Index for dabu

Dabulevi?ien?, T.[Toma] * 2024: Earth Observation-Based Cyanobacterial Bloom Index Testing for Ecological Status Assessment in the Open, Coastal and Transitional Waters of the Baltic and Black Seas

Dabuleviciene, T.[Toma] * 2018: Remote Sensing of Coastal Upwelling in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea: Statistical Properties and Implications for the Coastal Environment
* 2020: Chlorophyll-a Variability during Upwelling Events in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea and in the Curonian Lagoon from Satellite Observations

Dabuxile, G. * 2020: Remote Sensing and Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for The Estimation of Urban Expansion (case of Darkhan City, Mongolia)

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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