Index for amen

Amen, A.R.M.[Aumed Rahman M] * 2023: Mapping of Flood-Prone Areas Utilizing GIS Techniques and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Amen, B.[Bakhtiar] * 2022: Big data directed acyclic graph model for real-time COVID-19 twitter stream detection

Amende, K.[Karl] * 2018: Complex-YOLO: An Euler-Region-Proposal for Real-Time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds
* 2019: WoodScape: A Multi-Task, Multi-Camera Fisheye Dataset for Autonomous Driving
Includes: Amende, K.[Karl] Amende, K.

Amendola, M.[Mathieu] * 2021: Segmentation with Active Contours

Amendolia, S.R.[Salvator R.] * 1992: Neural network trigger algorithms for heavy quark event selection in a fixed target high energy physics experiment

Amengual, J.C. * 1998: Efficient Error-correcting Viterbi Parsing
* 2000: On the Estimation of Error-correcting Parameters
* 2000: Stochastic Error-correcting Parsing for OCR Post-processing

Amengual, X.[Xesca] * 2015: Review of Methods to Predict Social Image Interestingness and Memorability

Amenta, F.[Francesco] * 2019: Neuroimaging computer-aided diagnosis systems for Alzheimer's disease

Amenta, N.[Nina] * 1998: Crust and the -Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction, The
* 1998: New Voronoi-Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm, A
* 2006: Combining laser scans
* 2009: Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis
Includes: Amenta, N.[Nina] Amenta, N.

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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