Index for chup

Chupeau, B.[Bertrand] * 1993: Estimation and distribution of motion information in image communication networks
* 1994: Method for hierarchical estimation of the movement in a sequence of images
* 1997: Coding Algorithm with Region-Based Motion Compensation
* 1997: Depth-Based Segmentation
* 1998: Selective prediction error transmission using motion information
* 2006: Video Fingerprint Based on Visual Digest and Local Fingerprints, A
* 2008: Method for identification of tokens in video sequences
* 2009: framework for video forensics based on local and temporal fingerprints, A
* 2016: Impact of screencasting on video temporal synchronization
* 2020: Learning Light Field Synthesis with Multi-Plane Images: Scene Encoding as a Recurrent Segmentation Task
Includes: Chupeau, B.[Bertrand] Chupeau, B.
10 for Chupeau, B.

Chupin, C.[Clemence] * 2021: Near-Coast Tide Model Validation Using GNSS Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), a Case Study in the Pertuis Charentais (France)
Includes: Chupin, C.[Clemence] Chupin, C.[Clémence]

Chupin, M.[Marie] * 2011: Anatomical Regularization on Statistical Manifolds for the Classification of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
* 2013: Spatial and Anatomical Regularization of SVM: A General Framework for Neuroimaging Data

Chupin, V.[Vladimir] * 2022: Remote Sensing of Infrasound Signals of the Voice of the Sea during the Evolution of Typhoons
* 2023: Remote Seismoacoustic Monitoring of Tropical Cyclones in the Sea of Japan

Chupin, V.A.[Vladimir A.] * 2021: Cyclonic Process of the Voice of the Sea Microseism Generation and Its Remote Monitoring

Chuprat, S.[Suriayati] * 2019: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia segmentation using local pixel information

Chuprikova, E. * 2016: Visual Tools For Crowdsourcing Data Validation Within The Globeland30 Geoportal

Chuprin, A.[Andrei] * 2014: On the temporal consistency of chlorophyll products derived from three ocean-colour sensors

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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