q
=> Ricci flow-based spherical parameterization and surface registration
=> Ricci flow embedding for rectifying non-Euclidean dissimilarity data
=> Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
=> Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
=> Ricci Flow for Shape Analysis and Surface Registration: Theories, Algorithms and Applications
=> Rice-Field Mapping with Sentinel-1A SAR Time-Series Data
=> Rice-Yield Prediction with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data and 3D CNN: A Case Study in Nepal
=> Rice and Greenhouse Identification in Plateau Areas Incorporating Sentinel-1/2 Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data from Google Earth Engine
=> Rice Area Inter Annual Variation through a Remote Sensing Based Mapping Algorithm
=> Rice Crop Detection Using LSTM, Bi-LSTM, and Machine Learning Models from Sentinel-1 Time Series
=> Rice Crop Height Inversion from TanDEM-X PolInSAR Data Using the RVoG Model Combined with the Logistic Growth Equation
=> Rice Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Images (case Study: Mazandaran, Iran)
=> Rice Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1a Phenological Metrics
=> Rice Crop Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data: A Case Study in Saku, Japan
=> Rice False Smut Detection and Prescription Map Generation in a Complex Planting Environment, with Mixed Methods, Based on Near Earth Remote Sensing
=> Rice False Smut Monitoring Based on Band Selection of UAV Hyperspectral Data
=> Rice Fields Mapping in Fragmented Area Using Multi-Temporal HJ-1A/B CCD Images
=> Rice Height Estimation with Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Data and Optimal Detection Baseline Combination Analysis
=> Rice Height Monitoring between Different Estimation Models Using UAV Photogrammetry and Multispectral Technology
=> Rice Impact Illness Acknowledgment Employing a Profound Convolutional Neural Arrange
=> Rice Leaf Blast Classification Method Based on Fused Features and One-Dimensional Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Rice Mapping and Growth Monitoring Based on Time Series GF-6 Images and Red-Edge Bands
=> Rice Mapping in a Subtropical Hilly Region Based on Sentinel-1 Time Series Feature Analysis and the Dual Branch BiLSTM Model
=> Rice Mapping in Training Sample Shortage Regions Using a Deep Semantic Segmentation Model Trained on Pseudo-Labels
=> Rice Phenology Monitoring by Means of SAR Polarimetry at X-Band
=> Rice Planting Area Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images and an Attention U-Net Model
=> Rice Seedling Detection in UAV Images Using Transfer Learning and Machine Learning
=> Rice Yield Estimation Based on Vegetation Index and Florescence Spectral Information from UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
=> Rice Yield Estimation Through Assimilating Satellite Data Into A Crop Simumlation Model
=> Rice Yield Prediction and Model Interpretation Based on Satellite and Climatic Indicators Using a Transformer Method
=> Rice Yield Prediction in Different Growth Environments Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hyperspectral Imaging
=> Rice Yield Simulation and Planting Suitability Environment Pattern Recognition at a Fine Scale
=> Rich-scale feature fusion network for salient object detection
=> Rich Action-Semantic Consistent Knowledge for Early Action Prediction
=> Rich Action-Semantic Consistent Knowledge for Early Action Prediction
=> Rich CNN Features for Water-Body Segmentation from Very High Resolution Aerial and Satellite Imagery
=> Rich Context Aggregation with Reflection Prior for Glass Surface Detection
=> Rich Convolutional Features Fusion for Crowd Counting
=> Rich Discrete Labeling Scheme for Line Drawings of Curved Objects, A
=> Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
=> Rich Features Embedding for Cross-Modal Retrieval: A Simple Baseline
=> Rich features for perceptual quality assessment of UGC videos
=> Rich global feature guided network for monocular depth estimation
=> Rich heterogeneous information preserving network representation learning
=> Rich Image Captioning in the Wild
=> Rich image capture with plenoptic cameras
=> Rich Nonverbal Sensing Technology for Automated Social Skills Training
=> Rich QR Code for Multimedia Management Applications
=> Rich Transcription 2007 Meeting Recognition Evaluation, The
=> Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Moving Light Field Cameras
=> Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path
=> Richer Convolutional Features for Edge Detection
=> Richer Convolutional Features for Edge Detection
=> Richer Representation the Better Registration, The
=> RIChEx: A Robust Inter-Frame Change Exposure for Segmenting Moving Objects
=> Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition with Incomplete Skeletons
=> Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Robust Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
=> Richly Annotated Pedestrian Dataset for Person Retrieval in Real Surveillance Scenarios, A
=> RichWPS Environment for Orchestration, The
=> Rician denoising and deblurring using sparse representation prior and nonconvex total variation
=> Rician Inverse Gaussian Distribution: A New Model for Non-Rayleigh Signal Amplitude Statistics, The
=> Rician Noise Removal Approach for Brain MR Images Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis
=> Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient anisotropic diffusion filtering
=> Rician nonlocal means denoising for MR images using nonparametric principal component analysis
=> Rickrolling the Artist: Injecting Backdoors into Text Encoders for Text-to-Image Synthesis
=> Rickrolling the Artist: Injecting Backdoors into Text Encoders for Text-to-Image Synthesis
=> RICO: Regularizing the Unobservable for Indoor Compositional Reconstruction
=> RICO: Regularizing the Unobservable for Indoor Compositional Reconstruction
=> RIConv++: Effective Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning
=> RID: Roof Information Dataset for Computer Vision-Based Photovoltaic Potential Assessment
=> RIDCP: Revitalizing Real Image Dehazing via High-Quality Codebook Priors
=> RIDDLE: Lidar Data Compression with Range Image Deep Delta Encoding
=> Ride-pooling in the light of COVID-19: Determining spatiotemporal demand characteristics on the example of MOIA
=> Ride the Tide of Traffic Conditions: Opportunistic Driving Improves Energy Efficiency of Timely Truck Transportation
=> Ride Vibrations: Towards Comfort-based Bicycle Navigation
=> RIDE: Reversal Invariant Descriptor Enhancement
=> Rider model identification: neural networks and quasi-LPV models
=> Ridesharing car detection by transfer learning
=> Ridesourcing Behavior Analysis and Prediction: A Network Perspective
=> Ridge's Corner Detection and Correspondence
=> Ridge-Based Fingerprint Recognition
=> Ridge-based vessel segmentation in color images of the retina
=> Ridge-Line Density Estimation in Digital Images
=> Ridge Detection and Perceptual Grouping Based Automatic Counting of Rice Seedlings Using UAV Images
=> Ridge detection using Savitzky-Golay filtering and steerable second-order Gaussian derivatives
=> Ridge Linking Using an Adaptive Oriented Mask Applied to Plant Root Images with Thin Structures
=> Ridge Network Detection in Crumpled Paper via Graph Density Maximization
=> Ridge Regression based classifiers for large scale class imbalanced datasets
=> Ridge Regression for Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Projection
=> Ridge Walking for 3D Surface Segmentation
=> Ridgelet-Nets With Speckle Reduction Regularization for SAR Image Scene Classification
=> Ridgelets Frame
=> Ridgeline-Based Terrain Co-Registration for Satellite LiDAR Point Clouds in Rough Areas, A
=> Ridges and the medial axis: Smooth surfaces, umbilics, lines of curvatures, foliations: a concise overview
=> Ridges and Valleys Detection in Images Using Difference of Rotating Half Smoothing Filters
=> Ridges and Valleys on Digital Images
=> Ridges Based Curled Textline Region Detection from Grayscale Camera-Captured Document Images
=> Ridges, Crests and Sub-Parabolic Lines of Evolving Surfaces
=> RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty
=> RIDI: Robust IMU Double Integration
=> RIDIC: Real-Time Intelligent Transportation System With Dispersed Computing
=> Riding Quality Model for Asphalt Pavement Monitoring Using Phase Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR)
=> Ridler and Calvard's, Kittler and Illingworth's and Otsu's methods for image thresholding
=> RIDNet: Recursive Information Distillation Network for Color Image Denoising
=> RiDOP: A Rotation-Invariant Detector with Simple Oriented Proposals in Remote Sensing Images
=> Riegl
=> Riemann-Langevin Particle Filtering in Track-Before-Detect
=> Riemannian Alternative Matrix Completion for Image-Based Flame Recognition
=> Riemannian analysis of 3D nose shapes for partial human biometrics, A
=> Riemannian Analysis of Probability Density Functions with Applications in Vision
=> Riemannian Anisotropic Diffusion for Tensor Valued Images
=> Riemannian approach for estimating orientation distribution function (ODF) images from high-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), A
=> Riemannian approach for free-space extraction and path planning using catadioptric omnidirectional vision, A
=> Riemannian approach to graph embedding, A
=> Riemannian Bayesian estimation of diffusion tensor images
=> Riemannian Bayesian Framework for Estimating Diffusion Tensor Images, A
=> Riemannian coding and dictionary learning: Kernels to the rescue
=> Riemannian Curvature-Driven Flows for Tensor-Valued Data
=> Riemannian dynamic generalized space quantization learning
=> Riemannian Elastic Metric for Shape-Based Plant Leaf Classification, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Analysis of Human Body Surface, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Detecting Stimulus-Relevant Fiber Pathways, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis on the Tangent Space of Shapes, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Matching Point Clouds Represented by the Schrodinger Distance Transform, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Statistical Analysis of Topological Persistence Diagrams, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Structurally Curated Functional Clustering of Brain White Matter Fibers, A
=> Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing, A
=> Riemannian Geometric Approaches for Measuring Movement Quality
=> Riemannian Geometry of Deep Generative Models, The
=> Riemannian Geometry of the Space of Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Application to the Regularization of Positive-Definite Matrix-Valued Data, The
=> Riemannian kernel based Nyström method for approximate infinite-dimensional covariance descriptors with application to image set classification
=> Riemannian manifold-based support vector machine for human activity classification in images
=> Riemannian manifold-valued part-based features and geodesic-induced kernel machine for activity classification dedicated to assisted living
=> Riemannian Manifold Learning for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
=> Riemannian Manifold Learning
=> Riemannian manifold optimisation for non-rigid structure from motion
=> Riemannian mathematical morphology
=> Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow
=> Riemannian Metric Learning based on Curvature Flow
=> Riemannian Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models: Analyzing Longitudinal Deformations in Neuroimaging
=> Riemannian Optimization for Registration of Curves in Elastic Shape Analysis
=> Riemannian representation learning for multi-source domain adaptation
=> Riemannian Scalar Measure for Diffusion Tensor Images, A
=> Riemannian Scalar Measure for Diffusion Tensor Images, A
=> Riemannian Self-Organizing Map, A
=> Riemannian SOS-Polynomial Normalizing Flows
=> Riemannian Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices
=> Riemannian SPD learning to represent and characterize fixational oculomotor Parkinsonian abnormalities
=> Riemannian Variance Filtering: An Independent Filtering Scheme for Statistical Tests on Manifold-Valued Data
=> Riemannian Walk for Incremental Learning: Understanding Forgetting and Intransigence
=> Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing, A
=> Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing, A
=> Riesz-based Volume Local Binary Pattern and A Novel Group Expression Model for Group Happiness Intensity Analysis
=> Riesz-Transforms Versus Derivatives: On the Relationship Between the Boundary Tensor and the Energy Tensor
=> Riesz Feature Representation: Scale Equivariant Scattering Network for Classification Tasks
=> Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate Detection and Recognition
=> Riesz pyramids for fast phase-based video magnification
=> RIEVL: Recursive Induction Learning in Hand Gesture Recognition
=> RIFD-CNN: Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection
=> Rife Spectrum Estimation Algorithm Based on Phase Criterion
=> RiFeGAN: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From Prior Knowledge
=> RiFeGAN2: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From Constrained Prior Knowledge
=> RIFormer: Keep Your Vision Backbone Effective But Removing Token Mixer
=> Rift Racers - Effect of Balancing and Competition on Exertion, Enjoyment, and Motivation in an Immersive Exergame
=> RIFT: Disentangled Unsupervised Image Translation via Restricted Information Flow
=> RIFT: Multi-Modal Image Matching Based on Radiation-Variation Insensitive Feature Transform
=> RIGA: Rotation-Invariant and Globally-Aware Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration
=> Riggable 3D Face Reconstruction via In-Network Optimization
=> Rigging and Data Capture for the Facial Animation of Virtual Actors
=> Right-Angle Building Hypothesis Generation in Regularized Urban Areas by Pose Clustering
=> Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations
=> Right of way
=> Right Spin: Learning Object Motion from Rotation-Compensated Flow Fields, The
=> Right Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders with Symmetric Cross-Sections: Recovery of Pose and Shape from Image Contours
=> Right to Talk: An Audio-Visual Transformer Approach, The
=> Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in Healthy Subjects Using 3D Spiral Cine DENSE Magnetic Resonance Imaging
=> Rigid-Body Constrained Noisy Point Pattern-Matching
=> Rigid-Body Segmentation and Shape-Description from Dense Optical-Flow Under Weak Perspective
=> Rigid-Body Segmentation and Shape-Description from Dense Optical-Flow Under Weak Perspective
=> Rigid-Motion-Invariant Classification of 3-D Textures
=> Rigid 3-D Motion Estimation Using Neural Networks and Initially Estimated 2-D Motion Data
=> Rigid and Affine Registration of Smooth Surfaces Using Differential Properties
=> Rigid and Articulated Motion Seen with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
=> Rigid and Articulated Point Registration with Expectation Conditional Maximization
=> Rigid and non-rigid 3D motion estimation from multiview image sequences
=> Rigid and Non-rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo-Based 3D Models
=> Rigid and Non-Rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo 3D Models
=> Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformable object image discrimination
=> Rigid blocks matching method based on contour curves and feature regions
=> Rigid Body Motion Compensation for Spiral Projection Imaging
=> Rigid Body Motion from Depth and Optic Flow
=> Rigid Body Motion from Range Image Sequences
=> Rigid Image Registration based on Pixel Grouping
=> Rigid image registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood matching
=> Rigid Image Registration by Using Corner and Edge Contents with Application to Super-Resolution
=> Rigid Motion and Structure from Several Sets of Parallel Lines in a Monocular Image Sequence
=> Rigid Motion Constraints for Tracking Planar Objects
=> Rigid motion estimation from non-central catadioptric images
=> Rigid Motion Recovery From Less Than Eight Feature Point Matches
=> Rigid Motion Segmentation Using Randomized Voting
=> Rigid Motions in the Cubic Grid: A Discussion on Topological Issues
=> Rigid Multimodal/Multispectral Image Registration Based on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
=> Rigid pairwise 3D point cloud registration: A survey
=> Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid
=> rigid POCS extension to a Poisson super-resolution algorithm, A
=> Rigid Point-Surface Registration using Oriented Points and an EM Variant of ICP for Computer Guided Oral Implantology
=> Rigid Point Set Registration Based on Cubature Kalman Filter and Its Application in Intelligent Vehicles
=> Rigid registration of 3-D objects by motion analysis
=> Rigid registration of 3-D ultrasound with MR images: A new approach combining intensity and gradient information
=> Rigid registration of noisy point clouds based on higher-dimensional error metrics
=> Rigid Registration of Renal Perfusion Images Using a Neurobiology-Based Visual Saliency Model
=> Rigid Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging
=> Rigid Structure from Motion from a Blind Source Separation Perspective
=> Rigid Velocities Compatible with Five Image Velocity Vectors
=> Rigid, Affine And Locally Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces
=> Rigid, Affine And Locally Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces
=> RIGID: Recurrent GAN Inversion and Editing of Real Face Videos
=> RIGID: Recurrent GAN Inversion and Editing of Real Face Videos
=> RigidFlow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Learning on Point Clouds by Local Rigidity Prior
=> Rigidity-Aware Detection for 6D Object Pose Estimation
=> Rigidity and Smoothness of Motion
=> Rigidity Checking of 3D Point Correspondences Under Perspective Projection
=> Rigidity Checking of 3D Point Correspondences Under Perspective Projection
=> Rigidity Strengthening of Landslide Materials Measured by Seismic Interferometry
=> RigNeRF: Fully Controllable Neural 3D Portraits
=> RigNet: Repetitive Image Guided Network for Depth Completion
=> RIGOR: Reusing Inference in Graph Cuts for Generating Object Regions
=> Rigorous accuracy bounds for calibrated stereo reconstruction
=> rigorous and efficient GPU implementation of level-set sparse field algorithm, A
=> Rigorous And Flexible Calibration Method For Digital Airborne Camera Systems, A
=> rigorous and realistic shape from shading method and some of its applications, A
=> Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
=> Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
=> Rigorous Boresight Self-Calibration of Mobile and UAV LiDAR Scanning Systems by Strip Adjustment
=> Rigorous Bounds for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
=> Rigorous Bounds for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
=> rigorous cylinder-based self-calibration approach for terrestrial laser scanners, A
=> Rigorous Error Modeling for sUAS Acquired Image-Derived Point Clouds
=> rigorous fastener inspection approach for high-speed railway from structured light sensors, A
=> Rigorous Feature Extraction Algorithm for Spherical Target Identification in Terrestrial Laser Scanning, A
=> Rigorous Geometric Self-Calibrating Bundle Adjustment for a Dual Fluoroscopic Imaging System
=> Rigorous Georeferencing of ALSAT-2A Panchromatic and Multispectral Imagery
=> Rigorous Image Formation From Airborne And Spaceborne Digital Array Scanners
=> Rigorous Laboratory Calibration Method for Interior Orientation of an Airborne Linear Push-Broom Camera, A
=> Rigorous Line-Based Transformation Model Using the Generalized Point Strategy for the Rectification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
=> Rigorous Model for Spaceborne Linear Array Sensors, A
=> Rigorous modeling of GPS residual errors for precise point positioning
=> Rigorous non-disjoint discretization for naive Bayes
=> Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing Of Chang'e-1 And Chang'e-2 Stereo Imagery For Lunar Topographic Mapping
=> Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing of HiRISE Stereo Imagery for Mars Topographic Mapping
=> Rigorous Point-to-plane Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans
=> Rigorous Simulations of Microwave Scattering From Finite Conductivity Two-Dimensional Sea Surfaces at Low Grazing Angles
=> Rigorous Solution for Closed-form Correlation Filter Tracking, A
=> Rigorous Technique for Forensic Measurement of Surveillance Video Footage, A
=> Rigorously-Weighted Spatiotemporal Fusion Model with Uncertainty Analysis, A
=> RIHOOP: Robust Invisible Hyperlinks in Offline and Online Photographs
=> RII: Renovating the irregular illumination of digital image archives
=> RILS: Masked Visual Reconstruction in Language Semantic Space
=> RIM-Net: Recursive Implicit Fields for Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Shape Structures
=> RIM Framework for Image Processing, The
=> Rimaal: A Sand Buried Structure of Possible Impact Origin in the Sahara: Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Investigation
=> RIMeshGNN: A Rotation-Invariant Graph Neural Network for Mesh Classification
=> RIMOC, a feature to discriminate unstructured motions: Application to violence detection for video-surveillance
=> RINDNet: Edge Detection for Discontinuity in Reflectance, Illumination, Normal and Depth
=> Ring-Light Photometric Stereo
=> Ring-Masked Attention Network for Rotation-Invariant Template-Matching
=> Ring-Regularized Cosine Similarity Learning for Fine-Grained Face Verification
=> Ring and Radius Sampling Based Phasor Field Diffraction Algorithm for Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction
=> Ring Based Approximation of Graph Edit Distance
=> Ring Difference Filter for Fast and Noise Robust Depth From Focus
=> Ring dilation and erosion techniques for digital image processing
=> Ring Loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition
=> Ring oscillator as confusion- diffusion agent: A complete TRNG drove image security
=> Ring shaped object detector for non-isotropic 2D images using optimized distance transform weights
=> Ringing-Artifact Reduction Method for Block-DCT-Based Image Resizing, A
=> Ringing Artifact Reduction Method for Ultrasound Reconstruction Using Multi-Agent Consensus Equilibrium
=> Ringing reduction in low bit-rate image subband coding using projection onto a space of paraboloids
=> RIO: 3D Object Instance Re-Localization in Changing Indoor Environments
=> RIO: Rotation-equivariance supervised learning of robust inertial odometry
=> RIP-Based Approach to Sigma-Delta Quantization for Compressed Sensing, An
=> RIP-Based Performance Guarantee of Covariance-Assisted Matching Pursuit, An
=> RIP Analysis for L1/Lp (p>1) Minimization Method
=> RIP Condition for Exact Support Recovery With Covariance-Assisted Matching Pursuit, An
=> Rip Current Segmentation: A Novel Benchmark and YOLOv8 Baseline Results
=> Riparian Area Changes in Greenness and Water Use on the Lower Colorado River in the USA from 2000 to 2020
=> Riparian Plant Evapotranspiration and Consumptive Use for Selected Areas of the Little Colorado River Watershed on the Navajo Nation
=> Riparian Vegetation Status and Rates of Water Use From Satellite Data
=> Ripple-GAN: Lane Line Detection With Ripple Lane Line Detection Network and Wasserstein GAN
=> Ripplet Transform Based Statistical Framework for Natural Color Image Retrieval, A
=> Ripplet transform type II transform for feature extraction
=> Ripplet: A new transform for image processing
=> RIS-Based Vehicle DOA Estimation Method With Integrated Sensing and Communication System, A
=> RIS-Based Vehicle DOA Estimation Method With Integrated Sensing and Communication System, A
=> RIS-GAN: Self-Supervised GANs via Recovering Initial State of Subimages
=> RISE-Based Integrated Motion Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles With Asymptotic Prescribed Performance
=> RISE-SIMR: A Robust Image Search Engine for Satellite Image Matching and Retrieval
=> Rise of Collaborative Mapping: Trends and Future Directions, The
=> Rise of Radar for Autonomous Vehicles: Signal processing solutions and future research directions, The
=> Rise of the Autonomous Machines
=> rise of the crash-proof car, The
=> Rise of the Lottery Heroes: Why Zero-Shot Pruning is Hard, The
=> RISEdb: a Novel Indoor Localization Dataset
=> Rising Concern for Sea Level Rise: Altimeter Record and Geo-Engineering Debate, The
=> Risk-Averse Equilibria for Vehicle Navigation in Stochastic Congestion Games
=> risk-averse learning machine via variance-dependent penalization, A
=> Risk-averse perimeter control for alleviating the congestion of an urban traffic network system with uncertainties
=> Risk-averse receding horizon motion planning for obstacle avoidance using coherent risk measures
=> Risk-Aware and Collision-Preventive Cooperative Fleet Cruise Control Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks
=> Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using model-based collision prediction and reinforcement learning
=> Risk-Aware Decision-Making and Planning Using Prediction-Guided Strategy Tree for the Uncontrolled Intersections
=> Risk-Aware Multi-Armed Bandits With Refined Upper Confidence Bounds
=> Risk-Aware Pairwise Rank Learning Approach for Visual Discomfort Prediction of Stereoscopic 3D, A
=> risk-based driver behaviour model, A
=> Risk-Based Formulation of the Transit Priority Network Design
=> Risk-Based Frequency Adaptive Image Restoration, A
=> Risk-Distortion Analysis for Video Collusion Attacks: A Mouse-and-Cat Game
=> Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Archeological Areas for the Preventive Conservation
=> Risk analysis of autonomous vehicle test scenarios using a novel analytic hierarchy process method
=> Risk Assessment and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors of Debris Flows in Typical Arid Mountain Environment: A Case Study of Central Tien Shan Mountains, China
=> Risk Assessment and Development Cost Optimization in Software Defined Vehicles
=> Risk Assessment for Connected Vehicles Under Stealthy Attacks on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks
=> Risk Assessment Methodologies for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
=> Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge Graph: A Focus on Meteorological Conditions
=> Risk Assessment of an Electrical Power System Considering the Influence of Traffic Congestion on a Hypothetical Scenario of Electrified Transportation System in New York State
=> Risk Assessment of Debris Flow in a Mountain-Basin Area, Western China
=> Risk Assessment of Different Maize (Zea mays L.) Lodging Types in the Northeast and the North China Plain Based on a Joint Probability Distribution Model
=> Risk Assessment of Geological Landslide Hazards Using D-InSAR and Remote Sensing
=> Risk Assessment of Landslide Collapse Disasters along National Highways Based on Information Quantity and Random Forest Coupling Methods: A Case Study of the G331 National Highway
=> Risk Assessment of Population Loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
=> Risk Assessment of Snow Disasters for Animal Husbandry on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Influences of Snow Disasters on the Well-Being of Farmers and Pastoralists
=> Risk Assessment of Steep Slope Using Drone Mapping and Terrestrial LIDAR in Korea
=> Risk Assessment of the Overseas Imported COVID-19 of Ocean-Going Ships Based on AIS and Infection Data
=> Risk Assessment of Urban Floods Based on a SWMM-MIKE21-Coupled Model Using GF-2 Data
=> Risk Based Approach to Heritage Management in South Africa, A
=> Risk Based Methodology to Assess the Energy Efficiency Improvements in Traditionally Constructed Buildings, A
=> Risk bounds for CART classifiers under a margin condition
=> Risk Classification of Mammograms Using Anatomical Linear Structure and Density Information
=> Risk Evaluation of the Sanalona Earthfill Dam Located in Mexico Using Satellite Geodesy Monitoring and Numerical Modeling
=> Risk evaluation system of navigation security based on coupled wind and wave model: a case of study of Qiongzhou strait
=> Risk Factor Detection and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Geo-Detector and Random Forest Models: The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
=> Risk Factors and Prediction of the Probability of Wildfire Occurrence in the China-Mongolia-Russia Cross-Border Area
=> Risk Field Model of Driving and Its Application in Modeling Car-Following Behavior
=> Risk Minimization in Traitors within Traitors in Multimedia Forensics
=> Risk Optimization for Revenue-Driven Wireless Video Broadcasting Systems: A Copula-Based Framework
=> Risk Prediction of Coastal Hazards Induced by Typhoon: A Case Study in the Coastal Region of Shenzhen, China
=> Risk Representation, Perception, and Propensity in an Integrated Human Lane-Change Decision Model
=> Risk Sensitive Filters for Recursive Estimation of Motion from Images
=> Risk Zone Modelling And Early Warning System For Visceral Leishmaniasis (kala-azar) Disease In Bihar, India Using Remote Sensing And Gis
=> Risk Zoning of Permafrost Thaw Settlement in the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor
=> Risky Driver Recognition Based on Vehicle Speed Time Series
=> Risky Region Localization with Point Supervision
=> RISM: Single-Modal Image Registration via Rank-Induced Similarity Measure
=> Rispnet: A Network for Reversed Image Signal Processing
=> RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity Sampling Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
=> RISSNet: Retain low-light image details and improve the structural similarity net
=> RISTRA: Recursive Image Super-Resolution Transformer With Relativistic Assessment
=> RIT-18: A Novel Dataset for Compositional Group Activity Understanding
=> RITnet: Real-time Semantic Segmentation of the Eye for Gaze Tracking
=> Rits Eye: A Software-Based System for Realtime Face Detection and Tracking Using Pan-Tilt-Zoom Controllable Camera
=> Ritsumei University
=> Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Model-based Sequence Clustering
=> rival penalized EM algorithm towards maximizing weighted likelihood for density mixture clustering with automatic model selection, A
=> River-Sea Interaction off the Amazon Estuary, The
=> River Basin Information System: Open Environmental Data Management for Research and Decision Making
=> River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, A
=> River boundary detection and autonomous cruise for unmanned surface vehicles
=> River channel extraction from synthetic aperture radar images based on region-based active contour model
=> River Courses Affected by Landslides and Implications for Hazard Assessment: A High Resolution Remote Sensing Case Study in NE Iraq-W Iran
=> River Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Gabor Filtering and Path Opening
=> River Discharge Estimation by Using Altimetry Data and Simplified Flood Routing Modeling
=> River Discharge Simulation in the High Andes of Southern Ecuador Using High-Resolution Radar Observations and Meteorological Station Data
=> River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery and DEM Data
=> River Flow Monitoring by Sentinel-3 OLCI and MODIS: Comparison and Combination
=> River Ice Segmentation With Deep Learning
=> River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification: A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin
=> River Morphology Monitoring of A Small-scale Alpine Riverbed Using Drone Photogrammetry and Lidar
=> River Planform Extraction From High-Resolution SAR Images via Generalized Gamma Distribution Superpixel Classification
=> River sediment yield classification using remote sensing imagery
=> riverbed approach for user-steered image segmentation, The
=> Riverbed Mapping with the Usage of Deterministic and Geo-Statistical Interpolation Methods: The Odra River Case Study
=> Riverbed: A Novel User-Steered Image Segmentation Method Based on Optimum Boundary Tracking
=> Riverine Plastic Litter Monitoring Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
=> Riverine Sediment Changes and Channel Pattern of a Gravel-Bed Mountain Torrent
=> RiverLand: An Efficient Procedural Modeling System for Creating Realistic-Looking Terrains
=> RIVIE: Robust Inherent Video Information Embedding
=> RK-Means Clustering: K-Means with Reliability
=> RKEM: Redundant Keypoint Elimination Method in Image Registration
=> RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
=> RKLT: 8 DOF Real-Time Robust Video Tracking Combing Coarse Ransac Features and Accurate Fast Template Registration
=> RL-AKF: An Adaptive Kalman Filter Navigation Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning for Ground Vehicles
=> RL-CAM: Visual Explanations for Convolutional Networks using Reinforcement Learning
=> RL-CycleGAN: Reinforcement Learning Aware Simulation-to-Real
=> RL-GAN-Net: A Reinforcement Learning Agent Controlled GAN Network for Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion
=> RLGS Profile Segmentation Via a SVM
=> RLID-V: Reinforcement Learning-Based Information Dissemination Policy Generation in VANETs
=> RLIPv2: Fast Scaling of Relational Language-Image Pre-training
=> RLIPv2: Fast Scaling of Relational Language-Image Pre-training
=> RLP-AGMC: Robust label propagation for saliency detection based on an adaptive graph with multiview connections
=> RLS-Based Lattice-Form Complex Adaptive Notch Filter, An
=> RLS-DTS: Reinforcement-Learning Linguistic Steganalysis in Distribution-Transformed Scenario
=> RLS Adaptive Filter With Inequality Constraints
=> RLS Filter for Nonuniformity and Ghosting Correction of Infrared Image Sequences, A
=> RLSAC: Reinforcement Learning enhanced Sample Consensus for End-to-End Robust Estimation
=> RLSAC: Reinforcement Learning enhanced Sample Consensus for End-to-End Robust Estimation
=> RLSCNet: A Residual Line-Shaped Convolutional Network for Vanishing Point Detection
=> RlSnake: a Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Approach for Road Detection
=> RLSS: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Sequential Scene Generation
=> RLST: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Scene Text Detection Refinement
=> RLStereo: Real-Time Stereo Matching Based on Reinforcement Learning
=> Rlstm: A Novel Residual and Recurrent Network for Pedestrian Action Classification
=> RLWOA-SOFL: A New Learning Model-Based Reinforcement Swarm Intelligence and Self-Organizing Deep Fuzzy Rules for fMRI Pain Decoding
=> RM-Depth: Unsupervised Learning of Recurrent Monocular Depth in Dynamic Scenes
=> RM3D: Robust Data-Efficient 3D Scene Parsing via Traditional and Learnt 3D Descriptors-Based Semantic Region Merging
=> RMAML: Riemannian meta-learning with orthogonality constraints
=> RMCSat: An F10.7 Solar Flux Index CubeSat Mission
=> RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
=> RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
=> RMLANet: Random Multi-Level Attention Network for Shadow Detection and Removal
=> RMLANet: Random Multi-Level Attention Network for Shadow Detection and Removal
=> RMLVQA: A Margin Loss Approach For Visual Question Answering with Language Biases
=> RMP-Loss: Regularizing Membrane Potential Distribution for Spiking Neural Networks
=> RMP-SNN: Residual Membrane Potential Neuron for Enabling Deeper High-Accuracy and Low-Latency Spiking Neural Network
=> RMPE: Regional Multi-person Pose Estimation
=> RMS-Net: Regression and Masking for Soccer Event Spotting
=> RMS Slope of Exponentially Correlated Surface Roughness for Radar Applications
=> RMSD: A 3D real-time mid-level scene description system
=> RMSMP: A Novel Deep Neural Network Quantization Framework with Row-wise Mixed Schemes and Multiple Precisions
=> RMV Antenna Selection Algorithm for Massive MIMO
=> RN-VID: A Feature Fusion Architecture for Video Object Detection
=> RNAS-MER: A Refined Neural Architecture Search with Hybrid Spatiotemporal Operations for Micro-Expression Recognition
=> RNGC-VIWO: Robust Neural Gyroscope Calibration Aided Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry for Autonomous Vehicle
=> RNLp: Mixing Nonlocal and TV-Lp Methods to Remove Impulse Noise from Images
=> RNN-Based Framework for the MILP Problem in Robustness Verification of Neural Networks, An
=> RNN-Based IMM Filter Surrogate, An
=> RNN-Based Speech-Music Discrimination Used for Hybrid Audio Coder, An
=> RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari and Bengali scripts using horizontal zoning
=> RNN Fisher Vectors for Action Recognition and Image Annotation
=> RNN Training along Locally Optimal Trajectories via Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
=> RNNP: A Robust Few-Shot Learning Approach
=> RNNPose: 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation via Recurrent Correspondence Field Estimation and Pose Optimization
=> RNNPose: Recurrent 6-DoF Object Pose Refinement with Robust Correspondence Field Estimation and Pose Optimization
=> RNVE: A Real Nighttime Vision Enhancement Benchmark and Dual-Stream Fusion Network
=> RO-SVM: Support Vector Machine with Reject Option for Image Categorization
=> Ro(mu)Nect: Hand mounted depth sensing using a commodity gaming sensor
=> Road-Condition Recognition Using 24-GHz Automotive Radar
=> Road-Crossing Assistance by Traffic Flow Analysis
=> Road-Curvature-Range-Dependent Path Following Controller Design for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Subject to Stochastic Delays
=> Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoidance Situation
=> Road-Geometry-Based Risk Estimation Model for Horizontal Curves
=> Road-Model-Based Road Boundary Extraction for High Definition Map via LIDAR
=> Road-Network-Based Fast Geolocalization
=> Road-Segmentation-Based Curb Detection Method for Self-Driving via a 3D-LiDAR Sensor
=> Road-Side Individual Tree Segmentation from Urban MLS Point Clouds Using Metric Learning
=> Road-Sign Detection and Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines
=> Road-Signs Recognition System for Intelligent Vehicles
=> Road Accessibility during Natural Hazards Based on Volunteered Geographic Information Data and Network Analysis
=> Road Ahead for Augmented Reality, The
=> road ahead for self-driving cars: The AV industry has had to reset expectations, as it shifts its focus to level 4 autonomy, The
=> Road and lane Edge detection with Multisensor Fusion Methods
=> Road Anomaly Detection by Partial Image Reconstruction with Segmentation Coupling
=> Road Boundary Detection in Challenging Scenarios
=> Road centerline extraction from airborne LiDAR point cloud based on hierarchical fusion and optimization
=> Road Centerline Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Aerial Image and LiDAR Data Based on Road Connectivity
=> Road Centerline Extraction in Complex Urban Scenes From LiDAR Data Based on Multiple Features
=> Road Change Detection from Multi-Spectral Aerial Data
=> Road Characteristics Detection Based on Joint Convolutional Neural Networks with Adaptive Squares
=> Road Classification And Condition Determination Using Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Road Condition Detection and Emergency Rescue Recognition Using On-Board UAV in the Wildness
=> Road Condition Estimation Based on Spatio-Temporal Reflection Models
=> Road Congestion Detection Based on Trajectory Stay-Place Clustering
=> Road Congestion Detection System Using Undedicated Mobile Phones, A
=> Road Constrained Monocular Visual Localization Using Gaussian-Gaussian Cloud Model
=> Road crack detection network under noise based on feature pyramid structure with feature enhancement (road crack detection under noise)
=> Road Crack Detection Using Gaussian/prewitt Filter
=> Road Curb Detection and Localization With Monocular Forward-View Vehicle Camera
=> Road Curb Extraction From Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
=> Road Damage Detection Based on Unsupervised Disparity Map Segmentation
=> Road Damage Detection Using the Hunger Games Search with Elman Neural Network on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Road damage detection with bounding box and generative adversarial networks based augmentation methods
=> Road damage detection with bounding box and generative adversarial networks based augmentation methods
=> Road Data Enrichment Framework Based on Heterogeneous Data Fusion for ITS
=> Road Detection and Centerline Extraction Via Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network U-Net
=> Road Detection Based on Illuminant Invariance
=> Road Detection By Neural And Genetic Algorithm In Urban Environment
=> Road Detection by Using a Generalized Hough Transform
=> Road detection in dense urban areas using SAR imagery and the usefulness of multiple views
=> Road Detection in Panchromatic SPOT Satellite Images
=> Road Detection in SAR Images Using Genetic Algorithm with Region Growing Concept
=> Road Detection in Spaceborne SAR Images Based on Ridge Extraction
=> Road Detection in Spaceborne SAR Images Using a Genetic Algorithm
=> Road Detection in Urban Areas Using Random Forest Tree-Based Ensemble Classification
=> Road Detection Using Fisheye Camera and Laser Range Finder
=> Road detection via unsupervised feature learning
=> Road Detection with EOSResUNet and Post Vectorizing Algorithm
=> Road Disturbance Estimation and Cloud-Aided Comfort-Based Route Planning
=> Road Edge Recognition Using the Stripe Hough Transform From Millimeter-Wave Radar Images
=> Road Edge Tracking for Robot Road Following: A Real-Time Implementation
=> Road Environment Mapping System of the Finnish Geodetic Institute: FGI Roamer
=> Road environment modeling using robust perspective analysis and recursive Bayesian segmentation
=> ROad event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving (ROAD), The
=> Road Extraction and Distress Assessment by Spaceborne, Airborne, and Terrestrial Platforms
=> Road Extraction and Environment Interpretation from Lidar Sensors
=> Road Extraction and Vectorization From Aerial Image Data
=> Road Extraction Based on Object-Oriented from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
=> Road Extraction Based on the Algorithms of MRF and Hybrid Model of SVM and FCM
=> Road extraction by snake with inertia and differential features
=> Road Extraction by Using Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Integrated Encoder-Decoder Network and Structural Similarity Loss
=> Road Extraction Convolutional Neural Network with Embedded Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Road Extraction for the Update of Road Database in Suburban Areas
=> Road extraction framework by using cellular neural network from remote sensing images
=> Road Extraction from Aerial Images Using a Region Competition Algorithm
=> Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Phase Classification
=> Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Learning
=> Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Refined Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network
=> Road Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Mathematics Morphology and Seed Growth
=> Road extraction from high resolution remote sensing image via a deep residual and pyramid pooling network
=> Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Image by Using Circle Area
=> Road Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images
=> Road extraction from images using template matching
=> Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery with Spatial Attention Based on Swin Transformer
=> Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images Using the Inner Convolution Integrated Encoder-Decoder Network and Directional Conditional Random Fields
=> Road Extraction from SAR Image Using an Improved Statistical Algorithm
=> Road Extraction From Satellite Images Using Particle Filtering and Extended Kalman Filtering
=> Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via a Nested SE-Deeplab Model
=> Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via a Nested SE-Deeplab Model
=> Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly labeled OpenStreetMap Centerline
=> Road Extraction from VHR Remote-Sensing Imagery via Object Segmentation Constrained by Gabor Features
=> Road Extraction in Mountainous Regions from High-Resolution Images Based on DSDNet and Terrain Optimization
=> Road Extraction in SAR Images Using Ordinal Regression and Road-Topology Loss
=> Road Extraction in Suburban Areas Based on Normalized Cuts
=> Road Extraction Method by an Active Contour Model with Inertia and Differential Features, A
=> Road Extraction of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Derived from DenseUNet
=> Road Extraction Techniques From Remote Sensing Images: A Review
=> Road extraction using K-Means clustering and morphological operations
=> Road extraction via adaptive graph cuts with multiple features
=> Road feature detection and estimation
=> Road Finding for Road-Network Extraction
=> Road following algorithm using a panned plan-view transformation
=> Road Following Using Vanishing Points
=> Road Garbage Segmentation With Deep Supervision and High Fusion Network for Cleaning Vehicles
=> Road Geometry Classification by Adaptive Shape Models
=> Road geometry perception without accurate positioning and lane information
=> Road Grid Extraction and Verification
=> Road Image Segmentation and Recognition Using Hierarchical Bag-of-Textons Method
=> Road Information Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Road Reconstruction
=> Road infrared target detection with I-YOLO
=> Road Intersection Detection through Finding Common Sub-Tracks between Pairwise GNSS Traces
=> Road Intersection Optimization Considering Spatial-Temporal Interactions Among Turning Movement Spillovers
=> Road Intersection Recognition via Combining Classification Model and Clustering Algorithm Based on GPS Data
=> Road Junction Extraction from High Resolution Aerial Images
=> Road Junction Recognition and Turn-offs for Autonomous Road Vehicle Navigation
=> Road lane segmentation using dynamic programming for active safety vehicles
=> Road Line Tracking: An Approach Based On Spatio-Temporal Surface
=> Road Map Inference: A Segmentation and Grouping Framework
=> Road Map Refinement Method Using Delaunay Triangulation for Big Trace Data, A
=> Road Map to Classify the Potential Risk of Wind Erosion, The
=> Road Marking Damage Detection Based on Deep Learning for Infrastructure Evaluation in Emerging Autonomous Driving
=> Road Marking Detection Based on Mask R-CNN Instance Segmentation Model
=> Road marking recognition for map generation using sparse tensor voting
=> Road Markings Recognition
=> Road network abstraction approach for traffic analysis: Framework and numerical analysis
=> Road Network Comparison and Matching Techniques. a Workflow Proposal For The Integration of Traffic Message Channel and Open Source Network Datasets
=> Road Network Detection by Growing Neuron Gas
=> Road Network Detection Using Probabilistic and Graph Theoretical Methods
=> Road Network Embedding Technique for K-Nearest Neighbor Search in Moving Object Databases, A
=> Road Network Extraction and Intersection Detection From Aerial Images by Tracking Road Footprints
=> Road network extraction from airborne LiDAR data using scene context
=> Road Network Extraction from DSM By Mathematical Morphology And Reasoning
=> Road Network Extraction from Low-Frequency Trajectories Based on a Road Structure-Aware Filter
=> Road Network Extraction from SAR Images with the Support of Angular Texture Signature and POIs
=> Road Network Extraction from VHR Satellite Images Using Context Aware Object Feature Integration and Tensor Voting
=> Road network extraction in remote sensing by a Markov object process
=> Road Network Extraction in VHR SAR Images of Urban and Suburban Areas by Means of Class-Aided Feature-Level Fusion
=> Road Network Extraction Using Edge Detection and Spatial Voting
=> Road Network Extraction via Aperiodic Directional Structure Measurement
=> Road network extraction with new vectorization and pruning from high-resolution RS images
=> Road Network Generalization Based On Float Car Tracking
=> Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
=> Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival
=> Road networks as collections of minimum cost paths
=> Road object detection for HD map: Full-element survey, analysis and perspectives
=> Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supporting Mobility of Pedestrian
=> Road Obstacle Detection Method Based on an Autoencoder with Semantic Segmentation
=> Road obstacles detection using a self-adaptive stereo vision sensor: a contribution to the ARCOS French project
=> Road Quality Classification
=> Road Recognition Based On Decision Level Fusion of SAR and Optic Data
=> Road Recognition From Remote Sensing Imagery Using Incremental Learning
=> Road recognition in urban environment
=> Road Recognition Using Fuzzy Classifiers
=> Road Region Detection in Urban Areas Combining High-Resolution RGB Image and Laser Scanning Data in a Classification Framework
=> Road region estimation using a sequence of monocular images
=> Road region segmentation based on sequential Monte-Carlo estimation
=> Road Risk Modeling and Cloud-Aided Safety-Based Route Planning
=> Road Roundabout Extraction from Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery
=> Road Rutting Measurement Using Mobile LiDAR Systems Point Cloud
=> Road safety analysis for high-speed vehicle in complex environments based on the viability kernel
=> Road safety evaluation through automatic extraction of road horizontal alignments from Mobile LiDAR System and inductive reasoning based on a decision tree
=> Road Scene Analysis by Stereovision: a Robust and Quasi-Dense Approach
=> Road Scene Content Analysis for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving
=> Road scene labeling using SfM module and 3D bag of textons
=> Road Scene Segmentation from a Single Image
=> Road Scene Understanding by Occupancy Grid Learning from Sparse Radar Clusters using Semantic Segmentation
=> Road Segmentation and Road Type Identification Approach Based on New-Type Histogram Calculation, A
=> Road Segmentation for Classification of Road Weather Conditions
=> Road Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images Using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks
=> Road Segmentation in Street View Images Using Texture Information
=> Road Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Landscape Metrics and Conditional Random Fields
=> Road segmentation using multipass single-pol synthetic aperture radar imagery
=> Road Selection Using Multicriteria Fusion for the Road-Matching Problem
=> Road sides recognition in non-structured environments by vision
=> Road sign-aided estimation of visibility conditions
=> Road Sign Classification using Laplace Kernel Classifier
=> Road Sign Classification using Laplace Kernel Classifier
=> Road sign detection and recognition using matching pursuit method
=> Road sign detection based on visual saliency and shape analysis
=> Road Sign Detection in Images: A Case Study
=> Road sign detection method based on fast HDR image generation technique
=> Road sign detection on a smartphone for traffic safety
=> Road Sign Detection Using Eigen Color
=> Road sign detection using eigen colour
=> Road Sign Interpretation Using Matching Pursuit Method
=> Road Sign Recognition by Single Positioning of Space-Variant Sensor Window
=> road sign recognition system based on dynamic visual model, A
=> Road Sign Recognition Using A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm And Primitives Fusion
=> Road sign recognition with Convolutional Neural Network
=> Road Signs Detection And Recognition Utilizing Images And 3d Point Cloud Acquired By Mobile Mapping System
=> Road Signs Recognition by the Scale-Space Template Matching in the Log-Polar Domain
=> Road signs recognition using a dynamic pixel aggregation technique in the HSV color space
=> Road Slope Aided Vehicle Position Estimation System Based on Sensor Fusion of GPS and Automotive Onboard Sensors
=> Road Surface 3D Reconstruction Based on Dense Subpixel Disparity Map Estimation
=> Road Surface Classification by Thresholding Using Morphological Pyramid
=> Road surface condition classification using deep learning
=> Road surface distress detection in disparity space
=> Road Surface Marking Classification Based on a Hierarchical Markov Model
=> Road Surface Recognition at mm-Wavelengths Using a Polarimetric Radar
=> Road Surface Recognition Using Laser Radar for Automatic Platooning
=> Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
=> Road to Immersive Communication, The
=> road to intelligence, The
=> Road to Know-Where: An Object-and-Room Informed Sequential BERT for Indoor Vision-Language Navigation, The
=> Road to Operationalization of Effective Tropical Forest Monitoring Systems, The
=> Road tracking in aerial images based on human-computer interaction and Bayesian filtering
=> Road Tracking in Semi-structured Environments Using Spatial Distribution of Lidar Data
=> Road tracking using particle filters with partition sampling and auxiliary variables
=> Road Traffic Conflict Analysis from Geo-referenced Stereo Sequences
=> Road traffic density estimation using microscopic and macroscopic parameters
=> Road traffic model using distributed camera network
=> Road Traffic Monitoring from UAV Images Using Deep Learning Networks
=> Road traffic mortality in Morocco: Analysis of statistical data
=> Road traffic network state prediction based on a generative adversarial network
=> Road traffic noise: GIS tools for noise mapping and a case study for Skåne region
=> Road traffic predictions across major city intersections using multilayer perceptrons and data from multiple intersections located in various places
=> Road traffic sign recognition algorithm based on computer vision
=> Road Traffic Vehicle Detection Method Using Lightweight YOLOv5 and Attention Mechanism
=> Road Traffic: Deep Q-learning Agent Control Traffic lights in the intersection.
=> Road traffic: Vehicle detection and classification
=> Road Type Classification of Mls Point Clouds Using Deep Learning
=> Road User Abnormal Trajectory Detection Using a Deep Autoencoder
=> Road user detection with convolutional neural networks: An application to the autonomous shuttle WEpod
=> Road vanishing point detection using weber adaptive local filter and salient-block-wise weighted soft voting
=> Road vectors update using SAR imagery: a snake-based method
=> ROAD: Reality Oriented Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
=> ROAD: The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving
=> Road2Vec: Measuring Traffic Interactions in Urban Road System from Massive Travel Routes
=> Roadblocks Hindering the Reuse of Open Geodata in Colombia and Spain: A Data User's Perspective
=> RoadCapsFPN: Capsule Feature Pyramid Network for Road Extraction From VHR Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Roadesic distance: Flow-aware tracklet association cost for wide area surveillance
=> RoadFinder Front End: an Automated Road Extraction System
=> RoadFormer: Road Extraction Using a Swin Transformer Combined with a Spatial and Channel Separable Convolution
=> Roadmaker's Algorithm for the Discrete Pulse Transform, The
=> Roadmap constrained SLAM in neighborhood environment
=> Roadmap for Generating Semantically Enriched Building Models According to CITYGML Model Via Two Different Methodologies, A
=> Roadmap for the Development of at-Home Telemonitoring Systems to Augment Occupational Therapy
=> Roadmap Generation using a Multi-stage Ensemble of Deep Neural Networks with Smoothing-Based Optimization
=> Roadmap to the Integration of Early Visual Modules, A
=> RoadNet: Learning to Comprehensively Analyze Road Networks in Complex Urban Scenes From High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
=> Roads Centre-Axis Extraction in Airborne SAR Images: An Approach Based on Active Contour Model with the Use of Semi-Automatic Seeding
=> Roads Detection from Satellite Images Based on Active Contour Model and Distance Transform
=> RoadSaW: A Large-Scale Dataset for Camera-Based Road Surface and Wetness Estimation
=> Roadside Decision-Making Methodology Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning to Simultaneously Improve the Safety and Efficiency of Merging Zone, A
=> Roadside Edge Sensed and Fused Three-dimensional Localization using Camera and LiDAR
=> Roadside Infrastructure Support for Urban Automated Driving
=> Roadside ITS Data Bus Prototype for Intelligent Highways, A
=> Roadside Magnetic Sensor System for Vehicle Detection in Urban Environments
=> Roadside pedestrian motion prediction using Bayesian methods and particle filter
=> Roadside unit location for information propagation promotion on two parallel roadways with a general headway distribution
=> RoadTracer: Automatic Extraction of Road Networks from Aerial Images
=> ROAM: A Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping
=> ROAM: A Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping
=> ROAM: Random layer mixup for semi-supervised learning in medical images
=> ROAM: Recurrently Optimizing Tracking Model
=> Rob-GAN: Generator, Discriminator, and Adversarial Attacker
=> Robert Gordon University
=> Robformer: A robust decomposition transformer for long-term time series forecasting
=> RoBIC: A Benchmark Suite for Assessing Classifiers Robustness
=> Robinia pseudoacacia L. Flower Analyzed by Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
=> Robo3D: Towards Robust and Reliable 3D Perception against Corruptions
=> Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
=> RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots
=> RoboMirror: Simulating a mirror with a robotic camera
=> RoboScan: an automatic system for accurate and unattended 3D scanning
=> Robot's Workspace Enhancement with Dynamic Human Presence for Socially-Aware Navigation
=> Robot-Aided Cloth Classification Using Depth Information and CNNs
=> Robot-arm Pick and Place Behavior Programming System Using Visual Perception
=> Robot-Assisted Disassembly Sequence Planning With Real-Time Human Motion Prediction
=> Robot-Assisted Floor Surface Profiling Using Low-Cost Sensors
=> Robot-Assisted Medical Imaging: A Review
=> Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery: Surgical Robotics in the Data Age
=> robot-based 3D body scanning system using passive stereo vision, A
=> Robot-centric Activity Recognition from First-Person RGB-D Videos
=> Robot-Person Tracking in Uniform Appearance Scenarios: A New Dataset and Challenges
=> Robot-vision architecture for real-time 6-DOF object localization
=> Robot Aerobics: Four Easy Steps to a More Flexible Calibration
=> Robot Aerobics: Four Easy Steps to a More Flexible Calibration
=> Robot Authority in Human-Machine Teams: Effects of Human-Like Appearance on Compliance
=> Robot Command Interface Using an Audio-Visual Speech Recognition System
=> Robot Control and Augmented Reality Interface for Multiple Robots, A
=> Robot Exploration in a Dynamic Environment Using Hexagonal Grid Coverage
=> Robot Guidance Using Computer Vision
=> Robot having an imaging capability
=> Robot Homing Based on Corner Tracking in a Sequence of Panoramic Images
=> Robot Localization in Rough Terrains: Performance Evaluation
=> Robot localization using 3D-models and an off-board monocular camera
=> Robot Localization Using Uncalibrated Camera Invariants
=> Robot Location Determination In A Complex Environment By Multiple Marks
=> Robot Model That Obeys a Norm of a Human Group by Participating in the Group and Interacting with Its Members, A
=> Robot motion adaptation through user intervention and reinforcement learning
=> Robot Motion Learning Method Using Broad Learning System Verified by Small-Scale Fish-Like Robot, A
=> Robot Motion Planning with Uncertainty in Control and Sensing
=> Robot Motion Planning
=> Robot Motion Vision by Fixation
=> Robot navigation based on an efficient combination of an extended A* algorithm, bird's eye view and image stitching
=> Robot Navigation by Combining Central and Peripheral Optical Flow Detection on a Space-Variant Map
=> Robot Navigation by Panoramic Vision and Attention Guided Fetaures
=> Robot Navigation in Cluttered 3-D Environments Using Preference-Based Fuzzy Behaviors
=> Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Landmark Tracking
=> Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Tracking
=> Robot Operation Monitoring for Collision Avoidance by Image Sequence Analysis
=> Robot Path Generation Method for a Welding System Based on Pseudo Stereo Visual Servo Control
=> Robot Path Planning Using Analog Circuit Phase Delay
=> Robot Pose Estimation in Unknown Environments by Matching 2D Range Scans
=> Robot Pose Estimation Optimized Visual SLAM Algorithm Based on CO-HDC Instance Segmentation Network for Dynamic Scenes, A
=> Robot Self-Location Using Visual Reasoning Relative to a Single Target Object
=> Robot Shaping: Developing Autonomous Agents Through Learning
=> Robot Spatial Perception by Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Evidence Grids
=> Robot Structure Prior Guided Temporal Attention for Camera-to-Robot Pose Estimation from Image Sequence
=> Robot System That Observes and Replicates Grasping Tasks, A
=> robot that keeps it simple: Hello robot wants to reinvent how autonomous machines perform tasks at home, A
=> Robot Trajectory Planning Using OLP and Structured Light 3D Machine Vision
=> Robot Trucks Overtake Robot Cars: This year, trucks will drive themselves on public roads with no one on board
=> Robot users for the evaluation of boundary-tracking approaches in interactive image segmentation
=> Robot Vision 2 Inc.
=> Robot vision and optical location systems
=> Robot vision by a contour sensor with associative memory
=> Robot Vision for Recovering 3-D Objects in Low-Order Polynomial Time, A
=> Robot vision for the visually impaired
=> Robot Vision System for Recognition of Generic Shaped Objects, A
=> Robot vision system
=> Robot vision using a feature search strategy generated from a 3D object model
=> Robot Vision
=> Robot Vision
=> Robot Vision
=> Robot visual servoing with iterative learning control
=> Robot, identifying environment determining method, and program thereof
=> Robot, Pass Me the Scissors! How Robots Can Assist Us in the Operating Room
=> Robot, you can drive my car
=> RobotFusion: Grasping with a Robotic Manipulator via Multi-view Reconstruction
=> RoboTHOR: An Open Simulation-to-Real Embodied AI Platform
=> Robotic Architecture with Innate Releasing Mechanism, A
=> Robotic Assistance by Impedance Compensation for Hand Movements While Manual Welding
=> Robotic Assistance for Intraocular Microsurgery: Challenges and Perspectives
=> Robotic cars won't understand us, and we won't cut them much slack
=> Robotic Compensation of Biological Motion to Enhance Surgical Accuracy
=> Robotic Control with Partial Visual Information
=> Robotic Control with Partial Visual Information
=> Robotic Dance in Social Robotics: A Taxonomy
=> Robotic Estimation
=> Robotic estimation: the inefficiency of random-walk sampling
=> Robotic Fabrication in Conservation: Digital Workflows and Skills Evaluation
=> Robotic Grasp Detection With 6-D Pose Estimation Based on Graph Convolution and Refinement
=> Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination: New Solutions with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
=> Robotic Leg Illusion: System Design and Human-in-the-Loop Evaluation
=> Robotic manipulation of multiple objects as a POMDP
=> Robotic Mapping Approach under Illumination-Variant Environments at Planetary Construction Sites
=> Robotic Mapping of Cultural Heritage Sites
=> Robotic motion compensation for beating intracardiac surgery
=> Robotic Object Manipulation with Full-Trajectory GAN-Based Imitation Learning
=> Robotic Object Perception Based on Multispectral Few-Shot Coupled Learning
=> Robotic Object Recognition Using Vision and Touch
=> Robotic Online Path Planning on Point Cloud
=> robotic platform for customized and interactive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, A
=> Robotic Surgery: On the Cutting Edge of Ethics
=> Robotic System for 3-D Model Acquisition from Multiple Range Images, A
=> Robotic System for Automation of Water Quality Monitoring and Feeding in Aquaculture Shadehouse
=> Robotic Tracking and Marking of Surface Shape Defects on Moving Automotive Panels
=> Robotic vision: what happened to the visions of yesterday?
=> Robotic wheelchair observing its inside and outside
=> Robotics And Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Digitization And Fruition
=> Robotics Rolls Into High Gear With Signal Processing: A robotics revolution promises to transform global industries and services, and signal processing is at the forefront
=> Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB
=> Robots Are Coming
=> Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios
=> Robots in Retirement Homes: Person Search and Task Planning for a Group of Residents by a Team of Assistive Robots
=> Robots that maintain equilibrium: Proactivity by reasoning about user intentions and preferences
=> Robots Understanding Contextual Information in Human-Centered Environments Using Weakly Supervised Mask Data Distillation
=> Robots, Love, and Sex: The Ethics of Building a Love Machine
=> RobStruck: Improving occlusion handling of structured tracking-by-detection using robust Kalman filter
=> ROBUSfT: Robust real-time shape-from-template, a C++ library
=> ROBUSfT: Robust real-time shape-from-template, a C++ library
=> robust-invariant pattern recognition model using Fuzzy ART, A
=> Robust-learning fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm with unknown number of clusters
=> Robust (Semi) Nonnegative Graph Embedding
=> Robust 1D Barcode Recognition on Mobile Devices
=> Robust 2-D-3-D Registration Optimization for Motion Compensation During 3-D TRUS-Guided Biopsy Using Learned Prostate Motion Data
=> Robust 2-D Model-Based Object Recognition
=> Robust 2D-3D alignment based on geometrical consistency
=> Robust 2D Ear Registration and Recognition Based on SIFT Point Matching
=> Robust 2D location of interest points by accumulation
=> robust 2D Otsu's thresholding method in image segmentation, A
=> Robust 2D Shape Estimation of Moving Objects Considering Spatial and Temporal Coherency in One MAP Detection Rule
=> Robust 2d/3d Calibration Using RANSAC Registration
=> Robust 2D/3D Face Landmarking
=> Robust 2D/3D Vehicle Parsing in Arbitrary Camera Views for CVIS
=> Robust 2DPCA and Its Application
=> Robust 3-D 3-D Pose Estimation
=> Robust 3-D 3-D Pose Estimation
=> Robust 3-D Airway Tree Segmentation for Image-Guided Peripheral Bronchoscopy
=> Robust 3-D Human Detection in Complex Environments With a Depth Camera
=> Robust 3-D Modeling of Vasculature Imagery Using Superellipsoids
=> Robust 3-D Object Recognition via View-Specific Constraint
=> Robust 3-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Stereo Vision and Geometric Hashing
=> Robust 3D Action Recognition Through Sampling Local Appearances and Global Distributions
=> Robust 3D Action Recognition with Random Occupancy Patterns
=> Robust 3D Active Shape Model for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in MRI
=> Robust 3D brain segmentation in magnetic resonance image with weighted feature fusion
=> Robust 3D Car Shape Estimation from Landmarks in Monocular Image
=> Robust 3d Cell Segmentation: Extending The View Of Cellpose
=> Robust 3D Density Descriptor Based on Histogram of Oriented Primary Edge Structure for SAR and Optical Image Co-Registration, A
=> Robust 3D Face Landmark Localization Based on Local Coordinate Coding
=> Robust 3D Face Recognition Based on Rejection and Adaptive Region Selection
=> Robust 3D face recognition based on resolution invariant features
=> Robust 3D Face Recognition by Local Shape Difference Boosting
=> Robust 3d Face Recognition by Using Shape Filtering
=> Robust 3D Face Recognition from Expression Categorisation
=> Robust 3D face recognition in uncontrolled environments
=> Robust 3D Face Recognition Using Learned Visual Codebook
=> Robust 3D face reconstruction from single noisy depth image through semantic consistency
=> Robust 3D Face Shape Reconstruction from Single Images via Two-Fold Coupled Structure Learning and Off-the-Shelf Landmark Detectors
=> Robust 3D Features for Matching between Distorted Range Scans Captured by Moving Systems
=> Robust 3D Garment Digitization from Monocular 2D Images for 3D Virtual Try-On Systems
=> Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Depth Images Using Multi-View CNNs
=> Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Single Depth Images: From Single-View CNN to Multi-View CNNs
=> Robust 3D hand tracking for human computer interaction
=> Robust 3D Head Tracking and Its Applications
=> Robust 3D Head Tracking Under Partial Occlusion
=> Robust 3D Head Tracking Using Camera Pose Estimation
=> Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation Guided by Filtered Subsets of Body Keypoints
=> Robust 3D human pose estimation via dual dictionaries learning
=> Robust 3d Interest Points Detector Based On Harris Operator, A
=> Robust 3D LUT estimation method for SHVC color gamut scalability
=> Robust 3D Marker Localization Using Multi-Spectrum Sequences
=> robust 3D mesh watermarking scheme against cropping, A
=> Robust 3D Morphable Model Fitting by Sparse SIFT Flow
=> Robust 3D Multi-Modal Registration of MRI Volumes Using the Sum of Conditional Variance
=> Robust 3D Object Detection for Moving Objects Based on PointPillars
=> Robust 3D object pose estimation from a single 2D image
=> Robust 3D object registration without explicit correspondence using geometric integration
=> Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable Parts
=> Robust 3D Patch-Based Face Hallucination
=> Robust 3D people tracking and positioning system in a semi-overlapped multi-camera environment
=> Robust 3D Pig Measurement in Pig Farm
=> Robust 3D Pose Estimation and Efficient 2D Region-Based Segmentation from a 3D Shape Prior
=> Robust 3D pose estimation from multiple video cameras
=> Robust 3D reconstruction of building surfaces from point clouds based on structural and closed constraints
=> Robust 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Single-Photon Lidar Using Beta-Divergences
=> Robust 3D Reconstruction With an RGB-D Camera
=> Robust 3D Reconstruction with Outliers Using RANSAC Based Singular Value Decomposition
=> Robust 3D registration of CBCT images aggregating multiple estimates through random sampling
=> Robust 3D rotation invariant local binary pattern for volumetric texture classification
=> Robust 3D segmentation for underwater acoustic images
=> Robust 3D Segmentation of Multiple Moving Objects Under Weak Perspective
=> Robust 3D Self-Portraits in Seconds
=> Robust 3D Semantic Segmentation Method Based on Multi-Modal Collaborative Learning
=> Robust 3D SFS reconstruction based on reliability maps
=> Robust 3D Shape Classification via Non-local Graph Attention Network
=> Robust 3D street-view reconstruction using sky motion estimation
=> Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction in Real-Time with Localization Sensor
=> Robust 3D Tracking with Descriptor Fields
=> robust 3D visual saliency computation model for human fixation prediction of stereoscopic videos, A
=> Robust 3D Watermarking Technique Using Eigendecomposition and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
=> Robust 6DOF Motion Estimation for Non-Overlapping, Multi-Camera Systems
=> Robust AAM Fitting by Fusion of Images and Disparity Data
=> Robust abandoned object detection integrating wide area visual surveillance and social context
=> Robust abandoned object detection using region-level analysis
=> Robust Abdominal Organ Segmentation Using Regional Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Robust Absolute and Relative Pose Estimation of a Central Camera System from 2D-3D Line Correspondences
=> Robust Absolute Rotation Estimation via Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
=> Robust Accurate Extrinsic Calibration of Static Non-overlapping Cameras
=> Robust Accurate Lane Detection and Tracking for Automated Rubber-Tired Gantries in a Container Terminal
=> Robust action recognition using local motion and group sparsity
=> Robust Action Recognition via Borrowing Information Across Video Modalities
=> Robust Active Appearance Models and Their Application to Medical Image Analysis
=> Robust Active Appearance Models with Iteratively Rescaled Kernels
=> Robust Active Contour Model for Natural Scene Contour Extraction with Automatic Thresholding, A
=> robust active contour model with insensitive parameters, A
=> Robust Active Contour Segmentation with an Efficient Global Optimizer
=> Robust active contours for mammogram image segmentation
=> Robust Active Contours with Insensitive Parameters
=> Robust active learning for the diagnosis of parasites
=> Robust Active Safety Enhancement Strategy With Learning Mechanism in Vehicular Networks, A
=> Robust Active Shape Model Construction and Fitting for Facial Feature Localization
=> Robust Active Shape Model Search
=> Robust Active Shape Model Using AdaBoosted Histogram Classifiers and Shape Parameter Optimization
=> robust active shape model using an expectation-maximization framework, A
=> Robust Active Stereo Vision Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence
=> Robust adapted object detection under complex environment
=> Robust Adaptive-Scale Parametric Model Estimation for Computer Vision
=> Robust Adaptive 3-D Segmentation of Vessel Laminae From Fluorescence Confocal Microscope Images and Parallel GPU Implementation
=> robust adaptive algorithm of moving object detection for video surveillance, A
=> Robust Adaptive Array Beamforming With Subspace Steering Vector Uncertainties
=> Robust adaptive beamforming based on covariance matrix and new steering vector estimation
=> Robust Adaptive Beamforming Using a Low-Complexity Shrinkage-Based Mismatch Estimation Algorithm
=> Robust Adaptive Beamforming via Covariance Matrix Reconstruction Under Colored Noise
=> Robust Adaptive Classifier for Detector Adaptation in a Video, A
=> robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic identification of clusters, A
=> Robust Adaptive Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators With Relative Motion
=> Robust Adaptive Cubature Kalman Filter Based on SVD for Dual-Antenna GNSS/MIMU Tightly Coupled Integration, A
=> Robust adaptive directional lifting wavelet transform for image denoising
=> Robust adaptive estimator for filtering noise in images
=> Robust Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering for Real Time MR-Thermometry Guided HIFU Interventions
=> Robust Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for GNSS Single-Frequency RTK of Smartphone, A
=> Robust Adaptive Filtering With q-Gaussian Kernel Mean p-Power Error
=> Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Free Fault-Tolerant Path Planning Control for a Semi-Submersible Platform Dynamic Positioning System With Actuator Constraints
=> Robust Adaptive Heart-Rate Monitoring Using Face Videos
=> Robust Adaptive Label Propagation by Double Matrix Decomposition
=> Robust Adaptive Learning-Based Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Under Uncertain Driving Environments
=> Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Representation
=> Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern for Noisy Texture Classification and Retrieval
=> Robust Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation for Stereo Matching Cost Computation
=> Robust adaptive quasi-Newton algorithms for eigensubspace estimation
=> robust adaptive scaled function weighted order (SFWO) filter for nonlinear image restoration, A
=> Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images
=> Robust Adaptive Sparse Learning Method for Graph Clustering
=> Robust adaptive spot segmentation of DNA microarray images
=> Robust Adaptive Steganography Based on Adaptive STC-ECC
=> Robust adaptive transmission of images and video over multiple channels
=> Robust Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Floating Doppler Wind-LiDAR Motion Correction, A
=> Robust adaptive Wiener filtering
=> Robust Adaptive Window Matching by Homogeneity Constraint and Integration of Descriptions
=> Robust Adjusted Likelihood Function for Image Analysis
=> Robust Adversarial Defence: Use of Auto-inpainting
=> Robust Adversarial Learning For Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
=> Robust Adversarial Watermark Defending Against GAN Synthesization Attack
=> Robust Affine Invariant Matching with Application to Line Features
=> Robust affine invariant shape image retrieval using the ICA Zernike Moment Shape Descriptor
=> Robust affine iterative closest point algorithm with bidirectional distance
=> Robust affine motion estimation in joint image space using tensor voting
=> Robust affine motion estimation in joint image space using tensor voting
=> Robust Affine Projection Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise, A
=> Robust Affine Set Fitting and Fast Simplex Volume Max-Min for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
=> Robust Affine Structure Matching for 3d Object Recognition
=> Robust Affine Structure Matching for 3d Object Recognition
=> Robust age estimation model using group-aware contrastive learning
=> Robust airlight estimation for haze removal from a single image
=> Robust airplane detection in satellite images
=> Robust Albedo Estimation From a Facial Image With Cast Shadow Under General Unknown Lighting
=> Robust albedo estimation from a facial image with cast shadow
=> robust algebraic method for human face recognition, A
=> Robust Algebraic Segmentation of Mixed Rigid-Body and Planar Motions from Two Views
=> Robust Algorithm Based on Phase Congruency for Optical and SAR Image Registration in Suburban Areas, A
=> Robust Algorithm for 3D Head Pose Estimation, A
=> Robust algorithm for broad impulse noise removal utilizing intensity distance and intensity height methodologies
=> Robust Algorithm for Characterizing Anisotropic Local Structures, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Color Correction between Two Stereo Images, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement by Local Histogram Modification, A
=> robust algorithm for detecting pinholes in transparent plastic films, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Estimating Digital Terrain Models from Digital Surface Models in Dense Urban Areas, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Estimating Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover from Landsat Data, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Fiber-Bundle Atlas Construction, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Fitting Sphere to 3D Point Clouds in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
=> Robust Algorithm for Generalized Orthonormal Discriminant Vectors, A
=> robust algorithm for image principal curve detection, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Joint Sparse Recovery in Presence of Impulsive Noise, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Multi-GNSS Precise Positioning and Performance Analysis in Urban Environments, A
=> Robust algorithm for multiview registration
=> Robust Algorithm for Optic Disc Segmentation from Colored Fundus Images, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Optical-Flow Estimation, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Photon Denoising and Bathymetric Estimation Based on ICESat-2 Data, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Point Set Registration Using Mixture of Gaussians, A
=> robust algorithm for probabilistic human recognition from video, A
=> Robust algorithm for pupil-glint vector detection in a video-oculography eyetracking system
=> Robust Algorithm for Segmenting Deformable Linear Objects from Video Image Sequences, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Separation of Chinese Characters from Line-Drawings, A
=> robust algorithm for text detection in color images, A
=> Robust Algorithm for Text String Separation from Mixed Text/Graphics Images, A
=> Robust Algorithm for the Detection of Vehicle Turn Signals and Brake Lights, A
=> robust algorithm for tracking object under occlusion and illumination change, A
=> Robust algorithm for tunnel closing in 3D volumetric objects based on topological characteristics of points
=> Robust Algorithm of Multiquadric Method Based on an Improved Huber Loss Function for Interpolating Remote-Sensing-Derived Elevation Data Sets, A
=> robust algorithm of principal curve detection, A
=> Robust Algorithms for Finding the Center of an Arc, The
=> Robust Algorithms for Object Localization
=> Robust Algorithms for Recognizing Shape Changes of Deformable Linear Objects in Video Image Sequences
=> robust alignment-free fingerprint hashing algorithm based on minimum distance graphs, A
=> Robust Alignment Algorithm for Microprocessor Based Fiber Fusion Splicer, A
=> Robust Alignment for Panoramic Stitching Via an Exact Rank Constraint
=> Robust alignment for UAV images based on adaptive adjustment
=> Robust Alignment of Transmission Electron Microscope Tilt Series
=> Robust alignment of wide baseline terrestrial laser scans via 3D viewpoint normalization
=> Robust All-in-Focus Super-Resolution for Focal Stack Photography
=> Robust Alternating AdaBoost
=> Robust AMD Stage Grading with Exclusively OCTA Modality Leveraging 3D Volume
=> Robust AN-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme in MISO Channels with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
=> Robust Analog Beamforming for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
=> Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation
=> Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation
=> Robust Analysis of Silhouettes by Morphological Size Distributions
=> robust analytical approach for handwritten word recognition, A
=> Robust Analytical Design of Optimal Equiripple Lowpass FIR Filters
=> Robust Analytical Solution to Isometric Shape-from-Template with Focal Length Calibration, A
=> Robust Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Graph Matching with Sparsity Constraint
=> Robust Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Hierarchical Sparse Graph Matching
=> Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person re-IDentification in the Wild
=> Robust and accurate 2D-tracking-based 3D positioning method: Application to head pose estimation
=> Robust and Accurate 3D Head Pose Estimation through 3DMM and Online Head Model Reconstruction
=> Robust and Accurate 3D Measurement of Formed Tube Using Trinocular Stereo Vision
=> Robust and Accurate 3D Self-Portraits in Seconds
=> Robust and accurate computation of geometric distance for Lipschitz continuous implicit curves
=> Robust and accurate estimation of multiple motions for whole-image super-resolution
=> Robust and Accurate Hybrid Structure-From-Motion
=> Robust and Accurate Image Segmentation Using Deformable Templates in Scale Space
=> Robust and accurate iris segmentation in very noisy iris images
=> Robust and Accurate Line- and/or Point-Based Pose Estimation without Manhattan Assumptions
=> Robust and Accurate Method for Pupil Features Extraction, A
=> Robust and accurate multi-view reconstruction by prioritized matching
=> Robust and Accurate Non-parametric Estimation of Reflectance Using Basis Decomposition and Correction Functions
=> Robust and Accurate Object Detection via Adversarial Learning
=> Robust and Accurate Object Detection Via Self-Knowledge Distillation
=> Robust and Accurate Object Tracking Under Various Types of Occlusions
=> Robust and Accurate One-Shot 3D Reconstruction by 2C1P System with Wave Grid Pattern
=> Robust and accurate online pose estimation algorithm via efficient three-dimensional collinearity model
=> Robust and accurate optical flow estimation for weak texture and varying illumination conditions: Application to cystoscopy
=> Robust and accurate partial surface registration based on variational implicit surfaces for automatic 3D model building
=> Robust and accurate pattern matching in fuzzy space for fiducial mark alignment
=> Robust and Accurate Registration of 2-D Electrophoresis Gels Using Point-Matching
=> Robust and Accurate Registration of Images with Unknown Relative Orientation and Exposure
=> Robust and Accurate Segmentation of Iris Images Using Optimal Partitioning, A
=> robust and accurate self-calibration approach from unordered wide-baseline images, A
=> Robust and Accurate Shape Model Fitting Using Random Forest Regression Voting
=> Robust and Accurate Shape Model Matching Using Random Forest Regression-Voting
=> Robust and Accurate Superquadric Recovery: a Probabilistic Approach
=> Robust and Accurate Text Stroke Segmentation
=> Robust and Accurate Two-Stage Approach for Automatic Recovery of Distal Locking Holes in Computer-Assisted Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures, A
=> Robust and Accurate Vectorization of Line Drawings
=> Robust and Accurate Visual Echo Cancelation in a Full-duplex Projector-Camera System
=> Robust and Accurate Visual Echo Cancelation in a Full-duplex Projector-Camera System
=> Robust and adaptive algorithm for hyperspectral palmprint region of interest extraction
=> Robust and adaptive band-to-band image transform of UAS miniature multi-lens multispectral camera
=> Robust and Adaptive Integration of Multiple Range Images with Photometric Attributes
=> Robust and Adaptive Object Tracking via Correspondence Clustering
=> Robust and Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm for Object-Based Video Coding, A
=> Robust and adaptive ROI extraction for hyperspectral dorsal hand vein images
=> Robust and affordable retail customer profiling by vision and radio beacon sensor fusion
=> Robust and automated unimodal histogram thresholding and potential applications
=> Robust and automatic cell detection and segmentation from microscopic images of non-setae phytoplankton species
=> Robust and Automatic Data-Adaptive Beamforming for Multidimensional Arrays
=> Robust and Automatic Face Tracker Dedicated to Broadcast Videos, A
=> Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with Their Uncertainties from a Single Uncalibrated Image, by Planes Extraction on the Unit Sphere
=> Robust and automatic video colorization via multiframe reordering refinement
=> robust and clinically applicable deep learning model for early detection of Alzheimer's, A
=> Robust and Compact Descriptor Based on Center-Symmetric LBP, A
=> Robust and Computationally Efficient Face Detection Using Gaussian Derivative Features of Higher Orders
=> Robust and computationally efficient online image stabilisation framework based on adaptive dual motion vector integration
=> Robust and Computationally Efficient Simultaneous Super-Resolution Scheme for Image Sequences, A
=> Robust and computationally efficient superresolution algorithm
=> Robust and Consistent Sampling
=> Robust and Convergent Iterative Approach for Determining the Dominant Plane from Two Views Without Correspondence and Calibration, A
=> Robust and Convergent Iterative Approach for Determining the Dominant Plane from Two Views Without Correspondence and Calibration, A
=> Robust and cost-efficient experimental design for technical tests of information and communication technology-based solutions in the automotive sector
=> Robust and Dense Depth Estimation for Light Field Images
=> Robust and direct estimation of 3-D motion and scene depth from stereo image sequences
=> Robust and Discontinuity-Preserving Approach to Optical Flow Estimation, A
=> Robust and discrete matrix factorization hashing for cross-modal retrieval
=> Robust and discriminating face recognition system based on a neural network and correlation techniques
=> Robust and discriminative distance for Multi-Instance Learning
=> Robust and discriminative image representation: Fractional-Order Jacobi-Fourier moments
=> Robust and Discriminative Labeling for Multi-Label Active Learning Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
=> Robust and Effective Component-Based Banknote Recognition for the Blind
=> Robust and Effective Identification Method for Point-Distributed Coded Targets in Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry, A
=> Robust and Efficient 3D Recognition by Alignment
=> Robust and efficient adaptive direct lighting estimation
=> Robust and Efficient Algorithm for Bilevel Document Block Classification, A
=> Robust and Efficient Algorithms for Optical Flow Computation
=> Robust and Efficient Alignment of Calcium Imaging Data through Simultaneous Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition
=> Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images
=> Robust and Efficient Approach for Human Tracking in Multi-camera Systems, A
=> Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection, A
=> Robust and efficient background subtraction by quadratic polynomial fitting
=> Robust and Efficient Camera Motion Synchronization via Matrix Decomposition
=> Robust and Efficient Cluster Analysis Using a Shared Near Neighbours Approach
=> robust and efficient curve skeletonization algorithm for tree-like objects using minimum cost paths, A
=> Robust and efficient detection of convex groups
=> Robust and efficient detection of non-lint material in cotton fiber samples
=> Robust and Efficient Detection of Salient Convex Groups
=> Robust and Efficient Detection of Salient Convex Groups
=> Robust and Efficient Doubly Regularized Metric Learning Approach, A
=> Robust and Efficient Ellipse Fitting Using Tangent Chord Distance
=> Robust and Efficient Estimation of Relative Pose for Cameras on Selfie Sticks
=> Robust and Efficient Feature Tracking for Indoor Navigation
=> robust and efficient fingerprint image restoration method based on a phase-field model, A
=> Robust and Efficient Foreground Analysis for Real-Time Video Surveillance
=> Robust and efficient foreground analysis in complex surveillance videos
=> Robust and Efficient Fourier-Mellin Transform Approximations for Gray-Level Image Reconstruction and Complete Invariant Description
=> Robust and Efficient Framework for Sports-Field Registration, A
=> Robust and Efficient Graph Correspondence Transfer for Person Re-Identification
=> Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directional Feature Matching of Court Points for Soccer Field Registration
=> Robust and Efficient Image Alignment Based on Relative Gradient Matching
=> Robust and Efficient Image Alignment with Spatially-Varying Illumination Models
=> Robust and efficient map-to-image registration with line segments
=> robust and efficient method for license plate recognition, A
=> robust and efficient method for skeleton-based human action recognition and its application for cross-dataset evaluation, A
=> Robust and Efficient Minutia-Based Fingerprint Matching Algorithm, A
=> Robust and Efficient Motion Segmentation based on Orthogonal Projection Matrix of Shape Space, A
=> Robust and efficient multiclass SVM models for phrase pattern recognition
=> Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin Color Segmentation
=> Robust and efficient object segmentation using pseudo-elastica
=> Robust and efficient object tracking algorithm under illumination changes based on joint gradient-intensity histogram
=> Robust and Efficient Overhead People Counting System for Retail Applications, A
=> Robust and efficient parametric face alignment
=> Robust and Efficient Path Diversity in Application-Layer Multicast for Video Streaming
=> Robust and Efficient Photo-Consistency Estimation for Volumetric 3D Reconstruction
=> Robust and efficient point registration based on clusters and Generalized Radial Basis Functions (C-GRBF)
=> Robust and Efficient Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences
=> Robust and efficient recognition of low-quality images by cascaded recognizers with massive local features
=> Robust and efficient regularized boosting using total Bregman divergence
=> Robust and Efficient Relative Pose With a Multi-Camera System for Autonomous Driving in Highly Dynamic Environments
=> Robust and Efficient RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments
=> Robust and Efficient Ridge-Based Palmprint Matching
=> Robust and Efficient Road Tracking in Aerial Images
=> Robust and Efficient Saliency Modeling from Image Co-Occurrence Histograms
=> Robust and efficient SAR image coding transmission based on compressive sensing
=> Robust and efficient scalable video coding with leaky prediction
=> Robust and Efficient Shape Indexing through Curvature Scale Space
=> Robust and Efficient Skeletal Graphs
=> Robust and Efficient Sparse Time-Invariant Radon Transform in the Mixed Time-Frequency Domain, A
=> Robust and Efficient Subspace Segmentation via Least Squares Regression
=> Robust and Efficient Tracker Using Dictionary of Binary Descriptors and Locality Constraints
=> Robust and Efficient Trajectory Replanning Based on Guiding Path for Quadrotor Fast Autonomous Flight
=> Robust and Efficient Trajectory Replanning Based on Guiding Path for Quadrotor Fast Autonomous Flight
=> Robust and Efficient Video Representation for Action Recognition, A
=> Robust and Energy Efficient Multimedia Systems via Likelihood Processing
=> Robust and Fair Undersea Target Detection with Automated Underwater Vehicles for Biodiversity Data Collection
=> robust and fast anti-ghosting algorithm for high dynamic range imaging, A
=> Robust and Fast Assessment of Iris Image Quality
=> Robust and Fast Collaborative Tracking with Two Stage Sparse Optimization
=> Robust and Fast Collision-Avoidance Approach for Micro Aerial Vehicles Using a Depth Sensor, A
=> robust and fast combination algorithm for deblurring and denoising, A
=> Robust and Fast Computation of Edge Characteristics in Image Sequences
=> Robust and fast computation of unbiased intensity derivatives in images
=> Robust and Fast Decoding of High-Capacity Color QR Codes for Mobile Applications
=> Robust and fast detection of moving vehicles in aerial videos using sliding windows
=> Robust and Fast Global Motion Estimation Oriented to Video Object Segmentation
=> Robust and Fast Localization of Single Speech Source Using a Planar Array
=> Robust and Fast Method for Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Nonlocal Despeckling and Active Contour Model, A
=> Robust and Fast Monocular-Vision-Based Hand Tracking Method for Virtual Touch Screen, A
=> Robust and Fast Moving Object Detection in a Non-Stationary Camera Via Foreground Probability Based Sampling
=> Robust and Fast Object Tracking Method Using a Dynamic Mask and an Adaptive Search, A
=> Robust and Fast Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Combined with Unsupervised Histogram Analysis
=> Robust and Fast Skew Detection Algorithm for Generic Documents, A
=> Robust and Fast Vehicle Turn-counts at Intersections via an Integrated Solution from Detection, Tracking and Trajectory Modeling
=> Robust and Fast Vessel Segmentation via Gaussian Derivatives in Orientation Scores
=> Robust and Flexible Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
=> Robust and Flexible Graph-based Semi-supervised Embedding
=> Robust and Flexible Scalable Video Multicast with Network Coding over P2P Network
=> Robust and flexible strategy for missing data imputation in intelligent transportation system
=> Robust and Globally Optimal Manhattan Frame Estimation in Near Real Time
=> Robust and Hierarchical Approach for Camera Motion Classification, A
=> Robust and Hierarchical Spatial Relation Analysis for Traffic Forecasting
=> Robust and hierarchical watermarking of encrypted images based on Compressive Sensing
=> Robust and High-Precision Three-Step Positioning Method for an Airborne SAR Platform, A
=> Robust and high accurate pattern matching using eigen decomposed templates
=> Robust and Highly Customizable Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Japanese Characters
=> Robust and Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for GWAS Data Traceability
=> Robust and incremental stitching and calibration with known rotation on pan-tilt-zoom camera
=> Robust and Invariant Phase Based Local Feature Matching
=> robust and isotropic curved surface representation for 3D faces description, A
=> Robust and Long-Term Object Tracking With an Application to Vehicles
=> Robust and Low-Rank Representation for Fast Face Identification With Occlusions
=> robust and multiscale document image segmentation for block line/text line structures extraction, A
=> robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d motions, A
=> robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d motions, A
=> Robust and Non-Negative Collective Matrix Factorization for Text-to-Image Transfer Learning
=> Robust and Objective Decomposition and Mapping of Bifurcating Vessels
=> Robust and On-the-Fly Dataset Denoising for Image Classification
=> Robust and Online Vehicle Counting at Crowded Intersections
=> Robust and Optimal Registration of Image Sets and Structured Scenes via Sum-of-Squares Polynomials
=> Robust and Optimal Sum-of-Squares-Based Point-to-Plane Registration of Image Sets and Structured Scenes
=> Robust and parallel Uyghur text localization in complex background images
=> Robust and Parameter-Free Algorithm for Constructing Pit-Free Canopy Height Models
=> Robust and Practical Depth Map Fusion for Time-of-Flight Cameras
=> Robust and Practical Face Recognition via Structured Sparsity
=> Robust and Precise Approach for Model-Based 3D/2D Registration and Tracking, A
=> Robust and precise eye detection based on locally selective projection
=> Robust and Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Self-Calibrated Pose Attention Network
=> Robust and precise isotropic scaling registration algorithm using bi-directional distance and correntropy
=> Robust and Rapid Generation of Animated Faces from Video Images: A Model-Based Modeling Approach
=> Robust and Real-Time 3D-Face Model Extraction
=> Robust and Real-Time Image Stabilization and Rectification
=> Robust and real-time lane detection filter based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
=> Robust and Real-Time Object Tracking Using Scale-Adaptive Correlation Filters
=> Robust and real-time stroke order evaluation using incremental stroke context for learners to write Kanji characters correctly
=> Robust and Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on Complementary Learners
=> Robust and Reconfigurable On-Board Processing for a Hyperspectral Imaging Small Satellite
=> Robust and Responsive Learning of Spatiotemporal Urban Traffic Flow Relationships
=> Robust and reversible image watermarking in homomorphic encrypted domain
=> Robust and Sample-Efficient Estimation of Vehicle Lateral Velocity Using Neural Networks With Explainable Structure Informed by Kinematic Principles
=> Robust and scalable aggregation of local features for ultra large-scale retrieval
=> Robust and Scalable Approach to Face Identification, A
=> Robust and Scalable Column/Row Sampling from Corrupted Big Data
=> Robust and Scalable Gaussian Process Regression and Its Applications
=> Robust and Scalable Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning
=> Robust and Scalable Management of Power Networks in Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems: A Consensus Control Framework
=> Robust and Scalable Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Wireless Networks
=> Robust and Scalable V2V Safety Communication Based on the SAE J2945/1 Standard
=> Robust and Scalable Vehicle Re-Identification via Self-Supervision
=> Robust and Scalable Video Compression Using Matching Pursuits and Absolute Value Coding
=> Robust and Scalable Visual Category and Action Recognition System Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis With Spectral Regression, A
=> Robust and Secure Data Hiding for PDF Text Document
=> Robust and secure fractional wavelet image watermarking
=> Robust and Secure Image Fingerprinting Learned by Neural Network
=> robust and secure perceptual hashing system based on a quantization step analysis, A
=> Robust and Secure Transmission over Insecure Channel through Higher Level Bit Replacement
=> Robust and Simple Measure for Quality-Guided 2D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms, A
=> Robust and Stable Road Model, A
=> Robust and transparent watermarking scheme for colour images
=> robust and unified land surface phenology algorithm for diverse biomes and growth cycles in China by using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery, A
=> Robust and Unobtrusive Display-to-Camera Communications via Blue Channel Embedding
=> Robust and User Friendly 3D Re-Construction of Neutron Tomographic Images
=> Robust and Versatile Pipeline for Automatic Photogrammetric-Based Registration of Multimodal Cultural Heritage Documentation, A
=> Robust Angle Invariant 1D Barcode Detection
=> Robust Angle Invariant GAS Meter Reading
=> Robust Angular Local Descriptor Learning
=> Robust Anisotropic Diffusion and Sharpening of Scalar and Vector Images
=> Robust anisotropic diffusion to produce enhanced statistical parametric map from noisy fMRI
=> Robust Anisotropic Diffusion
=> Robust Anisotropic Diffusion
=> Robust Anisotropic Disparity Estimation with Perceptual Maximum Variation Modeling
=> Robust Anisotropic Gaussian Fitting for Volumetric Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Multislice CT
=> Robust ANMF Detection in Noncentered Impulsive Background
=> Robust Anomaly Detection Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging for Surface Quality Inspection
=> Robust Antijamming Strategy Design for Frequency-Agile Radar against Main Lobe Jamming
=> Robust appearance-based human action recognition
=> Robust appearance-based object recognition using a fully connected Markov random field
=> Robust appearance-based tracking of moving object from moving platform
=> Robust Appearance-based Tracking using a sparse Bayesian classifier
=> robust appearance model for tracking human motions, A
=> Robust Approach for 3D Cars Reconstruction, A
=> Robust Approach for Anti-jamming Target Tracking in Forward Looking Infrared Imagery, A
=> robust approach for automatic detection and segmentation of cracks in underground pipeline images, A
=> robust approach for automatic registration of aerial images with untextured aerial LiDAR data, A
=> robust approach for constructing a graph representation of articulated and tubular-like objects from 3D scattered data, A
=> Robust approach for disparity estimation in stereo vision
=> Robust Approach for Estimating Probabilities in Naive-Bayes Classifier
=> Robust Approach for Eye Localization Under Variable Illuminations, A
=> robust approach for large-scale cropping intensity mapping in smallholder farms from vegetation, brownness indices and SAR time series, A
=> Robust Approach for Object-Based Detection and Radiometric Characterization of Cloud Shadow Using Haze Optimized Transformation, A
=> robust approach for object matching and classification using Partial Dominant Orientation Descriptor, A
=> robust approach for on-line and off-line threat detection based on event tree similarity analysis, A
=> Robust Approach for Person Localization in Multi-camera Environment, A
=> robust approach for phenological change detection within satellite image time series, A
=> robust approach for recognition of text embedded in natural scenes, A
=> Robust Approach for Recovery of Rigorous Sensor Model Using Rational Function Model
=> Robust Approach for Repairing Color Composite DMC Images, A
=> Robust Approach for Singular Point Extraction Based on Complex Polynomial Model, A
=> Robust Approach for Smile Recognition via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, A
=> Robust Approach for Structure from Planar Motion by Stereo Image Sequences, A
=> robust approach for text detection from natural scene images, A
=> Robust Approach for the Background Subtraction Based on Multi-Layered Self-Organizing Maps, A
=> Robust Approach to Detect Tampering by Exploring Correlation Patterns, A
=> robust approach to enhancement of multivariate images, A
=> Robust Approach to Extraction of Texts from Camera Captured Images, A
=> Robust Approach to Face and Eyes Detection from Images with Cluttered Background, A
=> Robust Approach to Image-Enhancement Based on Fuzzy-Logic, A
=> Robust approach to independent component analysis for SAR image analysis
=> Robust Approach to Multi-feature Based Mesh Segmentation Using Adaptive Density Estimation, A
=> Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten Documents, A
=> robust approach to reconstruct experimentally the camera response function, A
=> Robust Approach to Segment Desired Object Based on Salient Colors, A
=> Robust Approach to Super-Resolution Sprite Generation, A
=> robust approach to text line grouping in online handwritten Japanese documents, A
=> Robust Approaches for Multi-Label Face Classification
=> Robust Approaches to 3D Object Secret Sharing
=> Robust Arabic Multi-stream Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environment
=> Robust Arbitrary-Time Path-Tracking Control Using Reduced Order Kinematic Model for Unmanned Ground Vehicles
=> Robust Arbitrary-View Gait Recognition Based on 3D Partial Similarity Matching
=> Robust arbitrary view gait recognition based on parametric 3D human body reconstruction and virtual posture synthesis
=> robust area based disparity estimation technique for stereo vision applications, A
=> Robust Area Matching
=> Robust array interpolation using second-order cone programming
=> Robust ASL Fingerspelling Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns and Geometric Features
=> Robust Assessment of Real-World Adversarial Examples
=> robust associative watermarking technique based on similarity diagrams, A
=> Robust Asymmetric Adaboost
=> Robust Asymmetric Loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning
=> Robust Asymmetric Loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning
=> Robust Atmospheric Correction Procedure for Determination of Spectral Reflectance of Terrestrial Surfaces from Satellite Spectral Measurements, A
=> Robust attention ranking architecture with frequency-domain transform to defend against adversarial samples
=> Robust Attentional Aggregation of Deep Feature Sets for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction
=> Robust Attentional Framework for License Plate Recognition in the Wild, A
=> Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
=> Robust Attentive Behavior Detection by Non-linear Head Pose Embedding and Estimation
=> Robust Attenuation Correction System for Reflectivity and Differential Reflectivity in Weather Radars, A
=> Robust Attribute-Based Visual Recognition Using Discriminative Latent Representation
=> Robust Audio-Visual Contrastive Learning for Proposal-Based Self-Supervised Sound Source Localization in Videos
=> Robust Audio-Visual Instance Discrimination
=> Robust Audio-Visual Mandarin Speech Recognition Based On Adaptive Decision Fusion And Tone Features
=> Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Hybrid Fusion
=> Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Late Integration
=> Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Under Noisy Audio-Video Conditions
=> Robust Audio Fingerprint's Based Identification Method, A
=> Robust Audio Patch Attacks Using Physical Sample Simulation and Adversarial Patch Noise Generation
=> robust audio searching method for cellular-phone-based music information retrieval, A
=> Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Log-Polar Frequency Index
=> Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Order Zernike Moments
=> Robust audio watermarking based on multi-carrier modulation
=> Robust Audio Watermarking by Using Low-Frequency Histogram
=> Robust Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Lifting Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition, A
=> Robust Audio Watermarking Using Both DWT and Masking Effect
=> Robust Audio Zero-Watermark Based on LWT and Chaotic Modulation
=> Robust Audiovisual Emotion Recognition: Aligning Modalities, Capturing Temporal Information, and Handling Missing Features
=> Robust authentication scheme for protecting copyrights of images and graphics
=> Robust Authentication Using Dorsal Hand Vein Images
=> Robust Auto-Calibration for Practical Scanning Setups from Epipolar and Trifocal Relations
=> Robust Auto-Calibration from Pedestrians
=> Robust auto-calibration of a PTZ camera with non-overlapping FOV
=> Robust Auto-Calibration using Fundamental Matrices Induced by Pedestrians
=> Robust Auto-Focusing Algorithm for Medical Ultrasound: Consistent Phase References from Scaled Cross-Correlation Functions, A
=> Robust autocalibration for a surveillance camera network
=> Robust Autodual Morphological Profiles for the Classification of High-Resolution Satellite Images
=> Robust Autofocusing Approach for Highly Squinted SAR Imagery Using the Extended Wavenumber Algorithm
=> Robust automated ground plane rectification based on moving vehicles for traffic scene surveillance
=> Robust Automated Image Co-Registration of Optical Multi-Sensor Time Series Data: Database Generation for Multi-Temporal Landslide Detection
=> Robust Automatic Clustering Scheme for Image Segmentation Using Wavelets, A
=> robust automatic crack detection method from noisy concrete surfaces, A
=> Robust Automatic Data Decomposition Using a Modified Sparse NMF
=> Robust Automatic Face Clustering in News Video
=> Robust Automatic Knee MR Slice Positioning Through Redundant and Hierarchical Anatomy Detection
=> Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films
=> Robust Automatic Marker-free Registration of Terrestrial Scan Data
=> Robust Automatic Method to Extract Building Facade Maps from 3D Point Cloud Data, A
=> Robust Automatic Monocular Vehicle Speed Estimation for Traffic Surveillance
=> Robust Automatic Motorcycle Helmet Violation Detection for an Intelligent Transportation System
=> Robust Automatic Registration of Multimodal Satellite Images Using CCRE With Partial Volume Interpolation
=> Robust Automatic Rodent Brain Extraction Using 3-D Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN)
=> Robust automatic selection of optimal views in multi-view free-form object recognition
=> Robust automatic ship tracking in harbours using active cameras
=> Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Using PD-MEEMLIN
=> Robust Automatic Target Detection/recognition System in Second Generation FLIR Imagery
=> Robust Automatic Target Recognition in Second Generation FLIR Images
=> Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using a Localized Boundary Representation
=> Robust automatic video object segmentation with graphcut assisted by SURF features
=> Robust autonomous detection and tracking of moving objects using hybrid tracking approach
=> Robust Auxiliary Particle Filter with an Adaptive Appearance Model for Visual Tracking
=> Robust AVS Audio Watermarking
=> Robust B-Spline Image Modeling with Application to Image Processing
=> Robust B-spline image smoothing
=> Robust Background-Subtraction for Person Detection in Thermal Imagery
=> Robust background estimation for complex video sequences
=> Robust Background Feature Extraction Through Homogeneous Region-Based Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
=> Robust background generation based on an effective frames selection method and an efficient background estimation procedure (FSBE)
=> robust background initialization algorithm with superpixel motion detection, A
=> Robust background model for pixel based people counting using a single uncalibrated camera
=> robust background regression based score estimation algorithm for hyperspectral anomaly detection, A
=> Robust Background Segmentation Using Background Models for Surveillance Application
=> Robust background subtraction and maintenance
=> Robust Background Subtraction for Network Surveillance in H.264 Streaming Video
=> Robust Background Subtraction for Quick Illumination Changes
=> Robust Background Subtraction Method for Changing Background, A
=> Robust background subtraction using data fusion for real elevator scene
=> Robust Background Subtraction Using Geodesic Active Contours in ICA Subspace for Video Surveillance Applications
=> Robust Background Subtraction with Foreground Validation for Urban Traffic Video
=> Robust Backtracking CKF Based on Krein Space Theory for In-Motion Alignment Process, A
=> Robust Band-Dependent Spatial-Detail Approaches for Panchromatic Sharpening
=> Robust bandlimited watermarking with trellis coded modulation
=> Robust basketball sports recognition by leveraging motion block estimation
=> Robust Bayesian Analysis of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease Progression Using DaTscan Images
=> Robust bayesian cameras motion estimation using random sampling
=> Robust Bayesian Estimation and Normalized Convolution for Super-resolution Image Reconstruction
=> Robust Bayesian method for simultaneous block sparse signal recovery with applications to face recognition
=> Robust Bayesian Multisensor Fusion Algorithm for Joint Lane and Pavement Boundary Detection, A
=> robust bayesian network for articulated motion classification, A
=> Robust Bayesian Neural Networks by Spectral Expectation Bound Regularization
=> Robust Bayesian non-parametric dictionary learning with heterogeneous Gaussian noise
=> Robust Bayesian PCA with Student's t-distribution: The variational inference approach
=> Robust Bayesian Precoding for Mitigation of TDD Hardware Calibration Errors
=> Robust Beamforming Based on Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Networks for Sensor Arrays
=> Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System
=> Robust Beamforming with Sidelobe Suppression for Impulsive Signals
=> Robust bee tracking with adaptive appearance template and geometry-constrained resampling
=> Robust Bi-Stochastic Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization for Data Clustering
=> Robust Bilayer Segmentation and Motion/Depth Estimation with a Handheld Camera
=> Robust bilayer video segmentation by adaptive propagation of global shape and local appearance
=> Robust Binarization for Video Text Recognition
=> Robust binarization of degraded documents using adaptive-cum-interpolative thresholding in a multi-scale framework
=> Robust Binarization of Stereo and Monocular Document Images Using Percentile Filter
=> Robust Binary Feature Using the Intensity Order
=> Robust biometric authentication system with a secure user template
=> Robust Biometric Key Extraction Based on Iris Cryptosystem
=> Robust Biometric Person Identification Using Automatic Classifier Fusion of Speech, Mouth, and Face Experts
=> Robust Biometric Recognition From Palm Depth Images for Gloved Hands
=> Robust Biometric System Using Palmprint for Personal Verification
=> Robust Blind Deconvolution Using Relative Total Variation as a Regularization Penalty
=> Robust Blind Deconvolution with Convolution-Spectrum-Based Kernel Regulariser and Poisson-Noise Data Terms
=> Robust Blind Equalization Algorithm Using Convolutional Neural Network
=> Robust blind image watermarking using crisscross inter-block prediction in the DCT domain
=> Robust blind motion deblurring using near-infrared flash image
=> Robust Blind Separation of Statistically Dependent Sources using Dual Tree Wavelets
=> robust blind watermarking algorithm for depth-image-based rendering 3D images, A
=> robust blind watermarking method using quantization of distance between wavelet coefficients, A
=> Robust Blind Watermarking Scheme Using Wave Atoms
=> Robust Block-Based EZW Image Compression with Channel Noise Optimized Rate-Distortion Functions
=> robust block-based image watermarking scheme using fast Hadamard transform and singular value decomposition, A
=> Robust Block-Based Image/Video Registration Approach for Mobile Imaging Devices, A
=> Robust block sparse discriminative classification framework
=> Robust Blood Flow Velocity Estimation from 3D Rotational Angiography
=> Robust Blur Kernel Estimation for License Plate Images From Fast Moving Vehicles
=> Robust blurred face recognition using sample-wise kernel estimation and random compressed multi-scale local binary pattern histograms
=> Robust Body-Height Estimation for Applications in Automotive Industry
=> Robust body parts tracking using particle filter and dynamic template
=> Robust Boltzmann Machines for recognition and denoising
=> Robust Boosting for Learning from Few Examples
=> robust boosting tracker with minimum error bound in a co-training framework, A
=> Robust Bootstrapping of Speaker Models for Unsupervised Speaker Indexing
=> Robust border detection in dermoscopy images using threshold fusion
=> Robust Boundary-Based Object Recognition in Occlusion Environment by Hybrid Hopfield Neural Networks, A
=> Robust Boundary Delineation Using Random-Phase-Shift Active Contours
=> Robust Boundary Detection With Adaptive Grouping
=> Robust Bounding Box Regression for Small Object Detection
=> Robust Braille Recognition System, A
=> Robust brain activation detection in functional MRI
=> Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods
=> Robust brain MRI denoising and segmentation using enhanced non-local means algorithm
=> Robust Brightness Description for Computing Optical Flow
=> Robust Building Detection in Aerial Images
=> Robust Building Footprint Extraction From Big Multi-sensor Data Using Deep Competition Network
=> Robust building roof segmentation using airborne point cloud data
=> Robust Bundle Adjustment for Structure from Motion
=> Robust Bundle Adjustment Revisited
=> Robust c-prototypes algorithms for color image segmentation
=> Robust Calibration-Marker and Laser-Line Detection For Underwater 3D Shape Reconstruction By Deep Neural Network
=> Robust calibration of the position of reference targets for a six degrees of freedom pose sensor
=> Robust Calibration of Vehicle Solid-State Lidar-Camera Perception System Using Line-Weighted Correspondences in Natural Environments
=> Robust Camera Calibration and Player Tracking in Broadcast Basketball Video
=> Robust Camera Calibration from Images and Rotation Data
=> Robust camera calibration tool for video surveillance camera in urban environment
=> Robust Camera Calibration using Inaccurate Targets
=> Robust camera location estimation by convex programming
=> Robust camera motion analysis for home video
=> Robust Camera Motion Estimation for Point-of-View Video Stabilization
=> Robust camera motion estimation in presence of large moving objects
=> Robust Camera Pan and Zoom Change Detection Using Optical Flow
=> Robust camera parameter estimation using genetic algorithm
=> Robust Camera Pose Estimation for Image Stitching
=> Robust Camera Pose Recovery Using Stochastic Geometry
=> Robust camera pose tracking for augmented reality using particle filtering framework
=> Robust camera self-calibration from monocular images of Manhattan worlds
=> Robust Camera Tracking by Combining Color and Depth Measurements
=> Robust Camera Translation Estimation via Rank Enforcement
=> Robust cancellable biometrics scheme based on neural networks
=> Robust Canonical Time Warping for the Alignment of Grossly Corrupted Sequences
=> Robust CAPTCHAs Towards Malicious OCR
=> Robust Caption Detecting Algorithm on MPEG Compressed Video, A
=> Robust Car License Plate Localization Using a Novel Texture Descriptor
=> Robust car License Plate Recognition system verified with 163, 574 images captured in fields
=> Robust Carotid Artery Recognition in Longitudinal B-Mode Ultrasound Images
=> Robust carving for non-Lambertian objects
=> Robust Category-Level 3D Pose Estimation from Diffusion-Enhanced Synthetic Data
=> Robust Category-Level 3D Pose Estimation from Diffusion-Enhanced Synthetic Data
=> Robust Category-Level 6D Pose Estimation with Coarse-to-Fine Rendering of Neural Features
=> Robust Cauchy Kernel Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Non-Gaussian Noises
=> Robust CBCT Reconstruction Based On Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition And Total Variation Regularization
=> Robust CCD and IR Image Registration Using Gradient-Based Statistical Information
=> Robust Cell Detection of Histopathological Brain Tumor Images Using Sparse Reconstruction and Adaptive Dictionary Selection
=> Robust Cell Extraction Method for Form Documents Based on Intersection Searching and Global Optimization
=> Robust Centerline Extraction Framework Using Level Sets
=> Robust centroids using fuzzy clustering with feature partitions
=> Robust Cerebral Blood Flow Map Estimation in Arterial Spin Labeling
=> Robust CFAR Detector Based on Truncated Statistics for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Robust CFAR Detector Based on Truncated Statistics in Multiple-Target Situations
=> Robust Change-Detection by Normalised Gradient-Correlation
=> Robust Change Captioning
=> Robust Change Detection by Fusing Intensity and Texture Differences
=> robust change detection feature for Cosmo-SkyMed detected SAR images, A
=> Robust Channel-Calibration Algorithm for Multi-Channel in Azimuth HRWS SAR Imaging Based on Local Maximum-Likelihood Weighted Minimum Entropy, A
=> Robust chaotic key stream generator for real-time images encryption
=> Robust Character Labeling in Movie Videos: Data Resources and Self-Supervised Feature Adaptation
=> Robust Character Recognition of Gray-Scaled Images with Graphical Designs and Noise
=> Robust Character Recognition Using Adaptive Feature Extraction Method
=> Robust character recognition using adaptive feature extraction
=> Robust Chinese Character Recognition by Selection of Binary-Based and Grayscale-Based Classifier
=> Robust circle detection using a weighted MSE estimator
=> Robust Circle Detection
=> robust circle detector with regionalized radius aid, A
=> Robust Class Similarity Measure for Traffic Sign Recognition
=> Robust Classification and Semi-supervised Object Localization with Gaussian Processes
=> Robust Classification of Arbitrary Object Classes Based on Hierarchical Spatial Feature-Matching
=> Robust Classification of Blurred Imagery
=> Robust Classification of Curvilinear and Surface-Like Structures in 3d Point Cloud Data
=> Robust classification of face and head gestures in video
=> Robust classification of hand postures against complex backgrounds
=> Robust Classification of Head Pose from Low Resolution Images
=> Robust classification of objects, faces, and flowers using natural image statistics
=> Robust Classification of Strokes with SVM and Grouping
=> Robust classification of traffic signs using multi-view cues
=> robust classification procedure based on mixture classifiers and nonparametric weighted feature extraction, A
=> Robust classification system with reliability prediction for semi-automatic traffic-sign inventory systems
=> Robust Classification Technique for Hyperspectral Images Based on 3D-Discrete Wavelet Transform
=> Robust classification using structured sparse representation
=> Robust classification using support vector machine in low-dimensional manifold space for automatic target recognition
=> Robust Classification with Convolutional Prototype Learning
=> Robust classifiers by mixed adaptation
=> Robust classwise and projective low-rank representation for image classification
=> Robust Click-Point Linking: Matching Visually Dissimilar Local Regions
=> Robust Cloth Warping via Multi-Scale Patch Adversarial Loss for Virtual Try-On Framework
=> Robust Cloud Suppression and Anomaly Detection in Time-Lapse Thermography
=> Robust cluster validity indexes
=> Robust Clustering Algorithm Based on Competitive Agglomeration and Soft Rejection of Outliers, A
=> Robust Clustering Based on Dominant Sets
=> Robust Clustering based on Winner-Population Markov Chain
=> Robust clustering by deterministic agglomeration EM of mixtures of multivariate t-distributions
=> Robust clustering by pruning outliers
=> Robust clustering using a kNN mode seeking ensemble
=> Robust Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision
=> Robust Clutter Suppression and Ground Moving Target Imaging Method for a Multichannel SAR with High-Squint Angle Mounted on Hypersonic Vehicle
=> Robust Clutter Suppression and Moving Target Imaging Approach for Multichannel in Azimuth High-Resolution and Wide-Swath Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Robust Clutter Suppression and Radial Velocity Estimation for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR-GMTI
=> Robust Coarse-to-Fine Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
=> Robust Codec for Transmission of Very Low Bit-Rate Video over Channels with Bursty Errors, A
=> Robust Coding of 3D Graphic Models using Mesh Segmentation and Data Partitioning
=> Robust Coding of Encrypted Images via 2D Compressed Sensing
=> Robust coding of encrypted images via structural matrix
=> Robust Coding Over Noisy Overcomplete Channels
=> Robust Coding Schemes for Indexing and Retrieval from Large Face Databases
=> Robust Cognitive Approach to Traffic Scene Analysis, A
=> Robust Cognitive Capability in Autonomous Driving Using Sensor Fusion Techniques: A Survey
=> Robust CoHOG Feature Extraction in Human-Centered Image/Video Management System
=> Robust Coinversion Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multisensor Data, A
=> Robust Collaborative Learning of Patch-Level and Image-Level Annotations for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading From Fundus Image
=> Robust Collaborative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
=> Robust Collision-Avoidance Formation Navigation of Velocity and Input-Constrained Multirobot Systems
=> Robust Collision Perception Visual Neural Network With Specific Selectivity to Darker Objects, A
=> Robust Color-Independent Text Detection Method from Complex Videos, A
=> Robust Color Contour Object Detection Invariant to Shadows
=> Robust color correction in stereo vision
=> Robust Color Demosaicking With Adaptation to Varying Spectral Correlations
=> Robust color edge detection through tensor voting
=> Robust Color Guided Depth Map Restoration
=> Robust color histogram descriptors for video segment retrieval and identification
=> Robust Color Image Enhancement of Digitized Books
=> Robust Color Image Segmentation through Tensor Voting
=> Robust Color Image Superresolution: An Adaptive M-Estimation Framework
=> Robust color object detection using spatial-color joint probability functions
=> Robust color segmentation for the RoboCup domain
=> Robust Color Segmentation Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model
=> Robust color texture descriptor for material recognition
=> Robust Color Texture Features Under Varying Illumination Conditions
=> Robust Color Video Watermarking Technique Using DWT, SVD and Frame Difference, A
=> Robust Color Watermarking Method Based on Clifford Transform
=> Robust Combination of Distributed Gradients Under Adversarial Perturbations
=> Robust common visual pattern discovery using graph matching
=> Robust Competitive Clustering Algorithm with Applications in Computer Vision, A
=> Robust competitive diffusion LMS algorithm
=> Robust Complex Salient Regions
=> robust composite metric for head pose tracking using an accurate face model, A
=> Robust compositional method for background subtraction
=> Robust Compressed Domain Object Extraction in MPEG Videos
=> Robust compressed sensing in Gaussian noise environment by resampling with replacement
=> Robust Compressive Two-Dimensional Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Image Reconstruction in Impulsive Noise
=> Robust Computation and Parametrization of Multiple View Relations
=> Robust Computation of Optical-Flow in a Multiscale Differential Framework
=> Robust Computation of Optical-Flow in a Multiscale Differential Framework
=> Robust computation of optical flow under non-uniform illumination variations
=> Robust Computation of Optical Flow
=> Robust Computation of the Polarisation Image
=> Robust Computational Algorithm for Inverse Photomask Synthesis in Optical Projection Lithography, A
=> Robust Computations of Reeb Graphs in 2-D Binary Images
=> Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
=> Robust Computer Vision Theory and Applications
=> Robust Computer Vision through Kernel Density Estimation
=> Robust Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
=> Robust Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
=> Robust concealment for erroneous block bursts in stereoscopic images
=> robust confirmable watermarking algorithm for 3D mesh based on manifold harmonics analysis, A
=> Robust Connectivity With Multiple Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communications
=> Robust Consensus Based Edge-Detection
=> Robust Consensus Based Edge-Detection
=> Robust consistent correspondence between 3D non-rigid shapes based on Dual Shape-DNA
=> Robust Consistent Video Depth Estimation
=> Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantization and Binary Gabor Pattern
=> Robust contactless pulse transit time estimation based on signal quality metric
=> Robust Content-Adaptive Global Registration for Multimodal Retinal Images Using Weakly Supervised Deep-Learning Framework
=> robust content-based JPWL transmission over a realistic MIMO channel under perceptual constraints, A
=> Robust Content-Dependent Photometric Projector Compensation
=> robust content based digital signature for image authentication, A
=> Robust Content Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Sparse Coding
=> Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing
=> Robust Contour Decomposition Using a Constant Curvature Criterion
=> Robust contour extraction for moving vehicle tracking
=> Robust Contour Matching Via the Order-Preserving Assignment Problem
=> Robust contour reconstruction of red blood cells and parasites in the automated identification of the stages of malarial infection
=> robust contour sampling and tensor-based approach to facial beard and mustache shape segmentation and matching, A
=> Robust contour tracking based on a coupling between geodesic active contours and conditional random fields
=> Robust Contour Tracking by Combining Region and Boundary Information
=> Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
=> Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
=> Robust Contour Tracking Using a Modified Snake Model in Stereo Image Sequences
=> Robust contourlet-based blind watermarking for depth-image-based rendering 3D images
=> Robust contrast-invariant eigendetection
=> Robust contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks
=> Robust contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images: Denoising-enhancement-completion
=> Robust contrast invariant stereo correspondence
=> Robust Contrastive Learning against Noisy Views
=> Robust Control-Based Object Tracking
=> Robust control for a class of uncertain switched time delay systems using delta operator
=> Robust Control for Dynamic Train Regulation in Fully Automatic Operation System Under Uncertain Wireless Transmissions
=> Robust Control for Urban Road Traffic Networks
=> Robust Control of Arrivals Into a Queuing Network
=> Robust Control of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Absence of Information About Preceding Vehicle Acceleration
=> Robust control of heterogeneous vehicular platoon with uncertain dynamics and communication delay
=> Robust control point detection for aerial synthetic aperture radar via a logarithmic quasi-random scale space framework
=> Robust control point estimation with an out-of-focus camera calibration pattern
=> Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimations of a Bilateral Tele-Operated Hydraulic Manipulator
=> robust convergence index filter for breast cancer cell segmentation, A
=> Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on medical images
=> Robust cooperative train trajectory optimization with stochastic delays under virtual coupling
=> Robust Coordinated Control of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Platoon Interacted by Uncertain Topology
=> Robust Core-Point-ROI Based Fingerprint Identification Using a Sparse Classifier
=> Robust corner detection using the eigenvector-based angle estimator
=> robust corner detector based on curvature scale space and harris, A
=> Robust corner tracking for multimedia applications
=> Robust Corner Tracking for Real-time Augmented Reality
=> Robust Coronary Artery Tracking from Fluoroscopic Image Sequences
=> Robust correction step for CFA interpolation schemes
=> Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis
=> Robust correlation filter tracking based on response map analysis network
=> Robust correlation filter tracking via context fusion and subspace constraint
=> Robust correlation filter tracking with deep semantic supervision
=> robust correlation measure for correspondence estimation, A
=> Robust Correlation Tracking for UAV Videos via Feature Fusion and Saliency Proposals
=> Robust Correlation Tracking for UAV with Feature Integration and Response Map Enhancement
=> Robust Correspondenceless 3-D Iris Location for Immersive Environments
=> Robust cost function for optimizing chamfer masks
=> robust cost function for stereo matching of road scenes, A
=> Robust Counting of Soft Fruit Through Occlusions with Re-identification
=> Robust coupling in space of sparse codes for multi-view recognition
=> Robust Covariance Adaptation in Adaptive Importance Sampling
=> robust covariate-invariant gait recognition based on pose features, A
=> Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on an End-to-End Hash Generation Model, A
=> Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on DCT and LDA Topic Classification
=> Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on Neglected Coverless Image Dataset Construction
=> Robust Coverless Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Gradient Descent Approximation, A
=> Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Image, A
=> Robust Coverless Video Steganography Based on the Similarity of Inter-Frames, A
=> Robust CP Tensor Factorization With Skew Noise
=> Robust Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation of Piecewise Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Mesh Approximations Using Normal Voting
=> Robust crease detection in fingerprint images
=> Robust Cross-Domain Pseudo-Labeling and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation NIR-VIS Face Recognition
=> Robust Cross-Drone Multi-Target Association Using 3D Spatial Consistency
=> Robust Cross-Modal Representation Learning with Progressive Self-Distillation
=> Robust cross-pose face recognition using landmark oriented depth warping
=> Robust Cross-view Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval
=> Robust crowd counting using detection flow
=> Robust Crowd Segmentation and Counting in Indoor Scenes
=> Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to Disturbance and Actuator Saturation
=> Robust Cuboid Modeling from Noisy and Incomplete 3D Point Clouds Using Gaussian Mixture Model
=> Robust CUR Decomposition: Theory and Imaging Applications
=> Robust curb and ramp detection for safe parking using the Canesta TOF camera
=> Robust Curvature Extrema Detection Based on New Numerical Derivation
=> Robust Curve Detection by Temporal Geodesics
=> Robust Curve Detection Using a Radon Transform in Orientation Space
=> Robust Cylinder Fitting In Three-dimensional Point Cloud Data
=> Robust Damage Estimation of Typhoon Goni on Coconut Crops with Sentinel-2 Imagery
=> Robust Data-Driven Framework for Driver Behavior Profiling Using Supervised Machine Learning
=> robust data-model dual-driven fusion with uncertainty estimation for LiDAR-IMU localization system, A
=> Robust data association for online applications
=> Robust data clustering
=> Robust Data Fusion of UAV Navigation Measurements with Application to the Landing System
=> Robust data fusion with occupancy grid
=> Robust Data Hiding Scheme for Images Using DFT, A
=> Robust Data Hiding Using Psychovisual Thresholding
=> Robust Data Modelling Using Thin Plate Splines
=> Robust Data Whitening as an Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares Problem
=> Robust Dead Reckoning Algorithm Based on Wi-Fi FTM and Multiple Sensors, A
=> Robust deblurring based on prediction of informative structure
=> Robust decentralized multi-model adaptive template tracking
=> Robust Decision-Based Black-Box Adversarial Attack via Coarse-To-Fine Random Search
=> Robust Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles at Highway On-Ramps: A Constrained Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Approach
=> Robust decoding of a 3D-ESCOT bitstream transmitted over a noisy channel
=> Robust decoding of arithmetic codes for image transmission over error-prone channels
=> Robust decomposition of a digital curve into convex and concave parts
=> Robust Decomposition of Thick Digital Shapes
=> Robust Deconvolution Method of Airborne LiDAR Waveforms for Dense Point Clouds Generation in Forest, A
=> Robust Deep 3D Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Structural Priors
=> Robust deep alignment network with remote sensing knowledge graph for zero-shot and generalized zero-shot remote sensing image scene classification
=> Robust Deep Appearance Models
=> Robust deep fuzzy K-means clustering for image data
=> Robust deep k-means: An effective and simple method for data clustering
=> robust deep learning approach for glasses detection in non-standard facial images, A
=> Robust Deep Learning Approach for Spatiotemporal Estimation of Satellite AOD and PM2.5, A
=> Robust Deep Learning for Improved Classification of AD/MCI Patients
=> Robust Deep Multi-modal Learning Based on Gated Information Fusion Network
=> Robust Deep Neural Networks for Road Extraction From Remote Sensing Images
=> Robust defect detection in 2D images printed on 3D micro-textured surfaces by multiple paired pixel consistency in orientation codes
=> Robust Defect Segmentation in Woven Fabrics
=> Robust Defection Of Skew In Document Images
=> Robust defocus blur identification in the context of blind image quality assessment
=> Robust Deformable and Occluded Object Tracking With Dynamic Graph
=> Robust Deformable Image Registration Using Cycle-Consistent Implicit Representations
=> Robust deformable shape reconstruction from monocular video with manifold forests
=> Robust dense block-based motion estimation using a 2-bit transform on a Laplacian pyramid
=> Robust dense correspondence using deep convolutional features
=> Robust Dense Endoscopic Stereo Reconstruction for Minimally Invasive Surgery
=> Robust Dense Matching Using Local and Global Geometric Constraints
=> Robust Density Comparison for Visual Tracking
=> Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition
=> Robust Depth-Based Person Re-Identification
=> Robust Depth-map Estimation from Image Sequences with Precise Camera Operation Parameters
=> Robust depth estimation for efficient 3D face reconstruction
=> Robust depth estimation for light field via spinning parallelogram operator
=> Robust Depth Estimation from Auto Bracketed Images
=> Robust Depth Estimation From Multi-Focus Plenoptic Images
=> Robust Depth Estimation from Optical Flow
=> Robust depth estimation on real-world light field images using Gaussian belief propagation
=> Robust Depth Estimation Using Auto-Exposure Bracketing
=> Robust Depth Image Based Rendering Scheme for Stereoscopic View Synthesis with Adaptive Domain Transform Based Filtering Framework, A
=> Robust depth map inpainting using superpixels and non-local Gauss-Markov random field prior
=> Robust depth regularization explicitly constrained by camera motion
=> Robust depth sensing with adaptive structured light illumination
=> Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multichannel Linear Prediction
=> robust descriptor based on Weber's Law, A
=> Robust Descriptors of Binary Shapes with Applications
=> Robust Design for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting Over Line-of-Sight Channels, A
=> Robust Design of Connected Cruise Control Among Human-Driven Vehicles
=> Robust Design of Deep Neural Networks Against Adversarial Attacks Based on Lyapunov Theory
=> Robust Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Filter For Colocated MIMO Radar
=> Robust Designs of Selected Objects Extraction CNN
=> Robust Detection and Affine Rectification of Planar Homogeneous Texture for Scene Understanding
=> Robust detection and recognition of buildings in urban environments from LADAR data
=> Robust Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects in Traffic Video Surveillance
=> Robust Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects with 3D Features by an Uncalibrated Monocular Camera
=> Robust Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Surveillance Videos
=> Robust detection of adventitious lung sounds in electronic auscultation signals
=> Robust detection of buildings in digital surface models
=> Robust Detection of Degenerate Configurations for the Fundamental Matrix
=> Robust Detection of Degenerate Configurations while Estimating the Fundamental Matrix
=> Robust detection of dehazed images via dual-stream CNNs with adaptive feature fusion
=> Robust Detection of Extreme Events Using Twitter: Worldwide Earthquake Monitoring
=> Robust Detection Of Facial Features By Generalized Symmetry
=> Robust detection of key captions for sports video understanding
=> Robust Detection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
=> Robust detection of median filtering based on combined features of difference image
=> Robust Detection of Microaneurysms for Sight Threatening Retinopathy Screening
=> Robust detection of mosaic masking region
=> Robust detection of moving objects in video sequences through rough set theory framework
=> Robust Detection of Moving Vehicles in Wide Area Motion Imagery
=> Robust detection of non-overlapping ellipses from points with applications to circular target extraction in images and cylinder detection in point clouds
=> Robust Detection of Paint Defects in Moulded Plastic Parts
=> Robust detection of people in thermal imagery
=> Robust detection of perceptually salient features on 3D meshes
=> Robust Detection of Region-Duplication Forgery in Digital Image
=> Robust detection of region boundaries in a sequence of images
=> Robust Detection of Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
=> Robust Detection of Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
=> Robust Detection of SAR/IR Targets via Invariance
=> Robust detection of semantically equivalent visually dissimilar objects
=> Robust detection of single-frame defects in archived film
=> Robust Detection of Single and Double Persistent Scatterers in Urban Built Environments
=> Robust detection of skewed symmetries by combining local and semi-local affine invariants
=> Robust Detection of Skewed Symmetries
=> Robust Detection of Straight and Circular Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
=> Robust detection of stylized text events in digital video
=> Robust Detection of Surface Anomaly Using Lidar Point Cloud With Intensity
=> Robust Detection of Water Sensitive Papers
=> Robust detection system of illegal lane changes based on tracking of feature points
=> Robust detection, classification and positioning of traffic signs from street-level panoramic images for inventory purposes
=> Robust Detector for Distorted Music Staves, A
=> Robust detectors of rotationally symmetric shapes based on novel semi-shape signatures
=> Robust Determination of Rotation-Angles for Closed Regions Using Moments
=> Robust DFT-based filtering of pulse-like FM signals corrupted by impulsive noise
=> Robust DFT With High Breakdown Point for Complex-Valued Impulse Noise Environment
=> Robust Dichromatic Colour Constancy
=> Robust Dictionary Learning by Error Source Decomposition
=> Robust Differentiable SVD
=> Robust Differential Received Signal Strength Based Localization With Model Parameter Errors
=> Robust Diffusion Modeling Framework for Radar Camera 3D Object Detection, A
=> Robust Diffusion of Structural Flows for Volumetric Image Interpolation
=> robust digital audio watermarking based on statistics characteristics, A
=> Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fourier Slice Theorem
=> Robust digital image watermarking method against geometrical attacks
=> Robust Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Based Fusion, A
=> Robust Digital Watermarking Adopting 2D Barcode, A
=> Robust digital watermarking in color images
=> Robust Digital Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain
=> robust dimensionality reduction and matrix factorization framework for data clustering, A
=> Robust Dimensionality Reduction for Human Action Recognition
=> robust direct linear transformation for camera pose estimation using points, A
=> Robust Direct Visual Localisation using Normalised Information Distance
=> Robust direction estimation of gradient vector field for iris recognition
=> Robust Discontinuity-Preserving Model for Estimating Optical Flow
=> Robust Discontinuity Preserving Optical Flow Methods
=> Robust discrete code modeling for supervised hashing
=> Robust discrete wavelet-fan beam transforms-based colour image watermarking
=> Robust discriminant analysis using multi-directional projection pursuit
=> Robust Discrimination and Generation of Faces using Compact, Disentangled Embeddings
=> Robust Discriminative Metric Learning for Image Representation
=> Robust discriminative nonnegative dictionary learning for occluded face recognition
=> Robust Discriminative Projective Dictionary Pair Learning by Adaptive Representations
=> Robust Discriminative Response Map Fitting with Constrained Local Models
=> Robust Discriminative Subspace Learning for Person Reidentification
=> Robust Discriminative Tracking via Landmark-Based Label Propagation
=> Robust discriminative tracking via query-by-bagging
=> Robust discriminative tracking via structured prior regularization
=> Robust discriminative wire structure modeling with application to stent enhancement in fluoroscopy
=> Robust Disparity Estimation in Terrain Modeling for Spacecraft Navigation
=> Robust disparity estimation on sparse sampled light field images
=> Robust Disparity Maps with Uncertainties for 3D Surface Reconstruction or Ground Motion Inference
=> robust dissimilarity representation for writer-independent signature modelling, A
=> Robust Dissolve Detection Using Local Feature Tracking
=> robust distance measure for the retrieval of video objects, A
=> Robust Distance Measures for Face-Recognition Supporting Revocable Biometric Tokens.
=> Robust Distance Metric Learning via Bayesian Inference
=> Robust distance metric optimization driven GEPSVM classifier for pattern classification
=> Robust Distracter-Resistive Tracker via Learning a Multi-Component Discriminative Dictionary
=> Robust Distributed Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Based on Disturbance Observer
=> Robust Distributed Multiview Video Compression for Wireless Camera Networks
=> Robust Distributed Predictive Control of Waterborne AGVs: A Cooperative and Cost-Effective Approach
=> Robust DNA microarray image analysis
=> Robust DOA Estimation Against Mutual Coupling With Nested Array
=> Robust DOA Estimation in the Presence of Miscalibrated Sensors
=> Robust Document Image Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images
=> Robust Document Processing System Combining Image Segmentation with Content-based Document Compression, A
=> Robust Document Warping with Interpolated Vector Fields
=> Robust domain-adaptive discriminant analysis
=> Robust domain adaptation image classification via sparse and low rank representation
=> Robust Domain Adaptation on the L1-Grassmannian Manifold
=> Robust dominant color region detection and color-based applications for sports video
=> Robust Dominant Motion Estimation Using MPEG Information in Sport Sequences
=> Robust door detection in unfamiliar environments by combining edge and corner features
=> robust doorplate recognition system, A
=> Robust Downlink Transmit Optimization Under Quantized Channel Feedback via the Strong Duality for QCQP
=> robust downward-looking camera based velocity estimation with height compensation for mobile robots, A
=> Robust Drawing Recognition System Based On Contour Shape Analysis, A
=> Robust Driver Emotion Recognition Method Based on High-Purity Feature Separation, A
=> Robust DT CWT-Based DIBR 3D Video Watermarking Using Chrominance Embedding
=> Robust Dual-Platform GMTI Method against Nonuniform Clutter, A
=> Robust dual motion deblurring
=> Robust Dual Spatial Weighted Sparse Unmixing for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Robust dual watermarking algorithm for AVS video
=> Robust DWT-Based Compressed Domain Video Watermarking Technique, A
=> Robust Dynamic Bus Control: a Distributional Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach
=> Robust Dynamic Game-Based Control Framework for Integrated Torque Vectoring and Active Front-Wheel Steering System, A
=> Robust Dynamic Motion Estimation Over Time
=> Robust Dynamic Motion Estimation Over Time
=> Robust Dynamic Multi-Modal Data Fusion: A Model Uncertainty Perspective
=> robust dynamic niching genetic algorithm with niche migration for automatic clustering problem, A
=> robust dynamic programming algorithm to extract skyline in images for navigation, A
=> Robust Dynamic Radiance Fields
=> Robust Dynamic Super Resolution under Inaccurate Motion Estimation
=> Robust dynamical model for simultaneous registration and segmentation in a variational framework: A Bayesian approach
=> Robust e-NeRF: NeRF from Sparse & Noisy Events under Non-Uniform Motion
=> Robust ear identification using sparse representation of local texture descriptors
=> Robust Ear Recognition Using Gradient Ordinal Relationship Pattern
=> Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam, A
=> Robust ECG Biometrics by Fusing Temporal and Cepstral Information
=> Robust ECG biometrics using GNMF and sparse representation
=> Robust ECG Biometrics Using Two-Stage Model
=> Robust Edge-Based Corner Detector (EBCD), A
=> Robust Edge-Preserving Stereo Matching Method for Laparoscopic Images, A
=> Robust Edge-Stop Functions for Edge-Based Active Contour Models in Medical Image Segmentation
=> Robust Edge Aware Descriptor for Image Matching
=> Robust Edge Detection Approach in the Presence of High Impulse Noise Intensity Through Switching Adaptive Median and Fixed Weighted Mean Filtering, A
=> Robust edge detection in noisy images using an adaptive stochastic gradient technique
=> Robust Edge Detection Using Mumford-Shah Model and Binary Level Set Method
=> Robust Edge Detection
=> Robust edge detection
=> Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3-D Model Refinement Using Surface Parallax
=> Robust ego-motion estimation and 3d model refinement using depth based parallax model
=> Robust ego-motion estimation
=> Robust Egocentric Photo-realistic Facial Expression Transfer for Virtual Reality
=> Robust Egomotion Estimation from Affine Motion Parallax
=> Robust Egomotion Estimation from Affine Motion Parallax
=> Robust Egomotion Estimation from the Normal Flow Using Search Subspaces
=> robust eigen-decomposition framework for inexact graph-matching, A
=> robust eigenspace method for obtaining feature values in high-speed massively parallel vision systems, A
=> Robust Elastic-Net Subspace Representation
=> robust elastic and partial matching metric for face recognition, A
=> robust elastic net approach for feature learning, A
=> Robust ellipse and spheroid fitting
=> Robust ellipse detection based on hierarchical image pyramid and Hough transform
=> Robust ellipse detection via arc segmentation and classification
=> Robust ellipse detection with Gaussian mixture models
=> Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center
=> Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
=> Robust Ellipse Fitting Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models
=> Robust Ellipse Fitting via Half-Quadratic and Semidefinite Relaxation Optimization
=> Robust Ellipse Fitting With Laplacian Kernel Based Maximum Correntropy Criterion
=> Robust Ellipsoidal Model Fitting of Human Heads
=> robust elliptical head tracker, A
=> robust EM clustering algorithm for Gaussian mixture models, A
=> Robust embedding regression for semi-supervised learning
=> Robust Empirical Bayesian Reconstruction of Distributed Sources for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging
=> Robust Encoding of Local Ordinal Measures: A General Framework of Iris Recognition
=> Robust End-to-end Method for Parametric Curve Tracing via Soft Cosine-similarity-based Objective Function, A
=> Robust Endmember Extraction in the Presence of Anomalies
=> Robust energy-to-peak filtering with improved LMI representations
=> Robust Energy Calibration Technique for Photon Counting Spectral Detectors
=> Robust Energy Management of High-Speed Railway Co-Phase Traction Substation With Uncertain PV Generation and Traction Load
=> Robust Energy Minimization Algorithm for MS-Lesion Segmentation, A
=> Robust Energy Minimization for BRDF-Invariant Shape from Light Fields
=> robust enhancement system based on observer-backstepping controller, A
=> Robust Ensemble Model For Parasitic Egg Detection And Classification, A
=> Robust ensemble person reidentification via orthogonal fusion with occlusion handling
=> Robust Environment-Aware Driver Profiling Framework Using Ensemble Supervised Learning, A
=> Robust epipolar geometry estimation using noisy pose priors
=> Robust Equivariant Imaging: A fully unsupervised framework for learning to image from noisy and partial measurements
=> Robust Equivariant Imaging: A fully unsupervised framework for learning to image from noisy and partial measurements
=> Robust Error Concealment Algorithm Using Iterative Weighted Boundary Matching Criterion
=> robust error concealment technique using data hiding for image and video transmission over lossy channels, A
=> Robust Error Detection Mechanism for H.264/AVC Coded Video Sequences Based on Support Vector Machines, A
=> Robust Error Metric Analysis for Noise Estimation in Image Indexing
=> Robust Estimating Three-Dimensional Ground Motions from Fusion of InSAR and GPS Measurements
=> Robust Estimation Approach for Blind Denoising
=> Robust Estimation Approach for NL-Means Filter
=> Robust Estimation for an Inverse Problem Arising in Multiview Geometry
=> Robust estimation for image noise based on eigenvalue distributions of large sample covariance matrices
=> Robust Estimation for Motion Parameters
=> Robust Estimation for Range Image Segmentation and Reconstruction
=> Robust estimation for sparse data
=> Robust Estimation in Signal Processing: A Tutorial-Style Treatment of Fundamental Concepts
=> Robust Estimation in the Presence of Spatially Coherent Outliers
=> Robust Estimation Method of Interferometric Phase Based on Weighted Subspace Fitting, A
=> Robust Estimation of 3D Human Poses from a Single Image
=> Robust Estimation of Absolute Camera Pose via Intersection Constraint and Flow Consensus
=> Robust Estimation of Adaptive Tensors of Curvature by Tensor Voting
=> Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
=> Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
=> Robust Estimation of Amplitude Modification for Scalar Costa Scheme Based Audio Watermark Detection
=> Robust estimation of BRDF model parameters
=> Robust Estimation of Camera Motion Using Optical Flow Models
=> Robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for video composition
=> Robust estimation of camera rotation, translation and focal length at high outlier rates
=> Robust estimation of camera translation between two images using a camera with a 3d orientation sensor
=> Robust Estimation Of Correlation With Applications To Computer Vision
=> Robust Estimation of Curvature along Digital Contours with Global Optimization
=> Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description
=> Robust Estimation of Depth and Motion Using Stochastic Approximation
=> Robust Estimation of Displacement in Real-Time Freehand Ultrasound Strain Imaging
=> Robust estimation of distance between sets of points
=> Robust Estimation of Egomotion from Normal Flow
=> Robust estimation of foreground in surveillance videos by sparse error estimation
=> Robust estimation of gaussian mixtures from noisy input data
=> Robust estimation of HMM parameters using fuzzy vector quantization and Parzen's window
=> Robust Estimation of Knee Kinematics After Total Knee Arthroplasty with Evolutional Computing Approach
=> Robust estimation of local affine maps and its applications to image matching
=> Robust Estimation of Motion and Structure Using a Discrete h8 Filter
=> Robust Estimation of Motion Blur Kernel Using a Piecewise-Linear Model
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Local Dips via Multidirectional Component Analysis
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Models in the Structure from Motion Domain
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow-Fields, The
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow-Fields, The
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow-Fields, The
=> Robust Estimation of Multiple Surface Shapes from Occluded Textures
=> Robust Estimation of Nonrigid Transformation for Point Set Registration
=> Robust Estimation of Pigment Distributions from Multiband Skin Images and Its Application to Realistic Skin Image Synthesis
=> Robust Estimation of Planar Rigid Body Motion in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
=> Robust Estimation of Reflectance Functions from Polarization
=> Robust Estimation of Rigid-Body 3-D Motion Parameters Based on Point Correspondences
=> Robust Estimation of Rotation Angles from Image Sequences Using the Annealing M-Estimator
=> Robust estimation of shape and polarisation using blind source separation
=> Robust estimation of shape parameters
=> Robust Estimation of Stem Cell Lineages Using Local Graph Matching
=> Robust Estimation of Surface Curvature from Deformation of Apparent Contours
=> Robust Estimation of Surface Curvature from Deformation of Apparent Contours
=> Robust estimation of surface properties and interpolation of shadow/specularity components
=> Robust Estimation of Texture Flow via Dense Feature Sampling
=> Robust estimation of the fundamental matrix
=> Robust estimation of trifocal tensor using messy genetic algorithm
=> Robust estimation of ultrasound pulses using outlier-resistant de-noising
=> Robust Estimation of Unbalanced Mixture Models on Samples with Outliers
=> Robust Estimation of Upscaling Factor on Double JPEG Compressed Images
=> Robust Estimators for Multipass SAR Interferometry
=> Robust Euclidean Alignment of 3D Point Sets: The Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
=> Robust Evaluation of Diffusion-Based Adversarial Purification
=> Robust Event-Based Vision Model Estimation by Dispersion Minimisation
=> Robust event detection by radial reach filter (RRF)
=> Robust evidence-based object tracking
=> Robust Evidential Multisource Data Fusion Approach Based on Cooperative Game Theory and Its Application in EEG, A
=> robust evolutionary algorithm for the recovery of rational Gielis curves, A
=> Robust experience replay sampling for multi-agent reinforcement learning
=> Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based attribution methods for deep neural networks
=> Robust Explanations for Visual Question Answering
=> Robust Expression-Invariant Face Recognition from Partially Missing Data
=> Robust Expression Recognition Using ResNet with a Biologically-Plausible Activation Function
=> Robust extension of light fields with probable 3D distribution based on iterative scene estimation from multi-focus images
=> Robust Extraction and Super-Resolution of Low-Resolution Flying Airplane From Satellite Video
=> Robust extraction of 1D skeletons from grayscale 3D images
=> Robust Extraction of 3D Line Segment Features from Unorganized Building Point Clouds
=> Robust Extraction of Ancient Burial Mounds in Brushland from Laser Scanning Data
=> Robust Extraction of Characters from Color Scene Image Using Mathematical Morphology
=> Robust Extraction of Eyes from Face
=> Robust extraction of image correspondences exploiting the image scene geometry and approximate camera orientation
=> Robust Extraction of Low Contrast Edges using Clustering-based Segmentation and Refinement
=> Robust Extraction of Optic Flow Differentials for Surface Reconstruction
=> Robust extraction of planar and quadric surfaces from range images
=> Robust Extraction of Secret Bits from Minutiae
=> Robust Extraction of Soil Characteristics Using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS
=> Robust Extraction of Statistics from Images of Material Fragmentation
=> Robust Extraction of Text from Camera Images
=> Robust Extraction of Text in Video
=> Robust extraction of urinary stones from CT data using attribute filters
=> Robust Extrema Features for Time-Series Data Analysis
=> Robust extrinsic calibration from pedestrians
=> Robust Eye Blink Detection Using Dual Embedding Video Vision Transformer
=> Robust Eye Detection Method in Facial Region, A
=> robust eye detection method using combined binary edge and intensity information, A
=> Robust Eye Detection under Active Infrared Illumination
=> Robust eye detection using deeply-learned gaze shifting path
=> Robust Eye Gaze Estimation
=> robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model, A
=> Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker
=> robust eyelash detection based on iris focus assessment, A
=> Robust eyelid tracking for fatigue detection
=> Robust eyelid, eyelash and shadow localization for iris recognition
=> Robust fabric defect detection and classification using multiple adaptive wavelets
=> Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification
=> Robust Face-Tracking Using Skin Color and Facial Shape
=> Robust face-voice based speaker identity verification using multilevel fusion
=> Robust face alignment and tracking by combining local search and global fitting
=> Robust Face Alignment Based on Hierarchical Classifier Network
=> Robust face alignment by dual-attentional spatial-aware capsule networks
=> Robust Face Alignment by Multi-Order High-Precision Hourglass Network
=> Robust Face Alignment for Illumination and Pose Invariant Face Recognition
=> Robust Face Alignment Under Occlusion via Regional Predictive Power Estimation
=> Robust Face Alignment Using a Mixture of Invariant Experts
=> Robust Face Alignment via Deep Progressive Reinitialization and Adaptive Error-Driven Learning
=> Robust Face Alignment via Inherent Relation Learning and Uncertainty Estimation
=> Robust face alignment with cascaded coarse-to-fine auto-encoder network
=> Robust Face Alignment with Random Forest: Analysis of Initialization, Landmarks Regression, and Shape Regularization Methods
=> Robust face analysis using convolutional neural networks
=> robust face and ear based multimodal biometric system using sparse representation, A
=> Robust Face Anti-Spoofing Framework with Convolutional Vision Transformer
=> Robust face anti-spoofing using CNN with LBP and WLD
=> Robust Face Clustering Via Tensor Decomposition
=> Robust face detection and hand posture recognition in color images for human-machine interaction
=> Robust Face Detection and Japanese Sign Language Hand Posture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction in an Intelligent Room
=> Robust face detection at video frame rate based on edge orientation features
=> Robust face detection for different chromatic illuminations
=> robust face detection system for real environments, A
=> Robust face detection using Gabor filter features
=> Robust face detection using local gradient patterns and evidence accumulation
=> Robust Face Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance
=> Robust Face Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance
=> Robust Face Detection via Learning Small Faces on Hard Images
=> Robust Face Detection with Multi-Class Boosting
=> robust face detector under partial occlusion, A
=> Robust face feature analysis for automatic speechreading and character animation
=> Robust Face Frontalization For Visual Speech Recognition*
=> Robust face hallucination using ensemble of feature-based regression functions and classifiers
=> Robust face hallucination using quantization-adaptive dictionaries
=> Robust Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained Bi-Layer Representation
=> Robust Face Identification against Lighting Fluctuation for Lock Control
=> Robust Face Image Super-Resolution via Joint Learning of Subdivided Contextual Model
=> Robust Face Landmark Estimation under Occlusion
=> Robust Face Matching Under Large Occlusions
=> Robust face pose classification method based on geometry-preserving visual phrase
=> Robust Face Pose Estimation from Insufficient Data
=> Robust Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery Using Local Region Analysis
=> Robust Face Recognition After Plastic Surgery Using Region-Based Approaches
=> robust face recognition approach through symbolic modeling of Polar FFT features, A
=> Robust face recognition based on dynamic rank representation
=> Robust face recognition based on iterative sparse coding and pixel selection
=> Robust Face Recognition Based on Part-Based Localized Basis Images
=> Robust face recognition by combining projection-based image correction and decomposed eigenface
=> Robust Face Recognition by Multiscale Kernel Associative Memory Models Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Domain Gabor Transforms
=> Robust Face Recognition by Sparse Local Features from a Single Image under Occlusion
=> Robust face recognition for occluded real-world images using constrained probabilistic sparse network
=> Robust Face Recognition for Uncontrolled Pose and Illumination Changes
=> Robust face recognition from 2D and 3D images using structural Hausdorff distance
=> Robust Face Recognition from Images with Varying Pose
=> Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
=> Robust Face Recognition in the Presence of Clutter
=> Robust Face Recognition Strategies Using Feed-Forward Architectures and Parts
=> Robust face recognition under lighting variations
=> Robust face recognition under partial occlusion based on support vector machine with local Gaussian summation kernel
=> Robust Face Recognition under Various Illumination Conditions
=> Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination and Occlusion Considering Structured Sparsity
=> Robust face recognition using 2D and 3D data: Pose and illumination compensation
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Filters with Bijective-Mapping Preprocessing
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Block-Based Bag of Words
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Color Information
=> Robust face recognition using locally adaptive sparse representation
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gabor Features and Local Similarity Matching
=> Robust face recognition using posterior union model based neural networks
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Facial Trait Code
=> Robust face recognition using sparse representation in LDA space
=> Robust Face Recognition Using Symmetric Shape-from-Shading
=> Robust face recognition using the GAP feature
=> Robust Face Recognition via Accurate Face Alignment and Sparse Representation
=> Robust Face Recognition via Adaptive Sparse Representation
=> Robust face recognition via double low-rank matrix recovery for feature extraction
=> Robust Face Recognition via Minimum Error Entropy-Based Atomic Representation
=> Robust Face Recognition via Multimodal Deep Face Representation
=> Robust face recognition via non-linear correlation filter bank
=> Robust face recognition via occlusion dictionary learning
=> Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation
=> Robust Face Recognition With Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Group Sparsity Representation
=> Robust face recognition with partial occlusion, illumination variation and limited training data by optimal feature selection
=> Robust face recognition with structural binary gradient patterns
=> Robust Face Recognition With Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
=> Robust Face Representation Using Hybrid Spatial Feature Interdependence Matrix
=> Robust Face Sketch Recognition Using Locality Sensitive Histograms
=> Robust Face Sketch Style Synthesis
=> Robust Face Super-Resolution via Position Relation Model Based on Global Face Context
=> Robust face tracking by integration of two separate trackers: Skin color and facial shape
=> Robust Face Tracking using Color
=> Robust Face Tracking Using Motion Prediction in Adaptive Particle Filters
=> Robust face tracking using multiple appearance models and graph relational learning
=> Robust Face Tracking via Collaboration of Generic and Specific Models
=> Robust face tracking with a consumer depth camera
=> Robust Face Tracking with Locally-Adaptive Correlation Filtering
=> Robust face tracking with occlusion detection and varying intensity
=> Robust faces manifold modeling: Most expressive vs. most Sparse criterion
=> Robust facet model for application to speckle noise removal
=> Robust facial action recognition from real-time 3D streams
=> Robust Facial Alignment with Internal Denoising Auto-Encoder
=> Robust facial expression classification using shape and appearance features
=> Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification
=> Robust Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dual Branch Multi-feature Learning
=> Robust Facial Expression Recognition for MuCI: A Comprehensive Neuromuscular Signal Analysis
=> Robust facial expression recognition system based on hidden Markov models
=> Robust facial expression recognition using a state-based model of spatially-localised facial dynamics
=> Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using Revised Canonical Correlation
=> Robust facial expression tracking based on composite constraints AAM
=> Robust Facial Feature Detection and Tracking for Head Pose Estimation in a Novel Multimodal Interface for Social Skills Learning
=> robust facial feature detection on mobile robot platform, A
=> Robust Facial Feature Localization by Coupled Features
=> Robust Facial Feature Localization by Coupled Features
=> Robust Facial Feature Localization using Data-Driven Semi-supervised Learning Approach
=> Robust Facial Feature Location on Gray Intensity Face
=> robust facial feature tracking system, A
=> Robust Facial Feature Tracking Under Various Illuminations
=> Robust facial feature tracking under varying face pose and facial expression
=> Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Selected Multi-resolution Linear Predictors
=> Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Shape-Constrained Multiresolution-Selected Linear Predictors
=> Robust Facial Feature Tracking
=> Robust facial landmark detection by probability-guided hourglass network
=> robust facial landmark detection method in multi-views, A
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection Under Significant Head Poses and Occlusion
=> Robust facial landmark detection using mixture of discriminative visibility-aware models
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection via a Fully-Convolutional Local-Global Context Network
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Aggregation on Geometrically Manipulated Faces
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Heatmap-Offset Regression
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Occlusion-Adaptive Deep Networks
=> Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-Refinement Networks
=> Robust Facial Landmark Localization Using LBP Histogram Correlation Based Initialization
=> Robust facial landmark localization using multi partial features
=> Robust facial landmark tracking via cascade regression
=> Robust Facial Landmarking for Registration
=> Robust Facial Pose Estimation Using Landmark Selection Method for Binocular Stereo Vision
=> Robust facial profile recognition
=> Robust Factorisation with Uncertainty Analysis
=> Robust Factorization Methods Using a Gaussian/Uniform Mixture Model
=> Robust Factorization
=> robust faint line detection and enhancement algorithm for mural images, A
=> Robust Fake Iris Detection
=> Robust Fall Detection by Combining 3D Data and Fuzzy Logic
=> Robust Fall Detection Using Human Shape and Multi-class Support Vector Machine
=> Robust False Positive Detection for Real-Time Multi-target Tracking
=> Robust fast corner detector based on filled circle and outer ring mask
=> Robust Fast Extraction of Video Objects Combining Frame Differences and Adaptive Reference Image
=> Robust Fastener Detection for Autonomous Visual Railway Track Inspection
=> Robust FastSLAM Algorithm for Mobile Robot with an Adaptive Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter
=> Robust Fault-Tolerant Estimation of Sideslip and Roll Angles for Distributed Drive Electric Buses With Stochastic Passenger Mass
=> Robust fault-tolerant H 8 output feedback control of active suspension and dynamic vibration absorber with finite-frequency constraint
=> Robust fault detection observer design for LPV systems
=> Robust Feature-Guided Generative Adversarial Network for Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation against Backdoor Attacks
=> Robust Feature-Preserving Denoising of 3D Point Clouds
=> robust feature-preserving semi-regular remeshing method for triangular meshes, A
=> Robust feature correspondences from a large set of unsorted wide baseline images
=> Robust Feature Descriptors for Efficient Vision-Based Tracking
=> Robust Feature Descriptors for Object Segmentation Using Active Shape Models
=> Robust feature detection based on local variation for image retrieval
=> Robust Feature Detection for Facial Expression Recognition
=> Robust Feature Evaluation For Multisensory Computer Vision
=> Robust feature extraction algorithm suitable for real-time embedded applications
=> Robust feature extraction and salvage schemes for finger texture based biometrics
=> Robust feature extraction based on run-length compensation for degraded handwritten character recognition
=> Robust Feature Extraction Based Watermarking Method Using Spread Transform Dither Modulation
=> robust feature extraction framework for face recognition, A
=> Robust Feature Extraction Technique for Texture Image Retrieval
=> Robust Feature Extraction via L_inf-Norm Based Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition
=> Robust Feature Learning Against Noisy Labels
=> Robust Feature Learning and Global Variance-Driven Classifier Alignment for Long-Tail Class Incremental Learning
=> Robust Feature Learning and Global Variance-Driven Classifier Alignment for Long-Tail Class Incremental Learning
=> Robust feature matching across widely separated color images
=> Robust Feature Matching Approach for Photography Originality Test, A
=> Robust feature matching by learning descriptor covariance with viewpoint synthesis
=> Robust Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration via Guided Hyperplane Fitting
=> Robust Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration via Linear Adaptive Filtering
=> Robust Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration via Locally Linear Transforming
=> Robust feature matching in 2.3µs
=> Robust Feature Matching in Long-Running Poor-Quality Videos
=> Robust Feature Matching Method for SAR and Optical Images by Using Gaussian-Gamma-Shaped Bi-Windows-Based Descriptor and Geometric Constraint
=> Robust feature matching using guided local outlier factor
=> Robust Feature Matching Using Spatial Clustering With Heavy Outliers
=> Robust feature matching via Gaussian field criterion for remote sensing image registration
=> Robust feature matching via neighborhood manifold representation consensus
=> Robust feature matching via progressive smoothness consensus
=> Robust feature matching via support-line voting and affine-invariant ratios
=> Robust Feature Matching with Alternate Hough and Inverted Hough Transforms
=> Robust Feature Matching with Spatial Smoothness Constraints
=> Robust feature point matching based on geometric consistency and affine invariant spatial constraint
=> Robust feature point matching by preserving local geometric consistency
=> Robust Feature Point Matching With Sparse Model
=> Robust Feature Representation for Efficient Camera Registration
=> Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling
=> Robust Feature Selection for Object Recognition using Uncertain 2D Image Data
=> Robust feature selection in resting-state fMRI connectivity based on population studies
=> Robust feature selection via central point link information and sparse latent representation
=> Robust feature selection via L2,1-norm in finite mixture of regression
=> Robust feature selection with self-matching score
=> Robust Feature Set Matching for Partial Face Recognition
=> robust feature tracker for active surveillance of outdoor scenes, A
=> Robust Feature Tracking in DVS Event Stream using Bézier Mapping
=> Robust feature vector for efficient human detection
=> Robust Features for Computer Vision
=> Robust Features for Computer Vision
=> Robust Features for Frontal Face Authentication in Difficult Image Conditions
=> Robust Features for Snapshot Hyperspectral Terrain-Classification
=> Robust features for textures in additive noise
=> Robust FEC-CNN: A High Accuracy Facial Landmark Detection System
=> Robust Federated Averaging via Outlier Pruning
=> Robust federated learning under statistical heterogeneity via Hessian spectral decomposition
=> Robust Federated Learning with Noisy and Heterogeneous Clients
=> Robust Feedback Active Noise Control System With Online Secondary-Path Modeling, A
=> Robust FFT-Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration with Image Gradients
=> Robust Figure Extraction on Textured Background: A Game-Theoretic Approach
=> Robust Filter-Based Visual Navigation Solution with Miscalibrated Bi-Monocular or Stereo Cameras
=> Robust Filtering Technique for Reduction of Temporal Fluctuation in H.264 Video Sequences
=> Robust Fine-Grained Visual Recognition With Neighbor-Attention Label Correction
=> Robust fine-tuning of zero-shot models
=> robust fine granularity scalability using trellis-based predictive leak, A
=> Robust Fingerprint Authentication Using Local Structural Similarity
=> Robust fingerprint classification with Bayesian convolutional networks
=> Robust fingerprint identification
=> robust fingerprint matching algorithm using local alignment, A
=> Robust Fingerprint Matching Approach: Growing and Fusing of Local Structures, A
=> Robust Fingerprint Matching Method, A
=> Robust Fingerprint Matching Method, A
=> Robust Fingerprint Matching Using Spiral Partitioning Scheme
=> Robust Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Algorithm Based on the Support Model, A
=> Robust fingerprint verification for enhancing security in healthcare system
=> Robust Fingertip Detection in a Complex Environment
=> Robust first quantization matrix estimation based on filtering of recompression artifacts for non-aligned double compressed JPEG images
=> Robust Fish Enumeration by Multiple Object Tracking in Overhead Videos
=> Robust Fitting by Adaptive-Scale Residual Consensus
=> Robust Fitting for Multiple View Geometry
=> Robust Fitting in Computer Vision: Easy or Hard?
=> Robust Fitting in Computer Vision: Easy or Hard?
=> Robust fitting of 3D CAD models to video streams
=> Robust Fitting of 3D Objects by Affinely Transformed Superellipsoids Using Normalization
=> Robust Fitting of a Point Distribution Model of the Prostate Using Genetic Algorithms
=> Robust Fitting of Circle Arcs
=> Robust Fitting of Ellipsoids by Separating Interior and Exterior Points During Optimization
=> Robust Fitting of Implicit Polynomials with Quantized Coefficients to 2d Data
=> Robust fitting of implicitly defined surfaces using Gauss-Newton-type techniques
=> Robust fitting of multiple structures: The statistical learning approach
=> Robust Fitting of Subdivision Surfaces for Smooth Shape Analysis
=> Robust Fitting with Truncated Least Squares: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
=> Robust Fixed Frequency Invariant Beamformer Design Subject to Norm-Bounded Errors
=> Robust Fixed Rank Kriging Method for Improving the Spatial Completeness and Accuracy of Satellite SST Products, A
=> Robust flash deblurring
=> robust flash image shadow detection method and seamless recovery of shadow regions, A
=> Robust focal length estimation based on minimal solution method
=> Robust Focal Length Estimation by Voting in Multi-view Scene Reconstruction
=> Robust Focus Ranging
=> Robust Focus Volume Regularization in Shape From Focus
=> Robust Focused Image Estimation from Multiple Images in Video Sequences
=> Robust Focusing using Orientation Code Matching
=> Robust footstep counting and traveled distance calculation by mobile phones incorporating camera geometry
=> Robust footstep identification system based on acoustic local features
=> Robust Foreground and Abandonment Analysis for Large-Scale Abandoned Object Detection in Complex Surveillance Videos
=> Robust Foreground Detection In Video Using Pixel Layers
=> Robust Foreground Detection In Video Using Pixel Layers
=> Robust Foreground Detection in Videos Using Adaptive Color Histogram Thresholding and Shadow Removal
=> Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints
=> Robust Foreground Estimation via Structured Gaussian Scale Mixture Modeling
=> Robust Foreground Extraction Technique Using Gaussian Family Model and Multiple Thresholds
=> Robust Foreground Object Segmentation via Adaptive Region-Based Background Modelling
=> Robust Forensic Hash Component for Image Alignment, A
=> Robust Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotors With Nonlinearities and Disturbances
=> Robust Fourier-Based Image Alignment with Gradient Complex Image
=> Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral Histogram
=> Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes
=> Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes
=> Robust Frame-to-Frame Hybrid Matching
=> Robust Framework for 2D Human Pose Tracking with Spatial and Temporal Constraints, A
=> robust framework for aligning lecture slides with video, A
=> Robust Framework for Covariance Classification in Heterogeneous Polarimetric SAR Images and Its Application to L-Band Data, A
=> Robust Framework For Eigenspace Image Reconstruction, A
=> robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
=> robust framework for multiview age estimation, A
=> Robust Framework for One-Shot Key Information Extraction via Deep Partial Graph Matching, A
=> robust framework for region based video object segmentation, A
=> Robust Framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Multiple Non-Repetitive Scanning Lidars, A
=> robust framework for tracking simultaneously rigid and non-rigid face using synthesized data, A
=> Robust Framework of Single-Frame Face Superresolution Across Head Pose, Facial Expression, and Illumination Variations
=> Robust Free-Viewpoint Video System for Sport Scenes, A
=> Robust free space segmentation using active contours and monocular omnidirectional vision
=> Robust Frequency-Domain-Based Graph Adaptive Network for Parkinson's Disease Detection From Gait Data, A
=> Robust Frequency and Phase Estimation for Three-Phase Power Systems Using a Bank of Kalman Filters
=> Robust Frequency Domain Audio Watermarking: A Tuning Analysis
=> Robust Fringe Projection Profilometry via Sparse Representation
=> robust front page detection algorithm for large periodical collections, A
=> Robust frontal face detection in complex environment
=> Robust frontal view search using extended manifold learning
=> Robust frontal view search using multi-camera constrained Isomap
=> Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
=> Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
=> Robust Fundamental Frequency Estimation Combining Contrast Enhancement and Feature Unbiasing
=> Robust Fusion Algorithm for Sensor Failure, A
=> Robust Fusion for Multisensor Multiobject Tracking
=> Robust Fusion of Color and Depth Data for RGB-D Target Tracking Using Adaptive Range-Invariant Depth Models and Spatio-Temporal Consistency Constraints
=> Robust fusion of color and local descriptors for image retrieval and classification
=> Robust Fusion of Colour Appearance Models for Object Tracking
=> Robust fusion of dynamic shape and normal capture for high-quality reconstruction of time-varying geometry
=> Robust Fusion of Irregularly Sampled Data Using Adaptive Normalized Convolution
=> Robust Fusion of Multi-Source Images for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Complex Urban Scenes
=> Robust Fusion of Uncertain Information
=> Robust fusion using boosting and transduction for component-based face recognition
=> Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization
=> Robust Fussed Lasso Model for Recurrent Copy Number Variation Detection
=> robust fuzzy-bilateral filtering method and its application to video deinterlacing, A
=> Robust Fuzzy Algorithm Based on Student's t-Distribution and Mean Template for Image Segmentation Application, A
=> Robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm using non-parametric Bayesian estimation in wavelet transform domain for noisy MR brain image segmentation
=> Robust fuzzy clustering for multiple instance regression
=> Robust fuzzy clustering using mixtures of Student's-t distributions
=> Robust fuzzy local information and -norm distance-based image segmentation method
=> Robust Fuzzy Local Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm, A
=> Robust Fuzzy Neural Network Model for Soil Lead Estimation from Spectral Features, A
=> Robust fuzzy relational classifier incorporating the soft class labels
=> Robust fuzzy scheme for Gaussian denoising of 3D color video
=> Robust fuzzy statistical modeling of dynamic backgrounds in IR videos
=> Robust Gain-Scheduling Path Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Stochastic Network-Induced Delay
=> Robust gait-based gender classification using depth cameras
=> Robust Gait-Based Person Identification against Walking Speed Variations
=> Robust Gait Recognition Against Speed Variation
=> Robust Gait Recognition by Integrating Inertial and RGBD Sensors
=> Robust Gait Recognition by Learning and Exploiting Sub-gait Characteristics
=> Robust Gait Recognition under Unconstrained Environments Using Hybrid Descriptions
=> Robust gait recognition using hybrid descriptors based on Skeleton Gait Energy Image
=> Robust gait recognition via discriminative set matching
=> Robust gait recognition: a comprehensive survey
=> Robust Game-Theoretic Inlier Selection for Bundle Adjustment
=> Robust GAN-Generated Face Detection Method Based on Dual-Color Spaces and an Improved Xception, A
=> Robust Gaussian Approximate Fixed-Interval Smoother for Nonlinear Systems With Heavy-Tailed Process and Measurement Noises, A
=> Robust Gaussian Approximate Fixed-Interval Smoother With Outlier Detection
=> Robust Gaussian Kalman Filter With Outlier Detection
=> Robust Gaussian process regression with a bias model
=> robust gaze detection method by compensating for facial movements based on corneal specularities, A
=> Robust gaze estimation based on adaptive fusion of multiple cameras
=> Robust gender classification using a precise patch histogram
=> Robust gender recognition by exploiting facial attributes dependencies
=> Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
=> Robust Generalization Against Photon-Limited Corruptions via Worst-Case Sharpness Minimization
=> Robust Generalized Low-Rank Decomposition of Multimatrices for Image Recovery
=> Robust geodesic based outlier detection for class imbalance problem
=> Robust Geodesic Regression
=> Robust Geodesic Skeleton Estimation from Body Single Depth
=> Robust geometric LP-norm feature pooling for image classification and action recognition
=> Robust Geometric Matching for 3D Object Recognition
=> Robust Geometric Model Estimation Based on Scaled Welsch q-Norm
=> Robust Geometry-Dependent Attack for 3D Point Clouds
=> Robust Geometry-Preserving Depth Estimation Using Differentiable Rendering
=> Robust Geometry Estimation Using the Generalized Voronoi Covariance Measure
=> robust gesture recognition based on depth data, A
=> robust gesture recognition using hand local data and skeleton trajectory, A
=> Robust glacier displacements using knowledge-based image matching
=> Robust global and local color matching in stereoscopic omnidirectional content
=> robust global and local mixture distance based non-rigid point set registration, A
=> Robust Global Mosaic Topology Estimation for Real-Time Applications
=> Robust Global Motion Compensation in Presence of Predominant Foreground
=> Robust global motion estimation and novel updating strategy for sprite generation
=> Robust Global Motion Estimation Oriented to Video Object Segmentation
=> Robust Global Motion Estimation Using a Simplified M-estimator Approach
=> Robust global motion estimation using motion vectors of variable size blocks and automatic motion model selection
=> Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
=> Robust global registration of point clouds by closed-form solution in the frequency domain
=> Robust Global Registration through Geodesic Paths on an Empirical Manifold with Knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
=> Robust global tracker based on an online estimation of tracklet descriptor reliability
=> Robust global translation averaging with feature tracks
=> Robust Global Translations with 1DSfM
=> Robust GMTI Scheme for Highly Squinted Hypersonic Vehicle-Borne Multichannel SAR in Dive Mode
=> Robust GNSS-denied localization for UAV using particle filter and visual odometry
=> Robust GNSS Positioning Using Unbiased Finite Impulse Response Filter
=> Robust GNSS Receivers by Array Signal Processing: Theory and Implementation
=> Robust GNSS/PDR Integration Scheme with GRU-Based Zero-Velocity Detection for Mass-Pedestrians, A
=> Robust GPU-assisted camera tracking using free-form surface models
=> Robust Gradient-Based 3-D/2-D Registration of CT and MR to X-Ray Images
=> Robust Gradual Scene Change Detection
=> Robust Graph-Based Method for The General Correspondence Problem Demonstrated on Image Stitching, A
=> Robust Graph-Based Segmentation of Noisy Point Clouds
=> Robust graph-cut scene segmentation and reconstruction for free-viewpoint video of complex dynamic scenes
=> Robust graph fusion and recognition framework for fingerprint and finger-vein
=> Robust Graph Learning From Noisy Data
=> Robust Graph Neural Diffusion for Image Matching
=> Robust graph regularised sparse matrix regression for two-dimensional supervised feature selection
=> Robust graph representation of images with underlying structural networks. Application to the classification of vascular networks of mice's colon
=> robust Graph Transformation Matching for non-rigid registration, A
=> Robust graticule intersection localization for rotated topographic maps
=> Robust GrayScale Distribution Estimation for Contactless Palmprint Recognition
=> Robust Grid Detection in Historical Map Images
=> Robust Ground Moving-Target Imaging Using Deramp-Keystone Processing
=> Robust Ground Plane Detection with Normalized Homography in Monocular Sequences from a Robot Platform
=> Robust Group-Sparse Representation Variational Method With Applications to Face Recognition, A
=> Robust grouping of intensity changes in outdoor scenes by a histogram and graph based method
=> Robust Guided Image Filtering Using Nonconvex Potentials
=> Robust guidewire tracking in fluoroscopy
=> Robust H-inf reliable control for a class of uncertain switched nonlinear systems
=> Robust H-inf state feedback control of networked control systems with congestion control
=> Robust H 8 state feedback control for handling stability of intelligent vehicles on a novel all-wheel independent steering mode
=> Robust H.263 Compatible Video Transmission for Mobile Access to Video Servers
=> Robust H.263 Video Communication over Mobile Channels
=> Robust H.263+ Video for Real-time Internet Applications
=> Robust H.263+ video transmission using partial backward decodable bit stream (PBDBS)
=> Robust H.264 Video Decoding Using CRC-Based Single Error Correction and Non-Desynchronizing Bits Validation
=> Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles With Delay and Data Dropout
=> Robust Hand-Eye Calibration of an Endoscopic Surgery Robot Using Dual Quaternions
=> Robust Hand Detection and Classification in Vehicles and in the Wild
=> Robust hand detection in Vehicles
=> Robust hand detection
=> Robust Hand Geometry Measurements for Person Identification using Active Appearance Models
=> Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/VR Applications
=> Robust Hand Pose Estimation Algorithm for Hand Rehabilitation, A
=> Robust Hand Pose Estimation during the Interaction with an Unknown Object
=> Robust hand tracking based on online learning and multi-cue flocks of features
=> Robust hand tracking using a skin tone and depth joint probability model
=> Robust Hand Tracking with Hough Forest and Multi-cue Flocks of Features
=> robust handwritten recognition system for learning on different data restriction scenarios, A
=> robust hardware algorithm for real-time object tracking in video sequences, A
=> Robust Harris-Laplace Detector by Scale Multiplication
=> Robust Harris Corner Matching Based on the Quasi-Homography Transform and Self-Adaptive Window for Wide-Baseline Stereo Images
=> Robust Hash for Detecting and Localizing Image Tampering
=> Robust hashing for multi-view data: Jointly learning low-rank kernelized similarity consensus and hash functions
=> Robust Hausdorff distance matching algorithms using pyramidal structures
=> Robust Hausdorff distance measure for face recognition
=> Robust Head-Pose Estimation Based on Partially-Latent Mixture of Linear Regressions
=> Robust Head-Shoulder Detection by PCA-Based Multilevel HOG-LBP Detector for People Counting
=> Robust Head-Shoulder Detection Using a Two-Stage Cascade Framework
=> Robust Head Detection and Tracking in Cluttered Workshop Environments Using GMM
=> Robust Head Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments Using AM-FM Representations
=> Robust Head Gestures Recognition for Assistive Technology
=> Robust Head Motion Computation by Taking Advantage of Physical Properties
=> Robust Head Pose Estimation by Machine Learning
=> robust head pose estimation system for uncalibrated monocular videos, A
=> Robust Head Pose Estimation Using LGBP
=> Robust Head Pose Estimation Using Supervised Manifold Learning
=> Robust head pose estimation using supervised manifold projection
=> Robust head pose estimation via Convex Regularized Sparse Regression
=> Robust Head Tracking Based on a Multi-State Particle Filter
=> Robust Head Tracking Based on Multiple Cues Fusion in the Kernel-Bayesian Framework
=> Robust head tracking using 3D ellipsoidal head model in particle filter
=> Robust Head Tracking with Particles Based on Multiple Cues Fusion
=> Robust Heart Rate Measurement from Video Using Select Random Patches
=> Robust Height Estimation of Moving Objects From Uncalibrated Videos
=> Robust heterogeneous discriminative analysis for face recognition with single sample per person
=> Robust Heterogeneous Federated Learning under Data Corruption
=> Robust Hidden Markov Gauss Mixture Vector Quantizer for a Noisy Source, A
=> Robust Hiding of Fingerprint-Biometric Data into Audio Signals
=> Robust Hierarchical-Optimization RLS Against Sparse Outliers
=> Robust Hierarchical Algorithm for Constructing a Mosaic from Images of the Curved Human Retina
=> Robust hierarchical motion estimation algorithm in noisy image sequences in the bispectrum domain, A
=> Robust hierarchical multiple hypothesis tracker for multiple object tracking
=> Robust hierarchical structure from motion for large-scale unstructured image sets
=> Robust Hierarchical Symbolic Explanations in Hyperbolic Space for Image Classification
=> Robust High-Accuracy Star Map Matching Algorithm for Dense Star Scenes, A
=> Robust High-Capacity Watermarking Over Online Social Network Shared Images
=> Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Low Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
=> Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Component Analysis for Image Representation
=> Robust high-order matched filter for hyperspectral target detection with quasi-Newton method
=> Robust high-quality interpolation of regions to moving regions
=> Robust High-Resolution Video Matting with Temporal Guidance
=> Robust High-Speed Melt Pool Measurements for Laser Welding with Sputter Detection Capability
=> Robust High Capacity Data Embedding
=> Robust High Dynamic Range (hdr) Imaging with Complex Motion and Parallax
=> Robust High Dynamic Range Imaging by Rank Minimization
=> Robust high resolution image spectral analysis
=> Robust Higher Order Potentials for Enforcing Label Consistency
=> Robust Higher Order Potentials for Enforcing Label Consistency
=> Robust Highlight Extraction Using Multi-Stream Hidden Markov Models for Baseball Video
=> Robust histogram-based image retrieval
=> Robust histogram construction from color invariants for object recognition
=> Robust Histogram Construction from Color Invariants
=> Robust Histogram Estimation Under Gaussian Noise
=> Robust Histogram Shape-Based Method for Image Watermarking
=> Robust Histopathology Image Analysis: To Label or to Synthesize?
=> robust hit-or-miss transform for template matching applied to very noisy astronomical images, A
=> robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh, A
=> Robust Homography-Based Control for Camera Positioning in Piecewise Planar Environments
=> Robust Homography-Based Trajectory Transformation for Multi-Camera Scene Analysis
=> Robust Homography Estimation from Local Affine Maps
=> Robust Homography Estimation from Planar Contours Based on Convexity
=> Robust Homography Estimation via Dual Principal Component Pursuit
=> Robust homography for real-time image un-distortion
=> Robust Horizon Detection Using Segmentation for UAV Applications
=> Robust HOSVD-Based Higher-Order Data Indexing and Retrieval
=> Robust Hough Transform Based 3D Reconstruction from Circular Light Fields
=> robust Hough transform technique for description of multiple line segments in an image, A
=> Robust Human-Computer Interaction for Unstable Camera Systems
=> Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocalization of Underwater Robots in Marine Data Science Applications
=> Robust Human Activity Recognition Approach Using OpenPose, Motion Features, and Deep Recurrent Neural Network, A
=> Robust human activity recognition from depth video using spatiotemporal multi-fused features
=> Robust human appearance matching across multi-cameras
=> Robust human authentication using appearance and holistic anthropometric features
=> Robust Human Behavior Modeling from Multiple Cameras
=> Robust Human Body Shape and Pose Tracking
=> Robust human detection through fusion of color and infrared video
=> Robust Human Detection to Pose and Occlusion Using Bag-of-Words
=> Robust Human Detection under Occlusion by Integrating Face and Person Detectors
=> Robust Human Detection Within a Highly Dynamic Aquatic Environment in Real Time
=> Robust human gesture recognition by leveraging multi-scale feature fusion
=> Robust human instance segmentation in a challenging forest environment
=> Robust Human Iris Verification Using a Novel Combination of Features, A
=> Robust Human Matting via Semantic Guidance
=> Robust human pose estimation from distorted wide-angle images through iterative search of transformation parameters
=> Robust Human Pose Recognition Using Unlabelled Markers
=> Robust Human Pose Tracking For Realistic Service Robot Applications
=> Robust human silhouette extraction with Laplacian fitting
=> Robust human tracking based on multi-cue integration and mean-shift
=> Robust Human Tracking to Occlusion in Crowded Scenes
=> Robust Hybrid Active Contour Model Based on Pre-Fitting Bias Field Correction for Fast Image Segmentation, A
=> robust hybrid approach for text line segmentation in historical documents, A
=> Robust hybrid color image watermarking method based on DFT domain and 2D histogram modification
=> Robust Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion, A
=> Robust Hybrid Filter Based on Evolutionary Intelligence and Fuzzy Evaluation, A
=> Robust Hybrid Finger Pattern Identification Using Intersection Enhanced Gabor Based Direction Coding
=> robust hybrid image-based modeling system, A
=> robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration, A
=> Robust Hybrid Visual Servoing of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator With Kinematic Uncertainties Using a Single Camera
=> Robust Hyperplane Fitting Based on k-th Power Deviation and a-Quantile
=> Robust Hyperspectral Classification Using Relevance Vector Machine
=> Robust Hyperspectral Image Classification by Multi-Layer Spatial-Spectral Sparse Representations
=> Robust hyperspectral image coding with channel-optimized trellis-coded quantization
=> Robust Hyperspectral Image Fusion Method for Unregistered Data, A
=> Robust Hyperspectral Image Target Detection Using an Inequality Constraint
=> Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing With Correntropy-Based Metric
=> Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing with Practical Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image Denoising
=> Robust hypothesis generation method using binary blob analysis for multi-lane detection
=> Robust hypothesis verification: Application to model-based object recognition
=> Robust ICP Registration Using Bi-unique Correspondence
=> Robust identification and matching of fiducial points for the reconstruction of 3D human faces from raw video sequences
=> robust identification approach to gait recognition, A
=> Robust identification of gradual shot-transition types
=> Robust Identification of Locally Planar Objects Represented by 2D Point Clouds under Affine Distortions
=> Robust Identification Scheme for JPEG XR Images with Various Compression Ratios, A
=> Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction
=> Robust image-adaptive watermarking using an adjustable dynamic strength factor
=> Robust Image-based 3d Face Recognition
=> Robust image-based crack detection in concrete structure using multi-scale enhancement and visual features
=> robust image-based method for 3D registration, A
=> Robust Image-Sequence-Based Framework for Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, A
=> Robust Image-to-Image Color Transfer Using Optimal Inlier Maximization
=> Robust Image Alignment Algorithm for Video Stabilization Purposes, A
=> Robust Image alignment using third-order global motion estimation
=> Robust image alignment with multiple feature descriptors and matching-guided neighborhoods
=> Robust Image Analysis With Sparse Representation on Quantized Visual Features
=> Robust Image and Video Dehazing with Visual Artifact Suppression via Gradient Residual Minimization
=> robust image authentication method distinguishing JPEG compression from malicious manipulation, A
=> Robust Image Based Face Recognition
=> Robust image classification based on a non-causal hidden markov gauss mixture model
=> Robust Image Classification via Low-Rank Double Dictionary Learning
=> Robust image clustering via context-aware contrastive graph learning
=> Robust Image Coding Based Upon Compressive Sensing
=> Robust image coding on synthetic DNA: Reducing sequencing noise with inpainting
=> Robust image compression-encryption via scrambled block bernoulli sampling with diffusion noise
=> Robust Image Compressive Sensing Based on Truncated Cauchy Loss and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
=> Robust image corner detection based on scale evolution difference of planar curves
=> Robust Image Corner Detection Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique
=> Robust Image Corner Detection Through Curvature Scale Space
=> Robust Image Deblurring Using Hyper Laplacian Model
=> Robust Image Deblurring With an Inaccurate Blur Kernel
=> Robust Image Denoising Method With Multiview Texture-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks, A
=> Robust image denoising using kernel-induced measures
=> Robust Image Description with Weighted and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern Features
=> Robust Image Enhancement Technique for Improving Image Visual Quality in Shadowed Scenes, A
=> Robust image filtering using joint static and dynamic guidance
=> Robust Image Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Local and Global Content Dependencies
=> robust image fingerprinting system using the Radon transform, A
=> Robust Image Fingerprinting via Distortion-Resistant Sparse Coding
=> Robust Image Forgery Detection over Online Social Network Shared Images
=> Robust image fusion with block sparse representation and online dictionary learning
=> Robust image hash in Radon transform domain for authentication
=> Robust Image Hashing Based on Radial Variance of Pixels
=> Robust Image Hashing Based on Random Gabor Filtering and Dithered Lattice Vector Quantization
=> Robust Image Hashing Based on Selective Quaternion Invariance
=> Robust image hashing using exact Gaussian-Hermite moments
=> Robust Image Hashing Using Higher Order Spectral Features
=> Robust image hashing via colour vector angles and discrete wavelet transform
=> Robust Image Hashing With Isomap and Saliency Map for Copy Detection
=> Robust image hashing with visual attention model and invariant moments
=> Robust Image Hashing
=> Robust Image Identification with DC Coefficients for Double-Compressed JPEG Images
=> Robust image identification with secure features for JPEG images
=> Robust Image Identification without Visible Information for JPEG Images
=> Robust Image Matching under Partial Occlusion and Spatially Varying Illumination Change
=> Robust image matching via local graph structure consensus
=> Robust Image Matching with Line Context
=> Robust image metamorphosis immune from ghost and blur
=> Robust image modeling on image processing
=> Robust Image Mosaicing of Soccer Videos using Self-Calibration and Line Tracking
=> Robust Image Outpainting With Learnable Image Margins
=> Robust Image Processing Approach Used to ALV Road Following, A
=> Robust image processing for remote sensing data
=> Robust Image Processing Language in the Context of Image Algebra, A
=> Robust image recapture detection using a K-SVD learning approach to train dictionaries of edge profiles
=> Robust Image Reconstruction for Block-Based Compressed Sensing Using a Binary Measurement Matrix
=> Robust Image Reconstruction from Multiview Measurements
=> Robust Image Registration Based on Markov-Gibbs Appearance Model
=> Robust image registration by increment sign correlation
=> Robust image registration using adaptive expectation maximisation based PCA
=> Robust Image Registration Using Log-polar Transform
=> Robust Image Registration using Mixtures of t-distributions
=> Robust Image Registration via Cepstral Analysis
=> robust image representation method against illumination and occlusion variations, A
=> Robust image restoration for rotary motion degradations and the motion parameter identification
=> Robust Image Restoration via Adaptive Low-Rank Approximation and Joint Kernel Regression
=> Robust Image Restoration via Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
=> Robust image retrieval by cascading a deep quality assessment network
=> Robust image retrieval with hidden classes
=> Robust image segmentation against complex color distribution
=> robust image segmentation framework based on total variation spectral transform, A
=> Robust Image Segmentation Model Based on Integrated Square Estimation, A
=> Robust Image Segmentation Using Contour-Guided Color Palettes
=> Robust Image Segmentation Using FCM With Spatial Constraints Based on New Kernel-Induced Distance Measure
=> Robust Image Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithm with a Fuzzy Measure
=> Robust image segmentation using learned priors
=> Robust Image Segmentation using Local Median
=> Robust Image Segmentation Using Resampling and Shape Constraints
=> Robust Image Segmentation with Mixtures of Student's t-Distributions
=> Robust Image Sequence Mosaicing
=> Robust Image Stitching with Multiple Registrations
=> Robust Image Transmission Based on Product-Code Optimization for Determinate State LDPC Decoding
=> Robust Image Transmission Based on Wavelet Tree Coding and EREC
=> Robust image transmission using JPEG2000 and turbo-codes
=> Robust image transmission using JPEG2000 and turbo-codes
=> Robust Image Transmission using Source Adaptive Modulation and Channel-Optimized Trellis-Coded Quantization
=> Robust image transmission with bidirectional synchronization and hierarchical error correction
=> Robust Image Wafer Inspection
=> Robust image watermarking against local geometric attacks using multiscale block matching method
=> Robust Image Watermarking Based on Generalized Radon Transformations
=> Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
=> Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and Adaptive-Lattice Quantization Index Modulation
=> Robust Image Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain Using Universally Optimum Decoder, A
=> Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Phase Features in DFT Domain and Generalized Radon Transformations
=> Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Using Lapped Biorthogonal Transform
=> Robust image watermarking using a chirp detection-based technique
=> Robust image watermarking using ant colony optimization and fast generic radial harmonic Fourier moment calculation
=> Robust image watermarking using dihedral angle based on maximum-likelihood detector
=> Robust image watermarking using dual tree complex wavelet transform based on Human Visual System
=> Robust image watermarking using local Zernike moments
=> Robust image watermarking using non-regular wavelets
=> Robust image watermarking via geometrically invariant feature points and image normalisation
=> Robust Image Wavelet Shrinkage for Denoising
=> Robust ImageGraph: Rank-Level Feature Fusion for Image Search
=> Robust implementation of foreground extraction and vessel segmentation for X-ray coronary angiography image sequence
=> Robust Impulse-Noise Filtering for Biomedical Images Using Numerical Interpolation
=> Robust In-Motion Optimization-Based Alignment for SINS/GPS Integration, A
=> Robust in-plane and out-of-plane face detection algorithm using frontal face detector and symmetry extension
=> Robust Incremental Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Human Action Recognition
=> robust incremental learning framework for accurate skin region segmentation in color images, A
=> Robust Incremental Optical Flow
=> Robust incremental rectification of sports video sequences
=> Robust Incremental Structure from Motion
=> Robust Index Based on Phenological Features to Extract Sugarcane from Multisource Remote Sensing Data, A
=> Robust Index Code to Distribute Digital Images and Digital Contents Together
=> Robust individual and holistic features for crowd scene classification
=> Robust indoor activity recognition via boosting
=> Robust Indoor Localization on a Commercial Smart-Phone
=> Robust Indoor Mobile Localization with a Semantic Augmented Route Network Graph
=> Robust Indoor Scene Recognition Method Based on Sparse Representation, A
=> Robust indoor/outdoor scene classification
=> Robust Industrial Machine Sounds Identification Based on Frequency Spectrum Analysis
=> Robust Infants Face Tracking Using Active Appearance Models: A Mixed-State CONDENSATION Approach
=> Robust Inference for State-Space Models with Skewed Measurement Noise
=> Robust Inference of Principal Road Paths for Intelligent Transportation Systems
=> Robust influence functionals for image filtering
=> Robust information clustering incorporating spatial information for breast mass detection in digitized mammograms
=> Robust information fusion in the DOHT paradigm for real-time action detection
=> Robust Infrared Maritime Target Detection Based on Visual Attention and Spatiotemporal Filtering
=> Robust infrared small target detection using local steering kernel reconstruction
=> Robust Infrared Small Target Detection via Jointly Sparse Constraint of l1/2-Metric and Dual-Graph Regularization
=> Robust Inhibition-Augmented Operator for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
=> Robust Initial Detection of Landmarks in Film-Screen Mammograms Using Multiple FFDM Atlases
=> Robust InSAR Phase Unwrapping Method via Improving the pix2pix Network, A
=> Robust InSAR Phase Unwrapping Method via Phase Gradient Estimation Network, A
=> robust inside-out approach for 3D interaction with large displays, A
=> Robust Instance Recognition in Presence of Occlusion and Clutter
=> Robust Instance Segmentation through Reasoning about Multi-Object Occlusion
=> Robust Instantaneous Rigid Motion Estimation
=> Robust Integrated Framework for Segmentation and Tracking, A
=> robust intelligent control for a variable speed wind turbine based on general regression neural network, A
=> Robust intensity-based 3D-2D registration of CT and X-ray images for precise estimation of cup alignment after total hip arthroplasty
=> Robust Intensity Image Reconstruciton Based On Event Cameras
=> Robust Inter-Scale Non-Blind Image Motion Deblurring
=> Robust interactive cutting based on an adaptive octree simulation mesh
=> Robust Interactive Image Segmentation Using Convex Active Contours
=> Robust interactive image segmentation via iterative refinement
=> Robust interactive image segmentation with automatic boundary refinement
=> Robust Interactive Multi-label Segmentation with an Advanced Edge Detector
=> Robust Interactive Semantic Segmentation of Pathology Images with Minimal User Input
=> Robust Interest Points Matching Algorithm, A
=> Robust internal exemplar-based image enhancement
=> Robust Internet video transmission based on scalable coding and unequal error protection
=> robust interpolation-free approach for sub-pixel accuracy motion estimation, A
=> Robust Interpolation of Correspondences for Large Displacement Optical Flow
=> Robust Interpolation of DEMs From Lidar-Derived Elevation Data
=> robust intrinsic feature of images derived from the tensor manifold, A
=> Robust Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-means clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable data
=> Robust Inversion Algorithm for Surface Leaf and Soil Temperatures Using the Vegetation Clumping Index, A
=> Robust Inversion Algorithm for Surface Leaf and Soil Temperatures Using the Vegetation Clumping Index, A
=> Robust Invertible Image Steganography
=> Robust IR attenuation measurement for non-invasive glucose level analysis
=> Robust Iris Localization and Tracking based on Constrained Visual Fitting
=> Robust Iris Localization Method Using an Active Contour Model and Hough Transform, A
=> Robust Iris Localization Model Based on Phase Congruency and Least Trimmed Squares Estimation, A
=> Robust IRIS Presentation Attack Detection Through Stochastic Filter Noise
=> Robust Iris Recognition Using Advanced Correlation Techniques
=> Robust Iris Segmentation Based on Local Image Gradient Properties
=> Robust Iris Segmentation Method Based on a New Active Contour Force With a Noncircular Normalization
=> Robust iris segmentation on uncalibrated noisy images using mathematical morphology
=> Robust iris verification for key management
=> Robust Isometric Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion
=> robust iterative hypothesis testing design of the repeated genetic algorithm, A
=> Robust Iterative Kalman Filter Based on Implicit Measurement Equations, A
=> robust iterative multiframe SRR based on Hampel stochastic estimation with Hampel-Tikhonov regularization, A
=> Robust Iterative Shape-From-Shading Algorithm with Modified Transforming Matrix, A
=> robust iterative super-resolution mosaicking algorithm using an adaptive and directional Huber-Markov regularization, A
=> Robust Iterative Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences using a Lorentzian Bayesian Approach with Fast Affine Block-Based Registration, A
=> Robust Iteratively Reweighted L_ Approach for Spectral Compressed Sensing in Impulsive Noise, A
=> Robust Joint and Individual Variance Explained
=> Robust joint down- and cross-range sparse recovery of raw ultra-wideband SAR data
=> Robust joint selection of camera orientations and feature projections over multiple views
=> Robust Joint Source-Channel Coding for Image Transmission Over Wireless Channels
=> robust joint source channel coding scheme for image transmission over the ionospheric channel, A
=> Robust Joint Sparse Representation Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Robust joint sparsity model for hyperspectral image classification
=> Robust Jointly Sparse Regression with Generalized Orthogonal Learning for Image Feature Selection
=> Robust Jointly Sparse Regression with Generalized Orthogonal Learning for Image Feature Selection
=> robust JPEG compression detector for image forensics, A
=> Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS SNR Data: A Dual-Band Data Fusion Approach
=> Robust Kalman Filtering Based on Chi-square Increment and Its Application
=> Robust Kalman Filters Based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Distributions With Application to Target Tracking
=> Robust Kalman Filters for Prediction, Recognition, and Learning
=> Robust kernel-based feature representation for 3D point cloud analysis via circular convolutional network
=> Robust kernel-based learning for image-related problems
=> Robust Kernel-Based Tracking using Optimal Control
=> Robust Kernel Correlation Based Bi-Channel Signal Detection With Correlated Non-Gaussian Noise
=> Robust kernel discriminant analysis using fuzzy memberships
=> Robust kernel estimation for single image blind deconvolution
=> Robust Kernel Estimation with Outliers Handling for Image Deblurring
=> Robust kernel Isomap
=> Robust kernel principal nested spheres
=> Robust Kernel Regression for Restoration and Reconstruction of Images from Sparse Noisy Data
=> Robust kernelized correlation filter with scale adaption for real-time single object tracking
=> Robust kernelized graph-based learning
=> Robust Keypoint Detection Using Dynamics
=> Robust Keypoint Detection Using Higher-Order Scale Space Derivatives: Application to Image Retrieval
=> robust keypoint extraction and matching algorithm based on wavelet transform and information theory for point-based registration in endoscopic sinus cavity data, A
=> robust kinship verification scheme using face age transformation, A
=> Robust KLT tracking with Gaussian and laplacian of Gaussian weighting functions
=> Robust Knot Segmentation by Knot Pith Tracking in 3D Tangential Images
=> Robust Kronecker-Decomposable Component Analysis for Low-Rank Modeling
=> Robust Kronecker Component Analysis
=> Robust L-1 Norm Factorization in the Presence of Outliers and Missing Data by Alternative Convex Programming
=> Robust L1-norm two-dimensional collaborative representation-based projection for dimensionality reduction
=> Robust L1 Approaches to Computing the Geometric Median and Principal and Independent Components
=> Robust Label Prediction via Label Propagation and Geodesic k-Nearest Neighbor in Online Semi-Supervised Learning
=> Robust Label Rectifying With Consistent Contrastive-Learning for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
=> Robust Landmark-Based Stent Tracking in X-ray Fluoroscopy
=> Robust landmark-free head pose estimation by learning to crop and background augmentation
=> Robust Landmark Detection and Position Measurement Based on Monocular Vision for Autonomous Aerial Refueling of UAVs
=> Robust lane-detection algorithm based on improved symmetrical local threshold for feature extraction and inverse perspective mapping
=> Robust Lane Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Applications
=> Robust Lane Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios
=> Robust lane detection and tracking with ransac and Kalman filter
=> Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
=> Robust Lane Detection Through Self Pre-Training With Masked Sequential Autoencoders and Fine-Tuning With Customized PolyLoss
=> Robust Lane Detection using Two-stage Feature Extraction with Curve Fitting
=> Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention
=> Robust Lane Extraction From MLS Point Clouds Towards HD Maps Especially in Curve Road
=> Robust Lane Lines Detection and Quantitative Assessment
=> Robust laplacian matrix learning for smooth graph signals
=> Robust large scale monocular visual SLAM
=> Robust laser stripe extraction using ridge segmentation and region ranking for 3D reconstruction of reflective and uneven surface
=> Robust late fusion with rank minimization
=> Robust Latent Poisson Deconvolution From Multiple Features for Web Topic Detection
=> Robust Layered Multiple Description Coding of Scalable Media Data for Multicast
=> Robust Leaderless Time-Varying Formation Control for Nonlinear Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm System With Communication Delays
=> Robust Learning-Based Camera Motion Characterization Scheme With Applications to Video Stabilization
=> Robust Learning-Based Parsing and Annotation of Medical Radiographs
=> Robust learning-based super-resolution
=> Robust Learning Approach to Domain Adaptive Object Detection, A
=> robust learning control for SISO nonlinear systems with T-S fuzzy model: C02-robust control, A
=> Robust Learning for Deep Monocular Depth Estimation
=> Robust Learning Framework Using PSM and Ameliorated SVMs for Emotional Recognition, A
=> Robust learning from noisy web data for fine-Grained recognition
=> Robust Learning From Noisy Web Images Via Data Purification for Fine-Grained Recognition
=> Robust Learning from Normals for 3D Face Recognition
=> Robust Learning from Ortho-Diffusion Decompositions
=> Robust learning in adaptive processing of data structures for tree representation based image classification
=> Robust learning of discriminative projection for multicategory classification on the Stiefel manifold
=> Robust Learning Through Cross-Task Consistency
=> Robust Learning via Conditional Prevalence Adjustment
=> Robust Least-Squares Adjustment Based Orientation and Auto-Calibration of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
=> Robust Least-Squares Image Matching in the Presence of Outliers
=> Robust least squares one-class support vector machine
=> Robust Least Squares Regression for Subspace Clustering: A Multi-View Clustering Perspective
=> Robust Least Squares Twin Support Vector Regression With Adaptive FOA and PSO for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
=> Robust Lensless Image Reconstruction via PSF Estimation
=> Robust level set image segmentation via a local correntropy-based K-means clustering
=> Robust Lexicon-Free Confidence Prediction for Text Recognition
=> robust license-plate extraction method under complex image conditions, A
=> Robust license plate detection in the wild
=> Robust License Plate Detection Using Covariance Descriptor in a Neural Network Framework
=> Robust license plate detection using image saliency
=> Robust license plate recognition using neural networks trained on synthetic images
=> Robust LiDAR-Based Vehicle Detection for On-Road Autonomous Driving
=> Robust LiDAR-Camera Alignment With Modality Adapted Local-to-Global Representation
=> Robust LiDAR SLAM Method for Underground Coal Mine Robot with Degenerated Scene Compensation, A
=> Robust Light Field Depth Estimation for Noisy Scene with Occlusion
=> Robust Light Field Depth Estimation Using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
=> Robust Light Field Depth Estimation With Occlusion Based On Spatial And Spectral Entropies Data Costs
=> Robust Light Field Synthesis from Stereo Images With Left-Right Geometric Consistency
=> Robust Likelihood Function for 3D Human Pose Tracking, A
=> Robust Likelihood Model for Illumination Invariance in Particle Filtering
=> Robust Line-Based Pose Estimation from a Single Image
=> Robust Line-Drawing Extraction for Polyhedra Using Weighted Polarized Hough Transform
=> Robust line detection using a weighted MSE estimator
=> Robust line detection using two-orthogonal direction image scanning
=> robust line extraction method by unsupervised line clustering, A
=> Robust line feature matching based on pair-wise geometric constraints and matching redundancy
=> Robust Line Fitting in a Noisy Image by the Method of Moments
=> Robust Line Matching Based on Ray-Point-Ray Structure Descriptor
=> Robust line matching through line-point invariants
=> Robust line segment matching across views via ranking the line-point graph
=> Robust line segment matching via reweighted random walks on the homography graph
=> Robust line segment mismatch removal using point-pair representation and Gaussian-uniform mixture formulation
=> Robust Linear and Support Vector Regression
=> Robust Linear Auto-calibration of a Moving Camera from Image Sequences
=> Robust Linear Depolarization Ratio Estimation for Dual-Polarization Weather Radar
=> Robust linear prediction based on adaptive lattice filter
=> Robust linear representation via exploiting structure prior
=> Robust linear unmixing with enhanced constraint of classification for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery
=> Robust linear unmixing with enhanced sparsity
=> Robust Linearized Image Reconstruction for Multifrequency EIT of the Breast
=> Robust lip contour extraction using separability of multi-dimensional distributions
=> Robust Lip Contours Localization and Tracking Using Multi Features: Statistical Shape Models
=> Robust lip Localization on Multi-View Faces in Video
=> Robust Lip Region Segmentation Based on Competitive FCM Clustering
=> Robust lip region segmentation for lip images with complex background
=> Robust local and global shape context for tattoo image matching
=> Robust Local Features and their Application in Self-Calibration and Object Recognition on Embedded Systems
=> Robust local features for remote face recognition
=> Robust Local Localization of a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments Using Virtual Corners
=> Robust local max-min filters by normalized power-weighted filtering
=> Robust local optical flow estimation using bilinear equations for sparse motion estimation
=> Robust Local Optical Flow for Feature Tracking
=> Robust local optical flow: Long-range motions and varying illuminations
=> Robust Local Scoring Function for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
=> Robust local similarity filter for the reduction of mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise in color digital images
=> Robust Local Spectral Descriptor for Matching Non-Rigid Shapes With Incompatible Shape Structures, A
=> Robust local stereo matching under varying radiometric conditions
=> Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space of the Weibull Distribution, A
=> Robust Local Watermarking on Salient Image Areas
=> Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint Sparse Embedding
=> Robust locality preserving projection based on maximum correntropy criterion
=> Robust locality preserving projections using angle-based adaptive weight method
=> Robust Localization Employing Weighted Least Squares Method Based on MM Estimator and Kalman Filter With Maximum Versoria Criterion
=> Robust Localization in Map Changing Environments Based on Hierarchical Approach of Sliding Window Optimization and Filtering
=> Robust Localization of Interpolated Frames by Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on an Artifact Indicated Map and Tchebichef Moments
=> Robust Localization of Retinal Lesions via Weakly-supervised Learning
=> Robust Localization Using Panoramic View-based Recognition
=> Robust Localization Using Time Difference of Arrivals
=> Robust Localization With Minimum Number of TDoA Measurements
=> Robust Locally Linear Analysis with Applications to Image Denoising and Blind Inpainting
=> Robust locally linear embedding
=> Robust Locally Weighted Regression Techniques for Ground Surface Points Filtering in Mobile Laser Scanning Three Dimensional Point Cloud Data
=> Robust location based partial correlation
=> Robust log-Gabor filter for ear biometrics
=> Robust Logo Multiresolution Watermarking Based on Independent Component Analysis Extraction, A
=> Robust Long-Term Aerial Video Mosaicking by Weighted Feature-Based Global Motion Estimation
=> Robust long-term correlation tracking with multiple models
=> Robust long range target detection algorithm using adaptive selective top-hat transform
=> Robust Longitudinal Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems: A Distributed H-Infinity Method
=> Robust Loop Closure Detection Integrating Visual-Spatial-Semantic Information via Topological Graphs and CNN Features
=> Robust Loop Closure Selection Based on Inter-Robot and Intra-Robot Consistency for Multi-Robot Map Fusion
=> Robust loop closures for scene reconstruction by combining odometry and visual correspondences
=> Robust Loss for Point Cloud Registration, A
=> Robust Losses for Learning Value Functions
=> Robust Lossless Image Data Hiding Designed for Semi-Fragile Image Authentication
=> Robust Low-Delay Video Transmission using H.264/AVC Redundant Slices and Flexible Macroblock Ordering
=> Robust Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution via Tensor Total-Variation Regularization
=> Robust Low-Dose CT Sinogram Preprocessing via Exploiting Noise-Generating Mechanism
=> Robust Low-Rank Matrix Factorization Under General Mixture Noise Distributions
=> Robust Low-Rank Matrix Recovery as Mixed Integer Programming via L_0-Norm Optimization
=> Robust Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Fusing Local-Smoothness
=> Robust Low-Rank Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion
=> Robust Low-Rank Representation via Correntropy
=> Robust low-rank subspace recovery and face image denoising for face recognition
=> Robust Low-rank subspace segmentation with finite mixture noise
=> Robust Low-Rank Tensor Minimization via a New Tensor Spectral k-Support Norm
=> Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery via Nonconvex Singular Value Minimization
=> Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with Rectification and Alignment
=> Robust low-resolution face identification and verification using high-resolution features
=> Robust Low-Tubal-Rank Tensor Recovery From Binary Measurements
=> Robust Low Complexity Corner Detector
=> Robust low complexity feature tracking
=> Robust Low Rank and Sparse Representation for Multiple Kernel Dimensionality Reduction
=> Robust Low Rank Approxiamtion via Inliers Selection
=> Robust low tubal rank tensor completion via factor tensor norm minimization
=> Robust low tubal rank tensor recovery via L2E criterion
=> Robust LSTM-Autoencoders for Face De-Occlusion in the Wild
=> Robust Luby Transform Encoding Pattern-Aware Symbol Packetization Algorithm for Video Streaming Over Wireless Network, A
=> Robust Luminance and Chromaticity for Matte Regression in Polynomial Texture Mapping
=> Robust LWIR-based Eye Center Detection through Thermal to Visible Image Synthesis
=> Robust lyric search based on weighted syllable confusion matrix
=> Robust Machine Learning Approach for Signal Separation and Classification, A
=> Robust Magnetic Resonant Beamforming for Secured Wireless Power Transfer
=> Robust Manhattan Frame estimation from a single RGB-D image
=> Robust Manifold Learning via Conformity Pursuit
=> Robust Map Alignment for Cooperative Visual SLAM
=> Robust Maritime Target Detector in Short Dwell Time
=> Robust Marker-Based Tracking for Measuring Crowd Dynamics
=> Robust markers for visual navigation using Reed-Solomon codes
=> Robust Markovian Segmentation Based on Highest Confidence First (HCF), A
=> Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
=> Robust Matching Area Selection for Terrain Matching Using Level Set Method
=> Robust Matching by Dynamic Space Warping for Accurate Face Recognition
=> Robust Matching by Partial Correlation
=> Robust Matching Cost Function for Stereo Correspondence Using Matching by Tone Mapping and Adaptive Orthogonal Integral Image
=> Robust Matching in an Uncertain World
=> Robust Matching Method for Distorted Fingerprints, A
=> Robust matching of 3D contours using iterative closest point algorithm improved by M-estimation
=> Robust matching of aerial images with low overlap
=> Robust matching of affinely transformed objects
=> Robust matching of building facades under large viewpoint changes
=> robust matching pursuit algorithm using information theoretic learning, A
=> Robust Matrix Completion Based on Factorization and Truncated-Quadratic Loss Function
=> Robust Matrix Completion via Alternating Projection
=> Robust Matrix Factorization by Majorization Minimization
=> Robust Matrix Factorization with Unknown Noise
=> Robust Matrix Regression for Illumination and Occlusion Tolerant Face Recognition
=> Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation by sparse bundle adjustment using the L1 norm
=> Robust Maximum Margin Correlation Tracking
=> Robust mean-shift tracking with corrected background-weighted histogram
=> Robust Mean Teacher for Continual and Gradual Test-Time Adaptation
=> robust measure for visual correspondence, A
=> Robust measurement of individual localized changes to the aging hippocampus
=> Robust median filtering detection based on local difference descriptor
=> Robust Medical Image Classification From Noisy Labeled Data With Global and Local Representation Guided Co-Training
=> Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Based Feature Vector Representation, A
=> Robust medical image watermarking technique for accurate detection of tampers inside region of interest and recovering original region of interest
=> Robust medical zero-watermarking algorithm based on Residual-DenseNet
=> Robust MEG Source Localization of Event Related Potentials: Identifying Relevant Sources by Non-Gaussianity
=> Robust Meta-Representation Learning via Global Label Inference and Classification
=> robust method based on ICA and mixture sparsity for edge detection in medical images, A
=> Robust Method for Block-Based Motion Estimation in RGB-Image Sequences, A
=> robust method for coarse classifier construction from a large number of basic recognizers for on-line handwritten Chinese/Japanese character recognition, A
=> Robust method for constructing rotational invariant descriptors, A
=> Robust Method for Correction of Interframe Misalignment in Telecine Conversion, A
=> Robust Method for Dehazing of Single Image with Sky Region Detection and Segmentation, A
=> robust method for detecting arbitrarily tilted human faces in color images, A
=> robust method for detecting facial orientation in infrared images, A
=> robust method for detecting image features with application to face recognition and motion correspondence, A
=> Robust Method for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
=> robust method for eye features extraction on color image, A
=> Robust Method for Filling Holes in 3D Meshes Based on Image Restoration, A
=> Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data, A
=> Robust Method for Generating High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Surface Reflectance by Fusing MODIS and Landsat Data, A
=> Robust Method for Hand Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Using Forward Spotting Scheme in Conditional Random Fields, A
=> Robust Method for License Plate Detection, A
=> robust method for linear regression of symbolic interval data, A
=> robust method for measuring trabecular bone orientation anisotropy at in vivo resolution using tensor scale, A
=> Robust Method for Multiple Face Tracking Using Kalman Filter, A
=> Robust Method for Near Infrared Face Recognition Based on Extended Local Binary Pattern, A
=> Robust Method for Nose Detection under Various Conditions, A
=> robust method for parameter estimation of AR systems using empirical mode decomposition, A
=> Robust Method for Picture Segmentation Based on a Split-and-Merge Procedure, A
=> Robust Method for Real-time, Continuous, 3D Detection of Obstructed Faces in Indoors Environments
=> robust method for reconstructing global MODIS EVI time series on the Google Earth Engine, A
=> robust method for recovering geometric proxy from multiple panoramic images, A
=> Robust Method for Registering Ground-Based Laser Range Images of Urban Outdoor Objects, A
=> Robust Method for Registration and Segmentation of Multiple Range Images, A
=> robust method for registration of three-dimensional knee implant models to two-dimensional fluoroscopy images, A
=> Robust Method for Road Sign Detection and Recognition
=> Robust Method for Road Sign Detection and Recognition, A
=> Robust Method for Rotation Estimation Using Spherical Harmonics Representation, A
=> robust method for scale independent detection of curvature-based criticalities and intersections in line drawings, A
=> Robust Method for Strong Rolling Shutter Effects Correction Using Lines with Automatic Feature Selection, A
=> Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseline Correspondences, A
=> robust method for the recognition of palmprints, A
=> robust method for the Vietnamese handwritten and speech recognition, A
=> robust method for vector field learning with application to mismatch removing, A
=> Robust Method of Identifying and Measuring Fibrous Cap in 3D Time-of-Flight MR Image, A
=> Robust Method of Image Flicker Correction for Heavily-corrupted Old Film Sequences, A
=> robust method of recognizing multi-font rotated characters, A
=> Robust method of recovering epipolar geometry using messy genetic algorithm
=> Robust Method to Estimate the Time Constant of Elastographic Parameters, A
=> Robust Method to Generate a Consistent Time Series From DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data, A
=> robust method to recognize critical configuration for camera calibration, A
=> Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vasculature
=> Robust Methods and Representations for Soccer Player Tracking and Collision Resolution
=> Robust Methods for Estimating Pose and a Sensitivity Analysis
=> Robust Methods for Geometric Primitive Recovery and Estimation From Range Images
=> Robust Methods for High-Quality Stills from Interlaced Video in the Presence of Dominant Motion
=> Robust Metric and Alignment for Profile-Based Face Recognition: An Experimental Comparison
=> Robust Metric based Anomaly Detection in Kernel Feature Space
=> Robust metric calibration of non-linear camera lens distortion
=> Robust metric for the evaluation of visual saliency algorithms
=> Robust Metric Localization in Autonomous Driving via Doppler Compensation With Single-Chip Radar
=> Robust Metric Reconstruction from Challenging Video Sequences
=> Robust Metric Structure From Motion for an Extended Sequence with Outliers and Missing Data
=> Robust microphone arrays using subband adaptive filters
=> Robust Mid-Sagittal Plane Extraction in 3-D Ultrasound Fetal Volume for First Trimester Screening
=> Robust midsagittal plane extraction from normal and pathological 3-D neuroradiology images
=> Robust MIMO Waveform Design in the Presence of Unknown Mutipath Return
=> Robust Min-Max Model Predictive Vehicle Platooning With Causal Disturbance Feedback
=> Robust minimization of lighting variation for real-time defect detection
=> Robust Minimum Error Entropy Based Cubature Information Filter With Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise
=> Robust Minimum Volume Simplex Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing
=> Robust Misalignment Estimation Approach in Non-Aligned Double JPEG Compression Scenario, A
=> Robust Mismatch Removal Method for Image Matching Based on the Fusion of the Local Features and the Depth, A
=> Robust Mismatched Filter for Off-Grid Target
=> Robust Mixture-of-Expert Training for Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Robust Mixture-of-Expert Training for Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Robust Mixture-Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Brain MR Images
=> Robust mixture clustering using Pearson type VII distribution
=> Robust mixture modelling using multivariate t-distribution with missing information
=> Robust MMSE Beamforming for Multiuser MISO Systems With Limited Feedback
=> Robust MMSE Video Decoding: Theory and Practical Implementations
=> Robust mobile image transmission using hierarchical QAM
=> Robust mobile spamming detection via graph patterns
=> Robust mobile video streaming in a peer-to-peer system
=> Robust Mode-Matching Algorithm for the Analysis of Triaxial Well-Logging Tools in Anisotropic Geophysical Formations, A
=> Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
=> Robust Model-Based 3D Torso Pose Estimation in RGB-D Sequences
=> Robust Model-Based Approach for 3D Head Tracking in Video Sequences, A
=> Robust Model-Based Boundary Cue Generation for Cell Image Interpretation
=> Robust Model-Based Detection of Gable Roofs in Very-High-Resolution Aerial Images
=> Robust Model-based Face Reconstruction through Weakly-Supervised Outlier Segmentation
=> Robust Model-Based Motion Tracking Through the Integration of Search and Estimation
=> Robust Model-Based Registration of Cardiac MR Images for T1 and ECV Mapping
=> Robust model-based scene interpretation by multilayered context information
=> Robust model-based signal analysis and identification
=> Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the measurable DoF of the target object
=> Robust Model-Free Multi-Object Tracking with Online Kernelized Structural Learning
=> Robust model adaptation for tracking with online weighted color and shape feature
=> Robust model adaption for colour-based particle filter tracking with contextual information
=> Robust model based motion segmentation
=> Robust Model Driven Matching Method for Face Analysis with Multi Image Photogrammetry
=> Robust Model Fitting Using Higher Than Minimal Subset Sampling
=> Robust Model for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition, A
=> robust model for optimal time-of-day speed control at highway work zones, A
=> Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity Inhomogeneities
=> Robust Model Generation Technique for Model-based Coding, A
=> robust model generation technique for model-based video coding, A
=> Robust Model Selection in 2D Parametric Motion Estimation
=> Robust Modeling and Estimation of Optical Flow with Overlapped Basis Functions
=> Robust Modeling and Estimation of Optical Flow with Overlapped Basis Functions
=> Robust modeling and recognition of hand gestures with dynamic Bayesian network
=> Robust Modelling and Tracking of NonRigid Objects Using Active-GNG
=> Robust modelling of local image structures and its application to medical imagery
=> Robust modified Active Shape Model for automatic facial landmark annotation of frontal faces
=> Robust modified L2 local optical flow estimation and feature tracking
=> Robust Modular Wavelet Network Based Symbol Classifier, A
=> Robust Monocular 3D Car Shape Estimation From 2D Landmarks
=> Robust Monocular 3D Human Motion with Lasso-Based Differential Kinematics
=> Robust Monocular 3D Lane Detection With Dual Attention
=> Robust Monocular 3D Object Tracking Method Combining Statistical and Photometric Constraints, A
=> Robust Monocular Depth Estimation under Challenging Conditions
=> Robust Monocular Depth Estimation under Challenging Conditions
=> Robust Monocular Egomotion Estimation Based on an IEKF
=> Robust Monocular Epipolar Flow Estimation
=> Robust Monocular Pose Tracking of Less-Distinct Objects Based on Contour-Part Model
=> Robust monocular visual odometry for road vehicles using uncertain perspective projection
=> Robust Morphological Features for Texture Classification
=> Robust Mosaicking of Lightweight UAV Images Using Hybrid Image Transformation Modeling
=> Robust Mosaicking of Stereo Digital Elevation Models from the Ames Stereo Pipeline
=> Robust Mosaicking Of UAV Images With Narrow Overlaps
=> Robust Mosaicking Procedure for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
=> Robust motion-based image segmentation using fusion
=> Robust Motion-Based Segmentation in Video Sequences using Entropy Estimator
=> Robust Motion-Compensated Orthogonal Video Coding Using EBCOT
=> robust motion-estimation algorithm for multiple-target tracking at close proximity based on hexagonal partitioning, A
=> Robust Motion Analysis
=> Robust Motion Compensation Approach for UAV SAR Imagery, A
=> Robust Motion Control for UAV in Dynamic Uncertain Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
=> Robust Motion Detection and Estimation Filter for Video Signals, A
=> Robust Motion Detection Based on the Enhanced ViBe
=> Robust motion detection by fusion of 6D feature space decompositions
=> Robust Motion Detection in Real-Life Scenarios
=> Robust Motion Detection via the Fuzzy Fusion of 6D Feature Space Decompositions
=> Robust motion detector for video surveillance applications
=> Robust Motion Estimation and Multistage VQ for Sequence Compression
=> Robust motion estimation and structure recovery from endoscopic image sequences with an Adaptive Scale Kernel Consensus estimator
=> Robust Motion Estimation for Calibrated Cameras from Monocular Image Sequences
=> Robust Motion Estimation for Camcorders Mounted in Mobile Platforms
=> Robust motion estimation for night-shooting videos using dual-accumulated constraint warping
=> Robust motion estimation under varying illumination
=> Robust motion estimation using chrominance information in colour image sequences
=> Robust Motion Estimation Using Connected Operators
=> Robust motion estimation using spatial Gabor-like filters
=> Robust Motion Estimation Using Trajectory Spectrum Learning: Application to Aortic and Mitral Valve Modeling from 4D TEE
=> Robust Motion Estimation Using Trajectory Spectrum Learning: Application to Aortic and Mitral Valve Modeling from 4D TEE
=> Robust motion flow for mesh tracking of freely moving actors
=> Robust motion from space curves and 3d reconstruction from multiviews using perpendicular double stereo rigs
=> Robust Motion Segmentation by Spectral Clustering
=> Robust Motion Segmentation From Pairwise Matches
=> Robust motion segmentation via refined sparse subspace clustering
=> Robust Motion Segmentation with Unknown Correspondences
=> Robust Movement-Specific Vehicle Counting at Crowded Intersections
=> Robust Movement Quantification Algorithm of Hyperactivity Detection for ADHD Children Based on 3D Depth Images, A
=> Robust moving camera calibration for synthesizing free viewpoint soccer video
=> Robust Moving Cast Shadows Detection and Removal with Reliability Checking of the Color Property
=> Robust Moving Object Detection Against Fast Illumination Change
=> Robust Moving Object Detection at Distance in the Visible Spectrum and Beyond Using A Moving Camera
=> Robust Moving Object Detection in Multi-Scenario Big Data for Video Surveillance, A
=> Robust Moving Object Detection on Moving Platforms
=> Robust moving object detection using compressed sensing
=> Robust Moving Object Extraction and Tracking Method Based on Matching Position Constraints
=> Robust moving object segmentation on H.264/AVC compressed video using the block-based MRF model
=> Robust Moving Region Boundary Extraction Using Second Order Statistics
=> Robust moving shadow detection with hierarchical mixture of MLP experts
=> Robust moving video object segmentation in the MPEG compressed domain
=> Robust MR Image Segmentation Using 3D Partitioned Active Shape Models
=> Robust MR image super-resolution reconstruction with cross-modal edge-preserving regularization
=> Robust MSFM Learning Network for Classification and Weakly Supervised Localization
=> Robust MTMC Tracking System for AI-City Challenge 2021, A
=> Robust Multi-Agent Communication With Graph Information Bottleneck Optimization
=> Robust multi-agent decision making in faulty environment
=> Robust multi-agent reinforcement learning via Bayesian distributional value estimation
=> Robust Multi-Athlete Tracking Algorithm by Exploiting Discriminant Features and Long-Term Dependencies, A
=> Robust multi-atlas label propagation by deep sparse representation
=> Robust Multi-Bernoulli Sensor Selection for Multi-Target Tracking in Sensor Networks
=> Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using Light Field Rendering
=> Robust Multi-Body Feature Tracker: A Segmentation-Free Approach
=> Robust Multi-Body Motion Segmentation Based on Fuzzy k-Subspace Clustering
=> Robust Multi-body Motion Tracking Using Commute Time Clustering
=> Robust multi-body segmentation
=> Robust Multi-camera 3D Ellipse Fitting for Contactless Measurements, A
=> Robust Multi-camera People Tracking Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
=> Robust multi-camera tracking from schematic descriptions
=> Robust multi-class transductive learning with graphs
=> Robust Multi-Dimensional Harmonic Retrieval Using Iteratively Reweighted HOSVD
=> Robust multi-dimensional motion features for first-person vision activity recognition
=> Robust multi-dimensional Null Space representation for image retrieval and classification
=> Robust Multi-Drone Multi-Target Tracking to Resolve Target Occlusion: A Benchmark
=> Robust Multi-Exposure Image Fusion: A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach
=> Robust multi-feature collective non-negative matrix factorization for ECG biometrics
=> Robust Multi-Feature Cut Detection Algorithm for Video Segmentation, A
=> Robust multi-feature visual tracking via multi-task kernel-based sparse learning
=> Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion Using Edge Model and Multi-Matting
=> Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion Using Multi-Task Sparse Representation and Spatial Context
=> Robust Multi-Frame Future Prediction By Leveraging View Synthesis
=> Robust Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Based on Spatially Weighted Half-Quadratic Estimation and Adaptive BTV Regularization
=> Robust multi-image based blind face hallucination
=> Robust Multi-image HDR Reconstruction for the Modulo Camera
=> Robust Multi-Image Processing with Optimal Sparse Regularization
=> robust multi-kernel change detection framework for detecting leaf beetle defoliation using Landsat 7 ETM+ data, A
=> Robust Multi-Label Image Classification with Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning
=> Robust multi-lane detection and tracking using adaptive threshold and lane classification
=> Robust multi-lane detection method based on semantic discrimination
=> Robust Multi-Local to Global with Outlier Filtering for Point Cloud Registration, A
=> Robust Multi-modal and Multi-unit Feature Level Fusion of Face and Iris Biometrics
=> Robust Multi-Modal Group Action Recognition in Meetings from Disturbed Videos with the Asynchronous Hidden Markov Model
=> Robust multi-modal method for recognizing objects
=> Robust Multi-Modality Multi-Object Tracking
=> Robust Multi-Modality Multi-Object Tracking
=> Robust Multi-Model Estimation for Reliable Relative Navigation Based on Observability and Abnormity Analysis
=> Robust Multi-Model Fitting Using Density and Preference Analysis
=> Robust Multi-Model Visual Tracking With Distractor-Aware Template-Coupled Correlation Filters Joint Learning
=> Robust Multi-object Tracking by Marginal Inference
=> Robust multi-object tracking using confident detections and safe tracklets
=> Robust Multi-Object Tracking Using Re-Identification Features and Graph Convolutional Networks
=> Robust multi-object tracking with semantic color correlation
=> Robust multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows for hazardous materials transportation
=> Robust multi-patch tracking
=> Robust Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Thermal-Visible Surveillance Videos
=> Robust multi-pose face tracking by multi-stage tracklet association
=> Robust Multi-pose Facial Expression Recognition
=> Robust Multi-resolution Pedestrian Detection in Traffic Scenes
=> Robust Multi-scale Extraction of Blob Features
=> robust multi-scale integration method to obtain the depth from gradient maps, A
=> Robust multi-scale ship tracking via multiple compressed features fusion
=> Robust multi-scale weighting-based edge-smoothing filter for single image dehazing
=> Robust Multi-Sensor Image Alignment
=> Robust multi-source adaptation visual classification using supervised low-rank representation
=> Robust multi-source co-adaptation with adaptive loss minimization
=> Robust Multi-Speaker Tracking via Dictionary Learning and Identity Modeling
=> Robust multi-target tracking using spatio-temporal context
=> Robust Multi-Task Learning With Flexible Manifold Constraint
=> Robust Multi-View 2-D/3-D Registration Using Point-To-Plane Correspondence Model
=> Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors
=> Robust multi-view camera calibration for wide-baseline camera networks
=> Robust multi-view car detection using unsupervised sub-categorization
=> Robust Multi-View Change Detection
=> Robust Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Information
=> Robust multi-view continuous subspace clustering
=> Robust Multi-view Face Detection Using Error Correcting Output Codes
=> Robust Multi-View Feature Matching from Multiple Unordered Views
=> Robust multi-view L2 triangulation via optimal inlier selection and 3D structure refinement
=> Robust multi-view learning via M-estimator joint sparse representation
=> Robust multi-view learning via M-estimator joint sparse representation
=> Robust Multi-View Multi-Camera Face Detection inside Smart Rooms Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Programming
=> Robust multi-view reconstruction from quasi-dense point cloud and poisson surface mesh
=> Robust multi-view representation for spatial-spectral domain in application of hyperspectral image classification
=> Robust multi-view stereo synthesized by various parameters model
=> Robust multi-view stereo without matching
=> Robust multi-view videos face recognition based on particle filter with immune genetic algorithm
=> Robust Multibit Multiplicative Watermark Decoder Using a Vector-Based Hidden Markov Model in Wavelet Domain, A
=> Robust Multichannel Blind Deconvolution via Fast Alternating Minimization
=> Robust Multichannel EEG Signal Reconstruction Method
=> Robust multichannel sampling
=> Robust Multiclass Ensemble Classifiers via Symmetric Functions
=> Robust Multifont OCR System from Gray Level Images
=> Robust Multiframe Blind Image Deblurring
=> Robust Multigroup Multicast Beamforming Design for Backhaul-Limited Cloud Radio Access Network
=> Robust multihypothesis discrimination of controlled I.I.D. processes
=> Robust multilane detection and tracking in urban scenarios based on LIDAR and mono-vision
=> robust multilevel segment description for multi-class object recognition, A
=> Robust Multilinear Mixing Model with l2,1 norm for Unmixing Hyperspectral Images, A
=> Robust Multilinear Model Learning Framework for 3D Faces, A
=> Robust multilinear principal component analysis
=> Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion
=> Robust multimodal discrete hashing for cross-modal similarity search
=> Robust multimodal face and fingerprint fusion in the presence of spoofing attacks
=> Robust Multimodal Image Matching Based on Main Structure Feature Representation
=> Robust Multimodal Image Registration Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning
=> Robust Multimodal Person Identification With Limited Training Data
=> Robust multimodal recognition via multitask multivariate low-rank representations
=> Robust Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Local Statistical Frequency Information
=> robust multimodal remote sensing image registration method and system using steerable filters with first- and second-order gradients, A
=> Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis via Tag Encoding of Uncertain Missing Modalities
=> Robust Multimodal Vehicle Detection in Foggy Weather Using Complementary Lidar and Radar Signals
=> Robust Multipath-Assisted SLAM with Unknown Process Noise and Clutter Intensity
=> Robust Multipath Time-Delay Estimation of Broadband Source Using a Vertical Line Array in Deep Water
=> Robust Multiperson Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service and Social Robots
=> Robust Multiperson Tracking from a Mobile Platform
=> Robust multiple-instance learning ensembles using random subspace instance selection
=> Robust Multiple-Instance Learning with Superbags
=> Robust Multiple-Measurement Sparsity-Aware STAP with Bayesian Variational Autoencoder
=> Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters
=> Robust multiple-vehicle tracking via adaptive integration of multiple visual features
=> Robust multiple cameras pedestrian detection with multi-view Bayesian network
=> Robust Multiple Car Tracking with Occlusion Reasoning
=> Robust multiple color images encryption using discrete Fourier transforms and chaotic map
=> Robust multiple description image coding over wireless networks based on wavelet tree coding, error resilient entropy coding, and error concealment
=> Robust multiple homography estimation: An ill-solved problem
=> Robust Multiple Hypothesis Approach to Monocular Human Motion Tracking, A
=> Robust Multiple Hypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction within the H.264/AVC standard
=> Robust multiple lane road modeling based on perspective analysis
=> Robust multiple model estimation with Jensen-Shannon Divergence
=> Robust Multiple Model Fitting with Preference Analysis and Low-rank Approximation
=> Robust multiple object tracking by detection with interacting Markov chain Monte Carlo
=> Robust multiple objects tracking using image segmentation and trajectory estimation scheme in video frames
=> Robust Multiple Rank-k Bilinear Projections for Unsupervised Learning
=> Robust multiple signal classification algorithm based on the myriad covariation matrix
=> Robust Multiple Structures Estimation with J-Linkage
=> Robust multiple subspaces transfer for heterogeneous domain adaptation
=> Robust Multipose Face Detection in Images
=> Robust Multiresolution Estimation of Parametric Motion Models
=> Robust multiscale algorithms for gradient-based motion estimation
=> Robust Multiscale AM-FM Demodulation of Digital Images
=> robust multiscale B-spline function decomposition for estimating motion transparency, A
=> Robust Multiscale Stereo Matching from Fundus Images with Radiometric Differences
=> Robust Multiscale Triangle-Area Representation for 2D Shapes
=> Robust Multispectral Image Registration Using Mutual-Information Models
=> Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Via Spectral Position-Free Feature Mapping
=> Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection via Uncertainty-aware Cross-modal Learning
=> Robust Multispectral Visual-Inertial Navigation With Visual Odometry Failure Recovery
=> Robust multitask learning with three-dimensional empirical mode decomposition-based features for hyperspectral classification
=> robust multivariate reranking algorithm for Question Answering enrichment, A
=> Robust Multiview Multimodal Driver Monitoring System Using Masked Multi-Head Self-Attention
=> Robust Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
=> Robust Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Reliable Pose Graph Initialization and History Reweighting
=> Robust Multiview Registration of 3D Surfaces via L_1-norm Minimization
=> Robust Multiview Synthesis for Wide-Baseline Camera Arrays
=> Robust Mutual Learning Hashing
=> Robust named entity detection from optical character recognition output
=> Robust Nanoparticles Detection From Noisy Background by Fusing Complementary Image Information
=> Robust natural image segmentation by using spatially constrained multivariate mixed Student's t-distribution and TV flow edge
=> Robust Navigation in an Unknown Environment With Minimal Sensing and Representation
=> Robust needle recognition using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC)
=> Robust Neighborhood Preserving Projection by Nuclear/L2,1-Norm Regularization for Image Feature Extraction
=> Robust Network-Wide Bus Scheduling With Transfer Synchronizations
=> Robust Network Architecture Search via Feature Distortion Restraining
=> Robust Network Design Problem Based on the Spatiotemporal Attributes of Activities, A
=> Robust Neural-Network-Based Data Association and Multiple Model-Based Tracking of Multiple Point Targets
=> Robust Neural Networks Inspired by Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta Methods
=> Robust Neural Routing Through Space Partitions for Camera Relocalization in Dynamic Indoor Environments
=> Robust Neural System for Objectionable Image Recognition, A
=> Robust Nighttime Vehicle Detection by Tracking and Grouping Headlights
=> Robust NLOS Bias Mitigation Technique for RSS-TOA-Based Target Localization, A
=> Robust noise region-based active contour model via local similarity factor for image segmentation
=> Robust Noisiness Measure Based Improved Generalized Fuzzy Peer Group for Removal of Mixed Noise From Color Image
=> Robust Noisy Image Super-Resolution Using l1-norm Regularization and Non-local Constraint
=> robust non-blind color image watermarking scheme, A
=> Robust non-blind color video watermarking using QR decomposition and entropy analysis
=> robust non-blind deblurring method using deep denoiser prior, A
=> Robust Non-Fragile Fault Tolerant Control for Ensuring the Safety of the Intended Functionality of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
=> robust non-iterative method for image labelling using context, A
=> robust non-iterative method for similarity transform estimation, A
=> Robust non-local denoising of colored depth data
=> Robust non-local stereo matching for outdoor driving images using segment-simple-tree
=> Robust Non-Local TV-L^1 Optical Flow Estimation With Occlusion Detection
=> Robust Non-negative Graph Embedding: Towards noisy data, unreliable graphs, and noisy labels
=> Robust Non-parametric Data Fitting for Correspondence Modeling
=> Robust Non-Parametric Template Matching with Local Rigidity Constraints
=> Robust Non-Rigid Motion Compensation of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Data
=> Robust Non-rigid Motion Tracking and Surface Reconstruction Using L_0 Regularization
=> Robust Non-rigid Object Tracking Using Point Distribution Manifolds
=> Robust Non-Rigid Object Tracking Using Point Distribution Models
=> Robust non-rigid point registration based on feature-dependant finite mixture model
=> Robust non-rigid point set registration method based on asymmetric Gaussian and structural feature
=> robust non-rigid point set registration method based on asymmetric gaussian representation, A
=> robust non-rigid point set registration method based on inhomogeneous Gaussian mixture models, A
=> Robust Non-Rigid Point Set Registration Using Spatially Constrained Gaussian Fields
=> Robust non-rigid registration and characterization of uncertainty
=> Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs
=> Robust Non-saliency Guided Watermarking
=> robust non-symmetric mixture models for image segmentation, A
=> Robust nonlinear contrast enhancement filters
=> Robust Nonlinear Control Using Barrier Lyapunov Function Under Lateral Offset Error Constraint for Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles
=> Robust Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Manifold Learning
=> robust nonlinear filter for image restoration, A
=> Robust Nonlinear Filter Strategy Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Multi-GNSS and Dual-Frequency RTK, A
=> Robust Nonlinear Filtering Approach to Inverse Halftoning, A
=> Robust Nonlocal Low-Rank SAR Time Series Despeckling Considering Speckle Correlation by Total Variation Regularization
=> Robust nonnegative matrix factorization via L1 norm regularization by multiplicative updating rules
=> Robust nonrigid ICP using outlier-sparsity regularization
=> Robust Nonrigid Point Set Registration Using Graph-Laplacian Regularization
=> Robust Nonrigid Registration by Convex Optimization
=> Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI
=> Robust Nonstationary Local Slope Estimation
=> robust nonsymmetric student's-t finite mixture model for MR image segmentation, A
=> Robust normal estimation in unstructured 3D point clouds by selective normal space exploration
=> Robust normal vector estimation in 3D point clouds through iterative principal component analysis
=> Robust normalization of silhouettes for recognition applications
=> Robust Normalized Softmax Loss for Deep Metric Learning-Based Characterization of Remote Sensing Images With Label Noise
=> Robust nose detection in 3d facial data using local characteristics
=> Robust nose tip detection for face range images based on local features in scale-space
=> Robust Nuclear Norm-Based Matrix Regression With Applications to Robust Face Recognition
=> Robust Nuclear Norm Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion
=> Robust nuclei segmentation with encoder-decoder network from the histopathological images
=> Robust Nucleus Classification with Iterative Graph Representational Learning
=> Robust null space representation and sampling for view-invariant motion trajectory analysis
=> Robust O(n) Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem, A
=> Robust Object-Based Multipass InSAR Deformation Reconstruction
=> Robust object-based watermarking scheme via shape self-similarity segmentation
=> robust object-specified active contour model for tracking smoothly deformable line-features and its application to outdoor moving image processing, A
=> Robust object boundary determination using a locally adaptive level set algorithm
=> Robust Object Categorization and Scene Classification over Remote Sensing Images via Features Fusion and Fully Convolutional Network
=> robust object category detection system using deformable shapes, A
=> Robust Object Co-detection
=> Robust Object Co-Segmentation Using Background Prior
=> Robust object detection and adaptive background estimation based on radial reach correlation
=> Robust object detection by cuboid matching with local plane optimization in indoor RGB-D images
=> Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Conditions
=> Robust object detection scheme using feature selection
=> Robust object detection under harsh autonomous-driving environments
=> Robust Object Detection Under Occlusion With Context-Aware CompositionalNets
=> Robust Object Detection using Fast Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets
=> Robust object detection using marginal space learning and ranking-based multi-detector aggregation: Application to left ventricle detection in 2D MRI images
=> Robust Object Detection via Adversarial Novel Style Exploration
=> Robust Object Detection via Instance-Level Temporal Cycle Confusion
=> Robust Object Detection via Soft Cascade
=> Robust Object Detection with Inaccurate Bounding Boxes
=> Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation
=> Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN
=> Robust Object Extraction Method Using Three Cameras
=> Robust object extraction using normalized principal component features
=> Robust object extraction with illumination-insensitive color descriptions
=> Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogeneous Features
=> Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogeneous Features
=> Robust Object Modeling for Visual Tracking
=> Robust object pose estimation via statistical manifold modeling
=> Robust object proposals re-ranking for object detection in autonomous driving using convolutional neural networks
=> Robust Object Re-identification with Coupled Noisy Labels
=> Robust object re-identification with Grassmann subspace feature for key points aggregation
=> Robust object recognition based on implicit algebraic curves and surfaces
=> Robust object recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos based on Sparse Affine Hull Kernel
=> Robust object recognition using a cascade of geometric consistency filters
=> Robust object recognition via third-party collaborative representation
=> Robust Object Recognition via Visual Pathway Feedback
=> Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-Like Mechanisms
=> Robust object representation by boosting-like deep learning architecture
=> Robust Object Segmentation System Using a Probability-Based Background Extraction Algorithm, A
=> Robust Object Segmentation using Adaptive Thresholding
=> Robust Object Segmentation Using Graph Cut with Object and Background Seed Estimation
=> Robust Object Tracking Against Template Drift
=> Robust object tracking algorithm based on sparse eigenbasis
=> Robust Object Tracking Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles in Complex Scenes
=> Robust object tracking based on adaptive templates matching via the fusion of multiple features
=> Robust Object Tracking based on Detection with Soft Decision
=> Robust object tracking based on discriminative analysis and local sparse representation
=> Robust object tracking based on local discriminative sparse representation
=> Robust Object Tracking Based on Temporal and Spatial Deep Networks
=> Robust Object Tracking by Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
=> Robust object tracking by interleaving variable rate color particle filtering and deep learning
=> Robust Object Tracking by Online Fisher Discrimination Boosting Feature Selection
=> Robust Object Tracking in Crowd Dynamic Scenes Using Explicit Stereo Depth
=> Robust Object Tracking Method under Pose Variation and Partial Occlusion, A
=> Robust Object Tracking Method Using Structural Similarity in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain, A
=> robust object tracking synthetic structure using regional mutual information and edge correlation-based tracking algorithm in aerial surveillance application, A
=> Robust object tracking using Bi-model
=> Robust Object Tracking Using Constellation Model with Superpixel
=> Robust object tracking using correspondence voting for smart surveillance visual sensing nodes
=> Robust object tracking using enhanced random ferns
=> Robust object tracking using least absolute deviation
=> Robust Object Tracking using Local Kernels and Background Information
=> Robust object tracking using local oriented energy features and its hardware/software implementation
=> Robust Object Tracking Using Manifold Regularized Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Robust object tracking using semi-supervised appearance dictionary learning
=> Robust Object Tracking Using Valid Fragments Selection
=> Robust Object Tracking Via Active Feature Selection
=> Robust Object Tracking via Combining Observation Models
=> Robust object tracking via deformation samples generator
=> Robust object tracking via ensembling semantic-aware network and redetection
=> Robust Object Tracking via Key Patch Sparse Representation
=> Robust Object Tracking via Local Sparse Appearance Model
=> Robust Object Tracking via Locality Sensitive Histograms
=> Robust object tracking via multi-feature adaptive fusion based on stability: contrast analysis
=> Robust object tracking via multi-task based collaborative model
=> Robust object tracking via multi-task dynamic sparse model
=> Robust Object Tracking Via Online Dynamic Spatial Bias Appearance Models
=> Robust object tracking via online informative feature selection
=> Robust object tracking via online learning of adaptive appearance manifold
=> Robust object tracking via online Principal Component-Canonical Correlation Analysis (P3CA)
=> Robust Object Tracking via Sparse Collaborative Appearance Model
=> Robust object tracking via sparsity-based collaborative model
=> Robust object tracking with active context learning
=> Robust object tracking with background-weighted local kernels
=> Robust object tracking with boosted discriminative model via graph embedding
=> Robust Object Tracking with Compressive Sensing and Patches Matching
=> Robust Object Tracking With Discrete Graph-Based Multiple Experts
=> Robust Object Tracking with Online Multi-Lifespan Dictionary Learning
=> Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning
=> Robust Object Tracking With Reacquisition Ability Using Online Learned Detector
=> Robust Object Tracking with Regional Affine Invariant Features
=> Robust Oblivious Digital Watermarking Using Image Transform Phase Modulation
=> Robust Oblivious Watermarking Scheme, A
=> Robust Observations for Object Tracking
=> Robust Observer Design of Tire Forces in Heavy-Duty Vehicles
=> Robust Obstacle Detection and Recognition for Driver Assistance Systems
=> Robust obstacle detection based on a novel disparity calculation method and G-disparity
=> Robust Obstacle Detection Method in Highly Textured Environments Using Stereo Vision, A
=> Robust obstacle detection with monocular vision based on motion analysis
=> Robust Occluded Shape Recognition
=> Robust Occluding Contour Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance
=> Robust occlusion-aware part-based visual tracking with object scale adaptation
=> Robust Occlusion Handling in Object Tracking
=> Robust offline handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features under the guidance of printed data
=> Robust omniview-based probabilistic self-localization for mobile robots in large maze-like environments
=> Robust on-line handwritten object retrieval using a similarity measure based on overlap area of circles
=> robust on-line restoration algorithm for fingerprint segmentation, A
=> Robust One-Bit Bayesian Compressed Sensing with Sign-Flip Errors
=> Robust one-class support vector machine with rescaled hinge loss function
=> Robust one-dimensional calibration and localisation of a distributed camera sensor network
=> Robust one-shot 3D scanning using loopy belief propagation
=> Robust One-Shot Face Video Re-enactment using Hybrid Latent Spaces of StyleGAN2
=> Robust One-Shot Face Video Re-enactment using Hybrid Latent Spaces of StyleGAN2
=> Robust one-stage object detection with location-aware classifiers
=> Robust One Shot Audio to Video Generation
=> Robust online 3D reconstruction combining a depth sensor and sparse feature points
=> Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
=> Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
=> Robust Online Change-point Detection in Video Sequences
=> Robust online detection of pipeline corrosion from range data
=> Robust Online Digital Image Stabilization Based on Point-Feature Trajectory Without Accumulative Global Motion Estimation
=> Robust online hashing with label semantic enhancement for cross-modal retrieval
=> Robust Online Learned Spatio-Temporal Context Model for Visual Tracking
=> Robust Online Matrix Factorization for Dynamic Background Subtraction
=> Robust Online Multi-object Tracking Based on Tracklet Confidence and Online Discriminative Appearance Learning
=> Robust online multi-target visual tracking using a HISP filter with discriminative deep appearance learning
=> Robust Online Multiobject Tracking With Data Association and Track Management
=> Robust online multiple object tracking based on the confidence-based relative motion network and correlation filter
=> Robust Online Orientation Correction for Radiographs in PACS Environments
=> Robust Online Tracking via Contrastive Spatio-Temporal Aware Network
=> Robust online tracking via sparse gradient convolution networks
=> Robust Online Tracking With Meta-Updater
=> Robust online trajectory clustering without computing trajectory distances
=> Robust Online Visual Tracking with a Single Convolutional Neural Network
=> Robust Open-Set Face Recognition for Small-Scale Convenience Applications
=> Robust Opinion Control Under Network Perturbation
=> Robust Optic-Flow Estimation with Bayesian Inference of Model and Hyper-parameters
=> Robust optic disk segmentation from colour retinal images
=> Robust Optic Flow Computation
=> Robust Optic Flow Estimation Using Least Median of Squares
=> Robust Optical-Flow Estimation Using Semi-Invariant Local Features
=> Robust optical displacement measurement of bridge structures in complex environments
=> Robust Optical Flow Computation Based on Least-Median-of-Squares Regression
=> Robust optical flow estimation based on a sparse motion trajectory set
=> Robust optical flow estimation based on wavelet
=> Robust optical flow estimation for continuous blurred scenes using RGB-motion imaging and directional filtering
=> Robust Optical Flow Estimation in Cardiac Ultrasound Images Using a Sparse Representation
=> Robust Optical Flow Estimation of Double-Layer Images under Transparency or Reflection
=> Robust Optical Flow Estimation Using the Monocular Epipolar Geometry
=> Robust optical flow estimation via edge preserving filtering
=> Robust Optical Flow Estimation
=> Robust Optical Flow Estimation
=> Robust optical flow for Driver Assistance
=> Robust optical flow from photometric invariants
=> Robust Optical Flow in Rainy Scenes
=> Robust Optical Flow Integration
=> Robust optimal granulometric bandpass filters
=> Robust Optimal Pose Estimation
=> Robust Optimization as Data Augmentation for Large-scale Graphs
=> Robust Optimization for Deep Regression
=> Robust Optimization of Dynamic Motorway Traffic via Ramp Metering
=> Robust Optimization Using Disturbance for Image Registration
=> Robust order-based methods for feature description
=> Robust Ordering of Independent Spatial Components of fMRI Data Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
=> Robust Orientation and Appearance Adaptation for Wide-Area Large Format Video Object Tracking
=> Robust Orientation Estimation Algorithm for Low Quality Fingerprints, A
=> Robust Orientation Field Estimation and Extrapolation Using Semilocal Line Sensors
=> Robust Orientation Field Estimation and Extrapolation Using Semilocal Line Sensors
=> Robust Orientation, Calibration, and Disparity Estimation of Image Triplets
=> Robust Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimization for estimating the fundamental matrix
=> Robust Orthonormal Subspace Learning: Efficient Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrices
=> Robust outdoor stereo vision SLAM for heavy machine rotation sensing
=> Robust outdoor text detection using text intensity and shape features
=> Robust Outlier Detection and Saliency Features Estimation in Point Cloud Data
=> Robust outlier detection by de-biasing VAE likelihoods
=> Robust Outlier Rejection for 3D Registration with Variational Bayes
=> Robust outliers detection in image point matching
=> Robust Page Segmentation Based on Smearing and Error Correction Unifying Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
=> Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality
=> Robust Pairwise Matching of Interest Points With Complex Wavelets
=> Robust palmprint identification using efficient enhancement and two-stage matching technique
=> Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
=> Robust pan-sharpening via color samples relocation and edge aware interpolation
=> Robust pan-tilt-zoom tracking via optimization combining motion features and appearance correlations
=> Robust Pan, Tilt and Zoom Estimation for PTZ Camera by Using Meta Data and/or Frame-to-Frame Correspondences
=> Robust Panning Analysis for Slideshow Detection in Video Databases
=> Robust Parallel Analog Function Computation via Wireless Multiple-Access MIMO Channels
=> Robust Parallel Framework for Massive Spatial Data Processing On High Performance Clusters, A
=> Robust Parallel Implementation of 2D Model-Based Recognition, A
=> Robust Parallel Motion Estimation And Mapping With Stereo Cameras In Underground Infrastructure
=> Robust Parallel Speech Recognition in Multiple Energy Bands
=> Robust Parallel Thinning Algorithm For Binary Images, A
=> Robust Parameter Estimation for Mixture Model
=> Robust Parameter Estimation in Computer Vision
=> Robust Parameterization and Computation of the Trifocal Tensor
=> Robust Parameterized Component Analysis
=> Robust Parameterized Component Analysis: Theory and Applications to 2D Facial Appearance Models
=> Robust Parameterized Component Analysis: Theory and Applications to 2D Facial Appearance Models
=> robust parametric active contour based on fourier descriptors, A
=> Robust parametric active contours: the Sandwich Snakes
=> Robust Parametric Method for Bias Field Estimation and Segmentation of MR Images, A
=> Robust Parametric Motion Estimation for Image Mosaicing in the Mpeg-7 Standard
=> Robust Parking Detection Algorithm Against Electric Railway Magnetic Field Interference, A
=> Robust part-based face matching with multiple templates
=> Robust Part-Based Face Recognition Using Boosting and Transduction
=> Robust Part-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Kinect Sensor
=> Robust part-based visual tracking via adaptive collaborative modelling
=> Robust partial face recognition using instance-to-class distance
=> Robust Partial Fingerprint Recognition
=> Robust Partial Matching for Person Search in the Wild
=> Robust Partial Shape Classification Using Invariant Breakpoints and Dynamic Alignment
=> Robust Partial Volume Segmentation with Bias Field Correction in Brain MRI
=> Robust Particle Filter-Based Face Tracker Using Combination of Color and Geometric Information, A
=> Robust Particle Filtering Algorithm With Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise Using Student-t Distribution, A
=> Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
=> Robust Particle Tracker via Markov Chain Monte Carlo Posterior Sampling, A
=> Robust partitional clustering by outlier and density insensitive seeding
=> Robust partitioning and indexing for iris biometric database based on local features
=> Robust Passage Retrieval Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
=> Robust patch-based tracking using valid patch selection and feature fusion update
=> robust patch-statistical active contour model for image segmentation, A
=> Robust patch concept for egomotion estimation
=> Robust patchmatch HDR image reconstruction for deghosting
=> Robust Path-Based Spectral Clustering with Application to Image Segmentation
=> Robust path-based spectral clustering
=> Robust Path-Following Control for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Along an Implicit Elliptical Curve
=> Robust PCA-based solution to image composition using augmented Lagrange multiplier (ALM)
=> Robust PCA-Based Visual Tracking by Adaptively Maximizing the Matching Residual Likelihood
=> Robust PCA Algorithm for Building Representations from Panoramic Images, A
=> Robust PCA Based on Incoherence With Geometrical Interpretation
=> Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Extraction in X-Ray Coronary Angiography
=> Robust PCA Using Generalized Nonconvex Regularization
=> Robust PCA via Alternating Iteratively Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Factorization
=> Robust PCA via Principal Component Pursuit: A review for a comparative evaluation in video surveillance
=> Robust PCA: Optimization of the Robust Reconstruction Error Over the Stiefel Manifold
=> Robust PCT Method Based on Complex Least Squares Adjustment Method, A
=> Robust Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Integrating Magnetic Field Signals and Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting Signals
=> Robust pedestrian detection and tracking in crowded scenes
=> Robust Pedestrian Detection for Semi-automatic Construction of a Crowded Person Re-Identification Dataset
=> Robust pedestrian detection in thermal imagery using synthesized images
=> Robust pedestrian detection in thermal infrared imagery using a shape distribution histogram feature and modified sparse representation classification
=> Robust pedestrian detection under deformation using simple boosted features
=> Robust pedestrian detection via constructing versatile pedestrian knowledge bank
=> Robust penalty-weighted deblurring via kernel adaption using single image
=> Robust people counting in video surveillance: Dataset and system
=> Robust people counting using sparse representation and random projection
=> Robust people indoor localization with omnidirectional cameras using a Grid of Spatial-Aware Classifiers
=> Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory Optimization
=> Robust Perception and Precise Segmentation for Scribble-Supervised RGB-D Saliency Detection
=> robust perception based method for iris tracking, A
=> Robust Perception Under Adverse Conditions for Autonomous Driving Based on Data Augmentation
=> Robust perceptual image hashing using feature points
=> Robust perceptual image hashing via matrix invariants
=> Robust Periodic Motion and Motion Symmetry Detection
=> Robust Person-Independent Visual Sign Language Recognition
=> robust person detector for overhead views, A
=> Robust Person Re-Identification by Modelling Feature Uncertainty
=> Robust Person Re-Identification by Modelling Feature Uncertainty
=> Robust Person Tracking With Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras In An Outdoor Environment
=> Robust Person Tracking with Non-Stationary Background Using a Combined Pseudo-2D-HMM and Kalman-Filter Approach
=> Robust Perturbation for Visual Explanation: Cross-Checking Mask Optimization to Avoid Class Distortion
=> Robust Phase Correlation based Motion Estimation and Its Applications
=> Robust phase correlation
=> Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements
=> Robust Phase Retrieval with the Swept Approximate Message Passing (prSAMP) Algorithm
=> Robust phase unwrapping by convex optimization
=> Robust Phase Unwrapping via Deep Image Prior for Quantitative Phase Imaging
=> robust photo-based PM2.5 monitoring method by combining linear and non-linear learning, A
=> Robust Photo-Topography by Fusing Shape-from-Shading and Stereo
=> Robust Photogrammetric Processing Method of Low-Altitude UAV Images, A
=> Robust Photometric Invariant Features From the Color Tensor
=> Robust Photometric Invariant Region Detection in Multispectral Images
=> Robust photometric stereo using learned image and gradient dictionaries
=> Robust photometric stereo using sparse regression
=> Robust Photometric Stereo via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
=> Robust Physical-World Attacks on Deep Learning Visual Classification
=> Robust Physical-World Attacks on Face Recognition
=> robust PID controller for active queue management framework in congested routers, A
=> Robust piecewise-planar 3D reconstruction and completion from large-scale unstructured point data
=> Robust Pilot Detection Techniques for Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection in OFDM Systems
=> robust pipeline for rapid feature-based pre-alignment of dense range scans, A
=> Robust Pitch Extraction Method for the HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System
=> Robust pixel unmixing
=> Robust pixel unmixing
=> Robust plane-based calibration for linear cameras
=> Robust Plane-Based Calibration of Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
=> Robust plane-based structure from motion
=> Robust Plane Detection Using Depth Information From a Consumer Depth Camera
=> Robust Plant Cell Tracking in Noisy Image Sequences Using Optimal CRF Graph Matching
=> Robust plant recognition using Graph cut based flower segmentation and PHOG based feature extraction
=> Robust player detection and tracking in broadcast soccer video based on enhanced particle filter
=> Robust Player Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Low-Resolution Sports Video
=> Robust playfield segmentation using map adaptation
=> Robust Point-Based Feature Fingerprint Segmentation Algorithm
=> Robust Point Cloud Based Reconstruction of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
=> Robust point cloud classification based on multi-level semantic relationships for urban scenes
=> Robust point cloud registration based on topological graph and Cauchy weighted lq-norm
=> Robust Point Cloud Registration Framework Based on Deep Graph Matching
=> Robust Point Cloud Registration Framework Based on Deep Graph Matching
=> Robust Point Cloud Registration via Random Network Co-Ensemble
=> Robust Point Cloud Registration via Random Network Co-Ensemble
=> Robust Point Cloud Segmentation With Noisy Annotations
=> Robust point clouds registration with point-to-point lp distance constraints in large-scale metrology
=> Robust Point Correspondence Applied to Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Registration
=> Robust Point Correspondence by Concave Minimization
=> Robust Point Correspondence for Image Registration Using Optimization with Extremal Dynamics
=> Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measuring for 3D models by relative angle-context distributions
=> Robust Point Feature Matching in Projective Space
=> Robust Point Matching for Nonrigid Shapes by Preserving Local Neighborhood Structures
=> Robust Point Matching for Two-Dimensional Nonrigid Shapes
=> Robust Point Matching in HDRI through Estimation of Illumination Distribution
=> Robust Point Matching Revisited: A Concave Optimization Approach
=> Robust Point Matching Using Mixture of Asymmetric Gaussians for Nonrigid Transformation
=> Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus
=> Robust point pattern matching based on spectral context
=> Robust Point Set Matching for Partial Face Recognition
=> Robust Point Set Matching under Variational Bayesian Framework
=> Robust point set registration using EM-ICP with information-theoretically optimal outlier handling
=> Robust Point Set Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Models
=> Robust Point Set Registration Using Signature Quadratic Form Distance
=> Robust Point Sets Matching by Fusing Feature and Spatial Information Using Nonuniform Gaussian Mixture Models
=> Robust Point Spread Function Estimation for Out-of-Focus Blurred and Noisy Images Based on a Distribution of Gradient Vectors on the Polar Plane, A
=> Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction
=> Robust Pol-ISAR Target Recognition Based on ST-MC-DCNN
=> Robust Polarimetric SAR Despeckling Based on Nonlocal Means and Distributed Lee Filter
=> Robust Pose Estimation and Recognition Using Non-Gaussian Modeling of Appearance Subspaces
=> Robust pose estimation for 3D face modeling from stereo sequences
=> Robust Pose Estimation for Arbitrary Objects in Complex Scenes
=> Robust Pose Estimation from a Planar Target
=> Robust Pose Estimation Using the SwissRanger SR-3000 Camera
=> Robust Pose Estimation with 3D Textured Models
=> Robust Pose Estimation
=> Robust Pose Features for Action Recognition
=> Robust pose invariant face recognition using coupled latent space discriminant analysis
=> Robust Pose Invariant Facial Feature Detection and Tracking in Real-Time
=> Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varying views
=> Robust Pose Recognition of the Obscured Human Body
=> Robust Pose Recognition of the Obscured Human Body
=> Robust Pose Transfer With Dynamic Details Using Neural Video Rendering
=> Robust Position Estimation Method in the Integrated Navigation System via Factor Graph, A
=> Robust Position, Scale, and Rotation Invariant Object Recognition Using Higher-Order Neural Networks
=> Robust Positive semidefinite L-Isomap Ensemble
=> Robust power line extraction from aerial image using object-based Gaussian-Markov random field with gravity property parameters
=> Robust Precipitation Bias Correction Through an Ordinal Distribution Autoencoder
=> Robust precise eye location under probabilistic framework
=> Robust Preconditioned GMRES Method for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Rough Surfaces, A
=> Robust Prediction Model for Species Distribution Using Bagging Ensembles with Deep Neural Networks, A
=> Robust Preprocessing Algorithm for Face Recognition
=> Robust primitive extraction in a range image
=> Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
=> Robust Principal Component Analysis for Computer vision
=> Robust Principal Component Analysis for Improving Cognitive Brain States Discrimination from fMRI
=> Robust Principal Component Analysis on Graphs
=> Robust Principal Component Analysis Using Alpha Divergence
=> Robust Principal Component Pursuit via Inexact Alternating Minimization on Matrix Manifolds
=> Robust Principal Components for Hyperspectral Data Analysis
=> Robust Print-cam Image Watermarking in Fourier Domain
=> Robust Printed Image Watermarking Based on Iterative Halftoning Method, A
=> Robust PRNU estimation from probabilistic raw measurements
=> Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministically Bounded Channel Errors
=> robust probabilistic Braille recognition system, A
=> Robust Probabilistic Estimation Framework for Parametric Image Models, A
=> Robust probabilistic estimation of uncertain appearance for model-based tracking
=> Robust Probabilistic Occupancy Grid Estimation from Positive and Negative Distance Fields
=> Robust probabilistic optical flow for video sequences
=> Robust procedural model fitting with a new geometric similarity estimator
=> Robust Procedure to Eliminate Degenerate Faces from Triangle Meshes, A
=> Robust Processing of Optical Flow of Fluids
=> Robust Projective Low-Rank and Sparse Representation by Robust Dictionary Learning
=> Robust Projective Reconstruction with Missing Information
=> Robust Projective Template Matching
=> Robust projective transformation estimation using invariant level-line primitives
=> Robust proportionate adaptive filter based on maximum correntropy criterion for sparse system identification in impulsive noise environments
=> Robust Prostate Cancer Classification with Siamese Neural Networks
=> Robust Prostate Segmentation Using Intrinsic Properties of TRUS Images
=> Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation With Regularized Neural-ODEs
=> Robust Proximal Femur Segmentation in Conventional X-Ray Images via Random Forest Regression on Multi-resolution Gradient Features
=> Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
=> Robust Pseudo-hierarchical Support Vector Clustering
=> Robust Pseudo Random Fields for Light-Field Stereo Matching
=> Robust q-LAG Unbiased FIR Smoother for LTV Systems and Recursive Forms
=> Robust QoE-Driven DASH Over OFDMA Networks
=> Robust Quality-Scalable Transmission of JPEG2000 Images over Wireless Channels Using LDPC Codes
=> Robust Quality Enhancement Method Based on Joint Spatial-Temporal Priors for Video Coding, A
=> robust quality metric for color image quality assessment, A
=> Robust Quantification of In Vitro Angiogenesis Through Image Analysis
=> Robust quantisation index modulation-based approach for image watermarking
=> Robust Quantization for General Similarity Search
=> Robust radar detection of CA, GO and SO CFAR in Pearson measurements based on a non linear compression procedure for clutter reduction
=> Robust radial distortion correction based on alternate optimization
=> Robust Radial Distortion from a Single Image
=> Robust Radial Face Detection for Omnidirectional Vision
=> Robust Radio Broadcast Monitoring Using a Multi-Band Spectral Entropy Signature
=> Robust Radiometric Calibration and Vignetting Correction
=> Robust Radiometric Calibration for Dynamic Scenes in the Wild
=> Robust random walk for leaf segmentation
=> Robust Range Ambiguous Deceptive Target Suppression Based on Covariance Matrix Reconstruction
=> Robust range image registration using 3D lines
=> Robust range image registration using local distribution of albedo
=> Robust Range Segmentation
=> Robust rank-4 affine factorization for structure from motion
=> Robust rank-one matrix completion with rank estimation
=> Robust Rank-Two Multicast Beamforming Under a Unified CSI Uncertainty Model
=> Robust Rate-Control for Wavelet-Based Image Coding via Conditional Probability Models
=> Robust Re-identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation
=> Robust Re-identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation
=> Robust Re-identification of Manta Rays from Natural Markings by Learning Pose Invariant Embeddings
=> Robust re-identification using randomness and statistical learning: Quo vadis
=> Robust Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from RGBD Videos under Extreme Pose, Depth, and Expression Variation
=> Robust real-time 3D head pose estimation from range data
=> Robust real-time 3D modeling of static scenes using solely a Time-of-Flight sensor
=> Robust Real-Time 3D Object Tracking with Interfering Background Visual Projections
=> Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navigation
=> robust real-time algorithm for facial shape recovery from a single image containing cast shadow under general, unknown lighting, A
=> Robust Real-time And Rotation-invariant American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition Using Range Camera
=> Robust real-time attention-based head-shoulder detection for video surveillance
=> Robust Real-Time Bi-Layer Video Segmentation Using Infrared Video
=> Robust Real-Time Delay Predictions in a Network of High-Frequency Urban Buses
=> Robust real-time detection of multi-color markers on a cell phone
=> Robust real-time detection, tracking, and pose estimation of faces in video streams
=> Robust real-time egomotion from stereo images
=> Robust Real-Time Extreme Head Pose Estimation
=> Robust real-time eye detection and tracking under variable lighting conditions and various face orientations
=> Robust real-time face alignment based on ASM with boosting regression for displacement prediction
=> Robust Real-Time Face Detection Using Face Certainty Map
=> Robust Real-Time Face Detection
=> Robust Real-Time Face Detection
=> Robust Real-Time Face Pose and Facial Expression Recovery
=> Robust real-time face tracker for cluttered environments
=> robust real-time face tracking algorithm, A
=> Robust Real-Time Gradient-based Eye Detection and Tracking Using Transform Domain and PSO-Based Feature Selection
=> Robust real-time ground plane motion compensation from a moving vehicle
=> Robust real-time image encryption with aperiodic chaotic map and random-cycling bit shift
=> Robust real-time intrusion detection with fuzzy classification
=> Robust Real-Time Lane and Road Detection in Critical Shadow Conditions
=> Robust real-time multi-user pupil detection and tracking under various illumination and large-scale head motion
=> Robust Real-Time Multiple Target Tracking
=> Robust Real-Time Myocardial Border Tracking for Echocardiography: An Information Fusion Approach
=> Robust real-time object tracking under background clutter
=> Robust Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing
=> Robust real-time performance-driven 3D face tracking
=> Robust Real-Time Periodic Motion Detection, Analysis, and Applications
=> Robust Real-Time Road Detection Algorithm Using Color and Edge Information, A
=> Robust Real-Time Segmentation of Images and Videos Using a Smooth-Spline Snake-based algorithm
=> Robust real-time ship detection and tracking for visual surveillance of cage aquaculture
=> Robust real-time tracking by fusing measurements from inertial and vision sensors
=> Robust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Volumetric Mass Densities
=> robust real-time tracking system based on an adaptive selection mechanism for mobile robots, A
=> Robust Real-Time Tracking with Diverse Ensembles and Random Projections
=> Robust real-time transmission of scalable multimedia for heterogeneous client bandwidths
=> Robust real-time UAV based power line detection and tracking
=> Robust Real-Time Unusual Event Detection using Multiple Fixed-Location Monitors
=> Robust real-time upper body limb detection and tracking
=> robust real-time video stabilization algorithm, A
=> Robust real-time vision for a personal service robot
=> Robust Real-Time Visual Object Tracking via Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks
=> Robust Real-Time Visual Odometry with a Single Camera and an IMU
=> Robust Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Scale Prediction and Exemplar Based Feature Description
=> Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using a 2D-3D Model-based Approach
=> Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking Using Pixel-Wise Posteriors
=> robust real-timed recognizer of printed chinese characters, A
=> Robust Real-world Image Enhancement Based on Multi-Exposure LDR Images
=> Robust real-world point cloud registration by inlier detection
=> Robust Real Time Face Location Algorithm for Videophones, A
=> Robust Real Time Moving People Detection in Surveillance Scenarios
=> Robust Real Time Tracking and Classification of Facial Expressions
=> Robust real time tracking of 3D objects
=> Robust real time tracking of a vehicle by image processing
=> robust real velocity sensing for agrimotors by Orientation Code Matching, A
=> Robust realtime feature detection in raw 3D face images
=> Robust Realtime Motion-Split-And-Merge for Motion Segmentation
=> Robust Realtime Surveillance System, A
=> Robust rear-view ground surface detection with hidden state conditional random field and confidence propagation
=> Robust recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using range images in eigenspace approach
=> Robust Recognition and Segmentation of Human Actions Using HMMs with Missing Observations
=> Robust Recognition Method for Occlusion of Mini Tomatoes Based on Hue Information and the Curvature, A
=> Robust recognition of 1-D barcodes using camera phones
=> Robust Recognition of Buildings in Compressed Large Aerial Scenes
=> Robust recognition of chess-boards under deformation
=> Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Word Clusters
=> Robust Recognition of Planar Shapes Under Affine Transforms Using Principal Component Analysis
=> Robust Recognition of Scaled Eigenimages Through a Hierarchical Approach
=> Robust recognition of traffic signals
=> Robust recognition of white blood cell images
=> Robust Recognition Technique for Dense Checkerboard Patterns, A
=> Robust Recognition Using Eigenimages
=> Robust Recogniton of Scaled Shapes Using Pairwise Geometric Histograms
=> Robust reconstruction of 3d points from images
=> Robust reconstruction of 3D space-curves from images at arbitrary angles
=> Robust Reconstruction of Accelerated Perfusion MRI Using Local and Nonlocal Constraints
=> Robust reconstruction of arbitrarily deformed Bokeh from ordinary multiple differently focused images
=> Robust Reconstruction of Building Facades for Large Areas Using Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
=> Robust Reconstruction of Building Models from Three-Dimensional Line Segments
=> Robust Reconstruction of Elasticity Using Ultrasound Imaging and Multi-Frequency Excitations
=> Robust Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Correntropy Matching Pursuit Method for Stem Cell Distribution
=> Robust reconstruction of indoor scenes
=> Robust reconstruction of low-resolution document images by exploiting repetitive character behaviour
=> Robust Reconstruction of MRSI Data Using a Sparse Spectral Model and High Resolution MRI Priors
=> Robust recovery for aperture synthesis imaging
=> Robust Recovery for Graph Signal via L_0-Norm Regularization
=> Robust Recovery of 3D Ellipse Data
=> Robust Recovery of Camera Rotation from Three Frames
=> Robust Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrix by Implicit Regularizers
=> Robust recovery of ego-motion
=> Robust Recovery of Heavily Degraded Depth Measurements
=> Robust Recovery of Motion: Effects of Surface Orientation and Field of View
=> Robust recovery of multiple light source based on local light source constant constraint
=> Robust Recovery of Shapes with Unknown Topology from the Dual Space
=> Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation
=> Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Activity Using Transient-Informed Spatio-Temporal Regression
=> Robust Recovery of the Epipolar Geometry for an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
=> Robust Recursive Factorization Method for Recovering Structure and Motion from Live Video Frames, A
=> Robust Recursive Learning for Foreground Region Detection in Videos with Quasi-Stationary Backgrounds
=> Robust Recursive Least-Squares Adaptive-Filtering Algorithm for Impulsive-Noise Environments
=> Robust Recursive Structure and Motion Recovery under Affine Projection
=> Robust Reference-based Super-Resolution via C2-Matching
=> Robust Reference-Based Super-Resolution With Similarity-Aware Deformable Convolution
=> Robust Reference-watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Packet Transform and Bidiagonal-singular Value Decomposition
=> Robust Referring Video Object Segmentation with Cyclic Structural Consensus
=> Robust refinement methods for camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images
=> Robust Reflection Removal Based on Light Field Imaging
=> Robust Reflection Removal With Flash-Only Cues in the Wild
=> Robust Reflection Removal with Reflection-free Flash-only Cues
=> robust region-adaptive dual image watermarking technique, A
=> Robust region-based background subtraction and shadow removing using color and gradient information
=> Robust Region-Based High-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low-Resolution Video
=> Robust Region-based Motion Estimation for Video Compression
=> Robust Region-Based Multiscale Image Fusion Scheme for Mis-Registration Problem of Thermal and Visible Images, A
=> Robust Region-of-Interest Determination Based on User Attention Model Through Visual Rhythm Analysis
=> Robust Region Based Level Set Framework for Medical Image Segmentation, A
=> Robust Region Control Approach for Simultaneous Trajectory Tracking and Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction, A
=> Robust Region Descriptors for Shape Classification
=> Robust region extraction of moving objects in dynamic background
=> Robust Region Feature Synthesizer for Zero-Shot Object Detection
=> Robust Region Grouping via Internal Patch Statistics
=> Robust Region Merging for Spatio-Temporal Segmentation
=> Robust regional bounding spherical descriptor for 3D face recognition and emotion analysis
=> Robust Registration-Based Tracking by Sparse Representation with Model Update
=> Robust Registration Algorithm For Point Clouds From UAV Images For Change Detection, A
=> Robust Registration and Filtering for Moving Object Detection in Aerial Videos
=> Robust Registration and Tracking Using Kernel Density Correlation
=> Robust registration for remote sensing images by combining and localizing feature- and area-based methods
=> robust registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by dual-cameras, A
=> Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets
=> Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets
=> Robust registration of aerial and close-range photogrammetric point clouds using visual context features and scale consistency
=> Robust Registration of Aerial Image Sequences
=> Robust registration of aerial images and LiDAR data using spatial constraints and Gabor structural features
=> Robust Registration of Coarse Binary Volume Models
=> Robust registration of defect set by local consistency of point data
=> Robust Registration of Dissimilar Single and Multi-Modal Images
=> Robust Registration of Dynamic Facial Sequences
=> Robust Registration of Multi-Modal Medical Images: Towards Real-Time Clinical Applications
=> Robust Registration of Multimodal Remote Sensing Images Based on Structural Similarity
=> Robust registration of partially overlapping point sets via genetic algorithm with growth operator
=> Robust Registration of Rail Profile and Complete Detection of Outliers in Complex Field Environment
=> Robust registration of serial cell microscopic images using 3D Hilbert scan search
=> Robust Regression and Outlier Detection with SVR: Application to Optic Flow Estimation
=> Robust Regression for Data with Multiple Structures
=> Robust regression for face recognition
=> Robust Regression for Face Recognition
=> Robust regression for image binarization under heavy noise and nonuniform background
=> Robust Regression Methods for Computer Vision: A Review
=> Robust Regression of Scattered Data With Adaptive Spline-Wavelets
=> Robust regression on image manifolds for ordered label denoising
=> Robust regression with extreme support vectors
=> Robust regression with projection based m-estimators
=> Robust Regression
=> Robust Regression
=> robust regularised restoration algorithm based on Topkis-Veinott optimisation method, A
=> Robust regularization for the estimation of intra-voxel axon fiber orientations
=> Robust regularized feature selection for iris recognition via linear programming
=> Robust Regularizer for Multiphase CT, A
=> Robust relative pose estimation with integrated cheirality constraint
=> Robust Relative Rotation Averaging
=> Robust Relaxation for Coherent DOA Estimation in Impulsive Noise
=> Robust Relaxation Method for Structural Matching Under Uncertainty
=> Robust Relocalization Based on Active Loop Closure for Real-Time Monocular SLAM
=> Robust Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation With Environmental Noise Disentanglement
=> Robust remote sensing retrieval of key eutrophication indicators in coastal waters based on explainable machine learning
=> Robust Replay Detection Algorithm for Soccer Video, A
=> Robust representation and recognition of free-form objects
=> Robust Representation Learning with Feedback for Single Image Deraining
=> Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
=> Robust Residual Dense Neural Network For Countering Antiforensic Attack on Median Filtered Images, A
=> Robust residual error consistent tracker with ranking mechanism
=> Robust retinal blood vessel segmentation using hybrid active contour model
=> Robust retinal blood vessel segmentation using line detectors with multiple masks
=> Robust retinal optic disc and optic cup segmentation via stationary wavelet transform and maximum vessel pixel sum
=> Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Locally Adaptive Derivative Frames in Orientation Scores
=> Robust Retrieval of 3D Structures from Magnetic Resonance Images
=> Robust reversible image watermarking scheme based on spread spectrum
=> Robust Reversible Watermarking by Fractional Order Zernike Moments and Pseudo-Zernike Moments
=> Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image With Secure Multi-Party Based on Lightweight Cryptography
=> Robust Reversible Watermarking via Clustering and Enhanced Pixel-Wise Masking
=> Robust Revocable Anonymous Authentication for Vehicle to Grid Communications
=> Robust Reweighted MAP Motion Estimation
=> Robust RGB-D Data Registration Based on Correntropy and Bi-directional Distance
=> Robust RGB-D Face Recognition Using Attribute-Aware Loss
=> Robust RGB-D Hand Tracking Using Deep Learning Priors
=> Robust RGB-D Image-Based SLAM System, A
=> Robust RGB-D Odometry Using Point and Line Features
=> robust RGB-D SLAM system for 3D environment with planar surfaces, A
=> Robust RGB-Guided Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Images via TV^3 Minimization
=> Robust RGB-T Tracking via Consistency Regulated Scene Perception
=> Robust rigid image registration with arbitrary extrinsic photometric noise
=> Robust rigid registration algorithm based on pointwise correspondence and correntropy
=> Robust Rigid Registration Framework of 3D Indoor Scene Point Clouds Based on RGB-D Information, A
=> Robust rigid registration of CT to MRI brain volumes using the SCV similarity measure
=> Robust Rigid Shape Registration Method Using a Level Set Formulation
=> Robust Ring Detection in Phase Correlation Surfaces
=> Robust river boundaries extraction of dammed lakes in mountain areas after Wenchuan Earthquake from high resolution SAR images combining local connectivity and ACM
=> Robust Road Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios Based on Markov Random Fields With Unsupervised Learning
=> Robust road detection from a single image using road shape prior
=> Robust road detection from a single image
=> Robust Road Extraction for High Resolution Satellite Images
=> Robust Road Marking Detection and Recognition Using Density-Based Grouping and Machine Learning Techniques
=> robust road marking detection method with pseudo-top-view images for creating database, A
=> Robust Road Modeling and Tracking Using Condensation
=> robust road profile estimation method for low texture stereo images, A
=> Robust Robotic Path Planning Using Level Sets
=> Robust Rooftop Extraction From Visible Band Images Using Higher Order CRF
=> Robust Room Layout Estimation from a Single Image with Geometric Hints
=> Robust rotation-invariant texture classification using a model based approach
=> Robust Rotation and Translation Estimation in Multiview Reconstruction
=> Robust Rotation Angle Estimator
=> Robust Rotation Interpolation Based on So(n) Geodesic Distance
=> Robust Rule-Based Ensemble Framework Using Mean-Shift Segmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
=> Robust RVM regression using sparse outlier model
=> Robust Saliency-Aware Distillation for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
=> Robust saliency detection via corner information and an energy function
=> Robust saliency detection via regularized random walks ranking
=> Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos via novel integrated strategies of spatio-temporal coherency clues and low-rank analysis
=> Robust Salient Motion Detection with Complex Background for Real-Time Video Surveillance
=> Robust salient object detection for RGB images
=> Robust Salient Object Detection via Fusing Foreground and Background Priors
=> Robust sampled-data control of nonlinear output feedback systems
=> Robust SAR Speckle Tracking Workflow for Measuring and Interpreting the 3D Surface Displacement of Landslides, A
=> Robust scalable video multi-cast with multiple sources and inter-source network decoding in lossy networks
=> Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
=> Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
=> Robust Scale-Space Filter Using Second-Order Partial Differential Equations
=> Robust Scale Adaptive and Real-Time Visual Tracking with Correlation Filters
=> Robust Scale Adaptive Kernel Correlation Filter Tracker With Hierarchical Convolutional Features
=> Robust Scale Estimation from Ensemble Inlier Sets for Random Sample Consensus Methods
=> Robust Scale Estimation in Real-Time Monocular SFM for Autonomous Driving
=> Robust Scaling-Based Image Watermarking Using Maximum-Likelihood Decoder With Optimum Strength Factor
=> Robust Scaling Approach for Implementation of HsMMs, A
=> robust scene-change detection method for video segmentation, A
=> Robust Scene Categorization by Learning Image Statistics in Context
=> Robust Scene Categorization via Scale-Rotation Invariant Generative Model and Kernel Sparse Representation Classification
=> Robust Scene Classification with Cross-Level LLC Coding on CNN Features
=> Robust Scene Extraction Using Multi-Stream HMMs for Baseball Broadcast
=> Robust scene matching method based on sparse representation and iterative correction
=> robust scene recognition system for baseball broadcast using data-driven approach, A
=> Robust Scene Text Detection for Multi-script Languages Using Deep Learning
=> Robust Scene Text Detection for Partially Annotated Training Data
=> Robust scene text detection using integrated feature discrimination
=> Robust Scene Text Detection with Convolution Neural Network Induced MSER Trees
=> Robust Scene Text Detection with Deep Feature Pyramid Network and CNN based NMS Model
=> Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification
=> robust scheme for live detection of human faces in color images, A
=> Robust Scheme for Sparse Reflectivity Recovering From Uniformly Quantized Seismic Data, A
=> Robust Sclera Recognition System With Novel Sclera Segmentation and Validation Techniques
=> Robust score normalization for DTW-based on-line signature verification
=> Robust Scoring and Ranking of Object Tracking Techniques
=> Robust Scuba Diver Tracking and Recovery in Open Water Using YOLOv7, SORT, and Spiral Search
=> Robust Sea-Sky-Line Detection Based on Horizontal Projection and Hough Transformation
=> Robust Second-Order Cone Relaxation for TW-TOA-Based Localization With Clock Imperfection
=> Robust Secure Transmit Design in MIMO Channels with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
=> Robust seed-based stroke width transform for text detection in natural images
=> Robust segment-based object tracking using generalized hyperplane approximation
=> Robust segment-based Stereo using Cost Aggregation
=> Robust Segmentation-Free Algorithm for Homogeneity Quantification in Images
=> Robust Segmentation and Tracking of Colored Objects in Video
=> robust segmentation approach to iris recognition based on video, A
=> Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wrapper for Inducing Priors
=> Robust Segmentation by Cutting across a Stack of Gamma Transformed Images
=> Robust Segmentation for Large Volumes of Laser Scanning Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data
=> Robust segmentation for multiple planar surface extraction in laser scanning 3D point cloud data
=> Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
=> Robust Segmentation in Laser Scanning 3D Point Cloud Data
=> Robust Segmentation of Aerial Image Data Recorded for Landscape Ecology Studies
=> Robust Segmentation of Freehand Ultrasound Image Slices Using Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geometric Active Contours
=> Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitoring videos
=> Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences
=> Robust Segmentation of Highly Dynamic Scene with Missing Data
=> Robust segmentation of lung tissue in chest CT scanning
=> Robust Segmentation of Moving Image Sequences
=> Robust Segmentation of Moving Vehicles Under Complex Outdoor Conditions
=> Robust Segmentation of Noisy Images Using a Neural Network Model
=> Robust segmentation of optic disc and optic cup using statistical Kurtosis test
=> Robust Segmentation of Primitives from Range Data in the Presence of Geometric Degeneracy
=> Robust segmentation of relevant regions in low depth of field images
=> Robust segmentation of the colour image by fusing the SDD clustering results from different colour spaces
=> Robust segmentation of tubular structures in 3-D medical images by parametric object detection and tracking
=> Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on Highways
=> Robust Segmentation Technique for Line, Word and Character Extraction from Kannada Text in Low Resolution Display Board Images, A
=> Robust Seismic Image Interpolation With Mathematical Morphological Constraint
=> Robust Seismic Volumetric Dip Estimation Combining Structure Tensor and Multiwindow Technology
=> Robust selection of parametric motion models in image sequences
=> Robust Selective Stereo SLAM without Loop Closure and Bundle Adjustment
=> Robust Self-Calibrating nCPMG Acquisition: Application to Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
=> Robust Self-Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction via Affine Approximation
=> Robust Self-calibration from Single Image Using RANSAC
=> Robust Self-Supervised Learning of Deterministic Errors in Single-Plane (Monoplanar) and Dual-Plane (Biplanar) X-Ray Fluoroscopy
=> Robust semantic analysis by synthesis of 3D facial motion
=> Robust Semantic Segmentation by Redundant Networks With a Layer-Specific Loss Contribution and Majority Vote
=> Robust Semantic Segmentation UNCV2023 Challenge Results, The
=> Robust Semantic Template Matching Using a Superpixel Region Binary Descriptor
=> Robust Semi-Automatic Depth Map Generation in Unconstrained Images and Video Sequences for 2D to Stereoscopic 3D Conversion
=> Robust Semi-Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation With Diverse Joint-Task Learning and Decoupled Inter-Student Learning
=> Robust Semi-Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation With Diverse Joint-Task Learning and Decoupled Inter-Student Learning
=> Robust Semi-Supervised Classification for Noisy Labels Based on Self-Paced Learning
=> robust semi-supervised EM-based clustering algorithm with a reject option, A
=> robust semi-supervised learning approach via mixture of label information, A
=> Robust semi-supervised least squares classification by implicit constraints
=> Robust semi-supervised multi-view graph learning with sharable and individual structure
=> Robust semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
=> Robust Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Non-Negative Low-Rank Representation
=> robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
=> Robust Semisupervised Classification for PolSAR Image With Noisy Labels
=> Robust Separation of Reflection from Multiple Images
=> Robust sequence alignment for actor-object interaction recognition: Discovering actor-object states
=> Robust Sequence Proximity Estimation by Radial Distance Hashing
=> Robust Sequential Data Modeling Using an Outlier Tolerant Hidden Markov Model
=> Robust Sequential Estimator: A General-Approach and Its Application to Surface Organization in Range Data, The
=> Robust sequential view planning for object recognition using multiple cameras
=> Robust Service and Charging Plan for Dynamic Electric Demand-Responsive Transit Systems
=> Robust Set-Invariance Based Fuzzy Output Tracking Control for Vehicle Autonomous Driving Under Uncertain Lateral Forces and Steering Constraints
=> Robust shadow and illumination estimation using a mixture model
=> Robust Shape-Aware Rib Fracture Detection and Segmentation Framework With Contrastive Learning, A
=> Robust Shape-Based Head Tracking
=> Robust shape-constrained active contour for whole heart segmentation in 3-D CT images for radiotherapy planning
=> Robust shape-from-image-focus by 3-D multivariate statistical analyses
=> robust shape-from-shading algorithm using two images and control of boundary conditions, A
=> robust shape-from-shading using multiple surface normal approximations, A
=> Robust shape-preserving contour tracing with synchronous redundancy pruning
=> Robust shape analysis using multistrategy learning
=> Robust Shape and Polarisation Estimation Using Blind Source Separation
=> Robust shape based two hand tracker
=> Robust shape description and recognition by gradient propagation
=> Robust shape from depth images with GR2T
=> Robust Shape from Polarisation and Shading
=> Robust Shape from Shading
=> Robust Shape from Shading
=> Robust Shape Matching
=> robust shape model for multi-view car alignment, A
=> Robust shape normalization based on implicit representations
=> Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother
=> Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother
=> Robust Shape Recovery from Occluding Contours Using a Linear Smoother
=> Robust Shape Regression for Supervised Vessel Segmentation and its Application to Coronary Segmentation in CTA
=> Robust shape regularity criteria for superpixel evaluation
=> Robust Shape Retrieval Using Maximum Likelihood Theory
=> Robust shape similarity retrieval based on contour segmentation polygonal multiresolution and elastic matching
=> Robust Shape Tracking in the Presence of Cluttered Background
=> Robust Shape Tracking With Multiple Models in Ultrasound Images
=> Robust shared feature learning for script and handwritten/machine-printed identification
=> Robust Sharpness Metrics Using Reorganized DCT Coefficients for Auto-Focus Application
=> Robust shifting control of a motor-transmission integrated system considering anti-jerking and speed regulation for electric vehicles
=> Robust Shipping Label Recognition and Validation for Logistics by Using Deep Neural Networks
=> Robust Shortest Path Problem With Distributional Uncertainty
=> robust shot transition detection method based on support vector machine in compressed domain, A
=> Robust SIFT-based feature matching using Kendall's rank correlation measure
=> Robust SIFT Descriptor for Multispectral Images, A
=> Robust SIFT for dark face images recogntition
=> Robust sign language recognition by combining manual and non-manual features based on conditional random field and support vector machine
=> Robust Sign Language Recognition with Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields
=> Robust Sign Recognition System at Subway Stations Using Verification Knowledge
=> Robust Signal Generation and Analysis of Rat Embryonic Heart Rate in Vitro Using Laplacian Eigenmaps and Empirical Mode Decomposition
=> Robust signal identification for dynamic pattern classification
=> Robust Signal Recognition Method for Communication System under Time-Varying SNR Environment, A
=> Robust Signal Recovery from Incomplete Observations
=> Robust signal recovery using Bayesian compressed sensing based on Lomax prior
=> Robust Signal Recovery With Highly Coherent Measurement Matrices
=> Robust Signature-Based Geometric Invariant Copyright Protection
=> Robust Significance-Linked Connected Component Analysis for Low Complexity Progressive Image Transmission over Noisy Channels
=> Robust Silhouette Extraction from Kinect Data
=> robust similarity measure for automatic inspection, A
=> robust similarity measure for volumetric image registration with outliers, A
=> Robust similarity registration technique for volumetric shapes represented by characteristic functions
=> Robust Simultaneous 3D Registration via Rank Minimization
=> Robust Simultaneous Low Rank Approximation of Tensors
=> Robust Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation with Sparse Error Reconstruction
=> Robust Single-Image Haze Removal Using Optimal Transmission Map and Adaptive Atmospheric Light
=> Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Adaptive Edge-Preserving Smoothing Regularization
=> Robust single-image super-resolution using cross-scale self-similarity
=> Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution via CNNs and TV-TV Minimization
=> Robust Single-Image Tree Diameter Estimation with Mobile Phones
=> Robust single-object image segmentation based on salient transition region
=> Robust Single-Shot Fringe Projection Profilometry Based on Morphological Component Analysis
=> Robust Single-Shot T2 Mapping via Multiple Overlapping-Echo Acquisition and Deep Neural Network
=> Robust Single Image Reflection Removal Against Adversarial Attacks
=> Robust Single Image Super-Resolution via Deep Networks With Sparse Prior
=> Robust Skeletonization for Plant Root Structure Reconstruction from MRI
=> Robust skeletonization using the discrete lambda-medial axis
=> Robust Skeletonization Using the Fast Marching Method
=> Robust Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Saliency Detection
=> Robust skew detection in mixed text/graphics documents
=> robust skew detection method based on Maximum Gradient Difference and R-signature, A
=> Robust Skew Estimation of Handwritten and Printed Documents Based on Grayvalue Images
=> Robust skin-roughness estimation based on co-occurrence matrix
=> Robust skin detection in real-world images
=> Robust skin detection using multi-spectral illumination
=> Robust skin segmentation using neighborhood information
=> Robust Small-Object Detection for Outdoor Wide-Area Surveillance
=> Robust Small-scale Pedestrian Detection with Cued Recall via Memory Learning
=> Robust Small Object Detection on the Water Surface through Fusion of Camera and Millimeter Wave Radar
=> Robust Small Robot Localization From Highly Uncertain Sensors
=> Robust snake convergence based on dynamic programming
=> Robust Snake Implementation: A Dual Active Contour
=> Robust Snake Model
=> Robust Soft-Decision Interpolation Using Weighted Least Squares
=> robust soft hash algorithm for digital image signature, A
=> Robust Software for Computing Camera Motion Parameters
=> robust solution for object recognition by mean field annealing techniques, A
=> Robust solution to three-dimensional pose estimation using composite extended Kalman observer and Kalman filter
=> Robust solutions to fuzzy one-class support vector machine
=> Robust Solvers for Inverse Imaging Problems Using Dense Single-Precision Hardware
=> Robust Solvers for Square Jigsaw Puzzles
=> Robust Sonar ATR Through Bayesian Pose-Corrected Sparse Classification
=> Robust Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Fundus Image Segmentation
=> Robust Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Fundus Image Segmentation
=> Robust Source Coding for Images over Very Noisy Channels
=> Robust Space-Frequency Joint Representation for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
=> Robust Space-Time Joint Sparse Processing Method with Airborne Active Array for Severely Inhomogeneous Clutter Suppression
=> Robust Sparse and Dense Nonrigid Structure From Motion
=> Robust sparse and low-redundancy multi-label feature selection with dynamic local and global structure preservation
=> Robust Sparse Blind Source Separation
=> Robust sparse bounding sphere for 3D face recognition
=> Robust Sparse Coding and Compressed Sensing with the Difference Map
=> Robust sparse coding for face recognition
=> Robust Sparse Coding for Mobile Image Labeling on the Cloud
=> Robust sparse coding for one-class classification based on correntropy and logarithmic penalty function
=> Robust Sparse Direct Localization of Smart Vehicle With Partly Calibrated Time Modulated Arrays
=> Robust Sparse Hashing
=> Robust Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing With L_2,1 Norm
=> Robust sparse image denoising
=> Robust Sparse Imaging Algorithm Using Joint MIMO Array Manifold and Array Channel Outliers, A
=> Robust Sparse Learning Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
=> Robust Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis
=> Robust Sparse Matching and Motion Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms
=> Robust Sparse Recovery Based Vehicles Location Estimation in Intelligent Transportation System
=> Robust Sparse Recovery in Impulsive Noise via Continuous Mixed Norm
=> Robust sparse representation based multi-focus image fusion with dictionary construction and local spatial consistency
=> Robust Sparse Representation in Quaternion Space
=> Robust Sparse Signal Recovery in the Presence of the S alpha-S Noise
=> Robust Sparse Tensor Decomposition by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
=> Robust Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Imagery
=> Robust Sparsity-Aware RLS Algorithms With Jointly-Optimized Parameters Against Impulsive Noise
=> Robust Spatial-Spectral Block-Diagonal Structure Representation With Fuzzy Class Probability for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> Robust spatial-temporal Bayesian view synthesis for video stitching with occlusion handling
=> Robust Spatial Consistency Graph Model for Partial Duplicate Image Retrieval
=> Robust Spatial Matching as Ensemble of Weak Geometric Relations
=> Robust Spatial Matching for Object Retrieval and Its Parallel Implementation on GPU
=> Robust Spatial Phase Unwrapping for On-Line MR-Temperature Monitoring
=> Robust spatial watermarking technique for colour images via direct saturation adjustment
=> Robust spatially constrained fuzzy c-means algorithm for brain MR image segmentation
=> Robust Spatio-Temporal Clustering and Reconstruction of Multiple Deformable Bodies
=> Robust Spatio-Temporal Feature Tracking
=> robust spatio-temporal scheme for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval, A
=> Robust Spatiotemporal Matching of Electronic Slides to Presentation Videos
=> Robust spatiotemporal stereo for dynamic scenes
=> Robust Speaker's Location Detection in a Vehicle Environment Using GMM Models
=> Robust Speaker Identification for Meetings: UPC CLEAR'07 Meeting Room Evaluation System
=> Robust speaker recognition based on filtering in autocorrelation domain and sub-band feature recombination
=> Robust Speaker Recognition in Cross-Channel Condition
=> robust speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion, A
=> Robust Spectral 3D-Bodypart Segmentation Along Time
=> Robust spectral embedded bilateral orthogonal concept factorization for clustering
=> Robust Specularity Detection from a Single Multi-Illuminant Color Image
=> Robust speech recognition using spatial-temporal feature distribution characteristics
=> robust sperm cell tracking algorithm using uneven lighting image fixing and improved branch and bound algorithm, A
=> Robust spherical principal curves
=> Robust SPIHT-Coded Image Transmission over Wireless Channels Using Packetization
=> Robust Split-and-Merge Text Segmentation Approach for Images, A
=> Robust Spot Fitting for Genetic Spot Array Images
=> Robust Spotting of Key Gestures from Whole Body Motion Sequence
=> robust spread-spectrum watermarking method using two-level quantization, A
=> Robust SS watermarking with improved capacity
=> Robust SSD tracking with incremental 3D structure estimation
=> Robust stability analysis and H-inf controller design of teleoperation system with time varying communication delay
=> Robust Stability of 2-D Digital Filters Employing Saturation
=> Robust stability of two-dimensional uncertain discrete systems
=> Robust stability of two-dimensional uncertain discrete systems
=> Robust stability of uncertain discrete-time switched systems with time-varying delay
=> Robust stability with general decay rate for stochastic neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays
=> Robust stabilization of multiple coupled networked control system via jump linear system approach
=> Robust stack-run coding for low bit-rate image transmission over noisy channels
=> Robust Staffline Thickness and Distance Estimation in Binary and Gray-Level Music Scores
=> Robust Stamps Detection and Classification by Means of General Shape Analysis
=> Robust Star Identification Algorithm Based on a Masked Distance Map, A
=> robust static hand gesture recognition system using geometry based normalizations and Krawtchouk moments, A
=> Robust Statistical-Models for Cell Image Interpretation
=> Robust statistical approaches for circle fitting in laser scanning three-dimensional point cloud data
=> Robust statistical approaches for local planar surface fitting in 3D laser scanning data
=> Robust Statistical Detection of GNSS Multipath Using Inter-Frequency C/N0 Differences
=> Robust Statistical Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple Subspaces
=> Robust Statistical Estimation Applied to Automatic Lip Segmentation
=> Robust Statistical Face Frontalization
=> Robust Statistical Frontalization of Human and Animal Faces
=> Robust Statistical Fusion of Image Labels
=> Robust Statistical Label Fusion Through Consensus Level, Labeler Accuracy, and Truth Estimation (COLLATE)
=> Robust Statistical Model-Based Cell Image Interpretation
=> Robust statistical registration of 3D ultrasound images using texture information
=> Robust statistical shape analysis based on the tangent shape space
=> robust statistics approach for plane detection in unorganized point clouds, A
=> Robust statistics in shape fitting
=> Robust statistics on Riemannian manifolds via the geometric median
=> Robust steganalysis based on training set construction and ensemble classifiers weighting
=> Robust Steganography for High Quality Images
=> Robust Stereo Analysis
=> Robust stereo correspondence for documents by matching connected components of text-lines with dynamic programming
=> Robust Stereo Data Cost With a Learning Strategy
=> robust stereo disparity estimation using adaptive window search and dynamic programming search, A
=> Robust Stereo Ego-Motion for Long Distance Navigation
=> Robust Stereo Image Matching for Spaceborne Imagery
=> Robust stereo matching for document images using parameter selection of text-line extraction
=> Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients
=> Robust Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation
=> Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
=> Robust stereo matching using census cost, discontinuity-preserving disparity computation and view-consistent refinement
=> Robust Stereo Matching Using Probabilistic Laplacian Surface Propagation
=> Robust Stereo Matching with an Unfixed and Adaptive Disparity Search Range
=> Robust stereo matching with fast Normalized Cross-Correlation over shape-adaptive regions
=> Robust stereo matching with improved graph and surface models and occlusion handling
=> Robust Stereo on Multiple Resolutions
=> Robust Stereo Prior for Human Segmentation, A
=> Robust Stereo via Temporal Consistency
=> Robust Stereo Vision with Confidence Measure Based on Tree Agreement, A
=> Robust stereo with flash and no-flash image pairs
=> Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
=> Robust Stereoscopic Head Pose Estimation in Human-Computer Interaction and a Unified Evaluation Framework
=> Robust still image coding using lapped transforms with block classification
=> Robust Stochastic Control for High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearity, Parametric Uncertainty, and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
=> Robust Stochastic Neural Ensemble Learning With Noisy Labels for Thoracic Disease Classification
=> Robust Stochastic Neural Ensemble Learning With Noisy Labels for Thoracic Disease Classification
=> Robust Strategy for Large-Size Optical and SAR Image Registration, A
=> Robust Streaming of Offline Coded H.264/AVC Video Via Alternative Macroblock Coding
=> Robust String Stability and Safety of CTH Predictor-Feedback CACC
=> Robust stroke segmentation method for handwritten Chinese character recognition
=> Robust Struck tracker via color Haar-like feature and selective updating
=> robust structural fingerprint restoration, A
=> Robust Structural Indexing through Quasi-Invariant Shape Signatures and Feature Generation
=> Robust Structural Low-Rank Tracking
=> Robust structural similarity index measure for images with non-Gaussian distortions
=> Robust Structural Sparse Tracking
=> Robust Structure-Adaptive Hybrid Vector Filter for Color Image Restoration, A
=> Robust Structure and Motion from Outlines of Smooth Curved Surfaces
=> Robust Structure from Motion and Identified Dynamics
=> Robust structure from motion estimation using inertial data
=> Robust Structure from Motion of Nonrigid Objects in the Presence of Outlying and Missing Data
=> Robust structure from motion under weak perspective
=> Robust Structure from Motion using Motion Parallax
=> Robust Structured Declarative Classifiers for 3D Point Clouds: Defending Adversarial Attacks with Implicit Gradients
=> Robust Structured Dictionary Learning For Block Sparse Representations Using a-Divergence
=> Robust Structured Light Coding for 3D Reconstruction
=> Robust Structured Light System Against Subsurface Scattering Effects Achieved by CNN-Based Pattern Detection and Decoding Algorithm
=> Robust Structured Subspace Learning for Data Representation
=> Robust Student's-t Mixture Model With Spatial Constraints and Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation
=> Robust Sub-Band Image Coding for Wireless Transmission
=> Robust Subband Adaptive Filtering against Impulsive Noise
=> Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction from Crowdsourced Pairwise Labels
=> Robust Subpixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Using HOS in the Parametric Domain, A
=> robust subspace approach to layer extraction, A
=> Robust Subspace Classifier, A
=> Robust subspace clustering based on inter-cluster correlation reduction by low rank representation
=> Robust Subspace Clustering by Bi-Sparsity Pursuit: Guarantees and Sequential Algorithm
=> Robust subspace clustering by combined use of kNND metric and SVD algorithm
=> Robust Subspace Clustering by Logarithmic Hyperbolic Cosine Function
=> Robust subspace clustering for image data using clean dictionary estimation and group lasso based matrix completion
=> Robust Subspace Clustering for Multi-View Data by Exploiting Correlation Consensus
=> Robust subspace clustering network with dual-domain regularization
=> Robust Subspace Clustering via Half-Quadratic Minimization
=> Robust Subspace Clustering via Smoothed Rank Approximation
=> Robust Subspace Clustering With Complex Noise
=> Robust Subspace Clustering With Compressed Data
=> Robust Subspace Clustering With Independent and Piecewise Identically Distributed Noise Modeling
=> Robust Subspace Detectors Based on a-Divergence With Application to Detection in Imaging
=> Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low-Rank Optimization: Theory and Applications
=> Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
=> Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
=> Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
=> Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
=> Robust subspace mixture models using t-distributions
=> Robust Subspace Position Measurement Using Localized Sub-Windows
=> Robust Subspace Segmentation with Block-Diagonal Prior
=> Robust Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Image Plus Depth Data
=> Robust Super-Resolution Using a Median Filter for Irregular Samples
=> Robust Super-Resolution Volume Reconstruction From Slice Acquisitions: Application to Fetal Brain MRI
=> Robust Super-Resolution
=> Robust super resolution of compressed video
=> Robust Superdirective Frequency-Invariant Beamforming for Circular Sensor Arrays
=> Robust Superpixel-Guided Attentional Adversarial Attack
=> Robust Superpixel Tracking via Depth Fusion
=> Robust Superpixel Tracking with Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning
=> Robust Superpixel Tracking
=> Robust superpixels using color and contour features along linear path
=> Robust supervised classification with mixture models: Learning from data with uncertain labels
=> Robust Supervised Method for Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Accounting for Endmember Variability
=> robust support vector algorithm for nonparametric spectral analysis, A
=> Robust support vector machine with bullet hole image classification
=> Robust support vector machines based on the rescaled hinge loss function
=> Robust Suppression of Deceptive Jamming with VHF-FDA-MIMO Radar under Multipath Effects
=> Robust Surface Fitting from Two Views using Restricted Correspondence
=> Robust Surface Matching for Automated Detection of Local Deformations Using Least-Median-of-Squares Estimator
=> Robust surface matching for registration
=> robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
=> robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
=> Robust Surface Matching Technique for DEM Integration in the Context of Coastal Geohazard Monitoring, A
=> Robust surface normal estimation via greedy sparse regression
=> Robust Surface Pattern Matching for Ball Spin Estimation with Multi-exposed Images Under Varying Illumination Conditions
=> Robust surface reconstruction from gradients via adaptive dictionary regularization
=> Robust surface reconstruction from stereo SEM images
=> Robust Surface Reconstruction in SEM Using Two BSE Detectors
=> Robust Surface Reconstruction via Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Projection and Boundary Deformation
=> Robust Surface Reconstruction via Triple Sparsity
=> Robust Surface Reconstruction
=> Robust Surveillance on Compressed Video: Uniform Performance from High to Low Bitrates
=> robust SVM classification framework using PSM for multi-class recognition, A
=> Robust Switched Velocity-Dependent Path-Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
=> Robust Symbol Localization Based on Junction Features and Efficient Geometry Consistency Checking
=> Robust Symbolic Dual-View Facial Expression Recognition With Skin Wrinkles: Local Versus Global Approach
=> Robust symbolic representation for shape recognition and retrieval
=> Robust symmetric iterative closest point
=> Robust Synchronization for Under-Actuated Vessels Based on Disturbance Observer
=> Robust synchronization in SO(3) and SE(3) via low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
=> Robust Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Data
=> Robust synthetic basis feature descriptor
=> robust system for lineament analysis of aero-magnetic imagery using orientation analysis and edge linking, A
=> Robust system for road sign detection and recognition using template matching
=> robust system for text extraction in video, A
=> Robust Table Detection and Structure Recognition from Heterogeneous Document Images
=> Robust table structure recognition with dynamic queries enhanced detection transformer
=> Robust Target Detection Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and a Monocular Camera, A
=> Robust target detection and tracking through integration of motion, color, and geometry
=> Robust Target Detection by Spatial/Spectral Restoration Based on Tensor Modelling
=> Robust Target Detection Within Sea Clutter Based on Graphs
=> Robust Target Recognition and Tracking of Self-Driving Cars With Radar and Camera Information Fusion Under Severe Weather Conditions
=> Robust Target Tracking by Online Random Forests and Superpixels
=> Robust TCPHD Filter for Multi-Sensor Multitarget Tracking Based on a Gaussian-Student's t-Mixture Model, A
=> Robust TDOA Source Localization Based on Lagrange Programming Neural Network
=> Robust Teacher: Self-correcting pseudo-label-guided semi-supervised learning for object detection
=> robust technique for copy-move forgery detection and localization in digital images via stationary wavelet and discrete cosine transform, A
=> Robust technique for fingerprint template protection
=> robust technique for latent fingerprint image segmentation and enhancement, A
=> Robust Technique for Matching Two Uncalibrated Images Through the Recovery of the Unknown Epipolar Geometry, A
=> Robust Technique for Motion-Based Video Sequences Temporal Alignment, A
=> Robust Technique for Precise Registration of Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
=> robust technique for text extraction in mixed-type binary documents, A
=> Robust Technique for the Estimation of the Deformable Hyperquadrics from Images, A
=> Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises, A
=> Robust techniques for abandoned and removed object detection based on Markov random field
=> Robust Techniques for Edge Detection in Multiplicative Weibull Image Noise
=> Robust Techniques for the Estimation of Structure from Motion in the Uncalibrated Case
=> Robust telephone speech recognition based on channel compensation
=> Robust Template-Based Non-Rigid Motion Tracking Using Local Coordinate Regularization
=> Robust Template Matching for Affine Resistant Image Watermarks
=> robust template tracking algorithm with weighted active drift correction, A
=> Robust template tracking with drift correction
=> Robust Temporal-Spatial Decomposition and Its Applications in Video Processing
=> Robust Temporal Activity Templates Using Higher Order Statistics
=> Robust temporal low-rank representation for traffic data recovery via fused LASSO
=> Robust Temporal Super-Resolution for Dynamic Motion Videos
=> Robust Temporal Super-Resolution for Dynamic Motion Videos
=> Robust Temporally-Coherent Strategy for Few-shot Video Instance Segmentation
=> Robust Temporally Coherent Laplacian Protrusion Segmentation of 3D Articulated Bodies
=> Robust Tensor Analysis With L1-Norm
=> Robust Tensor Classifiers for Color Object Recognition
=> Robust Tensor Completion: Equivalent Surrogates, Error Bounds, and Algorithms
=> Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruptions
=> Robust Tensor Decomposition for Image Representation Based on Generalized Correntropy
=> Robust tensor factorization using maximum correntropy criterion
=> Robust tensor factorization using R1 norm
=> Robust Tensor Factorization with Unknown Noise
=> Robust Tensor Recovery for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
=> Robust Tensor Splines for Approximation of Diffusion Tensor MRI Data
=> Robust Test-Time Adaptation in Dynamic Scenarios
=> Robust text detection from binarized document images
=> Robust text detection in natural images with edge-enhanced Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
=> Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images by Generalized Color-Enhanced Contrasting Extremal Region and Neural Networks
=> Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images
=> Robust Text Detection with Vertically-Regressed Proposal Network
=> Robust Text Image Recognition via Adversarial Sequence-to-Sequence Domain Adaptation
=> Robust Text Line Segmentation for Historical Manuscript Images Using Color and Texture
=> Robust Text Segmentation in Low Quality Images via Adaptive Stroke Width Estimation and Stroke Based Superpixel Grouping
=> Robust text segmentation using graph cut
=> Robust Texture-Aware Computer-Generated Image Forensic: Benchmark and Algorithm
=> Robust Texture-Aware Computer-Generated Image Forensic: Benchmark and Algorithm
=> Robust Texture-Aware Local Adaptive Image Watermarking With Perceptual Guarantee
=> Robust Texture Analysis Using Multi-Resolution Gray-Scale Invariant Features for Breast Sonographic Tumor Diagnosis
=> Robust Texture Classification by Aggregating Pixel-Based LBP Statistics
=> Robust Texture Classification by Subsets of Local Binary Patterns
=> Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Pattern and Non-Local Binary Pattern
=> Robust texture features based on undecimated dual-tree complex wavelets and local magnitude binary patterns
=> Robust texture features for blurred images using Undecimated Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
=> Robust texture features for still-image retrieval
=> Robust Texture Image Representation by Scale Selective Local Binary Patterns
=> Robust Texture Image Retrieval Using Hierarchical Correlations of Wavelet Coefficients
=> Robust Texture Recognition Using Credal Classifiers
=> Robust texture representation by using binary code ensemble
=> Robust texture retrieval of compressed images
=> Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
=> Robust Three-Dimensional Registration of Range Images Using a New Genetic Algorithm
=> Robust three-dimensional vehicle reconstruction using cross-ratio invariance
=> Robust Three-View Triangulation Done Fast
=> Robust threshold estimation for images with unimodal histograms
=> Robust Through-the-Wall Radar Image Classification Using a Target-Model Alignment Procedure
=> Robust Tie-Points Matching Method with Regional Feature Representation for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
=> Robust Time-Delay Estimation for Acoustic Indoor Localization in Reverberant Environments
=> Robust Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the L-Estimation and Compressive Sensing
=> Robust Time-Frequency Analysis of Multiple FM Signals With Burst Missing Samples
=> Robust time-frequency model estimation in Otolith images for fish age and growth analysis
=> Robust Time-of-Arrival-Based Splitting Mean Moving Object Localization
=> Robust time recognition of video clock based on digit transition detection and digit-sequence recognition
=> Robust Timing Calibration for PET Using L1-Norm Minimization
=> Robust TOA-Based UAS Navigation under Model Mismatch in GNSS-Denied Harsh Environments
=> Robust topological features for deformation invariant image matching
=> Robust Topology-adaptive Snakes for Image Segmentation
=> Robust Topology-adaptive Snakes for Image Segmentation
=> Robust Track Error Estimation Method for Airborne SAR Based on Accuracy Analysis Model, A
=> Robust Track Estimation Method for Airborne SAR Based on Weak Navigation Information and Additional Envelope Errors, A
=> Robust tracking-by-detection using a detector confidence particle filter
=> Robust Tracking Against Adversarial Attacks
=> Robust Tracking Algorithm Based on HOGs Descriptor, A
=> robust tracking algorithm for a human-following mobile robot, A
=> Robust tracking and mapping with a handheld RGB-D camera
=> Robust Tracking and Object Classification Towards Automated Video Surveillance
=> Robust Tracking and Redetection: Collaboratively Modeling the Target and Its Context
=> Robust Tracking and Stereo Matching under Variable Illumination
=> Robust Tracking and Structure from Motion with Sampling Method
=> Robust tracking based on Boosted Color Soft Segmentation and ICA-R
=> Robust tracking based on local structural cell graph
=> Robust Tracking Based on Pixel-Wise Spatial Pyramid and Biased Fusion
=> Robust tracking by accounting for hard negatives explicitly
=> Robust Tracking by Means of Template Adaptation with Drift Correction
=> Robust tracking for interactive social video
=> Robust Tracking for Motion Blur Via Context Enhancement
=> Robust Tracking for Processing of Videos of Communication's Gestures
=> Robust Tracking in Low Light and Sudden Illumination Changes
=> Robust Tracking in Weakly Dynamic Scenes
=> robust tracking method based on the correlation filter and correcting strategy, A
=> Robust tracking method with drift correction
=> Robust Tracking of 3D Motion, A
=> Robust tracking of articulated human movements through Component-Based Multiple Instance Learning with particle filtering
=> Robust Tracking of Circular Features
=> Robust tracking of cyclic nonrigid motion
=> Robust tracking of ellipses at frame rate
=> Robust tracking of facial feature points with 3D Active Shape Models
=> Robust tracking of human body parts for collaborative human computer interaction
=> Robust tracking of humans and vehicles in cluttered scenes with occlusions
=> Robust Tracking of Migrating Cells Using Four-Color Level Set Segmentation
=> Robust tracking of multiple objects in video by adaptive fusion of subband particle filters
=> Robust Tracking of Multiple People in Crowds Using Laser Range Scanners
=> Robust tracking of persons in real-world scenarios using a statistical computer vision approach
=> Robust Tracking of Position and Velocity With Kalman Snakes
=> Robust tracking of soccer players based on data fusion
=> Robust Tracking of Soccer Robots Using Random Finite Sets
=> Robust tracking of spatial related components
=> Robust tracking of stochastic deformable models in long image sequences
=> Robust Tracking of Walking Persons by Elite-Type Particle Filters and RGB-D Images
=> Robust Tracking System for Low Frame Rate Video, A
=> Robust Tracking System for Low Frame Rate Video, A
=> Robust Tracking Using Foreground-Background Texture Discrimination
=> Robust tracking using local sparse appearance model and K-selection
=> Robust Tracking Using Particle Filter with a Hybrid Feature
=> Robust tracking using visual cue integration for mobile mixed images
=> Robust Tracking via Bidirectional Transduction With Mask Information
=> Robust tracking via discriminative sparse feature selection
=> Robust Tracking via Fully Exploring Background Prior Knowledge
=> Robust Tracking via Learning Model Update With Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Philosophy
=> Robust Tracking via Locally Structured Representation
=> Robust tracking via monocular active vision for an intelligent teaching system
=> Robust tracking via saliency-based appearance model
=> Robust Tracking via Spatio-Temporally Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
=> Robust Tracking via Uncertainty-Aware Semantic Consistency
=> Robust tracking via weakly supervised ranking SVM
=> Robust tracking via weighted spatio-temporal context learning
=> Robust Tracking with and Beyond Visible Spectrum: A Four-Layer Data Fusion Framework
=> Robust Tracking With Discriminative Ranking Lists
=> Robust Tracking With Discriminative Ranking Lists
=> Robust tracking with interest points: A sparse representation approach
=> Robust Tracking with Low-Dimensional Target-Specific Feature Extraction, A
=> Robust Tracking with Motion Estimation and Local Kernel-Based Color Modeling
=> Robust Tracking with Motion Estimation and Local Kernel-Based Color Modeling
=> Robust tracking with per-exemplar support vector machine
=> Robust Tracking with Spatio-Velocity Snakes: Kalman Filtering Approach
=> Robust Tracking with Weighted Online Structured Learning
=> Robust Traffic-Aware City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Of Vehicles, A
=> Robust Traffic Control Model Considering Uncertainties in Turning Ratios, A
=> Robust Traffic Control Using a First Order Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model
=> Robust traffic lights detection on mobile devices for pedestrians with visual impairment
=> Robust Traffic Parameter Extraction Approach for Surveillance System at Urban Intersection, A
=> Robust Traffic Prediction From Spatial-Temporal Data Based on Conditional Distribution Learning
=> Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color Global and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude Patterns
=> Robust Traffic Sign Recognition System for Intelligent Vehicles, A
=> Robust traffic sign shape recognition using geometric matching
=> Robust Traffic Signs Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
=> Robust Traffic Speed Inference With Ensemble Learning
=> Robust Traffic State Estimation on Smart Cameras
=> Robust Train Timetabling Problem: Mathematical Model and Branch and Bound Algorithm
=> Robust Training with Feature-Based Adversarial Example
=> Robust Trajectory-Space TV-L1 Optical Flow for Non-rigid Sequences
=> Robust Trajectory Clustering for Motion Segmentation
=> Robust trajectory estimation of soccer players by using two cameras
=> Robust Transceiver for AF MIMO Relaying with Direct Link: A Globally Optimal Solution
=> Robust Transceiver Optimization for Power-Splitting Based Downlink MISO SWIPT Systems
=> Robust Transfer Metric Learning for Image Classification
=> Robust Transferable Subspace Learning for Cross-Corpus Facial Expression Recognition
=> Robust Transform Estimator Based on Residual Analysis and Its Application on UAV Aerial Images, A
=> Robust Transforms Based on the Weighted Median Operator
=> Robust transmission of MPEG-4 scalable video over 4G wireless networks
=> Robust Transmission of Multi-View Video Streams using Flexible Macroblock Ordering and Systematic LT Codes
=> Robust Transmission of Scalable Video Coding Bitstream Over Heterogeneous Networks
=> Robust Transmission of SPIHT-Coded Images Over Packet Networks
=> Robust Transmission of Video Over Noisy Channel Using Parity Motion Vector
=> Robust Transmission of Video Sequence over Noisy Channel Using Parity-Check Motion Vector
=> Robust transmission of video sequence using double-vector motion compensation
=> Robust Transmission Waveform Design for Distributed Multiple-Radar Systems Based on Low Probability of Intercept
=> Robust Transmit Beamforming for Self-Interference Cancellation in STAR Phased Array Systems
=> Robust transmit pulse design
=> Robust Tree-Ring Detection
=> Robust Triangular Sigmoid Pattern-Based Obstacle Detection Algorithm in Resource-Limited Devices, A
=> Robust trifocal tensor constraints for structure from motion estimation
=> Robust Trimmed K-Means
=> Robust TRISO-fueled Pebble Identification by Digit Recognition
=> Robust Trust Region for Weakly Supervised Segmentation
=> Robust Tucker Tensor Decomposition for Effective Image Representation
=> Robust tumour tracking from 2D imaging using a population-based statistical motion model
=> Robust turbo-based data hiding for image and video sources
=> Robust TV News Story Identification Via Visual Characteristics of Anchorperson Scenes
=> Robust twin support vector machine for pattern classification
=> Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled Hinge loss
=> Robust Two-Dimensional InSAR Phase Unwrapping via FPA and GAU Dual Attention in ResDANet
=> Robust Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Multibaseline SAR Interferograms: A Two-Stage Programming Approach
=> Robust two-dimensional principal component analysis via alternating optimization
=> Robust Two-Dimensional Spatial-Variant Map-Drift Algorithm for UAV SAR Autofocusing
=> Robust Two-Dimensional T L_1-Norm Linear Discriminant Analysis for Image Recognition
=> Robust two-stage face recognition approach using global and local features
=> robust two-stage face recognition system with localisation error compensation, A
=> Robust Two-Stage Planning Model for the Charging Station Placement Problem Considering Road Traffic Uncertainty, A
=> Robust Two-stage System for Image Segmentation, A
=> Robust Two-View External Calibration by Combining Lines and Scale Invariant Point Features
=> Robust Two Level Classification Algorithm for Text Localization in Documents, A
=> Robust Two Stage Approach for Eye Detection, A
=> robust two step approach for fingerprint identification, A
=> Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
=> Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
=> robust UAV landing site detection system using mid-level discriminative patches, A
=> Robust UAV Visual Teach and Repeat Using Only Sparse Semantic Object Features
=> Robust Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging Method With Corrected k-Space Trajectory by Using Parametric Multiple Function Model of Gradient Waveform, A
=> Robust unambiguous parametrization of the essential manifold
=> Robust Unattended and Stolen Object Detection by Fusing Simple Algorithms
=> Robust unbiased H-inf filtering for uncertain two-dimensional systems
=> Robust uncalibrated stereo rectification with constrained geometric distortions (USR-CGD)
=> Robust Underwater Direction-of-Arrival Tracking Based on AI-Aided Variational Bayesian Extended Kalman Filter
=> Robust Underwater Multiclass Fish-School Tracking Algorithm, A
=> Robust Unmixing of Dynamic Sequences Using Regions of Interest
=> Robust Unpaired Image Dehazing via Density and Depth Decomposition
=> Robust Unscented Unbiased Minimum-Variance Estimator for Nonlinear System Dynamic State Estimation With Unknown Inputs
=> Robust Unsupervised Arousal Rating: A Rule-Based Framework withKnowledge-Inspired Vocal Features
=> Robust Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Negative-View Regularization
=> Robust unsupervised feature selection by nonnegative sparse subspace learning
=> Robust unsupervised feature selection via data relationship learning
=> Robust unsupervised motion pattern inference from video and applications
=> Robust Unsupervised Multi-Object Tracking In Noisy Environments
=> robust unsupervised pattern discovery and clustering of speech signals, A
=> Robust unsupervised segmentation of degraded document images with topic models
=> Robust unsupervised small area change detection from SAR imagery using deep learning
=> Robust Unsupervised StyleGAN Image Restoration
=> Robust upper limb tracking for large interactive displays
=> Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
=> Robust User Community-Aware Landmark Photo Retrieval
=> Robust validation of Visual Focus of Attention using adaptive fusion of head and eye gaze patterns
=> Robust Vanishing Point Detection for MobileCam-Based Documents
=> Robust Vanishing Point Determination in Noisy Images
=> robust variable length nonlinear filter for edge enhancement and noise smoothing, A
=> Robust Variational Bayesian Point Set Registration
=> robust variational model for positive image deconvolution, A
=> Robust Variational Reconstruction from Multiple Views
=> Robust Variational Segmentation of 3D Objects from Multiple Views
=> Robust Vascular Segmentation for Raw Complex Images of Laser Speckle Contrast Based on Weakly Supervised Learning
=> Robust VB 2D-CELP image transmission over CDMA Rayleigh fading channels
=> Robust vectorization using graph-based thinning and reliability-based line approximation
=> Robust Vegetation Index Based on Different UAV RGB Images to Estimate SPAD Values of Naked Barley Leaves, A
=> Robust Vehicle and Traffic Information Extraction for Highway Surveillance
=> Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions
=> Robust Vehicle Detection and Viewpoint Estimation With Soft Discriminative Mixture Model
=> Robust vehicle detection approach
=> Robust vehicle detection based on shadow classification
=> Robust Vehicle Detection for Tracking in Highway Surveillance Videos Using Unsupervised Learning
=> Robust Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using Bag-of-Words and Orientation Aware Scanning
=> Robust Vehicle Detection Through Multidimensional Classification for on Board Video Based Systems
=> Robust Vehicle Driver Assistance Control for Handover Scenarios Considering Driving Performances
=> Robust vehicle edge detection by cross filter method
=> Robust vehicle lane keeping control with networked proactive adaptation
=> Robust Vehicle Positioning Based on Multi-Epoch and Multi-Antenna TOAs in Harsh Environments
=> Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior
=> Robust Vehicle Sideslip Angle Estimation Through a Disturbance Rejection Filter That Integrates a Magnetometer With GPS
=> Robust vehicle tracking algorithm for nighttime videos captured by fixed cameras in highly reflective environments
=> Robust vehicle tracking for urban traffic videos at intersections
=> Robust Velocity Dealiasing for Weather Radar Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
=> Robust velocity measurement for railway applications by fusing eddy current sensor signals
=> Robust Vergence with Concurrent Detection of Occlusion and Specular Highlights
=> Robust Vergence with Concurrent Identification of Occlusion and Specular Highlights
=> Robust Verification With Subsurface Fingerprint Recognition Using Full Field Optical Coherence Tomography
=> Robust Vertex Classification
=> Robust video-based face recognition by sequential sample consensus
=> Robust Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Hierarchical Mining
=> Robust Video-Based Recognition of Dynamic Head Gestures in Various Domains: Comparing a Rule-Based and a Stochastic Approach
=> Robust Video-Based Surveillance by Integrating Target Detection with Tracking
=> Robust Video-Text Retrieval Via Noisy Pair Calibration
=> Robust Video Background Identification by Dominant Rigid Motion Estimation
=> Robust Video Based Iris Segmentation System in Less Constrained Environments
=> Robust video coding algorithms and systems
=> Robust Video Coding Based on Hybrid Hierarchical B Pictures
=> Robust Video Coding Based on Multiple Description Scalar Quantization With Side Information
=> Robust video communication using Random Linear Network Coding with Pre-Coding and Interleaving
=> Robust Video Content Alignment and Compensation for Rain Removal in a CNN Framework
=> Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective Embedding
=> Robust video denoising for better subjective evaluation
=> Robust video denoising for mixed Poisson, Gaussian and impule noise
=> Robust video denoising using low rank matrix completion
=> Robust Video Facial Authentication With Unsupervised Mode Disentanglement
=> Robust video fingerprinting based on 2D-OPCA of affine covariant regions
=> Robust Video Fingerprinting Based on Symmetric Pairwise Boosting
=> Robust Video Fingerprinting for Content-Based Video Identification
=> Robust video fingerprinting via structural graphical models
=> Robust Video Foreground Segmentation by Using Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling, A
=> Robust Video Frame Interpolation With Exceptional Motion Map
=> Robust Video Hashing Based on Double-Layer Embedding
=> Robust Video Hashing via Multilinear Subspace Projections
=> Robust Video Mining Based on Local Similarity Alignment of Motion Trajectories
=> Robust Video Mosaicing Through Topology Inference and Local to Global Alignment
=> Robust video multicast with joint network coding and video interleaving
=> Robust Video Object Cosegmentation
=> Robust Video Object Tracking by Using Active Contours, A
=> Robust Video Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Leaky Prediction
=> Robust Video Restoration by Joint Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Approximation
=> robust video scene extraction approach to movie content abstraction, A
=> Robust video segment proposals with painless occlusion handling
=> Robust video sequence retrieval using a novel object-based T2D-histogram descriptor
=> Robust video signature based on ordinal measure
=> Robust video stabilization approach based on a voting strategy
=> Robust video stabilization based on bounded path planning
=> Robust video stabilization based on mesh grid warping of rolling-free features
=> Robust Video Stabilization Based on Particle Filter Tracking of Projected Camera Motion
=> Robust Video Stabilization by Optimization in CNN Weight Space
=> robust video stabilization technique using integral frame projection warping, A
=> Robust video stitching using adaptive pixel transfer
=> Robust video streaming over wireless LAN with efficient scalable coding and prioritized adaptive transmission
=> Robust video streaming over wireless LANs using multiple description transcoding and prioritized retransmission
=> Robust Video Super-Resolution with Learned Temporal Dynamics
=> Robust Video Surveillance for Fall Detection Based on Human Shape Deformation
=> Robust video text segmentation and recognition with multiple hypotheses
=> Robust video tracking algorithm: a multi-feature fusion approach
=> Robust video transmission using H.264 and real-valued BCH frames
=> Robust video transmission using Pyramid Vector Quantisation
=> Robust Video Transmission With Distributed Source Coded Auxiliary Channel
=> Robust Video Watermarking Approach Based on Crowdsourcing and Hybrid Insertion
=> Robust Video Watermarking for Real-Time Application, A
=> Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Via Temporal Segmentation and Middle Frequency Component Adaptive Modification, A
=> Robust view-invariant multiscale gait recognition
=> Robust view interpolation with mesh cutting
=> Robust View Transformation Model for Gait Recognition
=> Robust virtual frontal face synthesis from a given pose using regularized linear regression
=> Robust Virtual Unrolling of Historical Parchment XMT Images
=> Robust visible-infrared image matching by exploiting dominant edge orientations
=> robust visible near-infrared index for fire severity mapping in Arctic tundra ecosystems, A
=> Robust vision-based features and classification schemes for off-line handwritten digit recognition
=> Robust Vision-Based Framework for Screen Readers, A
=> Robust Vision-based Pose Estimation Algorithm For An UAV With Known Gravity Vector
=> Robust Vision-Based Sensor Fusion Approach for Real-Time Pose Estimation, A
=> Robust Vision-Based Target Tracking Control System for an Unmanned Helicopter Using Feature Fusion
=> Robust vision tracking by online random ferns and template library
=> Robust Vision
=> Robust Visual-Inertial Integrated Navigation System Aided by Online Sensor Model Adaption for Autonomous Ground Vehicles in Urban Areas
=> Robust Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Low Precision Sensors under Indoor and Outdoor Environments
=> Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry Based on a Kalman Filter and Factor Graph
=> Robust visual analysis for planogram compliance problem
=> Robust Visual Behavior Recognition
=> Robust Visual Cooperative Tracking Using Constrained Adaptive Sparse Representations and Sparse Classifier Grids
=> Robust visual data segmentation: Sampling from distribution of model parameters
=> Robust visual domain adaptation with low-rank reconstruction
=> Robust visual features for the multimodal identification of unregistered speakers in TV talk-shows
=> Robust Visual Identifier for Cropped Natural Photos
=> Robust Visual Knowledge Transfer via Extreme Learning Machine-Based Domain Adaptation
=> Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection Algorithms, A
=> Robust Visual Object Tracking Using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters
=> Robust Visual Object Tracking Via Adaptive Attribute-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters
=> Robust Visual Object Tracking via Sparse Representation and Reconstruction
=> Robust Visual Object Tracking with Spatiotemporal Regularisation and Discriminative Occlusion Deformation
=> Robust Visual Object Tracking with Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Networks
=> Robust visual odometry estimation of road vehicle from dominant surfaces for large-scale mapping
=> Robust Visual Odometry Using Uncertainty Models
=> Robust Visual Place Recognition with Graph Kernels
=> Robust visual question answering via semantic cross modal augmentation
=> Robust Visual Question Answering: Datasets, Methods, and Future Challenges
=> Robust Visual Recognition of Color Images
=> Robust Visual Servoing Based on Relative Orientation
=> Robust Visual Servoing of Robot Manipulators with Neuro Compensation
=> Robust visual servoing using global features based on random process
=> Robust visual similarity retrieval in single model face databases
=> Robust visual speakingness detection using bi-level HMM
=> Robust Visual Tracker with a Coupled-Classifier Based on Multiple Representative Appearance Models, A
=> Robust Visual Tracking and Vehicle Classification via Sparse Representation
=> Robust Visual Tracking based on Adversarial Unlabeled Instance Generation with Label Smoothing Loss Regularization
=> Robust Visual Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Model
=> Robust Visual Tracking Based on Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning
=> Robust visual tracking based on modified mayfly optimization algorithm
=> Robust Visual Tracking Based on Multi-channel Compressive Features
=> Robust visual tracking based on product sparse coding
=> Robust visual tracking based on simplified biologically inspired features
=> Robust visual tracking based on watershed regions
=> Robust Visual Tracking by Coupling 2D Motion and 3D Pose Estimation
=> Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weighted-gradient optimization
=> Robust Visual Tracking by Exploiting the Historical Tracker Snapshots
=> Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Lucas-Kanade into Mean-Shift
=> Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Multiple Cues Based on Co-Inference Learning
=> Robust Visual Tracking by Segmentation
=> Robust Visual Tracking for Multiple Targets
=> Robust Visual Tracking in Low-Resolution Sequence
=> robust visual tracking method via local feature extraction and saliency detection, A
=> Robust Visual Tracking Revisited: From Correlation Filter to Template Matching
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using an Adaptive Coupled-Layer Visual Model
=> Robust visual tracking using autoregressive hidden Markov Model
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Case-Based Reasoning with Confidence
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Dynamic Classifier Selection with Sparse Representation of Label Noise
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Exemplar-Based Detectors
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Hierarchical Vision Transformer with Shifted Windows Multi-Head Self-Attention
=> Robust visual tracking using joint scale-spatial correlation filters
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using L1 Minimization
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using L1 Minimization
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint Modeling
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Oblique Random Forests
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Sparse Discriminative Graph Embedding
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Structurally Random Projection and Weighted Least Squares
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using Structure-Preserving Sparse Learning
=> Robust visual tracking using template anchors
=> Robust Visual Tracking Using the Time-Reversibility Constraint
=> Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
=> Robust visual tracking via augmented kernel SVM
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Basis Matching
=> Robust visual tracking via CAMShift and structural local sparse appearance model
=> Robust visual tracking via co-trained Kernelized correlation filters
=> Robust Visual Tracking Via Consistent Low-Rank Sparse Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via constrained correlation filter coding
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Constrained Multi-Kernel Correlation Filters
=> Robust visual tracking via context objects computing
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks Without Training
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Coupled Randomness
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Dirac-Weighted Cascading Correlation Filters
=> Robust visual tracking via discriminative sequential ranking
=> Robust visual tracking via discriminative sequential ranking
=> Robust visual tracking via efficient manifold ranking with low-dimensional compressive features
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Exclusive Context Modeling
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Particle Filter and Ensemble Deep Features
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Least Soft-Threshold Squares
=> Robust visual tracking via modified Harris hawks optimization
=> Robust visual tracking via multi-feature response maps fusion using a collaborative local-global layer visual model
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Context Learning
=> Robust Visual Tracking Via Multi-Task Sparse Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via multi-view discriminant based sparse representation
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Multiple Kernel Boosting With Affinity Constraints
=> Robust visual tracking via nonlocal regularized multi-view sparse representation
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Online Discriminative and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via online multiple instance learning with Fisher information
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Pixel Classification and Integration
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Rank-Constrained Sparse Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via ranking SVM
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Semiadaptive Weighted Convolutional Features
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Smooth Manifold Kernel Sparse Learning
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Sparse Representation Under Subclass Discriminant Constraint
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Sparsity-Induced Subspace Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via spatio-temporal adaptive and channel selective correlation filters
=> Robust Visual Tracking via Structured Multi-Task Sparse Learning
=> Robust visual tracking via transfer learning
=> Robust visual tracking with adaptive initial configuration and likelihood landscape analysis
=> Robust Visual Tracking with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Object Proposals on PETS
=> Robust visual tracking with discriminative sparse learning
=> Robust Visual Tracking with Double Bounding Box Model
=> Robust Visual Tracking with Dual Group Structure
=> Robust Visual Tracking With Multitask Joint Dictionary Learning
=> Robust visual tracking with the cross-bin metric
=> Robust Visual Vocabulary Tracking Using Hierarchical Model Fusion
=> Robust Visual Voice Activity Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
=> Robust Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Based on Feature of Frequency Modulation of Harmonics and Its DSP Implementation
=> Robust voice activity detection directed by noise classification
=> Robust volleyball tracking system using multi-view cameras
=> Robust Volumetric Shape Descriptor
=> Robust Volumetric Texture Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images of the Brain Using Local Frequency Descriptor
=> Robust voxel-wise joint detection estimation of brain activity in fMRI
=> Robust voxel similarity metrics for the registration of dissimilar single and multimodal images
=> Robust w-Estimators for Cryo-EM Class Means
=> Robust Warping Method for Fingerprint Matching, A
=> Robust watch-list screening using dynamic ensembles of SVMs based on multiple face representations
=> robust watermark authentication technique based on Weber's descriptor, A
=> Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
=> Robust Watermark Extraction Using SVD-Based Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
=> Robust Watermarking Against Camera Shooting for PowerPoint Presentation
=> Robust watermarking against print and scan attack through efficient modeling algorithm
=> robust watermarking algorithm against JPEG compression based on multiscale autoencoder, A
=> Robust watermarking algorithm for medical images based on accelerated-KAZE discrete cosine transform
=> Robust Watermarking Algorithm Using Attack Pattern Analysis, A
=> robust watermarking approach against high-density salt and pepper noise (RWSPN) to enhance medical image security, A
=> Robust Watermarking Approach for 3D Multiresolution Meshes Based on Multi-wavelet Transform, SHA512 and Turbocodes
=> robust watermarking approach for security issue of binary documents using fully convolutional networks, A
=> Robust Watermarking by Histogram Specification
=> Robust Watermarking for Deep Neural Networks via Bi-level Optimization
=> Robust Watermarking for MPEG-2, A
=> robust watermarking framework for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)-Encoded video with blind extraction process, A
=> robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing and Arnold scrambling, A
=> Robust watermarking method in DFT domain for effective management of medical imaging
=> Robust Watermarking of Compressed and Encrypted JPEG2000 Images
=> Robust watermarking of fingerprint images
=> Robust Watermarking of H.264/SVC-Encoded Video: Quality and Resolution Scalability
=> Robust Watermarking on Polygonal Meshes Using Distribution of Vertex Norms
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme against Frame Blending, Projection and Content Adaptation Attacks, A
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Informed Coding and Informed Embedding, A
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Multiresolution Fractional Fourier Transform
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh Models, A
=> Robust watermarking scheme for color image based on quaternion-type moment invariants and visual cryptography
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme for Encrypted Images Based on Scrambling and Kronecker Compressed Sensing
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme for H.264, A
=> Robust watermarking scheme for tamper detection and authentication exploiting CA
=> Robust Watermarking Scheme for Vector Geographic Data Based on the Ratio Invariance of DWT-CSVD Coefficients
=> robust watermarking scheme using phase shift keying with the combination of amplitude boost and low amplitude block selection, A
=> Robust watermarking using extended anti-collusion codes
=> Robust watermarking using fractional wavelet packet transform
=> Robust Watermarking with Adaptive Receiving
=> Robust watershed segmentation using wavelets
=> Robust wavelet-based arbitrary grid detection for MPEG
=> robust wavelet-based digital watermarking using level-adaptive thresholding, A
=> Robust Wavelet-Based Information Hiding through Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Codes
=> Robust Wavelet-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction: Theory and Algorithm
=> Robust Wavelet Transform Based Technique for Video Text Detection, A
=> Robust Wearable Camera Localization as a Target Tracking Problem on SE(3)
=> Robust Web Image Annotation via Exploring Multi-Facet and Structural Knowledge
=> Robust Web Image/Video Super-Resolution
=> Robust weighted co-clustering with global and local discrimination
=> Robust Weighted Graph Transformation Matching for Rigid and Nonrigid Image Registration
=> Robust weighted least squares for guided depth upsampling
=> Robust Weighting Nearest Regularized Subspace Classifier for PolSAR Imagery
=> Robust Wheel Torque Control for Traction/Braking Force Tracking Under Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Motion
=> Robust wheelchair pedestrian detection using sparse representation
=> Robust Whisper Activity Detection Using Long-Term Log Energy Variation of Sub-Band Signal
=> Robust Wi-Fi Fingerprint Positioning Algorithm Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and Multi-Layer Perceptron, A
=> Robust wide baseline pose estimation from video
=> Robust Wide Baseline Scene Alignment Based on 3D Viewpoint Normalization
=> Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
=> Robust Wideband Interference Suppression Method for GNSS Array Antenna Receiver via Hybrid Beamforming Technique
=> Robust Wind Turbine Blade Segmentation from RGB Images in the Wild
=> Robust Window Operators
=> Robust wireless transmission of regions of interest in jpeg2000
=> Robust word recognition for museum archive card indexing
=> Robust Wrap Reduction Algorithm for Fringe Projection Profilometry and Applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
=> robust wrist point detection algorithm using geometric features, A
=> Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
=> Robust Zero-Watermark Algorithm Based on Singular Value Decomposition for Digital Right Management, A
=> Robust Zero-Watermark Copyright Protection Scheme Based on DWT and Image Normalization, A
=> Robust Zero Watermarking for 3D Triangular Mesh Models Based on Spherical Integral Invariants
=> Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a single training image: A uniform pursuit approach
=> Robust, blind multichannel image identification and restoration using stack decoder
=> Robust, Blindly-Detectable, and Semi-Reversible Technique of Audio Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics
=> robust, cost-effective post-processor for enhancing demosaicked camera images, A
=> Robust, discriminative and comprehensive dictionary learning for face recognition
=> Robust, Efficient Depth Reconstruction With Hierarchical Confidence-Based Matching
=> Robust, Error-Tolerant Photometric Projector Compensation
=> Robust, Intrinsic Tracking of a Laparoscopic Ultrasound Probe for Ultrasound-Augmented Laparoscopy
=> Robust, Long-term Lake Level Change from Multiple Satellite Altimeters in Tibet: Observing the Rapid Rise of Ngangzi Co over a New Wetland
=> Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive Vehicles in the Loop
=> Robust, Model-Based External Calibration of Multi-Channel Airborne SAR Sensors Using Range Compressed Raw Data
=> Robust, Object Based High Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Video
=> Robust, Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from a Monocular View
=> Robust, Real-Time 3D Tracking of Multiple Objects with Similar Appearances
=> robust, real-time ellipse detector, A
=> Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communications
=> Robust, Scalable, Object-Based Video Compression Technique for Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding, A
=> RobustCLEVR: A Benchmark and Framework for Evaluating Robustness in Object-centric Learning
=> RobusterNet: Improving Copy-Move Forgery Detection with Volterra-based Convolutions
=> Robustfusion: Human Volumetric Capture with Data-driven Visual Cues Using a RGBD Camera
=> RobustFusion: Robust Volumetric Performance Reconstruction Under Human-Object Interactions from Monocular RGBD Stream
=> Robustification of Deep Net Classifiers by Key Based Diversified Aggregation with Pre-Filtering
=> Robustified Structure from Motion with rolling-shutter camera using straightness constraint
=> Robustifying Descriptor Instability Using Fisher Vectors
=> Robustifying eye center localization by head pose cues
=> Robustifying Eye Interaction
=> Robustifying Token Attention for Vision Transformers
=> Robustifying Token Attention for Vision Transformers
=> Robustizing Object Detection Networks Using Augmented Feature Pooling
=> Robustizing Robust M-Estimation Using Deterministic Annealing
=> Robustly Aligning a Shape Model and Its Application to Car Alignment of Unknown Pose
=> Robustly classifying facial components using a set of adjusted pixel features
=> Robustly correlated key-medical image for DNA-chaos based encryption
=> Robustly Estimating Changes in Image Appearance
=> Robustly Estimating Changes in Image Appearance
=> Robustly Extracting Captions in Videos Based on Stroke-Like Edges and Spatio-Temporal Analysis
=> Robustly Integrated Design of Plug-in Fuel Cell Electric Buses Considering the Noise Disturbance
=> Robustly Recognizing Irregular Scene Text by Rectifying Principle Irregularities
=> Robustly registering range images using local distribution of albedo
=> Robustly tracking objects via multi-task kernel dynamic sparse model
=> RobustNav: Towards Benchmarking Robustness in Embodied Navigation
=> RobustNeRF: Ignoring Distractors with Robust Losses
=> Robustness-Driven Feature Selection in Classification of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns in Computed Tomography Using 3D Texture Features
=> Robustness Against Gradient based Attacks through Cost Effective Network Fine-Tuning
=> Robustness analysis of a passive printer identification scheme for halftone images
=> Robustness Analysis of Discrete State-Based Reinforcement Learning Models in Traffic Signal Control
=> Robustness Analysis of Distributed Kalman Filter for Estimation in Sensor Networks
=> Robustness Analysis of Face Obscuration
=> Robustness analysis of lane keeping system for autonomous ground vehicle
=> Robustness Analysis of Platoon Control for Mixed Types of Vehicles
=> Robustness Analysis of Structured Matrix Factorization via Self-Dictionary Mixed-Norm Optimization
=> Robustness Analysis of the Neural Gas Learning Algorithm
=> Robustness and Adaptation to Hidden Factors of Variation
=> Robustness and Generalization via Generative Adversarial Training
=> Robustness and Modularity of 2-Dimensional Size Functions: An Experimental Study
=> Robustness and Overfitting Behavior of Implicit Background Models
=> Robustness and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles in the Open-world
=> Robustness and repeatability of saliency models subjected to visual degradations
=> Robustness and specificity in object detection
=> Robustness Certification for Point Cloud Models
=> Robustness Enhancement for Noncentric Quantization-Based Image Watermarking
=> Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Attacks
=> Robustness evaluation of fractional order control for varying time delay processes
=> Robustness Guarantees for Deep Neural Networks on Videos
=> Robustness Improvement of Hyperspectral Image Unmixing by Spatial Second-Order Regularization
=> Robustness in blind camera identification
=> Robustness in Motion Averaging
=> Robustness in Sequential Data
=> Robustness in statistical pattern recognition under contaminations of training samples
=> Robustness Meets Low-Rankness: Unified Entropy and Tensor Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
=> Robustness of 3D Deep Learning in an Adversarial Setting
=> Robustness of a Blind Image Watermark Detector Designed by Orthogonal Projection
=> Robustness of a Blind Image Watermarking Scheme
=> Robustness of a multiscale scheme of feature points detection
=> Robustness of an Asymmetric Watermarking Technique
=> Robustness of Change Detection Algorithms in the Presence of Registration Errors
=> Robustness of Correspondence-Based Structure from Motion
=> Robustness of Deep Learning-Based Specific Emitter Identification under Adversarial Attacks
=> Robustness of Deep Learning Models in Dermatological Evaluation: A Critical Assessment
=> Robustness of Deep Networks: A Geometrical Perspective, The
=> Robustness of DR-LDP over PCANet for face analysis
=> Robustness of Embodied Point Navigation Agents
=> Robustness of Embodied Point Navigation Agents
=> Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-based personal identification over task-induced intra-class and inter-class variations
=> Robustness of granulometric moments
=> Robustness of Image Pyramids Under Structural Perturbations
=> Robustness of L_1-Norm Estimation: From Folklore to Fact
=> Robustness of linear discriminant analysis in automatic speech recognition
=> Robustness of Model-Based Recognition in Cluttered Images
=> Robustness of Multiplexing Protocols for Audio-Visual Services Over Wireless Networks
=> Robustness of Point Feature Detection
=> Robustness of Quantitative Compressive Sensing MRI: The Effect of Random Undersampling Patterns on Derived Parameters for DCE- and DSC-MRI
=> Robustness of Radiomics Features to Varying Segmentation Algorithms in Magnetic Resonance Images
=> Robustness of Rotation Invariant Descriptors for Texture Classification
=> Robustness of Saak Transform Against Adversarial Attacks
=> Robustness of SAR Sea Ice Type Classification Across Incidence Angles and Seasons at L-Band
=> Robustness of Shape Descriptors to Incomplete Contour Representations
=> Robustness of Signature Verification Systems to Imitators with Increasing Skills
=> robustness of some scale-spaces, The
=> Robustness of the coherently distributed MUSIC algorithm to the imperfect knowledge of the spatial distribution of the sources
=> Robustness of the Counting Rule for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
=> Robustness of the New Owner-Tester Approach for Face Identification Experiments
=> Robustness of Time-Resolved Measurement to Unknown and Variable Beam Current in Particle Beam Microscopy
=> Robustness of ToF and stereo fusion for high-accuracy depth map
=> Robustness of Trajectory Prediction Models Under Map-Based Attacks
=> Robustness of Visual Explanations to Common Data Augmentation Methods
=> Robustness Study for the Extraction of Watertight Volumetric Models from Boundary Representation Data, A
=> Robustness through prior knowledge: using explanation-based learning to distinguish handwritten Chinese characters
=> Robustness to noise of stereo matching
=> Robustness Verification of Classification Deep Neural Networks via Linear Programming
=> Robustness via Cross-Domain Ensembles
=> Robustness via Curvature Regularization, and Vice Versa
=> Robustness with Query-efficient Adversarial Attack using Reinforcement Learning
=> RobustNet: Improving Domain Generalization in Urban-Scene Segmentation via Instance Selective Whitening
=> Robustscanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition
=> ROC-based cost-sensitive classification with a reject option
=> ROC-based reject rule for dichotomizers, A
=> ROC Analysis and Cost-Sensitive Optimization for Hierarchical Classifiers
=> ROC analysis in ordinal regression learning
=> ROC analysis of ultrasound tissue characterization classifiers for breast cancer diagnosis
=> ROC curve analysis for validating objective image fusion metrics
=> ROC curve equivalence using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
=> ROC Curve Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Applications to Breast Cancer Detection
=> ROC curve evaluation of edge detector performance
=> ROC curves and nonrandom data
=> ROC curves and video analysis optimization in intestinal capsule endoscopy
=> ROC Curves for Performance Evaluation of Video Sequences Processing Systems for Surveillance Applications
=> ROC curves for regression
=> ROC graphs with instance-varying costs
=> ROC manifold for classification systems, The
=> ROC representation for the discriminability of multi-classification markers
=> ROC skeleton for multiclass ROC estimation, The
=> ROCA: Robust CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment from a Single Image
=> ROCAS: A Robust Online Algorithm for Spatial Partitioning in Distributed Smart Camera Systems
=> Rocchio-Based Relevance Feedback in Video Event Retrieval
=> RoCGAN: Robust Conditional GAN
=> ROCHADE: Robust Checkerboard Advanced Detection for Camera Calibration
=> Rock-ring detection accuracy improvement in infrared satellite image with sub-pixel edge detection
=> Rock Art Recording in Khatm Al Melaha (United Arab Emirates): Multirange Data Scanning and Web Mapping Technologies
=> rock classification expert system, A
=> Rock detection via superpixel graph cuts
=> Rock Glacier Inventory of the Southwestern Pamirs Supported by InSAR Kinematics
=> Rock image classification based on k-nearest neighbour voting
=> Rock image segmentation using watershed with shape markers
=> Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetrating Radar via Machine Learning
=> Rock Location and Property Analysis of Lunar Regolith at Chang'E-4 Landing Site Based on Local Correlation and Semblance Analysis
=> Rock Location and Quantitative Analysis of Regolith at the Chang'e 3 Landing Site Based on Local Similarity Constraint
=> Rock Model for the Cold and Hot Spots in the Chang'E Microwave Brightness Temperature Map, A
=> Rock, Paper, and Scissors: Extrinsic vs. intrinsic similarity of non-rigid shapes
=> Rockfall Hazard Assessment in the Taihang Grand Canyon Scenic Area Integrating Regional-Scale Identification of Potential Rockfall Sources
=> Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Relationship Based on Multi-Source Data from Monitoring and Inventory
=> Rockfall Simulation Based on UAV Photogrammetry Data Obtained during an Emergency Declaration: Application at a Cultural Heritage Site
=> RockSeg: A Novel Semantic Segmentation Network Based on a Hybrid Framework Combining a Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer for Deep Space Rock Images
=> Rocky Shoreline Extraction Using a Deep Learning Model and Object-based Image Analysis
=> RocNet: Recursive Octree Network for Efficient 3D Deep Representation
=> RocNet: Recursive octree network for efficient 3D processing
=> RoCNet++: Triangle-based descriptor for accurate and robust point cloud registration
=> ROD-TV: reconstruction on demand by tensor voting
=> Rod hue biases for foveal stimuli on CRT displays
=> Rod hue biases produced on CRT displays
=> RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Distribution Detection
=> RODEO: Robust DE-aliasing autoencOder for real-time medical image reconstruction
=> RODIN: A Generative Model for Sculpting 3D Digital Avatars Using Diffusion
=> RODNet: Radar Object Detection using Cross-Modal Supervision
=> Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Forest Cover Change in Teknaf, Bangladesh
=> ROI-10D: Monocular Lifting of 2D Detection to 6D Pose and Metric Shape
=> ROI-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Human-Perception and MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors
=> ROI-based rate control using tiles for an HEVC encoded video stream over a lossy network
=> ROI-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images with Tamper Detection
=> ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images, A
=> ROI-based tissue type extraction and volume estimation in 3D brain anatomy
=> ROI-CSNet: Compressive sensing network for ROI-aware image recovery
=> ROI-oriented image query and indexing for content-based retrieval
=> ROI-SEG: Unsupervised Color Segmentation by Combining Differently Focused Sub Results
=> ROI approach for hybrid image sequence coding, A
=> ROI Based Quality Access Control of Compressed Color Image using DWT via Lifting
=> ROI Detection and Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Image
=> ROI encryption for the HEVC coded video contents
=> ROI Extraction Based on Multiview Learning and Attention Mechanism for Unbalanced Remote Sensing Data Set
=> ROI image retrieval method based on CVAAO, A
=> ROI Pooled Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
=> RoI Tanh-polar transformer network for face parsing in the wild
=> ROI/xROI Based Rate Control Algorithm in H.264/AVC for Video Telephony Applications, An
=> ROIs Segmentation in Facial Images Based on Morphology and Density Concepts
=> Role-aware Interaction Generation from Textual Description
=> Role-aware Interaction Generation from Textual Description
=> role-entity based human activity recognition using inter-body features and temporal sequence memory, A
=> Role-Tailored Map Dashboards: A New Approach for Enhancing the Forest-based Supply Chain
=> Role and Mechanisms of Black Carbon Affecting Water Vapor Transport to Tibet
=> Role Assessment of GIS Analysis and Its Reliability While Ranking Urban Sustainability Using Scenarios Specific to Regional Climate, Community and Culture
=> Role of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 Channels within an Optimal Estimation Scheme for Sea Surface Temperature, The
=> Role of Aerosol Concentration on Precipitation in a Winter Extreme Mixed-Phase System: The Case of Storm Filomena, The
=> Role of Affect Analysis in Dialogue Act Identification, The
=> Role of African Emerging Space Agencies in Earth Observation Capacity Building for Facilitating the Implementation and Monitoring of the African Development Agenda: The Case of African Earth Observation Program, The
=> Role of Augmented Reality in Educational Contents: Intermediating Between Reality and Virtual Reality, A
=> Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items
=> Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items
=> Role of Citizen Science in Earth Observation, The
=> Role of Climate and Land Use in the Changes in Surface Albedo Prior to Snow Melt and the Timing of Melt Season of Seasonal Snow in Northern Land Areas of 40°N-80°N during 1982-2015, The
=> Role of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Poopó Lake Droughts between 1990 and 2015 Assessed Using Remote Sensing Data
=> Role of Color and Contrast in Facial Age Estimation, The
=> Role of Color Attributes and Similarity Grouping in 3-D Building Reconstruction, The
=> Role of Color in Content Based Image Retrieval, The
=> Role of Color in Face Recognition
=> role of computer vision in prosthetic vision, The
=> Role of Context for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation in the Wild, The
=> Role of Context Selection in Object Detection, The
=> Role of Cycle Consistency for Generating Better Human Action Videos from a Single Frame, The
=> Role of Diffusion in Figure Hunt Games, The
=> Role of Digitization In Post-disaster Reconstruction, The
=> Role of diversity on the singular values of linear scattering operators: the case of strip objects
=> Role of Domain Knowledge in the Detection of Retinal Hard Exudates, The
=> Role of driver assistance experience, system functionality, gender, age and sensation seeking in attitudes towards the safety of driver assistance systems
=> Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In Supporting UN SDGS In North West Himalaya
=> Role of Earth Observation in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Production in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of the World, The
=> Role of Earth Observation in an Integrated Deprived Area Mapping System for Low-to-Middle Income Countries, The
=> Role of Earth Observation, with a Focus on SAR Interferometry, for Sinkhole Hazard Assessment, The
=> Role of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Events on Temperature and Salinity Variability in the Agulhas Leakage Region
=> Role of Embodiment and Simulation in Evaluating HCI: Experiments and Evaluation, The
=> Role of Embodiment and Simulation in Evaluating HCI: Theory and Framework, The
=> Role of Emissivity in Lava Flow Distance-to-Run Estimates from Satellite-Based Volcano Monitoring
=> Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds, The
=> Role of Endocardial Trabeculations in Low-Energy Defibrillation, The
=> Role of Entropy: Mammogram Analysis, The
=> Role of Environmental Water and Reedbed Condition on the Response of Phragmites australis Reedbeds to Flooding, The
=> role of expertise in aiding video search, The
=> Role of Extra-Coronary Vascular Conditions that Affect Coronary Fractional Flow Reserve Estimation, The
=> Role of eye movements in chromatic induction
=> Role of Face Parts in Gender Recognition, The
=> Role of Facial Regions in Evaluating Social Dimensions, The
=> Role of Featural and Configural Information in Face Classification A Simulation of the Expertise Hypothesis, The
=> Role of Featural and Configural Information in Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Recognition
=> role of feature visibility constraints in perspective alignment, The
=> role of features, algorithms and data in visual recognition, The
=> Role of Fixation and Visual Attention in Object Recognition, The
=> Role of Fixation in Visual-Motion Analysis, The
=> role of focus in object instance recognition, The
=> Role of FPGAs in the Push to Modern and Ubiquitous Arrays, The
=> Role of Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Image Analysis: An In-Depth Survey, The
=> Role of Geomatics Engineer in Smart Cities: a View Within The Framework of Turkish 2020-2023 National Smart Cities Strategy And Action Plan, The
=> Role of Geoprocessing in Mapping Crime Using Hot Streets, The
=> role of ground reference data collection in the prediction of stem volume with LiDAR data in mountain areas, The
=> Role of Group Level Affect to Find the Most Influential Person in Images
=> Role of Grouping for Road Extraction, The
=> Role of Grouping for Road Extraction, The
=> role of haptics in immersive telecommunication environments, The
=> Role of Heritage Data Science in Digital Heritage, The
=> Role of HEVC coding artifacts on gaze prediction in interactive video streaming systems
=> Role of Holistic Paradigms in Handwritten Word Recognition, The
=> Role of Iconic Gestures in Production and Comprehension of Language: Evidence from Brain and Behavior, The
=> role of image composition in image aesthetics, The
=> Role of Image Contrast Enhancement Technique for Ophthalmologist as Diagnostic Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy
=> Role of Image Processing in Solar Coronal Research
=> Role of Image Recognition in Defining the User's Focus of Attention in 3G Phone Applications: The Agamemnon Experience
=> role of image registration in brain mapping, The
=> role of image understanding in contour detection, The
=> role of imaging in the detection, identification, and treatment of cancer, The
=> Role of Implicit Context Information in Guiding Visual-Spatial Attention, The
=> Role of Improved Ground Positioning and Forest Structural Complexity When Performing Forest Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning, The
=> Role of Information and Communication Technologies for Enhancing Access to Cultural Content, The
=> role of information theory in watermarking and its application to image watermarking, The
=> Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinical-Biomarkers For Early Assessment of Renal Transplants
=> role of intensity standardization in medical image registration, The
=> role of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar in Detecting, Mapping, Monitoring, and Modelling the Volcanic Activity of Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion: A Review, The
=> Role of Key-Points in Finding Contours, The
=> Role of Keypoint Sampling on the Classification of Melanomas in Dermoscopy Images Using Bag-of-Features, The
=> Role of Knowledge in Visual Shape Representation, The
=> role of local scale and orientation in feature location using neural nets, The
=> Role of Long-Term Dependency in Synthetic Speech Detection, The
=> Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions, The
=> Role of Massive Color Quantization in Object Recognition, The
=> Role of Maximum Entropy and Citizen Science to Study Habitat Suitability of Jacobin Cuckoo in Different Climate Change Scenarios
=> Role of Mean Sea Level Annual Cycle on Extreme Water Levels Along European Coastline, The
=> Role of Methodology and Spatiotemporal Scale in Understanding Environmental Change in Peri-Urban Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, The
=> Role of Micro Breaking of Small-Scale Wind Waves in Radar Backscattering from Sea Surface, The
=> Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts from Range Data, The
=> Role of Model Dimensionality in Linear Inverse Scattering from Dielectric Objects, The
=> Role of Modularity in Multimodal Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Systems, The
=> Role of Motion Models in Super-Resolving Surveillance Video for Face Recognition, The
=> Role of network and platform functions virtualization in future telco networks
=> Role of Neural Network Activation Functions, The
=> Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Affective Valence and Arousal Recognition, The
=> Role of normalization of breast thermogram images and automatic classification of breast cancer
=> Role of NWP Filter for the Satellite Based Detection of Cumulonimbus Clouds, The
=> Role of optics in the accuracy of depth-from-defocus systems
=> Role of Optimum Connectivity in Image Segmentation: Can the Algorithm Learn Object Information During the Process?, The
=> Role of Participatory Village Maps in Strengthening Public Participation Practice, The
=> role of perceptual contrast non-linearities in image transform quantization, The
=> Role of Photon Statistics in Fluorescence Anisotropy Imaging, The
=> Role of Polarity in Haar-like Features for Face Detection, The
=> Role of Preprocessing for Word Representation Learning in Affective Tasks, The
=> Role of Propagation and Medial Geometry in Human Vision, The
=> Role of Psychophysiological Measures as Implicit Communication Within Mixed-Initiative Teams, The
=> Role of R-and-R in Vision: Is It a Matter of definition? Reply, The
=> Role of Redundant Bases and Shrinkage Functions in Image Denoising, The
=> Role of Remote Sensing Data and Methods in a Modern Approach to Fertilization in Precision Agriculture, The
=> Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability and Connectivity Modeling: Insights from the Cantabrian Brown Bear, The
=> Role Of Remote Sensing For Sustainable Elephant Management In South Africa. Four Medium Sized Game Reserves As Case Studies, The
=> Role of Remote Sensing in Olive Growing Farm Management: A Research Outlook from 2000 to the Present in the Framework of Precision Agriculture Applications, The
=> Role of Resolution in the Estimation of Fractal Dimension Maps From SAR Data, The
=> Role of Sampling Design When Predicting Spatially Dependent Ecological Data With Remote Sensing
=> Role of Satellite Derived Data for Flood Inundation Mapping Using GIS, The
=> Role of Satellite InSAR for Landslide Forecasting: Limitations and Openings, The
=> Role of scale in partitioning shape
=> Role of Scattering in Virtual Source Array Imaging
=> Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-Cycle of Mediterranean Cyclones, The
=> Role of Self-Calibration in Euclidean Reconstruction from Two Rotating and Zooming Cameras, The
=> Role of Self-Calibration in Euclidean Reconstruction from Two Rotating and Zooming Cameras, The
=> Role of shape and kinematics in human movement analysis
=> Role of Shape for Domain Generalization on Sparsely-Textured Images, The
=> Role of Sign and Direction of Gradient on the Performance of CNN, The
=> Role of Social Factors in the Accessibility of Urban Areas for People with Motor Disabilities, The
=> Role of Soft Classification Techniques in the Refinement of Estimates of Ground Control Point Location, The
=> Role of Soil Salinization in Shaping the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon Stock, The
=> Role of Sparse Data Representation in Semantic Image Understanding, The
=> Role of Spatial Context in Adversarial Robustness for Object Detection
=> Role of Spatial Context Information in the Generalization of Geographic Information: Using Reducts to Indicate Relevant Attributes, The
=> Role of Spatial Information in Disentangling the Irradiance-Reflectance-Transmittance Ambiguity, The
=> Role of Spatio-Temporal Information to Govern the COVID-19 Pandemic: A European Perspective, The
=> Role of Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features for Robust Visual Tracking in Video Surveillance
=> Role of Spontaneous Gestures in Spatial Problem Solving, The
=> Role of Standardization for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and the Design of Safe and Healthy Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), The
=> Role of Statistical Models in Biometric Authentication, The
=> Role of Subclasses in Machine Diagnostics, The
=> Role of Subjective Perceptions and Objective Measurements of the Urban Environment in Explaining House Prices in Greater London: A Multi-Scale Urban Morphology Analysis, The
=> Role of Surface Melt and Icing Events in Livestock Mortality across Mongolia's Semi-Arid Landscape
=> Role of Synchronic Causal Conditions in Visual Knowledge Learning, The
=> Role of Synthetically Generated Samples on Speech Recognition in a Resource-Scarce Language
=> Role of the Input in Natural Language Video Description, The
=> Role of the Nyainrong Microcontinent in Seismogenic Mechanism and Stress Partitioning: Insights from the 2021 Nagqu Mw 5.7 Earthquake
=> Role of the Thumb: Study of Finger Motion in Grasping and Reachability Space in Human and Robotic Hands, The
=> Role of the Users in Handwritten Word Spotting Applications: Query Fusion and Relevance Feedback, The
=> Role of the Virtual Channel in Distributed Source Coding of Video, The
=> Role of Tie-Points Distribution in Aerial Photography
=> Role of Tie Points in Integrated Sensor Orientation for Photogrammetric Map Compilation
=> role of total least squares in motion analysis, The
=> Role of Transients in Two-Bounce Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging
=> Role of Trip Lengths Calibration in Model-Based Perimeter Control Strategies, The
=> Role of Vision in Two-Arms Manipulation, The
=> role of visual attention in the aesthetic appeal of consumer images: A preliminary study, The
=> Role of Visual Complexity in Affective Reactions to Webpages: Subjective, Eye Movement, and Cardiovascular Responses, The
=> Role of Vocal Persona in Natural and Synthesized Speech, The
=> Role of Volunteered Geographic Information Applications in Disaster Management, The
=> Role of Weather Radar in Rainfall Estimation and Its Application in Meteorological and Hydrological Modelling: A Review, The
=> Roles for agent assistants in field science: Understanding personal projects and collaboration
=> Roles of Autonomy and Assurance in the Future of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Low-Altitude Airspace Operations, The
=> Roles of Sea Ice Export, Atmospheric and Oceanic Factors in the Seasonal and Regional Variability of Arctic Sea Ice during 1979-2020, The
=> Roles of Signal Processing in Medical Imaging, The
=> Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of Sentinel-3 Altimetry Observations, The
=> Roles of Urban Buildings and Vegetation in Adjusting Seasonal And Daily Air Temperature, The
=> Roles of Various Brain Structures on Non-Invasive Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
=> Roll Angle Consistency Constraint
=> Roll Calibration for CryoSat-2: A Comprehensive Approach
=> Roll fingerprint processing apparatus
=> Roll Your Own All-Sky Camera > Use Raspberry Pi Hardware to Capture Mesmerizing Time-Lapse Images of the Heavens
=> Rolled-Plain Fingerprint Images Classification
=> Rolled Fingerprint Construction Using MRF-Based Nonrigid Image Registration
=> Rolling-Adaptive Peak Clipping Control Strategy Coordinating RBE Recycling and PV Consumption, A
=> Rolling-Horizon Strategy for Dynamic Rebalancing of Free-Floating Bike-Sharing Systems, A
=> Rolling-Shutter-Aware Differential SfM and Image Rectification
=> Rolling-Shutter-stereo-aware motion estimation and image correction
=> Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs for Action Anticipation from First-Person Video
=> Rolling and swaying motion estimation for a mobile robot by using omnidirectional optical flows
=> Rolling bilateral filter-based text image deblurring
=> Rolling Guidance Based Scale-Aware Spatial Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
=> Rolling Guidance Filter as a Clustering Algorithm
=> Rolling Guidance Filter
=> Rolling Motion Estimation for Mobile Robot by Using Omnidirectional Image Sensor Hyperomnivision
=> Rolling Out the Red (and Green) Carpet: Supporting Driver Decision Making in Automation-to-Manual Transitions
=> Rolling penetrate descriptor for shape-based image retrieval and object recognition
=> Rolling Riemannian Manifolds to Solve the Multi-class Classification Problem
=> Rolling Rotations for Recognizing Human Actions from 3D Skeletal Data
=> Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose Problem with Known Vertical Direction
=> Rolling Shutter and Radial Distortion are Features for High Frame Rate Multi-camera Tracking
=> Rolling shutter bundle adjustment
=> Rolling Shutter Camera Absolute Pose
=> Rolling Shutter Camera Calibration
=> Rolling Shutter Camera Relative Pose: Generalized Epipolar Geometry
=> Rolling shutter correction for video with large depth of field
=> Rolling Shutter Correction in Manhattan World
=> Rolling Shutter Homography and its Applications
=> Rolling Shutter Inversion: Bring Rolling Shutter Images to High Framerate Global Shutter Video
=> Rolling shutter motion deblurring
=> Rolling Shutter Pose and Ego-Motion Estimation Using Shape-from-Template
=> Rolling Shutter Stereo
=> Rolling shutter super-resolution in burst mode
=> Rolling Shutter Super-Resolution
=> Rollover-Preventive Force Synthesis at Active Suspensions in a Vehicle Performing a Severe Maneuver With Wheels Lifted Off
=> Rollover Index Estimation in the Presence of Sensor Faults, Unknown Inputs, and Uncertainties
=> Rollover risk assessment and automated control for heavy duty vehicles based on vehicle-to-infrastructure information
=> RoLoD: Robust Local Descriptors for Computer Vision
=> ROMA: Run-Time Object Detection To Maximize Real-Time Accuracy
=> Roman Aqueduct Flow Estimation Using Geomatic Measurement
=> Roman in Venice, A
=> Romanian Natura 2000 Network: Evaluation of the Threats and Pressures through the Corine Land Cover Dataset
=> ROME: Robustifying Memory-Efficient NAS via Topology Disentanglement and Gradient Accumulation
=> ROML: A Robust Feature Correspondence Approach for Matching Objects in A Set of Images
=> RoMP-transformer: Rotational bounding box with multi-level feature pyramid transformer for object detection
=> RON: Reverse Connection with Objectness Prior Networks for Object Detection
=> RONDO: Rank-Order Based Nonlinear Differential Operator
=> RONELD: Robust Neural Network Output Enhancement for Active Lane Detection
=> RONO: Robust Discriminative Learning with Noisy Labels for 2D-3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
=> Ronse deletability conditions and -retractions
=> Roof-Edge Preserving Image Smoothing Based on MRF's
=> Roof-GAN: Learning to Generate Roof Geometry and Relations for Residential Houses
=> Roof Edge-Detection Using Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
=> Roof Edge Detection Model, A
=> Roof plane segmentation by combining multiple images and point clouds
=> Roof Plane Segmentation from Airborne LiDAR Data Using Hierarchical Clustering and Boundary Relabeling
=> Roof Planes Detection Via a Second-Order Variational Model
=> Roof Type Selection Based On Patch-based Classification Using Deep Learning for High Resolution Satellite Imagery
=> Roofing Assessment for Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Adoption Using Remote Sensing And GIS Approach
=> Rooftop Detection and 3D Building Modeling from Aerial Images
=> Rooftop detection using a corner-leaping based contour propagation model
=> Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Estimations in India Using Remotely Sensed Data and Methods
=> Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in India Using Earth-Observation Data and Modeling Techniques
=> Rooftop PV Segmenter: A Size-Aware Network for Segmenting Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems from High-Resolution Imagery
=> Rooftop Surface Temperature Analysis in an Urban Residential Environment
=> Room-and-Object Aware Knowledge Reasoning for Remote Embodied Referring Expression
=> Room-based Energy Demand Classification of BIM Data Using Graph Supervised Learning
=> Room-Object Entity Prompting and Reasoning for Embodied Referring Expression
=> Room-structure estimation in Manhattan-like environments from dense 2½D range data using minumum entropy and histograms
=> Room Floor Plan Generation on a Project Tango Device
=> Room Geometry Estimation Using the Multipath Delays
=> Room Layout Estimation with Object and Material Attributes Information Using a Spherical Camera
=> Room reconstruction from a single spherical image by higher-order energy minimization
=> Roomba for Rivers, A
=> RoomNet: End-to-End Room Layout Estimation
=> Root-Soil Water Relationship Is Spatially Anisotropic in Shrub-Encroached Grassland in North China: Evidence from GPR Investigation, The
=> Root and pre-constant signals of the 1D Teager-Kaiser operator
=> Root crown detection using statistics of Zernike moments
=> Root growth analysis in physiological coordinates
=> Root identification in minirhizotron imagery with multiple instance learning
=> Root Images of Median Filters
=> Root Mean Square filter for noisy images based on hyper graph model
=> Root Phenotyping From X-ray Computed Tomography: Skeleton Extraction
=> Root Pose Decomposition Towards Generic Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction with Monocular Videos
=> Root Pose Decomposition Towards Generic Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction with Monocular Videos
=> Root Sparse Bayesian Learning for Off-Grid DOA Estimation
=> Rooted Spanning Superpixels
=> Rooted Spanning Superpixels
=> RootsGLOH2: embedding RootSIFT square rooting in sGLOH2
=> Rope3D: The Roadside Perception Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Monocular 3D Object Detection Task
=> ROPES: a semiautomated segmentation method for accelerated analysis of three-dimensional echocardiographic data
=> ROPHS: Determine Real-Time Status of a Multi-Carriage Logistics Train at Airport
=> ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations in Stereo Matching
=> ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations
=> RoReg: Pairwise Point Cloud Registration With Oriented Descriptors and Local Rotations
=> RORPO: A morphological framework for curvilinear structure analysis. Application to the filtering and segmentation of blood vessels
=> ROS-X-Habitat: Bridging the ROS Ecosystem with Embodied AI
=> ros4mat: A Matlab Programming Interface for Remote Operations of ROS-Based Robotic Devices in an Educational Context
=> ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration Infrastructure
=> ROSE: A Retinal OCT-Angiography Vessel Segmentation Dataset and New Model
=> Roses are Red, Violets are Blue… But Should VQA expect Them To?
=> Rosetta CONSERT Data as a Testbed for In Situ Navigation of Space Probes and Radiosciences in Orbit/Escort Phases for Small Bodies of the Solar System
=> Rosetta Neurons: Mining the Common Units in a Model Zoo
=> Rosette plant segmentation with leaf count using orthogonal transform and deep convolutional neural network
=> Rosette plant segmentation with leaf count using orthogonal transform and deep convolutional neural network
=> ROSNet: Robust one-stage network for CT lesion detection
=> ROSS: Robust Learning of One-Shot 3D Shape Segmentation
=> Rossby Waves in Total Ozone over the Arctic in 2000-2021
=> RoSteALS: Robust Steganography using Autoencoder Latent Space
=> ROSy+: 3D Object Pose Normalization Based on PCA and Reflective Object Symmetry with Application in 3D Object Retrieval
=> ROT-Harris: A Dynamic Approach to Asynchronous Interest Point Detection
=> Rotary Platform Mounted Doppler Lidar for Wind Measurements in Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere, A
=> Rotate-and-Render: Unsupervised Photorealistic Face Rotation From Single-View Images
=> Rotate-and-Slant Projector for Fast LOR-Based Fully-3-D Iterative PET Reconstruction
=> Rotate intra block copy for still image coding
=> Rotate to Attend: Convolutional Triplet Attention Module
=> Rotate your Networks: Better Weight Consolidation and Less Catastrophic Forgetting
=> RotateConv: Making Asymmetric Convolutional Kernels Rotatable
=> Rotated and Masked Image Modeling: A Superior Self-Supervised Method for Classification
=> Rotated cascade R-CNN: A shape robust detector with coordinate regression
=> Rotated complex wavelet based texture features for content based image retrieval
=> Rotated Constellations for Video Transmission Over Rayleigh Fading Channels
=> Rotated face recognition by manifold learning with auto-associative neural network
=> Rotated Image Based Photomosaic Using Combination of Principal Component Hashing
=> Rotated Orthogonal Transform (ROT) for Motion-Compensation Residual Coding
=> Rotated Partial Distance Search for Faster Vector Quantization Encoding
=> Rotated points for object detection in remote sensing images
=> Rotated Profile Signatures for robust 3D feature detection
=> Rotated read-out of JPEG compressed images
=> Rotated read-out of JPEG compressed images
=> Rotated Rectangles for Symbolized Building Footprint Extraction
=> Rotated region based CNN for ship detection
=> Rotated Sphere Haar Wavelet and Deep Contractive Auto-Encoder Network With Fuzzy Gaussian SVM for Pilot's Pupil Center Detection
=> Rotated transform of an image using block transfers
=> Rotated Wedge Averaging Method for Junction Classification
=> RotateView: A Video Composition System for Interactive Product Display
=> Rotating non-rotationally symmetrical halftone dots for encoding embedded data in a hyperacuity printer
=> Rotating sensor-matrix camera calibration
=> Rotating target detection algorithm in remote sensing images based on improved YOLOv5s
=> Rotating your face using multi-task deep neural network
=> Rotation- and scale-invariant texture features based on spectral moment invariants
=> Rotation-Aided Arctangent Phase Discriminator With One-Bit Quantization, A
=> Rotation-and-scale-invariant airplane detection in high-resolution satellite images based on deep-Hough-forests
=> Rotation-Aware and Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
=> Rotation-aware correlation filters for robust visual tracking
=> Rotation-aware dynamic temporal consistency with spatial sparsity correlation tracking
=> Rotation-Aware LayerPaint System
=> Rotation-Based Precoding for MIMO Broadcast Channels With Integrated Services, A
=> Rotation-based spatial-temporal feature learning from skeleton sequences for action recognition
=> Rotation-Based Support Vector Machine Ensemble in Classification of Hyperspectral Data With Limited Training Samples
=> Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation
=> Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation
=> Rotation-Covariant Texture Learning Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets
=> Rotation-discriminating template matching based on Fourier coefficients of radial projections with robustness to scaling and partial occlusion
=> Rotation-Equivariant Graph Convolutional Networks For Spherical Data Via Global-Local Attention
=> Rotation-free online handwritten character recognition using dyadic path signature features, hanging normalization, and deep neural network
=> Rotation-Independent and Scale-Independent Pattern-Recognition Through Optimization
=> Rotation-Independent IRIS Matching by Motion Estimation
=> Rotation-Insensitive and Context-Augmented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
=> Rotation-invariant 3D reconstruction
=> Rotation-Invariant and Relation-Aware Cross-Domain Adaptation Object Detection Network for Optical Remote Sensing Images
=> Rotation-Invariant and Robust Multiple-2D-Object Detection Using Steerable Pyramid Denoising and Optimized Circular Harmonic Filters
=> Rotation-invariant and scale-invariant Gabor features for texture image retrieval
=> Rotation-Invariant Approach to 2D Shape Representation Using the Hilbert Curve, A
=> Rotation-Invariant Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
=> rotation-invariant bag of visual words model for symbols based ancient coin classification, A
=> Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
=> Rotation-Invariant Convolution Networks with Hexagon-Based Kernels
=> Rotation-Invariant Facial Feature Detection Using Gabor Wavelet and Entropy
=> Rotation-invariant fast features for large-scale recognition and real-time tracking
=> Rotation-Invariant Feature Learning in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images via Nested Siamese Structure With Double Center Loss
=> Rotation-invariant features based on steerable transforms with an application to distributed image classification
=> Rotation-invariant Hierarchical Segmentation on Poincaré Ball for 3D Point Cloud
=> Rotation-Invariant HOG Descriptors Using Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
=> Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features
=> Rotation-invariant local radius index: A compact texture similarity feature for classification
=> Rotation-invariant Mixed Graphical Model Network for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
=> Rotation-Invariant Morphology for Shape Analysis of Anisotropic Objects and Structures, A
=> Rotation-Invariant Multiresolution Texture Analysis Using Radon and Wavelet Transforms
=> Rotation-invariant NCC for 2D color matching of arbitrary shaped fragments of a fresco
=> Rotation-Invariant Neoperceptron
=> Rotation-Invariant Nonlinear Filters Design
=> Rotation-Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes
=> Rotation-Invariant Object Detection of Remotely Sensed Images Based on Texton Forest and Hough Voting
=> Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
=> Rotation-Invariant Operators Applied to Enhancement of Fingerprints
=> Rotation-Invariant Optical and SAR Image Registration Algorithm Based on Deep and Gaussian Features, A
=> Rotation-Invariant Optical Flow by Gaze-Depended Retino-Cortical Mapping
=> Rotation-invariant pattern matching using wavelet decomposition
=> Rotation-invariant pattern matching with color ring-projection
=> Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Representation for 3-D Model Recognition
=> Rotation-Invariant Point Convolution With Multiple Equivariant Alignments.
=> Rotation-Invariant Regularization Term for Optical Flow Related Problems, A
=> Rotation-Invariant Secure Image Watermarking Algorithm Incorporating Steerable Pyramid Transform, A
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Characterization Using Isotropic Wavelet Frames
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using a Complete Space-Frequency Model
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using a Complete Space-Frequency Model
=> Rotation-invariant texture classification using a two-stage wavelet packet feature approach
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Distributions
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Distributions
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Steerable Gabor Filter Bank
=> Rotation-invariant texture classification
=> Rotation-invariant texture feature for image retrieval
=> Rotation-invariant texture features from the steered Hermite transform
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Image Retrieval Using Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters
=> Rotation-invariant texture recognition by rotation compensation and wavelet analysis
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Recognition
=> Rotation-Invariant texture retrieval using a steerable Gaussian copula model
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Retrieval via Signature Alignment Based on Steerable Sub-Gaussian Modeling
=> Rotation-Invariant Texture Retrieval With Gaussianized Steerable Pyramids
=> Rotation-Invariant Transformer for Point Cloud Matching
=> Rotation-Only Bundle Adjustment
=> Rotation-Oriented Collaborative Self-Supervised Learning for Retinal Disease Diagnosis
=> Rotation-reversal invariant HOG cascade for facial expression recognition
=> Rotation-Robust Intersection over Union for 3d Object Detection
=> Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection
=> Rotation-Tolerant Watermark Detection Using Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter
=> Rotation-Translation-Decoupled Solution for Robust and Efficient Visual-Inertial Initialization, A
=> Rotation Adaptive Visual Object Tracking with Motion Consistency
=> Rotation and cropping resilient data hiding with zernike moments
=> Rotation and Direction Judgment from Visual Images Head-Slaved in Two and Three Degrees-of-Freedom
=> Rotation and flipping robust region binary patterns for video copy detection
=> Rotation and gray-scale-invariant texture analysis using radon and differential radon transforms based hidden Markov models
=> Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
=> Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
=> Rotation and gray scale transform invariant texture identification using wavelet decomposition and hidden Markov model
=> Rotation and Illumination Invariant Interleaved Intensity Order-Based Local Descriptor
=> Rotation and intensity invariant shoeprint matching using Gabor transform with application to forensic science
=> Rotation and scale insensitive image watermarking
=> rotation and scale invariance face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network and Image Contour, A
=> rotation and scale invariant approach for multi-oriented floor plan image retrieval, A
=> Rotation and Scale Invariant Bispectral Feature based Recognition of Contactless Palmprints
=> rotation and scale invariant descriptor for shape recognition, A
=> Rotation and scale invariant shape representation and recognition using matching pursuit
=> rotation and scale invariant technique for ear detection in 3D, A
=> Rotation and Scale Invariant Texture Analysis with Tunable Gabor Filter Banks
=> Rotation and scale invariant texture features using discrete wavelet packet transform
=> Rotation and scaling invariant texture classification based on Radon transform and multiscale analysis
=> Rotation and script independent text detection from video frames using sub pixel mapping
=> Rotation and translation covariant match kernels for image retrieval
=> Rotation and translation invariants of Gaussian-Hermite moments
=> Rotation and Zooming in Image Mosaicing
=> Rotation Averaging and Strong Duality
=> Rotation Averaging in a Split Second: A Primal-Dual Method and a Closed-Form for Cycle Graphs
=> Rotation Averaging with Application to Camera-Rig Calibration
=> Rotation Averaging with the Chordal Distance: Global Minimizers and Strong Duality
=> Rotation Averaging
=> Rotation Awareness Based Self-Supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition With Limited Training Samples
=> Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Estimating Head Pose
=> Rotation Consistent Margin Loss for Efficient Low-Bit Face Recognition
=> Rotation constrained power factorization for structure from motion of nonrigid objects
=> Rotation Coordinate Descent for Fast Globally Optimal Rotation Averaging
=> Rotation Detection in Finger Vein Biometrics using CNNs
=> Rotation Detection using the Curl Equation
=> Rotation Equivariant Graph Convolutional Network for Spherical Image Classification
=> Rotation Equivariant Orientation Estimation for Omnidirectional Localization
=> Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking
=> Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks
=> Rotation estimation from cloud tracking
=> Rotation estimation from spherical images
=> Rotation Forest: A New Classifier Ensemble Method
=> Rotation Forests and Random Forest Classifiers for Monitoring Of Vegetation In Pays De Brest (France)
=> Rotation invariance for dense features inside regions of interest
=> Rotation Invariance Image Matching Method Based on Harris Corner Detection, A
=> Rotation invariance in edge detection
=> Rotation Invariance in Gradient and Higher Order Derivative Detectors
=> Rotation Invariance Regularization for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
=> rotation invariant 3D indoor scene labeling approach based on conditional random fields, A
=> Rotation Invariant Aerial Image Retrieval with Group Convolutional Metric Learning
=> Rotation invariant analysis and orientation estimation method for texture classification based on Radon transform and correlation analysis
=> Rotation Invariant Classification of 3D Surface Textures using Photometric Stereo and Surface Magnitude Spectra
=> Rotation Invariant CNN Using Scattering Transform for Image Classification
=> Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence among Adjacent LBPs
=> Rotation invariant co-occurrence features based on digital circles and discrete Fourier transform
=> Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Matrix Features
=> Rotation invariant color texture classification using multiple sub-DLBPs
=> Rotation invariant complex Zernike moments features and their applications to human face and character recognition
=> Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning
=> Rotation Invariant Curvelet Features for Region Based Image Retrieval
=> Rotation Invariant Face Detection using Spectral Histograms and Support Vector Machines
=> Rotation Invariant Face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network, A
=> Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
=> Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
=> Rotation Invariant Fuzzy Shape Contexts Based on Eigenshapes and Fourier Transforms for Efficient Radiological Image Retrieval
=> Rotation invariant Gabor convolutional neural network for image classification
=> Rotation Invariant Graph Neural Network for 3D Point Clouds
=> Rotation invariant hand-drawn symbol recognition based on a dynamic time warping model
=> Rotation Invariant Image Description with Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier Features
=> Rotation Invariant Image Recognition Using Features Selected via a Systematic Method
=> Rotation Invariant Iris Recognition Method Adaptive to Ambient Lighting Variation
=> Rotation Invariant Kernels and Their Application to Shape Analysis
=> Rotation Invariant Local Binary Convolution Neural Networks
=> Rotation Invariant Local Frequency Descriptors for Texture Classification
=> Rotation invariant local phase quantization for blur insensitive texture analysis
=> Rotation Invariant Local Shape Descriptors for Classification of Archaeological 3D Models
=> Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial Shoeprints
=> Rotation Invariant Neural Network-based Face Detection
=> Rotation Invariant Neural Network-based Face Detection
=> Rotation Invariant Non-rigid Shape Matching in Cluttered Scenes
=> Rotation Invariant Object Recognition from One Training Example
=> Rotation Invariant Page Layout Descriptor for Document Classification and Retrieval, A
=> Rotation invariant palmprint recognition: An overview and implementation
=> Rotation invariant pattern recognition using ridgelets, wavelet cycle-spinning and Fourier features
=> Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Zernike Moments
=> Rotation Invariant Pattern Signature, A
=> Rotation Invariant Pattern Signature, A
=> Rotation Invariant Pattern Signature, A
=> Rotation invariant point cloud analysis: Where local geometry meets global topology
=> rotation invariant printed Chinese character recognition system, A
=> Rotation Invariant Real-time Face Detection and Recognition System
=> Rotation Invariant Retrieval and Annotation of Image Databases
=> Rotation Invariant Rule-Based Thinning Algorithm for Character Recognition, A
=> Rotation invariant similarity measure for non-local self-similarity based image denoising
=> Rotation Invariant Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
=> Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image retrieval using eigen value analysis of intensity gradients and multi-resolution analysis
=> Rotation invariant texture characterization using a curvelet based descriptor
=> Rotation invariant texture classification using adaptive LBP with directional statistical features
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using Binary Filter Response Pattern (BFRP)
=> Rotation invariant texture classification using covariance
=> Rotation invariant texture classification using directional filter bank and support vector machine
=> Rotation invariant texture classification using even symmetric Gabor filters
=> Rotation invariant texture classification using LBP variance (LBPV) with global matching
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using the Modified Gabor Filters
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using the Modified Gabor Filters
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Ridgelet Transform and Fourier Transform
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Description Using Symmetric Dense Microblock Difference
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Descriptor Using Local Shearlet-Based Energy Histograms
=> Rotation invariant texture descriptors based on Gaussian Markov random fields for classification
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Features and Their Use in Automatic Script Identification
=> Rotation invariant texture features using rotated complex wavelet for content based image retrieval
=> Rotation invariant texture recognition using a steerable pyramid
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Recognition Using Discriminant Feature Transform
=> Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet
=> Rotation Invariant Topology Coding of 2D and 3D Objects Using Morse Theory
=> Rotation Invariant Tracking Algorithm Based on Circular HOGs
=> Rotation invariants of vector fields from orthogonal moments
=> Rotation Moment Invariants for Recognition of Symmetric Objects
=> Rotation of 2D orthogonal polynomials
=> Rotation of digital images
=> Rotation of digital images
=> Rotation of foveated image in the wavelet domain
=> Rotation processing method of image and system therefor
=> Rotation Recovery from Spherical Images without Correspondences
=> Rotation Regularization Without Rotation
=> Rotation robust detection of copy-move forgery
=> rotation symmetry group detection technique for the characterization of Islamic Rosette Patterns, A
=> Rotation symmetry group detection via frequency analysis of frieze-expansions
=> Rotation Symmetry Object Classification Using Structure Constrained Convolutional Neural Network
=> Rotation Tolerant Hand Pose Recognition Using Aggregation of Gradient Orientations
=> Rotation update on manifold in probabilistic NRSFM for robust 3D face modeling
=> Rotation XGBoost Based Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Limited Training Samples
=> Rotation, illumination invariant polynomial kernel Fisher discriminant analysis using Radon and discrete cosine transforms based features for face recognition
=> Rotation, Rescaling and Occlusion Invariant Object Retrieval
=> Rotation, scale and translation invariant digital image watermarking
=> Rotation, scale and translation invariant handwritten Devanagari numeral character recognition using general fuzzy neural network
=> Rotation, scale, and translation resilient watermarking for images
=> Rotation, Scaling and Deformation Invariant Scattering for Texture Discrimination
=> Rotation, Scaling, and Translation Invariant Pattern Classification System, A
=> Rotation, Scaling, and Translation Invariant Pattern Classification System, A
=> Rotation, scaling, and translation resilient watermarking for images
=> Rotation, scaling, translation invariant image watermarking based on radon transform
=> Rotational Adjoint Methods for Learning-Free 3D Human Pose Estimation from IMU Data
=> Rotational based rewritable data hiding in JPEG
=> Rotational contour signatures for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
=> Rotational contour signatures for robust local surface description
=> Rotational Convolution: Rethinking Convolution for Downside Fisheye Images
=> Rotational Crossed-Slit Light Fields
=> Rotational flows for interpolation between sampled surfaces
=> Rotational Invariance Based on Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
=> Rotational Invariance in Adaptive fMRI Data Analysis
=> Rotational invariant biologically inspired object recognition
=> Rotational Invariant Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
=> Rotational Invariant Discriminant Subspace Learning For Image Classification
=> Rotational invariant fractional derivative filters for lung tissue classification
=> Rotational Invariant Operators Based on Steerable Filter Banks
=> Rotational Libra R-CNN Method for Ship Detection, A
=> Rotational Motion Deblurring of a Rigid Object from a Single Image
=> Rotational Outlier Identification in Pose Graphs using Dual Decomposition
=> Rotational Pixel Swapping Method for Detection of Circular Features in Binary Images
=> Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition
=> Rotational Rectification Network: Enabling Pedestrian Detection for Mobile Vision
=> Rotational Stereo Model Based on XSlit Imaging, A
=> Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robust 3D Object Recognition
=> Rotational Symmetry: The Lie Group SO(3) and Its Representations
=> Rotational transform for image and video compression
=> Rotational Voxels Statistics Histogram for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
=> Rotational wavelet transforms for motion analysis, estimation and tracking
=> Rotationally-Invariant Convolution Module by Feature Map Back-Rotation, A
=> Rotationally-invariant non-local means for image denoising and tomography
=> Rotationally-temporally Consistent Novel View Synthesis of Human Performance Video
=> Rotationally Equivariant 3D Object Detection
=> Rotationally Invariant Bark Recognition
=> rotationally invariant descriptor based on mixed intensity feature histograms, A
=> Rotationally Invariant Descriptors Using Intensity Order Pooling
=> Rotationally Invariant Hashing of Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
=> Rotationally invariant similarity measures for nonlocal image denoising
=> Rotationally Invariant Texture Based Features
=> Rotationally Invariant Texture Features Using the Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform
=> Rotationally Invariant Two-Phase Scheme for Corner Detection, A
=> Rotationally Invariant Wavelet Shrinkage
=> Rotationally Symmetric Operators for Surface Interpolation
=> RotationNet for Joint Object Categorization and Unsupervised Pose Estimation from Multi-View Images
=> RotationNet: Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation Using Multiviews from Unsupervised Viewpoints
=> Rotations in the Mojette space
=> Rotations, Lines, and Multilinear Constraints
=> RotBoost: A technique for combining Rotation Forest and AdaBoost
=> ROTI-Aided Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Detection Method, A
=> RotInvMTL: Rotation Invariant MultiNet on Fisheye Images for Autonomous Driving Applications
=> Rotor Unbalance Detection in Electrical Induction Motors Using Orbital Analysis
=> RotPredictor: Unsupervised Canonical Viewpoint Learning for Point Cloud Classification
=> Rough-Bayesian approach to select class-pair specific descriptors for HEp-2 cell staining pattern recognition
=> Rough-DBSCAN: A fast hybrid density based clustering method for large data sets
=> rough-fuzzy approach for generating classification rules, A
=> Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and recognition in video
=> Rough-Fuzzy HSV Color Histogram for Image Segmentation, A
=> Rough-fuzzy weighted k-nearest leader classifier for large data sets
=> Rough-Terrain Robot Motion Planning based on Obstacleness
=> rough-to-fine satellite image registration method with sub-pixel accuracy, A
=> Rough and Accurate Segmentation of Natural Color Images Using Fuzzy Region-growing Algorithm
=> Rough and Accurate Segmentation of Natural Color Images Using Fuzzy Region-growing Algorithm
=> Rough and Accurate Segmentation of Natural Images Using Fuzzy Region-Growing Algorithm
=> Rough Approximation of Shapes in Pattern Recognition
=> Rough clustering using generalized fuzzy clustering algorithm
=> Rough compressed domain camera pose estimation through object motion
=> Rough Core Vector Clustering
=> Rough Fuzzy Image Analysis: Foundations and Methodologies
=> Rough Histograms for Robust Statistics
=> Rough intuitionistic type-2 fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for MR image segmentation
=> Rough mode cost-based fast intra coding for high-efficiency video coding
=> Rough Neighborhood Covering Reduction for robust classification
=> Rough segmentation of coherent local intensity for bias induced 3-D MR brain images
=> rough set approach to feature selection based on ant colony optimization, A
=> Rough Set Approach to Video Genre Classification, A
=> Rough set based approaches to feature selection for Case-Based Reasoning classifiers
=> Rough Set Based Homogeneous Unsharp Masking for Bias Field Correction in MRI
=> Rough set based incremental clustering of interval data
=> Rough Set Based Modeling and Visualization of the Acoustic Field Around the Human Head
=> Rough set methods in feature selection and recognition
=> Rough Set Rules Determine Disease Progressions in Different Groups of Parkinson's Patients
=> Rough Set Theory of Pattern Classification in the Brain
=> Rough Sets and Stomped Normal Distribution for Simultaneous Segmentation and Bias Field Correction in Brain MR Images
=> Rough Sets for Bias Field Correction in MR Images Using Contraharmonic Mean and Quantitative Index
=> Rough sets
=> Rough support vector clustering
=> Rough Surface Analysis using Kirchhoff Theory
=> Rough Surface Correction and Re-illumination Using the Modified Beckmann Model
=> Rough Surface Estimation Using the Kirchhoff Model
=> Rough surface scattering for active-illumination systems
=> Rough Terrain Reconstruction for Rover Motion Planning
=> Roughness and Shape of Specular Lobe Surfaces Using Photometric Sampling Method
=> Roughness Classification with Aggregated Discrete Fourier Transform
=> Roughness Mapping on Various Vertical Scales Based on Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data
=> Roughness measurement from multi-stereo reconstruction
=> Roughness measurements over an agricultural soil surface with Structure from Motion
=> Roughness penalties on finite domains
=> Round-Robin sequential forward selection algorithm for prostate cancer classification and diagnosis using multispectral imagery
=> Round Robin Assessment of Radar Altimeter Low Resolution Mode and Delay-Doppler Retracking Algorithms for Significant Wave Height
=> Round Robin Assessment of Radar Altimeter Low Resolution Mode and Delay-Doppler Retracking Algorithms for Significant Wave Height
=> Roundabout Crossing With Interval Occupancy and Virtual Instances of Road Users
=> Roundabouts: Traffic Simulations of Connected and Automated Vehicles: A State of the Art
=> Rounding Mismatch Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Video Codecs
=> Rounding Transform and Its Application for Lossless Pyramid Structured Coding
=> Rounding Transform Based Approach for Lossless Subband Coding
=> Rounding Transform for Lossless Image Coding
=> Roundness-Preserving Warping for Aesthetic Enhancement-Based Stereoscopic Image Editing
=> Roussos-Maragos Tensor-Driven Diffusion for Image Interpolation
=> Route-Based Dynamics Modeling and Tracking With Application to Air Traffic Surveillance
=> Route-Based Transit Signal Priority Using Connected Vehicle Technology to Promote Bus Schedule Adherence
=> Route 20, Autobahn 7, and Slime Mold: Approximating the Longest Roads in USA and Germany With Slime Mold on 3-D Terrains
=> Route Backtracking Method Based On Video And Road Network, A
=> Route Choice-Based Socio-Technical Macroscopic Traffic Model
=> Route Choice Behavior Modeling for Emergency Evacuation and Efficiency Analysis Based on Type-II Fuzzy Theory
=> Route Control Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles Exiting to Off-Ramps
=> Route Generator for Integrating Cultural Heritage to Smart City: Ontheroute
=> Route optimization for school bus scheduling problem based on a distributed ant colony system algorithm
=> Route Planning and Tracking Control of an Intelligent Automatic Unmanned Transportation System Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
=> Route Planning Based on Parallel Optimization in the Air-Ground Integrated Network
=> Route planning for electric vehicles
=> Route Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Sea Using Hybrid Differential Evolution and Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
=> Route Plans for UAV Aerial Surveys according to Different DEMs in Complex Mountainous Surroundings: A Case Study in the Zheduoshan Mountains, China
=> RoutedFusion: Learning Real-Time Depth Map Fusion
=> router based unequal error control scheme for video over the internet, A
=> Routine Processing and Automatic Detection of Volcanic Ground Deformation Using Sentinel-1 InSAR Data: Insights from African Volcanoes
=> Routing-Aware Multiple Description Video Coding Over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
=> Routing-aware multiple description video coding over wireless ad-hoc networks using multiple paths
=> Routing and Rebalancing Intermodal Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems in Mixed Traffic
=> Routing Challenges and Solutions in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
=> Routing in Internet of Vehicles: A Review
=> Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Fuzzy Logic: A survey
=> Routing on the CAAPP
=> Routing Optimization by Considering Multiple Uses of Vehicles and Demand Uncertainty: A Real-World Case Study
=> Routing Protocols for GeoNet: A Survey
=> Routing Scheme Using an Adaptive K-Harmonic Means Clustering for VANETs, A
=> Routing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles
=> Routing With Traffic Awareness and Link Preference in Internet of Vehicles
=> Rove-tree-11: The Not-so-wild Rover a Hierarchically Structured Image Dataset for Deep Metric Learning Research
=> Rovira i Virgili University
=> row-action alternative to the EM algorithm for maximizing likelihood in emission tomography, A
=> Row-by-row segmentation and thresholding for optical character recognition
=> Row-Column Soft-Decision Feedback Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference
=> Row-column transforms: Low-complexity approximation of optimal non-separable transforms
=> Row-interleaved sampling for stereoscopic video coding targeting polarized displays
=> Row-level algorithm to improve real-time performance of glass tube defect detection in the production phase
=> Row-oriented Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Halftoning, A
=> Row-Parallel 8X8 2-D DCT Architecture Using Algebraic Integer-Based Exact Computation, A
=> Roxels: Responsibility Weighted 3D Volume Reconstruction
=> Royal Institute of Technology KTH
=> Royal Military Academy
=> Royalty-Free Video Coding Standards in MPEG
=> Royalty Cost Based Optimization for Video Compression
=> RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogrammetry For Industrial Inspection
=> RPAN: An End-to-End Recurrent Pose-Attention Network for Action Recognition in Videos
=> RPAS Accuracy Testing for Using It in the Cadastre of Real Estates of The Czech Republic
=> RPAS and TLS Tecniques for Archaeological Survey: The Case Study of the Archaeological Site of Eraclea Minoa (Italy)
=> RPAS Based Tracking of Machinery Used in Asphalt Paving Process
=> RPAS in The Support for Photogrammetry Education: Cases in Topographic Mapping and Documentation of Historical Monuments
=> RPAU: Fooling the Eyes of UAVs via Physical Adversarial Patches
=> RPC Estimation via L_1-Norm-Regularized Least Squares (L1LS)
=> RPCA-KFE: Key Frame Extraction for Video Using Robust Principal Component Analysis
=> RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection
=> RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection
=> RPD-GAN: Learning to Draw Realistic Paintings With Generative Adversarial Network
=> RPEFlow: Multimodal Fusion of RGB-PointCloud-Event for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation
=> RPEFlow: Multimodal Fusion of RGB-PointCloud-Event for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation
=> RPFNET: Complementary Feature Fusion for Hand Gesture Recognition
=> RPG-Palm: Realistic Pseudo-data Generation for Palmprint Recognition
=> RPI-CapsuleGAN: Predicting RNA-protein interactions through an interpretable generative adversarial capsule network
=> RPIfield: A New Dataset for Temporally Evaluating Person Re-identification
=> RPM-Net: Robust Pixel-Level Matching Networks for Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
=> RPM-Net: Robust Point Matching Using Learned Features
=> RPM 2.0: RF-Based Pose Machines for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
=> RPM: Random Points Matching for Pair wise Face-Similarity
=> RPM: RF-Based Pose Machines
=> RPMG-FSS: Robust Prior Mask Guided Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
=> RPMG-FSS: Robust Prior Mask Guided Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
=> RPN Prototype Alignment For Domain Adaptive Object Detector
=> RPNet: An End-to-End Network for Relative Camera Pose Estimation
=> RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body-Parts
=> RPP-Net: Rigid Constrained Point Cloud Prediction Network
=> rPPG-Based Spoofing Detection for Face Mask Attack using Efficientnet on Weighted Spatial-Temporal Representation
=> rPPG-MAE: Self-Supervised Pretraining With Masked Autoencoders for Remote Physiological Measurements
=> RPPM: A Reputation-Based and Privacy-Preserving Platoon Management Scheme in Vehicular Networks
=> RPR-Net: A Point Cloud-based Rotation-aware Large Scale Place Recognition Network
=> RPSRNet: End-to-End Trainable Rigid Point Set Registration Network using Barnes-Hut 2D-Tree Representation
=> RPV-II: A stream-based real-time parallel vision system and its application to real-time volume reconstruction
=> RPV Model Parameters Based on Hyperspectral Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements of Fagus sylvatica L. Leaves.
=> RPVNet: A Deep and Efficient Range-Point-Voxel Fusion Network for LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
=> RQNet: Residual Quaternion CNN for Performance Enhancement in Low Complexity and Device Robust Acoustic Scene Classification
=> RR-DnCNN v2.0: Enhanced Restoration-Reconstruction Deep Neural Network for Down-Sampling-Based Video Coding
=> RR-Net: Relation Reasoning for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
=> RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images
=> RRAR: A novel reduced-reference IQA algorithm for facial images
=> RRc-UNet 3D for lung tumor segmentation from CT scans of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients
=> RRED Indices: Reduced Reference Entropic Differencing for Image Quality Assessment
=> RRN: A differential private approach to preserve privacy in image classification
=> RRNet: A Hybrid Detector for Object Detection in Drone-Captured Images
=> RRPN: Radar Region Proposal Network for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
=> RRSGAN: Reference-Based Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Image
=> RRSR: Reciprocal Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution with Progressive Feature Alignment and Selection
=> RRV: A Spatiotemporal Descriptor for Rigid Body Motion Recognition
=> RS-Aug: Improve 3D Object Detection on LiDAR With Realistic Simulator Based Data Augmentation
=> Rs-based Water Resources Inventory Of The Philippines: Capacity Building Efforts For Nationwide Implementation
=> RS-DARTS: A Convolutional Neural Architecture Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
=> RS-DPSNet: Deep Plane Sweep Network for Rolling Shutter Stereo Images
=> RS-LLaVA: A Large Vision-Language Model for Joint Captioning and Question Answering in Remote Sensing Imagery
=> RS-MetaNet: Deep Metametric Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
=> RS2G: Data-Driven Scene-Graph Extraction and Embedding for Robust Autonomous Perception and Scenario Understanding
=> RSAC: Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning
=> RSAN: Residual Subtraction and Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
=> RSANet: Deep Recurrent Scale-Aware Network for Crowd Counting
=> RSARE: A physically-based vegetation index for estimating wheat green LAI to mitigate the impact of leaf chlorophyll content and residue-soil background
=> RSCA: Real-time Segmentation-based Context-Aware Scene Text Detection
=> RSCFed: Random Sampling Consensus Federated Semi-supervised Learning
=> RSCM: Region Selection and Concurrency Model for Multi-Class Weather Recognition
=> RSCNN: A CNN-Based Method to Enhance Low-Light Remote-Sensing Images
=> RSD-GAN: Regularized Sobolev Defense GAN Against Speech-to-Text Adversarial Attacks
=> RSD-HoG: A New Image Descriptor
=> RSDehazeNet: Dehazing Network With Channel Refinement for Multispectral Remote Sensing Images
=> RSDet++: Point-Based Modulated Loss for More Accurate Rotated Object Detection
=> RSDNet: Learning to Predict Remaining Surgery Duration from Laparoscopic Videos Without Manual Annotations
=> RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment
=> RSEDM: A New Rotational-Scan Exponential Decay Model for Extracting the Surface Urban Heat Island Footprint
=> RSEI or MRSEI? Comment on Jia et al. Evaluation of Eco-Environmental Quality in Qaidam Basin Based on the Ecological Index (MRSEI) and GEE. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4543
=> RSEM: An Accelerated Algorithm on Repeated EM
=> RSF: Optimizing Rigid Scene Flow From 3D Point Clouds Without Labels
=> RSFAD: A Large-Scale Real Scenario Face Age Dataset in the wild
=> RSFDM-Net: Real-Time Spatial and Frequency Domains Modulation Network for Underwater Image Enhancement
=> RSFNet: A White-Box Image Retouching Approach using Region-Specific Color Filters
=> RSFNet: A White-Box Image Retouching Approach using Region-Specific Color Filters
=> RSFVC: Robust Biometric-Based Secure Framework for Vehicular Cloud Networking
=> RSG-Net: A Recurrent Similarity Network With Ghost Convolution for Wheelset Laser Stripe Image Inpainting
=> RSG: A Simple but Effective Module for Learning Imbalanced Datasets
=> RSILC: Rotation- and Scale-Invariant, Line-based Color-aware descriptor
=> RSIMS: Large-Scale Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images Management System
=> RSINet: Rotation-Scale Invariant Network for Online Visual Tracking
=> RSIP Vision
=> RSLAM: A System for Large-Scale Mapping in Constant-Time Using Stereo
=> RSLDI: Restoration of single-sided low-quality document images
=> RSMAT: Robust simultaneous modeling and tracking
=> RSMPNet: Relationship Guided Semantic Map Prediction
=> RSMPNet: Relationship Guided Semantic Map Prediction
=> RSMT: A Remote Sensing Image-to-Map Translation Model via Adversarial Deep Transfer Learning
=> RSN: Range Sparse Net for Efficient, Accurate LiDAR 3D Object Detection
=> RSNet: Relation Separation Network for Few-Shot Similar Class Recognition
=> RSNet: The Search for Remote Sensing Deep Neural Networks in Recognition Tasks
=> RSPCN: Super-Resolution of Digital Elevation Model Based on Recursive Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Networks
=> RSPD: A Novel Remote Sensing Index of Plant Biodiversity Combining Spectral Variation Hypothesis and Productivity Hypothesis
=> RSRN: Rich Side-Output Residual Network for Medial Axis Detection
=> RsRS: Ridesharing Recommendation System Based on Social Networks to Improve the User's QoE
=> RSS-LIWOM: Rotating Solid-State LiDAR for Robust LiDAR-Inertial-Wheel Odometry and Mapping
=> RSSFormer: Foreground Saliency Enhancement for Remote Sensing Land-Cover Segmentation
=> RSSGG_CS: Remote Sensing Image Scene Graph Generation by Fusing Contextual Information and Statistical Knowledge
=> RSSI Map-Based Trajectory Design for UGV Against Malicious Radio Source: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
=> RSSI/PDR-Based Probabilistic Position Selection Algorithm with NLOS Identification for Indoor Localisation, A
=> RST-invariant digital image watermarking based on log-polar mapping and phase correlation
=> RST-invariant sketch retrieval based on circular description
=> RST-Resistant Image Watermarking Using Invariant Centroid and Reordered Fourier-Mellin Transform
=> RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection, An
=> RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Turkey in the Period 2004-2015
=> RST Invariant Image Watermarking Algorithm With Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of the Watermarking Processes
=> RST resilient object-based video watermarking scheme, A
=> RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform
=> RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform: Final Report
=> RSTNet: Captioning with Adaptive Attention on Visual and Non-Visual Words
=> RSTT: Real-time Spatial Temporal Transformer for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
=> RSU-Assisted Adaptive Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Data Sharing in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
=> RSURF: The Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEP-2 Cells
=> RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data
=> RT-BENE: A Dataset and Baselines for Real-Time Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
=> RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments
=> RT-SLAM: A Generic and Real-Time Visual SLAM Implementation
=> RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object detection dataset for UAVs
=> RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object detection dataset for UAVs
=> Rtip: A Fully Automated Root Tip Tracker For Measuring Plant Growth With Intermittent Perturbations
=> RTK GNSS-Assisted Terrestrial SfM Photogrammetry without GCP: Application to Coastal Morphodynamics Monitoring
=> RTK UAV-Based Method for Radial Velocity Validation of Weather Radar, An
=> RTL3D: real-time LIDAR-based 3D object detection with sparse CNN
=> RTLNet: Recursive Triple-Path Learning Network for Scene Parsing of RGB-D Images
=> RTM3D: Real-time Monocular 3d Detection from Object Keypoints for Autonomous Driving
=> RTNet: Relation Transformer Network for Diabetic Retinopathy Multi-Lesion Segmentation
=> RTrPPG: An Ultra Light 3DCNN for Real-Time Remote Photoplethysmography
=> RTS-LCSS: A New Method for Real-Time Monitoring of Pantograph Structure
=> RTSeg: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Comparative Study
=> RTSformer: A Robust Toroidal Transformer With Spatiotemporal Features for Visual Tracking
=> RTSVC: Real-time system for visual control of robots
=> RTTLC: Video Colorization with Restored Transformer and Test-time Local Converter
=> RU-Net: Regularized Unrolling Network for Scene Graph Generation
=> RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
=> rubber-mask technique, I: Pattern measurement and analysis, The
=> rubber-mask technique, II: Pattern Storage and Recognition, The
=> Rubber Band Algorithm for Estimating the Length of Digitized Space-curves
=> Rubber Identification Based on Blended High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Xishuangbanna
=> Rubber Tree Crown Segmentation and Property Retrieval Using Ground-Based Mobile LiDAR after Natural Disturbances
=> Rubberband: an improved graph search algorithm for interactive object segmentation
=> Rubik Gaussian-based patterns for dynamic texture classification
=> RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Recognition
=> RubiX: Combining Spatial Resolutions for Bayesian Inference of Crossing Fibers in Diffusion MRI
=> Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Total Variation Denoising using Split Bregman
=> RUESVMs: An Ensemble Method to Handle the Class Imbalance Problem in Land Cover Mapping Using Google Earth Engine
=> RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End RES-UNET-CRF with Dual Loss
=> Ruggedness measures of medical time series using fuzzy-rough sets and fractals
=> Ruhr-Universität Bochum
=> RUIESR: Realistic Underwater Image Enhancement and Super Resolution
=> RUIG: Realistic Underwater Image Generation Towards Restoration
=> Ruins and Urban Context: Analysis Towards Conservation and Enhancement
=> rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
=> Rule-based Approach for the Conflation of Attributed Vector Data, A
=> rule-based approach to hand X-ray image segmentation, A
=> rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic, A
=> Rule-Based Classification of a Hyperspectral Image Using MSSC Hierarchical Segmentation
=> Rule-Based Classification of a Very High Resolution Image in an Urban Environment Using Multispectral Segmentation Guided by Cartographic Data
=> Rule-based classification of multi-temporal satellite imagery for habitat and agricultural land cover mapping
=> Rule-Based Classification Systems Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis
=> Rule-based cleanup of on-line English ink notes
=> Rule-Based Cooperative Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
=> Rule-Based Decision Support System in Intelligent Hazmat Transportation System, A
=> Rule-Based Description Framework for the Composition of Geographic Information Services, A
=> Rule-based detection of intrathoracic airway trees
=> Rule-based document structure understanding with a fuzzy combination of layout and textual features
=> rule-based event detection system for real-life underwater domain, A
=> Rule-Based Facial Makeup Recommendation System
=> Rule-based hidden relation recognition for large scale knowledge graphs
=> rule-based hierarchical framework for video parsing in compressed domain, A
=> Rule-Based Image Segmentation: A Dynamic Control Strategy Approach
=> Rule-Based Inspection of Leadframes
=> Rule-Based Interpretation System for Segmentation of Seismic Images, A
=> Rule-Based Method for Object Segmentation in Video Sequences, A
=> Rule-based method for tumor recognition in liver ultrasonic images
=> Rule-Based Method to Model Myocardial Fiber Orientation for Simulating Ventricular Outflow Tract Arrhythmias, A
=> Rule-based middle-level character detection for simplifying Thai document layout analysis
=> Rule-based moving object segmentation
=> Rule-Based Multiple Object Tracking for Traffic Surveillance Using Collaborative Background Extraction
=> Rule-based real-time detection of context-independent events in video shots
=> Rule-based scene extraction from video
=> Rule-based searching for collision test cases of autonomous vehicles simulation
=> Rule-based semantic summarization of instructional videos
=> Rule-Based Structural Analysis of Web Pages
=> rule-based system for automatic seismic discrimination, A
=> rule-based system for dimensional analysis of glass containers, A
=> Rule-Based System for Document Image Segmentation, A
=> Rule-Based System for House Reconstruction from Aerial Images, A
=> Rule-based trajectory segmentation for modeling hand motion trajectory
=> Rule-Based Ventral Cavity Multi-organ Automatic Segmentation in CT Scans
=> rule-based video annotation system, A
=> Rule-constrained reinforcement learning control for autonomous vehicle left turn at unsignalized intersection
=> Rule-Driven Processing And Recognition From Range Images
=> Rule-guided human classification of Volunteered Geographic Information
=> Rule Based Approach for Visual Pattern Inspection, A
=> Rule Based Contextual Post-Processing for Devanagari Text Recognition
=> Rule based system for archaeological pottery classification
=> Rule Based Technique for Extraction of Visual Attention Regions Based on Real-Time Clustering, A
=> Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: Measuring the Explanation Capability Using the Area under the ROC Curve
=> Rule Extraction in the Assessment of Brain MRI Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis: Preliminary Findings
=> Rule extraction with guarantees from regression models
=> Rule of thumb: Deep derotation for improved fingertip detection
=> Rule prepending and post-pruning approach to incremental learning of decision lists
=> RULe: Relocalization-Uniformization-Landmark Estimation Network for Real-Time Face Alignment in Degraded Conditions
=> ruled-line extraction method for digital camera images, A
=> Rulegraphs for Graph Matching in Pattern Recognition
=> Rules and Algorithms for the Design of Templates for Template Matching
=> Rules of photography for image memorability analysis
=> Rules of the Road: Predicting Driving Behavior With a Convolutional Model of Semantic Interactions
=> Ruling Line Removal in Handwritten Page Images
=> Rumor Detection on Social Media by Using Global-local Relations Encoding Network
=> Run-Based Algorithms for Binary Image-Analysis and Processing
=> Run-based method for smoothing handwritten Chinese characters
=> Run-Based One-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
=> Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
=> Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
=> Run-hierarchical structure of digital lines with irrational slopes in terms of continued fractions and the Gauss map
=> Run-Length-Based River Skeleton Line Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensed Image
=> Run-Length and Edge Statistics Based Approach for Image Splicing Detection
=> Run-Length Chain Coding and Scalable Computation of a Shape's Moments Using Reconfigurable Optical Buses
=> Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
=> Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
=> Run Time Adaptation of Video-Surveillance Systems: A Software Modeling Approach
=> Run, Don't Walk: Chasing Higher FLOPS for Faster Neural Networks
=> RUNE-Tag: A high accuracy fiducial marker with strong occlusion resilience
=> RUNE Experiment: A Database of Remote-Sensing Observations of Near-Shore Winds, The
=> Runge-Kutta Guided Feature Augmentation for Few-Sample Learning
=> Runlength-Based Processing Methods for Low Bit-depth Images
=> Runlength-based wavelet coding with adaptive scanning for low bit rate environment
=> Running Max/Min Filters Using 1+o(1) Comparisons per Sample
=> Running To Safety: Analysis Of Disaster Susceptibility Of Neighborhoods And Proximity Of Safety Facilities In Silay City, Philippines
=> Runoff Estimation in the Upper Reaches of the Heihe River Using an LSTM Model with Remote Sensing Data
=> Runoff Responses of Various Driving Factors in a Typical Basin in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area
=> Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological modeling approach, remote sensing and Gis techniques: A case study from an Indian agricultural watershed
=> Runtime-Scalable and Hardware-Accelerated Approach to On-Board Linear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images, A
=> Runtime Integrity Monitoring Framework for Real-Time Relative Positioning Systems Based on GPS and DSRC, A
=> Runtime Network Routing for Efficient Image Classification
=> Runtime Performance Enhancement of a Superpixel Based Saliency Detection Model
=> Runway assessment via remote sensing
=> Runway Imaging from an Approaching Aircraft Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
=> Runway incursion prevention method based on a discrete object sensing event-driven model
=> Runway Obstacle Detection by Controlled Spatiomatic Image Flow Disparity
=> runway recognition algorithm based on heuristic line extraction, A
=> Runway to Realway: Visual Analysis of Fashion
=> Rupture Kinematics and Coseismic Slip Model of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo (China) Earthquake: Implications for the Seismic Hazard of the Kunlun Fault
=> Rupture Models of the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Strong-Motion and InSAR Datasets: Implications for Fault Behavior
=> Rupture Process of the 2022 Mw6.6 Menyuan, China, Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Accelerogram Data and InSAR Measurements
=> Rural-Urban Migration and Conservation Drive the Ecosystem Services Improvement in China Karst: A Case Study of HuanJiang County, Guangxi
=> Rural-Urban Transition of Hanoi (Vietnam): Using Landsat Imagery to Map Its Recent Peri-Urbanization
=> Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Geometric Feature Inference
=> Rural Settlement Subdivision by Using Landscape Metrics as Spatial Contextual Information
=> Rurality and Origin-Destination Trajectories of Medical School Application and Matriculation in the United States
=> RUSBoost: Improving classification performance when training data is skewed
=> Russian Doll Network: Learning Nested Networks for Sample-Adaptive Dynamic Inference
=> Rust-Style Patch: A Physical and Naturalistic Camouflage Attacks on Object Detector for Remote Sensing Images
=> Rust Detection of Steel Structure via One-Class Classification and L2 Sparse Representation with Decision Fusion
=> RUST: Latent Neural Scene Representations from Unposed Imagery
=> Rutgers
=> RV-GAN: Recurrent GAN for Unconditional Video Generation
=> RV-TMO: Large-Scale Dataset for Subjective Quality Assessment of Tone Mapped Images
=> RV-VAE: Integrating Random Variable Algebra into Variational Autoencoders
=> RV-VAE: Integrating Random Variable Algebra into Variational Autoencoders
=> RVC dataflow description of the AVC Constrained Baseline Profile decoder, An
=> Rvenet: A Large Echocardiographic Dataset for the Deep Learning-based Assessment of Right Ventricular Function
=> RVFace: Reliable Vector Guided Softmax Loss for Face Recognition
=> RVIO: An Effective Localization Algorithm for Range-Aided Visual-Inertial Odometry System
=> RVLC decoding scheme for improved data recovery in MPEG-4 video coding standard
=> RVM-Based Human Action Classification in Crowd through Projection and Star Skeletonization
=> RVM-based human action classification through Gabor and Haar feature extraction
=> RVOS: End-To-End Recurrent Network for Video Object Segmentation
=> RVSL: Robust Vehicle Similarity Learning in Real Hazy Scenes Based on Semi-supervised Learning
=> RW-HAZE: A Real-World Benchmark Dataset to Evaluate Quantitatively Dehazing Algorithms
=> RWBD: Learning Robust Weighted Binary Descriptor for Image Matching
=> RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection
=> RWMF: A Real-World Multimodal Foodlog Database
=> RWN: Robust Watermarking Network for Image Cropping Localization
=> RWS: Refined Weak Slice for Semantic Segmentation Enhancement
=> RWSC-Fusion: Region-Wise Style-Controlled Fusion Network for the Prohibited X-ray Security Image Synthesis
=> RX-ADS: Interpretable Anomaly Detection Using Adversarial ML for Electric Vehicle CAN Data
=> RX architectures for real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images
=> RxRx1: A Dataset for Evaluating Experimental Batch Correction Methods
=> RYF-Net: Deep Fusion Network for Single Image Haze Removal
=> RZSR: Reference-Based Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With Depth Guided Self-Exemplars

Index for "s"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:29:06
Use for comments.