Index for ched

Cheda, D.[Diego] * 2014: Monocular Depth Cues in Computer Vision Applications

Cheddad, A.[Abbas] * 2008: Enhancing Steganography in Digital Images
* 2008: Exploiting Voronoi diagram properties in face segmentation and feature extraction
* 2009: new colour space for skin tone detection, A
* 2010: dynamic threshold approach for skin segmentation in color images, A
* 2012: Image Processing Assisted Algorithms for Optical Projection Tomography
* 2017: Structure preserving binary image morphing using Delaunay triangulation
* 2022: Introduction to the special section on intelligent systems and pattern recognition (SS:ISPR20)
Includes: Cheddad, A.[Abbas] Cheddad, A.
7 for Cheddad, A.

Cheded, L. * 2004: Theory for fast and cost-effective frequency response estimation of systems

Chedin, A.[Alain] * 2016: Development, Production and Evaluation of Aerosol Climate Data Records from European Satellite Observations (Aerosol_cci)

Chedzey, H.[Helen] * 2021: Changes in HIRS Detection of Cloud over Australia from 1985 to 2001

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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