10.20.3 I.3. Texture: description

Chapter Contents (Back)

Fogel, I., Sagi, D.,
Gabor Filters As Texture Discriminator,
BC(61), 1989, pp. 103-113. BibRef

Vistnes, R.,
Texture Models And Image Measures For Texture Discrimination,
IJCV(3), 1989, pp. 313-336. BibRef

Garding, J.,
Properties Of Fractal Intensity Surfaces,
PRL(8), 1988, pp. 319-324. BibRef

Cohen, P., LeDinh, C.T., Lacasse, V.,
Classification Of Natural Textures By Means Of Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Masks,
T-ASSP(37), 1989, pp. 125-128. BibRef

Liu, Z., Attikiouzel, Y.,
Two-Dimensional Linear Prediction Model-Based Decorrelation Method,
T-PAMI(11), 1989, pp. 661-665. BibRef

Amadasun, M., King, R.,
Textural Features Corresponding To Textural Properties,
T-SMC(19), 1989, pp. 1264-1274. BibRef

Hamey, L.G.C., Kanade, T.,
Computer Analysis Of Regular Repetitive Textures,
IUW(89), pp. 1076-1088. BibRef

Rao, A.R., Schunck, B.G.,
Computing Oriented Texture Fields,
CVPR(89), pp. 61-68. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1989 continues in
I.4. Texture: segmentation .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50