Index for cech

Cech, J.[Jan] * 2003: Dense Stereomatching Algorithm Performance for View Prediction and Structure Reconstruction
* 2003: Linear Trinocular Rectification Method for Accurate Stereoscopic Matching, A
* 2005: Complex Correlation Statistic for Dense Stereoscopic Matching
* 2007: Efficient Sampling of Disparity Space for Fast And Accurate Matching
* 2007: Feasibility Boundary in Dense and Semi-Dense Stereo Matching
* 2009: Languages for constrained binary segmentation based on maximum a posteriori probability labeling
* 2011: Scene flow estimation by growing correspondence seeds
* 2011: Topologically-robust 3D shape matching based on diffusion geometry and seed growing
* 2012: Action Recognition Robust to Background Clutter by Using Stereo Vision
* 2012: Robust spatiotemporal stereo for dynamic scenes
* 2014: 3D Approach to Facial Landmarks: Detection, Refinement, and Tracking, A
* 2014: 3D Approach to Facial Landmarks: Detection, Refinement, and Tracking, A
* 2015: Continuous Action Recognition Based on Sequence Alignment
* 2015: Continuous Action Recognition Based on Sequence Alignment
* 2016: Multi-view facial landmark detection by using a 3D shape model
* 2017: Learning CNNs for Face Recognition from Weakly Annotated Images
* 2017: Visual Language Identification from Facial Landmarks
* 2018: Detecting Decision Ambiguity from Facial Images
* 2018: Learning CNNs from weakly annotated facial images
* 2018: Non-Contact Reflectance Photoplethysmography: Progress, Limitations, and Myths
* 2021: Ballroom Dance Recognition from Audio Recordings
* 2021: Hairstyle Transfer between Face Images
* 2022: ChunkyGAN: Real Image Inversion via Segments
Includes: Cech, J.[Jan] Cech, J.
23 for Cech, J.

Cech, J.C.[Jan C.] * 2008: Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation
* 2010: Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation

Cech, M. * 2004: Dynamic ego-pose estimation for driver assistance in urban environments

Cech, P.[Premysl] * 2015: Web Portal for Effective Multi-model Exploration, A
* 2019: VIRET Tool Meets NasNet

Cechich, A.[Alejandra] * 2019: Taxonomy-Oriented Domain Analysis of GIS: A Case Study for Paleontological Software Systems

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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