Index for djel

Djeldjli, D.[Djamaleddine] * 2021: LCOMS Lab's approach to the Vision For Vitals (V4V) Challenge
* 2022: Video-based multimodal spontaneous emotion recognition using facial expressions and physiological signals

Djellab, M.[Mourad] * 2019: Use of Neumann series decomposition to fit the Weighted Euclidean distance and Inner product scoring models in automatic speaker recognition

Djelouah, A.[Abdelaziz] * 2012: N-tuple Color Segmentation for Multi-View Silhouette Extraction
* 2013: Multi-view Object Segmentation in Space and Time
* 2015: Sparse Multi-View Consistency for Object Segmentation
* 2016: Automatic 3D Car Model Alignment for Mixed Image-Based Rendering
* 2016: Cotemporal Multi-View Video Segmentation
* 2018: Normalized Cut Loss for Weakly-Supervised CNN Segmentation
* 2018: On Regularized Losses for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation
* 2018: PhaseNet for Video Frame Interpolation
* 2019: Neural Inter-Frame Compression for Video Coding
* 2020: Style Transfer for Keypoint Matching Under Adverse Conditions
* 2021: Generic Image Restoration with Flow Based Priors
* 2023: Frame Interpolation Transformer and Uncertainty Guidance
* 2023: Kernel Aware Resampler
Includes: Djelouah, A.[Abdelaziz] Djelouah, A.
13 for Djelouah, A.

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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