Index for cuel

Cuel, L.[Louis] * 2014: Voronoi-Based Geometry Estimator for 3D Digital Surfaces
* 2015: Robust Geometry Estimation Using the Generalized Voronoi Covariance Measure

Cuella Martin, A.[Andrea] * 2013: Wonderland Builder: Using storytelling to guide dream-like interaction, The
Includes: Cuella Martin, A.[Andrea] Cuella-Martin, A.[Andrea]

Cuellar Fierro, J.F.[Jhon F.] * 2017: Non-stationary Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Enhancing Resolution over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* 2018: Non-stationary Generalized Wishart Processes for Enhancing Resolution over Diffusion Tensor Fields
Includes: Cuellar Fierro, J.F.[Jhon F.] Cuellar-Fierro, J.F.[Jhon F.]

Cuellar, A.[Adam] * 2021: Detection of Small Moving Ground Vehicles in Cluttered Terrain Using Infrared Video Imagery

Cuellar, D.[Daniel] * 2015: Improving Information Retrieval Through a Global Term Weighting Scheme
* 2020: Estimation of Nitrogen in Rice Crops from UAV-Captured Images
Includes: Cuellar, D.[Daniel] Cuellar, D.[David]

Cuellar, J. * 2016: Kernel-Based Approach for DBS Parameter Estimation, A

Cuellar, L.K.[Luis Kuhn] * 2014: Automated detection of polysomes in cryoelectron tomography

Cuellar, M.P. * 2014: survey on ontologies for human behavior recognition, A
Includes: Cuellar, M.P. Cuéllar, M.P.

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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