Index for do_a

do Amaral, B.F. * 2017: Agricultural monitoring using clustering techniques on satellite image time series of low spatial resolution

do Amaral, C.E.F.[Carlos E.F.] * 2012: Bubble Identification Based on High Speed Videometry Data: Algorithm and Validation

do Amaral, C.H.[Cibele Hummel] * 2017: Spectral analysis of amazon canopy phenology during the dry season using a tower hyperspectral camera and modis observations
* 2020: Estimating Stem Volume in Eucalyptus Plantations Using Airborne LiDAR: A Comparison of Area- and Individual Tree-Based Approaches
* 2020: Individual Tree Attribute Estimation and Uniformity Assessment in Fast-Growing Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Lidar and Linear Mixed-Effects Models

do Amaral, E.V.[Euripedes Vargas] * 2013: Combining Spatial Models for Shallow Landslides and Debris-Flows Prediction
Includes: do Amaral, E.V.[Euripedes Vargas] do Amaral, E.V.[Eurípedes Vargas]

do Amaral, L.R.[Lucas R.] * 2023: Imputation of Missing Parts in UAV Orthomosaics Using PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Data: A Case Study in a Grass-Dominated Area

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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