Index for adem

Adem, E.S.[Eshetu Shifaw] * 2024: Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Variations of Ponds in Typical Rural Area in the Huai River Basin of China

Ademaj, F. * 2016: Optimizing the energy efficiency for future 5G networks

Adembri, B. * 2017: Guidelines for A Digital Reinterpretation of Architectural Restoration Work: Reality-based Models And Reverse Modelling Techniques Applied To The Architectural Decoration of the Teatro Marittimo, Villa Adriana

Ademoye, O.A.[Oluwakemi A.] * 2017: Tutorial for Olfaction-Based Multisensorial Media Application Design and Evaluation, A
* 2021: Less is (Just as Good as) More: An Investigation of Odor Intensity and Hedonic Valence in Mulsemedia QoE using Heart Rate and Eye Tracking
Includes: Ademoye, O.A.[Oluwakemi A.] Ademoye, O.A.

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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