Index for debn

Debnath, B.[Bappaditya] * 2018: Context-driven Multi-stream LSTM (M-LSTM) for Recognizing Fine-Grained Activity of Drivers
* 2021: Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition
* 2021: UAC: An Uncertainty-Aware Face Clustering Algorithm
* 2022: Cosine Similarity based Few-Shot Video Classifier with Attention-based Aggregation
* 2022: Deep CNN, Body Pose, and Body-Object Interaction Features for Drivers' Activity Monitoring
* 2024: Differentiable JPEG: The Devil is in the Details
Includes: Debnath, B.[Bappaditya] Debnath, B.[Biplob]

Debnath, J.[Jatan] * 2023: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India

Debnath, M.[Mithu] * 2021: Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Wind Turbine Wake Characterization in Complex Terrain

Debnath, R.[Rajib] * 2020: Novel framework for automatic localisation of gun carrying by moving person using various indoor and outdoor mimic and real-time views/Scenes
* 2021: comprehensive survey on computer vision based concepts, methodologies, analysis and applications for automatic gun/knife detection, A
* 2022: Morphology Preserving Segmentation Method for Occluded Cell Nuclei from Medical Microscopy Image
* 2023: Usefulness of an Urban Growth Model in Creating Scenarios for City Resilience Planning: An End-User Perspective
Includes: Debnath, R.[Rajib] Debnath, R.[Rameswar] Debnath, R.[Ripan]

Debnath, S.[Subhabrata] * 2015: Adapting RANSAC SVM to Detect Outliers for Robust Classification
* 2017: Portable implementation of profuse perspiration indicator for use in disease symptom detection
* 2020: User Authentication System Based on Speech and Cascade Hybrid Facial Feature
* 2021: Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2021: RGB-D Local Implicit Function for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects
* 2021: Self-Supervised Real-to-Sim Scene Generation
* 2023: ConvNeXt V2: Co-designing and Scaling ConvNets with Masked Autoencoders
Includes: Debnath, S.[Subhabrata] Debnath, S. Debnath, S.[Saswati] Debnath, S.[Sourabhi] Debnath, S.[Shoubhik]
7 for Debnath, S.

Debnath, T. * 2015: Analysis of Human Engagement Behaviour Using Descriptors from Human Feedback, Eye Tracking, and Saliency Modelling, An
* 2015: Enhancing Automated Defect Detection in Collagen Based Manufacturing by Employing a Smart Machine Vision Technique
* 2019: EF-Index: Determining number of clusters (K) to estimate number of segments (S) in an image
* 2021: Features of ICU Admission In X-Ray Images of Covid-19 Patients
* 2021: Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2023: Circular Silhouette and a Fast Algorithm
Includes: Debnath, T. Debnath, T.[Tanmoy] Debnath, T.[Tathagata]

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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