Index for allm

Allman, D. * 2018: Photoacoustic Source Detection and Reflection Artifact Removal Enabled by Deep Learning
* 2020: In Vivo Demonstration of Photoacoustic Image Guidance and Robotic Visual Servoing for Cardiac Catheter-Based Interventions

Allman, E. * 2015: Spectral ship surveillance from space

Allman, J.[Josh] * 2020: Video Tampering Detection for Decentralized Video Transcoding Networks

Allman, L. * 1990: DCT coding for motion video storage using adaptive arithmetic coding

Allman, M.C.[Mark C.] * 1997: Integrated Use of 3-D Site Models and ATR in SAR Image Exploitation

Allmen, M.C. * 1990: Computing Spatiotemporal Surface Flow
* 1990: Cyclic Motion Detection Using Spatiotemporal Surfaces and Curves
* 1991: Image Sequence Description Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves: Toward Motion-Based Recognition
* 1991: Long-Range Spatiotemporal Motion Understanding Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves
* 1992: Computing Spatiotemporal Relations for Dynamic Perceptual Organization
* 1993: Computing Spatiotemporal Relations for Dynamic Perceptual Organization
* 1997: Computation of Cloud-base Height from Paired Whole-Sky Imaging Cameras, The
* 2003: Video segmentation using statistical pixel modeling
* 2006: Video scene background maintenance using statistical pixel modeling
* 2007: Video segmentation using statistical pixel modeling
Includes: Allmen, M.C. Allmen, M.C.[Mark C.]
10 for Allmen, M.C.

Index for "a"

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