Index for cozi

Cozic, M.[Michel] * 2016: Data hiding in encrypted images based on predefined watermark embedding before encryption process
* 2016: Multiple-Instance Learning for Anomaly Detection in Digital Mammography
* 2018: New Joint Watermarking-Encryption-JPEG-LS Compression Method for a Priori amp; a Posteriori Image Protection, A
* 2018: Secure Multilayer Perceptron Based on Homomorphic Encryption
Includes: Cozic, M.[Michel] Cozic, M.

Cozien, R.[Roger] * 2019: Detecting Tampered Videos with Multimedia Forensics and Deep Learning

Cozine, S.[Steven] * 2022: MaRF: Representing Mars as Neural Radiance Fields

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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