Index for alot

Alotaibi, A.[Aziz] * 2017: Deep face liveness detection based on nonlinear diffusion using convolution neural network

Alotaibi, B.[Bandar] * 2020: Distracted driver classification using deep learning

Alotaibi, K. * 1998: environment for generating FPGA architectures for image algebra-based algorithms, An
* 2000: Design and implementation of a high level programming environment for FPGA-based image processing

Alotaibi, M.[Munif] * 2015: Improved Gait recognition based on specialized deep convolutional neural networks
* 2017: Improved gait recognition based on specialized deep convolutional neural network
* 2017: Reducing covariate factors of gait recognition using feature selection and dictionary-based sparse coding
* 2020: Combining Genetic Analysis and Multivariate Modeling to Evaluate Spectral Reflectance Indices as Indirect Selection Tools in Wheat Breeding under Water Deficit Stress Conditions
* 2020: Distracted driver classification using deep learning
* 2021: Combining Thermal and RGB Imaging Indices with Multivariate and Data-Driven Modeling to Estimate the Growth, Water Status, and Yield of Potato under Different Drip Irrigation Regimes
* 2021: Discriminative Appearance Modeling with Multi-track Pooling for Real-time Multi-object Tracking
Includes: Alotaibi, M.[Munif] Alotaibi, M.[Majed] Alotaibi, M.[Mazen]
7 for Alotaibi, M.

Alotaibi, N.[Naif] * 2023: robust and clinically applicable deep learning model for early detection of Alzheimer's, A

Alotaibi, S.[Sarah] * 2013: Empirical Comparison of Visual Descriptors for Multiple Bleeding Spots Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video
* 2017: Biophysical 3D Morphable Model of Face Appearance, A
* 2019: Decomposing Multispectral Face Images into Diffuse and Specular Shading and Biophysical Parameters
Includes: Alotaibi, S.[Sarah] Alotaibi, S.

Alotaibi, S.R.[Sattam Rabia] * 2022: Three Byte-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Autonomous Internet of Vehicles

Alotaibi, S.S.[Saud S.] * 2022: Optimal deep transfer learning based ethnicity recognition on face images

Alotaibi, T.[Theyab] * 2024: Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images Using Fundamental Color and Structural Features

Alotaibi, T.A.[Theyab A.] * 2022: Evaluating Quantitative Metrics of Tone-Mapped Images

Alotaibi, Y.A.[Yousef Ajami] * 2010: Speech Recognition System of Arabic Alphabet Based on a Telephony Arabic Corpus

Alotaiby, F.[Fahad] * 2010: Speech Recognition System of Arabic Alphabet Based on a Telephony Arabic Corpus

Alotibi, F.[Faris] * 2021: Anomaly Detection for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Autonomous Vehicles Using Statistical Learning and Kinematic Model

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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