Index for ciac

Ciacci, A.[Andrea] * 2016: Exploiting Agriculture as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Farfalla Project

Ciaccia, P.[Paolo] * 2005: WARP: Accurate Retrieval of Shapes Using Phase of Fourier Descriptors and Time Warping Distance

Ciaccio, E.J.[Edward J.] * 2019: Global weighted LBP based entropy features for the assessment of pulmonary hypertension
* 2020: Automated detection of Alzheimer's disease using bi-directional empirical model decomposition
* 2020: Automated detection of calcified plaque using higher-order spectra cumulant technique in computer tomography angiography images
* 2021: Future IoT tools for COVID-19 contact tracing and prediction: A review of the state-of-the-science
* 2022: Feature-versus deep learning-based approaches for the automated detection of brain tumor with magnetic resonance images: A comparative study
* 2023: FFCAEs: An efficient feature fusion framework using cascaded autoencoders for the identification of gliomas
Includes: Ciaccio, E.J.[Edward J.] Ciaccio, E.J.[Edward J]

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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